Volume 67, No. 15 • Wednesday, April 12, 2023
named new Goochland High School principal

Six volunteers for Goochland’s Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) program were sworn in on April 4. Pictured from left to right, the new CASAs, along with the presiding judge, are Khadijah Johnson; Esther Choi; JeWanda Hope Brown; Renae Townsend, who also serves as executive director of Goochland CASA; the Hon. Deborah S. Tinsley, Chief Judge, Goochland Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court; Kimberly Price (and grandson); and Terry Granger. These six join five other Goochland CASAs who are available for appointment by a judge to see to the interests of children in cases before the court where neglect or abuse is suspected. During the swearing-in ceremony, Judge Tinsley paid tribute to former Goochland County judge, the Hon. Edward DeJarnette Berry, who retired from the court in 2017 and passed away on March 1. Judge Berry was instrumental in bringing CASA to Goochland in 2005.
GoochlandCares raises awareness of domestic, sexual violence
Sexual Assault Awareness
Month aims to raise public awareness about sexual violence and educate communities on how to prevent it. Sexual assault happens when conduct of a sexual nature that is nonconsensual occurs through threat, coercion, ex-
ploitation, deceit, force, physical or mental incapacitation, and/or power of authority. It can range from cat calling to unwanted touching, or to other forms of sexual violence, such as rape.
Sexual violence impacts everyone of all ages, races, genders, religions, people with or without dis-
abilities, and regardless of social and economic status. According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, nearly one in five women in the U.S. have experienced rape or attempted rape some time in their lives. Nearly one in 71 men have experienced rape or attempted rape in the U.S.
GoochlandCares Sexual and Domestic Violence Program (SDV Program) serves survivors of sexual and domestic violence using their 24/7 hotline, court advocacy program, housing programs, shelter and one-on-one support.

At a special meeting on March 27, the Goochland County School Board approved the appointment of Brian Hahn as principal of Goochland High School (GHS), effective July 1, 2023. Hahn has served as the assistant principal at GHS since 2019.
Prior to joining Goochland County Public Schools, Hahn worked as assistant principal at Lancaster County Middle School and special education teacher at Northumberland County High School, where he also served as athletic director and coach of the football and baseball teams.
Hahn is a Pennsylvania native and received his bachelor’s degree from Gannon University and his master’s degree at Liberty University. His wife, Meredith, and son Dawson, 3, have

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NEWS: What’s Going on in Goochland County


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Roslyn Ryan
This vignette from farm life in Goochland shows Mrs annie Farrow Jennings with her daughters, Jocelyn and Myrtis� Then, as now, agriculture was a key part of what made Goochland such a special place�

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1 acre; Ciccio loro llC to rVa Group i nvestment llC , $700,000�
2 lots, 3 98 acres; James H atkinson Jr� to Juan r aul Gamez, $730,000�
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Sports story idea or photo can be submitted to Robby Fletcher at email: rfletcher@ powhatantoday. com or call 804-380-0497

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Breeze Hill; Krickovic & Ziegler llC to david robey, $165,000�
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5254 loving s prings l ane, Goochland; n ew Ventures real e state llC to Jerr y Wilson Taylor Jr , $359,950
Contact Robby Fletcher at email: rfletcher@powhatantoday.com or call 804-380-0497
21 � 34 acres; Terry s cott Bain to patrick r� d olan, $1,300,000
5 791 acres; Christine Marsh Cross Garten Fauver, trustee to 3036 r iver road West llC , $455,000�
Do you have a sports story idea or photo to submit? Contact Robby Fletcher at email: rfletcher@powhatantoday.com or call 804-380-0497
411 Briar wood Circle, Goochland; staci Taylor to i an Webster, $420,000
15576 Mosaic Creek Blvd , r ichmond; s chell Brothers r ichmond llC to patrick a� and Marica H � Bedsworth revocable Trust, $685,811
2960 p itts d rive, Goochland; Garey s cott Conrad to a aron Michael Christy, $450,000�
Do you have a sports story idea or photo to submit? Contact Robby Fletcher at email: rfletcher@powhatantoday.com or call 804-380-0497
2464 davis Mill road, Goochland; Jose luis Cruz Chapparro to a lexandra s mith, $330,000�
2160 Fairgrounds road, Maidens; Kelly Highfill to i ndiya Harwood, $522,000
1663 i ndys r un, Maidens; George r� Kirk to Theresa r� Vause, trustee, $975,000�
lot 19, Block C, s ection 2,
2398 s heppard Town road, Maidens; C hristina e Thompson to david W Bates, $261,000
12010 Talavera Terrace, r ichmond; HHHunt Homes lC to rober t a� Gladstone, trustee, $557,750
2309 Temple l ane, rockville; s hane l� Johnson to Jonathan Blanton Flagg, $630,000�

