Harvey Magazine Winter 2021

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Harvey: A Community Rooted in


contents H AR VEY M A G AZINE // winter 2021


Happy students and teachers back on campus

F EATU RE S: A C OMMU N IT Y R O O T E D I N R E S I L I E N C E (Cover: “Beware the Flood” by senior Mia Cornell)




Uncharted Territory: Reopening School in 2020

Harvey Middle School: Weaving Its ‘Magic’ Throughout the Years

When Harvey Welcomed Girls to the ‘Family’

A resilient Harvey community reopens campus for in-person learning in fall 2020 with COVID-19 protocols in place to keep students, faculty, and staff safe for the 2020–21 school year.

Perspectives from a 1968 alum and our current middle school head show how Harvey Middle School continues to offer young adolescents a challenging but nurturing learning environment that guides them through an important stage in their lives.

Two of the first wave of girls enrolled share their fond recollections of those early years in the 1980s when The Harvey School mission statement added the word ‘coeducational.’


From the Editor

3 Welcome 24

Cavalier News + Views


Artistic Spotlight

34 Sports

Yesterday’s Middle School blackboards are today’s whiteboards.



Alumni News


Class Notes


In Memoriam


Parting Thought


Alumni from 1980s get reacquainted.

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Harvey remembers the late John “Jock” Burbank, 1956 alum and beloved teacher.


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From the Editor magazine

The Harvey School 260 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536 harveyschool.org // (914) 232-3161 harveymagazine@harveyschool.org

HEAD OF SCHOOL William J. Knauer EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Karen Grazia CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Chris Del Campo ALUMNI EDITORS Susie Danziger Greg Janos DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Susie Danziger CONTRIBUTORS Meg Booth Brendan Byrne Susie Danziger Bill Knauer Ray Lacen Phil Lazzaro

Kerby Lewis Stephanie McCaine Stephanie Metz Denise Smith John Wahlers

CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Phil Lazzaro Effie Afentoulides Alex Lindquist Cris Alexander Joanne Lombardi Vinny Alexander Stephanie Metz Jessica Bottalico Austin Morgan Tim Cornell Maureen Moser Michelle Davies Rick Price John DePalma Beth Visintainer Jessica Falcon Melissa Zeffer Karen Grazia Greg Janos DESIGN Good Design, LLC gooddesignusa.com PRINTING Printech, Stamford, Conn. MISSION STATEMENT The Harvey School provides a college-preparatory program that fosters lifelong learning and inspires students to develop the confidence and leadership qualities necessary to succeed in a diverse, competitive, and changing world. With our commitment to small class size, our community cultivates the strengths of each student through academic excellence, artistic exploration, athletic achievement, community service, and global understanding. CORE VALUES » Passion for learning » Respect » Integrity » Dynamic balance » Excellence

When I think of 2020 and the Harvey community, one word comes to mind: resilience. Resilience is defined as the ability to adjust to change. When COVID-19 closed our campus in March 2020, our faculty, staff, students, and families all had to adjust quickly to our new normal — living with a pandemic. After many months of quarantine, remote learning, and social distancing, we turned our attention to the start of the 2020–21 school year. I marvel at how our community pulled together, working throughout the summer to ensure that students, faculty, and staff would be able to return to campus in September for in-person instruction. As you will read in this issue, our campus underwent many changes to prepare for the new school year while always keeping the safety and well-being of our community as our highest priority. This is not the first time Harvey has adapted to change. This issue reflects on how Harvey has grown from a lower grade school to an ever-growing middle school, and then adding an upper school before finally introducing female students to campus in 1979. As a community, we are resilient, facing both positive change and, in the case of COVID-19, sometimes negative, to continue our mission and provide an engaging academic environment in which our students can thrive. Although fall 2020 did not look exactly like it normally does, one constant remains: a community that comes together in times of crisis, supports one another, and keeps moving forward. Our campus became an extension of the classroom with teachers moving their classes outside. We heard our students singing and playing instruments, we watched them conducting science investigations and role-playing important dates in history on the Quad. Even though we didn’t have sports, students still had opportunities throughout the day to get outside and exercise. The bond with students was still there through masks and from six feet apart. It wasn’t always easy, but the way we navigated the challenges of 2020 makes me so very proud to be a part of the Harvey community. When you look through this issue, you will see a community rooted in resilience. Happy New Year! Warmly,

Karen Grazia, Director of Communications

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Eileen Walker, Chair Philip Bowers ’70, Vice Chair Charles A. Krasne, Vice Chair Andrea L. Tessler, Treasurer William J. Knauer, President & Head of School Jerri-Lynn Galgano, Secretary Kevin Durkin Deirdre Glascott Lydia Hellinger Jonathan Kass Edward W. Kelly Raymond G. Kuntz Ronice Latta Wendy Lederer

Sandy Ogg Joseph Plummer Elizabeth Schwartz Wallace L. Schwartz Kathleen Treat Kelsey Turcotte Lindsey Walker ’05 Clifford Wallach Jennifer Waterhouse-Cooper J. Eric Wise Daniel K. Chapman ’73, Emeritus Alice DeSomma, Emerita Barry W. Fenstermacher, Headmaster Emeritus Jeffrey Lasdon, Emeritus Jane Petty, Emerita Frank A. Weil ’44, Emeritus

ALUMNI EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Lara Casano ’95, President Pieter Catlow ’73 Erica Cheyne ’14 George Dallas ’64 Philip A. Eifert ’73 Andy Jamieson ’09 Alexander P. McKown ’57 Laurel Meredith ’88 Seth Morton ’57 Greg Presseau ’98 Brian Ryerson ’05 Lindsey Walker ’05

HEAD’S COUNCIL LIST Tracey Davies Bruce L. Dennis Dennis Dilmaghani ’62 Lori Garbin John Hughes ’68 Richard Ledes ’71 Vivian Levy Lucy Lopez Dave Raneri ’69 David Silk Vanessa Williams Maury Leone*, Emeritus

* — deceased

welcome from the head of school Reflecting on Resilience in 2020

“Resilience is ultimately about the choices we make. Do I give up or carry on? Do I choose to look for the bright side and silver linings or focus on the hardships and unwelcome change?”

Over the past year or so, I have been writing fairly regular reflections for the weekly newsletter that Harvey sends out to our families. As you might imagine, many of my pieces focused on the pandemic and our school community’s response to challenges and changes it brought. In keeping with the theme of this magazine, I often highlighted the resilience demonstrated by our students, our faculty and staff, and our families in the face of these unprecedented times. We commonly think of resilience in this way, as the ability to confront difficult situations and adapt and persevere. We imagine people struggling with hardship and not giving up, falling down and getting back up, or failing repeatedly before finally overcoming adversity. In this context, resilience equates to grit. Toughness. Tenacity. Indomitable spirit. Although those are certainly all accurate and useful descriptions of resilience, I want to explore a more nuanced aspect of the concept that has emerged during these past months as well. In my last reflection for 2020, I shared a story about an interaction I had with a student in November when I was meeting students as they arrived on campus to start the day. The first student I saw that morning had been forced to quarantine for two weeks because of a positive case of COVID-19 on campus. As I welcomed him back to campus, he greeted me and exclaimed, “I will never take this place for granted again.” Most likely this student, like other students, had imagined over the years all the places he would rather be than in school. How many of us have not at one point or another longed to be somewhere other than where we are? But living through this pandemic has turned our world upside down and taught us how tenuous our grip can be on all that we take for granted. As I have reflected on the genuine sincerity of his utterance, I have come to understand his words as expressing another aspect of resilience. Resilience is not just about overcoming adversity and continuing on. It is also defined by an ability to see light inside of darkness or find value and beauty in the previously commonplace or mundane. Resilience is ultimately about the choices we make. Do I give up or carry on? Do I choose to look for the bright side and silver linings or focus on the hardships and unwelcome change? Resilience is about finding ways to thrive even when simple survival may feel like enough. During these past months, I have watched our students and teachers come together to push through the challenges and disappointments brought by the pandemic to find community and learning and even joy. As you read through the pages that follow, I hope you are struck as I have been by the many faces of resilience at The Harvey School. With kind regards,

William J. Knauer, Head of School

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Although we will no doubt face setbacks along the way, we are compelled forward by the conviction that school is integral to the well-being of children and their families.”

- Bill Knauer, Head of School

Uncharted Territory 4 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021

By Karen Grazia

School Reopening 2020


As the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the country, The Harvey School, like many others, closed campus in mid-March 2020 and turned to remote learning for the remainder of the school year. During the summer, the shared goal of the Harvey administration was to reopen campus on time in September for the 2020–21 school year. This would be no easy task. Harvey’s leadership team worked closely with the Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, and families to prepare for the reopening, creating the Reopening Task Force (RTF) to provide the framework of what that would look like (see ‘Meet the RTF’ page 12). “Protecting and supporting both the physical and emotional health and well-being of our community was our fundamental reopening priority,” said Bill Knauer, head of school.

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Together We Can To develop the most vigorous academic program possible to meet the needs of all students; in-person, remote, and hybrid, Upper and Middle School administrators spent the summer reflecting on what worked and didn’t work during remote learning in the spring. Exploring different options regarding classroom setup, student schedules, and increased time between classes for students to safely navigate the hallways, as well as reenvisioning shared spaces for lunch and flex periods, required flexibility and resourcefulness. “The mathematical logistics of working through every student schedule to incorporate social distancing and maximize space was a challenge,” said Phil Lazzaro, head of Upper School. Thinking about ways to utilize space as efficiently as possible allowed the team to imagine different possibilities to move their plan forward. Spaces such as the library, Black Box, and choral rooms were brought into the academic rotation to maximize space. “Each new student schedule created after August 1 forced us to shuffle rooms and assignments to reestablish room capacities and set safe distances between student desks,” Mr. Lazzaro said. “Even though it may take a bit until the world is completely back to normal, I think Harvey has done a great job with leading

Harvey Teachers:

Purpose Fuels Passion

Teachers across the country are the unsung heroes of the pandemic, and the Harvey faculty is no exception. So it was not surprising when all faculty members returned to campus this past fall, prepared to take their place in front of the classroom, in advisory, at lunch, during flex periods, essential workers committed to making it possible for students to return to campus after a spring term of remote learning and quarantining. Since we don’t know what will happen during the remainder of the 2020–21 school year, we want to share the dedication, creativity, and passion of our teachers in the classroom, as well as the kindness and resilience of our students. This spirit is what unites the Harvey community and keeps us strong.

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us down the path to get back to this point,” said Harvey junior Amanda Mohamad. “I’m glad to still be able to take the classes I’m interested in, even with social distancing guidelines. Classes are still discussion-based as they were before COVID-19, which is how I believe I thrive the most academically.” “Teachers independently researched ways to improve instruction,” said Dr. Brendan Byrne, head of the Middle School. “A huge advantage for our school is that we had a number of teachers work at the Harvey Summer Camp, and they became familiar with new safety protocols when working with students. Teachers also prepped on how to utilize outdoor learning spaces and new technology.” “Being back in class and on campus is great,” said eighth grader Jonathan Bailey. “I get to see all of my friends again, and I don’t have to be in front of a screen all day. Now that we are back, learning is so much easier.” “The response of the teaching and administrative faculty in their commitment to reopening was extremely helpful in the success of opening the school this past fall,” said Linda Cioffi, RTF member and Harvey parent. “They all worked tirelessly during the summer to make this happen, and we are a grateful Harvey community.”

Wearing a mask and social distancing are the most apparent changes on returning to school. But precautions like these are not difficult to follow and are necessary to keep everyone healthy and safe.” - Giselle Groff, junior

Mrs. Alexander’s English 8 students use the topic of identity to create an image that depicts who each student is as a person. Details include likes, dislikes, hopes, dreams, heritage, favorite songs, important experiences, and more. The challenge was to design a picture in the form of a map using any medium of their choosing.

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Innovative Planning & Technology Starting in July, step one was redesigning the classrooms and learning environment. “Harvey gave students and parents a choice,” said John Wahlers, head of technology. “Students could opt for in-person, remote, or hybrid,” said Mr. Wahlers, who had the Herculean task over the summer of outfitting 60 classrooms with webcams, speakers, and microphones to allow students to Zoom into live classes and have the same experience as those students learning in person. Since many classes at Harvey are interactive, a traditional, mounted fixed setup would not allow teachers to provide the same classroom experience. “I had an idea for mounting the webcam on a tripod and making the equipment mobile,” said Mr. Wahlers. Art, dance, robotics, math, and science are all classes that need a flexible setup. “The tripod-mounted webcam allows teachers to place the equipment anywhere in the classroom to meet student needs and serve the individual instructional style of each teacher,” said Mr. Wahlers, who did extensive research on webcams, microphones, speakers, tripods, cables, and adapters to tie everything together. Ordering from a dozen different vendors, he managed to secure 60 sets of equipment to ensure the same setup for each classroom as teachers would be moving from classroom to classroom, depending on class size. Classroom setup for Zoom took hundreds of hours of research, design, testing, demonstration, and training.

Both in-person and remote students experiment with angles and launch projectiles in Mr. Kelly’s Upper School physics class.

Middle School students have 15-minute breaks between classes, allowing them time to go outside and stretch their legs, release some energy, and laugh with their friends. They come back into class ready and eager to work. Upper School students also have time during flex periods to play tennis and get some outdoor recreation between classes.

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How is it working?

“Students learning in person interact with remote students by welcoming them to class each day,” shared Middle School English teacher Cris Alexander, who explained: “Remote students use the chat feature on Zoom to ask questions and share ideas. I check in verbally with remote students during the lesson, just as I do with the in-person students.” “We have a few eighth graders who are remote learners,” said Middle School science teacher Marcie Hajem. “So each time we do a lab, I partner them up with a different student so they can get to know each of the kids in their class.” “With cameras incorporated into the classroom, remote students actually feel like they are in school,” said senior Densley Blake. “I am a hybrid student, so being able to see the board or the classroom is really helpful.” “My biology students completed an enzyme lab as a simulation in Google Slides,” said Upper School science teacher Melissa Zeffer. “This is done as a safer and more inclusive alternative to the traditional lab. As a whole, the science department is being creative in offering lab and demonstration experiences that are authentic and safe for our students.”


in Middle School As part of Harvey’s reopening process, Dr. Brendan Byrne looked to see what colleges were planning, and the idea bubbled up to provide all Middle School students with portable chairs and lunch coolers as a good safety measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Turns out, this initiative also has an environmental benefit. “By our Middle School students and staff using reusable lunch coolers, we avoided wasting nearly 2,000 paper bags during just the fall term alone,” said Dr. Byrne.

In-person and remote students take a test together in Mr. Cornell’s Japanese 2 class.

Mr. Wright and his chorus students spread out in Lasdon Theater, keeping a safe distance apart to practice singing.

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Staying Safe On Campus New protocol requires that all students, faculty, and staff submit a COVID Quick Screening health assessment each morning, as well as undergo a temperature check when arriving on campus. “Mr. Knauer is still warmly greeting everyone in the morning. He just added a thermometer to his morning routine,” said Harvey junior Evan Goldblum, humorously adding, “so now he just has to make sure his warm greeting doesn’t get above 100 degrees.” Harvey also committed to requiring the entire community to wear masks and maintain social distancing of six feet from others while on campus. “We adopted a layered approach to health and safety to protect our students, staff, and families while creating an environment of meaningful interaction,” said Mr. Knauer. The entire community has stepped up to follow the new rules to keep the Harvey campus as safe as possible. “As long as I get to be in school and around people, I will wear my mask,” said eighth grader Emily Sorio. “I think the mask is a smart idea and works really well. I’m glad that people wear them for our safety and theirs.”

This pandemic has brought increased patience and caring with one another into our student population. If a student is struggling emotionally, their classmates cheer them up and empathize with them. Human kindness is not lost; it’s sitting at a desk in our classroom.” - Marcie Hajem, science teacher

Ms. Zeffer and Ms. Hajem’s Upper School biology students use the iNaturalist app to help them identify plants, fungus, insects, animals, birds, and other species on the Harvey campus.

