Welcome to the Goodnewspaper. You are now a part of a global community that celebrates the people, ideas, and movements that are changing the world for the better. It’s when times are hardest that it’s most important that we shine a light on good news. Not "feel-good" news. Hope — real hope — no matter how messy it may be. There’s a lot of good in the world that needs to be celebrated. And we need to be a part of it.
WHO MAKES THE GOODNEWSPAPER? Editor-in-Chief Branden Harvey - @brandenharvey Managing Editor & Writer Kailey Thompson - @kaileythompson Art Director Carra Sykes - @carrasykes Director of Community & Creative Megan Burns - @meganburnsyou
So Long, Twenty Twenty. Hello, 2021. 2020 is coming to an end. And with it comes, perhaps, a
another, we're connected, and that connection gives us the
sigh of relief.
ability to positively or negatively affect one another. Let's
I know that nothing magic happens at the stroke of midnight on the 31st of December. I know that any one of us are
choose to positively affect one another — not just in the face of bad things happening, but proactively, every single day.
just as likely to stick to a health or hobby commitment in Au-
And I genuinely think we have a fighting chance of making
gust as we are on January 1st. And I know that calendars are
next year better. For one thing, we're each stronger than we
just a construct. But I can't help but wonder, if, because we're
were a year ago. We've gone through a series of national and
all so collectively over 2020 — if that might give us the power
global challenges together. It's tested us, broken us at times,
to make some collective changes that benefit us all.
but all along we've learned and grown.
We can choose to make 2021 different. And maybe the
2021 can be a step up. It won't be easy. It won't change
new year will give us a reason to go above and beyond to
overnight. But if we believe it will be better, and work to
make it happen.
make it better, we can make it so. Not for ourselves, but for
We can't control a virus existing — but we can work hard to make sure there's no chance we spread it. We can't indi-
our neighbors. Thank you for celebrating good news with us. Thank you
vidually end mass incarceration, police brutality, or systemic
for becoming good news with us.
wage gaps — but we can each do our own individual work to
So long, 2020. And hello, 2021.
actively become anti-racist and then work to change systems in the same way. We can't directly control the 100 companies that have produced 70 percent of greenhouse gas emissions
Director of Partnerships Steve Wallace - @stevenboydwallace Communications Lead Margaux Madamba Creative Strategist Sammi Harvey - @sammi.harvey Event Producer Michelle Ellamae - @ellamaeproductions Centerfold Poster Artist Megan Burns - @meganburnsyou
GET GOOD NEWS IN YOUR NEWS FEED Join 300,000+ people who get good news from us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook at @goodgoodgoodco This issue of the Goodnewspaper was printed in November 2020 and released in December 2020.
Editor-in-Chief, Goodnewspaper
since 1988 — but we can each actively work to reduce waste, vote with our dollar, and encourage our friends to do the same. We're going into 2020 recognizing that we all rely on one
P.S. This is our 18th issue of the Goodnewspaper. Our little newspaper kiddo is all grown up!
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The World Showed More “Positive Youth Activists Host Their Own Climate A Tiny Bug Could Solve Our Peace” In Several Ways In The Summit After The UN Conference Environmental Problems Was Delayed HIV Diagnoses Among Gay And Bisexual Last Decade An insect could be key to three of the You may have seen us mention the Institute After the UN climate conference was Men In The UK At Lowest In 20 Years biggest environmental challenges in the According to Public Health England, new
for Economics and Peace in the Goodnews-
United States: greenhouse gas emissions,
delayed because of COVID-19 concerns,
diagnoses of HIV among gay and bisexual
paper before: They measure indicators of
irresponsible land use, and food waste. Bug
youth activists decided to host their own
men is at the lowest rate in 20 years and
“positive peace,” which refers to societal
breeders are cultivating the bugs, called
virtual event.
fell 80 percent since 2011. And across all
conditions that create an optimal environ-
black soldier flies, in huge numbers.
genders and sexualities, new diagnoses
ment for people to flourish and is associated
The larvae eat food waste and convert it
old Josh Tregale told Global Citizen.
dropped 10 percent from 2018 to 2019. The
with higher GDP growth, better measures
into fertilizer, which can divert food waste
In late November, following months of
rates dropped even before the COVID-19
of wellbeing, higher levels of resilience, and
from landfills, which is a big deal because
organization, Tregale and others will launch
lockdowns began.
more peaceful societies. It’s different from
the USDA estimates that up to 40 percent
their two-week event, which mirrors what
This is the first time the rates have been
“negative peace,” which simply means an
of food is thrown away every year. Most of
the UN event will be but hosted by youth
so comparable between gay and bisexu-
absence of violence. IEP’s Positive Peace In-
this waste ends up in landfills and releases
from 140 countries. The event will focus on
al men — a high-risk group for HIV — and
dex measures the effectiveness of a country’s
methane gas as it decomposes (and the
climate education, carbon targets, climate
straight people.
capabilities to build and maintain peace, plus
EPA estimates that one-fifth of the world’s
justice, health, and green jobs.
The decline shows the success of pre-
a measure for policymakers, researchers and
methane gas comes from landfills).
ventative measures, increased testing, and
corporations to use for effective monitoring
more effective HIV treatment. Treatment
and evaluation.
“Why don't we do our own?” 18-year-
“We'd like you to listen,” Tregle, who
The larvae can also be processed and sold
postponed starting an engineering degree
as protein-rich animal feed, which matters
for a year to help organize the summit, told
is now so effective that 97 percent of people
The last decade showed indicators of in-
because the agriculture industry largely
Global Citizen. “We can be more than token
receiving antiretroviral therapy have unde-
creased positive peace: economic growth, for
relies on soy and fishmeal for feed, which
young people. We have learned enough about
tectable (and thereby untransmittable) lev-
example, which has improved on average by 7
contributes to deforestation in South
climate change that we could put things in
els of the virus, according to The Guardian.
percent. Other indicators that have improved
America (soy) and taking wild seafood fit
place ourselves.”
And pre-exposure prophylaxis drug (PrEP),
are free flow of information, sound business
for humans (fishmeal).
a drug that can be taken before sex, is al-
environment, equitable distribution of re-
The industry is projected to grow into the
Rican Sofia Hernández Salazar, told Global
most 100 percent effective at preventing
sources, high levels of human capital, good
billions by 2030 and could offer a solution
Citizen she first became interested in
HIV when taken as prescribed.
relations with neighbors, acceptance of the
to food waste issues and the greenhouse
climate activism after working with an NGO
Increased testing and support for people
rights of others, and well-functioning gov-
gases that come with it. These flies very
assisting refugees and migrants and learning
to continue treatment must continue to end
ernment. The only one of the eight pillars that
well could be a large-scale trash solution.
how climate change affects migration.
