Harvey Commencement 2015

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Celebrating the

Class of 2015

Class of 2015

A Celebration of Achievements & Accomplishments By Abby Luby


he June 4 commencement ceremony for the Class of 2015 ushered 62, proud Harvey seniors through a major rite of passage. It was a sun-filled morning and outside the Harvey Athletic Center the eager students, buoyant with anticipation, stood together on a small hill to pose for a final class photograph. Inside, seats were filling up with parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers and friends. Heralding the promenading faculty, juniors and seniors were the hardy chords of the bagpipes played by Pipe Major Jonathan Henken, intoning the traditional “Earl of Mansfield.” When the processional ended, the ceremony officially began. Amid kudos and congratulations, the overarching message to the young graduates was of shared humanity, compassion and the importance of giving. In his Invocation, Rabbi David Greenberg of Temple Shaaray Tefila in Bedford Corners, spoke of worthy goals and personal fulfillment. “Pursue your passion but don’t neglect to ask, ‘What is life asking of me?’ Make a life by that which we give of ourselves.” Echoing that sentiment was Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher. In his opening remarks, he pointed out valuable lessons learned by the seniors in the last four years. “You’ve shown leadership,

compassion, public service, stewardship. This class has shown enormous kindness, you were truly kind to each other and to other classes.” On a lighter note, Mr. Fenstermacher chortled and said, “Thank you for your spirit, your accomplishments and your wonderful senior prank,” referring to the day when seniors brought their dogs to school. “You gave new meaning to the expression ‘the school has gone to the dogs,’” he said. In closing, Mr. Fenstermacher quoted the great 19th century Irish playwright, Oscar Wilde: “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” He advised the class to build on their strengths and closed saying, “We will miss you all.” Philip Lazzaro, head of the Upper School and Elisabeth Visintainer, assistant head, announced the long awaited prize awards. With upbeat confidence, each recipient stepped onstage to clamoring cheers and applause from families and fellow students. Thirty-six students were awarded prizes, some receiving more than one. All were recognized for their hard earned achievements. When each senior was called to the podium to receive the diploma, many enthusiastically expressed their joy. Eamon Murphy shot both arms up, signaling ‘victory.’ Mary Nichols, who was honored with multiple prizes, cheerfully blew kisses to the audience. The last student called was Tahmineh Zanders,

who danced a two-step onstage, delightfully waving her diploma in the air. In his valedictory speech, Jake Berkson thanked his parents and teachers for their support. “During my time at Harvey, I learned how to take risks and explore new ideas and interests. I expanded my social horizons as well, and I know my friends from Harvey always have my back. Now that this class of 2015 is headed into the real world, you have to figure out how you’re going to stand out from a much bigger crowd and make your unique impact on the world.” A very moving and enlightening commencement address was given by Father Mark Connell, the founder and president of San Miguel Academy, a Newburgh school that provides a safe and nurturing educational environment for boys from the city’s poorest and most violent neighborhoods. Father Connell related an early career experience when he met Mother Teresa, the famous Roman Catholic nun and missionary known for her charitable work mainly in India. He recalled that she told him “a priest should never be comfortable.” As a young priest, Father Connell wasn’t sure what those few words meant, but many years later, in 1995, they inspired him to open the San Miguel Academy. “If we as Americans are serious about breaking the cycle of poverty, about healing racial unrest, then we have to insist that segregation end in our schools and that underserved children get what they deserve: an education that produces results.” He asked the Class of 2015 to remember “not to become insensitive to the plight of those who are not sharing in your privileges” and to “go now and make a difference.” Student Council President Brendan Kneitz gallantly bestowed the Spirit Cup to his successor, junior Aila Prieto, who will be the 2016 president. In a triumphant, final fanfare, the new graduates exited the building to a flurry of hugs and kisses, praise and kudos. Alexander Bae was enjoying a pat on the back by his mother, Anita and father, John. “Alex has really surprised us,” said Mr. Bae. “He used to be very quiet, but since he first came here in seventh grade, he has come into his own.” Alex, who won a music award and the Mathematics Prize, will be attending Lafayette College to study medicine. Caroline Daniele’s mother, Joan, was overjoyed. “Harvey helped Caroline open up, and the school was always there for strong support. Here at Harvey, there is a wonderfully wide acceptance of differences and of difference learning styles.” Caroline, who won the Art Prize, will be attending The School of the Museum of Fine Arts, an affiliate of Tufts University. Josh Gantt’s father, Bobby Gantt, said the graduation ceremony was a deeply emotional experience for him and his family.“This day is very exhilarating and one that has been a long awaited, heartfelt, memorable experience. My son has changed; he grew both emotionally and academically. He learned self-control.” Mr. Gantt said Josh developed strong ties with good friends and caring teachers at Harvey.

Brianna Cummings, the manager of this year’s fashion show that benefited Ubuntu Africa, said the show was the highlight of her year. “It was a big event and everyone came together. I’m glad I had such a wonderful experience.” Brianna said Harvey gave her a chance to grow. “And I’m ready for a new beginning,” she said. Anthony Weaver said his daughter, Ariana, had gained greater confidence in her years at Harvey. “It’s a wonderful school, and I saw how Ariana came to believe that she could achieve anything.” Patricia Lambert said her son, Keith Lambert, hopes to pursue hockey at Syracuse University. Keith set a school record for collecting more than 100 points in one season this year. A happy Brendan Kneitz said “I’m anxious about the future, while longing for the past. There have been so many great moments here at Harvey, and I will definitely miss it.” His mother, Kim Kneitz said her son had accomplished much at Harvey. “The Harvey community has welcomed him like a family and his teachers treated him with respect. For Brendan, the shoe really fit, and he flourished here. This school is magical, special.”

Tim Stark, retiring after 38 years at Harvey, leads the commencement procession of faculty behind Pipe Major Jonathan Henken. The Harvey School 1

Valedictorian Address

Jake Berkson


was in my living room trying to write this speech while avoiding all the usual clichés used last year and the year before. Starting from a blank word document and ending with a blank word document an hour and a half later made me decide that I wasn’t the right man for the job. So thanks, mom, for writing this speech. My mom wanted me to—I mean I wanted to, thank the Harvey administration and teachers; thank you so much. You have helped this class of 2015 progress intellectually and to better fit into the world. Our teachers helped each of us figure out our strengths and diminish our weaknesses; whether it was Mr. Kelly teaching senior year math or Mrs. V teaching freshman English. Thanks. And Mrs. V, you taught me more than just English; you were always on my side, and had a true understanding of who I am. Thank you. During my time at Harvey, I learned how to take risks and explore new ideas and interests. I expanded my social horizons as well, and I know my friends from Harvey always have my

back. Now that this class of 2015 is headed into the real world, you have to figure out how you’re going to stand out from a much bigger crowd, and make your unique impact on the world. As we go off to college and figure out who we genuinely are, we’ve learned how important it is to surround ourselves with sincere friends. I also need to thank my friends from Scarsdale for coming today. I honestly think they didn’t believe me when I told them I was valedictorian. Now Ben owes me 15 bucks. Congratulations, Class of 2015.

