Harvey Magazine Spring 2018

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Teaching is the art of assisting

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contents H AR VEY M A G AZINE // spring 2018



Cover quote attributed to Mark Van Doren, American poet, writer, and critic (1894–1972)



Engineering Their Futures

Taking the World by Design

Upper School robotics program gives students real-life skills that open the doors to engineering and more.

Middle School all-girl robotics team takes their engineering notebook to Worlds competition and comes home Design Champions.



Harvey: A Staging Area

Where in the World is Harvey?

Margot Connolly ’08, who discovered her love of playwriting at Harvey, is off to Juilliard to further hone her talents.

Harvey’s International Program immerses students in foreign education experiences with life-changing rewards.


D E PA R T M E N TS 2 From the Editor 3 Welcome 22

An Enchanted Evening


Weil House and Barn Complex


Cavalier News + Views


Artistic Spotlight

40 Sports


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Leaving a Legacy


Alumni News


Class Notes


In Memoriam


Parting Thought


From the Editor

The Harvey School 260 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536 harveyschool.org // 914-232-3161 harveymagazine@harveyschool.org

HEAD OF SCHOOL William J. Knauer EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Karen Grazia CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Chris Del Campo ALUMNI EDITOR Sally Breckenridge DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Laura Prichard DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & MAJOR GIFTS Susie Danziger CONTRIBUTORS Susie Danziger, Chris Kelly, Alex Lindquist, Stephanie Metz, Laura Prichard, Sam Schursky, Denise Smith, John Wahlers CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHERS Gabe Palaccio, John Brooks, Tim Coffey CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Sally Breckenridge, Laurie Cohen, Pamela Landau Connolly, Tim Cornell, Ari Craven, Amy Gignesi, Karen Grazia, Christian Hahn, Marcie Hajem, Susan Harris, Don Hicks, Toby Lazarus, Alex Lindquist, Jillian McCoy, Rick Price, Sam Schursky, John Wahlers, Melissa Zeffer DESIGN Good Design, LLC, gooddesignusa.com

How fitting that the theme of my first issue as editor-in-chief of Harvey Magazine revolves around “opening doors to discovery.” I am nearing my first full year at Harvey and have walked through many new doors at this remarkable school. I am awed by the passion of my colleagues, inspiring individuals who breathe life into the many facets of the educational experience here so that students can investigate a multitude of interests and discover who they really are in the process. Key to this is the unique bond that Harvey teachers form with their students. As you will read in this issue, the confidence students acquire with the support of their teachers gives them the courage and curiosity to push open new doors and try new things. How exciting it is to see the success of our robotics program, still young, but expanding every year as more and more Harvey students, inspired by the tireless efforts of their teachers, passionately embark on the journey to becoming engineers. How wonderful it is to see the alum who wrote her first play in a Harvey class called One Acts has graduated from the Iowa Writers Workshop and is now moving on to Juilliard. Evidence of the special bond between teachers and students is also found in a thriving international experience that gives young people the opportunity to learn about new cultures and how they fit into a global society beyond the comfort of their hometown. My job here at Harvey is to tell the stories of our students, teachers, and alumni, and what I’ve learned is that there is a common thread running through each one. When given the space and nurturing environment to explore diverse interests, we truly discover who we are. We all have a story to tell. I hope you enjoy the stories found in this issue. We would love to hear from you! Please send your comments to Harvey Magazine, The Harvey School, 260 Jay Street, Katonah, NY, 10536 or email us at harveymagazine@harveyschool.org. Be sure to check out the “Parting Thought” on Page 64 to see if you can identify the Harvey alumni in the photographs. Sincerely,

PRINTING Printech, Stamford, Conn. MISSION STATEMENT The Harvey School provides a college-preparatory program that fosters lifelong learning and inspires students to develop the confidence and leadership qualities necessary to succeed in a diverse, competitive, and changing world. With our commitment to small class size, our community cultivates the strengths of each student through academic excellence, artistic exploration, athletic achievement, community service, and global understanding. CORE VALUES » Passion for learning » Respect » Integrity » Dynamic balance » Excellence

Karen Grazia, Director of Communications

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Eileen Walker, Chair Diana Bondy ’05 Philip Bowers ’70, Vice Chair Daniel K. Chapman ’73 Kevin Durkin Deirdre Glascott Edward W. Kelly William J. Knauer, President Charles A. Krasne Raymond G. Kuntz Maury A. Leone, Vice Chair Sandy Ogg Jane Petty, Secretary Joseph Plummer James Renwick Elizabeth Schwartz

Wallace L. Schwartz David Silk Andrea L. Tessler Kathleen Treat J. Eric Wise Alice DeSomma, Emerita Barry W. Fenstermacher, Emeritus Jeffrey Lasdon, Emeritus Frank A. Weil, ’44, Emeritus

ALUMNI EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Daniel K. Chapman ’73, President, Alumni Association Frank Baratta ’84 Lara Casano ’95 Pieter Catlow ’73

George Dallas ’64 Thomas E. Dodd (Harvey teacher 1965–75) Philip A. Eifert ’73 Alexander P. McKown ’57 Laurel Meredith ’88 Seth Morton ’57 Greg Presseau ’98 Brian Ryerson ’05 Nicolette St. Lawrence ’11 Sally Breckenridge, Director of Alumni Relations Laurie Cohen, Young Alumni Coordinator

welcome from the head of school Beyond Knowledge to Meaning

“At Harvey our goal is to nurture students to become knowledgeable, insightful, creative, empathic, and independent thinkers and learners who leave us prepared to become active participants in a global community.”

If you ask any room full of Harvey parents why their children have thrived at the school, they will probably mention the small class sizes and welcoming environment, but almost invariably they focus on the teachers who have touched their children’s lives. A student’s experience at school is shaped by relationships, and in particular by the positive, productive connections with the adults who teach and guide them. At Harvey our goal is to nurture students to become knowledgeable, insightful, creative, empathic, and independent thinkers and learners who leave us prepared to become active participants in a global community. In order to develop those traits, our teachers endeavor to push students to challenge themselves and build skills and discover meaning rather than consume and process facts and figures. This constructivist approach to learning casts teachers in the role of “guide on the side” rather than “sage on the stage.” This philosophy informs instruction across grade levels and across subject areas. Budding scientists conduct experiments, test hypotheses, and draw conclusions. Language students use their developing skills to communicate inside and outside of our walls. Young mathematicians understand the concepts behind the formulas. As one parent recently wrote about our robotics program, the teachers have “a wonderful way of instructing/coaching the team that teaches, but doesn’t direct” which gives students “the freedom to experiment — sometimes their ideas work and sometimes they don’t, but the outcome is always meaningful.” For me this parent’s reflection captures the essence of the Harvey way. Students need to be guided and supported and challenged, but they also should be encouraged to take calculated risks in order to own their successes and learn from their mistakes. Additionally, considerable research shows that students who learn through doing and through discovery remember information longer and understand it more deeply. Put simply, the “Aha!” moment that humans experience when suddenly discovering meaning for themselves is powerful indeed. Best wishes to all,

William J. Knauer, Head of School

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engineering their

4 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

“I thought tournaments would be boring, but there are hundreds of people there competing, parents and friends watching you, all coming together to watch robots battle,

—Mike Martirano ’20


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raises the bar

for students to learn real-life skills like project planning, project management, teamwork and collaboration, time management, problem solving, networking, and working under pressure with strict deadlines,” said Chris Kelly, Harvey robotics teacher and director of robotics. While the program draws heavily on math and science skills, much more is involved. “There’s a social aspect,” said John Wahlers, robotics teacher 6 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

and director of technology. “You have to form alliances with other teams, and you really have to start that in the morning session of competition, if not three tournaments before.” Busting myths about robotics has generated excitement in the students involved in Harvey robotics, a program only four years young, but finding incredible success that has included first-place finishes in 17 tournaments, and runner-up in 12 events. The RoboCavs have come in second in the Southern New York State Championship four consecutive times, and saw alum Jared Waner ’17 win the State Skills title competing individually with his robot last year. This year the RoboCavs qualified again for the Create US Open in Iowa, where they had one team place first and another second, and for the second year returned to compete at the VEX Robotics World Championship in Louisville, Ky., an invitation-only event with the top 600 teams competing from more than 40 countries. The program has been generously supported by the Krasne Fund and Harvey administration, and by Head of Upper School Phil Lazzaro, to whom Mr. Kelly and Mr. Wahlers are most grateful. “Mr. Lazzaro is directly responsible for the creation of the robotics program,” said Mr. Kelly. “He is constantly looking for ways to broaden the educational experience at Harvey.” Harvey has supported the program not just through funds, but with additional robotics classes, a dedicated robotics lab, and by allowing Mr. Kelly and Mr. Wahlers to co-teach the Upper School program. “There isn’t a time during the day when there aren’t kids waiting to get into the robotics lab,” Mr. Wahlers said. The RoboCavs clearly have a love for the game. They compete in the VEX Robotics Competition, where each year a new game is introduced, and teams have to learn the new game and develop strategies to master it for competition time. They must build a robot that can perform the tasks required to win matches against their opponents in tournaments that begin in late December and end in April at the World Championship.

by Chris Del Campo

Mike Martirano ’20, a hockey player unsure that robotics was for him, has discovered his passion. “I want to do VEX robotics all through my time at Harvey and in college. I don’t know what I want to do yet, but definitely something in engineering.” His dedication to the program has translated into countless days of spending four to eight hours in the robotics lab, competing on weekends on the road, and gaining real-world experience that can’t be found in the traditional classroom. “Mike’s a born competitor,” said Mr. Wahlers. “He’d dedicated, he spends all sorts of time, he goes over his strategy, he builds and rebuilds, and analyzes. He has no trouble making alliances, and that’s a huge part of the game.” Mike points to one thing he likes the most about competing in robotics: camaraderie. In the moments after competition ends, the teams wait for the final standings, laughing, smiling, and talking, acknowledging a good competition, which is a distinct difference from his competitive hockey experience. “We are all friends here,” Mike explains. “We all became friends, playing against each other, with each other,

Noah Bailey will be off to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) this fall to major in mechanical engineering, supported by his $100,000 merit scholarship. It is a post-secondary path made possible in great part to the June 2018 graduate’s involvement the past three years in Harvey’s hugely successful robotics program guided by teacher-coaches Chris Kelly and John Wahlers. Noah credits Mr. Kelly, who had nominated him for the RPI scholarship, and Mr. Wahlers with having made a serious impact on his high school and future college career. “They have both helped me hone my organizational skills, taught me how to develop and test my robot, and have both encouraged me to work as hard as I possibly can, especially since it is something I have a great passion for,” Noah said. Noah was a sophomore in 2016 when he started working with Mr. Kelly, the director of robotics, and Mr. Wahlers, the director of technology. It was an exciting and remarkable first year for Noah, who witnessed firsthand Harvey’s fledgling robotics team, the RoboCavs, take first and second place in the national competitions in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Having garnered several awards for robot creation and design, Noah cites his greatest personal accomplishments as winning past state competitions, including one hosted by Harvey this year in February. “Noah has been a mainstay in our program for the past three years,” said Mr. Kelly. “He is passionate about engineering and has consistently worked hard — putting in extra hours during free periods and lunches, and often coming back in the evening to work,” Mr. Kelly said. In addition to the outstanding robotics alumni who continue to support the current students, Noah believes Mr. Kelly and Mr. Wahlers are responsible for the remarkable success the RoboCavs have had in the brief time they have participated in major robotics competitions. Noah said, “Witnessing Harvey develop such a strong team so rapidly was certainly due to the immense work everyone put in and the incredible guidance and support of Mr. Kelly and Mr. Wahlers, who work with us tirelessly.” He added, “Their teaching, effort, and commitment are what energized the team to early success.”

Opposite page. Mike Martirano inspects his team’s robot during state competition. // Left. Senior Sam Chumsky poses with US RoboCavs team of Owen Li, Lucas Cohen, Mike Martirano, Grant Doherty, and Justin Tebbutt at World VEX Robotics Championship.


“The program and competitions at their core are preparing students for STEM career paths,

—Mr. Kelly

Top. RoboCavs Grant Doherty, Mr. Wahlers, Mike Martirano, Mr. Kelly, and Lucas Cohen pause for a pose at the state competition held at Harvey. // Above. Team checks the grip of the robot and its ability to pick up cones at the VEX state championship. // Right. The Middle School robotics team of Marley Shyer, Wendy Lichtenberg, and Annissa Khanna prepare their robot for VEX World competition.

eating together, learning from one another, and fixing problems together. Those are the friends and the memories I will never forget.” His teammates surely agree. “I’ve learned how to work well with people that you just met and how to plan 10 steps ahead,” said sophomore Grant Doherty. “It’s not just what you learn, but the people you meet that you would not have met otherwise.” Senior and international student Owen Li shared, “It’s a great experience leading to my future. I want to study some technologyrelated fields because robotics is the future.” Senior Justin Tebbutt has also benefited from his time as a RoboCav. “The skills I learned here helped me get into RIT to major in Electrical Engineering Robotics,” explained Justin. “Robotics has taught me how to work in a small group and accept other people’s creative ideas. I always look for ways to improve my work.” There is no shortage of appreciation for Mr. Kelly and Mr. Wahlers. “They care about the program as much as the students, and it shows with the time and effort that they put into it,” said Grant. “I have to ask how Mr. Kelly is still married with the amount of time he spends helping us,” kidded Mike. Owen bestows the title of “master” on both teachers. “Mr. Wahlers is a coding master,” he smiled. “His way of giving you instruction for your robot is more like teaching you how to catch a fish instead of giving you a fish to eat, while

8 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

‘Master’ Kelly gives you the energy you need to push yourself and work all day,” said Owen. No matter how many awards they win, the real prize is what the students gain from their time studying robotics. “The program and competitions at their core are preparing students for STEM career paths while developing their social skills and improving their self-esteem,” said Mr. Kelly. “It is estimated that there will be over 1 million STEM-related jobs that may not be filled in the next 10 years — building our students’ skill sets and putting them on a path to possibly fill that void is at the heart of our vision.” A vision that is beginning to be realized. Mr. Wahlers stated it best. “It’s personally and professionally satisfying to see the kids put the time in, hour after hour, and find success at tournaments, win awards, then go on to pursue engineering in college and become successful engineers. What more could you ask for?”

taking the world by design:

For the Middle School Annissa Khanna, Marley Shyer, and Wendy Lichtenberg, it’s been a stellar season that has taken them all the way to the VEX Robotics World Championship in Louisville, Ky. The all-girl team, which consists of one girl from each grade 6–8, combined their collective skill, will, and determination to win Harvey’s first Design Award at a VEX competition that qualified the team for this year’s state championship. “This award goes to the team that demonstrates the best engineering notebook,” explained Mr. Schursky, Harvey’s Middle School robotics teacher. “The team submits a notebook, and the top five teams are asked in for an interview with the judges.” The team’s ability to handle the interview process is just as important as the quality of their engineering notebook. The team honed their public speaking skills in Harvey’s Speech and Poetry Contests. This is the first year that teams from Harvey have submitted their notebooks for consideration, and the Harvey girls team came away victorious. “The design notebook is used for tracking all the ideas you have had in an organized and constructive way,” said eighth-grader Wendy. Their notebook explains their thought process and robot-building throughout the season, providing a color-coded, elaborate roadmap for someone to recreate their exact robot without ever seeing it. “We put a lot of thought into that notebook and explain in detail the design decisions we made,” agreed sixthgrade team member Annissa. They proved their design notebook was up to the challenge, winning the Design Award at States as well, and punching their ticket to Worlds. “It’s not about how well the robot does when it’s first built, but more about the kinks you had to sort out to make the best robot possible,” explained seventh-grader Marley. harveyschool.org 9

“What they are learning from a technological standpoint at Harvey

—Jamie Shyer, Marley’s father

Top. Middle School robotics teacher Sam Schursky holds up the World Championship Design Award earned by Harvey Middle School RoboCavs Annissa Khanna, Marley Shyer (holding their award-winning engineering notebook), and Wendy Lichtenberg. // Above. Annissa, Wendy, and Marley are ready for Worlds at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville. // Below. Wendy (left) and Marley (center) face off against a competitor at a VEX Robotics tournament.