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Kids taking control of local theater company
Goochland Community Theatre (GCT) will hold auditions for its next production, “Goochland Kidmutiny Theater,” at 6 p.m. on April 25.
The children who performed in previous chil-


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dren’s shows at GCT have decided that they can’t wait any longer for the next one, so they have taken control of the season and have written their own show, which they will also be directing.
Auditions will take place
at Central High Cultural and Educational Complex, 2748 Dogtown Road in Goochland.
Rehearsals will be held Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 8 p.m. and show dates will be June 23-25.
Have an idea for a community news story? Send news tips to Roslyn Ryan at rryan@goochlandgazette.com or contact the Gazette at (804) 339-7956.
do you like big mutts and cannot lie? Well then, meet Baked alaska, a lovable and affectionate dog who is looking for his forever home. This pup is between 2 and 3 years old, a German shepherd and Husky mix with a striking blue eye and some darn cool markings. Baked alaska has a playful and energetic personality and loves to frolic and run around in our outdoor play yard. He enjoys going for long walks and exploring new places with his human(s). Ba is always up for a game of fetch or tug-of-war and is sure to keep you entertained with his silly antics. despite his energy level, alaska is also a gentle and cuddly dog who loves to snuggle up with his own peeps, he’s as sweet as the dessert he’s named after. Ba does need more work on his leash manners, but he very coachable and is getting better and better. Ba is neutered, chipped, tested and up to date on his vetting. if you’re looking for a big ol’ furry friend to share your adventures with, consider meeting Baked alaska today!
“GoochlandCares Advocates work with survivors to address their trauma in a way that feels safe to them and at their own pace,” says Krista Riggleson, SDV Program coordinator.
Every March and April, The GoochlandCares SDV Program advocate staff
teach a “Healthy Relationships” session for the Goochland H igh School ninth and 10th grade health classes. The purpose is to talk to teens about sexual consent when they are young, in order to prevent sexual violence.
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In 2022, the GoochlandCares SDV Program provided services and support for 118 Goochland County residents and managed 48

From 1

Do you have a sports story idea or photo to submit?
GHS,” Hahn said. “I look forward to engaging our families and community in the upcoming school year.”
e-mail: rryan@goochlandgazette.com or call (804) 339-7956 events, 40th birthday can rryan@goochlandgazette.com
already joined Hahn as part of the Bulldog Family.
“I am excited to continue to support the great work of our teachers and staff at
E-mail Robby Fletcher at rfletcher@powhatantoday.com or call 804-380-0497
Hahn’s appointment comes after a monthslong search process that included significant stakeholder input and opportu-
hotline calls. “Without this program many Goochland County residents would be in crisis without a lifeline for help,” Riggleson reported.
If you have questions or feel that yourself, a friend, or a coworker might be experiencing sexual violence, call the 24-hour confidential hotline at (804) 980-6267 to receive resources, information and support.
Sports story idea or photo can be submitted to Robby Fletcher at email: rfletcher@ powhatantoday. com or call 804-380-0497
nities for interactions with GHS and division staff. Michael Wright will continue to serve as acting GHS principal through the end of the school year, and a search for a new assistant principal will begin in the weeks ahead.


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Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue. ryryan@goochlandgazette.com
AFive-ModuleInteractiveParentingWorkshop BroughttoyoubyGoochlandDepartmentofSocialServices

