12 minute read
compiled and coalesced into a regulating plan that provides a workable guide for residents, business community and planning staff to shepherd development over time within these two unique Villages.
“Through this review process, Timmons will propose a framework for the plans that will focus on regulating principles that identify appropriate development zones while balancing the unique character of each village and highlighting preservation,” said Sherry. “Once completed, the plans will include a guide for future land use decisions to allow for flexibility of development within acceptable guidelines.”
The next steps for Timmons include a review of all community input and work sessions with the planning commission. Over the next several months, Goochland County and Timmons will hold community update meetings to present the revised plans.
3047Poorhouse Rd. Goochland,Va
850sfCottage,builtin1940.2Bedrooms/1Bath/ LivingRoom/Kitchen/DiningRoom/MudRoom

WillbeonthemarketMarch1st/ OfferswillbepresentedMarch7th!
Goochland History Revealed

situated on route 522, Locust Grove is associated with two Goochland tragedies. Walter h. Pleasants, who was shot in 1838 by dr. Isaac Vaughan in a fit of jealous rage over the affections of Miss charlotte harris, is buried here. In later years Locust Grove was bought by dr. George reavis. On the night of March 2, 1927, Gilbert Lacy knocked at the door of Locust Grove and demanded the doctor come out and fight. reavis fired a shot out the front door to frighten Lacy away and went to bed. next morning, Lacy was found dead in the yard. The trial in Goochland met with a deadlocked jury. It was then moved to Orange county where reavis was acquitted.
Property Transfers
1.451 acres; Jerry G. Jennings to Jacob anthony Perkins, $199,900.
2 parcels; elijah W. Owen to dKJc LLc, $180,000.
33.31 acres; Janet r McGee to 1102 shallow Well LLc, $2,225,000.
1285 autumn Breeze drive, Oilville; William h. Bowen to randall douglas stone, $849,950.
4008 W chapel drive, Goochland; diego a. Gomez romero to amanda M. Moody, $330,000.
1739 Fishers Pond drive, Maidens; Le-Minh ho to Paul d. King, $690,000.
Lot 1, Block a, section 3, Kinloch; satish K. Gupta to aBe Investments II LLc, $390,000.
Lot 23, Tuckahoe creek; Tuckahoe creek LLc to Krishna Gautham Vanam, $319,950.
5250 Loving springs Lane, Goochland; new Ventures real estate LLc to steven a. Bracciodieta, $359,950. Parcel; cathy herweyer, devisee to stratford L. slater, $166,800.
3858 river road West, Goochland; emerald custom homes LLc to James edward Brooking III, $414,950.
765 snead road, Manakin sabot; raab c hucker reibach to Kelvin Whitcher, $553,100.
12013 Talavera Terrace, richmond; hhhunt homes Lc to Teri Lee casey, $484,280.
305 Willway drive, Manakin sabot; Maria appelberg Becker to Jhimy Ortuno, $3,595,000.
1.01 acres; Michael Leabough to Jennifer arnette, $274,000.
2 parcels; hhhunt Mosaic LLc to schell Brothers richmond LLc, $277,858.
3.79 acres; Meghann e. Wraight to david Woodson Jr., $340,000.
8 acres; r. Michael Vandeweghe, senior administrator to John Fogg Twombly V, $426,864.
2504 carver Oaks court, rockville; W.V. Mcclure Inc. to Kelly ann Mulligan, $612,145.
625 dover Bluff court, Manakin sabot; Gary Gerard hingst, trustee to Peter Breidt conn, $1,860,000. 5920 Long Lane, Louisa; Ian M. carr to Joshua L. allen, $255,000.
Lot 23, section 9, Kinloch; Kinloch development corp. to James Thomas carpenter, $825,000.
Lots, section 2B, Mosaic at West c reek; hhh unt Mosaic LL c to style craft homes Inc. of Virginia, $493,904.
15646 Mosaic creek Blvd., richmond; style craft homes Inc. of Virginia to Linda conley, $559,131.
12659 river road, richmond; Bradford J. richards to Joseph Miller III, $900,000.
5009 shannon hill road, Kents store; Blanchard & associates residential contractor Inc. to clarence salley, $350,000.
12011 Talavera Terrace, richmond; hhhunt homes Lc to alcinda s sager, $516,650.
200 Wildplum, richmond; John W. Mulligan to Jason evans Logan, $852,000.
What we are looking for is a unicorn adopter for a unicorn dog. Wise Guy, yes, the famous dog that was dumped near the Wise Choice on Ashland Road, has been with us while we have been improving his manners, getting him neutered and up to date on his vetting. Mainly we have been trying to nail down exactly what we are looking for in this unicorn adopter. Wise Guy is a young, spirited fella, with a ton of energy. This doggo will literally play fetch with you until your arm falls off. Let’s hope you are an ambidextrous unicorn. Have a few balls handy though because he will drop one at your feet as he waits for you to throw the other. We recom-
From 1 asphalt, stone and is currently involved in both the construction of the new Goochland Elementary School and the Fairground Road roundabout project.