“We captured this concept in our journal, and this is why our journal made it to Worlds.” They have dedicated countless hours at school and at home to perfect their design notebook, all while balancing their academics and athletics, maintaining high grades, and working together as a team. What have the girls learned from competing in robotics? “I have learned that you have to change and adapt,” said Marley. “In our states competition, we had to change our robot,” she recalled. “Thinking outside the box, we decided to design a robot that can pick up rings from the ground instead of off the posts,” she said. She also recalled a time when the team had to adapt when there were mechanical problems with their robot. “We realized our claw wasn’t closing properly, and at the last minute, we had to build a new working claw and adapt to using new controls,” she explained. One of the reasons Wendy decided to come to Harvey was for the robotics program. “I like the mechanical engineering involved in building a robot and the problem-solving,” Wendy said. “In competitions, you have to work with new teams from other schools and create strategies within minutes,” she said. “I’ve learned that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose,” said Annissa, pointing out a valuable life lesson. “There were times when our robot’s arm broke, or the tread came off, or the robot nearly went off the edge of the board, or it got stuck. We all still laughed and smiled about it. It’s OK to learn from all this.” The girls also know that winning the top prize takes speed, accuracy, design, strategy, and communication, all things they are willing to put the time into achieving. “What they are learning from a technological standpoint at Harvey has no limits and is the future,” said Marley’s father, Jamie Shyer. “As they continue to blaze this trail as the first female team in Harvey School history to make it to Worlds,

10 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

I hope they help inspire other young Harvey School female leaders to partake in robotics.” “It’s great to see them excel,” said Mr. Schursky. “Engineering, design, and computer science will make up a large portion of jobs in the future, and giving middle school students a glimpse of what that type of career would be like is an invaluable opportunity.” Only two years into the Middle School robotics program, 12 students in grades 6–8 had the chance to compete on 4 individual teams for Harvey this season. “I definitely think it is very important for girls to learn about robotics,” said Marley. “Learning about robotics will only help you, from middle school, to work and business,” she added. Wendy agreed. “I think it’s important for everyone to learn about robotics. Robotics is the future. The more people who learn it, the faster it happens.” The girls’ engineering notebook took top honors once again at the VEX IQ Robotics World Championships April 29–May 1 in Louisville, winning their third Design Award for the season in the middle school science division. “The Harvey Middle School team was one of five teams earning a Design Award out of approximately 20,000 from across the globe,” said Mr. Schursky, adding, “Quite an accomplishment!” Parents of the girls were there to celebrate their tremendous cap to an already impressive season. Marley’s dad shared a common sentiment. “They and their achievements are truly inspirational.”

It All Started in Middle School by Chris Del Campo “He must have seen something in me that I didn’t see in myself,” said Alex Castleton ’06, speaking of his eighth-grade math teacher, Mr. Westergren. “I didn’t think I was any good in math until Mr. Westergren recommended me for ninthgrade honors.” Sixteen years and three college degrees later, Alex is doing what he likes best, working as a data scientist from an office on the 59th floor of the World Trade Center, writing algorithms for High 5 Games, a major game-design company. It was in the Upper School where Alex discovered that he “found math more enticing than any other subject.” Alex credits his Upper School math teachers, Mr. Kelly, Mrs. Phillips, and Miss Rowitt with helping him to take math seriously. “They believed in me more than I believed in myself and pushed me harder than anyone else did,” said Alex. In addition to producing algorithms that help predict the future direction of High 5 Games, Alex offers his company business intelligence by analyzing data streams, and provides data input and analysis to the game-design teams. He says his job as a data scientist gives him a great deal of satisfaction. “I like playing with numbers, crunching them and using them to tell a story,” Alex said. Alex graduated in 2010 from the University of Vermont with a BA in Computer Science. Four years later, he completed a BS in Mathematics. After receiving a certificate of professional achievement at Columbia University, Alex decided to go on and complete his graduate studies. He earned an MS in Data Science from Columbia in December 2017. Melanie Gambino, Harvey’s dance instructor and choreographer, remembers Alex as a student who exhibited a passion for the performing arts. “Alex seemed to be very much at home onstage and with all aspects of the theater program here at Harvey,” said Ms. Gambino. “He gave his all and truly came alive onstage with such joy and ease,” she added. When asked if there was one particular Harvey teacher who inspired him, Alex said, “Harvey was a great place. All the teachers were optimistic about our futures.” Alex was one of those students, so typical at Harvey, who involve themselves in a wide array of activities. He recalls wanting to leave his large public school and enter Harvey as a seventh-grader, not only because it offered small class sizes but because the school had its own rink where he could enjoy another passion of his young life, figure skating. Later, he discovered he liked performing onstage, so he immersed himself in the school’s theater programs. And, as it would turn out, his love of acting led to his joining Mr. Whitehurst’s Summer Stage program, where in the summer following his sophomore year, Alex met Eva Koshel. “I was the Pirate King and Eva played Kate, the ‘coolest’ of the three sisters,” Alex recalled. He wound up taking Eva to Harvey’s senior prom two years later, and the rest, as they say, is history. When asked what his fondest memory of Harvey is, the newlywed hesitated briefly before saying with absolute conviction, “The summer I met my wife.”

Alex appearing: Top. As the Harvey Cavalier // Middle. Practicing in chorus at Harvey // Bottom. In front of High 5 Games

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a e r A g n A Stagi for Playwright’s Career Pursuit by Chris Del Campo

12 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

“If I had to sum it up in one idea, it’s probably the

idea of being taken seriously," says Margot Connolly ’08 about her time as a Harvey student when she thought of herself as a playwright and had fully immersed herself in the school’s performing arts opportunities. Having completed her playwriting studies in both her undergraduate and graduate degree programs, Margot continues today to pursue her passion for playwriting, tracing her love of the theater back to her days at the Harvey Middle School. “I was an active participant in the theater program at Harvey since my first day there in sixth grade in 2001 when I was cast as the world’s tiniest FBI agent in the fall production of “You Can’t Take It With You,” she recalls. She was in the student-written and -directed One Acts class multiple times in the Middle School, where she looked forward to the chance to take the playwriting class in the Upper School with Dianne Mahony. “I started taking Ms. Mahony’s class my first trimester in 10th grade, and I never looked back,” Margot said. She took the class term after term, leaving Harvey with seven finished one-act and full-length plays. She had the chance to produce and direct her own plays twice in the One Acts, once in 2006 with her play “Still Frames” and again in 2008 with a piece called “Keys.”

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From very early on, it was clear that Margot was truly a playwright whose t a young person and when you mee ere’s ngly apparent, th talent is so striki take le response but to no other imaginab s. Mahony her seriously.”—M

14 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

“I loved playwriting class with Ms. Mahony, where I felt taken seriously as a writer, and the green room where we held classes felt like a safe space to try something, to hear pages read aloud and to respond to the work of others and hear responses to ours,” Margot said. She admits that in retrospect some of her high school play ideas were “a little silly, a little melodramatic,” but she respects the fact that Ms. Mahony addressed her as a playwright and took her seriously as an artist. Reflecting on Margot’s days as a student at Harvey, Ms. Mahony described the young playwright as “a passionate reader and imaginative soul, who felt most at home in the theater.” She said, “From very early on, it was clear that Margot was truly a playwright, and when you meet a young person whose talent is so strikingly apparent, there’s no other imaginable response but to take her seriously.” Chorus director Kathy Kibbey Cushman is not surprised Margot is pursuing a career as a playwright. “Although we have had many talented playwrights coming through Ms. Mahony’s excellent classes, Margot was definitely a standout,” said Mrs. Kibbey Cushman, adding, “She has a great vocabulary with an unusual and unique ‘voice’ in her writing.” These past few months have been a busy time for Margot, who completed her studies for her MFA at the University of Iowa. She had her two latest pieces staged at the university and saw another play commissioned by the Iowa Arts Share. This fall, Margot will be attending Juilliard’s Lila Acheson Wallace American Playwrights Program. Now that she’s out of school, and when she’s not writing, Margot conducts playwriting workshops for young people, adopting Ms. Mahony’s teaching philosophy. “What I try to take forward in my own classes,” Margot explained, “is taking my students seriously, of just trying to help their work be the best it can be, and also to remember that learning can be fun and absorbing.” Top. Margot (fourth from right) poses with the cast of her play “Tough” at the Iowa workshop. // Bottom Left. Kathy Kibbey Cushman with Margot at Harvey 2011 homecoming. // Bottom Right. Dianne Mahony with Margot and Jenn Billingsley Richardson ’03 at Margot’s 2008 graduation.

I am a Teacher I am a lifelong learner

I am Harvey Small classes, inspiring teachers, rigorous academics, and an array of extracurriculars instill in students a passion for lifelong learning and the confidence to pursue individual passions. Visit harveyschool.org/IAMHARVEY to learn more. < Tucker Kiessling ’02

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A 9M







A 9M







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A 9M






Budapest, Hungary! The Harvey G.O.E.S. (Global Opportunities in Enhanced Studies) program partnered this academic year with The Hunfalvy Bilingual Secondary Vocational School in Budapest, Hungary, and 11 Harvey students embarked on an extraordinary cultural exchange and homestay experience for two weeks during their March spring break.



tudents from both schools worked together all year on a project theme of “Rivers and Cities,” studying important waterways and their impact on the cities along their banks. The Hungarian students introduced the cities of Buda and Pest, and the Danube River, and welcomed the Harvey students into their homes to stay for the first week of their trip. “The partnership of students is one of the most important aspects of this program,” said Alex Lindquist, director of international programs. “It gives our students the opportunity to connect with other teenagers in a different part of the world, experience home life in that country, communicate, and learn from each other.” Our students toured Budapest, visiting Buda Castle, Matthias Church, Fisherman’s Bastion, Heroes’ Square, the Great Market Hall, and Visegrád Castle. “We did an urban tour, learning about street art and revitalized areas of Budapest,” shared Ms. Lindquist. “We also took the Jewish Heritage tour, and the students got to experience the Rudas Spa in Budapest.” Art teacher and trip advisor Rick Price reflected on the impact of the experience.

“We walked through history instead of learning it abstractly through texts — seeing, tasting, and walking through a city and unique culture that still exists after nearly 1,000 years,” Mr. Price said. The Harvey G.O.E.S. students turned hosts in April, welcoming their friends from abroad into their own homes and onto the Harvey campus. It was their turn to lead tours and teach their partner-students about the Brooklyn Bridge, Chelsea Market, the home of FDR, the Hudson River and our region, and many other places related to the theme project. The culmination of their yearlong relationship with their partner-students in Budapest challenged all the students involved to adjust to unfamiliar customs and living arrangements and differences in language, and to put their trust in a partner-student and family they barely knew. Where do they find themselves at the end of this journey? Mr. Price said, “These are all challenges from which one instantly grows, allowing a more confident, culturally savvy, and globally aware student to emerge who has been informed by actual experience rather than expectation and obligation.”

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4,090 mi

Distance from Katonah to Montebelluna, Italy Cities visited in Italy (2016):

1. Treviso 2. Asolo 3. Venice

4. Verona 5. Florence 6. Rome

3,653 mi

Distance from Katonah to Ranum, Denmark Cities visited in Denmark (2017):

M RANU1. Copenhagen 4. Aarhus

2. Odense 3.ARAalborg K

5. Ranum


4,314 mi

Distance from Katonah to Budapest, Hungary Cities visited in Hungary (2018):

1. Budapest

2. Szentendre

We have had international students from:

1. Haiti 2. Korea 3. Germany 4. Spain

5. China 6. Taiwan 7. Japan



18 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018


A 9M








A 9M









A 9M




OUR HIGHLIGHTS “The best part of the trip was … … exploring a new

country and trying different things.”

—Mackenzie Rendo, junior … meeting new

people on the other side of the world.”

—Spencer Hellinger, freshman … becoming close with people

from my mother’s

country.” —Kathryn Ogg, freshman … being immersed into a new culture.” —Sara Hoffman, junior ...exploring

Budapest and spending time with people

from a completely different culture.” —Charlotte Levy, junior



… seeing a new city through

my partner-

student’s perspective.” —Noah Bailey, senior … becoming

more independent and making new

friends along the journey.” —Chloe Pinto, junior … establishing

lasting bonds with people in a new

nation.” —Daniel Galgano, sophomore harveyschool.org 19


A Friendship Grows W

Victoria (left) with Clara (right) in Spain.

hen Victoria and Clara made the decision to become foreign exchange students, they had no idea how much their lives would change. Harvey’s first student exchange experience brought sophomore Clara Mascarell to Harvey from her school in Barcelona, Spain. Arriving on Harvey’s campus in September, she was ready to experience life in America. “My experience was really amazing,” said Clara. “I think it was probably the best four months in my life.” Clara was welcomed into the family of Harvey sophomore Victoria Cartularo and immediately became immersed in life at Harvey. “I played volleyball, my favorite sport, with a really good team, and my best experience was when we went to the championship,” she shared. Clara proved to be a powerhouse on the volleyball court, helping the girls varsity team reach the HVAL championship game where they finished as the runner-up this past winter season. By the time Clara was to return to Barcelona, a true friendship had formed between the girls. “Victoria is really similar to me. We are so close now,” said Clara, who departed at the end of November. Victoria followed close behind, ready for her turn to experience the Spanish/ Catalan culture and attend Clara’s school, Collegi Lestonnac, from January to March.

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“The first few days of school were a little bumpy,” said Victoria, “but it was just part of the process of adapting to the school and lifestyle there.” Victoria took classes in math, Spanish, French, physics, art-photography, physical education, and history. The school day in Barcelona differs from Harvey in that students take morning classes, then have a break at 11 to 11:30 a.m. for breakfast, take more classes, then go home for lunch until 3 p.m., and finally attend the last class of the day until 5 p.m. Victoria said, “Almost every aspect of life there is very different than America — the food, the education system, the healthcare system, the times we eat, and many other things.” Each girl gained a closeness to the other’s family and an appreciation for each other’s culture, and they found their language skills improved dramatically by the immersion experience. “This trip humbled me,” shared Victoria. “I feel it is so important to be aware of other cultures and become immersed in other lifestyles.” Clara agreed, “I love that I met so many people, and I don’t want to lose my relationships with anybody that I met.” While she said it’s good to be home, Clara is looking forward to her next visit to America. These two pioneers of the Harvey Student Exchange program proved one thing: The experience will last a lifetime. Victoria can attest to this. “I would 100 percent recommend this experience to others,” she said. “Anyone, regardless of age, should shoot for an opportunity like this one.”

“The most valuable thing I learned is that cultures can bring people together. All we









have to do is just quiet our mind and listen and understand.” —Yulanda, ISP senior (second from right in photo)



ur International Student Program (ISP) brings high school students from around the world to our campus, giving them the opportunity to experience life as an American student at Harvey. While these students benefit from learning a new culture, they also have a lot to offer their Harvey host families with whom they spend weekends and short holidays during the academic year. Leaving the dorms on the weekends gives ISP students the chance to live as part of an American family. “We have gotten to know and love Yulanda,” shared host parent Christine Groff about her host student, senior Yulanda Huang. “I often refer to her as my ‘sometimes daughter,’ and I think we all feel like she is an extended member of the family.” The Groffs made the decision to become a host family to Yulanda this year after watching a close friendship form between Yulanda and their daughter Kylene, also a senior. They spent a lot of time together over the years, both girls playing on Harvey’s volleyball and softball teams, and having sleepovers on the weekends. The progression to becoming a host family just seemed natural. “I love having a family to live with over the weekends,” said Yulanda. “I’m learning so much about another culture, not just from a book or movie, but through a real-life experience.” The Groff family has learned many new things, too. Christine says, “We have learned the subtle differences about the Chinese culture that you only learn by living there or by having someone from that culture live with you.” They have entertained Yulanda’s family twice for dinner, with Mrs. Huang cooking Chinese

specialities like dumplings, shrimp, steamed rice, congee, and more. The Groffs also would love to visit China in the future. Harvey alum and ISP student Danni Qu ’16 was hosted by the Greenwood family during her years as a student, joining a family with two girls. “We would talk about everything, and for the first time in my life, as an only child, I actually felt like I had siblings,” shared Danni. “Then the summer I graduated from Harvey, my host family came to visit me in China, and we traveled all around. This trip really meant a lot to me because it was an overlap of my Chinese and American life.” Danni’s host “sister” Andersen Greenwood ’14 shared similar sentiments. “I honestly never expected that being part of a host family would give me another sister,” she said. “Having Danni join our family allowed me to gain another friend for life.” It seems the Groff family will also hold onto this special and unique bond for many years to come. “We have all come to know and love Yulanda, and she has a special place in our hearts,” said Christine. “That’s the best part.”

