Good Health Lifestyles - April 2016

Page 1






get juiced!




Author and cancer thriver


shares her recipe for optimal health





Must-try + MEAL PLAN




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STOP ALLERGIES...Fast Relief Begins Here! TM

e Symptoms Reliev With This Unique, ted Nasal Paten der Spray. Pow

Unique, Patented Nasal Powder Spray Reduces Symptoms Without Side Effects! FastBlock Allergy Relief is like no other treatment for allergies. It’s the world’s only non-irritating, powder spray for allergy relief. Unlike liquid nasal sprays or allergy drugs, FastBlock Allergy Relief does not cause drowsiness, irritate the nasal passages, or cause unpleasant side effects.

FastBlock Allergy Relief is clinically proven to deliver fast, effective protection against hay fever and other airborne allergens such as pollen, dust mites, and pet dander. It distributes a fine cellulose powder into the nasal passages, coating the allergy receptors in the nose where airborne allergens attack.

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10 Detox Your Home Trade in chemical cleaners for natural options for healthier housekeeping.

30 Crazy Sexy Kris Carr How attitude, healthy habits, and juicing help this cancer survivor thrive.

14 Nothing to Sneeze Drug-free relief for seasonal allergies.

56 Fighting Alzheimer’s Promising herbs and nutrients.


22 Metabolic Syndrome America’s new lifestyle epidemic.

7-Day Clean Food Challenge

26 The

The easy way to eat clean!





L osing Sleep Over Losing Sleep

Expert tips for getting more zzzs. 44

runch to Make B Mom Happy!

Whip up these deliciously healthy meal ideas. 48 Calm Your Anxious Pet Natural ways to soothe your furry friends.

Good Health TM



News You Can Use


Research Roundup



Anxiety: The Suprising Remedy

Discover how this immuneboosting herb can also cultivate calm. 34




Cherries and Gout—The Real Story Learn how this tart fruit offers relief. 36


The New Superfoods

The 10 newest foods to change your health.



Make Your Workout a Breath of Fresh Air

Tips to take your workout outside. 40


Statin-Free Ways to Manage Your Cholesterol Naturally The 5 best supplements. 42


Take Control of Your Pain Alternative therapies that work. 46


The Essentials of Essential Oils

10 tips for safe and effective use.


Good Health TM




When the days begin to grow longer and the weather starts to warm, I know that the task of spring cleaning isn’t far behind. Scrubbing and polishing away the remnants of a long, cold winter is always such a satisfying endeavor! But instead of stocking up on conventional cleaners, this year I’m cleaning up my cleaning products with natural options so I won’t leave a chemical trail in my wake. It’s amazing how many commercial household products harbor carcinogens and endocrine-disrupting ingredients that can have long-term health consequences. So 2016 will be my year to go au natural with the healthy DIY cleaners on page 10. I challenge you to do the same. Spring is also the perfect time to clean up any bad habits that may be coming between you and good health. And a great place to start is with your diet. Not only do unhealthy food choices pack on the pounds, they can, over time, set you up for metabolic syndrome—a collection of health conditions that increases your risk of diabetes, heart attack, and even some types of cancer. You can get the 411 on this impending health crisis—as well as tips on how to prevent the condition—on page 22. And since metabolic syndrome stems largely from the way we eat, we’ve also given you the tools you need to spring clean your diet. To get you started, check out our 7-Day Meal Plan packed with real food that provides the real nutrition your body needs. We’ll also bring you up to speed on the latest superfoods to hit store shelves. But what you eat is only part of the equation. What you drink also matters. In this issue, you’ll meet Kris Carr—cancer thriver, author, and the queen of healthy juicing. Her story is one of courage and humor in the face of a devastating diagnosis. It’s a must-read for anyone looking to raise the bar on good health. And let’s not forget the fitness factor. Warmer weather is the perfect excuse to take your workout outside. We’ve also got the latest on Alzheimer’s disease, seasonal allergies, cholesterol, anxiety, and more! Plus a scrumptious—and healthy—Mother’s Day brunch to help celebrate the moms in your life. So turn the page and discover the many ways this issue of Good Health Lifestyles can help you celebrate spring! Yours in health and happiness,







Dr. Jean Emberlin Dr. Holly Lucille Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum Julie Blauer Dr. Jozsef Haller Carol Ann Weber Dr. John Ulrich Dr. Carrie Donahue COVER PHOTOGRAPHY


1950 S. Rainbow Blvd. Suite 103-63 Las Vegas, NV 89146 PUBLISHER

Mukoy Publishing


Jaye McDonald Editor-in-Chief

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Published quarterly by Mukoy Publishing, 1950 S. Rainbow Blvd., Suite 103-63, Las Vegas, NV 89146. ©Mukoy Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed by the contributors to Good Health Lifestyles are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. The information in this publication is solely for educational purposes under Section 5 of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 and is not intended as medical advice.





If you think all saturated fat is bad for your heart, you might want to reconsider. A new study conducted at the Universidade Federal in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, found that adding a tablespoon of coconut oil to your daily diet actually improved cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure, HDL (good) cholesterol levels, and waist circumference. Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) which are metabolized differently than other saturated fats in the body. MCTs are used as a quick source of energy or turned into ketone bodies that are an important alternative energy source in the brain and the heart. Cardoso DA. A coconut extra virgin oil-rich diet increases HDL cholesterol and decreases waist circumference and body mass in coronary artery disease patients. Nutr Hosp.. 2015;32(5):2144-52.


It’s no secret that meditating can relieve stress and may even ease chronic pain. But a new study suggests a specific type of meditation known as transcendental meditation also stimulates genes that produce telomerase—an enzyme linked with reduced blood pressure and mortality. Transcendental meditation involves sitting comfortably and closing the eyes for 20 minutes, twice a day, to achieve a quality of rest in the mind and body. Schneider RH. Effects of lifestyle modification on telomerase gene expression in hypertensive patients: a pilot trial of stress reduction and health education programs in African Americans, PLOS One, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142689, published 16 November 2015.




Gaining a skirt size in mid-life can significantly increase your risk of breast cancer after menopause, according to British researchers at the Universities of London and Manchester. In their study, which involved 93,000 women, they found that going up one size every 10 years raised the risk by 33 percent. Two skirt sizes during the same time period boosted the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer a whopping 77 percent. Fourkala EO. Association of skirt size and postmenopausal breast cancer risk in older women: a cohort study within the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening. BMJ Open. 2014;4:e005400.

One night of poor sleep could be just as bad for you as six months of eating a diet filled with unhealthy fats, say researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA. It turns out that both impair insulin sensitivity to a similar degree. Adding insult to injury, sleep deprivation can lead to poor food choices and food cravings that can boost your odds for metabolic diseases even more. The takeaway? Aim for eight hours of shut-eye every night to keep your risk factors in check. Hou L. Blood telomere length attrition and cancer development in the normative aging study cohort. EBioMedicine. doi:10.1016/j.ebiom.2015.04.008. 7



Curcumin—the compound that gives turmeric its deep yellow hue—has been found to enhance cognitive function in older people, say researchers at Swinburne University of Technology in Australia. During their study, 50 seniors were given either 400 mg of curcumin or a placebo every day for four weeks. One hour after the participants received their first dose, the researchers found that those taking the curcumin experienced an improvement in memory and attention. Those taking the supplement also reported a slight (1.82 percent) decline in fatigue and a greater sense of well-being. On the other hand, those in the placebo group reported a 17 percent increase in fatigue. Want to reap these benefits for yourself ? Look for a supplement like BCM-95 that provides enhanced absorption and bioavailability. Cox KH. Investigation of the effects of solid lipid curcumin on cognition and mood in healthy older population. J Psychopharmacol. 2015;29(5): 642-51.



SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT Data from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Dental Longitudinal Study shows that men who drank the most coffee had less tooth loss due to the periodontal bone loss that often comes with aging. So pour another cuppa to protect those pearly whites! Ng N. Coffee consumption and periodontal disease in males. J Periodontal. 2014;85(8):1042-9.


The percentage of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who have markedly low vitamin D levels. Researchers at the University of Sheffield report that supplementation to correct this D deficiency may improve the quality of life in those with the condition.

Tazzyman S. Vitamin D associates with improved quality of life in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: outcomes from a pilot trial. BMJ Open Gastroenterol. 2015 Dec 21;2(1):e000052.




That’s stress… and its effects can be toxic. It’s time to fight the toxic effects of stress with Adrenaplex®. Adrenaplex includes extra strong, supportive ingredients for your adrenals.* • DHEA, pregnenolone, and adrenal extract for optimal glandular function. • The powerful botanical extracts licorice and rehmannia for hormone support. • Vitamin C, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, and L-Tyrosine for building resistance to the negative effects of stress.* These powerful nutrients combine to fight adrenal burnout and support adrenal hormone balance.* ©2016 *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE.







Capsaicin—the compound that gives cayenne peppers their kick—is well known for its ability to promote weight loss. But new findings in the journal Open Heart show that capsaicin also has a favorable effect on atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, high blood pressure, and the risk of stroke. Frequent consumption also benefits the endothelium—the inner lining of your blood vessels. While eating capsaicinrich foods can be a tasty way to boost metabolic and cardiovascular health, most of us don’t eat the spice on a regular basis. To get all the benefits capsaicin has to offer, try a daily cayenne supplement. McCarty MF. Review: Capsaicin may have important potential for promoting vascular and metabolic health. Open Heart 2015;2:1.


The ability to juggle multiple mental tasks often declines as we grow older—but it doesn’t need to. A study by the University of Illinois, which looked at 128 older people, found that those who were the most aerobically fit preserved their ability to multi-task better than those who were sedentary. The study, which appeared in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, stressed the value of regular exercise.

Chapman SB. Shorter- term aerobic exercise improves brain, cognition, and cardiovascular fitness in aging. Front. Aging Neurosci. 2013.5:75.


by Kelly A. Turner

THE NOTSO-SWEET TRUTH If you catch only one documentary this spring, check out That Sugar Film. Director Damon Gameau embarks on a unique six-week experiment to document the health effects a high-sugar diet has on body and brain. What he finds may have you rethinking not only the adverse impact of soda and sugary cereals but so-called “healthy” foods like yogurt and whole grains. Available on Amazon Prime Video.

Cancer. Despite medical advances and higher survival rates, the word is still one of the most frightening a patient can hear. And too many still lose the battle. But there are others who, despite being told there was no hope, recover. It’s a phenomenon author Kelly Turner, Ph.D., calls “radical remission.” Turner first stumbled upon these unlikely cases of remission while earning her Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley. She was so fascinated, she embarked on a 10-month global research expedition, interviewing 50 holistic health practitioners and more than 100 cancer survivors. The result is Turner’s New York Times bestselling book, Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds. Based on her findings, Turner outlines nine changes anyone can make that can increase the odds of spontaneous remission— even when conventional treatment has failed. These changes are designed to empower patients, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Each step taps into the body’s innate ability to heal itself. When taken together, they can set the stage for recovery. Throughout the book, Turner shares the stories of patients diagnosed with devastating cancers including lung cancer and pancreatic cancer. The common thread in all of these cases? The nine key factors that foster health and hope. But Radical Remission also provides documented science to back up her research. Radical Remission is an exceptional resource for anyone facing cancer. While conventional medicine may play an important role in cancer management, this book proves that true healing requires transforming our lifestyles, our beliefs, and our relationships—with others and with ourselves. 9

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Since conventional cleaners can sit on store shelves for months, they require strong preservatives to keep them from going bad. One of the most common is formaldehyde—a suspected human carcinogen and hormone disruptor. But formaldehyde can also be harmful in the short term and may irritate the eyes, skin, throat, and lungs.

x o t e Dyour ome H Clean up your spring cleaning routine with all-natural cleansers We all want a clean and tidy home. So we spend a small fortune on supposedly safe household cleaners to help us scrub, polish, disinfect, and deodorize. But how safe are these products? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ranked indoor air pollution among the top five risks to public health. And the chemicals in our cleaning products are major contributors to this indoor pollution. In fact, many household products harbor ingredients that are harmful to both human health and the environment. 10

Caustic Cleaners

All-purpose and glass cleaners often contain ammonia, a chemical that can irritate eyes, trigger headaches, and cause respiratory irritation. Disinfectants can contain phenol and cresol—two chemicals that can trigger diarrhea, fainting, and dizziness, as well as kidney and liver damage. Furniture and floor polishes often include nitrobenzene, a carcinogen that can cause respiratory distress, vomiting, reproductive damage, birth defects, and even death.

The chemicals we use in our homes aren’t just a threat while they are being used. Common cleaning products release carbon-based gasses, known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These harmful gasses can linger in the air for days or even weeks. The real problem is that VOCs can cross the blood-brain barrier and affect the central nervous system, irritate the mucous membranes, reduce lung function, and increase the risk of asthma. Over the long haul, exposure can increase the risk of a variety of cancers, including cancer of the brain, skin, nervous system, and endocrine system.