Of course, several years ago, back when he was a student at Goochland High School and a standout on the Bulldog’s basketball team, Snead didn’t know exactly what his future plans might be. He says his parents Brian and Shaylla had both demonstrated a strong work ethic and the need to go after the things he wanted in life, but it wasn’t until he was finished pursuing his Liberal Studies degree at Longwood that Snead truly felt the calling to see how far he could take his burgeoning business.

Snead already knew that much of any trucking operation’s success comes down to a combination of networking and reputation, so he quickly set about making mend you have a fence handy as well because he will chase anything that moves, including squirrels, birds, etc. If it moves, he wants to investigate, so small kids are prob- ably out of the picture as well. We think Wise Guy will place best as an only pet given his reactive nature. He’s met a few dogs on his trail walks and gets overstimulated, and cats, we’re afraid, are 110% out. Our volunteers and staff have been working on basic commands with him and he is very smart. We believe an experienced dog owner will get the most out of him, once he gets into a routine and is able to focus on his training. Unfortunately, being in the animal shelter is not the best environment for a unicorn like Wise Guy, too much distraction and activity. So, if you are interested, reach under your hat and see if you have a single horn starting to sprout. If you do, come on down to the Adoption Center and ask to meet our resident unicorn Wise Guy. as the business has grown. Giving back to the community has also been a strong motivator for him: Losing his beloved grandmother to breast cancer inspired Snead to emblazon each of his trucks with awareness themes ranging from cancer to mental health to ALS. to grow,” he said. “I’m not afraid to fail. If being successful means taking a risk, I will take a risk.” sure that any new customer he worked for knew they could count on him.

The Goochland Animal Shelter is located at 1900 Hidden Rock Lane in Goochland. For more information on the many pets still in need of homes, call (804) 556-5302. You also can visit the shelter on Facebook at “Goochland County Animal Control.” The shelter’s hours are Tuesday and Wednesday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Thursday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. -2 p.m. Anyone wishing to make a monetary donation to the shelter is asked to make donations payable to Goochland Pet Lovers.
KarenHorn seeksyoursupporttocontinuerepresentingyourchildrenandinterestsas theSchoolBoardMemberinGoochlandCountyPublicSchool’s NEWDISTRICT2.
“Dump-trucking is very competitive,” Snead says, “and it’s really about building relationships with customers. The most important thing they need to know is that if I’m going to do the job I’m going to make sure it’s done right.”
Snead said the fact that he enjoys the work helps him get through the stressful days, and that staying organized has been critical
Snead’s father Brian eventually retired from trucking and turned his two trucks over to his son, bringing the number of trucks in the BJ’s Hauling fleet to 15. But the most important thing his parents ever gave him, Snead said, was the understanding that hard work is essential to success.
“My parents always stressed that if you want something you have to go out and get it,” Snead says. “And I’ve always stuck with that.”
As for where he eventually hopes to take the business, Snead said he hasn’t quite figured that part out yet. What he does know is that he isn’t afraid to aim high.
“You have to be willing www.karenrhornforschoolboard.org. PaidforbyKarenR.HornforSchoolBoardD2
Asaproudcitizenofourcountyandadvocateforpubliceducation, Karen hasservedas aGCPSSchoolBoardmembersince2018.Duringthattime,shehasearnedtherespect offamilies,citizens,teachers,andadministrationforherethics,respectfortheruleof law,tirelessdevotiontostudyingtheissues,willingnesstolistentoherconstituents,and collaborationtofindsolutionsforthechallengesandopportunitiesfacingourchildren todayandtomorrow.Allagreethatsheembodiesour onemission:tomaximizethe potentialofeverylearner.
Theheart ♥ ofGCPSbeatsasonetoempowereachchildwithknowledgeandskillsthat comefromjoyfullearningsotheycanbetheirbestselvesandbeensuredabrightfuture.
*Duetotherecentelectionredistricting inGoochlandCounty,myhomeisnow inDistrict2.

