Good Health Lifestyles - Oct. 2014

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FALL 2014

















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Comfrey Cream

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In this issue...

Autumn is, hands down, my favorite time of year. I love watching the leaves change and that delicious chill that creeps into the early morning air. Autumn also ushers in the holidays—starting with Halloween and extending almost through Christmas. It can be a wonderful time of family and friends. But, as I know only too well, autumn can also be a time of overindulgence and high anxiety. But here’s the good news: it's also the perfect time to adopt some healthy and enjoyable habits.

3 Editor's Corner 4 News You Can Use 6 Health Makeover: Take a Bite Out of Heart Disease 8 Memory Savers 10 Brown Rice's Secret Cancer Fighters

Personally, I plan to take advantage of the changing seasons to rethink parts of my own health routine. Instead of spending hours in the gym among other sweaty exercisers, I plan to take it outside—brisk walks under a gorgeous canopy of fall foliage, bike rides in the crisp air, and maybe even an outdoor bootcamp at our local park. During the autumn months, the farmers’ markets in our area are also brimming with brightly colored fruits and vegetables. From apples to greens to pumpkins and yams, the season’s bounty is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can guard against a multitude of future health problems. You can find a quick rundown on how eating colorfully can enhance your own health on page 26.

12 Forever Young 14 Curcumin, Cancer Prevention, and the Future of Natural Medicine 20 Neutralize Neuropathy 22 Stress Less 24 Vision Quest 26 Nutrition: Color Your Plate 28 Healthy Holiday Dishes

Autumn is also a great time to assess your future health. If you are at particular risk for, or already suffer from, specific problems like high blood pressure, arthritis, or less-than-perfect eyesight, now may be the ideal time to start stacking the odds in your favor with the information you’ll find in these pages. This issue of Good Health Lifestyles also tackles two of the most feared conditions facing today’s baby boomers: cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. We’ve compiled the latest research and talked with top experts on how diet, exercise, and targeted supplementation can help lessen the risks. You’ll also find some great ways to protect yourself and your family during the upcoming cold and flu season, chill out during the hectic holidays, and make those holiday feasts a little healthier (but just as tasty!). So pull up an armchair, grab a comforting mug of hot apple cider, and get ready for your healthiest holiday season ever! Yours in health and happiness,


Jaye McDonald Editor-in-Chief

30 Pain-Free Joints 32 Expert Corner: Pressure Point 34 Herbal Helpers: Cough and Cold?



Design/Art Director

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Amy Medina

Associate Editor

Stan Daniels

Contributing Writers


Jaye McDonald

Roberta Jones

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum Dr. Ajay Goel Dr. Jonny Bowden Dr. Holly Lucille Perla Björk Egilsdóttir Dr. Frederic Denis Chris Kilham

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Published quarterly by FreshLife Media, 1725 S. Rainbow Blvd., Suite 16-63, Las Vegas, NV 89146. ©FreshLife Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed by the contributors to Good Health Lifestyles are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. The information in this publication is solely for educational purposes under Section 5 of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 and is not intended as medical advice.


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NEWS You Can Use Conquer Cold Season with Garlic Garlic may not be able to ward off vampires, but it just might keep the common cold at bay. British researchers found that people who took a garlic supplement suffered about 65 percent fewer colds compared to those taking a placebo. Plus, those in the garlic group who did come down with the sniffles recovered faster. One reason for these benefits, say the researchers, may be a compound in garlic called allicin that blocks the enzyme that plays a key role in bacterial and viral infections. Look for an enterically coated garlic supplement standardized to contain 4% allicin to ensure the herb’s beneficial compounds reach the bloodstream. Another bonus? The enteric coating also prevents the dreaded garlic breath that keeps many people from reaping this pungent herb’s health benefits. Source: Lissiman E. Garlic for the common cold. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012;3:CD006206.

Artificial Sweeteners Linked to Weight Gain Diet drinks have been enormously popular since their introduction in the early 1960s. Yet the more of them Americans drink, the wider their waistlines have become. According to animal research from Oita University in Japan, even though consuming a non-nutritive sweetener led to reduced blood sugar levels, it triggered a gain in body fat, as well as increased leptin and triglyceride levels. The animals also experienced a decrease in brown fat. Low levels of this type of fat reduce metabolism and promote the accumulation of fat. These physiological reactions to artificial sweeteners could explain why the chronic intake of diet drinks appears to actually undermine weight loss efforts. Source: Mitsutomi K. Effects of a nonnutritive sweetener on body adiposity and energy metabolism in mice with diet-induced obesity. Metabolism, Clinical and Experimental. 2014;63:69-78.

Sitting Raises the Risk of Premature Death Spending hours each day in front of a television or computer screen can be hazardous to your health. A new study of some 93,000 postmenopausal women found that those who spent the most time sitting died earlier than their most active peers. The study, which appeared in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, reported that women who sat for more than 11 hours faced a 12 percent increase in all-cause premature mortality compared with the most energetic group—those with 4 hours or fewer of inactivity. The sedentary women also had a 13 percent greater risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, a 27 percent higher chance of dying from coronary heart disease, and 21 percent increased risk of developing cancer. The take home message? If you have a desk job, incorporate moderate intensity exercise periodically throughout your day. Take a brisk walk, perform 60 seconds of jumping jacks, or opt for the stairs instead of the elevator. Source: Seguin R. Sedentary behavior and mortality in older women: The Women’s Health Initiative. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2014;46(2):122-35.


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Resveratrol May Help Diabetics Manage Blood Sugar


Vitamin C Promotes Healthier Arteries

A daily dose of resveratrol may improve glucose control and insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes, according to a new study review. Data from 11 studies involving 388 people found that resveratrol reduced levels of fasting glucose and insulin while also lowering hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) levels. High HbA1c is a marker of excess glucose in the blood and an indication of insulin resistance. While resveratrol didn’t appear to impact glucose levels in non-diabetics, adding supplemental resveratrol to a healthy, low-glycemic diet could help those with type 2 diabetes get a better handle on their disease.

Here’s yet another good reason to take supplemental vitamin C. Along with boosting your overall antioxidant status, this standby nutrient has been found to boost the health of your endothelium—the thin layer of cells that line the inside of blood vessels. During a review of 44 clinical trials involving more than 1,100 people, the scientists from Newcastle University in England found that this was especially true for people with diabetes, atherosclerosis, and heart failure. While 500 mg of vitamin C daily was the dose that triggered these benefits, it’s smart to pair a vitamin C supplement with C-rich foods like bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, citrus fruits, papaya, and pineapple.

Source: Liu K. Effect of resveratrol on glucose control and insulin sensitivity: a meta-analysis of 11 randomized controlled trials. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. April 2, 2014. [Epub ahead of print].

Source: Ashor AW. Effect of vitamin C on endothelial function in health and disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Atherosclerosis. 2014;235(1):9-20.

Everyday support, no matter what life brings your way



Immune System Support*

Bacteril combines four amazing ingredients you won’t find anywhere else—the concentrated plant oils of cinnamon, thyme, clove, and oregano that help keep your defenses strong.* Bacteril—the perfect choice—whatever you do, wherever you go: • Hectic travel • Long hours • New foods • Challenging environments • Every day stresses*



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Take a Bite Out of Heart Disease Boosting dental care can protect arteries When you hear the term “your heart’s in your mouth,” you probably think of how it feels when you’re frightened or startled. But according to several recent studies, your heart and your mouth actually have more to do with each other than you might expect. It turns out that people with periodontal disease—an infection caused by bacteria that accumulates between the teeth and the gums—are at a higher risk of atherosclerosis. This was recently shown by two clinical trials linking periodontal disease with important cardiovascular risk factors, especially systemic inflammation that can damage arteries, in middle aged subjects.

The most obvious way to protect against bacteria is to practice good oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing twice a day can whisk away bacteria and help preserve that beautiful smile. Using a natural mouthwash that contains antiseptic herbs like green tea, thyme, oregano, cinnamon, and clove that also provide antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can offer targeted protection. Studies show that some of these herbs— especially thyme, clove, and cinnamon—are highly effective against Streptococcus mutans, the bacteria linked to tooth decay. But you can also boost your oral health from the inside out with plant oils.

Accumulated bacteria hiding deep in periodontal pockets and around the teeth can also boost your chances of a heart attack. Findings in the Journal of Periodontolog y report that people who had suffered a heart attack had nine times more periodontal bacteria in the pockets than people who had never had a heart attack. But you don’t need full-blown periodontal disease to risk a heart attack. Scandinavian scientists have found that people over the age of 80 with three or four cavities located in the roots of teeth have an increased risk of an irregular heartbeat—a condition known as cardiac arrhythmia.

