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Goochland graduates
Community gathers to honor Class of 2023, celebrate accomplishments
Two hundred and twenty seniors walked across the stage, tossed their caps, and celebrated their Goochland High School graduation with friends and family on Saturday, June 3.
And this year’s graduates had a lot to celebrate.
Eleven students were recog- nized with academic awards for their achievements in specific academic departments.
Twenty-one seniors were recognized as honor graduates for academic success, which placed them in the top 10 percent of their class.
Thirty-five seniors graduated from Blue Ridge Virtual
Please see GOOCHLAND, Page 11
While the county’s current comprehensive plan calls for lots in that area to be at least one acre, the project’s lots would average just .63. That didn’t sit right with Rivergate resident Ted Linhart, who suggested that commissioners were being asked to bend the rules for the developer in order to help make the project financially viable.
“We’re here because you are
Please see PROJECT, Page 2