A Greener Clean

You can accomplish most cleaning chores without these toxic products. Until the 1940s and the introduction of thousands of new chemicals into consumer products, people cleaned their homes with everyday ingredients. In fact, you can clean your house from top to bottom with just six simple ingredients: white vinegar, vegetable oil soap, borax, baking soda, washing soda, and salt! White Vinegar: This pantry staple cuts grease, eats lime, and eliminates odors. White vinegar also makes for quick work when washing windows, sanitizing kitchen counters, and shining bathroom fixtures. As a bonus, it’s naturally acidic and a natural antibacterial. This makes white vinegar a safe and effective alternative to caustic cleaners for toilets and floors. Plus, when mixed with a few drops of olive oil, you can even use it to polish wood. Vegetable Oil (Castile) Soap: This natural soap is great for all-purpose cleaning when combined with a quartercup of vinegar, two teaspoons of borax and one quart of warm water. It also

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Grape Seed Excellence TM

The benefits of grape seed extract speak for themselves. Whether you’re supporting your heart and arteries, protecting your cells, or watching your weight, grape seed extract is your choice for vibrant health.* But not all grape seed extracts live up to their potential. That’s because they’re high in tannins, large molecules that your body can’t absorb. It’s time to upgrade your grape seed. Clinical OPC™ French Grape Seed Extract (VX1™) is tannin-free for superior absorption and greater benefits.

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effectively tackles greasy floors and dingy leather furniture. Baking Soda: A true multi-tasking cleaner, baking soda is a perfect substitute for cleaning powders to clean sinks. Baking soda is also great for wiping down and deodorizing the fridge. And don’t forget your drains. Pour one cup of baking soda into the drain, followed by one cup of vinegar to freshen and prevent it from becoming clogged. Washing Soda: This old-fashioned laundry booster cuts stubborn grease on grills, broiler pans, and ovens. And, because washing soda is an alkaline, it’s a perfect foil for dirty linoleum floors. Salt: Perfect for cleaning that grungy oven, this natural abrasive is also terrific on fresh carpet stains like red wine, coffee, or ink. No time to make your own cleaning products? You can find many of these eco-friendly ingredients in the burgeoning array of ready-made natural cleaners available in health food stores and a growing number of supermarkets. A perfect marriage between convenience and healthy cleaning, these plant-based products are full of natural oils, herbs, and fruit acids to help you attain a truly nontoxic home.

DIY Cleaning

One of the healthiest and most economical ways to keep your nest spotless is with an arsenal of homemade cleaners that employ a variety of botanicals. Herbs—and their essential oils—have antibiotic, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties that rival many of the commercial cleaners found in your supermarket. Try the following DIY formulas for making your own simple, yet effective, household cleaners:



All -Pur pose Cleaner/ Disinfectant Better—and safer—than the popular antibacterial cleaners on the market today, this cleaner is ideal for kitchens and bathrooms. 2 tablespoons borax ¼ cup lemon juice 2 cups hot water 20 drops tea tree essential oil

Pour the borax, lemon juice, and water in a spray bottle. Screw on the spray cap and shake well. Add the essential oil and shake again.

Tea T ree Mold & Mildew Remover 1 cup white vinegar 25 drops tea tree oil

Combine the vinegar and essential oil in a spray bottle. Cap and shake well. To use, spray on mold and let sit for 10 minutes. Wipe away with a damp sponge.

Thyme and Clove Moth Repellent ¼ cup dried thyme ¼ cup whole cloves

Combine the herbs in a small bowl. Place a tablespoon of the mixture in a small cloth bag or tea ball. To use, tuck into drawers or hang in your closet.

Rosemary Soft Scrubber This creamy cleanser is gently abrasive, making it ideal for sinks, tubs, and showers. ½ cup baking soda ⅛ cup liquid vegetablebased soap 10 drops rosemary essential oil

Combine the soap and essential oil in a bowl and mix well. To use, scoop a small amount onto a damp sponge. Scrub the surface you are cleaning with small, circular motions. Rinse well.

Lavender Antibacterial Spray This beautifully scented spray can double as a disinfectant and an air freshener. Perfect for smelly garbage cans. 1 cup warm water 25 d rops lavender essential oil

Pour the water and oil into a spray bottle. Shake well to blend. To use, spray into the air or onto the surface you are disinfecting.

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Non-habit-forming No morning grogginess European herbal blend: Mandarin, Lemon Balm, Ravensara & Lavender •

Unlike many sleep aids, Terrific Zzzz


works with the body’s own sleep cycles to support deep, restorative sleep. You’ll wake up feeling rested and rejuvenated so you can go through your day with the energy you need.*†



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Nothing to Sneeze At Coping with seasonal allergies—without medication by Jean Emberlin, BSc, PhD, FRSM


pring is a time of new beginnings, when the days grow long and the world unfolds into unending green. This is a time for getting back out into the world after the long, cold winter. But, if you suffer from seasonal

allergies, you might look at spring with trepidation. Your allergies can spoil a day outside in the fresh air. You start sneezing and your eyes itch. A runny nose follows and soon your sinuses may be congested and your head hurts. Hay fever is sending us to our doctors in droves—with an estimated 11 million office visits per year. Over 18 million 14

American adults and 6 million children have been diagnosed with seasonal allergies. And with increasing amounts of pollen in the air, you’re likely to see more headlines proclaiming “Worst Allergy Season Ever.” Allergy Aggravation Hay fever starts when your immune system goes on high alert because of a perceived threat. If the threat was real—a virus or pathogen for

example—then the watery eyes and runny nose would all be signs of your immune system working as it should to repel the threat and put your body back to right. But with an allergy, that perceived threat isn’t really a threat at all. It’s pollen from birch trees, grass, or ragweed, something not normally harmful to your body. And yet, your immune system goes into swift

action, producing an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE). This antibody then reacts any time it encounters the same allergen, triggering the release of chemicals, including histamine, to attack the invader. Histamine is responsible for many of your symptoms, like your runny nose and your watery eyes. Putting Down Those Tissues When allergies strike, many people reach for over-the-counter or prescription medications. But an Italian observational study found that only a third of allergy patients were satisfied with their drug treatment. The side effects of allergy drugs can be particularly troubling. Pseudoephedrine, a common decongestant, can cause nervousness, anxiety, and insomnia in some people. Likewise, diphenhydramine is known to cause drowsiness and, like all anticholinergic drugs, has been linked to an increased risk of dementia. Of course, allergy drugs may also interact with other prescription medications. The trick is to stop pollen and other allergenic airborne particles from triggering an allergic response in the first place. As it turns out, a simple powder nasal spray can do just that. This spray is an inert cellulose powder that’s micronized so the particles are extra fine. When sprayed into the nostrils, it coats the nasal passages and combines with the natural moisture in the nose to form a protective gel barrier that traps airborne allergens and stops them from reaching the nasal mucosa. This cellulose powder spray offers significant advantages over standard medical treatment for allergies that are triggered by airborne particles. Most allergy medications treat the symptoms

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15 ©2016_02

Good Health TM

of an allergic reaction, but the spray protects allergy sufferers by preventing an allergic reaction from happening. As a result, symptoms never develop in the first place. As a bonus, the spray works incredibly quickly—often within minutes. The spray is not a steroid or an antihistamine. It’s not a drug at all, but instead is classified as a medical device. And because it’s drug-free, it’s extremely safe. It won’t interact with medications. It’s also been studied in children as young as 18 months. Even pregnant and nursing women can use it without worry. The Proof in “Powdering” Your Nose I’ve conducted extensive research on this powder and have seen its benefits with my own eyes. One of these trials, a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in the Ukraine, studied the effects of the cellulose powder spray on patients with a history of seasonal allergies. Our research group divided 108 patients into two groups (cellulose or placebo powder) and followed them for four weeks during the grass pollen season. Participants used the powder three times daily and rated the severity of their symptoms at the end of each day. We found that using


the cellulose powder spray provided a significant reduction in allergy symptoms, including sneezing, stuffy or runny nose, and irritated eyes. In the cellulose powder spray group, 87 percent of participants rated their treatment as “good” or “very good” versus only 24 percent of those in the placebo group. Other researchers are also seeing outstanding results. A six-week Russian study evaluated the effectiveness of the same cellulose powder spray in children with seasonal allergies. In the group where the children were given the cellulose powder, 73 percent noticed a distinct improvement in their symptoms by the fifth day of treatment. By the fourth week, allergy symptoms disappeared in 40 percent of the children in the cellulose powder group, and by the end of the study, 86 percent of parents and doctors rated the cellulose powder spray as highly effective for the treatment of airborne allergies. In more than 20 studies, the cellulose powder spray showed an impressive ability to reduce the symptoms of allergies, and we’ve learned the best way to use the spray to get the most benefits.

That means using it at least three times a day to maintain the barrier and again after you blow your nose. We’ve also found that it works best if you start using it before you’re exposed to allergens. We’ve also seen good results when the cellulose powder spray is used for other airborne allergens, such as pet dander and dust mites. Gesundheit! As the days grow longer and the weather gets nicer, you don’t have to be stuck inside hiding from pollen. Cellulose powder spray is a drug-free solution to help you enjoy the many blessings of spring. Jean Emberlin, BSc (Hons) PhD FRSM, is a British airborne allergy and hay fever expert who has worked in collaboration with many public and private institutions both in the UK and internationally. She has over 150 peer reviewed publications and presents her work frequently at national and international congresses as an invited or keynote speaker. She is also the Scientific Director of Allergy UK Research Ltd., which is part of the British Allergy Foundation, the UK’s leading medical charity for allergy sufferers.

OTHER WAYS TO REDUCE EXPOSURE TO ALLERGENS Use a nasal rinse. A daily nasal rinse using a neti pot, saline spray, or bulb syringe is a great way to flush allergens out of your nose and keep your nasal passages moist.

Shower at night.

This keeps the pollen that accumulates on your body and hair from transferring to your bed and pillow.

Leave your shoes at the door. That way you won’t track pollen throughout your home. A change of clothing after being outdoors is also a smart idea. 16

Be sensible when pollen is at its worst. Know when pollen counts are high and avoid places where pollen accumulates, like areas of flowering grass. Wear wraparound sunglasses to keep pollen out of eyes. Steer clear of places with lots of air pollution (like high traffic areas) that can make the effects of allergies worse. Stay inside and close your windows on dry, windy days when pollen counts are high.

Use a HEPA filter. Install

filters on your heating and air conditioning systems and use one in your vacuum. A freestanding air cleaner may also be a good investment, especially if you suffer from dust mite allergies as well.

Good Health


A Healthy Thyroid Does This and More! TM

Healthy Hormone Levels • Immune System Support • Revives Metabolism • Supports Cellular Health: •

Breast, Uterine, Ovary and Prostate

Weight Management† • Restores Your Energy • Enhances Detoxification* •

It’s impossible for the thyroid to function properly without adequate levels of iodine and L-Tyrosine.

— Robert Thompson, MD Anti-aging, Holistic Practitioner Author of The Calcium Lie II *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. † In conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise.



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Losing Sleep Over LOSING SLEEP

Our struggle with getting enough shut-eye by Holly Lucille, ND, RN

Have you ever heard the phrase, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead?” It’s a signal of our toughness, our will, and our fortitude. Lack of sleep can be worn like a badge of courage, and we brag to our friends on how little sleep we get by on. In fact, a National Sleep Foundation poll found that 87 percent of respondents reported at least one sign of insomnia, such as waking during the night or difficulty falling asleep, a few nights a week. Unfortunately, if you’re not getting enough sleep, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” can easily become an invitation to an early grave.

and forces us to sleep for a few seconds. We are more irritable and anxious, and less alert and creative. Our motivation suffers and productivity plummets. In fact, lack of sleep leads to more absenteeism and presenteeism (when people who aren’t feeling well show up to work when they should be home). A study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine estimated that employee fatigue costs employers nearly $2,000 per employee every year. Insufficient sleep also takes its toll on our roadways, causing an estimated 100,000 accidents and 1,500 deaths each year.

Sleep or Consequences When we don’t get enough sleep, whether it’s when we intentionally stay up too late or get up too early, or the result of poor sleep itself, our bodies suffer. We’re fatigued and feel drowsy during the day. Our body fights our need to stay awake, often resorting to micro sleeps where our brain shuts down

Our health suffers from lack of sleep in many more subtle ways. Because we’re fatigued and have less willpower, we make poor choices when eating, and increase our risk of obesity and diabetes. This was demonstrated in a one-week cross-sectional study of Pennsylvania high school students. The researchers found that those teenagers


who slept less had higher levels of insulin resistance. Too little sleep may also increase stress hormones, arterial stiffness, and blood pressure. Insufficient sleep leads to impaired cognitive function, especially in the part of the brain that controls reasoning and other high-functioning thought processes. And if poor sleep is a regular occurrence, it may affect the very structure of the brain. In a clinical study published in the journal Neurolog y, those who reported poor sleep quality had shrinking and deterioration in parts of the brain that are involved in memory, reasoning, planning, problem solving, and behavior. Severe sleep deprivation can lead to paranoia, panic attacks, and hallucinations. Our sleep habits have profound effects on our well-being, even at the cellular level. Sleep helps regulate immunity, and is especially important in the formation

Good Health




Sleep occurs in phases, with our bodies cycling through all phases except Stage 1 four or five times throughout the night. All phases are necessary to wake up refreshed.

