The Harvey School Magazine Spring 2013

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HARVEY magazine | Spring 2013

Serving & Sharing a Harvey tradition


Board of Trustees Eileen Walker, Chair Philip Bowers ’70 Capital Campaign Chair Daniel K. Chapman ’73 President, Alumni Association Thomas E. Dodd Barry W. Fenstermacher President & Secretary Edward W. Kelly Charles A. Krasne, Treasurer

Raymond G. Kuntz Jeffrey Lasdon Maury A. Leone Vice Chair Christopher Linneman Edward Maluf Thomas J. McCrossan Jane Petty Joseph Plummer William B. Roberts ’51

Wallace L. Schwartz Elizabeth Sorenson Karen Walant President, Parents’ Association J. Eric Wise Samar Zuaiter Frank A. Weil ’44, Honorary Alice DeSomma, Emerita

Features 5 Harvey: Committed to Community Service


8 Alumni Community Outreach

9 Our Campus Is a Hub of Community Activity

10 The Jewel on the Quad

12 Eileen Walker: A Model of Dedication + Commitment to Others



2 Letter from the Editor 3 Letter to the Editor 4 Message from the Headmaster 14 Cavalier Clippings


25 Sports Roundup 28 Faculty Focus

28 Q&A with Faculty/Staff 30 Middle School Perspective 30 Upper School Perspective

32 Parent View

34 Alumni Executive Council Daniel K. Chapman ’73 President, Alumni Association Nanette Baratta ’82 Diana Bondy ’05 Thomas E. Dodd Harvey teacher 1965–75 Philip A. Eifert ’73 Alexander P. McKown ’57 Ward Meehan ’98

34 Play It Again, Harvey

37 Student Insight 38 From the Archives

40 Alumni Quiz

42 Alumni News Seth Morton ’57 Brian Ryerson ’05 Geoffrey R. Wiener ’32 Emeritus Sally Breckenridge Director of Alumni Relations

43 Recent Events 48 Class Notes 62 In Memoriam



The Harvey School 260 Jay Street Katonah, NY 10536 914-232-3161 HeaDmaSter

Barry W. Fenstermacher DireCtOr OF DeVeLOpment

Laura Prichard eDitOr-in-CHieF

Chris Del Campo aLumni eDitOr

Sally Breckenridge Feature Writer

Julia Halewicz COntriButOrS

Vinny Alexander, Mark Brandon, Carole Bonicelli, John French III ’47, Hank Johnson ’63, Patrick Kennedy, Stephanie Metz, Amie Phillips, William Porter, Spyros Root ’63, Jeanne Schumacher, Denise Smith, Ingrid Wittmann CHieF pHOtOgrapHer

Gabe Palacio Photography COntriButing pHOtOgrapHerS

Lesley Boltz, Carole Bonicelli, John Brooks, John DePalma, Duke University Athletic Department, Susan Harris, Deborah O’Brien, Amie Phillips, Laura Prichard, Jeanne Puchir, David Rubenfeld DeSigner

Good Design LLC

letter from the eDitor As we distribute this, our fourth issue, not counting the summer’s special commencement edition, I marvel at how quickly time has flown since our inaugural issue in January 2012. We have now completed a two-year cycle of issues. We hope you have enjoyed reading about Harvey’s past and present, and enjoyed, too, the many photos that tell such vivid stories of the many chapters in Harvey’s extraordinary history. Nothing speaks more to the extraordinary life of our school than the many selfless actions by countless members of the Harvey community, past and present, in the service of helping others, especially those in direst need. While I have been affiliated with Harvey since 1993 , when I came on board as the summer camp director, it was not until 2008, when I joined the ranks of the school staff, that I came to know that a great part of the Harvey character is performing service to others. Harvey students not only follow the lead of staff members who suggest a cause, but more often it is the students themselves who take the initiative to perform some community service. The articles in this issue capture that sense of commitment to serve others among our students and alumni. We also thought it appropriate to celebrate a tangent theme to Harvey’s dedication to responding to the needs of others. For so many years, Harvey has shared its beautiful campus and wonderful facilities with the community at large. Harvey has offered area residents many opportunities to enjoy Evarts Rink, R.K. Fields and the other playing fields, the Walker Center for the Arts, and our athletic facilities. In its first year, the athletic center has hosted a New York Knicks clinic and camp and an antique show. A long time Katonah resident, watching his son participate in the clinic, came up to me and said, “Harvey’s always just been ‘that school up on the hill from the rink.’ It’s great that you’re offering this.” Offering members of the local community opportunities to enjoy our athletic center was part of Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher’s vision in proposing and planning the Athletic Center. At the groundbreaking, Bedford Town Supervisor Lee Roberts told the audience that she appreciated the Headmaster’s vision and acknowledged how much Harvey is a part of the community. And so we dedicate this issue to all of those in Harvey’s past and present who have given of themselves, their time and their talents, to help others in need. We salute those who have helped create opportunities to share the jewels of our campus with the community. If you recall a community service initiative that you would like to share with our readers, please let us know. We also encourage you to tell us what you like about our magazine, to give us some feedback on the articles within, or to offer suggestions for future features. Please read the wonderful letter we received from John French ’47 after reading out last issue (see opposite page). Send your letters: Harvey Magazine, The Harvey School, 260 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536, or email us at Also, please email us (if you have not done so already) to say whether you would rather receive the online version of the magazine. Sincerely,


Printech Stamford, Conn. 2 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

Chris Del Campo, Editor-in-Chief

letter to the eDitor We received the following letter and photos from John French, Harvey class of 1947, after our last edition with its article on Ernest Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition. We live in an amazingly small world, and we encourage all of you to share your experiences or thoughts on articles we publish. “I particularly enjoyed your Winter 2013 issue. It had pictures of my roommate Bert Lachmann ’47 and an article on the hockey rink where I was one of the group that put it together and first chairman of the boys hockey program. I was particularly pleased to read that the school presented the story of Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition, which should be read by all and more than once. I trust the book Endurance was part of the presentation. “As it turns out, I was in the Antarctic last month on board the Sea Adventurer, an expedition ship stressed for Antarctic waters, including double hulls for ice penetration and a bridge that is both higher and further back than the bridges on other cruise ships. I say this because just ahead of us was the Silver Explorer, with more than 60 Hotchkiss students aboard, among others, and we both went through an Antarctic hurricane with winds approaching 100 mph and waves over 60 feet high. Our captain took us through the waves at a slight angle, whereas the Silver Explorer went head-on and its bridge was hit directly by a 60-foot wave that broke windows, seriously injuring the captain and, to a lesser extent, three of his crew, and soaked its electronics with saltwater. The ship had to turn back and cancel the rest of its voyage. We had a rough few days, but our ship completed its voyage. “Part of our voyage was to follow Shackleton’s trip in reverse from South Georgia Island to Elephant Island. They experienced at least one such hurricane, and I can’t imagine how they survived in three open boats to Elephant Island, over several months. Shackleton then went with five others in a lifeboat named the James Caird which also experienced such a storm over its 17-day voyage to South Georgia. You really have to be there to appreciate winds in excess of 80 mph in below-freezing temperatures, constantly beset by huge waves in an open lifeboat. What skill and courage he demonstrated. “I’m enclosing a couple of pictures, one showing the place on Elephant Island where Shackleton placed his crew, who then lived for a considerable time in the caves and under two overturned lifeboats with hundreds of penguins all over the area, which were plentiful enough then to keep them alive during their encampment. “The week before, we passed the place on South Georgia Island where Shackleton landed after 17 days, despite having one good day for navigation, overcast and stormy the rest of the time, to reach a small island in a wide-open ocean. As you know, he and two others hiked over the South Georgia mountains, which are quite rugged, to reach the whaling station on the other side. We would like to publish your Twenty years later, a well-equipped mountaineering team made the same trip comments and stories (letters may and had trouble completing it. be edited for length and clarity). “I hope Endurance becomes a part of the Harvey curriculum. It is an exercise in leadership and courage and should be an example to us all.” Harvey Magazine —John French ’47 The Harvey School

tell us wHat you tHink!

260 Jay Street, Katonah, NY, 10536, Or email us at: The Harvey School 3


message from the heaDmaster

Caring and Sharing

nOt unLiKe an inSuranCe COmpanY Or mr. rOgerS, HarVeY HaS OFten Seen itSeLF aS a gOOD neigHBOr.

Not unlike an insurance company or Mr. Rogers, Harvey has often seen itself as a good neighbor. Though we don’t loan cups of sugar to our neighbors, we are deeply committed to holding up our end of neighborly responsibilities. For many years our campus has been open for informal recreation like sledding or hiking. Our town youth leagues in junior soccer, softball and other sports have used our fields. We’ve hosted the centennial fireworks show for our village of Katonah. Other non-profits have used our facilities, from our rink to The Walker Center for the Arts and now our new Athletic Center for education, celebration and fundraising. For many years Harvey’s human resources have crisscrossed our area, as well. Local service opportunities have included tutoring, school-wide Habitat for Humanity projects, Hurricane Sandy relief work, town cleanup, Winter Carnival for local children, toy drives for the children of inmates at the women’s prison, New Orleans relief work, and fundraising for international and national disasters. The list grows each year. Why do Harvey faculty and students do these things? The cynical among us might say students do these things to enhance their college chances, and faculty members participate because it is their job. Truly cynical. Though it is true we all gain experience by volunteering that might enhance a résumé or augment normal work duties, I submit the answer lies elsewhere. Harvey has interconnected layers of volunteerism that flow throughout our community. Trustees volunteer, parents volunteer, faculty and staff volunteer, and most certainly our students volunteer. This sense of helping and sharing is highly visible every day, and those new to Harvey soon catch the spirit. All of the contributions made to our larger world begin, of course, with our people. What came first? The members of this community who can’t wait to help others, or did the venues for such help inspire all of us? I suppose it truly doesn’t matter. The goodness that flows from this school every day knows no limit—we affect eternity—who knows where this helping spirit will end?

Barry W. Fenstermacher, Headmaster 4 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

Harvey: Committed to

Community Service By Julia Halewicz

It was another notable year of caring and giving to our neighbors in need. Harvey students and staff helped raise more than $5,000 this year to benefit charities, some right next door and some halfway around the world. The Community Service Club’s 3rd Annual Children’s Carnival for Charity in February collected $2,500 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and Pencils of Promise, while the Diversity Club raised $2,500 from a studentproduced fashion show to benefit the nonprofit Ubuntu Africa. Fundraisers such as bake sales and the annual food drive and winter coat collections, the holiday toy drive to benefit the children of inmates at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility, and many other endeavors speak to the great generosity and goodwill of Harvey students and staff. And then there are the countless hours devoted to securing these donations, working to help others beyond Harvey’s campus in neighborhood improvement projects in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity, or tutoring young children in Bedford Village Elementary School. “Giving back to the community is important. The Harvey experience allows our students to leave their comfort zone both in and outside of class. Volunteering affords our students with the ability to bring back their experiences and affect our community in a positive way,” said Mr. Phil Lazzaro, no stranger to community service, having taken the rugby team, along with Head Coach Mr. Mark Brandon, to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and to Texas to rehabilitate a church during their spring training trips. “The student-athletes receive a great deal from working and helping others. A sense of accomplishment runs through the squad.

They also appreciate what they have and where they come from a bit more, as well,” said Mr. Lazzaro. Building has become one of the primary means through which Harvey students learn to connect. After graduation, 15 students traveled to Costa Rica where they worked alongside residents to build the foundation of a community center and paint school rooms. Ms. Vicki Weisman, one of the Spanish teachers who accompanied the students, says the volunteerism component asks students to reach beyond their comfort zones and immerse themselves in the local language and culture.

The Harvey School 5

The meaning of Ubuntu captures the essence of human connection:

we exist as we are because of each other.

6 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

“In addition to experiencing another corner of our world, such trips provide the basis for increased cultural understanding and awareness, and are often the inspiration for them to become lifelong language learners,” said Ms. Weisman. If you were around campus this past winter term, you’d know that senior Chinasa “CeCe” Nwokocha staged a fashion show to benefit Ubuntu Africa, whose mission is to provide health care services to children with HIV and AIDS. The meaning of Ubuntu captures the essence of human connection: we exist as we are because of each other. That spirit has become part of the fabric of The Harvey School’s mission to develop in students a sense of responsibility for the world around them. Martha Handler, a Harvey parent who was instrumental in bringing Ubuntu Africa to the school, understands the value those firsthand experiences can have in shaping a student’s life. Convincing her own children to volunteer was not always easy. Although Mrs. Handler is an active volunteer herself, it was only after meeting Ubuntu Africa founder Whitney Johnson in Cape Town, South Africa, and shadowing her for a day that the Handler children realized that they could make a difference. Seeing is often believing. For CeCe, the global health crisis became a passion after hearing the Ubuntu founder speak. Connecting to Whitney Johnson’s young age and sheer determination to make a difference, CeCe mobilized her schoolmates to stage a fashion show in Harvey’s Lasdon Theater that raised more than $2,500. Ubuntu Africa Development Director Robyn Deutsch said the funds will go to Ubuntu Africa’s daily operations and help sustain the program. Students from the newly formed Diversity Club participated in the fashion show and showcased the breadth of talent and backgrounds that defines the club. Johnson, in Africa at the time of the show, called efforts like CeCe’s “inspiring.” Visiting the school on March 5, Johnson called on all students to act. “Everyone has gifts, talents and passions they can share with other people,” she said. “All of my kids have embraced Ubuntu, and continue to seek ways both big and small that they can help. It seems to flow naturally when you find a passion that you care about,” said Mrs. Handler. The Harvey community’s passion is a desire to make a difference in the world, to assist those who need help, and to perpetuate a tradition of altruism deeply rooted in our past that inspires us to be a caring, giving neighbor to those near and far. H

alumni community outreach Long after the days of progress reports and extra help, Harvey graduates carry the tradition of giving back with them in their everyday lives. Whether they lend their generosity to Hiv-infected children in South africa or to the local symphony, our alumni know the importance of helping others.

Alumni Abroad:

timothy K. Stanton ’61 has devoted his life to service. As the director of Stanford University’s Bing Overseas Studies Program in Cape Town, South Africa, Stanton blends coursework with service learning and community-based partnership research in Western Cape townships and informal communities. Through the program, students are introduced to the people, history, politics and culture of post-apartheid South Africa by working in partnership with local community leaders, activists and development professionals (find out more at Stanton was also a Visiting Senior Fellow at the John Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities, a community-based research program in the School of Education, and founder or the Scholarly Concentration in Community Health and Public Service at the School of Medicine. In 1999, he published, Service-Learning: A Movement’s Pioneers Reflect on Its Origins, Practice, and Future, which explores the roots of a movement that sought to connect higher education with the desire to change the country.

In South Africa, ashley Morganthal ’05 worked with an organization called Cotlands over the summer doing psychotherapy and conducting psychological assessments to HIV-positive orphans in the area of Soweto, Johannesburg. Morganthal raised more than $1,300 in necessities for the children, including school clothing and supplies, food and warm blankets.

nanette Baratta ’82 went to Namibia two years ago with a group of students from Carthage College in Wisconsin. There, she visited a refuge for AIDSvulnerable children run by the Oonte OVC Organization, near the Angolan border, and planted Hope Gardens. Baratta returned this June to chaperone female students.

andy Pratt ’66 volunteered as a freelance videographer in Guatemala to shoot a documentary concerning Maya radio and their struggles for legalization. When a hurricane is about to strike or a fire breaks out, nearly a million Mayan listeners now can hear the warning in nearly all of their 22 indigenous languages as well as in Spanish. In addition to making public announcements, Guatemala’s 168 indigenous stations broadcast news and programs on environmental, health and human rights issues, as well as music and entertainment. Supporting Cultural Survival in their efforts, the team at Interlock Media filmed the basic operations of Mayan topics. “This community outreach project was extremely satisfying and educational. To hear the stories of the 36-year civil war opened my eyes to such a different world,” Pratt said. In Guatemala City, he interviewed numerous legislators including Rios Montt, who is currently on trial for genocide, “a somewhat chilling experience,” he said. Later, Pratt spent time in Todos Santo, a Mayan village high in the mountains, where he met Rosendo Ramirez, a man dedicated to the cultural survival of his people through radio. His life story was and continues to be an inspiration for Pratt. Watch the video at productions/guatemala/guatemala.php.

The Harvey School 7

robert C. doherty ’44 has turned his

The Homefront:

Closer to home, Spencer Wiesner ’09 volunteers for the Goldens Bridge Fire Department when he’s not at St. Lawrence University serving as a firefighter, EMT and ambulance driver. Because of his volunteerism, Wiesner serves as director/chief of St. Lawrence University’s Emergency Medical Services.