WHEN: EveryThursdayfrom May11th-June8th (5classestotal)
Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.
TIME: 5:30PM–7:30PM
WHERE: GoochlandCounty AdministrationBuilding: Room270,1800Sandy HookRd.,Goochland, VA23063
Got a news tip? email ryan@ goochlandgazatte. com if it’s important to you, it’s important to us!
COST: FREE! ChildcareandSnackswillbe providedtosessionattendees.
InthefIvesessIons, parentswIlllearn
•Putanendtoarguing,backtalking,and begging
•Staycalmwhentheirkidsdoincredibly upsettingthings
•Guidechildrentoownandsolvetheir ownproblems
Goochland Baptist Church will be hosting a Community Table event featuring Gardening in Goochland. Bob Whitehead, a horticulture associate from the Goochland Cooperative extension, will be sharing tips on vegetable gardening in central Virginia. dinner will be held at 6 p.m., with activities starting at 6:30 p.m. Goochland Baptist Church is located at 2454 Manakin road in Manakin-sabot. For more information, call (804) 749-3522.
Tucker’s s tor ytime will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. for ages 2 -5. Come enjoy a story at Central High, then stick around after and
spend some time in the bouncy house! For more information, contact parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
a beginner’s quilt /quilted pillow will be held from 6 to 8:30 p.m. for ages 18 and up. in this threesession class, participants will get an introduction to quilting while making a classic throw pillow. Week 1: Cutting and piecing techniques. Week 2: Machine quilting techniques. Week 3: Make block into pillow sham. Fabric needed: 1/8 yard background, 1/8 yard churn dash fabric, 1/8 year inner border, 1/2 yard outer border and backing. Other supplies to bring: neutral
color thread for piecing (White, black, or gray) Coordinating thread for quilting (matching your fabric) 12-inch pillow form sewing Machine in good working order with the instruction manual. Basic sewing supplies: scissors, seam ripper, pins, 6x24 ruler, cutting mat, rotary cutter. recommended: 1/4 in presser foot for your machine. program ends on Wednesday, april 26. Fee for the class is $40. For more information, contact parks and recreation at 804-556-5854.
Mini Chefs: Hop into spring will be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m. for ages 5-11. let’s hop together into the spring season and make some wonderful spring treats! register your child to come make, eat and enjoy all things around springtime festivities! The fee for the class is $20. For more information, contact parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
Join the rotary Club of Goochland in welcoming Jim Bacon, editor and publisher of Bacon’s rebellion and executive director of the Jefferson Council at UVa. The meeting starts at 7:30 a.m. and will be held at The residence inn short pump at the notch, 1800 Wilkes ridge Circle.
all are invited to attend an upcoming Community Music Jubilee hosted by elpis Christian Church, located at 2703 elpis Church road in Maidens. The event, which will be held from 1 – 5 p.m. will feature live
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music, community fellowship and light refreshments. seating will be available but attendees may bring lawn chairs if they wish. a receptacle will also be on site for GoochlandCares food pantry donations. This event will be held rain or shine.
Goochland Baptist Church will be hosting a Community Table Mixer night, offering a chance for attendees to learn something new about their neighbors. dinner will be held at 6 p.m., with activities starting at 6:30 p.m. Goochland Baptist Church is located at 2454 Manakin rd. in Manakin-sabot. For more information, call (804) 749-3522.
Join the rotary Club of Goochland in welcoming the Goochland sheriff’s department’s investigation team. The meeting starts at 7:30 a.m. and will be held at The residence inn short pump at the notch, 1800 Wilkes ridge Circle.
Come visit the beautiful countryside of eastern Goochland for an outdoor spring tent revival at Hebron presbyterian Church, Manakin sabot, from 5 to 8 p.m. This event will offer a wonderful opportunity to hear inspiring speakers and uplifting music, and to renew your spirit as the church celebrates our risen lord. invite your friends and neighbors! More information can be found at www.hebronpresbyterian.com. a food truck will be on site, and this event will be held rain or shine.
building your strength! This class is for anyone looking for a way to get into, or returning to, the world of fitness. This program ends on Monday, June 12, and the fee for the class is $25. For more information, contact parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
Forever young spring Brunch will be held from 10 a.m. to noon for those ages 50 and up. a delicious brunch will be provided as well as music entertainment. The fee for the class is $15. For more information, contact parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
strength Training will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. for those ages 12 and up. This class is for anyone looking for a way to get into, or returning to, the world of fitness. The program ends on Thursday, June 15 and the fee for the class is $50. For more information, contact parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
rulers and power strip. The fee for the class is $20. For more information, contact parks and recreation at (804) 556-5854.
a Community picnic will be held at dover Baptist Church from 11 a. m. — 4 p.m., featuring free food, games, children’s activities, and exhibits. everyone is welcome to this celebration of the church’s 250th year. dover Baptist Church is located at 635 Manakin road in Manakin-sabot. Visit doverbc.org to learn more.
Thursday Month Day, 2022
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Goochland Baptist Church will be hosting a Community Table Game night, featuring a fun night of friendly competition. dinner will be held at 6 p.m., with activities starting at 6:30 p.m. Goochland Baptist Church is located at 2454 Manakin road in Manakin-sabot. For more information, call (804) 749-3522.
The Goochland – powhatan Master Gardeners association will hold its 17th annual spring Garden Festival on 2022 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at reynolds Community College, 1851 dickinson road in Goochland. This annual outdoor event hosted by the Goochlandpowhatan Master Gardener association (GpMGa) in cooperation with reynolds Community College and the Virginia Cooperative extension is a free, family-friendly celebration of all things related to gardening, and will feature the always popular GpMGa plant sale. Online registration for these educational opportunities is available at http://www. gpmga.org or contact the Goochland Cooperative extension office at 804-556-5841.
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Goochland’s river road Cottage and the a merican legion auxiliar y of post 215 will be hosting the 2023 spring Bazaar from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the american legion Hall, located at 3386 river rd W. in Goochland. This is a free indoor event and attendees do not need to be a member of the american legion to attend. For more information, visit https://www. goochlandala.org/event-details/ spring-bazaar-2023.
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s t rength Training-Monday aM will be held from 9 to 10 a.m. for ages 12 and up. Come work on
Quilter’s night Out will be held 5 to 10 p.m. for those 18 and up. Join Michele Holt from My Quilting Beehive for Quilter’s night Out! Bring whatever project you would like to work on and enjoy pizza and salad for dinner while sewing and socializing. The room will be set up with an ironing station and cutting station. each month there will be a demonstration of a quilt block, ruler or technique. and there will be door prizes! if you are having trouble with a project, Michele is an experienced quilter and quilt teacher who can help you with your quilt questions. Cost of $20 includes dinner (pizza, salad, drinks) What to bring: sewing machine, project of your choice to work on and all the supplies for it. Basic quilting supplies: scissors, thread, seam ripper, rotary cutter,