“Meeting the Greenwood family is one


of the best things that ever happened in my life.”


—Danni ’16, sophomore at Boston University (center below) with host family “sisters” Andersen ’14 and JoJo Greenwood ’17

// Would you be interested in

becoming a host family for the 2018–19 school year at Harvey? Please contact Alex Lindquist, director of international programs, at alindquist@harveyschool.org.



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IT WAS A MYSTICAL EVENING OF “TRANSFORMATION” as the Harvey Parent Association’s annual Spring Benefit celebrated the magic that happens every day on campus. Attendees, excited for an evening of socializing and dining with the Harvey community, donned colorful masks and elegant attire, fully embracing the masquerade theme of the night. “The event’s tagline, ‘Let the transformation begin,’ even extended to the school itself with the space so completely transformed into an elegant wonderland of black, gold, and fuchsia,” said Holly Alexander (Tyler, grade 8), chair of the PA Benefit Marketing Committee. Head of School Bill Knauer added to the mystery of the night, playing a mock recording from “Iris,” the

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female voice of the school’s emergency alert system, to jest about a winter season filled with nor’easters, bomb cyclones, power outages, and school closures, much to the amusement of the audience. He joked that his takeaway from this academic year is to be prepared, before adding, “My real takeaway is that I’m just really happy and pleased to be at Harvey, as is my family.” Master of Ceremonies Chris Williams set a magical tone for the evening, starting with the silent auction, raffle, and a delectable buffet dinner courtesy of our own Chef Lee Robinson and his Flik food service team. Professional auctioneer Lucas Hunt, dressed in a tuxedo and top hat, dazzled bidders during the Live Auction, prompting enthusiastic applause and encouragement as friendly bidding wars ensued. A special video filmed, edited, and produced by senior Jared Peraglia showed why we all can proudly say, “I Am Harvey.” With a strong feeling of Harvey Pride swelling inside the room, Mr. Hunt encouraged our generous community to “raise the paddle” to support the robotics program, new sports uniforms, costumes and props for our

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1. Lynn and Robert Siegel // 2. Steven and Jocelyn Cohen // 3. Dan and Nancy Dodderidge, Sheryl and Mark Warren // 4. Auctioneer Lucas Hunt starts bidding with a bottle of champagne. // 5. Emcee Chris Williams, Vanessa Williams, Head of School Bill Knauer // 6. Stephanie King, Liz Husted, Deb Finkel, Jeanne Hard


“From the moment of walking in, the evening was full of mystery. Between the masked guests, magician, and fortune teller,


there was a magical feel!" —CORRINNE DIVESTEA (MICHAEL, GRADE 10)

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"the evening

was enchanting. In addition to being the social highlight of the school year, we raised

7. Benefit Committee: Robin Jones, Wendy Class, Clare Ciancio, Vivian Levy, Tracey Davies, Elizabeth Pickel, Fran Jaques, Sherry Wallach, Stephanie King, Lois Tebbutt, and MaryAlice Puente // 8. Vanessa Williams performing // 9. Robin and Rick Jones // 10. Andrea Tessler, trustee, and Jackie Walker // 11. Heather Ogg, sister of trustee Sandy Ogg // 12. Magic Dave performs card tricks for Dan and Nancy Dodderidge // 13. Sandy Ogg, trustee, and Eileen Walker, board chair and trustee // 14. Our faculty and spouses enjoying the evening: Jay and Liz Hill, Rosanna Lindoro, Pilar Menacho, Julian Egolf, Stephanie and Mike Rubenfeld, Kyle Delaney and fiancée, Liana. // 15. Jennifer Powell-Lunder, Wendy and Thomas McLean // 16. Holly Alexander, Corrinne DiVestea, Melissa Gross

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over $400,000 for our students and programs. We thank everyone who was involved in this incredible night.” —LAURA PRICHARD, DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT


theater program, faculty training workshops, new computers for the classrooms, and financial aid grants. “It really is the unplanned moments that made the evening memorable, as when one family bid $10,000 in honor of music teacher Mr. Wright,” said Director of Development Laura Prichard. We “saved the best for last” as the incomparable Vanessa Williams (Sasha, grade 12) took to the stage to perform a wide array of her hits and other classic songs relating to this special evening. Ms. Williams dedicated her song, “If There Were No Song,” to retiring music teacher Kathy Kibbey Cushman. “The wonderful aspect of all of this is meeting parents across all grades, and hearing everyone share their own experiences of their children’s time at Harvey, from new parents in the school to senior parents with students just about to leave,” reflected Benefit Committee Chair Tracey Davies (Oliver, grade 11 ). Trustee and Harvey parent Kevin Durkin (Lucy, grade 7 and Olivia, grade 9) agreed. “My personal joy is when first-time Harvey parents who attend the Benefit look at me and say they can’t wait until next year’s event.”



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Weil House and Barn Complex

First impressions are important, which is why the Head of School and the Board of Trustees have identified renovating the Weil House and Barn Complex, the first buildings you see as you enter our campus, as the next strategic step in the Harvey Campus Master Plan. The Weil House will be transformed into a welcoming stop for all families and visitors when they arrive on campus, providing administrative office space for the Admissions, Development, and Business offices. During World War II, the Weil House was originally the winter residence for the Weil family and later became the Headmaster’s home where, for more than 50 years, our headmasters took up residence. The Weil Barn renovation offers an exciting opportunity to add new multipurpose space for community events, special campus celebrations, and alumni gatherings. It will also provide alternative classroom and activity space, potentially enabling us to expand our athletic offerings to

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include things like fencing or martial arts. Other possibilities include a simple kitchen, a concession area for home games, and much-needed bathroom facilities. This project will also give us the opportunity to reconfigure the entrance from Route 22 to allow an easy flow of traffic in and out of campus, enhance security, improve parking and pedestrian safety, provide additional lighting, and offer attractive landscaping along the most visible stretch of campus. In phase II of the project, the office space in Sylvan Hall will be renovated into much-needed classroom space and faculty offices, enabling us to convert the classrooms currently in the boys dorm back to living facilities to better house our students and faculty. At the same time, long-deferred maintenance and improvements would be completed in both dorm buildings.

We are thrilled to be able to preserve these historic Harvey landmarks. We are in the process of selecting an architect and excited to begin this important project which we estimate will take approximately two and a half years to complete.

Help Us Raise This Barn! A barn raising fulfills a practical need and also serves to tie a community together.

The entire Harvey community will be needed to make this dream a reality for our students and school. We have just begun the fundraising for this project with $450,000 already committed from this year’s senior class alone. Please contact the Development Office at 914-232-3161, x.145 to find out how you can join us and invest in Harvey’s future.

Renovations to the Weil House barn will allow us to create an open interior space for community gatherings.

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CAVALIER news + views Celebrating Diversity Harvey’s Cultural And Racial Equality (CARE) Club brought the entire Harvey School community together at a February morning meeting to celebrate diversity and equality and to recognize Black History Month. Guest speaker Reverend Merle D. McJunkin of Antioch Baptist Church in Bedford Hills delivered great insight and humor on the importance of understanding different perspectives. He noted it is now “incumbent upon us to be global citizens” and told our students to use the opportunity of a Harvey education “to gain as much as you can from as wide a perspective as you can.” Rev. McJunkin implored them to have an open mind and heart toward people of all races and cultures, and in doing so, they “will be better equipped to be great leaders of the 21st century.” Right. CARE Club co-president Jordan Carnan-Raimey shares the club’s mission as members Reynise Walker, Jacinth Francis, and Amir Gidden look on. // Inset. Reverend Merle D. McJunkin speaks to Harvey students.



“It is impressive to see colleagues continue to be learners well into adulthood.” —Dr. Brendan Byrne Dean of Middle School Stephanie Metz has earned her Ed.D. in Instructional Leadership, a journey that began in 2013 and one that we now celebrate with her recent graduation from Western Connecticut State University in May 2018. “​I wanted to make an impact both for Harvey and in the field of education, and that led me to apply for doctorate programs five years ago,” said Dr. Metz. “I knew this would be a great challenge for me, but I was eager to start my doctoral journey,” she added. Her dissertation, titled “The Self-Perceptions of Principals’ Transformational Leadership Practices,” was a mixed-methods case study exploring the phenomenon of transformational leadership. Already holding a Bachelor of Arts in Classical Studies from Hamilton College, and a Master in the Art of Teaching from

“What’s particularly impressive is that Stephanie completed her doctorate while working full time. She always remained available for students and fully dedicated herself to their growth and success in middle school.” —Head of School Bill Knauer 28 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

Manhattanville College, Dr. Metz has shared her passion for teaching, her enthusiasm, and her dedication with Harvey Middle School students for the past 14 years. She has surely earned the respect of Head of Middle School Dr. Brendan Byrne. “I think it sets a great example for both students and other teachers,” said Dr. Byrne. “I am excited to see how Stephanie applies her doctoral experience to our Middle School program. I believe it has given her a perspective that will greatly benefit our community,” he added.

What Debate Has Taught Us It’s been a “collaborative and dynamic” first year according to Mrs. Alexander, co-coach of the Harvey Middle School debate team. With almost 15 active debate members throughout the academic school year, our team was able to win several debates in three competitions. The team has had several successes. The team members have been able to improve as public speakers, determine how to conduct appropriate research, discover where they stand on issues, and learn more about both current and past events. Seventh-grade yearlong member Marley Shyer recalled the team’s first win. It came on the topic, “If Hate Speech Should Be Protected by The First Amendment.” Marley said: “Our team was really surprised to hear the news. The opponent had won many debates before. At the second debate of the morning, it was nice to know we had a chance as a new team.” Eighth-grader Teddy Abt said, “I won my debate on the opposition side. After I won, I noticed my scores rise.” He said debate has made him improve as a public speaker. Seventh-grader Jacob Weisberger worked as a maverick, which, as he explained, would allow him to “speak from all three parts of the argument.” Jacob added, “My goal next season is to win a debate.” Looking back on her major achievements throughout the year, eighth-grader Wendy Lichtenberg said, “After a lot of hard work and dedication I have had the honor of winning the Speaker’s Award (Top Speaker of the Debate) three


times.” Wendy plans on continuing to debate in the Upper School. New debater Taylor Bassi, the only sixth-grade member, said she’s looking forward to debating after watching several debates. “I think I’m ready,” she said. Taylor was pleased to have learned how the format of debate works. She said, “I had no clue coming in how this was done. I learned the concepts of collecting information and notetaking.” As winning debater Noam CohenWeinberg of the seventh grade looks back, he thinks his most notable accomplishment was taking the opposition side on the issue, “Is Amazon Good for Society.” “This was my favorite win because I felt like I had a voice, and I felt proud when I proved the proposition side inaccurate and explained the horrible working conditions in Amazon factories such as sweatshops,” Noam said. Jacob relates to Noam, saying, “In debate, I learned that I have a voice — a powerful one.”

“In debate, I learned that I have a voice — a powerful one.” —Jacob

The members of the team think about what debate has taught them. Eighth-grade debater Gabriella Feldmeth said, “The information we’ve had to study has helped in numerous classes, especially history.” She added, “Debate makes you more confident in every other class.” Marley agrees, saying, “At the time we studied the First Amendment in English class, it helped me in my studies and gave me a better understanding of the material. “ Debate gave all the students a voice. It helped them show their passion, share their viewpoint, and see their progress through comparing opinion to fact. Many of the eighth-grade team members plan to continue debating in high school and join Model UN. As the debate team had only a few members at specific times of the year, it made the team close. “I think we bonded,” said Mrs. Matero, co-coach of the debate team. Mrs. Alexander added, “These kids were willing to take on another academic class, taking on a challenge. What was so amazing is that they all worked together so brilliantly.” “Our ability to be so inquisitive was what made our team so strong in our first year,” said Mrs. Matero. As the team grew, their ideas grew, as did their confidence as debaters and public speakers. After a highly successful first year, the debate team has decided to let this club continue to grow from where they started. Above. Wendy Lichtenberg, Marley Shyer, Gabriella Feldmeth, Jacob Weisberger, Cody Siegel, and Noam Cohen-Weinberg prepare for an upcoming debate. // Left. Cody Siegel, Wendy Lichtenberg, and Noam Cohen-Weinberg are all smiles after winning their debate.

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1. Charlie Hill, Noam Cohen-Weinberg, Luca Vega, Holden Roberts, Jacob Weisberger, Cody Siegel, and Charles Carpenter sing in Middle School Showcase in February. // 2. Seventh-grader Jordan Latta proudly holds her Aztec mask at MS Academic Expo. // 3. Assistant Head of School Dick Wyland cuts the Founders Day cake with the two youngest Harvey students, sixth-graders Princess Golden and Felix Oliver. // 4. Abby Kay, Cristian Triay, Robert Ogg, Layne Siegel, Cody Siegel, Armaan Bhaskar, and Wendy Lichtenberg compete in the National History Bee regional competition. // 5. Seventh-graders Emiliana Knauer and Alexandra Silverman explore the Liberty Science Center in May. // 6. Sixth-grader Luca Vega performs in the MS Showcase. // 7. “The Equinox� earns an Excellent Rating in PRESLM (Program to Recognize Excellence in Student Literary Magazines) by the National Council for Teacher Education. // 8. The eighth-graders are energized at the Rocky Statue during their two-day trip to Philadelphia in May.

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Preparing Kids for the Future AND the Present BY DR. BRENDAN BYRNE, HEAD OF MIDDLE SCHOOL

Educators often emphasize the importance of preparing kids “for the future.” Elementary school is considered preparation for middle school, middle school for high school, and high school for college. As educators, we are always looking ahead. Preparing kids for the future is undoubtedly important, but equally important is helping kids succeed in the present. Studies reveal that anxiety and stress is impacting young people more than ever before. This is most likely the result of numerous factors. Kids are pulled in many academic and extracurricular directions. They spend significant time in front of screens, which is impacting their social development. Additionally, they are bombarded with news cycles that can be confusing and unsettling. We all know that uneasy feeling when a news update flashes on our phone reporting some tragedy or scandal, so one can only imagine what it’s like for a middle schooler to receive those same updates. In the past, kids would learn about these types of events from parents with the appropriate contextualizing and support, but now they learn about them in real time, sometimes without a parent present to help them process the information. Given the challenges that are impacting young people, we have a responsibility to help them live a healthy, balanced life. At the Harvey Middle School we continue to examine how our academic and co-curricular programs can better promote balance in the lives of young people. In recent years, we have added electives of yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and wellness. Moving forward, we plan to expand all of these types of offerings. We emphasize the importance of pursuing enrichment activities such as debate, current events, and robotics. Our advisory program asks students to reflect on issues ranging from empathy to nutrition. We discuss how to specifically put theory into practice when it comes to these topics. For example, our Middle School students completed a survey related to their own nutrition, so that we could better encourage them to make healthy choices here at school. Our goal was to emphasize how nutrition and sleep can improve attention, behavior, and energy. Though we value the role of technology, we also monitor the amount of screen time students are exposed to. Specifically, in the dining hall, we prohibit use of cellphones, tablets, and other devices because we expect students to socialize with each other through conversation. At other times, teachers guide students through exercises in online research and appropriate use of social media. Now more than ever, it is critical that children are members of school communities that are responsive to the changing world around us, not only for the future, but most importantly for the present.




