The Marvelwood School Viewbook

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A Marvelous Choice

“I really enjoy the sense of community at school. Without the people, Marvelwood is just a place. The people make Marvelwood a home.” —Jade, four-year senior


Marvelwood A Marvelwood education is characterized by intensive personal attention to the individual student. We are passionate in our efforts to nurture academic and personal growth in an environment in which each child is known, valued, and treated with respect.




Service to Others

In every way, the structure of the school is thoughtfully designed to support college-bound students in their efforts to achieve positive intellectual, social, personal and moral growth.

“I don’t think there’s been a single day here that I haven’t smiled or laughed.” —Christina, threeyear senior 1


To Believe in Yourself

Options and Expectations At Marvelwood, we have long delivered an academic program that we feel every school should strive to emulate: one that is customized to each individual student’s interests and needs, one that is intentionally challenging and appropriately nurturing, one that is sensitive to and accommodating of learning differences. The academic program is geared to providing a strong preparation for college and laying the foundation for a lifetime of curiosity, inquiry and learning. In the Marvelwood classroom, every seat is literally in the front row. Class size never exceeds 14; sections average around 8 students, and many are much smaller. With a desirable 4:1


student/faculty ratio, individual attention in the classroom is guaranteed. We expect and encourage our students to be active, engaged participants in their educational journey. For a small school, Marvelwood offers an impressive variety of courses for students of all ability levels. In addition to “standards� such as American literature, world history, Spanish, calculus and physics, students may choose to study comparative religion, psychology, Asian history, human physiology, ethics, and ornithology. The school offers several Advanced Placement courses in mathematics, history and science; honors-level classes beginning in the sophomore year; and elective classes in First Aid, Art History


Choose Marvelwood… for the CHALLENGE and Public Speaking along with fifteen term-long choices in the performing and fine arts. We continually adjust our curricula with an eye to providing the most engaging and stimulating academic program possible. In 2008-2009, students had their choice of 67 different course offerings! Scheduling is flexible enough to challenge and accommodate students at every level of ability. Grades are assigned every three weeks, providing frequent and detailed feedback on each student’s academic effort and achievement.


Advanced Placement and Honors classes broaden your horizons and push your limits; students find appropriate challenge at every level and in every discipline.

for the VARIETY

Marvelwood offers an inspiring blend of traditional collegeprep classes and unique alternatives: Art History to Ornithology, Broadway to Biology, Shakespeare to Ceramics, Jazz to Geometry, French to Filmmaking, with new courses added every year!


An ace in science but struggling with writing? A geography buff, but math is tough? Your academic schedule is personalized to allow you to strengthen your strengths in one area while you work to improve your weaknesses in another.


Honesty has been and remains the School’s most important rule and guiding principle. Being honest involves keeping promises, having the courage to do the right thing and to admit wrongdoing, being candid and forthright in all relationships and situations, and practicing truthfulness in all communications, actions and decision-making. Honesty inspires trust and builds a strength of character which all members of the Marvelwood community should strive to achieve.

Respect for Oneself and One’s Community Self-respect and respect for others are the cornerstones of our diverse community. Self-esteem, courtesy and wise decision-making form the foundation for a School based on the values of empathy and tolerance. The value of community goes beyond the notion of assimilation to embrace mutual respect, diversity and integration, which means learning from each other’s experiences and beliefs to build a common and evolving School character.


Being responsible means being in charge of our choices and, thus, our lives. It means being accountable for what we do, what we say and who we are. It also means recognizing that our actions matter and that we are morally bound to the consequences.

Service to Others

The School’s longstanding commitment to serving others reflects our desire to foster and nurture a genuine service ethic in all members of our community. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to look beyond themselves by reaching out to others, showing kindness and generosity, anticipating the needs of others, and putting service before self.



To Be Inspired

Experiential Education: A Marvelwood Hallmark

It’s a known fact: students learn best by doing. Active, handson involvement in your education translates to better focus, more effective retention, a stronger desire to master concepts, and an appreciation for how “book learning” applies to the real world. Our teachers bring a sense of creativity and fun to their lesson planning, constantly seeking to find the ideal combination of seeing, hearing and doing that will unlock the door to success for every one of their students. Nowhere is our commitment to experiential education more evident than in the science classrooms. Marvelwood’s science department has been recognized by the State of Connecticut for its innovative, hands-on programs as well as its contributions to state and local agencies such as the Department of Environmental Protection, the Audubon Society and various local conservation commissions and land trusts. Projects such as guide dog puppy training, water quality testing, mapping vernal pools using GPS equipment, and operation of one of only three licensed high school birdbanding stations in the United States illustrate Marvelwood’s dedication to innovative experiential education. Marvelwood students are also given many unique opportunities to work with professionals outside the school community and to engage in research, outreach and community service on a local, state and global scale. Our students share their poetry and prose with published writers, present the results of their scientific research to state officials, enter their art, photography and films in local competitions, create maps and educational materials for environmental organizations, get watercolor tips from professional artists in day-long campus workshops, provide data to national monitoring organizations, and even work elbow-to-elbow with Smithsonian scientists in the Panamanian rainforest! These opportunities have provided many students with practical experience which has significantly influenced their college and career choices.



Choose Marvelwood… for the HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE




Why read about animal behavior when you can personally assess a puppy’s sociability profile? Why look at pictures when you can touch the real thing? Why just learn when you can teach others? At Marvelwood, first-hand, hands-on experience is everywhere, every day.

Our intimate size and 4:1 student-faculty ratio guarantees that every student is known and valued. Strategies classes, math tutorials, evening tutoring, supervised study halls, and easy access to teachers help ensure your success.

The geometry of pitching, the physics of skateboarding… what do you need to make your studies come alive? Marvelwood teachers constantly seek to connect concepts and ideas to real-world applications. We are committed to finding out what makes you tick and applying it to our teaching methods.

Learn from a diverse group of talented teachers who love what they do and share their enthusiasm for their subject and their students every day.



