Good Health Lifestyles - July 2016

Page 1


Take a breath Neurologist

KULREET CHAUDHARY on the link between a healthy gut, a healthy brain, and the ability to finally lose weight!






The TRUTH about your


Ab Action!






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Got Back Pain?


Get Safe, Effective Relief


Thankfully, there’s Curamin® Low Back Pain – the best choice for the relief you need to stay active, feel great, and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.* • Contains clinically studied BCM-95® Curcumin and BosPure® Boswellia – ingredients targeted to the lower back • Supports healthy cartilage • Optimizes comfort and relieves low back muscle pain*†


LOVE! † Occasional back muscle pain due to exercise or overuse. ^SPINSscan Other Herbal Formula Subcategory Brand Rank, data ending 2/21/16. * THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT DISEASE.

3 ©2016_05

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Solutions to 7 Everyday Pain


All-natural ways to feel better fast! 18

on't Let Disease Take D Your Breath Away

Herbal help for asthma and COPD.

You Suffering from Hypothyroidism?

The simple fix for a sluggish thyroid.


rime Talk with P Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary

The surprising health benefits of blending old and new medical modalities.

42 Ab Action! 6 exercises for a stronger six-pack.

24 Understanding Autism Drug-free nutritional strategies. 30 Are




top the Diabetes S Epidemic

3 ways to keep from becoming a statistic. 28

T he 7-Day Clean-Food Challenge

Farmers' market-fresh ingredients fill a week's worth of meal ideas. 52

ookin' Up Some C Southern Hospitality

Healthy new recipes with Deep South flavor.

Good Health TM



News You Can Use


Research Roundup








Toe Show!

Easy ways to to enjoy and protect our planetary home.



A guy's guide to supplements.

Winning Ways to Care 5 for the Earth


Keep Your Cool During Menopause

Stay chill during the change with black cohosh. 38


Tips to get your feet sandal-ready. ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE CHEST

Men's Health 48


Expert Answers to Your Health Questions Sight, statins, and sunscreens.

Acid Trip



7 strategies for healthier snacking.

On-the-go heartburn relief. NUTRITION

The ABCs of GMOs


Navigating the Snack Aisle

Food as nature never intended.


Good Health TM




To me, nothing is better than spending time with friends on a warm summer evening. Every summer, my girlfriends and I gather on someone’s porch or patio to catch up. But lately, it seems that instead of sharing stories of kids' accomplishments or trips abroad, we find ourselves talking about our health. The summertime humidity has Leslie’s asthma acting up. Pat was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism. And several of us who are approaching menopause sit with fan in hand to ward off those sudden and alltoo-frequent hot flashes. It seems like this issue definitely has my girlfriends and me in mind. From the “Are You Suffering from Hypothyroidism” article (page 30) that talks about the benefits of iodine (who knew!?!?), to the feature story on lung health (page 18), both Pat and Leslie are covered. And the rest of us? Personally, I’m going to start with “Keep Your Cool During Menopause,” an article that highlights one of the best-studied herbs for soothing menopausal symptoms. One of the longest lasting menopausal symptoms is weight gain. By healing the body through the marriage of Ayurvedic medicine and modern neurology, Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary has discovered a way to optimize both overall health and healthy weight loss. Check out our interview with her on page 32. This issue of Good Health Lifestyles also has the rest of the family covered. “Alternative Medicine Cabinet” gives the men in your life a comprehensive guide to the supplements that will keep him healthy and vibrant at every age. In “7 Solutions to Everyday Pain,” we give you a rundown on the best ways to tackle life’s everyday aches and pains. We’ve also got a special report on autism—and the role nutrition plays in managing both physical and behavioral symptoms. So pour yourself a tall glass of lemonade, kick off your shoes, and settle in with this issue of Good Health Lifestyles. Enjoy! Yours in health and happiness,








Kim Henderson Dr. Holly Lucille Dr. Binu T. Kuruvilla Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum Dr. Robert Thompson Dr. Eckhard Liske Dr. Gaetano Morello Carol Ann Weber Dr. Robert Corish COVER PHOTOGRAPHY

Jeff Katz Photography EDITORIAL OFFICES

1950 S. Rainbow Blvd. Suite 103-63 Las Vegas, NV 89146 PUBLISHER

Mukoy Publishing

Jaye McDonald Editor-in-Chief

Like us on facebook GoodHealthLifestylesMagazine


Published quarterly by Mukoy Publishing, 1950 S. Rainbow Blvd., Suite 103-63, Las Vegas, NV 89146. ©Mukoy Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed by the contributors to Good Health Lifestyles are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. The information in this publication is solely for educational purposes under Section 5 of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 and is not intended as medical advice.


Health News You CanGooduse TM


More MagNesiuM = HealtHier arteries Maximizing your magnesium levels is an easy way to boost your cardiovascular health. The Nutrition Journal reports that people with the highest blood levels of this critical mineral are 48 percent less likely to develop high blood pressure, have 42 percent lower odds of coronary artery calcification, and have an impressive 69 percent lower risk of type 2 diabetes. unfortunately, many americans aren’t getting enough magnesium. How much do you need? since magnesium isn’t stored in the body, most nutritionists and researchers recommend a minimum of 400 mg daily. Posadas-Sanchez R. Serum magnesium is inversely associated with coronary artery calcification in the Genetics of Atherosclerotic Disease (GEA) study. Nutrition Journal. 2016;15:22.


curtails Post-exercise MusCle DaMage


CheMiCal PlastiCizer raises Blood Pressure Phthalates—chemicals commonly found in household cleaners, food packaging, cosmetics, and perfume—came under scrutiny a decade ago because of their potential to disrupt hormones and contribute to breast cancer, neurological and behavioral problems, fertility issues, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Enter the creation of newer “safer” phthalates. But problems persist, say scientists at New York University School of Medicine, who note that long-term exposure to these new chemicals increases the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes in children and teens. Look for cleaners and personal care products claiming “phthalate-free” on the label. Trasande L. Association of exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate replacements with increased blood pressure in children and adolescents. Hypertension. 2015;66(2):301-8.

CeNtiMeter The amount you shrink between the time you get up in the morning and the time you go to bed at night.

Good news for weekend warriors! Taking a bioavailable curcumin supplement before and after intense exercise can thwart inflammation and reduce the muscle damage that leads to postworkout pain. The study, which was conducted at the University of North Texas, found that those who took 400 mg of curcumin for two days before and for four days after exercising had lower levels of creatine kinase (a marker of muscle damage) plus TNF-alpha and IL-8 (markers of inflammation) than those taking a placebo. McFarlin BK. Reduced inflammatory and muscle damage biomarkers following oral supplementation with bioavailable curcumin. BBA Clinical. 2016;5:72-78.

Fda Warns NsaiD s increase CarDiovasCular risk Before you pop that painkiller, the FDA wants you to know that overuse has been linked to an increased risk of heart attack, heart failure, and stroke. The potential risks of chronic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use is so serious the agency has issued a warning for ibuprofen and naproxen, as well as for prescription NSAIDs like Celebrex. While occasional use is likely safe, if you have an ongoing condition like back pain or arthritis, opt for an herbal alternative like curcumin or boswellia. The New York Times. July 10, 2015. 7

Good Health News You Can use TM


loW vitaMiN D linked to stroke severity

WeigHt loss Wisdom?


Looking to lose weight? It’s time to rethink these two diet maxims that simply don’t work: Fat-Free. Cutting out fat might make sense on paper but when Americans tried to put it into practice, obesity rates soared. Fat-free products are packed with additional carbs and sugar to make up for the fat, making them a diet disaster. The new wisdom? Fat won’t make you fat—as long as you choose healthy fats like avocados, nuts, grass-fed butter, or olive oil.

Need another reason to take that vitamin D supplement? People with low vitamin D levels who suffer a stroke may be more likely to suffer severe strokes and take longer to recover, according to a study by the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worchester. The researchers found that those with low D levels had twice as much dead tissue due to impaired blood flow than people with normal levels. What’s more, for every 10 ng/mL reduction in vitamin D levels, the chances of recovery during the three months following the stroke decreased by nearly 50 percent. American Heart Association. Low vitamin D predicts more severe strokes, poor health post-stroke. Science Daily. February 11, 2015.

