Rocky Hill School Middle School Viewbook

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M i d d le S cho o l m i S S i o n the Rocky hill middle School embraces the uniqueness and diversity inherent in early adolescent students. through rigorous academic courses, a commitment to the arts, competitive athletics, and an active and dynamic adviser program, our mission is to guide the development of the whole child. the small size of our classes enables us to individualize instruction to better help students grow and mature to their potential, preparing them for a successful upper School and college experience.


“We ask students to write about topics that matter to them. Personal narratives, persuasive essays, letters to the editor, and character sketches help students learn about themselves and provide me with insight about them.” —matt hiLL,

English teacher

aCaDemiCS We recognize that middle School is an important transition in a child’s life. our 88-acre waterfront campus and quintessential country day school setting provide a safe and stimulating environment that emphasizes rigorous college-preparatory study, personal and social development, and responsible citizenship. young adolescents need significant adults in their lives to help guide and challenge them, encourage them to take appropriate risks, and offer them opportunities for success. Rocky hill School offers an intimate, family-oriented community of teachers, advisers, and coaches who, in partnership with parents, help their children build the academic skills and self-confidence they need at this pivotal time in their lives. The harkness table provides an energizing platform and level playing field for debate, discussion, listening, and collaboration. in the harkness classroom, students sit with their teacher at an oval table rather than in traditional rows of desks. The harkness method encourages self-advocacy, cooperative learning, stimulating conversation, and the ability to articulate and exchange ideas. The moodle System™ further enhances each student’s educational experience with web-based assignments, course materials, discussion forums, and access to web 2.0 tools.


“ As an e i g ht h grad e stud en t at R ock y H ill, I h av e been able to t ake advant ag e of my ad v an ced M ath sk ills by tak in g an H ono rs Ge o m e t ry c l ass in th e Upper S ch ool. I am gratef ul f or this opportun ity an d ch allen ge. ” —aLeXanDRa moRan ’14

a D V i S e R program Considered the backbone of the middle School, the advisory program establishes an important relationship between a student and a faculty member. middle School students are divided into small, mixed-grade groups that meet with an adviser at the beginning of the day, as well as for a full advisory period one day each week. the advisory period is used for small group activities that focus on discussing our core values and various social issues, as well as for communitybuilding and spirit-generating activities. this period also provides a time for an adviser to meet with individual advisees to discuss issues relevant to the student’s life, both at school and at home. the adviser serves as the primary contact person at school for Rocky hill School families.


the middle School program supports a child’s academic success by developing a foundation of skills and knowledge utilizing a variety of classroom and environmental settings. our curriculum stresses hands-on learning, efficient study skills, problem solving/critical thinking, creativity, communication, and the effective use of information and technology. in addition, our small class sizes and student-centered classrooms promote participation, discussion, self-advocacy, and strong student-teacher relationships. Because we are an intentionally small community, our middle School teachers truly know their students and can offer them the personalized attention that larger schools simply cannot provide. our dedicated faculty, our demonstrated commitment to the development of moral and ethical principles, and our recognition of the unique formative needs of the middle School student combine to make ours an outstanding middle School.

m o o D L e S y S t e m tm teachers and students use moodleTM, a powerful web-based educational management system, to post course documents and assignments, provide access to web 2.0 tools, as well as to facilitate communication in and out of class.

“Our teach ers serv e as ad v isers, role mod els, an d coach es, build in g stron g relation sh ips wi th th eir stud en ts. T h rough f requen t commun icatio n with paren ts an d stud en ts, teach ers an d ad v is ers become an importan t resource f or f amilies, work in g togeth er as partn ers in each stud en t ’ s ed ucation an d person al growth . ” —miChaeL R. JeDRey, Head of Middle School


“ I be li e ve t h e H arkne s s m e t ho d i s a s i mple yet i n ge n i o u s me t ho d t o p ro d e ac h c hild towa r d s t a k i n g an ac t i ve ro l e i n hi s or he r e d u c a t i o n . My c hi l dre n have b e ne fited f r o m i t t re m e ndo u s l y.”

eiGhth GRaDe eXPoSition as the culminating event in the middle School, the eighth Grade exposition provides students with a valuable experience in research and public speaking. teachers and students work together to produce a multimedia presentation for an audience of fellow students, faculty, and family members.