Studies suggest that adding highly concentrated herbal oils to a comprehensive dental care plan may help to systemically reduce bacteria and the resulting inflammation in those with periodontal disease. A recent study in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice found that cinnamon and clove boast the highest antibacterial activity. Other herbs traditionally used to tame systemic inflammation and bacterial infections include thyme and oregano. Use of these herbal oils, especially when combined, may be an effective way to support both your pearly whites and your cardiovascular system for a lifetime.




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Bladder Health

The Scandinavian Solution My tra vels to Iceland to walk the fields of wild Angelica Among the most valuable herbs is Angelica archangelica, more commonly known as “Angel’s Herb.” Growing abundantly in Iceland, this unique botanical has been used for over a millennia. And now it’s the active ingredient in SagaPro® Bladder Health. After researching the amazing benefits of Angelica archangelica as found in published studies, I just had to see the source of this remarkable herb for myself. Once I arrived in Iceland, I quickly discovered how friendly and wonderful the local people are. They were eager to take me to Hrisey Island to show me the fields where the world’s finest wild Angelica grows. About 180 people live on this Icelandic island off the coast of Iceland where the main taxi is a practical one: a farm tractor towing a trailer with bench seating. The fields of

The fields of Arctic Angelica plants are an impressive sight! Terry is holding a bundle of the plant’s leaves—soon to be made into the extract for SagaPro.

it the ability to support bladder health and strength. The tender Angelica leaves are sustainably harvested by hand, then “brewed” into an infusion in large vats without the use of chemicals or solvents. This pure Angelica infusion is the active ingredient that gives SagaPro® its powerful ability to help strengthen the bladder.*

The best taxi on Hrisey Island is the most practical—a go-anywhere tractor with a customized wagon for passengers.

wild Angelica are an impressive sight where each plant grows to about six feet high at its maturity. Although the large flowering heads are very distinctive, the leaves hold the key to the benefits of bladder health. During the summer months, Iceland enjoys near continuous daylight. Researchers believe that it is this abundance of sunlight, paired with exceptionally pristine air and rich, lava soil that concentrates the beneficial compounds in Angelica giving

I constantly travel the world to personally check the source of the materials that we use in our EuroPharma formulations. This ensures that each of our products contain only the highest quality, most effective ingredients in the world. You can be assured that my personal attention to the ingredients and plants we use will bring you the finest supplements possible. SagaPro® is an example of our constant vigilance to the quality of our products which makes it an ideal formula for men and women looking to support bladder strength and improved urinary tract function.* Clinical studies show that the unique type of Angelica in SagaPro®—different than Chinese angelica (Angelica sinensis)—is perfect for men and women looking for support of bladder strength and function.*



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Smart strategies that can boost your brain power Have you walked into a room, only to have forgotten why? Or perhaps you can’t recall where you left your car keys. You may have even missed an appointment because it slipped your mind. While these types of memory lapses can occur at any age, if you’re over the age of 50, you may be left wondering if they are the first subtle signs of dementia or a loss of mental acuity. Luckily, these concerns are often baseless. In fact, most common memory lapses simply reflect normal changes to the structure and function of the aging brain. As we grow older, blood flow to the brain diminishes, causing it to utilize oxygen and protein less efficiently. What’s more, brain cells don’t communicate as efficiently as they once did, making it harder to process thoughts, retain short-term memory, and create new neurons. Stress, fatigue, and poor nutrition can also interfere with your ability to concentrate, learn new facts, or make decisions. But you don’t need to resign yourself to these “senior moments.” Combining some healthy habits with smart supplementation can keep your brain functioning on all cylinders. Food for Thought Eating a nutrient-rich diet can help keep your brain in top form. Vibrant fruits and vegetables provide antioxidants that help guard against cell-damaging free radicals and improve the signals that help brain cells communicate with each other. Research from Columbia University Medical Center discovered that people who most closely follow a producepacked Mediterranean-type diet are 45 percent less likely to suffer from cognitive impairment than people who eat standard American fare. Eating a Mediterranean diet also significantly lowers the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Stay Sharp with Supplements Maximizing your mental powers requires a steady supply of some key nutrients that have been shown to guard against age-related brain changes. Evidence also suggests that the 8

following supplements may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Preliminary studies suggest that curcumin, derived from the curry spice turmeric, may protect the brain in multiple ways. According to findings in the Journal of Medicinal Food, curcumin improves memory and learning deficits by protecting the nervous system from oxidative stress. Other research in the journal Current Medical Chemistry found that curcumin not only crosses the blood-brain barrier, once it reaches the brain it exerts anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and metal chelating actions. It may also work to prevent the formation of amyloid plaque—one of the key markers of Alzheimer’s disease. One drawback to most curcumin supplements, however, is that they are not well absorbed by the body. Fortunately, a more bioavailable form known as BCM-95 has been created that increases absorption up to 10 times that of standard curcumin supplements. It also stays at significant levels in the blood stream far longer than standard curcumin. As a result, studies have found that this unique form of curcumin—created by a patented process that combines curcumin with turmeric essential oils— is considerably more useful for brain health concerns. Rosemary and sage—two herbs with a centuries-old reputation for memory enhancement—have also been clinically shown to inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE), a key enzyme in the brain

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that slows the firing of neurons. Some drugs designed to treat dementia also inhibit AChE. Preliminary research in the journal Fitoterapia shows that animals fed a rosemary extract displayed improved long-term memory. And, in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 36 healthy volunteers, British researchers found that a single dose of sage extract improved memory and attention within just one hour of taking the supplement. After four hours, the volunteers who took the supplement also experienced reduced mental fatigue and increased alertness. The researchers of both studies noted that rosemary and sage may prove a safe and effective alternative for the prevention and treatment of impaired memory and cognition. Vitamin D may also play an important role in maintaining cognition and lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s. Numerous studies have found that low levels of the sunshine vitamin are linked to poorer cognitive function and a higher incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. A recent review of 17 observational and interventional studies that appeared in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease concluded that low vitamin D levels could predict poor executive function, especially on the ability to shift between tasks, update information, and process thoughts. But supplementing with a daily dose of D may reduce inflammation and help to rebalance the body’s ability to engulf the amyloid-beta peptides involved in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.


Exercise Your Mind Want to stay mentally sharp? Hit the gym! A new study conducted by researchers at the Center for Brain Health at The University of Texas at Dallas found that engaging in physical exercise on a regular basis helps healthy aging adults improve their memory, brain health, and physical fitness. During the study, couch potatoes between the ages of 55 and 75 were randomized to either an exercise program or a control group. After just 12 weeks, those in the exercise group showed an increase in brain blood flow to the hippocampus, the key brain region affected by Alzheimer's disease. It shows evidence that it’s never too late to make exercise a part of a healthy—and a smart—lifestyle.

Remember Where You Put the Car Keys

Mental Advantage

Nutrients for short-term memory and the aging brain.* With ingredients worth remembering! • Clinically-studied BCM-95® supports cognitive health, mental agility and protects your brain from the risks of oxidative damage. • Vitamin D3 supports clear thinking and focus in the aging brain. Higher blood levels of vitamin D are associated with healthy cognitive function. • Rosemary and Sage support healthy acetylcholinesterase activity in the brain for memory, recall, and clarity.* *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT DISEASE.


Good Health TM

Brown Rice’s


• increase the activity of genes that suppress tumor growth by as much as 1,700 percent; • increase the rate at which cancer cells self destruct—a process called apoptosis; • starve malignant tumors by inhibiting the growth of blood vessels that feed the cancer; • bind and remove excessive heavy metals. Iron can be a primary growth factor for cancer cells; • inhibit metastasis by preventing the ability of cancer cells to stick together at a new site;

Nearly 30 years ago, when researchers at the University of Maryland were conducting studies on the health benefits of plant fibers, they began to pay particular attention to two compounds called inositol and inositol hexaphosphate (IP-6). The bran of brown rice is particularly rich in these nutrients. Abulkalam Shamsuddin, MD, PhD, a pathologist at the University of Maryland, was especially interested on how these compounds worked in combination on cancer. He began a series of experiments to determine why these two plant nutrients should behave much more powerfully together than apart. What is IP-6 and Inositol? Inositol is a cousin to the B vitamins. IP-6 is inositol, too, but it has extra phosphates attached to it. In essence, these compounds are identical twins, but one twin is carrying 6 pieces. Both inositol and IP-6 are used by every single cell of the body, and IP-6, on its own, has been found to have strong anti-cancer properties. IP-6 has been shown to: • repair damage in cells that cause out of-control cell growth and slow the rate of cancerous cell divisions; • boost specialized immune cells called natural killer (NK) cells, which are especially good at seeking out and killing cancer cells; • help restore cancer cells to a more normal function so they lose some of their malignant characteristics; 10

• reduce inflammation with chemical messages that halt the production of inflammatory compounds; and • inhibit free radical production, which can trigger cellular damage. However, scientists found that when IP-6 is administered with inositol in an exact ratio, these benefits become much more powerful. When cancer cells are exposed to IP-6 with inositol, the cells lose their aggressiveness, cease their out-of-control growth rate, and die. This combination boosts the ability of NK cells much more vigorously than IP-6 alone. In a Journal of Nutrition study, the combination of IP-6 with inositol was significantly better in different cancer models (colon, breast, and metastatic lung cancer) than was either alone. Several case studies have shown that when IP-6 with inositol was given in combination with chemotherapy, the side effects of chemotherapy were diminished greatly and patients were better able to perform their daily activities. Why Not Just Eat Brown Rice Bran? In order to get the amount of IP-6 and inositol used in dietary supplements, you’d have to devote 20 percent of your diet exclusively to brown rice bran. The other issue is that IP-6 is bound to protein in food, which complicates its absorption and decreases utilization. Research has shown that using IP-6 that is not bound to the other compounds in brown rice is at least twice as effective against malignant tumors.

