Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

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Board of Trustees

Eileen Walker, Chair Philip Bowers ’70, Vice Chair Daniel K. Chapman ’73, President, Alumni Association Thomas E. Dodd J. Michael Drude, Secretary of the Corporation Barry W. Fenstermacher, President

Edward W. Kelly Charles A. Krasne, Treasurer Raymond G. Kuntz Jeffrey Lasdon Maury A. Leone, Vice Chair Vivien Levy, President, Parent Association Sandy Ogg Jane Petty

Joseph Plummer William B. Roberts ’51 Dawn Robertson Elizabeth Schwartz Wallace L. Schwartz David Silk Andrea L. Tessler Karen Walant J. Eric Wise

Alice DeSomma, Emerita Frank A. Weil ’44, Honorary


FEATURES 4 Recalling Barry 12 Harvey G.O.E.S to Italy 15 A Life Lesson: Wells Speech Contest


18 Glimpsing the Future at the Student Showcase of Imagination

DEPARTMENTS 2 Letter from the Editor 3 Message from the Headmaster 20 Cavalier Clippings 22 Student Insight 28 Sports Roundup 31 Faculty Focus



31 Q&A with Faculty/Staff

34 Middle and Upper School Perspective

35 Parent View

35 Message from Middle School Co-Liaisons

36 An Evening to Remember

40 Message from the Parent Association President

41 Alumni News

Alumni Executive Council Daniel K. Chapman ’73 President, Alumni Association Frank Baratta ’84 Nanette Baratta ’82 Diana Bondy ’05 Lara Casano ’95 Pieter Catlow ’73 George Dallas ’64 Thomas E. Dodd Harvey teacher 1965–75

Philip A. Eifert ’73 Alexander P. McKown ’57 Laurel Meredith ’88 Seth Morton ’57 Teresa Neri ’06 Brian Ryerson ’05 Sally Breckenridge Director of Alumni Relations

42 Recent Events

51 Class Notes

66 In Memoriam

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Our journey to the second hundred years has begun. One can only imagine what Harvey, and the world for that matter, will look like in the year 2116, but thank you, Jay Walker, for giving us a glimpse into the future in your special address to the school community in March at HarveySpeaks. Perhaps the strongest sign that Harvey is on its way to a new era is the change in the stewardship of the school brought upon by the retirement this year of Barry Fenstermacher, who leaves us after 30 truly remarkable years. I know I speak for many in thanking Barry for all his extraordinary years of service, for his vision, his leadership and his commitment to making Harvey into the success it enjoys today. On a personal note, I thank him for his phone call one cold January night in 1996 when he asked me, “Want to start your own camp?” After three years of directing a summer program for an outside group that rented space on the Harvey campus, I was more than ready and excited to take Barry up on his offer to create and direct the Harvey Cavalier Camp. I will be forever grateful for his faith and confidence in me. I wish Barry and Rowena all the best in the next chapter of their lives. With Barry’s departure, we welcome our new head of school, Bill Knauer, his wife, Eileen, and their daughter, Emiliana. Bill will be guiding Harvey through the early years of the next 100. I look forward to the opportunity to assist him in his first year. As our winter issue revealed, it has been a truly exciting centennial year, starting with the Centennial Kickoff on Homecoming Weekend in September, through the many events of celebration in the fall, winter and spring terms, and capped off by the momentous Centennial Ball in April at the Annual Spring Benefit. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 20 years here, it’s that Harvey really knows how to throw a party! We hope you enjoy this issue which tries to capture the joy and excitement we have experienced in the second half of our school year, and we are happy to tell you about the new programs and initiatives Harvey is now undertaking, along with those that may be coming in a few years. We once again invite our alumni and former faculty and staff to send us recollections of Harvey to share with our readers in our next issue. Go to the Harvey website, select “Centennial Celebration,” and then provide your memories. We also encourage you to tell us what you like about our magazine, to give us some feedback on the articles within or to offer suggestions for features or future focuses. We would like to publish your comments in the Letters to the Editor column. Please send them to Harvey Magazine, The Harvey School, 260 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536 or email us at harveymagazine@harveyschool.org. If you would rather receive the online version of the magazine, please email us to make the request. CORRECTION

Correction to Winter 2016 issue. See page 62 for correction of Laura Halder’s wedding photos 2 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016




The Harvey School 260 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536 914-232-3161 harveyschool.org harveymagazine@harveyschool.org HEADMASTER:

Barry W. Fenstermacher EDITOR-IN-CHIEF:

Chris Del Campo ALUMNI EDITOR:

Sally Breckenridge FEATURE WRITER:


Lori Fowler, Gary Fox ’61, Jason Hill, Chris Kelly, Patrick Kennedy, Pal Maleter ’61, Alex Morse, Victoria Shaffer ’11, Denise Smith, Beth Visintainer, John Wahlers, Linda Wiener CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER:


Mitch Bowman ’12, John Brooks, Tracey Davies, John DePalma ’01, Gerrit Dykstra ’03, William Ely, Rob Griffin, Michael Hard ’51, Laura Halder ’05, Susan Harris, Ryan Hurst, Greg Janos ’98, Chris Kelly, Vivien Levy, Alex Lindquist, Joanne Lombardi, Abby Luby, Joshua Pickel, Jeanne Schumacher, Victoria Shaffer ’11, Shari Solinsky ’04 DESIGNER:


Printech, Stamford, Conn.

Chris Del Campo, Editor-in-Chief



’TIL NEXT TIME Eric Johnson was a distinguished leader of Quaker Schools for many years and spoke at the first school heads’ conference that I attended in November 1986. He was memorable and is missed today for his simple manner, his wisdom and the reassurance he offered to all who teach. Among the many “pearls” he shared back then was that school leaders must be “resident soothsayers” as much as general leaders. School heads should constantly read “the tea leaves of society” and then act or react accordingly. As I leave Harvey at the end of our wonderful centennial year, I welcome the challenge of trying to tell the future. Harvey’s short-term future will be vibrant. The new leadership Bill Knauer brings will no doubt improve our status in teaching wisely through technology and enrich our many global initiatives. Student achievement will become more comprehensive involving the many traits we cannot measure with a test: love, humor, sweetness, friendship, imagination, curiosity and idealism. Our “product” over the next 5 to 10 years will be multitalented, and quite prepared to compete in a global community. As we look further into the future, say 15 to 30 years, the focus is less clear. I have spoken often about the challenge distance learning presents. Virtual reality programs may become the preferred method of delivering education, particularly in disadvantaged communities. Artificial intelligence (AI) may replace actual teachers in many settings. Harvey will need to grow as managers and purveyors of such innovation. Keeping physical activity and interpersonal events such as drama, sports and debate alive as a full partner with new forms of “mechanical” teaching will be challenging.

Trustees Jane Petty, Vivien Levy, Thomas Dodd, Eileen Walker and Elizabeth Schwartz pose with the headmaster after announcing the new athletic center will bear his name.

Even though I know technology will dominate much of our future, I do not see a decline in the role-modeling of our faculty. No matter the configuration of the “school of tomorrow,” our teachers will continue to mentor and encourage our young people. A future without such interaction with children would be lonely and dangerous. I leave Harvey with gratitude to so many for so much. Rowena and I have enjoyed the fellowship of an extremely warm community. Your individual and collective gestures in recent days have tugged at our heartstrings. Our appreciation for a huge cast of characters that includes present and former trustees, faculty and staff, students, parents and alumni is unending. The combined spirit and wisdom of these constituencies will take good care of Harvey in the years ahead. Let us, then, not say goodbye, but thank you and bless you all until we meet again. Best wishes to all,

Barry W. Fenstermacher, Headmaster The Harvey School 3


BARRY by Abby Luby

hen she thinks about the many years she worked as secretary to Harvey Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher, there is one moment that makes Julia Beck laugh. “At one time, students would dunk him in the small pond behind his house! He actually had pictures of getting dunked that he put on the wall of his office.” There are many such memories for Beck, who retired last year after working with Fenstermacher from his first day on the job, 30 years ago.

“ I liked him immediately. He was down to earth, and you

could speak to him about everything and anything.”

The headmaster’s last year ends in June,

and he leaves a legacy of not only ushering Harvey into the 21st century, but of countless lasting impressions he has made on the Harvey community over the last three decades. Fenstermacher stories are endless, including how he got hired. Longtime board member Raymond Kuntz recalls how he chaired the committee to hire a headmaster to replace Harry Dawe, who had held the post from 1969 to 1984. (Tom Fulton was interim headmaster, 1985–1986.) “We engaged a consultant, vetted numerous résumés and interviewed a handful of candidates. We found someone we liked and offered him the job, but at the 12th hour the man had contract issues, and we were back to square one,” Kuntz says. He pushed the board to hire an assistant head, but they chose to interview only sitting heads. “I wanted someone who would stick with Harvey for the long run,” he adds. As it happened, a person on the committee worked at the Masters School in Dobbs Ferry and knew the then-assistant headmaster, Barry Fenstermacher. Kuntz and Fenstermacher met for lunch. “We spent a couple of hours together and I was convinced this was the guy who could take us through the next 25 years,” Kuntz says.

In the spring of 1986, Tim Stark, Harvey’s former chair of languages and the school’s athletic director, met Fenstermacher for the first time when he was being interviewed by the hiring committee. “He was questioned for hours about everything from his philosophy of education to the dress code,” Stark remembers. “But Barry emerged from the inquisition full of energy and enthusiasm, eager to continue the conversation with those of us who stayed behind to learn more about him.” During those first days of the new leadership, one thing was clear: Harvey needed to be more financially stable, and that meant change. “When he started here, the school was poor, and he had quite a few things on his plate,” says Beck. “Ultimately, he brought the school to where it is today.”

For the new headmaster, quality education

was always the essential driving factor, as many colleagues, teachers and students can attest. Dick Wyland, assistant headmaster, was hired by Fenstermacher in 1993 as head of the Middle School. “Not only does he like to hire good people, but he gives them their head,” says Wyland. “That means he doesn’t micro manage, and he lets the faculty and staff do their thing and develop their own programs. But he always likes to be kept in the loop.” During his junior and senior years, KC Testwuide ’11, an investor banker, remembers being on the student council and working with Fenstermacher. “He recruited very good teachers and allowed them to run their classes creatively, and setting their own structure that allowed them to teach comfortably. That speaks high volumes of him as a leader. I looked up to him, and the faculty also looked up to him. He’s someone passionate about what he does,” Testwuide says. A favorite memory of Wyland’s is Harvey’s morning meeting, where Fenstermacher would address the entire school before the start of the school day. “Barry is a great raconteur, and his stories were always amusing, especially the ones you heard after school vacations,” he says. Those morning stories also resonated with Nicole Wright ’05, today an accomplished virtuoso violist who has played for The White House Correspondents Dinner. “He used to tell jokes and really funny stories at the morning meetings,” Wright says. “One was about a friend of his who was so obsessed with conserving soap that he stored it in his freezer so it wouldn’t

6 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

deteriorate so quickly. While it was quite funny, the way the headmaster told it, it was genius and absurd at the same time.” The morning meetings at Harvey were also special for Testwuide. “That’s when the headmaster had the most profound interactions with the student base,” he says. Wyland holds a particularly poignant memory about the tragic morning of September 11 when Fenstermacher brought the whole school together into the study hall. “He had televisions set up and he talked to the kids, especially those whose parents worked in downtown Manhattan. He was instrumental in trying to locate those parents. His thoughtful presence and his suggestions enabled the school to get through it,” Wyland says.

Fenstermacher’s priority was being accessible to students.

Wright always found his office door open. “He would take time to speak with me, a boarding student whose parents weren’t around, as well as to the international students. You could go into his office at any time, and I knew if there was a problem with a teacher he was there to listen and to help,” she says. In a vivid flashback, Wright recounts when Fenstermacher was going to sing at a holiday concert, and he asked her to accompany him on the violin: “I was so nervous, but also excited because he was such an accomplished singer. But he wasn’t nervous at all. He just seemed so happy and very comfortable performing in front of the entire student body and their families. Ultimately, he made me feel proud of myself.” Up close and personal is Fenstermacher’s style, especially as a classroom teacher. “He taught a 20th-century film class and a religion class,” recalls Testwuide. “He also built an entire course around ‘Outliers,’ a book by Malcolm Gladwell, about high levels of success. In the classes I took with him, he was fair in how he handled students, but he was tough when he needed to be.” Fenstermacher let students know that school rules should never be broken. “I was too afraid to cut class

“Ultimately, he made me feel proud of myself.” —Nicole Wright ’05

because you would get penalized,” says Wright. “The second time cutting class got you suspended and the third time you were expelled. It was how the headmaster cared for our overall well-being.” Stories abound about Fenstermacher’s sense of humor. “Barry’s most important attribute is that he has the ability to see the funny side of everything, no matter how serious the situation is,” says Kuntz. Beck was usually the recipient of the headmaster’s playful nature. “He liked to pull pranks on me,” she recalls. “There was a family living in an apartment on campus, and the headmaster would tell the older child to sneak into the office and try to hit me in the knee with a certain toy. We all knew beforehand, and when the child came into the office, we’d all just laugh.” Beck was equally playful. For one of his birthdays she baked him an angel food cake replete with inextinguishable candles. Working with Fenstermacher was always a good mix of joking around and a lot of work, says Beck, who saw herself as the Headmaster’s official gatekeeper. “Even though he had an open-door policy, the many people who wanted to see him throughout the day had to see me first. He used to say I was his daytime wife,” she says.

The world of a headmaster is multi-tiered,

and one needs to have his finger on the pulse of students, teachers, administrators, committee chairs and board members. Kuntz, who assumed the chairmanship of Harvey’s board in 1988, marveled at how well-prepared Fenstermacher was for board meetings. “Barry would never just gather a few things for the meeting; he had an outline of what he wanted to say, which was more of a report that included his thoughts and a bit of brief history.” Kuntz, who for 25 years with his wife, Rose, watched the Super Bowl with Fenstermacher and his wife, Rowena, also acted as the school’s pro bono attorney. “Barry has a quality that would endear him to any lawyer. He knows the right time to call an attorney is before any trouble starts,” he says. From his very first day, Stark says, “Barry had a clear-eyed vision of what he wanted to accomplish at Harvey, including the challenges of improving the school’s finances, converting to a five-day boarding program, and transitioning from a school with only a handful of girls to one that was truly coeducational.” Notably, during his 30-year tenure as headmaster, there were major physical changes on Harvey’s campus. The new

8 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

Walker Center for the Arts was completed in 2005, the new 27,000-square-foot Athletic Center in 2012, and the Middle School was enlarged by a third and remodeled. In 2015 the school added six tennis courts named for John G. Davis, class of 1950. For Stark, the new gym demonstrated the importance of athletics: “Barry understood that the true value of athletics does not lie in the number of championships a school wins (although the Cavaliers have won many) or in the number of Division I athletes it produces. How many times have we heard Barry speak of the importance of participation and teamwork, of the acquisition of new skills and of sportsmanship?” The 125-acre campus with its new buildings wasn’t just for Harvey. Integral to running the school was a close connection with the nearby communities of Katonah and the town of Bedford. Lee Roberts, former town supervisor and current town board member, appreciates the relationship the town had with Harvey. “Barry reached out in every way,” Roberts says. “He opened Harvey’s Evarts Ice Skating rink to the public and hosted the fireworks for the Katonah centennial in 1997 on Harvey’s field. It was fabulous.”

“For Barry, it was beyond just learning academics;

it was learning about life and helping others

That’s an important part of education.” —Lee Roberts Availing the Harvey campus grounds and buildings for public use garnered a strong community connection, says Roberts. “I’ve been on the Harvey campus for the inaugurations of their new buildings—the arts center and their gym. In fact, I held my farewell party as supervisor in the new gym and Harvey allowed us to use their staff and their kitchen. Ours was a connection that bolstered the community.” With Roberts’ consent, Fenstermacher arranged a student program of community service in Katonah. “For Barry, it was beyond just learning academics; it was learning about life and helping others. That’s an important part of education,” she says.

The Harvey School 9

The Headmaster always made sure Roberts was included in key school events, including as a commencement speaker and judge at the 55th annual speech contest in 2013. “The poise the students had was most impressive,” Roberts recalls. She says her friendship with Fenstermacher was, and is, special. “He used to invite me to the Bedford Golf and Tennis Club for lunch, and we would chat about the current happenings in town, about children and what Harvey was up to. He is a true Renaissance man, and I so enjoyed his company. I always learned a lot from him,” she adds. Fenstermacher’s ability to reach out and relate to everyone and anyone is what makes him a good manager, Wyland says. “Barry is a very good mentor and he’s able to take a broad look, a high-distance view of things. He would be the one saying, ‘Well, if you do this, you have to think about that.’ I’m down in the weeds with the day-to-day stuff, but he’s totally global-based,” Wyland says.

As Fenstermacher steps aside for a new head of school,

no one expects him to totally disappear. “In a recent conversation I had with Barry, it’s clear he will stay pretty involved in the school for the next few years,” says Testwuide. “I don’t think he’s riding off into the sunset for good.” Kuntz sees Fenstermacher as the “Headmaster Emeritus.” “That would require participation, and he wants it that way. But I do see him first making a clean break and then coming back. I’m sure he wants to give the new fellow a chance to find his footings.” Wright says she hopes Fenstermacher’s retirement will afford him more personal time. “He’s done so much for me, for the student body, and he was always so helpful. I hope now he has the time to really do all that he wants to do and all that he wants to accomplish.” Stark’s parting message to Fenstermacher is one of great respect and admiration. “I have no illusions about where Harvey might be today if not for Barry’s stable and forwardlooking leadership,” he says. “It is my fondest wish that Rowena and Barry enjoy their next life challenge together with a well-deserved sense of satisfaction in what they have achieved for The Harvey School. May the school’s new leadership continue to add to the strong foundation built during the Fenstermacher years!” H

10 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016


from the New Head of School

When I was preparing for my first visit to Harvey as a candidate in May 2015, the more I learned about the school, the more I was convinced that it was the place I wanted to be. Everything I read and heard described a school where students are truly at the center of their own learning, where each student’s individuality is valued and nurtured, and where “education takes place in the context of a community.” Since then, my initial impression has only been confirmed. When I spent a week on campus in February, I found a community of engaged students and adults who all care deeply about Harvey. I spoke with faculty, staff and administrators who are passionate about education and committed to the well-being and success of every student. I met students who describe finding a unique school where they can truly thrive, and parents who have seen their children’s lives transformed by the Harvey experience. As one student commented during my visit, “At Harvey I can be myself.” Powerful words indeed. I also heard from alumni who continue to feel a deep connection to the spirit and values of Harvey, and I had the pleasure to meet the members of the board of trustees and the parents association who dedicate countless hours to ensuring the long-term well-being of the school. By the time I returned to Barcelona at the end of that week, I was impressed by what I had seen, inspired by the people I had met, and excited to be a part of it all. My family and I are thrilled to be joining the Harvey community. Eileen and I look forward to getting to know all of you in the months ahead, and our daughter, Emiliana, is excited to meet her new sixth grade classmates in the fall. We will arrive in Katonah at the end of June so that we can begin to settle into our new home. I will be on campus for much of the summer, so I hope to have the opportunity to meet many of you before the school year begins. I am honored and grateful to have this opportunity to follow in Barry Fenstermacher’s footsteps and to build on the formidable legacy he leaves behind at Harvey. I very much look forward to partnering with all of you as the school moves into its second century, and I have no doubt that together we will continue to make Harvey a place where all students can flourish, where excellence is our purpose, and where joy matters.