To Be Known and Valued

Faculty: Authenticity, Enthusiasm and Compassion It takes a special kind of person to care deeply about someone else’s child. Rarely do you encounter an environment where a diverse group of adults have come together motivated by one purpose: to do all it takes to inspire and ensure the academic success and personal confidence of every individual student. Marvelwood’s faculty and staff share a communal dedication to helping students meet their educational and personal goals. Marvelwood teachers demonstrate a significant daily commitment to each student’s success. They make it a point to get to know each student individually and to elicit and encourage their particular talents, both in and outside the classroom. The school is overwhelmingly student-centered



in its daily functioning; all staff members are fully invested in making the most of day-to-day opportunities to mentor and get involved. Many of Marvelwood’s teachers have made a long-term commitment to the school, raising their families on campus, recommending talented friends for employment, even returning to Marvelwood after pursuing graduate work. The fact that several Marvelwood graduates have returned to teach at the school is a testament to their desire to provide the same meaningful experiences they enjoyed as students to a new generation of young adults. Marvelwood’s faculty members measure their success by the success of their students. They do what they say they’re

“I love being able to joke around and laugh with my teachers. At public school, the relationships just aren’t the same.” —Courtney, two-year senior


Marvelwood’s faculty go above and beyond to identify areas of student interest and to incorporate these in the academic, elective and residential programs. The overall school program is constantly changing and expanding to accommodate changes and additions based on teacher talent and student interest. Adults in the Marvelwood community also enjoy participating in activities with the students; it’s not unusual to find teachers climbing the rock faces, playing in the pit orchestra, chatting with students over coffee or pizza in downtown Kent or defending the goal line in a pick-up game of Ultimate Frisbee. In a recent survey, 95% of the students report being very satisfied with faculty commitment and advisor effectiveness. They rated teachers at the top of the list of what they most appreciated about their overall Marvelwood experience.


The independent commission that evaluated Marvelwood for re-accreditation in 2007 wrote, “Marvelwood’s faculty has a well-deserved reputation for being dedicated, approachable, compassionate and hard-working. They nurture students with a balance of affection and accountability, modeling behavior and attitudes for growth and achievement. They demonstrate patience and kindness in their exhaustive work with students. The faculty is to be commended for its exemplary commitment to the care of and attention to their students.”

going to do. They work hard to know you and your family well. They are available around the clock to provide help, advice, or just friendly support. They bring a characteristic sense of fun to all of their responsibilities, in the dorm, in the classroom, in the dining hall, and on the playing fields. And everyone—from the Headmaster on down—is eager to share their lives with students. The adults here are talented, well-rounded, passionate in their interests, and distinguished by their concern for and dedication to young people. They seek out students and take an active interest in their apprehensions, ambitions and dreams. In the end, they are much more than teachers. They are surrogate parents, friends and mentors who help in the realization of dreams.


WHY I CHOOSE… to teach at Marvelwood In my opinion, the most valuable teaching I can do involves bombarding the mind and senses with experiences which stimulate and motivate students to try new things, help to build self-confidence, and ignite a genuine curiosity about the world. Witnessing a student’s growth and enthusiasm and knowing that it evolved from a moment in my classroom or in the field is the real reward for my efforts. It is these moments that sustain and re-energize my commitment to Marvelwood year after year. —Laurie Doss Science Department Chair employed at Marvelwood since 1987 They say that every phase in life’s journey leads to a better place and a bigger reward. Marvelwood’s students are so willing and determined to succeed that the challenge of keeping them eager, invested, and academically hungry inspires me every single day. I can’t imagine a better place or a bigger reward. —William Bingham Director of College Counseling, English teacher employed at Marvelwood since 2001 Helping young people reach their full potential—whether in the classroom, in the dormitory or on the athletic field—is not simply my job, but my life’s calling. It thrills me to see my students and athletes get as excited as I do about learning and competing. And when they enjoy success, great and small, I take pride in knowing that I have done my part in helping to prepare them for the world beyond Marvelwood. —Glenn Sanchez Athletic Director, History Department Chair employed at Marvelwood since 1990 So much of what I think we do well at Marvelwood is based on reversing insecurities and fears, and helping many students regain confidence in their own abilities. It is extremely rewarding to see a student become willing to try, willing to risk failure, determined to succeed. These major steps forward are the greatest payoff for the hard work we all do. This kind of promise keeps me excited about and invested in my job every day. —Blythe Everett Assistant Head of School, English teacher employed at Marvelwood since 1990


To Share Your Vision



Choose Marvelwood… for EXPERIENCE

Many of Marvelwood’s employees have made long-term commitments to the school. Over 20 faculty and staff members have worked here since 2000. 80% of the faculty has at least five years of teaching experience. 23 teachers have advanced degrees in Education, Educational Administration, Business Administration, Special Education, Social Work, Counseling, Fine Arts and a variety of subject areas. Three current faculty members are also Marvelwood graduates!


Our faculty includes teachers with a diversity of life experience. In addition to several long-term educators, the staff includes a physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project, a former corporate leader, EMTs, filmmakers, social service workers, wilderness program facilitators, a corporate trouble-shooter, theatre artists with Broadway experience, musicians, psychologists, writers, scriptwriters, chefs and editors. In addition, Marvelwood employs several adults who were raised and educated in foreign countries, including South Korea, Spain, Israel, Sweden and Indonesia.

What Marvelwood Students Say About Their Teachers from Senior Readings at Graduation 2008 My advisor was by far my most influential teacher. She was my second mom. She did everything she could to help me reach my full potential. I love her for it.

She supported me whenever I needed her. She was always there for me. I learned many “life lessons” from her. I am so grateful.

She gave me the confidence to do things I used to quickly give up on. She was more than a mentor; she was a close friend.

He was a great teacher, but I learned even more from him— about life, and about myself—outside of class.

The teachers here are people I could believe in. They really cared about me as a person. They always encouraged me to do my best, and were always willing to give me another chance.

I was never too scared to ask for help. It was obvious from the start that my teachers were willing to do whatever they could to help me succeed.

She taught me that it was okay to speak up and express what is on my mind.

The teachers are the reason most of us came back to Marvelwood year after year. They dedicate their whole lives to this school. They are never truly off duty. Their support and true friendship are amazing. They are like our parents, watching us grow and doing everything they can to help us succeed. I will never forget my family on the mountain.

I had a lot of great talks with him, even though he wasn’t my teacher or my advisor. He didn’t have to spend that time with me; he just did.