Why the Specific Ratio? Researchers have found that IP-6 and inositol work best together, magnifying each other’s cancer fighting power. But they are still trying to better understand exactly how this occurs. One theory is that an exact ratio of IP-6 to inositol metabolizes to create optimal amounts of IP-3, which may be the most physiologically active of the group. Therefore, a ratio that specifically matches one inositol molecule to one IP-6 molecule will create vastly more IP-3 than other kinds of combinations. The ratio that many integrative doctors are using in their clinics is 220 mg inositol for every 880 mg of IP-6. Since these nutrients are extremely safe, some practitioners use as much as 8 grams of the combination for serious concerns, like active cancer. Individuals using IP-6 with inositol for cancer prevention or immune issues often use 1 to 2 grams each day.



IP-6 6

IInositol In no toll





2 1




IP-3 3


Regardless of dose, using IP-6 combined with inositol for any type of immune system or cancer concern is a combination that delivers life-changing nutrients when you need them most. Because of the unparalleled ability of IP-6 to protect cells throughout the body, its power can be harnessed to guard against a variety of conditions. In the next issue, we'll explore how IP-6 helps regulate blood sugar levels, defends against Alzheimer's disease, and keeps your heart and cardiovascular system running smoothly.

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Immune Support Formula

IP6 GOLD is the original formula, patented by pathologist Dr. A.K.M. Shamsuddin, MD, PhD. at the University of Maryland. IP6 GOLD® provides the world-renowned combination of IP6 and Inositol to enhance the immune system and protect from free radical damage.

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forever young

Is glutathione the key to a long, healthy life? by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD A very wise doctor once said that he wished all his patients would die a very old age! But what does it take to live young into your nineties and beyond? Eating healthy foods, staying active, focusing on things that feel good, and avoiding bad habits like excessive drinking and smoking all play a role. However, scientists are starting to unlock a special molecule that profoundly affects both everyday health and our ultimate longevity: glutathione. Everybody makes glutathione, much of it in the liver. It has been called the master antioxidant, but it is so much more. The liver is completely reliant upon glutathione to filter out and eliminate toxins. Some of the hardest-to-quench free radicals—those linked to a wide variety of chronic diseases—are stopped in their tracks by glutathione. High levels of oxidative stress are linked to Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and cancer, to name a few. Your body can't make adequate white blood cells to fight off infection without glutathione. As for healthy, active people over the age of 100, studies have shown they have significantly higher glutathione production than people not so blessed with vigor and long life. Glutathione Challenges Unfortunately, our ability to make glutathione is diminished by age, certain illnesses, liver damage, some drugs (especially acetaminophen), toxic exposures, and even genetics. An estimated one in three people are born with a genetically linked sluggish glutathione production, and their levels can be reduced 50 percent or more than people without this genetic variant. The aging process takes a significant toll as well. By age 40, we are making 30 percent less, and by 65, as much as 50 percent less—and that is in healthy individuals. Anyone with liver stress or disease produces significantly less. 12

It would make sense that glutathione supplementation would be heralded as an amazing natural medicine breakthrough, but there are great challenges in delivering the right kind of glutathione to the body. Integrative practitioners have used intravenous (IV) glutathione for years with excellent results. But these treatments require a doctor and a clinic licensed to administer medications directly into the veins. Researchers have experimented with oral glutathione supplements, but these products have proven problematic. Here’s why: There are two kinds of glutathione that exist in your body. The beneficial kind is active or “reduced” glutathione. The other type has lost its master antioxidant status and is “oxidized glutathione.” The active form delivers health miracles, while the oxidized form just adds to the body’s oxidative stress burden—not a good thing. Researchers found that active glutathione is fragile—so fragile that when taking standard supplements the digestive process itself—not just stomach acid—converts it to oxidized glutathione. New French Discoveries Pave the Way Fortunately, a recent discovery about the nature of glutathione allowed French scientists to create an active form delivered to the body intact in a unique, slow-melt tablet. Clinical studies on this French breakthrough showed that holding the tablet under the tongue until completely dissolved twice a day greatly improved glutathione levels by 38 points in only 11 days. Additional studies showed that this special form improves glutathione ratios (the ratio of active glutathione to the oxidized form) by 230 percent compared to unprotected glutathione. For the first time, people can benefit from boosting one of the most important nutrients in the body without expensive and timeconsuming visits to an IV clinic. Glutathione and Longevity How does glutathione extend life? By greatly enhancing your detoxification processes, glutathione neutralizes harmful

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toxins that can prematurely age you. Glutathione also arrests free radical damage to your DNA—damage that can accelerate the aging process. It is critical for healthy immunity while protecting against auto-immune induced inflammation. Finally, glutathione helps to preserve the caps on the end of your chromosomes, called telomeres. Telomeres help keep that important strand of DNA from unraveling, much in the way the hard end keeps shoelaces from fraying. Many cuttingedge research studies have proven the dramatic link between telomere length and longevity. In an animal study, mice that were modified to have better protection of their telomeres lived 40 percent longer than average mice.


Glutathione and Disease Reduced glutathione is essential to a strong immune system. Studies suggest that boosting glutathione levels can enhance the immune response by optimizing macrophage function. Macrophages are white blood cells that gobble up infectious invaders. Glutathione also protects other diseasefighting cells, called lymphocytes, from oxidative damage and premature cell death. A strong immune response requires a healthy army of ‘killer’ lymphocytes to be able to destroy undesirable cells, including cancer


cells. Doctors are giving a great deal of attention to the role of reduced glutathione for neurological diseases like Parkinson’s disease (PD) and cancer. As early as 1996, an Italian study found that the progression of PD was reduced and the symptoms were improved by 42 percent after only 30 days of treatment with reduced glutathione. The challenge was that, at the time, glutathione could only be given intravenously, limiting its daily therapeutic use. However, improvements in the efficacy of glutathione supplements have solved this problem, making daily use attainable for those with PD, as well as other cognitive and neurological problems. Some of the biggest factors that increase the risk of developing cancer are exposure to toxins and oxidative stress. Preliminary research reveals that reduced glutathione improves the body’s ability to rid itself of dangerous compounds and vigorously reduces oxidative stress in ways no simple antioxidant can manage. For that reason, integrative medical practitioners often use glutathione for prevention. Reduced glutathione may also help those undergoing chemotherapy. In a 2008 study, Japanese doctors found that intravenously administered glutathione dramatically reduced nerve damage in patients being treated with drug chemotherapy that caused neurotoxicity. Not only did glutathione exert a neuroprotective effect, it helped to reduce the oxidative stress caused by the chemotherapy that was part of the nerve damage in some people. Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, is a recognized leader in the treatment of pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. His most recent book is The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. He has been a guest on Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News, the Dr. Oz Show, and Oprah & Friends. His web site:

Better Form for Better Function Most of the time, supplements are simply swallowed. But in the case of glutathione, there’s a better way: sublingual, or under the tongue. That’s because glutathione taken orally loses its super powers during digestion. It becomes oxidized, which adds to your body’s oxidative stress burden. This potentially harmful conversion can’t be avoided with an enteric coating designed to bypass stomach acid—the digestive process itself transforms glutathione into an unfavorable oxidized form. That’s why elite integrative medical clinics typically administer glutathione intravenously, sometimes at a cost of thousands of dollars to their patients. But now, French research scientists have developed a way to enhance glutathione’s bioavailability. This patented process involves combining glutathione with protective antioxidants and creating a slow-melt tablet that dissolves under the tongue over the course of a few minutes. Since the tissues beneath your tongue are rich in capillaries that transport the glutathione directly into your blood stream as the tablet melts, this unique sublingual supplement bypasses the digestive tract. This sublingual form of glutathione has been found to be considerably more bioavailable than lower-cost pills or capsules. In fact, in only 11 days, it increased active glutathione in the bloodstream by 38 points, while unprotected glutathione actually reduced the active amount by 40 points—a 78 point difference between the two groups. So even if it seems to cost more than other oral forms, you’re getting more benefits for your buck. 13

Good Health TM


Curcumin, Cancer Prevention, and the Future of Natural Medicine An Interview with Dr. Ajay Goel

Ajay Goel, PhD is a researcher on the cutting edge of nutraceuticals. As the

Director of Epigenetics and Cancer Prevention at the Baylor Research Institute, Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, he is becoming known as the “go to” scientist for all things curcumin. Dr. Goel was able to provide us with some insights into curcumin, his own research, and its astonishing results.

have shown curcumin to be safe even when consumed at 12 grams per day for three months. In my own research, I am focusing on curcumin and cancer. Overall, I think we’re just beginning to unlock the full potential of curcumin. Traditionally in India, the compound has been consumed over time—often daily—and it was originally noted that in that dietary context it has an ability to promote a number of health effects— lower incidences of certain forms of cancer, fewer cases of Alzheimer’s disease, and other beneficial effects.