HIV transmission for good.
deteriorated was level of corruption.
The other good news? They aren’t attracted
Another organizer, 22-year-old Costa
"When we talk about the climate crisis, we
“Further progress can only be achieved
Their measure of improvements among
if we also address the inequalities in re-
these pillars of positive peace aren’t to say
ducing HIV transmission that exist around
that there aren’t problems — it just means
will negotiate an outcome statement in the
sexuality, ethnicity, and geography,” Valerie
the organization has measured quanti-
same legal format as the official talks. The
Delpech, the head of HIV surveillance at
fiable improvements that countries can
statement can then be used to lobby their
Public Health England, told The Guardian.
continue to build upon.
own respective governments.
to human habitation, they don’t transmit
are talking about humans," she said. At the end of the event, the delegates
diseases, and they don’t bite.
Shop (RED) products and save lives. (RED) partners with brands you love to create products and experiences that fund the fight to end AIDS. Check out our (RED) recommendations in our Good Gift Guide later in this issue.
Donate to the Mercury Phoenix Trust, a nonprofit that supports people living with HIV/AIDS. They provide direct funding to both large NGOs and grassroots organizations doing meaningful projects around the world.
Volunteer with ONE — a global movement campaigning to end extreme poverty and preventable disease by 2030, so everyone, everywhere can lead a life of dignity and opportunity. Learn more and take action at one.org.
Deaths From Air Pollution Have Dropped Leaders From The Church Of England — But Not For The Reason You'd Think Apologized For “Damage And Hurt” From 1990 to 2017, death rates from air polTo LGBTQ People lution have dropped 43 percent, from 111 per
The two most senior figures of the Church
100,000 to 64 per 100,000, according to data
of England, the Archbishops of Canterbury
from the Institute for Health Metrics and
and York, apologized in November for the
Virginia Lawmakers Voted Unanimously To Make Juneteenth A State Holiday
Evaluation at the University of Washington.
"huge damage and hurt" the Church has
Air pollution is one of the leading risk fac-
caused to LGBTQ people. The statement
tors for many of the leading causes of death
accompanied teaching materials covering
In A Push For More Recycling, IKEA Is Buying Back Used Furniture
After lawmakers unanimously approved
including heart disease, stroke, lower res-
sexuality and gender identity.
IKEA, the world’s biggest furniture compa-
legislation during a Virginia General Assembly special session, Juneteenth has officially become a state holiday.
piratory infections, lung cancer, diabetes,
The Archbishoprs acknowledged that
ny, launched a second-hand furniture ven-
The day marks the day in 1865 when the
and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary
the church had caused, and continues to
ture in 27 countries. The Swedish company
news of the Emancipation Proclamation
disease). And even when it doesn’t cause
cause, "hurt and unnecessary suffering.”
is buying back its furniture that you bought
reached Texas, the last state to abolish
but no longer want or need.
slavery in the United States. The day Union
death, it greatly affects quality of life.
"For such acts, each of us, and
In 2017, air pollution contributed to
the Church collectively, should be
The company offers vouchers worth up
general Gordon Granger arrived in Galves-
approximately 5 million deaths, which
deeply ashamed and repentant," the
to 50 percent of the original price — to be
ton, Texas announcing freedom from slav-
amounted to 9 percent of all deaths globally.
leaders wrote.
spent at its stores. The value of each vouch-
ery in Texas came two-and-a-half years
The educational project took three years
er depends on the condition of the item re-
after President Abraham Lincoln officially
to make and includes a 480-page book, a
turned. Items returned “as new” will get 50
outlawed slavery. Presence of Union troops
series of films and podcasts, and an online
percent of the original price back.
was low in Texas, so news of the Proclama-
Death rates related to air pollution are highest in countries with the lowest incomes. Surprisingly, the drop in deaths from air pollution isn’t related to efforts to increase
library of other publications.
"By making sustainable living more sim-
tion was slow.
outdoor air quality. Overall, outdoor air
"We have a lot to learn about life,” the
ple and accessible, IKEA hopes that the in-
The day — also commonly called Free-
pollution hasn’t changed much worldwide,
Bishop of Coventry told the Thomson
itiative will help its customers take a stand
dom Day, Jubilee Day, Emancipation Day,
despite better quality in higher-income
Reuters Foundation. “We have a lot to
against excessive consumption this Black
and others — is now celebrated yearly on
countries. But the drop in death is related to
learn about relationships. We have a lot
Friday and in the years to come," the com-
June 19 with family reunions, cookouts,
increases in indoor air quality, which can be
to learn about love. We have a lot to learn
pany said in a statement.
parties, and more.
negatively impacted by using solid fuels for
about sex.”
Anything that can’t be resold in the
Governor Ralph Northam signed the
The church also announced the
store’s “as is” department will be recycled.
legislation on October 13 and signed an ex-
As cleaner alternatives, such as natural
establishment of a working group,
Their buy-back program is a creative initi-
ecutive order that gives executive branch
gas and electricity, become more available
chaired by the Bishop of London, Sarah
ative sure to give furniture a new life and
employees and state colleges the day off,
and affordable, and as people replace coal in
Mullally, that will discuss "a way forward
divert waste from landfills.
according to the Associated Press.
their homes with greener alternatives, the
... in relation to human identity, sexuality,
air they breathe becomes cleaner, too. An
relationships and marriage,” according to
added bonus is these alternatives also re-
the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
heating and cooking.
duce carbon emissions, which contribute to climate change.
This news offers a glimmer of hope for
two groups that have historically clashed.
We believe in celebrating good and then joining in and making a difference ourselves. The Good Bar is full of recommendations from the Good Good Good community on how to take action in meaningful ways. Start small and work your way up.
Build your empathy and understanding by following @glaad and more members of the LGBTQ community on social media or by watching documentaries like "State of Pride," which is free on YouTube.
Donate to Rainbow Railroad. This organization helps LGBTQ individuals escape persecution and violence. They provide a route to safety — like an underground railroad — from Chechnya, Egypt, Jamaica, and more.
Volunteer at The Trevor Project, the leading national organization providing life-saving crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ young people ages 13–24. Visit thetrevorproject.org.
Renewable Energy Hit Record Growth In 2020 According to the International Energy Agency, renewable electricity installation will hit a record level globally in 2020. Almost 90 percent of new electricity generation in 2020 will
A Nonprofit Is Working To Increase The Number of Black Female Pilots — A Group That Currently Makes Up Less Than 1% Of Pilots
be renewable, with just 10 percent powered by gas and coal. source in 2025, displacing coal, which has dominated for the
A School District Was Able To Increase Teacher Pay For A Surprising Reason
past 50 years, The Guardian reported.