Joshua B. Linder ’03 has been involved in two community outreach activities through his company. He volunteered to teach a series of classes on personal finance and money management to fourth and fifth graders at a local school in Maryland as part of the Junior Achievement program, and helped plant trees at Arlington Cemetery, volunteering through Casey Trees.

Matthew S. tractenburg ’89 moved to Silicon Valley for a job with Cisco Systems after finishing business school. To get involved in the community, Tractenburg wanted to volunteer. “I felt that if I could pair a social issue I felt strongly about with a skill set I held, perhaps I could make an impact,” he said. Tractenburg connected with IISME (Industry Initiatives for Science and Math Education), a nonprofit serving the Bay Area that specializes in placing science and math teachers from high-needs school districts with paid internships at local technology firms. Educators are required to structure lesson plans around their summer work and bring their new knowledge back to the classroom. Tractenburg served as treasurer of the organization until his family moved to St. Louis in 2012. “Choose something you’re passionate about and that utilizes a skill with which you can provide value. Craig Barrett, the former chairman and CEO of Intel, used to say, ‘We can do well, and do good,’—a simple statement that I try to remember. You can be both successful and make a difference in the lives of others,” said Tractenburg.

attention to his current community in North Carolina. He’s been on the board of the North Carolina Symphony and is a longtime board member of the North Carolina Museum of History. “Both institutions do a remarkable job of outreach to the school kids of the state,” said Doherty. The orchestra travels nearly 15,000 miles annually to perform for school children, and the museum hosts more than 60,000 students a year. Adding to his volunteerism, Doherty has just joined the board of the Audubon Society. “This all becomes more and more important as less and less time and fewer and fewer resources are devoted to such subject matter in the public school curriculum,” he said. In 2006, John G. davis ’50 was awarded the Malcolm Haven Award for Selfless Giving for his philanthropic work. “I have made ‘giving back’ a major part of my life, including spending thousands of hours doing design and administrative work for the Tennis Hall of Fame when it was struggling in the ’70s and ’80s,” said Davis. Putting his trust to work, Davis, a graphic designer, has donated money, time and talent to many nonprofits in Charleston and beyond. He also has made four trips to Honduras as a medical mission volunteer.

Gary d. Cerasi ’71 applied his expertise to his volunteer efforts as a member of his local Lions Club in Broadview Heights, Ohio. “We run a local haunted house called Bloodview. It has been up and running for 32 years. It is completely run for charitable purposes and has raised over $1.3 million for charity,” said Cerasi, who served as manager of the event for seven years. Cerasi raised revenue from $100,000 to $160,000 and boosted support to local food centers, agencies that support the blind, Lions National, and hurricane relief programs. H

“Choose something you’re passionate about and that utilizes a skill with which

you can provide value.” 8 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

—Matthew S. tractenburg ’89

our campus is a hub of community

activity By Julia Halewicz


he new athletic center was host to a different kind of sport April 5 when the community converged to shop for a cause at the Bedford Spring Antiques Show. Hosted for the first time at The Harvey School, the event kicked off with a preview party and silent auction at the Walker Center for the Arts before opening to the public. The show benefited Harvey’s neighbor, St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Bedford. “We built the athletic center with the idea that it would be about more than just sports games. We want to open the facility to the community,” said Athletic Director Mark Brandon. “For Harvey, being a good neighbor means opening our doors to the public,” added Business Manager Michael Drude. The school regularly allows the town of Katonah and surrounding communities to use our fields for Gaelic football, softball and lacrosse. In return, Harvey is able to use

the tennis courts at the Katonah Town Park until the school builds its own tennis courts. “The town is wonderful to us,” said Mr. Brandon. “Without the town, we couldn’t support our tennis program.” The Maxwell Evarts Ice Hockey Rink hosts public skate sessions during the holidays and gave the Rye Mariners a place to practice when Hurricane Sandy destroyed their home rink. “We want to support local youth sports at a time when there are not enough youth sports facilities today,” said Mr. Brandon. “It’s important for people to see the campus and find out about the dynamic and important things that happen here,” said Mr. Drude. H

The Harvey School 9

it is important to the

jewel on the Quad


hose of us who have been a part of the Harvey community for the past seven years, at least, know about our “campus jewel,” which offers more than 20,000 square feet of instructional space dedicated to arts education, in a contemporary brick building at the top of the quad. The Walker Center for the Arts, with its great-pitched tin roof and tall windows on every side, is a symbol of architectural excellence that represents The Harvey School’s commitment to arts education. When other schools are cutting programs and eliminating music budgets, Harvey sustains a program in a state-of-the-art facility where students can be creative, express themselves and learn lifelong communications skills. The Walker Center hosts a number of concerts, programs and shows in its unique Lasdon Theater, an intimate, flexible performance space. The fine arts are also alive and vibrant with classes in photography, drawing, painting, glass fusion and sculpture. The works of both middle and upper school students line the halls, and both divisions present a formal art show each year. The Walker Center has also become a place for members of the community to celebrate the arts. People outside of our school are now venturing beyond the rink and lower fields and discovering the upper campus. Local dance and theater companies rent the facility, thus supporting Harvey’s mission and philosophy of arts education by attracting people who never knew there was something for them to enjoy on the upper campus of “that school up on the hill.” Now, families outside of our school community come in the evenings and on weekends for classes in music and

10 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

theater and other arts-based programs presented by outside professional instructors and artists whose talents contribute to the high quality of instruction. In the summer, the Center is the focal point of Harvey’s arts camp program, which began in 1996. The camp, like the school, is committed to helping young people realize their potential. Since 2006, when the Arts Center opened, campers have expressed a sense of awe and wonder when they enter the building. They know that something great is in store for them, and rush to class ready for creative adventures. Last summer, the Harvey Cavalier Camp sponsored classes by Westchester Circus Arts. Proprietor Hilary Sweeny enjoyed working at Harvey so much that she established a satellite circus arts program at the Walker Center, teaching teenagers and adults the art of body movement using aerial silks. Every Monday evening, the daring take to the air, climbing the height of the theater to study the acrobatics and dance skills that define the aerial arts. Ms. Sweeny’s collaboration with the school is one of many such efforts that make The Harvey School a hub of arts activity and education. “It is important to share our facility with the community,” says Performing Arts Chairman Vinny Alexander, who oversees the public’s use of the center. “There are so many theater companies, dance schools and music groups that struggle to find an affordable venue to showcase their work. Harvey offers a great service to these organizations.” Patrick Concilio and John Leonard are the co-owners of Spotlight Theatre Productions, an all-volunteer community

share our facility with the community theater, consisting of local talent. “They are committed to presenting the best of community theater, by the people, for the people,” said Mr. Alexander. Spotlight, which was established in 1996, used the Lasdon Theater for its production of Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5 in November and then returned in May to perform Mel Brook’s Young Frankenstein. “It was a fabulous experience,” said Concilio, the president and artistic director of Spotlight, adding that the Walker Center served his company’s needs very well. “The atmosphere is so warm, inviting and charming. The arts center staff is accommodating, knowledgeable and professional. The accessibility and parking at the arts center are fabulous, and their performance space is excellent.” Concilio muses that seeing a Spotlight production at The Harvey School is a nice alternative to the rising prices of Broadway show, adding, “We are so very happy and proud to make The Harvey School’s performing arts center a home for Spotlight Theatre. We look forward to presenting more shows there in the future.” Dance schools also have found a stage in the Lasdon Theater. The Penny Lane Dance Academy rents the space for its winter musical production. “The Arts Center at Harvey has been a home away from home for Penny Lane for the past three years,” explained Andi McCormack, the group’s president and co-owner. “We love this space. It is an amazing theater with a warm, helpful staff.” Mr. Alexander had the idea and vision to create a house theater company using people from Harvey and the surrounding communities. From this concept, the Teen Theatre Company at Harvey was born. The group started earlier in the year, rehearsing on Saturdays. Young actors from The Harvey School and other area high schools met once a week, culminating their efforts with a production of Winnie the Pooh, which played to a large audience of young children and their parents who came from many towns in and around Westchester.

Mr. Alexander believes that by producing children’s theater, Harvey can help encourage a new generation of theatergoers and also secure its place as a community cultural center. Harvey’s Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher says that the facilities like the arts center and the new athletic center were built so that the educational spaces matched the level of educational instruction. He envisioned the Walker Center for the Arts to have a twofold purpose. He first saw it as a doorway to the study of imagination and creativity. It is so well equipped that Harvey students have the advantage of studying in a one-of-a-kind high school arts facility. The experimental theater, the art rooms, dance studio and private music practice spaces offer students a chance to develop their talents. The second purpose for the center is to offer the community the same level of instruction and the opportunity to collaborate with students and teachers at the school. The Walker Center for the Arts continues to grow, adding new classes and programs during and after the academic day. The Center has become a real draw in the community. Most events play to capacity houses, and many see the school as a leader in arts education. There are arts events almost every weekend. “Harvey is committed to student creativity and developing young people who think outside the box,” said Mr. Alexander. “The school supports, celebrates and promotes young people who are critical thinkers, expressive and not afraid to take risks. The Walker Center for the Arts has established a creative atmosphere where students can thrive.” H

The Harvey School 11

Eileen a modeL of dedIcatIon + commItment to others


ith Harvey making service to others and sharing our campus jewels with our neighbors an integral part of what defines us, how fitting it is that these values are reflected so clearly in the life and work of a woman who leads us and serves as a model of dedication and commitment to others. Eileen Walker considers herself a professional volunteer. Harvey’s chair of the board of trustees was working at IBM in human resources and raising her two children with her husband, future founder Jay Walker, when she decided it was time for a change. When demands at home and at work converged, Mrs. Walker gave up her job to raise her children, Evan ’03 and Lindsey ’05, both Harvey graduates. What would come next was unknown. The unknown turned out to be the PTA. “So you’re getting into politics,” Mrs. Walker recalled her mother saying. “I didn’t understand what she meant.” A few lessons learned later—it turns out more people will voice their opinion on how to build a playground set than respond to the latest research on brain development. As board chair, Mrs. Walker is currently focusing on a new strategic plan for the school. If schools are in the business of creating people, then Mrs. Walker’s B.A. in industrial and organizational psychology and an MBA concentrating on organization theory and management set the framework for her approach to running the Harvey board. “If you ask a finance guy what it starts

12 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

with, he’d say a widget, but my background makes me think it’s people,” she said. For Harvey, that means focusing on attracting excellent teachers and providing for a diverse educational experience. “To protect the mission is really our primary job,” she said. “Making sure we are really investing in the right areas for the resources we have. Are there ways we can enhance the pipeline of students who want to come here?” In addition to her work with Harvey, Mrs. Walker serves on the executive committee of the board of Cornell University, her alma mater, where she chairs the Alumni Affairs Committee and is a member of the Dean’s Advisory Council. Her connection to Cornell began with her father, who was a professor there. Mrs. Walker describes her work with nonprofits as challenging as was her time with IBM. “The reward is greater,” she said. She also serves as chair of the Ridgefield Visiting Nurse Association, and as an advisor to Wildlife in Crisis, an animal rescue and rehab center in Western Connecticut, and Kids in Crisis, a social service organization that supports children who cannot live at home. She also is active in the Women’s Center of Greater Danbury, which focuses on domestic violence issues. With her time spent on so many important organizations, one of her greatest pleasures has been watching Harvey grow and seeing the faculty so excited and engaged. “It’s a special place,” she said. H

“If you ask a finance guy what it starts with, he’d say a widget, but my background makes me think it’s


cavalierclippings news from the harvey campus & community

One Founders Day Closer to Centennial With the celebration of Founders Day on February 11, Harvey moved another year closer to the school’s centennial. At the annual gathering and cake-cutting ceremony honoring Dr. Herbert Carter and his wife, Mabel, who founded the school in 1916, Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher took the opportunity to remind the entire student body and staff that the 100-year celebration is getting close, and noting that the 2015–16 school year marking Harvey’s 100th birthday promises to be filled with “exciting and wonderful times.” Two of the students newest to the Founders Day tradition, sixth-grade middle school students Andrew Lebowitz and Karina Saxton, being the youngest boy and girl in the student body, had the honor of being the first to partake in the celebratory cake. Andrew said he was nervous to get all the attention. “It’s not like I did anything special, but I was glad I was selected,” he said. Added Karina, “It

14 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

was really cool.” When told that her name will be forever recorded as part of the school’s history, she quipped, “I guess I’ll be Harvey famous. I’ll be able to look back on this day and feel like someone special.” Dr. Carter and his wife founded the residential school to help provide an education for their son, who suffered from a weak heart. They believed Herbert Jr. would thrive in a freshair environment that a rural setting would provide. The Carters named the school after Sir William Harvey, a 17th-century English physician noted as the first to describe the mechanics of blood circulation. As part of this year’s Founders Day festivities, Mr. Fenstermacher also revealed the winner of his Headmaster’s Challenge. He had asked the student body to identify and describe in 25 words or fewer what they thought was the greatest invention in history. The 110 responses he received ran the gamut from electricity

to the Internet, but the Headmaster found the answers from three students to be the most thoughtful. The first honorable mention went to sixthgrader Jason Lee for naming prosthetics. Freshman Julia Slater was the second honorable mention for suggesting antibiotics. The winning suggestion came from Alex Breitenbach. The sixth-grader said language was the greatest invention of humankind. In keeping with tradition, the Founders Day cake was served for dessert at lunch for all to enjoy.

KMA Showcases Art of Harvey Seniors Three seniors were honored by having their artwork recognized in the “Young Artists Exhibition” at the Katonah Museum of Art (KMA) this past spring. Lauren Stein, Natalie Ullman and Benjamin Walant represented Harvey in KMA’s annual show, which celebrates the art of seniors from the museum’s member high schools in Westchester, Putnam, Rockland, Dutchess and Fairfield counties. Their teacher, Fine Arts Chair Carole Bonicelli, said, “It’s always a pleasure

for me to have gifted and motivated students together in the same class. These students shared a common work ethic, but they approached projects from completely different viewpoints. This diversity made the exchange of ideas stimulating and classes exciting.” In the fall, Lauren will study at Parsons, Natalie at the Chicago Art Institute, and Benjamin at Rhode Island School of Design.

Seven for Seven At Harvey we are accustomed to admitting students from Bedford or Chappaqua or even as far away as New York City, but this fall we will be welcoming new students from Nanjing, Guangzhou, Guiyang and Shanghai! Thanks to our partnership with the Cambridge Institute of International Education, our Admissions Office has identified, interviewed and accepted seven Chinese students who have enrolled and will arrive in August to attend classes starting in September. Admissions Director Bill Porter met three of our first seven international students during his November trip to

China, while the others were identified by Cambridge and interviewed via Skype. The three girls and four boys are all ninth and tenth graders; they will live in our dormitories during the week and stay with Harvey host families on the weekends. This first group of students enrolled through our new International Student Program (ISP) will continue their studies at Harvey through graduation and participate in the school’s commencement day ceremony with their respective class. Also, Mr. Porter has announced the hiring of Julia Gooding, most recently Harvey’s liaison at the Cambridge Institute, to serve as our school’s ISP

coordinator and double as a part-time member of the admissions staff. Ms. Gooding, who is fluent in Mandarin Chinese, is a graduate of Colgate University and has a master’s degree in international education policy from Harvard. She was a recipient of a Fulbright Grant to study and travel in China. Mr. Porter said, “We look forward with great excitement to this bold new chapter in Harvey’s history.”

The Harvey School 15

Eighth-Grade Letter Writing

Again this spring, the eighth-grade English classes (with 41 students) wrote letters to everyone in the class of 1963 (their 50th year since leaving Harvey), and some in the class of 1968. By the time of this publication deadline, responses had been received from Walter “Hank” Johnson ’63 (to Sammy Feuerstein ), Scott Reiniger ’63 (to JoJo Greenwood), Spyros Root ’63 (to Abigail Merrit), Charles Agnew ’68 (to Emma Carillo), and Jonathan Wells ’68 (to Brian Alvarado). Excerpts from two letters are below (see page 52 for others). (From Spyros Root ’63): “I do remember one teacher, Mr. Shea, who was the Latin teacher and was extremely strict and demanding, but

16 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

once my family ran into him at church on Sunday and invited him back to our house for breakfast, I saw another side to Mr. Shea and understood better his desire to stimulate us to learn. I ended up studying, in my next school, Latin for four more years, two more than were obligatory at that time. Maybe that enthusiasm was in part thanks to Mr. Shea. “Actually, for years, as I understand, I held the record for most ‘marks,’ which was a crazy demerit system where, even for forgetting one’s notebook for jotting down your homework, you could get marks. For each mark, you had to walk about 200 yards during sports time. So, I didn’t do much in the way of sports other than walking around and around that demerit route. “I had another teacher who was sports [coach] there, Bill Magnan, who taught me wrestling. Bill organized a canoe trip through the Maine wilderness on the Allagash River, where we left one town and, after having paddled and hauled the canoes and cut wood and fished for six

weeks, we got to the next town. This was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life; I made the trip three summers. I loved it. But I understand that the lumber companies have severely damaged the Allagash region. “My favorite teacher, however, was perhaps Neville Davis, who taught English and had us write compositions on such subjects as ‘Materialism’ or ‘Planned Obsolescence.’ I had no idea what these concepts even meant; those were real learning experiences and, as you see, I have never forgotten them! “Oh, yes, I was impressed that you have studied Spanish. Languages are great in that they allow us not only to communicate but to discover other ways of thinking and seeing life and the world. I speak three more or less well and a fourth not so well. I have tried to learn four other ones (including Arabic, which is really, really difficult!). Even though they were too difficult for me and I didn’t learn to speak and write them, I learned a lot about the world and other cultures.”