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The Road to College During COVID-19

A New Infirmary During the summer, the school infirmary was moved to a more centralized location with an outdoor entrance next to Carter Hall, near the Commons, providing easier access for emergency services. “Our preparations began in July with Zoom meetings with our medical director, Dr. Louis Corsaro, to discuss protocols and procedures,” said nurse Kerby Lewis. Evening nurse Dolores Orchanian purchased supplies and packed up the entire infirmary during the summer before the move. Nurse Lewis also enlisted the help of retired nurse Pat Pollack, who helped transition the health office from paper medical records to the all-digital Magnus system. “The new infirmary setup has been working really well,” said Nurse Lewis. “We have a reception area with an air filter system that has an entrance from the outside of the building. The reception area has two isolation rooms built off it and then an entrance to a clean working space where we can tend to students who are symptomfree. We are stocked up with cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep our students and infirmary staff protected.”

By Meg Booth Director of College Counseling While much in the world was different this fall, Harvey seniors continued to think toward the future and were very busy moving forward with the college application process. Their focus and drive to complete applications during this challenging time demonstrated the exceptional adaptability and resilience of Harvey students. Impressively, and with great creativity, the seniors managed to continue to engage in a variety of activities of interest outside the classroom, ranging from virtual community service to filmmaking, to personal athletic training. The College Counseling Office was busy meeting both in person and virtually with the seniors through individual advising meetings to work on all parts of their applications from general guidance to essay writing and interview prep. To prepare for interviews that were all virtual this year, the college counselors shared tips and best practices for online interactions. Since there were limited opportunities for students to visit campuses, we facilitated online engagements with the colleges for seniors. Throughout September and October, a record number of college admissions reps (up to seven a day) “visited” Harvey through virtual meetings. Despite these changes, the timeline remained the same. With January having arrived, seniors now have the college application process behind them!

As part of their mythology projects, Latin 1 middle schoolers present the gods and goddesses they researched to their classmates and their teacher, Dr. Moser.

Ms. Falcon’s Upper School history students take their classroom outside on the Quad to conduct a feudalism simulation, with each student assigned a role as either a king, lord, knight, or serf.

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Meet the Reopening Task Force Harvey created a Reopening Task Force (RTF) composed of a dedicated group of current and former parents, trustees, and staff with considerable expertise in the areas of medicine, mental health, safety, logistics, law, compliance, and equity and inclusion. Together, the school and the RTF developed a reopening plan in accordance with local, state, and federal guidelines and requirements. RTF Chair J. Eric Wise first came to Harvey as a parent 10 years ago, wondering if Harvey would be a good fit for his son John. “It became very clear that John’s personal relationships with his teachers and classmates were leading to increasing success and happiness for my son,” said Eric. “I have always been very grateful for that.” His experience is what motivated Eric to get involved with formulating Harvey’s reopening plan. “I had deep reservations about protracted remote learning for students. I was delighted to have the opportunity to do what I could to help The Harvey School get back to in-person, on-campus learning to the greatest extent possible,” he said. “The goal was the safe return of students to in-person learning, with an option for hybrid and remote learning that would exceed the delivery of online learning launched in the spring during the onset of the pandemic,” shared Linda Cioffi, RTF member. “Bill Knauer had tremendous insight and provided the team with guidance as we navigated the various areas to be addressed. His focus on the ‘layered’ approach was brilliant and has been effective in maintaining a safe environment.” “The RTF worked until the narrow path to reopen was identified, and then we cleared the area around that path so that students would be safe and well and still learning and growing, through in-person and on-campus learning, if that is what they chose to do,” said Dawanna Veneable, Harvey parent and RTF member. “Not only did we address the most obvious health and safety issues, but also we endeavored to protect the whole student, no matter who they are, where they are in our broader geographic area, and what their particular set of circumstances may be.” Greg Phillips, the school safety coordinator, had not only the responsibility of supplying Harvey with PPE, which included thousands of masks, plastic face shields, and protective clothing for the nurses, but also everything else that was needed to reopen campus safely and protect the entire community.

Senior Bridge classes utilize the entire campus to practice leadership activities and interviewing skills for college admission.

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Here are just some of the purchases and upgrades for Fall 2020: • Upgraded HVAC filters to MERV 13 or better • Touchless water faucets and water dispensers • New air conditioning systems • Ultraviolet wands and UV lights • Viking Electrostatic cleaning devices • Plastic dividers • Thermometers • Hand sanitizer and dispensers • Classroom sanitizer • Tables for use in athletic center • Outdoor tents and chairs • Increased internet capacity on campus We thank our RTF members for their commitment to our school: • J. Eric Wise (chair) • Leslie Berni • Linda Cioffi • Dr. Jill Cohen-Ostrager • Valerie Nelson • Dr. Jennifer Powell Lunder • Greg Phillips • Dawanna Veneable • In consultation with medical director Dr. Louis A. Corsaro

Taking Each Day As it Comes Harvey reopened the week of September 8 with all students on campus together September 11. “I suspect that for many of us, the hardest part of returning to campus was the fear of the unknown. Now we have crossed the threshold,” said Mr. Knauer. “I have watched the initial fear and trepidation melt away, revealing hope and even joy. We continue to navigate through uncharted territory, compelled forward by the conviction that school is integral to the well-being of children and their families. That has been our North Star, guiding us, inspiring us, and leading us toward reopening in the face of such uncertainty.”

Every single day teachers step on campus is a moment of resilience. I think ‘courageous’ is the word that best captures what teachers are doing.”

- Dr. Brendan Byrne, head of middle school

Students in eighth grade science class with Mr. Janos test out their science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) projects. They researched, designed, and built their own cardboard chairs.

Ms. Lindquist adapts to teaching one in-person student and the rest Zooming in to her English Language Workshop 2 class.

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“We always strove to do better, and, most of the time, we could feel proud of what we were accomplishing. That doesn’t happen without the student-focused fuel of great teaching and leadership.” — ALEX EDWARDS-BOURDREZ ’68

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Harvey Middle School

Weaving Its ‘Magic’ Throughout the Years By Chris Del Campo There’s a certain amount of dread that many parents feel when their children are about to leave the cocoon of elementary school and make their way into the brave new world of middle school. It is a transition from the “Let me show you how” K–5 years to the next phase when children’s cognitive abilities are increasing while they’re searching for their identity in a more complex social environment. Many parents of our middle schoolers during the years, when reflecting on their child’s grades six to eight educational experiences, talk about “the Harvey magic.” They appreciate that Harvey Middle School provides a learning environment that not only guides young adolescents through this important developmental stage in their lives but also sparks their curiosity to explore, encourages them to take risks, and helps them grow to be more self-assured young adults by the time they celebrate their Eighth Grade Moving Up Day. Harvey’s Middle School has been getting it right for many years. Just ask Alexander Edwards-Bourdrez ’68, who recalls his middle school years with much fondness. Alex, who was three years too early to be able to stay at Harvey beyond eighth grade (ninth grade was added in the 1970–71 school year), remembers his days as a boarding student in seventh and eighth grades as a time when his teachers “exuded authority and caring.” Alex pointed out that during his time, Harvey called seventh grade Fourth Form and eighth grade, Fifth Form, as the school was still modeling itself after the traditional British boarding school for boys. He

Opposite. Harvey teacher Mr. Mitchell Lyon (1945–63) with students // Top. Alex, first row, third from right, in Fifth Form class picture // Above. Boys reading in the Fifth Form garden outside Sylvan Hall // Right. Alex in eighth grade in 1968, and today

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Above Right. Alex and friend, Harry Minot ’68, in dorms in 1967 // Above Middle. A snowy Harvey campus in 1967 // Right. Harvey faculty pose for a photo in the mid-1960s. // Bottom. An all-school photo of students and faculty in 1968 // Opposite. 1960s Harvey students absorbed in their studies

remembers that he and his fellow Fifth Formers felt like they were “kings of the hill,” feeling proud not simply for being the oldest but for achieving success in their schoolwork. “We always strove to do better, and most of the time, we could feel proud of what we were accomplishing,” Alex said. “That doesn’t happen without the student-focused fuel of great teaching and leadership,” he added. So much of what Alex says about his seventh and eighth grade days more than 50 years ago is remarkably true today. In describing today’s Harvey Middle School, division head Dr. Brendan Byrne’s words reflect those of Alex: “It’s about learning and providing our students with opportunities where there is rigor, where there is challenge, and also where there are opportunities to connect with teachers, to receive support they might benefit from, to be self-advocates, and to become independent learners,” Dr. Byrne said. Speaking of his time in the late 1960s, Alex seems to be describing today’s Harvey. “I could not imagine a more thorough and stimulating academic training combined with such purposeful attention to developing young people as confident individuals in a tight community setting,” Alex said. In addition to setting high expectations for their students in terms of both study and behavior, “the teachers,” Alex said, “recognized the sensibilities and needs of our age group, which made for a significant growing experience in all areas of school life.”

When Alex recalls his Harvey teachers, he does so with a deep appreciation for the way they helped foster a great sense of community, a value that remains as important today as it was in Alex’s time as a boarding student. “To have kids experience community at a young age is really important,” said Dr. Byrne. “It means you are a citizen of this community, where each of us looks after one another, and a student is part of a class of 10 or 11 others; in addition, the teacher expects you to contribute every day,” Dr. Byrne said, adding, “So there’s that incentive to be prepared for class, to do your homework, to prepare for assessments because you’re in this community. … It’s not just an individual experience.” One of the other hallmarks of Harvey Middle School is its long-established practice of encouraging its students to take risks, to make some decisions for themselves, to find their own voice, all with a strong support system of caring and dedicated staff who know that middle school-age children typically struggle with things like insecurities, self-esteem, and identity. Harvey’s Head of School Bill Knauer calls the middle school years a “key experience in a child’s development.” He said, “Middle school is that transition from childhood to adolescence, to adulthood, and if that’s a positive experience, there’s a greater chance that what’s to follow will be positive and successful as well.” Alex credits his Harvey teachers with helping him mature and with preparing him for what awaited him after completing (continued on page 19)

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“Middle school is that transition from childhood to adolescence, to adulthood, and if that’s a positive experience, there’s a greater chance that what’s to follow will be positive and successful as well.” — HEAD OF SCHOOL BILL KNAUER

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Inspiring Students since 1965:

The Hickrill Science Building In 1965, The Harvey School purchased The Hickrill property, which included an old brick laboratory that is now part of the current day Middle School. The laboratory has an interesting history. The Hickrill building and laboratory was well-known during the 1950s as a center for pure organic chemical research with an emphasis on cancer studies. Built by the founders of the Hickrill Research Foundation, the late Sylvan Weil and his wife, Mrs. Robert Halsband, the laboratory attracted scientists and students from all over the world. The great chemists Dr. William Doering and Dr. Lawrence Knox, together with Mrs. Halsband, prepared in this building the first aromatic seven-part non-benzine synthetic compound known as tropolone, which paved the way for a new field in non-benzine aromatic chemistry. The Hickrill building was renovated into an elementary school facility in 1966, with a photography darkroom, reading reference area, science labs, music rooms for large groups and individual instrumental practice, and a hobby shop for weekend activities and projects. The attached 27 wooded acres provide the nature trails that exist around the Harvey Middle School. In 2002, six additional rooms were added, and the building was renamed the Krasne Middle School.

“I could not imagine a more thorough and stimulating academic training combined with such purposeful attention to developing young people as confident individuals in a tight community setting.” — ALEX EDWARDS-BOURDREZ ’68

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(continued from page 16) the eighth grade. Unlike today’s Harvey eighth graders who can remain in familiar surroundings and move up to the Upper School, Alex did not have that same opportunity and described himself as being “a bit distressed” that Harvey ended in eighth grade in 1968. “The necessity of having to move on brought another wave of uncertainty and fear, starting with the bizarrely competitive process of applying to prep schools, which most of us did,” said Alex, who attended Stony Brook School on Long Island, graduating cum laude in 1972. He would go on to graduate cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in French from Washington and Lee University in 1976 and earn a master’s degree in French literature from Middlebury College in 1983. Before retiring in January 2020, Alex enjoyed an extraordinary life engaged in all kinds of interesting work, ranging from professional summer stock actor, to radio DJ and sportscaster, to a 22-year career in teaching, then a 15-year stint in corporate and educational communications. Then, before retiring, he provided three and a half years of direct care to individuals with developmental disabilities. Today, Alex keeps busy co-managing a local food pantry, filling various roles in his church, and writing and publishing poetry. When Alex looks back at his days at Harvey, a time we now call the middle school years, he credits the school with helping to instill in him “the ability, curiosity, and interpersonal skills” that he employed to obtain great success and fulfillment in the years that followed in both his educational and career endeavors. The names and faces have certainly changed since Alex’s time more than a half-century ago. The school has extended its mission to girls, and some campus facilities have come and others have gone, but there is one important constant: the “magic” performed every day at the Harvey Middle School. No waving of wands here. Just the hard work of a talented and dedicated faculty and staff transforming children into young adults ready and willing to face the many new and exciting challenges that await them.

Top. Students at the blackboard in the 1960s // Above. Teacher Tom Dodd teaching in the 1970s // Above Left. Student performing in 1968 theater production // Above Right. Alex (first row, second from right) on First Team soccer in 1968 // Right. Alex today volunteering at the local food bank in preparation for the holiday season // Opposite Bottom. The first students to use the new science classrooms from the Hickrill Science Building acquisition

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When Harvey Welcomed

Girls to the Family' By Chris Del Campo

For the students attending Harvey today, and for some of the younger alums, it must seem very strange to think there was a time in the history of their school when it was only boys who sat in classrooms, played on sports teams, and made their way from building to building. Consider how strange it had to be for the small number of girls who arrived each fall in the early years of the 1980s, knowing they would find themselves vastly outnumbered by the boys. You might think the girls were made to feel like outsiders or intruders, but what they found was a school ready and willing to welcome them to the learning community whose members felt quite at home on Harvey’s beautiful bucolic campus.

Top. Yearbook photo of Anita Elkind Pomerantz ’84 // Bottom. Yearbook photo of Leslie Altman Weissman ’84

“Harvey was like a family in the early ’80s,” said Leslie Altman Weissman ’84, one of only seven girls in her grade when she joined Harvey’s sophomore class in 1981. “We all looked out for one another … there was no excessive competitiveness, and we usually traveled in a multigrade group.” Leslie’s classmate, Anita Elkind Pomerantz, shared a similar sentiment. “I recall the boys as very welcoming,” Anita said. “The class sizes were so small that we really all had to be friends with one another, and the adults actually were, by and large, helpful, respectful, and approachable.” Girls had first enrolled in September 1979 in a newly added sophomore class as part of Harvey’s plan to establish a four-year Upper School program by the fall of 1981. It was not until 1984 that the Middle School started admitting girls. The girls and the first sophomore class might have arrived a year earlier if not for a pair of fires in the main building. The second one destroyed the newly repaired Sylvan Hall, forcing the school to focus its attention in 1977–78

on fundraising and constructing its replacement. Headmaster Harry Dawe, undaunted by the setback of having to deal with the aftermath of the second fire, displayed his great vision and extraordinary leadership in rallying his administrators and faculty to forge ahead with discussions on the idea of expanding the school by enrolling girls, adding the upper school grades, and constructing new campus facilities. As it is with every school that undergoes significant changes to its program, Harvey’s administrators and faculty were dealing with two monumental changes — going coed for the first time in the school’s long and storied tradition and enrolling high school students for the first time since the late 1920s. Retired Latin teacher Tim Stark was very much in the thick of things during the 1980s when Harvey was welcoming girls, while at the same time building an upper school program. Mr. Stark, after whom the school’s Stark Fields on lower campus are named, was one of Harvey’s longest tenured and most beloved teachers (continued on page 23)

20 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021



Top Left. Anita with fellow student council members // Top Right. Pamela Nicholson Henderson ’84, Noelle Savarese ’85, Kimberly Delaney Johnson ’86, Barbara Daniel ’84, Anita, and Stacy Director Werner ’84 // Middle. Leslie with friends at Harvey // Bottom. Anita and Leslie with their classmates at Harvey’s Centennial Homecoming in 2016: Chip Taylor ’83 (back left) and Nanette Baratta ’82 (front right) join the Class of 1984 (back to front from left to right): Barbara Daniel, Leslie, Alan Rohe, Anita, Herb Sloan, Tom Ellis, Frank Baratta, Steve Walsh, Mark Dolan, and Francis Valentine