To Explore Your Potential


The Arts at Marvelwood: Express Yourself! In addition to arts “basics” like perspective drawing, rhythm, fundamentals of acting, how to write a haiku, film developing and appreciating Mozart’s genius, Marvelwood students craft jewelry, design and make clothing, direct their peers in self-authored plays, master advanced music theory, create their own zines, produce silk-screens and plaster masks, design sets and lighting, create stop-motion films using Lego, assemble three-dimensional photography, paint murals, write music, and compile impressive portfolios that earn them admission to art or design schools.



Marvelwood’s arts facilities include a ceramics studio, an art studio, a photography classroom and separate darkroom, filmmaking facilities, a stage adjacent to a greenroom and two dressing rooms, two music rooms and a dance studio. There are two vocal ensembles and three instrumental groups including pit orchestra, rock band and jazz ensemble. A variety of talented teachers offer voice and instrumental lessons on campus and find opportunities to showcase any and all musical gifts, from the Celtic harp player who mesmerized the crowd at a

Choose Marvelwood… to DISCOVER YOUR TALENT

Marvelwood is all about stretching yourself and expanding your sense of possibility. We require every student to take several arts courses because we believe that exploration in the arts is no less important than academics and athletics in the search to discover your truest self. By uncovering the potential in a lump of clay, a blank canvas, an empty roll of film, notes on a page or words in a script, you’re also discovering who you are and the possibilities that lie within you.

winter talent show, to the senior boy whose first-ever public performance was a flawless Chopin piano étude, to the shy freshman who came out of his shell behind his steel drums at a spring concert. Our students’ talent is on display all over campus and on our website, and has been recognized and rewarded in shows and competitions in the town of Kent. Marvelwood artists have taken first prize at the Kent Art Association Student Art Competition. Students’ photographs have been displayed in galleries in town, and their films have earned awards at the Kent Film Festival. Marvelwood performers have won first-place distinction and back-toback Judges’ Favorite honors at the Kent Talent Show. Whether you’ve got proven talent and a passionate interest or you’re still trying to find your creative side, Marvelwood’s arts program offers a wealth of options for fulfilling artistic self-expression.


The arts provide an outlet for your most personal talents and a chance for the individual in you to speak in a language that is completely your own. Our fifteen arts electives provide unparalleled opportunities for learning and exercising creativity and imagination.



To Break The Mold

WHY I CHOOSE… to support Marvelwood

I am so grateful to Marvelwood for believing in our son. It is amazing what happens to a young man when there are people who know that there is something special inside him, just waiting to be released. Marvelwood helped him find his passion and a true love of learning and of life. The world awaits him, and Marvelwood has prepared him for his next chapter. —Shevawn Graesser, P ’08 When I attended my son’s graduation from Marvelwood, I was very moved by the intimate feelings the students expressed about the school, their friends and teachers, and the transformation that had taken place in their lives. I was honored to serve on the Board of Trustees for many years and to share pride in the school’s many milestones. My wife and I continue to be involved and are happy to do whatever we can to help the school fulfill the mission that has been its hallmark for fifty years. Marvelwood means a great deal to us. —Robert O. Swanson, P ’93, former President of the Board of Trustees At Marvelwood, I discovered the value of honesty. I learned to face my fears, and sincerely apologize for my mistakes. The faculty always related to us on a personal level, and encouraged and mentored truthfulness. They knew us well and pushed us to develop our strengths. They welcomed us into their homes and their lives. They wanted to see us succeed. To this day, I apply the lessons I learned at Marvelwood. I thank the school for giving me the confidence to pursue my goals. —Angela Eastwick ’02



“Self-discovery is at the heart and soul of the Marvelwood community. I love working and living here because students are continually finding and developing parts of themselves they didn’t know existed. The sense of wonder and confidence in themselves as learners, athletes, musicians and community activists is infectious and permeates everything we do here.” —Caitlin Lynch Associate Director of Admissions

Choose Marvelwood… to SHARE YOUR VISION

Marvelwood’s visual and performing artists have a variety of venues in which to display their talent: in the hallways, on the stage, in school publications, in concerts, on the website, and in local art, film, photography and talent competitions. Public appreciation for your product validates and fuels your creative side.


Artistic expression transcends the spoken word. Understanding and appreciating the arts, both the process and the result, enables us to break down barriers between people and cultures. A foundation in the arts provides you with a language necessary to better understand the world and your place in it.


“At Marvelwood, I got the individual attention I needed to become a successful student. It marked a turning point in my life. I believe strongly in the school and I’m grateful for what it did for me. As President of the Alumni Association, I have had the opportunity to speak with many graduates who share similar stories about what a difference Marvelwood made in their lives. It has been an honor to sit on the Board and help to support the school.” —Sarah (D’Agostino) Christensen ’83 President of the Alumni Association & Board of Trustees member


To Discover Your True Strengths




Strategies: In a Class by Itself Since its founding in 1956, Marvelwood has been committed to the belief that every student learns differently, and that these differences are to be celebrated and accommodated through a combination of intensively-targeted efforts on the part of the faculty to make even the most challenging college preparatory curricula accessible to students of all abilities, talents, interests and learning styles. Students at every level of ability are encouraged to participate actively in their studies, practice self-advocacy, and accept guidance from the professionals with whom they interact every day. The School offers optional but always fully-enrolled Strategies and Math Tutorial programs in which teachers work one-on-one with students to overcome obstacles to their academic success. Many students choose to enroll in Strategies or Math Tutorial in order to address and accommodate learning differences. Other students are seeking intensive assistance with writing, organization, test-taking strategies, English language development, or preparation for the SATs. Our teachers have the training, experience, creativity and patience to identify and remediate weaknesses in basic skills, to support a student’s efforts in content classes through use of specific learning strategies and assistive technology, and to fill in the gaps which may present an impediment to success in higher-level coursework. We believe that all students can meet the challenges of a rigorous college-prep curriculum given adequate support and armed with the belief in themselves as effective learners.