—Bill Knauer

The Harvey School 11


to By Abby Luby 12 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016


Today, people know more about a foreign country before they even get there. That’s because the internet and social media have made it easy to be globally aware, and tourists now arrive in a foreign country knowing its history, culture and trends. Students in Harvey’s Global Opportunities for Enhanced Studies program (Harvey G.O.E.S) who went to Italy during spring break in March not only knew a lot about the town and school they were visiting, but for months before their trip they had already connected with a partner student. Alex Lindquist, associate director of the International Student Program, created Harvey G.O.E.S. last June and wanted a program based on student partnerships. “I wanted our international program to be a little more diverse,” she explains. “Our students have always had an opportunity to host an international student, but there wasn’t much going the other way around. I thought there were ways of expanding the program.” Lindquist sought a rich exchange of information, experiences, emotions and dreams between teenagers who would be in the program, so she proposed a common theme that was educational and of interest to students on both sides of the globe. Because Europe is currently experiencing the impact of hundreds of thousands of immigrants migrating to their countries, and America has long been the melting pot of immigrants, Lindquist chose the theme of immigration. After searching out possible schools abroad, Lindquist discovered a school that had a similar idea of school partnerships, the Italian Technical Institute School L.EinaudiScarpa School in Montebelluna, Italy, just outside Venice. “It seemed like a perfect fit,” says Lindquist. “They were reaching out to schools in the United States to do an exchange partnership, not just an exchange, and they wanted their students to converse with American students about a relevant topic.” In the fall she distributed an application for the program requiring interested students in the Upper School to answer two questions about immigration and culture. “I wanted to be clear that this was an independent study, not just a vacation, and that their work would be graded at the end of the semester.” Fourteen students applied and all were accepted,

including freshman Andrew Baron, who gave Lindquist, along with his essay, a copy of his great-grandfather’s boat ticket used to immigrate to the United States. When the Harvey G.O.E.S. group first met, Lindquist’s assignment was to research American immigration. “I was so surprised by some of the facts about immigration today,” says junior Alexandra Barber. “Especially about the number of children, alone, trying to cross the border from Central America to America.” During the months leading up to the trip, Alexandra connected with her homestay partner and other L.Einaudi students via Skype, WhatsApp and Facebook. “It was so cool to talk with the kids in Italy because they were so excited about the program,” says Alexandra. “I was a little nervous at first about the language barrier but my partner spoke amazing English. Our conversations were about immigration, but we also talked about our favorite TV shows and what we were doing over the weekend.” Senior Emily Sirota also connected with her Italian partner. She said, “It was wonderful to talk to Martina over video chat.” Emily’s research and preparation for the trip included keeping up on the immigration issues currently in the news. “I also prepared a segment of our class’s American Immigration timeline for our presentation in Italy. For our timeline, I researched the era of Ellis Island,” she says. Harvey faculty and administrators have embraced the new program. “Harvey G.O.E.S. puts a different spin on the foreign exchange programs we have had,” says Bill Porter,


World travel is nothing like it used to be.

The Harvey School 13

Harvey’s director of admissions and Upper School history teacher. “Because it is theme-based, Harvey G.O.E.S. has a built-in educational component to it. I certainly think that there was learning going on during all the previous trips, but this builds an interactive research component into the program. This is really a prime example of 21st-century education, and prospective families ask me about it all the time.” Even before they arrived in Montebelluna, Harvey students made headlines in the local newspaper: “I liceali ambasciatori alla Nazioni Unite Italy,” which translates to “The high school ambassadors to the United States.” The article mentioned the visiting Harvey students, information about the campus near New York City and the visit of the Italian students to Harvey in April. The trip during spring break was a great success starting with the day they landed. “The Italian students and their teachers were so welcoming and kind,” says registrar and journalism teacher Lesley Boltz, who helped chaperone the students. Boltz recalls a warm greeting at the Venice airport by teachers and students. When they arrived at the school, they were greeted with posters and balloons, which “was a wonderful welcome for us all,” says Lindquist. “Students and teachers finally met each other face to face while we walked around town and then went home with our host families.” On the trip was Michael Lauria, Upper School language teacher, who for the entire trip regularly tweeted on @GlobalHarvey and #harveygoesitaly, two Twitter accounts

set up for Harvey G.O.E.S. Lauria recalls the start of the week featured student presentations from both schools followed by sightseeing to nearby Villa Barbaro and Asolo. Another day the teachers from both schools toured Venice while the students spent time with their host families. “The host family was welcoming and friendly, even though we didn’t speak the same language,” says Alexandra. “All the Italian students, even the ones not in the program, made us feel so welcome. They shook our hands and introduced themselves.” When the Harvey students returned, Lindquist planned a night meeting to recap the whole experience. “We also had to start preparing for the arrival of the Italian students at the end of April,” she explains. Harvey student counterparts hosted the Italian students for a full week. Plans for the Italian students included a visit to the Tenement Museum in New York City, Little Italy, China Town and, of course, the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. “We are reaching out to schools in different countries for the program next year,” says Lindquist. H

“Harvey G.O.E.S. will again embrace a theme reflecting global issues. It’s important for kids to see current issues from all different angles.

I’m hoping that Harvey G.O.E.S becomes one little facet of how Harvey can expand globally.” —Alex Lindquist 14 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

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Quisque nulla augue, varius ut pulvinar a, dapibus sed quam. Donec sit amet lectus convallis, consectetur libero ac, consectetur nisi. Donec velit justo, hendrerit eget ullamcorper vitae, sollicitudin eu augue. Donec in erat vitae turpis tempus port Vestibulum ut nisi pharetra, tristique libero vel, malesuada odio. Fusce ac sagittis felis. Donec sed ipsum viverra, convallis mauris a, finibus quam. Donec dignissim ipsum sed rem malesuada, pretium varius sapien cursus. Nunc placerat velit id augue vulputate, et fermentum magna cursus. Ut imperdiet nulla ac ex elementum, vel iaculis justo venena Sed placerat tristique convallis. Quisque eu ante felis. In aliquam hendrerit urna ut rutrum. Suspendisse vulputate facilisis orci non interdum. Proin laoreet rhoncus vestibulu Maecenas iaculis nisl a molestie eleifend. Nam id massa nec libero tempus faucibus vitae facilisis risus. Praesent placerat imperdiet justo eget rhoncus. Duis neque dolor, consequat non commodo ac, sollicitudin nec justo. Cras auctor laoreet ligula. Nam vel rhoncus erat. Donec id ipsum quis nulla pharetra posuere sed vel elit. Mauris dignissim in ur WELLS SPEECH nec efficitur. Curabitur convallis sollicitudin congue. Donec in neque vitae metus vulputate efficitur. Sed rhoncus malesuada rhoncus. Aenean tortor velit, semper nec blandit e CONTEST viverra a nunc. Fusce ultricies ultrices nisl, a accumsan orci pulvinar in. Duis porttitor nisi id aliquet lacinia. Ut vehicula efficitur turpis ut aliquet. Aenean commodo enim aliqu aliquam sollicitudin. Ut lectus est, ullamcorper non elit vitae, commodo egestas metus. Praesent vehicula accumsan libero, a faucibus purus interdum non. Curabitur eu scelerisque lectus, quis malesuada lacus. Aenean quis neque sit amet justo molestie cursus. Pellentesque at ipsum arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce nec varius est. Pellentesque in porttitor erat, vel pulvinar dolor. Nulla non dui eget tellus mollis ullamcorper id vitae elit. Proin bibendum, justo ut facilisis ornare, nisi velit auctor sem, ut auctor nulla maur at nisl. Nam ligula odio, hendrerit ac elementum ut, posuere nec sapien. In at luctus odio. Aenean vitae vulputate erat. Maecenas feugiat efficitur est, quis iaculis lorem. Nulla euismod hendrerit augue ut placerat. Aenean sit amet nulla nec dolor ultrices convallis sit amet vel leo. Proin eu ultrices sapien, non mollis velit. Vivamus velit nisl, tempor vel suscipit non, dignissim quis erat. Nullam vehicula magna sem, id malesuada sapien rhoncus non. Vestibulum malesuada tortor non risus pellentesque, consectetur consequat feli ullamcorper. Maecenas pharetra vehicula mollis.Maecenas et dictum arcu, id tincidunt urna. Nullam sit amet placerat sem. Mauris vitae volutpat sem, et ultricies nisl. Duis or tortor, aliquam ut fringilla sollicitudin, mollis porttitor metus. Integer viverra scelerisque porttitor. Vestibulum ornare sapien quis neque facilisis, in efficitur tortor porttitor. Cras leo mauris, molestie eleifend aliquet non, elementum in sapien. Nunc venenatis ante sit amet sem iaculis, eu venenatis urna accumsan. Nulla non mauris sem. Quisque viver malesuada justo accumsan iaculis. Curabitur mattis facilisis metus, eget condimentum dolor feugiat non. Aliquam eleifend imperdiet nisi quis porta. Proin vehicula suscipit metus ac viverra. Donec ornare gravida felis vitae convallis.Vestibulum enim ante, scelerisque quis fringilla ut, convallis ac ipsum. Vestibulum ultrices nisi tortor, in vehicula te gravida non. onec vehicula, tellus nec cursus maximus, massa nisl semper nibh, sitBYamet ABBYlacinia LUBY nisl augue at purus. Vivamus id tortor auctor quam sagittis porta quis et diam. Maecenas porta eget risus id auctor. Phasellus et nisi ex. Aliquam et enim et mauris rutrum posuere in in felis. Quisque ultrices fringilla urna, ac venenatis ligula sodales at. If the prospect of giving a speech to more than 400 people is daunting for adults, Phasellus at magna scelerisque, pulvinar turpis vitae, finibus est. Cras a arcu rutrum, mollis velit vulputate, cursus magna. Morbi varius sodales commodo. Sed et sagittis lac is itdolor likeutfor Harvey School students in grades to venenatis, 12? sapien non condimentum rhoncus, a Proin iaculis sit amet sapien id lacinia. what Morbi facilisis hendrerit efficitur. Suspendisse ornare tincidunt vulputate.6Nunc ex aliquet urna, sit amet varius neque risus quis lacus. Nullam quis tortor a leo pharetra tristique. Proin faucibus lorem nec pharetra imperdiet. Morbi ullamcorper lorem eget Becoming a finalist is an arduous, competitive At the 57th annual Wells Speech Contest sponsored by Harvey’ Englishipsum department. held in December, 15 finalists justo tempus, ut maximus enim fermentum. Sed euallsagittis nisl. Inspoke id velitwith nulla. Nulla etprocess massa vel dui sagittis pharetra.s Lorem dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing Initially all students are required to deliver their unflinching confidence to a standing-room-only elit. Ut luctus, nisi nec fermentum laoreet, neque urna sodales quam, in consectetur lorem urna eget augue. Duis malesuada urna et ornare ullamcorper. Aenean scelerisque pur five-minute speech in English class and teachers crowd at Harvey’s Lasdon Theater in the vitae orci tincidunt fermentum. Curabitur accumsan ut blandit. dolor vestibulum. condimentum chooseactwo or vel three studentsPraesent to advance to the neque eu lectus consequat auct Walker Center for therutrum Arts. nunc Directly facingInteger the fermentum semifinal level. Here, Harvey’ s select young podium sat three Harvey alumni judges: C. Praesent tincidunt urna sit amet vulputate venenatis. Suspendisse interdum quis diam quis pulvinar. Sed in turpis lobortis, tincidunt quamorators pellentesque, viverra orci. Suspend speak before the entire English faculty, and of those, William Kraus ’76, Alexandra Pugliese ’07 and in tristique tellus. Praesent inFrances libero elementum, accumsan a, varius mi.Speech Morbi consectetur tincidunt est nec tempor. In ipsum lectus, dignissim a slate of contestants is selected to compete in the non egestas vel, efficitur in Visintainer ’07, all elit former Wells of the Wells Speech winners. turpis. Fusce non cursus nibh,Contest non aliquet arcu. Nunc luctus lobortis nunc eleifend tempor.final Proinround et magna quam. Donec nec nislContest. ac ex bibendum condimentum sit amet vel erat. Aenean semper odio eu elit dictum interdum. Quisque nulla augue, varius ut pulvinar a, dapibus sed quam. Donec sit amet lectus convallis, consectetur libero ac, consectetur nis Donec velit justo, hendrerit eget ullamcorper vitae, sollicitudin eu augue. Donec in erat vitae turpis tempus porta. Vestibulum ut nisi pharetra, tristique libero vel, malesuada o Thevarius Harvey School Fusce ac sagittis felis. Donec sed ipsum viverra, convallis mauris a, finibus quam. Donec dignissim ipsum sed lorem malesuada, pretium sapien cursus.15Nunc placerat vel id augue vulputate, et fermentum magna cursus. Ut imperdiet nulla ac ex elementum, vel iaculis justo venenatis. Sed placerat tristique convallis. Quisque eu ante felis. In aliq


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut luctus, nisi nec fermentum laoreet, neque urna sodales quam, in consectetur lorem urna eget augue. Duis malesuada tum neque eu lectus consequat auctor. Praesent tincidunt urna sit amet vulputate venenatis. Suspendisse interdum quis diam quis pulvinar. Sed in turpis lobortis, tincidunt qua egestas vel, efficitur in turpis. Fusce non cursus nibh, non aliquet arcu. Nunc luctus lobortis nunc eleifend tempor. Proin et magna quam. Donec nec nisl ac ex bibendum condime nisi. Donec velit justo, hendrerit eget ullamcorper vitae, sollicitudin eu augue. Donec in erat vitae turpis tempus porta. Vestibulum ut nisi pharetra, tristique libero vel, malesua vulputate, et fermentum magna cursus. Ut imperdiet nulla ac ex elementum, vel iaculis justo venenatis. Sed placerat tristique convallis. Quisque eu ante felis. In aliquam hend facilisis risus. Praesent placerat imperdiet justo eget rhoncus. Duis neque dolor, consequat non commodo ac, sollicitudin nec justo. Cras auctor laoreet ligula. Nam vel rhoncus e THE WELLS SPEECH CONTEST rhoncus malesuada rhoncus. Aenean tortor velit, semper nec blandit et, viverra a nunc. Fusce ultricies ultrices nisl, a accumsan orci pulvinar in.POSE DuisWITH porttitor FINALISTS THIS nisi id aliquet laci YEAR’S ALUMNI JUDGES. a faucibus purus interdum non. Curabitur eu scelerisque lectus, quis malesuada lacus. Aenean quis neque sit amet justo molestie cursus. Pellentesque at ipsum arcu. Aliquam e auctor sem, ut auctor nulla mauris at nisl. Nam ligula odio, hendrerit ac elementum ut, posuere nec sapien. In at luctus odio. Aenean vitae vulputate erat. Maecenas feugiat effi nisl, tempor vel suscipit non, dignissim quis erat. Nullam vehicula magna sem, id malesuada sapien rhoncus non. Vestibulum malesuada tortor non risus pellentesque, consectetu tortor, aliquam ut fringilla sollicitudin, mollis porttitor metus. Integer viverra scelerisque porttitor. Vestibulum ornare sapien quis neque facilisis, in efficitur tortor porttitor. accumsan iaculis. Curabitur mattis facilisis metus, eget condimentum dolor feugiat non. Aliquam eleifend imperdiet nisi quis porta. Proin vehicula suscipit metus ac viverra. D cursus maximus, massa nisl semper nibh, sit amet lacinia nisl augue at purus. Vivamus id tortor auctor quam sagittis porta quis et diam. Maecenas porta eget risus id auctor. P finibus est. Cras a arcu rutrum, mollis velit vulputate, cursus magna. Morbi varius sodales commodo. Sed et sagittis lacus. Proin iaculis sit amet sapien id lacinia. Morbi facil tortor a leo pharetra tristique. Proin faucibus lorem nec pharetra“Confidence,” imperdiet. Morbi ullamcorper lorem eget justo tempus, ut maximus enim fermentum. Sed eu sagittis nisl. In with a bit of whimsy to make her point. by taking a deep breath Contest host and English teacher lorem urna egetCarolyn augue. Duis malesuada urnaprogram et ornarebyullamcorper. scelerisque purus vitaeabout orci tincidunt fermentum. Curabitur accumsan rutrum nunc ut blandit. Inte Tillie Glucksman used a very sophistiandAenean speaking with conviction the Bean started the cated level of sarcasm in her “Don’t Ask importance of being sure of oneself. recounting the contest’ s history. In 1958, pulvinar. Sed in turpis lobortis, tincidunt quam pellentesque, viverra orci. Suspendisse in tristique tellus. Praesent in libero elementum, accumsan elit a, varius mi. Morbi conse Me That,” and spoke about how youth Overall students made excellent eye faculty member Mr. Terry initiated the quam. Donec necspeech nisl ac contest, ex bibendum condimentum sit amet vel erat. Aenean semper eu elittodictum nullaasked augue,what varius ut want pulvinar isQuisque doggedly they to a, bedapibus sed quam. contact, used handodio gestures makeinterdum. a believing that knowing whena,they grow, an Donec unfairdignissim questionipsum that sed lorem malesu point felis. and effectively themselves to speak public was a must for ac sagittis ut nisi pharetra,how tristique liberoinvel, malesuada odio. Fusce Donec sed paced ipsum viverra, convallis mauris finibus quam. starts in early childhood. Tenth grader by taking their time. Mia took the bull the students in the then all-boys school. convallis. Quisque antethe felis.yearly In aliquam urna ut rutrum. facilisis orci non interdum. Proin laoreet rhoncusa vestibulum. Aidan Roberts presented fascinating,Maecenas iaculis nis by theSuspendisse horns withvulputate her “Public Speaking,” Byeu 1970 speechhendrerit contest had thoughtful and well-researched speech spoke how focusing “being become of Harvey’ known justo. Cras auctor laoreetoneligula. Nam vels best rhoncus erat. Donec idand ipsum quisabout nulla pharetra posuereonsed vel elit. Mauris dignissim in urna nec efficitur. Curabitur convallis sol on climate change in “Climate Change in the moment” was key. Her delivery traditions, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold orci pulvinar in.Wells Duis porttitor nisi id aliquet lacinia. Ut vehiculawas efficitur turpis ut aliquet. Aenean commodo enim—Our aliquamFault,” aliquam sollicitudin. Ut lectus est, ullamcorper non that spelled out how exceptional and she paused at just bolstered its prominence by offermolestie cursus.ing Pellentesque at ipsum the arcu.opportunity Aliquam erattovolutpat. Fuscespots. nec varius est. Pellentesque in porttitorman erat,has velcontributed pulvinar dolor.toNulla dui eget tellus mollis ulla globalnon warming. the right Max’ s speech, “Including,” winning students Sabrina Huang, a student from China was a good message about diversity and have their names permanently inscribed odio. Aenean vitae vulputate erat. Maecenas feugiat efficitur est, quis iaculis lorem. Nullam euismod hendrerit augue ut placerat. Aenean sit amet nulla nec dolor ultrices conva was presented structurally strong, with a in Harvey’s International Student on the Wells Speech Cup. Vestibulum malesuada non15 risus pellentesque, consequat felis ullamcorper. pharetra Program, vehicula mollis.Maecenas et dictumwith arcu,the id tincidunt urna. Nu successfully engaged beginning, middle andMaecenas conclusion. This tortor year, all speeches wereconsectetursolid audience in her “Bridging the Gap.” Kayla difficult issuealiquet of racial remarkable for their eloquent ornare sapien quis neque facilisis, in efficitur tortordelivery porttitor. Cras leo tackled mauris, the molestie eleifend non, elementum in sapien. Nunc venenatis ante sitHer amet sem iaculis, eu diversity and equality in her speech titled personal experience about the alienation and diversity of topics. Many tackled imperdiet nisi quis porta. Proinissues, vehiculawhile suscipit metus ac viverra.“Equal?” Donec ornare gravidawith felisconviction vitae convallis.Vestibulum ante, scelerisque quisdifferences fringilla ut, convallis ac ipsu and theenim barriers to overcome She spoke controversial others between Asian and American culturesultrices fringilla urn aboutPhasellus discrimination in the criminal shared and personal ideas; all id auctor. quam sagittis porta quisintimate et diam. Maecenas porta eget risus et nisi ex. Aliquam et enim et mauris rutrum posuere in in felis. Quisque was both compelling and touching. justice system and shared her own, were effectively humorous, reflective sagittis lacus. Proin iaculis sit amet sapien id lacinia. Morbi facilisis dolor ut hendrerit efficitur. Suspendisse ornare tincidunt vulputate. Nunc venenatis, sapien non condiment The 11th grade had three conteshard-hitting personal experience with and informative. justo tempus, ut maximus enim school fermentum. Sed eu sagittis In racial id velitdivide. nulla. Nulla et massaArevelNot dui sagittistants: pharetra. LoremBest, ipsum dolorParedes sit amet,and consectetur adipiscing Sydney Halle In “Blondes The middle contestants were nisl.the Oliver Little. Sydney’s hard-hitting Dumb,” Lauren Zide was alternately sixth-graders Sam Alexander and tincidunt fermentum. Curabitur accumsan rutrum nunc ut blandit. Integer fermentum ac dolor vel vestibulum. Praesent condimentum neque eu lectus consequat auctor. Praese “School Does Not Prepare Us for funny and serious about how blondes Jacob Hellinger, seventh-graders Mia Praesent in libero elementum, accumsan elit a,and variuseighthmi. Morbi consectetur est necintempor. In ipsum lectus, dignissim non had egestas efficiturs in turpis. Fusce non cu the Real World” thevel, audience’ are wronglytincidunt stereotyped our society. Cornell and Max Edelman, rapt attention with her of the Ninth-grader Brooke Dodderidge’ s graders Lauren interdum. Quisque nullaKayla augue,Johnson varius utand pulvinar a, dapibus sed quam. Donec sit amet lectus convallis, consectetur libero ac, consectetur nisi.critique Donec velit justo, hendrerit eget education system for failing to teach “And Conceited” took on the psycholZide. In his speech, “Letting Go of Your convallis maurisChildhood a, finibus quam. Donec dignissim ipsumSam sed lorem varius sapien cursus. placerat velit idasaugue vulputate, et fermentum magna cursu life skills balancing a checkbook ogymalesuada, of havingpretium an overblown ego, but she Nuncsuch Leads to the Dark Side,” settingfaucibus up a 401(k) savings risus. account. advised thatNam complimenting expounded on howvestibulum. playing with toys iaculisalternately non interdum. Proin laoreet rhoncus Maecenas nisl a molestie eleifend. id massa nec liberoortempus vitae facilisis Praesent placerat imp In “Break Your Bubble,” Halle spoke oneself was a must for self-assurance. like Legos, no matter your age, expands elit. Mauris dignissim in urna nec efficitur. Curabitur convallis sollicitudin congue. Donec in neque vitae metus vulputate efficitur. Sed rhoncus malesuada rhoncus. Aenean tor expressively about the suffocating the imagination. Jacob started his speech, Her no-nonsense approach was spiced enim aliquam aliquam sollicitudin. Ut lectus est, ullamcorper non elit vitae, commodo egestas metus. Praesent vehicula accumsan libero, a faucibus purus interdum non. Curabit erat, vel pulvinar dolor. Nulla non dui eget tellus mollis ullamcorper id vitae elit. Proin bibendum, justo ut facilisis ornare, nisi velit auctor sem, ut auctor nulla mauris at nisl. 16 Harvey ut placerat. Aenean sit ametMagazine nulla necSpring dolor 2016 ultrices convallis sit amet vel leo. Proin eu ultrices sapien, non mollis velit. Vivamus velit nisl, tempor vel suscipit non, dignissim quis mollis.Maecenas et dictum arcu, id tincidunt urna. Nullam sit amet placerat sem. Mauris vitae volutpat sem, et ultricies nisl. Duis orci tortor, aliquam ut fringilla sollicitudin,