Manakin road was adopted through the Virginia department of Highways’ adopt-a-Highway program in 2007 and named “Friends of Manakin road.” Twice a year (spring and fall) a group of neighbors get together to pick up the litter that accumulates along this three-mile stretch from Broad street road to the Hanover line. The next pick up is scheduled for saturday, May 6 at 10 a.m. The volunteers will meet at Goochland Baptist Church, 2454 Manakin road, Manakin sabot to divide up into teams. Fluorescent orange safety vests, orange bags for the litter, and pickers will be provided. please wear comfortable, sturdy shoes and bright clothes, and bring a pair of gloves. Children above the age of 10 are welcome. For more information, text or call (804) 839-2878.
Do you have a news tip, story idea or photo to submit? E-mail Roslyn Ryan at ryryan@goochlandgazette.com

RSAAC announces new board members
The Rural Substance Abuse Awareness Coalition (RSAAC) is a multidisciplinary coalition established in 2013 with the primary goals of promoting programs that address substance use disorder, prevent substance misuse, and raise awareness of recovery re-
sources in our community.
RSAAC serves the Virginia counties of Goochland and Powhatan, and surrounding areas.
New board members were recently selected for the coalition. New members are Travis Fellows, chair, Goochland-Powhatan Community Services Board;
Carolyn McKann, vicechair, Virginia Prescription Monitoring Program; Mike Caudill, secretary, Goochland County Commonwealth’s Attorney; Rob Cerullo, Powhatan memberat-large, Powhatan County Commonwealth’s Attorney; Jenifer Strozier, Goochland member-at-large.
Fairground Rd to close for roundabout work
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has announced the start of Phase 3 of the Fairground Road roundabout project. As part of phase 3, Fairground Road (Route 632) will be closed starting Monday, April 17 at 7 p.m. VDOT advises Phase 3 of this project is expected to be completed in July. Drivers should be aware that Fairground Road near the Courthouse Commons Shopping Center will have active construction during this time.
Phase 3 detour specifics:
Sandy Hook Road (Route 522) will remain open throughout the remainder of the project. Fairground Road (Route 632) will be closed west of the Courthouse Commons Shopping Center. Sandy Hook Road will be under flagging operations at night.
Dickinson Road (Route 396) will be used as a detour for passenger cars.
Maidens Road (Route 634) will be used as a detour for truck traffic.
VDOT has completed
work on Dickinson Road ahead of the planned detour. Motorists traveling through the area are advised to use caution, and plan for increased traffic and possible delays along their route. The county is working on logistics and coordination for detour routes that will be needed for Phase 4 to bring the project to completion. Additional information on this and other Goochland transportation projects can be found online at https:// goochlandva.us/1242/ Transportation.
Annual Kates Day returns after three-year pause

The Elizabeth Kates Foundation recently announced that Kates Day will be held Wednesday, May 3 at the Virginia Correctional Center for Women (VCCW) in Goochland. The one-day event features a plant sale, baked goods and crafts from 2 to 5 p.m. This annual event showcases the skills and educational training of inmates in programs such as horticulture and food service. Proceeds from Kates Day fund scholarships, literacy and vocational opportunities for incarcerated women.
Following the plant sale, The Elizabeth Kates Foun-