What kind of curcumin extract have you been using?

Excellent question. Curcumin in its regular state is actually difficult for the body to absorb. That’s why the best effects were first noticed by those eating a curry-rich diet. When you consume it from turmeric alone, it takes a long time for curcumin to provide any benefits. In our research, we found that standard extracts don’t fare much better. The key was to find an extract that absorbed well so that it would be ideal for clinical research, have no side effects, and be within reach of patients after the studies. So, to answer your original question, the curcumin we’ve been using is BCM-95 curcumin. It is exceptionally different. You see, most of the curcumin extracts available for research and on the marketplace as supplements are standardized 95 percent extracts. But the BCM-95 curcumin takes this a step further, which is part of what attracted me to it for research. It is a proprietary form of curcumin that is blended with turmeric oils for up to seven times the absorption and blood retention of standard extracts.

Why curcumin? What is it about that particular compound that you find so compelling?

I think it’s because curcumin from turmeric (Curcuma longa) has such great potential to heal or prevent so many disease states, including wound healing, diabetes, Alzheimer disease, Parkinson's disease, cardiovascular disease, 14

pulmonary disease, and arthritis. Other trials suggest a preventative and therapeutic role for curcumin in diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, high cholesterol, heart disease, pancreatitis, psoriasis, and both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Plus, it is very safe. In fact, clinical trials

What has your own research shown?

My own research with this particular curcumin has been very exciting. For example, our department is launching a series of studies to show how curcumin could prevent cancer by the way it influences something known as “epigenetic activity.” We’ve also been

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Clinically-tested, improves blood ratios by 230%*† Nature’s master antioxidant and detoxifier* French patented delivery system

Clinical Glutathione™ is 230% better than unprotected glutathione in improving blood ratios.*† 8.00

Clinical Glutathione™ unprotected glutathione

6.00 4.00 2.00


0.00 -2.00 -4.00 -6.00 -8.00

Blood ratios of active glutathione to oxidized glutathione between day 1 and day 21 after supplementation. † Blood GSH/GSSG Ratio Compared to Unprotected Glutathione * THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT DISEASE.

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looking at ways to make conventional cancer treatment much more effective and safe with curcumin.

What is “epigenetics”?

Epigenetics is a fascinating realm of study. It delves into the ways that our genes are influenced by our diet and environment, and looks at which factors turn certain genes on and which factors turn them off. In other words, while we may have genetic tendencies toward certain health concerns, our research is showing how diet and lifestyle can influence 95 percent of all cancers. The good news is that we can do something about both of these.

off—by curcumin. When cancer cells flourish, it is partly due to a process called “methylation.” Essentially, it silences certain genes that are designed to suppress tumors, and circumvents our body’s own defense mechanisms. But curcumin changes that. It is able to “reawaken” the sleeping genes that power the body’s own tumor suppression activity that keeps cancerous tumors from growing and spreading.

Epigenetics is the study of how our genes are influenced by our diet and environment.

In our study, published in the journal PLoS One, my colleagues and I examined the ways that colon cancer cells could be influenced—and turned


For this study we used colon cancer cells, but we suspect that the mechanics of cancer suppression will be the same in many other types of cancer as well. We plan to keep exploring the epigenetic connection to cancer in upcoming studies, and believe that this exciting focus of research holds great promise.

You’ve recently headed up research into other ways curcumin helps individuals with cancer as well, isn’t that right? Yes. In our newest research, we’ve shown that BCM-95 curcumin can effectively kill cancer stem cells and improve sensitization of tumor cells to chemotherapy.

Why is chemotherapy resistance an issue? What makes this so important? Chemotherapy resistance of cancer stem cells has been the Achilles heel of cancer treatment. That’s because tumor cells become so resistant to chemotherapy that they can handle more than 100 times the dose of toxic chemotherapy and still survive. Of course, you can imagine what effect that level of chemotherapy has on a cancer patient.

However, when cancer stem cells are treated with a low dose of BCM-95 curcumin, we can effectively kill them by re-sensitizing these cells to the toxic effects of chemotherapy, help minimize toxicity to normal flora, and make these patients feel better. It has amazing potential as an adjunct therapy. For example, in a clinical study, curcumin has been shown to alleviate side effects of one of the most common treatments for prostate cancer, external beam radiotherapy (EBRT)—the use of radiation to destroy tumors and cancer cells. This form of prostate cancer therapy can be extremely difficult for the patient. It’s often accompanied by many symptoms, including sexual dysfunction, digestive problems, and urinary tract issues. The higher the dosage of radiation, the more effective it is, but the risk of adverse effects grows as well. Because of this, doctors must often use less radiation to limit side effects. Unfortunately, that makes the treatment less effective. In this study, researchers tested the ability of curcumin to prevent the side effects of EBRT treatment in men with prostate cancer. Patients took 3 grams of BCM-95 curcumin (two 500-mg


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Just ONE tablet daily Benefits for a lifetime


is a revolutionary oil-free omega-3 supplement extracted from salmon immediately after the catch. Vectomega® is fresher than fish or krill oil. The omega-3 fatty acids are naturally bound to phospholipids so they’re easily recognized and utilized by the body. You get optimal absorption for optimal health benefits.*


Supports cardiovascular health, brain function, cellular health, and healthy aging Provides bioactive peptides not found in krill, flax, or fish oil Tested for purity—no concerns with toxins, heavy metals, or contaminants 17 *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE.

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REDUCE YOUR RISK Although much of cancer risk can be rooted in genetics, there are positive steps you can take to minimize your risk or help you fight back and recover faster.

If you smoke, stop. Smoking

is linked to more than lung cancer. According to the Mayo Clinic, smoking raises the risk of cervix, bladder, esophagus, and kidney cancers as well.

Eat a variety of healthy foods with cancer-fighting nutrients. Most vegetables

and fruits provide builtin nutrients that fight the oxidative damage and cellular inflammation that can lead to tumor formation. The more colorful your fruit and vegetable intake, the stronger your defense.

Get regular, enjoyable exercise. Go on a brisk

walk, a bike ride around the


neighborhood, a daily swim at the local pool—any activity that feels like a mini-vacation. Spanish research shows that regular exercise is beneficial for women undergoing breast cancer therapy and those who have completed their treatment. Additional research at Columbia University shows that regular exercise may help prevent chronic disease after menopause.

Be smart about the sun.

Catching a few rays is not only healthy, but can actually help your body produce the valuable vitamin D you need to protect yourself from various diseases, including breast, ovarian, colon, pancreatic, and prostate cancers. But know your skin type. About 10 to 15 minutes of sun time without sunscreen or wide-brimmed hats and protective clothing is fine, but just don’t overdo it.

"We’re just beginning to unlock the full potential of curcumin." – Ajay Goel, PhD


capsules, three times daily) or a placebo beginning one week before radiotherapy until the completion of the treatment. Each curcumin capsule contained a full spectrum of curcuminoids: curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, and essential oil of turmeric. By the end of the 20-week period, the most dramatic difference between the curcumin group and the placebo group was in urinary symptoms. The curcumin group saw a 50 percent difference in the frequency of daytime urinations, a 20 percent reduction in sleep disturbances at night in order to urinate, and a 15 percent reduction in problems with urinary leakage. The curcumin group also showed improvements in sexual function, but not in statistically significant numbers compared to placebo. Still, it shows the potential of this amazing herbal compound. Breast cancer research has shown that curcumin alters the potential for tumors in a very direct way by inhibiting the activity of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and MMP-2. These enzymes—also known as proteases— are normally involved with building tissue, which in most cases is a good thing, but obviously that’s not the case when you’re talking about tumors. Other research I’ve been fortunate to be part of has shown that curcumin sensitizes human colon cancer cells that would otherwise resist chemotherapy treatment. In some cases the tumor recurrence rates can be has high as 50 to 60 percent. This most recent study, published in PLoS One, showed that curcumin actually enhanced the treatment and specifically targeted cancer stem cells.