“During my time at Harvey, I learned how to take risks & explore new ideas and interests.” 2 Harvey Magazine Commencement 2015

Passing of the

Spirit Cup The traditional handing over of the Spirit Cup from Student Council President Brendan Kneitz to his successor Aila Prieto, class of 2016.

Alumni Celebrating

at Commencement

The Harvey School 3

Commencement Address

Fr. Mark Connell


o the esteemed faculty and administration of The Harvey School, congratulations on the achievement of bringing yet another class to this milestone of life, high school graduation. I have long admired the mission of this school—high academic standards balanced by a heart for service to the common good. Harvey is a school with a soul, a soul which values each person and their unique qualities and talents. Harvey brings out the best in a person! Ample testimony is sitting before me at this moment. Barry Fenstermacher, for multiple decades, has set the tone and defined the mission. I am honored that Barry asked me to be with you all today! By now the Class of 2015 has sized me up and realized this guy speaking to us has absolutely nothing in common with us. Well, you’d be wrong. There is, in fact, something which we have shared in common—we have collectively, you and I, had to endure the trials and tribulations, at different times, but each of us for four years all together, of co-existing with Alfi (Liendo.) That means one thing: we all have lots of patience and probably a good sense of humor, too! We also have one more thing in common, we care! While at Harvey you have volunteered, and you have served others, whether it is Senior Project, Service Learning or Children’s Carnival Day, you have reached out with hand and heart to those with privileges fewer than your own. Whether it was Blythedale Children’s Hospital, Katonah Presbyterian Shelter or Habitat, you have come face to face with the suffering of our world. Those experiences will not only last in your memories, they will also transform your futures. However, I do have a word of caution. It is a lesson I learned from an Albanian nun in 1986. In November of that year, I was on retreat with my classmates. We were about to be ordained priests in St. Patrick’s Cathedral. One day during our week long retreat, Cardinal John O’Connor phoned the house and said that he was going to visit us with a friend of his. When he arrived, he stepped out of the car with Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Though you may not recognize her name, Mother Teresa was one of the rock stars of the 20th century. She was Time magazine’s person of the year in 1975, she was friends with Princess Diana, and she spoke around the world, from Harvard to the U.N. But most of all, Mother Teresa was known for one thing—her care for the suffering. One by one she would lift the near lifeless bodies of the sick and the dying from the streets of Calcutta. She would bring them to a place where they could experience love. She would hold them, clean them, nurse

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them, and feed them. Most of them would die, but, they would die with dignity. They would leave this earth with the final experience of being wanted and loved. Mother Teresa ate lunch with us on that aforementioned November day. She prayed with us, and then she gradually made her way around the retreat center to speak with each one of us individually. When she got to me, she pulled me close to herself, and she stared me in the eye, and she said, “A priest should never be comfortable.” With those six words she left me standing there alone. Though Mother was considered a living saint by this time, I wasn’t quite sure what she meant by those words. So I did the only thing I knew how to do, I went on to be comfortable, quite comfortable. I was assigned to places like New Rochelle, Somers, and for 25 years, Chappaqua. All that would change when I arrived in Newburgh, New York, in 1998, to teach at a private college. When I arrived at the college I found people saying, “Don’t go left.” Now, when you tell a stubborn Irishman not to do something, what do you think he’s going to do? So yes, I went left. And what I found was that in just three blocks from the college entrance some of the worst poverty I had ever seen was plaguing the lives of thousands and thousands of people. Those words spoken by the tiny nun, years before, finally made sense to me in a huge way. I changed. I invited my college students to join me and we became involved in the community. We handed out turkeys at Thanksgiving and toys at Christmas. We worked in the soup kitchen and we built homes. Gradually, comfort was not so important to me anymore. But then I noticed something. I saw on most of the street corners teenagers who should be in school, but were not. Why weren’t they in school? There is unrest in America right now; most of it is racial unrest. A few weeks ago I attended a college attainment forum for minority students. One of the speakers was Dr. Martha Kanter, former undersecretary to the U.S. Department of Education under Arne Duncan. Dr. Kanter said publicly what I had come to realize by living in Newburgh. She said, “American schools are more segregated now than they were in the 1950s.” Dr. Kanter is right. Study after study shows that poor urban areas have inferior schools—dilapidated buildings, old books and small classrooms. In many of these public school systems people have simply stopped caring. The result is that we have disposable children in America, most of whom are from a

minority demographic, and most of whom are male. Boys of low income and color are just not making it in our public school systems nationwide. Class of 2015, you are a privileged group. You have graduated high school and you will attain a college degree. You will go on to gainful employment and to a comfortable life. I wish you well.

“The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose.”

must all insist that segregation end in our schools, and that underserved children get what they deserve, an education that produces results. I am happy to say that I have become a small piece of the education reform movement in the United States. This movement has created a critical conversation. What kind of America do you want, Class of 2015? The answer to that question will lay in how comfortable you are with the status quo, with schools that unfortunately DO leave children behind. Class of 2015, go now, and make a difference. The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. Comfort, on its own, can stifle you. Take it from one who knows. I was fortunate to receive six words that changed my life. I can only hope that in some small measure you take to heart their meaning. To the Class of 2015 of The Harvey School, may you never be comfortable!

The only thing I ask you to remember from all that you will hear today is not to become insensitive to the plight of those who are not sharing in your privileges. A Jewish prophet from 2000 years ago once remarked, “To those who have been given much, much more is expected.” If you want a better America for your children, make sure your school system, wherever you may live, works, and that each child receives what she or he deserves, an education! If we as Americans are serious about breaking the cycle of poverty that plagues our country, and more importantly if we want to heal the racial divide, then we

Presenting the

Cavalier Awards

The Cavalier Award is underwritten by the Parents Association, and is given to the students and faculty who best embody the values code of The Harvey School. This is a student who demonstrates a passion for learning, respects and treats everyone with dignity and appreciation, has a deep sense of integrity, has a dynamic balance in lifestyle choices, finds joy in learning and life, and strives for excellence. This year’s winners are 2015 graduates Jameson Scarsella, eighth-grader Katie Ketner (top), and faculty recipient

John Wahlers (bottom left). The Harvey School 5



New class agents Ariana Weaver,

Student Speech

Shelby Moore


arents, faculty, and my fellow seniors. When Mr.Lazzaro asked me to speak tonight I began to review my time at Harvey and some of my fondest memories. I came to Harvey my sophomore year with great expectations. Great expectations! That reminds me of one of my favorite teachers and now retired, Ms. Hooton and my initial resistance to the classics. She had asked me to stay after class. She looked at me and said,“Be Honest, Shelby. Did you read ‘Great Expectations?’” To which I timidly replied,“No.” She looked at me and kind of smiled. Mind you, this is someone who has really shaped my Harvey experience because of her genuine love and persistence in sharing her passion for English literature.“Your mother and I are gonna have a chat!” she replied. And, oh, boy did they! Something that all the faculty members at The Harvey School have in common is their caring spirit toward their students, and not 6 Harvey Magazine Commencement 2015