urna et ornare ullamcorper. Aenean scelerisque purus vitae orci tincidunt fermentum. Curabitur accumsan rutrum nunc ut blandit. Integer fermentum ac dolor vel vestibulum. am pellentesque, viverra orci. Suspendisse in tristique tellus. Praesent in libero elementum, accumsan elit a, varius mi. Morbi consectetur tincidunt est nec tempor. In ipsum lect entum sit amet vel erat. Aenean semper odio eu elit dictum interdum. Quisque nulla augue, varius ut pulvinar a, dapibus sed quam. Donec sit amet lectus convallis, consectetur li ada odio. Fusce ac sagittis felis. Donec sed ipsum viverra, convallis mauris a, finibus quam. Donec dignissim ipsum sed lorem malesuada, pretium varius sapien cursus. Nunc pla drerit urna ut rutrum. Suspendisse vulputate facilisis orci non interdum. Proin laoreet rhoncus vestibulum. Maecenas iaculis nisl a molestie eleifend. Nam id massa nec libero t degrees from NYU/Stern and Sarah really don’t think I’m good at speaking sense of living in an affluent suburban erat. Donec id ipsum quis nulla sed vel elit. Mauris dignissim urna necofefficitur. sollicitudin congue. in neque vitae metus vulputa Lawrence College, KrausDonec is revitalizing publicly, andinbecause that, it’sCurabitur what I convallis “bubble” and pharetra how sheposuere burst that bubble significant credited Ut herlectus teacher connecting with teenage girlscommodo across enimwrote inia. Ut vehicula by efficitur turpis ut aliquet. Aenean aliquamabout.” aliquamShe sollicitudin. est, ullamcorper nonhistoric elit vitae,buildings. commodo “Learning egestas metus. Praesent vehi to speak in public here at Harvey really Ms. Alexander for helping her make a the globe who dealt with basic life erat volutpat. Fusce nec varius est. Pellentesque in porttitor erat, few vel pulvinar dolor. Nulla non dui eget tellus mollishelped ullamcorper id vitae elit. Proin bibendum, justo ut facilisis me,” Kraus said. “You can apply important changes in her speech. struggles. Oliver’s very comical “Mom, to just sit about in life. was ansapien, non mollis “We looked a solid, Staylorem. off Facebook” was a testimonial to ut placerat. icitur est, quis iaculis Nullam euismod hendrerit augue Aenean for sit amet nullapersuasive nec dolor ultricesitconvallis ametanything vel leo. Proin euItultrices honor to be a judge, and I was impressed speech,” said judge Frances Visintainer woes and embarrassments of teens ur consequat felis the ullamcorper. Maecenas pharetra vehicula mollis.Maecenas et dictum arcu, id tincidunt urna. Nullam sit amet placerat sem. Mauris vitae volutpat sem, et ultric by the competency of each finalist.” ’07. “It was very different being on when parents jump into their social . Cras leo mauris,network molestie stream. eleifend aliquet non, elementum in sapien. ante sit sem iaculis, urna accumsan. non mauris sem. Quisque viver Villanova UniversityNulla graduate thatNunc sidevenenatis of the table, andamet choosing a eu venenatis Alexandra Pugliese ’07, who workstellus in gravida non. one winner wasn’t easy. We talked about Speeches given by 12th-graders Donec ornare gravida felis vitae convallis.Vestibulum enim ante, scelerisque quis fringilla ut, convallis ac ipsum. Vestibulum ultrices nisi tortor, in vehicula group sales for the New York Mets, each and every student until we had a Peter Pappalardo and Emily Sirota Phasellus et nisi ex. Aliquam et enim et mauris rutrum posuere inclear in felis. Quisque fringilla ac venenatis sodales at.see Phasellus at magna scelerisque, pulvina said,ligula “It was fun to if students’ winner weultrices all could agree urna, upon.” were both innovative and entertaining. matched their personalities.” Visintainer Peter’efficitur. s very animated speech, “The lisis dolor ut hendrerit Suspendisse ornare tincidunt vulputate. Nuncrecalled venenatis,nervously sapien nondelivercondimentum speeches rhoncus, arcu ex aliquet urna, sit amet varius neque risus quis Pugliese said she never would have ing her own winning speech at Harvey, Creativity Muscle,” urged listeners n id velit nulla. Nulla et massa vel dui sagittis pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Utlearned luctus,her nisi much-used nec fermentumskill laoreet, neque urna sodales quam of speak“Big Message, Little Box,” an analytic to think outside the box, saying that publicly thevenenatis. Wells Speech narrative about fortune cookies. An tinciduntingurna is key to one’ s educational eger fermentum accreativity dolor vel vestibulum. Praesent condimentum neque eu lectus consequat auctor. Praesent sit ametwithout vulputate Suspendisse interdum q Contest. “Harvey has the perfect Oberlin graduate, Visintainer taught career and one’s life. Emily’s “Latin Is ectetur tincidunt est nec tempor. In ipsum lectus, dignissim non egestas vel, efficitur in turpis. Fusce non cursus nibh, non aliquet arcu. Nunc luctus lobortis nunc eleifend tempo environment that allows you to explore English in Japan and now teaches in Alive,” a salute to the ancient Latin Donec sit amet lectus convallis, libero ac, consectetur Seattle, nisi. Donec velit she justo,also hendrerit vitae, sollicitudin eu augue. Donec in erat vitae turpis tempu themes and express personal where works eget as a ullamcorper thera- different language, wasconsectetur replete with lively feelings without fear of ridicule. peutic coordinator for the internationexamples of modern-day Latin usage, uada, pretium varius sapien cursus. Nunc placerat velit id augue vulputate, et fermentum magna cursus. Ut imperdiet nulla ac ex elementum, vel iaculisThe justo venenatis. Sed pl school stands out for this contest, and ally acclaimed School of Acrobatic and proving this core romance language is sl a molestie eleifend. necthe libero tempus faucibus vitae placeratcontest imperdiet justo eget rhoncus. neque dolor, not every privateDuis school does thisconsequat sort non commodo a Newfacilisis Circusrisus. Arts.Praesent “The speech very Nam muchidamassa part of 21st century. H a nunc. Fusce ultricies ultri of thing. life lesson.” wasrhoncus helpfulmalesuada to my profession wheretortor velit, When the judges werevulputate usheredefficitur. from Sed llicitudin congue. Donec in neque vitae metus rhoncus. Aenean semperIt’necs ablandit et, viverra the auditorium to deliberate and choose I speak all the time to students and n elit vitae, commodo egestas metus. Praesent vehicula accumsan libero, a faucibus purus interdum non. Curabitur eu scelerisque lectus, quis malesuada lacus. Aenean quis neque the winners, the audience was treated to persuasively appeal to donors,” she said. Judging speech contestants was at nisl. Nam ligula odio, hendrerit ac elementum ut, posuere nec sap by the Harvey student amcorper id vitae live elit. rock Proinmusic bibendum, justo ut facilisis ornare, nisi velit auctorthesem, ut auctor nulla mauris thought provoking, said William band, The Musicologists. Sanath allis sit amet vel leo. Proin eu ultrices sapien, non mollis velit. Vivamus velit nisl, tempor vel suscipit non, dignissim quis erat. Nullam vehicula magna sem, id malesuada sapien r Kraus ’76. “All of their speeches were Kumar followed with Christmas tunes ullam sit amet placerat Mauris vitaewhen volutpat et ultriciesstrong, nisl. Duis tortor,had aliquam ut and fringilla sollicitudin, mollis porttitor metus. Integer viverra scelerisque po and orci we each a clear on thesem. piano. Finally, thesem, judges specific reason why we felt who should mattis facilisis metus, eget condimentum dolor feugiat non. Aliq emerged the winners were announced. venenatis urna accumsan. Nulla non mauris sem. Quisque viverra malesuada justo accumsan iaculis. Curabitur win.” As a Harvey student, Kraus’ Seventh-grader Mia Cornell and um. Vestibulum ultrices nisi tortor, in vehicula onec vehicula, tellus“The nec cursus massa nisl semper nibh, sit amet lacinia nisl augue at purus. Vivamu speech, Childmaximus, Manifesto,” sophomore Sabrina Huangtellus weregravida non. winning was a satire current With selected as the winners of the 2016 na, ac venenatis ligula sodales at. Phasellus at magna scelerisque, pulvinar turpisonvitae, finibusevents. est. Cras a arcu rutrum, mollis velit vulputate, cursus magna. Morbi varius soda Wells Speech contest, and Honorable tum rhoncus, arcuMentions ex aliquetwent urna, to sit eighth-grader amet varius nequeKayla risus quis lacus. 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There's a futu re t arriving that' hat’s s no here yet and t even whe comes it will c n it om speed of a dow e at the nload. —JAY

18 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016



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Glimpsing the Future at the Student Showcase of


By Abby Luby

arvey’s gala centennial year saw a wide variety of special events honoring the school’s past and its long journey to the present. But what about the future? For Harvey students, when asked to imagine what Harvey will look like in 100 years, their creative energies surged and the results were several richly diverse projects in the show “The Student Showcase of Imagination.” Filling the entire upper gallery of the Walker Center for the Arts, the student show coincided with the March HarveySpeaks program featuring renowned businessman Jay Walker, who shared his vision of education a century from now. That night the gallery was abuzz with parents, teachers and students watching student-produced videos and studying posters and three-dimensional models reflecting an imagined future at Harvey. Particularly popular was a large board headlined, “What is your dream for the academic future? Post-it Positive,” where students actively carpeted the board with handwritten Post-its. Messages ranged from the philosophical “Find the Golden Mean” to the more immediate “Have a sushi bar” or “Get an ‘A’ in science.” As the lobby filled, Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher, along with Walker and his family, stopped to view the video “Zap to the Future” by 10th-graders Jared Peraglia, Pierce Steinberg and Josef Nardi. The four-minute futuristic comedy starred Assistant Headmaster Richard Wyland in a scenario about how faculty would control the behavior of students by implanting a small tracking device in their ears. The piece got more than a few laughs from the program’s guest speaker and the headmaster. Robotics is a big player in Harvey’s future. Whizzing around the floor was a remote-controlled robotic backpack carrying an impressive pile of books. The backpack was created by sixthgrader Cody Siegel and sophomore Sam Chumsky. Down the hall a lively competition between students and a robotic ball thrower saw a nonstop succession of yellow foam balls flying toward a receptacle about 15 feet away.


Anchored at either end of the gallery were artfully designed and highly decorative round pillars resembling informational totem poles that brandished student ideas and hopes for the future. Near the gallery entrance was a realistic model of a time capsule that invited input by asking, “What do you think should go into the 2016 Harvey Time Capsule?” Right next to the capsule a video showed the incredible process that went into creating Harvey’s “Centennial Timeline,” an expansive, brightly colored mural on two walls in the lower gallery. The timeline was the administration’s idea and was the springboard for art teacher Rick Price and his Mural Painting class of 12 upper school students. The timeline captures Harvey’s 100-year history in a pattern redolent of the Candy Land game board, with sweeping pathways weaving around key historical dates, culturally relevant photographs and news events that paralleled pivotal moments at Harvey. “The students liked the idea of a snake pathway and loved the freedom of painting what they wanted within restrictions that we had,” explained Price. Students were required to research major historical events over the last 100 years before they chose corresponding images. Price also had input from AP history teachers and the alumni office. Students learned how to draw a giant grid, add the pathway and then transfer specific images to the wall using a clear gel medium. “They really got a sense of accomplishment,” says Price. Checking out the mural on HarveySpeaks night was Omar Coca, a 10th-grader in Price’s class. “We still have to create the future part of the timeline,” he said. The floor-to-ceiling mural cleverly turns the adjacent corner and appropriately trails off, unfinished into Harvey’s future. But more will be added,” said Price. “We expect to complete the timeline by the end of the semester.” The Student Showcase of Imagination was all inclusive. It was engagingly interactive and thought provoking while being fun, and it served as a perfect pre-show exhibit to Walker’s speech. H Go to livestream.com/accounts/1598834/events/4944253 to watch Walker’s full speech. The Harvey School 19



Below: Junior Sarah Manners strolls along the runway at the Ubuntu Fashion Show. Right (L to R): Standing before five of the models, Community Service Club adviser Susan Harris, Ubuntu Fashion Show creator Ryan Gross, Ubuntu founder Whitney Johnson and Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher pose following another successful show.

â—‚ Winners of the 2016 Michael Lopes Poetry Recitation Contest in March, Sophia Rae Epstein, Middle School, and Sydney Best, Upper School.


Harvey’s Japanese-language students enjoy lunch at Keio Academy as part of their annual cultural exchange visit to their “buddy” school.

Members of the Community Service Club along with co-adviser Michael Lauria pose after decorating for the carnival they organized in January for the young patients at Blythedale Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, New York.

▴ Winners of the history department’s third annual “Changing the World Essay Contest,” Brian Alvarado (Hon. Mention), Halle Paredes (Upper School winner) and Mia Cornell (Middle School winner) with Dr. Gignesi. (Middle School Hon. Mention Daniel Galgano not present) ▾ (from the left) Emma Brown, Daniella Lippman, Sydney Best, Emily Sirota, Samantha Fern and Joseph DiGrandi, recognized in March by Writopia Lab for awards in writing excellence.

Author Dr. Moshe Avital appears in January to share his story as a Holocaust survivor at an assembly of 8th through 12th grade students

The Harvey School 21

▴ Natasha Sinel, author of “The Fix,” talks to a class of middle school students about the art of writing fiction.

▸ Members of Harvey’s Model UN team meet Haitian ambassadors at the March NHSMUN conference in NYC.


We asked two of our graduating seniors, Rohan Cassells and Emily Sirota, to share their feelings about leaving Harvey, a school they have called home since they arrived in the Middle School as cherubic sixth-graders.

ROHAN CASSELLS Since my arrival in 2009, I have seen Harvey experience amazing growth in athletics, diversity and in holding new events around campus. Coming from a small elementary school, I was not exposed to as much when I was younger, so it was different having so much at my disposal at school. Since Harvey is such a tight-knit community, it encouraged me to build relationships with my peers and teachers since I see them more often. It is an environment where students can embrace who they are and still find people they can relate to. It wasn’t until recently when I fully noticed the endless opportunities Harvey had to offer. 22 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

For example, last summer I decided to join the cross-country team to get in the best shape for the upcoming basketball season. At that time, I didn’t know the level of commitment running cross-country track would require. Furthermore, as a captain of the team, I knew there was no room for slacking. After three first-place finishes and some struggles thereafter, I managed to overcome the physical and mental pressures and became an HVAL All-League runner. I was even featured in a few local newspapers, something that would not have happened at a larger school. I came to Harvey as a shy 10-year-old boy who knew who he was but didn’t know how to show it. Being in such a close community at school has helped me socially not to be afraid to make new relationships with others and to step outside my comfort zone. Being at Harvey has helped me become more of a leader because of the opportunities it gives students to take action when they feel there is a need for leadership to be practiced. It has ultimately helped me to emerge as a more dedicated student who seeks to become a positive influence in his environment and impact his school for the better.

“Stuck” by Allison Silk. (L to R): Hana Cornell, Zoe Lewis, Allison Silk, Claudia Ziser, Quentin Schubert.

▴ “The Auditions” by Macy Drude. Top row (L to R): Nathan Ward, Haley Kornfeld, Macy Drude, Max Sobieski. Bottom row (L to R): Quentin Schubert, Giselle Garcia, Courtney Warren, Maya Mehrara.

EMILY SIROTA Senior Class Co-President Seven years ago, I remember sitting in my first morning meeting. It was a time when the entire school could comfortably fit in the Study Hall. Seniors would sit in chairs on the wooden stage while the remaining grades would sit below. I was a sixth-grader in a class of 16. We looked up to the stage and wondered when our time would come before it would be us, someday, on that stage. Harvey has changed since my sixth-grade experience. Now, due to a larger student body, Monday morning meetings are held in the new athletic center, not in the Study Hall. In addition, I am lucky enough to be one of the first to play on our school’s brand-new tennis courts. At Harvey, I have discovered my strong interest for life science. As a senior, I doubled up on science courses and challenged myself to AP Biology and AP Chemistry. In the fall trimester, I was able to take the Bioethics elective, gaining another perspective on the sciences. I also took AP English because I believe the combination of science and writing will be instrumental to my future. In addition, seniors at my school this year were the first to experience a Senior Bridge Seminar class. In the winter term, we were presented with the opportunity to conduct an

independent study focusing on a topic of our choice. I chose to explore the unifying relationship between science, specifically quantum physics and spirituality. The Senior Bridge class was a new addition to Harvey’s curriculum this year that gave me another opportunity to explore my interests. Overall, the chance to take classes which fit my interests, along with the guidance of caring faculty members, has been Harvey’s greatest gift to me. As I reflect on my development as an individual and student, I realize the many skills and experiences that Harvey has granted me for my next journey, Davidson College. Harvey has taught me that curiosity is the key to success, self-sufficiency is learned, persistence is developed, and that the choices we make define who we are. Since my sixth-grade experience, I realize how much both Harvey and I have grown.

“Overall, the chance to take classes which fit my interests, along with the guidance of caring faculty members, HAS BEEN HARVEY’S GREATEST GIFT TO ME.” The Harvey School 23

Who shrunk our kids? Emma Carillo, Abby Merritt and Katrina Garbin enjoy a moment of rest during April’s Junior Class Leadership Trip to Camp Hazen in Chester, Connecticut.

▴ Top: The winners, or “winers,” of the PA Quiz Night, Bill Ecker, Charlesanna Ecker, Bill Lunder, Jennifer Lunder, Kamele McLaren, Roschelle McKenzie, Linda Wiener and Dave Wiener. Bottom: The second-place finishers are the “Spooners,” Suzanne Pope, Wendy Class (behind Suzanne), Paul Class, Eugene Pope, Todd Rendo and Andrea Rendo.

▴ (L to R): Emily Walsh, Jack Taylor and Melissa Shaw-Patino team up to clean the food pantry at the Community Center of Northern Westchester in Katonah as part of the annual Senior Day of Service projects in May.

24 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

▴ (L to R) Jeannie Fink, Mia Cornell, Olivia Durkin, Sophia August, Samantha Verdeschi and (bottom row) Isabel Bandon enjoy their time at the Middle School Semiformal Dance in May.