What do you see coming up in the future of curcumin research?

There are already studies around the world using curcumin to treat diabetes, fatty liver disease, depression, and much more. All in all, I feel we are just beginning to unlock the potential of this natural compound, and I’m excited to keep exploring.

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Equals up to 500 Capsules of Turmeric


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Up to 500 capsules of turmeric are required to supply the same amount of curcumin levels in the blood as a single softgel of BCM-95® Curcumin. † Occasional inflammation due to exercise or overuse


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NEUTRALIZE NEUROPATHY by Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS For people with diabetes, neuropathy—the tingling, burning, or loss of sensation in the feet, legs, or hands— is one of its most distressing symptoms. Unfortunately, it is all too common. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases reports that 60 to 70 percent of diabetes patients have neuropathy. The risk rises with age and the length of time you’ve had the disease. The highest rates of neuropathy are among people who have had diabetes for at least 25 years. According to the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy, other symptoms include: • Dizziness • Poor balance • Deep pain in the leg muscles • Inability to feel heat and cold • Decreased sexual function • Bladder, digestion, and eye problems Left untreated, the nerves and muscles will continue to deteriorate. In fact, diabetes is responsible for more than half of the non-traumatic, lower-limb amputations performed in the U.S. every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Diabetes Starves Your Cells As odd as it may sound, diabetes is actually a disease of starvation. Insulin is a hormone with a special job: it picks up sugar and delivers it to the inside of the cell so it can be burned for fuel. When there is less insulin, or its activity is impaired, the sugar stays in the blood and the cells starve. This causes tremendous stress in our cells. Over time, excessive sugar in the blood stream creates low-level systemic inflammation and eventually damages nerve endings. This can result in neuropathy. While there are prescription drugs for diabetic neuropathy, they can’t really get at the core of the problem—repairing delicate blood vessels and nerve endings, and helping the body metabolize sugar properly again. Fortunately, research has found that, along with lifestyle modifications, specific nutrients can stop—and even reverse—the symptoms and causes of this painful condition. 20

Better with Bs B vitamins are crucial for blood sugar metabolism and proper nerve function. Inadequate or deficient levels of B vitamins are often noted in patients with diabetes. Replenishing B vitamins improves blood sugar control, reduces inflammatory homocysteine levels, and relieves the pain of neuropathy. A study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition examined patients with hyperglycemia—consistently high levels of blood sugar in the bloodstream—14 of 34 patients were found to be deficient in vitamin B6. Those in the group who were given pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P-5-P), the bio-active form of vitamin B6, showed reduced blood glucose levels after only seven days. Benfotiamine is a form of vitamin B1 that is retained in the body at five times the concentration of standard, water-based thiamin. A scientific study at the University of Florida College of Medicine showed that benfotiamine prevented glucose toxicity and normalized elevated blood sugar. A Serbian clinical study pairing benfotiamine with vitamin B6 found

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Living With Neuropathy Lifestyle changes and nutrient interventions can significantly improve this difficult disease: Avoid alcohol. Eat whole fruits, not fruit juices. Eat more non-starchy vegetables than fruits. Always consume your daily protein requirement. The general recommendation for men is 56 grams, and for women is 46 grams, but I often recommend a 2–1 ratio of protein to carbs for weight loss and blood sugar reduction.

Check your feet every day since neuropathy can mask the pain of a foot injury. If necessary, use a small mirror to check the bottoms of your feet.

Always use oven mitts when handling hot pots and pans.

Dry your feet well after washing to avoid bacterial growth.

Ensure handrails are secure along stairs.

Wear shoes and socks that fit well, support your arches, and don’t pinch.

Install rails in the shower or tub and by the toilet to prevent falls.

that the combination reduced pain significantly in 86 percent of patients in just 45 days. In the same study, the majority of patients also saw significant reductions in pain due to light pressure, touch, or temperature, and pain due to the loss of muscle fibers. In a study published in 2010 in the scientific journal Nutritional Neuroscience, researchers determined that the methylcobalamin form of vitamin B12 helped nerves function better and delayed nerve damage in diabetic conditions. Not only that, but the researchers also concluded that methylcobalamin was also best at controlling high blood sugar levels—and mitigating the damage high blood sugar can cause—provided it’s used early enough. Like vitamin B12, folate can be administered in bioactive forms that are easier for the body to utilize, and L-methylfolate is one of them. Research published in the journal Reviews in Neurological Diseases, found that L-methylfolate, methylcobalamin, and P-5-P improved the epidermal nerve fiber density in 73 percent of the treated patients in just six months. Additionally, 82 percent reported reduced frequency and intensity of the “pins and needles” feeling or of the painful sensation (or lack of sensation) brought about by simple touch and contact. Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, was one of a group of nutrients—including thiamin, folate, and vitamins B6 and B12—that reduced diabetic neuropathy symptoms over the course of four months in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in the journal Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. Additionally, riboflavin is important for preventing diabetic changes to the eyes.

Seek professional guidance as to how best to clip your fingernails and toenails.

Other Supportive Supplements Aside from those particular B vitamins, I recommend additional nutrients: • Niacin helps to keep cholesterol and triglyceride levels in balance, reducing the risk of clogged arteries and blood vessels. • Pantothenic acid is involved in the formation of healthy nerve endings and blood vessels. A lack of pantothenic acid can cause numbness and tingling in the feet. • A lpha lipoic acid fights diabetic neuropathy by normalizing the intake of blood sugar by the muscles, reducing pain and tingling of peripheral nerves. • Chromium is essential for blood sugar metabolism. It activates insulin receptors, helping prevent the build-up of glucose in the bloodstream. • Zinc stabilizes pancreatic storage of insulin and inhibits oxidative stress that promotes insulin resistance and diabetes. • Boswellia—or more specifically the herb’s boswellic acids— is a powerful anti-inflammatory thanks to its ability to inhibit an enzyme called 5-LOX that activates inflammationinducing leukotrienes. The most active of the boswellic acids is acetyl-11-keto-ß-boswellic acids (AKBA). Look for boswellia standardized to at least 10 percent AKBA, and purified to remove inflammation-causing beta boswellic acids to less than 5%. Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, (aka "The Rogue Nutritionist") is a nationally known expert on weight loss, nutrition and health. Dr. Bowden has a PhD in nutrition, a Master’s degree in psychology, and has earned six national certifications in personal training and exercise. He is a board certified member of the American College of Nutrition, a member of the American Society for Nutrition, and a much in-demand speaker at conferences and events across the country.


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Stress Less

This Holiday Season 'Tis the season to be busy...and overwhelmed. Between decorating, shopping in crowded stores, entertaining, parties, baking, preparing meals for family and friends, and getting all of those gifts and holiday cards mailed, it’s no wonder the holidays are stressful. Of course we want to do it all. Attempting to meet those expectations, however, can leave us less blessed and more stressed. If the holidays seem more like something to survive instead of something to celebrate, you're not alone. Each year, millions of people suffer from increased seasonal stress and tension that rob them of the holiday spirit, deplete critical nutrients, and leave them vulnerable to illness. Fortunately, the following tips can help you keep a lid on

More Holiday Stressbusting Strategies

Take care of your body.

Cut down on caffeine, go light on alcohol, get as much rest as you can, and make time for exercise.

Pa mper yourself. Whatever

soothes your soul will help you handle stress. Make time to relax with gentle music, a heartwarming book, a warm bath, or just meditating for a minute or two between tasks.

Celebrate selectively.

Sit down with your family and choose those traditions that mean the most to all of you. Drop any activity that doesn’t make the list.

Delegate. Make lists, check

them twice, and assign tasks to every family member. That way, you won’t be stuck with all the work—and everyone will feel part of the activities.


holiday stress and keep you healthy in the bargain.

of the kiosks at the mall can ease tension and help quell your holiday humbugs.

Seasonal Scents While freshly cut pine, spicy cinnamon, and the aroma of holiday cookies may be the traditional scents of the season, aromatherapy can be a more effective solution if your holiday to-do list leaves you mentally and physically frazzled. During a clinical trial of 144 volunteers that appeared in the International Journal of Neuroscience, British researchers found that rosemary essential oil enhanced memory, alertness, and contentment. A whiff of rosemary, lemon, or peppermint essential oils can also help you feel more energetic. Simply sprinkle a few drops of essential oil on a cotton ball or tissue. Stash this portable stress reducer in your purse or pocket for immediate relief in the car, the mall, or even at a holiday party.