Ricky Hicks, Taylor Grodin, Brendan Kneitz, and Julia Chatzky with Alumni Association President Dan Chapman

just in class. I remember when I was in the finals of speech contest sophomore year it was Ms. Hooton who sat in the first row right across from me and gave me a thumbs-up as I sat back down after speaking. It’s no secret that Harvey has a phenomenal English department. I have told Ms.Mahony in the past that I consider her to be like a “cool aunt” to me and, although I never had Mr. Owens as an English teacher, I did have him as a coach for pentathlon. He truly is a bright light. He is such an accepting and loving faculty member and I am so glad that I got to know him. And I can’t forget the impact Mr. Seymour has had on my writing for the last two years. His enthusiasm for teaching and his beautifully crafted

written comments on assignments has really motivated me to work at a higher caliber in English. That reminds me of Caliber Cabins, a business model that my slot 2 Economics class collaborated on. Taught by Ms.Gignesi. The work that I have done in Economics this year has brought me to a whole new level of focus and creativity that will really support my work at Bennington College this fall. Something I am most proud of in high school is Big Questions Club that I co-founded with Skye Bell and our faculty adviser, Mr. Griffin. I looked forward each week to our discussion subjects such as, The Afterlife, Religion and social issues. Mr.Griffin is one of the most passionate people I have ever met. His encouragement of students to express their beliefs created an atmosphere where people really felt free to say how they felt without fear. Ms. Holmes Dwyer also added a compassionate sensibility to the club this year. I am definitely going to miss this club next year but I am so happy that Skye told me about her idea and we made it happen. Given the rigorous academic demands of high school, Mr. Price’s art room has often been a sanctuary. He has an impeccable taste in music and has taught me so much about life and the value of art. I really am going to miss his great sense of humor and his dedicated teaching style. I have known that I wanted to attend Bennington College since last summer when I visited. I remember I walked on campus and felt like I was at home. Once I got back to Connecticut, I immediately emailed Mr.Lazzaro and told him how I felt and that I wanted to do everything I could to try and get accepted. Both Mr.Lazzaro and Ms.Cahill have helped me every step of the way. If it weren’t for them, I am not quite sure I would be going to my dream school. My dream school, except for its lack of a women’s rugby team. One of the single most pivotal moments of mine at Harvey was joining the girls rugby team. Rugby has made me a much happier and overall confident person. I am so grateful to my teammates, Coach Ciara and especially Ms. Harris. Rugby has truly been a life changer for me.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Mr. Stark. Although I only had Mr. Stark as a teacher my sophomore year, his loving attitude really helped break the ice for me my first year at Harvey. My first day I remember I was writing my name on something in the beginning of class and he pointed at me and shouted, “Lefty! I’m a lefty, too!” We’re going to get along!” I couldn’t help but smile. I wish him and Mrs.Stark all the best in their retirement. Lastly, I would like to thank the Class of 2015. I am so glad to be a part of this grade and to be graduating next to all of you great people. We made it! Thank you.


Survivors At the Commencement Dinner, Middle School Head Brendan Byrne recognized the “survivors,” those students who entered Harvey as sixth graders and graduated as members of the Class of 2015: Skye Bell, Marc Catanese, Megan Connolly,

John Cunningham, Caroline Daniele, Keith Lambert, Samuel Mackiewicz

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Parent Speech


Michael Scarsella

ood evening. Headmaster Fenstermacher, the board of trustees, faculty, administration, parents and most importantly the graduating class of 2015. It is an honor to be addressing your class this evening. When Mr. Lazzaro asked me to speak, I wasn’t sure if he said to be brief or write a brief so I prepared some remarks. If any of you need to use the restroom, now might be the time to excuse yourself. In planning my remarks for this evening, I spent some time studying past graduation speeches for some nuggets of wisdom and sage advice that I could pass on to you. I read or listened to a number of speeches from past presidents to four-star generals, and they all kind of sounded the same. So with the exception of a few witty comments I conveniently borrowed from others here and there, I think I will stick with my own words and experiences. Last year, Rear Admiral William McRaven gave what has now become one of the most Googled commencement addresses to the 2014 class of the University of Texas that touched on 10 life lessons learned from his Navy SEAL training. With the exception of why it is important to make your bed every day, something Mr. Fenstermacher eloquently incorporated into his commencement address to the eighth-grade class last year, I will restrict my list to four. First, things that happen are but a molecular of your life. Now, you are soon to be Harvey grads, so I know you all know what a molecule is. Correct? When I was a senior in college and still taking 400 level finance classes and my housemates were taking Psych 101 pass/fail, one of my roommates found me in the library studying for a finance exam. He was heading out for the evening and was very disappointed when I protested his prodding that I join the festivities. However, he was a bit more clever than I and he convinced me to join him by uttering a simple but profound observation: “That finance test is but a molecule of your life. In 20 years, you won’t remember what grade you got but you will remember what you did tonight.” Well, needless to say, 31 years later, he was correct. It was a memorable evening. And I don’t remember what I got on the finance test, though I am pretty sure I did fine. Now I am not suggesting that you forego your studies to party with your friends, but I use that example to illustrate the point that you have to keep things in perspective. You need balance and you need to stay active. College is hard. It is not high school. But Harvey has prepared you well for the rigors of academic life. So you need to do something other than study 24/7. Think about it. For the past 10 years or more you have done something

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other than go to school—sports, dance, theater, music. It has been part of your routine for 10 or more years. Your life will be out of balance if you just cut out that part of your life because you are in college. And there will be setbacks and the inevitable frustrations that will happen as you acclimate to college life. Don’t let those experiences define who you are and who you will become. They are but a molecule of your life. We find the greatest joy and happiness by holding on to the positive and not allowing the challenges to interfere with the joy of college, the independence you will develop and the relationships you will form. Don’t dwell on those things that you can’t control and focus on the things you can. The other thing I will say about college is that you should try things that maybe you haven’t tried before. It is a great way to meet new people and perhaps find a passion for something that you may not have otherwise explored. Which brings me to my second point. Reinvent yourself. College is the great reset button in your next journey after Harvey. Some of you may have experienced it when you came to Harvey, whether it was as a sixth-grader or at any point when you joined the school. College is a great place to shed whatever it is that you think you should be and just be yourself all over again. Remember, everyone is in the same boat. Every freshman is brand new to the school. Your fellow classmates will have the same anxiety and nervousness that you will have. Use that to your advantage to be yourself and meet new people—the people who will be your life-long friends. I was fortunate to be able to play a sport in college and my team became my fraternity. And while I enjoy seeing old teammates whenever the opportunity arises, it is my housemates from my junior and senior years who I speak to at least twice a month and have for the past 31 years. These were the guys I met as a freshman playing intramural basketball and floor hockey. They didn’t have an expectation as to who I was supposed to be to them on the lacrosse field. I could put away the gear and they accepted me for who I was and what I meant to them in their own lives. Give back. I have said this in many of the grade receptions I attended the past three years as a co-chair to the annual fund and it is worth repeating here for this graduating class. You have the right to a public education in this country but it is a privilege to attend Harvey. Your parents, your family, these teachers have made your education

