The Harvey School Viewbook

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Harvey: A Small School with Big Opportunities

Middle and Upper School is a time of dramatic growth and selfdiscovery. At The Harvey School, students broaden their horizons and discover their passions in the classroom, on the playing fields, in the arts, and in the community. When young men and women can build on their strengths as they discover how to take risks in a warm, supportive environment, they develop into accomplished students, ready for college and life thereafter.

Harvey students come from diverse backgrounds, but they all share an enthusiasm for learning. Our seniors graduate with a strong academic foundation, a sense of purpose as leaders, and the confidence that comes from having looked at life through many different lenses. Again and again, our alumni tell us they “found” themselves at Harvey. Come to Harvey—and discover yourself, too!

Fast Facts

■■ Grades 6–12 ■■ Student body: 350 ■■ Average class size: 10 students ■■ 30% students of color ■■ 13 AP classes, plus honors classes throughout departments ■■ Varsity teams in 16 different sports ■■ 5 theatrical productions each year, plus dance and musical performances ■■ More than 15 other extracurricular activities


A Strong Community: Where the Whole Student Thrives Since its founding in 1916, Harvey has valued each student’s individuality. In classes that average 10 students in size— smaller than most independent schools—young scholars receive personalized instruction, build an awareness of their own learning styles, and develop the confidence to explore new areas beyond their comfort zones. Harvey’s college preparatory curriculum motivates critical and creative thinking while its teachers inspire, challenge, and nurture. Harvey teachers are mentors and role models; they are expert in their subject areas and skillful at discerning what compels each student to strive for and achieve excellence. In short, the teachers have a passion for their subject matter, and they love educating their students.

The Harvey school day runs from 8:10 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. After a full day of classes, which ends at 3:15 p.m., students remain on campus to pursue their extracurricular interests. The Harvey community is large enough to offer an abundance of possibilities in athletics, arts, and other activities—and small enough that every student can engage in these offerings and discover opportunities for leadership. Parents appreciate that students can find everything they need at Harvey: intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development occur in a vibrant, close-knit community where students grow inside and outside the classroom. At Harvey, a school, where opportunities abound, the whole student thrives.

“Everyone really cares at this school. Students have a sense of ownership and pride in Harvey.” 2

—Charlie Upper School Student

“Harvey has brought out the best in our daughter. The teachers are mentors who are helping to shape the future.” —Parent of Harvey Graduate

Middle School Academics: Laying the Foundation

“Since coming to Harvey, I’ve discovered that I’m smarter than I thought I was. Before, I wasn’t into any particular subjects. Here, I found out that I like history and English.” 4

—Sara, Middle School Student

Harvey faculty members provide individualized attention and enthusiastic teaching to cultivate a love of learning as well as mastery of content. English and math provide the backbone of the Middle School curriculum, with science and history rounding out the academic day. Three years of Latin provide in-depth underpinnings to conquer English grammar and prepare for the study of foreign languages. Every Middle School student also experiences music, theater, and visual arts classes as part of the daily

curriculum. As they develop confidence in the classroom content, Harvey middle schoolers also build a robust set of skills relating to time-management, note taking, problem solving, public speaking, and self-advocacy. As a result, Harvey eighth graders move on to the Upper School as independent learners. They are confident in the talents and interests they have uncovered—and are prepared to discover more. In other words, they are ready for the rigors that will follow in the Upper School.

“Building confidence is the most important aspect of motivating Middle School students. Harvey inspires students to take chances and thrive on what they discover about themselves. We encourage each student to see himself or herself as a leader.” —Brendan Byrne Middle School Head, English Faculty and Coach

Accomplished Public Speakers ■■ Since 1958, all Harvey students have participated in the annual Speech Contest each winter. Students write an original essay on a topic of their choosing and deliver it as a five-minute speech in their English classes. Two or three students from each class progress to the semi-final round, which is judged by the English faculty. Fifteen finalists then speak before the entire school, where outside judges select a winner for both the Middle and Upper Schools. ■■ In addition, each spring all students memorize and recite a poem, following the same process for the Michael Lopes Poetry Recitation Contest. Addressing an audience at least twice every year ensures that every Harvey student gains confidence speaking with poise and self-assuredness in any setting.