The Echinacea Answer While most people think of echinacea as a remedy to help them survive cold and flu season, studies show that it’s also a great long-term strategy to keep calm. But not just any echinacea will do. During a recent clinical trial, researchers at the Institute of Experimental Medicine in Budapest, Hungary, found that a specialized root extract of Echinacea angustifolia significantly reduced stress and anxiety—and it did so quickly. The trial, which was published in Phytotherapy Research, found that healthy but stressedout people who took 40 mg of this specialized echinacea experienced a significant reduction in anxiety within just three days. Better yet, standardized anxiety testing (the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory test) showed that the calming effects of the herb persisted during the two weeks that followed the seven-day study. And the herb was well tolerated with no adverse effects, like drowsiness or addiction, common to some pharmaceutical anti-anxiety drugs. To experience these benefits for yourself, check the label on your stress-specific supplement for Echinacea angustifoliae root extract EP107, standardized for proprietary echinacosides.

Knead Away Stress When you’re mentally and physically tense, there’s nothing quite as relaxing as treating yourself to the gift of a professional massage. According to the American Massage Therapists Association, massage boosts the immune system by increasing the body’s natural killer cells. It also enhances circulation, stimulates lymph drainage, controls musculoskeletal pain, and boosts wellbeing. Even a quick neck massage at one

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• Relieves occasional stress, anxiety, nervous tension, and restless sleep • Promotes mental health and emotional well-being • Supports healthy brain chemistry* AnxioCalm™ provides a specialized, clinically-studied Echinacea EP107 with fast-acting compounds that help quiet your nerves and relieve your occasional anxiety—without drowsiness.* *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE.


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VISION QUEST Preserve your 20/20 with these visionboosting nutrients

Have you noticed that your vision isn’t quite as sharp as it once was? It’s no secret that aging takes a toll on sight. Over the years the surface of the cornea—the eyes’ clear outer covering— flattens, admitting less light into the eye. The thickness of the macula—the part of the retina used for reading and seeing fine detail—also becomes thinner. What’s more, free radicals generated by sunlight, environmental toxins, and nutritional deficiencies contribute to many adverse changes. As a result, Lighthouse International, a nonprofit organization dedicated to research on visual problems and rehabilitation, estimates that one in six adults older than 45 has some type of impairment, including cataract, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. Fortunately, you can take steps today to protect your vision for the future. But, before you start mega-dosing on carrots, know this: there are a number of more effective nutrients that can help you maintain optimal eyesight for a lifetime. Lutein and zeaxanthin are naturally present in the retina where they act like sunglasses to screen out harmful ultraviolet rays. Both of these carotenoids provide powerful antioxidant protection and have been found to increase the retina’s macular-pigment density. This, in turn, helps protect it from free radical damage, as well as degeneration and tearing. During the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), researchers found that a daily dose of lutein— about what you would get by eating roughly one-fourth cup of cooked spinach—lowered the odds of macular degeneration by 35 percent. And because lutein filters out UV rays, another study found that cataract risk also dropped by 45 percent in those who consumed lutein five or more times per week. 24


Black Currant Extract is a potent source of eye-friendly anthocyanins that show great promise for treating glaucoma—a condition of increased pressure within the eyeball that causes a gradual loss of sight. A recent placebocontrolled, double-blind, crossover study found that glaucoma patients who took 50 mg of black currant extract daily experienced a significant decrease in intraocular pressure after just two weeks. Those taking a placebo had no relief. In a 2012 study published in Opthalmologica, researchers found that the anthocyanins in black currants

100 volunteers, not only reported better night vision, it also showed improvement against glare in those taking the supplement. According to other findings published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, the polyphenols in grape seed extract also strengthen the capillaries in the eyes. Some physicians believe that this may help prevent the formation of “floaters” that can interfere with vision. Just be sure to opt for a supplement that is tannin free. While tannins are also considered an OPC, they are composed of molecules that are too large to be absorbed. The more tannins your grape

provided benefit to people with openangle glaucoma when combined with anti-glaucoma medication. Earlier research suggests that combining this berry extract with lutein and zeaxanthin may help reduce visual fatigue.

seed OPC supplement contains, the less effective it will be. Check the label for OPCs with a small molecular weight for maximum eye benefits.

French Grape Seed Extract is an exceptional source of strong antioxidants known as oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs). While vitamin E defends against fat-soluble oxidants and vitamin C neutralizes water-soluble ones, OPCs are active against both types. Preliminary research suggests that grape seed OPCs can help those with night vision issues. In fact, French researchers found that taking supplemental grape seed OPCs for five weeks dramatically reduced night blindness. Their study, which involved

Of course, simply popping a supplement won’t give you total eye protection. You can also take some simple everyday steps to safeguard your vision. To guard against retina-damaging sunlight, choose UV-blocking sunglasses and pair them with a broad-brimmed hat or visor. It’s also wise to avoid exposure to tobacco smoke. Preliminary studies show an increase in sight-robbing diseases in those who spend time in a smoky environment. Finally, minimize eye strain when reading or working on your computer by taking a break every hour or so to give your eyes time to rest.

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A CLEAR CHOICE FOR YOUR EYES Vision Health™ provides concentrated anthocyanins from black currant, tannin-free OPCs from grape seed, lutein, and zeaxanthin for: • Retinal and macular health • Reduction in occasional eye fatigue • Healthy eye strength and focus • Strength of the small blood vessels of the eye* *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT DISEASE.


keep f lexible



Your team for joint comfort and health: • Clinically-studied BCM-95 ® curcumin • BosPure® boswellia • Devil’s claw extract • Traditional Amla




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C O L O R Y O U R P L AT E With Fruits and Veggies, Variety is Key! If you groan inwardly at the idea of adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet, take heart—a little creativity and a lot of variety can make it a delicious proposition. In fact, whether you stick with “the daily five” or bump up even more, the real benefit comes from variety. The more colors—which typically indicate a food’s protective capabilities—the better. Many of a plant’s own defensive antioxidants are also responsible for their deep red, blue, orange, or green hues. So think like an artist. Paint a picture on your plate with these wonderful foods and enjoy the powerful nutrients they offer. BLUE, BLACK, AND PURPLE:

Blueberries, grapes, black currants, mulberries, serviceberries. These fruits

are rich in proanthocyanidins and a wide variety of free radical-fighting flavonoids that protect your eyes from macular degeneration, strengthen blood vessels in your brain, reduce Alzheimer’s-inducing plaques and tangles, and stop the potential of tumor-causing DNA damage from oxidative stress.

Tomatoes, watermelon, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, peppers. Tomatoes and watermelon are


rich sources of lycopene, a carotenoid that protects the heart, lowers blood pressure, and preserves the prostate. Cherries, strawberries, raspberries, and peppers provide anthocyanins that guard against oxidative stress. Cherries also reduce uric acid levels, so they are great gout fighters. Spanish researchers have found that tomatoes and peppers are a rich source of melatonin, so slathering a little salsa on grilled chicken may help you sleep better, too. The added plus of peppers is their heat from the compound capsicum, which may also boost metabolism. And of course, cranberries are well known for their ability to prevent urinary tract infections.

Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, mustard greens, bok choi, collard greens, broccoli. These leafy greens are


rich in vitamin K, which is required for proper blood clotting and bone building. 26

They also provide vitamin A, iron, and magnesium. The cruciferous vegetables on the list—including kale, collard greens, and broccoli—are excellent sources of cancerfighting compounds called glucosinolates that have been shown to inhibit tumor formation. In fact, a recent Norwegian study found that extracts from fresh kale inhibited the proliferation of colon cancer cells.

Sweet potatoes, carrots, oranges, grapefruits. Sweet potatoes


and carrots contain beta-carotene, lutein, and other carotenoids. The antioxidants in sweet potatoes may help you detoxify heavy metals, and the carotenoids in carrots are well known for their ability to promote good vision. As good sources of fiber, both foods slow the absorption of sugar. Oranges, while rich in vitamin C that stops oxidative damage, also provide hesperidin, a flavone molecule that lowers blood pressure.

Cauliflower, radishes, garlic, onion. Cauliflower and radishes have more


micronutrients in common with their green sulphorophane cousins, kale, cabbage, and broccoli, but they are also a source of powerful, cell-protecting compounds. Fresh garlic is best known for heart and artery protection, and for reducing cholesterol levels. This is thanks to its allicin content— a compound also responsible for garlic’s distinctive odor. Yet another compound in garlic called ajoene has been reported to have anticancer potential.