second to none. In all cases your family has made some sacrifice so you had the privilege to attend the Harvey School. You have worked hard—no doubt—I have witnessed it firsthand. Harvey is academically challenging and the colleges that each of will be attending know what you have put into your education. But don’t forget what so many have done for you. I was thrilled to learn that the senior class undertook an initiative to have each senior donate $15 toward the senior class gift. It is important to appreciate the opportunity that has been given to you. Harvey is thriving—The Walker Center for the Arts, the athletic center, the new Class of 2015 patio on the quad, the soon-to-be completed tennis courts—all of these major projects were completed because of the hard work and selfless dedication of many in this room tonight. You should be proud to say that YOU took part in helping to move Harvey forward and didn’t sit back and let others do it for you. For that I commend those of you who gave up a cluckin’ Russian on behalf of your school. Which leads me to my final point. Hold onto your Harvey network. Without sounding cliché, Harvey is truly a community. Having been the product of the public school system, both high school and college, I never truly appreciated what an academic community meant. In college, we didn’t have a fight song that everyone rallied around. It was usually just fights—mostly the hockey players taking on the football team. Living in a house with two kids in private school and a wife with a private university education, I have come to appreciate the value of an academic community. Just because you graduate, your connection to Harvey doesn’t end. There is a great group of individuals who want to continue to be a part of your life after Harvey and even after college. I don’t have to tell you how difficult it is when you are first starting out. It is a competitive work environment and you will need every resource available to make the transition from an academic life to a career.

Stay connected to Harvey—your teachers, your advisor, the administration, other parents that you have developed a relationship with. Even while you are in college, this collection of individuals can be a great resource to help make the transition a little bit easier. Mr. Lazzaro will be thrilled to hear from most, well, maybe many, at least some of you on a regular basis. So those are my four life lessons. It is truly an exciting time in your life. Embrace it, enjoy it and don’t let George Bernard Shaw’s words become your reality when he wrote: “Youth is wasted on the young.” You are hitting the reset button in your life. Make the most of it. Try and do something every day that makes a difference in someone else’s life even if it is making your bed. Finally, to quote former president George W. Bush in his commencement address to the class of 2015 of Southern Methodist University: “To those of you who are graduating…with high honors, awards and distinctions, I say,“well done.” And as I like to tell the “C” students: You, too, can be President.” I think that pretty much summarizes the opportunities that lie ahead for each of you. You have already built the foundation, now go and realize your dreams and make your aspirations a reality. I wish you all good luck, a safe and enjoyable graduation celebration and all the best wishes for whatever lies ahead after Thursday. Please remember to thank that person here at Harvey, whether it has been your advisor, a teacher or maybe a coach, who has been your champion, your biggest cheerleader and your friend. On a personal note, I think we all owe a huge thank you to Barry for his leadership, encouragement and wonderful friendship over the past quarter plus century of dedication to this class and the classes that have come before you and to Rowena for allowing us to have Barry at the helm for so many years. Thank you.

“You have already built the foundation, now go & realize your dreams & make your aspirations a reality.”

The Harvey School 9

Thank you, Fellow Seniors Rod Owens


n Slot 3, Austin often brought in—his New Rochellian wit so charmin’— Sacha’s played ze tough Scorcese part—but he cannot disguise a caring heart— Alfi, he was a pal he—added lively laughter gladly— And Ally worked so hard, she did—happy to help those hungry kids— Alexis, she was bold as thunder—brought us art to make us wonder— Lizzy shared hair happenings—and dizzy, dancing hip-hop flings— Eamon—rapping red-haired joy—big-hearted man grew from a big, big boy— Lindsay told us of travelling tales—and her tender heart will soon set sail— Brianna brought bright drawings while—she graced us with her quiet style— Youse guys made Slot 3 fun and insane—now help me, please, sing this sweet refrain: refrain As I say Thank You (Thank You) . . . Thank You (Thank You)! For the whirling words you swirled and twirled—you loverly boys and girls— And I say Thank You (Thank You) . . . Thank You (Thank You)! For opening up your hearts—for opening up your minds—for bein’ just how freakin’ cool you be! Slot 4 Anthony grandly taught a video game—he laughed so loud, we all did ze same! Tom glowed, he showed us bows and arrows, heck—then he’d nuzzle his head upon my neck— Caroline and Kevin, romance blazing—into each other’s eyes, ooh! They be a-gazing— Their potent paintings and drawings cool—they’re diving deep into that great film pool— Baily and John, fiercely cuddling—cute in the corner they’d be huddling— Baily, teaching every sec—John in baseball up to his neck— Ricky spit cool rhymes, hey, alley oop!—yes, he would drop them smoothly like in a b-ball hoop— Dillon, like MacMurphy, he took us fishin’—he can’t wait to bait, that’s what he’s wishin’— Alexandra served us up a Scandinavian treat—if it’s Danish or Swedish, it surely is sweet! Courtney created writing both cool and savory—as she demonstrated grit and exceptional bravery— Turner turned me on to YouTube tunes—he showed his bow that knows how to make his arrows go zoom!— Laura wrote lovely poetry that did more than fly—just like how in rugby, she did more than try! Sarah showed us so sweet and strong—how much courage can come from a piano and song— And bam! I’m lucky for Brendan, actor-singer-lad—yes, I love it when he calls me “dad”— All of you guys are gifts galore—so there’s one other thing I gotta say for sure: Yes, I say Thank You (Thank You) . . . Thank You (Thank You)! For the whirling words you swirled and twirled—you loverly boys and girls— And I say Thank You (Thank You) . . . Thank You (Thank You)! For opening up your hearts. . . for opening up your minds. . . for bein’ just how freakin’ cool you be! Advisee Taylor, actor-singer-he—writer-voice on Inanimate Insanity!— Matanel wrote a 30-page b-ball story—yep, Monty helped us maintain that Pentathlon glory— While Sam he handily caught that frizz—after which he’d run faster than Captain Whizz!— And Skye Bell plays well so that she’ll—tell Frisbee tales to her rat Oatmeal— As Alex coached and led our team, it’s true—he also played great Billy Joel at Open Mic too— And all ze others in or out of class—you helped to make ze days here way more than just pass!