Marvelwood’s innovative support programs proudly boast a long history of success along with a well-deserved reputation for excellence in the field. Many schools have added learning centers and Strategies-type programs only recently, and several have reached out to Marvelwood’s professionals for guidance and advice as they have stepped cautiously into these uncharted waters. We are proud of the fact that our Strategies and Math Tutorial programs have been in place since the school was founded; they reflect our continuing commitment to our founders’ vision and their belief in the potential that lies within each student.

Choose Marvelwood… to MEET YOUR ACADEMIC NEEDS

Not everyone learns the same way, and some students have learning needs which must be accommodated in order for them to be successful. At Marvelwood, we ensure that your individual needs are being met in the classroom and supported in the tutorial environment. Our state-of-the-art Assistive Technology Center features Kurzweil 3000, Dragon Naturally Speaking and Report Writer Interactive software. The entire faculty is certified in the principles of Schools Attuned; others have additional training in modalities like Orton-Gillingham, Wilson Language and Lindamood-Bell. Our teachers are committed to meeting your needs; we teach the way you learn.


Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, but not everyone knows how to use their strengths to improve their weaknesses. Sometimes it’s just a matter of looking at a difficult concept from a new angle. Our teachers take the time to get to know you, your strengths and your interests, because they know that your memory for baseball statistics can be used to help you learn algebra, and that your concern for the environment will help you write a fantastic paper about the Industrial Revolution. Soon, you’ll be making these connections independently and taking pride in your own resourcefulness!



At Marvelwood, we know that your ability to succeed academically is just a matter of believing in yourself and working hard. So what if your method of solving a problem or tackling a long-term assignment is a little unique? It’s getting the job done that’s the point. Strategies teachers help you identify what works best for you and encourage you to embrace the unique way you learn. You can be confident in your abilities rather than worrying about not fitting the mold.


Marvelwood values the non-traditional student. Instead of forcing you to conform, we welcome the opportunity and the challenge to structure our curriculum, our assignments and assessments, and our expectations so that every student can experience the challenge of being pushed to new heights of achievement as well as the thrill of meeting and even exceeding appropriate goals. Join us in breaking down the barriers to your success! Come to Marvelwood ready to advocate for yourself, to experiment, and to navigate some innovative twists and non-traditional turns on the road to college and beyond.



To Open New Doors

International Program: Celebrate Your Culture While Learning in Ours International students gain fluency in English by enrolling in Marvelwood’s English Language Learners’ (ELL) program. Offered at three levels for students of varying proficiency, these courses focus on improving students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills so that they can find success in our mainstream program as well as in college.

New international students are tested prior to enrollment to determine placement in one of three ELL levels. We provide intensive instruction in English language development as well as content-based courses in history and life science. We also offer supplemental support classes for international students who need advanced English

“Our son’s talents and interests were largely ignored by his public school. At Marvelwood, the teachers mentored him with patience and care. It has been a gift to see teachers who love what they do and want to share that with their students. They’ve opened up the world for him.” —parents of Sean ’08 16




WHY I CHOOSE… to send my child to Marvelwood Attending Marvelwood has been an incredible experience for our son. The individualized instruction is tailored specifically to his academic needs. We have been thrilled with the dedication of the entire staff. Marvelwood is definitely a school that is keenly interested in uncovering, encouraging and developing each student’s talents and strengths. —parents of David ’09 language instruction to support their work in the mainstream academic program. Class sizes are small and student-centered, utilizing an approach that includes pair work, group work and oral presentations. Computer-based language learning activities are also a part of the curriculum, as is preparing students to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) test required for their admission to American colleges and universities. Our residential program offers all students a rich variety of cultural experiences. Foods in the dining hall cater to ethnic and cultural tastes. Events and activities like the International Fair, holiday celebrations, participating in community service, and field trips to cultural centers, ethnic centers of major cities, and historic sites help foreign students to understand and enjoy American culture while enabling the entire school community to better appreciate the home cultures of our international students. We are proud to have students and alumni from more than 20 countries around the world! Our international students are valuable members of the Marvelwood family who feel comfortable, supported and challenged in a school community that promotes inclusiveness and enthusiastically celebrates its cultural diversity.


We chose Marvelwood because we were looking for a traditional boarding school that would offer our son the opportunity to be among other positive, motivated students in a supportive and inclusive environment. —parents of Sam ’10 Marvelwood provided many special opportunities for our son to flower in the social and interpersonal dimensions of his life. They saw and nurtured his potential for leadership. He chose to graduate from Marvelwood because he had teachers who really believed in him. —parents of Andrew ’05



Community Service: The Value of Giving At Marvelwood, Community Service is not just a catch phrase, it’s an ethic. We were one of the first schools to include meaningful Community Service as a vital part of each week’s experience. Our longstanding commitment to serving others reflects our desire to foster and nurture a genuine service ethic in all members of our community. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to look beyond themselves by reaching out to others, showing kindness and generosity, anticipating the needs of others, and putting service before self. There is no stronger indicator of a commitment to a program than the allocation of time and resources. Marvelwood dedicates every student, every faculty member, every vehicle, and every Wednesday morning to Community Service activities at a wide variety of placements throughout northwestern Connecticut and across the border into upstate New York. Our students eagerly take advantage of opportunities to perform community service in New York City several weekends throughout the year. Seniors also complete a major fourday service project at an off-campus location during the week before graduation. The breadth and depth of our program is a dramatic commentary on the School’s support for this important part of our mission and core values.