If we told you a school district started paying its teachers
Green electricity is on track to become the largest power
According to the nonprofit Sisters of the Skies, there are
more because of solar energy, would you believe us?
currently less than 150 professional Black female pilots in
That’s exactly what happened in one district in Arkansas.
the U.S. with airline transport pilot, commercial, military
When a local high school in Batesville, Arkansas — a city
or certificated flight instructor certificates — representing
just 17 miles west of the state’s largest coal-fired power plant
less than 1 percent of all professional pilots in the U.S.
— switched to solar power, it had an unexpected impact:
But the nonprofit is on a mission to "diversify the flight
increasing teacher pay.
deck." Many of their members experienced first-hand going
An audit from an energy efficiency company discovered
through flight school without a mentor to look up to or
that the school district could save at least $2.4 million over 20
relate to, often being the only woman of color in school or
years if it outfitted Batesville High School with solar panels
a training.
and updated the rest of the district’s facilities with new lights,
SOS works to make sure this won't happen for the next
windows, and heating and cooling systems.
generation of pilots by partnering young women of color
The district moved forward with the project and saw
interested in pursuing a career in the aviation industry with
benefits both environmentally and economically. In three Cutting carbon emissions to address the climate crisis has
years, they lowered their energy consumption by 1.6 million
“I never really considered myself as a pioneer or one of
made renewable energy more attractive to investors in re-
kilowatts and generated enough savings to turn the district’s
the first to do anything,” Alaska Airlines pilot and Sisters
cent years. The IEA reported that the value of shares in solar
$250,000 budget deficit into a $1.8 million surplus.
of the Skies member Tara Wright said in a video interview
companies has more than doubled since December 2019.
women of color who have already earned their wings.
for Bloomberg. “I knew that I was going to be a positive role
“Renewable power is defying the difficulties caused by the
model for all the other young women who were coming up
pandemic, showing robust growth while other fuels struggle,”
in aviation and also all the little girls that I come across in
Fatih Birol, the IEA’s executive director, told The Guardian.
the terminal.”
“The resilience and positive prospects of the sector are clearly
They also want to introduce more young girls to the
reflected by continued strong appetite from investors.”
industry. At their outreach events, girls get to suit up in
By 2025, she said, renewables are expected to supply one-
pilot gear, manipulate the flight controls, talk to air traffic
third of the world’s electricity. Also according to the IEA, so-
control, plan their own flight, and even fly in a jet.
lar power capacity has increased by 18 times since 2010 and
“I try my best to keep the path as smooth — less rocky —
wind power by four times. “Governments can … help bring about a sustainable recov-
for the next one coming,” United Airlines pilot and Sisters of the Skies member Theresa Clairborne said to Bloomberg.
ery and accelerate clean energy transitions,” Birol said.
A portion of the surplus is going toward teacher’s salaries — up to $3,000 for each educator. “Now we’re in the top quartile in the state,” superintendent Michael Hester said to Climatewire. Batesville’s move represents a larger trend among schools: Since 2014, there’s been an 81 percent increase in renewable energy among schools using solar energy. And Hester said at least 20 districts in the area have emulated their model. This is good news all around. Educators get a well deserved pay raise, districts reduce their emissions, which impact climate change, and students get to see renewable energy in action.
If you have kids in school, show some empathy to teachers. They have a hard job — made even harder by the many shifts of the pandemic. Give them the benefit of the doubt and ask them how you can best support them.
Make a donation to DonorsChoose, the site where public school teachers from across the country request much-needed school supplies for their students. You can help bring their requests to life at donorschoose.org.
Advocate to your elected officials in support of education. It's as simple as calling 1-844-USA-0234 (which will automatically call your reps) and telling whoever answers that you care about supporting education.
Alberta Eliminated Fees For Addiction Recovery Programs
The Elderly Are Getting Younger New research shows that the functional
Patients With Severe Paralysis Can Now Text And Email With Their Eyes
Addiction treatment can be costly for
ability of older people is better than it was
Researchers just presented their design
many people — fees can be thousands of
for people of the same age three decades
for their implantable, wireless medical
dollars for inpatient facilities. But the
ago. Researchers from the University
device, which allows patients with severe
government in Canada’s Alberta province
of Jyväskylä in Finland compared the
paralysis to resume daily tasks such
physical and cognitive performance of
as texting, emailing, and shopping and
people nowadays between the ages of
banking online — all without the need for open brain surgery.
the 72 licensed, publicly funded treatment
A Rope Bridge Offers A Solution To Habitat Loss For Primates
centers in the province.
For endangered gibbons in China, habitat
75 and 80 with that of the same-aged
The $40 daily cost for room and board
loss from a landslide prevented them from
people in the 1990s and found that their
Patients in the study were able to
will be covered for everyone who does not
swinging from tree to tree. But a new rope
physical and cognitive function has
successfully use their eyes to navigate their
have health insurance plans that would
bridge enables them to move more easily and
improved meaningfully.
cursor instead of a mouse or keyboard. They
cover the cost.
shows promise for other primates affected
just eliminated fees for people to attend
"We are contributing to a transformational
by habitat loss related to human activity. becoming
web pages.
fluency, reasoning, and working memory
"This is a breakthrough moment for the
mental health and addictions, Jason Luan,
increasing problem,” Tremaine Gregory, a
are nowadays significantly better than
field of brain-computer interfaces,” Thomas
told the Canadian news organization CBC.
conservation biologist at the Smithsonian’s
they were in people at the same age
Oxley, CEO of Synchron, a neurovascular
"Our major step forward, this milestone, will
National Zoo and Conservation Biology
born earlier.
bioelectronics medicine company that
signal another best practice that we hope
Institute, said to Science News. “It’s
“Performance-based measurements
conducted the research, said to EurekAlert!
will lead the country with our numbers, with
probably going to be, along with climate
describe how older people manage in
“We are excited to report that we have
our evidence."
change, one of the biggest challenges for
their daily life, and at the same time, the
delivered a fully implantable, take home,
biodiversity in decades.”
measurements reflect one’s functional
wireless technology that does not require
Some families even sell their car,
walking speed, reaction speed, verbal
can even use their eyes to zoom and click
change in the sector," associate minister of
They discovered that muscle strength,
empty their life savings, or take out
These artificial structures offer a way
age,” the principal investigator of the
open brain surgery, which functions
second mortgages on their homes to pay
to connect forests and aid in conservation
study, Taina Rantanen, said on the
to restore freedoms for people with
for addiction treatment, according to
efforts. The primates, which were already
university’s website.
severe disability.”
CBC. But this shift makes good economic
critically endangered, were fragmented into
The biggest reason for these differences?