10 Harvey Magazine Commencement 2015

And I say Thank You (Thank You) . . . Thank You (Thank You)! For the whirling words you swirled and twirled—you loverly boys and girls— And I say Thank You (Thank You) . . . Thank You (Thank You)! For opening up your hearts. . . for opening up your minds. . . for bein’ just how freakin’ cool you be! And last of all I wish to cheer—my colleagues all who join me here— You guys are champs, I love you all—respect and thank you—you’re on ze ball— You care, you share, you make it fun—I’m proud to be working with you, everyone— And those few with whom I’m especially tight—you know who you are, you’re so outasight— So I say “Gracias, gracias, gracias!” once again—you’ve made me one of the very happiest of men!

Rod Owens, retiring after 15 years at Harvey, poses with graduate Brendan Kneitz, the 2015 student council president.

So I say Thank You (Thank You) . . . Thank You (Thank You)! For the whirling words you swirled and twirled—you loverly boys and girls— And I say Thank You (Thank You) . . . Thank You (Thank You)! For opening up your hearts. . . for opening up your minds. . . for bein’ just how freakin’ cool you be!

& Honors


Major Awards for Seniors

The Lindsley Loring Loyalty Award endowed by Mrs. Loring in memory of her husband: Brendan Kneitz

The Improvement Award given by Mr. and Mrs. Calvin A. Thompson parents of Alexis ’82 and Thaddeus ’87: Skye Bell

The E. Bradley Richardson Scholar Athlete Award named after former Headmaster Richardson: Chauncey Dewey

Scholar Artist Award: Mary Nichols

The Founders’ Honor Cup The Upper School’s highest award is presented by the Carter family in memory of Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Swift Carter, founders of The Harvey School, and their son, Herbert Swift Carter, Jr. ’19. For contributing the most to the spirit and aims of the School: Olivia Lindsay

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Academic Prizes

The Art Prize: Caroline Daniele and Mary Nichols

The Keenan Wynn ’31 Prize: Brendan Kneitz and Julia Chatzky

The David Muntner Technical Theatre Award: Sophia Nahon and Arianna Pilla

The Ronald W. Duncan Music Award in honor of former piano teacher Ronald W. Duncan: Taylor Grodin (Vocal) and Alexander Bae (Instrumental)

The Dance Prize: Aliya Mayers

The English Prize: Mary Nichols and Matthew Tuckner

The American History Prize: Chauncey Dewey

The European History Prize: Mary Nichols

The John A. Shea Latin Prize in honor of former Harvey Latin teacher’s twenty-two years of service: Julia Kravitz

The Japanese Prize: Mary Nichols and Jameson Scarsella

The Spanish Prize: Angelique Santiago

The Mathematics Prize: Alexander Bae

12 Harvey Magazine Commencement 2015

Senior Athletic Achievement


The Science Prize: Laura Spung

The Technology Prize: Mark Siegel

The Edward Micola Model United Nations Award in honor of Edward V. Micola ’92: John Cunningham and Lauren Suna

The Boys Athletic Prize: Connor Wilson

Started in 1990 by then Athletic Director Ron Annis, the awards recognize student-athletes who have contributed to Harvey athletics in multiple sports. Requirements: Student must be a graduating senior and have at least six varsity letters. Numbers next to names represent the number of varsity letters each senior received while at Harvey. Ariana Weaver ������� 11 Letters Olivia Lindsay......... 10 Letters Tiaja Downer............. 9 Letters Thomas Gattuso ������� 8 Letters Julia Kravitz.............. 8 Letters Marc Catanese ���������� 7 Letters Austin Forman ��������� 7 Letters Richard Hicks ���������� 7 Letters Keith Lambert........... 7 Letters Samuel Mackiewicz �� 7 Letters

The John L. Loeb, Jr. ’44 Scholarship Cup given and endowed by Mr. Loeb, the school’s leading scholar of 1943: Jake Berkson

The Headmaster’s Prize endowed by the Board of Trustees for the student who, in the view of the Headmaster, has put forth the greatest effort in any aspect of his or her life at school: Baily Hersh and Jackson Roberts

John Mather.............. 7 Letters Mark Siegel............... 7 Letters Dillon Singleton ������ 7 Letters Ian Connor Wilson.... 7 Letters Marshall Euchner..... 6 Letters Carly Kaplan............. 6 Letters Jameson Scarsella..... 6 Letters Joseph Sorrentino ��� 6 Letters

The Girls Athletic Prize: Aliya Mayers

The Citizenship Award endowed by the Harvey Parents Association: Ricky Hicks The Harvey School 13

Senior Commencement

Dinner Awards

President’s Award for Educational Excellence recognizes and honors students who have achieved high academic goals through hard work and dedication to learning: Jake Berkson, Alexander Bae, Chauncey Dewey, Mary Nichols, Angelique Santiago, Jameson Scarsella, Dillon Singleton, Laura Spung, Matthew Tuckner, and Ariana Weaver

Scholarship of Excellence Award, sponsored by the State Education Department: Matanel Cohen-Weinberg, Carly Kaplan, and Arianna Pilla


New York State Comptroller’s Achievement Award presented each year to students who have excelled academically and have also shown leadership potential by volunteering their time to serve the school community: Julia Chatzky, Baily Hersh, Richard Hicks, Brendan Kneitz, Sophia Nahon, and Ariana Weaver

The American Citizenship Award, sponsored by both the National Association of Elementary and Secondary School Principals: Shelby Moore

Top ten Upper School scholars for the past three semesters according to weighted grade averages. The Scholarship Cup is awarded to the student with the highest average. 1. Jasmine Brouwer (Top Scholar 11th Grade) 2. Will Shaffer (Top Scholar 10th Grade) 3. Janice Cai (Top Scholar 10th Grade) 4. Matthew Tuckner 5. Aliya Mayers 6. Ben He 7. Marshall Euchner 8. Mary Nichols 9. Emily Sirota 10. Terry Yan (Top Scholar 9th Grade: Selma Tabakovic)

14 Harvey Magazine Commencement 2015

The Rensselaer Medal, awarded by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, to the student who has earned distinction in mathematics and science: Arianna Pilla. President’s Award for Educational Achievement, awarded to those students who have shown remarkable growth inside and outside the classroom: Matanel CohenWeinberg, John Mather, Aliya Mayers, Sophia Nahon, Alexandra Hannover, and Benjamin Rubin

Undergraduate Departmental

Prizes Undergraduate Awards

English: Rebecca Tuteur

History: Emily Sirota and Emma Brown

Mathematics: Ben He

Science: Alec Roslin and Tyler Levy

Language: Rohan Cassells and Will Shaffer

Performing Arts: Chloe Savitch and Ryan Gross

Fine Arts: Gemma Tebbutt and Judy Ye

Wells Speech Cup: Julia Chatzky

Matthew Preston Poetry Recitation Prize: Matthew Tuckner

Changing The World Essay Endowed in Memory of Nina J. Chin and presented by Dr. Jean Chin and Germane Williams ‘00: Daniel Galgano and Chauncey Dewey