CouNtiNg Calories. For years, experts have oversimplified the calorie equation by telling us that if we burn more calories than we eat, we’ll automatically lose weight. The problem is, not all calories are created equal. Research in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that certain foods may be better than others for losing weight—even if you consume the same number of calories as you’d get from “diet” foods. Best picks? Highquality proteins like eggs, chicken, and fish, and low-carb veggies like dark, leafy greens, as well as other unprocessed foods. Ebbeling, CB. Effects of dietary composition on energy expenditure during weight-loss maintenance. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2012;307(24):2627-34.

+ 3 sitting for more than three hours a day can cut two years off a person’s life expectancy.

Katzmarzyk P. Sedentary behavior and life expectancy in the USA: a cause-deleted life table analysis. BMJ Open. 2012;2(4). 8

dried Plums Boost boNe health

Just one serving of dried plums for breakfast each morning might be enough to ward off bone loss in older women. This was the conclusion by researchers at the School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences at San Diego State University. This and other studies have found that dried plums protect bones by increasing insulinlike growth factor-1 and glutathione. Since women can lose up to 20 percent of their bone density during the 7 years following menopause, this could be a sweet and easy way to help prevent osteoporosis. Hooshmand S. The effect of two doses of dried plum on bone density and bone biomarkers in ostepenic postmenopausal women: A randomized, controlled trial. Osteoporosis International. 2016; doi: 10.1007/s00198-016-3524-8.

LifestyLes Good Health LIFESTYLES TMTM

swallow this: serving up the food industry’s darkest secrets

Bugs For a healthier sMile

Inflamed gums, better known as periodontitis, can signal the beginning of tooth loss in more than half of all adults. A new analysis conducted at the University of Strasbourg found that the Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic reduces gum inflammation around teeth as effectively as antibiotics typically used to treat the condition. As a bonus, opting for the probiotic may help reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance. Now that’s something to smile about! Martin-Cabezas R. Clinical efficacy of probiotic as an adjunctive therapy to non-surgical periodontal treatment of chronic periodontitis: A systemic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2016; doi:10.111/ jcpe.12545.

by Joanna Blythman


How much the risk of cataract progression drops in people who get the most vitamin c from their diets. good sources include citrus fruits, dark, leafy greens, peppers, and kiwi fruit. Yonova-Doing E. Genetic and dietary factors influencing the progression of nuclear cataract. Opthalmology. 2016; doi. org/10.1016/j.ophtha.2016.01.036.


People who laugh often are healthier than those who don’t, says preventive care specialist Lee Berk, DrPH, MPH. His research at the Loma Linda School of Public Health in California shows that laughing lowers stress hormones, strengthens the immune system, and may even improve memory. While sixyear olds laugh about 300 times a day, adults only chuckle 15 to 100 times daily. Help even the score by looking to find the humorous side of life as often as you can. Bains GS. Humor’s effect on short -term memory in healthy and diabetic older adults. Altern Ther Health Med. 2015;21(3):16-25.

book review

ave you ever wondered if the H “natural flavoring”

in your bottle of marinade is really natural? Or how, exactly, that modified starch in your canned soup is created? And why does the lettuce in your supermarket salad taste oddly “off?” These are the same questions that kept food writer Joanna Blythman up at night. When she went to the food industry in search of answers, she discovered a secretive processed food industry cloaked in technical speak, chemically created “natural” ingredients, and clever labeling practices. Swallow This takes readers through the labyrinth of legal loopholes used by the processed food industry when creating and marketing the foods that line our pantry shelves—from the BPA that coats the lining of our canned goods to the gut-disrupting yet ubiquitous thickener, carrageenan, that’s technically derived from seaweed, to the “acceptable” levels of arsenic found in our chicken. Blythman also shines a light on the “clean label” marketing efforts used to appease the ever-smarter consumer with more benign-sounding ingredients. One glaring example is the recent move by the Corn Refiners Association to rename high fructose corn syrup to the less offensive corn sugar. With unprecedented access to the processed and packaged food industry, Blythman has turned out a wellresearched and informative exposé that will make you think more seriously about what you’re really putting in your grocery cart. Engaging and easy to understand, Swallow This is a mustread for anyone who eats. 9

Good Health TM


5 Winning Ways to Care For the

earth by Kim Henderson

Every choice we make matters. This is especially true when it comes to caring for our big, beautiful, life-sustaining planet. However, like with our own individual wellness, it often takes dramatic symptoms to get our attention and inspire the willingness to make real change. We’ve been taxing the Earth in multiple ways for a couple centuries now, and it’s showing: rising temperatures, disappearing species, extreme weather, and massive pollution to our oceans— just to name a few. In the spirit of caring for our planet, here are five simple, but far-reaching ways we can make healthier everyday choices for the environment and ourselves.


1. Spend Time in Nature

Spending time in nature regularly strengthens our relationship to the environment and moves us to act on its behalf. This is not just theory. Numerous studies have revealed the beneficial effects that spending time in nature has on the human psyche and body, helping to boost our mood and reduce stress. Research published in the Personality and Social Psycholog y Bulletin shows that experience with nature goes further than affecting our mood—it can affect our priorities and alter what we think is important in life. Participants exposed to nature exhibited a broader focus on community and connection with others over personal gain. Yet, Americans are spending less and less time in the great outdoors. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed an 18 to 25 percent drop in nature-based activities in the U.S. from peak levels in the 1980s.

So, let’s get back to nature! Whatever you do or wherever you live, take time to get outside each day. Go for a walk, even if it is for a few minutes on a break from work. Go barefoot. (Research published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health shows that direct contact with natural electrons present on the Earth’s surface boosts health!) Visit the park with your kids. Soak it up and enjoy our beautiful natural world in all its splendor and glory.

2. Reduce Plastic Use— Bring Your Own Bag!

Of the 251 million tons of trash Americans generated in 2012, roughly 32 million was from plastics. And of that, only 3.2 percent was recycled, according to figures from the Environmental Protection Agency.





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That’s a lot of plastic going into our environment! While much of our plastic goes to landfills, unfortunately our oceans have become littered with it too. Plastic does not biodegrade, but it does break down when exposed to sunlight over time. Depending on sun exposure, that can take as little as one year and possibly as long as 1,000 years, scientists estimate. Polyethylene bags break down into microscopic synthetic granules, and it’s not entirely clear whether they ever fully break down. Scientists worry that their buildup in both marine and land environments and wildlife may potentially infiltrate every step in the food chain. A United Nations Environment Programme report estimates that every square mile of ocean contains about 46,000 pieces of floating plastic! Make a decision to be a leader. Don’t use plastic bags. Period. Instead, invest in some cool-looking canvas bags and keep them ready in your car or by your front door. When you go shopping, use them instead. It’s a habit you’ll learn to love. Tell your friends and family about what plastic bags do and urge them to choose reusable bags too!

3. Save the Amazon —Eat Brazil Nuts Being good to the Earth can be fun, nutritious and delicious! When you eat Brazil nuts, you also help to preserve the Amazon rainforest, which is critical to the well-being of our planet. Grown throughout the Amazon, Brazil nut trees have the unique distinction of only growing in forested areas. Attempts to domesticate the tree on plantations have largely failed. Thus, a robust Brazil nut trade ensures large areas of intact 12


rainforest. So when you buy and enjoy Brazil nuts, you both save rainforest and support a beneficial income stream for Amazon rainforest communities.

environmental practices. Or you can bypass products that contain palm oil altogether!

Even better, these nuts are loaded with protein, healthy fats and selenium—a real treasure trove of nutrition. Enjoy them by themselves, on your morning cereal, in baked goods, or roasted and sprinkled on a salad or pasta dish.