STAGE 1: Between Wake and Sleep • A very light sleep, easy to wake • Brief—lasts only 5–10 minutes AWAKE ASLEEP

STAGE 2: Light Sleep

REM Sleep

• Breathing and heart rate become regular • Body temperature drops • 5 0 percent of our sleep is in this phase

• D reaming state—active brain, relaxed muscles • REM = Rapid Eye Movement: Eyes dart back and forth under lids • We typically spend about 20 percent of our sleep in the REM phase • Occurs about every 90 minutes of sleep and lengthens in duration each cycle

STAGES 3-4: Deep Sleep • Characterized by very slow brain waves, called Delta waves • Breathing slows and muscles relax • Tissue growth and repair takes place • Hormones are released • Difficult to wake at this stage • This stage is where bedwetting, night terrors, and sleepwalking occur

and maintenance of our immune system’s memory, which affects how quickly our immune system launches a defense against an invader, like a virus. Chronic lack of sleep also causes persistent, lowgrade inflammation—the kind of chronic inflammation associated with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and a host of chronic diseases. Likewise, not getting enough sleep makes us age faster. Older adults who underwent experimental partial sleep deprivation showed increased signs of biological aging, including DNA damage and premature cell death. In fact, a British meta-analysis that included over one million subjects found that lack of sleep could lead to an early death. The study showed that fewer than seven hours of sleep a night was associated with a 12 percent greater risk of death than a normal seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Natural Solutions for Sound Sleep By now, you may be convinced of the

necessity of a good night’s sleep, but that doesn’t mean that tonight you’re going to be able to just lie down and go to sleep right away. There’s just too much going on from worries about work or family to late-night TV and text messages. Sometimes you need help, and with over a billion dollars being spent on sleep pharmaceuticals every year, it’s a widespread issue. These drugs are heavily advertised, and people may mistakenly believe that they’re completely safe. But are we putting our health at risk by resorting to a drug to help us sleep? These sedatives can become habit forming and can be abused easily. They also come with side effects that are similar to the effects of too little sleep, like daytime drowsiness and mental impairment. What’s especially troubling are some of the other side effects—reports of people engaging in activities while sleeping and having no memory of them afterwards. The FDA has dubbed these side effects

complex sleep-related behaviors. They include “sleep eating,” making phone calls, and even driving while asleep. Imagine going to sleep in your bed and waking up behind the wheel of a car that has just hit a parked car—or something much more precious. If you’re not willing to accept these risks, you can find help for sleep issues at your local health food store. A variety of natural sleep aids can help you get to sleep and stay asleep without any scary side effects. Some work as very mild sedatives while others help your body deal with the stress and anxiety that can disrupt sleep.Here are a few you can try: Hops: This herb is best known for giving beer it’s robust, bitter taste, but hops have also been used as a traditional medicine. Hops were first explored as a mild 19

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sedative when people who picked hops had trouble staying awake in the fields. Today, hops are a frequent ingredient in natural sleep aids. In a Spanish clinical study, stressed nurses were given nonalcoholic beer to evaluate the effect of hops on their sleep. During the treatment period, the nurses showed a clear improvement in their sleep, taking less time to fall asleep and less movement during sleep. In spite of this, drinking a few beers before bed won’t give the same effect. Alcohol may help you fall asleep, but it also makes it more likely that you’ll wake up in the middle of the night. Researchers speculate that alcohol may disrupt normal sleep physiology. Lavender: Lavender is best known as a fragrance that enhances relaxation, and it’s possible that your greatgrandmother placed it in or under her pillows to help her sleep. Today lavender is a popular essential oil and can be found in bath products, laundry detergents, and body sprays as well as dietary supplements. Clinical studies have confirmed the efficacy of the calming herb. A randomized, doubleblind study published in European Neuropsychopharmacolog y evaluated a lavender oil supplement and its effects on anxiety-related restlessness and sleep. The lavender supplement was more effective than a placebo in every measure, including anxiety and sleep quality. A study conducted in India examined the use of lavender essential oil fragrance to relieve anxiety during dental visits. Those patients using lavender who went to a dental office experienced less anxiety than those who went to an office where the essential oil wasn’t being used. Other studies suggest that lavender oil works to relieve anxiety and works as a mild sedative, increasing deep sleep. People who used lavender also experienced more energy and alertness in the morning. Lemon Balm: This lemon-scented herb rich in rosmarinic acid—a natural compound known for its anti-anxiety effects—has been used for centuries as an effective calming agent and mild sedative. Recent scientific studies have proposed that lemon balm may help 20


Did you know… • 24 hours without sleep or a week of sleeping four or five hours a night impairs us as much as a blood alcohol level of .1% (legally drunk). •T hose who text in the hour before trying to go to sleep were less likely to report a good night’s sleep and more likely to suffer from sleepiness during the day.

• Sleep deprivation has been associated with many catastrophic accidents, such as the Exxon-Valdez oil spill and the Challenger space shuttle explosion. • If you sleep eight hours a night, by the time you reach the age of 75 you’ll have slept approximately 25 years.


• Up to fatal automobile crashes each year may be caused by drowsy drivers.

the nervous system calm down by inhibiting an enzyme in the brain that induces excitability. Lemon balm is also a natural mild analgesic and antiinflammatory that may help reduce pain that can affect sleep. In a doubleblind British study, healthy volunteers received a single dose of lemon balm extract or a placebo. The lemon balm treatment group significantly improved

their cognitive function and calmness ratings compared to the placebo. What’s more, the calmness lasted the remainder of the testing day. Lemon balm’s effectiveness as a sleep aid was further demonstrated in an Italian clinical trial on stressed volunteers who suffered from mild to moderate anxiety and sleep disturbances. In the end of the 15-day treatment, all 20 volunteers experienced a reduction in insomnia measures, with 17 of them not suffering from insomnia at all by the end of treatment. Mandarin: This citrus fruit has been used traditionally to help settle the nervous system and induce sleep. The dried peel or zest of mandarin is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine formulations for insomnia. Mandarin peel is commonly used to fight stress because of its soothing and calming effects. The compounds in mandarin peel may work synergistically to promote relaxation and sleep. Melatonin: This hormone made in your pineal gland helps control your circadian rhythm—your body’s 24hour cycle of mental and physical patterns like sleeping and waking that correspond to light and darkness. When melatonin levels rise with darkness, you start to feel sleepy. On the other hand, bright light inhibits the release of melatonin. In supplemental form, melatonin is often used for jet lag, insomnia, and by those who do shift work. Dosing for melatonin can vary widely depending on the individual, so start with a low dose and adjust as needed to find what works best with your body. Passionflower: Native to South America, passionflower has been used traditionally to improve sleep and reduce anxiety. Although its mechanism of action is unclear, research suggests that passionflower works as a mild sedative and is often


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used in combination with herbal sleep formulas. In a double-blind clinical study of healthy volunteers published in the journal Phytotherapy Research, passionflower boosted the subjective sleep quality of participants by five percent when compared to control. Ravensara: The leaves and bark of this Madagascar rainforest tree have a long history of use as an all-around health tonic by the indigenous people of Madagascar. The leaf oil of ravensara helps alleviate insomnia, decrease depression, and ease nervous tension. Valerian: This herb is one of the best-known natural sleep aids, but it seems to be effective for only certain people. Clinical results are mixed, with some studies showing good results while others did not. The effectiveness of valerian was evaluated in a metaanalysis of placebo-controlled trials published in the journal Sleep Medicine. The results suggested that valerian may help improve sleep quality without side effects. Although valerian is generally well-tolerated at standard doses, some people who take valerian experience excitability instead of sedation. Sleep on This With our busy and connected lives, sleep often gets the short end of the stick when measured with all our other priorities. But every aspect of our lives—from deciding what action to take in a crisis to surviving the latest cold virus going around the office—is affected by getting adequate sleep. It’s important to make sleep a priority. Your very life may depend on it.

Holly Lucille, ND, RN, is a nationally recognized licensed naturopathic physician, author, educator, and certified CrossFit instructor. Dr. Holly has a private practice in Los Angeles called Healing from Within Healthcare. She is a frequent contributor to several publications, hosts the “Dr. Holly Lucille Show: Mindful Medicine” on RadioMD, and provides natural health videos at her website,


TIPS to Get

More Shut-eye

1. Put down that smart phone. Smart phones and

other electronics, like tablets, computers, and televisions emit light that signals our brains that it’s morning and suppresses our natural melatonin, a hormone that signals sleep and wake times. We’re also more likely to stay up past our bedtime when we are interacting with electronics.

2. Stick to a sleep schedule. Going to bed and

getting up at the same time each morning helps your body fall asleep and stay asleep more easily. Disrupting your regular sleep schedule can lead to insomnia.

5. Cut out caffeine, especially at night. If you

enjoy caffeinated beverages, it’s best to quit drinking them by midafternoon, especially if you have trouble sleeping. Some people may find that cutting caffeine out entirely is necessary for a good night’s sleep.

6. Avoid large meals before bedtime. Large

meals can lead to indigestion and acid reflux.

7. Beware of alcohol.

Alcohol may make you sleepy, but it’s likely to disrupt your sleep later in the night.

8. Make your bedroom a sanctuary for sleep.

Minimize light and noise and don’t bring work, food, or other distractions into the bedroom.

9. Get comfortable. Make 3. Make exercise a habit.

Regular exercise can help you fall asleep and stay asleep more easily. For best results, exercise at least four hours before bedtime. Your body temperature will increase and then begin to drop right around bedtime, which helps promote sleep.

sure your mattress provides proper support and your pillow suits your sleeping style. Keep your bedroom on the cool side, and eliminate noise with a white noise machine or by using earplugs.

10. Keep a journal. If your 4. Establish sleep rituals.

Read a book you can put down again, or take a warm bath or shower.

mind won’t quit when you need to sleep, write your worries and concerns in a journal that you keep next to your bed. It will help you put your cares aside so you can get to sleep.


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Metabolic Syndrome Are you failing this report card of your health? by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD


etabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors that increase a person’s chances of suffering from cardiovascular disease, stroke, or diabetes in the future. It’s sort of a report card for our health. Unfortunately, by this measure, many of us are failing. Over a third of adults can check enough boxes on this health report card to meet the criteria for metabolic syndrome, and if you’re over 60, you have a 50/50 shot at having the condition. In reality, metabolic syndrome is all about cause and effect. Several factors lead to metabolic syndrome, and the risk factors that make up metabolic syndrome lead to more serious diseases. Metabolic syndrome is like a blinking signpost on the road to illness. If you heed the warning, you can turn your health around. If you keep going down that road, you’re bound to hit rough spots that can put you out of commission.

The Metabolic Syndrome Report Card

Five factors are used to determine if you have metabolic syndrome. One of these factors by itself is unhealthy, but if you have three or more of them, you have metabolic syndrome. Are you making the grade? 22

You have excess abdominal fat. If you’re overweight and carry most of your weight around your middle—an apple shape—check this box on your health report card. Fat in other parts of the body, like your thighs, doesn’t carry the same risk. The American Heart Association lists a waist size of over 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women as an indication of abdominal obesity. Your cells are resistant to insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps cells absorb glucose from the bloodstream. When your cells become resistant to insulin, your pancreas produces increasing amounts of insulin to shuttle glucose into cells, but the cells aren’t able to absorb it. As a result, glucose builds up in the bloodstream. A fasting blood sugar measurement of 100 mg/dL or above is an indication of insulin resistance, and some researchers believe that it is the most influential of the metabolic syndrome risk factors. Your blood pressure is high. Blood pressure measures the force of blood pumping through your arteries. If you’re systolic blood pressure (the top number of the two readings) is 130 mm Hg or above or your diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) is 85 mm Hg or above, you can check this box.

Your triglyceride levels are higher than normal. Triglyceride levels indicate the amount of fat you have in your blood and are typically checked along with cholesterol. If your triglycerides are 150 mg/dL or over, you’ve just checked another box. Your “good” cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) levels are low. HDL, or high-density lipoproteins, shuttle excess cholesterol in your blood to your liver where it can be broken down. For men, an HDL number less than 40 mg/dL is a risk factor. For women, the number is 50 mg/dL. Of course, these five factors don’t tell the whole story of metabolic syndrome. It’s a complex condition, and researchers don’t fully understand how it develops. However, most agree that a range or genetics, environment, and lifestyle choices affect the development of metabolic syndrome and it’s progression to cardiovascular and other complications. Your doctor may take the easy way out and send you straight to the pharmacy for a lifetime of cholesterol-lowering statins, blood pressure medications, and other drugs to address each risk factor separately. But because metabolic syndrome is a whole-body condition,

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it’s important to take a whole-body approach to fighting it, including exercise, diet, and the intelligent use of dietary supplements.

Get a Move On!