Junior Awards

Barnard Book The Faculty Prize: Improvement Emma Brown Award: Harry Albert

The Faculty Citizenship Award: Eliot Choe

Dean’s Scholar Athlete Awards: Julia Frisch and Tyler Levy

Dean’s Scholar Artist Awards: Lily Alexander and Ben He

Sophomore Awards

The Most Improved: John Wise

The Most Outstanding Sophomore Award for scholarship, citizenship, and service: Joseph Bakas

The Dean’s Scholar Athlete Awards: Theodore Little and Amaya Henry (not pictured)

Dean’s Scholar Artist Awards: Janice Cai and Ryan Gross

Freshman Awards The John L. Miner Award for the most improved: Omar Coca

The Frank M. Perrine Award for outstanding scholarship, leadership, and contributions to the school: Selma Tabakovic

The Dean’s Scholar Athlete Awards: Julia Mallon and Connor Phillips

Dean’s Scholar Artist Award: Julianne Quinn and Jared Peraglia

The Harvey School 15

Class of 2019

Alexander Breitenbach No’ell Salmon-Chance Harrison Class Tyler Cox Isabel Daniele Oliver Davies Brooke Dodderidge Lillian Galloway-Kahn Colin Glascott Tillie Glucksman Sara Hoffman

Hudson Insolia Jane Kelleran Maxwell Kesicki Katie Ketner Sanath Kumar Zack Latham Andrew Lebowitz Jason Lee Zoe Lewis Elizabeth Mahony Maya Mehrara

Shaun Morelock Alexander Ogg Alexander Olsen Christopher Olsen Elizabeth Mae Parker Cameron Polemeni-Hegarty Daniel Pope Alexandra Robbins Karina Saxton Sophia Scarsella Finley Shepard

Chanel Thomas Luisa Waldstein-McCabe Sebastian Wallach Courtney Warren Nicole Warshaw Sandison Weil, Jr. Austin Weiner Dylan Zink

Young Scholars Honored at Harvey Middle School Prize Night By Abby Luby


buzz of excitement emanated from the lobby of Harvey’s Walker Center for the Arts. It was the 2015 Middle School Prize Night, and the flourish of anticipation was shared by all 41 eighth-graders. They would soon celebrate their last year in middle school and receive honorary recognition for many great achievements. Parents busily snapped pictures of girls in elegant white dresses and boys in sharp looking suits, friends embraced and many noshed on a buffet of delectable hors d’oeuvres. Middle School Director of Administrative Services, Joanne Lombardi, pinned corsages on eighth grade girls and boutonnieres on the boys. Chanel Thomas and Jane Kelleran giggled as Mrs. 16 Harvey Magazine Commencement 2015

Lombardi attached corsages to their dresses. “We’re both pretty excited about tonight,” said Chanel. An impressive three-dimensional model of the campus was a testament to how enthusiastically middle school students work

together. Head of Middle School, Brendan Byrne, said the model “all happened organically in their robotics club where they used a 3D-printer. They’ve been working on it since January and it will be completed for Harvey’s 100th year anniversary.” Inside the Lasdon Theater, the large film screen showed a montage highlighting the many accomplishments by middle schoolers over the last three years. The video, entitled “8th Grade Prize Night Movie,” was produced by science teacher Marcie Hajem. “I did it as a gift to them,” Hajem said. Mr. Byrne smiled as he surveyed the bustle of activity right before the ceremony. “This class of eighth graders, the class of 2019, has been characterized by remarkable accomplishments on the athletic field, varsity teams and in various academic groups,” he said. “Overall, they were challenged by every stage, grew developmentally, and I saw how their camaraderie strengthened.” Mr. Byrne noted that those students who came to the middle school after the sixth or seventh grade blended in seamlessly. One of those students who assimilated easily as an eighth grade newcomer was Sandison Weil. “I came here with a few other friends, but it was very easy to make new friends. I really liked basketball, and I hope to stick with it in high school.” Standing next to Sandison was his friend Zack Latham, who came to Harvey in the seventh grade. “I really liked Latin, and it all made sense and came together when we took the trip to Rome,” said Zack. “I’m very excited about entering high school.” Close by was Dylan Zink, who came to Harvey as an eighth grade student. “I really took to the art program with Mrs. Alexander. It was amazing because I never wanted to draw before, but she totally motivated me,” said Dylan. Sophia Scarsella’s parents, Andrea Tessler and Mike Scarsella, were already seated and waiting for the ceremony to begin. “My daughter is very outgoing,” said Ms. Tessler. “Here at Harvey she developed strong leadership skills and had the opportunity to play varsity lacrosse. She is definitely ready for high school.” Sitting next to her were Sophia’s grandparents, Frances and Alan Tessler and Ed and Maria Scarsella. When prizes were

awarded, Sophia received the award for exemplary sportsmanship on the athletic field along with Courtney Warren. The Scarsella’s son Jameson graduated high school the next day. A few rows behind them, Alexander Breitenbach’s father, Paul, was finding a seat. “I am very excited that Alex is moving on,” said Mr. Breitenbach. “I think he’ll miss his middle school teachers, and it’s very hard to believe he will be a high schooler.” Isabel Daniele’s mother, Joan, said prize night was proving to be a very emotional evening. “This is monumental,” she said. “Isabel started in the sixth grade while pursuing ballet. She has a wonderful circle of friends who always came to her dance performances—and she always went to her friends’ shows. It’s wonderful how they all support one another.” Mrs. Daniele, whose older daughter Caroline graduated high school the next day, said she will miss the middle school.”I love the middle school. Both my girls were a big part of the close community here.” The classic “Pomp and Circumstance” accompanied the gallant march of the students down the center aisle to their seats. In his opening remarks, Mr. Byrne congratulated the class and commented on their difficult age; one that straddles the crossroads of being mature while also being innocent and goofy. The audience chuckled as they listened to Mr. Byrne recall the eighth grade class trip to the Philadelphia Zoo and how he overheard a few boys discussing what climates best suited certain species