4. Be a Conscious Consumer—Avoid Unsustainable Palm Oil

Most people are unaware of the social and environmental impacts of palm oil. As the world’s most-traded plant oil, it is used in a whopping 50 percent of all consumer goods including baked goods, snack foods, cleaning products, beauty products, and biofuels. However, palm oil plantations are replacing huge tracts of forested areas and peat swamps at an alarming rate. So much forest and peat swamp have been lost to palm oil cultivation, it helped drive Indonesia to be the 7th largest carbon emitter in 2014 and Malaysia, 23rd! The rainforest is home to millions of plant and animal species, including highly endangered orangutans, clouded leopards, Sumatran tigers, and sun bears, which are all now threatened due to habitat loss. Additionally, millions of people depend on the rainforest in these countries for their livelihoods. You can help by checking the ingredients label of your favorite cleaning products, personal care products, snack foods, and baked goods. If you find palm oil, look to see if it is certified by either the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) or the Rainforest Alliance, which are identified with an obvious trademark. These reputable certifying bodies ensure the oil was produced using more sustainable

5. Be a Resource Conservationist—Eat Less Beef

It’s no surprise that the United States is among the world’s top beef consumers. The problem is that beef just happens to be the most resource-intensive livestock to produce. A comprehensive 2014 study from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences looked closely at the land, the irrigation water, the greenhouse gas and the reactive nitrogen burden of U.S., meat, eggs, and dairy production. It determined that red meat has the greatest impact, using 28 times more land and 11 times more water than pork or chicken! The discrepancy is largely credited to the fact that cattle make far less efficient use of their feed, especially if the feed is grain. To be kinder to the planet, continue to enjoy beef, but simply eat it less often. Organic, grass-fed beef is a better choice for the environment too. It may be more expensive, but you’ll save by eating beef less frequently, and it will be both tastier and healthier for you. If all of America’s meat eaters ate beef even a little less frequently, we would collectively take a great resource burden off the planet. If you’ve been considering going vegetarian, now you have one more great reason to make the change! Kim Henderson is a natural health and green living writer based in Los Angeles, California. She is also the author of the awardwinning environmental book, 50 Simple Steps to Save the World’s Rainforests (Freedom Press).

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7 SOLUTIONS to Everyday

PAIN by Holly Lucille, ND, RN

If there’s one universal experience, it’s pain. Whether it’s the dull ache of a pulled muscle or the sharp pain of a stubbed toe, we’ve all been there. But when pain is ongoing, it becomes more than just an uncomfortable hiccup in your life. Daily pain can limit your activity and lead to frustration and even depression.

Most doctors recommend popular antiinflammatory painkillers like aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen. While these over-the-counter medications do inhibit the COX-2 enzyme, they can also cause stomach upset, esophageal discomfort, internal bleeding, and ulcers— especially when used on a long-term basis. What’s more, they can actually delay healing.

oxaprozin. Yet, even as they were touted as a “safe” alternative to aspirin, these drugs were found to worsen colitis and increase the risk of heart attack. They are so dangerous that the New England Journal of Medicine has reported that “It has been estimated conservatively that 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur among patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis every year in the United States. This figure is similar to the number of deaths from the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and considerably greater than the number of deaths from multiple myeloma, asthma, cervical cancer, or Hodgkin’s disease. If deaths from gastrointestinal toxic effects from NSAIDs were tabulated separately in the National Vital Statistics reports, these effects would constitute the 15th most common cause of death in the United States. Yet these toxic effects remain mainly a 'silent epidemic,' with many physicians and most patients unaware of the magnitude of the problem. Furthermore, the mortality statistics do not include deaths ascribed to the use of over-the-counter NSAIDs.”

For pain related to chronic conditions like rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, pharmaceutical companies have developed a new generation of COX-2 inhibitors that include celecoxib, diclofenac, fenopfofen, and

Fortunately, there are a number of safe and natural ways to find relief that are often just as effective as pharmaceuticals. The following are my top seven methods to ease both chronic and acute pain.


Whether you suffer from back pain, joint issues, migraines, or even that stubbed toe, most types of pain have one common denominator—inflammation. When you experience an injury, your body immediately gets to work repairing the damage by releasing the cyclooxygenase-2 enzyme, more commonly known as COX-2. This enzyme turns a specific type of fat called arachidonic acid into prostaglandins that trigger the inflammatory response and result in pain.



Herbs have been used for centuries to treat all types of pain. Modern science has found that four herbs in particular work by reducing inflammation.


Curcumin is the compound in turmeric responsible for its deep golden hue. Studies have found that curcumin is also a powerful anti-inflammatory that supports the normal inflammatory response and helps manage chronic pain. It does this by suppressing certain substances secreted by the immune system, known as cytokines, that contribute to inflammation. Because of this, curcumin can help to reduce or eliminate numerous types of pain including joint pain, postoperative pain, and even premenstrual pain. But not all forms of supplemental curcumin are equally effective. Curcumin is extremely difficult for the body to absorb. It’s also quickly broken down in the gut and shuttled out of the body. And yet, smart companies have found ways to improve absorption so we can all benefit from curcumin’s important benefits. One

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form of curcumin called BCM-95 has displayed exceptional bioavailability. This novel formulation, which is created by blending curcumin with turmeric essential oils, is so effective that it provides 10 times better absorption and improves retention in the bloodstream 7-fold over ordinary curcumin. New research in the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine reports that, when osoteoarthritis patients took a supplement containing BCM-95, both their pain and their range of motion improved. Plus, the researchers noted a significant improvement in inflammation markers.


Boswellia can also help tame inflammation and pain thanks to boswellic acids. The most important of these is acetyl11-keto-ß-boswellic acid (AKBA), which modulates 5-LOX, an enzyme that triggers inflammatory leukotrienes. But, much like curcumin, this herb is poorly absorbed by the body. Fortunately, scientists have developed a standardized form of bioavailable boswellia known as BosPure that enhances absorption and provides at least 70 percent boswellic acids, including 10 percent AKBA.


Comfrey Cream is an excellent option for those times when a topical remedy is called for. Popular during the Middle Ages, this herb has been rediscovered for its inflammationquenching properties and its ability to relieve arthritis pain, muscle pain, strains, and sprains. But choose your comfrey wisely since most cultivars of the herb naturally contain toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) that can cause liver damage. Check the ingredient label for Trauma Comfrey, a special cultivar that is naturally free of PAs.




Devil’s Claw is a South African herb with strong analgesic properties, making it an effective remedy for lower back pain. But the real secret to the herb’s efficacy is its ability to reduce inflammation by triggering changes in leukotrienes. A month-long study that appeared in the European Journal of Anaesthesiolog y found that devil’s claw was more effective than a placebo in people with moderate to severe back pain.


The healing power of touch can’t be minimized when it comes to relieving pain. Two forms that have both a long history of use and clinical evidence are acupuncture and massage.


Acupuncture is based on the theory that pathways of energy called Qi flow through the body and influence our health and well-being. A modality that is Chinese in origin, it is the practice of inserting fine needles at specific points of the body to relieve pain and treat certain diseases. Studies suggest that acupuncture is especially effective for pain associated with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, migraine, or cancer. One systematic review of 20 randomized controlled trials confirmed that adding acupuncture to drug therapy increased the remission of cancer-related pain and improved the quality of life in participants. Another review of 22 trials found that acupuncture resulted in better outcomes and fewer side effects than drugs often used to treat migraines.


Massage is a great way to destress. But it can also be a wonderful way to manage pain. Massage therapy relieves stress and strain from muscles and connective tissues using pressure, kneading, stroking, and other hand techniques. It also increases circulation to the area. Studies show that massage using moderate pressure is particularly effective for increasing range of motion and decreasing pain in those with either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.



The foods you eat can have a profound impact on the inflammatory response. Some foods—like antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, wild-caught salmon, and healthy fats like avocado or olive oil—help to keep inflammation in check. Yet processed foods, sugar, refined grains, gluten, seed oils, and conventionally raised meat and poultry contribute to chronic inflammation that can keep pain at a constant simmer. If you have a painful condition like arthritis or back trouble, adopting an anti-inflammatory diet just might be the missing piece to solving your pain puzzle.

Holly Lucille, ND, RN, is a nationally recognized licensed naturopathic physician, author, educator, and certified CrossFit instructor. Dr. Holly has a private practice in Los Angeles called Healing from Within Healthcare. She is a frequent contributor to several publications, hosts the “Dr. Holly Lucille Show: Mindful Medicine” on RadioMD, and provides natural health videos at her website,

Good Health



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Good Health TM


Don’t Let Disease TAKE YOUR


Boswellia—the natural remedy for COPD, asthma, and more by Binu T. Kuruvilla, MBBS In the time it takes to read this article, you’ll take an estimated 150 breaths. You probably won’t even notice. That’s the way it should be. However, for those with a lung disease, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma, breathing can’t be taken for granted. The simple act of breathing can be a struggle, and the prognosis for someone with one of these diseases is often poor. Unfortunately, chronic lung diseases are on the rise, while effective treatments can be hard to find or come with a laundry list of serious side effects. Natural remedies, however, can make a profound difference in the lives of those affected. How the lungs function The lungs are sponge-like organs that are responsible for taking in oxygen while expelling carbon dioxide. When we breathe in, the air goes down our trachea—better known as the windpipe—to the bronchi, which are the main passageways that carry air through the lungs. The air then flows 18

into smaller bronchioles that branch off of the bronchi. At the end of each of these bronchioles are microscopic air sacs called alveoli. These sacs have a permeable outer layer that allows air exchange. In other words, this is where oxygen is taken into our bloodstream and carbon dioxide is released back

into the lungs. Once this occurs, we exhale and the air is expelled. When our lungs are healthy, we don’t even think about this complicated process of air exchange. But for those with chronic respiratory problems, just taking a breath can be a challenge.

Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles


Good Health TM


COPD is a type of chronic and progressive lung disease that encompasses two serious respiratory conditions—emphysema and chronic bronchitis. COPD affects at least 11 million Americans and is the third leading cause of death in the United States. The most common cause of COPD is smoking. However, exposure to chemicals or industrial dust and lung damage from preterm birth may also cause COPD. If you have COPD, the airways become inflamed. Over time, the airways and air sacs lose their elasticity and the walls between air sacs are destroyed. Mucus also builds up and


25 MILLION Americans suffer from asthma

clogs the lungs. Unfortunately, this lung damage can’t be reversed, but catching the disease early, making lifestyle changes, and getting effective treatment can make a big difference in the quality of life. It’s important to know the symptoms of COPD because many people don’t see a doctor until the disease has begun to make their lives miserable. See your healthcare provider if you have a persistent cough that just won’t go away, or are coughing up extra mucus, and are often short of breath, especially after exercise.



Imagine that you’re going about your day when suddenly you start wheezing and your chest gets tight. You begin coughing and can’t seem to stop. Your face is pale and sweaty. As you struggle to breathe, your fingernails start turning blue. And you start to panic! That’s an asthma attack. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, over 25 million Americans suffer from asthma. People of all ages can have asthma, but it most often develops in childhood. Sometimes the condition is mild, and the symptoms go away with little or no treatment. Asthma can also be severe—even fatal. Tragically, an estimated nine people die of asthma every day. People with asthma develop swollen, inflamed airways that are overly sensitive to certain triggers like respiratory infections, cigarette smoke, or physical activity. Allergies are also common triggers, especially among children. When someone is exposed to a trigger, the airways create extra mucus and swell even more.


Boswellia—an ancient herb long used for lung conditions—is at the top of the list of herbal therapies for COPD and other lung conditions. The reason boswellia works so well is because some of its natural acid constituents, particularly acetyl-11-keto-ßboswellic acid (AKBA), tame a potent inflammatory enzyme in the body called 5-lipoxygenase or 5-LOX. This pro-inflammatory substance has been implicated in various inflammatory diseases, including COPD and asthma. Preliminary research suggests that lower 5-LOX levels mean less airway reactivity—which is promising news for people with these chronic lung diseases. One of these studies, which was published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Patholog y, reported that boswellia also reduced airway inflammation and resistance. The herb also helped to maintain


STOP SMOKING and avoid second-hand smoke. Tobacco smoke will accelerate lung damage.

Avoid lung irritants such as chemical fumes, dust, and other TOXIC SUBSTANCES. Use natural cleaning products instead of harsh chemicals. Stay inside when outdoor air quality is poor.

Get REGULAR EXERCISE to strengthen your cardiovascular system and help maintain lung capacity. Talk to your doctor about what exercises are safe for you.

Eat a HEALTHY DIET filled with fruits and vegetables, healthy proteins and fats, and complex carbohydrates. Keep meals small and frequent to ensure adequate nutrition and maintain weight.


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normal immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels. IgE is an antibody involved in allergic reactions. Since the most common form of asthma is allergenic asthma, this is very good news. In a German double-blind, clinical trial, patients with asthma received 300 mg of boswellia or a placebo three times daily for six weeks. The results of this study were dramatic: 70 percent of patients in the boswellia group showed improvement in their symptoms. Only 27 percent of patients showed improvement in the placebo group.


For many people with lung disease, a respiratory illness like a cold or flu can be life threatening. Because of this, it’s important to keep your immune system strong. In addition to taking precautionary measures, such as frequent hand washing and avoiding people who are sick, natural immune boosters may help. Try wellresearched herbals, like elderberry, along with the immune-enhancing vitamins A, C, and D, and minerals such as zinc and magnesium to keep your immune system going strong.


Other herbal remedies

can also help deal with the symptoms of lung diseases. In Europe, if you’re bothered by an acute or chronic cough caused by COPD, bronchitis, or asthma, chances are good that you’ll be taking a cough remedy that includes ivy and thyme. These herbal medicines have been used for centuries and researchers have found that they possess properties that are useful in treating persistent coughs. This herbal duo helps to thin mucus, making coughs more productive, and helps relieve smooth muscle spasms that can restrict airways during an asthma attack. They also have antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory effects. Plus, these two herbs are safe and effective for adults and children alike.


and THYME But boswellia isn’t just effective for COPD and asthma. Pulmonary fibrosis is an especially serious lung condition where scar tissue develops in the lungs, causing thickening and stiffening. Egyptian researchers found that supplementing with a boswellia extract for one month significantly reduced the inflammatory markers associated with the condition. In addition, they found that boswellia decreased several indicators of the disease, including the number of cells affected by the fibrosis, the lung architecture destruction, and the progression of the lung fibrosis itself. The researchers suggested that boswellia’s ability to block 5-LOX was the reason it was able to prevent the progression of the disease.

Binu T. Kuruvilla, MBBS, serves as Assistant General Manager of Research and Development of Arjuna Natural Extracts Ltd. He is keenly involved in preclinical and human clinical trials, with expertise in oncology, cardiovascular, metabolic, inflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders.

A German trial examined the use of a liquid syrup of ivy and thyme extracts in over 360 adults with acute bronchitis. Those taking the herbal syrup experienced a 69 percent reduction in their coughing within seven to nine days compared to just 48 percent among the participants taking a placebo. Another clinical trial—this one involving 1,234 children between the ages of 2 and 17 suffering from bronchitis—found that those taking a thyme and ivy syrup improved by an impressive 81 percent during the 10 day study. And the treatment proved safe and extremely well tolerated.

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Are you ready for your 60,000-mile check up? Strong, Healthy Arteries and Circulation You’ve got 60,000 miles of blood vessels in your body. Give them the support they need with Mesoglycan. It provides a bio-identical, easily utilized source of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)—the building blocks of strong veins and flexible arteries.*





• Supports strong blood vessels and vein and artery structure • Helps keep veins and arteries flexible • Clinical studies with mesoglycan show amazing benefits!* From the biggest artery to the smallest capillary, Mesoglycan keeps your circulatory system running smoothly.* You’ll be ready for your checkup—and a whole lot more.


©2016_03 21

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Stop the

DIABETES EPIDEMIC Manage diabetes with lifestyle changes and one exceptional herb by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD According to the American Diabetes Association, over 29 million Americans have diabetes—that’s almost 10 percent of the population. That’s not surprising considering the amount of sugar and empty calories we consume every day. In fact, the Standard American Diet is filled with foods that make our blood sugar levels surge. All that sugar wandering around in our bloodstream has escalating consequences for our health. With increased glucose (sugar) in our blood, our pancreas releases more insulin to help our cells use the glucose. But our cells can’t handle that extra load for long. Eventually they stop responding to insulin properly (what’s known as insulin resistance), which can mean that cells actually don’t get the energy they need. With even more glucose in our blood, the pancreas tries to adjust by making ever more insulin, resulting in weight gain and a spiral leading to 22

worsening diabetes. Doctors typically diagnose diabetes with a fasting plasma glucose blood test, which tests blood after at least eight hours of fasting. A fasting glucose level between 100 and 125 indicates prediabetes. A level over 125 mg/dl means diabetes, which can set you on a course of regular blood sugar testing, restricted diets, and pharmaceutical interventions. If blood sugar levels aren’t kept under control, serious—or even life threatening—complications can occur. Unfortunately, uncontrolled diabetes is all too common: Experts estimate that nearly 8 million Americans don’t know they have the disease. And those complications? Diabetes can lead to increased infections, blindness, amputations, and kidney disease. Having diabetes ups your risk for cardiovascular conditions, like high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. What’s more, a growing body

of research is connecting diabetes to certain types of cancer, especially colon cancer. Another disease that’s being associated with insulin resistance in brain cells is Alzheimer’s disease—so much so that it’s sometimes referred to as type 3 diabetes. Dump the Donuts The simple answer for us all is to eat a sensible diet. Avoid added sugar and simple carbohydrates, like soft drinks, which can add the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar and 150 calories in one can. Unfortunately, fruit juices have the same teaspoons of sugar as sodas, so stick to eating the fruit instead. Admittedly, a sugar addiction can be hard to conquer. If you’ve tried to be sensible about sugar but have failed time and again, consider a more structured diet, like a paleo or ketogenic diet that emphasizes whole, unprocessed foods. These diets will fill you up without spiking your blood sugar and will help

