Worcester Academy Viewbook

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see what you can


we help you

Explore & grow. philosophy Honor. Respect. Community. Personal Growth. Challenge. These are our Core Values and the qualities Worcester Academy graduates bring with them to adulthood. We want and expect our students to excel academically, but we also give them the tools they need to discover themselves and the world around them.


A Portrait of A Learner @ Worcester Academy >> Has mastered core academic content. >> Is a dynamic learner, who engages in critical and creative thinking and uses a variety of problem solving skills. >> Understands the dynamics of his/her personal learning style and is prepared to engage in lifelong learning. >> Has begun to develop and demonstrate the knowledge and competencies necessary to successfully navigate a diverse world experience. >> Collaborates and works well as both a leader and as a member of a team.

Our core values are the foundation for everything we do here. They are what set us apart. They help us define the tools and skills our graduates require to meet the demands of a world we can’t even anticipate.” —BARBARA AHALT, associate head of school

>> Engages in effective and interactive communication, including a range of multimedia applications in addition to traditional writing and oral communication.

transformational experience A rich, fulfilling, residential life completes the Worcester Academy experience. Located in the heart of Worcester, less than 1 hour from Boston, our campus is always alive. Our boarding students learn to balance class work and study with a full complement of extra-curricular pursuits. By growing and learning in the city, they gain independence and confidence in a safe and structured environment. The relationships formed with adult advisors and mentors endure throughout their lives.

where you

the power of community Five- and seven-day residential students comprise roughly 35% of our Upper School and 60% of our 190 boarders are International students. You can live and study with fellow students from places like Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, England, Germany, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Russia, Scotland, Somaliland, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela and Vietnam. Recently, joining us are students from Italy, Bosnia and New Zealand. Our historic campus has four residential dormitories—two each for boys and girls—with two students per room. Each dorm has a common gathering space and a kitchen. Residential faculty, assisted by student leaders, model our core community values in everyday living situations.

> structured study

Academic evenings include two hours of quiet, study time in the dorm or in the library for facultytutored study.

> Dorm families

Students here grow and learn beyond the classrooms. Having a chance to let you live and learn with students from all over the world together— it’s something precious that not all schools provide.” —Marco —Marco ’14, ’14, international international student student on on Board board of Monitors monitors

community tapestry Independent. Confident. Well-balanced. These are the words that describe Worcester Academy students. Worcester Academy nurtures students to be world-ready. If you’re looking to develop cultural competency, Worcester Academy is the right place. Your can make friends with fellow students from around Massachusetts, across the country and around the world.

Each student is a member of a small dorm family led by a faculty member. Families meet weekly to share dinner, discuss day-to-day events and plan social outings.

> Student activities

Weekend activities, on and off campus, are thoughtfully planned with student input and routinely include visits to area attractions.

educational approach At Worcester Academy our teachers are imaginative and thoughtful designers of dynamic learning opportunities. Through rigorous inquiry and essential questions, students come to understand our world from multiple perspectives and learn to lead as honorable persons of strong and resourceful character. Longer class periods and collaborative projects allow for discovery and practice— alone and together. Here, students develop the skills essential to becoming competent, empowered learners and leaders in a complex world. Our program is a balance and blend of tradition and innovation. We make use of current technologies and innovative teaching practices, while instilling traditional principles of responsibility, honor and achievement. Because our students are at the heart of all we do, they receive the kind of individual attention and encouragement that prepares them to embrace the real world and achieve their life goals.


Challenged, Engaged coursework Our exceptional faculty and challenging, innovative curriculum empower our students to question their assumptions and expand their view of what is possible— not only for themselves, but for their community and their world. We offer general college preparatory courses as well as Honors and Advanced Placement courses in every subject area, including the Arts. Consistent with our mission to create lifelong learners, all of our classes encourage passion, curiosity, and independent inquiry. Educating students in an urban and diverse environment is of increasing value in today’s world. Cultural competency is the new literacy. Colleges value and seek student leaders who know how to communicate effectively across a range of socio-economic and culturally diverse landscapes. Worcester Academy prepares students to navigate successfully and respectfully in a wider global community; in college and beyond. We offer students a broad range of opportunities to learn, lead, and engage in our unique location.