dation Board will hold a brief meeting in the chapel at 4:45 p.m. Dinner will be served at 5:15 p.m. in the gym and will include a program featuring the VCCW choir, raffle prizes, scholarship awards and more. Dinner tickets are $15 and will be available for purchase during Kates Day. However, reservations must be made in advance by calling (804) 556-7408. The public is invited to both of these events.
This year’s event marks the return of Kates Day after several years of cancellations due to COVID. It is named for Elizabeth Kates, Virginia’s first female war-
den, who ran VCCW from 1934 – 1964. She believed inmates could improve their lives through education and training. Those values continue today through the work of The Elizabeth Kates Foundation, a 501 ©(3) nonprofit organization of volunteers who work to provide college courses and educational assistance to inmates in order to improve their success upon release, and ultimately reduce recidivism. Membership to The Elizabeth Kates Foundation is $25 annually and is open to all. Details are available at www.theelizabethkatesfoundation.org.
Class will offer assist in keeping kids safe
ROSLYN RYAN EditorAfew quick questions for parents: When is a movie poster hanging in your teen’s bedroom just a poster and when is it a problem?
How about a bottle of eyedrops? What about a graphing calculator?
If none of these things seems like potential red flags, here is the good news: You are likely a perfectly normal, loving, supportive, hard-working parent. But now for the bad news: Every day, children of normal, loving, supportive, hard-working parents find themselves strug-
gling in the grip of addiction, an insidious disease that has taken hundreds of thousands of lives in America in just the past few years alone.
As research shows, drug and alcohol addiction works its ways into people’s lives through many different channels and at frighteningly early ages. And sometimes it can become an issue for teens without parents even knowing.

Recognizing the uphill battle that parents are often facing when it comes to keeping their children safe, the Goochland County Sheriff’s Office will be hosting a workshop on April 20 entitled “Hidden in Plain Sight,”
a one-night class designed to educate parents and guardians on the signs of risky teen behavior.
As part of the two-hour program, officers will recreate a typical teenager’s bedroom and have participants comb through the room to find any items and objects that could indicate risky behavior, i.e. drug use, underage drinking, underage smoking and more.
After that, each item and its connection to risky behavior will be explained and information will be provided on current statistics, trends and resources for help.
Some of the items in the
room—and why they might cause concern—may not surprise most parents. A movie poster from a film glorifying drug use is almost always going to sound an alarm bell, as will any kind of obvious smoking device. But there are plenty of other, far less obvious signs that a teen might be going astray.
The program has proven popular around the country, and Goochland is fortunate that our sheriff’s department is bringing it here.
The message for parents is clear and certainly worth noting: what you learn to see now could make a world of difference for your children later.
A llen was right to point out bathroom policy
Dear Editor,
As I reflect on my past experience with Goochland schools, my son went to GCPS and I had my issues with them, but it just concerned him so I pulled him out and homeschooled him.
One brave school board member, Ms. Allen, did her research and found out indeed GCPS students are allowed to use restrooms different from their biological gender.
Though I don’t have a school-aged child anymore, I would think parents appreciate her telling the truth concerning their child. Furthermore, it’s my understanding that Mr. Raley met with school board members and admitted it was indeed happening. I do not see why we even have a school board if they are just taking orders. I will end with these thoughts: What is this privilege stuff the lady wrote back in February? Anything involving your child is your business.
Phone – (804) 746-1235
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Publisher Joy Monopoli ......................................... jmonopoli@RSnVa.com
Managing Editor laura McFarland lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com
Editor Roslyn Ryan ................................ rryan@goochlandgazette.com
Sports Editor Robby Fletcher rfletcher@powhatantoday.com
Classifieds cindy adams ........................................ cadams@mechlocal.com
Production Manager denine d’angelo ddangelo@mechlocal.com
The Gazette welcomes your signed letters to the editor on topics of interest to Goochland residents. letters must include your address and a daytime telephone number. We reserve the right to edit letters. We do not guarantee that every letter received will be published. letters reflect the opinions and positions of the writers and not The Goochland Gazette.
send letters to: The Goochland Gazette 8460 Times-dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, Va. 23116 Fax: (804) 344-8746 e-mail: editor@goochlandgazette.com

Why wouldn’t transgender people want their own privacy? Why would the school say there is no evidence? They give out lots of awards and praise the students, but when they say that saw students with a different gender walk in the bathroom they don’t believe them or don’t think they know what they saw. But some board members say everybody knows everybody, so there is no problem when clearly there is.
The LGBT community seems to think everyone is judging them but we’re not, that is up to the Lord God Almighty. We just want all students to be safe.
Tana Hogue Goochland