Top. Anita (first row on left) playing with the Harvey girls soccer team // Middle Anita (second from right) with classmates // Bottom Left. Leslie and Frank Baratta ’84 // Bottom Middle. Leslie is all smiles on campus // Bottom Right. Anita as a Harvey cheerleader

(continued from page 20) and coaches. He recalls how the teachers felt about moving away from a traditional all-boys pre-prep school to becoming coeducational. “The vast majority of the faculty eagerly supported the notion of admitting girls into the school even though there was some apprehension and uncertainty,” Mr. Stark said. The school had work to do to accommodate having girls share the campus with the boys. Headmaster Dawe and his staff had to find space to locate girls’ restrooms throughout the school, establish a dress code for the girls at a time when boys were required to wear jackets and ties, create extracurricular activities that would interest girls, and construct a new locker room just for girls across from the steps to McConnell Gym. One other thing that caused much discussion was how to deal with academic and social infractions. It was thought that the Walk List didn’t seem to work as well with girls. The age-old tradition of giving demerits, which then had to be “walked off,” evolved into creating a review board with students as well as faculty adjudicating matters of student infractions. The arrival of the girls also prompted some teachers to amend their lesson plans and teaching styles. “One of the first things I noticed about the girls in my Latin classes was that they could sit quietly and pay attention for longer periods of time than some of the boys,” shared Mr. Stark. “Using examples and analogies from professional wrestling did not resonate with them and reading extensively from Caesar’s ‘Gallic Wars’ was not exactly their cup of tea either,” he quipped. Leslie appreciates how much the faculty made her feel welcomed and how attentive they were to the needs of her schoolmates. “There was an overwhelming sense that the faculty cared about their students and were equally invested in the outcome of their future plans,” Leslie said. She recalls feeling a strong sense that both teachers and students alike fostered a nurturing learning community. “Students took advantage of their teachers’ office hours for extra help, and they also actually helped each other with their work rather than see it as taking away from their marks if other students were also successful,” she added. In sports, the school faced the challenge of providing opportunities for girls to compete interscholastically. Some girls, like Leslie, looked forward to playing at a high level while other girls, like Anita, not so much. The school was able to offer only one girls team per season for several years, and the girls generally played at the JV level. Mr. Stark recalls that in the fall, Ron Wilson coached girls soccer, and, a few years

later, Dorothy Briggs started a girls field hockey team. When the girls soccer diehards did not have enough players to support their own team, they filled out the rosters of the boys teams. In the winter, the girls formed a basketball team. In the spring, softball was the sport of choice. Harvey’s offerings for girls satisfied Leslie, who played three sports — soccer, basketball, and softball — and went on to play soccer at Hobart and William Smith where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Art History with a studio and religion minor before going on to NYU for a master’s degree in interactive telecommunications. For Anita, who admits “having no eye-to-hand coordination whatsoever,” she recalls being required to play varsity soccer while not looking to play a sport at a high level, but she was “quite happy to be one of Harvey’s first cheerleaders” and earn sports credit for being on the squad. “Harvey was wonderful in so many respects for me, and I think being a girl there was more of an advantage than a disadvantage,” said Anita, the Class of 1984’s valedictorian. She went on to earn a B.A. from Wellesley College and an MBA from the University of Rochester’s Simon School of Business. It certainly was not an easy task for the school to extend its mission to include girls and make them feel on equal footing with the boys, given the initial low enrollment numbers for girls in a school steeped in a male-centered tradition for the first 76 years of its now 104-year history. With strong leadership from its headmaster, and with the commitment of a dedicated faculty and staff, the cooperation of the boys in making room for the girls, and the understanding, patience, and resiliency of the first girls themselves, Harvey’s “family” became complete. In reflecting on those challenging transition years of 1979–84, Mr. Stark feels strongly that the arrival of the girls, whom he calls “pioneers,” provided the finishing touch on making Harvey whole as a learning community, of rounding out a sense of family that so many today say they feel. “The first wave of girls at Harvey deserves much credit for the ultimate success of the coeducational program, and I am so very pleased and proud to spotlight them.”

“There was an overwhelming sense that the faculty cared about their students and were equally invested in the outcome of their future plans.”- Leslie '84

harveyschool.org 23

CAVALIER news + views 2 3


Back on Campus Despite adapting to new protocols, much of student life on campus remained the same. 4



24 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021









1. Sophomore Khalil Aguilar shows off the pumpkin he decorated during an after-school art activity for boarding students. // 2. Music teacher Zachary Wright takes his Middle School music students outside for class. // 3. Junior Ellie Flaherty-Lovy researches U.S. history through art. // 4. Eighth grader Natalie Delessio dresses up as Hiyoko Saionji for Halloween. // 5. Celebrating Halloween, senior Amanda Bartley is a ringer for Mr. Lazzaro. // 6. Faculty Alex Lindquist and Alex Matthews enjoy some sweet treats before winter break courtesy of the Parent Association. // 7. Middle schoolers Aidan Garcia and Maeve Lazzaro enjoy elective time on the ice at Evarts Rink. // 8. Eighth grader Meaghan Sullivan works on her STEAM project in science. // 9. Posing with their fall issue are the proud staff of the Middle School Rambler: James Carlton ’25, Ladidi Abdul-Wahab ’25, Riley Franck ’25, Helen Katis ’25, Amani Carty ’26, Eva Wilkerson ’25, and Natalie Delessio ’25. // 10. Middle School students stay active with martial arts in McConnell Gym. // 11. Development intern, junior Halimatou Konteh, calls alums during a phonathon in December. // 12. Feeling festive are Dylan Kluge ’23, Erin Phillips ’22, and Evan Goldblum ’22. // 13. Student Council co-president Zachary Treseler ’21 delivers the 2020 yearbook to art teacher Rick Price who was honored with the dedication // 14. Sixth grader Sarah Fisher performs on the drums for classmates. harveyschool.org 25

The Heart of Harvey is Community Fifth Annual ‘State of the School’

A pandemic could not stop the Harvey community from coming together en masse on the evening of Sept. 17 with more than 250 parents, faculty, staff, trustees, and alumni participating via Zoom at the fifth annual State of the School address. Highlights of the evening included an overview of the school, updates on enrollment and finances, the reopening process, and an inspiring video featuring Harvey students and faculty. Delicious refreshment boxes, supplied by Taylored Menus, were distributed prior to the event to attending community members to savor during the evening. An exciting moment was the introduction of what will become the annual Impact Awards. Beginning in 2020, an alum, a past parent, and a current faculty member who each has made a significant impact on Harvey will be chosen every year to be honored.

Congratulations to the following recipients!


Past Parents

Current Faculty members

Dennis has been a generous supporter of The Harvey School for many years and has had a profound impact on our community. He made his first gift to the school when he was in his twenties and has been a consistent and generous donor since then. As a member of the Head’s Council, Alumni Executive Council, a co-chair of the school’s centennial celebration, and a volunteer, Dennis has always made Harvey a philanthropic priority. An avid photographer in his spare time, Dennis contributed to Harvey’s endowment to establish a Photography Fund for photographic and film arts programs. One of the most significant gifts that Dennis made to the Harvey community was to sponsor the annual NYC Alumni Networking Reception, established in 2007. Dennis believes the discipline instilled in him at Harvey in those early years by teachers John Shea, Leverett Smith, and Rose Baldwin (and others) helped him more than he realized at the time and will for years to come.

Donna and Maury joined The Harvey School community in 1999, along with son Michael ’04 and daughter Ali ’08. Active and passionate parents, they were involved in class trips, sports, and Parent Association events. Maury joined Harvey’s Board of Trustees in 2001 and eventually became vice chair, as well as co-chair of the Arts Center Capital Campaign, chair of the Head of School Search Committee that brought Bill Knauer to Harvey, and then chair of the Head’s Council. Sadly, Maury passed suddenly in 2020, but his impact on Harvey lives on. Donna and his children continue to support Harvey, including the establishment of the Maury A. Leone Scholarship (read more on page 27) and a generous gift to the school to help with technology needs during the pandemic to achieve digital classroom excellence.

Dale and Bruce have been members of the Harvey community since 1976, longer than any other faculty members. They have lived on campus since 1989, where they have raised their two children, Bradley ’07 and Erika ’09, as well as managed every aspect of Evarts Rink since 1985. To say that they are part of the fabric of the history of The Harvey School would be a huge understatement. The ways that Dale and Bruce have had an impact on the community are countless. Bruce never misses an alumni get-together. Whether it is Homecoming, the annual NYC Reception, or a visit to campus from a young alum at the holidays, he is there to share a memory, provide a connection, and enjoy a conversation. In addition to the Osbornes’ many contributions, Bruce was a recipient of the Norton Cup, had the yearbook dedicated to him, and has been a faculty chair of the Annual Fund for many years. Whether as a fellow faculty/staff member, a parent, a teacher, or a coach, Bruce, along with Dale, has made an impact that can be felt across the campus.

Dennis Dilmaghani ’62

26 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021

Donna and Maury Leone

Bruce and Dale Osborne

news + views

The Maury A. Leone Scholarship Recognizing Passion for Service and Education When Maury Leone passed away in May 2020, it was a shock for so many of us in the Harvey community. As a parent of two Harvey alums, a former trustee, and chair of the Head’s Council, Maury was a beloved member of our Harvey family. A hole was left in our collective heart. In this time of COVID-19, our inability to reach out to Donna, Michael, and Ali with a hug or to recognize what Maury, who was so full of life and personified the Harvey spirit, meant to all of us left us feeling helpless. To celebrate Maury’s life and recognize the significant role he played in Harvey’s recent history, we are happy to announce the Maury A. Leone Scholarship, established by Donna, Michael ’04, and Ali ’08 Leone. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a rising ninth grade student with financial need who has demonstrated academic achievement and school spirit. The scholarship will support the student for the duration of their upper school years, as long as the student maintains academic excellence and is fully engaged in the Harvey

community. Harvey has a long tradition of providing a strong, student-centered education to a well-rounded student population, and scholarships such as this allow for a diverse and engaged student body. The first recipient will be selected during the 2020 admissions and re-enrollment cycle for the 2021–22 school year. If you would like to make a gift to help fund the Maury A. Leone Scholarship, please contact Susie Danziger at sdanziger@harveyschool.org or (914) 232-3161 x111, or click “Make a Gift” on the homepage of the Harvey website. The decision to appropriate for expenditures from the scholarship fund will be made prudently, with the flexibility to use the principal from the fund, in accordance with applicable law. Students interested in applying for the scholarship should contact Director of Admissions Bill Mena at wmena@harveyschool.org. The scholarship will give us the opportunity to honor Maury’s memory and provide a legacy that will benefit students for many years to come.

Years of Service 40 Years

15 Years

• Tom Banca, Evarts Rink

• Irma Bloom, Accounting Administrator • John DePalma ’01, Logistics Coordinator, Associate Camp Director, O’Malley Dorm Parent • Melanie Gambino, Performing Arts & Wellness • Deborah Matero, English • Amie Phillips, Chair, Mathematics

30 Years • Judy Ryerson, Director of Information Management

20 Years • Denise Smith, Assistant to the Director of Athletics, Athletic Center Rentals Coordinator & Site Supervisor

Editor’s Note Correction in the Commencement 2020 issue — Sierra Calhoune ’20 was the recipient of the English Prize at Commencement. Sierra attended Wesleyan University in person this past fall, majoring in the classics, and reports that she is enjoying the college experience. harveyschool.org 27

In Their Own Words

Profiles from the International Student Program Hayden (Haotian) Zhang I’m Hayden, a ninth grade student at The Harvey School. I am 15 years old and live in Beijing, the capital of China, where there are many customs and festivals and delicious food. Due to COVID-19, I need to attend Harvey remotely. But I’m really looking forward to one day being on campus. I want to study in the U.S. because the teacher-to-student ratio there is much smaller than the ratio in China; thus, students can get more opportunities to participate in the class. In China, there are about 35 students in each classroom, so they can hardly have an opportunity to ask or answer questions. Apart from this, students in the U.S. have more flexible time, which provides more choices for them. It’s beneficial for me to cultivate my personal interests, such as basketball, cooking, and science. The most exciting part at Harvey is living in a dormitory and with a host family. Living in the dorm on weekdays, I can associate with more friends, and, on weekends, I can stay with my host family and visit various places such as shopping malls and museums. I look forward to being able to do all these very soon.

Jasmine (Jiayin) Zhang My name is Jasmine Zhang. I am 16 years old and in the 10th grade, living in the dorm during the week and staying with a host family on weekends and holidays. My hometown is Beijing, China, where I live with my dad and my mom in an apartment. Beijing is the capital of China, so it is a pretty busy city. I live in the middle of Beijing near the Forbidden City. Life is usually a little noisy and sometimes crowded, but I like the feeling of big cities. It is definitely different from Katonah by having more people and more traffic around.

I love all my Harvey classes, teachers, and fellow classmates. Although it is during the time of the coronavirus with social distancing and wearing masks, I can still feel the warmth from people, and I feel very comfortable and welcomed here. My favorite subject would be Mr. Price’s studio art because, personally, art has been a very important part of my life, and Mr. Price’s class contains all types of art that I am very interested in trying out. I want to be a psychologist because my mom is a doctor, and I am really interested in studying the human body and brain. I like how the arts and academics are combined with balance. I love art, but I also care a lot about my academics, so I feel like at Harvey I can pursue both with a good quantity and quality.

Catherine (Tsz Ting) Tsui My name is Catherine Tsui. I am 19 years old and a senior at Harvey. I come from Hong Kong, along with my parents and brother, who is currently 13. Hong Kong is a small but packed city and always hot like a steam cage. It’s worth it, though, because at night the lights of the city are like little stars against the seascape. It is very beautiful and a huge contrast to the idyllic Katonah, but I also love the greenery and fresh air here. Harvey has a very welcoming atmosphere. The people here really helped me integrate comfortably and quickly. I am enjoying school. My favorite subject is currently Honors Portfolio. I love art, and it is a very exciting thing to be surrounded by like-minded creative people. I love the supportive community here. I would like to become a painter and illustrator. I appreciate things and love to emulate what I love in some form of creative expression. It only seems natural that I become an artist.

“Although it is during the time of the coronavirus with social distancing and wearing masks, I can still feel the warmth from people, and

I feel very comfortable and welcomed here.” 28 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021

news + views

Leaving a Legacy Kit Wise ’62, was among the first students to attend

Why I Give Dick Ahlborn ’55, Captain, U.S. Navy (Ret), alumnus, Harvey Alumni Hall of Fame inductee, inducted into the Venerable Order of St John (OStJ) by order of Queen Elizabeth II.

A Word That Describes Harvey Life-changing. I started at Harvey as a transfer from the fifth grade in public school, when the school was still on that wonderful Hawthorne campus. I credit The Harvey School, its teachers, and its coaches for profoundly changing my life. The school gave me the foundation for continuing my education at Kent and Yale and for serving in the Navy’s Nuclear Submarine Force for 26 years during Vietnam and the Cold War. That, in turn, led to a career operating a global defense consulting business, spanning six continents. Without the start I got at Harvey, I might well have ended up far from what Harvey led me to.

Why I Give I have been giving in support of The Harvey School for more than 35 years. Even though I live in California, I have carried that connection with me throughout this wonderful journey that is life. I return to Harvey for reunions and celebrations to stay connected to the school and to my classmates to revisit memories with those who truly understand the significance of our shared Harvey experience. I am pleased to continue to support current Harvey students in their quest for success in their own lives. I give to ensure that the solid foundation that Harvey provided me, which has served me so well in my life, is available to Harvey students now and in the future.