Upper School Academics: Expanding Horizons Harvey’s blend of traditional curriculum and dynamic teaching lays the foundation for students to develop skills and prepare for the future. Freshmen study Digital Literacy and launch a journey through English with a Writer’s Odyssey, using Homer’s intrepid Odysseus as their guide. Over four years, students explore physics, chemistry, and biology; as well as algebra, geometry, and calculus. Classes in computer science and robotics combine the latest technology with “design thinking” strategies. History classes examine the roots of Western Civilization and other great cultural traditions as well as provide an in-depth examination of U.S. history. Seniors enroll in a wide array of

electives and culminate their journey by planning, implementing, and reflecting on a multidisciplinary project such as building a telescope or conducting a scholarly research project on women in rock-and-roll. Students take six classes per term and may select from honors classes across all subjects, 13 Advanced Placement courses, and unique electives that delve into the content and context of intriguing topics. Upper School students assume increasing responsibility for their academic progress while teachers spur students to reach their highest level of academic achievement.

“The classes are small, the teachers really get to know you on a personal level, and the projects connect what you learn to the real world. You can be creative here; this is a school where students quickly figure out what their strengths are.”


—Rebekah Upper School Student

“Teaching is a conversation with intent, and at Harvey that conversation takes place among many different personalities, talents, and mindsets. This sparks critical and creative thinking and makes it exciting to be here as a teacher and a student.” —Dianne Mahony Upper School Academic Dean, English and Drama Faculty

Sample Upper School Electives ■■ Bioethics develops an understanding of the ethical, moral, and social issues that underlie current medical practices, scientific discoveries, and the development of new technology. ■■ Constitutional Law examines how this founding document applies to issues of concern today. Current events stimulate discussion as students investigate areas of interest such as the death penalty and student rights. ■■ Leadership Seminar engages students in strategic thinking, systems analysis, and creative problem solving to identify, research, and propose real-world initiatives.

■■ Environmental Science integrates physical and biological sciences to study the environment. Students use a researchbased approach to examine, discuss, and debate such questions as: What is the environmental cost of junk mail? Or, what is causing honeybee colonies to collapse? ■■ Women in American History explores the role of women in American culture, economy, and government from the colonial period to today—from Abigail Adams to Madonna to Hillary Clinton.


Exceptional Faculty: Outstanding Teaching & Advising

Harvey teachers are passionate about education and dedicated to student success. They are available for students seeking extra help outside the classroom. In addition, faculty members get to know students as coaches on the playing field, as directors of theatrical productions, and as mentors to the school newspaper and other clubs. Life lessons flow seamlessly from each arena to the next as faculty recognize and reinforce student effort and accomplishment.

In both the Middle and Upper Schools, students meet at least once a week with their faculty advisors, who encourage them to seek challenges in their coursework, pursue passions, and stretch themselves to benefit from all that Harvey has to offer. Every member of the faculty serves as an advisor and makes it a priority to know his or her advisees well. For families, advisors serve as the front line of communication—parents can always reach a caring faculty member who has a comprehensive view of their child’s academic and extracurricular experience.

“Harvey teachers are phenomenal. We had always hoped to find a school that engaged children in learning while encouraging them to discover new aspects of who they are. At Harvey, each child is treated as a unique individual.” —Parent of Three Harvey Graduates

“Harvey teachers are approachable and always willing to help a student or to simply have a conversation. This carries over into the classroom, not with simple lectures and ‘from the book’ work, but with dynamic teaching that helps students dive deeper into subjects.” —Kieran Upper School Student


International Student Program: A Global Experience

Global awareness has become a cornerstone of 21st century education. At Harvey, students may study Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, and classical Latin, while taking courses such as America’s Role in Modern Asian Affairs. Students also participate in school-sponsored trips abroad and extracurricular programs such as the Chinese Culture Club, the Model United Nations, and the Human Rights Club.

In addition, Harvey’s International Student Program attracts students from China and other countries who become fulltime students and integral members of the Harvey community. International students are boarders during the week and live with host families on the weekend. The ongoing, meaningful relationships built with these students allow for an exchange of cultures and perspectives that benefits the entire Harvey community.

