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Monacan SWCD to offer ag outreach program
other conifers. We commonly expect to see them on conifers, but surprisingly, they also attack many broadleaf tree and shrub species.
Female bagworms never leave the bag. They hatch from eggs, feed, pupate in the bag, emerge from the pupa case as adults, mate, and lay eggs in the bag before dying. Male bagworms also construct protective bags while feeding, but after pupation they emerge as flying adult moths in search of females. Females can lay up to 1000 eggs per bag. Eggs overwinter in the bags. After egg hatch, the young larvae leave the bag to begin feeding in late May and June each year. This is the best time to implement control measures.
Where feasible, manual removal and burning bags will reduce the viable egg population. Biological and chemical controls are most effective when larvae are small, young, and actively feeding–before they have constructed the bags. Biological controls include Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and parasitic wasps. A variety of chemical insecticides are labeled for bagworm control. Services of a certified arborist may be necessary to control bagworm on large, high-value specimen trees.
—Submitted by the Goochland County Extension Office fer for a permanent job at the shop.
“In 1990 you didn’t have YouTube to learn things like we have now,” Coles said. Coles didn’t quit his day job but has been painting his own vintage vehicles ever since, and a sample of his restoration work will be on display during the open house.
Coles also attempts to stay active physically with croquet and pickleball. In fact, he teaches pickle ball
The Monacan Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will be conducting an agricultural outreach program on June 27 from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at its office in Goochland, located at the Goochland Agricultural Complex at Central High School, 2748 Dogtown Rd, Goochland, VA 23063. The event will include information about Monacan SWCD including programs and services provided, and a panel of Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share Program (VACS) participants. Conservation partners, includ - ing Natural Resources Conservation Service, Capital Region Land Conservancy and Department of Forestry staff will provide a 5-7 minute presentations on services available to agricultural producers. Informational tables will be on site with and time for questions will be allotted.
The District serves both Goochland and Powhatan counties. Its mission is to provide technical assistance, education, and leadership to improve natural resource conservation.
The District is governed by a Board of six directors and three associate directors. Four directors are locally elected and two are appointed by the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board.
Each director serves a fouryear term and directors from both counties will be elected this year in November.
For more information on this program and to RVSP, call (804)556-4936.
—Submitted by Betty McCracken with the Monacan Soil and Water Conservation District