We weren’t meant to sit at a desk all day. Our ancestors spent their days moving: walking to find food, running from predators, cutting wood for fires, and countless other survival activities. All that activity expended a lot of energy, and our bodies were built for that lifestyle. In contrast, today many of us spend our days at our computers and our nights in front of the television. This takes a huge toll on our health and contributes to the epidemic rate of metabolic syndrome. In a Spanish study, researchers examined the association between daily sitting time and metabolic syndrome in 1,415 adult males working in an automobile assembly plant. The study found that those who sat more than 6.57 hours per day were 77 percent more likely to have metabolic syndrome compared to those who sat less.


metabolic syndrome. Cardiovascular risk factors and physical activity levels were recorded for over 10,000 men and women at baseline and at a 10year follow-up. Of the participants, approximately 38 percent of the men and 30 percent of the women had metabolic syndrome, and subsequently had an increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). However, upon followup, the researchers found that the more a person with metabolic syndrome exercised, the less likely the person was to suffer a coronary event, such as a heart attack. For example, men who were very inactive had a coronary event rate of 21.8 percent while those who were very active had a rate of only 11.5 percent. In fact, because of a descending

A Risky Business According to the International Diabetes Federation, if you have metabolic syndrome, you are:


more likely to suffer a HEART ATTACK OR STROKE


more likely to DIE OF a heart attack or stroke


more likely to develop TYPE 2 DIABETES Metabolic disease also increases the odds of the following conditions: • Cancer

If you want to reverse metabolic syndrome, exercise should be a priority. An analysis of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition population study clearly indicated the value of exercise for those with

•N onalcoholic fatty liver disease • Cognitive dysfunction • Depression • Osteoarthritis

rate of coronary events associated with an increasing rate of exercise, the researchers concluded that any physical activity was better than no activity in helping to mitigate the effects of metabolic syndrome.

Get Back to Basics with Your Diet

The foods that fuel metabolic syndrome are the ones most closely associated with the modern diet: processed foods. We weren’t meant to eat food that was developed in a laboratory and designed to be addictive. If you want to beat metabolic syndrome, it’s back to the basics. And that means way back to a diet with food that our ancestors would recognize. That means more protein and fat (the right kind of fat—no trans fat or oils with omega-6 fatty acids!) and fewer carbohydrates. Opt for fresh vegetables and low-sugar fruits, like berries and grapefruit. Stay away from sugars, especially high-fructose corn syrup, which can be hidden in many processed foods like salad dressings and baked beans. With careful attention to your diet, you’ll lose weight and your cells will become less resistant to insulin.

Making the Grade with Supplements In addition to a healthy diet and exercise, certain supplements can help you avoid metabolic syndrome and graduate to good health.

Grape Seed Extract: Rich in

polyphenols, grape seed extract has been found to benefit many aspects of metabolic syndrome. In fact, taking grape seed extract with breakfast may reduce certain stress markers in people with the condition, according


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to a study from the University of California, Davis. In the randomized, placebo-controlled study, the researchers analyzed the effect of 300 mg of tannin-free grape seed extract on a dozen middle-aged people who had at least three factors of metabolic syndrome. They were either given the supplement or a placebo an hour


before eating a high-carbohydrate, high-fat meal. The grape seed extract boosted antioxidant levels in the blood, suppressed an uptick in oxidized LDL (bad) cholesterol, and reduced post-meal blood sugar concentrations compared to the placebo in the patients with metabolic syndrome. Earlier studies report that a daily dose of grape seed

The Fructose

CONNECTION Fructose is a sugar naturally found in fruits. Researchers are concerned about fructose particularly because our bodies process it differently, which can stress our livers and raise the amount of fat in our blood. If we only consumed fructose from fruits, we’d get about 15 g per day, which our bodies can easily handle. However, we consume much more fructose than that because it is added to so many foods and beverages, mostly as high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Agave, touted as a natural sugar substitute, contains even more fructose than HFCS. Even plain table sugar is half fructose. The increase in fructose consumption has paralleled the rise in metabolic syndrome. 24

Mid 90s:


37 g Before WWII:

24 g

75 g

extract also lowers both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Curcumin: Researchers have

discovered a strong connection between metabolic syndrome and inflammation. That’s why curcumin is such an important supplement for preventing and reversing the condition. BCM-95 Curcumin reduces the expression of inflammatory chemicals and increases the expression of anti-inflammatory chemicals in fat tissue. Curcumin has also been studied for its insulin-sensitizing effects. In fact, curcumin may make your efforts to lose weight more effective. In 2015, researchers in Italy specifically studied curcumin in patients who suffered from metabolic syndrome. After 30 days of supplementation with curcumin, patients experienced greater weight loss (from 1.9 percent before supplementation to 4.9 percent with supplementation), a greater body fat reduction (from 0.7 percent to 8.3 percent), and a greater reduction in waistlines (from 2.4 percent to 4.1 percent).

Vitamin D: According to findings

published in the journal Diabetes Care, there’s a direct link between low vitamin D levels and the incidence of metabolic syndrome. The study, which involved more than 3,200 people age 50 to 70, found that those with the lowest vitamin D levels were 52 percent more likely to have metabolic syndrome than people with the highest levels. Fortunately, Canadian researchers have found that boosting vitamin D levels with supplements can lower the risk for metabolic syndrome. It was so pronounced that, for every 10 nmol/L increase in vitamin D levels, the risk of metabolic syndrome dropped 10 percent. As a bonus, vitamin D has also been shown in multiple studies to reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension and to improve insulin sensitivity in people with type 2 diabetes.

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, is a board certified internist and an expert in chronic pain. He is the author of numerous books and booklets, the most recent being the Better Nutrition Healthy Living Guide, Conquer Chronic Pain.

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The Benefits of Cherries— Without Added Sugar Concentrated tart cherry juice can contain as much as 15 grams of sugar and 80 calories per ounce! Get the antioxidants from cherries that you need, without the added sugar you don’t. • No added sugar • Freeze-dried cherry extract • Aids recovery after exercise • Promotes healthy uric acid balance • Supports joint flexibility and comfort*



Smooth out the Rough Spots


Herbal Callus Balm™ is the perfect accessory for spring. It penetrates dry, callused skin to soften and hydrate so you’ll look great again—just in time for sandal season! • Clinically studied, European formula • Effective nutrients improve the appearance of skin • Use daily on heels, hands, elbows, knees 25

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Scrambled eggs with spinach, diced onions, and goat cheese

Grilled chicken breast

1 oz. almonds

Baked salmon with lemon pepper seasoning

Sugar-free, nitrate free bacon

Mixed green salad dressed with lemon

Banana Shake: Blend ¾ cup almond milk, 1 banana, ½ cup spinach, ¼ cup whey or egg white protein powder, pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon, ice

Tomato stuffed with tuna salad


Sliced raw red peppers

Bison burger on a bed of arugula with EVOO and balsamic vinegar

1 chicken-apple sausage

½ cup grape tomatoes

Mango-Raspberry Shake: Blend ¾ cup coconut milk, ½ cup each frozen mangoes and raspberries, ½ cup spinach, ¼ cup whey protein powder and ice.

Lentil soup topped with a chopped hard boiled egg

Spanish Eggs: Place ¼ cup salsa in a ramekin. Crack an egg on top and bake at 350° for 15 minutes

Spinach salad with mandarin oranges and avocado, dressed with EVOO and white wine vinegar

Spinach, onion, and feta cheese frittata Sugar-free, nitrate-free bacon


½ avocado, sliced

Omelet with spinach, onions, and whole milk cheddar cheese

¼ cup guacamole


Ditch processed, sugar-laden fare in favor of food the way nature intended for just seven days and discover how healthy and energized you can feel!

Leftover steak sliced thinly and sautéed with eggs of your choice ½ avocado, sliced

1 Orange

Cauliflower rice Baked asparagus 1 pear 1 oz. cheddar cheese

1 hard boiled egg

Pork chop topped with Dijon mustard and baked for 30 minutes Baked carrots tossed with EVOO and ¼ teaspoon cumin Turkey meatloaf Cauliflower puree Frozen root veggies

Red pepper strips

Baked chicken thighs

¼ cup hummus

Mashed sweet potatoes Steamed green beans

1 apple 1 oz. almond butter

Cod baked with ½ cup grape tomatoes, minced garlic, and lemon juice Sautéed spinach ¾ cup cooked lentils

Turkey burger on mixed greens with EVOO and balsamic vinegar

1 cup grapes

Sirloin steak

1 oz. almonds

Baked sweet potato

1 apple

Mixed green salad topped with steamed shrimp, tossed with EVOO and balsamic vinegar

Baked asparagus

Kale chips

Grilled or sautéed chicken breast with pesto Sautéed green beans with garlic *Feeds 4

Good Health TM



Pan tr y Protein & Dai ry

1 can lentil soup, all natural 12 oz. package lentils

5 chicken breasts

2 oz. pine nuts

4 salmon filets

2 oz. whole, raw almonds 16 oz. jar almond butter

1 can tuna 4 boneless pork chops

16 oz. jar salsa

1 lb. ground bison

8 oz. jar Dijon mustard 8 oz. container hummus

2.5 lb. ground turkey 2 lb. bone-in chicken thighs

e oil (EVOO) Small bottle extra virgin oliv 8 oz. bottle balsamic vinegar

2 lb. cod

2.5 lb. sirloin steak

16 oz. jar olive oil mayonnaise

¼ lb. cooked shr imp 1 chicken-apple sausage 1 lb. sugar-free, nitrate-free bac

2 dozen eggs


Whey or egg white protein pow der, vanilla 1 oz. whole milk cheddar che ese, shredded 1 oz. goat cheese 1 oz. feta cheese ½ gal. almond milk ½ gal. coconut milk

Fr uits & Vege tables 1 onion

24 oz. baby spinach 3 avocados 2 heads cauliflower

1 bunch asparagus 16 oz. mixed greens 2 lemons 2 bananas

, frozen 12 oz. mango chunks zen 10 oz. raspberr ies, fro 1 tomato 1 bunch arug ula 6 carrots

1 pear 2 apples 1 orange ½ lb. grapes ges 1 can mandarin oran atoes 1 container grape tom s, frozen 10 oz. root vegetable 1 lb. green beans 1 red pepper 6 sweet potatoes 1 bunch basil 1 head garlic 1 bunch kale


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The Surprising Remedy

by Jozsef Haller, PhD, DScr Does teaching your teenager how to drive tie your stomach in knots? Would you rather eat rocks than give a speech in public? Are you planning a long drive because you’re afraid to fly? Anxiety is part of the body’s natural response to danger. Our ancestors probably felt increased anxiety when they noticed dark clouds on the horizon that signaled bad weather. Those feelings of apprehension prompted them to take cover to stay safe. Likewise, if you’re anxious about a job interview, you’re more apt to prepare so you make a good impression. But anxiety has its dark side—it can disrupt our concentration, make us irritable, or cause us to lose sleep. In severe cases, chronic anxiety can cause devastating effects on our physical and mental health. If you suffer from anxiety, whether it’s normal anxiety or its more insidious chronic form, you might think you can’t get rid of the fear without resorting to anxiety medication, even though these drugs can cause a wide range of unpleasant, or even dangerous, side effects. You may have investigated natural medicines like l-theanine or chamomile, but it’s unlikely that you’ve ever heard of Echinacea’s ability to soothe those anxious feelings. Not all Echinacea is an effective natural remedy for anxiety. In fact, the type of Echinacea that shows great results for colds and flus won’t do a thing for your anxiety. Plants can have different qualities depending on their environment, just like you and I are different depending on our environment. It’s the same reason 28

your tomatoes might be sweeter than the ones your neighbor grows. Sunlight and precipitation levels, nutrients in the soil, and temperature variations can all affect the properties of the herb and influence its effects in the body. This was shown when various Echinacea preparations were tested for their potential to relieve anxiety, only one showed consistent results: a specially cultivated root extract of Echinacea angustifolia. What’s more, the dosing that obtained the best results was many times lower than what’s typically used for immune support. In fact, higher doses and other preparations were ineffective for treating the symptoms of anxiety. The laboratory results for this special Echinacea angustifolia were similar to those achieved with chlordiazepoxide (also known by the brand name Librium), except that Echinacea didn’t cause drowsiness or lethargy—common side effects of prescription anti-anxiety medications. Because Echinacea has been used for centuries, we know that it’s safe– even for children. This special herb also shined in a clinical study. In a study published in Phytotherapy Research, researchers found that this special Echinacea extract significantly relieved anxiety within only three days! The study followed 33 volunteers with mild anxiety. Participants took Echinacea angustifolia for one week, and used a

commonly used anxiety questionnaire to evaluate their anxiety levels before, during, and after using the product. Anxiety scores decreased in the group taking 20 mg tablets twice per day. That trend continued for the week of treatment, and the scores remained stable for the two weeks that followed, even though participants were no longer taking the tablets. The most surprising finding is how quickly this special extract of Echinacea worked. Most anti-anxiety medications and herbal remedies can take weeks before any benefits are seen. When anxiety takes a hold of you, it can be hard to loosen its grip. Even occasional anxiety can limit your ability to live life to the fullest. Don’t let fear take over. Natural relief in the form of a specially cultivated species of Echinacea at a clinically studied low dose can help alleviate mild anxiety symptoms quickly and safely so you can meet life’s challenges with less fear and nervousness. Jozsef Haller, PhD, DScr, is head of the Department of Behavioral Neurobiology at the Institute of Experimental Medicine in Budapest, Hungary. He’s written three books and published over 100 articles in peer-reviewed magazines on neurobiology and behavior with a focus on stress, anxiety, and aggression.

