3 minute read
Gooc hlandCou nty Plan ning Commis sion
Thursday, April6,2023, 6:45 p.m. (note belowstart times)
I askforthis:
VSB No:21651
ObiTuary SubMiSSiOnS
TimothyK.Sanner, JUDGE
Call 804-643-4414, ext. 3
Samuel Baronian,Jr.Esquire
Baronian &Associates,P.C. 7201 GlenForestDrive,Suite201 P.O. Box17764 Richmond, Virginia23226 (804) 257-9899Telephone (804) 257-9813Facsimile sbaronian@baronian-law.com Counsel forSamuelBaronian,Jr.andRichard Robinson, Co-Adminstrators,c.t.a.oftheEstate ofMaryLouiseHolland.
Email: paidnotices@timesdispatch.com
Deadline is 12 p.m. Friday for the following week’s issue.
PROJECTDESCRIPTION:VirginiaDepartment ofCorrections(DOC)hasappliedfor reissuanceof apermitfortheJamesRiverCorrectionalCenter.Theapplicantproposestoreleasetreatedsewagewastewatersat arateof 216,000gallonsperdayinto awaterbody. Sludgefromthetreatmentprocesswillbe usedtransportedtotheDOCPowhatanCorrectionalCenterfortreatmentandlandapplication.Thefacilityproposestoreleasethe treatedsewageintheJamesRiverin GoochlandCountyintheJamesRiverwatershed. Awatershedisthelandareadrainedby ariveranditsincomingstreams.Thepermit willlimitthefollowingpollutantstoamounts thatprotectwaterquality:organicmatter, physicalandchemicalproperties,inorganics, solids,nutrients,andbacteria.
Call 804-643-4414, ext. 3

Email: paidnotices@timesdispatch.com
Toll Free(877)888-0449 to findoutmore!
Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.
LICHEARING:DEQacceptscommentsandrequestsforpublichearingonthedraftpermit byhand-delivery,e-mail,faxorpostalmail.All commentsandrequestsmustbeinwriting andbereceivedbyDEQduringthecomment period.DEQmustreceivehand-deliveryand postalmailbycloseofbusinessandemailand faxcommentsby11:59p.m.onthelastdayof thecommentperiod.Submittalsmustinclude thenames,mailingaddressesoremailaddressesofthecommenter/requesterandofall personsrepresentedbythe commenter/requester. Arequestforpublic hearingmustalsoinclude:1)Thereasonwhy apublichearingisrequested.2) Abrief,informalstatementregardingthenatureandextentoftheinterestoftherequesterorofthose representedbytherequestor,includinghow andtowhatextentsuchinterestwouldbedirectlyandadverselyaffectedbythepermit.3) Specificreferences,wherepossible,toterms andconditionsofthepermitwithsuggested revisions. Apublichearingmaybeheld,includinganothercommentperiod,ifpublicresponseissignificant,basedonindividualrequestsfor apublichearing,andtherearesubstantial,disputedissuesrelevanttothepermit.
Like & follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ goochlandgazette
CONTACTFORPUBLICCOMMENTS,DOCUMENTREQUESTSANDADDITIONALINFORMATION:MariaMueller;PiedmontRegionalOffice,4949-ACoxRoad,GlenAllen,VA23060; Phone:(804)718-9494;E-mail:maria.mueller@ deq.virginia.gov;Fax:(804)698-4178.Thepublicmayreviewthedraftpermitandapplication attheDEQofficenamedabovebyappointmentormayrequestcopiesofthedocuments fromthecontactpersonlistedabove.
Do you have a news tip, story idea or photo to submit? E-mail Roslyn Ryan at ryryan@goochlandgazette.com or call 804-339-7956.
What’s Going on in Goochland County
1800 SandyHook Rd., BoardMeeting Room Suite250, Goochland,VA23063
MeetingisOpen to thePublic
View county meeting:htt ps://w ww.goochlandva.us/115 4/County-Meetings
Call 804-643-4414, ext. 3
Since 1955
Email: paidnotices@timesdispatch.com
Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.
80 4- 55 6- 58 63 .