One patient was able to use the implant
sense for all. Luan said substance use
smaller breeding groups, which can lead to
Changes in the world in which we live. We
to contact his spouse, which increases
cost Alberta $5.5 billion in 2014: to pay
in-breeding or even groups dying out.
can thank better nutrition and hygiene,
his autonomy and reduces the burden of
for health services, police, court and
Eventually, the scientists who installed
improvements in health care and the school
her caregiving. Another patient was able
corrections costs, and in lost productivity.
the bridge observed the gibbons crossing the
system, better accessibility to education,
to conduct work-related tasks and other
Every dollar invested in prevention can
bridge about as frequently as the animals
and improved working life.
independent activities.
save another $12 down the road, he said.
had traveled that stretch of forest before
“The cohort of 75- and 80-year-olds born
The new technology offers a solution for
Eliminating this barrier to treatment
the landslide. It’s encouraging that the
later has grown up and lived in a different
patients who can now resume tasks that
will hopefully encourage people who
bridge provides a temporary solution while
world than did their counterparts born
were once impossible because of paralysis
need help to pursue it. It's a win for the
transplants of native trees grow and other
three decades ago,” university postdoctoral
and will be able to someday help millions of
governmnent and for people.
trees regenerate.
researcher Matti Munukka said.
patients with paralysis.
Learn more about the problems facing animals against the world, the solutions proposed by experts, and how you can get involved — all via IFAW's Projects page at ifaw.org/projects.
With just a few clicks, you can make a big difference for our planet. Discover how to stand up for nature, join the World Wildlife Fund community, and spread the word at worldwildlife.org/how-to-help.
Together we can fill the world with more animal helpers. Donate to the Jane Goodall Institute as they help young people become the informed generation of conservation leaders the world urgently needs. Visit janegoodall.org.
03 - MAR The World Stepped Up To Fight COVID-19 March marked a month when the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. It was also the month that the whole world stepped up to fight the virus. In many ways, this was the most uniting month of the year. People committed to
01 - JAN
staying home and social distancing, retired health care workers stepped back into their
Gestures Of Goodwill To Support Australia’s Bushfire Crisis
previous roles, and the world rallied around putting an end to the disease. March was
It might feel like a lifetime ago, but
a beautiful reminder that we can come
remember the bushfires that ravaged
together to make a difference.
Australia? They burned millions of acres
— In the UK, 4,000 nurses and 500
of land, destroyed thousands of homes,
doctors signed up within 48 hours of the
displacing thousands and killing wildlife.
National Health Service’s call for help
Australians banded together by offering accommodation, food, medicine, and
02 - FEB
from retired medical professionals. (The London Economic)
funds for the heroic firefighters fighting
A Glimmer Of Hope In Syria
the blaze.
The conflict in Syria has caused hundreds of
service to homes with unpaid bills so people
Doctoral student Erin Riley founded an
thousands of deaths, internal displacement
could wash their hands. (The Seattle Times)
Understatement of the year: 2020 was
impromptu organization in just four days’
of more than 7 million people, and more
— Utah prepared to keep providing meals
one for the history books. In a year full of
time. The organization, FindABed, is a
than 5 million refugees.
surprises, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed
database of volunteers offering a place to
by the challenges 2020 brought. It’s for
stay for evacuees and animals.
The conflict is complex and ongoing.
— The City of Detroit restored water
to students who rely on getting them at school. (The Salt Lake Tribune)
There’s been little, if any, progress toward
— China sent a team of medical experts
good reason, too: At the time of printing,
Riley is just one example of Australians
peace in the country since it started.
and gear to help Italy fight COVID-19. (The
COVID-19 has claimed the lives of
stepping up to support one another amid
There have been peace talks several times
South China Morning Post)
more than 1.3 million people worldwide,
the devastation of the bushfires.
since 2011, but there isn’t an end in sight
shutdowns have cause financial ruin for
A pharmacist named Raj Gupta kept his
businesses, families, and individuals, and
pharmacy open despite the area having
One small glimmer of hope is that Syria
the United States is facing what some call
no power and no cellular service — and
resumed commercial flights in February
the most divisive political landscape we’ve
despite the fact that his home had burned
this year. A Syrian Air flight took off from
had since the Civil War.
down from the fires that week.
Damascus and landed in Aleppo, a first
It’s been rough for so many people. And it’s OK if you haven’t loved this year.
The loss of power meant he couldn’t take payment for the medications.
for the war.
since 2011, when the airport in Aleppo closed because of the crisis. The flight
At Good Good Good, we never want to
“People will come back and pay,”
was a symbolic win amid a war that has
avoid the reality of the world’s greatest
he told the Guardian. “They are very
torn the country apart and led to a global
pains. Instead, we look for hopeful stories
honorable people.”
refugee crisis.
happening right within them. In seeking
The rest of the world rallied by donating
(Note: This story is nuanced because of all
good news, we’ve been able to see that no
to the cause and spreading the word on
the parties who were involved to make this
matter how bad the world may seem, there
social media. Celebrities and public figures
happen. The conflict is obviously complex,
is still reason to hope. Here’s the good we
appealed to their followers on Instagram,
but we think it’s good news because it’s a sign
found out of 2020 >>
and musicians held fundraising gigs.
of greater stability in the region.)
03 - MAR
06 - JUNE
People Took A Stand For Racial Justice
— Soccer fans in Italy donated their ticket
The month after a Minneapolis police
refunds to hospitals in need. (Bild)
officer killed George Floyd, protests of police
— Liquor and perfume companies began
brutality, police racism, and lack of police
making hand sanitizer in their factories.
accountability erupted in more than 2,000
(CNN) — A landlord in Maine paused rent for his tenants because of the COVID-19 outbreak, anticipating economic hardship. (Newsweek) — Grocery stores introduced special
04 - APR Tiger King Animals Are Now Living In Sanctuaries
05 - MAY
U.S. cities and 60 countries. Violence against Black people and protests against it aren’t
Lockdown Showed Us That Nature Can Heal
new, but in June the movement gained new steam and caught fire. It was clear that there
At this point in the pandemic, lockdowns in
was new energy and enthusiasm in these
many countries had been in effect in some
protests not seen before.