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Supports Healthy Cholesterol Levels† and Improves Good Cholesterol* CholestCaps™ —Supports healthy cholesterol† • Boosts good cholesterol (HDL) levels an average of 14% • Supports overall healthy cholesterol levels†


• Provides strong antioxidant protection to support cardiovascular health* CholestCaps features Indian gooseberry, also known as Amla, a fixture in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. The standardized extract in CholestCaps has been the subject of five scientific studies. *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT DISEASE. † Cholesterol levels already within the normal range


Crazy Sexy KRIS CARR Thriving and inspiring with stage 4 cancer


by Julie Blauer


If anybody has ever taken the stigma of cancer and turned it on its head, that person is Kris Carr. Exuberant, determined, and upbeat, Kris’ infectious message of health spreads over people like fairy dust. Perhaps that’s why her series of Crazy Sexy books on living with cancer, prevention,

and wellness keep topping the bestseller lists. Kris was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in 2003. She has a rare, slow-moving form of vascular cancer in her liver and lungs called epithelioid hemangioendothelioma. Early on, Kris made an important

decision to view her health crisis as an opportunity for positive change. She now lives more fully than she ever thought possible, embraces a healthier lifestyle than she ever had before— and inspires legions to do the same with what is akin to a wellness movement.

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GHL: Why do you think your

GHL: What’s your supplement

documentary and first book, Crazy Sexy Cancer and Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips, resonated so deeply with audiences and readers?


Cancer is a very serious topic filled with grief, crushing stress, and fear. I use humor, irreverence, and an anythingis-possible approach to empowering folks. That attitude was certainly refreshing and hope filled for me, and I have seen how positive it’s been for others. We all have something we’re struggling with. Adversity can be our burden or our opportunity for growth and recalibration in our lives. No matter what, we all get the chance to awaken. KC:

GHL: What inspired you to put

crazy, sexy, and cancer together into one phrase?

When you’re newly diagnosed it can be very draining to continually update family and friends on your prognosis. So I started sending mass emails called “Crazy Sexy Cancer Updates.” This way, everyone knew how I was doing in one fell swoop! I called it “Crazy Sexy Cancer” because I wanted my loved ones to know that I still had my sense of humor and that I wasn’t going to let my disease define me. KC:

GHL: After your diagnosis, how did

you first implement changes to your diet and lifestyle?

I began by reading as much as possible and then experimenting with what felt right. I tried macrobiotics, raw foods, and many other diets and finally found what works for me. It’s a journey we all need to go on for ourselves. What works for one may not always work for another, but the baseline principle should be the same: eat your veggies. KC:

GHL: What’s your

favorite indulgence?

Dark chocolate and action movies! KC:

KC: Mine is more extensive than most,

but for anyone reading this article, I think it’s a good idea to work with a functional medicine practitioner who can design a regimen specifically for your needs. Some basic recommendations may include omega-3s, probiotics (to support gut health), vitamin D, endocrine support, and a B-complex. But again, we are all different and our supplemental needs vary.

with myself and others. We are energy. And to keep our energy healthy and flowing, it’s important to voice our feelings and honor our needs. The more we do, the easier it is to process and work through what holds us back.

One of Kris’ alkalizing superheroes, a foundational juice blend to drink often!

Spicy Sweetie

GHL: You are trim and fit! How do

you approach exercise?

Makes 2 Servings (16 to 20 Ounces)

Thanks! I approach exercise the same way I approach the rest of my life: I do what I love. I love hiking, biking, yoga, and dance, and therefore I actually do those things. I’m embarrassed to admit that I have a gym membership that I never use. Why? I don’t love the gym. Note to self: Cancel gym membership. Ha! KC:

2c ups green cabbage, tightly packed 2c ups arugula, leaves and stems, tightly packed 1 small cucumber 2 large stalks celery

GHL: What do you do to keep your

2G ranny Smith apples (or 2 pears, if you prefer more sweetness)

immune system healthy?

Eat well. Sleep well. Move well. Spend time with people who fill my soul well (rather than those who drain me dry). Repeat. KC:

1- inch piece ginger, peeled

GHL: Your positive energy is

Wash and prep all ingredients. Juice all ingredients. Serve!

infectious! What’s your secret for staying so upbeat? Do you meditate or have some kind of mindfulness practice? KC:

I guess my secret is that I don’t amputate any of my emotions. Yes, I’m positive by nature. However, when I stuff my pain—anger or sadness—it always dims my shine. Meditation certainly helps me to stay present, and so does exercise. But there’s nothing better than building an honest, reliable relationship

GHL: Let’s talk juice! Why should

we juice/blend on a regular basis? Take this as your moment to convert us!

Both practices are fabulous ways to contribute to your overall health and vitality. Juicing extracts the liquid from the fruits and vegetables, leaving the fiber behind. By removing the fiber, all of the nutrients in the plant’s juice—vitamins, minerals, enzymes—instantly flood our bodies with goodness. KC:


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Juicing also gives your digestive system a little rest, and since your body works hard on your behalf 24/7, it’s nice to give it some R&R. Plus, it’s great for people who have sensitive digestive systems that can’t handle a lot of fiber. You might say, “But I thought fiber was good for you?” Yes, you’re right. And if you’re upgrading your overall diet to include whole foods, you’ll be getting plenty of it—especially if you include smoothies and healthy, home-cooked food.


While juicing is a great practice, let’s not forget smoothies. My new book, Crazy Sexy Juice actually contains more delicious smoothie and nut milk recipes because they’re super easy to make, and most people already have a blender. Folks who are watching their blood sugar sometimes prefer blending to juicing because the fiber ensures a slow and steady absorption of sugar into your bloodstream. Smoothies have another important advantage: they can help you feel fuller longer. Protein, healthy fats, and carbs create sustainable energy.



GHL: Inflammation is a big topic

in your book. How can we keep inflammation in check with juicing, diet, and through other lifestyle choices?

Don’t let a chocolate craving thwart your commitment to health. Here’s Kris’ perfect solution!

In a nutshell: Embrace gorgeous greens, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, sea veggies, fruits, and vegetables galore. Crowd out inflammatory hormone- and antibiotic-filled animal products by filling your plate with plant-strong whole foods. And while you’re at it, dump the processed white stuff, especially sugar. As for lifestyle choices, dial the joy up and the stress down.

Makes 2 servings (20 to 24 Ounces)


GHL: You’ve said that cancer

is your guru. What’s the most important thing your cancer guru has taught you?

To live everyday like it’s your first rather than your last, and it’s so great that you can’t wait to have another. KC:

Julie Blauer is a Los Angeles-based writer who specializes in health and environment.

Chocolate Avocado Smoothie

2 small bananas, frozen 1 to 2 pitted Medjool dates 1½ tablespoons of cacao powder ¼ Hass avocado 1¾ cup almond milk or nondairy milk of choice ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract 1c up baby spinach, tightly packed

Wash and prep all ingredients. Blend till smooth and serve.

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Cherries and Gout—

This amazing fruit stops gout! by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD Cherries and gout. The two almost seem to go together. If you suffer from this painful form of arthritis—a condition that affects at least four million Americans—you’ve probably heard the recommendation to drink cherry juice or try a cherry supplement. But why do cherries work? Gout is caused by high levels of uric acid that cause painful inflammation in the joints. At normal levels, uric acid is dissolved in the blood stream. In gout-prone individuals, uric acid can build to high levels—a condition called hyperuricemia. When this occurs, crystals with needle-like projections begin to form and get stuck in the joints. The body responds with inflammation, and the area becomes swollen and painful. Sometimes there are so many crystals collected in one place that they form irregular lumps called tophi that further impede joint movement. They most frequently attack the joints at the base of the large toes. Somewhere along the way, cherries and cherry juice were singled out as a natural treatment for flare-ups. While the origin of the folk tradition is hard to pin down, there have been scientific mentions associating cherry consumption and relief of gout flareups since at least 1950. Even so, researchers in the meantime have been determined to find out why. Many of these studies examine not only the effects of cherries and cherry juice on gout, but on inflammation from other causes as well. 34

One clinical study at Boston University found that cherry consumption was associated with a 35 percent lower risk of gout attacks regardless of gender, weight, or food and alcohol intake. The researchers also found that when combined with a commonly used medication, allopurinol, the risk was 75 percent lower.

Additionally, a 2013 study published in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage found that tart cherry juice reduced symptoms for people with mild to moderate knee arthritis. Plus, since tart cherries have also been shown to increase melatonin levels, they can help you get better rest when you’re not active—and that’s a key to recovery and vibrant health in general.

There are a couple of reasons why cherries can have this effect. First, they are very high in anthocyanins, which reduce the activity of the COX-2 enzymes responsible for the inflammation and painful sensations caused by uric acid crystals. Additionally, cherries seem to have an ability to help normalize uric acid levels through enzyme-moderating actions in the liver.

To me, all of these studies confirm the wisdom we’ve known all along— cherries fight gout. I think that anything that gets people away from the very real dangers of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which cause an estimated 50,000+ preventable US deaths yearly when used long-term, or helps people ease away from prescription gout medication is a good thing. If you can’t see yourself eating tart cherries or drinking unsweetened cherry juice, I’d recommend a supplemental form that supplies the concentrated natural compounds of cherries without damaging the whole goodness of the fruit itself. And start taking it right away since much of the research shows that it may help prevent a gout attack in the first place.

Another study in the Journal of Nutrition found that cherries lowered levels of plasma urate levels and the inflammatory markers, C-reactive protein (CRP) and nitric oxide. And laboratory work has shown that tart cherries lowered uric acid only in cases of hyperuricemia—not when levels were normal. But cherries’ benefits aren’t just limited to gout. A flurry of clinical trials conducted in the UK have noted a reduction of pain and faster recovery times for those using tart cherries before and after exercise, too—whether strength training or endurance cycling. Researchers attribute this to higher levels of inflammation-fighting anthocyanins in the bloodstream.

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, is a board certified internist and an expert in chronic pain. He is the author of numerous books and booklets, the most recent being the Better Nutrition Healthy Living Guide, Conquer Chronic Pain.

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The New

SUPERFOODS Superfoods are like superstars. While some get all the hype, others are the true nutritional workhorses that can improve your health with every bite. Here are our picks on which superfoods boast real benefits.

BONE BROTH: This warming

new trend has its roots in grandma’s kitchen. Not only is this tasty broth rich in protein, but it also contains calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. Plus, it’s a lovely source of collagen and gelatin that support healthy skin, hair, and nails.


Surprisingly, food experts predict that this snowy-white vegetable will overtake kale as one of the most popular superfoods of 2016. A terrific source of vitamin C, this cruciferous veggie contains phytochemicals that help the body detox excess estrogen and lower the risk of breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers. It’s also a great replacement for potatoes if you’re following a low-carb, ketogenic, or paleo diet.


move beyond the yuck factor of eating bugs, you’ll find that crickets provide about 70 grams of protein per serving. When these chirping critters are roasted and milled into flour, they can be the basis for baking up familiar foods like muffins, breads, even your favorite cookies. Bonus: cricket-based foods aren’t just good for you, they are also a sustainable food source, so they are good for the planet, too.


studies continue to point out the downside of margarine, butter is staging a comeback. From a nutritional standpoint, that’s great news! Butter is a wonderful source of vitamins A, D, E, and K. It also boasts a wealth of trace minerals, short- and medium-chain fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid, and the perfect balance of omega-3s and omega-6s.


Once you get past the “Ch-chch-chia!” tune, just one ounce of these tasty seeds provides 11 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, 5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, and a hearty dose of calcium, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorous. And all for a mere 137 calories. 36

Don’t worry—this type of hemp is legal. The earthy-tasting oil, made from pressed hemp seeds, has 25 times more omega-3 fatty acids than olive oil. But because hemp oil is delicate, it should not be heated. Instead, keep in the refrigerator to maintain freshness and reserve it for salads and as a healthy addition to smoothies.

KALETTES: This unique, non-

GMO veggie is a delicious cross between kale and Brussels sprouts. Like many dark, leafy greens, they are

very high in vitamins C and K. In fact, kalettes pack 120 percent of your daily vitamin K and 40 percent of vitamin C per 85 grams, about 1½ cups.


Coming out of India, this drought-tolerant plant is packed with betacarotene, calcium, potassium, protein, and vitamin C. Although the leaves can substitute for a tasty green veggie, you’re more likely to find moringa as a tea or in a sports bar. You can also get its nutritional goodness in capsule form.


quarter-cup of these cheese-like flakes give you an incredible 6 grams of protein. You’ll also get 240 mg of potassium and a healthy dose of B vitamins.

RED SPINACH: This unique plant isn’t actually spinach at all! Instead, it’s a member of the same botanical family as other superfoods like amaranth and quinoa. With a mild, earthy flavor, this Asian vegetable contains three times more calcium than spinach and five times more nitrates than ordinary spinach, making it a delicious way to support bone and heart health. While fresh red spinach is beginning to make an appearance in some specialty and health food stores, you can also get the goodness of red spinach in capsule form. Check supplement labels for a standardized red spinach extract under the brand name Oxystorm.