WHICH WILL YOU CHOOSE? Community Service at Marvelwood

The full list of placements varies slightly from year to year, but typically includes:


Day Care Centers Elementary Schools Nursing Homes Soup Kitchens Special Olympics Animal Shelters Stables Local Farms Knitting For Newborns Thrift Stores State Parks and Forests Audubon Society Centers Habitat For Humanity Environmental Organizations Assisting at Local Businesses Recycling Public Library Amnesty International Campus & Local Beautification Youth Services Opportunities Project


To Make A Difference




WHY I CHOOSE… to serve Marvelwood

I am often asked why I spend so much of my time and resources on Marvelwood. The answer is simple: I cherish what Marvelwood did for me and for countless other graduates. I want to maintain the unique and special attributes of the school. As a member of the Board of Trustees, I can work to ensure that the quality of a Marvelwood education is never compromised. —William “Jay” Edwards ’63 Board of Trustees member My experiences at Marvelwood radically changed the course of my entire life. I gained confidence and self-esteem as a student. I developed friendships with people from different cultures and backgrounds, friendships that continue to enhance the tapestry of my life. I understand the value of the school and the importance of its mission. This is what motivated me to join the Board and remain involved. It’s also why it was easy to choose Marvelwood for my own son. —Sara-Jane Danaher Rindos ’80 mother of Teddy ’08 & Board of Trustees member As I was considering joining Marvelwood’s Board of Trustees, I had the opportunity to meet informally with some students, and I asked them to tell me about the school. Each person had a different story to tell, but they all acknowledged that their lives had changed for the better, and their prospects for the future were even brighter, as a result of attending Marvelwood. Their eloquence, enthusiasm and sincerity convinced me that Marvelwood was a very special place. The seven years I have spent on the Board have marked a personally gratifying period in my life. —Alfred C. Brooks Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Choose Marvelwood… for the opportunity to IMPRESS

For many students, Community Service offers the chance to share particular strengths and talents and to display a level of commitment, professionalism and responsibility that attracts the attention and respect of college admissions officers and future employers.

for the OPTIONS

Many students have discovered their true passion or identified their career goals through participation in Community Service. A variety of options means a variety of directions to explore—which will you choose?


for the privilege of CONTRIBUTING TO THE WORLD

Service to others is one of Marvelwood’s core values. Our Community Service program is not about logging a requisite number of hours to satisfy an arbitrary graduation requirement; it’s about learning the value of service by embracing the opportunity to give of yourself and your time.

for the chance to MAKE A DIFFERENCE

There’s no better feeling than helping someone in need, sharing time with someone who is lonely, teaching a child a new skill, or working to protect the environment, to beautify the landscape or to right a wrong. Marvelwood students gain self-esteem and pride knowing that their efforts are making a difference in the world.


“During my sophomore year, I chose to join the wrestling team. Competing on a team was a brand new experience for me. It improved my self-confidence and taught me how to advocate for myself. I also found a real sense of camaraderie among my teammates. Even though I never won a match that first year, I never gave up. My coach saw how hard I was trying, and he gave me the Most Improved Player award at the end of the season. I will never forget that. It felt so great to be recognized for my effort, even if I didn’t win.” —Clay, three-year senior


To Push The Limits


Athletics: Go Out and Play! What’s your field? For a school our size, Marvelwood offers an unusually wide range of competitive and recreational sports. We have a vigorous interscholastic sports program, and our teams are competitive throughout the Hudson Valley Athletic League and various New England regional athletic associations. Our teams and players like winning, but they are also encouraged to simply enjoy playing. We emphasize sportsmanship and participation, not prowess; success is measured by a winning attitude, not a winning record.


The school’s 83 acres include four large playing fields, eight tennis courts, a three-mile cross country course and a low ropes course. Our location adjacent to the Appalachian and Mohawk trails and close to the Housatonic River, Mohawk Ski Area and St. John’s Ledges provide inexhaustible resources for our popular outdoor programs. The new Anne Davidson Scott Athletic Center, completed in 2008, offers basketball, volleyball, wrestling and dance facilities, a fitness center, a ski preparation room, Athletic Trainer’s suite, and locker and shower facilities.


Choose Marvelwood… to take PRIDE IN TRADITION

Marvelwood’s athletic program contributes significantly to the spirit and exuberance of our school. Longstanding rituals, such as when varsity athletes ring the Piper Victory Bell after a win, have joined with new traditions like the Varsity Club and the annual Marvelwood-Forman Spirit Day. The brand-new Anne Davidson Scott Athletic Center shines with the promise of future traditions waiting to be established. Marvelwood’s Blue and White athletic tradition gives the entire school community a great deal to cheer about.


Our sports program has something to please athletes of all abilities and inclinations. For a small school, we offer an impressive slate of sports offerings each term. Athletes who have played for years find challenge on the varsity fields, while those who “rode the bench” log real playing time and develop their skills. Students who never held a racquet or swung a golf club can join competitive teams as beginners, while those who prefer to set their own pace as individuals still benefit from the camaraderie involved in rock-climbing, cross country running or mountain biking.


Choose Marvelwood… to MODEL SPORTSMANSHIP

Win-loss records and championship trophies have little to do with how we measure the value of our athletic program. We consider the lessons in concentration, commitment, self-discipline, cooperation, poise and leadership to be the real treasures of the program. Marvelwood values good sportsmanship above all else; while we’re certainly proud of our trophies and banners, we are even more proud to have earned numerous distinctions for sportsmanship.


Competitive sports are training for life’s greater challenges. The drive to excel, the desire to push the limits and achieve personal goals, the ability to accept defeat with grace, and the ability to look past any loss with positive anticipation of the next challenge are skills which extend far beyond the playing fields of high school.



WHICH WILL YOU CHOOSE? Athletics at Marvelwood Fall Sports Spring Sports Boys’ Soccer Girls’ Soccer Girls’ Volleyball Cross Country Mountain Biking Rock Climbing

Winter Sports

Boys’ Lacrosse Boys’ Tennis Girls’ Tennis Baseball Softball Golf Ultimate Frisbee Canoeing

Boys’ Basketball Girls’ Basketball Wrestling Ski Team Recreational Snowboarding Fitness & Weight Training Dance Yoga



To Get Involved

Living at Marvelwood: Reaching New Heights

Start with the setting: breathtaking westward views across the foothills of the Berkshire mountains, offering unparalleled sunsets. The quaint town of Kent is a welcoming venue for shopping, cultural excursions and socializing. Marvelwood’s 83-acre mountaintop campus is surrounded by miles of protected forests, wetlands, farmland and hiking trails. It’s hard not to get caught up in the natural beauty of the surroundings, and sometimes it’s surprising to remember that New York City is only two hours away!