The last episode of Netflix’s Tiger King
capacity for at least a month. While many of
People used their voice to demand justice
— New Orleans Pelicans player Zion
came out on April 12. For some reason,
us began to fear that this would last forever,
for Floyd and for racial justice generally
Williamson pledged to cover the salary
everyone watched this bizarre show about
the environment began to thrive. While at
— many speaking out for the first time. It
of New Orleans arena workers for 30
big cat breeding and the eccentric culture
first we were skeptical whether it would
made a difference.
days. (NBC)
surrounding it.
make any lasting impact, we can think of
According to the New York Times, net
shopping hours for elderly people. (NBC)
— In a show of unity, people in Italy leaned
One piece of good news you should
these effects as experiments in ways we can
support (respondents who support the
out their windows to sing together during
know is that 39 tigers (plus three black
create changes that last. We can see how
movement minus those who do not support
the lockdown. (The Independent)
bears) from Joe Exotic’s zoo are living in a
these actions, when done by the masses,
it) for the Black Lives Matter movement
Colorado animal sanctuary, the Wild Ani-
can actually make a difference.
increased in the two weeks after Floyd’s
— Animal shelters cleared out as people chose to adopt and foster pets during stayat-home orders. (NBC)
mal Sanctuary. "We try and give them large open spaces,
Firstly, pollution
carbon went
emissions down.
death by nearly as much as it had over
the previous two years. (Sadly, others
— The City of Toronto acquired hotels and
plenty of places to run, decide what they do
reporting from the Guardian in May,
intensified in their opposition to BLM
rental buildings to provide shelter for people
throughout the day, if they want to lay in
lockdowns caused a 17 percent drop in
because of rioting and looting, which were
experiencing homelessness during the
the sun, play in the water, scratch on a log,"
global carbon emissions. It makes sense:
largely unrelated to activist activity).
coronavirus outbreak. (CityNews Toronto)
Becca Miceli, chief science and animal
People stayed home and businesses were
welfare officer at the sanctuary, told ABC.
closed, so everyone was using less energy.
This global movement also brought about some policy changes — all of the following
She said many of Joe’s tigers had health
Air pollution in large cities also dropped
problems and still have ongoing physical
dramatically between March and May
problems and mental trauma. She said she
of this year. According to the Centre for
hopes the series will raise awareness of
Research on Energy and Clean Air, levels of
disband the city's police department.
the exploitation of exotic animals and in-
nitrogen dioxide — a key ingredient in smog
Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City
spire people to protect big cats.
— declined by an average of 27 percent in 12
pledged to move funding from the city's
"Those are all living beings to us,
major global cities 10 days after lockdowns
police department toward youth and social
and we want to see them flourish,”
were initiated, compared to the same period
services. Washington, DC, and states
Miceli said.
during 2017–2019.
including California, Nevada, and Texas,
Also in April, Joe Exotic was convicted
happened in less than a month following Floyd’s death: Minneapolis
banned chokeholds. These are just a few
for several wildlife violations. He’s cur-
returning to places it hadn’t been seen in
rently serving a 22-year prison sentence
some time. With beaches free of tourists,
To be clear: It shouldn’t take a tragedy to
for those charges, in addition to charges
rare giant turtles called leatherbacks
create change, and there are more systemic
related to an alleged attempt to hire hit-
returned to beaches in places like Florida
issues to tackle, but we celebrate that more
men to kill Carole Baskin, the owner of Big
and Thailand. They were seen in numbers
people engaged this year because it moved
Cat Rescue.
not seen in decades.
the needle, even if just a little.
examples, but there are more.
08 - AUG New Zealand Gave Us Hope For COVID-19
09 - SEPT
10 - OCT
California Made It Easier for Inmate Firefighters To Go Pro After Release
Thousands Of Nigerians Protested Against SARS
In September, California governor Gavin
You may have seen the hashtag #EndSARS
Newsom signed into law a bill that
going around social media back in October.
makes it easier for formerly incarcerated
No, no one was talking about the disease.
volunteer firefighters to go pro. The new
They were talking about the notoriously
law will streamline the process to expunge
violent and corrupt Nigerian police unit,
their felony records, which clears the path
SARS (Special Anti-Robbery Squad).
to pursue careers as firefighters.
Since the beginning of October, tens
In August, New Zealand announced they
For decades, inmate firefighters have
of thousands of young Nigerians have
had gone 100 days without a new COVID-19
battled wildfires across the state, working
protested a long history of brutality and
infection. For a country with nearly 5
alongside professional firefighters in the
corruption in the agency, which has
million residents, this is a remarkable feat.
heat and smoke for little to no pay. Yet
largely gone unchecked by the Nigerian
At the same time, the country reported it
after being released from prison, these
government. Despite promises from the
had just 23 active cases, all in isolation. The
men and women who put their lives on
government to disband it at the demand of
country has fared far better than others,
the line to save lives and property often
its citizens, it has yet to do so.
By this point in 2020, sports started
with just over 1,200 recorded cases as of
find it impossible to put their skills to use
returning. MLB had their Opening Day on
August and 22 deaths.
professionally because of their records.
07 - JUL Sports Returned, With A Sign Of Gender Equality Progress
A video showing the unprovoked shooting and killing of a man by
July 23, the NBA and WNBA both resumed
The country has been praised for its
Many activists argue that the state’s
uniformed SARS officers was a catalyst
in late July, and golf and soccer were already
handling of the virus and as of August had
reliance on incarcerated labor is unfair
for the movement's largest protests yet
underway in many places.
eased most of its lockdown restrictions.
— prisoners receive about $1 per hour
— and they're happening throughout
Notably, Alyssa Nakken made MLB
To thank are the country’s early lockdown
while working active fires, compared to
the country.
history in July as the first woman to coach
restrictions, tough border restrictions,
the average firefighter salary in California
On October 12, the Nigerian president
on the field during a major league game. She
effective health messaging, and test-and-
starting at $40,000 per year, according
responded to the protests by announcing
coached first base for the San Francisco
trace programs, BBC reports. What we
to CareerExplorer.
that he would disband SARS as a first step
Giants during an exhibition game against
find most compelling is the empathetic
the Oakland A’s.
leadership style of the country’s prime
from his staff said officers would simply
The Giants announced her hiring as an
minister, Jacinda Ardern. She framed
certification, the first step in becoming
be relocated to other units. Peaceful
assistant coach in January. CNN reports
combating the pandemic as the work of a
a professional firefighter in most places.
protests continued, but on October 20,
that she joined the organization in 2014
unified “team of 5 million” — which resulted
With their felony record eliminated,
police shot into crowds of unarmed
as an intern in the baseball operations
in high public confidence and adherence to
these heroes could be considered for
protestors. At least a dozen people were
department, where she worked on a variety
pandemic-control measures.
employment like any other applicant.
killed that evening.
of special projects related to the amateur
What we can learn from New Zealand
The new law makes it easier to earn emergency
This is still unfolding, but the good
is that it’s possible to control the spread of
of violent offenses, including arson,
news is that this has turned into a global
coronavirus. With quick, science-based
kidnapping, and rape would be barred
movement, which can put pressure on
Nakken’s coaching on the field became
assessments, early, decisive government
from having their records expunged.)
the government to swiftly take action.
big news in the baseball world. We think
action, and dedicated cooperation from the
it’s big news everywhere because it shows
public, we can fight this thing.
player development.
in “extensive police reform.” But many
“After seeing all these young men and
Protests have spread to cities around the
women stand side by side with our other
world and have attracted mainstream
progress for gender equality, and it’s
Of note: The country did see new cases
fire crews and knowing that they had no
media attention. Nigerians continue
even better because the response was
after August, but by implementing these
hope of entering that profession, I knew
to demand total disengagement of the
overwhelmingly positive. Women have
effective measures again, they have seen
that it was wrong and that we needed to
unit and wide-ranging police reform.
value to offer in every industry, and it’s
about 700 additional cases and three
do something about it,” Assemblymember
Demonstrators have pledged to continue
about time we see that value in action.
additional deaths since August.