(From Walter “Hank” Johnson ’63): “I was thrilled to get your letter. The world around the time I went first to Harvey was a different place. Eisenhower was president, the Cold War was raging, and the news was dominated by racial tension, demonstrations and violence. “A little background ... I graduated in 1963. You picked someone with a lot of history at Harvey. In addition to me, I had two brothers there and one son. My father was chairman of the board, and my mother was the daytime school nurse. I have stayed close to many. “I first went to Harvey the year the Katonah campus opened. The main building was a beautiful estate house, which later burned. To the left of the front door was the office of the headmaster, Lev Smith, where I had my interview. What became the library was a large, beautifully paneled room between the main building and the dining room. The dorms, the headmaster’s house and the classrooms were the only other facilities completed. There was no gym or hockey rink. We played hockey

on a pond to the right of the driveway entrance. The first year, for basketball, we used to get bused to the old abandoned campus in Hawthorne. The gym was completed by my second year. Little of the faculty housing existed. “There was no social media, no computer, and no cell phone. I was a day student. We had a one-hour study hall from 5–6 before we went home. We didn’t talk, but furiously passed notes. It took some effort to get one across the room without getting caught. In class, if you stepped out of line or talked, the teacher would point at you and say, “Marks.” Marks were worked off after class around a course, one lap for each mark. It was run by Mr. Shea, the Latin teacher, a favorite of mine. “The Neperan/Pocantico competition was more intense than now. We competed in all sports at the end of each season and in special sports that occurred throughout the year. Academic records were assigned a score, totaled and posted by team at the end of the grading period. Special events, like debates, were included.

“I loved Shackleton and read Endurance many times, along with every other book on his trip. I went to the Falklands on business and stayed the weekend after work to research the war and Shackleton. If you like Shackleton, read Lost in Shangri La, a more recent true story about three Americans lost during WWII in New Guinea for months. “I had two classmates who were part of world history. When Castro came to power, many families left Cuba, and Jose Macia ’64 came to Harvey and became my best friend and later roommate at Canterbury. One day, at lunch, Macia was called to the headmaster’s office, and told his father had been killed in the Bay of Pigs invasion. When the Hungarians revolted against the Soviets, one of the leaders of the revolution was Pal Maleter, who, when arrested, sent his family to the U.S. His son, of the same name, went to Harvey. His father was imprisoned by the Soviets and executed.”

The Harvey School 17

Middle School iPads Project a Virtual Success The pilot program using iPads in the classroom had a very successful first flight in the Middle School this year. Through special funding from the Krasne Project, the Middle School purchased 12 iPads for students in English classes with Mr. Brendan Byrne, history with Mr. Douglas Plaskett, science with Mr. Sam Schursky and Latin with Ms. Stephanie Metz. The idea came about from middle school faculty discussions last year about how to use technology to engage students in a more active learning environment in the classroom. Ms. Metz said, “When the iPads rolled into the room, it felt as though everyone was part of the program and contributing due to the increased level of engagement. The sounds and sights of the classroom are completely different from the traditional setting, as kids move around and are constantly working through the material 18 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

and nuances of the device. The iPads change the dynamics of the classroom towards students talking to other students in order to obtain answers.” Jelani White enjoyed being a part of the project. The seventh grader said, “iPads made learning more hands-on and easier for me. It’s a good change from just taking notes.” Rather than merely look at pictures of monuments or battles in a textbook or on a screen, students use an iPad to virtually visit historical places and events. “After discussing the geographical features of ancient Rome,” Ms. Metz explained, “the class was able to tour the historical city through the use of the iPads to experience it for themselves.” Ms. Metz said using iPads allows students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of the material in a different format. Students created

presentations and videos to illustrate specific content and shared their productions with the class. In Latin III, Ms. Metz’s students worked in small groups to make a video on iMovie about chariot races and gladiatorial games, an activity Jelani enjoyed doing for his report on gods and goddesses in his Latin II class. “My favorite part was making the iMovie,” he said. Ms. Metz believes the iPad project has enhanced the quality of her instruction and enlivened the classroom environment. “The iPads allowed me to have the world at my fingertips to share with the class immediately, and the class transformed into a more collaborative group which was able to solve problems together.” Ms. Metz gave the students a lot of credit for how much they embraced the pilot project and how much they contributed in making it fly in its first year.

Math Class Goes Up, Up, and Away! When mathematics teacher Amie Phillips and the sophomores in her plane geometry class were exploring the properties of polygons this spring, she told them, “Go fly a kite!” The directive was not aimed at abruptly dismissing the inquisitiveness of her students, but at having them learn how classroom concepts in math can apply to something real and tangible—like a kite. “My vision was to have them realize that the mathematical calculations we use in class can be translated into everyday practices,” said Mrs. Phillips. When she explored the properties of the polygon design, it led to an analysis of the right angles produced by the unique shape of a kite. “The discussion then morphed into the idea of who could determine the best materials and size to achieve the highest flying kites,” Mrs. Phillips explained. “I wanted the students to be able to determine the angles their kites

have and how to determine the lengths of the edges based on the length of the diagonals they have chosen.” Mrs. Phillips, the chair of the mathematics department, saw the project as a way for students to use their creativity while applying the mathematical concepts to the kites they designed. The students enjoyed designing and constructing their kites. Robert Massimi said, “It was a great experience, because making the kites teaches you how to be creative and builds teamworking skills.” “It was a fun experience to make the shape,” said Joseph Sorrentino. “It was fun to learn math by learning about a kite’s sides and angles and then flying it.”

Shelby Moore admitted that taking math was never something she enjoyed very much. “When Mrs. Phillips told us we would be making and flying kites I was very excited. I mean, how awesome is that? Getting to do arts and crafts in math class!” A bonus to the kite-making project, Mrs. Phillips said, was that the students learned how to work together and give each other constructive criticism. “I was very happy with the outcome of the project and proud of the learning that developed outside the classroom,” she said. When it was time to launch their creations, the kites flew as high as the joy the students had in making them.

Middle School Neperan/ Pocantico Contests

(From left) Neperans John Sullivan, Hannah Paul, faculty advisor Mike Barefield ’05, and Rafael Tapia; Pocanticos Evan Rothman, faculty advisor Kyle Delaney ’04, and Anzel Vasquez.

The Neperan/Pocantico rivalry is continuing in the Middle School with a spring basketball three-on-three contest. The Neperans dominated in all categories this school year in the poetry contest, the speech contest, and the middle school fall and winter sports, but were bested by the Pocanticos in the basketball game. The Harvey School 19

Student One-Act Plays Debut in Lasdon Theater Once again this spring, young thespians staged their one-act plays. Each year English Department Chair Dianne Mahony offers students a unique opportunity to write and direct their own one-act plays for performances in the Lasdon Theater. This spring, the original works of seniors Nathanael (Nate) Alexander and Patrick Taylor debuted in the Walker Center for the Arts. Something Pertaining to Dice By Nate Alexander ’13 Cast: The Man (Matthew Tuckner ’15), Roger (Aidan Novins ’13), Mom ( Julia Chatzky ’15), Andy (Shavana Clarke ’13), Seisyll (Charlotte Wittmann ’14) Nate described his plot as revolving around another normal gaming night among friends when the Man suddenly announces before his gaming partners that he has decided to leave his life of

safety, his life of comfort, his life of gaming. After much debate, the Man packs his bag and sets off, but when he’s about to leave, the Man decides to stay. “I got the idea from my own gaming experiences and my desires to set out on the road,” said Nate, who leaves Harvey with aspirations of being a professional writer someday to follow his “passion,” as he calls it. Nate says writing a one-act drama helped him realize something unique about writing a play. “The theater is an extremely organic experience. It grows. Something Pertaining to Dice underwent a good amount of changes, including the swapping of two characters’ sexes. Overall I learned that once you bring your writing to stage, it forms a life of its own.” Nate voiced his gratitude to his actors. “All of the actors performed amazingly. I am extremely proud and honored to have worked with such talented men and women.”

As he leaves for the next stage in his life, Nate says he hopes Mrs. Mahony continues to offer students opportunities to write and direct their own plays. “The One-Acts is a great collaborative experience that offers a great chance for not only writers to express themselves, but also actors.” What’s Your American Dream? By Patrick Taylor ’13 Cast: Gerald Fisherman (Mark Hilbert ’13), Darcy Simon (Carolyn Stark ’14), Patrice Maryweather (Sophia Ziotas ’14), Henry McDaniels (Taylor Robinson ’14), Lauren Silverstone/Boxer ( Julia Chatzky ’15), Sue Savino (Fiona Magliari ’13), Doc/Boxing Instructor (Shavana Clarke ’13), Marie/Mary Fisherman/ Employee (Raquel Belkin ’13), Gianna Greco/Danielle Fisherman (Charlotte Wittmann ’14) Patrick’s one-act play, set in a presentday Westchester suburb, revolves around three characters struggling to succeed in their desired fields of work. Patrick, a senior, said his overall theme involves the idea that “it is not about the destination or how far one goes in his field of work. It’s about the journey, or the fight to keep pressing on.” Patrick’s play, inspired by Mr. Seymour’s English 11 unit on “The American Dream” last year, centers on three working-class members struggling to achieve the American Dream,” Patrick said.“Their dreams include living comfortably, with their family having food on their table, becoming a professional musician, and becoming a professional boxer. They learn

20 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

that the fight is more important than the success, because there are parts of their lives, such as their family, friends, their creations and the times spent working on their crafts, that make the adversity they all face worth it in the end.” Patrick said being involved in OneActs has taught him that “great patience is necessary as a director and a producer.” The senior, a veteran of many Harvey theatrical productions, also learned that producing a play is a lot more difficult than acting. “As an actor, you’re taught to handle your responsibilities, which are to learn your lines, know your blocking and be able to stay in character. However, as a director, everyone’s responsibility becomes partly your responsibility.” He could not say enough about the job his actors did. “They brought an

entire life to the show that no director could’ve imagined being a part of or helping create. The life instilled onto the audience members was a direct implication of how hard these actors worked. “ Patrick sees great value in continuing The One-Acts tradition. “The

experience of having your own words expressed in thematic form is so breathtaking when finally under the theater lights that I can’t help myself but to recommend everyone strive to become a playwright and director.”

Harvey Holds Its Annual Poetry Contest In keeping with tradition, Harvey conducted the annual Michael Lopes Poetry Recitation Contest the day before spring break in March. The Matthew Preston Prize winners this year were eighth-grader Jo Jo Greenwood and freshman Emily Sirota. The two winners, along with 17 other finalists from grades 6–12, performed their poems before a packed house in the school’s Lasdon Theater. Jo Jo delivered a poem called “B” by Sarah Kay, known for what is called “spoken-word poetry.” She said she chose “B” after she discovered it in a book of poems that the poet had personally autographed for her.

Emily won the Upper School trophy for her rendition of “I Wanna Hear a Poem” by poet and playwright Steve Colman. Emily said she chose the poem because she had heard it performed by others before and wanted to interpret it in her own way. One line stands out as her favorite: “I wanna hear a poem where ideas kiss similes so deeply that metaphors get jealous.” Two of the judges were the John Jay High School’s head librarian, Lauren Carrigan, and her husband, Thomas Carrigan, a librarian as well and a published poet. The third judge was Belinda Roth, the interim executive director of the Katonah Museum of Art.

Former English Chair Michael Lopes

Matthew Preston ’65

The Harvey School 21

Bravo, Bravo! Members of the Harvey community were treated to some fine stage performances in the Lasdon Theater this past winter and spring. The middle school performers in The Trials of Robin Hood, directed by Marcus D. Gregio, opened the winter season in February to the delight of many. Not to be outdone were the upper school performers in the musical production of Cabaret. Directed by Performing Arts Chair Vinny Alexander, the talented cast delighted its audience with extraordinary music and dance numbers while theatergoers sat cabaret-style at tables amidst the stage action. The middle school thespians

22 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

returned in May and wowed their audiences in the spring production of The Music Man. Harvey’s talented singers and musicians also shared the spotlight. The Lasdon Theater was alive in February with the sounds of the Rock and Jazz Ensemble, directed by Cary Brown. More mellow perhaps but no less sweet were the sounds emanating from the wondrous voices of the singers in the spring choral concert, directed by Kathy Cushman, and from the instruments of our talented musicians playing a week later in the instrumental concert under the direction of Andrew Tyson.

The Harvey School 23

Science Class Flips Traditional Instruction The students in Dr. Jeanne Schumacher’s three chemistry classes are learning science concepts in a classroom dynamic that switches from the more traditional teacher-centered approach to a studentcentered environment. Dr. Schumacher says she chose the “flipped classroom” model to gain greater opportunities for a more in-depth study of chemistry while creating a more supportive learning environment. “I am amazed at how much time I now get to spend with each student while the class is working on a variety

24 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

of activities such as labs, worksheets or taking notes and coming up with HOT (higher-order thinking) questions,” Dr. Schumacher said. “I am thrilled at the high level of questions they’re creating.” Walking into the classroom, you might see students working on a lab, taking a quiz or online homework assessment, working in small groups on an activity or project, or listening to a lecture. Dr. Schumacher continually moves through the room with an iPad in one hand and a pencil in the other,

interacting with students either oneon-one or in small groups. “I enjoy having the opportunity to either meet with the teacher during class for extra help or work with a group of friends or independently,” said sophomore Baily Hersh. Another of Dr. Schumacher’s students, Alex Bae, says the biggest difference between the teacher-centered classroom and the flipped-classroom model is the amount of independence the students get. “Instead of having one assignment for the next day of class, all the assignments are due on the day of review when we go over questions in the chapter. This gives us the opportunity to work at our own pace because we don’t have a specific due date for all assignments except for the test review.” Dr. Schumacher says creating the video lectures involves “a phenomenal amount of class preparation.” When she completes the videos, she uploads them to YouTube, where her students can view them on any Internet-capable device. Students can learn at their own pace, pausing and rewinding when they don’t grasp a concept. While viewing the lectures along with reading the textbook, students take notes and prepare to submit a summary of what they learned along with at least three questions, one of which, Dr. Schumacher hopes, is a HOT question. Dr. Schumacher, a teacher for 28 years, the last four at Harvey, says flipping the classroom has energized her teaching. “I love being the ‘guide on the side’ instead of the ‘sage on the stage.’ I wish I had done this years ago.”