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you control your sugar cravings. In addition, my book, The Complete Guide to Beating Sugar Addiction, can show you how to get rid of the sugar cravings while keeping the pleasure. Some good news? Dark chocolate, in moderation, is actually a health food! Get Moving At the same time, exercise can have a profound effect on blood sugar and diabetes. It increases the action of insulin, improves blood glucose levels, and reduces insulin resistance. Of course, exercise, especially aerobic exercise, improves cardiovascular health. Strength training is also important for those with diabetes and as a prevention strategy. A Japanese population-based study found that those who engaged in strength training had a 34 percent reduced risk of developing diabetes, even after other types of physical activity were accounted for. Vitamin D is also associated with lower diabetes risk, so go for walks in the sunshine as well. An Herbal “Hint” In the markets of Mexico, bark from the Hintonia latiflora tree is often sold as an herbal remedy for diabetes. Hintonia latiflora is a small tree that grows in Mexico and parts of Central and South America. The use of the bark spread to Europe, where it has been used for over 50 years. Hintonia bark contains potent micronutrients, most especially coutareagenin, that help keep blood sugar levels low without episodes of hypoglycemia or other side effects. A German study followed 177 patients with prediabetes or mild type 2 diabetes for eight months. Patients consumed capsules that included Hintonia latiflora as the primary ingredient. During the study, patients were evaluated every two months for various parameters of diabetes, including A1c, fasting glucose, and postprandial blood sugar (glucose measured after a meal), as well as common symptoms associated with diabetes, such as neuropathy. At the end of eight months, researchers noted the


following significant improvements: • A1c

improved by a dramatic average of 10.4 percent.

• Fasting

glucose improved by an average of 23.3 percent.

• Postprandial glucose improved by an average of 24.9


Improvements were also found in diabetic symptoms, including blood pressure, cholesterol, and liver values. One of the features of the study was that patients with diabetes who were on medication were included if the patient was failing to reach A1c targets while on the medication (114 participants). By the end of the study, 10 of those patients were able to stop using their medication and 45 patients had reduced the amount of medication they required. Antidiabetic drugs have significant side effects, including fluid retention, hypoglycemia, and liver disease. Being able to delay using other medications or reduce the dosage could decrease the risks associated with these drugs and improve the quality of life of patients. Don’t Wait If you’re overweight, have a family history of diabetes, or other risk factors for diabetes, don’t wait until you’ve gotten a diabetes diagnosis before making changes that could prevent you from becoming its next victim. It’s never too late to start making your health a priority.

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, is a board certified internist and an expert in chronic pain. He is the author of numerous books and booklets, the most recent being the Better Nutrition Healthy Living Guide, Conquer Chronic Pain.



You May Have Diabetes

The trouble with diabetes is that it can wreak havoc on your body without you even realizing it. If you have any of these early warning signs, be sure to have a conversation with your doctor.

1 Frequent urination: If you find

yourself running to the bathroom more often or getting up in the middle of the night, it could be a sign of type 2 diabetes. Your kidneys react to the extra sugar in your blood by increasing urine production to flush it out.

2 Increased thirst: All those trips to

the bathroom mean that your body is losing fluids. Your mouth may become dry and you’ll be thirsty more often.

3 Increased hunger: When your

insulin system is challenged, you can feel hungry even though you’re eating regularly.

4 Foot pain/numbness: If you notice your feet tingling frequently, it could be an early signal of nerve damage that occurs with diabetes.

5 Urinary tract and yeast infections: Your urinary tract can

become a breeding ground for bacteria where sugar acts as the fertilizer. The same goes for yeast infections—extra sugar in your bloodstream is like an unlimited candy dish for yeast.

6 Slow wound healing: Your

immune system suffers when you have excess sugar in your bloodstream, meaning wounds heal more slowly and infections are more likely.

7 Vision changes: If your vision is getting a little fuzzy, it could mean that you’re in the early stages of diabetes, where a glucose buildup in the eye can temporarily change the shape of its lens.


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AUTISM Shining a light along the spectrum

By the time Ethan was two, Jessica knew something was wrong. He seemed to shy away from her touch and didn’t interact with other people. Ethan also wasn’t talking much and he hated any changes in his routine. After a visit to a pediatric specialist, Ethan was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ASD encompasses a variety of symptoms that range from mild to severe. Some children are high functioning but they may have trouble making friends and need a high level of structure in their lives (sometimes called Asperger’s syndrome). Others are severely disabled and may not be able to communicate verbally at all. Typically, those with ASD display behaviors that fall into three categories: • Social interaction problems. Children who have autism tend to have trouble deciphering the social cues that determine normal behavior. Reading facial expressions and differences in tones of voice are also hard for them. These children tend to be withdrawn and may not respond to their name. They don’t seek

interactions with other people, even their parents. • Communication difficulties. Most children are stringing together short sentences by age two. But speech delays are common in ASD. Although some affected children can have extensive vocabularies, they often have difficulties holding conversations with others. •R epetitive behaviors. Rocking, hand flapping, head banging, and other repetitive behaviors are core symptoms of ASD. Those with ASD may be obsessively preoccupied with order and can become agitated when routines are disrupted. Behavioral symptoms are the hallmarks of the disease, but people with ASD also have some physical symptoms, including poor coordination, gastrointestinal (GI) issues, and trouble sleeping. They may also suffer from seizures and may show signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, and anxiety. It is common for them to become highly fixated on particular things. A teenager may be


are 4 times more likely than girls to have ASD.


able to recite all of the dialogue from the new Star Wars movie, or a child may have encyclopedic knowledge about dinosaurs. A small number will have savant characteristics—remarkable abilities in a particular area, such as being supremely gifted in mathematics or music.

An Emerging Epidemic?

According to the CDC, the prevalence of ASD was 1 in 150 in the year 2000. By 2010, the prevalence had increased to 1 in 68. In fact, the incidence of ASD could be even higher. The 2014 National Health Interview Survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics surveyed American parents. This survey found the prevalence of ASD to be 1 in 45. Similar rates have been found in other developed countries. Changes in the definition of ASD partially accounts for this increased incidence as do enhancements made to survey tools and improvements in diagnosing cases of ASD. Despite this, most experts are concerned about the increased incidence of this complex condition. The causes of ASD are equally complex and still not well understood, but nearly everyone agrees that it’s a combination of genetics and environmental factors. Researchers are looking at everything from genetic mutations to exposure to the persistent organic pollutants in our environment to acetaminophen use in

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pregnant women. Most investigators believe that it’s not a single thing, but a combination of factors that lead to ASD. One thing is increasingly clear, however: Oxidation and inflammation are implicitly involved, either as a cause of the condition itself, or as a marker of its effects on the brain and body. Therapies that reduce toxic burdens, oxidation, and inflammation may offer new hope for treating this condition.


Glutathione is sometimes called the “master” antioxidant because of its role in fighting oxidative stress. In fact, glutathione is found in every cell in our bodies—including our brain cells. Glutathione in its active form changes to its oxidized form when it quenches free radicals. The ratio of active glutathione and oxidized glutathione is a good indicator that our cells are functioning properly. Recent studies have suggested that children with ASD suffer from glutathione deficiencies and a reduced capacity to convert oxidized glutathione back into its active form. Researchers in Arkansas investigated glutathione ratios in the brains of children with ASD. They found a 52 percent lower glutathione ratio than in healthy controls, and significantly

ASD may affect as many as 1 in 45 children in the U.S.


lower levels of active glutathione. The researchers also found more oxidative damage and inflammation in the brains of children with autism. Researchers are just beginning to explore the benefits of glutathione for those with ASD. But supplementing with glutathione can be tricky because the digestive process can easily oxidize active glutathione. Even taking a “reduced” glutathione supplement— which indicates that it provides an active form of the antioxidant—is no guarantee that the glutathione will still be in its active state when it reaches the bloodstream. But some new delivery systems are having success with oral versions that dissolve in the mouth, bypassing harsh stomach acids. And because several studies have found that those with ASD may have a flaw in the glutathione redox system—that cellular machinery that converts oxidized glutathione to the active form—using a high-quality reduced glutathione supplement could make a huge difference.