13 9. Head of Middle School Dr. Brendan Byrne shares a good book with Madison Langley-McKnight and Brandon Mallon. // 10. The sixth grade at the Museum of Natural History in May. // 11. Skate Party, anyone? Emma Galgano, Emiliana Knauer, Marley Shyer, Karli Thea, and Juliet Jaques are cool on the ice. // 12. The Middle School boys looking dapper at the Middle School Dance: Peter Sorio, Charlie Carpenter, Zachary Weisblatt, Terrell Raynor, Charlie Hill, Robert Fisher, Patrick Brennan, Cole Hamlin. // 13. Some lovely ladies at the Middle School Dance: Olivia Quinn, Princess Golden, Riannah Wallach, Iliana Hellinger, and Dylan Bazaar. harveyschool.org 31

WELLS SPEECH CONTEST Public speaking is one of the most important skills a student can develop. The school-wide annual Wells Speech Contest encourages students to find their voice and make it heard. In December, 15 finalists delivered powerful speeches filled with conviction and personal passion. Middle School winner Wendy Lichtenberg addressed the current topic of Net Neutrality in her speech, “Preserving the Internet.” Senior Jared Peraglia’s winning Upper School speech, “Be Interested,” implored his fellow students to take an interest in the people around them. “People don’t become interesting, if no one is ever interested,” he said in closing. Honorable Mention was awarded to freshman Isabelle Abramson for her personal speech, “Organ Donation.”

“The truth is … we are stronger together. So I encourage you. All of you, to be interested. The next time you’re in class or on the field or in the arts center, ask the people around you who they are. Who they truly are. What makes them happy? What makes them laugh? What makes them cry? What makes them get out of bed every morning? What inspires them? What they love? What they hate? What they wish they could be? What they are trying to be? What makes them whole? What makes them ... them?

People don’t become interesting, if no one is ever interested.”

—Jared Peraglia, 12th grade, US Winner, “Be Interested”

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“America was based off the idea of a free market where you can start at the bottom and move up and achieve the American dream. However, this is changing for the worse with monopolies dominating small businesses. If small businesses and individual voices can’t reach all internet users, our free society will morph into some warped plutocracy where only wealthy corporations can distribute their messages and products.” —Wendy Lichtenberg, eighth grade MS Winner, “Net Neutrality”

“The reason why I was dying was because the left side of my heart was shrunken and deformed. I needed emergency surgery to reconstruct my heart and save my life. One part of the surgery required they cut out a deformed piece of my heart called the aortic arch and replace it with another. Where do you find a spare aortic arch? In my case, someone — who didn’t know me and I will never be able to thank — had signed a piece of paper, making them an organ donor. That person gave me the gift of life. I am here today, to encourage all of you to give the gift of life and consider becoming an organ donor.” —Isabelle Abramson, ninth grade Honorable Mention, “Organ Donation”

Seen here proudly wearing their college shirts.

Advice to the College Bound: “It’s About Time” BY PHIL LAZZARO, HEAD OF UPPER SCHOOL

When I recall the first day I walked onto my college campus in August 1990, it feels like yesterday. It, indeed, was the first time I had even seen the university, and I enjoyed every single minute of it. Each day provided new experiences, friendships, and opportunities. I thoroughly enjoyed my college experiences at St. Bonaventure University (that’s right, the same St. Bonaventure University that beat the mighty UCLA basketball team to open March Madness this year!). My positive college experience guides me now as I advise our Harvey students how to have a similar experience. Perhaps it was being from a small town outside of Buffalo, N.Y., or that it was the late 1980s, but some things have changed regarding the fabled “college process,” while some things really should not. Yes, not visiting a college before attending is unwise. Visits are important for each student and family to develop a sense of what a school can offer. Each campus is different. Each location has similarities and

differences. Seeing which school will be the best academic and social fit is key, and visiting allows students to see the possibilities of each. I lucked into a setting that was ideal for me. I was allowed to pursue different academic and social paths, and the only limits placed upon me were those I imposed on myself. Pursuing two majors and three minors, experiencing the bumps, bruises, and leadership in the new sport of rugby, volunteering at a soup kitchen weekly, working in student government, and even learning the intricacies of a radio station, were afforded to me because I was willing to take chances. Taking chances and welcoming opportunities that come your way in college have not changed. I encourage each graduate to seek the best academic and social fit, and once gained, take advantage of everything a school can offer. Our Upper School students are typically in school each day for seven hours, and many complete after-school

activities for an additional two hours. In college, time is your friend, but can be an enemy as well. Being in class 15 hours a week will be a drastic change. It is what you do with the remaining hours that will be the indicator of success. You control your actions. Do you sleep in, take two naps a day, stay up late, or do you attend each class, seek professors or teaching assistants for help during office hours, go to the library for a few hours a day, work out in the fitness center, join a club, volunteer? The possibilities with your 24 hours each day are nearly endless. Be productive. Plan. Have fun!

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1. Ninth-graders enjoy a field trip to Escape the Mystery Room in Palisades, N.Y., in an activity tied to their study of “Lord of the Flies” as part of the Writer’s Odyssey in freshman English class. // 2. Lizzie Kavounas presents her “Beachside Restaurant” design at the Senior Expo. // 3. Head of US Phil Lazzaro gets “social” with ISP students Yulanda Huang, Jacky Chen, and Kai Zhao at the Chinese Cultural Fair on campus. // 4. Seniors enjoy a delicious lunch featuring a “Taste of Italy” at their 100 Day Celebration. // 5. Ninthgrade students take turns using a Scanning Electron Microscope in Science Trajectories. // 6. Senior Isaac Cullity Vieux, first student to record original music in Harvey’s new Sound Recording Studio, works on his editing. // 7. Seniors Chloe Savitch and Sadie Albert show off their shirts signed by their classmates marking 100 days until graduation. // 8. Mr. Cornell’s Japanese Language students visit Keio Academy in February as part of an annual exchange that began in 2005. // 9. Our “rising seniors” work on team-building skills during their two-day Junior Class Leadership Trip to Camp Hazen in Chester, Conn. // 10. On our Senior Day of Service, Sasha Fox brightens the faces of students at the Children’s Learning Center in Stamford, Conn. // 11. Senior Ben Kabakow takes a seat in J.J. Roberts’ Cabinet (1847) at the Model UN in February. // 12. Jane Kelleran and Quentin Schubert release the trout they had raised since eggs as part of the “Trout in the Classroom” program in Ms. Zeffer’s class. // 13. Students from Mr. Alexander’s Sketch Writing class and Mr. Kelly’s TV Production class collaborate to produce a new series, “Harvey Sketches,” Available for viewing at www.harveyschool.org/videoproduction.

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Michael Lopes Poetry Recitation Contest “Poetry has power; poems stir us into our own humanity.” —poet Seamus Heaney (1939–2013) On April 5, six Middle School students and nine Upper School students stood before the entire Harvey community, reciting from memory poems of abundant depth and meaning. “I am proud, and every year a little bit amazed, to know I’m at a school where a poetry contest is celebrated, and maybe a little cool,” said Ms. Beth Visintainer, English teacher and contest co-host with fellow English teacher and Upper School Dean of Academics Ms. Dianne Mahony. Junior Giselle Garcia (middle) was chosen as the Upper School winner for her recitation of “Latino-Americanos: The Children of an Oscuro Pasado” by Xochitl Morales, while seventh-grader Marley Shyer (top) took top honors in the Middle School for the poem “Dear Society.” whose author is anonymous. Ninth-grader Mia Cornell (bottom) received Honorable Mention recognition for her reading of “Happy” by Dottie James.


We were happy to welcome learning implemented action steps to optimize our specialist Danielle Meyer to the Harvey learning environment,” he said. faculty in the 2017–18 academic year. More than ever, Harvey wants every Ms. Meyer, who holds a Master of student to feel understood and academiScience in Special Education K–12 and a cally challenged, and know they can sucBachelor of Science in Psychology, has ceed at the highest level. “I give students quickly become an invaluable resource a point person for academic support and for teachers. She works with faculty to can facilitate discussions with teachers help them understand how best to meet about strategies and techniques to support students where they are, and challenge students,” explained Ms. Meyer. Her role on them to push beyond their boundarcampus is key to building, developing, and ies and become engaged in learning. “Danielle has provided excellent guidance, support, and ideas for all the members of our school community,” said Phil Lazzaro, head of the upper school. “She has allowed our faculty to find new ways to engage students,” he added. Serving as a faculty and parent liaison, and a supportive touchstone for students, Ms. Meyer provides curriculum enrichment and helps guide students to become successful, independent learners. “Where Dr. Brendan Byrne, head of the my reason, middle school, can attest to the imagination or positive impact Ms. Meyer has had in the short time she interest were not has been at Harvey. “I have engaged, I would really been impressed with not or could not how quickly Ms. Meyer has

learn.” —Winston Churchill

36 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

promoting clear learning strategies, which support a positive classroom environment that encourages all Harvey students to reach their academic potential. “I find Harvey to be a community in which students have an opportunity to grow academically as well as individually,” Ms. Meyer said. “The faculty and staff want students to feel supported by and connected to the community while still allowing each student room to grow as an individual.”

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Artistic spotlight

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Previous Page. Junior Sara Hoffman won two Scholastic Art Award Gold Keys for Drawing & Illustration and an Honorable Mention for this painting “Little Girl Wishing.” // 1. Sculpture titled “Centaur” by junior Katie Ketner wins Scholastic Art Award Gold Key. // 2. Sophomores Pierce Husted and Ryan Piken with the cast of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” // 3. The Winter Production of “The Scarlet Letter” featuring, front row, Julianne Quinn and Chloe Savitch, and back row, Zoe Lewis, Elizabeth Mahony, Mya Turner, and Maya Mehrara. // 4. Sophomore Rion-Mark McLaren plays violin in this year’s May Instrumental Concert. // 5. Juniors Elizabeth Mahony and Maya Mehrara perform in the student-written and acted One Acts play “To Be With You.” // 6. Middle School girls Halimatou Konteh, Olivia Quinn, and Riannah Wallach are all smiles in the February Dance Concert. // 7. After a snow cancellation, our students perform triumphantly at our spring Chorus Concert. // 8. Junior Joshua Pickel commands the stage in “The Scarlet Letter.” // 9. “Pollution Personified” earns a Gold Key in Digital Art for junior Annabelle Kavounas in the 2018 Scholastic Art Awards. // 10. Seniors Jacinth Francis and Nikkita Johnson show grace and strength in the May Dance Concert. // 11. An exciting martial-arts dance mix at the Dance Concert. // 12. Juniors Coraline Chu and Quentin Schubert confront each other in the One Acts play, “The Last Testament,” with sophomore Daniel Galgano and senior Hana Cornell looking on. // 13. Eighth-graders Teddy Abt and Joey Jacobson discuss a dilemma in a scene from the Middle School production of “Fantastic Mr. Fox.” // 14. A family of foxes: Joey Jacobson (lying down), Emiliana Knauer, Olivia Quinn, Holden Roberts, Clyde Press, and Riannah Wallach.

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Artistic spotlight



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Sports winter highlights

It was a very exciting winter varsity sports season as the hockey team and both the girls and boys basketball squads went all the way to championship games in their respective leagues. Hockey made history by finishing in a first-place regular season tie in the Fairchester Athletic League with arch rival Rye Country Day, but the Cavs lost to the Wildcats in the FAA playoff final. In hoops action, the girls basketball team finished second overall in the Housatonic Valley Athletic League (HVAL) after losing to the Master’s School in the championship game. The girls also earned a bid to play in the Class D division of the New England Prep School Athletic Council (NEPSAC) championship tournament, the team’s first invitation to the prestigious postseason competition in more than 10 years. Harvey also saw history made this winter as senior Julia Mallon became the first girl to reach 1,000 career points. The boys basketball team, meanwhile, also had a terrific year, finishing second to Wooster after losing the title game to the Generals. The boys were also invited to play in the NEPSAC tournament. It was their first-ever invitation to compete in the Class C division. The varsity coed ski team enjoyed a memorable first season, finishing third overall in the Berkshire Hudson Ski League (BHSL) Championships, with junior team co-captain Sebastian Wallach winning the slalom competition with the fastest time in the field of racers.

Varsity HOCKEY (17–4–1; FAA) FAA All-League: Cian Keohane Jude Brower FAA All-League Honorable Mention: James Mettler Coaches Award: Luke Baumgartner Most Improved: Aidan Cammisa MVP Defenseman: Jude Brower MVP Offensive: James Mettler MVP: Cian Keohane Corsano Cup: Kelly McMorrow

40 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

Boys Varsity BASKETBALL (15–12; 11–3, HVAL) HVAL All-League: Kasim Cisse Everton Browne All-NEPSAC: Kasim Cisse All-NEPSAC Honorable Mention: Everton Browne MVP: Kasim Cisse MIP: Alex Kaplan Most Outstanding: Everton Browne Coaches Award: Treshawn Felder Sportsmanship: Larry Waterhouse

Girls Varsity BASKETBALL



(17–9; 8–3, HVAL) HVAL All-League: Julia Mallon Dani Oddo Nikkita Johnson

(5–7) MVP: Aaron DuPree

MIP: Justin Jaques

Sixth Man: Alexander Ogg

NEPSAC All Stars: Julia Mallon Dani Oddo Nikkita Johnson

Varsity Coed SKI TEAM

MVP: Julia Mallon

(3rd place, BHSL) MVP: Sebastian Wallach

MVP Offensive: Dani Oddo

MIP: Alex Olsen

MVP Defensive: Nikkita Johnson

Sportsmanship: Noah Bailey

Coaches Award: Sydney Penn Sportsmanship: Kathryn Ogg

JV Girls BASKETBALL (5–7) MVP: Olivia Carillo MIP: Charlotte Grady Coaches Award: Sara Hoffman Sportsmanship: Katie Ketner

MVP Defense: Lucas Cohen MIP: Sanath Kumar Coaches Award: Sam Roschelle Jake Schulte Heart and Hustle Award: No’ell Chance

Boys JV Blue BASKETBALL (4–7) MVP: Kaden Humphrey MVP Defense: Kyle Canevari MIP: Jason Yudell Coaches Award: Jacob Sklar

MVP: Jake Hellinger

Sportsmanship: Layne Siegel

MS Maroon BASKETBALL MVP: Sam Alexander Mason McComb MIP: Cooper Treat Sportsmanship: Devon Alpern

MS Navy BASKETBALL MIP: Philip Salmon Coaches Award: Zachary Weisblatt Sportsmanship: Patrick Brennan

Sportsmanship: Brandon Marshall Heart and Hustle Award: Patrick Murphy

MS Girls BASKETBALL (No individual awards)


Providing for the Future of Harvey Supporting Education through Planned Giving Planned gifts are important to the school’s financial foundation. The Carter Legacy Society honors the foresight and generosity of this most dedicated group — those who have made a gift of a lifetime by naming Harvey in their will, trust, or retirement plan, or who have established a gift annuity with the school.

1. Outright Gifts

3. Retirement Plan

Charitable bequests are gifts made by naming Harvey as a beneficiary in a person’s will. This is a simple method and the most typical way of making a planned gift. You can indicate a specific dollar amount or a percent as the gift.

Retirement plan benefits can be designated to Harvey as a full or partial beneficiary.

2. Life Insurance Life insurance gifts can include whole life, universal, and other forms of life insurance policies. All or part of a policy can be specified when Harvey is named as a beneficiary.