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fitness Make Your WORKOUT

freshair A BREATH OF

by Carol Ann Weber

Have your workouts become as exciting to you as watching a mouse run on a wheel? Why not take it outside? Exercising outdoors can be a new adventure each time you slip on your walking shoes and grab a bottle of water. Think fresh air, sunshine, trees, grass, chirping birds—you get the idea. And, it’s free. The latest scientific research indicates that spending time in nature has a positive effect on our mental and emotional states as well as our overall health. A 2011 review of 38 different research projects published in the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health concluded that subjects suffering from a wide variety of physical and mental problems experienced a reduction in symptoms with some form of “nature-assisted therapy.” Patients with congestive heart failure who took part in a gardening program showed significantly improved heart rate and mood scores. Obese subjects placed on an outdoor exercise program had greater weight loss than their counterparts exercising indoors. And a 38

nature program improved mental focus while reducing anger and depression in breast cancer and dementia patients. These results are supported by researchers at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom, who analyzed 11 different trials involving 833 adults comparing the effects of exercising outdoors and indoors. In their findings published in Environmental Science & Technolog y in 2011, they concluded that citizens in areas of the greatest greenery were three times more likely to be active and 40 percent less likely to be obese. In addition, the majority of outdoor exercisers were more inclined to stick with a workout routine than those training indoors.


Since there are so many types of green spaces, ranging from wilderness areas and wildlife reserves to urban parks and running tracks, you should take the time to scope out your neighborhood to see what works for you. What location is close by or even within walking distance? What is the most appealing?

Are the kinds of activities you enjoy suitable to this location? Is the space conducive to group activities or one-onone workouts?


Being aware of the wide variety of workouts you can participate in outdoors will help you decide where you want to go. Here are a few options: Powerwalk/jog: You can make your entire workout a brisk walk with intervals of jogging or even sprinting. Although you can walk almost anywhere, it is more fun in a scenic park (most have jogging paths) or along the beach. Remember to start slow, choose a distance that is doable, and then continue to challenge yourself by increasing the speed and the distance as you get stronger and gain stamina. And always stretch AFTER your muscles are warmed up. And if all else fails, start by walking your dog.



Outdoor sports: tennis, swimming, bicycling, basketball,

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baseball, softball, volleyball, horseback riding. (NOTE: These require specific equipment to purchase and you may need to join a team or club.)


Running stairs: One of the most famous set of stairs for workout fanatics is the Santa Monica Stairs—a pair of outdoor staircases in California near Pacific Palisades descending Santa Monica Canyon. At any time, day or evening, you will find dozens of folks running up and down all 160-170 steps with the steely resolve of marathon runners. If you are looking to burn calories, increase stamina as well as core and leg strength, this might be for you. Many stair steppers continue to challenge themselves as well as add variety, by taking two steps at a time, walking sideways, and alternating between running and walking. You can find stairs in almost every city, including stadium steps. Realistically, all you need is one small flight of stairs to get you going, but make sure they are sturdy, safe, and not heavily trafficked. If it is a good location, there will very likely be other exercisers already using them.


Circuit training: Along with a jogging path, some parks have a workout area with equipment, including a sign at each station describing the exercise and the body part you are working. And if they don’t have anything that detailed, you can always do pull-ups on the monkey bars and push-ups and crunches on the ground (bring a mat). If there is a park bench, do step-ups for legs and triceps dips for arms. Use three to five pound weights for biceps curls, shoulder presses, single arm rows, and lunges. Stretchy bands are also great for a variety of exercises. Just attach them to the monkey bars and get creative!


Yoga: Doing yoga outside is so much fun and so “zen.” Since the purpose of yoga is not only to increase your flexibility, balance, coordination, and muscle


strength, but to bring you into oneness of mind, body, and spirit, there is nothing better than to practice outside. If you are new to yoga, join an outdoor class and see if you like it. There are classes in local parks and scenic locations everywhere that encourage you to connect with nature. Often, the class ends with a meditation which is a tool for maximizing your inner peace. Hiking: Depending on where you live, there are usually hiking trails through the hills, canyons, or along bodies of water. Start with a distance you are comfortable with and then increase the distance and the difficulty of the hike as you gain strength and stamina. Some national or state parks have organized group hikes which might be a great way to gain skills and safety measures from those who are more experienced.


Tai Chi: Almost all Tai Chi classes are conducted outside. For many practitioners, it becomes a daily morning routine. Although slow and steady, Tai Chi has many health benefits, including developing breathing techniques, balance and coordination, and is known to promote longevity.


Boot camp: If you want to really challenge yourself, try an outdoor boot camp. They provide all the equipment and offer a rigorous total body workout designed by professional trainers to get you in great shape—if you can hang in there. Think “Biggest Loser”-style workout.



Once you’ve found your outdoor groove, write it into your schedule. It will become a habit if you do one of these things every day for 21 days straight—even if on some days you simply walk your dog around the neighborhood. Once it’s a habit, you will not have to force yourself to get your outdoor workout in. You may even look forward to it!


Outdoor exercise is generally more strenuous and trains more stabilizing muscles than indoor surfaces, so you get

TIPS Bring plenty of water: Stay hydrated!

Prepare for the weather: If it’s cold or hot make sure to wear the right clothing to make the experience comfortable. If needed, dress in layers that can be removed as you heat up. Wear appropriate shoes: The ground can be uneven, sandy, damp, or muddy. Stretch: Always warm-up your muscles with a 10-minute brisk walk, jumping jacks, high knees, or jump rope before stretching. Always stretch after your warm-up or at the end of the workout. Optional equipment: Yoga mat, light weights (three to five lb. dumbbells), stretchy bands. a more challenging workout. Getting outdoors has been shown to increase vitality and pleasure, while lowering depression and fatigue. Carol Ann Weber’s 500+ articles have been published in magazines such as Fitness Rx, Muscle & Fitness, Oxygen, and Men’s Fitness. She has also been named the Academy of Bodybuilding and Fitness “Best Columnist of the Year.” Along with weight training, she enjoys yoga and a brisk walk anywhere outdoors.


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MEDICINE CHEST Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): Your cells use CoQ10, an antioxidant also known as ubiquinone, to produce energy for cell growth and maintenance. People with high cholesterol tend to have lower levels of CoQ10 in their bodies. Clinical studies have found that CoQ10 may raise HDL levels and improve cholesterol ratios. But the most beneficial role CoQ10 supplementation plays is among those who take statin drugs to reduce their cholesterol. Statin therapy has been associated with a range of adverse effects, most notably muscle pain and weakness. Muscle-related adverse effects impact as many as 15 percent of all statin users and are the most frequent reason given for people going off statins. In a placebo-controlled study published in Medical Science Monitor, researchers recruited patients who used statins and reported muscle pain. Patients who received 100 mg of CoQ10 daily for 30 days experienced significantly less muscle pain than those in the placebo group.



STATIN-FREE WAYS to Manage Your Cholesterol Naturally Your body needs cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and other substances—but too much of the wrong kind can be a problem. This soft, waxy substance travels through your bloodstream in two forms: Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL cholesterol is considered bad cholesterol—it’s what oxidizes and builds up in your arteries. HDL cholesterol, on the other hand, is considered good cholesterol because it transports excess cholesterol to the liver where it can be broken down. Triglycerides, another type of fat in our blood, are often discussed at the same time as cholesterol because they also contribute to cardiovascular disease. Standard medical treatment when cholesterol levels are high is to prescribe a statin drug. However, statins have been associated with their own set of side effects, including muscle pain and weakness, liver damage, and an increased risk of diabetes and cognitive problems. Natural alternatives can help you manage cholesterol levels so you can reduce or avoid statins.

This pungent bulb is renowned for its strong smell and flavor—you wouldn’t want to make spaghetti sauce or chicken soup without it. Garlic’s health benefits are also well known. It has powerful benefits for the cardiovascular system, including lowering LDL cholesterol levels and raising HDL cholesterol levels. This was demonstrated in a systematic review of randomly controlled trials of powdered garlic supplements. The researchers, who published their findings in Nutrition Research and Practice, noted that a lower dosage (less than 800 mg per day) showed a profound effect on LDL cholesterol. Not surprisingly, they also found that a longer duration of supplementation had better results. If you take garlic supplements, you’ll also reap the rewards of its other health benefits. Garlic may help prevent hardening of the arteries, protect you from developing cancer, and keep the common cold at bay.


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Indian Gooseberry (Amla): Used in

Ayurvedic practice for over 2,000 years for a variety of conditions, Indian Gooseberry has been gaining attention for its ability to reduce cholesterol. This sour berry (also called amla) was the subject of a clinical trial conducted in India. Participants who had mildly high cholesterol levels were divided into two groups: the first group took 500 mg of Indian Gooseberry per day while the other group took 1,000 mg per day. After six months of use, patients in both groups experienced significant changes in their cholesterol markers. In the first group, the average total cholesterol The cholesterol-reducing effects dropped 32 of this B vitamin are so profound that points—from it is sold in high-dose form as a prescription 242 to 210. medication (which requires liver enzyme Triglycerides monitoring). Studies have found that niacin reduces dropped LDL cholesterol by 5 to 25 percent. Niacin may also significantly decrease triglycerides 20 to 50 percent and increase from 203 to HDL by 15 to 35 percent. Niacin’s benefits are dose134 in the first dependent; however, high-dose niacin causes flushing group and 160 The value of and hot flashes in many people. Fortunately, the to 120 in the omega-3 fatty sensation tends to diminish with continued use. second group. acids, both in Inositol hexaniacinate (sometimes called inositol The researchers the diet and nicotinate), a form of niacin that combines also found that in the form of niacin with inositol, does not cause the Indian Gooseberry supplementation, same flushing feeling as other treatment led to a is firmly established. forms of niacin. 40 percent reduction Ever since Danish in levels of C-reactive researchers discovered that protein, an inflammatory the Inuits living near the Arctic marker implicated in heart Circle had low levels of heart disease disease and other despite a diet high in fatty fish, omega-3 chronic fatty acids have been touted for conditions. their powerful benefits for cardiovascular health. A 2015 review published in Lipids in Health and Disease found that omega-3 fatty acids were particularly helpful in reducing triglycerides— even in people who had normal or borderline high cholesterol levels. Moreover, the researchers found that marine-based omega-3 fatty acids—from fish or supplements—were more effective than plant-based omega-3s in reducing triglycerides.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids:



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Take Control of Your Pain Alternative therapies that work by John Ulrich, DC


I was in an accident a few years ago and still suffer from pain regularly. I used to love trying new activities like rock climbing or long boarding. Now I have trouble just getting through the day. What are some alternative therapies that might help me manage my pain? I want my life back!

A: Chronic pain can be debilitating,

and unfortunately, conventional treatment often begins and ends with narcotic painkillers that can lead to addiction and adverse effects. Plus, narcotics often require increasingly higher doses to remain effective. And over-the-counter medications are often ineffective for chronic pain and have their own set of side effects. You’re in pain because some part of the body isn’t functioning properly. Pain alerts you that something is wrong. Treating pain with pain killers is like putting a piece of black tape over your car’s check engine light so you can ignore the engine problem. I’ve found that treating the body directly through hands-on therapies and exercise can help you take control of your pain while eliminating or reducing the need for narcotic or over-the-counter drugs. Here are some of the alternative therapies that can help alleviate your pain. 42

YOGA CHIROPRACTIC I like to think of the human spine is like a bicycle chain made up of links. And like a bicycle chain, all those links must connect together but move freely. If two links on a bicycle chain get rusted or stuck together, the chain will no longer move smoothly around the sprockets. The same thing happens to the human spine if the vertebrae get “stuck.” When this happens, everyday movement becomes painful as the discs and nerves between the stuck vertebrae become swollen and irritated. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to gently “unstick” the vertebrae. To a tight and painful back, a chiropractic adjustment can provide fast pain relief. And chiropractic adjustments over a longer period of time can permanently correct underlying spinal problems and keep them from returning.

ACUPUNCTURE This ancient Chinese therapy involves a skilled practitioner inserting very thin needles into the skin at meridians— pathways in the body where energy flows. Some people shy away from acupuncture because they fear needles. But acupuncture needles are very thin—thinner than a sewing pin—and most people barely feel them when they undergo treatment. Acupuncture has been controversial because we don’t fully understand how it works in scientific terms. However, recent research is proving that this ancient form of medicine offers real results for pain relief. An analysis of clinical trials published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine evaluated 29 highquality trials with a total of nearly 18,000 patients. The researchers found that, for chronic pain, acupuncture was superior to both no treatment and “sham” acupuncture (a non-therapeutic procedure used as a placebo control for comparison purposes).

Regular physical activity can prevent or reduce many types of muscle pain, but some forms of exercise are better for pain management. The gentle stretches, deep breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques associated with yoga are particularly helpful in managing pain. Plus, yoga will help build strength, flexibility, and balance, which can help prevent injuries. Yoga is also a good option because it’s infinitely adjustable for people with problem areas and physical limitations. If you decide to give yoga a try, start slowly to avoid injury and find a certified instructor who will help you learn proper form and provide pose modifications for beginners and those with special needs.