Eloise Reyes, the bill’s author, told NBC.
until demands are met.
11 - NOV
12 - DEC
Americans Voted In Record Numbers In This Year’s Election
This issue was printed on November 20,
More than 159 million Americans voted in
we can predict the future. But here’s what
this year’s presidential election — a record
the Good Good Good team is manifesting
high in a presidential election and the
for the month that will round out the roller
highest voter turnout rate among eligible
coaster that was 2020:
and sadly technology hasn’t yet made it so
citizens since 1900. More than 100 million
In December, we see record spending
of these votes were cast during the early
on small businesses, helping support them
voting period.
through the end of the year. People won’t
According to the U.S. Elections Project,
buy everything on Amazon but instead
almost 240 million people were eligible to
will choose to shop local (safely, through
vote in 2020, making this election’s turnout
online shopping, pick-up, or in-store while
rate about 66 percent, which is the highest
following guidance).
voter turnout rate since 1900.
We see people signing up to volunteer
The number of ballots cast in 2020 by
— not just during the holidays, but at
mail or in person before Election Day more
regular intervals so nonprofits can depend
than doubled that of earling voting in 2016.
on consistency.
This year saw about 23 million additional
We see people taking the pandemic
votes than in 2016, too: About 136 million
seriously. As the scientific and medical
people voted in the 2016 presidential
communities work tirelessly to learn more
election, compared to about 159 million
about the virus, the public will do their
this year.
part to take care of one another by wearing
The additional turnout can partly be
masks, washing their hands, socially
attributed to the expansion of absentee
distancing, minimizing time outside their
voting this year because of the pandemic-
homes, and being kind to essential workers.
related safety concerns. Many states
We see people making sustainable
expanded mail-in and in-person early
choices. People will opt to drive instead
voting. Texas led early voting with at least
of fly, which reduces greenhouse gas
9.6 million votes cast before Election Day,
emissions. People will minimize waste
according to NBC News.
when wrapping gifts — or better yet, won’t
Higher turnout rates show that the American public is more willing to engage
wrap their gifts at all and will choose gifts with little to no packaging to throw away.
with the country’s democratic process.
This is the world as it could be. It’s what
And when more people participate, our
we hope for — and it’s a world that we can
government can better reflect the people it
make a reality through our choices. It starts
serves. That’s a win for all.
with you.
The 2020 Election Was Good News For Representation CHECK OUT THESE REPRESENTATION WINS FROM THE 2020 ELECTION:
The Pandemic Has Led To Renewed Trust In Science For the first time in three years, science skepticism declined. The world's confidence in the relevance and importance of science is on the rise, and according to the science and innovation company 3M, it could be because of the pandemic.
Kamala Harris will be the first woman in one of the top
3M’s State of Science Index shows that appreciation for
two U.S. executive offices and the first Black and Indian
science and trust in scientists has increased significantly
American vice president.
in 2020, compared to past years. This reveals an increased
Washington elected the first Korean-American woman
understanding of how important science is in our lives.
to Congress. Marilyn Strickland is also the first Black
Almost 70 percent of respondents said science is very
representative from the state.
important to society, up 11 points from pre-pandemic.
Oklahoma voters elected the first non-binary and Mus-
Unfortunately, 32 percent of respondents still believe that
lim state House representative. Mauree Turner is one of
their lives wouldn’t be that different if science didn’t exist
the first non-binary lawmakers in the country.
(which isn’t true).
Delaware voters elected the first transgender state sena-
“The world is waking up to the role that science plays
tor in U.S. history. Sarah McBride won 86 percent of the
in our everyday lives," the 3M report said. "During the
Some good news came out of the 2020 general election, and
vote in Delaware. “I hope tonight shows an LGBTQ kid
pandemic, scientists and experts have become the new rock
it's all about representation, representation, representa-
that our democracy is big enough for them, too,” she said.
stars; friends and family are displaying a renewed thirst
tion. We saw big wins for women, BIPOC, the LGBTQ com-
New York voters elected the first two openly gay black
for knowledge. … Leaders around the world are relying
munity, and more.
men to Congress. They made history (times two!) by
on science to inform shifts in societal behavior that have
electing Ritchie Torres and Mondaire Jones.
massive economic and health implications."
Better representation among our elected officials matters because it means the makeup of those key decision-makers
Maryville, Tennessee elected a woman to City Council
Most interestingly, 3M’s research revealed how united the
more closely resembles the varying and diverse perspec-
for the first time ever. Sarah Herron is the first woman to
world is in following science to solve our biggest challenges:
tives of the people they represent. More representation in
ever be elected to serve on the city’s Council.
92 percent said people’s actions should follow scientific
government means better representation of what America
Miami-Dade voters elected the first woman to serve as
advice to contain the spread of COVID-19, and 82 percent
actually looks like.
the county’s mayor, Daniella Levine Cava.
said there are negative consequences to a world that doesn’t
Come January 2021, the 117th U.S. Congress will have
Missouri voters elected the state’s first Black Congress-
value science.
the most women legislators ever: 134, including 48 wom-
woman. Cori Bush is Missouri’s first Black woman to be
en of color, according to the Center for American Women
elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.
to inspire the next generation to pursue careers in STEM,
and Politics. That breaks the previous record set in January
Rhode Island voters elected their first Native American
3M said in their report. The pandemic has pulled into
2019 of 127 women.
woman to the state House. A former teacher, Brianna
focus the urgency of STEM education. To encourage more
Henries is the first Native American woman elected to
young people to pursue STEM, we need to teach science in
Women make up more than half the U.S. population but will
the Rhode Island House.
an engaging way, show students how science gives them a
now still only make up 25 percent of Congress. We celebrate
Wyoming voters elected their first woman Senator. Cyn-
platform to make the world better, and give students a better
progress over perfection, though, and these numbers defi-
thia Lummis will be the first woman to represent Wyo-
understanding of the spectrum of career opportunities in
nitely have us on the right track.
ming in the U.S. Senate.
science, the report said.
Notably, these numbers are far from where we need to be:
To further this trend of renewed trust in science, we need
She Should Run is a nonpartisan nonprofit working to dramatically increase the number of women considering a run for public office. Join their community and even ask an inspiring friend to run at sheshouldrun.org.