Rebecca Tuteur and Michael DePass with Mitch Kabakow (far left) work with their Senior Day of Service teammates in clearing out invasive vines along the old stonewall of John Jay Homestead State Historic Site down the road from Harvey with help from Upper School Dean of Students Pat Normandeau

Harvey Robotics Team National Champion They say timing is everything, and our robotics students could not have picked a better year to accomplish something that put the proverbial icing on the cake of this centennial year. In a truly remarkable feat, Harvey’s fledgling robotics program capped a year of multiple local and state tournament championships and put Harvey in the news by winning a national championship. Seven of Harvey’s robotics students joined hundreds of teens from the United States, Canada and Mexico at the CREATE U.S. Open/VEX Robotics Championship in Council Bluffs, Iowa, in April. Harvey’s contingent split into two teams, each competing for a chance to play in the tournament finals. As it turned out, both teams made it to the finals, guaranteeing Harvey would produce a champion. When the competition ended, Harvey’s C2789A team was crowned the tournament champion in the Open Division, while its second team finished as the runner-up. Harvey’s social media was abuzz with the exciting news that Harvey’s students had captured a national championship for a robotics program in only its second year of competition. “They are an amazing group of kids,” said Director of Robotics Chris Kelly. Director of Technology John Wahlers, who serves as Kelly’s partner-teacher and co-coach, said their

robotics students deserve a lot of credit. “Countless hours of design and building, clever strategy and strong alliances put both teams in the finals,” said Wahlers. “Ultimately, it took a daring but risky strategy to achieve victory in a very close match. I consider both teams as champions in every way,” he added. As part of the collaboration that CREATE and VEX foster in their tournaments, three-team alliances are formed after a series of 12 qualification matches over several days. The eight top-ranked teams select two allies for the best-of-three elimination matches. Harvey’s championship team, comprised of sophomore Sam Chumsky, junior Ryan Hurst and seniors Jared Finkel and Jarrod Waner, partnered with teams from Omaha,

Nebraska, and Indiana. Harvey’s runner-up team of seniors Hannah Herrera, Jack Taylor, Eliot Choe and Charlie Albert chose to work with two teams from Jericho High School on Long Island. Kelly praised the two teams for “both their successes in the robotics lab and on the competitive level.” He added, “They are excelling in an environment that demands them to be great problem solvers, positive teammates and leaders.” When the two teams and their coaches presented their tournament trophies to Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher at his weekly Monday morning meeting April 11, the entire student body and faculty acknowledged the 2016 robotics champions and runners-up with a long round of applause.

Above: The Harvey’ School’s robotics team, winners of the annual CREATE Foundation’s U.S. Open Robotics Championship tournament in Council Bluffs, Iowa April 9, presents Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher with their first-place trophy in Katonah. Top: Harvey’s robotics program produced both a winner at the national championship in Council Bluffs, Iowa, and a runner-up among 50 teams from high schools in the United States, Canada and Mexico.

The Harvey School 25

â–ž Seventh-graders Mia Cornell and Isabel Bandon perform a Japanese dance in a number from the Middle School Showcase.

Freshmen Mya Turner, Harrison Fontaine and Andrew Baron perform in the Band Concert in April.

Isabel Daniele, Jewel Li, Victoria Cartularo, Sara Shiffman and Mya Turner appeared in a number performed by the dance company in February.

26 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

(L to R) Emma Spada as Snow White wakes up to find the dwarves not happy to find a strange girl asleep in their bed in the Middle School’s spring production of Snow White: The Queen’s Fair Daughter

Front row: Members of the chorus lend their voices to a piece in their spring concert in May.

Senior Sarah Shiffman, sophomore Hana Cornell, and senior Lily Alexander; 2nd row: seventh-grader Mia Cornell, senior Gemma Tebbutt and junior Sydney Best and sophomore Josef Nardi (rear) lead a lively number in February’s dance concert.

Top to bottom: Juniors Zack Gault and Joe Bakas go one-on-one in a funny scene from the February winter production of “California Suite.” Seniors Julia Slater and Joe O’Connell share a dramatic scene in “Plaza Suite” as part of the winter productions in February. Junior Janice Cai watches as juniors Kaila Lichten and Sarah Manners drag a physically-impaired Zack Gault in a hilarious scene from the February winter production of “London Suite.” Senior Eliot Choe, as Teddy Roosevelt (center), shares his biography with freshman Elizabeth Mahony and sophomore Noah Bailey in a scene from “Arsenic and Old Lace” in February.

The Harvey School 27




« Most Valuable Player | t Most Improved Player | l Sportsmanship Award | n Coaches Award

Harvey’s winter teams enjoyed another exciting season with its share of highlights. In varsity competition, both the boys and girls basketball teams advanced to the semifinal round of the Housatonic Valley Athletic League playoffs before suffering seasonending losses. The boys varsity was one of four teams atop the HVAL with identical won-loss records, but Harvey entered the tournament seeded No. 4 based on the results of regular-season head-to-head matchups against its league rivals. The hockey team struggled to collect victories this season, but the Cavs gave a scare to the eventual winner of the Fairchester Athletic Association championship tournament. Harvey put up a battle against King in the opening round of the FAA playoffs before losing 3–1. At season’s end, the following athletes earned recognition on their respective teams:

28 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

UPPER SCHOOL Varsity Hockey (5–10–1) (FAA All-League) Drew Homola and Theo Rattner, (FAA All-League Honorable Mention) Ryan Goodliffe, (Corsano Cup) Tyler Levy, t Adam Penino, n Peter Pappalardo, « (Offense): Theo Rattner, « Drew Homola, (Rookie of the Year) Ryan Goodliffe

Varsity Boys Basketball (12–9) « (Offense) Rohan Harrison, « (Defense) Michael DePass, t Zaire Elleby, n Rohan Cassells, (HVAL All-League) Rohan Harrison and Jovell Forsythe JV “A” Boys (15–7) « (Defensive) Jonathan Kushner, « (Offensive) Maxwell Kesicki, l Coy Treat and Jacob Reber, t Jared Ellis JV “B” Boys (6–10) « Alex Ogg, « (Offensive) Ethan Frey and Sam Roschelle, « (Defensive) Victor Mizzaro, t Adam Margolis, l Aidan Roberts Varsity Girls Basketball (7–10) (HVAL All League) Julia Mallon and Jaeden McKenzie, « Julia Mallon, l Safia Gecaj, n Nikkita Johnson JV Girls Basketball (2–9) « Courtney Warren, n Kathryn Ogg

The Harvey School 29

MIDDLE SCHOOL Boys Maroon Basketball t Josh Hoch, l Rom Don-Snow, n Aaron DuPree Boys Navy Basketball « Sam Alexander, t Max Edelman, n Densley Blake Middle School Hockey « Aidan Cammisa, n Lucas Cohen, t Zi Glucksman, l Olivia Carillo, (Rookie of the Year) Jacob Hellinger




SENIORS DREW HOMOLA AND JAEDEN MCKENZIE with Athletic Director Patrick Kennedy

30 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016




Q&A with Faculty/Staff In keeping with this issue’s theme of looking ahead to the next 100 years, Harvey Magazine asked two key faculty in the launch of two new academic initiatives to share how the programs fared in their first year and what we might see in the future. We thank the chair of the science department, Jason Hill, and Assistant Upper School Head and English teacher Beth Visintainer for taking the time to share their respective departments’ newest initiatives: Science Trajectories and Senior Bridge.

What was the genesis of the initiative to offer Science Trajectories to freshmen this year?

Jason Hill: We have always looked at our curriculum in the science department as a process. From my early beginnings here, we taught biology to freshmen and physics to sophomores and chemistry to juniors, and then when Bob Cook arrived, he made the push to try physics first followed by chemistry and biology to juniors. I am a believer in the idea that if a faculty member is passionate about a particular approach to teaching science and fully engaged in the goals of that approach, any sequence of science instruction can be successful, if implemented properly. We were asked to examine the successes and challenges of all of these models and reflect as to what would be best for us. The department has always felt, in trying to provide the specialized education that Harvey claims to offer, that we need to be able to address the needs and wants of the variety of our student population, but at the same time offer a rigorous and inspirational curriculum that calls students to become passionate about the sciences they find interesting. This is where we, as a department, developed the Trajectories curriculum.

We highlighted the needs and objectives we had as a group and a school and focused on the best way to provide those opportunities given the schedule and faculty that we had to work with. Trajectories was created out of that mind-set. What first-year goals did you have and how well were they met?

JH: We wanted a few things, and thus far, all goals have been met with great success. We wanted to teach the science fundamentals necessary for high school students to master. This allowed for great collaboration and discussion about what science education means to us as a faculty and how best to prepare students for possible career paths in science, and also how best to get students to buy in to their scientific education. We wanted to eliminate an honors distinction early on. We felt that integrating all students together allows the faculty to see all of our freshmen as a whole and ensures that every student receives the same inspirational opportunities, regardless of incoming scores or performance. We wanted to encourage students to be able to choose their own path in regards to science education and encourage The Harvey School 31

▸ Freshmen Ethan Cohen, Ethan Frey and Sebastian Wallach in the Science Trajectories class experiment with the scientific method.

more ownership of their personal scientific journey at Harvey. This would hopefully inspire students to “double-up” on science courses if they so desired and allow the department to have more of a prominent role in the students’ Harvey education, if they wanted that to be the case. We also wanted to allow the “non-science” student the opportunity to experience a scientific curriculum that was as challenging as they needed it to be, and, at the very least, give a student not interested in science class a positive and memorable course load. We wanted to introduce our dynamic faculty to the student body early on in their high school education so that the options for the future could be foreseen and pursued if desired based on those individual faculty relationships. How would you assess the launch?

JH: I personally see this year’s launch as an overwhelming success. We have seen an incredible number of benefits with the curriculum including: • faculty development opportunities through collaboration • exploration of a co-teach model that works quite well with our department • focused discussion regarding students who struggle in the typical classroom setting, which allows for discussions of successful strategies and interventions with low-performing students. • developed relationships among all student in the ninth grade with all six members of the Upper School faculty in science. • surprisingly, broad spectrum of interest with regard to possibilities for course paths next fall, lending to the idea that this approach truly appeals to many varied interests in science. How does Science Trajectories serve as a glimpse into the future?

JH: From a perspective of looking to the future, I see the face of education changing dramatically around the world. However, what Harvey and many other great schools do is provide a place to develop not only as a thinker or a student, 32 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

but as a whole person and a positive member of society. How we gain our knowledge may change, but what we do with that knowledge, and what inspires us to be interested and passionate about that knowledge, is what has to be modeled and honed. Harvey will remain a dynamic and welcoming place, focused on providing a safe and nurturing environment for students looking to become the best at what they do well. What was behind the initiative to offer the Bridge Program to seniors this year?

Beth Visintainer: In the fall of 2014, Upper School faculty participated in a professional development workshop led by Don Buckley. Dean of Academics Dianne Mahony had challenged teachers to employ design-thinking ideas to examine the senior year at Harvey. What goals did you have for this year and how well were they met?

BV: The Senior Bridge sought to engage and support seniors through the college process and senior year. The course approached this academic time as an opportunity to challenge students to become more independent and adventurous thinkers and learners, while reinforcing practices to prepare them for the rigors and autonomy of college and beyond. This educational bridge included individual and group endeavors, which incorporated critical thinking, self-reflection, independent learning projects and individual design planning.

▴ Freshmen Gregory Small and Mackenzie Rendo dive into an experiment to study the states of matter in a Science Trajectories class.

How would you assess the launch?

BV: We appreciate the dynamic balance related to introducing a new course for students, specifically seniors. As the year evolved, we learned the importance of flexibility and worked to adjust instruction to meet the needs and demands of our seniors. We found ourselves practicing the exact skills we hoped to grow in students: creative thinking, problem solving and initiative. Students provided honest and powerful feedback throughout the process; their insightful comments will guide our thinking for next year. What changes, if any, are you planning? What did the first year tell you about the program?

BV: We learned that for teachers, collaboration is a powerful path for professional development. The opportunity to share ideas and expertise, as co-teachers and team-teachers, helped me think about personal strengths and challenges. I think it is important for students to see teachers confront conflicts, celebrate differences in teaching styles and learn from one another. We also learned that introducing a program involves time and commitment. Time must be devoted to brainstorming, debating, planning, instructing, gathering feedback, reflecting and continued planning. Please share one or two anecdotes that tell you that the new program accomplished its first-year mission or validates the plan to embark on something new for the seniors.

BV: Many students loved the Homecoming Pep Rally Challenge, Students were challenged to plan activities to bring

▴ Members of the Class of 2016 enjoy a Senior Bridge activity.

spirit to the rally. Bridgers accepted the task and worked in small groups to pitch ideas. The winning group, the GOATS (Greatest Of All Time), challenged our headmaster to a rap contest with Student Council President Aila Prieto. The Allegory of the Bear introduced concepts related to Socratic thinking. Small circles practiced active listening and critical thinking to discuss ideas. Terri Yan’s Independent Project, mentored by history teacher Rob Griffin, resulted in an original skit. Student actors delivered his informative and entertaining production. Philosophers discussed democracy while standing in a lunch line! How does the Senior Bridge Program serve as a glimpse into the future?

BV: The first year strengthened our resolve to grow the Senior Bridge. Students openly shared feelings about the college process, academic pressures, and multiple social and emotional concerns that impact senior days. Many students struggled with the absence of imposed structure deliberately omitted from the winter term project. This challenge may have been the greatest and most valuable learning for seniors, as time management, independent learning, motivation and creative problem solving are important skills. This program took a risk as teachers decided to disrupt the traditional structure of Harvey’s senior year. Our groups were actively engaged in discussions and activities relevant to the lives of our students. As learners, we explored issues, researched ideas, and designed group and individual projects. Hopefully, the Senior Bridge presents a prototype for future programs. The Harvey School 33

Middle School Perspective

Upper School Perspective

By Brendan Byrne

By Phil Lazzaro

Part of the mission statement of The Harvey School states the intention to “inspire students to develop the confidence and leadership qualities necessary to succeed in a diverse, competitive, and changing world.” Indeed, the world that we are preparing students for is changing and filled with both opportunity and uncertainty. Our responsibility as educators is to help students develop skills in the areas of problem solving, communication, critical thinking and collaboration. Middle school students are immersed in the “here and now,” so we create opportunities for them to work on setting goals, both short term and long term. By doing this we encourage students to look forward and think about their future. Students begin to understand that the habits and skills they develop now will translate to improved academic performance in high school. We also hope to inspire students toward a greater understanding of themselves as learners. Inevitably, each person has his or her strengths and weaknesses. School provides students with support, but must also provide them with opportunities to excel and be challenged. For example, if students are enthusiastic about writing and journalism, there must be opportunities beyond English class to pursue this. We provide that with our Middle School newspaper The Rambler, which requires students to research, interview and report. For students who have an interest in science and mathematics, we have established a robotics program. Students apply software programming to the design and operation of competitive robots. Our Middle School also features a 3-D printer, which allows students to program and design projects. Students who are keen on history and geography are afforded the chance to test their knowledge against other students at the regional history bee. Integrated into our curriculum is the study of climate change, sustainability, religious extremism, political campaigns, finance, mindfulness and emotional intelligence. These are all topics that were rarely studied in the past, but are essential in preparing kids for the future. As the world changes, it is incumbent upon educators to respond accordingly.

34 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

This academic year saw an exciting and varied range of student accomplishments in our Upper School. Throughout the year students continued to display a remarkable willingness to learn and to thrive in our school community. This past year was filled with outstanding work by our students and faculty. Throughout the year I personally had several opportunities to reconnect with many alumni, occasions which served to cement the value of our mission in the lives of our students. As we celebrated our centennial year we continued to benefit from Harvey traditions, such as our poetry contest and the study of the classics, and we established new traditions, such as our nationally recognized robotics program and new opportunities in our science curriculum, which keep our Upper School vibrant. Our students continue to be engaged academically, athletically and artistically. Our faculty, following in the footsteps of many who came before, maintain dynamic relationships with their students and put in extremely long hours to enable their students the best possibility of success. I would like to thank Barry Fenstermacher for his guidance, dedication and wisdom. He has certainly left his mark on Harvey, and our community has benefited from his leadership and guidance on many levels. I will always his appreciate his willingness to take a chance on a young college graduate 21 years ago! His generosity of spirit will live on in the years ahead. I look forward to working closely with Bill Knauer, and I am confident he has the vision and strength to be a driving force for our school community and alumni as we embark on our march toward our Bicentennial.



Middle School Parents Perspective The year has come and gone and we’ve enjoyed some extraordinary moments as we celebrated the Harvey Centennial. The year began with myriad opportunities for us to enjoy not only being part of a wonderful school community, but also looking back at Harvey over the past 100 years, from the Centennial Convocation, a fun-filled Homecoming Weekend and our Back-to-School Nights. Every month was jam-packed with goodies to keep students, staff and parents involved. Nets were up on the Davis Tennis Center and student athletes were working hard all year-round at Harvey. The Games of the Week were well attended. The art center was bustling with middle schoolers rehearsing for the winter and spring performances. The Faculty/Staff Appreciation Luncheon, the MS Ice Skating Party and Trivia Night were a success!! HarveySpeaks was very well attended by our MS students and families, with Jay Walker inviting us to journey into the next 100 years at Harvey. Winter sports kept our athletes very busy, and anyone who was lucky enough to attend the Middle School Showcase can attest to the amazing talents of actors, singers and dancers being groomed at Harvey. Special thanks to our Parent Association efforts. As we moved into the spring term, parents remained involved in their children’s activities and events at Harvey. We had a number of volunteers for the Middle School

formal and, of course, for the Harvey Centennial Ball. It was a major undertaking, not to mention an absolute “Evening to Remember,” and we couldn’t have done it without our parent volunteers. Thanks again to all of our wonderful parents who “Step Up” at all times for our Middle School students. This year would not have been as successful if we didn’t have your help, your input and your heart. Special thanks to Vivien Levy, who, in her infinite wisdom, was here, there and everywhere at the same time. In your first year, you did a fabulous job heading the Parent Association. We would like to thank Barry for his outstanding leadership over the past 30 years. Your ingenuity and bold school spirit shaped The Harvey School community into a force to be reckoned with in the 21st century and beyond. We bid you farewell knowing that you will remain a part of the fabric that has kept and will forever keep breathing life and meaning into the mission of Harvey. Please join us in giving a warm Harvey welcome to Mr. Bill Knauer, our new Head of School. We wish you all the best this coming school year and look forward to cementing great moments and memories in the next years of Harvey history.

Have a great summer!

Kevin Durkin and Kamele McLaren Middle School Parent Association Co-Liaisons

The Harvey School 35

HARVEY CENTENNIAL BALL By Linda Wiener (Alex ’15)


36 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

Celebrating the past and shaping the future was the main theme for the Harvey Centennial Ball, held April 16 as part of the festivities for the Harvey Parent Association’s annual spring benefit. As images of Harvey’s success lined the side wall of the Athletic Center, the sentimental Harvey timeline took guests on a proud journey of Harvey’s growth and achievements through the years. A hundred years ago, Dr. Herbert S. Carter and his wife, Mabel, opened The Harvey School with two students in a small farmhouse in Hawthorne, New York. Today, the heart of Harvey is beating stronger than ever and the admirable work of those who were involved in its success was demonstrated at the stylish occasion. Once again, the Harvey Parent Association joined together to produce a beautiful celebration that honored The Harvey School’s centennial, as well as Barry Fenstermacher’s 30-year tenure. The highly respected headmaster was all smiles that evening and


reflected on the gala celebration the following Monday morning. “Saturday night was a magical and memorable event. I was so proud of our Parent Association and our Harvey staff who engineered a perfect occasion,” Mr. Fenstermacher said. And perfect it was. The Parent Association did a tireless job through many months of planning the fine details. So many hours were dedicated to create such a special evening. PA President Vivien Levy (Tyler ’16, Charlotte, freshman) said, “The old saying, ‘It takes a village,’ is so true. This year’s efforts were a true collaboration between our PA Benefit Committee and so many staff and faculty ensuring the success of the event. I am so grateful to everyone’s participation. Everybody’s role, big and small, was important in meeting our event goals.” Cynthia Ryan (Eve O’Brien, junior) co-chaired the Decorations Committee this year with Stephanie King (Hudson, freshman). Ryan said, “We had an amazing Parent Association benefit team that worked together with such creativity and dedication to bring this vision and design to life creating an environment in which to celebrate the centennial together.” By all standards, the committee did a

The Harvey School 37

tremendous job of transforming both the Walker Center for the Arts and the Athletic Center into sophisticated black and white banquet rooms. There were chandeliers dripping with crystals, tall white feather centerpieces, large movie screens showing old movies and a Harvey slideshow, red roses, and beautifully set tables with black and white-scrolled runners. In the Walker Center, the David August Jazz Trio kept the crowd tapping their toes while sipping on bubbly Cavalier cocktails and nibbling delicious hors d’oeuvres. In the Athletic Center, the classical tunes of the Lucci Chamber Players string ensemble filled the room, serenading elegant guests during Chef Lee’s delicious dinner. But the evening was also about shaping Harvey’s future through silent and live auction fundraising and the Barry Fenstermacher Centennial Fund for Financial Aid. This fund not only provides a Harvey education for students who would otherwise not be able to afford one, but

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also promotes diversity within our school community: something Mr. Fenstermacher has been influential in creating as he saw the student body grow from 140 to 365 students over his 30 years of direction. Centennial Fund supporters were rewarded with Swarovski red heart bracelets indicating that they shared Mr. Fenstermacher’s commitment. By the evening’s end, the room sparkled with red hearts that represented the generous spirit of the Harvey community! “I will be forever grateful for the funds donated

to support our financial aid initiative,” said a beaming headmaster. What a tremendous show of support it was indeed from the Harvey family, made up of parents past and present, families and friends. The fundraising energy in the room was contagious, and the generosity of the night only grew through the live auction, emceed by the headmaster with the help of Jay Walker (Evan ’03, Lindsey ’05) and Paul Shaffer (Victoria ’11, Will, junior).