Since oxidation and inflammation play major roles in ASD, it makes sense to look at curcumin as a potential therapy. Curcumin is the powerhouse component in turmeric and has remarkable properties as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Recent research in Germany has established that curcumin can help maintain the health of a specific type of immune cell called microglial cells that act as the first line of defense in the brain and spinal cord. Several scientific investigations have found that these microglial cells are dysfunctional in ASD, so curcumin supplementation may be an effective way to stabilize them. Curcumin may also be a good option to relieve some of the GI issues that plague those with ASD. Studies suggest that curcumin might soothe inflammation and reduce oxidative stress in the intestines, which could help heal a leaky gut. But, because curcumin is not easily absorbed by the body, look for a curcumin supplement like BCM-95 which has been specifically

the role of diet in ASD If you care for a child with ASD, you may already be familiar with the value of a gluten-free, casein-free (GFCF) diet. But research suggests that the ketogenic diet may be even better than the GFCF diet. The ketogenic diet is high in fat with some protein and very few carbohydrates. People on this diet burn fat as a primary fuel instead of glucose. In a case report published in the Journal of Child Neurolog y, a child with autism and epilepsy (a condition that sometimes accompanies ASD) consumed a GFCF ketogenic diet with an emphasis on medium-chain triglycerides. After several years on the diet, the child's Childhood Autism Rating Scale score decreased from 49 to 17. Her IQ also increased and she lost weight. What's more, after 14 months on the diet her seizures essentially disappeared. Although research on using a ketogenic diet in cases of ASD is preliminary, it may improve symptoms in at least some forms of the condition. Because of the unique dietary needs of those with ASD, work with your doctor or a nutritionist to determine if the ketogenic diet is right for your child.

formulated to improve bioavailability. In fact, clinical studies have shown that BCM-95 delivers up to 10 times more curcumin to the bloodstream compared to ordinary curcumin supplements

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Even though many parents give their children with ASD omega-3 fatty acids, research on their effectiveness for this condition is limited. That doesn’t 25

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mean that omega-3 fatty acids aren’t still vitally important. Omega-3 fatty acids are concentrated in the brain and play a crucial role in its development. They’re essential components of cell membranes, ensuring their integrity and functioning in cellular communication. Optimal omega-3 levels are needed for neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to adapt as needed to new stimuli. Yet researchers have discovered that children with ASD often have low omega-3 levels, as well as low phospholipids. Along with improving neuroplasticity, omega-3s also play a role in the body’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory systems. Supplementation with these important fats increases glutathione levels in the body and is also associated with increased activity of the enzymes needed to synthesize glutathione. A California pilot clinical study examined omega-3 supplementation in children with ASD. After 12 weeks, those in the omega-3 group showed improved hyperactivity scores compared to the controls and slight improvements in other autistic markers. Preliminary research also shows that omega-3 supplementation may improve attention, cognitive function, and behavior in children with ADHD. Since many children with ASD share similar attention issues, omega-3 fatty acids make sense as a possible therapy.


More and more researchers are connecting gut health with brain function. Because gut issues are a recurring theme in those with ASD, it’s important to make probiotics part of any supplementation plan. Probiotics are live microorganisms—the good bacteria that can promote a healthy GI tract. Clinical research published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders examined how GI disorders affect children with ASD. Compared to those without GI issues, those with digestive issues showed more severe symptoms of anxiety, irritability, and social withdrawal. In addition, the researchers found that these children were less likely to respond to treatment. Probiotics may help: When researchers studied an animal model of ASD, probiotics not only improved gut barrier integrity, they also reduced behavioral abnormalities associated with ASD.


Does ASD Start in the Womb? Recent research indicates that ASD may begin in the womb, and chemical exposures during pregnancy may increase the likelihood of a fetus developing ASD. To reduce the risk of ASD and other conditions, limit your exposure to chemicals if you’re pregnant. • Avoid using pesticides and herbicides in your home and yard.

• Quit smoking and avoid second-hand smoke.

• Wash all fresh fruits and vegetables before eating and go organic when possible.

• Avoid canned foods, which can absorb BPA from can linings.

• Use glass or metal containers instead of plastic to store and heat food.

• Use natural beauty products without artificial ingredients and chemical fragrances.

• Clean your home with natural cleansers such as baking soda and essential oils.


Most treatments for ASD are focused on educational interventions or psychiatric drugs. But these approaches are like mopping up a wet basement without fixing the leak in the foundation—you’re just going to keep having problems until you’ve addressed the cause. We need to focus on the underlying mechanisms, like inflammation, relating to the development and progression of ASD. Learning how to prevent or limit those mechanisms is our best hope for fixing the ASD leak. 26

• Avoid antibacterial soap and toothpaste that contain triclosan.

• L et someone else paint the nursery. Paint fumes can be toxic.

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Dry Eye Relief for occasional eye dryness caused by weather, sun, wind, aging, contact lenses, and daily computer use.* • Clinically studied sea buckthorn—SBA24® • Features the rare omega-7 fatty acid


Pomegranate Seed Oil OMEGA-5 FOR: • BREAST • PROSTATE • COLON • ARTERIES* Cell-Protecting Power*

• Contains punicic acid—a rare form of omega-5 found in the seeds of pomegranate • Supports healthy hormone balance for breast, colon, and prostate cells • Maintains strong arteries and blood vessels • Protects against the risk of oxidative damage to DNA • Aids healthy cellular replication throughout the body*



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Scrambled eggs with diced mushrooms, onions, and bell peppers

Gazpacho with Shrimp: Mix chopped red onion, garlic, red pepper, cucumber, celery and shrimp in a large bowl. Pour in tomato juice and stir to mix. Season with salt, pepper, and red wine vinegar. Chill before serving

1 cup sliced strawberries

BBQ chicken with grilled peaches

Spinach salad with sliced chicken and strawberries, tossed with EVOO and balsamic vinegar

2 stalks celery

Cubed cantaloupe


Wake Me Up Shake: Blend ½ cup almond milk, ½ banana, ½ cup strong coffee, ¼ cup whey or egg white protein powder, and blend until smooth

Wednesday Omelet with spinach, onions, and goat cheese 1 Chicken-apple sausage

Thursday Blueberry Shake: Blend ¾ cup coconut milk, ¾ cup blueberries, ¼ cup whey protein powder, and ice


Hit up your local farmers’ market or roadside stand for a bounty of seasonal produce that’s bursting with good-for-you nutrients. The following meal plan puts all of summer’s best fruits and veggies to delicious use without overheating your kitchen.

2 eggs your way Sugar-free, nitrate-free bacon

Baked sweet potato fries Cole slaw

1 oz. almond butter

Cauliflower rice Mexican Chicken Bowl: Top leftover cauliflower rice with grilled chicken, avocado, and salsa

1 oz. pistachio nuts

Cobb salad

1 cup cucumbers

Zucchini “noodles” with Italian sausage and marinara sauce

¼ cup hummus

Mixed green salad tossed with EVOO and balsamic vinegar

1 apple

Grilled Chicken and Asparagus Salad: Toss 2 cups each of arugula and spinach with sliced chicken, golden beets, strawberries, asparagus, and goat cheese. Toss with EVOO and balsamic vinegar

Leftover gazpacho

Turkey burger on a bed of mixed greens with EVOO and balsamic vinegar



Tropical Shake: Blend 1 cup coconut milk, ½ banana, ¼ cup mango, 1 peach (chopped), and ¼ cup whey or egg white protein powder, and ice

Chicken-Avocado Lettuce Wrap: Layer diced chicken, red onion, tomato, and avocado on a large lettuce leaf. Roll burrito style

Omelet with leftover asparagus and whole milk organic Swiss cheese

Arugula salad topped with leftover salmon and shaved Parmesan, tossed with EVOO and balsamic vinegar

Sliced fruit

Grilled bison burger on a bed of baby lettuce tossed with EVOO and balsamic vinegar Grilled corn on cob

1 oz. almond butter

Cubed watermelon


Baked cod topped with mango salsa (mix diced mango, red peppers, red onion, jalapeno, cilantro, and lime juice in a bowl)

Sliced red bell peppers

Grilled salmon filet with lemon butter

¼ cup hummus

Cauliflower puree Grilled asparagus

1 oz. pistachio nuts

Grilled London broil Roasted baby potatoes with rosemary and steamed green beans *Feeds 4