PleasecontactKarenHornatkaren.horn29@gmail.comifyouwouldliketoposta campaignsigninyouryardorhelpspreadthegoodwordaboutthiscandidate.Yourvote ofconfidencemattersforthefutureoftheGoochlandCountyPublicSchools.Thankyou.

Community Calendar
THURSDAY, MARCH 23 nra home Firearms safety, a three-hour basic pistol course that satisfies Virginia’s concealed carry Weapons permit classroom instruction, will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. for those ages 21 and up. do not bring a weapon to class. The fee for the class is $50. For more information, contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
SATURDAY, MARCH 25 a Garden rock Painting class will help kick off the Parks and rec hidden “rock Garden” from 10 to 11 a.m. Materials will be provided, and registration is highly encouraged for this free program. For more information, contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854. come try out Goochland Parks and recreation’s newest fitness program, core resistance! This class, which will be held from 11 to 11:30 a.m. and is for those ages 15 and up, uses resistance bands to help build and strengthen the core. Participants may bring their own mat if they choose. The program ends on saturday, april 29, and the fee for the class is $25. For more information, contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
Karate students will learn techniques including kicking, punching, blocking, sparring and partner work. emphasis will be on philosophy and discipline of the martial arts to increase students’ selfconfidence and physical condition. This challenging program, which

9:30AM- 4:30PM levelgreenriding.com/camp-program Or Call804-794-7463. will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m., is for those ages 7 and up (including adults) and will help participants lead a healthier life. a $25 one-time Karate association fee will be taken at the door for first time students. The instructor will be Goochland silkisondan Karate. The program ends on Monday, June 12, and the fee for the class is $150. For more information, contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
Alllevelsofriders, beginnersthrough advanced,Ages7-16.
2ridesdaily, ParentPresentation onFridayafternoon.