—anDe FRoSt, parent, trustee


the a R t S Students in the arts at Rocky hill are actively engaged in the creative process. While they focus on developing strong foundation skills and knowledge in music, drama and the visual arts, students also are encouraged to experiment in their work and achieve a higher level of personal expression. taking risks, of course, means making mistakes, but when teachers are sensitive to a student’s level of skill, they can play a crucial role in helping them achieve rewarding goals. it is hard to know when or where a particular individual’s artistic passion will catch fire. That’s one reason there are small classes in the arts at Rocky hill. our teachers are able to focus carefully on each student’s personal progress, whether in the visual or performing arts. each year, the middle School Band performs a Winter and Spring Concert, while middle School actors have the opportunity to show their talent on stage in the annual all-school musical, performing together with upper School and faculty actors.

“ R o c k y H i ll Sc ho o l ’s Mu s i c De p art men t h as prov id ed me with a myriad of artistic o p p o r t u n i t i e s . I l e arne d t o p l ay t wo musical in strumen ts an d h av e ev en competed s ta te w i d e . R o c k y Hi l l Scho o l ’s mu s i c p rogram h as taugh t me to lov e music an d h as g iv en m e t h e ab i l i t y and c o nfi de nc e to perf orm in f ron t of large aud ien ces. ” —LiLy hanLon ’13



at h L e t i C offerings Fa L L Boys’ “a” team Soccer Girls’ “a” team Soccer Coed “B” team Soccer Coed Recreational Sailing Coed Lifetime Fitness WinteR Boys’ “a” team Basketball Boys’ “B” team Basketball Girls’ “a” team Basketball Girls’ “B” team Basketball Coed Winter Recreation Dance SPRinG Boys’ “a” team Lacrosse Boys’ “B” team Lacrosse Girls’ “a” team Lacrosse Coed Lifetime Fitness Coed tennis

“ As a f ull- time math teach er, it is v ery reward ing t o coach both soccer an d bask etball in th e M id d l e Sch ool. T h is time on th e f ield s an d courts prov ides t h e opportun ity to better k n ow th e wh ole ch ild. Through team- build in g an d bon d in g, f rien d sh ips a re deepen ed , lead ers step f orward , an d sh ared v alues are brough t f rom th e game back to th e classroo m. C oach in g an d teach in g allow me to witn ess t he ev olution of my stud en ts as th ey meet each dev elopmen tal mileston e in th e M id d le S ch ool. ” —theReSa ConRoy, math teacher and coach


at h L e t i C S the athletic program at Rocky hill School promotes every student’s physical, emotional, and social growth through competitive team sports and physical fitness activities in which good sportsmanship, leadership, a strong work ethic, commitment, and integrity are valued. middle School athletics are a critical component of the curriculum here, and we are committed to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to participate on a competitive team. our athletic programs are designed to develop solid, age-appropriate athletic skills through individual and team activities and interscholastic competition.

S P o R t S m a n S h i P creed as Rocky hill Student-athletes, we pledge to practice good sportsmanship at all times, on the athletic field and in the classroom. Due to the unique size and nature of our school, we will celebrate our closeness and unity. We will be proud of who we are. We will be accountable to ourselves, our teachers, our coaches, and our teammates. We will give our best effort, on the field and in the classroom. We will approach our studies and sport with dedication and responsibility. We will be hardworking and unselfish while working toward common goals. We will conduct ourselves with maturity, and show respect to our opponents, coaches, teachers, officials, and teammates. We are ready and willing to approach our endeavors with intensity and competitive spirit, while always maintaining our sense of community and fair play.


our e n V i R o n m e n t By taking learning beyond the classroom, we help students develop curiosity about the world around them. experiential learning teaches students the importance of using research, teamwork, and technology to explore new ideas and environments. our waterfront campus provides a living laboratory for environmental study and an inspiring setting for art and journal writing. enviroweek, the Jamestown Save the Bay eel Grass Project, World Cultures Week, arts Week, and ďŹ eld trips to Boston, Quebec, the nature’s Classroom campus, and the White mountains of new hampshire provide additional opportunities for exploration. N10n

enViRoWeeK the middle School kicks off every year with enviroweek. Students conduct field surveys, collect and record data and observations from one of the diverse ecosystems found on or near our campus, participate in team-building activities, and camp under the stars.

“Our k id s lov e to learn b y d oin g, an d th at’s wha t th ey talk about wh en th ey come h ome f rom sch ool . It seems lik e almost ev ery d ay th ey are out th e re usin g th e campus, d oing someth in g excitin g. I do n’ t k n ow of man y sch ools th a t of f er ch ild ren th e k i nd of exception al learn ing opportun ities you f in d a t R ock y H ill. ” —miCheLe nota, parent, trustee


our C o m m u n i t y One of the many legacies that distinguish life in the Middle School is our spirit of community. We aim to uphold the ideal of a family school, where all of us—teachers, staff members, administrators, students, and parents—share a common responsibility for maintaining an atmosphere of educational excellence in which children can grow and learn to know themselves as valued members of our community.