Winter 2012–13 season

« Most Valuable Player | t Most Improved Player | l Sportsmanship Award | n Coaches Award

Harvey’s Winter Sports

The winter sports season, with an unwelcome visit from the blizzard Nemo and the foot of snow it dumped on Harvey, featured three varsity teams advancing to the semi-finals of their respective leagues. The boys and girls basketball teams made it to the semifinal round of the Housatonic Valley Athletic League playoffs, while the hockey team did the same in the Fairchester Athletic Association championship tournament. But perhaps this winter will be remembered most for the fact that the basketball teams played host on their home court in Harvey’s new 22,000-square-foot athletic center. At season’s end, the following athletes earned recognition on their respective teams:

Upper School Varsity Hockey (9–16) « (Defense) Matt McMorrow, « (Offense) Robbie Van Raamsdonk, t Keith Lambert, n Connor Wilson, (Corsano Cup) Mark Catanese; (FAA All-League) Matt McMorrow, Robbie Van Raamsdonk, Connor Wilson; (All-League Honorable Mention) Keith Lambert Boys Varsity Basketball (9–14) (Harvey Award) Jesse Zubren, (Mr. Basketball) Ricky Hicks, (Cavalier Award) Sam Mackiewicz, t Jake Cohn, t Andrew Schwartz; (HVAL All-League) 1st Team Ricky Hicks, 2nd Team Jesse Zubren

The Harvey School 25

Girls Varsity Basketball (9–7) « Chinasa Nwokocha, « (Defense) Rane Prieto, n Abby Hassett, l Emily Sirota, « (Leadership) Gaby Paulhac; (HVAL All-League) 1st Team Chinasa Nwokocha, 2nd Team Daly Naughton; (NEPSAC All-Star) Chinasa Nwokocha JV Boys Basketball (13–8) « Jack Mather, t Josh Gantt, (Defensive Player of Year) Michael DePass, l Marshall Euchner, n Rohan Cassells JV Girls Basketball (6–7) « (Offense) Taylor Williams, « (Defense) Aila Prieto, t Rebecca Tuteur, l Amanda McGraw, n Deyanne Charles JV Hockey (1–5–1 ) n McKie Perry, n Miles Greenwald, t Brian Silva

26 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

MIDDlE ScHool MS Girls Basketball (1–8) « Allison Silk, t Sidney Piekarski, (Most Team Spirit) Emma Carillo

MS Boys Navy Basketball (4–10) « Coy Treat, t David Weiner, t Tyler Cox; (Iron Man Award) Jake Reber, Jason Lee

MS Boys Maroon Team (3–9) l Anzel Vasquez, t John Sullivan, n Rafael Tapia

MS Hockey (4–4–2) « Kevin Zhang, n Stephen Nadler, n Peter Lombardo

see our upcoMing coMMenceMent issue for results froM

Harvey’s spring sports season The Harvey School 27


faculty faculty

thoughts thoughts about about harvey harvey from from our our faculty faculty

Q&A with Faculty/Staff Amy Gignesi, History Teacher & Advisor to the Human Rights Club This is a pretty ambitious name for a club—what do you and your members do?

We get together once a week to discuss human rights issues. Some days we focus on international topics like freedom of speech, writing letters through Amnesty International or celebrating the achievements of human rights activists. Other days we focus more on domestic issues, paying particular attention to unequal treatment and bullying based on race, religion and sexual identity. What can Harvey students learn by studying cases of international human rights violations? What are the big issues you are exploring with students?

They can learn not only about world events but about the power that they have as individuals. Learning about people like Malala Yousafzai (the 28 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

Pakistani teenager, education advocate, and youngest Nobel Peace Prize nominee who was shot by the Taliban for her beliefs but lived to continue her work) helps them to understand that you’re never too young to change the world. When you brought in a Holocaust survivor to speak before the entire school last year, in what ways did her stories stay with the students and impact their human rights work afterward?

Silence again this year to raise awareness in the whole school community about the challenges gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students face. What other volunteer projects are you involved in at Harvey?

Her strength was humbling. It was an inspiration to the students to never give up and never be a bystander when they see injustice.

I also advise the Model UN club with Mr. Seymour and take a group of students to Bedford Hills Elementary School once a week to tutor kids there.

What are some of the things your club did this year?

What are you most proud of as the faculty advisor?

This year we have focused a lot of our attention just on educating ourselves. We will be celebrating the Day of

It is wonderful to see young people who care so much about these issues. It gives me hope for the future.

susan Harris, School Librarian & advisor to the Community Service Club why did you decide to become faculty advisor to the community service club?

It was a natural move for me—I’ve always been involved in the community and an active volunteer. I enjoy working with kids, and I am drawn to helping people. what community service do you perform on your own time?

I volunteer at the community center and lead midnight runs and other activities with our church youth group. I’ve helped in soup kitchens, shelters and senior centers; mentor Eagle Scout candidates; and have organized walk teams for Crop Walk and ALS. If there’s a need and I can contribute, I do.

what’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from heading up the club?

Our students’ experiences and impressions of “community service” vary dramatically. Some are ready to roll up their sleeves and get dirty, some like to find creative ways to fundraise, and some have no idea what it’s all about but are curious and willing to try something new. We have a large group of students—50 to 60—and it can be challenging to find appropriate and worthy projects that respond to their interests. But whenever we’ve been ready to scrap an idea because it doesn’t seem to be garnering support from the students, some step up, often unexpectedly, and we get it done.

why is it important to engage students in this way?

how can you ensure that kids get a meaningful takeaway from volunteering and community service?

I believe our society is better off if we all give back, and I like to help kids see that for themselves.

We really can’t, but I’m a firm believer in the power of leading by doing. If the students see the leaders actively giving

of their time and talents, it often translates into more engagement for all. For instance, we put Community Service Club leaders in charge of every group during Harvey Builds and gave them responsibility to set the tone for the other students. Our model is one of student leadership, and we put a lot of responsibility on all of them. I want our kids to know that they can take control and make a difference, not just show up.

in what ways has the community service club given back?

We’ve done fundraising for cancer awareness, collected and assembled care packages for soldiers overseas, held food drives for the community center, served dinner at a local men’s shelter, conducted midnight runs, tutored at Bedford Hills Elementary School, visited with the patients at Blythedale Children’s Hospital, and raised funds for relief after natural disasters like the earthquake in Haiti, the tsunami in Japan, and Hurricane Sandy in the metropolitan area. The Harvey School 29

Middle School Perspective By Brendan Byrne, Middle School Head

Community service is a critical part of a child’s educational experience. During middle school, it is important to introduce students to the needs of the greater community, both locally and globally. Participation in community service provides opportunities for students to develop compassion and empathy for others. Over the years, Harvey middle schoolers have run coat drives, donated food to Third World countries, visited homeless shelters and responded to natural disasters. Most often this involvement was studentdriven, and this year was no different, as middle schoolers once again reached out with their hearts and got involved in worthy causes. For the past few years, the HarveySpeaks event in the fall has dedicated an entire afternoon for middle schoolers to embark on community service initiatives, including letter-writing to American soldiers overseas, constructing birdhouses, collecting clothes for the needy and learning

about greyhound dogs. The letter-writing campaign to an Afghanistan-based unit had a personal connection through Mr. Kennedy, our social studies teacher whose brother-in-law was the unit commander and who, as a token of gratitude for writing letters to the men and women serving in his unit, gave Harvey an American flag that had flown over the base. Other connections have emerged from the HarveySpeaks event. For example, eighth-grade students visited the Somers Manor Nursing Home and conducted interviews with residents that were connected to in-class writing assignments. The interviews evolved into meaningful conversations between the students and the residents. Students were able to find common interests despite the significant age differences. Zachary Gault made a connection with a resident who was passionate about the theater and was thrilled to hear about Zack’s own acting endeavors. Peter Lombardo, a history enthusiast, met a World War II veteran who flew fighter jets

Upper School Perspective By Philip Lazzaro, Upper School Head

Community service has always been an important value in American society. The Harvey School understands the importance of community service, and we have spent a great deal of time promoting the benefits of our community service program while also working on its expansion. This past fall term, we embarked on an ambitious Upper School Day of Service which took place in Yonkers, N.Y., and included our entire Upper School. The work in Yonkers, sponsored by Habitat for Humanity, brought students, faculty and administration together in a unique and challenging way.

30 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

We learned many lessons, and I was proud of the efforts of our school community. Next year, we are planning a second Day of Service, and I know it will be very rewarding once again. In the Upper School, we also have a Community Service Club overseen by Susan Harris and Mark Brandon. The club participates in a myriad of activities in our community and makes a difference each and every day. From volunteering at local hospitals and schools, to fundraising to aid those impacted by natural disasters, the club teaches essential values to our student body.

in the South Pacific. Peter commented, “It made the information from my history textbook come to life.” The school’s connection with the home continued in December when Mrs. Cushman and Ms. Cooper accompanied our middle school chorus to the nursing home to bring some holiday cheer. They sang many of the same numbers they had performed at the Holiday Concert. Dozens of the residents even sang along during a moving rendition of “White Christmas.” “Singing for the senior citizens was a completely different experience. I really felt like it meant a lot to them,” recalled one student. Obviously, this year, many people throughout the region were affected by Superstorm Sandy. Most Harvey families were without power for days. In the aftermath, students were able to think beyond themselves by collecting and donating school

A new addition this year was a Senior Day of Service for our class of 2013. On May 20 the senior class embarked on a special program centered on giving back to both their community and their school. The members of the graduating class spent the morning volunteering for various local groups in our school community. In the

supplies to schools in Long Island and the Rockaways that had been damaged during the flooding. Notebooks, binders, folders, pens and pencils were all sent to the schools in the storm-damaged areas. Many programs are spearheaded by individual students. Seventh-grader Jared Peraglia participated in a Magical Music for Life event, in which he raised money to benefit children with special needs by singing all day long in Times Square. The entire middle school was able to contribute to Jared’s cause by participating in a relaxed-dress day. Whether it is as an individual or as a group, the students in the Harvey Middle School continue to strive to make a difference far beyond our campus.

afternoon the students returned to campus and worked on projects as well. Infusing community service into many areas of student life allows our faculty to further enrich the daily life of our entire student body. Our faculty, through community service, is helping to shape a new generation of caring, thoughtful and ambitious leaders.

The Harvey School 31


perspective from the parents’ association

A Fond Farewell When I accepted the President’s position three years ago, I had no idea how much I would personally benefit from this role. Harvey is more than just a school; it is a community, one that has nurtured not just my children but me as well. Harvey parents are so welcoming, so generous. I can’t thank you enough for saying yes to the many requests I’ve asked of each of you. I’ve shared many fabulous moments with all of you, and have had the privilege of making many wonderful friends. When I think of the Harvey staff, I am profoundly grateful for their willingness to go the extra step in making every PA event successful, and always answering our requests with a smile and a solution. Our Harvey teachers are completely dedicated to helping each of our children reach their highest potential, as I’m sure you have experienced in your own households. As I look back on these three years, I remember many moments of fun and innovation­—providing e-blasts with PA meeting summaries, which has enabled parents to connect with the PA more fully; offering HarveySpeaks, which has brought the entire community to learn together and become enriched in knowledge and friendship; and adding entertainment to the Annual Benefit, which has brought new volunteers and increased attendance. As I look ahead, I see Harvey’s future already changing— the introduction of international students, the new athletic

32 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

center and changes to the Upper and Middle School curriculum, among others. These years have been a time of change, but I have come to see that Harvey is always changing, always adapting to the times, and educating students in innovative and challenging ways while continuing to do what it does best—to nurture and inspire! In this issue of Harvey Magazine, we celebrate volunteerism and community service. Our Headmaster is fond of saying that our parents are always quick to offer “time, talent and treasure.” I have most certainly found that to be true, and again, I thank you all for the many donations you have made to help our school thrive. Take our Annual Benefit, for example. I know it sounds clichéed, but it is the truth—without all of the volunteers who spent months planning and preparing for those special four hours, we would not have the incredible benefit that results from all those efforts. Without the donations that so many of you give to us, we would not have those wonderful silent and live auction items to offer for our fundraising. Lastly, without the donors who underwrite, buy angel tickets and auction items, we would not be able to help support our beloved school in such a financially successful way. Our faculty and staff work with our children and teens by deepening interpersonal connections while inspiring them to reach their highest levels of success in a model that truly

“These years have been a time of change, but I have come to see that Harvey is always changing, always adapting to the times, and educating students in innovative and challenging ways while continuing to do what it does best—to nurture and inspire!” works. While these principles stay constant, change is always happening. Students graduate, and so, too, do their parents! I am enormously grateful for the friendships and experiences I have had while my three children have been at Harvey, and I know that I take away more than I could ever have imagined. The future looks bright for our school, and will always be in good hands—because our community of parents, teachers and staff— will always be remarkable. With deepest appreciation and gratitude, Karen Walant President, Parents’ Association

incoMing pa president deBBie finkel welcoMed By karen walant The Harvey School 33

Play It Again y e v r Ha AN EVENING OF TRIBUTES, FELLOWSHIP & FUNDRAISING 34 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013


“An extraordinary performance by Mr. Fenstermacher— frankly amazing!” is how Pamela Slater, co-chair of this year’s Parents’ Association benefit, described Harvey’s very own multitalented headmaster, who sang, danced and, as always, ably auctioneered the night away. Harvey parents Nancy and Jim Euchner (Marshall, 10th) enthusiastically concurred. “This was our first gala, and we had an unbelievably good time! There was so much entertainment packed into one program, and our favorite was ‘Old Blue Eyes’ himself! We feel truly blessed to be part of the Harvey family.” Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher himself described the evening as “a tribute to interesting personalities and our whole Harvey community.” “To all who contributed their time, talent and treasure, heartfelt thanks,” he added. This would most definitely include the wonderful faculty and staff who are there every day for the young people entrusted to their care. Board member and former Harvey parent Jane Petty (Alec ’12) who was there with her husband, Rick, had this to say: “We especially loved the moving, To Sir with Love tribute to our devoted faculty and staff. The energy and enthusiasm in the arts center was spectacular.” This feeling of camaraderie was echoed by Upper School Head Phil Lazzaro, who said that the benefit was “a great night!” Mr. Lazzaro added, “It was fantastic seeing our current parents as well as our alumni.” Almost 300 parents, faculty and staff gathered on April 26 to support and celebrate The Harvey School community. In addition to fabulous live entertainment and wonderful

food prepared by our own Chef Lee Robinson, there were 30 silent and 10 live auction items, thanks to generous donations from the Harvey community. For the very first time, student art was featured in the silent auction, and both parents and students loved it! Seniors contributed individual pieces, while middle schoolers contributed one group project from each grade. “It was particularly exciting to see student artwork not only on display but also up for sale in the silent auction,” says Cris Alexander, Middle School Art teacher and parent (Nate, 12th and Lily, 9th). She described the collaborative framed displays as “a great opportunity for many of our students to share their talents and support the school.” Karen Walant, Parents’ Association president, committee co-chair and mother of seniors Will and Ben, said proudly, “The Parents’ Association is lucky to have such a dedicated and talented group of volunteers, each bringing their professional expertise to help make this event so successful. The staff, as always, worked alongside us every step of the way. And our community was so generous. It was a great night. I couldn’t be more proud of our whole community!!” Popular live-auction items included “Upper School Head for a Day” and “Middle School Head for a Day,” the latter of which was won by Eric and Kim Wise. Kim was enthusiastic in her praise for both the Parents’ Association as well as the breakout hit act of the evening. “Where does the Parents’ Association find such talent?” (Answer: Cathy Shaffer, parent of Will, 9th) “KISS was outstanding—those outfits should have been auctioned! And is there a hat Barry can’t wear? Truly, we have the most talented headmaster ever. He was The Harvey School 35


just as good as Frank. He can sing. Imagine Barry in KISS. Likely, he could hold his own in that group, too. Now that would be funny!” The raffle table was buzzing with excitement with the drawing of a Rolex watch, an iPad and four jars of Harvey Honey from the bee hive that Technology Director John Wahlers has maintained. Our community was particularly generous at The Giving Tree, where contributions were earmarked for a project to rework the library space, envisioning a collaborative and creative environment to support a variety of learning styles. The library will soon feature an area dedicated to independent study, with new study carrels, collaborative spaces for discussions, supporting technology, a multimedia area, a writing center and more. Thanks to the generosity of the Harvey community, plans can now proceed for the WIT Center (Writing, Information and Thought). The evening wrapped up with dancing to disco hits, including the classic “It’s Raining Men,” which was written by our very own Paul Shaffer! Harvey parent Debra Alexandra (Courtney, 7th) stopped dancing long enough to comment that it was “so nice to have a night for all the parents to get together, have fun and benefit our children.” She added, “The Harvey Community is amazing.” Physics teacher Jeanne Schumacher, who attended the event with her husband, Carl, exclaimed, “Each year I think that the PA can’t get any better than the last year’s performance—and each time I am wrong. It just keeps getting better and better! Can’t wait to see what next year brings!” And with that, another year of benefit planning begins. H 36 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

“our community was so

G E N E RO U S . It was A GREAT night—I couldn’t be more P RO U D of our whole community!!” —Karen walant,

Parents’ Association president

“ We

have learned how to build healthy connections with people from various backgrounds, and our positions as leaders have allowed us to realize the potential we hold as individuals to enact change and inspire ”

stuDents’ view from harvey

Community Service Club By Seniors Karina Lambert and Annelise Cepero

We have both been involved with the Community Service Club since our freshman year, and it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of our high school career. We both came to Harvey knowing that we wanted to participate in community service, and since that first day, when we joined as freshmen, until now, with our positions as co-presidents, the Community Service Club has been the perfect vehicle for learning and gaining experience. As we learned more about the suffering and hardships of those in the local community and in the world, the more we wanted to do something to help. Every experience in the club, from bake sales to working with disabled children to building with Habitat for Humanity, has taught us invaluable lessons and skills that will undoubtedly guide us for the rest of our lives. We have learned how to build healthy connections with people from various backgrounds, and our positions as leaders have allowed us to realize the potential we hold as individuals to enact change and inspire. As leaders, we applaud individuality and creativity. Often our weekly meetings can be described as open brainstorming sessions, where all voices are embraced and are considered when we plan for each service project. We have a “divide and conquer” approach that promotes responsibility and leadership among younger members. Our meetings are a healthy balance of work and play. Whether it is making posters, preparing for a candygram sale, or venturing into the community

to raise awareness, there is a role for everyone. It is exciting to see the level of participation and commitment that has blossomed since we first became leaders. Our goal is to create community service opportunities for the whole school to ensure that Harvey has a strong service identity. We have made this possible with events like the Annual Children’s Carnival for Charity, Breezy Point service trips, our first annual school-wide day of service in Yonkers, and our end of the year Community Service field day. Community service is a vital element of a student’s education to develop and grow, not only as a student but as a person and an active citizen in this increasingly globalizing world. We offer a big thank you to Mrs. Harris and Mr. Brandon, who have been the most supportive, loving and inspiring mentors throughout our time as members of Community Service. The Harvey School 37

From the Archives Remembering the Carter Years We are delighted to present an excerpt from The Cottage, a chapter in the memoir by Joan Carter Chevalier, daughter of Alan Carter and granddaughter of Harvey founders Dr. Herbert Carter and his wife, Mabel ‘Granny’ Carter. Alumni from the early Hawthorne days especially should find this interesting and nostalgic. Joan and her younger brother Peter went to live at Harvey in the winter of 1929 and were there for five years; Joan was three years old and Peter was one. For the full chapter on Joan’s memories of her years living at Harvey, please go to the Harvey website, click on the Harvey Magazine Spring 2013, and then select The Cottage by Joan Carter Chevalier.