The evening glittered not just from the Swarovski red hearts, but also from the star-studded entertainment provided by fellow Harvey parents Paul Shaffer and Vanessa Williams (Sasha ’18). Their performances filled the room with warmth and excitement as we all celebrated a school we love so well. Harvey parent Jennifer Powell-Lunder (Sydney, sophomore) remarked, “What a spectacular tribute to a wonderful school.” Perhaps the parents of 10th-grader Dante Crowe expressed it perfectly as they were leaving the party that night. “Overall event … wonderful. Vanessa Williams … breathtaking. Paul Shaffer … amazing. Overall feeling … so satisfied. Thank you, Harvey School, for a wonderful experience!”

Suffice it to say, the evening was a tremendous success on all levels. Even our very own Headmaster Fenstermacher, who performed alongside the stars, dedicated a tributary solo to the room, adding, “The entertainment was grand beyond description. Vanessa Williams and Paul Shaffer’s performance was generous, dynamic and simply loved by all in attendance. Whoever retires and has the chance to sing with Vanessa Williams and Paul Shaffer? The memories will linger forever,” Mr. Fenstermacher said. Memories of the headmaster will linger forever too in the Harvey community. The Harvey School will miss “old Fenstermacher blue eyes.” Parent Wendy Class (Harrison, freshman) said, “This is

one great school and a spectacular night. We’ll miss you, Barry.” Partygoers Alan and Elizabeth Pickel ( Joshua, freshman) added: “Bringing our son to Harvey is the best investment we’ve ever made. We are sorry to see Barry leave, but are also very excited about the future at Harvey.” Celebrating our past, shaping our future … that’s what the Harvey Centennial Ball was all about. With happy memories in our hearts and minds, we look ahead to new paths to forge for our Harvey children with our new head of school, Bill Knauer. Thank you all for your part in celebrating our past and shaping our future! H

The Harvey School 39

Message from the Parent Association President 2015–16: A Year to Remember By Vivien Levy, President, Harvey Parent Association What a year our centennial has been, filled with many opportunities to reflect on Harvey’s rich past and to look forward to and celebrate our bright future. We came together so many times this year at events like Homecoming and the Centennial Ball, Trivia Night and HarveySpeaks, Harvey Presents and the Candlelight concert. All of these events were to celebrate our school and its many wonderful traditions. We also began some new traditions such as the PA Facebook group, where parents can ask questions and share ideas virtually; the Arts Booster Committee, which provides our artists and performers with the same support the PA provides our athletes; and “Game of the Week,” an opportunity for us to showcase our athletic teams and show our #HarveyPride. As PA president, I have been honored to get to know Barry Fenstermacher in his final year as headmaster. Sitting beside him at meetings and events, I have had the opportunity to learn from him as an inspired speaker and sage educator. Always quick with a clever remark or meaningful word of wisdom, Barry has been a thread in Harvey’s educational cloth for 30 years. As such, he leaves an indelible imprint on the fabric of this school and everyone at Harvey who has had the pleasure to get to know him. It’s been a privilege to work together and to honor Barry’s endless contributions this year. From Homecoming to the Centennial Ball to our final parent reception May 19, I hope all of you have had a chance to share your thanks and bid farewell to our headmaster and recognize his 30 years of service to our School. The centennial has also been a year to think ahead. Jay Walker, internationally recognized entrepreneur and founder of Priceline.com, shared his predictions for the next 100 years of education at HarveySpeaks. Closer to home, many parents had a chance to meet Head of School-elect Bill Knauer when he visited from Spain in February. Bill will join us July 5 as Harvey’s next head of school and will be on campus over the summer preparing for the year ahead. He welcomes all of you to reach out to him to say hello. Parents will have many opportunities to get to know Bill

40 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

in the fall, including Back-to-School nights Sept. 20 and 21, Homecoming Saturday, Oct. 15, and at a number of other receptions throughout the year. Watch your inbox for a schedule. Everyone who met Bill this past year felt his positive energy and enthusiasm and is looking forward to beginning the next century at Harvey under his leadership. I want to personally thank the many, many parents who helped the PA this year, including our Middle School liaisons, operations chairs, committee chairs, event chairs, class parents, sports boosters, arts boosters, faculty appreciation team and the endless number of committee members and volunteers who have supported our many individual initiatives. It is your love and care that makes our community stand out among other schools. From the large gestures like our annual holiday luncheon to the smaller ones like the monthly treats stealthily left in the faculty lounge, the school at large and the faculty in specific feel the warmth of your dedication and support. We couldn’t have accomplished nearly as much as what we did this year without your time, dedication and friendship! And thank you to all the faculty and staff, who not only teach and inspire our children, but also graciously support the PA in all our efforts. Our gratitude for you is what inspires us to be an active part of the Harvey community. I hope that everyone will continue to participate with great enthusiasm in next year’s events to finish out the 100th and begin the next century at Harvey. I look forward to seeing you all back on campus in the fall. All the best, Vivien Levy

“I want to personally thank the many, many parents who helped the PA this year... IT IS YOUR LOVE AND CARE THAT MAKES OUR COMMUNITY STAND OUT AMONG OTHER SCHOOLS.”



Letter From Our Alumni President Dear Alumni, As our centennial celebration draws to a close, The Harvey School has much to be thankful for. Under the 30-year stewardship of Barry Fenstermacher, Harvey has grown and developed in so many different ways. Our diverse student body now includes students from China, Taiwan and South Korea, giving the school a unique international dimension. As always, Harvey’s faculty is focused on the whole student, creating an atmosphere of academic achievement and personal growth. Our campus has filled out in recent years with the expanded Middle School and beautiful facilities for the arts and athletics. Looking ahead, Harvey alumni have a vital role to play in the school’s continuing success. While supporting your alma mater financially is important, there are other ways to help. You may be returning to Harvey to reveal the rigors of college life, or to discuss your career path, or to teach a class, or to play in an alumni hockey or basketball game. Or you could be like Rich Mack ’91, a NYC policeman and 9/11 emergency responder who recently returned to Harvey to deliver a riveting morning meeting and donated a piece of Trade Center steel to the school for a memorial. Another way alumni can help Harvey students is through offering career advice, summer jobs and internships. We’ve all benefited from employment opportunities during our school years. Networking with Harvey students is a great way to give something back. Speaking of networking, Harvey held its annual NYC alumni networking reception April 5 at the Yale Club in Manhattan. We honored two people with Alumni Hall of Fame awards—Barry Fenstermacher for his 30 years of service, and Raphael

2015 Alumni Executive Council, missing new members Frank Baratta ’84, Lara Casano ’95 and Laurel Meredith ’88

Miranda ’95 for his Emmy Award-winning work as an NBC 4 New York meteorologist. It was a wonderful evening of celebrating Harvey’s achievements. Finally, we look forward to welcoming our new head of school, Bill Knauer, to the Harvey community this fall. The Alumni Association anticipates linking arms with Bill and finding new ways to engage alumni as we kick off our next century. Best regards,

Dan Chapman ’73, Alumni Association President

The Harvey School 41

reCentEVENTS Ben ’13, Anna ’10 and Will Walant ’13

Alumni Returning to Campus Alumni who graduated in 2015 were invited to talk to the seniors over lunch. They described their transitions in the months since leaving Harvey.

Returning 2015 alumni (back row) Erica Cheyne, Taylor Grodin, Brendan Kneitz, Chauncey Dewey; (front row) Ariana Weaver, Jackson Roberts, Aliya Mayers, Baily Hersh, Julia Chatzky.

Career Talks The alumni speakers series continued in April when Diana Weisholz Cooke ’01, Andrew Hernandez ’08 and Andrew Abt ’10 were joined by a group of juniors and seniors for lunch in the Study Hall and talked about how they got to where they are now. Informal discussions and Q&A helped the students better understand some of the paths our alumni have taken.

Alumni Inquiries Help us provide events and activities of interest. Complete the alumni survey here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/NZ2B5RJ In order to help you, our alumni, please take a moment to send information to the Alumni Office on your profession/ field of interest so that we can respond when asked for contacts in various professions.

42 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

Alumni Art Show

Paintings by Mary Nichols ’15

The Harvey School hosted the second alumni art show in April with seven alumni contributing to the success of the event by submitting works in a variety of media, including photography, painting, sculpture and drawing. Some of the pieces came from as far away as San Francisco, covered in bubble wrap and secured in heavily padded containers. Others were personally delivered, in some cases by alumni parents. Contributors were Jes Muse ’92, Joanna Schiff Garren ’02, James Gagliano ’03, Leah Horowitz ’06, Nate Alexander ’13, Ben Walant ’13, and Mary Nichols ’15. This year, the alumni pieces were shown together with those by faculty, providing a wide variety of styles and media. Truly an exhibit of Harvey talent!

Art by Leah Horowitz ’06

Painting by Joanna Schiff Garren ’02

Sculpture by James Gagliano ’03

Sculptures by Jes Muse ’92

Sculpture by Nate Alexander ’13

Digital painting and pencil gouache by Ben Walant ’13

The Harvey School 43

Alumni hockey scrimmage


Alumni Hockey & Basketball Following the Christmas break was a winter homecoming when the alumni again challenged the faculty in a basketball scrimmage while the annual alumni hockey scrimmage took place in the rink. The faculty edged out the alumni this time, so everyone now looks forward to the next rematch. (continued on next page) Alumni playing basketball against faculty

Faculty basketball team, including two alumni

44 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

Maria Neri ’04, Natalia St. Lawrence ’12, Anna Maus ’12

John Petri ’97, Rich Servello ’98, Shane Wilson ’98, Mike Bonelli, Greg Janos ’98, Matt Romito ’98

(continued from previous page) Afterward, everyone joined forces for social time at the rink with a drawing for two hockey hoodies to cap off the evening. Tyler Levy ’16, Malik Garvin ’11, Class of 2015: Keith Lambert, Connor Wilson, and Tom Gattuso

Porter Williams ’08 and Jason O’Brien ’09

Class of 2014 with Coach Morse: Brian Silva, Cory Eisenbrand, Coach Morse, Curtis Rattner, Robbie Van Raamsdonk

Alumni Rugby Greg Presseau ’98 and Alex Veit ’07 are spearheading fundraising efforts among their fellow Harvey rugby alumni. They are looking at ways to involve the rugby alumni and help fund a rugby trip to New Zealand over spring break in 2017. One of the first events was a raffle held at the rugby alumni games in the spring. They have a Facebook page for Harvey Rugby Alumni on which they are posting old photos as well as some new ones. Be on the lookout for future events or get in touch with Greg (gpresseau9@yahoo.com) or Alex (alex@paragoncoffee.com).

May Alumni Rugby

The Harvey School 45

Dan Chapman ’73 addressing the audience


Alumni Reception at the Yale Club

Frank Weil ’44, Phil Bowers ’70, and Denie Weil

Headmaster Fenstermacher and Nicolette St. Lawrence ’11

Phil Eifert ’73 and Rich Mack ’91

Nick Hertz ’04 with teacher and coach Alex Morse

Teacher Bruce Osborne with Dennis Dilmaghani ’62

46 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

The annual alumni networking reception took place in April at the Yale Club and was partially underwritten by two generous alumni. This event provides an opportunity for alumni to share their experiences and catch up with alumni and teachers, and network together. Following the hall of fame inductions, Alumni President Dan Chapman ’73 urged the attendees to connect with the school, their teachers and classmates, and encouraged everyone to become financial supporters of the school. This year’s fundraising highlights growing our endowment.

Noelle McKoy ’09 and Chloe Delaitre ’10

Harold Muntner ’06 is ready for alumni

Showcasing successes from our endowment were videos of senior Danni Qu, an international student, and Ricky Hicks ’15, who was able to attend Harvey thanks to financial aid. Megan Taylor ’09 then told her story of being able to attend a conference for beginning teachers. Nicolette St. Lawrence ’11 wrapped it all up by urging everyone to help future students and teachers with the transformative experience that a Harvey education provides—truly offering big opportunities and endless possibilities. Every gift counted as a contribution as well as an entry for the raffle held at the end of the evening. (photos continued on next page)

Current teacher Megan Taylor ’09

Alumni all ready to sign in.

Rob DuBoff ’95 and Seth Albert ’96

Former teacher Susan Daily with Teresa Neri ’06 and Andrew Heitner ’03

Nicole Wright ’05 and Doni McKoy ’07

Class of 2008 Gretel Coleman, David Rome, Katie Winn

Headmaster Fenstermacher with young alums

The Harvey School 47

Teacher Vinny Alexander with Max Weinstein ’98

Class of 2009 Sean and Jason O’Brien and Ben Shapiro

Brian Ryerson ’05 and Lee Dickinson ’04

Alumni Reception (continued)


Teacher Jay Hill enjoys stories with young alumni.

Dan Chapman ’73 and Carl Wild ’60

Head of Upper School Phil Lazzaro, Sam Power ’07

Rob Edelman ’03 and Todd Messite ’85

Jeremy Kelley ’05, Brittany Bennett ’07 and Doni McKoy ’07

Lindsay Smith ’66 and John Hughes ’68

48 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

Class of 2011 Liz Skovron and Haley Schwartz, Anna Walant ’10 and Upper School Assistant Head Beth Visintainer

Class of 1968 Bruce Kraus and John Hughes

Class of 1974 Palen Conway with daughter Sam and Randy Anderson

Class of 2004 Nick Duncan and Nic Grala with the headmaster

Headmaster Fenstermacher and Melissa Castellano ’90

Class of 2012 Lizzy Goldsmith and Rachel Miles

John Bigham ’86 and Dana Lombardi ’10

Phil Stern ’80 and Pieter Catlow ’73

The Harvey School 49


Dan Chapman ’73 with new Hall of Fame members Headmaster Fenstermacher and Raphael Miranda ’95

Hall of Fame Awards In honor of the headmaster’s 30 years of service, a special program was added to the New York City reception in April to induct him into the Alumni Hall of Fame. Joining him as a new inductee was Raphael Miranda ’95, introduced to the audience by Upper School Dean Dianne Mahony, who recalled Miranda as a student in her classes and a performer in the plays in the mid-1990s. Read more about Raphael in the Alumni Notes section, page 59.

Eighth Grade Letter Writing Again this spring, the eighth grade English classes wrote letters to the Neperans and Pocanticos in the 50-year reunion class (Class of 1966). Students described their experiences in the eighth grade and asked the alums about their memories.

50 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

UpCOMInGEVENTS Alumni Reunion/Homecoming October 15, 2016 Celebrating all classes, but especially those whose class years end in ‘1’ and ‘6.’ Contact your class agents to see what is being planned.

(Left) Headmaster Lev Smith celebrating Founders Day in the 1940s. (Right) In his final Founders Day ceremony Feb. 22, retiring Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher serves up two pieces of the traditional cake to the school’s youngest students, sixth-graders Dominic D’Onofrio and Gabriella Feldmeth.

ClassNOTES 41 75th Reunion

John A. Ramsdell: Mrs. Ramsdell called to report her husband had served in the Army for two to three years, in Germany. He went from Harvey to St. Paul’s, then to Yale, then to the Army.


John E. MacKenty: “Please add my name to the list of alumni who were in the military service. I served in the U.S. Army from September 1954 to August 1956. I was stationed at Headquarters, U.S. Army, Europe, in Heidelberg, Germany. Although enlisted, I was a new lawyer and fortunate to be assigned to work with two Civil Service lawyers in the Transportation Division there. My highest rank was Specialist Third Class (corporal).”


John L. Loeb, Jr.: Ambassador Loeb, founder of the Loeb Visitors Center on the Campus of Newport’s historic synagogue (the Touro Synagogue, built before the American Revolution) has endowed the Loeb Institute at George Washington University. Ambassador Loeb said, “To pass the baton of our educational efforts in Rhode Island to GWU is immensely reassuring. The university will inherit the academic resources we’ve created and the relationships we have built with our partners.” Dean Ben Vinson III, of the Columbian School of the Arts and Sciences at GWU, welcomes the Loeb Institute’s new approach to teaching religion. “Ambassador Loeb’s gift will be transformational for students and faculty across academic disciplines as they address the pressing issues of religious diversity and freedom in contemporary society,” Dr. Vinson said.


Ramon B. Sender: “All well here, with various family members visiting, including Judy’s nephew Noah Levy, super-drummer for various bands (Peter Frampton for a while), now touring with the Brian Setzer Orchestra. “Oldest son Jonathan is busy with many disc jockey gigs in Geneva, Paris and elsewhere along with teaching 14 guitar students. His wife, Carla Drysdale, just had a second book of poems published; their sons David (13) and Rafael (11) are attending classes mainly held in French, so they’re growing up at least bilingual if not ‘tri.’ Youngest son Sol I think I’ve mentioned before when he designed President Obama’s campaign logo that of course you’ve seen on bumperstickers everywhere.”

The Harvey School 51

Michael W. Hard ’51 sent in his picture of the 1950 first baseball team and identified the following: Front row: (2nd and 3rd from left) Brooks Robbins and Buzz Diamond. Michael far right, and above him, Joe Fabrizio. Three to Joe’s left is John Davis. Back row: (2nd from right) Bill Cochran. Faculty member is Mr. Doughty. Two to his right is Alan McQuiston. Michael W. Hard ’51’s certificate for letter in baseball.

SNAPSHOTS FROM FORMER TEACHER BILL ELY See note from his son on page 63

52 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

51 65th Reunion


Class Agent: Alex McKown, 718-392-1373, alexander.mckown@gmail.com

Class Agent: Michael Adair, 860-535-9099, MAdair412@gmail.com

Michael W. Hard: “I enlisted in the U.S. Navy Sept. 9, 1959, received a commission as an ensign Nov. 2, 1959, was promoted to LTjg on Aug. 5, 1961, and was honorably discharged Feb. 29, 1963. During that service, I spent two years and 11 1/2 months at sea.”


From Peter Ehrlich ’70: “Carlos M. de La Cruz, Sr., and his wife, Rosa, are amazing people and incredible leaders. Besides their many business successes, they built a museum which they fund and open to

58 Carlos de la Cruz ’55 and wife, Rosa, right, at their museum.

the public. Their art collection is world class and they take every opportunity to educate anyone they can reach. In Miami, they are heroes.”

56 60th Reunion

Richard D. Varlay: “I bet old Leverett Smith let out a long Dickensian wail from his grave when he saw [the picture of me.] He used to shout at me across the big assembly hall at the old Harvey, “Varlay, Grow Up!” Of course I never have. And proud of it, I am glad to say. My life has not been what Harvey had in mind for me, but they did try to point me in the right direction. At least I still have a full head of hair.”