The campus facilities appear modest at first glance but, like many of our students, there’s more to us than initially meets the eye. The schoolhouse offers fifteen classrooms, three science labs, three computer labs, a media room, a 9,700-volume library and administrative offices. Tutorial classrooms, a theatre, four art studios, and two music rooms occupy other, smaller buildings dotted across the school grounds. Wireless internet access extends to every corner of the campus. The recently-remodeled dining hall building includes an intimate snack bar area, a well-stocked and



Choose Marvelwood… to get INVOLVED

always busy school store, and an open, airy dining room run by an award-winning staff. Like the majority of the buildings on campus, our four dormitories are also unobtrusive structures, rising only one story above ground. Even the brand-new Anne Davidson Scott athletic center, Marvelwood’s crown jewel and the largest structure on campus, blends in to the rural surroundings, allowing the beauty of our location to take center stage. Inside, you’ll find art-lined hallways, inviting common areas, polished trophies in gleaming cases, comfortable dorm rooms, open-door faculty apartments, and loads of photos chronicling current student activities as well as 50 years of Marvelwood’s history. Most characteristically, you’ll also see young people and adults sharing their lives with each other. Everywhere you look, you’ll find evidence of a busy, engaging, and spirited residential community.


Field Trips, Weekend Excursions, and Chaperoned Vacation Destinations at Marvelwood

There’s so much going on that it’s impossible not to get in on the action! Join your friends in their favorite activities or volunteer where there’s a need. Teachers and students alike will reach out to get you involved. Don’t see something you want? Find a sponsor and create a new club! You can do something different every week and every weekend. It won’t take long before you’re making friends and making a name for yourself doing what you like to do!

to have FUN

Activities and events are built into the structure of the week to allow students the opportunity to share their talents and interests and to have fun with friends and faculty. Students are encouraged to contribute to planning the activity calendar by proposing trips, activities, speakers, concerts, games and other events that promote student interaction and entertainment.

to experience DIVERSITY

Marvelwood is proud to be a community of people from many cultures and backgrounds. Students from all over the world have the opportunity to expand their cultural horizons and learn about other parts of the world by participating in a variety of activities focused on social and cultural awareness. Holiday celebrations, foreign films, lectures, international fairs, theme dinners and trips to cultural centers are just a few of the ways Marvelwood celebrates its diversity each year.

Over the past few years, Marvelwood students and their faculty chaperones have enjoyed a variety of fun and educational trips, including: Disney World Project Oceanography (Long Island Sound) Cape Cod Whale Watch & Beach Clean-Up Academic Exchange to Bilbao, Spain Broadway Shows Whitewater Rafting in New Hampshire & Vermont Museum of Modern Art Paintball Ski Trips to Killington and Stowe Mashantucket Pequot Museum The Galapagos Islands Bronx Zoo Youth Service Opportunities Project (NYC) Chinatown Boston Science Museum Ellis Island Montreal Metropolitan Museum of Art


Brookhaven National Laboratory Brazil Belize Mark Twain House Mystic Aquarium & Maritime Center Panama Mountain Biking in Maine The Asia Society (NYC) Yale University Art Gallery Camping Trips Advance Movie Screenings Hartford Stage American Museum of Natural History Norwalk Maritime Center Beardsley Zoo Special Olympics Paris Costa Rica Wadsworth Atheneum Harlem Renaissance Tour London


Residential Life: A True Sense of Belonging With 165 students, the school is small enough for everybody to know everybody else. That also means that every person plays an important role in the life of the school. Students can find roles they are comfortable in as well as responsibilities that challenge them. You learn who you really are, and how easily that identity can be expanded, through a wide variety of opportunities and a deep sense of belonging. Marvelwood is an intimate community that celebrates each student’s individuality while constantly reinforcing the warmth and security of a family-like atmosphere. The school is exceptionally proud of its diversity: our student body is made up of young people from all over the world, with different cultures, backgrounds and life experiences. You live and work with people from all over the world. In getting to know them and their many differences, you’ll also discover how much you have in common. We encourage our students to learn from each other’s experiences and beliefs in order to build a common and evolving school character. Marvelwood’s students are fiercely proud of their school. Many students and faculty report that they chose Marvelwood because, when they visited, they could see themselves here when they couldn’t see themselves anywhere else. The intimacy of the school community validates that initial sense of belonging, creating a deep sense of

ownership that is obvious to outsiders. An independent commission charged with evaluating Marvelwood’s program for re-accreditation in 2007 rated the experience of the students “exemplary” and commended the school “for creating an environment where students, alumni, and current and past parents continually express their love of the school, the faculty, and the Marvelwood community. There is a genuine, deep gratitude from the parents and students for the gifts of confidence, success and hope that the students gain from being members of the Marvelwood community.”

WHICH WILL YOU CHOOSE? Clubs & Activities at Marvelwood Cultural and Social Awareness Club Math Club SAT Prep classes Driver’s Education classes Peer Mediation Program Student Government Chorus or a capella group Lectures & Workshops Prefect Program Drama Book Club Yoga College application parties Girls’ Night movies

School Newspaper Literary Magazine Barbecues Cultural holiday celebrations Spirit Week International Fair Casino Night Recycling Music lessons “Theme nights” in the dining hall Foreign Film Club Bonfires Shakesperience troupe Scrabble Club


“Marvelwood Idol” Student-Faculty basketball games Model United Nations Women of Marvelwood Instrumental Ensembles Trunk-or-Treating Dance classes Student Health workshops Prom Committee Concerts and recitals Video game tournaments Dances Winter Carnival Magicians & Hypnotists

To Be Yourself





Choose Marvelwood… to TRY NEW THINGS

With so many options, it’s impossible not to be tempted to try something new. What will it be this week: Late-night amphibian hunting? Bowling for Twinkies? Video game tournament? Girls’ Night Out slumber party? Poetry slam? Dating workshop? Marvelwood Idol? Or maybe you’re just itching to score bonus points by going up against your math teacher at the free-throw line. Everybody’s out doing something—join the fun!


A wide variety of activities means many ways to get involved and to take on responsibility. Being a tour guide, a peer mediator, a student government officer, a tutor or a dorm prefect are excellent opportunities to build your leadership skills and to be involved with programs that are essential to the healthy functioning of the school. You can also distinguish yourself as a club leader, in book discussions, on the stage crew, as a babysitter, or by volunteering in the kitchen. No matter how you get involved, you’ll be noticed, and your efforts will be both publicly appreciated and personally rewarding.