“Learning about the world is interesting, fun, and critically important for the 21st century. Getting to know international students and exploring other cultures in class discussions or through club activities encourages students to become lifelong learners and engaged citizens of the world.” —Amy Gignesi History Faculty, Advisor to Model UN Team and Human Rights Club

Five-Day Boarding: A Program That Benefits Everyone

The structure that accompanies a 24-hour campus benefits every Harvey student. Each year, about 30–40 Upper School students take advantage of Harvey’s five-day boarding program. These students arrive on Sunday evening and invest themselves in all that Harvey offers before returning home to their families on Friday evening. Without a daily school commute, boarding students focus energy on studies and activities. They also develop timemanagement and organizational skills in a closely supported setting. Four faculty members supervise each dorm of 15–20 students and are also available for extra help during required evening study hours.

Even the students who attend Harvey as a day school enjoy a level of activity, community, and opportunity frequently associated with boarding schools. Day students may arrive for breakfast at 7:30 a.m., enjoying the company of friends and teachers before the school day begins. One-third of Harvey teachers live on campus, which facilitates their roles in extracurricular activities and provides extra assistance to students. And, when students return late from an away game or stay for any evening activity, day students often join boarders for dinner while waiting for their activity to begin or for their parents to pick them up.

“The boarding experience is one of Harvey’s hidden gems. Being a boarder allows students to be present in the moment and immerse themselves in the afterschool opportunities at Harvey. Students develop the independence they need for college, and remain connected with their families by going home every weekend.” —Jason Hill Science Department Chair Dorm Advisor and Athletic Coach


Facilities: An Easily Accessible Campus in a Striking Setting Harvey’s beautiful 125-acre hilltop campus is located in historic Katonah, New York. Conveniently situated near multiple highways, Harvey draws its diverse student population from over 100 different zip codes in the tri-state area. While transportation for day students who live within

fifteen miles of the campus is provided by the local school districts, other students commute by car or via Metro North. Families in outlying towns, in lower Westchester and Fairfield counties, often join together to charter a private bus service.

Recent investments ensure that campus facilities are commensurate with the excellence of Harvey’s instruction, coaching, and advising: ■■ In 2006 Harvey opened the 20,000-square-foot Walker Center for the Arts. The centerpiece of this architectural gem is the professional-quality Lasdon Black Box Theater, which can be configured to suit either large-scale or intimate productions. The center features a full complement of classrooms, practice rooms, and studios—including a digital design lab and video production studio—specifically designed for arts instruction. ■■ In 2012 Harvey added a 22,000-square-foot athletic center, with multiple basketball and volleyball courts, a stateof-the-art fitness center, new locker rooms, and a trainer’s room for athlete rehabilitation. This building project also included the construction of six new tennis courts. ■■ In 2014, a digital workshop, equipped with 3D printers, laser cutters, robotics equipment, computers, and programming software, opened in the lower level of Sylvan Hall. This Makerspace is used by students in all disciplines, including math, science, humanities and the arts, to foster creativity and teach life’s lessons, while providing the tools needed to be successful in today’s high-tech world.


The Arts: Cultivating Confidence and Expression

“This opportunity is a gift that Harvey has given me. There is nothing more exhilarating than slipping into an audience and watching a performance of a play you’ve meticulously crafted and directed from a wayward vision months ago.” —Constance Upper School Student

Highlights of the Arts at Harvey ■■ Fall Play (Upper School) ■■ Fall and Spring Dance Shows ■■ Fall and Spring Instrumental Concerts ■■ Holiday Candlelight Concert


■■ Winter Play (Middle School) ■■ Winter Musical (Upper School) ■■ Spring Fine Art Gallery Show ■■ Spring Musical (Middle School) ■■ Spring One-Act Plays (Student Written and Directed)

Arts education at Harvey develops an aesthetic sense and cultural literacy while promoting collaboration and creative expression. The Middle School curriculum introduces students to visual art, music, and theater. Upper School students select from an impressive range of offerings, including History of Broadway, Improvisation, Instrumental Ensemble, Stained Glass and Mosaics, Chamber Singers, and Video Production.