Under new management, Goochland soccer flourishing

It was on the opening day of tryouts that Leon Williams got a sense of the group that would form this year’s Goochland soccer team.
Williams, who is in his first year as coach of the varsity team while also overseeing the junior varsity program, immediately saw a team with the talent, experience and depth to improve off a 5-13 season in 2022. He was almost confused how a group with this much talent finished eight games under .500.
“I knew we had something special,” Williams said. “I knew we had really good talent. I didn’t know how I was going to structure that talent and put it on the field, but I knew we had some really good players.”
In the team’s first six games of the season, that feeling of something special appears to be an onthe-money prediction. The Bulldogs are 4-2 to kick off the year, starting the season with a four-game winning streak where they outscored their opponents 19-1. One of those opponents was reigning 4A state champs Western Albemarle in a 1-0 win that athletic director Joe Fowler called the biggest win for Goochland soccer in 15 years.
Williams is a relative newcomer to coaching, with previous stints with the Richmond Strikers and in Louisa County, but the love for the game has always been there, and he’s striving to bring that passion to Goochland as his team’s performance has far exceeded expectations.
When he first got started building the team’s lineup, the starting point began with talking to each player individually and gauging what roles they’re most comfort-
able with or have the most experience playing in. Rather than force players to fit his philosophies, he wanted to allow them the chance to figure out what worked best for them, and look for potential positional adjustments as the season progressed.
The other objective was to give his team a leg up on the competition through their workouts and conditioning. The team’s been work-
ing with Team Adrenaline founder Paul Caminiti twice a week in an outdoor training program that Williams says has already paid dividends in the team’s performances up to the 80th minute of a game.
It’s been a working system for the Bulldogs, who rely on a bevy of seniors like goalie Braedon McKeown, midfielder Drew Meiller and defender David Johnson to anchor their respective ar-
eas of the field. The talent pool crossing over onto the travel club levels has also benefited Goochland, with players like juniors Landon Schroder and Duncan Pillion improving both on the field for Goochland and with their club teams.
What’s resulted is a team that can run up the score on one end and collapse the box and force mistakes on the other, making them a
potentially dangerous candidate for a postseason run in the regional tournament.
Runaway wins against Louisa, Caroline and Fluvanna certainly spread the word of Goochland’s dangerous ways, but it was the win over Western Albemarle on March 23 that proved to be the obvious candidate for a statement victory.
Riding the win streak gave them a certain level of con-
fidence entering the battle against the Warriors, who were 2-0 to that point, but Williams felt his team still had a level of nervousness entering the home matchup.
“I’m not going to lie, there was some anxiety,” he said. “We knew it was going to be tough, but there was a little bit of confidence because we were playing well.”
Cadets impress at Commonwealth Classic
ROBBY FLETCHER Sports EditorThey battled through storm delays, gusts of over 25 miles per hour and the usual nerves of competing against talented teams in a tournament setting, but the Benedictine Cadets impressed through all those factors to finish with a 2-1 record at the inaugural Commonwealth Classic from April 1-3.
The Cadets (12-4) rode a seven-game winning streak into the tournament, which featured talented teams like reigning state champs Hanover and Highland, and the Cadets impressed in all three battles in the multi-day tournament hosted at Hanover High School and RF&P Park.