The Harvey School 17

of snakes. “I thought that these boys are ready to jump into an upper school AP biology class.” But moments later Mr. Byrne heard a debate about who would win a fight—a lion or a great white shark. “Suddenly I was thinking my 7-year-old son would love to hang out with these kids.” In his Welcome address, Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher cited inspirational figures from Albert Einstein to Steve Jobs. “They didn’t sit well in normal schools. But they were hungry for success.” He made special mention of five eighth-graders, Alexander Ogg, Shaun Morelock, Andrew Lebowitz, Alex Breitenbach and Sanath Kumar, who, for the first time in Harvey’s history, competed in the National History Bowl. “We never did anything like this,” said Mr. Fenstermacher. He congratulated the students and offered advice. “This is an important point in your life. We are celebrating what you are going to do in the future. Now is when you will shape who and what you want to be.” Language teacher Michael Barefield ‘05 gave the Prize Night Address. “This is the only time in your lives when you can take chances, try something and fail, and build on your interests, without any major consequences. The only skill that you need to have right now is the ability to work harder than the person next to you,” Mr. Barefield said. Jubilant applause greeted each prize recipient as they proudly high-stepped up to the stage to be honored. When awarding Sanath Kumar the first place in the Decemviri for the top 10 Middle School Scholars, Mr. Byrne said, “He’s a mathematics magician.” Sanath was also awarded the Almirall Scholarship Cup for the student having the highest scholastic standing for the year. The Middle School Chorus sang a beautifully harmonized rendition of “I’ll Be There” followed by the presentation of the diplomas. In his closing remarks, Mr. Byrne said “Remember to surround yourself with friends and people who bring out the best in you.” He added, “Some would say being a middle school educator is not a job, it is an adventure.” After a well-cheered recessional, an exuberant Elizabeth Mahony, who achieved third place in the Decemviri, hugged her mother, Upper School Dean of Academics, Dianne Mahony. Ms. Mahoney said, “Elizabeth came in to middle school a little kid and now, suddenly, she’s a high school student. She’s more confident. She’s her own woman.” Alexander Ogg’s parents, Sandy and Maria Ogg, happily stood by their son. “Middle school has been a transformative experience for Alex,” said Mr. Ogg.”The quality

18 Harvey Magazine Commencement 2015

of the faculty here has made for a wonderful experience. Alex has totally evolved, and we are really proud of him.” Sanath Kumar beamed and said he was looking forward to high school. “It feels good to be moving up,” said Sanath. “I expect it will be a little different, but I will be pursuing history and math.” Clasping their diplomas, the elated, former eighth-graders fanned out into the lobby for celebratory cookies and coffee, where a gleeful wave of pride swept over parents and faculty. The mood was one of both relief and joy as students rested on their laurels while looking forward to the fall and being high school freshmen at Harvey.

“Remember to surround yourself with friends & people who bring out the best in you.”

Middle School Address

Michael Barefield


cannot believe that we are here today already. Congratulations to all our middle schoolers for finishing up another successful year, congrats to our parents, congrats to our faculty and staff, and finally congratulations to our eighth-graders for completing one of the big milestones in your young lives. I was thinking about what giving this speech means and why we have decided to dedicate this time to it. So I decided, well, I am giving the speech so I can make it about whatever I want. I started to talk about New York sports but quickly fell into a depression, so I quickly moved passed that and decided to talk directly to you, eighth-graders. You are the reason why we are here. So pay attention! We are here to celebrate your many accomplishments of the past few years as well as to start to look forward to the exciting and crazy futures that you have ahead of you. You are at an important point of your life, where you are beginning to shape who you want to be. Every single one of you is in the incredibly fortunate position to make that decision, and my recommendation would be to take that position very seriously. This is the only time in your lives when you can take chances, try something and fail, and build on your interests, without any major consequences. The only skill that you need to have right now is the ability to work harder than the person next to you. Each one of you has wonderful support systems in this faculty and in your parents. If you want to play a sport, learn a new language, (even if it’s a dead language, Ms. Metz), act in a play, or sing in a musical, you can do all of these things in high school. Then, all of a sudden, many of those chances more or less disappear, where society relegates all singing and dancing only to weddings, flash mobs and Mr. Schursky’s apartment.

Take advantage of these opportunities now! If you take a chance, whether you succeed or fail, you will grow stronger, bolder and wiser. I was 13 years old when Mrs. Hajem was still Ms. McGowan, Mr. Byrne had hair. (Actually, no, he didn’t, sorry), and Mr. Delaney was taller than I was. When I started at Harvey I was a solid 5-feet 5-inches, 110 lbs of pure un-athleticism, but I loved sports and I was going to play sports. I remember my first day of Harvey football, in seventh grade, Mr. Byrne threw me a pass, more like a lob, and it hit me in the gut and knocked the wind out of me. I can still see his face, wondering what he got himself into. However, Harvey allowed me to stick with sports, and to do this for three seasons for the next six years of my life, and then eventually in college. I got bigger, I got better, and most importantly I learned that if you take advantage of chances presented to you, and work harder than anyone else, you will get to wherever you want to go. There will be bumps in the road, and sometimes life is just going to kick the heck out of you. It is going to seem crazy, and you are going to ask yourself, why am I doing this, but you will push on because you have been there before and, remember, everyone here will be there to support you. Life reminds me of this old Woody Allen joke, and parents, you might appreciate this… This guy goes to a psychiatrist and says, “Doc, my brother’s crazy; he thinks he’s a chicken.” And the doctor says, “Well, why don’t you turn him in?” The guy says, “I would, but I need the eggs.” This is how I feel about life: sometimes, you know, it’s totally irrational, and crazy, and absurd, but I guess we keep going through it because, most of us...need the eggs.

The Harvey School 19

Middle School Prizes

Aspinwall Athletic Cup was given by Mr. Lloyd Aspinwall ’25, a member of the Board of Trustees, whose two sons attended Harvey: Brooke Dodderidge and Maxwell Kesicki

Michael Lopes Poetry Contest and the Matthew Preston ’65 Recitation Prize was given to the winner of the Michael A. Lopes Annual Poetry Contest: Abigail Sirota (7th Grade)

Wells Speech Award given by Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wells in 1973: Emma Spada (7th Grade)

Class of 1981 Award for exemplary sportsmanship on the athletic field: Sophia Scarsella and Courtney Warren

Jack Hornor Prize endowed by Jack’s father, John W. Hornor, Esq., in honor of his son Jack Hornor ’29: Sanath Kumar

Alvah Innes Memorial English Prize named for Alvah Innes ’32 after he lost his fight with a severe infection: Luisa Waldstein-McCabe

Michael Stirling Duncan Memorial Cup in memory of Michael ’50 for the student with the greatest interest and enthusiasm for literature: Joseph DiGrandi (6th Grade)

Harvey Art Prize: Katie Ketner and Sara Hoffman

Faculty Music Prize: Maya Mehrara

Faculty History Prize: Shaun Morelock

Leverett T. Smith Memorial Award is named after our former Headmaster Leverett T. Smith, given in recognition for initiative and perseverance in the pursuit of some special interest during the school year: Karina Saxton (Martial Arts) and Alexander Breitenbach (Study of Mandarin and Scuba Diving)

20 Harvey Magazine Commencement 2015

Faculty Drama Prize: Zoe Lewis

Hickrill Science Prize, endowed in 1953 by Mrs. Robert Halsband and Frank Alan Weil ’44: Sebastian Wallach

Baoth Wiborg Memorial Prize in honor of Baoth Wiborg ’34, is presented each year for excellence in Latin: Elizabeth Mahony

Dr. and Mrs. Philip G. Cole Award in honor of their son Philip G. Cole ’34, to the student who has made the greatest all-around improvement: Andrew Lebowitz

Decemviri The top ten Middle School scholars for the past three trimesters, according to weighted grade averages.