All of the above can be specified either when the document is established or added to at a later date. Whatever the form, these planned gifts provide for the stability of Harvey in future years. Please consider the form that best fits your needs in providing your legacy to your school. // For further information, contact Laura Prichard

at lprichard@harveyschool.org 42 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018


alumni news Dear Alumni, The theme of the Harvey Magazine is “discovery.” During my five years at Harvey, I discovered and developed many principles that would serve me in later years. Through sports and coach Tom Mleczko, I discovered teamwork on the field and on the ice and the importance of losing and winning with grace and humility. His wife, Priscilla, was head of the Art Department and helped me discover photography. I discovered cinquain stanzas, an American version of Japanese haiku, from English teacher Tom Sydorick. Through Latin and Greek and “rhetorical devices,” John McMahon helped me discover the structure of language, with a bit of kitchen science on the side. One day, he lit a crumpled macaroon wrapper in his ashtray, and after a precise countdown, the burning wrapper rose to the ceiling along a column of hot air. It was pure magic! I discovered how to maintain a healthy rivalry between Neperans and Pocanticos, both on the field and in the classroom. In ninth grade (Sixth Form), our class often went to Manhattan to see Broadway plays, a great way to discover the theater. Harvey helped me understand the importance of learning and discovery well beyond my school years. Harvey alumni have much to be thankful for, including our ability to open doors for others and to help people discover their true passions. For this, I am eternally grateful. Best regards,

Save the Date! Dan Chapman ’73, Alumni Association President

Reunion + Homecoming Saturday, October 13, 2018

NYC Networking reception This year’s Alumni Networking Reception at the Yale Club in March was generously underwritten in part by Dennis Dilmaghani ’62. This annual event provides an opportunity each year for alumni to share their experiences, catch up with each other and teachers, and to network together. The names of the business areas were collected from the attendees in advance and people were introduced to others in their field. Alumni were encouraged to register on the alumni portal, which provides networking contacts. Alumni President Dan Chapman ’73 urged the attendees to stay connected with the school and their teachers and classmates. He also encouraged everyone to become financial supporters of the school. Every gift counted as a contribution as well as an entry for the raffle held at the end of the evening. Raffle winners were Jon Klein ’04, Nicolette St. Lawrence ’11, Dan Goodkind ’11, Nick Hertz ’04.







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alumni news













1. Assistant Head of School Dick Wyland and Abby Hassett ’13 // 2. Jeremy Kelley ’05, Julia Foster ’05, Nate Jacobs ’06, Nicole Wright ’05 // 3. Julian Rissetto ’12, Emily Silk ’14, Adrian Silk ’17 // 4. Alumni Executive Council member Tom Dodd, Patrick Peterkin ’78 // 5. Ray Anderson ’74 // 6. Nick Hertz ’04 selecting his raffle prize // 7. Head of School Bill Knauer, John French ’47 // 8. Max Weinstein ’98, Alumni Association President Dan Chapman ’73 // 9. Head of School Bill Knauer and Nicole Wright ’05 // 10. Josh Linder ’03, science teacher Bruce Osborne // 11. David Taylor ’92, Young Alumni Coordinator Laurie Cohen // 12. Head of School Bill Knauer, Greg Haas ’04 // 13. Alumni Director Sally Breckenridge with Nate Jacobs ’06 // 14. Science Department Chair Jay Hill, Laura Glass-Johnston ’09 // 15. Trustees David Silk and J. Eric Wise // 16. Laurel Meredith ’88, Bruce Kraus ’68, Major Gifts and Marketing Director Susie Danziger // 17. Wendy and Richard Murphy ’52 // 18. Music teacher Kathy Kibbey Cushman, Julian Rissetto ’12 // 19. Class of 2013 alumni Brad Rothschild and Abby Hassett // 20. Chloe Delaitre ’09, Bianca Stone ’10 // 21. Dylan Hackley ’08, Science Department Chair Jay Hill, Joe Lombardi ’08 // 22. Daniel Goodkind ’11, Nicolette St. Lawrence ’11, Jahbari Taylor ’14 // 23. Tom Dodd, trustee Joe Plummer harveyschool.org 45

Alumni Returning to Campus Some recent alumni returned to talk to the seniors over lunch. They described their transitions in the months after leaving Harvey and encouraged the current students to make the most of their remaining time at Harvey. Other alumni stopped by during their school breaks to catch up with teachers.


Top. Class of 2017 // 1. Head of School Bill Knauer with Brandon Kneitz ’15 // 2. Class of 2014 alumni Sam Moise-Silverman and Charlie Seider // 3. Dylan Rubino ’11 // 4. Jackson Roberts ’14 // 5. Zach Schwartz ’14 and Erica Cheyne ’14 // 6. Will Shaffer ’17 and Macy Drude ’17 // 7. Siblings Shannon ’12 and Kieran O’Connor ’14 // 8. McKie Perry ’13 with John DePalma ’01




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alumni news

Alumni Portal

In order to help you, our alumni, we ask that you please take a moment to send information to the Alumni Office on your profession/field of interest so that we can respond when asked for contacts in various professions. Or go to the Alumni Portal on the Harvey website and update your information. www.harveyschool.org/page.cfm?p=601 You can also find us on social media:

Alumni Executive Council Back. Frank Baratta ’84, Nicolette St. Lawrence ’11, Greg Presseau ’98, Laurel Meredith ’88 Front. Seth Morton ’57, Dan Chapman ’73, Phil Eifert ’73 Absent. George Dallas ’64, Pieter Catlow ’73, Lara Casano ’95, Brian Ryerson ’05, Tom Dodd, Laurie Cohen, Sally Breckenridge

Lost Alumni & Former Students The following are alumni/former students for whom we do not have contact information. Please contact alumni@harveyschool.org if you have any information on these individuals. (The year following a name indicates the student’s last year at Harvey.) 1933


William A. Fisher Henry W. F. King, 1932

Edmund N. Brenner, Jr., 1952 Norman D. McDonald, Jr., 1952 Howard R. Swanson

1938 Alfred E. Freeman, Jr., 1935 Peter P. Pearmain, 1937 Hendrick B. Roll, 1936 Jonathan S. Seymour, 1937 Stewart G. Tuttle

1943 Pierre C. K. B. Cole William R. Gell, 1941 William MacCowan, Jr. Thomas N. Morgan, 1942 Henri Pestalozzi, 1942 William E. Quimby Peter B. A. Stockton Julian F. Walker Paul West, Jr. John Whiting, 1941

1948 Alferdo Fernandez, 1946 John C. Kenchington, 1945 Theodore M. Lightner John B. Sutherland, 1945

1958 Carl J. Andreas, 1954 Gustave J. Dunn, 1956 Charles Le Febure Douglas R. Silberman, 1956 S. Christopher Stenger, 1957 Shepperd Strudwick III, 1955

1963 Frank Q. Barstow, Jr. Stephen J. Butler, 1961 Michael W. Chen Henry T. Leonard, Jr., 1962

1968 Bruce R. Johnson Enis V. Moran William L. Osborn David C. Rhodes Mitchell B. Strohman




David P. Hotz, Jr. Robert E. Morgan, Jr., 1972 W. R. O'Hare, 1972 Craig R. B. Rollinson, 1972

Thermond F. Adams, 1979 Hector Gonzalez, 1982 Birchard P. Hayes III, 1982 James C. McCarthy, 1979 Brooks S. Prouty, 1980 Douglas J. Singer, 1980 Jennifer A. Stein, 1982 Laurence A. F. Tompkins, 1981

Nikhil M. Bhandarkar Josh R. Hall John J. Walsh

1978 James R. Devor, 1977 Aaron W. Greenburg Clay A. Griffith Simon R. Newall John D. Overmyer David A. Ransom, 1975 James A. Wiegert

1998 Joseph J. Lasko Ryan D. Sorkin

2003 1988 James J. Apollonio Craig R. Jacobson Julie E. Koopmann Michelle E. Organ Joshua R. Pinney Tiffany C. Shafer Brian D. Zory

Matthew M. J. Weisholz

2008 Alyssa L. Goldberg Matthew H. Impastato

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class notes To submit a note or share your Harvey memories,

Mr. Stone discovering some of nature’s mysteries.

please contact your class agent or Sally Breckenridge at alumni@harveyschool.org

1947 Walter G. Crump III called after receiving the Harvey Magazine with John French’s article. He recounted days with Wes Pegler, John, Mike Adair ’51, the DeRham brothers, Robert Maxtone-Graham ’45, Tom Laurer ’46, Bert Lachmann ’47, and others. Norbert Lachmann: “What a fine reunion we just celebrated. Once again, you and your cohorts outdid yourselves, and the result was terrific. It’s really hard to believe that 70 years have passed since my graduation at the wonderful old Hawthorne campus. Harvey’s present location in Katonah is outstanding ... but for emotional purposes it is not the same, nor could it be. Clearly it is a wonderful place, but the emotional ties are necessarily different. Also, of course, as one gets a bit older and starts beating the 48 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

actuarial odds, the emotional tugs become increasingly strong. “I just sent a note — and a rather interesting book — off to Bill Knauer. We had a very pleasant conversation. I think he is a fantastic choice for head of school, and you folks are fortunate indeed. As Harvey strides into its second century, many outstanding and amazing things are bound to happen. All of you are indeed blessed. It was great to see you all again.”

1948 Ramon Sender: “At Harvey, I first roomed with a slender South American, let’s call him Hernandez, the school no doubt assuming that two Hispanics sharing the same culture would get along. … As we newcomers prepared to be assigned to one of the two competing

clubs, Neperans and Pocanticos, over mealtimes the older classmen gave us lurid descriptions of weird initiation rites. ‘You have to swallow a raw oyster on a string and then they pull it back up,’ we were told. I took the more lurid descriptions with a grain of salt, suspecting we were being had. On initiation night, we entered the gym blindfolded, but no Hernandez! Searching, we finally discovered him hiding under his bed with a large knife, absolutely terrified, poor kid. A master finally convinced him to come out. “The oilcloth-draped circular dining tables generally seated one master with six or seven boys. If the milk or water pitcher spilled, the trick was to create a trough quickly from the overlapping fabric. An unsuspecting new boy or new faculty member would find all the liquid ending in their lap. Hilarious! Among various picturesque names for menu items, tapioca

class notes

pudding was christened ‘fish eyes and glue,’ and stewed plums ‘ox balls and blood.’ “A system of so-called ‘marks’ rewarded bad behavior, ranging for two marks for tardiness to a substantial 10 for unbecoming conduct. I earned the latter once as a (gasp!) fifth-former (senior) when I ignored a command to cease and desist throwing water balloons. Marks were erased by walking a well-worn circular path behind the barn in the afternoon, at the rate of four per half-hour per day, if I recall correctly. Definitely not a popular pastime. “Harvey’s headmaster was Leverett T. Smith, an endearing father figure and his wife very motherly with the younger boys, some of them as young as six. In my second year, a crisis erupted when a senior class troublemaker, let’s call him ‘S,’ robbed the tuck shop, the large chest in the hallway that held the candy bars put up for sale for a nickel after lunchtime. Mr. Smith addressed the assembled students in the Study Hall. ‘Any boy who knows anything about this incident should volunteer to come to my office,’ he said. We all knew ‘S’ had robbed the tuck shop, because as the school’s bad boy, he exuded a certain glamor. A clique of admirers among the seniors had formed around him. Eager to impress, one day I lingered close to the combination lock [for the candy bars] when it was opened. I thought I knew the numbers and shared them with ‘S,’ in the hopes of gaining his respect. Now the ax hovered over my neck. Bursting into tears, I hauled myself to Mr. Smith’s office, and blurted out my guilt between sobs. He smiled gently and assuaged my feelings. ‘It’s OK, Sender. You didn’t do anything serious, but there are some fifth-formers who should be getting themselves in here.’ “In English class that second year I decided to write some short stories celebrating two characters, Shorty and Sarge, who resembled my favorite actors, Abbott and Costello. At this point none of their stories have surfaced amidst the family files of that era, and I cannot recover their slapstick antics from memory. They became great favorites among my in-house readers, and the school paper, The Rambler, published them a few times. “The student body was divided into two clubs, the Neperans and the Pocanticos.

I became president of the Pocanticos, and my dear friend, Coolidge, became president of the Neperans. In fact, I reconnected with him recently after 50 years through the alumni association. We competed scholastically, in sports, and an annual debate. In his emails, he keeps mentioning the debate we had on how Israel and Palestine should be split up. Coolidge keeps writing, ‘Oh, you were so good at that debate!’ I tell him, ‘It wasn’t me, I had all this information.’ My faculty advisor, Mr. Shea, fed me all these great journal articles about it, which I used. “Coolidge’s club had all the best athletes, and although I had been soccer captain one year, I did not shine in various sports except once. The wrestling competition my last year I faced Sandvoss, a boy at least 10 pounds heavier and also stronger than I. Puzzling over this, I watched a previous wrestler win his match by tackling his opponent around the knees. When the other boy grabbed him around the waist, he merely toppled over onto him and his weight pinned his opponent. It seemed like a good approach, and something I should do quickly before he tired me out. At the opening signal, I leaped for his legs, allowed him to grab me by the waist, and just fell over on him. I felt the referee tap me — I had won! “I was very political at Harvey my last year. I wanted to get the prize voted on by the students for the one who had done the most for the school. I campaigned for it by being an all-around nice guy — and won of course. Years later, when I went back to visit, I checked all the cups and plaques, and the engraver had made a mistake. He put my name on the Latin prize, and I was just terrible at Latin and had to spend one summer doing makeup lessons. He put the winner of the Latin prize on the plaque that I had campaigned for. I thought, ‘Oh boy. That just goes to show where vanity takes you!’ Like Ecclesiastes says, ‘Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity.’ He also said, ‘Of the making of books there is no end,’ and I think I’m participating in this also.”

Consider Becoming a Class Agent or Reunion Coordinator Are you looking for a way to reconnect with your classmates? Would you like to get involved in Harvey’s community? Class agents provide an important link between their classes and Harvey. They assist the school in updating class rosters and locating “lost” classmates. They also provide information about school events and local get-togethers and share news from campus and the current student body. There are currently vacancies for reunion agents in the classes of 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, and 1983. If you are able to volunteer or have questions about being a class agent or reunion coordinator, please contact alumni@harveyschool.org or Sally Breckenridge at 914-232-3161, x123.

1951 Class Agent: Michael Adair, 860-535-9099, MAdair412@gmail.com

1953 // 65th Reunion Alumni Director Sally Breckenridge and David B. Duval met in Del Mar, California. He attended Harvey for just one year — his parents wanted him to be able to get into Exeter and the local public schools would not get him there. He noted that Harvey gave him a great grounding; he had an outstanding academic year. Then he floundered at Exeter — didn’t know what to do with the free time. “I am not anything resembling being retired and have more current clients than I ever have. Many plates spinning for this solo investment banker.”

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E. Richard “Dick” Ahlborn met with the alumni director for a general catch-up. Dick is enjoying his work on marshalling startup companies which have been stalled since the 2008 recession. He has a number of balls in the air and is waiting for one to burst forth.

Class Agent: Dick Willard, 207-596-7968, twittler@msn.com

Carlos M. de La Cruz, Sr. and his wife, Rosa, built and funded a museum with an outstanding art collection in Miami. Carlos offered to host an alumni reception there. Initial scheduling for the fall fell through, but we hope to find an alternate date in the future.

Loudon Wainwright III ’61 performing in Brooklyn in 2010. (CREDIT: EBET ROBERTS)

1956 Class Agent: John Crawford, 540-247-8810, celect@comcast.net

1957 Class Agent: Alex McKown, 718-392-1373, alexander.mckown@gmail.com Claude Liman and Alex McKown are planning to meet Richard “Dick” M. Marshall III this August. Dick is looking for a place to settle down. He currently lives in Oregon to be near his son, but he is considering Maine where his mother lived.

