3 minute read
Record-setting number of local scouts earn Eagle rank

Contributed Report
This year, a record-setting number of Goochland Troop 710 scouts achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. This year also, for the first time, two of these were young ladies. Eagle Scout is the highest rank in scouting, something achieved by only 6% of those who have begun the journey.
Candidates must remain active in the troop for several years, and for some it is a decade-long commitment. These scouts demonstrated hundreds of life skill requirements and earned over 21 merit badges. As a capstone for his or her final rank, each scout planned, developed and gave leadership to a service project the community.
Below is a list of the scouts and a brief description of their Eagle Project:
Rutledge, for his part, says he truly enjoys the work. After briefly leaving the department in 2018 to work for the Virginia Department of Corrections, he says he’s happy to be back with Goochland Animal Protection.
As for his advice to residents who encounter sick of injured animals, he says the best course of action is to avoid touching or handling the animal and to call Goochland Animal Protection at (804) 556-5302.
He also urges people to remember that encountering wildlife, provided they are not posing a threat, is often just part of living in the country.
“Those are our wild neighbors,” Rutledge said cheerfully, “so we have to share the neighborhood.”
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Wondering who to call about local animal issues?
Goochland County Animal Protection responds at any time of day or night to calls involving domestic animals or any issues involving injured or sick animals. The office can be reached at (804) 556-5302.
Austin McGuire led a team that constructed tables and garden beds for Salem Christian School.
Sarah Pudwill led a team that constructed picnic tables for Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School.
David Dick led a team that worked at Providence Presbyterian Church to produce over 250 cloth face masks for Goochland citizens.
Emmett Jones led a team that built several metal park benches for Gum Springs United Methodist Church.
Jacob Shively led a team that built several picnic tables and cleared a nature trail for an outdoor learning center for the Goochland Family YMCA.
Alexander Rosenbaum led a team that renovated St. Matthews United Methodist Church outdoor worship center.
Miles McCray led a team that built eight picnic tables for the Central High School Cultural and Educational Center.
Maggie McCray led a team that built six American Kestrel nesting boxes for habitats in Goochland, Appomattox and Prince George counties.
Rafe Smith led a team that built three donation collection cabinets for St. John Neumann Catholic Church to better organize and distribute donated items such as: food, hygiene products, and health supplies.
Jack Campbell led a team that installed drainage improvements for Goochland Elementary School’s outdoor classroom.
Alex Campbell led a team constructed and prepared six raised garden beds for Goochland Elementary School.
As these scouts have supported the Goochland community, residents who would like to support Troop 710 are encouraged to attend the group’s annual Spaghetti Dinner and Auction. The event will be held on Saturday, Feb. 25 at the Cub Adventure Camp Dining Hall (1723 Maidens Road, Maidens, VA). Visit 710dinner.com to purchase tickets, become a corporate sponsor, and to learn more about this upcoming event.
Do you like big, goofy dogs? What about mature, big, goofy dogs? What about mature, big, goofy, dogs that happen to be bully breeds? If the answer is yes, we undoubtedly have the dog for you in Bradley. Brad was found stray by a nice person who kept him snug in her garage until we could pick him up. Brad has a sweet disposition, seems house-trained, is good with other doggos and Otis the cat! We warned you he was big—he is just under 70 lbs of love. Brad had a little skin rash on his rump when he came in so he has been getting some medicated baths during his stay, and is a perfect gentleman for them too. He loves getting his booty scratched and putting his big noggin in your arms for a hug. We know that there are big dog enthusiasts out there looking for a buddy like Bradley! If you are one of those, swing by and meet this adorable pooch. Brad is about 6-8 years young, neutered, chipped, tested, and up to date on his doggie vaccinations.
The Goochland Animal Shelter is located at 1900 Hidden Rock Lane in Goochland. For more information on the many pets still in need of homes, call (804) 556-5302. You also can visit the shelter on Facebook at “Goochland County Animal Control.”
The shelter’s hours are Tuesday and Wednesday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Thursday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. -2 p.m. Anyone wishing to make a monetary donation to the shelter is asked to make donations payable to Goochland Pet Lovers.