The Harvey School on the beautiful bucolic campus in Katonah that we call home today. He remembers the fabulous academic rigor, including the posting of grades each Friday at the back of the Study Hall, the traveling rings in the gym with endless trips from end to end, and, most important, the Harvey community. He fondly remembers the three families of brothers who were all on campus during those years: the Baldwins — Ian ’53, Michael ’54, Howard ’56, and Philip ’62, the Burbanks — Jock ’56, Michael ’58, and Stephen ’60, and his own family, the Wise brothers — John ’57, Kit ’62, and Michael ’63. The families’ post-Harvey years intersected with four of them teaching at Harvey and Kit doing design work for several of the Baldwins. Kit looks back on his Harvey years with gratitude and utmost respect. Kit had the advantages of arguably the best education in America, attending Phillips Academy (Andover) and Harvard University where he received a master’s degree in architecture. He attributes Harvey with laying the foundation for an exceptional life and opening doors to unparalleled opportunities. Kit owes his love of buildings and design to an elective he took at Andover — made possible by his exceptional preparation at Harvey. Kit credits his Harvey education with enabling him to take primarily second-year classes his first year at Andover, allowing him to experience a host of classes he otherwise would not have been able to take. Kit’s gratitude led him to name Harvey in his will when he was drawing it up a few years ago. Planned giving enables you to make a meaningful gift to an organization — like Harvey — that reflects your beliefs and values while leaving a unique legacy to memorialize those values. Planned gifts like Kit’s enable us to enhance all of our programs — academics, athletics, arts, and beyond — opening doors for the Harvey students of today and preparing them for the rigors of college and beyond. Many Harvey alumni have generously included Harvey in their wills. You can join them by visiting www.harveyschool.plannedgiving.org // If you have questions or would like to make a gift, please contact Susie Danziger at sdanziger@harveyschool.org.

harveyschool.org 29

news + views

Harvey Perspective

Making Space For Difficult Conversations By Stephanie McCaine ’87 The death of George Floyd set off a movement in which diverse groups nationwide took to the streets to demand change. All over the country, protests swept through large metropolitan areas and towns even smaller than Katonah. Corporations issued forceful statements denouncing racism. College presidents sent conciliatory emails to their communities, declaring their support of Black and Brown students and their families. The Black Lives Matter movement was re-energized. And Mrs. Butterworth, Aunt Jemima, and Uncle Ben were on the chopping block — likely to be rebranded to eliminate the derogatory stereotypes the images perpetuated. In the middle of a global pandemic, the groundswell of social justice activism was steadily rising. Meanwhile, our highly anticipated first-ever drive-through graduation was only days away. It had been months since we’d all been together, and the students had already experienced so much sadness and loss. A renewed energy was in the air, and the celebration was on the horizon. To take the attention off the accomplishments of the seniors and the rising ninth graders seemed cruel. However, acknowledging the harsh realities of social injustice and inequity was no longer negotiable, and expressing solidarity with our Black and Brown students, families, colleagues, and alumni, was indeed an imperative — a lesson learned from the pain, vulnerability, and anger of our Black students after an online hate speech incident only a couple of years earlier. At that time, we took for granted that good intentions and encouraging words were enough. Since then, through deep and sometimes uncomfortable self-reflection, we have learned that we have to work intentionally to ensure that we are building a community where all members can be their authentic selves and truly thrive

30 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021

and diligently seek to identify the ways in which we can aid in building more equality and equal justice. In other words, we have to put our words into action. Thus, much of the schoolwide discussion just prior to commencement was dedicated to the topic of race and equality. Later that week, we took to social media to declare our unequivocal support of our students and colleagues of color and their families and committed to being a part of the solution, standing up, and speaking out against social injustice. We then launched a forum for various constituents to come together to discuss issues around race, racism, inclusion, and equality with an emphasis on the students’ and alum’s lived experience at Harvey. We established a standing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Our faculty and staff participated in implicit bias training and are exploring various ways that they can integrate the principles of diversity and inclusion into their classrooms. For the first time, we sent a group of

students to the National Association of Independent School’s Student Diversity Leadership Conference, and we have begun to center conversations around Black and Brown and other marginalized and underrepresented groups to ensure that we are mindful of their needs. We are exploring affinity groups, examining our curriculum, seeking to understand the role we can play in breaking the cycle of systemic racism. As a community, we are challenging attitudes and behaviors around privilege and working to generate deeper understanding across differences; find common ground; build empathy; and examine, discuss, and dismantle inequities in our community as well as in the world. COVID-19 makes it challenging to focus on anything beyond health, safety, and the delivery of the curriculum, but we are committed to leaning into the discomfort and deeply considering how we can not only rise to the moment but also create long-lasting, sustained change in the name of anti-racism and equity.

Artistic spotlight harveyschool.org 31







6 32 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021

Artistic spotlight


Opening Page. Portrait of the late actor Chadwick Boseman created by Mr. Price’s Public Art Winter Class: Isabelle Abramson ’21, Nekia Bland ’23, Nolan Dunn ’22, Charles Hildebrandt ’22, Justin Polanco ’23, and Brianna Roisenvit ’23. // 1. Digital photography by Spencer Whitman ’23 // 2. Pen and ink by Kate Champlain ’22 // 3. Freshman Blake Friedman experiments with clay and textiles. // 4. “Dreamsters” by Grace Shepard ’23 // 5. “Vulnerabilty” by Mia Cornell ’21 utilizes eggshells, resin, clay, plaster, and found objects to present inner emotions often hidden behind a solid exterior. // 6. “Wonder Woman” by Elena Pagan ’26 // 7. Comic illustration by Isabelle Abramson ’21 // 8. Stagecraft monster by Elizabeth Vescio ’22 // 9. Digital photography by Charles Hildebrandt ’22 // 10. Digital photography by Evan Goldblum ’22


10 harveyschool.org 33

! s v a C , Go her sports season would steal anot 19 DVI CO at th ed out how our When we learn e all concerned ab er w e w rs, lie va Ca pt the reality of from the Harvey niors, would acce se r ou lly cia pe , es t, our seniors student-athletes the Cavalier spiri to ue Tr . on ken as se ll ink that I have ta there being no fa stride. I often th in s w ne e th es ok nt-athlet stepped up and to er than our stude two seasons hard of n io at orts impacted ell sp c nc sti ca the n in interschola io at cip rti en pa w ho r the underclassm because I know an inspiration fo as e rv se ill w s n. or ocked dow my life. Our seni ard after being kn ue to move forw in nt co e what to iat w ec ho on minder to appr also serve as a re ill w s es or nc ni se sta e Th when circum e we never know us ca be ank th nd d ha an at is say, I am sorry simultaneously I So . ge an ow gr ch d ill w e will learn an nior athletes. W you to the fall se GO, CAVS! because of you. tic Director — Ray Lacen, Athle


AARON DESMOND DUPREE “Aaron brought his best every gam e and was a sure-thing tackler on the defensiv e side of the ball. His leadership, toughne ss, and overall presence will be almost imp ossible to fill next season.” — Coach Delaney HIGHLIGHTS: GRADES 9–12, CAP TAIN 2019, 2020


LUCAS CHIRICO “Lucas has been a force in the tren ches and anchored our offensive line at the center position since his sophomore year . Relentless on defense with a nose for finding the ball carrier, Lucas was primed to be a captain his senior year and was always a real positive influence on his teammates.” — Coac h Delaney HIGHLIGHTS: GRADES 9–12






er on long snapp ted out as a ar st me to m ca ra it st “Tri est when one of the b s, ame ec am b te e l H ia spec e punter. th to ap sn the side of the delivering e defensive th on er y la l smarts an impact p ying footbal la p is d , er k ebac ke our ball as a lin at helped ta l instincts th ra u Delaney at n ch d an level.” — Coa ew n e ol h w defense to a 12



34 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021

ll a F r u O g n i z i Recogn es t e l h t A r o i n e 2020 S



er on and off a natural lead on “Keegan was ete you want e type of athl r he ut the course, th ho throug er hard work p to s ou your team. H er m ith nu er paid off w io sc running care Co h Coac accolades.” — finishes and ; 2017–2019 VARSITY 9–12 2017–2019, HIGHLIGHTS: VP M AM AGUE, TE 2019 HVAL ALL-LE 18, CAPTAIN ASST. CAPT. 20





“Ryan, a tough compet itor with a never-give-up attitude, was never satisfied with being jus t ‘good enough’ and worked wi th the coaching staff to develo p race plans for meet days.” — Coach Coscio HIGHLIGHTS: VARSIT


, always “Alex, a true leader on the team focused also worked to improve himself but ip ersh lead on improving the team. His to staff hing skills really helped the coac io Cosc h Coac ensure quality practices.” — HIGHLIGHTS: GRADES 9–12; 2019 VARSITY CAPTAIN


GARRETT QUINN “Garrett came in and wo rked hard last season. His impro vements were dramatic and importan t to the overall growth of the team. Ga rrett pushed himself and in doing so pushed his teammates, too.” — Coa ch Coscio HIGHLIGHTS: GRADES





n’t get rattled “Emily, who does r team stay easily, helped ou lm. Her strengths collected and ca ng and digging.” are serving, passi ic — Coach Ar nautov






“Kathryn was the team’s ‘Ene rgizer Bunny,’ alway s ready to take on any challenge pu t in front of he r. H er passion to co mpete reflecte d on her teammates.” — Coach Arnau tovic HIGHLIGHTS: JV G GRADES 10–1 RADE 9; VARSITY 2; JV TEAM M IP


AMANDA BARTLEY “Amanda brought experience and height to our team and was a force at the net as a blocker and hitter.” — Coach Arnautovic


CATHY (KAIXIN) YE “Cathy gave the team stability as setter, made great improvements over the years, and was a vital part of our success. She is a great team play er, always looking out for the well-be ing of her teammates.” — Coach Arn autovic





ing co-captain of “Pat was an encourag ently worked to the JV team and consist ticularly in her improve her skills, par and a server.” roles as a reliable setter — Coach Zeffer ES 9–11; VARSITY HIGHLIGHTS: JV GRAD T DEDICATED” OS “M JV GRADE 12); 2017

36 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021


KRISTINA “ANNA” O ’HANLON “Joining in her junior year, Anna was a valua ble addition to our volleyball progra m and was committe d to personal growth. Her overall ded ication to her teamm ate s and her positive attitude earne d her a Sportsmanship Award, granted to he r by the 2019 JV Coach es and sponsored by the Parents Association.” — Coach Zeffer HIGHLIGHTS: JV GRAD




ELIANA KATZIN “Eliana’s natural leadership skills and dedication as co-captain were integral to the season. Likewise, she was the backbone of our defense as a skillful sweeper.” — Coach Zeigler HIGHLIGHTS: VARSITY GRADES 9–12; 2019 WWNEPSSA ALL-STAR, HVAL ALL-LEAGUE, MVP-DEFENSE



“Though Adama was new to the team last year, he r athleticism shon e through, and sh e put her rugby skills to good use as a starting defender .” — Coach Zeigler HIGHLIGHTS: VA RSITY GRADES 11 –12



rd, Lauren “As our fearless forwa the field on ion saw a lot of act t season. las rer sco and was our top and grit in We admire her focus Zeigle r ach Co — ” the game. GRADES 9, 11–12; HIGHLIGHTS: VARSITY AR HONORABLE 2019 NEPSAC JR. ALL-ST NSE MENTION, MVP-OFFE




CHLOE KRASNE “New to the team last season, Chloe quickly became a key midfielder/striker whose cheerful disposition and school spirit helped bring together a young team.” — Coach Zeigler HIGHLIGHTS: VARSITY GRADES 11–1 2

o a confident “Jordan has grown int th an eye wi yer midfielder, a pla leader the m tea for strategy, and a for her to ked younger girls loo Zeigle r ach Co — ” t. insight and suppor GRADES 9–12 HIGHLIGHTS: VARSITY







ate ul teamm a wonderf n e e d b e s lp a e “Max h e has h keepers. H r u o r. e f o re e as on hout his ca m throug e to the progra in practic rked hard o w s his y a e g He alw challen skills and is h e v e ro Mors imp s.” — Coach teammate RSITY ES 9–10; VA : JV GRAD “COACHES” TS H G LI H HIG –12; 2018 JV GRADES 11

“For two season Garret played on the JV team, but emerged as one of the most improved players his junior year. He started all of our games last season and was a major force for us as a fullback.” — Coach Morse HIGHLIGHTS: JV GRADES 9–10; VARSITY GRADES 11–12; 2019 VARSITY MIP


PATRICK MURPHY “Patrick has contribute d just about as much as anyone could to the varsity program. He was select ed to be one of the team’s captains as a jun ior. His heart and desire to compete ear ned him honors at the New England level. ” — Coach Morse


LAMONT WATSON had “Lamont is an excellent athlete who to Harvey. really never played soccer prior roved During the years, his foot skills imp was immensely. When on the field, he a threat excellent at pressuring the ball and over the to score when we played the ball Coach Morse top and he could use his speed.” —




ZI GLUCKSMAN “It has been a pleasure to see Zi’s improvement as a soccer player. His work ethic duri ng the junior season was second to none. What Zi lack ed in skills he made up with hustle and heart. I just wish that he could have played his seni or year as a starter.” — Coach Morse HIGHLIGHTS: JV GRADES 11–12; VARS ITY GRADE 12

38 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021



ron was an offensive “For three seasons, Aa is very skilled as a threat for Harvey. He lity to score beautiful player and has the abi ce. It is a shame that goals from long distan nce as a senior to lead he did not get the cha which he worked the team as co-captain, sons.” — Coach Morse hard for over three sea GRADES 9–12 HIGHLIGHTS: VARSITY,



“The varsity coaching staff would like to thank James Av ery for his dedication to the soccer program. He would have been on the varsity team this fall as one of our defenders.” — Coach Morse




to contribute h a serious injury ug ro th ed ttl ba sed “Andrew season. He is bles am in his junior ly in rta to the varsity te ce ch hi h, w ll skills and touc e. with excellent ba m ga a ce of to control the pa helped our team ributor to nt co r ajo m en a He would have be — Coach Morse and its success.” this year’s team GRADES 11–12 GRADE 9; VARSITY HIGHLIGHTS: JV

Emily at St. Bonaventure University Kathryn at Oklahoma State University


Congratulations to seniors Emily McKenna and Kathryn Ogg, signed to play D1 college softball after Harvey


alumni news Dear Harvey Alumni, It is with great pleasure that I write the first of, what I hope to be, my many letters for Harvey Magazine. What an honor it is to be following in the footsteps of Dan Chapman as the next president of the Harvey Alumni Association. I am fully aware of the large shoes that I have to fill in this role and I am very much looking forward to the challenge. My family’s connection to Harvey spans three generations. In addition to me, my brother, John ’97, also graduated from Harvey, and my sister, Alex, attended Harvey Middle School. Our father, John Casano Sr., previously served on the Harvey Board of Trustees, and currently, my son, Cade Gilligan, is an eighth grader at Harvey. My husband, Sean Gilligan, and I also have 11-year-old twin daughters, Mallon and Rylan. Our family’s love for Harvey runs deep, and we are thrilled to have the ability to remain so connected to the wonderful community that is Harvey. As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times, it has become even more evident how strong the Harvey community truly is. The commitment of the Harvey faculty and staff to ensure the campus was prepared to bring the students back has been incredible but not surprising. The resilience that the entire Harvey community has shown is a testament to how special a place The Harvey School truly is. Throughout the pandemic, the community has remained united, working tirelessly to ensure the safety of facility, staff, and students. The dedication to the reopening process has led to students being able to engage in either on-campus learning, hybrid, or fully remote learning options, ensuring that all students and families feel comfortable in these uncertain times yet remain fully integrated into the wonderful Harvey community. With the departure of not only Dan Chapman but also Sally Breckenridge, who was such an integral part of the connection with Harvey alums, the current alumni team, led by Susie Danziger and Greg Janos ’98, are working hard to connect and engage with the alumni community as our alumni are so very valuable to our school. I am extraordinarily lucky to be working with a wonderful team in the Alumni office, and we are so excited about what is to come! Again, I am honored to have been selected to be the next Alumni Association president and would like to thank you all for your continued support of the Harvey community. Warm regards,

Lara Casano ’95, Harvey Alumni Association, President 40 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021

Alumni Event

Alumni Portal

We want to hear from our alums! Please take a moment to update us on your professional and educational endeavors and accomplishments so we can help you network with other Harvey alumni. You can update your information on the Alumni Portal on the Harvey website, or send us an email at alumni@harveyschool.org. You can also find us on social media:

Harvey Gets Roasted Featuring Laura High ’06 Harvey alumni Zoomed in to catch up with old friends and share a few laughs at an exclusive Harvey only alumni comedy show December 10, featuring stand-up comedian and actor Laura High ’06. With a little humor poking good fun at Harvey, alums spanning several decades enjoyed a good laugh and banter. Many thanks to Laura for giving us a front-row seat for her brilliant comedic talent.