Family photo, clockwise from top: Rufus Wainwright, Alexandra Kelly, Martha Wainwright, Loudon Wainwright III ’61, Lucy Wainwright Roche and Ritamarie Kelly. (CREDIT: PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE)

Philip W. Baldwin ’62 Exhibit Announcement

50 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

Seth W. Morton II: “The reunion was a great moment for me being inducted into the Hall of Fame with my wife, two daughters and my two brothers present. Also it was a time of discovery for me, having a colleague from my life insurance practice there. David Taylor ’92 and I were on the phone, and I mentioned I was going to my Harvey Reunion. He said, “You went to Harvey?” and based on that, he came to the reunion as well. Having “The President” Jimmy Fordyce return was great as well after 60 years. Under the heading “you never know,” it pays to pick up the phone and make the call. Alex got through to Alberto Siblez after 60 years, and they had a good time reminiscing about Harvey.”

1961 Loudon S. Wainwright III published his latest book, “Liner Notes,” in September 2017. Read excerpts from a review at https://tinyurl.com/y7ex6789.

1962 Philip W. Baldwin has a series of installations for Canterbury Cathedral, England, running May 26–Nov. 11, 2018. The forthcoming exhibition ”Under an Equal Sky,” is a series of site-specific works reflecting on themes of war and remembrance, migration and refugees, coinciding with the 100 years since the end of the First World War. “This show marks a significant evolution in our work. It allows us to engage within a more specifically political context, to provoke thought and discussion in these difficult times. Canterbury Cathedral is a magnificent location, an architectural, historic and cultural icon. It is an honour for us, as well as a challenge. The exhibition runs until Nov. 11. We hope you’ll have the chance to see it.”

1963 // 55th Reunion Jeffrey M. Yates: “It will be my 55th reunion this October. Of course, Harvey only went through the eighth grade then. I live in Bozeman, Montana, so it is unlikely I will attend my reunion. However, I would love to hear from a current eighth-grader as to what life at Harvey is like today.”

class notes



Lindsay B. Smith: “Thank you for sending the article on John P. McMahon. John Hughes ’68 wrote a wonderful profile of our legendary teacher. I have recently seen Robert Hard and his lovely wife in New York City at Le Veau d’Or. I’m still very active with my Manhattan real estate and the Miami Beach properties. Please send NYC clients. Hope you are well and I will see you in the near future.”

Thomas A. McGraw, Jr “Thanks for the great story about John McMahon whose somewhat stern but always gentle presence spoke of the capacity for deep learning to be combined with kindness and compassion. Teachers such as he, Bob Shattuck, Fred Stone, Bill Doyle, Dorothy Ristorcelli, Rose Baldwin and many others (Tom Dodd, Frank Perrine, John Shea — the list goes on ...) are the foundation of what the school is and is hopefully always growing toward.”

Ted Million contacted the alumni office after reading the John Hughes ’68 article on John McMahon in the Winter 2018 Harvey Magazine. “In the autumn of 1965, I was 13 and privileged to be one of a few fourth-formers lodging in the Fifth Form dorm. Our resident masters were the most popular at school, John P. McMahon and Bob Shattuck. Mr. McMahon was also my advisor. “I had gotten myself involved with one of those record clubs where you receive six free albums if you then buy four albums at an inflated price. I enjoyed my free albums


A “Presence” in Photography “Presence,” an exhibit of Dennis Dilmaghani’s black and white photographs, was held at the Scarsdale, N.Y., library in Jan./Feb. 2018. The images represented what Dennis describes as “presence of place.” Dennis said, “I wanted to capture the spirit or feeling that compelled me to take the photograph at that place and time.” He took most of the images with a large format camera over the span of 40 years. He does his own darkroom developing as well as digital printing. Dennis has attended workshops with a number of well-known photographers, most notably Ansel Adams. He was invited to join in a portfolio of 14 outstanding workshop participants and Adams’ assistants selected from many of the workshops of Adams. Photographs by Dennis are in corporate and private collections as well as the highly renowned Center for Photographic Arts in Tucson, Ariz. He has placed “Presence” online at his website, photographydd.com.

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but had no way of purchasing the required ones. The record club began sending me threatening letters, so I took my problem to Mr. McMahon. After looking over the selection list of available albums, he took out his checkbook and wrote a check to the club for four albums of classical music. “I will always be indebted to Mr. McMahon for this and the heavy influence he has had on my life. I regret that I never got to see him again as he was always away on holiday when I was able to visit the school. Thank you, Mr. McMahon.” David M. Williams noted that he’d love to meet our new head of school but was not able to get to the NYC reception.

1968 // 50th Reunion Class Agent: Alexander Edwards-Bourdrez, 631-327-3301, alexeb2@gmail.com Eugene Morrison proposed to match funds to be raised in a new fundraising effort. Spurred on by this, the class of 1957 brought in donations that were then matched. Hats off to you, Eugene! Bruce Kraus reported that Andrew J. Munro is in Germany.

1972 Elton Parks III: “I really enjoyed and appreciated John Hughes’ tribute to John McMahon. One passage in particular reverberated with me: Harvey in 1964 appears to be an austere and demanding place (like an old movie). It was, in fact, the opposite. While there was a strict insistence upon effort, accomplishment and service, Harvey was also a great place for support and fun. I arrived at Harvey as a fourth-former in 1969, graduating as a sixth-former in 1972. Harvey in 1969 was not much different from the Harvey of 1964 to which Mr. Hughes alluded. Having been born and raised way out West in Colorado, that formal Eastern prep school atmosphere was decidedly different from anything I’d experienced previously: coats and ties, 52 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

even on Saturday morning, and asking permission to remove your jacket or leave the dinner table. Still, I found the transition to be surprisingly easy. It was either that or get busy running laps under the watchful eye of Mr. Sutherland. Some of my fondest memories from my three years at Harvey include: • How pretty the campus and surrounding woods are. I especially enjoyed hiking in the woods behind the dorms. Both on and off campus, there were some wonderful old trees unlike any we had out West. My favorite spot was a shady little stream about half a mile behind the dorms. • Walking into Katonah on a Saturday afternoon. If I remember correctly, this was a privilege reserved for sixthformers. We were given $1.00 per week allowance (about $7 in today’s money), which was more than enough to entertain ourselves for an hour or two in town. • Sylvan Hall. The wonderful scent of its history enveloped you upon entering this elegant old building. Headmaster Dawe’s office was on the left — warm woods, beautiful antique desk and chairs, lots of books. Mrs. Anderson’s office was on the right — light, airy with lots of windows. A grand staircase led upstairs. The building also included the beautiful old library and a pleasant outside garden. • The Outward Bound course with Richard W. Day. Mr. Day built a challenging rope course and had us climbing up and belaying down all manner of rocks and cliffs. The class was highlighted by a trip to the cliffs of the Shawangunk Mountains — one of the premier climbing areas in the country. • The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. It was a beautiful spring day and I recall a lot of activities — including classes being held outdoors. • Weekend excursions. I once organized a plane-spotting trip to JFK Airport to see the new 747s. On another occasion, Mr. Deeks once drove seven of us all the way down to southern New Jersey to ride on a narrow gauge steam train.

Elton Parks ’72 home base

Elton Parks ’72 travels

• The Good Humor man. Each afternoon, after athletics, you could find Jack and his ice cream truck parked behind Carter Hall. Being from Colorado, I was unfamiliar with the brand. I skipped the first day because I thought it would be some guy telling jokes out in the parking lot. Some may remember my interest in airplanes and travel. In my first year at Harvey that passion was evident enough

class notes

that I won the Leverett T. Smith Award for my dedication to travel. That passion still burns bright. I’ve flown over 5.3 million miles aboard 194 airlines and have enjoyed over 300,000 miles of train travel on six continents. Over the past 33 years, I’ve been working as a bus driver/tour guide at Denali National Park. I’ve lived in Alaska for 30 years and can’t imagine calling anywhere else home. Although I did not distinguish myself academically at Harvey, I really appreciated my time there. We had a great group of teachers (I still hear from Art Deeks now and then) and a fun collection of students. Certainly the benefits of the academic curriculum have been well documented by many others. I was no different. Harvey challenged and enhanced my intellect while stimulating my curiosity. I’d like to think that the considerably greater success I enjoyed in 10th through 12th grades, college, and beyond is in many ways attributable to foundations that were laid at Harvey. If I had a son or daughter and the financial means to do so, I would be proud to send them to Harvey. Best wishes to the school in the coming years. I look forward to a visit one of these days.”

1973 // 45th Reunion

1977 Class Agent: Larry Baschkin, 914-764-3220, offtobali@aol.com Gregory M. G. Alker: (NOTE TO LARRY BASCHKIN)

“I still keep in touch with my maturing martial artist classmate Albert Camous who inspires me to keep attending Taekwondo as I work toward my red belt. He and I enjoy sharing coastal differences, as I believe he is in Maine.”

1978 // 40th Reunion Class Agent: Patrick Peterkin, 203-655-9917, p_peterkin@yahoo.com Patrick O. Peterkin hosted the alumni networking reception at the Yale Club this spring and is looking forward to celebrating his 40-year class reunion in October.

1979 Edward A. “Ted” Schillinger wrote asking for updates on many of the faculty he had while at Harvey. This resulted in the collection of notes in this edition of the magazine under Faculty Notes.

“Mr. Wise was my Latin teacher in my first semester at Harvey, in what was then the Third Form (sixth grade). And though I never studied with Sutherland, he was an unmistakable character on the campus. I look forward to hearing more about the teachers of my era. I’m sure you’re right that a kind of ‘where are they now’ sort of feature of some kind would be most welcome. Nothing connects alumni to an institution quite like a visit to their own unique period.”

1983 // 35th Reunion Class Agents: Melinda Frey Arkin, 914-241-2134, bentleyshop@aol.com; Josh Rosenthal, 970-385-4723, weplay@bresnan.net Corey Alpert: “After many years managing buildings in the Bronx, my father and I decided it was time to get back into the restaurant business. We have owned and operated restaurants in New York City, and I have worked in several restaurants growing up and after college. My first was the Chappaqua Fish House. It was then that I fell in love with the business of restaurants. “When Willy Nicks, a Katonah staple, came up for sale, I knew it was time to

Class Agent: Phil Eifert, 914-232-6489, peifert@yahoo.com

1974 J. R. Harry Evarts and his siblings attended his mother’s funeral in Katonah and stopped by to have a tour of the rink. Harry noted that he was the first to skate on the ice when the rink opened in 1969. Athletic director assistant Denise Smith reports that her mother, living in Virginia, had a service call recently and the representative turned out to be Thomas H. Halstead. They discovered the Harvey connection during off-topic conversations.

Evarts family (left to right): Harry ’74, Tom ’73, Dolly, Jenny, and Jimmy harveyschool.org 53

get back in. We knew a chef and his wife and teamed up to open what is now The Whitlock, named after John Whitlock, who founded Whitlockville — now present day Katonah. We have been open for six months and could not be happier for the reception that Katonah and surrounding areas have given us. On behalf of Chef Matt and his wife, Christina, we would like to thank everyone who has welcomed us.”

1984 Class Agent: Herbert Sloan, 203-438-0051, hjs1988@yahoo.com


Norton Cup Winner

54 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

1985 Class Agent: Thomas Jaffe, 925-200-4391, thomas.jaffe@sbcglobal.net; Kelly Wheeler Olson, kellyann829@hotmail.com

In April, the school celebrated the completion of the Evarts Rink renovations of the past two years. The school awarded Matt Romito ’98 the Norton Cup for all his efforts in supporting the rink and Harvey hockey. His name is now engraved on the cup, and he is the newest member of the Alumni Hall of Fame. On hand were previous Norton Cup recipients Bruce Osborne, Al Morse, and Bill Mitchell ’76. The Norton Cup was originally given in 1930 by founder Dr. Carter to Nathaniel Read Norton, father of Nat Norton ’56. Head of School Bill Knauer described the renovations as well as the projects still needed. Harry Evarts ’74 and Jimmy Evarts, sons of Maxwell Evarts after whom the rink is named, were on hand to represent the Evarts family and receive the original rink sign that hung by the entrance on Route 22. Attendees included, among others, alumni Bill Mitchell ’76, Larkin Glazebrook ’73, Dan Chapman ’73, David Raneri ’69, Mark Kreutzberg ’97, Jake Gershon ’97, Rich Servello ’98, Greg Janos ’98, Jackie Walker ’03, Sean and Jason O’Brien ’09, Malik Garvin ’11, and Mark Siegel ’15; members of the Bedford Bears, hockey parents, and friends.

Sean M. O’Hare called looking for a transcript and confirmed he lives in Ohio.

Tom Ellis ’84 and Kelly A. Wheeler Olsen were married Nov. 11, 2017.

1986 Class Agent: Lisa Cantrell, 813-672-3642, lmc246home@gmail.com

1988 // 30th Reunion Class Agents: Wylie Blake, 203-526-4089, wyliesmithblake@yahoo.com; Charles Collin, 860-877-4463, collin_charles@hotmail.com

Top. Previous Norton Cup recipients Bruce Osborne and Al Morse with Matt // Middle. Matt receiving Harvey hockey sweatshirt // Bottom. Evarts rink sign held by Jimmy Evarts and Harry Evarts ’74

Michael J. Brody updated his profile to reflect that he produced independent films: “Milwaukee, Minnesota” (2003); “Deadly End” aka “Neighborhood Watch” (2005); Assoc. Producer: “The Guitar” (2008).

class notes

1989 Bradley D. Selbst offered information about school security from his vantage point as a parent in the San Jose, CA, school system: “We have armed guards and the doors to the classes auto-lock. If you do not have this then I recommend you get it. The public schools can’t get their act together, but we can.”

1990 Class Agent: Peter Hall, 518-369-1991, pevh1@msn.com

1993 // 25th Reunion Class Agents: Ian Lichtenstein, 609-895-0609, i.lichtenstein@yahoo.com; Adam B. Sharon, 914-967-8738, adam@adamsharonhealth.com

1994 Class Agent: Russell Stamm, 781-329-3004, rcstamm@rcstammco.com

1997 rugby team



Class Agent: Lara W. Casano, 347-539-7301, lcasano38@aol.com

Class Agent: Blayre Farkas, 561-929-1802

1998 // 20th Reunion

1996 Class Agents: Kevin Harrigan, 412-853-9392, kh1843@gmail.com; David and Jeanette Stark, 336-771-5303, jmarib@aol.com

Class Agent: Max Weinstein, 917-515-8531, maxdanielweinstein@gmail.com

1999 Class Agent: Amy Albert Morello, 845-621-2120, papillia@hotmail.com

I am an individual I am an athlete

I am Harvey Small classes, inspiring teachers, rigorous academics, and an array of extracurriculars instill in students a passion for lifelong learning and the confidence to pursue individual passions. Visit harveyschool.org/IAMHARVEY to learn more.

harveyschool.org 55

Young Alumni Corner What a great year for the young alumni. The fall Reunion had its first-ever young alumni gathering outside the quad in the late afternoon. In early March, alumni attending the NYC Networking Reception at the Yale Club were able to reconnect and reminisce with each other and faculty members. There was a great turnout by the young alumni, and many made important connections. The Young Alumni Steering Committee, which had its second meeting in early February, discussed and planned young alumni activities, some of which include a mentoring/networking group, community service events, and other local gatherings. Be on the lookout for the NYC Young Alumni Summer Gathering announcement and save the date! If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact Nicolette St. Lawrence or email alumni@harveyschool.org.

2002 Class Agent: Tiffany Franqui, 845-612-9858, travelsize84@gmail.com Tucker Kiessling was at Harvey for several weeks in the spring as he completed observation hours for his master’s degree in teaching! He observed classes in the English department, as well as some others.