“Character education is not a course at Rocky Hill School, it is a way of life. Through cross divisional activities connecting older students to younger students, community outreach programs and strong personal connections between faculty and students, RHS provides an environment which nurtures a student’s moral, emotional, and civic growth.” —Kathy Lewis, parent


C o R e Va L u e S : respect , i n t egrity, kindness, and r e s p o n s i b i li t y in our quest to help students recognize and internalize the qualities of good citizenship, these four core values are a prominent aspect of our middle School and are emphasized in our advisory program. the way in which students treat one another makes a significant difference in the experience a child will have in School. By embracing the core values and weaving them into our middle School program, our students are more cognizant of their interactions with their peers, and they become strong citizens in our community.

tRaDitionS middle School students and faculty participate in a wide variety of educational and social events throughout the school year. these time-honored traditions bring the middle School students, parents, and faculty together in fun and academically enriching ways that help strengthen the community and each child’s educational experience. here are some middle School traditions and special events:

• Arts Week • Eighth Grade End-of-the-year Potluck Dinner • Eighth Grade Expositions • Eighth Grade Winter Carnival Quebec trip • Founders’ Day • Halloween Activities • Martin Luther King, Jr. Program • Middle School End-of-year Trip • Middle and Upper School Musical • Moving Up Day

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Multi-School Dances Seasonal Athletic Award Ceremonies Seventh Grade Eel Grass Project Seventh Grade Winter Overnight at nature’s Classroom Sixth Grade Boys’ PawSox Baseball Game with Fifth Grade Boys Sixth Grade Girls’ URI Basketball Game with Fifth Grade Girls Thanksgiving Day Food Collection Veterans’ Day Ceremony World Cultures Week

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our middle School students come to see themselves as part of a larger community through school meetings, advisory groups, grade activities, and community service projects. Service learning is an important component of the middle School program, tying directly into our core values. a variety of community service projects are undertaken through our advisory groups, with each group identifying an initiative or organization to focus on throughout the year. Community service projects are also undertaken at the grade level, beginning with our seventh graders’ adoption of Sandy Point Beach. our eighth grade class visits the St. elizabeth’s Community nursing home each month, assisting the residents in various activities and at the same time developing some wonderful relationships. Students in our middle School learn the importance of stewardship, leadership, and of our school motto, Know Thyself.

“M id d le sch oo l stud en ts h ave on e of th e mo st d if f icult jobs o n earth —f igurin g o u t wh o th ey are a s th eir bod ies a nd min d s d ev elop. Th is is an age when teach ers can rea l l y h elp stud en ts with issues th ey brin g to th e classroom, fro m h omework to peer relation sh ips. ” —SaLLy DuKeS,

English and geography teacher


m o V i n G up every spring as we congratulate the members of another eighth grade class at moving up Day, the school community comes together to recognize their achievements. Students have grown much stronger and wiser through the transformational years of middle School. triumphs in the classroom, on the athletic field, and in the art studio are celebrated, while the challenges that lie ahead are acknowledged.

“ W h e n I m ade t he t r a n si t i o n fro m M i d d le S c h o o l t o Up p e r S c h o o l, I w as i n i t i a lly n e rvo u s a n d u n su r e ab o u t w h a t h i gh s c ho o l w o u ld b e l i ke . H o w e ve r , t h e Mi ddl e S c h o o l p r e p are d m e w e ll f o r t he ri go r s o f t h e Up p e r S c h o o l. I a m re ady f o r e ve n mo re c h a lle n ge s no w!”

moving up Day is not a graduation, however, as there is more learning and more development that takes place in the upper School. The small size of Rocky hill classes enables us to recognize and accommodate different learning styles to better help students grow and mature to their potential, preparing them for a successful high school and college experience. With a clear sense of purpose, our students stride forth from the middle School, self-confident and prepared to achieve their goals.

—RoBeRt PetteRuti ’13


illus tration: John BuRGoyne ph oto graphy: teRRy CoeS

miChaeL JeDRey GLenn oSmunDSon writing: BiLL FieLDS DouG PoSKitt CatheRine WaShBuRn design : GooD DeSiGn, LLC

Rocky Hill School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, handicap, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its admissions, ďŹ nancial aid, employment, educational policies or other school programs. Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.

Ro cky Hill Scho ol 530 Ives Road East Greenwich, RI 02818 (401) 884-9070

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