About Granny

Granny was an extraordinary woman…of several outstanding accomplishments. She was a semi-professional pianist and practiced daily on her Steinway piano in the living room. During the summer months, Elsa Fischer came out from the city to live with us. She was an accomplished violinist, and they would play through all of the Beethoven and Mozart sonatas. Granny was also a successful gardener, directing the workmen in planting, arranging, and weeding the garden beds around The Cottage and school, an enormous undertaking, especially when a new building like Woolsey House

38 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

granny on hyland

was being built. She was also an avid writer of plays and took a drama course at Columbia University. I remember seeing her scribbling down lines on a yellow legal pad as thoughts came to her. She was a spunky horseback rider too and had her own spirited young mare, Hyland. Her groom, Otto, who rode with her on Uncle Herbert’s enormous black horse, Governor, kept the horses in the stable, which was part of the complex of barn buildings. Granny, unlike her occasional friends who came to ride with her in side-saddle with flowing skirts, always rode in riding britches and boots and an English tweed riding jacket, a hard hat, and of course, her riding crop. There was also a white Shetland pony, Christi, kept in the stables for us children to ride.

Life at School

Peter and I played with the Carter girls, especially the older two, Ann and Joy. The Cottage was down a graveled path that ran along the tennis courts to the Headmaster’s House. We were in and out of each other’s houses all the time, playing games and getting into mischief, especially at the Headmaster’s House, where there were Fifth Formers’ beds to pie. We were allowed to play with the younger boys at the school who were around our age. Often we would play cops and robbers in the Neperan Hills, the wooded hills that rose sharply behind the farm. The Carter girls didn’t mingle much with the boys, but I was a tomboy who loved joining in on their football scrimmages in the fall when they would let me. Granny let us go to the Friday night assembly with the boys. Uncle Herbert played the piano, while Mr. Pressey, one of the Masters, would lead everybody in old familiar songs, college songs, Negro spirituals, and songs he would sing and act out, which required us all to chime in on the choruses. Mr. Pressey was a born actor. He brought pep,

the carter family tree mabel stewart petit (1870–1957)

william m. agar



marianne townsend


(d. 1972)

dr. herbert swift carter

(d. 1982)






barbara kent (d. 2002)




kate herbert jr. (1900–1938)

john luke (d. 2007)


frank b. carter


(d. 1980)


rachel remarried david trafford luke


harold chevalier (d. 1991)

(d. 1991)

joy annette

susan hope

randolph harris

robert sperry

humor and plenty of zip into the songs. Once in a while, Uncle Herbert would tell a ghost story. Many of the songs I remember today came from those assemblies. Saturday night was movie night. We were allowed to go over to the dining hall for a Saturday night supper of baked beans and brown bread and then off to the movies at Woolsey House across the campus in the dark. The movies were silent then, and in black and white, mostly films of Charlie Chaplin, the Three Musketeers, or the scary Charlie Chan series. The one that terrified me the most was the Scarlet Pimpernel, which has a sound track and featured Basil Rathbone disappearing down a trap door along with the rats, a scene imprinted on my memory.

joan riding christie with The Harvey School 39 peter

4 1
















40 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013




Harvey History Quiz Below are 20 questions that correspond with photographs on the left from the school archives, representing faculty and campus scenes and activities covering nearly 100 years. We feel that there are images/references included that everyone should be able to recognize or tell a story about. Give them a good look and then answer the questions posed. Your scoring is completely up to you, but we’d love to hear how you did. Each question is worth 5 points (you can give yourself partial credit). Answers can be found at the bottom of page 49. See how your score rates on our history scale: 90–100 points: Harvey needs you in its alumni office; 80–89: Maximus cum laude; 60–79: Magna cum laude; 40–59: Summa cum laude; 25–39: Laude; <25: Come visit Harvey and bone up on some history.

1. what was this nurse’s famous remedy for all things? 2. what part of the three r’s did mrs. baldwin provide? 3. how is mr. stafford recognized on campus today? 4. what function did the bell play in school life at hawthorne? where is it today? 5. can you name


alumni in this group celebrating its


class reunion?

6. how many of these teachers can you identify? 7. what circle is mitter graham supervising? 8. how is mr. o’malley remembered today on campus? 9. what game was played with the flagpole? 10. how long did mr. smith serve as teacher and headmaster? 11. what was the horse’s name? 12. what was this building on hawthorne’s campus? 13. how is this famous latin teacher memorialized on campus today? 14. what tradition that continues today does the headmaster celebrate? 15. what does the banner represent? 16. where did the school’s second headmaster attend college? 17. what role did maxwell evarts (after whom the rink is named) play at harvey? 18. who can identify this spot? 19. why is the headmaster all wet? 20. what was the first play given in the new art center? the last play given in the black box theater? The Harvey School 41

aluMninews alumni stories anD upDates

Letter From Our Alumni President Dear Alumni, I was recently reminded of the power of the Harvey network at our annual New York City alumni reception, held in April. A roomful of Harvey constituents— alumni, faculty, parents, board members—all spent the evening networking and reconnecting with former students, teachers and classmates. The Alumni Association is making an effort to help its members exchange career ideas and job advice. As a result, alumni and students are finding employment opportunities and internships. Recent graduates are returning to campus now on a regular basis to share career experiences with current students. I encourage Harvey alumni to sign up on our website to become a career resource for fellow graduates and current students. As a Harvey alum, it’s hard to describe the excitement of walking into the School’s new athletic center. Since its opening in November, this beautiful facility has been getting a lot of use. Activities have included practices and games for seven basketball teams, our first Alumni-Faculty basketball game, a Winter Carnival for area children (with alumni volunteers), a New York Knicks basketball clinic and the Bedford Spring Antique show, which attracted over 900 visitors to campus. By encouraging alumni networking and by upgrading its facilities, Harvey is engaging the broader community in new and more meaningful ways. I encourage alumni to become involved in the school. We welcome your participation! Best regards,

Dan Chapman ’73 Alumni Association President 42 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

recentevents Alumni Sports

Kicking off the return from Christmas break were two alumni athletic events: our first-ever alumniversus-faculty basketball game, and our annual alumni hockey scrimmage. The alumni basketball players entered the game under the assumption that they would come out winners—only to be foiled by some excellent play by faculty (and friends), resulting in a 50–55 loss. The alumni were able to schedule a return match versus the faculty for the end of May, in which they redeemed themselves by winning 57–49. The largest hockey turnout to date was seen this year, with Russell Stamm ’94 coming from Massachusetts with his family, and new players John McKeon ’87, Mike Malsin ’88 and Eric Noedig ’88 joining in the fun, as well as 10 new alumni from the recent Harvey class of 2012.

The Harvey School 43

New York City Networking Reception


For the first time this year, the class reunions and New York City networking event were switched on the calendar, with the New York City event taking place in April and the reunions in October around an expanded Homecoming Weekend. Our largest turnout of alumni to date attended the networking event. In order to facilitate networking, attendees were asked to raise their hands when various fields of interest were called out so that anyone interested in connecting to someone in that field could make contact with the appropriate alum. Afterward, contact information for each attendee was sent out to everyone. We hope that some new and productive connections were made at this event.

help our alumni • •

Send info on your profession/field of interest Be a networking contact

44 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

The Harvey School 45


Winter Carnival for Charity

For the third year in a row, the Harvey community service group sponsored an afternoon of fun-filled activities, food, raffles and more to entertain families in the community. Alumni offered to help this year, sponsoring a ring toss and piñata for the younger children. Assisting in the afternoon’s games were Brian Ryerson ’05, Ward Meehan ’98, Phil Eifert ’73, Alex McKown ’57, Dan Chapman ’73, Nanette Baratta ’82 and Tom Dodd.

46 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

mike Leone ’04, David taylor ’92, Ward meehan ’98, greg Janos ’98

nick Hertz ’04, nick Duncan ’04, Bret puchir ’00, amy Letteri ’05, Dain Carver ’01

Career Talks

The alumni speakers series was continued in March and May. At each date, 4–5 alumni joined the junior class for a special lunch in the study hall and talked about how they got to where they are now. Informal discussions and Q&A’s helped the students better understand some of the paths that our alumni have taken. Professions/topics included music performance and creation, entrepreneurship, marketing, Peace Corps, financial planning, and sports nutrition and fitness.

Alumni Returning to Campus

Dan Schonning, Dylan rosenthal, Katherine Kessler

Since most colleges do not resume classes until mid-January, we invited some alumni who graduated last year to talk to the seniors over lunch. They described their transitions in the seven months since leaving Harvey. One student was taking a gap year while the others were enrolled in college. The Headmaster joined in to ask some probing questions and have some fun with the alumni and students.

Jessica Harrington, russell pober, Julian rissetto, Brett marks

upcoMinGevents Reunion Celebrations: Saturday, October 19, 2013

In 2012, we moved the alumni reunions to the Homecoming Weekend in October. This was in response to alumni who wanted to see more teachers when they returned, as well as to watch some Harvey sports— a change from our former alumni day program, filled with classes for alumni, a sit-down buffet lunch, program, awards ceremony and reception. Going forward, we are exploring ways to combine alumni activities with school events, which provide much more interaction with our faculty and students. The downside to the new arrangement is that there is less opportunity to focus on and recognize specific alumni classes, and little room to include a program with information about the school today. Please let us know your thoughts about reunions going forward ( All classes are invited to the alumni reunions, and we have special emphasis on classes at five-year intervals. This year will be the time to recognize all those whose class year ends in ‘3’ or ‘8.’ We are hoping to have a 5K race in the morning before Harvey athletics start, and an alumni tent on the field with food and drinks. More details will follow on the alumni website and through emails or social media. The Harvey School 47

classnotes 32

Class agent: geoffrey r. Wiener, 914-834-0175,

33 80th Reunion 36

Robert N. Brown: The alumni office heard from Mr. Brown’s daughter, who was looking for material and photos of her father when he attended Harvey. She has a book of his that mentions a Harvey teacher, Mrs. Hand. They will visit the school to look through the archives. Does anyone remember stories about Robert that they could share with her?


John G. Dempsey called after receiving his reunion letter and Rambler, inquiring about classmate Lester Havens and wondering if he had come from Brooklyn, where John had lived. He also said he did not attend Phillips Academy Andover (Exeter), which was listed in the Rambler. His brothers attended Andover, but John went to Rumford School in Washington Depot.

Robert C. Doherty: “Since my retirement I’ve been an active participant in the life of the community here (in North Carolina). I’ve been on the symphony board for years and have served as chairman for a period of time. The same long board tenure is true also in the case of the N.C. Museum of History.” (See page 8 for more on Bob’s volunteerism.)


Jonathan J. Crawley contacted the alumni office for information about his classmates and Harvey teachers. He was feeling inspired to write something about his wartime days at Harvey. He and his wife live in France but return to Florida on occasion. He asked about events for Harvey’s Centennial Celebration, with the thought that they might be able to plan a trip around one.

robert c. doherty ’44

48 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013


John French III: “Recently married Carole Parsons Bradley. The picture used a couple of times in alumni publications of the old pond, with a reflection of the shoreline, was taken by me as a photo editor of the 1947 yearbook. I have the original!” (See John’s letter to the editor on page 3 about his trip retracing explorer Ernest Shackleton’s journey.)


Ruben G. Batista*: “Where is Ruben Batista? Excellent question. I am Jim Moffatt, class of 1948, and I roomed with Ruben for two years. I was given an address for him, I wrote, and even though we were the best of friends in the 1940s, I received no reply. Ruben badly wanted me to attend Lawrenceville with him, but I opted for Kent School, less expensive than Hotchkiss, Groton and Lawrenceville. Ruben was the son of the president of Cuba, as you may also know. “What you may not know is that the big source of entertainment for the boys back then was the Saturday night movie in what I think was called the Boathouse. Not only were the films dreadful, they were ‘silents.’ And most, if not all, were westerns. So you would see a horse galloping over the plain, but no sound as his hooves hit the ground. I think I saw my first television when the class was invited to Montague’s house to watch a World Series game.” *The alumni office did an Internet search for Ruben and found him listed as deceased, since November 2007. If anyone has other information, please let us know.


Class Agent: John G. Davis, 843-720-1231,

John G. Davis: “I have made ‘Giving Back’ a major part of my life. (See page 8 for more on John’s volunteerism.) A lot of my philanthropic spirit is due to the fact that while I worked hard all my life I never made much money as a graphic designer/photographer, but I had the good fortune to inherit enough money to live comfortably. My inheritance also allowed me to make substantial gifts to a wide variety of nonprofits. When I came to Charleston in 1992, the word got out that there was a ‘sucker in town’ who would do design work for free, and I found myself working full time again as a designer/photographer of brochures, annual reports and newsletters for various philanthropies. But the folks in the nonprofit sector are often a lot nicer than private industry tycoons, and I enjoyed all the community projects and activity. I also served as president of two local charities for eight years each, and along the way I made four trips to Honduras as a medical mission volunteer. It truly is not in character for me to blow my own horn, but if it does inspire others it’s worth it.” John sent us this press release about his receiving the Haven Award in 2006 (Press Release 11/18/2006): Coastal Community Foundation (CCF) is honored to announce that this year there are two winners of the prestigious Haven Award for Selfless Community Giving. They are John G. Davis and George W. Miller. The Haven Award honors those who always gave more than is expected to help others in the community.

Alumni Reunion

Oct. 26, 2013

Varsity Games, Reception, Special Day for Classes Ending in 3 and 8 Davis and George Miller now share the company of 23 others who have received this prestigious award as a testament to their extraordinary generosity in giving back to their community either through their time, talent, resources or all three! John Davis has been giving back nonstop since his arrival in Charleston in 1993, both financially, professionally (graphic artist and advertising expertise) and as a board member to a range of charitable programs with special focus on Darkness to Light and the Charleston Concert Association.

Quiz Answers from page 41: 1. Mona Watts Lyons gave an enema for any ailment. 2. Mrs. Baldwin taught reading. 3. Stafford dorm. 4. 2003 Adam Sharon, Ian Lichtenstein, James Deckinger, Larissa Mooney, Ingrid Jordan ’94, Ted Millar, Ted Coats, Jennifer Cartin, Nadia Murray, and John Walsh at L’Orange Bleu located down in Soho (NYC). 5. Rich Beck, Tom Dodd, Peter Duncan ’65, Mike Wise ’63, Hoge Caswell, John Gobel. 6. The Walk List, to work off demerits. 7. The bell rang for dinner and is now in the Middle School. 8. O’Malley dorm. 9. Tennis ball was thrown trying to hit the top of the flagpole. 10. Lev Smith served for 27 years, as math teacher and Headmaster from 1936–1963. 11. Billy the Horse. 12. Original Carter farmhouse, eventually called the Carter House or Head’s House. 13. Mr. Shea, Shea House (also called the White Cottage). 14. Founders Day. 15. Pocantico club banner. 16. Herbert Carter ’19 graduated from Princeton in 1923. 17. Vice-Chair of the Board and father of two Harvey boys, Tom ’73 and John ’74. 18. The pond to the left and in front of the main building, Sylvan Hall, shown as built and painted by teacher Richard Coe. 19. Headmaster was thrown in the pond by a championship team. 20. Cinderella; student-directed The Drip and Difficulties of Building a Time Machine.