The Great Grape Seed Busy days make eating a full spectrum of colorful fruits and vegetables a challenge. A powerful supplement to fill in the gaps is grape seed extract. This one-time “leftover” of the wine-making process has been seriously studied since the 1970s, and for good reason—it packs a powerful punch of cell-protecting flavonoids and oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs). Research has found that grape seed extract can: • Stop artery damage • Lower blood pressure • Protect brain cells and nerve endings • Prevent tumor formation and growth • Quench free radicals • Reduce damaging inflammation But not just any grape seed extract will do. Many extracts contain tannins, which are too large to be effectively absorbed. Look for a high-OPC grape seed extract standardized to contain only OPCs that are small enough to be absorbed.

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Supports healthy blood pressure levels with concentrated hibiscus flower extract and clinically-studied olive leaf extract.*† † Levels already within normal limits


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Healthy Holiday Dishes From Halloween to New Year’s Day, the autumn months are filled with festive foods. This year, create healthy holiday dishes everyone will love!

Herb-Roasted Turkey Breast Serves 8

In addition to being an excellent source of protein, turkey offers the least amount of fat per serving among all other meats—as long as you take a pass on the skin. The traditional holiday bird is also a good source of niacin and vitamin B6. Ingredients:

1 6-pound bone-in turkey breast, preferably organic 2 tablespoons olive oil 4 garlic cloves, crushed and finely minced 2 teaspoons chopped fresh sage leaves, or 1 teaspoon dried 2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme leaves, or 1 teaspoon dried 2 teaspoons chopped fresh rosemary leaves, or 1 teaspoon dried 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Top 10 Healthy Holiday Foods

It’s no secret that the holidays can pack on the pounds and cause us to indulge in some unhealthy food choices. Opt instead to fill your holiday table with the following healthful, yet festive foods—all of which boast a multitude of nutrients without a multitude of calories to help keep you on track. 28 28


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Carrot & Parsnip Mash

Rinse the turkey breast and pat dry. In a small bowl combine oil, garlic, herbs, salt, and pepper. Rub the mixture into the turkey breast, tucking the herbs under the skin.

Try this sweet and creamy alternative to mashed potatoes or yams. Both carrots and parsnips are bursting with carotenoids and fiber. Plus, parsnips are a good source of vitamins B6 and C, folic acid, and potassium.

Set skin-side down on a rack in a roasting pan. Roast for about one hour or until the juices run clear when pierced with fork and a thermometer inserted into thickest part of the turkey registers 170 degrees F. Let rest, covered with foil, for 10 minutes before carving. Per serving: 360 cal; 5g total fat; 1g sat fat; 1g carb; 72g protein; 420mg sodium

• Apples – This fall favorite is high in both soluble and insoluble fiber and has mild antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory activity. Apples are also packed with flavonoids that studies suggest reduce the risk of heart disease. • Barley – High in fiber and

selenium, this chewy grain is also a good source of phosphorus, copper, and manganese. It’s also been shown to lower cholesterol levels and guard against colon cancer.

Serves 6


1 pound baby carrots, peeled 2/3 pound parsnips, peeled and coarsely chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced ½ medium onion, chopped ½ cup organic chicken broth ½ cup water 2 tablespoons ghee or organic butter Salt and pepper to taste

• Cinnamon – This spice is a strong stimulator of insulin activity, making it potentially helpful for those with type 2 diabetes. It also boasts mild anti-coagulant activity. • Cranberries – These holiday favorites are an excellent source of proanthocyanidins, which can boost vein health, prevent the adhesion of bacteria in the urinary tract, and help protect vision.

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Melt 1 tablespoon of ghee or butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add vegetables, broth, and water and bring to a boil. Turn the heat to low, cover the pot, and simmer for 30 minutes or until the vegetables are tender. Use an immersion blender to puree the vegetables. Add the remaining ghee or butter. Season with salt and pepper and blend until smooth. Per serving: 68 cal; 4g total fat; 2g sat fat; 7g carb; 2 fiber; 10g cholesterol; 108mg sodium

Spiced Cranberry Relish Serves 6

Trade in sugar-laden canned cranberry sauces for this sweet and spicy version that also packs a healthy punch of vitamin C. Ingredients:

1 12-ounce package of fresh or frozen cranberries 2 cinnamon sticks 4 whole cloves ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg 2 1/2-x-3-inch strips orange rind ½ cup water ½ cup dark maple syrup (not pancake syrup) Directions:

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan over mediumhigh heat. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat and simmer 10 to 12 minutes or until the cranberries pop and the mixture begins to thicken. Remove the orange rind. Set relish aside to cool completely, then refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Relish can be made up to two days in advance. Per serving: 58 cal; 0g total fat; 15g carb; 2g fiber; 0g cholesterol; 4mg sodium

• Cruciferous Vegetables – Broccoli,

Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale are abundant in quercetin, glutathione, beta-carotene, indoles, vitamin C, lutein, and sulforaphane— all credited with protecting against a variety of cancers.

• Green Beans – An excellent source of vitamins C and K, as well as manganese, green beans also boast a good amount of vitamin A, dietary fiber, potassium, folate, and iron.

• Pumpkin – Rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, and manganese, pumpkins are also a good source of fiber. Pumpkin seeds are high in goodfor-you poly- and mono-unsaturated fats, as well as compounds that help to prevent benign prostatic hyperplasia.

• Salmon – This tasty fish is a

good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to decrease LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol.

• Sweet Potatoes – Well known for their high beta-carotene content, sweet potatoes are also an excellent source of potassium. Preliminary studies show that they help stabilize blood sugar levels and lower insulin resistance, too. • Walnuts – An excellent

source of omega-3 fatty acids for heart and brain health, walnuts also offer manganese and copper, two minerals that are essential cofactors in a number of enzymes important for antioxidant defenses.


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PAINFREE JOINTS It starts as a little stiffness when you roll out of bed in the morning. And, while it may be easy to ignore at first, it isn’t long before the stiffness in your joints turns to pain. Making matters worse, cold, damp weather amplifies painful joints, turning everyday activities— taking a walk or climbing the stairs— into a challenge. If you suffer from joint pain and stiffness, you aren’t alone. More than 20 million Americans currently suffer from the disabling and potentially disfiguring discomfort of osteoarthritis (OA). But, while symptoms don’t typically appear until our later years, deterioration can actually begin when we are quite young. That’s why it’s so important to be proactive about keeping your joints healthy. If you already have joint problems, it’s smart to take direct aim at the inflammation that can result in pain and limited range of motion. Conventional wisdom relies on prescription or over-the-counter non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), like aspirin or ibuprophen. Even though these drugs temporarily relieve pain and inflammation, they do not alleviate the underlying cause of osteoarthritis. And long-term use of NSAIDs can have adverse gastrointestinal consequences. Fortunately, you needn’t rely on these potentially dangerous drugs. Nature has provided a highly effective arsenal of herbs that not only ease the pain but calm the inflammation that can further damage your joints. 30

Curcumin is the highly pigmented compound from the curry spice turmeric that can effectively quell both pain and inflammation, making it a safe and effective alternative to NSAIDs. Studies show that it downregulates specific enzymes involved in inflammation. Two studies that followed a total of 150 patients with osteoarthritis found that a daily dose of curcumin reduced painful symptoms by 58 percent and improved the ability to walk within three to eight months. But there’s a catch. Curcumin is very poorly absorbed. It’s also rapidly metabolized in the gastrointestinal tract and quickly eliminated by the body. Fortunately, a considerably more absorbable type of curcumin known as BCM-95 was created by finely grinding the herb and then blending it with turmeric essential oil. The resulting curcumin was found to have up to 10 times better absorption and blood retention than standard curcumin. And that means less is needed for effective results. Prized since biblical times, boswellia is often used to support joint health, thanks largely to boswellic acids shown to modulate inflammation. The most important of these acids is acetyl-11keto-ß-boswellic acid (AKBA), which inhibits the key enzyme that converts

arachidonic acid into leukotrienes. But, like curcumin, boswellia is not well absorbed by the body. However, a special bio-enhanced boswellia extract was developed in India that is standardized to provide at least 70 percent total organic and boswellic acids, including 10 percent AKBA. Known as BosPure, researchers have found that combining it with BCM95 works better than Celebrex to ease arthritis pain and inflammation. But soothing inflammation is only half the solution. It’s also important to provide structural support. Devil’s claw is a unique herb with anti-inflammatory activity comparable to cortisone. It also dilates blood vessels, increasing circulation of nutrient-rich blood to, and waste laden blood away from, the joints. The substances responsible for these actions are iridoids, especially harpagoside. Research shows that harpagoside inhibits the COX-2 enzyme and stimulates chondrocytes to produce glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which are key proteoglycans that cushion the joint. It also stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, which helps to cushion joints. Emblica officinalis, or Indian Gooseberry, is another important component

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While these four herbs have each shown efficacy when used alone, combining them can offer maximum relief. Just remember, compared to pharmaceuticals that can have unwanted side effects, joint supplements can take anywhere from three to six months to show a benefit. That’s because these natural substances work to fix the underlying conditions— such as inflammation and cartilage degradation—instead of simply masking your painful symptoms.


in the comprehensive treatment of osteoarthritis. High in vitamin C, emblica boasts polyphenols known as emblicanins that can potentially quench free radicals and prevent oxidative damage in joints. Animal and human studies also suggest that emblica increases the production of collagen— a major component of cartilage. Some of these studies suggest that the longterm use of emblica may be just as effective as glucosamine.