The Almirall Scholarship Cup given in 1922 by the late Juan A. Almirall, Esq. for the student having the highest scholastic standing for the year. 1. Sanath Kumar

The Alumni Honor Cup for the greatest contributions to the life and work of the School: Alexander Ogg

2. Zoe Lewis

3. Elizabeth Mahony

4. Alexander Ogg

5. Maya Mehrara

6. Cameron Polemeni-Hegarty

7. Luisa Waldstein-McCabe

8. Katie Ketner

9. Sara Hoffman

10. Sophia Scarsella

The Harvey School 21




« Most Valuable Player | t Most Improved Player | l Sportsmanship Award | n Coaches Award As the regular season of this year’s spring sports campaign was winding down, the excitement and anticipation were mounting as two varsity teams were winning championships and two others were coming close to pulling off upsets for league titles. In their final season using town facilities as their home courts, the boys on the team tennis team captured their fourth consecutive Housatonic Valley Athletic League (HVAL) championship with a 5 to 3 victory against South Kent while the girls lacrosse team won its first ever HVAL championship, defeating arch rival Watkinson and avenging last season’s loss to the Lady Rams in the title game. The boys lacrosse team came close to getting a championship, losing 9–5 to South Kent who scored late goals to win the HVAL crown. The boys rugby team, by virtue of its defeat of powerhouse Pelham in the play-in game for the Tier 1 state championship tournament, moved into the elite company of NY Rugby’s top four teams and earned the right to play in Utica June 6–7. The Cavaliers, the Tier 1 tournament’s number-three seed, got their chance to play for a second consecutive state championship when they defeated number-two seed Fairport High School in Utica in Saturday’s semifinal. Our boys had their work cut out for them the next day, but the number-one seed Xavier, ranked number seven in the nation, blew open a close game in the second half of Sunday’s championship game and denied Harvey a state title, blanking the Cavaliers 38–0. Meanwhile, the baseball team pulled off an upset against Forman in the quarterfinals before losing in the semifinals to Masters of Connecticut. The girls tennis team, in only its third season, improved significantly upon last year’s record, and came very close to advancing to the semifinals before losing a 4–3 squeaker to Forman in the HVAL quarterfinals. At season’s end, the following athletes earned recognition from the league and from their respective coaches:

22 Harvey Magazine Commencement 2015

Spring Sports Awards Boys Varsity Tennis (13–1) HVAL All-League: Alec Roslin, Tyler Levy, HVAL All-League Honorable Mention: Zachary Goligoski, « Alec Roslin, t Daniel Qiu, Best Attitude: Tyler Levy, n Zachary Goligoski Girls Varsity Tennis (4–6) « Hannah Paul, t Giana Yang, l Nicole Warshaw Boys Varsity Rugby (8–2) Bravery: Rafael Tapia, Discipline: Reed Feldman, Jazz: Ilan Gressel, Ted O’Connor Alumni Award: John Cunningham, Dillon Singleton Girls Varsity Rugby (2–3) NJ/NY 15s All-Stars: Claudia Smith and Julia Frisch, NJ/NY 7s All-Star: Aila Prieto, All-League Rugby 15s: Jaeden McKenzie, « (Forward) Ariel Chiverton, « (Back) Aila Prieto, t (Forward) Alexis Palmer, t(Back) Katharine D’Avanzo, Rookie of the Year: Julia Frisch Girls Varsity Lacrosse (12–0) NEPSWLA All-Star: Aliya Mayers, Sophia Scarsella, WNEPSWLA All-Star: Sadie Albert, Tiaja Downer, HVAL AllLeague: Sophia Scarsella, Ariana Weaver, Julia Mallon, Aliya Mayers, Sadie Albert, « Sadie Albert, t Kelly McMorrow, Unsung Hero: Sophia Scarsella, n Liz Kavounas, Players Player: Tessa Knorr

Boys Lacrosse (5–7) HVAL All-League: Brian Benjamin, Tom Smith, Connor Wilson, « (Offense) Connor Wilson, « (Defense) Brian Benjamin, t Jovell Forsythe, n Thomas Smith, l John Mather, Iron Man: Michael DePass

The Harvey School 23

Boys JV Lacrosse (1–7) « (Offense) Tyler Cox, « (Defense) Connor Phillips, n Hunter Hoffman, t Hayden Carillo Varsity Baseball (3–11) HVAL All-League: Austin Forman, Silver Slugger: Jackson Roberts, Gold Glove: Austin Forman, n Marc Catanese, Marshall Euchner, « John Colangelo JV Baseball (4–3) « Victor Mizzaro, n Shawn Mallon, Silver Slugger: David Solano, Gold Glove: Jacob Reber Varsity Softball (2–5) WNEPSBGA All-Star: Taylor Williams, Silver Slugger: Jasmine Brouwer, Golden Glove: Taylor Williams, n Olivia Lindsay

Middle School Spring Sports Awards Baseball (5–3) « Ryan Horowitz, t Lucas Cohen, n Julian Camargo

24 Harvey Magazine Commencement 2015

2015 College

Matriculation American University Bennington College Brown University Connecticut College Drexel University Elon University Franklin and Marshall College Furman University Hofstra University Ithaca College James Madison University Lafayette College Lesley University McGill University Miami University, Oxford

Nichols College Ohio Wesleyan University Pennsylvania State University, University Park Quinnipiac University Rollins College Sacred Heart University Savannah College of Art and Design School of the Museum of Fine Arts Seattle University Skidmore College St. Thomas Aquinas College SUNY College at Cortland SUNY College at Geneseo SUNY University at Stony Brook

Syracuse University Temple University The University of Scranton The University of Tampa Tulane University University of Connecticut University of Maryland, College Park University of Miami University of Pittsburgh University of Wisconsin, Madison Virginia Commonwealth University Wake Forest University Wheaton College MA

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Congratulations Class of 2015 Alexander Bae Skye Bell Jake Berkson Jordan Bolduc Lindsay Cardaci Marc Catanese Julia Chatzky Matanel Cohen- Weinberg John Colangelo Megan Connolly Brianna Cummings John Cunningham

Caroline Daniele Chauncey Dewey Tiaja Downer Courtney Duker Turner Eifert Marshall Euchner Austin Forman Briana Frieri Brett Gantt Thomas Gattuso Taylor Grodin Alexandra Hannover Baily Hersh

Richard Hicks Sacha Kantor Carly Kaplan Brendan Kneitz Julia Kravitz Keith Lambert Alfredo Liendo Olivia Lindsay Elizabeth Macari Samuel Mackiewicz John Mather Aliya Mayers Kevin McCarroll

Shelby Moore Eamon Murphy Sophia Nahon Mary Nichols Alexis Palmer Arianna Pilla Jackson Roberts Ally Rosenfeld Benjamin Rubin Anthony Rusciano Angelique Santiago Jameson Scarsella Mark Siegel

Alexis Sikorski Dillon Singleton Morgan Smyth Joseph Sorrentino Laura Spung Matthew Tuckner Sarah Walden Ariana Weaver Alexandra Wiener Connor Wilson Tahmineh Zanders

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