LGBTQ Victory Fund works to recruit, train, and elect officials at all levels of government. Support representation by signing a petition, contributing to a candidate, or learn about running for office at victoryfund.org.
The Collective PAC is working to fix the challenge of underrepresentation of the Black community in elected seats of power. Find and support candidates running in federal, state, and local elections at collectivepac.org.
Welcome to Good Good Good’s
This speckled mouse pad by Slash Objects is made
of post-consumer recycled rubber and makes a stylish addition to any desk. Plus, the rubber surface makes for easy scrolling! | $32, madetrade.com
Using a standing desk? Make it more comfortable and
active with this low-profile board from Fully. It moves with
Ever heard of a “tree-free” notebook? We hadn’t until
you as you shift your weight, encouraging the subtle move-
we found PANGAIA’s notebook made from bamboo fibres
ments your body needs to stay comfortable, balanced, and
and sugarcane production waste. The company saves trees
energized. Plus, Fully is a Certified B Corp and committed
— and even plants them. | $25, thepangaia.com
to sustainability. | $55, fully.com
GIFTS THAT DO GOOD It’s the most wonderful time of year! And with it comes the
season of giving. If you are looking for the perfect gift for the
perfect someone, we suggest shopping some of our handcurated and giftable picks so you can give well and do good.
These loungers from Allbirds come in a variety of
You’re sure to find something for everyone — from your parents to your partner to your friends, including gifts for the foodie, the fashionista, the reader, the work-from-homer (so, everyone, right?), the kiddo, and more. And remember this
Thistle Farms is a nonprofit social enterprise that
giving season: By shopping from small brands and do-good
colors and have a flexible sole, so you can technically wear
helps women survivors recover and heal from prostitution,
them inside OR outside — no one will notice you’re wearing
trafficking, and addiction by providing a safe place to live,
slippers out and about! | $95, allbirds.com
a meaningful job, and lifelong support. Their Three Trees
Get direct links to each of these products by scanning
candle smells of spruce, cedar, and fir balsam with a hint of
the QR code above with the camera app on your phone
lavender. | $32, thistlefarms.org
— or by visiting goodnewspaper.org/giftguide.
Anyone else living in their pajamas 24/7? If we’re
speaking to you, then this waffle bathrobe from Ettitude
companies, you have the opportunity to make a difference.
All products are independently curated by our team or from This rechargeable lighter from The USB Lighter
community recommendations. If you order through the links
bamboo and is luxuriously soft. You’ll want to cancel your
Company gives you up to 300 uses on a single charge from
we share at goodgoodgood.co/giftguide, we may receive an
plans and stay in! | $80, donegood.co
your USB port, and it’s completely butane-free. It’s slim,
affiliate commission — which helps support the work we do
elegant, and fits almost anywhere. | $32, food52.com
sharing good news. Thanks!
is just what you need. It’s made sustainably from organic
Give the gift of learning a new skill by ordering a food
subscription box for your loved ones. Purple Carrot is a plant-based meal company — choose from meal kits to cook at home, or buy pre-made meals for on-the-go! Use the code GGG30 for $30 off your first box. | Meal kits starting at
$9.99 per serving, purplecarrot.com For the coffee lover in your life, Atlas Coffee Club
offers a Coffee of the Month Club. You can purchase a subscription just once, and your recipient will get a new kind
We love the Our Place Always Pan because it’s
ethically and sustainably made and is a stylish addition
of coffee from around the world on their doorstep every
to any kitchen. It’s available in six colors and comes with
month. Use code GOOD10 for $10 off. | $60 for 3-month
a steamer basket, colander, and spatula, too. | $145,
subscription, atlascoffeeclub.com
BIPOC-OWNED Many people are choosing to shop this year from companies owned by BIPOC — which stands for Black, indigenous, and people of color. Why? Well, it’s a way to make our world more equitable. By shopping from these businesses, we have the chance to redistribute wealth and move it into the hands of
people who historically haven’t had a fair share of the pot. Think of your support as a way to “spend” your privilege.
Your dollar is your vote — and we believe in voting for a world full of more justice and equality. Plus, all of these products are great.
3 Rayo & Honey makes “goods with positive intent.”
This “Joy Is An Act of Resistance” tote is both functional
OUI the People is a beauty company you’ll be proud
and offers a hopeful message to share with all you see. FYI:
to have on your shelf. We love their calming bath soak —
It’s listed on Oprah’s Favorite Things list this year! | $65,
and the fact that they use reusable, refillable, and recyclable
packaging. | $28, ouithepeople.com
The greeting cards from paper goods company
Diverse and nontoxic with shades for every body:
CheerNotes are beautifully designed and of the highest
Range Beauty supports, uplifts, and includes all people
quality. The founder created the company after feeling left
of all genders to be confident in their skin. We love their
out of the greeting card aisle. Now, the company is here to
foundation, available in 21 shades. Plus, it’s cruelty-free and
celebrate diversity in representation. Our favorite is this
vegan. | $21, rangebeauty.com
Blessed Angels card. | $6.50, cheernotes.com
gings are made from recycled water bottles, they’re recyclable, and — this is huge — they have POCKETS! | $78, girlfriend.com
Work from home uniform or workout attire? No
one has to know. Girlfriend Collective’s high-rise leg-
Nisolo creates handmade shoes and accessories for men and women, predominantly made in the ethical factory they own and operate in Peru. Nisolo believes business can be a force for
You can’t go wrong with sunglasses that give back.
The tortoise Kaia sunglasses from DIFF Eyewear are
good and they aim to push the fashion industry in a more sustainable direction-- a direction that values people and the planet just as much
Dear Survivor creates stunning jewelry from up-
scratch-resistant, go with everything, and for every pair
cycled materials. Better yet, a portion of every sale goes to
sold, DIFF helps to provide the gift of sight to someone in
supporting survivors of human trafficking. We love these
need through eye exams, surgeries, glasses, and medicine. |
Nisolo is a B Corporation and Climate Neutral
bold leopard print earrings. | $48, dear-survivor.com
$89, diffeyewear.com
Certified brand committed to living wages and
as its customers
reversing climate change.
This hand-woven basket from Ten Thousand
Villages is the perfect way to hide clutter without compromising on style. It’s made with Fair Trade practices by artisans in Bangladesh. | $60, tenthousandvillages.com
How can a pillow be both neutral AND fun? This
in Peru on a traditional artisan loom. Novica supports local artisans all around the world. | $68, novica.com Perfect for the hostess or homebody, these geometric
granite candle holders are guaranteed to please even the pickiest recipient. They’re from Parachute, a company that sends life-saving malaria-prevention bed nets to those
Nisolo elevated the timeless Chelsea Bootstyle, with a 2.5" heel that is versatile enough to fit every dress code, and comfortable
handwoven patterned throw pillow from Novica was made
No thank you, water rings. These beaded coasters
by Kazi are made with glass beads and natural fibers by
in need through a partnership with the United Nation’s
artisans in Rwanda. They’re equal parts beautiful and
Nothing But Nets campaign. | $68, parachutehome.com
functional. | $98, madetrade.com
enough to wear all day and all night long. Handcrafted in an ethical factory in León, Mexico, the Heeled Chelsea Boot will take you everywhere you need to go.