Good Health TM



Pan tr y 12 oz. bottle tomato juice 2 oz. pistachio nuts, shelled

Protein & Dai ry 3.5 lbs. chicken breasts

16 oz. jar almond butter

2.5 lbs. chicken legs and thighs

16 oz. jar salsa ce 16 oz. jar natural marinara sau

5 salmon filets

1 lb. ground bison

8 oz. container hummus e oil (EVOO) Small bottle extra virgin oliv

½ lb. ground turkey 1 lb. Italian sausage

8 oz. bottle Balsamic vinegar 8 oz. bottle red wine vinegar

2 lb. cod 2.5 lb. London broil

naise 8 oz. natural or organic mayon sauce 12 oz. bottle natural barbeque

½ lb. cooked shr imp 1 chicken-apple sausage 1 dozen eggs Whey or egg white protein pow der, vanilla 1 oz. goat cheese 1 small package whole-milk Sw iss cheese 1 container shaved Parmesan cheese ½ gal. almond milk ½ gal. coconut milk

Fr uits & Vege tables 1 onion 1 red onion 3 whole mushrooms 1 green bell pepper 2 red bell pepper

1 jalapeno pepper 24 oz. baby spinach 1 avocado

2 heads cauliflower 2 bunches asparagus 16 oz. mixed greens

16 oz. baby arug ula 1 small bunch celer y oes 1 carton cherry tomat

r lettuce 1 head Bibb or butte 1 cucumber

1 lb. baby potatoes 1 lb. green beans

6 medium zucchini ½ lb. golden beets 4 corn on the cob 1 bunch cilantro 4 sweet potatoes age 1 bag shredded cabb 2 lemons 1 banana

, frozen 12 oz. mango chunks blueberries 1 small carton fresh berr ies 2 cartons fresh straw 1 cantaloupe melon 1 small seed less water 4 peaches 29

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Are You Suffering from

HYPOTHYROIDISM? Iodine is the answer by Robert Thompson, MD

people were deficient. But then table salt suppliers started adding iodine to salt, and we stopped thinking about iodine.

What do you really know about iodine? If you’re like most people, not much. Yet iodine is a critical trace mineral the body uses to make thyroid hormones. Without iodine, your thyroid can’t function properly, leading to a condition called hypothyroidism. Like vitamin C and scurvy or vitamin D and rickets, iodine is one of those nutrients that is so important that, when we are severely deficient, we can develop a specific condition—and for

We really got that one wrong. Iodine is still incredibly important to our health, and we’re still learning about all its benefits. Not only is iodine crucial to thyroid health, it’s found in every cell in our bodies. But like some other nutrients, the intake recommendations for iodine are way too low. Underestimating our need for a nutrient has happened before. Until a few years ago, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin D was 400 IU. That level is enough to protect us from rickets, but that’s about it. But recently we’ve learned a lot more about vitamin D’s

iodine it’s a goiter. A goiter is an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland in which a nodule forms on the neck that can grow quite large. Goiters were common in the USA a century ago, and the Great Lakes, Appalachian, and Northwestern U.S. regions were sometimes called the “goiter belt.” Because the soil in those areas is low in iodine, the food grown there is naturally low in this mineral. As a result, many

health benefits. Consequently, in 2010, the Institutes of Medicine increased the RDA to 600 IU for most of us. Many doctors still consider that level too low given all that vitamin D does in the body. It is important to know your D level and take enough to keep it above 30 ng/ml. But remember, the D vitamin is actually a hormone. Too much D is bad and not enough is bad. We may be at the beginning of the same


type of important change in our thinking concerning iodine, although we know of no known toxicity for iodine, except in untreated hyperthyroidism patients, which is very uncommon. While some experts understand the importance of iodine, most of us still aren’t getting enough. A 2016 study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition looked at the iodine status in U.S adults from 2001 to 2012. The researchers determined that, based on average urinary iodine concentrations, American women are borderline iodine deficient—even at the paltry levels currently considered “sufficient.” The consequences of this deficiency are profound, especially if a woman is pregnant. Iodine is so critical to the development of a baby’s brain that an iodine deficiency in the mother can cause irreversible mental retardation in her children—a condition called cretinism. These are extreme cases, and thankfully rarely seen in the U.S. But in a recent study, researchers in the UK have stated that a mother’s iodine deficiency affects the fetus on a “continuum of disability” that could include slight impairments in intelligence and motor skills with only mild iodine deficiencies. Two large studies including 18 states have shown taking iodine during pregnancy actually increases a baby’s IQ over 10 points and may protect against autism. OB doctors continue to miss the boat on this one. Deficiencies can also affect us as adults, leading to poor mental function, decreased learning ability, apathy, and reduced work productivity. Iodine is also important for cardiovascular health and breast health, and may protect us from breast, prostate, pancreatic, ovarian, thyroid, and possibly other cancers. One large population-based study showed an over 40 percent reduction in breast and prostate cancer with consuming at least 13 mg of iodine per day—that’s over 70 times the current RDA. Why aren’t we getting enough iodine? There are lots of reasons for that. First off is the false assumption that putting iodine in salt is enough. The form of iodine found in refined table salt dissipates as it sits on your shelf, especially when it’s humid. Researchers from the University

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of Texas at Arlington who studied iodine in salt concluded that the intake from salt fell substantially short of meeting our requirements—and, again, they were basing this conclusion on the small amount that the Institutes of Medicine determined as the daily value. There are a few other problems with iodized table salt. First, manufacturers are not required to put iodine in table salt—only about 70 percent of table salt sold in the U.S. contains iodine. Second, processed food doesn’t contain iodized salt, so even though that canned soup is loaded with sodium, it may not provide any iodine. Third, many of us have been advised to reduce our salt intake. The trouble is that while we’re consuming less salt, we’re also consuming less iodine. Also, this recommendation may be wrong 90 percent of the time. And remember the goiter belt? The iodine content of our soil hasn’t improved. If anything, with modern farming practices, it’s gotten worse. Unless you eat seafood and seaweed regularly, you may not be getting enough iodine from food. One of the biggest problems with iodine intake actually has more to do with what else is getting absorbed in your body. Certain chemicals—and the use of bromine—have become prevalent in our industrialized world and compete with iodine in the body and affect thyroid function. One group of chemicals, called halogens, is similar in structure to iodine and includes chlorine, bromine, and fluorine. Iodine is the only halogen that our bodies need. Unfortunately, we’re exposed to other halogens, like chlorine and fluoride in municipal water supplies, that make it harder for our bodies to get enough iodine. Another is potassium bromate, a form of bromine. Most commercially baked goods use flour that includes potassium bromate, an additive that helps make bread and other baked goods fluffy and white. This chemical additive—that other countries have banned—competes with iodine and has been linked to all endocrine cancers and now autism. Bromines, especially methyl bromide, are sprayed on berries to keep mold from growing. It is also used in gas form to fumigate organic fruits and vegetables to kill insects (and Orkin uses


it to kill termites). It can also be found in soft drinks, jars, cans and bottles, fire retardants, and water in hot tubs and swimming pools. Only taking enough iodine can protect us and may push out the bromine or limit its toxicity. Other substances, called goitrogens, can also interfere with thyroid function. These include chemicals, including PCBs, dioxins, dyes, and even certain foods. One goitrogen of note is perchlorate, which significantly inhibits iodine uptake. Found

SYMPTOMS OF HYPOTHYROIDISM Hypothyroidism typically doesn’t show symptoms in the early stages. However, ask for a thyroid test if your basal body temperature is consistently below 97.7° and you have one or more of the following symptoms: • You’re tired all the time; afternoon energy loss. • You’re always cold or have cold hands and feet. • You’re constipated. • You’ve gained weight; difficulty losing weight. • Your skin is dry and itchy. • You have heel calluses and acne. • Your eyebrows are thin, especially the outer third. • You’re losing hair.

in rocket fuels, propellants, and naturally in some areas, perchlorate has become a widespread environmental toxin. Soy isoflavones are also goitrogenic and can inhibit thyroid hormone synthesis. Cruciferous vegetables also contain small amounts of goitrogens and are high in calcium, which can lead to thyroid hormone resistance when eaten in excess. Research suggests that optimal iodine supplementation can counteract the effects of goitrogens and bromine. Now that you know all the factors that contribute to iodine insufficiency, you may be convinced that you need more iodine. Take a look at the symptoms of hypothyroidism in the box to the left. If you’re nodding your head at many of these statements, you owe it to yourself to investigate further. Because everyone’s iodine needs are different, I recommend working with your integrative health practitioner to perform an iodine-loading test. Iodine experts believe that this is the best way to determine if you’re getting enough iodine. Bromine levels can also be measured with this test and 95 percent of us or more are bromine-toxic. When choosing a supplement, look for one with three forms of iodine—potassium iodide, sodium iodide, and molecular iodine— for optimal utilization. Taking a 12.5 or 25 mg iodine supplement may just put you back on the road to health and help protect you against cancer, straighten out your hormones, eliminate breast tenderness and pelvic pain, and protect developing babies from autism. Please do not underestimate the significance or need for more iodine.