“A sense of the individual is inherent in Harvey’s mission. In the arts, we explore that through creative work that synthesizes the intellectual and emotional aspects of student lives. Students come to Harvey with a sense of pursuing who they are, and we take them to the next level of their potential.” —Vinny Alexander Performing Arts Department Chair

Harvey arts teachers are professional practitioners of their crafts who share their direct experience as actors, dancers, musicians, and fine artists. In addition to classes, Harvey students partake in an extraordinary array of after-school options. Students with a devotion to the arts may also write and direct their own one-act play or participate in a longstanding collaboration with the neighboring Katonah Museum of Art to curate and hang their work in a professional gallery.

Athletics: Building Teamwork and Leadership

“We have a no cut policy for junior varsity teams and make an extra effort to create opportunities for students in both the Middle and Upper Schools. Meanwhile, our varsity teams have won championships. The true foundations of living a healthy life are built during these years. Many kids come in without experience and try something at Harvey that builds fitness skills and becomes a confidence booster for their future.”


—Mark Brandon, Athletic Director, History Faculty and Athletic Coach

Athletics at Harvey center on the lessons students learn by pushing themselves to excel and working as part of a team. Determination, dedication, and teamwork pay off as many Harvey students may find themselves participating in a sport they had never experienced before or playing a vital role on a league championship team. Just as in the classroom, coaches balance challenge and encouragement to help these young athletes develop their skills and confidence. Experienced student athletes become even

more competitive in sports they have played, while students are also encouraged to try sports they have not previously played. Unlike at larger schools, every Harvey student who gives his or her all during practice gets game time at the middle school, junior varsity or varsity level. Harvey’s athletic program is constantly growing, as coaches add teams to meet student interest. With its own ice rink, Harvey is also uniquely positioned among day schools for supporting hockey players and figure skaters.

“I love the teamwork and encouragement while playing soccer and hockey at Harvey. I also notice that I get better grades while playing sports because it forces me to use better time management.” —Kelly Middle School Student


“The sense of discipline and applying oneself that I learned at Harvey has helped me in college and afterwards. Playing rugby and preparing for the Model U.N. taught me how to invest sustained effort toward long-term benefits in areas that are meaningful to me.”

■■ Cross-country ■■ Football ■■ Soccer ■■ Volleyball ■■ Yoga/Tai Chi


■■ Basketball ■■ Dance ■■ Ice Hockey ■■ Strength & Conditioning

Spring ■■ Baseball ■■ Golf ■■ Lacrosse ■■ Rugby ■■ Softball ■■ Tennis

—Nic Alumnus ’04


Service Learning: Making a Difference Harvey’s community service activities inspire students to reflect on and contribute to the world around them. Annual activities include a school-wide service day each fall, a winter Children’s Carnival for Charity that is completely organized by students,

and a senior day of service to the school in the spring. The Community Service Club and a Service Learning elective offer more choices for students to help others by rallying around meaningful causes.

“Community service at Harvey exemplifies the school’s mission because it is student-driven. Harvey students take ownership of projects and everyone contributes from his or her strengths. In the end, students accomplish something that none of them could have done on his or her own.” —Susan Harris Director of Academic Technology Service Learning Faculty and Athletic Coach


“Harvey students are engaged, civic-minded, and altruistic. These are the future leaders of our community, state, and nation.” —Lee Roberts Former Bedford Town Supervisor

This school gave me the opportunity to organize, plan, and direct the first fashion show ever at Harvey. The event raised over $5,000 for Generation Ubuntu, an orphanage providing intensive care to African children living with HIV. It was meaningful and rewarding to be able to help this worthy program; at the same time, the experience nurtured my entrepreneurial abilities and helped me find a potential career path and life direction. —CHINASA Alumna ’13

Recent Projects: ■■ Tutoring at a nearby elementary school. ■■ Writing letters to U.S. troops overseas. ■■ Building an outdoor classroom on the Harvey campus. ■■ Producing a fashion show to raise funds for children with HIV and AIDS at an orphanage in Africa. ■■ Restoring the natural beauty of Ward Pound Ridge Park with a day‑long clean‑up project.