The Harvey School 49

Born in New York and a graduate of Harvard College, he has devoted himself to philanthropic work wherever he has lived. While working in New York as president of the Boyer Organization, a graphic design firm specializing in the production of corporate annual reports, he also served for 28 years on the board of directors of the Fresh Air Fund and on the executive committee of the International Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport, R.I. In Charleston, he has shared his graphic and photographic expertise as well as his resources with Historic Charleston Foundation, Sea Island Habitat for Humanity, Our Lady of Mercy Outreach, Lowcountry Open Land Trust, Footlight Players, Peace Works, Charleston Stage, Association for the Blind, Charleston Collegiate School, St. Philip’s and St. Michael’s churches and more. Although he avoids the spotlight, he is humbled and honored by this award. “John is an example and a contrast,” wrote Conrad Zimmerman, senior VP of Smith Barney/ Citigroup, in his supporting letter. “He is an example of what one caring person can accomplish and a contrast with those who adopt our community with only the thought of what it can offer them.”


Class Agent: Michael Adair, 860-535-9099,


Class Agent: John W. Crawford, 540-247-8810,


Class Agent: Alex P. McKown, 718-392-1373,

George D. Hooker: “Enjoyed reading about ‘Rocks’ Liman and Dick Marshall in the Alumni section. Rocks towered over

50 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

all the Harvey athletes. Mr. Magnan (an inspired coach) had outstanding football and baseball teams in 1956–57. Only football loss was to an overpowering Children’s Village team, and the baseball team went undefeated. Rocks was a superb quarterback on the football team and a double threat on the mound and at the plate on the baseball team. Dick was a star on the hockey team.” Richard M. Marshall III: “Still holed up in Ithaca, N.Y., after five years of figuring where home really is. Katonah, my hometown once, and still my heart’s desire, is beyond my grasp. The starter home which I decided not to buy in 1966 for $18,000 now goes for $950,000. Therefore, I will move up to Brunswick, Maine, next summer, where money can still buy a start in life. Just in time.” Seth W. Morton II was honored by his firm, New York Life Insurance Co., by being named “Rookie of the Year” as the highest producer among all new agents in the Stratford, Conn., General Office in 2012. As a result, he was invited to the Career Development Conference in Dallas.


Class Agent: Richard O. Willard, 207-596-7968,


Timothy K. Stanton: “I read with interest your email regarding the promotion of outreach work by Harvey alums. That has been much of what my career has been about—promoting civic engagement and learning among university and high school students.” (See a summary of Tim’s activities in the spotlight article on page 8.) He helped found and served as associate director and director of the Haas Center for Public Service from 1985–1999. He has taught in African Studies, American Studies, education, medicine, public policy,

Seth W. Morton II ’57

and Urban Studies. As Engaged Scholar for Campus Compact, Tim helped organize and coordinate a national initiative on community engagement and research universities, The Research Universities Civic Engagement Network (TRUCEN) ( www. He has published numerous articles on service-learning and engaged scholarship.

63 50th Reunion Theodore P. Haebler called after receiving the 1963 reunion letter and Rambler pages. He noted that there were co-presidents of the class, Yates and Ingersoll; and that Lev Smith taught him math. Another time, he went into the Master’s room, memorized the list of all the students names, and then was able to recite all the names from memory. Question for the class of 1963: How tall are you? Ted says he is 6'6" and wonders if he is the tallest in the class now. Spyros Root: “I see Chris Del Campo is your editor in chief—please give him my best; he was wonderful with my now 18-year-old daughter, Mirna, who went two or three years to the Cavalier camp. She is now studying cosmetology in Barcelona, learning this art in the hopes of working in theater or films—she has already had the chance to help out in a TV program. When I last spoke with her she was making beards and mustaches hair-by-hair. “I am now living in a country house, probably only briefly, on the Spanish



Harvey Magazine highlights in this new section, “Alumni Accolades”, the accomplishments of our alumni or promotes upcoming events involving our alumni. This can be in any of the many artistic endeavors or as recognition for service or awards. Send your stories or events, or those of another alumnus, to


MOSS ’55 author

Bruce Moss ’55 is a writer living in Santa Fe, N.M. He and his brother, Kim ’60, both attended Harvey, as did Bruce’s son, Gregory ’88. Bruce earned a B. A. in English Literature from Washington and Lee University and spent two years as a medical service officer in Texas and in South Korea with the 7th Infantry Division. After military service, he joined the editorial staff of the New York News for a year, married in 1968, worked in advertising publishing and banking until 1972, then moved with his wife and young son to Italy, where they lived near Florence from 1972 to 1974. He attended the Istituto Dante Alighieri, studying Dante’s Commedia while gaining fluency in Italian. The Italian experience provided the foundation for Bruce’s novel Under Black Stars, set in Florence. The stock market crash of ’74 forced him to return to the U.S. to resume work in advertising publishing, serving up material for The Outside Man. Bruce later married Barbara Ragonese from Bedford Village, a dancer and cellist, attended Columbia University’s Writing Program, and in 1994 moved to New Mexico to write full time. Bruce joined the Santa Fe Writer’s Group that year and, stimulated by the Southwest, wrote Desert Electra, set in New Mexico, a stand-alone sequel to Under Black Stars.

He is currently revising The Outside Man while also preparing to write a memoir on the life and final illness of son Greg, lost to cancer in July 2012. In Under Black Stars: Observing Aristotle’s Unities of Time, Place and Action, the narrative follows the pilgrimage of Anders Boatwright through the streets of Florence on the last day of the 75-year-old Dante Scholar’s life, Saturday, Oct. 29, 2005. In Desert Electra, Anders’ daughter, Anna, aware from the time she was a little girl, when she overheard her mother admit her adultery during a fight with Anders in Italy, that Anders was not her father, vows to find her real father. In The Outside Man, it is 1975 in Manhattan, and 33-year-old anti-hero Henry Taver sells advertising space in Bartleston’s Marketing Monthly, owned by his Uncle Jack, who hired his nephew only at the insistence of his little sister, Henry’s formidable mother. The story evolves with Henry through a web of dreams and self-analysis. Bruce recalls: “I can trace my fascination with novels all the way back to the first, the fragrant, tissue-thin pages of Lorna Doone, assigned by Mr. Stafford in, I think, my Third Form English class. What a tale!”

The Harvey School 51

Basque coast in a spectacularly beautiful spot with a fabulous view and only a 20-minute walk through the forest from the rocky beach. I turned over the acupuncture school in Cancun that I had been running for 14 years to former students, well-trained and capable of taking charge, as was the original intention since founding it. I continue as a part of the Neijing school on an international level and will probably resume my teaching activities in a year or two—but for the meantime I am taking advantage of the relative freedom to visit family and friends and basically contemplate life.”

largest academic publisher, it is a rather serious book, but I think open to young middleschool students. Chapter 2, in particular, gives an engaging history of 5,000 years of piracy. However, I may not be the best judge of that since I read all six volumes of Winston Churchill’s history of WWII while at Harvey.” Haywood enclosed a copy of the book for the Harvey library.

Gustavo B. Torres’ brother, Pedro, sent information on Gustavo’s current location, and he reconnected with Harvey. “I attended Harvey from the fall of 1959 to May 1961, and, yes, I was a Neperan. Very fond memories of those years, friends and faculty.”

68 45th Reunion


Charles D. Agnew, Jr. (to Emma Carillo ’17): “Thank you for your nice note. It is interesting to hear from a current student about Harvey School. I actually only played basketball for a short time. I was terrible at it and only played it because there were no other options at that time. As soon as the hockey rink was built, I started playing hockey and have been playing ever since. In fact, I am playing today. You are very fortunate to have a new athletic facility and art center. I remember music being in a small room upstairs in a remote building we walked to, but I don’t remember any art facility. Our classes were small, only boys, and very strict. We had to wear a tie and coat, and if we did anything wrong, we got demerits, and after so many demerits had to come to school on a Saturday and walk in a circle for hours. I played soccer, football, basketball, hockey, lacrosse, baseball, and I think I even wrestled. We only did one sport a season, too, but I tried many different things. Have a great school year, study and work hard, and do the best you can. It is an important time in your life to learn good work habits and help you be a good person. Best of luck.”

Robert C. Haywood (Note to Headmaster Fenstermacher): “This year, Routledge Press published Maritime Piracy, on which I am the principal author. As Routledge is the world’s

looking for Reunion agents The following classes have no one to help contact classmates and think about their class reunion in 2013: 1938, 1943, 1948, 1953, 1958, 1963, 1983, 1993, 1998. If you are willing to help, please contact

Harvey Alumni Executive Council Anyone who wishes to participate in four annual meetings to help plan alumni activities, please contact Dan Chapman ’73 (dkchapman@ or the Alumni Office ( 52 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013


Class Agent: David R. Robertson, 201-253-0240,

Class Agent: Alexander Edwards-Bourdrez, 631-327-3301,

Jonathan R. Wells (to eighth-grader Brian Alvarado): “At Harvey in 1968 sports were quite serious and academics were, too. As I was a small kid, I was hardly a star on any team. Academically, I did better and made the headmaster’s list in the Fifth Form. Misters McMahon and Shattuck were the two most demanding ‘masters,’ as they were known then. If you did something wrong or crossed them, you received a demerit. Each demerit was equal to one lap of a quarter mile on the hillside going to the hockey rink, which had just been built. The school was highly disciplined and believed that discipline was important for keeping order and self-betterment. “The clubs were considered important as far as they related to your prep school application. The more you participated in, the better. I don’t remember the glee club, but I do remember being in the girls’ chorus of The Pirates of Penzance as a humbling experience. The speech contest probably represented the apex of my Harvey experience. In Fourth Form, I spoke about ecological damage the surrounding towns were causing the Everglades. In Fifth Form, I discussed how song lyrics of the time referred to social issues of the period. For Harvey, the latter subject was quite daring. “The school day was long, lasting to 5 or 6 at night for day students. It included an evening study hall after sports for an hour or two. Usually I didn’t get home until after dark. “The culture of the school was serious and diligent. We knew we were some kind of elite but which kind wasn’t clear to me at the time. We felt privileged not only that we could attend such a school but that we could survive its vigors. For me, survival was the central theme. The first year and a half were extremely challenging. By the middle of the Fourth Form (seventh-grade), I was nearly used to it.”


Gary D. Cerasi: “I have no idea when I graduated Harvey—it was around ’71, Richard Ledes was at the school then, and I got a ton of demerits from Mr. McMahon

in Latin class. I will always remember Mr. Deeks for history and Mr. Gaspar for math. I was proud to be a Pocantico (blue club).”

73 40th Reunion Class Agent: Philip A. Eifert, 914-232-6489,


Stephen G. Young (from Phil Eifert): Stephen enjoyed the most recent alumni magazine and reminded me that he was #22 on the football team. He says he played fullback and linebacker. He now lives in Florida, retired from being an arborist for most of his career, and is now taking care of his mom. His very first job was in the Harvey School kitchen.


Class Agent: Laurance E. Baschkin, 914-764-3220,

78 35th Reunion Class Agent: Patrick O. Peterkin, 203-655-9917,

John B. Henry (now Seann Alderking): John changed his name for work (and union) reasons in 1978 so has been Seann Alderking for his entire adult life. Father (David P. Henry) was sent to France with IBM and Seann went there to school. Seann now lives in London. Michael H. Scott: “Still living in Beverly Hills, Calif., buying mobile home parks throughout California. Traveling the world. Playing a lot of golf, tennis, beach volleyball. Also skiing every winter still.”


Nanette C. Baratta: “Two years ago I went to Namibia, Africa, with a group of students from Carthage College in Wisconsin. The husband of my best friend from college is a professor and choral director there, and I was invited to join them. We visited the Oonte OVC Organization in a town called Ondangwa in Northern Namibia, close to the Angolan border. The organization is a refuge for AIDS-vulnerable children, a place where they are fed and allowed to be children. We built two Hope Gardens while we were there in order for the community to have alternative food supplies. It was a wonderful experience. I am returning this June as a chaperone to the female students. I am very much looking forward to returning. Meme Shiimi is the woman behind the goodness of Oonte. Her story is quite amazing. She has spread rays of sunshine throughout her community. (Oonte actually means “ray of sunshine.”) It was an honor to have been invited and to see firsthand what Oonte provides for these children. It sounds somewhat similar to Ubuntu, which I am looking forward to learning more about.”

83 30th Reunion Class Agents: Melinda Frey Arkin, 914-241-2134; Joshua Rosenthal, 970-385-4723,

Nanette C. Baratta ’82

Volunteers needed Class Agents, Young Alumni Group, Regional Gatherings, Alumni Guest Speakers, Career Networking/Mentoring, Alumni Fundraising If you are willing to help with any of the above activities, or have ideas of other ways alumni may participate with the school, please contact Dan Chapman (dkchapman@ or Sally Breckenridge (


Class Agent: Thomas A. Jaffe, 925-200-4391,



Daniel G. Rigger, Jr. is an iron worker foreman and the owner of Pets a Gogo. His hobbies include football and golf. “ I am the proud father of two, yes two sets of twins—two boys and two girls, ages five and seven. We own the pet company Pets a Gogo, and sit /stay/ play boarding and day care. And I am in my 29th year of high steel iron working.”


Class Agent: Herbert L. Sloan, 203-438-0051,

Class Agent: Lisa M. Rogers Cantrell, 813-672-3642,

John J. McKeon IV played in the alumni hockey scrimmage in January. John’s son plays hockey with Harvey, coached by Tim Halewicz and Alex Morse, and attends John Jay. Tim invited John to come for Harvey’s alumni game, and he did.

The Harvey School 53

Send Us Your Email Address! Help us keep our database accurate. The best way to reach our alumni is through email. Send your updated information (and a quick note) to Richard I. Mack ’91’s son Hudson; Richard with NYC police officers during Sandy relief.

88 25th Reunion Class Agents: Wylie Smith Blake, 203-526-4089,; Charles A. Collin, 718-431-0829,

Justin S. Brunelle: “I owned a gallery in the Vail Valley for a number of years with an annex in Denver called Soke Fine Art. My first sale at the gallery ironically was to a Katonah resident whose daughter briefly attended Harvey. Also, descendants of the family who owned the original farm that is Harvey’s campus came into gallery on another occasion. It is small world indeed.”


Matthew S. Tractenberg: “After business school, I found myself needing a bit of connection to the community. While building houses or working at food banks are admirable jobs, my workload did not lend itself to that type of commitment. I felt that if I could pair a social issue I felt strongly about, with a skill set I held, perhaps I could make an impact.” (See feature article on page 8 for more details on Matt’s involvement.) “Studies show that teachers who can supplement their income over the summer, continue their learning in the private sector, and bring back that content to incorporate it and offer new, innovative lessons remained in their teaching positions 54 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

significantly longer than those who don’t participate. “I urge anyone from Harvey to find just a small amount of time in their hectic schedules to try and give back, to make the world a better place.”


Class Agent: Peter E. Hall, 518-369-1991,


Richard I. Mack: “Here I am (see photo above) with several officers from the Bronx in assisting during the Hurricane Sandy rescue and recovery efforts. I’m on the left. Also a picture of my son, Hudson T. Mack, who is now about 18 months old. P.S. I just found an old picture of me playing [hockey] at Harvey, as well as my overall stats, which were given to me on a hockey puck by my old coach at Harvey when I graduated.”

93 20th Reunion Class Agent: Jarrod I. Brown,

Jarrod I. Brown: “Well my update is that I am 37 years old, married to my lovely wife, Juliane, with one son, Jacob, who is 11. He is a black belt in tae kwon do and honor roll student in sixth grade.

We currently live in White Plains, N.Y. My wife works for Zachys International Wine Co. in Scarsdale, and I am a financial manager with Class Action Refund, a firm handling class action lawsuits. I also am a certified sports agent; I represented one NFL football player and a Major League Baseball player. And I just created a local chapter of ‘Stand For The Silent,’ an organization against bullying. We speak at local elementary, middle and high schools spreading the message against hate and for equality of all kids. I got involved with them after watching the documentary Bully, and I’ve spoken in depth with the founder of SFTS, Kirk Smalley, who lost his child to suicide from bullying. For more information about my organization, please go to”


Class Agent: Russell C. Stamm, 781-329-3004,


Class Agents: Lara W. Casano, 347-539-7301,; Alice M. Pinheiro-Fontana, 914-263-9834,

98 15th Reunion Class Agent: Max D. Weinstein, 917-515-8531,

99 Stephen J. Masiello, Jr. ’96 with Harvey varsity basketball players.


Class Agents: Kevin P. Harrigan, 412-853-9392,; David Stark and Jeanette Brandt Stark, 336-771-5303,

Stephen J. Masiello, Jr. invited the Harvey boys and girls varsity basketball teams to a

Manhattan College game in February. He and several team members met with the students and answered questions.