Class Agent: John Crawford, 540-247-8810, celect@comcast.net

HARVEY HEROES Many thanks to those who have sent us information about their military service. We continue to add to our list and urge everyone to send corrections or new information about themselves or other alumni to alumni@harveyschool.org. The student club will have the memorial installed on campus with the names of all the heroes inscribed on it. FACULTY Charles D. Agnew, 2nd Lt., U.S. Army Charles A. Blake, Officer, U.S. Army James A. Doughty, U.S. Army Field Services John P. Downing, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army William B. Ely III, Aviation Ground School–Teacher, U.S. Army David V. Flynn, U.S. Navy Charles Jay Gaspar, 2nd Lt., U.S. Air Force Allston S. Goff, Major, 1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army Thomas M. Graham, U.S. Navy Frank A. Kierman, Jr., Major, U.S. Marine Corps John R. Lynch, U.S. Army Tony Martin, U.S. Army Air Force William A. Medlicott, Captain–Engineering Corps, U.S. Army Horace B. Paulmier, U.S. Red Cross Douglas Plaskett, Petty Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Conrad C. Pressey, Instructor, U.S. Navy Winston A. Ranft, PT Boat Commander, U.S. Navy Christopher Robbins, Major, U.S. Army Timothy B. Stark, Translator, U.S. Army Gustav L. Stewart III, U.S. Army Henry H. Tise, Army Field Artillery, U.S. Army

ALUMNI Samuel S. Auchincloss ’20, Col.–Att to Gen McArthur’s Staff, U.S. Army N. Philip Bastedo ’20, Lt–O.S.S., U.S. Navy DeWitt H. Smith ’20, Major, U.S. Army Gordon Barbour ’22, Major, U.S. Army Royal S. Haynes, Jr. ’22, U.S. Army George C. Heck, Jr. ’22, 1st Lt.–Bronze Star, U.S. Army Beekman H. Pool ’22, Captain–Service Pilot, U.S. Army Air Force John D. Rockefeller III ’22, Lt. Commander, U.S. Navy Horatio H. Whitridge ’22, Lt., U.S. Coast Guard Charles F. Bound, Jr. ’23, Reserves, U.S. Navy John G. Jackson, Jr. ’23, Major–Commendation Ribbon, U.S. Army Frederic G. Hoppin ’24, Lt. Colonel–Bronze Star, U.S. Navy Arthur Knox, Jr. ’24, Captain, U.S. Army Air Corps William Gardner Mundy ’25, Lt., U.S. Navy Nathaniel R. Norton, Jr. ’25, Lt.–Navy Air Combat Intelligence, U.S. Navy J. Harsen Rhoades ’25, Lt. Cmdr–Bureau of Ordnance, U.S. Navy Henry R. Stern, Jr. ’25, Lt., U.S. Navy Reserve Colby M. Chester III ’26, Lt. Commander, U.S. Navy David Howland ’26, Lt–Commander, U.S. Navy R. Rentoul Reed, Jr. ’26, Lt., U.S. Coast Guard Dwight C. Baum ’27, British Air Commission Robert L. Brandt ’27, Lt., U.S. Navy

The Harvey School 53

Josh ’59 and Seth ’57 Morton



Joshua D. Morton: “I was chatting with Seth Morton ’57 this morning, bemoaning my not having set foot at Harvey in close to 60 years. The past 40 I’ve lived in California, and that’s made it tough for me to show up for alumni events. I have stayed in touch with Howie Baldwin ’56 out west, and shared his mom’s passing with him. She

is one of my all-time favorite people (and educators). I’m an educator. I taught for seven years at USC’s School of Cinematic Arts, when Savannah College of Art and Design made me an offer I couldn’t refuse, and I moved here in July, 2014 So, no more excuses.” Josh spent a half day on campus, taking pictures of our old photos and documents. He plans to write a film piece about the three Morton boys at Harvey and include footage of some of the old photos. He remembered the school with mixed feelings, a very harsh environment but excellent academics. He was a Decemvir and went to Andover, placing into advanced classes there, then followed his dad to Yale (Warner Morton, Harvey Board of Trustees).

Bates Halsey ’27, U.S. Army George Rhoades ’27, Captain–C.A.C., U.S. Army Gerald Davis ’28, Captain, U.S. Army John C. Henry ’28, U.S. Army Luther Loomis ’28, Captain, U.S. Army C. Deering McCormick ’28, Lt. Commander, U.S. Navy A. Murray Preston ’28, Lt. Commander, U.S. Navy Charles J. Schauffler ’28, Lt. Commander–Pilot, U.S. Navy Air Force Stewart Thorne ’28, U.S. Army Wynant D. Vanderpool, Jr. ’28, Lt., U.S. Navy Wilson P. Ware ’28, Captain, Mountain Infantry Wadsworth W. Bissell ’29 Alexander Clark ’29, Capt–Ass’t Adjutant General, U.S. Army Henry A. Crosby ’29, Lt. Colonel–Distinguished Unit Citation, U.S. Army Arthur J. Draper, Jr. ’29, 1st Lt., Medical Corps William Robson ’29, Petty Officer, U.S. Navy Thomas J. Hooker, Jr. ’30, U.S. Army DeWitt Hornor ’30, Lt., U.S. Army James J. Lowe ’30, U.S. Navy George D. Olds III ’30, Lt., U.S. Coast Guard John M. Woolsey, Jr. ’30, Lt.–Office of Naval Intelligence, U.S. Navy George Arents III ’31, Lt.–Transport Plane Commander, U.S. Navy Joseph W. Burden, Jr. ’31 U.S. Army Richard M. Dyer ’31, U.S. Army Earle T. Holsapple, Jr. ’31, 1st Lt., U.S. Army Richard M. Lederer, Jr. ’31, Captain, U.S. Army Henry H. Stockton ’31, U.S. Army Charles C. Townsend, Jr. ’31, U.S. Army James Butler III ’32, First Lt., U.S. Army John P. Downing ’32, Lt. Col., U.S. Army Alfred Ely, Jr. ’32, Capt.–1st Infantry Division, U.S. Army

54 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016


Class Agent: Dick Willard, 207-596-7968, twittler@msn.com

61 55th Reunion

Gary L. Fox and Pal Maleter were able to identify a number of the boys in photos in the winter 2015 magazine from spring of 1960. See photos in question on the opposite page. 1. (from page 4) In the middle of the picture, Bobby Parker is handing Gary a Milky Way for “tuck shop.” Al Willard is standing behind Gary talking to the Fifth Form president, John Coster. Next to Bobby Parker behind the counter is Kent Smith, Lev Smith’s nephew. I know I’m looking at the back of his head, but I’m pretty sure Kent is

C. Barse Haff ’32, Major, U.S. Army John G. Owen, Jr. ’32, Captain, U.S. Army Air Corps Calvin H. Plimpton ’32, Captain–E.T.O., U.S. Marine Corps Ord Preston, Jr. ’32, Major, U.S. Marine Corps John T. Snyder, Jr. ’32, Capt–8th Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Corps John R. Van Horne, Jr. ’32, CM3/c–Seebees, U.S. Navy Geoffrey R. Wiener ’32, Captain, U.S. Army Robert B. Bangs ’33, 2nd Lt., U.S. Army Air Force William H. Browning II ’33, American Field Service, British Army George P. Butler III ’33, Captain, U.S. Army Richard S. Conover ’33, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army Air Corps Joseph F. Dempsey ’33, Captain–Pilot, U.S. Air Force Theodore Fuller ’33, Lt. Commander, U.S. Navy Gordon d. P. Hicks ’33, 1st Lt., U.S. Army Alfred L. Knopf, Jr. ’33, Pilot–Lt. 446th Bomb Group, U.S. Army Air Force Shepard Krech, Jr. ’33, Lt.–Medical Corps, U.S. Navy John H. Mallory, Jr. ’33, Major, U.S. Marines Richard C. Moore, Officer, U.S. Army John Insley Blair Pyne ’33, Lt.–Pilot, U.S. Navy Air Force Hermann C. Schwab, Jr. ’33, Lt., U.S. Army Dana dePeyster Whipple, Jr. ’33, U.S. Army Henry R. Wilson III ’33, U.S. Army William H. Woolverton ’33, Capt–Office of Strategic Svcs, U.S. Navy Nathaniel O. Abelson ’34, Lt., U.S. Navy Frank C. Beacham ’34, Capt–Fighter Pilot, U.S. Marine Corps Phillip G. Cole, Jr. ’34, U.S. Army John E. Coxe ’34, Sergeant, U.S. Army David M. Davis ’34, Aviator, U.S. Navy Jules G. Evens, Jr. ’34, Sargent–Third Ranger Battalion, U.S. Army John L. Handy, Jr. ’34, 2nd Lt., 3rd Bat. 87th Infantry, U.S. Army Royal V. Heath, Jr. ’34, 1st Lt–Air Force–Pilot, U.S. Army Air Force





Joseph W. Hotchkiss ’34, Lt.–Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy Reserve Llewellyn Jenkins ’34, Capt–Yankee (101) Div., 101s Field Artillery, U.S. Army Shelby R. Lee, Jr. ’34, 1st Lt., U.S. Army William B. Leith ’34, Pilot–Squadron I-3, U.S. Air Force John M. P. Nilsson ’34, Lt–Medical Corps, U.S. Army James E. Price II ’34, U.S. Army Edward B. Prindle, Jr. ’34, 1st Lt., U.S. Army Air Corps James N. Rawleigh, Jr. ’34, Lt.–Air Borne Anti Aircraft Corps, U.S. Army Airborne Matheson K. Sommer ’34, U.S. Army Pieter C. Van Horne ’34, Lt. Battery B, 198th C.A.A.A., U.S. Army William H. Averell, Jr. ’35, Pilot, U.S. Navy George M. Baekeland ’35, pilot Royal Canadian Air Force, U.S. Air Force Andrews D. Black ’35, 1st Lt.–Infantry, U.S. Army Samuel H. Coxe ’35, U.S. Marine Corps Osborne A. Day, Jr. ’35, 1st Lt., U.S. Army Guy E. Dempsey ’35, Captain, U.S. Air Force Stephen K. Galpin ’35, 1st Lieutenant, U.S. Army Air Force Donald G. Griffin ’35, U.S. Army John Lawrence Heffron II ’35, Lt., U.S. Navy Reserve Richard Parker Kuhn, Jr. ’35, 1st Lt.–Field Artillery, U.S. Army Berwick B. Lanier ’35, Co C, 6th Btn, E.R.T.C., U.S. Army James Lee ’35, U.S. Army Charles S. Mitchell, Jr. ’35, U.S. Army Eugene H. Morrison, Sr. ’35, Captain–Army A.A., U.S. Army Joseph D. O’Sullivan ’35, Pilot, Royal Canadian Flying Corps Howard A. Plummer, Jr. ’35, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army Air Corps Robert K. Robson ’35, Lt. (j.g.), U.S. Navy A. Kesley Schoepf ’35, U.S. Army Air Corps John D. Stelle ’35, Technical Sergeant, U.S. Army

waiting on Philip Baldwin. I don’t recognize the back of the other head! But next is line is Peter Sylvester and Robbie Romaine. 2. (from page 44) That is Gary Trudeau on her left beside Pal Maleter and Peter Calder on her right. (Pal) Frank, of Smith and Wesson fame, is the curly blond boy on Mrs. Anderson’s right. He died very young, but I am still in contact with his sister Victoria. Frank was my roommate and was sent to St. Paul’s before graduation. 3. (from page 65) Frank Wesson is on Mrs. Baldwin’s left. Peter Calder is standing behind her. Ian McAllister is sitting behind Frank Wesson and Ruben Batista is next to Ian. 4. (from back cover, middle picture, science class) Mr. Stone. Is that Peter Shapock standing over his shoulder? On the right is Dan Prentice and Miles McGough.

Rufus C. Stillman ’35, U.S. Army Oliver E. Allen ’36, 1st Lt., U.S. Army Edwin B. Beacham, Jr. ’36, U.S. Army David B. Bronson ’36, 1st Lt.–Air Corps, U.S. Marine Air Corp James R. Compton ’36, 1st Lt–4th Marine Corps, U.S. Marine Corps John C. Ellis ’36, Army Air Force, U.S. Army Nicholas M. Greene ’36, Lt (j.g.) (M.C.), U.S. Navy Reserve Curtiss V. Hart ’36, Lt.–Pilot, U.S. Army Air Corps Alfred W. Haywood, Jr. ’36, U.S. Army Snowden Haywood ’36, 2nd Lt., U.S. Army Lawrence Higgins ’36, U.S. Maritime Service William S. Horner II ’36, Ensign–Naval Air Transport, U.S. Navy R. Peter Knapp Hunter ’36, Lt., U.S. Army Richard C. Noel, Jr. ’36, Capt.–Lead Bombardier, U.S. Army Air Corps William B. Rawleigh ’36, Lt., U.S. Army Gerard T. C. Reed ’36, Sergeant, U.S. Army John P. Renwick, Jr. ’36, Captain, U.S. Army Frederick D. Roe ’36, Corporal, U.S. Army Macleod A. Ross ’36, U.S. Army Edward W. Sheldon II ’36, Lt.–Flight Instructor, U.S. Navy Robert L. Stone ’36, Bombardier, U.S. Air Force James B. Taylor III ’36, Lieutenant–Pilot, U.S. Navy Air Corps Samuel J. Wagstaff, Jr. ’36, Lt. (j.g.), U.S. Navy Lindsay H. Welling, Jr. ’36, 1st Lt.–Pilot, U.S. Marine Air Corps Crosby Wells ’36, Staff Sgt., 10th Mountain Div., U.S. Army John A. Wiener ’36, Sergeant, U.S. Army Hiland G. Batcheller, Jr. ’37, Quartermaster, 2nd Class, U.S. Navy Peter A. Baum ’37, Lt., U.S. Army Dennis Dix ’37, 1st Lt., U.S. Army William B. Eddison, Jr. ’37, Staff Sargent–15th Air Force, U.S. Army Air Force Oliver D. Filley, Jr. ’37, 1st Lt., U.S. Army Air Force

The Harvey School 55


George Dallas ’64 in a chili cook-off.

George Dallas competed in a chili cook-off in April, and his chili took second place. He said: “The one next to me, St. Leo’s, won for the third year in a row. Even the guy from St Leo’s said mine was the best, but if you have God on your team, the judges need to be careful! I placed second for the third year in a row!”




Jeffrey M. Yates: “Lauran and I really enjoyed your visit [to Bozeman, Montana] and hope we can do it again when you are back in this area. We’ve only had a three or four small snowfalls so far year and the temperatures have been pretty moderate, so we have been getting out a lot.”

Peter Duncan presented Harvey with a plaque for recording the names of the winners of the John G. Davis ’50 tennis award. The

John Merrill Hubbard ’37, Draftsman, U.S. Navy Seton Ijams ’37, Corporal–Technical Training, U.S. Army Air Forces Henry Samuel Julier ’37, Corporal, U.S. Army Richard A. Kimbel ’37, Torpedo Squadron, U.S. Navy David L. Luke III ’37, Naval Aviation Pilot, U.S. Marine Corps Richard S. Martin, Jr. ’37, Sergeant–10, 14th Air Force, U.S. Army Air Force Floyd W. McRae, Jr. ’37, T/Sergeant–9th Army Air Force Frederick L. Moore, Jr. ’37, Lieutenant (j.g.), U.S. Navy Air Corp Edwin A. Ramsdell ’37 ,1st Lt.–Fighter Pilot, U.S. Army Air Corps Robert Rosenberg ’37, Pilot, U.S. Army Air Corps Albert W. Selden ’37, 1st Lt–Field Artillery, U.S. Army William B. Snyder ’37, Sergeant, U.S. Army Air Corps Donald Stone ’37, U.S. Army Reserve Lute C. Thompson ’37, Pilot, U.S. Air Force Jonathan S. Warner ’37, 1st Lt., U.S. marines William A. Buell, Jr. ’38, 2nd Lt., U.S. Marine Air Corp Van Henry Cartmell III ’38, U.S. Army Henry S. Chapman ’38, U.S. Marine Corps John P. Compton ’38, 10th Mountain Regiment, U.S. Army J. Bradley Cumings ’38, U.S. Army John G. Dempsey ’38, Aviation, U.S. Army William C. Ellis ’38, Ensign, U.S. Navy Harold V. Engh, Jr. ’38, 1st Lt., U.S. Army Air Force John M. Hanford, Jr. ’38, Sergeant, U.S. Army Air Force James M. Hartshorne ’38, 2nd Lt., U.S. Marine Corps William D. Hay ’38, A.S.–Navy V-12, U.S. Navy John M. Holcombe III ’38, U.S. Army Edgar A. Knapp, Jr. ’38, U.S. Army Alfred W. Morris, U.S. Army Donald R. Morris ’38, Midshipman, U.S. Navy David D. Osborn ’38, 1st Lt.–4th Marine Air Wing, U.S. Marine Corps

56 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

plaque contains a medallion which is the image of the original Davis Cup. The first winner will be announced at the end of the spring 2016 tennis season.

66 50th Reunion

Michael S. Alexander: “I stopped by on a weekend last year. Enjoyed watching a rugby match and parts of the basketball tournament in the gym. Still love the grounds and space, but I do miss the walk list track! Shea and Mr. Howes.” John T. Winkhaus III offered to reach out to classmates for a 50th-year celebration. He was Lindsay Smith’s roommate for two years at Harvey.

Carson Pryor ’38, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army George S. Shirk, Jr. ’38, Corporal, U.S. Army Edward S. Travers, Jr. ’38, 1st Lt.–Pilot, U.S. Army Air Corps Thomas S. Young III ’38, U.S. Navy Thomas D. Brophy ’39, U.S. Navy Ralph H. Brown ’39, Ensign, U.S. Navy Geoffrey C. Doyle ’39, Radarman–V-12, U.S. Navy Stephen B. Elmer, Jr. ’39, 2nd Lieutenant, U.S. Army James H. Emison ’39, Ensign, U.S. Naval Reserve H. Spencer Hart ’39, Medical Corps, U.S. Army William S. Jordan ’39, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy James Lambeth ’39, U.S. Navy Alexander M. Laughlin ’39, Sergeant, U.S. Army Charles P. Luckey, Jr. ’39, Sergeant–Anti-aircraft, U.S. Army Barry A. Marks ’39, Corporal–3rd Marine Corps, U.S. Marine Corps Nathaniel McKitterick ’39, Ensign, U.S. Navy David Mixsell ’39, U.S. Army Skeffington S. Norton III ’39, SM 3/c, U.S. Navy Nathaniel Ober ’39, Corporal, U.S. Army T. Tucker Orbison ’39, Corporal, U.S. Army David W. Peake ’39, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps Andrew F. Peck ’39, Reserves, U.S. Marine Corps Warren B. Pond, Jr. ’39, Flight Officer, Bombardier, U.S. Army Nelson T. Shields III ’39, Pilot–Ensign, U.S. Navy Robert J. Snyder ’39, U.S. Marine Corps James H. Stone ’39, 1st Lt., U.S. Marine Corps Kenneth H. Straus ’39, Corporal, U.S. Army Infantry Peter V. Struby ’39, Aviation Cadet, U.S. Navy Howard W. Taber ’39, Staff Sargeant, U.S. Army David S. Taylor ’39, Naval Aviator, Ensign, U.S. Navy Richard H. Walther ’39, Seaman 1/c, U.S. Coast Guard

John Marshall ’69 performing in March.


Class Agent: Alexander Edwards-Bourdrez, 631-327-3301, alexeb2@gmail.com


John Marshall: (marshalldrum.com) John performs on concert stages, radio, television, and in film

both nationally and internationally. He includes the drumming traditions of the Middle East, North and South India, Egypt, West Africa, the Caribbean and Central Asia in his repertoire. Performing on frame drums, tabla, doumbek, tombak, djembe, congas, riq, pandiero, mbira, conventional Western percussion and all manner of hand-held percussion, John’s music has been featured on National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered,” “Echoes,” “Hearts Of Space,” and Public Broadcasting Service Television and the British Broadcasting Company (BBC). He has performed and recorded with such artists as The Paul Winter Consort, Michael Brecker, Glen Velez, Rhonda Larson, Danny Gottlieb, Harvie Swartz, Robert Gass, Steve Gorn, Omar Faruk Tekbilek, Snatam Kaur, Paco Pena, Krishna Das, David Darling, Eugene Freison, Benjamin Verdery, Coleman Barks,

Earl B. Wilson, Jr. ’39, Sergeant, U.S. Army William D. Bevis ’40, Ensign, U.S. Naval Reserve Horace S. Brown ’40, Midshipman, U.S. Navy Paul T. Cullman ’40, U.S. Army Air Force Bradley C. Drowne ’40, U.S. Marine Corps Frederick W. Goode ’40, Lt., U.S. Navy Thomas H. Guinzburg ’40, U.S. Marine Corps Robert Hincks ’40, Private, U.S. Army James P. Humphreys, Jr. ’40, Sergeant, U.S. Army Air Corps Robert E. Littlejohn ’40, U.S. Army John A. Luke, Sr. ’40, U.S. Army Air Force Archie E. Malloch ’40, Corporal Canadian Army George B. Moffat, Jr. ’40, U.S. Army Chandler Moore ’40, U.S. Army Edgar B. Parsons, Jr. ’40, 2nd Lt., U.S. Army Air Force Ronald B. Rogers ’40, U.S. Army Oliver C. Scholle ’40, U.S. Army Lee M. Stritzinger ’40, U.S. Marine Corps Benjamin E. Strong, Jr. ’40, U.S. Navy Robert R. Vickrey ’40, U.S. Navy Everett W. Vreeland ’40, Private, U.S. Marine Corps James F. Vreeland, Jr. ’40, U.S. Navy Theodore L. Baily ’41, S1/c, U.S. Navy Sidney W. Bamford ’41, U.S. Army Air Corps John T. Barto ’41, U.S. Army Peter B. Bromley ’41, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps Archibald C. Coolidge, Jr. ’41, U.S. Marine Corps Michael A. Dix, ’41 Seaman 2/c + A.F., U.S. Air Force Walter G. Dunnington, Jr. ’41, S1/c, U.S. Navy Townsend Hornor ’41, EM3/c, U.S. Navy Malcolm B. Laing ’41, Signalman 3/c, U.S. Navy

Yevgeny Yevtushenko, George Benson and Marc Anthony. Active in scoring original music for films and documentaries, John has had his music appear in award-winning films released both nationally and internationally. Currently, John enjoys performing with the experimental improvisational trio Bridges and Poems, which includes composer/guitarist Robert Weinstein and woodwind player Paul Butler. Additionally, he is studying traditional composition/performance technique of North Indian Tabla with Subhankar Banerjee and Narendra Budhakar. John holds degrees from New York University in religious literature and did his graduate work at Weslyan University in Ethnomusicology. John further studied at the Mannes School in New York. The father of three, grandfather of one, John resides in northern Connecticut with his wife, artist Cecilia Marshall.