SHOP AND SAVE WITH DISCOUNT CODE GGG20 nisolo.com | @nisoloshoes
BUY (RED). SAVE LIVES. Red is the color of emergency. Global emergencies — whether HIV or COVID-19 — tend to hit the most vulnerable populations the hardest. The nonprofit (RED)
“The Future Earth” by Eric Holthaus — Fi-
works to fight these emergencies by supporting programs
nally, a hopeful book about climate change. Climate
on the ground that help millions of people impacted by
change activist and weather journalist Eric Holthaus
HIV/AIDS by partnering with globally known brands
presents a compelling vision for reversing the short-
to raise funds. Thanks to the work of organizations like
and long-term effects of climate change and tells us
(RED), people around the world have access to life-saving
how it’s possible through radical solutions. This is
the book for anyone who feels overwhelmed by the
In light of the current COVID-19 threat, (RED) is
current state of our environment and hopes to play a
working closely with the Global Fund to help protect
part in creating a better future. | $23, bookshop.org
(RED)-funded HIV/AIDS programs.
The Lokai is a bracelet that reminds us to stay hum-
ble and stay hopeful. This red, white, and black one has
(RED) makes it simple for you to support programs on
water from Mount Everest, the highest point on earth, and
the ground that help millions of people impacted by HIV/
mud from the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth. | $23,
“While the Earth Sleeps We Travel” by
AIDS and COVID-19. You can do your part to support this
Ahmed M. Badr — The debut book from social entre-
important work by shopping (RED). Every purchase fights
preneur, speaker, and former Iraqi refugee Ahmed M.
these pandemics.
Badr is a diverse and moving collection of poetry, personal narratives, and art from refugee youth around the world. The book centers on the perspective of those navigating the complexities of displacement and came together through Badr’s storytelling workshops with displaced youth. | $20, bookshop.org
“Our Time Is Now: Power, Purpose, and
the Fight for a Fair America” by Stacey Abrams
You can never have too many face masks (one for the
A jalapeño-rich chili blend for the heat-seeking fla-
— This New York Times bestseller is a blueprint for
car, one in your entryway, one for your workplace… you get
vor connoisseur, the vegan Hotter hot sauce from TRUFF
ending voter suppression, empowering citizens, and
it). This mask from Ames Bros comes in two sizes, is ad-
packs a punch and goes with everything (really, everything).
protecting civic engagement and fair voting. If you’re
justable, and has a nose piece to keep your mask snug on
| $18, truff.com
interested in integrity in elections and politics, this
your face. | $18, amesbrosshop.com
book is for you. | $28, bookshop.org Pro Tip: Libro.fm is an Amazon-free alternative to Audible, making it possible to download your favorite audiobooks and simultaneously support your local bookstore. You can gift a membership to the bibliophile in your life at libro.fm/goodgoodgood. When you sign up for yourself, get two free audiobooks with promo code GOOD at Libro.fm.
The Theragun Mini is your on-the-go massage de-
vice. It has three settings to help soothe cramps, knots, and tension. | $199, theragun.com
For the cyclist in your life, the Closca helmet is a
stylish, safe, and portable option. It’s even foldable! | $80, closca.com
Crafts with no trash to throw away? Count us in!
Green Kid Crafts creates kid subscription boxes that help kids exercise creativity, develop a love for discovery, and learn about the world around them without contributing
to our world’s massive waste problem. It was founded by an environmental scientist who wanted her kids to engage in creative learning but was dismayed by the amount of waste generated by traditional crafts. Some of their best-selling boxes include a volcano-making kit, slime-making kit, and
Tonico is a CBD tincture using only two ingredients: organic coconut oil and organic, full-spectrum, thrice-filtered cannabis oil.
a weather science box. | $30+, greenkidcrafts.com
A Kids Book About creates books that help kids and
their grownups have honest conversations about challeng-
With every purchase of a Sackcloth & Ashes kids
blanket — a cozy blanket made from recycled materials —
ing, empowering, and important topics. Impressively, 10
you get a free copy of the book “Everyone Is Someone,” a
of their books were selected this year for Oprah’s Favorite
children’s book that teaches we are all more similar than
Things list. Titles include A Kids Book About Optimism, A
we are different — that everyone, everywhere, is someone.
Kids Book About Empathy, A Kids Book About Feminism,
For every blanket you buy, one blanket and one book are do-
and A Kids Book About Depression. Save $5 with the code
nated to a child in foster care. Use the code GOODGOOD-
GOODGOODGOOD. | $20, akidsbookabout.com
GOOD for 30% off. | $89, sackclothandashes.com
For the sentimental one in your life, a mini photo book
from Artifact Uprising might get the happy tears flowing. The 5x5 book is easily customizable and made from recycled paper. Small book, big impact. | Starting at $15, artifactuprising.com
Give the gift of good in a fun and unique way with
Lotto Love, a scratch-off “lottery” card that benefits someone in need. Instead of winning a monetary prize, a charitable prize is donated to causes related to literacy,
From the company that made the Final Straw, the
Final Spork is meant to be just that — the final spork you
clean energy, food, or solar energy. Here’s how it works:
ever use. FinalCutlery creates reusable cutlery that
You buy a Lotto Love card as a gift for someone else, the
reduce the need for plastics, empower people to change
recipient scratches off the card and discovers what they
their buying habits, and raise awareness of the impacts
won for someone in need, and the money used to purchase
of our everyday decisions on the environment. The Final
the card is donated to one of the company’s charitable
Spork is foldable, portable, and can be used to eat anything
partners. | $20 for a two-pack, givelottolove.com
you’d need a fork OR spoon for. | $35, final.co
WHY IT’S GOOD: Tonico is just CBD in Coconut Oil. That’s all. Tonico believes in compassionate pricing — their CBD is far less expensive than what’s out there. Tonico donates 12% of all profit to holistic rehabilitation for veterans and research on the medical uses of CBD Learn more about CBD and save 25% at: tonicocbd.com
THERE'S STILL SOME GOOD TO BE FOUND IN 2020 Good Good Good is Climate Neutral Certified, which means we have measured, reduced, and offset our entire carbon footprint. The Goodnewspaper is printed in the USA on recycled paper with soy-based inks. We also donate 1% of all sales to environmental nonprofits, certified by 1% for the Planet. When you've finished enjoying this newspaper, please share it with a friend, creatively re-use it, or recycle it.