■■ Contributing 2,000 lbs. of food to a community center through a food drive. ■■ Raising more than $10,000 through the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. ■■ Planting a vegetable garden to augment Harvey’s food supply. ■■ Working with Habitat for Humanity to spruce up neighborhoods in Yonkers, NY. 21

Clubs and Activities: Creating Well-Rounded Students

“You are exposed to a lot here, and everyone supports each other, which makes you want to do more. Trying new things is like stepping into someone else’s shoes. It gives you different perspectives and builds your confidence.” 22

—Ariana Upper School Student

Harvey encourages students to come together after the class day ends to explore broad interests through clubs and activities. The breadth of offerings is impressive and responsive to student interest. Faculty members play a vital

role in mentoring and supporting these student-driven activities. The collaboration, planning, and implementation involved in these groups offer students significant leadership opportunities.

“At Harvey I’ve played basketball, been on the Student Council, written for the Pulse, and been in the Model U.N. Club. I never would have guessed when I came that I would try dance, or be in a fashion show. It says something special about this school that Harvey students can try so many things.” —Jabhari Upper School Student

Recent Clubs:

■■ The Avatar (Upper School Literary Magazine) ■■ The Equinox (Middle School Literary Magazine) ■■ Cavalier Yearbook ■■ Chinese Culture Club ■■ Community Service Club ■■ Culinary Club ■■ Diversity Club ■■ Film Club ■■ Human Rights Club ■■ Japanese Culture Club

■■ Jewish Culture Club ■■ Model United Nations ■■ Musicology Club ■■ Outdoor Sports Club ■■ Photography Club ■■ The Pulse Newspaper ■■ Programming Club ■■ Spanish Club ■■ Stock Market Club ■■ Student Council ■■ Ultimate Frisbee 23

College Counseling: Life After Harvey Harvey’s college counselors have decades of collective experience in working with schools nationwide and in helping young adults pursue their dreams. Harvey students benefit from personalized mentoring in the college search process beginning in their junior year. Students meet with counselors to reflect on areas of strength and interest in order to identify college environments where they will find the next phase of academic and social success.

As in the classroom, Harvey challenges students to take responsibility for their futures. Harvey families appreciate that the amount of time and support offered allows students to complete the bulk of the work relating to college applications at school. As confident learners and leaders, Harvey graduates are eager to welcome the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

“What I enjoyed most about my Harvey experience was that the school opened the door to all sorts of possibilities. By the time I got to college, I had a much better idea what I wanted to pursue.” —Ben Alumnus ’13

“I wish there were a test for all of the ‘life’ material that these teachers deliver to our kids every day. Harvey faculty do much more than help our children reach their goals; they help mold our kids into good, kind, thoughtful people.” 24

—Parent of Two Harvey Graduates

Admissions and Financial Aid: Experience Harvey for Yourself We invite your entire family to explore the Harvey community through our website and campus visits as we get to know more about the applicant’s hopes, talents, and goals. If you think Harvey might be the right fit to challenge and nurture you, contact us by: ■■ Submitting an online inquiry or application at, ■■ Calling the admissions office at 914-232-3161, ext. 138, or ■■ Emailing us at

Information about our Open Houses and instructions about applying for need-based financial aid are also available on our website. Most of our applications are processed during the winter for enrollment in the following school year, but we are available to talk with families about the possibility of enrolling at Harvey during the school year.

Mission Statement

Non-Discrimination Statement

The Harvey School provides a college preparatory program that fosters lifelong learning and inspires students to develop the confidence and leadership qualities necessary to succeed in a diverse, competitive, and changing world. With our commitment to small class size, our community cultivates the strengths of each student through academic excellence, artistic exploration, athletic achievement, community service, and global understanding. ■ Design: Good Design ■ Photography: Chip Riegel ■ Printing: Print Tech

All of us in the Admissions Office look forward to welcoming you.

The Harvey School admits students of any race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational or admissions policies, financial aid programs, or other school administrative programs, including faculty and staff recruitment.


260 Jay Street • Katonah, NY 10536-3707 • 914.232.3161 •

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