Lost Alumni & Former Students The following are alumni and former students for whom we do not have contact information. If you have any information on these individuals, please contact alumni@harveyschool.org to help us reconnect with them.



Peter Welles Robert F. Young Carleton Chadbourne Keene C. Brown Robert C. James

John E. Mannion Robert Haig III John Davis Jacques L. Moxhet Walker G. Buckner



Jean F. Cattier Phillips Clark Robert Cluett IV Nicholas Tritton Thomas E. Sopwith G. Harding Thompson

Ian McAllister Peter Brower

1951 James H. Wallace David Gerli William T. Gosset

1966 Hamilton Sporborg Wilbur Bradley Stark Jr. Charles W. Shipley Robert Inglis Michael D. Nelson Phillip Smith

1971 Steven L. Boyette John J. Wagner Ronald McLean III Richard Lamb




David Kleven Wilson R. Newlon Mark A. MacKenzie Scott Meyer Andrew Jenkins Leslie Snyder John N. Hall William J. Florence B. Noland Carter Edward N. Ross

Matthew Kurtz

Natalie Sultan Alexander Arbizo


1991 Christopher Appel Adam Potash Robert Lattarulo Jr. Susan Cordes Darling


2006 Alyssa Nardozzi Christianne Salmayr Sean Zackrison Peter Achenbaum Elyssa Respaut

William O’Neill Taulbee Randolph Daniel Casarella

Herbert Morash

harveyschool.org 41

class notes To submit a note or share your Harvey memories,

please contact your class agent or the alumni office at alumni@harveyschool.org.

42 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021




Lute Thompson turned 98 in April and got together with his family members far and wide to celebrate via Zoom.

Class Agent: Alex McKown, (718) 392-1373, alexander.mckown@gmail.com

Class Agent: Alex Edwards-Bourdrez, (631) 754-1041, alexb2@gmail.com



James Hanrahan still sees classmates Al and Dick Willard. Al and his wife moved to a nearby farm in Rutherfordton, North Carolina, and have been helping James restore his 1939 Century Runabout for cruises on Lake Lure. Dick comes to Asheville several times a year to visit from his home in Maine. James enjoys living with his two golden retrievers, boating, cooking, watching movies, reading, travel, and collecting classic cars and motorcycles.

Class Agent: Phil Eifert, (914) 232-6489, peifert@yahoo.com

1941 // 80th Reunion Class Agent: Jim Wood, (914) 922-1559, jimandtwink@gmail.com Jim Wood, longtime Class Agent, is retired and having a great time with his great-grandchildren. His favorite Harvey memory was watching Archie Coolidge with his snakes. What he learned from Harvey was “study hard/play hard.”

1944 John Loeb welcomed a new grandchild, Jackson Loeb, born to his son Nicholas and his girlfriend, Ilaria. He also has a granddaughter, Penelope.

1961 // 60th Reunion Class Agent: Sandy Gabel, (919) 693-8099, sandy.gabel@icloud.com

Kent Guernsey was promoted to branch manager for Morgan Stanley in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

1978 Class Agent: Patrick Peterkin, (203) 655-9917, p_peterkin@yahoo.com

1983 Class Agents: Melinda Frey Arkin, bentleyshop@aol.com; Joshua Rosenthal, (970) 385-4723, weplay@bresnan.net


1951 // 70th Reunion

Carey Rodd works in a very large nursing home, donning masks and PPE, as well as dealing with emails from the State Department of Health, CDC, and the long-term care association.

1956 // 65th Reunion


Class Agent: John Crawford, (540) 247-8810, celect@comcast.net

Class Agent: Rev. Malcolm Starring, (603) 444-6016, mfstarring@gmail.com

John Crawford is retired and spending summers in Bath, Maine, and winters at the old homestead in Virginia. He said he is married to “a woman who must have had a nomad in her ancestry” because they travel incessantly. They recently traveled to Botswana, Thailand, and St. John but had to cancel trips to Morocco and Spain due to COVID-19. John is still flying at the young age of 80, playing tennis, pickleball, and racketball. He has two children and two grandchildren who all live in Charleston, South Carolina.

Gregory Kriser welcomed his first grandchild in August, a granddaughter born to his son, Ryan, and his wife, Heather. Malcolm “Mac” Starring Mac retired in September 2019 as the Pastor of Faith Bible Church in Littleton, New Hampshire after 33 years. His favorite Harvey memories include playing Josephine, the heroine, in “HMS Pinafore,” and playing Capture the Flag on the side field to the right of the road leading up to the school.

1984 Class Agent: Herbert Sloan, (203) 438-0051, hjs1988@yahoo.com

follow us! facebook.com/TheHarveySchool





harveyschool.org 43

1988 Class Agents: Charles Collin, (860) 263-7972, chascolin@gmail.com; Laurel E. Meredith, (917) 280-5233, laurel.meredith@gmail.com Charles Collin has four children, works for ESPN, and lives in West Hartford, Connecticut. Adam Donofrio is a Bronx, New York, detective, has four children, and lives in Brewster, New York. David Hammer is CEO of a large consumer products business and is based in Florida. He has three boys, the eldest, 18. Laurel (Elkind) Meredith accepted a new position in February with Whip Media Group as VP Sales North America. The company specializes in software and data solutions for media and entertainment. She has three children, Natalie, Gabriel, and Ella. Her husband, Chris, works in finance and also teaches as an adjunct professor at the MBA program at Cornell University. Laurel says: “Harvey was like a second home to me. I found myself

Looking for Class Agents or Reunion Coordinators Keys of being a Class Agent: • Share information about school events, local get-togethers, news from campus and current students • Write periodic class letters and emails; establish class group on Facebook • Update class rosters • Locate “lost” classmates 44 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021

there into the evenings thanks to Model UN, drama, yearbook, practices, and student government. I was clearly not a natural athlete, but my coaches pushed me, and I ended up enjoying athletics more than I could have imagined. Lots of great memories of the bus rides to and from those games with a great close-knit and supportive group of girls.”

Recalling his days at Harvey, Peter says, “I entered Harvey as an underdog and left Harvey with a ton of experiences.” He adds, “I love being the underdog.”

Class Agent: Chris Abrenica, (914) 556-8344, cabrenica71@outlook.com

Peter Mason announced with “a heavy heart and infinite sadness” that he closed his restaurant, Southbound BBQ, at the end of September due to the effects of COVID-19. Prior to following a passion-point and opening the restaurant, Peter had a successful career in sales and marketing, and is looking to bring more than 25 years of experience, talent, and connections to his next adventure.

Joseph Carilli was promoted to Assistant U.S. Attorney for the U.S. Attorney’s office for the District of Columbia.

Jennifer Neumann started a new position as a clinical systems analyst at MultiCare Health System.



Class Agent: Peter Hall, (518) 369-1991, hallpeter1@gmail.com

Class Agent: Russell Stamm, (781) 329-3004, rcstamm@rcstammco.com


Peter Hall is living in Arizona after 20 years in the upstate New York area of Albany and Saratoga Springs and works for a software company called SportsEngine.

Jeannette Brandt Stark ’96

Allan Dilone Rodriguez ’20

There can be more than one agent per class, so grab a friend and get involved in the Harvey community There are currently vacancies for class agents in the classes of 1942–1955, 1958–1960, 1962–1964, 1966–1967, 1969–1972, 1974–1977, 1979–1982, 1985–1987, 1991–1993, 2000, 2010.

David Stark ’96

If you cannot take on a class agent post, please consider volunteering to serve your class as a Reunion Coordinator. Classes with an involved Reunion Coordinator have had more successful reunions with a higher turnout.

To volunteer or if you have questions, please contact alumni@harveyschool.org.

class notes

1995 Class Agents: Lara W. Casano, (347) 539-7301, Gilligan.school@gmail.com; Raphael Miranda, (917) 520-7808, mirandaraphael@hotmail.com Raphael Miranda, WNBC-TV NY meteorologist, created a short video message for the Class of 2020, offering some words of wisdom and congratulations that were shared at the Commencement ceremony in early June. Corey Muse married his new bride, Katie, September 4, 2020. Michael Malloy left the oil industry and accepted a job with the Denver Police Department as a COVID-19 site tester, allowing him to see the real-life effect of the pandemic. Now he is working full time in civil construction management.

1996 // 25th Reunion Class Agents: Keith Harrigan, (412) 853-9392, kh1843@gmail.com; David Stark, (336) 771-5303, dlstark@kpmg.com; Jeannette Brandt Stark, (336) 771-5303, jeanettemstark@gmail.com Steve Masiello, in his 10th year as head coach of the Manhattan College men’s basketball team, will go head to head with his longtime mentor, new Iona coach Rick Pitino, when the Jaspers meet the Gaels in back-to-back matchups in New Rochelle March 5 and 6. For a deep dive into the special relationship the two coaches share, read mcquad.org/2020/07/25/rick-pitinosnew-chapter-at-iona-casts-new-light-onhistory-with-steve-masiello. David Stark lives in North Carolina with his wife and fellow Harvey alum Jeanette (Brandt) Stark, along with their three boys, Chris (13), Gabe (9), and Ben (5). Almost all of their extended family have moved to North Carolina as well, including Matt Stark ’92, and David’s parents, Tim and Char Stark, who worked at Harvey for nearly 40 years before retiring. David’s brother Andrew ’98 lives nearby in

“Fun fact: David ’96 and Jeanette ’96 are still the only Neperan-Pocantico marriage.”

Richmond, Virginia, while brother Jonathan ’07 still lives in the New York area. David works for KPMG and for the last two years has led the Southeastern Development and Exempt Organization Tax Practice. He works primarily with large nonprofits including universities, health care systems, charitable endowments, and pension funds. Fun fact: David and Jeanette are still the only NeperanPocantico marriage. Jeanette (Brandt) Stark started a new position last year as the General Counsel for Piedmont Advantage Credit Union. As part of the executive leadership team, she provides oversight to risk management and compliance, BSA and fraud, collections, human resources, employee training, and legal. Jeanette is also the vice president and a director of the PACU Foundation, which she helped form as a way for Piedmont Advantage Credit Union’s employees and members to give back and foster sustainable financial health in local communities in North Carolina. Jeanette’s sister, Meredith ’96, also lives in North Carolina.

1997 Class Agent: Blayre Farkas, (561) 929-1802, carolynfarkas@gmail.com

1998 Class Agent: Greg Janos, (845) 857-7688, gjanos@harveyschool.org

1999 Class Agent: Amy Albert Morello, papillia@hotmail.com Heather Soss was married June 13, 2020, to Christopher McKulsky and started a new job at Sisley Paris in September. Elizabeth Willingham started grad school at Columbia University in fall 2020. She spent a decade as a teacher, recruiter, and member of the leadership team at several charter schools in low-income areas of Harlem and Brooklyn. She now runs workshops all over the country for teachers and student teachers on classroom management and hiring practices, which she loves. She has a 3-year-old daughter, River, who is “a firecracker,” and they live in the Riverdale section of the Bronx.

2000 Jacob Gambaccini welcomed a baby boy, Ronan Thomas, April 15, 2020, joining two sisters born in 2013 and 2016. Gabriella (Geysel) Schwager lives in Florida with her husband, Eric, and 6-yearold son, Dylan. She has two careers; one as a real estate agent and another as the CEO/ CO-Founder of her own company, Stars Marketing Group, planning events and creating social media campaigns for reality TV stars and social media influencers. Gabriella loves both her jobs, which keep her busy, but she still finds time to coach her son’s soccer team. harveyschool.org 45

2001 // 20th Reunion

2006 // 15th Reunion

Class Agent: Jennifer J. Vogeney, (914) 494-9397, jenn.j.vogeney@gmail.com

Class Agents: Gregory Jurschak, (914) 260-8133, gjurschak@gmail.com; Teresa Neri, (914) 462-7440, teresa.neri12@gmail.com

Tara (McGarvey) DiCorcia became a high school biology teacher drawn to education because of her positive high school experience at Harvey. She has always loved life science, which was fostered by her own Harvey biology teacher, Marcie (McGowan) Hajem. Tara has been teaching science for 14 years and earned her national board certification in adolescent science in 2013. She lives in the Hudson Valley with her husband and 3 ½-year-old daughter.

2002 Class Agent: Tiffany Franqui Hamilton, (845) 612-9858, travelsize84@gmail.com Tucker Kiessling was hired full time to teach English at Harvey for the 2020–21 school year. He was a substitute teacher during the 2019–20 school year and did some observations at Harvey during 2018, while earning his master’s in teaching from NYU.

2003 Class Agent: Jaclyn Walker, (914) 319-1699, JaclynMarisaWalker@gmail.com

2004 Class Agent: Maria Neri, (845) 279-5234 Nicholas “Nic” Grala started a new position as a managing director at Merrill Lynch Wealth Management after 13 years at JPMorgan Chase.

2005 Class Agent: Brian Ryerson, (914) 329-6863, ryersonb@gmail.com

46 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021

2007 Class Agents: Doniella McKoy, (914) 960-9375, donimckoy@yahoo.com; Alexandra Pugliese, (914) 760-0119, alexandra.m.pugliese@gmail.com Brandon Brooks moved to San Francisco to join Adobe as a customer success manager after spending two years earning his MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management, focusing on marketing, entrepreneurship, and technology. He also has a B.S. in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University. In his new role, Brandon says, “I’ll combine the love for marketing, technology, and relationship development I pursued in the first stage of my career at a company that shares my values for authenticity, creativity, and inclusivity.” Thomas Theurkauf and his wife welcomed a baby girl named Edith in October 2020.

2008 Class Agents: Gretel Coleman, (914) 234-0907, gretelcoleman@gmail.com; Dylan Hackley, (914) 482-5318, dhack@me.com Allison (Zakre) Tabor is the associate director of admissions at Stevens Cooperative School in Hoboken, New Jersey, where she and her husband live. Having completed a dual master’s degree in science in teaching adolescents grades 7–12 with a focus in teaching social studies and special education at Fordham University, Allison credits Harvey with developing and fostering her love of studying history and politics both as a student and later as a teacher at Harvey. “I had the opportunity to learn from teachers who had a true passion for their subject, and I was then able to teach alongside many of my former mentors,” Allison said. In her leisure

Allison Tabor ’08 and her Matilda share a cuddly car ride together.

time, Allison enjoys traveling, spending time with family and friends, and taking short walks with her English bulldog, Matilda.

2009 Class Agents: Andrew Jamieson, (203) 273-3884, andrewjamieson91@icloud.com; Erika Osborne, osborne7937@gmail.com; Peter Sorenson, (914) 438-7486, psorenson68@gmail.com; Megan Taylor, (914) 234-6205, meg.kerrytaylor@gmail.com Jason O’Brien moved to sunny St. Augustine, Florida, and works at a vitamin and supplement company. Megan Taylor, now in her sixth year teaching English at Harvey, married Pete Scholes December 20, 2020. Meg said of the wedding, “We figured why not? We will celebrate with everyone over the summer. Let’s end this crazy year on the best note possible!” She added, “Mother Nature even threw in a little snowy surprise!”

Megan Taylor ’09 and husband Pete Scholes.

class notes

2011 // 10th Reunion Class Agents: Amelia Slater, (914) 874-7436, ameliajslater1@gmail.com; Nicolette A. St. Lawrence, (914) 707-0414, ns669@cornell.edu; Konrad Testwuide, (914) 953-9006, ktestwuide@gmail.com Rachel Dimowitz joined LISC as its new office manager, responsible for the operations of its new 60,000-square foot national headquarters based in New York City. Malik Garvin was named Director of Ice Hockey in Harlem (IHIH) in August 2020. Malik has been involved with IHIH since he was 4 years old, when he learned how to skate and participated in after-school programs and summer camps throughout his youth. He graduated from Western New England University in Springfield, Massachusetts, with a B.S. in Accounting and Finance and also played D3 hockey. He spent two years working with Bronx Lacrosse. Malik considers his new directorship his “dream job” and is happy to be with an organization “that has done so much for my family and generations of Harlem youth.”