Donald K. Luke, Jr. ’41, Corporal, U.S. Army H. Freeman Matthews ’41, U.S. Army John S. Osterstock, Jr. ’41, U.S. Navy Alexander S. Peabody, Jr. ’41, MAM3/c, U.S. Navy John A. Ramsdell ’41, U.S. Army Peter B. Welles ’41, U.S. Navy James Wood ’41, U.S. Naval Reserve Edwin B. Ackerman, Jr. ’42, U.S. Army Charles D. Gibson II ’42, U.S. Merchant Marines John E. MacKenty ’42, Corporal U.S. Army John G. Peterkin ’42, U.S. Marine Corps Antoine duBourg ’43, U.S. Army John William Magnan ’43, U.S. Marine Corps Paul West, Jr. ’43, U.S. Marine Corps Jonathan J. Crawley ’44, U.S. Army Robert C. Doherty ’44, 1st Marine Division, U.S. Marine Corps John S. Hoyt ’44, Captain, U.S. Air Force J. Allen Adams ’45, U.S. Navy Albert R. Beal ’45, 2nd Lt., U.S. Army Wells L. Field, Jr. ’45, Lt. Col., U.S. Marine Corps Sanford E. McCormick ’45, U.S. Air Force Edward L. Coster ’46, U.S. Army Anthony F. Essaye ’47, U.S. Army Infantry Joseph F. Gosling ’47, Radio Operator 1st Class, U.S. Navy Woodley B. Gosling ’47, U.S. Coast Guard Judson D. Hale, Jr. ’47, Tank Commander 3rd Armored Div., U.S. Army Norbert Lachmann ’47, U.S. Army Bruce W. Remick ’47, U.S. Army Julian L. Coolidge II ’48, Commander, U.S. Navy Richard W. Montague ’48 1st-2nd Lt. artillery, U.S. Army Nathan M. Adams ’49 pilot U.S. Air Force

The Harvey School 57


Class Agent: Phil Eifert, 914-232-6489, peifert@yahoo.com

Tim Craig is one of our formerly lost, now found alumni. He lives in Connecticut with his family and hopes for a chance to catch up with his classmates.


Peter was named the 2016 Morgan Thomas Executive-In-Residence at Minnesota State University Mankato and was invited to the Insights Advisory Council for the 2016–2018 term. He also developed the Prouty Project’s 2016 Stretch Expedition to Cuba. David N. Schwartz, M.D.: “Just moved to Williston, Vermont, from Rehoboth, Massachusetts. Went to college at Middlebury (Vermont) where I fell in love with the state. Married with three kids. Enjoying life up here with cycling and skiing. Drop a line if you’d like a place to stay.”


Peter Bailey, president of the Prouty Project, a company that helps organizations develop leadership strategies, has taken six groups to Extreme Sandbox.

Frederick B. Ashplant, Jr. ’49, U.S. Army Charles G. Gulden, Jr. ’49, U.S. Army Robert E. Laird ’49, U.S. Army John G. Davis ’50, U.S. Army Philip Vancil ’50, U.S. Army Michael W. Hard ’51, Lt. JG, U.S. Navy Charles Appleton ’52, U.S. Marine Corps James R. Fuller ’52, U.S. Army Rossiter W. Langhorne ’52, U.S. Army Benjamin E. Billings, Jr. ’53, Tank Commander, U.S. Army Morgan A. Grant ’54, 1st Lt., U.S. Army E. Richard Ahlborn ’55, Submarine Commander, U.S. Navy Bruce W. Moss ’55, U.S. Army John H. Burbank, Jr. ’56, U.S. Army Language School, U.S. Army John W. Crawford ’56, U.S. Navy Nathaniel R. Norton III ’56, Reserves, U.S. Marine Corps James O. Robbins ’56, Destroyer Line Officer, U.S. Navy Perry Trafford ’56, U.S. Army Airborne Alex P. McKown ’57, Lt., U.S. Navy David R. McKown ’57, Captain, U.S. Marine Corps Seth W. Morton II ’57, 1st Lt. 526 Ordnance, U.S. Army Frank S. Graves, Jr. ’58, Radio Repairman/Operator, U.S. Marine Corps Angus Macaulay ’58, 2nd Lt., U.S. Army Peter D. Sanger ’58, Lt., U.S. Navy Brian E. Berwick ’59, Military Police, U.S. Army William E. Boyle ’59, U.S. Army Christopher C. Cooke ’59, U.S. Navy Joshua D. Morton ’59, U.S. Marine Corps Albert Stickney III ’59, 1st Lt., Gunnery Officer, U.S. Navy Mitchell H. Vigeveno ’59, Captain, U.S. Air Force William R. Parsons ’60, U.S. Army

58 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016


Class Agent: Larry Baschkin, 914-764-3220, offtobali@aol.com

John M. Mulderig works for Catholic News Service as a reviewer of news and movies. He went to Lawrenceville, then Hamilton College (Bermuda), where he also taught briefly. John attended the Centennial Homecoming festivities with Harvey classmate Vin DeSomma and shared some wonderful memories.


Class Agent: Patrick Peterkin, 203-655-9917, p_peterkin@yahoo.com

Stephen C. Sanger ’60, Lt., U.S. Navy Michael B. Van Winkle ’60, Military Intelligence, U.S. Army Stanley W. Bartlett ’61, U.S. Navy Sandy A. Gabel, Jr. ’61, E5 Military Police Sergeant, U.S. Army Pal Maleter, Jr. ’61, U.S. Marine Corps Edward W. Sheldon III ’62, U.S. Marine Corps Frank Roland ’64, U.S. Army William X. Shields ’64, U.S. Army Theodore R. Dachenhausen III ’69, U.S. Army Stuart H. Clement III ’72, Captain–Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Robert W. Sullivan, Jr. ’77, Submarine, U.S. Navy Matthew C. Burch ’79, U.S. Navy Charles R. Taylor ’83 ,Sergeant–E-5, U.S. Army National Guard SFC Richard Dean Bush ’86, SFC Military Police, U.S. Army Joseph F. Carilli, Jr. ’89, Judge Advocate General, U.S. Navy Christopher J. C. Hallows ’90, U.S. Army Rangers Dodge W. Dutcher ’91, U.S. Navy Philip M. Nimphius ’93, Intelligence Officer, U.S. Army Jeremy S. Tendler ’96, Sgt–3rd Infantry Div., U.S. Army Jamie D. Michel ’97, XO, Platoon Leader 82nd Airborne Div., U.S. Army Christopher M. Langer ’02, U.S. Marine Corps Gerrit F. Dykstra ’03, 2nd Lt., U.S. Army Matthew F. Gugel ’03, U.S. Army Benjamin Rosen ’03, Translator, U.S. Navy Alex C. Kosbob ’04, U.S. Navy Ms. Jaclyn Perricone ’04, U.S. Army Gregory Jurschak ’06, Captain, U.S. Marine Corps Spencer P. Wiesner ’09, U.S. Air Force Fletcher W. Stone ’10, U.S. Marine Corps William R. Rice ’13, U.S. Navy


Edward J. “Tim” Howard expressed interest in the work being done at Evarts Rink. He is still actively playing hockey in Colorado.


Class Agents: Melinda Frey Arkin, 914-241-2134, bentleyshop@aol.com; Josh Rosenthal, 970-385-4723, weplay@bresnan.net


Class Agent: Herbert Sloan, 203-438-0051, hjs1988@yahoo.com


Class Agent: Thomas Jaffe, 925-200-4391, thomas.jaffe@sbcglobal.net; Kelly Wheeler Olson, kellyann829@hotmail.com

Todd Messite: Meet our newest family member, Ms. Makayla, born 11/19/2016 at 8 lbs, 13oz., and 20.25".

86 30th Reunion

Class Agent: Lisa Cantrell, 813-672-3642, lmc246home@gmail.com


Class Agents: Wylie Blake, 203-526-4089, wyliesmithblake@yahoo.com; Charles Collin, 860-877-4463, collin_charles@hotmail.com


Class Agent: Peter Hall, 518-369-1991, pevh1@msn.com

91 25th Reunion Richard I. Mack: New York City Police Lieutenant Richard Mack returned to his high school alma mater in February to present a memorial piece of steel from the site of the Twin Towers that fell in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorists attacks in New York City. Lt. Mack, who graduated from Harvey in 1991, arranged to acquire the steel piece for Harvey in memory of his classmate, Justin McCarthy ’91, who was killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center while working for Cantor Fitzgerald. In introducing Lt. Mack to the students at his weekly Monday morning meeting, Headmaster Fenstermacher reminded them that seven Harvey students lost their parents on 9/11 along with Justin McCarthy ’91. Lt. Mack addressed the student body on the theme of “Failures, Decisions and Directions.” He shared his own failings as a student in Manhattan before he transferred to Harvey as a junior. “I was failing in my public school and nobody seemed to care,” Mack recalled. “I discovered Harvey while playing junior hockey for the Westchester Wings at Evarts Rink, and it turned out to be the best decision I ever made to transfer to The Harvey School,” he said. He was Harvey’s goalie for both his junior and senior years. Lt. Mack told the students that they should not be afraid to fail. He said, “The important thing is to learn from your failures.” He also spoke about the importance of making decisions. “Realize that the decisions you make affect the rest of your life,” he said. “Remember all decisions have consequences that can lead you in certain directions.” He said one of the best decisions he made was to attend Harvey. “I was lost in the system of my public school and was found by the caring teachers I had at Harvey,” he told the assembly. “I found direction, went to college, joined the New York City Police Department and today, I even teach at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.”

Rich Mack ’91 presenting World Trade Center steel.


David M. Fehr (from mom): “On the left is Katherine and David Fehr with Naomi Adair. The kids live in Chicago now, own their own theater and also produce, direct and act with other actors to make each play a success. My best to all of the Parent Association members. I loved my tenure as president of the PA at Harvey.”


Class Agents: Ian Lichtenstein, 609-895-0609, i.lichtenstein@yahoo.com; Adam B. Sharon, 914-967-8738, adam@adamsharonhealth.com


Class Agent: Russell Stamm, 781-329-3004, rcstamm@rcstammco.com


Class Agent: Lara W. Casano, 347-539-7301, lcasano38@aol.com;

Raphael Miranda was honored by the Alumni Association and was inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame as an outstanding alumnus. His career has been anything but a straight line since leaving Harvey, but he is now a two-time Emmy Award-winning

The Harvey School 59


Class Agent: Amy Albert Morello, 845-621-2120, papillia@hotmail.com


Gabriella K. Geysel Schwager: “We have moved to Florida—my husband and my almost 2-year-old son Dylan and I. Yes, we had to go off the grid for a little while. We are absolutely loving the Florida life, and we’re as happy as can be.”

Sean Daily ’98 chatting with Raphael Miranda ’95.

Madelyn Elizabeth Cooke makes family of five for Diana M. Weisholz Cooke ’01.

weekend and noon meteorologist newscaster for NBC 4 New York. In 2012, Miranda’s coverage of Super Storm Sandy earned him his second Emmy. Covering one of the most intense and challenging weather phenomena of Miranda’s career, he was an integral part of the wallto-wall Sandy coverage produced by Storm Team 4, working around-the-clock to keep the public updated and informed. In 2011, Miranda received his first Emmy for coverage of Hurricane Irene. Recently, Miranda appeared as a meteorologist on Telemundo 47 presenting the weather forecast in Spanish. Miranda switched places for the day with Telemundo 47’s meteorologist Andrea Romero who appeared on NBC 4 New York. Miranda has also appeared on News 12 Westchester, NBC Weatherplus, CNBC World, Early Today, MSNBC, and Weekend TODAY. Miranda joined NBC 4 New York as a weather intern in 2007.


01 15th Reunion

Trinidad J. Mann Branand: “I married the most wonderful, kindhearted, selfless and loving man, Robert Edwin Brandt Branand Jr. We were married Jan. 16 in Washington, D.C., at St. Aloysius Gonzaga Church by Father Andrew Small, OMI. Mid-January was a risky time for a wedding on the East Coast, especially when the chance of a snowstorm was highly likely, but we took the chance and it turned out to be a the perfect winter wedding day. There were early morning flurries and then around 11 a.m., the sun came out. It was about 55 degrees and clear blue skies! Family and friends came from everywhere, domestic and internationally. Our reception was held at Eastern Market, and it was definitely a wedding and reception to remember. For our honeymoon, we spent 10 days island hopping in Tahiti, from scuba diving to feeding the stingray and sharks, to simply relaxing, doing absolutely nothing. I’ve truly married the man who completes me and makes me smile every day.”

Diana M. Weisholz Cooke came to Harvey in April to talk with students about her profession. She delivered her third child, Madelyn Elizabeth, on April 18, at 7lbs, 14oz. “I previously worked in the forensic biology laboratory for the NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner as a criminalist (forensic scientist) for over seven years. I am currently working as a senior research associate at the Orentreich Foundation for the Advancement of Science. “

96 20th Reunion

Class Agent: Kevin Harrigan, 412-853-9392, kh1843@gmail.com; David and Jeanette Stark, 336-771-5303, jmarib@aol.com

Steve J. Masiello, Jr.’s contract as head basketball coach at Manhattan College was extended for four years.

60 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

Class Agent: Blayre Farkas, 561-929-1802


Class Agent: Max Weinstein, 917-5158531, maxdanielweinstein@gmail.com


Class Agent: Tiffany Franqui, 845-612-9858, travelsize84@gmail.com


Class Agent: Jackie and Evan Walker, 914-319-1699, JaclynMarisaWalker@ gmail.com

Gerrit Dykstra married Lauren Marie Parthemore on April 23, 2016, at Assumption Church in Peekskill, followed by a reception at the West Point officer’s club. Lauren teaches third grade in Peekskill, where Gerrit is a police officer. He is also a captain in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard, hence the army


Class Agent: Andrew Pape, andy.pape80@gmail.com; Mallika Raghavan, mallika.raghavan@gmail.com

Gerrit Dykstra ’03 and Lauren Marie

uniform in the photos. “No honeymoon ‘til August though because of schedules but we are going to Savannah, Georgia. Currently living in Peekskill but that’s just for now.” James M. Gagliano provided an internship for Harvey senior Julia DeNigris for the spring term. According to James, “she is working with me as we speak. She’s great.” James participated in the alumni art show for the second year. Amanda M. Ruzicka Mogridge: “I married my best friend, Alan Mogridge, in June 2015. In September, we went on an amazing honeymoon to Australia to visit family and also spend some time on Fraser Island. In November, we received a shocking inoperable cancer diagnosis for Alan, who has now spent the last half year in treatment with extremely positive results, and thankfully the likelihood of recurrence is extremely low. We also received some news in December of a very different kind—we are expecting a little girl due in August 2016, and we couldn’t be more excited! We are still living near Bar Harbor, Maine, and love the beautiful and natural environment here. We send our best wishes to my fellow Class of 2003 alumni, as well as to all alumni, faculty, administrators and current students. Go Cavaliers!”

Eric Arbizo played Harvey rugby from 2001 through 2004 and in his free time continues to play rugby as well. Eric went to law school and is now in Cambodia, working for an NGO, taking old rugby balls and making them into wallets (there are several NGOs that manufacture products and put the profits into paying wages and other social programs). You can see the wallets on the Facebook page www.facebook.com/RugbyWallet. Harvey’s current rugby team also ordered from him. Geoffrey J. Gates reported that he enjoyed moving back to the East Coast for a job promotion, but has returned to San Francisco (in April). He admitted to loving San Francisco more than New York City and was glad to go back.

FOLLOW HARVEY on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn and on other social media sites as our community embraces them.

Neri sisters Francesca ’09, Maria ’04 and Teresa ’06.

Jonathan D. Klein won the hockey raffle at the alumni hockey scrimmage in January. He reports that he is now engaged. Maria Neri: “I am working now at Putnam Hospital Center, in Carmel, New York, as a patient access registrar. So far, I am loving my work! I am meeting so many different people, working in different departments, Emergency, Radiology and Ambulatory Surgery. It’s great! I am also busy planning for a summer vacation to Disney World to meet some old friends from England and their children (it’s going to be an epic surprise), and I can’t wait!” Mallika Raghavan: “Hey there, I’m still in Liberia. Unfortunately, I won’t be home for a few months but happy to help once I’m back for good and if it lines up with the school year! Cheers!”

Shari Solinsky ’04 and husband Josh Ziegelman

Shari Solinsky (from Maria Neri): “Shari married Josh Ziegelman on Sunday April 3, 2016, in Livingston, New Jersey. Shari and Josh met while they were both working at a summer camp in 2011 and were engaged September 2014. Fellow alumna and Shari’s best friend, Maria Neri ’04, was a bridesmaid in the celebration. It was a beautiful ceremony and Shari and Josh were surrounded by family and friends. Shari was glowing all day! Mazel Tov to the happy couple!”

The Harvey School 61

06 10th Reunion

914-330-7712, John@ResReal.com, www.ResReal.com. Cheers to a new day, new year and new business!”

Tommy Bibliowicz and his wife, Megan, live in Colorado and operate the Four Noses Brewing Company.

Elyssa Respaut reports that she is leaving her place in Brooklyn and putting everything in storage, then going on a crosscountry bike trip starting May 9, 2016. She has no official plans where she’ll be next. Stay tuned.

Class Agents: Greg Jurschak, 914-260-8155, gjurschak@gmail.com; Teresa Neri, 914-462-7440,teresa.neri12@gmail.com

Laura Halder ’05 and husband Sam Allen

CORRECTION Laura Halder ’05: Photo was incorrectly identified in the winter 2016 magazine. Shown here are the photos of Laura Halder and husband Sam Allen. Lauren Fitting (Barefield) was a bridesmaid in the wedding.


Class Agents: Diana Bondy, 203-834-0764, bondydiana08@gmail.com; Brian Ryerson, 914-329-6863, ryersonb@gmail.com

Zoey I. Howe: “I still live in Boston. I’m working as an administrative assistant at a contractor’s office, and singing with a women’s chorus called Voices Rising, which I love. “

62 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

Brooks Forsyth: “Things are going well. I am doing Web development for Charter Communications in Stamford. We still live in Ridgefield, bought a condo in Foxhill and have been fixing it up. We spent a month in St. Louis for my job. So that was exciting. Living in a hotel is a little difficult with a 15-monthold. But the zoo is free. Annie’s not working. (Well, she works harder than I do but doesn’t receive any money for it. Only hugs and kisses from Wesley). Wesley is a handful but so much fun it’s insane. I get to play with toys again and not feel like a weirdo. Just busy with him and work. Hope all is well at Harvey! Tell Mr. Wyland I said hi.”


Teresa Neri is busy pursuing her career, planning her wedding in September and moving back to the Westchester area.

Class Agents: Andy Jamieson, 203-273-3884, andrew.jamiesonct@gmail.com; Erika Osborne, osborne7937@gmail.com; Pete Sorenson, 914-438-7486, peter.sorenson@nichols.com; Megan Taylor, 914-274-0069, megan.kerrytaylor@gmail.com

John M. Scavelli: “I am venturing into a new personal business endeavor with the conception of Residential Realities. “Residential Realities is a full-service architecture and engineering company serving property owners, contractors and real estate professionals with their personal and commercial needs. From plans and permitting to inspections and marketing, ResReal supports you with the highestquality professional services. Referrals and networking are at the heart of any servicebased business. If you know of any real estate professionals, contractors or property owners that I could connect with, I certainly would appreciate their information, or feel free to pass on my contact information.