2003 // 15th Reunion Class Agents: Jackie and Evan Walker, 914-319-1699, JaclynMarisaWalker@gmail.com

2004 Class Agents: Andrew Pape, andy.pape80@gmail.com; Mallika Raghavan, mallika.raghavan@gmail.com Elizabeth “Liz” C. Mearsheimer Branchflower and Todd welcomed twin girls April 21, 2018: Lyla Bell, 6 lbs. 5 oz., and Savannah Rose, 7 lbs. 2 oz. Kimberly C. Zinaman Gevint attended the NYC alumni reception with her husband, Ronan, and was able to make several networking connections. “I wanted to thank you for connecting us last night to 56 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

others in the entertainment industry. It was a really nice event and it was my first Harvey event since I graduated. I’m so glad I went and I would like to continue to go to more events as they come.” Head of School Bill Knauer and Upper School Head Phil Lazzaro met Nicholas K. Grala for lunch in the city and reported back on his very busy life. He is finishing an executive MBA program at Columbia, and his wife is finishing a medical program in Chicago and applying for a residency in NYC or Boston. Nic was recently promoted at JPMorgan. He commented that he is so busy that he doesn’t even have time to train for his triathlons. Jonathan D. Klein won the NYC Alumni Networking Reception Raffle. It was a $50 gift certificate to the Harvey Spirit Store. Patrick S. Macoy and his wife, Lindsay, welcomed fraternal twin boys born Feb. 7, 2018, at White Plains Hospital: Ezra Patrick Macoy and Liam David Macoy. 6 lbs., 8 oz. and 6 lbs., 6 oz. Mom and babies are healthy and happy.


Nic Grala ’04 running in the 2018 Boston Marathon

Ben Halder ’05 and Emma Clifton

“I have been living in Beijing for the last five years and met my wife, Emma, the first week after I moved there (she had also just moved there from the UK). I received a master’s degree in international relations from Peking University in July 2017, and following our travels in the U.S., we settled in Hong Kong in Jan 2018. I have been working as a freelance journalist in China and contribute stories to a few websites in the U.S., including OZY.com. I also recently completed a book about a 2,500-mile bicycle ride I took from Beijing to Hong Kong. It is currently being edited and will hopefully be available in 2018. Emma Clifton and I were married in Koh Samui, Thailand, Dec. 30, 2017.”

Class Agents: Diana Bondy, 203-834-0764, bondydiana08@gmail.com; Brian Ryerson, 914-329-6863, ryersonb@gmail.com


Benjamin Halder got a tour of the school and reported on his time since Harvey.

Class Agents: Greg Jurschak, 914-260-8155, gjurschak@gmail.com; Teresa Neri, 914-462-7440,teresa.neri12@gmail.com

class notes

2007 Class Agents: Brandon Brooks, 203-524-5800, bfb34@cornell.edu; Doniella McKoy, 914-960-9375, donimckoy@yahoo.com Brittany Bennett’s first cookbook was published March 6, 2018: “The Taartwork Pies Cookbook: Grandmother’s Recipe, Granddaughter’s Remix.” www.amzn.to/2IWes7p

Alex Castleton ’06 and groomsmen including Sean Zackrison ’06 (2nd from left) and Will Van Steen ’05 (far right)

Andrew C. Haight resigned from his position at State Farm in Elmsford, NY, in March 2018. In April, he started working at GER Architectural Millwork alongside fellow alumnus Harrison Roach, who has been with the company for two years. Doniella N. McKoy: “I recently started a new job at Health Partners Plan as the Business Continuity Program Administrator. It is a nonprofit insurance company located in Philadelphia. I’m also an adjunct professor at Long Island Business Institute NYC Campus Homeland Security and Security Management program.”

2008 // 10th Reunion Class Agents: Gretel Coleman, 914-523-2498, gretelcoleman@gmail.com; Dylan Hackley, 914-482-5318, dhack@me.com; Scott Oltman, 904-424-6610, soltman0123@gmail.com Matthew R. Bernhard: (FROM MOM)

“Matt just became engaged to marry his girlfriend of five years, whom he met at Lafayette College.” On March 5, Rachel M. Camoia and her husband, Nate, welcomed a beautiful baby boy named Hudson. The family is doing well and enjoying living in Florida. S. Gretel Coleman is living in New York City and working as a special education teacher.

Alex Castleton ’06 and Eva on board heading for wedding

Alex Castleton ’06 and Eva at senior prom

Margot L. Connolly visited Harvey in January. “I went to visit Ms. Mahony’s playwriting class. I took it six times in my years at Harvey, so it was nice to visit and see the next generation! We just did a Q&A about what my journey in playwriting has been, what differences there are between playwriting in a high school and a college environment and grad school, what my process as a writer is, and what sort of opportunities I’ve had with my work. Then we did an exercise I do with my undergraduate playwriting students that involves looking at structure and story arc by crumpling up paper and tracking the journey of the paper

from smooth and flat to crumpled into a ball to wrinkled and flat again. (It’s more fun/ interesting than it sounds!) I [also] have a short play that was commissioned by the Iowa Arts Share called “Cross-Examined,” which looks at the desegregation of schools in Keokuk, Iowa, in 1894 through the eyes of two mothers of African-American boys who sued the Keokuk school district — that’s been getting quite a few productions at the moment for MLK Day, which has been interesting!” www.writemargotwrite.weebly.com See more on Margot’s journey of discovery starting on page 12.

Yearbooks Available Do you remember your Harvey classmates from your time at the school? Extra yearbooks are available. If you’d like a copy of any of those years listed below, we would be glad to supply you with another one. Available yearbooks: 1991–99, 2002–2008, 2010–2015 Contact alumni@harveyschool.org or Sally Breckenridge at 914-232-3161, x123.

Justin M. Edelstein was engaged last month to Sasha. He is currently a top-tier real estate agent for Douglas Elliman specializing in Manhattan and Brooklyn. David H. Rome is living in New York City and is working for JLL Real estate. Kathryn E. Winn is loving living in Boston where she works for TJX and was just promoted to a buyer for TK Australia.

2009 Class Agents: Andy Jamieson, 203-273-3884, andrew.jamiesonct@gmail.com; Erika Osborne, osborne7937@gmail.com; Pete Sorenson, 914-438-7486, p.sorenson68@gmail.com; Megan Taylor, 914-274-0069, megan.kerrytaylor@gmail.com Timothy K. Carpenter, Jr. is an account supervisor for Nestlé at the global advertising and marketing agency, Grey. He is also a Krav Maga instructor after-hours in Union Square.

Christine P. Casbarro (FROM MEG TAYLOR ’09)

Chrissy Casbarro was married at the end of April in Atlanta, GA, where she currently lives and works. Sean D. O’Brien is now the chair of a junior board of a nonprofit called Cents Ability that teaches underprivileged NYC students how to manage their finances. He works in Midtown at a French bank, Societe Generale, and shares an apartment with Harvey classmate Ben Shapiro. Noelle McKoy is working with the MTA on their biggest single contract for infrastructure, including upgrades worth $2.6 billion. She will be moving to Long Island where she will be in charge of coordinating five stations, five multitier parking garages, several employee facilities, plus landscaping and architecture for 10 miles of track on the mainline. Sam Schwartz: “I graduated from the New Orleans Police Academy last week, and I am a police officer in the New Orleans Police Department.”

Benjamin W. Shapiro started a new job at HedgeServ, pursuing his career in finance, and is also on the junior board of the nonprofit, Cents Ability. Peter M. Sorenson is a relationship manager for an emerging tech startup in Boston. He lives with his brother, Greg ’06, in the trendy Southie neighborhood. Jared B. Weinstein was married August 2017 and lives with his wife, Anna, on the Upper East Side. He continues to grow his successful family business.

2010 Class Agents: Jenna Spiwack, 845-519-4367, jspiwack@gmail.com; Anna Walant, 203-947-4543, awalant@gmail.com; Jake Warshaw, 914-772-5793, jwarshaw@gmail.com Chloé L. K. Delaitre: “I left a career in tech sales (Uber and Constant Contact) in October to return to pursuing multimedia creation and performing arts full time. A very small, talented team and I have been developing

Hall of Fame Nominations Do you know of an outstanding alum or teacher who should be nominated? We are always on the lookout for worthy candidates for our alumni hall of fame.

58 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

Criteria for Teachers: 1. Many years of service in education or to the school 2. Can be a current or former teacher Submit the recommendation for your candidate in writing, including their name and class year, along with a description of why they are being nominated. Send nominations to alumni@harveyschool.org.


Criteria for Alumni: 1. At least five years must have elapsed from the date of the nominee’s graduation 2. Significant contributions in community service, professional field, or athletics 3. Outstanding character and personal conduct and a good record while at Harvey

class notes

screenplays and shorts to go into production this summer. So I’m looking to connect with other people in said industry (film, multimedia, performing arts), or at least people who may have interest in what we do.” Griffin J. Murray: “The journey begins after so many years of dreaming! I’m officially represented by Paradigm Talent Agency for voice-over acting/acting. Paradigm is one of the five largest and most elite talent agencies in the world, and I’m proud to join and work with them as I chase my dreams. Thank you to everyone who supported me over the years! Much love and hope to make you all proud.” #paradigmtalentagencynyc #voiceovertalent Anna K. Walant moved to Rhode Island in August 2017 to pursue her graduate degree in digital studies at Northeastern.

2011 Class Agents: Victoria Shaffer, 914-400-6446, victoria6839@gmail.com; Adam Slater, 914-874-7436, adamjslater@aol.com; Nicolette St. Lawrence, 914-707-0414, ns669@cornell.edu; KC Testwuide, 914-953-9006, ktestwuide@gmail.com Victoria L. Shaffer: “Oso Studios and I produced a series for Facebook WATCH titled ‘Extra Innings with Bill Murray and Brian Doyle Murray.’ I was the production coordinator on the Netflix series, ‘My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman,’ which we recently finished shooting. Next, Oso Studios and I are planning to film a second season of the Bill Murray web miniseries AND they have offered to fund a web miniseries hosted by me, which will be a spin-off of my old podcast ‘Tails of the City’ on Pet Life Radio, streaming on iHeartRadio. I also have some audiobook recordings in the works.”

2012 Class Agents: Brandon Hickey, 845-270-8670, hickbg05@gmail.com; Brett Marks, 914-815-1686, brettski70294@yahoo.com; Maya Sank, 203-803-5850, mayasank7@gmail.com; Dan Schonning, 203-788-6811, danny.schonning@yahoo.com; Natalia St. Lawrence, 914-707-0406, nataliastlawrence@gmail.com; Mikhyle “Mickey” Stein, 914-419-4615, mick909@mac.com Tyler A. Grodin: “I am pleased to announce that as of January, I accepted a position as a senior project analyst in Higher Education Consulting at Attain LLC, based in McLean, VA. Though I have moved further away from New York than I intended, I am very happy with my new position. I look forward to reading the next edition of the Harvey Magazine!” Julian R. Rissetto has done some acting in off-Broadway shows.

2013 // 5th Reunion Class Agents: Gaby Kahn, 914-419-5954, gabrielleevekahn@gmail.com; Karina Lambert, 914-844-9123, karinalambert13@gmail.com; Sharif Koonce, 914-920-1074, skoonce82@hotmail.com; Ben Walant, 203-947-4541, bwalant@gmail.com; Will Walant, 203-947-4542, wwalant@gmail.com Gabrielle E. Kahn: “I graduated as an honors scholar from NYU with a BS in nutrition and dietetics. I am now back at NYU for my MS in clinical nutrition. I currently work as a health coach for a weight-loss company and am on the path to becoming a registered dietitian.”

follow us! facebook.com/TheHarveySchool





2014 Class Agents: Christian Artuso, cjartuso@aol.com; Erica Cheyne, ericacheyne@outlook.com; Emily Silk, emmy121209@gmail.com; Harry Solomon, hsolomon18@aol.com; Jahbari Taylor, jahbarit@gmail.com Gabrielle Cacciola was the opening act for The Lords of 52nd Street at The Ridgefield Playhouse in January. Erica Cheyne: “I am graduating this May from Providence College in Rhode Island with a major in marketing and a minor in finance. During my junior and senior years of college, I held the role of a brand ambassador for The Coca-Cola Co. This past summer, I interned for a VEB (venturing and emerging brand) under CocaCola called Hubert’s Lemonade, focusing mainly on sales and event coordination. Upon graduation, I will be working in sales for a company called TTI (Techtronic Industries) in the NY/NJ area.” Michael Goodkind graduated from Boston University, college of communications in May. He moved to Los Angeles May 3 for a job in sports. “I haven’t committed to a job yet, but am talking with the Dodgers and the Clippers.“

harveyschool.org 59

Dante L. Palminteri: (The following contains excerpts from an article by Jon Chattman, which appeared in the Huffington Post in January 2018. www.bit.ly/2H0Vx9U)

“I recently chatted with Palminteri about the EP, pop music as a whole, and his influences. Before we jump into the Q&A, I’ll say this — you won’t meet a more downto-earth kid. …” “I’m fueled by this drive and passion to earn my fame,” the 22-year-old said. But, it’s not about the fame really. It’s about the work, and Palminteri’s journey started when the pop singer/songwriter dropped his debut EP From Me to You. The album is a collection of five songs he began writing in high school and college (he attended Berklee in Boston). Living with these songs for so long, he’s obviously ecstatic it’s being released to the masses. “It’s been a long time coming. One song, ‘Breathe Easy,’ I wrote and recorded as a 17-year-old but never got around to releasing, so it’s the perfect addendum to this body of work,” he said. • How’d you whittle the songs down — figuring out what stays, what goes? To be honest, these songs were randomly written during different points in my life that happened to stick with me throughout the past couple of years. • How’d you come up with the title? I had a feeling I would just say it in a sentence one day without even realizing it. I had been talking to a friend who asked me the same question, and I answered “It’s just a collection of songs ‘from me to you.’” • What’s your songwriting process like? I often find a song by mistake rather than intentionally write one. Most of the time, I’ll be playing the guitar and accidentally play a melody wrong,

Dante Palminteri ’14

60 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

causing a domino effect that leads into a full song. I have the most trouble sitting down and saying, “I’m going to write a song right now,” the inspiration never seems to come when you demand it. • Who are your major influences? John Mayer has been my biggest influence, but even growing up, I listened to a lot of ’90s rock and grunge bands like Tool and Audioslave. So my sound is a mix of wanting to fight the power, but winning the girl back as I do. • “Pop” can be a four-letter word. Your music is definitely in that genre but you are more in that John Mayer singer/songwriter wheelhouse. Would you agree? The pop phase really began when I transitioned to listening more to singer/songwriters and pop artists — more Ed Sheeran and Jackson versus Alice in Chains. Even more recently, I’ve been into R&B and soul music, which has had a really positive effect on my writing. • Lastly, what does your touring schedule look like this spring? Very flexible. I’m planning a college tour and some new shows out West in California. Also, I’m always gigging in my home of New York.” Paul A. Riverain: “I’m graduating with a business economics degree with a concentration in environmental management. I also have a minor in computer applications. After graduation, I am planning to work for the summer, then go to Boulder, Colorado, for an apprenticeship for software development and coding.” Zachary J. Schwartz graduated in May 2018 from American University in Washington, D.C. with a film and media arts major and minor in business entertainment. He will return to New York City to work in comedy and television. Brian Silva: “Happy to announce that I’ve accepted a full-time position to work with the Goldklang Group. I’ll be working as an inside sales associate. Feel free to reach me for all your ticket needs to the St. Paul Saints, Charleston RiverDogs, Hudson Valley Renegades, and collegiate baseball

club Pittsfield Suns. In May I graduated from Nichols College.” Jahbari A. Taylor attended the NYC Networking Reception and reported that he’s finishing his last semester and looking for a job. “My areas of interest are finance and consulting.”

2015 Class Agents: Julia Chatzky, 914-420-6876, jbc310@gmail.com; Taylor Grodin, 914-629-8778, thetgrodz@gmail.com; Ricky Hicks, 914-233-6825; Brendan Kneitz, 914-591-3246, bk20@geneseo.edu; Ariana Weaver, 914-703-0008, ariana.weaver007@gmail.com Alexis D. Palmer: “I’m doing a few things but I most recently got a job as a teacher’s assistant at an inner city school. I am teaching film after school to middle schoolers.”