2012 Class Agents: Brandon Hickey, (845) 270-8670, hickbg05@gmail.com; Brett Marks, (914) 815-1686, brettmarks94@gmail.com; Nicole Pugliese, (914) 760-7148, npug@umich.edu; Julian Rissetto, (914) 539-1175, j.rissetto@icloud.com; Maya Sank, (203) 803-5850, mayasank7@gmail.com; Daniel Schonning, (203) 788-6811, danny.schonning@yahoo.com; Natalia R. St Lawrence, (914) 707-0406; Mikhyle Stein, (914) 419-4615, mick909@gmail.com Brandon Hickey recently graduated from the NYC Department of Environmental Protection Police Academy, and was assigned to a station in Yonkers, where he is helping protect the city’s critical infrastructure for the water system that channels water from the Catskills through aqueducts leading to the city. In summer

Malik Garvin ’11 (right) with Todd Levy (left) and NHL Hall of Famer Rod Gilbert (center)

Erica Cheyne ’14 standing outside Coca-Cola corporation

2019, Brandon went to Ireland and won a world championship event in hurling, a traditional Irish sport he was introduced to while in college.

Ricky Shulman is coaching lacrosse full time for Darien High School and Express North Lacrosse Club. He credits his Harvey coaches (Messrs. Kelly, Hill, Morse, and Halewicz) with inspiring him to have a positive impact on the growth and development of young men as they did for him when he attended Harvey.

Brett Marks has been working at Columbia Records in Los Angeles as part of the touring and business development team. He has worked on events with major gaming corporations like Fortnite, Roblox, and Riot Games. Nicole Pugliese is currently in her second year of teaching fifth grade social studies in a Bronx charter school she helped found. This year, Nikki is also participating in Relay Graduate School for Education, pursuing her master’s degree in history/social studies curriculum. She serves as the grade-level chair of the fifth grade and also participates in the KIPP Social Studies District Working Group to discuss pedagogy and develop curriculum for her district. After graduating from Harvey, Maya Sank founded her own business, Maya Moves. Today, Maya Moves offers an umbrella of ways for people to move their bodies. In addition to teaching several styles of dance to all levels, Maya offers custom private lessons and small-group sessions, grouping together fitness and dance, or two styles in one. Maya holds a BFA in Dance Performance and Choreography from Elon University in North Carolina, and spent a year living in Jerusalem, Israel, dancing and studying with a company. She now lives in NYC. mayamovesofficial.com

2013 Class Agents: Sharif Koonce, (914) 356-1553, skoonce29@gmail.com; Karina K. Lambert, (914) 844-9123, karina.k.lambert@gmail.com; Ben Walant, (203) 947-4541, bwalant@gmail.com

2014 Class Agents: Christian Artuso, (914) 462-0302, cjartuso@aol.com; Erica Cheyne, (914) 708-9482, ericacheyne@outlook.com Living in Chicago for nearly a year, Christian Artuso works for a major marketing firm. He has also been studying for his CFA and consulting with a Forex proprietary trading firm. Outside work, Christian is still playing rugby and volunteering at his local animal shelter. After graduating from Loyola University Maryland in 2018, Julia Peraglia moved to Baltimore and started working in the field of applied behavior analysis. She currently works as a behavioral therapist at The Shafer Center (TSC), a school dedicated to promoting the independence of children with autism. Through individualized applied behavior analysis, speech therapy, harveyschool.org 47

occupational therapy, and special education plans, Julia and her colleagues strive to guide these children to meet their fullest potential.

2015 Class Agents: Julia Chatzky, (914) 420-6876, jbc310@gmail.com; Richard Hicks, (914) 233-6825, hicks.ricky1@gmail.com; Brendan Kneitz, bkneitz24@gmail.com; Ariana Weaver, (914) 703-0008, arianaweaver@gmail.com Julia Chatzky started a new job in September 2020 as the partnership coordinator with A I R E, a management and consulting company with unique positioning in the wellness, lifestyle, and beauty sector. Thomas Gattuso graduated in a virtual spring commencement ceremony in May with a B.A. in interactive media studies from Miami University. Jack Mather graduated from the University of Connecticut in December 2020 with a degree in economics and a minor in human development and family studies. Jack, who has worked as an assistant to Harvey’s boys varsity basketball head coach Denis Arnautovic for the past three years, hopes to continue in that role. Eamon Murphy graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania in 2019. He recently ended a contract role with the New York State Department of Labor and started a new position with UncommonGoods. He spends his free time hanging out with friends and enjoying the beach in Queens, New York. After working with the Peace Corps, Angelique Santiago is now a dual master’s candidate studying Conflict Resolution and Coexistence and Global Health Policy and Management at The Heller School for Social Policy & Management at Brandeis University in Massachusetts. 48 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021

Jameson Scarsella reports having recently completed another seasonal role with Disney Streaming Services and the National Hockey League as part of NHL.com’s content editorial and production team. In this job, Jameson edited articles written by NHL staff writers, added media such as videos and highlights, and sent club alerts regarding hockey news and promotions. He hopes to be back with the content team at the start of the 2020–21 season. After playing three years of junior hockey, Mark Siegel was recruited to play NCAA Division III hockey at Anna Maria College in Paxton, Massachusetts, where he is currently a junior. Laura Spung moved to Jacksonville, North Carolina, to work as an environmental engineer for the Marine Corps at Camp Lejeune and is very excited about this new chapter in her career. Ariana Weaver is an admissions counselor at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, her college alma mater. She is in the process of writing a book and a screenplay. She loves to practice yoga and stay at the beach for as long as possible.

2016 // 5th Reunion Class Agents: Hannah Herrera, (914) 714-5407, Hannahv_herrera@yahoo.com; Tyler Levy, (914) 572-3020, bbhockey22@gmail.com Rohan Cassells is currently working as an analyst for JPMorgan Chase in its commercial bank headquarters. In September, Rohan celebrated his 21st birthday following his graduation from Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, last May. Ariel Chiverton was named to the spring 2020 dean’s list at Loyola University Maryland. After graduating from Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York in May 2020, Samantha Danziger moved to Nantucket Island where she is a DJ at ACK-FM radio and the Communications and Education Coordinator at Congregation Shirat Ha

Ariana Weaver ’15 at her graduation from Wake Forest University

Emily Sirota ’16 receiving a kiss from mom upon graduating from Davidson College

Yam. Samantha also adopted a pup, Ellie, from Incredible Pups Rescue, and is enjoying every minute. After graduating this past May from Ithaca College with a degree in health and physical education, Julia Frisch worked for the summer as a head counselor at Camp Nabby in Mohegan Lake, New York. She is currently working as a health education teacher at Monroe-Woodbury High School in Central Valley, New York. In April, she adopted an amazing little puppy, Archie, from Incredible Pups Rescue and reports she loves being a “dog mom.” Shawn Mallon graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania at a virtual undergraduate celebration May 31, 2020. Aila Prieto was named to the 2020 dean’s list for the University of Delaware. After graduating from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania in May 2020 with academic honors and departmental honors in political science and sociology and anthropology, Melissa Shaw-Patino is now studying for the LSAT and plans to attend law school. Emily Sirota recently graduated from Davidson College in North Carolina with a B.A. in Biology, pre-dental track, and a concentration in digital studies. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Translational Medicine at City College before applying to dental schools in summer 2021.

class notes

David Solano has accepted an offer from Drink Alchemy as a marketing intern. Drink Alchemy is a startup in the sports beverage industry, and he is excited to utilize what he has learned in marketing in this new position. Jane Wiesenberg was named to the 2020 dean’s list at Union College in Schenectady, New York. She majored in political science and sociology.

2017 Class Agents: Joseph Bakas, (914) 708-6131, bakasjoe@gmail.com; Alexandra Barber, (914) 414-7353, lgbarber1999@gmail.com; Jewel Li, (914) 920-1409, lijewel1117@gmail.com; John Wise, (203) 637-7876 Alex Appel is in his senior year at the University of Denver, Colorado. During the summer, he had an internship with InMotion Hosting, a company that hosts other websites’ data. He was a development intern for eight months, ending in the summer. He reports that his internship helped him in his job search going forward. After earning her associate degree May 2020 from Hillyer College at the University of Hartford in Connecticut, where she made both the dean’s list and the president’s list, Maddy Blinderman is now a junior at the

University of Hartford. At Hillyer, she was awarded a scholarship based on her academic success and saw one of her poems published in the college literary magazine. Maddy is taking all psychology classes and working toward her goal of becoming a clinical psychologist. She serves as a mentor for first-year students in the Women’s Advancement Initiative and sits on the student board for the University of Hartford Hillel. In her spare time, she enjoys keeping in shape by doing indoor cycling and HIIT workouts. Jared Ellis received The Dean of Students Award in May from Muhlenberg College in Pennsylvania. This honor is awarded to the fraternal organization that has had the greatest impact on its members, the college, and the larger community. Drew Reno is a senior at American University in Washington, D.C., majoring in strategic public relations and communications and minoring in marketing. A student-athlete, Drew plays lacrosse for American and earned Patriot League Honor Roll spring 2020. Before attending American, Drew played two years of lacrosse at UMass Amherst where her team went to the Atlantic-10 championship two years in a row. She earned Atlantic-10 Conference Commissioner’s Honor Roll, University of Massachusetts 2018–19 and 2017–18. Drew was also on the UMass Amherst’s dean’s list in 2018 and 2019.

Now a senior at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, Catalina Ruiz-Jimenez is working toward graduating this spring with a major in economics and a minor in psychology. She received a return offer from her summer internship at Yext and will be joining the data management company next year after graduation. Her role consists of data analytics and configuration, as well as client-facing work with a variety of companies ranging from big banks to McDonald’s and smaller, lesser-known businesses. She studied abroad last spring in Sydney, Australia, and visited places such as Singapore, Thailand, Bali, and the Cook Islands of Rarotonga and Aitutaki. She also recently completed a road trip to school and hiked along the Appalachian Trail.

2018 Class Agents: Marissa Annechiarico, (845) 546-2011, marissa.annechiarico@yahoo.com; Yulanda Huang, (203) 947-2885, hjuewei@163.com; Chloe Savitch, (914) 393-9432, cbsavitch@aol.com; John Sullivan, (914) 217-6364, johns2388@aol.com Sadie Albert is currently in her third year at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, California. Sadie is studying public health and is a part of the club women’s lacrosse team,

Refer a friend to Harvey! Small classes, inspiring teachers, rigorous academics, and an array of extracurriculars instill in students a passion for lifelong learning and the confidence to pursue individual passions.

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public health club, and several local activist groups. She also plays intramural soccer and football throughout the year and has become an avid hiker to stay active. During the pandemic, she has been contact tracing to help slow the spread of COVID-19. She lets people know if they have been exposed to the virus, helps them get tested, and asks people to self-isolate if they have come in close contact with the virus. Sadie hopes to be back on the lacrosse field soon. After discovering her true passion for the fashion industry, Marissa Annechiarico transferred to FIDM in Los Angeles, California, where she is studying fashion design. After working as a model and traveling the world, including walking in New York Fashion Week five times, Miami Swim Week twice, Paris Fashion Week twice, and in both LA and London Fashion Weeks, Marissa now teaches runway classes and is working on her own fashion brand. She thanks Harvey for harvesting her love for fashion design and instilling in her that with hard work, she will make an impact on the fashion world. Before COVID-19, Lizzie Kavounas was on a gap year traveling around the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand. Her first excursion was a National Outdoor Leadership School trip in the backcountry, living out of a backpack for three months and coming into town only for occasional one-night stays. She then went to Australia to help with the fire restoration and then to New Zealand to learn about its culture.

Tell Us What's New With You! To submit Class Notes: Send notes, images, or both to alumni@harveyschool.org. For short milestone info (weddings, engagements, births), please include full name and dates. Photo tips: • Set your camera to best setting. • Photo size 4 x 6, in 300 dpi. • Save files as .jpg or .tiff. • Identify people in the picture. • Attach file to email. 50 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021

Marissa Annechiarico ’18

Cian Keohane is a junior at Nichols College in Massachusetts and currently playing lacrosse, looking for another big year after leading the conference in assists last year, and finishing second in the conference in points. Chloe Savitch is currently a junior at Union College in Schenectady, New York, majoring in theater with a sociology and psychology double minor. She recently became a coach for Girls on the Run, a nonprofit with the goal of building strong girls whom she connected with through her sorority, Gamma Phi Beta. She is also the social chair of Chabad on Campus and a member of the Ultimate Frisbee Club, Planned Parenthood Generation Action Club, and the Environmental Club.

2019 Class Agents: Treshawn Felder, (347) 792-7458, joel@harlemlacrosse.org; Charlotte Levy, (914) 238-1099, charlottehailey16@gmail.com; Sebastian Wallach, (914) 763-2579, sebski01@gmail.com; Courtney Warren, (914) 755-6960, courtrw1@gmail.com During the summer, Giselle Garcia started a podcast called “Jumping Through Hoops” to bring light to different issues that are uniquely experienced by teenagers, such as body confidence, heartbreak, self-love,

adjusting to college, as well as touching on matters of justice and Black Lives Matter. Giselle reports getting hundreds of listeners and appreciates the opportunity to be able to have a platform where she can lend her voice to important topics. Season 2 of her show premieres this winter. In other news, Giselle is on the e-board of an Afro-Latinx organization called ALIANZA, at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., where she is currently enrolled. As the public relations chair, Giselle collaborates with other organizations on campus to plan events related to uplifting and amplifying the voices of Afro-Latinx women and their experiences. She also finds professional development opportunities for her fellow Afro-Latinx women so they can grow and advance their professional careers. Carli Levethan is a second-year student at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York double-majoring in management and marketing. She participates in several business clubs, plays club volleyball, and volunteers locally. Once the pandemic is over, she hopes to travel to Europe. Charlotte Levy is a student at the University of Vermont Middlebury and is still playing soccer. Elizabeth Mahony was named to the Muhlenberg College, Pennsylvania, dean’s list for the spring 2020 semester. Sebastian Wallach is studying mechanical engineering at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania and is the treasurer of the Lafayette Outdoors Society, the vice president of the Lafayette Ski and Ride team, a Dyer Center (center for entrepreneurship and innovation) fellow, and co-captain of the Lafayette cycling team. In his free time, he enjoys biking, camping out, and spending time in the great outdoors. Courtney Warren recently joined the National Society of Leadership and Success. She is a student at St. John’s University in Queens, New York. Courtney is very excited to start working with this organization and learn how to become a better leader in society.

class notes

2020 Class Agents: Allan Dilone Rodriguez, (914) 393-3642, allanedilone@gmail.com; Daniel Galgano, (914) 763-0461, dpgalgano@gmail.com; Ryan Piken, (914) 628-4166, rypenguin57@gmail.com; Cameron Thomas, (914) 736-6565, cameronthomas155@hotmail.com


Former Faculty & Friends Dr. Kathryn Bach (Harvey faculty 2006–07) Former Harvey science faculty member Dr. Kathryn Bach has joined the teaching faculty of the Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine. Kathryn taught biology at Harvey. Tom Dodd (Harvey faculty 1959–61 & 1965–75) Tom Dodd celebrated his 80th birthday this past August. Tom’s family gathered along with his wife of 54 years, Marie Dodd, and presented him with a scrapbook of photos, well-wishes, and fond memories from friends and loved ones. Tom and Marie pored over the book together, reminiscing about their days at Harvey and sharing stories about life with the boarders and starting and raising a family on the Harvey campus. Cheers to a happy 80th, Tom!

Let’s go, Cavaliers! Calling All Past Harvey Athletes If your playing days continued after Harvey on a collegiate level, varsity or club, your high school alma mater wants to acknowledge your athletic achievement and have it serve as an inspiration to those who might follow in your footsteps. Harvey’s athletic department is looking for your help to track the college experiences of our alumni athletes and provide our current and future Harvey athletes with worthy goals to aspire to. You are living proof that it’s not just talent that breeds success but dedication, commitment, and character as well. With your help, the young women and men at Harvey will know their passion for competition can go beyond the fields and courts of Katonah.

Please email the following information to athletics@harveyschool.org: • • • • • • Tom Dodd celebrates his 80th birthday as his wife, Marie, celebrates her 75th

Name (maiden if you are married) Year of Harvey graduation Sports played at Harvey Name of college or university you attended Sport(s) played at college or university Any honors achieved (all-league, all-conference, team captain, etc.)