Class Agent: C. Blayre Farkas, 561-929-1802,

Class Agent: Amy Albert Morello, 845-621-2120,

Timothy Cochran was married in September to Nadire Ramadan in Woburn, Mass. They spent their honeymoon in Disney World. Nadire works as a research scientist for Novartis. Amy B. Albert Morello: “I am a speechlanguage pathologist working primarily in the adult population and loving it. I help those with communication and swallowing

Class of 1998 celebrates its 15th Year Reunion in 2013. Come join us at the Harvey Alumni Reunion on Saturday, Oct. 19.

The Harvey School 55

Heather P. Soss Ojeda ’99

difficulties—many after having experienced a stroke—regain their abilities, which is incredibly rewarding. I can be both creative and help people. But perhaps my most rewarding job as of late is being a mom to my son, Zander, born this past August. He keeps me on my toes so I don’t forget all of what I’ve learned about child language development while I work with adults! My husband, Ian, and I are over the moon. Last year Heather P. Soss Ojeda opened Health & Harmony Massage and Wellness Center in Brewster. In the months the center has been open, she has attracted a large number of clients, media coverage, and garnered Putnam County’s first annual 40 Under 40 Award. (From business-profile/#comments) When you are looking for peace and tranquility, even if just for a moment, in your life consider Health & Harmony Massage and Wellness Center in Brewster. Heather Soss, a Brewster native, opened Health & Harmony to offer the community she loves a place to relax. The center, which offers massage, Reiki, acupuncture and a weekly meditation circle, is located at 2392 Route 6, so it is convenient to clients, but it is also in a private building so it is quiet and peaceful. “From the moment I walked into the cute, little building that I am in now, I just knew that the energy was right and that this was the place for me to start my business,” said Soss. “In fact, almost everyone who walks through our doors comments

56 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

on how peaceful the place is.” Soss opened up Health & Harmony in July after working at Finger Lakes School of Massage for two years following her own graduation. Working at the school gave Soss an advantage to opening up her own business because she was able to recruit the students she saw potential in. “I was able to recruit the best of the best,” she said. Joining Soss, who is a licensed massage therapist and Reiki master, are three other massage therapists and an acupuncturist who are all fully licensed and certified. Soss became passionate about massage therapy as a teenager after she started to get treatments herself, but it wasn’t until a few years after she graduated from college that she realized that she could help people in the same way that my massage therapists had always helped her. So Soss decided to learn the techniques that had been so helpful to her so that she could help other people. For more information on Health & Harmony, please call (845)363-1571 or email


Courtney Dolliver Rittenberg and Craig Rittenberg ’02: Baby boy Jack Dolliver was born Jan. 8, 2013, and joins his older brother Charlie. Courtney, Craig and the boys are all doing well. Bret C. Puchir graduated from Fordham University with a B.A. in anthropology and studied jazz guitar with a Manhattan Conservatory music professor. He is a music producer, composer, guitarist, drummer and more, with skills in sound engineering, artist development, editing, and instructing. He had been making records since he was 15 and has a triple platinum record. Since 2004, he has released multiple jazz fusion, rock and hip-hop albums. He has performed both internationally and nationally, with artists including Ashley Simpson, Arama Mara, Lana Del Rey, Girls Generation, FEMM, Ninjasonik, Spank

Rock, Says Shes Ms Blat, Jenna Andrews, Dj Teenwolf, Young B, Rahzel, Rhett Miller (Old 97’s), and Zebra Katz.


Dain L. Carver: “Currently, I am building out my father’s business in the construction industry by coordinating the sales effort in the commercial space. I also volunteer my time to help build a community for entrepreneurship, i.e. Startup Weekends, Hackathons and Pitch-offs. By extending myself into the entrepreneurial community, I have not only gained recognition for my efforts but made important lifelong connections. After learning the ins and outs of Wall Street, I decided to follow my instincts and work for myself. Being an entrepreneur is not only profitable but rewarding in the sense that you have created something from nothing. It is the road less traveled and an extremely difficult mental undertaking; however, it is ultimately more rewarding running your own business. “ Joseph “Jesse” Spiegel, Jr.: “Over the last eight years I have been involved with business development, product development and personal development. At 21, I started and developed a manufacturing and retail company, which I sold in early 2012. I led product design and development, sales and all areas of marketing; and traveled to China regularly to work with our factory and engineers to improve product design and production.

Courtney Dolliver ’00 and Craig Rittenberg ’02’s baby boy Jack

During this period, I started a number of other businesses. One was Your World Adventures/Climbing for a Cause, which provided a platform that offered climbers tools to raise funds for the charities and organizations they cared about through their outdoor adventures (similar to how race for a cure provides a platform for runners to raise funds for cancer).” Find out more:


Class Agent: Tiffany E. Franqui, 845-612-9858,

03 10th Reunion Class Agents: Britt Davis, 203-722-6129,; Evan Walker, 203-650-5281,; Jaclyn M. Walker, 914-319-1699,


Class Agent: Andrew I. Pape, (914) 428-5475,

Nicholas Duncan: “Hello Harvey Magazine: I have been requested to discuss my latest adventure, my trip to Cuba. My father was invited to speak in Havana at an Art Deco conference there, and I (and a group including Garrett Rittenburg ’03) pounced on the opportunity. Americans cannot just go to Cuba for leisure. Havana is an Art Deco city, with a majority of the architecture designed in the 1920s and ’30s and no new buildings since Castro seized power in 1959. The country is beautiful but stuck in time. The buildings, roads, cars, books, art and much more are preserved instead of being improved. One of the adages of communism is everyone can read, but there are no new books.”

Class of 2003 celebrates its 10th Year Reunion in 2013. Come join us at the Harvey Alumni Reunion on Saturday, Oct. 19.

The Harvey School 57

Nick’s highlights included: • The Hotel National in Havana displaying photos of celebrities who have stayed there. • The Hemingway House, well maintained because tourists are not allowed inside. Apparently there were original novels given to Hemingway by famous authors that the locals were selling: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Zelda Fitzgerald, T.S. Elliot and many more. The house was littered

with art (Picasso), books, dead animals and liquor bottles. • You can hail any car and the driver will take you any where that you want to go. Our ride to the Hemingway House was in a 1950s Chevy. The driver was not a taxi driver by trade, but very accommodating to our demands. • The Tropicana, a show that has been around since 1939 and is a great representation of Cuban culture, with three stages, a cast of over 50, all outside, and an interesting mix of cultures: Cuban music (Buena Vista Social Club genre), Phantom of the Opera, African music, boy band music and pop music. • The paladars, private restaurants in Cuba that have been sprouting up for the past 10 years, are a fine example of how to integrate classic architecture with new design. Restaurant owners are taking these abandoned houses and redesigning the interior. They are a sign of capitalist progress because they are marketed to tourists and have a feel of luxury.

and initially looked into Acadia because his stepmom was an alumna. He was able to catch up with a number of faculty and had a tour of the new athletic center, which he thought was great. He says he is looking forward to his class’s 10th reunion next year.

“Cuba is a beautiful country, and I am excited when its doors open up to the world, the embargo is over, and investors feel comfortable about financial opportunities. Then the country will flourish. The food, entertainment, art, landscape and history of the country will make it a tourist hot spot. My last piece of advice: If you have the opportunity, go.”


Geoffrey J. Gates stopped by on his few days in the area before graduation from Acadia University in Nova Scotia with a BBA in marketing. Last summer, he worked in Toronto and wants to find a job there in brand marketing. He said he loves Canada

Diana L. Bondy is in the first year of her second master’s degree, with one more full year of courses followed by an internship year. “It’s a lot of school, but I am really excited about all those I will help as a school psychologist.”

Nic Grala and friends have developed a new product, Street Bocce, which they launched in May on They need your help spreading the word! “Like,” “comment” or “share” their story on Facebook or follow them on instagram@streetbocce. Street Bocce is well en route to taking the tailgate scene by storm. Initially targeting a $10,000 goal on the Internet inventor/investor forum, the Street Bocce team is now focused on outfitting colleges and cities around the country with its unique product. The spin on the classic yard game can be played in urban centers, parking lots, streets and any area with limited space. Backers will enjoy the first line of Street Bocce this summer as sets are assembled and shipped to a city or campus near you!

Class Agents: Diana L. Bondy, 203-834-0764,; Sara R. Fleisher, 914-584-7048,; Laura E. Heumann, 914-234-2093,; Brian T. Ryerson, 914- 329-6863,

Young Alumni Group Brian Ryerson ’05 ( and Diana Bondy ’05 Nicholas Duncan ’04’s Cuba images: (top to bottom) Hemingway house, typical street scene, Revolucion Plaza with image of Che Guevara.

58 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

( are members of the Alumni Executive Steering Council. They welcome input from the young alumni on events of interest. Geoffrey J. Gates ’04

Life after Soccer at Duke for Harvey Alum Former top scholar and HVAL All-Star in soccer at The Harvey School Maddy Haller ’09, wrapped up her collegiate athletic career with yet another honor in April when the coaching staff of the Duke University women’s soccer team presented the South Salem native with the Coaches Award for outstanding contributions to the team’s success. Maddy, a 2013 graduate, was a key player on defense for the Blue Devils, which advanced to the NCAA Elite Eight in the final year of her four-year soccer career. Playing left outside back, Maddy helped lead Duke to 41 shutouts over the four years. Duke’s defense tallied six shutouts in 2012 as Maddy saw action in all 23 contests. In 2011, Maddy and her teammates came close to winning the NCAA championship, losing 1–0 to Stanford in the title game. Graduating from Duke as a history and Africa and African American Studies (AAAS) major, Maddy says she is thinking

Ashley Morgenthal: “I also wanted to add (just because I’m so excited), that I just passed the final qualifying exam for my program—meaning that I am officially a doctoral candidate [in clinical psychology]!” (Read about Ashley’s work in the Soweto area of Johannesburg, South Africa in the article on page 8.)


Class Agents: Greg Jurschak,; Teresa Neri, 914-400-8646,; Allison Shuchat, 914-384-4134,

Schuyler Eldridge: “I’m in the third year of a computer engineering PhD program at Boston University on a NASA fellowship, with plans to intern at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab this summer. If all goes according to plan, I should graduate shortly before our 10-year class reunion. While the academic rigors of graduate school are sadly not conducive to amateur figure skating, I continue to skate with the BU club team, traveling three to four times a year to compete.”

of going into a new direction. “This past year I have really taken to the idea of becoming a physical therapist. Being an athlete, I have been around it so much and have really developed a passion for it. This spring I have been working in one of the pediatric PT clinics and have LOVED it.” Her immediate plans include taking some prerequisite classes for graduate studies next year with an eye toward enrolling in a graduate program in 2014. It has been quite a ride for Maddy over the past four years as her team has competed in what is arguably the toughest league in all of college sports, the Atlantic Coast Conference. But the Blue Devils made it to the NCAAs every year. Maddy said, “This has been an amazing experience, and I am so glad I have been able to share it with the Harvey community.” And the Harvey community is so very proud of Maddy Haller’s great success, both on the soccer field and in the classroom.

Gregory Jurschak: “I’m serving as the company executive officer for Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 3d Marine Regiment. My battalion is currently conducting pre-deployment training for our upcoming deployment to Okinawa, Japan, at the end of the year. This will be my second and final deployment with the battalion before I rotate out of Hawaii.” Greg wrote an article which was published in the Marine Corps Gazette in March 2013. The whole article can be found on the Harvey website under Harvey Magazine, Spring 2013, under “Greg Jurschak article.”

Harvey Online Community

Register and get immediate access. Enter your class notes, find your classmates and reading latest alumni news. Harvey has information on many, many alumni (students, former faculty and staff, former trustees, Carter family...), but each has to register for his/her information to be available to other classmates and in order to view that of other registered alumni. (The data can only be made available with your approval.)

Sky Sabin graduated from Wheaton College in 2010 with a B.A. in music. Through his love of music, he discovered filmmaking. His first documentary short premiered at the Woods Hole Film Festival in 2010 and focused on world-famous luthier Steve Connor. His second documentary short, “Art Is a Verb,” Sky Sabin ’06

The Harvey School 59

was selected by the 2013 Roving Eye International Film Festival. After college, Sky worked on farms while filming during his free time. Moving into video production, he worked for various companies producing, filming and editing shows for local cable stations, but intent on creating his own business as he built his client base. In September 2012, he created Sky Sabin Productions, LLC, with a focus on weddings, advertising and documentaries. Currently Sky is working on his first feature-length documentary, Dreaming of Sugarplums, which follows the Island Moving Co.’s site-specific performance of the Nutcracker, held each winter at Rosecliff mansion in Newport, R.I.

Social Networks For those alumni using the social networking websites, take a look at Facebook and LinkedIn. Both have Harvey Alumni groups that you can join. These provide another way to find lost classmates and reconnect with them on the school. Harvey is not responsible for the content on either of these sites.

Sky is still a singer/songwriter, playing weekly in pubs in Newport and with his sister, Eleanor, in a duo called Honey Hollow, which performs original folk songs.


Class Agents: Brandon Brooks, 203-524-5800,; Doniella McKoy, 914-960-9375,

Doniella N. McKoy: “I am scheduled to complete my master’s in health care emergency management this year from Boston University.” Doni was looking for contacts at Northern Westchester Hospital, so if you know of anyone, please let her know. Sarah Salice held her senior project for Marist College in Harvey’s art center. The art exhibit displayed work by seven bipolar artists and raised $2,510 for the Balanced Mind Foundation, which helps raise awareness and support for children with mood disorders. Sarah is a communications major, with concentrations in public relations, cognitive learning, and fashion among others. Her desire is to work in the area of make up for stage and screen. Among others attending the exhibit were Harvey alumni Billy Zamstein ’06, Josh Urbach, Ana Hawley ’09, Regina Salice ’09, Mike Bruno, Mark Vasey, Brittney Bennett, Tyler Corsano ’08, Devin McCrossan ’08 and Alex Pugliese. Harrison Roach (From Harvey music instructor Cary Brown): “Harrison and I have been working together to build his career as a singer/songwriter for the last

Sarah Salice ’07 with Headmaster Fenstermacher; Tyler Corsano ’08 with 2007 alumni Mark Vasey, Josh Urbach, and Mike Bruno; Jacob A. Redlener ’10 2007 alumni Alex Pugliese and Brittany Bennett.

60 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

couple years. I produced and played keyboards on his debut CD, and have been playing live shows with him when I can.” Cary was able to get Harrison a headline slot at the Towne Crier in Pawling, N.Y., in May. “Harrison has been writing some great songs and has a fantastic backing band that I’ll be playing with that night.”


Class Agents: Gretel Coleman, 203-523-2498,; Dylan Hackley, 914-482-5318,; Scott Oltman,904-424-6610,

Laura R. Davis works in New Canaan at J McGloughlin. Robert W. Reeder is working for ING Financial Partners as a financial advisor. He is living in Jersey City.


Class Agents: Andrew Jamieson,; Erika Osborne,; Peter Sorenson,; Megan Taylor,

Charles Spatz was named to the Dean’s List at Colby College for the Winter 2012–13 school year.


Class Agents: Jenna Spiwack,; Anna Walant,; Jake Warshaw,

In January 2013, Jacob A. Redlener stopped by Harvey before heading out to Thailand, where he will be working for Rustic Pathways, an organization with which he had previously toured. This is a five-month position, but he hopes it will extend into full time.

Milestones Weddings 1999 Timothy Cochran to Nadire Ramadan in September

Births 2000 & 2002 Jack Dolliver Rittenberg to Courtney Dolliver Rittenberg ’00 and Craig Rittenberg ’02

Class of 2012 alumni at Harvey's prom with the Headmaster: (l to r) Hannah Slivka, Katherine Kessler, Natalia St. Lawrence, Mr. Fenstermacher, Mickey Stein


Class Agents: Victoria Shaffer, 914-400-6446,; Adam J. Slater, 914-874-7436,; Nicolette St. Lawrence, 914-707-0414,; KC Testwuide, 914-953-9006,

(From visitors-from-st-bonaventure-rugby-givepointers-to-harveys-players) Justice C. Koonce and Brian Theiss: Over the past 15 years, 11 studentathletes from Harvey have attended St. Bonaventure and played rugby. The college coaches, along with Koonce and Theiss, two current Bonaventure rugby players, ran a practice for Harvey’s more experienced players. Harvey coach Phil Lazzaro was very happy to have the special guests work with his team. Coach Lazzaro said, “They worked on ball drills and introduced a new forward attack philosophy which we will incorporate this spring season.” The Bonaventure squad has qualified for Nationals this season.