They opened the tournament with a game against the Cox Falcons that faced multiple delays in the start time due to the morning’s stormy weather. By the time they saw the field, the storm subsided, but the winds remained constant. That didn’t seem to matter to the Cadets though, who railed off two-run innings in the second, fifth and seventh while holding the Falcons to a single run in the bottom of the third.
Pitcher Jake Wise got the win for the Cadets, allowing just six hits and striking out
The focus was on keeping everyone calm, maintaining a regular routine in warmups and sustaining a low energy level before kickoff. Once the ball was put in play, all bets were off, and the Bulldogs became a ferocious and motivated group that maintained their composure against a regional giant.
It was a back-and-forth game where McKeown had to make
two batters in his five-inning appearance. Terrence Rhodes and Ethan Loucks led the team in hitting with two bat connections apiece while Rhodes picked up four RBIs. Rhodes had a blistering line drive double in the fifth inning that resulted in two runs and another two-run single in the top of the seventh to help his team to victory to start the tournament.
In the semifinals matchup against the Hanover Hawks on April 3, runs became hard to come by thanks to masterful defensive performances from both teams. The lone run came at the very end when Hanover’s Anthony Kinard II stole third and scored on an error for a walkoff win to the tournament finals.
Just five hits were recorded in total between the two teams, with the Cadets recording three of those. Nothing resulted in runs though, with credit going to Benedictine pitcher Riley Roarty in an excellent sixinning stretch where he struck out 11 batters and Hanover’s pitching duo of Nolan Williamson and Brady Elrod combining for a shutout with nine strikeouts and just four walks.
It was a tough pill to swallow to break the winning streak with a game that came
down a single run, but the Cadets quickly responded in the consolation bracket with a game that same night against Greenbrier Christian. After being held to three hits earlier in the day, they were much more successful against the Gators, connecting on the ball for nine hits, three of which came from Jorden Olivera. Olivera had three RBIs on his hits, first with a line drive single to score in two teammates in the fifth inning and later on a single in the top of the seventh that gave his team a two-run advantage entering the bottom of the seventh.
The Gators had a chance to tie or take the lead with their final appearance on offense, but Jagen Ratlief made sure to finish the job on the mound with two strikeouts in the seventh while just one Gator made it to base on a double.
The Cadets saw multiple players honored on the AllTournament Team, including Rhodes, Roarty and Olivera being named to the first team and Wise making it on the second team.
The Cadets continue on with their strong season when they travel to Collegiate to take on the Cougars on Wednesday, April 12 at 4:30 p.m.
some crucial saves in the net early, but the Bulldogs capitalized on a Warriors error to score the game’s lone goal. To this date, it’s still the only goal in six games that the Warriors have allowed in their own net.
With 20 minutes to go in the game and Williams adjusting the formation to have five defenders back, Western Albemarle’s intensity ramped up, but the score remained the same in what was a defining win for Goochland.
“We were playing very compact and very defensive, we knew they
were going to come with an onslaught of shots and pressure, and I just told the kids to be strong and luckily it went our way,” Williams said.
Williams could tell how much the win meant for his team, and how devastated the impact of the loss was for the kids on the other side. The stakes had never reached that point in the season yet, but it was clear both teams brought a playoff-level energy to the game. Since then, the Bulldogs are still a team to be reckoned with, but after dropping two games, one of
which a rematch to the Warriors a week after the first matchup, a week off for spring break felt like a necessary period of rest.
Entering the second half of the season, the Bulldogs will be relying on their endurance and strength training to help them finish the regular season strong. Matchups against teams like Albemarle, Orange County and Charlottesville are also on the horizon, giving Goochland fresh opponents to prepare for that could potentially be seen again in the postseason.
But as things stand, Goochland soccer is a program on the clear come-up. Williams says the team’s winning makes them a threat to contend now, but what’s also gone unnoticed is the promising 2-2-2 start from the junior varsity team coached by Carlos Valdez. The goal, Williams says, is to have a team in constant contention not just in 2023, but beyond.
“I’m trying to change the way Goochland looks at soccer, and change the way the county and community sees soccer,” Williams said.
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COUNTYOFGOOCHLAND,VIRGINIA, aPoliticalSubdivisionoftheCommonwealth ofVirginia, Complainant, v.
THOMASKINNEY,ETAL., Respondent(s).
Theobjectofthissuitistoenforcethelienof theComplainant,CountyofGoochland,Virginia,fordelinquentrealestatetaxesagainstcertainrealpropertylocatedintheCountyof Goochland,Virginia,describedasfollows:
TaxMapNo.29-1-132 GPIN:6748-97-6355 AccountNo.4802
ALLthatcertainpieceorparceloflandlying andbeingintheCountyofGoochland,Virginia, containing2.00acres,moreorless,adjoining thelandsnoworformerlyofCharlesH.Ham, GeoKinney,RobertDillardandothers.
BEINGthesamerealpropertyconveyedto ThomasKinneyfromCharlesH.Ham,Christine Ham,hiswife,andAmandaKinneyviaDeed datedApril9,1903andrecordedAugust4, 1904intheClerk’sOfficeoftheCircuitCourtof GoochlandCounty,VirginiainDeedBook50at Page206.
Thisdescriptionismadesubjecttoalleasements,conditions,agreements,restrictions, andreservationsofrecordwhichaffectthe propertyhereindescribed.
ITAPPEARING thatanAffidavithasbeenmade andfiledstatingthatduediligencehasbeen used,withouteffect,toascertaintheidentity andlocationofcertainpartiestobeserved, thatthelastknownaddressesfortheRespondentshereinareasfollows:ThomasKinney,whoisbelievedtobedeceasedand whoselastknownaddressisP.O.Box53, Goochland,VA23063;TinaKinney,whoisbelievedtobedeceasedandwhoselastknown addressisunknown;MaryKinney,whoisbelievedtobedeceasedandwhoselastknown addressisunknown;ThomasKinney,Jr.,who isbelievedtobedeceasedandwhoselast knownaddressisunknown;JordenaLogan Kinney,whoisbelievedtobedeceasedand whoselastknownaddressisunknown;and thatanyofficers,heirs,devisees,andsuccessorsintitleoftheRespondentnamedherein aremadepartiesRespondenttothisactionindividuallyand/orbythegeneraldescriptionof PartiesUnknown,itishereby
ORDERED thatthepartieshereinandallPartiesUnknownand/orwhoselocationcannot beascertainedappearonorbefore May12, 2023 intheClerk’sOfficeoftheCircuitCourtof theCountyofGoochland,Virginia,anddo whatmaybenecessarytoprotecttheirinterestsinthiscause.
TimothyK.Sanner, Judge
Gooc hland County Board of Su pervisor s Pu blic Meeting
Tu esday, May2,2 02 3, 6: 00 PM
Gooc hland County Adminis tr at ionBuilding 18 00 Sandy HookRd., P. O. Box10, Gooc hland ,VA2 30 63 Board Meeting Room Su ite 25 0
View county meeting: ht tps: //www.gooc hland va .u s/1154/Count y- Meeting s IF YOUHAVECOMME NTSONTHESEPUBLIC HEARING ITE MS, PLEASESE ND COMME NTSTOBOSCOMME NT@GOOCHLANDVA .US OR CONTACT8 04-5 56 -5 811.