MASSAGE Another natural therapy that I would recommend for pain management is massage. This hands-on therapy is a great addition to any type of pain treatment. And research shows it works. In a 2015 Chinese study, 20 women with knee osteoarthritis underwent Chinese massage, a massage therapy that focuses on stretching and kneading muscles to improve energy flow throughout the body. After two weeks, the patients experienced statistically significant improvements in pain relief, stiffness, and physical function. In addition, the researchers reported physical improvements in patients’ walking ability, including considerably faster gait speed and greater step width.

John Ulrich, DC, is a chiropractic sports doctor and wellness expert who has been providing chiropractic care in Northern California for 25 years. His passion is helping his community raise healthy, unmedicated families. He can be reached via his website at

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Are you ready for your 60,000-mile check up? Strong Healthy Arteries and Circulation You’ve got 60,000 miles of blood vessels in your body. Give them the support they need with Mesoglycan. It provides a bio-identical, easily utilized source of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)—the building blocks of strong veins and flexible arteries.*





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h c n Bru M O Mhappy!



Eggs Florentine with a Simple Orange Drizzle Serves 6

This colorful dish is a healthy and delicious alternative to the traditional Eggs Benedict that’s often a staple on brunch tables. Ingredients

1 pound fresh spinach, stems removed 1 egg yolk ¼ cup orange juice 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar 2 teaspoons lemon juice ½ teaspoon turmeric ½ teaspoon sea salt 3 tablespoons butter 2 teaspoons fresh dill, chopped 1 teaspoon white vinegar 6 eggs 2 beefsteak tomatoes, thickly sliced Directions

1. Fill a medium pot with water and bring to a boil. Drop the spinach into the pot and cook for 3 minutes. Drain the spinach in a colander, pressing down with the back of a spoon to remove all of the water. Set aside. 44

Show Mom

how much she’s loved and appreciated with this delicious meal that can nourish both body and soul.

2. Fill the bottom of a double boiler halfway with water and place over medium heat. Set the top of the double boiler on the bottom and add the egg yolk. Pour in the orange juice and whisk until blended. Stir in the balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, turmeric, and salt. Add the butter, one tablespoon at a time, whisking until well incorporated and the sauce has thickened.

5. Gently crack the eggs, one at a time, into the simmering water and poach for 3 minutes.

3. Remove the top part of the double boiler and set aside.

8. Drizzle with the sauce and serve immediately.

4. Pour the white vinegar into the water in the bottom of the double boiler and bring to a boil.

Per serving: 169 cal; 12.5g total fat; 7g carb; 11g protein; 1g sodium; 1g sugar

6. Place a slice of tomato on each plate. Divide the spinach equally and place on top of each tomato slice. 7. Carefully remove the eggs with a slotted spoon. Place each egg on the tomatospinach stack.

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Sweet Potato Hash Serves 6

Packed with beta-carotene and fiber, this easy hash provides a wealth of nutrients. As a bonus, you can prep all of the ingredients the day before and simply pop it in the oven in the morning. Ingredients

1 medium onion, peeled and diced 2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into ½-inch cubes 2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted ½ teaspoon each sea salt and black pepper

Very Berry Fruit Salad


Serves 4-6

1. Preheat oven to 400° F.

This combination of antioxidant-rich strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries lends a fresh and light finish to your Mother’s Day brunch.

2. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. 3. Place the onion and sweet potato on the baking sheet. Drizzle with the oil and sprinkle with the salt and pepper. Toss well. 4. Bake for 30 minutes or until the sweet potatoes are tender.


1 14-ounce can coconut cream ½ teaspoon stevia

Per serving: 142 cal; 4.8g total fat; 24g carb; 1.8g protein; 12g sodium; 0g sugar

1 pint strawberries, hulled and cut into quarters 1 pint raspberries 1 pint blueberries


1. Chill the can of coconut cream in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours. 2. Scoop the coconut cream into a small bowl. Sprinkle with the stevia and stir gently to mix. Set aside. 3. Mix the berries in a large bowl. Divide equally into individual bowls or goblets. 4. Top with a dollop of sweetened coconut cream. Per servings: 28 cal; 1.7g total fat; 3g carb; 0.3g protein; 3g sodium; 1.6g sugar

Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus Serves 6 Ingredients

1 pound asparagus 4 ounces prosciutto slices, cut in half lengthwise Directions

1. Preheat oven to 400° F. 2. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. 3. Cut woody ends off of each asparagus spear. 4. Wrap a slice of prosciutto around each spear and place on the baking sheet. 5. Bake for 15 minutes or until the prosciutto is crispy. 6. Cool slightly before serving. Per serving: 53 cal; 3g total fat; 3.6g carb; 7g protein; 520g sodium; 0g sugar 45

Good Health TM


are not regulated in any way—anyone can use them. Ask yourself how the company backs up the words it uses to describe its products. If you’re not satisfied, look elsewhere.






Essential Oils

10 tips for safe and effective use From the calming aroma of lavender to the invigorating scent of peppermint, essential oils can stimulate our senses, influence our mood, and even heal our hurts. For thousands of years, essential oils have been used in countless ways for health and well-being. The leaves, petals, and other plant components naturally contain hundreds of beneficial chemicals that help attract pollinators, protect the plant from harm—such as pests or bacteria—and provide healing and nourishment to the plant. Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts from plants that harness these diverse chemicals. If you want to get started using essential oils, here are some tips:





health food stores have essential oil selections that they’ve researched extensively before bringing into the store, and they usually have at least one person with in-depth knowledge about the products they sell.

literature and website can tell you a lot about the quality of its products, but don’t rely on them as your sole 46


case of essential oils, price really can predict quality—or a lack of quality. Stay away from essential oils that are cheaper than reputable brands. Cheap oils can indicate poor quality, or dilution of the key ingredients that render these oils ineffective.


source of information. Watch out for companies that aren’t transparent about how they source their oils, or make outrageous claims that don’t measure up to independent investigation.



All essential oil products should include the Latin names of the botanicals as different species of plants can have different effects. Did you know that there are over 30 species of lavender alone, and over 400 varieties? Stay away from products that don’t list this important information on the label.


BUY ORGANIC. Certified

organic oils must meet stringent requirements regarding the use of fertilizers, pesticides, chemicals, and additives. A company that obtains certification has already met these numerous and rigorous specifications, making it a good bet that quality is important to them.



like “pure” or “therapeutic grade”


best to start with one or two well-known essential oils that are easy to use. Try lavender for relaxation, lemon to give energy, or eucalyptus as a decongestant.



an essential oil spreads the healthpromoting properties through the air. This can be as simple as putting a few drops of essential oil on a cotton ball and then placing the cotton ball nearby. Of course, a wide variety of diffusers are available for purchase. Find one that meets your specific needs.



should come in dark-colored bottles to protect the contents from light and should be stored in a dark, cool place. Do not store plastic eyedroppers in an essential oil bottle as the concentrated oils can dissolve the plastic.


SAFETY. Most essential oils

are incredibly safe, but only when used properly. Pets and children can be sensitive to certain aromas, so do your research and don’t be afraid to ask questions!

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Stop Stressing, Start Living! A powerful blend of lemon balm and holy basil to help you enjoy life again.* 47 *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT DISEASE.


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HIDING: Does your skittish cat run and hide the minute the doorbell rings? Hiding is a common reaction to fear for cats and dogs. If your dog is afraid of loud noises, be extra vigilant if you let them out during fireworks season. A firecracker going off in the neighborhood might make them bolt.

LOOKING FOR COMFORT: Your pet may come to you for comfort when he or she is scared. Animals don’t pretend that they’re fearful, so you won’t reinforce their fearful behavior if you comfort them when they want it. If it helps your pet to relax, go ahead and show calm affection.




Anxious Pet Simple ways to soothe your quivering canine or scaredy-cat by Carrie Donahue, DVM Warmer weather often brings with it springtime storms and their crashing thunder and howling winds. For many of us who share our homes with furry companions, any loud noise can mean trouble. Pets, like people, can be fearful or anxious for a variety of reasons. By identifying the causes and treating their angst, your pet can be calmer and happier.


ADJUST YOUR ATTITUDE. One thing that I can’t stress enough: If you’re anxious or afraid, your dog may be too. He or she will pick up on your fear through your voice, your actions, and even your scent. So if you’re afraid of storms, learn how to calm yourself or leave Buster with your family so you don’t magnify his or her fear. At the same time, never react to your pet’s fear with anger. That will only add to his or her stress.


If your furry friend suffers

USE A PRESSURE WRAP. Some animals respond well to a pressure wrap. Wrapping a pet exerts gentle pressure on the animal and can help it feel more secure and less fearful— much like swaddling a baby. If you don’t have a special wrap for a dog, putting the dog in a dog sweater or even an old t-shirt can have a similar effect. If you know storms are approaching, wrap your pet right away. This will help calm your pet before its fear increases to the point of triggering unwanted behavior.

There are many herbal remedies to treat anxiety

LAVENDER: Just as lavender calms us, it can also calm your pet. Use a diffuser with lavender essential oil in your home or car or use it topically. I recommend putting lavender oil on the pads of your dog’s feet. It gets absorbed directly into their system. It won’t harm them if they lick their paws.

VALERIAN: One of the most calming herbals for pets is valerian root. You can use the same supplement humans use (just dosed lower) or, better yet, look for a supplement developed for pets. Give it an hour or two before a stressful event. Valerian can be stimulating in some animals, and, in cats, can have effects similar to catnip. Be aware that valerian has an unpleasant scent.

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Many things can cause anxiety or fear in your pet. Here are some of the most common causes: SHAKING AND PANTING: Pets may shake or pant when they’re afraid, but shaking and panting can also be a sign of a disease or poisoning. If there’s no obvious reason for your pet to be afraid but it’s trembling or panting excessively, it’s best to check with your vet to rule out other causes.

LICKING OR CHEWING: An anxious animal may lick or chew on things, just like a nervous person might bite his or her nails or chew on pencils. It can be harmful to the pet and destructive if it’s chewing on the legs of your dining room table. But many things, like allergies or boredom, can cause licking and chewing, so be sure to talk to your vet about this behavior.

URINATING/ DEFECATING: An extremely anxious or frightened pet may urinate or defecate in inappropriate places. Scolding a frightened pet will not improve the behavior—it’s likely to make it worse.

SEPARATION: Some animals get anxious or bored when they’re left alone.

from anxiety or fear, you can do a lot to help it cope. Here are a few strategies. PROVIDE A SAFE PLACE. Many fearful pets will feel better if they have a place to hide when they’re scared. You can make it easier for them by providing a safe place, like a comfortable bed in a quiet room or even a space in a closet that they can go to when they’re afraid. Never force your pet there, but instead, make it welcoming and provide some special treats or toys so your dog or cat will want to spend time there.

GIVE THEM EXERCISE. A tired animal is often a calm animal. Make sure your cat or dog gets plenty of exercise, especially on days when you know they’ll face stressful situations. Include some mental stimulation too, like giving them treat puzzles or working on tricks and obedience skills.

LOUD NOISES: Many animals are afraid of loud noises, like thunder or fireworks.

TRY PHEROMONES. Appeasement pheromone products mimic natural chemical signals that help an animal remain calm. They come in many forms, including disposable collars, sprays, and diffusers. Sprays can be used on your pet’s bedding, inside crates, or on collars or pressure wraps.

TRAVEL: For some animals, a car ride or a trip to the vet will cause anxiety.

STRANGERS: Like us, some animals aren’t comfortable around people or other animals they don’t know.

in pets. Here are a few that I recommend when pets are fearful or nervous. FLOWER ESSENCES: Flower essences can work wonders for animals that are stressed out, and you can use them many different ways. Put a couple of drops in your pet’s water dish or even in its mouth. You can also rub it on your hands and then pet your dog or cat to transfer it to its fur. Spray it on your pet’s bed, in your car, or on a bandana that you put around your dog’s neck. Look for a premade blend, or get a blend from your integrative veterinarian.

ASHWAGANDHA: This adaptogenic herb helps pets adapt to stressful situations. Give it to your pets in their food every day so they can better cope with stress. CATNIP: Catnip is a great option because you can grow your own. This herbal cat tamer is also good for dogs. It’s calming and it just helps your pet feel better about things.

Carrie Donahue, DVM, is a holistic veterinarian and owner of Full Circle Holistic Veterinary Care in Madison, WI. Her mission is to improve the lives of companion animals by empowering pet owners to use a common-sense, holistic approach to health and well-being.