How do you like to spend your free time? We want our students to feel comfortable and welcome in their homeaway-from-home. That means making sure that every student has a voice, and that every voice is heard. Marvelwood is a community built on respect and responsibility, a place where everyone is valued and where we look out for each other. When you’re feeling safe and comfortable, you can be yourself. And when you can be yourself, you can feel unique without feeling alone. In a school that celebrates the individual, nothing is more important.


to raise my family at Marvelwood I brought my family to live at Marvelwood because I wanted all of us to be part of the school community and to share pride in its reputation. What has astounded me is how much the people on this campus have become my extended family. The faculty care deeply about each other and the students, and this transfers to the way the students feel about themselves, about each other, and about the faculty. It is so rewarding for my children and me to share our lives with the students, cheering them on at a sporting event, watching them perform on stage, or just sitting at the kitchen table with them as they talk about their day over a bowl of ice cream. I believe in what we do at Marvelwood. I see the benefits every day, in the students and also in my own children.

Marvelwood has been a wonderful place for my children to grow up. The environment is beautiful, and the campus is safe. We enjoy eating our meals in the dining hall because the students are always interacting with our children, engaging them in conversation and enjoying their company. I believe that the students like having the younger children around, and my kids really enjoy spending time with them. —John Kennedy, Director of Counseling

—Heather Rimany, Librarian



“If I hadn’t taken Ornithology and eventually gone to Panama to do fieldwork, I would probably still be wondering what I was going to do with my life. My experiences in the rainforest helped me get into college, and I made connections which will help me to get a great job after I finish school. That class opened up a whole new world for me, and helped shape my future.” —Sean, two-year senior


To Pursue Your Dreams

College Placement: Where Do You Want to Go? In the competitive arena of college admissions, it’s important for you to stand out from the pack. Today’s admissions personnel look for more than just grades and test scores; they seek evidence of students being involved, having a voice, and having challenged themselves. At Marvelwood, we actively point students towards the many different ways they can demonstrate their willingness, leadership capabilities, and ability to excel. Your broad range of significant involvement in a number of different activities, along with earnest recommendations from teachers who can speak passionately about your strengths, help to guarantee that your applications get the recognition, respect and consideration they deserve The college placement process begins in a student’s junior year. The process is careful and comprehensive, personalized to find the colleges that offer the right combination


of career-oriented coursework as well as the environment that will best support the student’s interests and personal growth. Many college and university representatives visit the campus to meet with students throughout the fall term, and Marvelwood offers fall and spring SAT Prep classes, which are always fully enrolled. Use of the Naviance computer-based college counseling program further streamlines the guidance process, enabling parents to be more involved and aware of each step their child takes towards college admission. Using this system, our guidance personnel are able to survey both parents and students about their goals and interests, to match students with colleges and scholarship opportunities, and to manage and track all required documentation in every phase of the application process.



Marvelwood graduates are accepted to top Colleges and Universities. Adelphi University Babson College Bates College Binghamton University Boston University Case Western Reserve University Central CT State University Clark University Colby-Sawyer College Colorado State University Connecticut College Curry College Denison University Drew University Drexel University Duquesne University Earlham College Eastern CT State University Eckerd College Elmira College Florida Southern College Fordham University Franklin & Marshall College Franklin Pierce University Green Mountain College Guilford College Hamilton College Hartt School of Music Hartwick College Hobart & William Smith Colleges Hofstra University Indiana University Keene State College Lake Forest College Loyola College in Maryland Lynn University Manhattanville College Marquette University Marymount Manhattan College Miami University Michigan State University Mitchell College Montana State University Muhlenberg College New England College New England Institute of Art

New York University Northeastern University Ohio State University Ohio Wesleyan University Pace University Purdue University Penn State University Rhode Island College Rider College Roger Williams University Rutgers University Saint Lawrence University Sarah Lawrence University Savannah College of Art & Design Skidmore College Smith College Southern CT State University Stetson University SUNY Stony Brook Suffolk University Syracuse University Temple University University of Connecticut University of Hartford University of Hawaii University of Illinois University of Maine University of Massachusetts University of Nevada, Las Vegas University of New Hampshire University of New Haven University of the Pacific University of Redlands University of Rhode Island University of Vermont University of Washington University of Wisconsin Ursinus College Washington College Washington State University Western New England College Wheaton College Widener University Xavier University

Choose Marvelwood… to DISTINGUISH YOURSELF

Leadership opportunities in a small community, faculty invested in your academic success, and detailed recommendations from teachers who know your strengths help you stand out from the crowd in the college admissions process.


A wide variety of engaging classes in every discipline, hands-on involvement with passionate teachers and other professionals, meaningful community service experience, and guidance and encouragement from a group of adults with diverse life experiences fuel your passions and help you discover new talents and interests.


Many college and university representatives visit the campus each fall to answer your questions and help you narrow your search. Our college guidance personnel know you well and work intensively to help you find the right fit, a place where you can be both comfortable and successful.


Marvelwood’s students have enjoyed great success in terms of gaining admission to the colleges of their choice and being offered significant scholarships as added incentives to pursue their future goals at schools eager to enroll them. In 20072008, the most competitive year in college admissions history, the 41 members of Marvelwood’s graduating class were accepted to over 70 different colleges and universities in the US and abroad!



“I like Marvelwood because it is a ‘human’ place. Many other schools I visited seemed determined to shape me to their own will. At Marvelwood, I can be myself and flourish.” —Bryan, three-year senior


A Tradition of Excellence



Choose to be part of something truly unique. Choose a school that celebrates you. Choose a faculty single-mindedly dedicated to your success. Choose a community where you’ll want to get involved. Choose to share yourself, your talent, your dreams. Choose to be inspired. Choose to open a new door. Choose wisely.

Choose Marvelwood. Contact the Admissions Office at… The Marvelwood School Office of Admissions 476 Skiff Mountain Road P.O. Box 3001 Kent, Connecticut 06757-3001 Tel: 860 927 0047 Fax: 860 927 0021 e-mail:

Applicants are required to… • Submit the Parent Questionnaire and application fee. • Submit the Application for Admission and Student Questionnaire. • Provide a current transcript. • Submit three teacher recommendations and requested test scores. • Visit the Marvelwood campus for a personal interview. All application forms are available on our website:

Inquire about… The four-week Marvelwood Summer Program and our intensive two-week immersion program for English language learners. Both provide academic challenge and rewarding social, cultural and confidence-building experiences. Contact our Admissions office or visit for more information.