CountywideZOA-2022-00002 –AmendmenttoZoningOrdinanceSecs. 15-102,15-112,15-132,15-142,15-152,15-162,15-172,15-182,15-192, 15-204,15-214,15-232,15-242,15-252,15-262,and15-272(Usesand structurespermittedbyright(P)orbyconditionalusepermit(CUP))toallow energystoragefacilitiesbyconditionalusepermitintheAgricultural,General (A-1),Agricultural,Limited(A-2),Industrial,Limited(M-1),andIndustrial, General(M-2)Districts;toallowprincipalsolarenergyfacilitiesbyconditional usepermitintheAgricultural,General(A-1)District;toallowsupplementary solarenergyfacilitiesbyconditionalusepermitintheIndustrial,Limited(M1),andIndustrial,General(M-2)Districts;andtoallowaccessorysolarenergy facilitiesas apermitteduseinallzoningdistrictsexcepttheAgricultural, Intensive(A-3)District;toamendSec.15-500(Definitions)toaddsolar-related terms;andtoamendSec.15-289(Renewableenergy)toaddusestandards.
Userswho need accessibilit yassistancecan contactthe County by phonethroughthe Federal Informat ionRelay Serviceat1-8 00-877-8 339for TT Y/ Voicecommunication.
Meetingaccommodationsincluding interpreters areprovidedupon request DeputyClerk:804.556 -5811 E-mail:countyadmin@goochlandva.us Website: www.goochlandva.us
P.O.Box31800 Henrico,Virginia23294-1800

For Your EntErtainmEnt money &
cRoSSWo RD puzzle
clueS acRoSS
1. Atomic mass unit
4. Criticize mightily
7. Sino-Soviet block (abbr.)
10. Stand in for 11. Everyone has one
12. Brew 13. Rectify
15. Popular Dodge truck model
47. Low oval mound
finance WoRD SeaRcH
17. Variety of Chinese language
18. Portray in a show
20. Wrongful act
22. No (slang)
27. State of agitation
28. __ Diego
29. One point east of due south
31. 007’s creator
32. The NBA’s Toppin
33. Midway between north and northeast
37. Examples
38. __ Gould, actor
39. The habitat of wild animals
40. Artful subtlety
41. Infielders
42. Keep under control
43. Herb
44. Distressed
Ho RoScopeS
ARIES • Mar 21/Apr 20
Aries, your emotions may cloud your judgement in the days to come. It’s better to seek the advice of a third party who can guide you without the added drama.
TAURUS • Apr 21/May 21
Messages from the universe could come across as confusing or vague, Taurus. You might need someone with cosmic intuition to help you sort out what is going on.
GEMINI • May 22/Jun 21
A stagnant energy has been surrounding you lately, Gemini. Fortunately, you are able to brush that away soon enough and feel rejuvenated.
CANCER • Jun 22/Jul 22
Cancer, if you haven’t devoted enough time lately to taking care of yourself you might awaken this week with a foggy head. Take care of yourself.
LEO • Jul 23/Aug 23
Responsibilities could have you feeling overburdened, Leo. The trick is to ask others to lighten your load. There are bound to be several volunteers willing to lend a hand.
VIRGO • Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, try not to compare yourself to others this week. Everyone is unique, with his or her own strengths and weaknesses. An unfair comparison could dampen your spirits.
LIBRA • Sept 23/Oct 23
You might find it challenging to articulate your feelings to a romantic partner, Libra. If you stumble over saying the words, why not write them down, instead?
SCORPIO • Oct 24/Nov 22
Sometimes your pragmatic side gets into a tussle with your optimism, Scorpio. Being a realist doesn’t have to mean you give up hope. There are many things that can go your way.
SAGITTARIUS • Nov 23/Dec 21
Sagittarius, while you may feel like sleeping the week away, awaken to the possibilities before you. Numerous opportunities await, so answer the door when they knock.
CAPRICORN • Dec 22/Jan 20
It is alright to feel uncertain about what the heart wants, Capricorn. Not everyone has things all figured out. Ponder your likes and dislikes to determine your path.
AQUARIUS • Jan 21/Feb 18
Aquarius, messy work and small mistakes can sabotage all of your hard work thus far. Buckle down and focus on the details. Have someone check that everything is perfect.
PISCES • Feb 19/Mar 20
People around you may be more temperamental than usual, Pisces. Avoid offering any unsolicited advice until things quiet down.
Horse-riding seats
8. Arms of a shirt
9. Narrow path along a road edge
13. Viper 14. Disfigure
53. Monetary unit