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Joint Health

Intestinal Health

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Curcumin supports healthy bile secretion, bowel motility and fermentation processes while supporting the gut mucosal lining.*

Cellular Health


7 8


Multiple scientific studies have highlighted BCM-95 Curcumin’s ability to support cellular health, protect DNA and RNA from oxidative stress, and support multiple cellular processes.*

4 5

Curcumin helps maintain focus and concentration while protecting brain cells from oxidative stress. The intelligent choice for cognitive health!*

Curcumin supports a healthy inflammation response through multiple pathways in the body, providing remarkable health benefits.*2



Brain Health

Healthy Inflammation Response

Research suggests that curcumin promotes healthy levels of the body’s natural detoxifiers, such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase.*

Cardiovascular Health


Scientific studies have indicated that curcumin supports vascular integrity and healthy cholesterol balance and supports heart function.*3

Curcumin is a true superstar for the relief of pain.*1


Curcumin supports healthy levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, key neurotransmitters for optimal mental health. Clinical studies show CuraMed’s effectiveness for enhancing mood and well-being.*

9 10


Curcumin powerfully protects the body from damaging oxidative stress.* According to an independent lab analysis, CuraMed has an ORAC value of 1,500,000.4

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1. Occasional muscle pain due to exercise or overuse 2. Occasional inflammation due to exercise or overuse 3. Cholesterol levels already within normal range 4. Based on independent lab analysis per 100 grams of BCM-95 5. Compared to plain curcumin ^ Five hundred 500 mg capsules ^^Ten 500 mg capsules BCM-95® is a registered trademark of Dolcas-Biotech, LLC †† SPINSscan Other Herbal Formula Subcategory Product Item Rank, data ending 12/27/15 *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THESE PRODUCTS ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 51

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Research Roundup


It’s our goal here at Good Health Lifestyles to bring you the latest in cutting-edge research for a variety of common health issues. Because we believe that knowledge is power—especially when it comes to health—we are digging deeper into the exciting new research from leading medical journals and breaking it down to help you get the most from today’s science.

Ayurvedic Extracts Stop Arthritis


Clinical evaluation of a formulation containing Curcuma longa and Boswellia serrata extracts in the management of knee osteoarthritis. A formulation containing Curcuma longa and Boswellia serrata extracts (CB formulation) was evaluated for safety and efficacy in osteoarthritic patients and directly compared with the selective COX-2 inhibitor, celecoxib. In total, 54 subjects were screened, 30 subjects were enrolled and 28 completed the study. The treatment was well tolerated and did not produce any adverse effect in patients, as judged by the vital signs, hemogram, liver and renal function tests. The CB formulation at 500 mg administered twice a day, was more successful than administering celecoxib 100 mg twice a day for symptom scoring and clinical examination. The formulation was found to be safe and no dose-related toxicity was found. Source: Kizhakkedath R. Mol Med Rep. 2013 Nov;8(5):1542-8.


Osteoarthritis affects about 27 million Americans. And if you think it won’t apply to you, consider that one in two people will develop symptoms of knee osteoarthritis in their lifetime. This painful condition, caused by the wear and tear of joints over time, can severely limit mobility and quality of life. After all, if you’re in pain, how likely are you to get the exercise you need to stay healthy? Prescription and over-the-counter medicines, including acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) can relieve symptoms to a point, but ultimately, people need to switch medications often to avoid serious side effects, including gastric bleeding, kidney damage, and cardiovascular risk. For pain relief, 64 percent of those taking the herbal combination (CB) versus 29 percent in the celecoxib group improved to such a high degree that they were able to move from having “moderate to severe arthritis” to “mild to moderate arthritis.” The fact that this study found that two naturally enhanced botanical ingredients—BCM-95 curcumin and BosPure boswellia— actually worked better than a commonly prescribed synthetic drug for osteoarthritis symptoms provides hope for anyone suffering from the condition. Both herbal ingredients are well tolerated, and don’t carry the risks or side effects of common prescription and OTC drugs. 52

Sea Buckthorn: A Dog’s Best Friend


Efficacy of Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) Oil vis-a-vis Other Standard Drugs for Management of Gastric Ulceration and Erosions in Dogs. The study was conducted on 20 adult healthy medium-sized mongrel dogs. Injection of dexamethasone @ 1 mg/ kg, IV, b.i.d., was administered to create gastric ulcerations and erosions. Thereafter all the animals were randomly divided into 5 equal treatment groups. Animals of groups I, II, III, IV, and V were treated with oral administration of lansoprazole @ 1.5 mg/kg, sucralfate @ 1 g/animal, misoprostol @ 10 µg/ kg, famotidine @ 1 mg/kg, and Sea buckthorn seed oil @ 5 mL/animal, twice a day, respectively. Gastroendoscopically, complete healing of GUE lesions was earliest in Sea buckthorn- (SBT-) oiltreated group (7.5 ± 0.87) followed by famotidine (8.25 ± 1.44), lansoprazole (9.00 ± 1.23), misoprostol (10.50 ± 1.50), and sucralfate (13.50 ± 0.87), respectively. A marked improvement in appetite was observed in all animals. Melena was continued till day 3 in SBT group, day 6 in lansoprazole- and famotidine-treated animals, and day 9 in sucralfate and misoprostol group animals. Fecal occult blood test was positive in all animals till there was endoscopic evidence of gastric bleeding. Hematological parameters improved markedly towards the end of the

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Sea Buckthorn cont.

Grape Seed Extract—The One-Stop Polyphenol Shop

study. Serum biochemical parameters remained within normal physiological limits throughout the study. It is concluded that Sea buckthorn oil was the best therapeutic agent for dexamethasone-induced GUE in dogs followed by famotidine, lansoprazole, misoprostol, and sucralfate.


Source: Dogra R, Tyagi SP, Kumar A. Vet Med Int. 2013;2013:176848.


We always want to do what’s best for our pets. If you have a canine companion, you’ve probably noticed that dogs can respond much more dramatically to medicines than humans. But that can be good and bad. For example, for dogs with joint pain or other conditions that require anti-inf lammatory use, the effects on their digestive systems can be quite pronounced. Sea buckthorn has been studied for preserving healthy mucosal tissues throughout the body in humans— including the digestive system—so it makes sense that it would have an antiulcerative effect in canines. Previous research showed that it helped reduce gastric damage in dogs taking longterm courses of dexamethasone, a powerful anti-inflammatory, but one with many side effects. This more recent Indian study showed that stacked against four synthetic medications commonly used for gastrointestinal issues, sea buckthorn worked best. And, unlike the other medications, sea buckthorn produces no side effects or other health concerns. The good news is that if your canine friend is suffering from intestinal distress, or has been on a regimen of anti-inflammatory medicine, you can reduce his or her risk of side effects and help it heal naturally and safely. *No harm was done to the animals used in this study.



Polyphenolics in grape seeds-biochemistry and functionality. Grape seeds are waste products of the winery and grape juice industry. These seeds contain lipid, protein, carbohydrates, and 5-8% polyphenols depending on the variety. Polyphenols in grape seeds are mainly flavonoids, including gallic acid, the monomeric flavan-3-ols catechin, epicatechin, gallocatechin, epigallocatechin, and epicatechin 3-O-gallate, and procyanidin dimers, trimers, and more highly polymerized procyanidins. Grape seed extract is known as a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from premature aging, disease, and decay. Grape seeds contain mainly phenols such as proanthocyanidins (oligomeric proanthocyanidins). Scientific studies have shown that the antioxidant power of proanthocyanidins is 20 times greater than vitamin E and 50 times greater than vitamin C. Extensive research suggests that grape seed extract is beneficial in many areas of health because of its antioxidant effect to bond with collagen, promoting youthful skin, cell health, elasticity, and flexibility. Other studies have shown that proanthocyanidins help to protect the body from sun damage, to improve vision, to improve flexibility in joints, arteries, and body tissues such as the heart, and to improve blood circulation by strengthening capillaries, arteries, and veins. The most abundant phenolic compounds isolated from grape seed are catechins, epicatechin, procyanidin, and some dimers and trimers. Source: Shi J, Yu J, Pohorly JE, Kakuda Y. J Med Food. 2003 Winter;6(4):291-9.


If you read up on natural health and supplemental ingredients, you might feel a bit overwhelmed. With so many extracts, concentrates, and whole-herb products available, it can be tough to decide on a regimen that doesn’t make you feel like you’d rattle with so many pills in your system. This research shows that grape seeds—at one time considered an inconvenient byproduct—actually offer one of the most diverse collections of healthy compounds available. While grape seed extracts seem fairly commonplace, they shouldn’t be overlooked. The nutrient profile of grape seeds compare favorably with green tea (even sharing similar catechins) and they supply oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) that help strengthen blood vessels and stop oxidative damage throughout the body. In a sense, grape seed extracts—provided they are tannin-free and easily absorbed—are practically a “one stop shop” for anyone looking for a healthy boost and simplified supplement regimen.

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Alzheimer’s From fear to hope When a 2012 Marist public opinion poll asked Americans which disease they most feared, Alzheimer’s disease ranked #1 —even beating out cancer. On the inside, Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by brain cell death and tissue destruction. The brain actually shrinks over time. Abnormal protein fragments accumulate and form plaques, which further interrupt healthy brain signaling. On the outside, our memory and cognitive functions diminish—first in small inconveniences like forgetting the name of a favorite nephew, then in life-changing limitations, like not being able to find our way home. The thought of losing ourselves—our personality, our memories, our ability to think—is truly frightening.

Alzheimer’s disease. Published human studies on curcumin have shown a reduction in inflammation plus a trend towards reducing beta-amyloid plaque in the brain. In a 2008 study of people with Alzheimer’s disease, BCM-95 Curcumin—a high-absorption curcumin blended with turmeric essential oils— was shown to reduce oxidative stress. In animal models of Alzheimer’s disease, curcumin was able to reduce the amount of plaque in the brain by as much as 30 percent in seven days.

Unfortunately, it’s estimated that one in nine Americans over the age of 65 has some level of Alzheimer’s disease. However, Alzheimer’s disease Though powerful on its own, curcumin is not inevitable. You can works even better on certain elements take steps to prevent What is of Alzheimer’s disease when it is this dreaded disease Beta-Amyloid? given with vitamin D. When taken by eating right, Beta-amyloids are sticky together, they are better able to exercising, and protein fragments that stimulate macrophages (a type of adopting nutrient accumulate to form the white blood cell) to increase the interventions that can plaques associated with removal of brain plaque. protect your brain. Alzheimer’s disease. Active Glutathione Curcumin Glutathione is the major antioxidant Inflammation and oxidation of the central nervous system, which are at the root of the vast majority includes the brain. However, active of degenerative diseases, including glutathione levels decrease with age and

certain diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers have suggested that increasing active glutathione levels will significantly improve brain function. Yet, there are many challenges to increasing glutathione. An active glutathione supplement can be rendered ineffective when the digestive process turns it into the less useful inactive form. The most authoritative studies have focused on glutathione taken intravenously. Fortunately, there are newer oral delivery systems that show great promise in boosting active glutathione in the body. Look for clinically studied products that have data showing they raise active, not inactive, levels of this crucial compound. Rosemary and Sage It turns out there may be a scientific reason why rosemary is called the “herb of remembrance.” Rosemary and sage have both been shown to slow down an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase. This is important because acetylcholine—an important neurotransmitter—decreases in those with Alzheimer’s disease. By slowing down the enzyme that breaks acetylcholine up, more of this important neurotransmitter remains active. Studies have shown that more acetylcholine equals better thinking and brain function, so rosemary and sage—especially in their essential oil form—can be a very helpful part of a daily regimen.

Diabetes of the Brain Some researchers have called Alzheimer’s disease “diabetes of the brain.” That’s because we’re learning that insulin resistance and Alzheimer’s disease, along with other forms of dementia, are linked. Insulin signaling plays a role in the brain’s 56 ability to process memories and

learn new things. When that signaling is compromised, poorer cognitive function results. In fact, a 2013 University of Washington study found that the higher the blood sugar level, the greater the risk for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Plus, an October 2013 article in JAMA

Neurolog y reported that people with high blood sugar levels also showed a dramatic increase in beta-amyloid protein. These findings make it even more important to eat a healthy diet and reduce our consumption of simple carbohydrates, like sugar, white flour, and rice.

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SUPPORTS BRAIN AND NEUROLOGICAL ACTIVITY* DEFENDS CRITICAL CELLS* Glutathione, the body’s “master antioxidant”, is crucial to protecting your DNA. Yet, stress and aging can deplete your body’s glutathione levels, leading to oxidative stress. Glutathione is one of the most important antioxidants for your brain and nervous system.* Clinical Glutathione™ provides this essential compound in a pure and stable form with proven absorption. In a clinical study, the patented delivery system improved blood ratios by 230%.*† † Blood GSH/GSSG ratio compared to unprotected glutathione * THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT DISEASE.


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I promise you a pain-free life or your money back.* †

I have been involved in natural health for over 45 years. During this time, I developed over 400 formulations and learned what it takes to make people healthy. I have changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and I want to change your life, too. My products were inspired by my dedication to natural health and passion to make your life better. Because pain can destroy your life, my goal was to develop a formulation to get you pain free.† Curamin® is the result of my research on pain relief.*† Its primary ingredient is an enhanced absorption curcumin which has been the subject of 27 scientific studies. I develop products that will provide you with results. It is an honor to put my name on them and I’m proud to give them to my children and grandchildren. With Terry Naturally ®, you could say you’re using our family products. If you don’t get the benefits you expect from them, I have not earned your trust or your money. Therefore, I offer you an unconditional money-back guarantee. Some people call me a pioneer. I don’t know about that. What I do know is that I work every day to be able to offer you products that you can trust to be safe and effective, and provide results that will change your health and your life for the better.

Terry Lemerond Founder and President of Terry Naturally ® products


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