English Code of the Warrior, Into the Wild, The Myth of the Modern, Identity: Race and Ethnicity, Dissident Literature, Women in Literature, Death and the City: Detective Fiction, (Dis)Enchantment: Fantasy Literature, Visual Literacy

World Languages AP Latin: Virgil, AP Spanish Language and Culture, AP Spanish Literature and Culture, AP French Language, AP Chinese Language and Culture. Educational tour opportunities in Rome, Costa Rica, China, Canada and Denmark

& Collaborate History and Social Sciences AP Economics (Micro and Macro), Contemporary Issues/Globalization, Contemporary Issues/Poverty in the U.S., History of WWII in the Pacific, Intro to Ethics, World Religions, Understanding Social Justice, Life in the City: Exploring Urban Issues, Science and Religion

Mathematics AP Statistics, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, Multi-Variable Calculus, Advanced Mathematics college-level course which covers Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Combinatorics, or Number Theory/Abstract Algebra



Science Honors Anatomy and Physiology, AP Biology, Organic Chemistry, AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP Physics C, Urban Ecology, Astronomy - Night Skies Over Worcester, Ecologies of Worcester and New England, Biotechnology

Visual and Performing Arts Honors Senior Studio Art, Architecture, Advanced Ceramics, New Art Media, 3-D Design, Explorations in Craft, Advanced Chorus, Orchestra, AP Music Theory, History of American Popular Music, Music and Culture, Theatre Practicum, Directing, Acting: Intro to Scene Study, Costume Design and Construction, Style by Decade

Innovation in Design and Technology Broadcasting, Computer Science Exploration, 3D Printing and Design, Innovation Incubator, AP Computer Science

where will Worcester Academy

take you ? matriculation

Over 500 graduates from the Worcester Academy Classes of 2011–2014 are continuing their educations at an impressive and diverse group of colleges and universities, including… >> the most highly-regarded universities in the U.S. (Brown, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, Duke, Georgetown, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Princeton, UChicago, UPenn, Yale) >> outstanding women’s colleges (Barnard, Mt. Holyoke, Smith and Wellesley) >> nationally-renowned research universities (Bucknell, Case Western, Emory, Lehigh, NYU, Northwestern, URochester, Vanderbilt, Wake Forest, Washington Univ./St. Louis) >> exceptional small liberal arts colleges (Bowdoin, Grinnell, Haverford, Middlebury, Swarthmore, Tufts, and Williams)

>> U.S. service academies (Coast Guard Academy, Naval Academy, and West Point) >> the finest public universities, including every New England flagship university, as well as those across the country (UCal/Berkeley, UIllinois, UMichigan, UVirginia, UWashington, and UWisconsin) >> colleges with specially-designed programs for business (Babson, Bentley, and Bryant), engineering (Georgia Tech, Purdue, Rensselaer, RIT, and Virginia Tech), and the arts (Parsons New School for Design, Savannah College of Art and Design)

>> colleges outside the U.S. (King’s College/London, McGill, St. Andrew’s, UToronto, and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) >> urban colleges and universities in or near Boston (BU, BC, Brandeis, and Northeastern) and in other major U.S. cities (American, Fordham, George Washington, USC, and Villanova) >> and neighboring colleges in Worcester, MA (e.g. Assumption, Clark, Holy Cross, and WPI)

develop &


collaborative learning period Built into the academic schedule and into the life of each Worcester Academy student is our Collaborative Learning period, a time set aside for reflection and review. Faculty members are available to assist students in their pursuit of a full understanding of subject matter. Central to our philosophy and our students’ success is the ability to self-advocate and ask relevant questions. A collaborative learning period gives our students that opportunity and, in so doing, is an integral part of providing our students with the skills they need to be successful not only here, but in college as well.