In 1956, Robert A. Bodkin and Ian Hanna started a school with 21 boys, a handful of teachers and a dream. Now more than a half century later, Marvelwood employs over forty teachers and educates 165 young men and women from all over the world. Despite this evolution, Marvelwood remains true to our founders’ commitment to the values of honesty, respect, responsibility and meaningful service to others and dedicated to providing an educational experience characterized by intensive personal attention to the individual student. Young men and women from the United States and many countries are drawn to Marvelwood because of our personalized approach to education. Our academic, athletic, arts and residential programs challenge students of all backgrounds and abilities to reach their full intellectual, artistic and physical potential. With an average class size of nine students, a 4:1 student/faculty ratio and a wide variety of athletic and extracurricular choices, every student is front and center and becomes an active participant in his or her educational experience. So much about what makes Marvelwood an excellent educational choice is evident in the School’s culture, which resonates throughout our buildings and across the wide-open expanses of our 83-acre mountaintop campus. On campus, there is a strong family atmosphere which creates a very caring, nurturing and supportive learning environment. Teachers are more than educators at Marvelwood; they are advisors, coaches, friends and role models. The strong, meaningful relationships that develop between student and teacher are the heart of the Marvelwood experience; they enable our students to enjoy success in every area of school life and give them the skills, confidence and determination to excel in college and in life.

Marvelwood is an intimate community that celebrates each student’s individuality while constantly reinforcing the warmth and security of a family-like atmosphere where adolescents and adults work together to uncover, nurture and celebrate the academic and personal potential that lies within each child. Spend a day with us— see for yourself the extraordinary commitment and enthusiasm of our teachers, the Marvelwood spirit in our students, and the sense of family which binds us as a community, and envision your own success story. If you do, we think you’ll choose Marvelwood School.

Scott E. Pottbecker, Headmaster


to work at Marvelwood I interviewed at many schools before finding Marvelwood. As soon as I stepped onto the campus, I felt like I was at home. I wanted to be a part of a school that I believed in. I believe in the faculty and their mission to help every single student achieve his full potential. I believe in the students, who inspire me every day. Marvelwood is a family—there’s no other way of putting it. I am truly honored to be a part of such a unique and embracing community. —Misty Dawn Jordan Theatre Arts Teacher

I love having lunch with my advisees. I love playing in the pit orchestra. I love cheering on a student who’s climbing a 100-foot rock face. I love that the commute from my apartment to my classroom is about 150 steps. I love Wednesday night Scrabble club. I love walking into the library and seeing a student reading a book I just finished and talking about it with her. I love watching the girls dance in the dorm common room. I love watching sports in the afternoons and sharing the kids’ excitement after a big win. I love eating my meals with people from all over the world. I love being a role model. I love the fact that my colleagues love what they do and really want to make a difference in the lives of their students. I am so happy to be a part of this community. —Elizabeth Radday Math Tutorial & Strategies Teacher


Design: Good Design, LLC • Copy: Blythe Everett • Photography by: Wendy Carlson, Laurie Doss, Bob Falcetti, Tom Kates, Alex Vincent

Directions 90

Great Barrington





From New York City (91mi/146.5km)

To Boston




Canaan Millerton







W. Granby 20






Cornwall Torrington Farmington Kent 4 Litchfield 22



Bradley Int’l Airport


84 2

91 202

New York


Waterbury To Sharon 84



15 7

Bridgeport 15



Norwalk Fairfield

White Plains Stamford

To Great Barrington 4


To Hartford

Cornwall Bridge




7 4

4.5 miles



Skiff Mountain Road

Kent Center Stop Light Monument


Housatonic River 55


Gaylordsville To Danbury

J.F.K. Int’l Airport

Marvelwood is accredited by The New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), The Connecticut Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) and The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS). Marvelwood is also recognized as a state-approved non-public school by the State of Connecticut Department of Education. The Marvelwood School does not discriminate on the basis of handicap, sex, race, color, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, personnel matters, scholarship and loan programs, or athletic and other programs.

The School is an optimistic place that provides a structured, supportive and challenging environment, celebrates diversity, and awakens untapped potential.

Marvelwood is also easily accessible from Grand Central Station along Metro-North railroad’s Harlem line.


New York City

Marvelwood's mission is to provide the path that leads to personal growth and academic success for young people willing to get involved in their own education and committed to the challenge of preparing for college.

Take I-684 to the end in Brewster, NY. Continue on I-84 East towards Danbury, CT. Take Exit 7 for Route 7 North: Brookfield/New Milford. Follow Route 7 North through New Milford and Gaylordsville and into the town of Kent. At the stop light (and monument) in Kent make a left on to Route 341 West. Go two blocks, across the bridge over the Housatonic River, and take an immediate right on to Skiff Mountain Road. It is 4.5 miles to the top. Marvelwood is located on the righthand side.

From Boston (92mi/148km) & Hartford (49mi/79km) Take the Massachusetts Turnpike to Sturbridge, MA and I-84 West to Hartford. Continue on I-84 West to Exit 39: Farmington/Route 4. Travel west on Rt. 4 through Burlington and Torrington to Cornwall Bridge. In Cornwall Bridge, bear left onto Route 7 South. Follow Rt. 7 South to the stop light (and monument) in Kent. Make a right onto Route 341 West. Go across the bridge over the Housatonic River, and take an immediate right on to Skiff Mountain Road It is 4.5 miles to the top. Marvelwood is located on the righthand side. From Fairfield, CT (58mi/93km)

Take Rt. 7 North to the monument and stop light in Kent. Take a left on to Route 341 West. Go two blocks, across the bridge over the Housatonic River, and take an immediate right on to Skiff Mountain Road. It is 4.5 miles to the top. Marvelwood is located on the righthand side.




Service to Others

476 Skiff Mountain Road • P.O. Box 3001 • Kent, Connecticut 06757-3001 Tel: 860 927 0047 • Fax: 860 927 0021 E-mail: • Website:

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