Class Agents: Brandon Hickey, 845-270-8670,; Brett Marks, 914-815-1686,; Maya Sank, 203-803-5850,; Daniel Schonning, 203-788-6811,; Mickey Stein,; Natalia St. Lawrence, 914-707-0406,

Faculty Notes Jason S. Baker wrote: “I was a biology and chemistry teacher at Harvey from 1995–1997. After Harvey, I went to dental

Justice C. Koonce ’11 and Brian Theiss ’11

school and then four years of residency to become an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Presently, I have a private practice in Mount Kisco, and I am attending (clinical instructor) at Montefiore Medical Center/ Albert Einstein College of Medicine. I also teach one day each month at Columbia University.” For more about Jason, see his website, at

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The Harvey School 61

inmemoriam Ruben G. Batista ’48

William B. Snyder ’37

11/2007 Our Internet search showed that Ruben died in 2007. His address in Florida shows a woman living there, so he may still have a living relative there. Does anyone have information about his life after Harvey?

Feb. 6, 2013 William Bunker Jenkins died Feb. 6, 2013, at the Indian River Medical Center in Vero Beach, Florida, due to complications from pneumonia. He leaves behind three children: William Bunker, Jr.; Howard A. Snyder (Nancy); and Joan Talcott Clark. He is also survived by two grandchildren, Laura Blankenship Snyder Silva (Alejandro) and Taylor Marie Snyder; and one great-grandchild, Alejandro V. Silva. Born Dec. 16, 1922, Bill was raised in Pelham, N.Y., the son of John Taylor Snyder and Laura Jenkins. He graduated from The Taft School (1941) and Williams College (1945). In 1948 he married Challis Talcott Jones, his wife for more than 63 years. In WWII he enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps, serving in Guam and Iwo Jima. Upon returning from duty, Bill spent two years with the Riegal Paper Co. before moving to Wall Street, starting as an oil and gas analyst with the Empire Trust Co., which subsequently merged with The Bank of New York. After 20 years with BNY, Bill joined Loomis Sayles & Co., and in due course became a director and manager of the New York office. After 12 years, Bill left to start his own company, William B. Snyder & Associates, Investment Counsel, which he closed in 2012. Bill and Challis lived for some 61 years in Bronxville, N.Y., and were tireless volunteers in the community, with Bill helping to “shore up the finances of just about every civic and

James M. McHugh, Jr. ’40 Aug. 9, 2012 James Marshall McHugh, Jr., a resident of Manhattan and former resident of Washington, D.C., died after a lengthy illness at the age of 85 on Aug. 9, 2012, at St. Luke’s Hospital. Beloved husband of Caril D. McHugh, he is survived by his five children: Avril, James III, Jonathan, Alison and Hilary; four stepchildren: Caryn, Terry, Evan and Andrew; and eight grandchildren. He is also survived by his half-sister, Nicole Perry. Interment was at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Bedford, N.Y.

Edwin A. Ramsdell ’37 10/2011: correction We were notified of corrections to the obituary that we published in a the Summer 2012 issue of Harvey Magazine. Edwin was not an esquire (attended the University of Pennsylvania law school for just one year), and he had just one niece.

62 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

charitable organization.” According to his obituary in the New York Times, Bill served on the board of governors of the Lawrence Hospital for 23 years, including three as its chairman. He has helped guarantee the Bronxville School Foundation, the Junior League, the Reformed Church of Bronxville, the Bronxville Rotary Club, the Campfire Club, the Home Nursing Association of Westchester and the Jansen Memorial Hospice, among others, will remain solvent for years to come. Bill was also a member of the board of Westchester Community College and chaired the investment committee, and a director of the McKee Botanical Gardens in Vero Beach, Florida. In his spare time, Bill loved fly fishing, trapshooting, golf, furniture restoration and embroidery. He also co-founded The Bronxville Mens Bookclub.

Dr. Peter S. Mueller ’44 March 29, 2013 Dr. Peter Mueller, of Princeton, N.J., passed away on March 29, 2013, at the age of 82, surrounded by his family. He is predeceased by his parents, Dr. Reginald Sterling Mueller and Edith Louise Welleck of New York City; his younger brothers, Dr. Mark Mueller and Sterling Mueller; his younger sister Anne Foote; his son-in-law Murray Self; and grandson Jory Self. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Ruth Antonia (Shipman); his four children, six

grandchildren, three sisters and numerous nieces and nephews. According to, Dr. Mueller was born in New York City, attended Phillips Exeter Academy (class of 1948), Princeton University (class of 1952), and University of Rochester School of Medicine (class of 1956). He completed his internship at Bellevue Hospital in New York in 1957 and then became a clinical associate at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., where he studied fatty acids and lipid metabolism in relation to cancer, and published numerous papers on this topic. He also met his future wife Ruth Shipman, who worked at NIH, and they were married in Chevy Chase, Md., in 1959. After pursuing his research goals for six years, he entered the psychiatry residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital. During his residency he continued his research on insulin and glucose metabolism. After residency, he joined the faculty at Yale as an assistant professor of psychiatry and practiced there until 1972. During this time, he published extensively on the role of fatty acid metabolism and insulin resistance in psychiatric disease. Also, in response to his father’s diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), he began studying the role of lipid and glucose metabolism is neurodegenerative disorders. In 1972 he was recruited by College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Rutgers Medical School, as a clinical professor to help build a department of psychiatry. While working in his clinical practice, he noted that some of his patients experienced relapses and mood variations at certain times of the year and theorized that this was due to seasonal light variation. He shared his ideas with researchers at the National Institutes of Mental Health. In collaboration with researchers there, he helped describe seasonal affective disorder. Later, he speculated that seasonal light wavelength variation was the cause and described a seasonal energy syndrome. Although he left full-time academic work in the early 1980s and began his private

practice in Princeton, N.J., he continued to pursue his research interests clinically and publish and speak about his areas of interest. He developed a reputation for successfully treating many patients who had been poorly responsive to conventional treatments. His multiple honors over the years included: American Psychiatric Association Physician Recognition Awards in 1979, 1982 and Exemplary Psychiatrist of the Year Award in 1994. He also held multiple patents for novel uses of current medications. Dr. Mueller served in the U.S. Public Health service with the title of surgeon from 1959–­1963 and senior assistant surgeon from 1957–­1959, and was in the inactive reserves until 1996, with the title of commander. A memorial service will be held at a later date.

Rose W. Baldwin, March 3, 2013 (Harvey 1951–73) Rose Weld Baldwin died peacefully in her own home on March 6, 2013, on Bourne Point, Wareham, Mass. She was 95 years old and lucid up to her last day. Rose was born Aug. 18, 1917, to Katharine Saltonstall and Philip Balch Weld in Tuxedo Park, N.Y. After her grandfather, Civil War general Stephen Minot Weld, died in 1920, the family moved to the 52-acre Rockweld estate in Dedham, Mass., designed by her grandfather, with help from Frederick Law Olmsted (the estate is now owned and managed by MIT). The estate was famous for having one of the country’s first and finest rock gardens. She was the third child in a family of six children. In addition to Rockweld, Rose enjoyed spending weeks every summer at General Weld’s Wareham estate, overlooking Buzzards Bay. When still a young girl Rose and her family moved from Dedham to New York City, where she attended the then-experimental Horace Mann School and later the Brearley School before leaving to board at Milton Academy, from which she graduated in 1935. After completing a year’s study in Italy at the Villa Collina Ridente, in

Florence, she was married to Ian Baldwin of Mount Kisco, N.Y., in 1937. In 1952, with four young sons to raise, Rose became school librarian and then an English teacher at The Harvey School, New York, which all her sons attended. She retired as director of the Lower School in 1973. In 2009, The Harvey School gave Rose its Distinguished Service Award for her many contributions to that institution. As a full-time resident of Wareham in the 1970s, Rose was elected twice to the town’s school board and for decades was active in community service on behalf of the Church of the Good Shepherd. An avid gardener, following her grandfather’s lead, she was also an enthusiastic lifelong sailor on Buzzards Bay and a passionate golfer from her teens on. For 52 years she was a member of Marion, Mass.’s famous Kittansett Club, cofounded by her uncle Rudolph Weld, and she won several tournaments there, as late as her 90th year. At the end of her life she also shot a hole-inone twice, a golfer’s dream. She loved music and for many decades was a subscriber to the Boston Symphony Orchestra, whose Friday afternoon concerts she attended until age 94. Rosie (as she was known to friends) was energetic, large-hearted and beloved by a wide variety of people, young and old, neighbors, family, parishioners and all who encountered her. She was an impeccable lady with a great sense of humor, dignity and a unique blend of practical common sense and savoir-faire. She took an intense, empathic interest in the lives and vicissitudes of many. On March 15, 2013, Reminiscences, a book-length memoir written in her last year and edited by her granddaughter Sarah Baldwin, was privately published. She is survived by her sister, Katharine Weld Bacon of Alexandria, Va.; her four sons and their wives, Ian and Margo Preston Baldwin of South Strafford, Vt., Michael and Margherita Bailey Baldwin of Marion, Mass.; Howard Lapsley and Karen Mulvihill Baldwin of Kennebunkport, Maine; and Philip Weld Baldwin and Monica Guggisberg of Paris, France, as well as by 12 grandchildren,

The Harvey School 63

12 great-grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews and their children and grandchildren. ( rose-weld-baldwin1)

“Mrs. Baldwin, during her 22 years at Harvey, worked at, and for the school— supported it, promoted and loved it. She has been, more than anyone else, the backbone of the school. But above all, Mrs. Baldwin took on the necessary but thankless task of training boys in the very fundamentals of all academic achievement. She taught boys to read, to spell, to write, to think and to work. She used no frills, no gimmicks, no easy or glamorous methods, yet she infused this essentially pedestrian work with joy, significance, dignity and character. As a result, a generation of students has been made capable of using their minds, with direction and strength. Our school is what it is because of her. We will be the poorer for her absence.” (From Headmaster Dawe’s address, commencement, 1973) Tributes to Rose Baldwin were received by the Alumni Office from many of her former ‘boys.’ Some are included below. “Rose Baldwin, or Mrs. Baldwin, as she was to us boys when I was at the old Harvey, in Hawthorne, is among my best memories. Nearly 60 later, her warmth and the special interest she took in the small, shy boy I was back then are with me still. From her I first understood that reading was something to enjoy for its own sake, a matter of personal taste and choice, of the adult world beyond school. In Homer, as Odysseus arrives back at Ithaca after 20 years, he sees a line of old olive trees that he recalls, with pleasure, planting as saplings ‘for his very own’ as a child at his father’s side. Among my oldest books is one inscribed to me by Rose Baldwin, in 1955, as a school prize. I still remember my delight when she showed me into her small library office to tell me I had won the prize, that I could select

64 Harvey Magazine Spring 2013

whatever book I wished, from a stack before me on her desk, for my very own.” ( Jonathan P. Scoll ’56) “My strongest recollection of Rose, seated at her desk in the library—not for long—regularly getting up to help us find books for ‘reading hour.’ Often she would hold books aside (based on individual interests) and place them in our hands in the manner of giving a gift. In my opinion, you could dedicate the whole library to Rose Baldwin!” (Dennis A. Dilmaghani ’62) “She was my reading teacher, and a giant presence in my memory of Harvey. To ask, ‘Do you remember Rose Baldwin?’ would be to ask, ‘Do you remember your mother?’ Generosity of spirit, gentleness, graciousness, patience, strength of character: these are some descriptive terms that leap to mind. And oh, so classy. Ninety-five is not a short life. And lucidity to the end is a pearl beyond price. It was an honor to have known her.” (Robert Hard ’66) “I remember Rose well—she arrived at Harvey the same year I did in the First Form. She was a great lady in the truest sense of the word and was very kind to a young kid from Texas. I spent many a weekend at their home while I was at Harvey. They had a yard big enough to play football in, and we did just that many times.” (Kirk Waldron ’56) “Lucid to the end is a fitting testament to her wonderful person.” (Henry Smith-Miller ’56) “What a beautiful life. We all feel blessed to have known her. She did love her Harvey days. That is, of course, where we first connected. She was the librarian and tutored and taught the young ones and was SO good to Laura and me. Sunday ‘lunch’ at their place in Bedford with Mike making the martinis. Oh ‘to be young again.’ I so clearly remember her picking out books for kids and getting great pleasure in getting them started to love to read. She took such

pride in helping kids get going, even when they were so reluctant to try (they probably were dyslexic, and, of course, there was no such word or understanding then!). But those were the kids she loved to help, and she was so positive and encouraging and thoughtful with them.” (former Harvey teacher Frank Perrine) “So glad that we had a chance to see her when she was honored at Alumni Day a couple of years ago. She was a remarkable woman and will be well remembered.” (Phil Eifert ’73) “I am filled with sorrow at the passing of Rose. I remember the first book sale for the library, and how Rose advised me to buy the Joy of Cooking for my mother. Since then, my mother has bought many copies of the book, and it was her favorite book until she passed. Please accept for Harvey and the family my sincere and deep wishes.” (Dennis Segal ’56) “Rose was a wonderful librarian. I remember many great books that she introduced me to, and she was very encouraging to anyone interested in reading. Whether it was new fiction, old classics or just entertainment, she encouraged us to read it all.” (Gary Meller ’64) “I’ll always remember her as the kind and lovely person who inhabited the school library—a kind of literary muse who directed me to some fine books in the early 1950s, including the memorable Biography of a Grizzly, one of my all-time favorites.” (Bruce Moss ’55) To read some of the tributes about Rosie from 2009 when she was awarded Harvey’s Distinguished Service Award, please go to Harvey website, click on Harvey Magazine 2013, and then select “Baldwin Tributes.”

The Games Have Begun... If you have been to Harvey recently, we hope you have seen the newest addition to our campus. The new Athletic Center is now being used regularly by the entire school community. We moved forward in 2010 with the Athletic Center project so that it would be available for student use as early as possible. This meant that we chose to finance the construction rather than wait to finish the fundraising, which would have delayed the project. The cost of the Athletic Center and tennis courts (yet to be built) is $5.5 million. To date we have raised $4.2 million. However, in order for Harvey to meet the total cost of this building, we need your support. Every contribution received will be matched dollar for dollar—so, your gift will go twice as far! If you have already made a gift or pledge, we thank you and ask you to consider increasing your gift amount. If you have not yet contributed to the Athletic Center campaign, please join your fellow parents, alumni, grandparents and friends to get the campaign to the finish line! To donate, go the Harvey website and click on Support Harvey, or call Laura Prichard, at 914-232-3161, x145. Harvey students and faculty benefit directly from your generosity. Many thanks for your continued support.

Rose Baldwin reaDing Center

ne of the ways that we would like to honor mrs. Baldwin is to create a permanent place in the Harvey library—the rose Baldwin reading Center—where students can continue to be inspired by her love of literature and learning. this will be a space where students can study and work together in a relaxed setting. Filled with traditional books, still rosie’s favorites, this space will also accommodate the new technologies as students read and research using digital devices. this will be the place for all of that! Your gifts will ensure an endowment in rosie’s name that will provide continuous support for this designated library space. new books, digital tools, software and apps will be purchased as needed with the accrued interest from this endowment so that Harvey students have the most up-to-date resources available. Your gifts will ensure that future generations of students have easy access to a wide variety of reading materials and literature that were so important to rosie. a plaque will be placed in this space honoring rosie’s years of service to Harvey from 1951 to 1973. to donate, go to the Harvey website and click on Support Harvey, then select the rose Baldwin reading Center, or call Sally Breckenridge, at 914-232-3161, x123.

260 Jay Street • Katonah, NY 10536

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counting down to

100 years

August 2015–June 2016

Our alumni, who played such a vital role in writing Harvey’s long and illustrious 100-year-old story, will be the central figures in the many celebrations during the school’s centennial. Working diligently to make the year-long celebration a memorable one is our Centennial Planning Committee, co-chaired by Dennis Dilmaghani ’62 and Evan and Jackie (Klein) Walker ’03. They have identified the various committees and solicited the chairs and subcommittee heads. Other members of the Planning Committee include Headmaster Fenstermacher, Philip Bowers ’70, Dary Dunham ’56, Alex McKown ’57, Dianne Mahony, Tim Stark, Dick Wyland, Laura Prichard, and Sally Breckenridge. A special centennial publication is also in the works. If you have stories or photos about Harvey to share, please contact the Alumni Office at We are looking for information to fill gaps in our archives for both photos and information. A centennial only comes around once in a lifetime, and we hope, with your help, to make this celebration truly memorable.

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