Goochland’s Local emergency Planning committee’s (LePc) next meeting will be on March 29 from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. in the Board Meeting room 250, 1800 sandy hook road Goochland Va 23063. Guest speaker will be the Goochland sheriff’s Office on active shooter response for Businesses. There will be limited seating: rsVP by March 27 to rhillman@goochlandva.us or 804-556-5366.
The c hurch of Jesus c hrist of Latter day saints will be holding a meeting from 7 – 8 p.m. at the Goochland Library. all are welcome.
Karate students will learn techniques including kicking, punching, blocking, sparring and partner work. emphasis will be on philosophy and discipline of the martial arts to increase students’ selfconfidence and physical condition. This challenging program, which will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m., is for those ages 7 and up (including adults) and will help participants lead a healthier life. a $25 one-time Karate association fee will be taken at the door for first time students. The instructor will be Goochland silkisondan Karate. The program ends on Thursday, June 15, and the fee for the class is $150. For more information, contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
The United Methodist Women of Gum spring United Methodist church will be hosting their spring craft and Bake sale from 8 a.m. to noon in the fellowship hall. The church is located at 191 cross country road in Gum spring.
SUNDAY, APRIL 2 derek Blumenthal, a representative of chosen People Ministries, will be speaking at c onnectin g Point c hurch of The nazarene’s 6 p.m. service. The program being presented is Messiah in the Passover. chosen People Ministries was founded in 1894 by Leopold cohn, a hungarian rabbi who came to believe that Jesus was the Messiah of Israel. From humble beginnings in Brooklyn, new york, chosen People Ministries has grown into a worldwide ministry with outreach centers in argentina, australia, canada, england, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Ukraine and the United states. This meeting is open to the public and connecting Point would like to invite the christian and Jewish community to attend. For more information or to register, visit connecting Pointe’s Facebook Page at facebook.com/connectingPointe. a love offering will be received during the meeting. The church’s address is 591 Broad st. road, Manakin, Va 23103.
MONDAY, APRIL 3 have you tried Zumba? Zumba is a dance fitness format that will include pop, hip hop, and international music with dance rhythms that incorporate interval exercises. a class for ages 13 and up will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. and the program ends on Wednesday, May 10. These dances will help you tone target areas on your body and absolutely increase your confidence as this class is a judgment free zone. The fee for the class is $45. For more information, contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
Goochland county Fire-rescue and emergency services will be sponsoring a free 22-hour community e mergency r esponse Team(cerT) training class at the henley Fire-rescue Training center on 2485 Old courthouse road Goochland. classes will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. starting on april 3 and ending May 1. One saturday class will be held on either May 6 or May 13. For more information, or to register for the class, e-mail GoochlandcerT@Goochlandva.us or call (804) 556-5366.
Zumba Gold is a modified form of Zumba for active older adults that recreates the original Zumba moves at a lower intensity. This class is or those 50 and above and will be held from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. The program ends on Tuesday, May 9, and the fee for the class is $25. For more information, contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854. adult karate students will learn techniques including kicking, punching, blocking, sparring and partner work in this class, which will be held from, 6:30 to 8 p.m. This class is for students ages 16 and up and will place an emphasis is on philosophy and discipline of the martial arts to increase students’ self-confidence and physical condition. This challenging program will expand upon techniques and skills learned in the main Karate program. a $5 discount will be offered for participants enrolled in the main program as well. The instructor for this class will be from Goochland silkisondan Karate. Fee for the class is $100. For more information. contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854 for more information.
MONDAY, APRIL 10 hatha yoga incorporates poses, breathing, and deep relaxation. Participants in this class, which is for students ages 18 and up and held from 6 to 7 p.m., should bring their own mat. The program ends on Monday, May 15 and the fee for the class is $60. For more information, contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
Tucker’s storytime will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. for ages 2 -5. come enjoy a story at central high, then stick around after and spend some time in the bouncy house! For more information, contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854. a beginner’s quilt /quilted pillow will be held from 6 to 8:30 p.m. for ages 18 and up. In this three-session class, participants will get an introduction to quilting while making a classic throw pillow. Week 1: cutting and piecing techniques. Week 2: Machine quilting techniques. Week 3: Make block into pillow sham. Fabric needed: 1/8 yard background, 1/8 yard churn dash fabric, 1/8 year inner border, 1/2 yard outer border and backing. Other supplies to bring: neutral color thread for piecing (White, black, or gray) coordinating thread for quilting (matching your fabric) 12” pillow form sewing Machine in good working order with the instruction manual. Basic sewing supplies: scissors, seam ripper, pins, 6x24 ruler, cutting mat, rotary cutter. recommended: 1/4in presser foot for your machine. Program ends on Wednesday, april 26, 2023. Fee for the class is $40. For more information, contact Parks and recreation at 804-556-5854.
Mini chefs: hop into spring will be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m. for ages 5-11. Let’s hop together into the spring season and make some wonderful spring treats! register your child to come make, eat, and enjoy all things around springtime festivities! The fee for the class is $20. For more information, contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
MONDAY, APRIL 24 strength Training-Monday aM will be held from 9 to 10 a.m. for ages 12 and up. c ome work on building your strength! This class is for anyone looking for a way to get into, or returning to, the world of fitness. This program ends on Monday, June 12, and the fee for the class is $25. For more information, contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
Forever young spring Brunch will be held from 10 a.m. to noon for those ages 50 and up. a delicious brunch will be provided as well as music entertainment. The fee for the class is $15. For more information, contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854 strength Training will be held from 6 to 7 p. m. for those ages 12 and up. This class is for anyone looking for a way to get into, or returning to, the world of fitness. The program ends on Thursday, June 15 and the fee for the class is $50. For more information, contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
Quilter’s night Out will be held 5 to 10 p.m. for those 18 and up. Join
Please see CALENDAR, Page 10