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Novel ways to keep blood pressure in check by Holly Lucille, ND, RN

High blood pressure is often called the “silent killer” because there are no symptoms—and, unless you get regular check-ups, you may not even know you are at risk. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can be deadly. In fact, it’s the leading cause of heart attack and stroke. Blood pressure refers to the force of blood against your artery walls. When this pressure becomes too great, the arterial walls can become stiff and narrow, which puts an extra burden on the heart. A blood pressure level of 140/90 or greater is considered high. Systolic pressure—the first number in a blood pressure reading—represents the amount of pressure on the artery walls. The second number, or diastolic pressure, represents the lowest level of pressure. If your blood pressure reaches between 120/80 and 139/89, you have a condition called pre-hypertension. This means that, while you don’t have high blood pressure yet, you may develop it unless you adopt a healthier lifestyle. Why is high blood pressure so very dangerous? Because it is the leading cause of heart attack and stroke. If your blood pressure is too high, your heart has to work harder, and you may eventually develop atherosclerosis. High blood pressure can also result in other conditions like congestive heart failure, kidney disease, diabetes, blindness, and cognitive impairment. One of the first recommendations most doctors make is to cut back on salt. But, while many Americans consume large quantities of salt—often from processed foods—it may not be the ultimate dietary villain once thought when it comes to blood pressure. Current 32

recommendations are largely based on the 2001 DASH-Sodium study, which suggested that eating significantly less salt would modestly lower blood pressure. Perhaps better dietary advice would be to load up on whole grains and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables— all foods naturally high in nutrients and flavor, and low in sodium. If you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure, most doctors will also recommend exercise and stress management—plus medication like an ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitor, beta blocker, or calcium channel blocker. The problem is, many of these drugs can cause side effects like constipation, headache, dizziness, upset stomach, and even bleeding gums. Fortunately, you may be able to reign in mild-to-moderate hypertension safely and naturally by eating a healthy diet, adopting an active lifestyle, and by taking two highly effective herbs.

Hypertension Helper A few years ago, tart and tasty hibiscus tea was found to ease mild hypertension in the same way many anti-hypertensive drugs do—by opening the blood vessels, decreasing the viscosity of the blood, and increasing urine production (which reduces blood volume). In one recent clinical trial by researchers from Tufts University, 65 patients with mildly high blood pressure or pre-hypertension drank either three cups of hibiscus tea or a placebo drink daily for six weeks. The findings, which appeared in the Journal of Nutrition, reported a seven point reduction in systolic blood pressure among those drinking the tea—significantly more than the drop observed in people who were given the hibiscus-flavored water. An earlier Iranian study saw even more benefit when they compared hibiscus tea to black tea. Among 60 diabetic patients with mild hypertension, those sipping the

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hibiscus tea twice a day saw their blood pressure drop an impressive 21 points while the participants drinking the black tea actually saw their pressure rise 9 points. But since hibiscus tea can be an acquired taste, you may prefer taking this tropical herb in supplemental form. Exceptional Olive Leaf Extract It’s no secret that olives are good for you. But their healthful benefits aren’t limited to the fruit itself. The leaves of the olive tree have been used for centuries to treat infections, parasites, and cardiovascular disease thanks to their antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Now research suggests that olive leaf extract could also help lower blood pressure. A 2008 study which appeared in Phytotherapy Research looked at 20 sets of identical twins with borderline hypertension. One twin was given an olive leaf extract supplement while the other twin received no supplement but lifestyle advice on how to lower blood pressure. After eight weeks, the twin taking the supplement showed substantially lower blood pressure and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. It was so effective, it reduced systolic blood pressure by an average 11.5 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure by 4.8 mmHg. The twin who got the advice showed no improvement. The key to olive leaf’s efficacy is oleuropein—a compound found in high concentration in the leaves—that reduces arterial stiffness, hypertension’s core mechanism.


More recently, a randomized, double-blind trial of 232 patients with hypertension pitted olive leaf extract against the blood pressure drug captopril. After eight weeks, the systolic pressure in the olive leaf group decreased 11.5 mmHg compared to 13.7 mmHg in the drug group. Diastolic readings dropped by an average of 4.8 and 6.4 mmHg for the olive leaf and captopril groups respectively, leading the researchers to conclude that both treatments were equally effective. As a bonus, those taking the olive leaf extract also experienced an average 7.8 percent reduction in their triglyceride levels. If you’re at a high risk of hypertension, adding healthy foods, regular exercise, and stress management techniques to your daily routine can help you sidestep a diagnosis. Already diagnosed? Pairing these simple lifestyle changes with a supplement containing both hibiscus and olive leaf extract may help promote positive pressure and better overall heart health.


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Holly Lucille, ND, RN is a nationally recognized licensed naturopathic physician, author, educator, and certified CrossFit instructor. Dr. Holly has a private practice in Los Angeles called Healing from Within Healthcare. She is a frequent contributor to several publications, hosts the “Dr. Holly Lucille Show: Mindful Medicine” on RadioMD, and provides natural health videos at her website,

Protect Your Blood Vessels Too often, chronic hypertension can result in damaged blood vessels and poor circulation. Over time, that can limit the amount of blood that travels to your feet and legs. It may also contribute to the development of atherosclerosis—a condition that stiffens and narrows arteries. Mesoglycan is a compound naturally found in the lining of blood vessels. Because of its ability to thin the blood, preliminary evidence suggests that mesoglycan might be helpful for circulatory problems, particularly in those with atherosclerosis. If you’ve been diagnosed with hypertension plus circulatory problems or atherosclerosis, talk with your doctor about mesoglycan. Look for a supplement that provides bio-identical mesoglycan, which means that it’s identical to the mesoglycan your own body makes.

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Herbal HELPERS Cough and Cold? Nature Knows Best! It’s an all-too-familiar scene—you have a cold, and while you've managed to trudge through the day, all you want to do when you get home is sleep. You snuggle into bed, but just as you're ready to fall asleep you get that nagging, chronic cough that keeps you up all night. You aren’t alone. According to the American Lung Association, the average adult will suffer through two to four colds a year, and children can have a whopping six to eight colds. While a cold is miserable enough, over-thecounter remedies can make them even worse. They can cause jitteriness, fatigue, and a sore, dry throat—none of which will help you rest and get better. But your garden knows better. You can choose gentle and effective botanicals that don’t have the agitating or sedative side effects of conventional prescription or overthe-counter approaches. Among the most effective are ivy and thyme. These age-old remedies relieve irritable, chronic coughs. They also open your lungs, help you breathe easier, and may speed your recovery. However, this is not a suggestion to use garden clippings as your medicine. Commercially available extracts can take the guesswork out of using these herbs. But how the herbs are concentrated and standardized can make all the difference in their effectiveness. Since the compounds in these plants can vary greatly based on species and growing conditions, it’s smart to choose an extract guaranteed to provide a specific concentration and standardized to deliver an optimal amount of each compound per dose. 34

Climbing ivy can be a garden pest, but as part of your medicine cabinet arsenal, it is truly remarkable. Ivy leaf extract is a clinically proven cough medicine with multiple modes of action. It acts as a mucolytic to dissolve mucus, an expectorant to expel the mucus from the lungs, and as a bronchial dilator to open up respiratory passageways. When you combine ivy with thyme, you have a dynamic duo. Compounds in thyme— primarily the phenols thymol and carvacol—provide its antitussive, antispasmodic, and expectorant actions. European physicians often recommend a formula containing ivy leaf and thyme extracts for colds, sore throats, bronchitis, or upper respiratory congestion. In fact, liquid preparations of thyme and ivy are some of the most popular and commonly recommended medicines in Europe for dry, spasmodic coughs. And unlike many conventional solutions, this herbal combination is so safe it can be used by children to help make short work of cold, bronchitis, and asthma symptoms. A German study of 1,234 children and teens suffering from bronchitis demonstrated that treatment with a liquid preparation of thyme and ivy was not only safe, but it cut the symptoms nearly in half after only four days. This may be proof that Mother Nature indeed knows best—especially when it comes to coughs and colds.

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