Class Agents: Brandon Brooks, 203-524-5800, brandon@brooks123.com; Doni McKoy, 914-960-9375, donimckoy@yahoo.com


Class Agents: Gretel Coleman, 914-523-2498, sgccoleman@aol.com; Dylan Hackley, 914-482-5318, dhack@me.com; Scott Oltman, 904-424-6610, sdoltman@email.msmary.edu


Francesca Neri is finishing her master’s degree in anthropology. Spencer P. Wiesner: “After I graduated from St. Lawrence University in 2013, I wanted to pursue my passion for service and enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. I currently am ranked as an Airman First Class. I graduated basic training as an honor graduate as well as a marksman with the M-16 rifle. Currently. I am at technical training school for my job which is in munition systems, which consists of building, storing, transporting and assembling

non-nuclear munitions. I am graduating from tech school with a 96 average. I hope all is well at Harvey, and I will be sure to come visit the next time I am in town.”


Class Agents: Jenna Spiwack, 845-519-4367, js245043@muhlenberg.edu; Anna Walant, 203-947-4543, awalant@gmail.com; Jake Warshaw, 914-772-5793, jwarshaw@gmail.com

Kyle Puchir was a judge in the third year of Harvey Chopped. He works at Rotisserie Georgette on 60th Street in NYC. He works from 5 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and is a sous chef and a chef charcuterie. He discussed with the Alumni Office participating in an alumni evening involving food and wine selections. Possibilities include a healthy evening, a game night, a whole-cooked animal, either plated or family style or a buffet. He could prepare some of it for the attendees or have it ready to serve and then talk about it.

Jacob A. Redlener described his internship project in Salida, Colorado. He led two, four-week sessions of teenagers on camping trips all over southwestern Colorado; communicated and worked with project sponsors from National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management to coordinate and organize trail work projects; performed with, trained and oversaw crew in completing projects involving new trail construction, trail maintenance, trail restoration and revegetation, bridge and turnpike construction, and sustainable logging practices. His training included: trail crew leadership certification; leave no trace principles; proper chain saw and crosscut saw use and certification; proper trail tool use, cleaning, maintenance, storage and safety; and proper trail building.

11 5th Reunion

Class Agents: Victoria Shaffer, 914-400-6446, victoria6839@gmail.com; Adam Slater, 914-874-7436, adamjslater@aol.com; Nicolette St. Lawrence, 914-707-0414, n.stlawrence@yahoo.com; KC Testwuide, 914-953-9006, ktestwuide@gmail.com

Congratulations to Carly Glenn, whose movie “Bark Mitzvah” recently won Best Screenplay in the Chelsea Film Festival in NYC and Best Comedy at the International Family Film Festival in Louisiana.

(top) Kyle Puchir ’10 with Chef Lee; (above) Kyle with Chef Lee judging the Chopped entries.

Molly C. Orell: “I have accepted a job at an advertising agency (Omnicom Media Group) working on the Warner Brothers Home Entertainment account. I actually am moving out to Los Angeles at the end of March and will be doing media planning for WB movies, TV, kids and video games. It’s a very exciting opportunity and I can’t wait to take the next step! I have yet to nail down an apartment but as soon as I do, I’ll pass along my new information. Receiving Harvey newsletters will make me feel closer to home.”

2012 classmates Mitch Bowman, Collin Kraus and Ryan Cook

Nicolette A. St. Lawrence organized a Harvey alumni get-together in the city last year and has offered to help out with young alumni activities, looking forward to another alumni get-together in the city this summer. She spoke at the April NYC alumni reception at the Yale Club and helped to solicit contributions.


Class Agents: Brandon Hickey, 845-270-8670, bhickey93@aol.com; Brett Marks, 914-8151686, bmarks13@aol.com; Maya Sank, 203-803-5850, mayasank7@aim.com; Dan Schonning, 203-788-6811, danny.schonning@yahoo.com; Natalia St. Lawrence, 914-707-0406, natalia.stlawrence@hws.edu; Mikhyle Stein, 914-419-4615, mick909@mac.com

Mitchell H. Bowman: “I hope things are going well in Katonah! I have a great picture of Collin Kraus, Ryan Cook and myself taken after a great win against King in lacrosse back in 2012! I would love to share it with the alum community.”

The Harvey School 63

alumniACCOLADES Harvey Magazine highlights alumni accomplishments or upcoming events for our alumni. This can be in any of the many artistic endeavors or as recognition for service or awards. Send your stories or events, or those of another alumnus, to alumni@harveyschool.org. In this issue, we feature Victoria Shaffer, Harvey Class of 2011.


SHAFFER ’11 production assistant

(left) The Kimmel crew at Vidcon (above) With Jimmy Kimmel


ictoria Shaffer ’11 is a production assistant (PA) in Los Angeles working on “Jimmy Kimmel Live.” She started as a summer part-timer, and then moved into a full-time slot in the field department as one of only two PAs. This gives her a lot more exposure and responsibility in the talk show world. She said, “I help with all the specialty bits like celebrity skits, live bits, what we call ‘man on the streets,’ etc. If you watch closely, you can see me in at least five of them (haha).” In deciding to stay in Los Angeles, she had to turn down an offer to work on the HBO series “Divorce,” a new show written and produced by Sarah Jessica Parker. Victoria had been the only PA for the writer’s room where the show was developed. After graduation, she worked on a number of television pilots, as well as on “Law & Order: SVU,” and FX’s “Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll,” and was the producer’s PA on the 69th Annual Tony Awards, where she received her very first network credit.

Standing in for rehearsal

Victoria notes: “I am hoping that the experience I am gaining behind the camera will help me achieve my goals of becoming a host, interviewer, and voice over artist in this cut throat industry.”

64 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

Victoria acting in a pilot

At the Grammy awards with Dad

Milestones TELL US WHAT'S NEW WITH YOU! Christian J. Artuso ’14 at St. Bonaventure


Class Agents: Gaby Kahn, 914-419-5954, gabrielleevekahn@gmail.com; Karina Lambert, 914-844-9123, karinalambert13@ gmail.com; Sharif Koonce, 914-920-1074, skoonce82@hotmail.com; Ben Walant, 203-947-4541, bwalant@gmail.com; Will Walant, 203-947-4542, wwalant@gmail.com

Samantha G. Cooper (from mom): “Sam is getting ready for her junior semester abroad in Japan. She leaves in a few weeks. She is very happy at Goucher College. Hope everyone there is well.”


Class Agents: Christian Artuso, cjartuso@aol.com; Erica Cheyne, lile8730@aim.com; Emily Silk, ejs2204@barnard.edu; Harry Solomon, hsolomon18@aol.com; Jahbari Taylor, jahbarit@gmail.com

Harvey School graduate Christian Artuso of Katonah was selected All-Rugby East Conference honorable mention for St. Bonaventure University. He was recognized for outstanding play this year as a freshman flyhalf. Artuso, playing scrumhalf on Harvey’s 2014 state championship team, spent a year abroad after graduating high school to hone his skills at Rugby Reggio, an Italian professional rugby union team. Artuso, who was the captain of Harvey’s rugby team, was named to the NYU-19 Rugby All-Star Select Team for both his junior and senior years. “Christian is a solid citizen, and I am happy he is able to carry on our rugby tradition at St. Bonaventure,” said Harvey rugby coach Phil Lazzaro.

To submit Class Notes: Send notes and/or images to alumni@harveyschool.org. For short milestone info (weddings, engagements, births), please include full name and dates. Photo tips: • Set your camera to best setting • Photo size 4 x 6, in 300 dpi • Save files as .jpg or .tiff • Identify people in the picture • Attach file to email

Michael F. Villucci: “I have transferred from Marist College into NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts as a cinema studies major. This past summer, I had the pleasure of working with Alzheimer’s patients at Morningside Nursing Home in the Bronx creating memory videos for them and their families. My story got picked up by a PR firm that has put together a press release which made the local online paper.” Excerpts from the press release are below (pleasantville.dailyvoice.com): Thornwood resident Michael Villucci, who is enrolled in the cinema studies program at New York University, spent last summer at the Morningside Rehabilitation Center in the Bronx, interviewing several senior residents about their lives, their histories, cherished memories and their families. What Villucci, 19, ultimately created was a set of highly personal video biographies of two of the center’s residents. The first video features a woman who spent a considerable amount of time working as an activist in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. The second video showcases a resident who this year celebrated her 100th birthday, reflecting on a century of memories. “I found great pleasure in bonding with the patients; they were very grateful that they were able to tell me their

WEDDINGS 1997 Trinidad Mann to Robert Edwin Brandt Branand, Jr. on Jan. 16, 2016

2003 Gerrit Dykstra to Lauren Marie Parthemore on April 23, 2016 Amanda Ruzicka to Alan Mogridge in June 2015

2004 Shari Solinsky to Josh Ziegelman on April 3, 2016

BIRTHS 1985 Makayla to Hanita and Todd Messite on Nov. 19, 2016

2001 Madelyn Elizabeth to Andrew and Diana M. Weisholz Cooke on April 18, 2016

stories, and I loved to hear them,” Villucci says. “I made the videos for them and for their families.” The more he interviewed his subject, the more her story began to reveal itself as historically important. “As a person this project helped me to grow; I saw how people overcame adversity. It really is incredible what a person can accomplish in a lifetime.” Documenting the lives of seniors has a personal connection for Villucci. “When I was 11 years old, my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Though her memory slowly decayed over the next eight years, I still loved her and began to grow closer to her,” he said. “My grandmother started to get sicker, and this coincided with the opportunity from Morningside Rehabilitation Center to produce video biographies for patients with memory problems.” To prepare for the video project,

The Harvey School 65

Villucci read extensively about video biographies and how they should follow a certain format. “Through my production of the videos, I have come to believe that making video biographies is extremely important, not only for the patient, but also for their families. I received nothing but cooperation and support from the patients’ families and tried to make the videos as much for them as I was for the patient.”


Mary T. Nichols (from mom): “Mary is thriving (and ‘surviving’ in one challenging course: linguistics, but she is taking it credit/fail, thank God). She has a 6’ 6” boyfriend who is an intended math major, and we are pretty surprised!” Mary entered three of her paintings for the alumni art show in April.

News from Faculty, Staff and Friends William B. Ely III*, Harvey 1938–42: from W. Brewster Ely, son of former faculty members Bill and Marie Ely and headmaster at Town School for Boys “My dad worked at Harvey as a young, unmarried teacher. He met and married

inmemoriam John G. Dempsey ’38 2013 John was born Nov. 21, 1923, and passed away Saturday, Dec. 14, 2013. John was a resident of Sharon, Connecticut. —www.tributes/com

John B. M. Place Esq. ’39 Nov. 7, 2015 John Bassett Moore, of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, and formerly of New York City, San Francisco and Millbrook, New York, died peacefully surrounded by his family Nov. 7, 2015. He was 89 years old. A loving husband, father, brother and friend, he is survived by his wife, Katharine Smart Place, and his children John Place, Jr., Marian Place and Judy Sloan. A memorial service was held in November. —Philly.com, Read more: www.legacy.com/ obituaries/philly/obituary.aspx?pid=176436 581#sthash.9Q7Uj9WV.dpuf

Frederick W. Goode ’40 Nov. 2, 2015 Frederick Wilson Goode died at home in Berkeley Nov. 2, 2015. He graduated in 1947 from Princeton with honors and degrees in art history and comparative religion. He served as a Navy lieutenant in both the Second World War and the Korean War. Frederick’s career as a high school teacher began by chance when he 66 Harvey Magazine Spring 2016

was asked to fill in as a substitute teacher at St. George’s School in Newport, Rhode Island. He was a gifted and versatile teacher and actor who taught the humanities at college preparatory schools on both coasts. He was well known for his booming voice, humor, mimicry and classroom theatrics, sometimes throwing books or jumping on top of a desk to convey his passion for the subjects he loved. Frederick will be remembered as the director and co-founder of the School of Arts and Sciences, an experimental high school in San Anselmo, California. Here Frederick and his colleague David Donnelley were able to put into practice their innovative ideas on education. The school emphasized collaboration rather than competition, and encouraged students to be conscious of social values and the need to protect the environment. Frederick met his wife, Marilyn Van Hoosear, while she was attending graduate school at New York University. The two were married in 1955 and had a litter of five children: Jennifer, Eric and Christopher who live in New York; and Gregory and Melissa who live in California. Frederick is survived by seven grandchildren. After retiring in 1989, Frederick lived in Sonoma with Marilyn and kept a small studio in Berkeley. Over the years, his paintings were shown in various galleries

in Seattle and the San Francisco area. In 2002, Frederick met his partner Panya Pringcharmras, with whom he lived from 2008 until his death. Frederick loved books, gardens, nature and life. He was a brilliant and complex man who will be missed by his family, his friends, and the many students he inspired.

Edmund S. B. Gillespie ’46 2013 Edmund was born April 3, 1932, and passed away Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2013. He was a resident of Southwest Harbor, Maine. —www.tributes.com/obituary/show/ Edmund-S.-Gillespie-96479441

Woodley B. Gosling ’47 Oct. 16, 2015 Woodley (Pete) Brower Gosling, 83, of Orinda, left this earth Friday, Oct. 16, 2015, following a period of failing health. He was born June 6, 1932, in Bronxville, New York, son of the late Woodley Brower and Marian (Fitch) Gosling. He served in the U.S. Coast Guard and then settled in the Bay area. He retired from Hiram Walker after 25 years and then went on to the Pleasant Hill YMCA for 22 years. He is survived by his wife of 21 years, Veronica Miller-Gosling, son Peter Gosling, daughter Jill Millpointer and six grandchildren. He will be missed by the

my mother, Marie Kennedy, who was native to White Plains and was the headmaster’s secretary. They moved on to Eaglebrook, the Buckley School on Long Island, and finally to Fairfield Country Day School, where my dad served

as its head for 24 years. Stories of Harvey were a staple in our home when I was a boy, and although it has not played any role in my education or career, I have a particular affection for the school.” (See photos he sent on page 52.)

daughters of his wife Veronica: Pamela Krol, Mary Burbano, Michelle Brokaw and Stacie Miller; and their four grandchildren. Pete loved animals, especially his two cats, Moeglee and Luigi. Predeceasing Pete were his first wife Vivian, twin brother Dr. Joseph Gosling and a sister Sally. A memorial service was held in November in Walnut Creek, California.

in Miami and Hollywood, Florida. A longtime tennis instructor at the famous Fontainebleau Hotel, Willy occasionally taught in a Yankees uniform, which led him to be mistaken for a player down from Ft. Lauderdale during spring training. After retiring from work at the Fontainebleau, Willy went on to teach tennis to Special Olympics athletes, a calling he enjoyed immensely. His children were his greatest joy and he raised them to meet life with a spirit of radical empathy. He will be well remembered and loved by all who knew him for a particularly keen sense of humor and an indomitable ability to see the good in every situation and in everyone he met. The son of the late Francis X. Shields and the late Katharine M. Blaine, Willy is survived by his wife, Janet Lynn Shields, his children Morgan Christina Shields and Holton Joseph Shields, and his siblings Marina Shields Contardi, Christine Mortimer Biddle, Katharine Shields and Walker Blaine, and his nephew Spenser Millius ’05. —Miami Herald, Rad more: www.legacy.com/ obituaries/herald/obituary.aspx?pid= 177230161#sthash.sL3aO6yi.dpuf

Bryan J. Kraft ’02

Craig M. Shepard ’74

Michael P. Spexarth


(Harvey 1970–72) Aug. 21, 2015

William X. Shields ’64 Jan. 2, 2016 William, former tennis player and coach, author of “Bigger Than Life: The Last Great Amateur,” the biography of his father, tennis legend Francis Xavier Shields, passed away after a heart attack Jan. 2 at his home in Hollywood, Florida. He was 66. “Willy” led a rich and varied life. Though strongly against the war, he volunteered for the United States Army during the Vietnam era because of the racial and social injustice he saw in the draft. After the war, Willy briefly played competitive tennis in France, and then lived in Manhattan before settling in Florida in the 1980s. His passions were reading, tennis, warm weather and the New York Yankees, all of which were satisfied during the many years he lived

Jan deGreeff Jacobi “I was equally delighted to see that the new Harvey has found its roots in the old

Harvey. The key question for a school is whether it has a heart—the old Harvey had one, and, from what I could see, the new Harvey does as well. I wish I could spend a little more time at the new Harvey. It’s on the bucket list. I am so impressed by what all of you have done over the last 15–20 years in building an outstanding school.”

July 29, 2014 from mother: “1983–2014: Graduate of The Harvey School and Eastern Kentucky University. “There is another bright star in heaven You were a devoted son, a big brother, a boy who teased us all. Made us laugh as a kid and touched us all as a man and surely by all of us who knew you who, you will be loved for the rest of time. May you be remembered forever. “Bryan was never sick a day in his life. He went to sleep and just didn’t wake up, He had so much going for him—a fantastic job, and he had just bought a new condo. He was diagnosed after he died with an enlarged heart that was never picked up with his many checkups. Just can’t accept it after 1 1/2 years. But guess as a mother I never will.”

former faculty & staff Winifrid Anderson (Harvey 1956–63) 2001

The Harvey School 67

Closing Words from the Alumni Centennial Chairs As the centennial year comes to a close, we take a moment to reflect. The valuebased preparatory education Harvey provided us, whether middle school or high school, in Hawthorne or Katonah, influenced our lives far beyond the traditional classroom boundaries. Our Harvey experience links alumni, faculty and students. Throughout the past 100 years, we each received a personalized educational experience and foundation we will never forget. This year’s centennial theme was “Celebrating our Past, Present and Future.” We celebrated Harvey’s “Past” by creating a very special book that narrates the history of The Harvey School. We held Harvey’s largest reunion when nearly 300 participants gathered on campus to reconnect with the school, old friends and faculty. Harvey’s development team traveled across the country to engage with alumni who provided “Happy Birthday” messages to the


Copies of our centennial book still available for a minimum contribution of just $100. All contributions count towards the centennial Nep-Poc competition. Support your team!

Harvey community. To celebrate the present, the entire campus community enjoyed a yearlong exploration of our historic roots by participating in a centennial-themed speech contest, art projects, theatrical performances and guest speaker events. To celebrate the future, we asked that the Harvey Community re-engage with the school. Giving back to Harvey, whether through financial contributions or by volunteering, is necessary to ensure that the school thrives for another 100 years to come. We hope that during this past year you were able to participate in some of the centennial activities. If you could not participate, we hope that you find the time to visit the campus in the future, check out the school website and reconnect with old friends and faculty through Harvey’s Alumni Portal. Harvey Centennial Alumni Co- Chairs, Jackie Walker ’03, Evan Walker ’03, Dennis Dilmaghani ’62

Waysto TheofHarvey Giving School Centennial Fundraising

With your meaningful support, together we can honor Harvey’s vibrant past, support the school of today and secure its bright future. The goal is to double the overall number of alumni contributors and to raise $1.5 million to celebrate Harvey’s centennial. The centennial campaign runs from July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2017, and gifts can be allocated to support one of three extraordinary opportunities: Barry Fenstermacher Centennial Fund In honor of our headmaster’s 30 years of service and his personal commitment to diversity, these endowment gifts will be used to support Harvey’s financial aid program and provide opportunities for more students to attend who would not otherwise be able to afford a Harvey education.

Celebrate the Future Fund Unrestricted endowment gifts to the Celebrate the Future Fund have great impact to the school, as accrued interest will benefit that which the administration deems most important. These are the “gifts that keep on giving” and will help to secure Harvey’s future for the next 100 years.

Centennial Annual Fund The Annual Fund supports the operating budget, which consists largely of faculty and staff salaries. Gifts to the Centennial Annual Fund will allow us to keep compensation packages competitive and provide invaluable professional development opportunities.

To donate, go to the Harvey website and click on “Supporting Harvey,” then “Donate Now,” and select the particular project or fund you wish to support. Or call Laura Prichard at 914-232-3161, x145. Harvey students and faculty benefit directly from your generosity. Many thanks for your support.

Neperan vs. Pocantico Alumni Giving Contest The rivalry continues, as all alumni centennial donations are credited to either the Neperans or Pocanticos. Any unassigned alumni in even class years are assigned as Neperan, odd class years as Pocantico. The goal is to raise $250,000 from each club, for a total of $500,000. To date, over $200,000.00 has been raised. Go to the Harvey homepage and select Alumni from the top bar, then select Donate/Nep-Poc.




DONORS (as of 5/10/16)


260 Jay Street Katonah, NY 10536


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