advisory system

service learning The Worcester Academy family has much to contribute, and also much to gain from its urban community. Through service work, our students see the difference their work makes in the lives of other people and learn the value of becoming contributing members of a community. With 60 hours of community service required over four years and a plenitude of opportunity right in our own neighborhood, it’s easy to see how many of our students earn the Presidential Volunteer Service Award for their efforts. Most students begin by participating in club and advisory service outings or through class wide service projects. They mentor and teach children, work countless hours in hospitals, feed homeless, host benefit concerts, and organize food and clothing drives. Worcester Academy students make an impact in the greater Worcester community and beyond.


Personal growth and development are central to our mission, so each of our students is assigned a faculty advisor who is responsible for overseeing the well-being and development of a small group of students—all from the same grade level. Advisors stay with their advisees throughout their years at Worcester Academy and grow to understand the needs and aspirations of each student. Advisors are a valuable resource in every respect, helping students with goal setting and course selection, and acting as a source of advocacy and support. Advisory groups meet weekly to discuss school and world events, review academic progress, and share stories of life both inside and outside school. A close relationship develops between student and advisor and also among members of the entire group. These relationships provide a sense of belonging and security, which enhances each student’s learning and growth.

but wait, there’s more

extra and co-curricular activities

athletics Through our interscholastic offerings, student-athletes build camaraderie, develop strategies for competition, and learn about achieving goals. Programs for both girls and boys focus on providing a positive experience as we seek to build character, forge leaders and promote sportsmanship through participation and competition. The range of athletic offerings is extensive as we field over 50 teams and 17 different sports throughout the year at the Middle School and Upper School levels. Nearly 60% of our students participate in one of our programs and all are encouraged to pursue excellence.


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BASEBALL Basketball crew CROSS-COUNTRY FIELD HOCKEY FOOTBALL golf HOCKEY lacrosse skiing SOCCER Softball SWIMMING tennis track wrestling more

arts Visual and performing arts stand front and center as a vital part of a Worcester Academy education. You see it in the student drawings that line the walls of Walker Gallery. You hear it in the voices flowing out of music rooms and Warner Theater. And you feel it watching an acting class tackle a challenging scene. Respect for the arts and the creative process is embedded in our curriculum.

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Architecture CeramicS Chorus Costume Design EXTRACURRICULAR ARTS PROGRAMS Orchestra Stagecraft THEATer ARTS VISUAL ARTS Wind Ensemble


clubs At Worcester Academy co-curricular activities are considered important learning and leadership opportunities. Students are encouraged to participate in activities that suit their interests and offer them the chance to grow. It’s another way we enable student discovery and support their passionate pursuits. The array of Club offerings vary each year depending on the interests of students.

> Student activities

Weekend activities on and off campus, are thoughtfully planned with student input and routinely include visits to area attractions.

campus location >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>



Our campus is conveniently located in Worcester, Massachusetts—New England’s second largest city, less than 1 hour from Boston and 2.5 hours from New York City. Students experience the vitality, diversity and excitement of this city rich in heritage, culture and the arts. Additionally, our proximity to worldrenowned universities, hospitals and museums provides learning opportunities beyond the classroom that challenge young minds and nurture academic success.

81 Providence Street Worcester, MA 01604 U.S.A.

See what You Can achieve at Worcester Academy

> 1 Complete an online Inquiry > 2 schedule an INTERVIEW > 3 COMPLETE an entrance EXAM (ISEE, ssat, psat, ACT or sat) > 4 request recommendations, school report and TRANSCRIPT > 5 complete YOUR APPLICATION by January 15, 2015


Find out at www.WorcesterAcademy.org for information on our course offerings, clubs, athletics and more. But the best way to get to know Worcester Academy, is to visit us. Take the next step today.

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