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In Memoriam John “Jock” Burbank Jr. ’56 July 10, 2020

We will be sharing information on a scholarship fund in honor of Jock Burbank ’56. For more information, please contact Susie Danziger (sdanziger@harveyschool.org)

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John “Jock” Howard Burbank Jr. was born March 3, 1942, in Providence, Rhode Island, and died at his home in Healdsburg, California, on July 10, 2020. He was predeceased by his parents, Dr. and Mrs. John H. Burbank (Mimi), and is survived by his two younger brothers, Michael Burbank of Waldoboro, Maine, and Stephen B. Burbank (Ellen) of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Jock grew up in Bedford Village, New York, and attended The Harvey School (’56) in Hawthorne, New York, now in Katonah, and Phillips Exeter Academy (’60) in Exeter, New Hampshire. After a semester at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, he joined the Army, learning Russian at the Presidio of Monterey in Monterey, California, and later translating intercepted Russian messages in the I.G. Farben Building in Frankfort am Main, Germany. Upon his honorable discharge in 1964, Jock began his teaching career at Harvey full-time while attending Columbia University, School of General Studies (’68, Phi Beta Kappa), in New York, at night. After moving to New Haven, he received his master’s degree in Slavic languages and literature from Yale (’70), where he also became fluent in Czech. Jock was a lauded scholar, a passionate linguist, and a beloved educator, teaching and serving in several distinguished administrative positions — from department head and assistant headmaster at The Harvey School to headmaster at Shady Side Academy Middle School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and finally at Wyoming Seminary Lower School in Forty Fort, Pennsylvania. Jock relished good literature, especially Russian and Czech, and delighted in linguistically based humor — in puns, word games, and literal translations of foreign expressions and expletives. Among other articles and pieces that he had translated and written about from Czech and Russian, at the time of his death he had been writing a book for teachers about how to teach Dostoevsky to students. Live music, squash, ice hockey, football, and bocce were particular favorites of his, along with both good French and Italian food. But most of all Jock cherished his four children, John H. Burbank III of San Francisco and Healdsburg, California, Elizabeth G. Burbank of New Haven, Connecticut, Michael G. Burbank (Chisti) of Woodstock, New York, and David G. Burbank of Healdsburg. He is also survived by his adored grandsons, Maxmillian Burbank and Samuel Burbank, Gray Burbank, nephew Peter Burbank, step-grandson Jonah Cohen, and his two former wives, Suzanne G. Kelley and Michelle G. Burbank, both of whom remained close friends with Jock until his death. A warm commemoration of Jock’s life will take place at a future time.

Tributes to Jock Burbank ’56 “We are saddened by the news of the recent death of John “Jock” Burbank Jr., who was first a student at Harvey and later an esteemed member of the faculty. Jock taught at Harvey first in 1964–1968 when he and his wife, Suzy, lived in an apartment in the O’Malley dorm. He was a Fifth Form corridor master and taught English, history, and gym in the lower school grades and coached varsity football. In 1975, Jock returned to Harvey to teach English and French as well as hold positions as chair of the modern languages department, director of admissions and financial aid, and associate headmaster, among others. Jock developed long-time friendships with fellow Harvey teachers and was especially close to Rose Baldwin and her family. On several of his visits to Harvey alumni functions in the past years, Jock shared that he considered his many years at Harvey a major part of his life and treasured his remembrances. Jock’s two brothers, Michael ’58 and Stephen ’60, are also Harvey alumni.” — Susie Danziger, Director of Development “When I became assistant headmaster at Harvey, Jock Burbank was my mentor. He taught me to put the students first in any decision I made. Jock taught me to listen but to push toward resolution at the right time. He worked tirelessly, often into the late hours of the night. When I became an administrator, I was surprised how much work there was to do, but Jock’s selfless commitment to excellence in everything he did was a model for me. Aside from this, he was always approachable, kind, and sensible. He gave me the confidence to believe that I could succeed as an administrator. I really owe him everything. Jock was my friend, my colleague, and my teacher. I love him, and I feel his loss deeply.” — Jan Jacobi, (faculty 1973–82) “I was very sad to learn of Jock’s passing. He gave so much to Harvey and was very supportive of me as one of the first women administrators at Harvey. I am forever grateful.” — Cornelia (Skiff Readinger Carew) Jones, (faculty 1982–87) “As a French and Spanish teacher from 1978–85, I remember Jock fondly as my department chair and mentor. He was never in too much of a hurry to answer any questions I had, and he was quick to give praise when I did something well, like writing comments about my students at the end of each term. As Assistant Headmaster, he could be a tough disciplinarian to students when necessary, but he also had empathy for students who were struggling. In fact, it was often a contest between Jock and then Headmaster Harry Dawe as to which of them was going to be the ‘bleeding heart’ when one of the students had managed to get in trouble. At the start of my third year at Harvey, when my son, Scott Becker, was

seeking admission to the fourth grade (First Form in those days), Jock invited both of us to an interview in the admissions office. He lit the fire in the fireplace and made us feel very much at ease. I remember thinking at the time that he was treating me as a parent of a prospective student and not as an employee in his department. My husband, Steve LaRue, and I considered Jock a good friend to both of us. He will be sorely missed.” — Sherry (Becker) LaRue (faculty 1978–85) “I remember Jock on the Hawthorne campus as one of the two best hockey players ever. Jock was the best stickhandler, and Jim Robbins was the best skater on that wonderful old pond a stone’s throw from Smith House. Jock was also helpful at the Katonah campus during the years my son, Greg, was at Harvey in the early 80s. (Greg died eight years ago from T-cell lymphoma.) — Bruce Moss ’55 “Jock was a treasured classmate and a great friend while at Harvey, and we remained in contact throughout his life. After Harvey, right before I headed into the military, Jock and I hooked up in San Francisco and had a drive across the country that one day should be made into a movie. Every time we saw each other, we reminded each other about various parts of that journey. What I remember most about Jock was that he was solid through and through. I never saw him lose his temper, and he never got carried away. If he were a tree, he would be an oak. When I hear about old friends passing on, I am sad. But it also makes me realize that as we get older, always remember to stay in touch with old friends. You couldn’t ask for a better friend than Jock Burbank. Blessings to his family and all.” — Howdy Baldwin ’56

“Jock was the hero of our class (1956) and wonderful at everything he sought, affable, friendly, and a true leader for the school.” — Henry Smith-Miller ’56 “I remember Jock very well. The last time we met was at the ceremony for the Rose Baldwin Library. Jock and I had a nice conversation going over what we had been doing since our Harvey days. He was a fine person.” — Alexander McKown ’57 “Jock was a year ahead of me, and I knew him very well. In 1956, Harvey had an all-boys enrollment of just over 100, so you pretty much knew everybody. Alex McKown ’57 and I had him on the phone a few years back when we were renewing alumni ties. So, with his passing, I sort of feel like I lost a brother.” — Seth Morton ’57 “I am saddened by the news about Jock Burbank. He must have been about 22 when he came to Harvey — I think I was in the Fourth Form (12 years old). My main contact with him was in his role as basketball coach. I wasn’t much of a team-sport athlete, but he was a good enough coach to keep me engaged and improving. I always found him affable, kind, and helpful — a thoroughly decent man worthy of being well remembered.” — Robert Hard ’66 “Jock was at Harvey during my last year at the school. Years later, I shared an evening of drinks with him at my neighborhood bar in Cambridge while I was at Harvard. We bonded sharing stories of old times at Harvey. I’m sad to hear of his passing.” — Christopher (Colahan) Young ’66 harveyschool.org 53


Robert P. E. van Marx ’42 August 19, 2020

Robert P. E. van Marx, 92, of North Branford, Connecticut, formerly of Darien, Connecticut, died peacefully at home August 19, 2020. He was the son of Alexander L. van Marx and Ellen May of Westport, Connecticut, and New York City. He was born in Amsterdam, Holland, Feb. 14, 1928. Robert and his family escaped from Holland prior to the three-day Nazi invasion. From England they secured passage to Canada and then to NYC. Bob went to The Harvey School where he learned English, where he then went to The Hotchkiss School and Yale University. He served in the U.S. Army in Washington, D.C. His business career was spent as a commercial banker in the International Division of Empire Trust Company, which became BNY Mellon. Robert knew four languages. In 1964, he married Barbara “Holly” Hatcher. He leaves Holly, his devoted wife of 56 years, and a son, Robert C. He was predeceased by a son, Paul L., and brother, Paul Ernst. He is survived by a sister, Vera Metcalf, a nephew, Stephen Metcalf of Providence, Rhode Island, and a niece, Marilou van Marx Kaufmann of Annapolis, Maryland. He lived with his family in Darien for 43 years where he was a member of the RTM Education Committee, Treasurer of the Darien Arts Association, and The Tokeneke Club. After retirement, he enjoyed and achieved recognition for his

Max Daniel Weinstein ’98 July 5, 2020

Max Daniel Weinstein, social media manager and long-time New Yorker, passed away unexpectedly July 5, 2020, at the age of 40. Born in New York City, Dec. 21, 1979, to Stephen and Wendy Weinstein, Max spent his youth in Armonk, New York, graduating from The Harvey School in 1998. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Technical Theatre and Design from Adelphi University in 2002, graduating cum laude. After college, he worked behind the scenes in many off-Broadway productions, including assistant stage manager on “Sessions, A New Musical” with Algonquin Productions and Ten Grand Productions. Max studied arts administration at NYU in 2010 and became the social media manager at Actors Federal Credit Union in 2012. He founded MDW Social Media, providing digital marketing and consulting services for small businesses. He was a member of Actors’ Equity. Max Weinstein was a profoundly kind person. From a young age he showed limitless amounts of heart, excitement, and joy. He was a positive presence in every room and was known for seeing the good in people. He had a sharp wit and a lovable laugh. He loved his family and friends dearly and believed in showing up.

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watercolors in Darien and on The Shoreline. In 2010, he moved to Evergreen Woods in North Branford. He was a member of Christ Church, Guilford, Connecticut. (Published in The New Haven Register Sept. 2, 2020.)

Sanford Elliott McCormick ’45 July 29, 2020

Sanford ‘Sandy’ Elliott McCormick, 89, passed away peacefully at his home in Fountain Hills, Arizona, July 29, 2020. Born in Manhattan, July 18, 1931, he attended Buckley, The Harvey School, Hotchkiss, and Yale University, from which he graduated in 1953, Phi Beta Kappa. He was a member of the Scroll and Key Society at Yale. Fluent in both French and Spanish, Sandy received a graduate degree from L’Ecole des Sciences Politique in Paris and then served two years in the Air Force in Madrid, Spain, as aide translator to the commanding general. While on active duty, he authored the history of the base negotiations between the United States and the Franco government. For his service he received the Air Force Commendation Ribbon. After returning to the United States in 1956, he joined Zapata Corp in Midland, Texas, as a landman for future President George H. W. Bush and Hugh Liedtke. After working for a number of other independent oil and gas firms in Midland in various

Max retained a strong connection to the school after leaving Harvey. He served on the Alumni Executive Council after graduating from college and then took on and continued in the role of class agent for his class. He attended the alumni events and was especially fond of the New York City Networking reception, where he could catch up with faculty as well as with other alumni. He was always interested in others, learning about them, and enjoyed the casual conversations at the alumni events. Max had a passion for seeing live performances, whether it was a comedy show in a basement theater, a musical on Broadway, or a concert at Madison Square Garden. It would be an understatement to call Max a fan of classic rock, and he had the good fortune of seeing his favorite band The Who, live in concert, many times. Not everything in Max’s life was perfect however. Although he loved the band Phish, ironically, he was allergic to fish. In addition to his zeal for the performing arts, Max was dedicated to protecting the environment for future generations, motivated by his love for his nieces and nephew. Max is survived by his parents Wendy and Stephen Weinstein; his siblings Jennifer, Ben and Alex Weinstein; sister-in-law Elizabeth Schuppe; brother-in-law Mark Donegan and his nieces and nephew, Rosie, Anabel, Zoe, and Joey. A private funeral service will be held in New Paltz, New York. The family plans to hold a larger celebration that is worthy of Max’s impact, with more friends and colleagues at a later date when we can all gather together safely. (above posted on maxdanielweinstein.com)

Warrior Basin in Alabama. Developed by MetFuel, Inc., a subsidiary of McCormick Resources, it is one of the largest coalbed methane developments to date. McCormick assembled a staff of more than 200 people and drilled and completed 500 wells in less than a 20-month period utilizing over 35 rigs simultaneously. In 1995, McCormick founded McCormick Partners, Inc., putting together a joint venture between Output Exploration, Inc., a subsidiary of Input/Output, Inc., the world’s leading manufacturer of 3D seismic acquisition equipment. Sandy McCormick, ever the innovator, truly loved the energy business and was always looking at ways to push the frontier and always asking “Why not?” He was a member of the All-American Wildcatters, Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association (TIPRO), Independent Producers Association of America (IPAA) and the Houston Producers Forum. During his career he was a frequent contributor of industry-related articles to a variety of publications. He testified before Congress and was a frequent guest on international, national, and local television including the BBC, NBC, and local Houston stations, discussing international and national oil and gas issues. He gave generously of his time and many talents to numerous civic and business organizations, including serving on the boards of the Texas Medical Center, Continental Airlines, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, St. John’s College, United Negro College

Tributes for Max on Facebook “There are no words to express our devastation and sadness that Max Weinstein passed away Sunday. We suspect it was a heart attack and are waiting for more information. Max was a wonderful person, a kindhearted, sweet, and gentle guy with a great sense of humor. He was a precious member of our family and a dear friend to so many. We are crushed and miss him terribly.” — Love, Steve, Wendy, Alex, Ben, and Jennifer Weinstein “Max is one of the first students I met at Harvey. This is very sad news. He was a gentleman who had a great passion for the theater.” — Vinny Alexander, Harvey faculty and Chair of Performing Arts department “I am so saddened by the news of Max Weinstein’s passing. When Max was an upperclassman at Harvey, I had the pleasure of having him work as a Harvey Cavalier Camp counselor. A warm, gentle soul who was always smiling, Max was an excellent role model for the children he supervised at camp. My deepest condolences to his family and close friends. Rest in peace, Max.” — Chris Del Campo, Harvey Communications Associate and former Director of Communications “I am heartbroken over this. I taught Max in Algebra 1 many years ago, and he has been a good friend since. Back in the day, we would talk about music — a lot — specifically bonding over The Who and the album “Tommy.” Max was a great person, and I will miss him greatly.” — Mike Drude, former Harvey administrator

“Another one of my classmates gone too soon. Max was the nicest person you could ever meet. So sad, he will be missed.” — Shantele Coram-Burse ’98 “It’s such sad news. Max was a genuinely kind person taken way too soon.” — Jason Ojeda ’98 “Those lucky enough to know my buddy, Max Daniel Weinstein, were graced with such a kindred spirit. Max was a kind soul who was a true friend through and through. He had a smile that lit up his entire face, a sense of humor that kept you chuckling, an honesty that never made you doubt his words, and a laugh that came from deep within. His passion and talent for theater kept momentum long after directing and stage managing for the Harvey stage. His spark for live performances — Phish, Ween, The Who — never waned and was a huge part of his life. Max never was a stranger to being behind the spotlight, but he was always an integral part of whatever was going on. I can honestly say that Max was one of my first real friends. We shared laughs, meals, concerts, long walks, and the occasional mishap throughout the years. We cheered each other on from middle school, through high school, and beyond. Max’s sudden departure from this world leaves me with an emptiness that stings, but my affection for him I will carry with me always. Max is simply someone who is impossible to forget.” — Amy Albert Morello ’98

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in memoriam

executive positions, he moved to Houston where, in 1964, he founded his own firm, McCormick Oil & Gas. His company was listed on the American Stock Exchange. Its operations covered much of the U.S. and included offices in Houston, Corpus Christi, and Midland, Texas; Lafayette, Louisiana; and Denver, Colorado. The company conducted one of the industry’s most successful public drilling programs, drilling 30 to 40 prospects annually. Its most significant discovery was the Oak Hill field in Rusk and Panola County, East Texas, where he conducted the first hydraulic fracture stimulation using more than 1 million pounds of sand. He sold his interest in 1985 and the following year, founded McCormick Resources, Inc., which was a pioneer in the application of horizontal drilling technologies to develop previously unproducible reservoirs with major reserve potential. The company helped pioneer horizontal drilling in the U.S. by leading a six-company industry consortium in a multiprospect program that tested oil and gas fields in a variety of geographic and geologic settings, triggering significant advances in technology. One of the more significant developments that resulted from this group of horizontal projects was the medium radius drilling curve for horizontal wells, which came to be known as the McCormick Radius. Until McCormick developed this medium radius, the industry was limited to using a very short or ultra-long radius. McCormick Resources became a major operator of coalbed methane properties, including a 500-well program in the Black