Call 804-643-4414, ext. 3 Email: paidnotices@timesdispatch.com
6:45 p.m. –Board Follow Up 7:00 p.m. –PublicHearings
Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.
County Wide
Have an idea for a community news story? Send news tips to Roslyn Ryan at rryan@goochlandgazette.com or contact the Gazette at (804) 339-7956.
ZOA-2022-0 0002–A mendment to ZoningOrdinance Secs.15-102, 15 -112,15-132, 15 -142,15-152, 15 -162,15-172, 15 -182,15-192, 15 -204,15-214, 15 -232,15-242, 15 -252,15-262, and15-272(Uses andstructurespermitted by right(P) or by conditionalusepermit (CUP)) to allowenergystorage facilities by conditionalusepermit in theAgricultural,General (A-1), Agricultural,Limited (A-2), Industrial, Limited(M-1),and Industrial,General (M-2)Districts;toallow principal solarenergyfacilities by conditionalusepermit in theAgricultural, General (A-1)District;to allowsupplementary solarenergyfacilities by conditionalusepermit in theIndustrial, Limited(M-1),and Industrial, General (M-2)Districts;and to allowaccessor ysolarenergyfacilities as apermit teduse in allzoningdistricts exceptthe Agricultural, Intensive(A-3) District;toamend Sec. 15 -500 (Definitions) to add solar-relatedterms; andtoamend Sec. 15 -289 (Renewable energy) to add use standards.
Send news items to rosyln ryan e-mail: rryan@goochlandgazette.com or call (804) 339-7956
SPORTS page filler
Do you have a sports story idea or photo to submit?
E-mail Robby Fletcher at rfletcher@powhatantoday.com or call 804-380-0497
Call 804-643-4414, ext. 3
Michele holt from My Quilting Beehive for Quilter’s night Out! Bring whatever project you would like to work on and enjoy pizza and salad for dinner while sewing and socializing. The room will be set up with an ironing station and cutting station. each month there will be a demonstration of a quilt block, ruler, or technique. and there will be door prizes! If you are having trouble with a project, Michele is an experienced quilter and quilt teacher who can help you with your quilt questions. cost of $20 includes dinner (pizza, salad, drinks) What to bring: sewing machine, project of your choice to work on and all the supplies for it. Basic quilting supplies: scissors, thread, seam ripper, rotary cutter, rulers, and power stripe. The fee for the class is $20. For more information, contact Parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
Email: paidnotices@ timesdispatch.com
Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.
Call 804-643-4414, ext. 3
Email: paidnotices @timesdispatch.com
The Goochland – Powhatan Master Gardeners a ssociation will hold its 17th annual spring Garden Festival on 2022 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at reynolds community college, 1851 dickinson road in Goochland. This annual outdoor event hosted by the GoochlandPowhatan Master Gardener a ssociation (GPMGa) in cooperation with reynolds community college and the Virginia cooperative extension is a free, family-friendly celebration of all things related to gardening, and will feature the always popular GPMGa Plant sale. Online registration for these educational opportunities is available at http://www.gpmga.org or contact the Goochland cooperative extension office at 804-556-5841.
Sports story idea or photo can be submitted to Robby Fletcher at email: rfletcher@ powhatantoday. com or call 804-380-0497
Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.
Anyone mayattendtoexpr es sopinionson thea bove. Full text of thea bove information is availablein thePla nningO f fice, 18 00 Sandy Hook Road,S uite 28 0 Gooc hland,VA2 30 63 Mond ay th roughFrid ay,8 :3 0a .m.–5:0 0p.m. Meeting accommodationsinclu ding interpreters are provideduponr equ es t.
Telep hone:5 56 -5 86 0( TDD711 (V ir ginia Relay))
E-mail:count yadmin@gooc hland va .u s. Website:w ww.goochlandva.us .
Do you have a sports story idea or photo to submit? Contact Robby Fletcher at email: rfletcher@powhatantoday.com or call 804-380-0497
Do you have a sports story idea or photo to submit?
Got a news tip? email ryan@ goochlandgazatte. com if it’s important to you, it’s important to us!