2016 Class Agents: Rohan Cassells, Jr., 914-414-7322, rcassellsjr99@gmail.com; Hannah Herrera, 914-714-5407, Hannahv_herrera@yahoo.com; Tyler Levy, 914-572-3020, bbhockey22@gmail.com; Emily Sirota, 917-763-5251, emilyann98@gmail.com Tyler H. Levy took a gap semester in the fall, going to Tanzania for five weeks and then San Francisco to help startup companies. Tyler enjoyed a short internship with alumnus John Burbank ’82 at his firm Passport Capital. In the spring, he worked at the family business. Next fall, he will start a business program at Bentley.

2017 Class Agents: Joe Bakas, 914-708-6131, bakasjoe@gmail.com; Lexie Barber, 914-414-7353, lgbarber1999@gmail.com; Jewel Li, 914-920-1409, lijewel1117@gmail.com; John Wise, 203-637-7876, jew393@nyu.edu

class notes

Ryan T. Hurst wrote that he took the second semester off. John E. Wise, Jr.: “I am taking a course on positive psychology called Science of Happiness.”


Former Faculty What are they up to now? Alumni are interested in knowing what faculty from their Harvey days are up to now. We reached out and received updates from them, which are printed below. Richard Beck: “Things are going fairly well. I left Harvey and began teaching at the Asheville School in Asheville, NC. I was there for nine years and then began teaching at Wyoming Seminary School. That is where I began my teaching career in 1968, and where I retired from the profession. I came full circle. Since then, I have been going to art and craft shows selling my wood carvings and sculptures. Hopefully, I will be famous someday. Ha Ha. “As far as the medical stuff goes, I am still hoping to find a kidney donor. I thought I had one, but that just fell through a few weeks ago. As such, I just had a fistula implanted in preparation for dialysis. My blood work numbers seem to be holding. I am feeling OK, but it is really only a matter of time. I posted the following on my Facebook page: ‘Richard Beck needs a kidney. O+. Call 570-864-3877, leave message and a callback number.’ Here is hoping. “I can’t wait to feel better and get back on my bicycle and start exercising again.” J.M. Hoge Caswell: “I left Salisbury School in 2002 after 16 years of being the assistant headmaster, and I ended up having to have a second spinal fusion. I have been retired since that time due to my back difficulties. My three sons are all married! Cameron and his wife have a 1-year-old little girl, and they are living in Malawi, Africa, for a year. They are working on a nutritional project for children which is funded by the Gates

Foundation. Marshall and his wife and her 10-year-old son live in Los Angeles. Marshall is a graphic artist. Neil was in the army for six years and in Iraq for two years. He now works for the U.S. government doing computer work. “I get together with Peter Duncan (college roommate, best friend, and fellow teacher at Harvey School for a few years) every couple of months to continue to see what kind of trouble we can get into. I must say that my favorite years of teaching were at The Harvey School. I loved the teaching, coaching sports, running the dorm, living next to Rich, Maureen, Eric and Kelly Beck, and being the assistant headmaster and director of development. I really loved my Harvey School years. I am greatly looking forward to the next Harvey reunion to see my former students and great faculty friends.” Thomas D. Cocks ’65: “After retiring last March from my job in child welfare after 37.5 years, I joined the Hunter College Silberman School of Social Work supervising placements of graduate students in the field. I continued to write on my own, submitting to contests, getting good feedback but not yet published. I am a member of the Bushwick Writers Group in Brooklyn. “Glad to see all the activities in sports and robotic competitions. Is there still wrestling? Not the most glamorous of sports, but I was just wondering, having been a coach. “I thank Ted Schillinger ’79 for his interest. Recently I came across letters written by David Carr ’76 and Paul Bernstein ’76, who were at Avon after Harvey circa 1976. Also letters from Michael Hotung ’75 and Charles Troup ’76. After 40 years it was touching to recall these students I cared about. “I think at one time Charles Paskus ’65, a classmate of mine, was elusive, but I see him all the time on Facebook.” Peter Duncan ’65 reported that he spent four academic years teaching at Harvey, from 1974–1977, after which he earned his MBA from the College of William and Mary. In 1981, he became a vice president of Shiver Mountain Press, a printing

company specializing in educational institutions, including Harvey. After 20 years with the company, he started a commercial building company specializing in hotel support material. In 2014, Peter retired, bought 40 acres in upstate New York, and built a cottage and residential fire tower with the help of his portable saw mill. For 38 years, Peter has lived in Washington, CT, but he commutes to Granville, NY, where he has started building handcrafted wooden boats. Peter stays in touch with his former Harvey colleague Hoge Caswell as well as a few others. Ruth H. Smithers called the alumni director to say how much she enjoyed reading the Harvey Magazine article about John McMahon — and shared that her ex-husband Charlie Smithers ’44 had passed away. Ruth went to Manhattanville for her master’s degree and then came to Harvey to tutor children with learning difficulties. She says she “loved John McMahon to death.” She said that each student was very exciting, she loved tutoring, and she had something to learn from each one. She opened her own business at home for tutoring students in fourth and fifth grades. Timothy Stark: “It’s hard to believe that we are approaching our third year of retirement! We are still going to NH to teach in the summer, especially now that Matt and Erica, along with their two kids, are at the camp school! Give our best to all at Harvey. We cherish the memories always!”

Tell Us What's New With You! To submit Class Notes: Send notes and/or images to alumni@harveyschool.org. For short milestone info (weddings, engagements, births), please include full name and dates. Photo tips: • Set your camera to best setting • Photo size 4 x 6, in 300 dpi • Save files as .jpg or .tiff • Identify people in the picture • Attach file to email

in memoriam ALUMNI

Robert M. Maxtone-Graham ’45 Dec. 3, 2017

Robert Maxtone-Graham, aged 86, died peacefully, Sunday, Dec. 3, 2017, last surviving child of Anthony Maxtone-Graham, 16th of Cultoquhey and of Jan Struther, beloved husband of Claudia, adored father of Ysenda and stepfather of Livia, proud grandfather of Joe, Toby, Charles and Francis. Published in The Scotsman, Dec. 7, 2017. Robert Mungo Maxtone-Graham was born in Chelsea in 1931 to Joyce Maxtone-Graham — “Jan Struther” was her pseudonym based on her maiden surname of Anstruther — who as well as being a journalist and an author was also a consummate writer of hymns, including “Lord of All Hopefulness.” His father was Tony MaxtoneGraham, an insurance broker. It was in Cheshire that he met Claudia Page-Phillips. She and Maxtone-Graham escaped even farther from Scotland, to the bottom-right-hand corner of England, Sandwich, Kent, where Maxtone-Graham had been offered a job as one of the three in-house lawyers for Pfizer. Here he and Claudia married and lived a honeymoon existence for 57 years, creating a fine house and garden from a rather unprepossessing property in the town, the potential of which Maxtone-Graham had spotted at first sight. They had one daughter, Ysenda, who is now an author and a journalist. The entrepreneurial urge was too strong for Maxtone-Graham to stand working at Pfizer for long. In 1962 he set up as an estate agent in Sandwich, MaxtoneGraham & Co, the “& Co” being his secretary, Mrs. Boucher. What made this little company famous was that, in the days when The Times still had all its classified advertisements on the front page, Maxtone-Graham drew miniature pen-and-ink drawings of the houses he had for sale. In 1969, he bought a row of derelict 1805 almshouses in Sandwich, St. John’s Cottages. They were branded by the council as unfit for human habitation, so he quickly built a bathroom onto the back of one of them to prove this wrong. Still, the council was intent on knocking them down and replacing them with a block of flats. Maxtone-Graham fought for 12 years to prevent this from happening. He eventually succeeded, and the cottages (and the saving of them) were singled out for special praise by Alec Clifton-Taylor in his television series “Six English Towns.” A derelict old malthouse was for sale in Hythe in 1972 and MaxtoneGraham snapped it up, having no idea what he was going to do with it. However, he’d been inspired by a visit to the antiques market 62 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

Antiquarius in London, and in 1974 he opened The Malthouse, the first such antiques market outside the capital, with 37 stalls and stallholders. It is still going strong — open only on Fridays and Saturdays, in accordance with Maxtone-Graham’s belief that this would give it a buzz, and that there is little sadder than an antiques market open all week with only one stallholder who has bothered to turn up. In his fifties, Maxtone-Graham suddenly remarked, “I could do that,” when listening to a programme about planning inspecting. He made a telephone call and the next day became a self-employed part-time planning inspector for the government, which gave him an excuse to wear his old bowler hat again. Inscrutability, non-demandingness, and a talent for spotting the potential in small, unlikely things — these were character traits that would stay with Maxtone-Graham all his life. A genealogist and an archivist by instinct, he made family trees for friends and family members; these leafy framed creations grace the walls of houses across the land. A natural host, he will be remembered topping up glasses of Pimm’s from his lidded silver jug clinking with ice. Read a fascinating account of how Robert’s mother, writer Jan Struther, used him as the real-life inspiration for her creation of Toby, the son of the title character, Mrs. Miniver, in her classic WWII book later made into an Academy Award-winning film. For more details of his interesting life, go to www.bit.ly/2Jgwg0n.

Norman J. Tweiten ’53 Feb. 2, 2017

Norman J. Tweiten (Dr. Norm) passed away peacefully Feb. 2, 2017. He was 77. Norm was born Feb. 27, 1939 and was preceded in death by his parents, Goodmund and Ella (Chestnut) Tweiten. Norm will be missed by his three children, his daughter-in-law, and four grandchildren. He graduated from Palmer Chiropractic School in 1964 and practiced chiropractic in Tappan, NY, and Lillian, Ala. for over 50 years. His love of service was strong! Throughout the years, Norm touched countless lives with his healing practice and his personable ways. His many friends and patients will miss him. As one dear friend put it, “There are no words to describe how influential Norm has been, always sharp witted and ready with a straight joke or prank.” Norm brought healing, fun, and joy to many. We celebrate the life of our father! And know that his spirit is now free in a heavenly home. (provided by his children)

Cameron E. Farquhar ’77

Edward Dell’Abate ’89

Cameron “Cam” Ely Farquhar, 53, died in Santa Cruz, CA, on June 13, 2015, after suffering a massive heart attack. Born in Detroit, MI, on April 12, 1962, Cameron spent his early years in Grosse Pointe, MI, moving with his mother to Norwich, VT, in the early 1970s. After his mother’s marriage to Charles de Rham, the family relocated to Bedford Hills, NY, and subsequently also resided in Katonah and Patterson, NY. Cameron attended The Harvey School in Katonah, Proctor Academy in Andover, NH, Barlow in Amenia, NY, and Simon’s Rock Early College in Great Barrington, MA. He graduated from the University of Michigan. As he was growing up, Cameron summered at White Wings, the family house in Sugar Hill, NH. He spent many happy days at the Profile Club in nearby Franconia, where he not only learned how to swim and to play golf and tennis, but made lifelong friends, some of whom were to share fond recollections of Cam after his passing. A few choice samples hint at the qualities that endeared him to so many: “Among the many things I learned from Cammy were how to treat dogs, how to build a roaring fire, and how to charm other people’s parents while staying true to oneself.” … “His warmth, friendship, and sense of adventure gave me the courage to make choices that changed my life for the better.” … But perhaps the most poignant remembrances were offered by his mother, Mickey, and by his wife, Debbie: “He was my best buddy even when we were older. Never saying ‘no’ very often to him, made it hard for him to say ‘no’ to himself.” “He will always be an important part of the way I live my life. I realize how unique he was and how honored I am to have spent our life together. I miss him every day, every hour, and every minute.” Following his graduation from the University of Michigan, Cameron moved to California and made the Golden State his home for the rest of his life, over 30 years. A talented woodworker, he specialized in custom kitchens, and also pursued various other woodworking projects that he created in his private shop. Cam was a devoted follower of the Grateful Dead. It is tragically apposite that his death parallels in certain respects that of Jerry Garcia, the Dead’s lead guitar and most prominent member. Both were 53 and died in California of a heart attack. And both were in the process of attempting to get their lives, derailed by substance abuse, back on track. Jerry Garcia died in a drug rehabilitation facility; Cam Farquhar while kicking an addiction to alcohol cold turkey, without professional help. In addition to his mother and his wife, he is survived by his brother, William E. Farquhar; devoted stepmother, Betty Farquhar; stepchildren, Mindi, Anna, Grace and Israel; uncle, Donald McKnight; and several nieces, nephews, and cousins.

Edward “Ted” K. Dell’Abate, 47, a native of Pound Ridge, NY, passed away suddenly Feb. 12, 2018, after a brief battle with cancer. Ted was the founder and owner of Phaedrus Technologies. Most recently, he worked at Bridgewater Associates in Westport, Conn. Ted spent most of his adult life on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and many years in his “happy place,” New Orleans, where he was the “Mayor of Jazz Fest.” Ted was a wonderful storyteller, self-taught cook, jazz enthusiast, and continuously lived life to the fullest. He was a loyal husband, father, brother, uncle, and friend. He will be greatly missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him. Ted is lovingly remembered by his daughter, Matilda Dell’Abate; his wife, Taryn Casey; his sister, Jill Dell’Abate; and his nephew and niece, Lucas and Josie Mangold. Ted was preceded in death by his parents, Ralph and June Dell’Abate. In lieu of flowers and in Ted’s honor, a fund has been established in his memory for his daughter. Memorial donations may be made at www.gofundme.com/ForTed-sMatilda.

June 13, 2015


Feb. 12, 2018



Andrew LaSala March 9, 2018

Andrew died March 9 after a long battle with spinal stenosis and Alzheimer’s. He was on the Harvey Board of Trustees from 1982 to 1985. From son Andrew ’83: “He gave out the diplomas at graduation. I remember this very well because most of my classmates came up to me after and couldn’t believe the size of his hand. One person said it was like putting your hand in a baseball glove. “He was the president of Andrea LaSala and Sons, Inc., in Mt. Vernon, N.Y., a family-owned building and contracting firm since 1903, now in its fourth generation. The company donated the masonry work on what at the time was the new girls locker room and art room. I was actually going to work on the building there that summer but delays in the construction caused the masons not starting until school opened. His company built many buildings in NYC including Trump Tower and the former 7 World Trade Center that fell after the 9/11 attacks, both of which my brother (Stephen, Harvey Class of 1982) and I worked on. “He was born on the Fourth of July, 1939. Usually a private reserved man except on the 4th, when he always threw a party. Not so much for himself, but for his family, and because he loved America and American history. He read hundreds if not thousands of books on American history. WWII and the Civil War were his favorite topics, and he would not hesitate to stop to discuss them with anyone who was interested, especially younger people. He would visit Civil War sites whenever he could and often correct the tour guides about their incorrect information or if they were just telling the North’s or South’s version of what happened. As I type this, I’m sitting at his old desk surrounded by his history books.” harveyschool.org 63

Parting Thought

Do you know the Harvey “Victory Song”? In 1936, Headmaster Herbert Swift Carter II (1926–1938) suggested that young Albert W. Selden share his original composition for a song at an evening assembly. The chorus below caught on and the final song was published in The Rambler. Mr. Selden grew up to become a respected Broadway producer.

The Victory Song (1936) We are singing that victory song! Sing to Harvey, to whom we belong. We’ll fight! Fight! Fight! Till the contest has been won, And we’ll make sure a darn good job is done, Oh, poor old Rumsey and Gunnery, too! We will beat them, before we are through. We’ve got the steam, so hail to the team of Harvey School. Chorus: We’ve got old Rumsey with her tail between her legs And we’ve got Gun’ry by the nose, They’re bedraggled and gory, We are covered with glory, Harvey School!

Do you recognize any of these players? 64 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // spring 2018

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The Gift That Keeps On Giving The Harvey School endowment has grown steadily over the years, reaching just over $5 million. This vital resource supports a variety of valuable needs:

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Reunion + Homecoming Saturday, October 13, 2018 Celebrating all classes, but especially those class years ending in “3” & “8.”

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Highlights to include Hall of Fame Awards, Buffet Lunch, Varsity Games, Special Class Events/Dinners, and more!

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