Fund, the Houston Museum of Fine Arts, the Houston Municipal Arts Council, the Joffrey Ballet, and The Menil Collection. He had a wonderful zest for life and travel, dearly loved his family and friends, and always had a great story to share. He recently completed an autobiography titled “Yankee Oilman.” He is survived by his loving wife, Barbara McCormick, and his three children Peter McCormick, Carolyn McCormick, and Leigh Kindley. He delighted in his five grandchildren, John McCormick (who predeceased him), Matthew McCormick, Claire Catrino, Cooper Jennings, Skylar Jennings, and two great-granddaughters, Katherine and Grace Catrino, Barbara’s daughter Kathryn Besemer, and granddaughter, Ayla Besemer. (www.messingermortuary.com/obituary/Sanford-McCormick)

Claude Liman ’57 September 5, 2020

On Saturday, Sept. 5, 2020, Claude Liman passed away due to a bike accident in London, Ontario. He will be truly missed. Born in 1943 in Mount Kisco, New York, Claude came to Thunder Bay in 1973, and for 30 years taught American literature and creative writing at Lakehead University. Poetry was his love, with three books published. Claude was a strong athlete, enjoying downhill and cross country skiing, biking, running, and especially, golf. Of all his accomplishments, he was most proud of sharing his love of golf with his son Jesse and winning the Strathcona Club Championship. Claude leaves behind his dear companion Wanda Drew; his children Sarah, Ben, and Rebecca; brother and sister, Sandy and Dusty; and his friend, Ellen. He was predeceased in April by his son, Jesse. We shall be warm by our fire, see by light of pure beeswax. We bow down, like the trees, when we cannot control. “September Blizzard” by C. Liman (Published in The New Haven Register, Sept. 2, 2020)

Howard Snyder ’67 July 13, 2020

John Camuto ’07 December 19, 2020

John Camuto, a former footwear executive and the son of late shoe legend Vince Camuto, died Dec. 19, 2020. He was 31. The cause of death is believed to have been a heart attack, the family said. John was born Feb. 17, 1989. He grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut; graduated from The Harvey School in 2007; and earned a Bachelor of Organizational Communications from Fairfield University in 2011. In his teens, John began to work for his father as a mail clerk at Camuto Group, based in the family’s hometown. After taking a trip to Brazil with his father in 2007, John knew he wanted to follow in Vince’s footsteps, the family said. Vince often marveled at John’s sense of style — and John got hooked on shoes as he shadowed his father during long days of design and business meetings. They strengthened their deep bond, 56 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021

and the company became known for its familial culture. John helped Camuto Group expand internationally. He also developed his own collection, the VC John Camuto women’s shoe line. In 2015, following the death of his father, John sat on the board of the Camuto Group advisers through the sale of the business to DSW Inc. (now Designer Brands) in 2018. After the deal — and following the end of a four-year non-compete agreement — John planned to pursue other entrepreneurial goals. Family members and friends remembered John as fun-loving and generous. “It was impossible to not smile and laugh around John. He was the one everyone waited for to arrive at family holidays and was at the center of every photo we took,” the Camuto family said in a statement. “John was a light in all our lives that tragically went out too soon.” He is survived by his mother, Kristen Scott, and brother Christopher, Harvey Class of 2012 — and other siblings Robert, Andrea, and Philip Camuto, and Jamie Scott.

Sacha Kantor ’15 June 6, 2020

Sacha passed away unexpectedly in June 2020. The Sacha Fund was established in his memory, supporting paid internships for high school students in the field of visual arts, creative writing, dance, and theater through the ArtWorks program.


Theodore D. O’Connor II

December 1, 2020 (Harvey 1980–2001) On Dec. 1, 2020, Theodore “Ted” David O’Connor died peacefully in his sleep surrounded by his family in his home in Argyle, Texas. Ted was born in West Haven, Connecticut, Aug. 26, 1942 to his parents, Theodore and Helen O’Connor. He is survived by his two brothers, Kevin and Brian O’Connor, his loving wife of 54 years, Karen, his three children and seven grandchildren: son, Theodore O’Connor III, Harvey class of 1988, and his wife Yuka and their son Shogo, of Brooklyn, New York; son, Beck O’Connor, class of 1990, and his wife Teresa and their three children Maggie, Molly, and Becca of Buffalo, New York; and daughter, Katherine Webster, Harvey class of 1993 and her husband Michael and their children Riley, Connor, and Neve, of Argyle, Texas. Ted received his undergraduate degree from Duquesne University and served in the U.S. Army before attaining a master’s degree from Wesleyan University. He served as an educator for more than 50 years, including roles as teacher, headmaster, and rugby coach. Ted spent 20 years of his life in education at Harvey. In addition to teaching history, Ted served as Dean of Faculty, Head of the Upper School, and history department chair. He was the founder and advisor of Harvey’s Model UN and served as the Director of College Placement. He was one of the first faculty to be inducted into Harvey’s Alumni Hall of Fame. When he moved to Scottsdale, Arizona, after the 2001 school year, Ted taught at the Ville de Marie Academy. Ted was a loving husband, father, and grandfather; a teacher; a role model; and a mentor, friend, and leader to many through the years.

October 26, 2020 (Harvey 1983–2015) “I had the fortune to work with Susan from my arrival in 1995 until her retirement in 2015. Susan, in her roles of Upper School Assistant and Registrar, was instrumental in the smooth day-to-day operations of our Upper School. Susan coordinated meetings and worked closely with the College Office in communications with colleges and universities. She loved her job very much and put forth great effort daily to make the school a better place.” — Phil Lazzaro, Head of the Upper School

Mary T. Tergesen

September 2, 2020 (Harvey 1988–91) Mary Tergesen, a longtime Rye resident, died Sept. 2, 2020, of Parkinson’s disease. She was 82 years old. Born in Endicott, New York, in 1937 to George Emmons and Natalie Stets Emmons, Mary was the oldest of three children. She graduated from The College of New Rochelle in 1959 and attained two master’s degrees. In 1958, she met her husband, Neil Tergesen, at a Princeton University dance. They married in 1963 and settled in Rye in 1965. Mary began her career as a Latin teacher and a guidance counselor at Harrison High School in the early 1960s. She paused her career to raise her family and became very active in the community.

Julia F. Beck

June 16, 2020 (Harvey 1982–2015) Julia Fernandez Beck was born December 5, 1926 in Hoboken, New Jersey, to Rufino and Josephine Fernandez of Spain. Julia was the oldest of three sisters, Lilly and Maria (Cookie), who preceded her in death. She was a graduate of James Monroe High School in the Bronx. Julia became the secretary to the president/owner of the Clinton Trust Company in Manhattan. There she met Charles Beck and married in 1948. They moved to Flatbush, Brooklyn. She then became the secretary to the chairman of the Nedicks Company and moved to Bronx, New York, and later worked at the Hotel Concourse as the secretary to the president/owner. Julia became a housewife after having her second son while also caring for her ill father and running his business. She relocated to Mount Kisco, New York, with her mother Josephine and her three youngest children. After her mother passed, she became employed at The Harvey School as office manager and secretary to the headmaster. She eventually moved to Brewster, New York, and continued at The Harvey

She served on the parent teacher organization at Osborn School and was also a dedicated parishioner at The Church of The Resurrection, where she helped start a home-based religious education program in the 1970s. Later, she served as a Eucharistic Minister and was a member of the Rye Women’s Interfaith Group. Starting in 1982, she returned to work and held various positions at schools including The Harvey School in Katonah, New York; Rye Middle School; and Rye High School. Mary attained her dream job teaching Latin, allowing her to share her love of the classics. She retired from the Rye School District in 2000 and continued to tutor students in Latin. An educator, Mary was also a lifelong learner. She enjoyed reading and traveling and took summer courses and workshops in topics, including spoken Latin. Mary approached having Parkinson’s disease in the same manner she approached her life, as something to learn from. She demonstrated courage, strength, and resilience and relied strongly on her faith to assist her throughout her life. She loved spending time with her children, grandchildren, friends, and relatives. She is survived by her husband, Neil, her four children, Anne, Kristine (KK), Louise (Didi), and Mark, their spouses, and her eight grandchildren. She is also survived by her sister, Anne Emmons Murphy, and her brother-in-law, Dr. E. Dennis Murphy, of Wilmette, Illinois. She was predeceased by her brother, George Emmons, of Stamford, Connecticut. (Published myrye.com 9/5/2020)

School for 33 years, where, on retirement, she was honored with a commemorative plaque placed within the school. She touched many lives while working there. Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher, who worked alongside Julia for 29 years, stated, “There was no equal to her, she had no selfishness and had the world’s fastest fastball.” In 2016 she moved to Oxford, Connecticut, to be with her daughter Laura. Her youngest son, Raymond Beck, preceded her in death. She leaves behind three children, Charles Beck Jr. of Brooklyn, New York; Stephen Beck of Clearwater, Florida; and Laura Coniglio of Oxford, Connecticut; as well as five grandchildren, Ashley, Charles, Kristian, Casey, and Frankie, and a great-grandson, Kale. Julia will be greatly missed. She was an outstanding individual, a strong woman, and an incredible mother. A memorial service will be held in the future. Brookside Memorial/The Albini Family Funeral Home & Crematory, 200 Benson Road, Middlebury has been entrusted with the services. (www.brokksidememorial.com/obituary/julia-beck) If you would like to send a note to her daughter, the address is below: Laura, Frank and Frankie (grandson) Coniglio 79 Shelton Road, Oxford, CT 06478

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in memoriam

Susan Tannenbaum

Tributes: I Remember Julia By Barry Fenstermacher, Headmaster Emeritus Strong, successful schools have many ingredients. Most important, I think, is the loyalty and devotion of its people. Julia Beck was slight in stature but huge in heart and had a lasting impact at Harvey. She was, by virtue of her selfless dedication and professionalism, a large part of why things worked smoothly at school for all of her 33 years of service. Her skills were many. She was fluent in Spanish, could take shorthand dictation, and she mastered the new computer technology as it became dominant in the workplace. She never seemed to develop “hardening of the attitudes” common in others. She was a thoroughly modern Julia. We worked together during successes; failures; tragedies; both personal and otherwise; and events like September 11, 2001; Harvey celebrations, weddings, funerals, and even in the welcoming of faculty babies. She always made sure we did or said the right things when we were called on.

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Those who were at Harvey with her will never forget her graduation memo verifying each person’s gown size and correct academic hood — that she sent out on the third day of school in September! That one action showcased Julia’s attention to detail. It provided hope to us all that we would get to the end of another year because of the certainty her memo promised. She was at her best handling special events. Middle School Prize Night and the Upper School’s Commencement were her favorites. Few realize how much detail is in those two events, and Julia had a sixth sense in planning them. Weeks before, all of the school’s silver trophies and awards had to be sent to the jeweler for engraving. She wrapped every single event award, ordered the diplomas and checked their spelling, created and printed programs, secured the clergy, ordered gifts for visiting dignitaries and graduates, collected the faculty gowns and hoods after the ceremony, and then left a note on my desk of

who should get a thank-you note from me the day after the big events. Whew! I will always be left with the image of Julia watching over the ceremonies and their silver like a guard at Fort Knox. We never lost a single piece. The only time I ever asked Julia to change anything concerned how she invited faculty or staff to a meeting with me. Her writing style and voicemails were direct and to the point: “The headmaster wants to see you tomorrow at 2:30. Be on time.” It took me some time to learn that her memo created great anxiety and struck fear in many a heart. I found out that fear of disappointing Julia was much higher on the anxiety scale than any meeting with me. She agreed with me and softened future notes by including the reason for the meeting. That seemed to help. On the last day of school before Winter Break, Julia and I went off campus for lunch. We would talk about what we had accomplished and how we could do better. It was always clear from her comments that she loved Harvey. She loved her school friends. She cherished her family. Her appreciation for our Board of Trustees was so genuine. She loved to talk about her Yorkie, Muffin. She also never forgot my birthday and baked me my favorite cake — angel food with buttercream icing. That cake became the centerpiece of a short but “sweet” office party. Once, Julia, my wife Rowena, and I realized as we were talking that I had spent about the same amount of time with both of them during the years. All three of us thought that was great. Julia is not gone for me. She is in my thoughts every day. She was a role model to anyone who knew her. She was a gift to Harvey that will affect eternity — who knows where her memory and influence will end?

“I recall the many times when Julia would spot me in the hallway and call me into her office with an urgent-sounding and formal “Mr. Del Campo!” Somewhat intimidated by her sudden summoning, fearful that the headmaster might be unhappy with me for some reason, I would try to soften Julia up by regaling her with a few bars of John Lennon’s song to his mother, “Julia.” It always worked! She would flash me her huge, warm smile, and I would know everything was good, that I had done nothing wrong … this time. I grew very fond of her during the years.” — Chris Del Campo, Harvey Communications Associate and former Director of Communications “Julia was a wonderful person and as loyal to Harvey as the day is long. I first recall meeting Julia when she had her office in the White Cottage. It was a long time ago, but she served as Headmaster Dawe’s secretary, then Interim Head Thomas Fulton for one year, before moving into the office which Jim Skrip currently occupies, serving Mr. Fenstermacher for the remainder of her career. After Julia’s retirement, she was walking through the main building and wanted to show her family her old office that was locked. I opened it so that she could show them the plaque on the wall recognizing her years of service. Julia seemed pleased to be able to share that with them. When I think of Julia, I recall the relationship between the core group of Julia, Mary Power (receptionist), Charmaine Stark (bookstore, attendance), Pat Morton (bookkeeper), Judy Ryerson (athletic office), Susan Tannenbaum (White Cottage secretary), Chris Romanowicz (bookstore, attendance) and my wife Dale (rink registrar) who were all very collegial (eating lunch together, going out after graduation for a nice luncheon, and generally enjoying each other’s company) while very capably serving the needs of the school. When our children were younger, Julia would keep an eye on them from her office (our apartment being next door ) while Dale and I were working. In her later years, on days when the roads were ice or snow covered, John Wahlers would drive Julia to and from school. Julia was not one to miss work for anything short of a full-scale blizzard. When I think of Julia I recall her loyalty, professionalism, infectious laughter, and kindness. I also recall her interrogating those looking to gain access to the inner sanctum, her protective nature of three headmasters, and walking by her office with Julia typing away on her IBM Selectrix (Serial # 000001). What a great lady, wonderful colleague, and great friend.” — Bruce Osborne, Harvey faculty and Director of Evarts Rink

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in memoriam

Fond Memories of Julia

Parting Thought 1

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18 19 20 21

You’ll find all the answers you need to know within the pages of this issue of Harvey Magazine!



3. 5. 7. 8. 11. 14. 17. 19. 20. 21.

1. Checking this upon a.m. arrival 2. Diversity 4. Ogg and McKenna D1 sport 6. 2020 mix of Harvey and home 7. Senior 9. Surname of new alumni prez 10. Not super-fast, but virtual 12. Harvey A.D. 13. Fifth or grade 15. Capacity to recover from difficulties 16. Forename of featured ’68 alum 18. Fields

RTF chair and sagacious Forename of ’84 valedictorian Harvey’s Ms. Meg, Mr. John Wilkes Where Mr. Wahlers reigns RTF focus Moved to Carter Hall this year First arrival in 1979 MS new lunch containers First head for Harvey girls Where science came first on Katonah campus

60 HAR VEY MAGAZINE // winter 2021


Something exciting is around the corner! A cause for celebration as well as a call to action. A community event that promises to bring us all together. The heart of Harvey is our community. And because of our community, Harvey puts the in everything we do: in exploring, discovering, learning, collaborating, growing, and becoming. Please stay tuned for more details about how you can participate as we prepare for this unique inaugural event.

260 Jay Street Katonah, NY 10536 Address Service Requested

For the latest school news or info about upcoming events, visit


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