• Your nails are brittle. • You have muscle and joint aches. • You have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. • You’re depressed or irritable or have decreased libido. • You’re forgetful. • Your brain is foggy. • You’re always hoarse. • You have difficulty swallowing. • Your menstrual periods are heavy or irregular. • You’re having trouble getting pregnant.

Robert Thompson, MD practices integrative, antiaging, and holistic medicine in Soldotna and Anchorage, Alaska. A board certified obstetrician and gynecologist for more than 30 years, he now devotes his practice to preventive medicine and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for both men and women. He is author of The Calcium Lie II: What Your Doctor Still Doesn’t Know. A concert violinist and outdoors enthusiast, Dr. Thompson also devotes his time to cooking, art, and raising and training his beloved Labrador Retriever dogs. Find him at 31

with Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary


Merging two medicinal worlds



hen Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, a practicing neurologist and neuroscientist, developed migraines and other health problems as a busy young doctor, she first sought help through mainstream medical channels. When that didn’t work, she returned to her Indian roots and found healing in Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine. Dr. Chaudhary found a new way of

GHL: What led you to become

a doctor?

My grandfather was a physician— Western trained, but he incorporated many Ayurvedic practices into his care. He was a beacon of love. He helped everybody. And because he combined these different methodologies, he became what we would call an integrative doctor before we even had a word for it. I always knew I wanted to be a doctor because I adored my grandfather and so respected his passion for helping people. KC:

GHL: You state in your book that as

you went through medical school and the beginnings of your medical practice, you developed serious health problems.

I survived on caffeine in school, and my eating changed dramatically to whatever I could grab on the run. I didn’t get enough sleep. I gained a lot of weight. And I developed serious migraine headaches. I am a neurologist, and I saw people with migraines all the time. I wrote many prescriptions. But when I tried to take the migraine drugs myself, I felt absolutely miserable. I was so tired and groggy I couldn’t run my practice. I finally confided in my mother, who insisted I needed to see an Ayurvedic practitioner. Despite being Indian, I was very cynical about these kinds of treatments. But when you are miserable and nothing else is working, sometimes KC:

practicing medicine—by weaving Ayurveda into neurological care. She found her patients’ health dramatically improved with even simple changes. To her surprise, she also found that patients who had struggled with their weight suddenly began to lose weight, almost without effort. The result is her new book, The Prime: Prepare and Repair Your Body for Spontaneous Weight Loss.

you put aside your skepticism and take a leap of faith. There were some prestigious Ayurvedic doctors touring the U.S. at the time and I was able to connect with one. The first thing he asked me about was my digestion. That was the beginning of my healing journey. With help from this doctor, my migraines disappeared, my energy returned, my weight became normal and healthy again, and I felt wonderful. This took a mere three months, all without problems or drug side effects. After several more months of incorporating lifestyle changes, my mental clarity and energy improved so much that work that had been previously time consuming and overwhelming became much more manageable. Because of my personal experience, I began a course of training to learn more about Ayurveda and started to incorporate it into my practice. The results were phenomenal. My patients had much better resolution of their neurological problems, regardless of cause. Chronic conditions were getting better when others expected only decline. And as people became healthier, they started to tell me about their weight loss, losing 20 or 30 pounds without making much of an effort. I learned that by healing the gut and changing how we think about food, not only do neurological problems improve, but weight starts to move more towards normal. In fact, everything in the body starts to move

towards normal, toward a return to healthy homeostasis. GHL: In your book The Prime, you

have a statement on the cover “Stop Dieting Backwards!” What does that mean?

It means that it is impossible to ask people to give up the foods they crave until the gut is healed, and the microbiome is beginning to move into a healthier balance. First you must prepare the body and incorporate practices that initiate these changes in function, and then the cravings stop. If someone eats cookies, I never tell them to give up their cookies. That is deprivation. That cuts off a supply of feel-good chemicals in the brain related to sugar consumption. That sets them up to fail. Instead, I say “Let’s heal your digestion, let’s improve your microbiome,” and when that happens, people stop craving the cookies. They give them up on their own. That pathological connection between the cookies, sugars, and feeling good is broken and replaced by a healthier relationship to food. KC:

I outline these easy practices in my book, and how to take easy, manageable steps to move your body into a place where spontaneous weight loss occurs. I also created a web-based community for additional support called The Prime Club. You can find it on my website, The first step towards healing is to improve our 33

Good Health TM

relationship with food. This allows the body to better repair itself. I have worked with thousands of patients who have had incredible improvements in their health, sometimes when they believed there was no hope. And I have also seen thousands of people lose weight spontaneously, even if they were previously unsuccessful in prior attempts, simply by following my program. The best part is that if you change your relationship to food, if you change the microbiome, you don’t regain all the weight you’ve lost. You stop the cravings. GHL: If you could make some easy

changes for better health in every adult, what would they be?

First, people need to move their bowels every day, at least once a day. Stagnant fecal material in the intestines leads to a whole host of inflammatory KC:

prime Tea: recipe for

Boil 4 to 5 cups of water in a pot. As the water is heating, add the following to the pot: ½ teaspoon cumin seeds ½ teaspoon coriander seeds ½ teaspoon fennel seeds

Let the water and seeds boil for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how strong you want your tea to be. Afterward, strain the seeds out of the tea, then pour the tea into an insulated vessel (like a thermos) to keep it hot all day. If you have a tea ball, use it for easier cleanup. Then sip the tea throughout the day until it’s all gone. Try to finish it before 6 p.m., so you don’t have to use the bathroom during the night.



issues. If people are not regular, I tell them to take a traditional herbal blend called Triphala, which includes amla (Indian gooseberry), haritaki, and bibhitaki. It’s a very healthy way to heal the gut lining and help people have regular bowel movements. Second, make my recipe for Prime tea, and drink it every day or at least five days a week (see recipe). These are easy changes that start people on the road to health and healing.

GHL: Do you see your current

medical practice as bringing together two worlds of medicine? KC: Very much so. There is so much that

is good in both systems of medicine that we can only benefit by combining the best of the best practices. That is what I have tried to do in extending my medical practice into new areas, into developing online communities, and in writing my book. There is so much more we can do to help people be healthy, and it is what inspires me every day.

Good Health TM


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Herbal HELPERS KEEP YOUR COOL During Menopause

Get at the root of natural menopause relief by Eckhard Liske, PhD It strikes without warning . . . that intense feeling that you’re on fire. Beads of sweat form as your heart races and the room spins. Welcome to the hot f lash—perhaps the best known sign that you’re going through “the change.” But, as those who have been there and done that can tell you, menopause is so much more than hot f lashes and night sweats. Fluctuating hormones can trigger brain fog, anxiety, irritability, rapid mood swings, and even depression. And let’s not forget the insomnia and the loss of libido. While some women sail through menopause with few symptoms, many others are desperate for relief. Unfortunately, conventional treatments that include pharmaceuticals and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can increase your risk for heart disease, stroke, blood clots, and even breast cancer. Instead, many women looking for a safe and effective alternative are returning to their roots—specifically, the black cohosh root and rhizome. Black cohosh has been used traditionally for hundreds of years. Although the plant is native to North America, it gained a lot of popularity in Europe over 60 years ago and is now accepted globally as a natural treatment approach 36

for relieving hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. Modern studies have found that the herb is an effective way to ease hot flashes and night sweats, as well as insomnia and other menopausal symptoms. There are numerous black cohosh preparations to choose from—and some have been extensively studied in clinical trials according to the principles of evidence-based medicine. In meta-analyses and systematic reviews it has been demonstrated that the effectiveness of a black cohosh product depends largely on the extract and its pharmaceutical quality. Some formulations use hundreds of milligrams of black cohosh, but for many women, they are ineffective. There are indications that in pre- and postmenopausal women a 13 mg ethanolic extract (4.5-8.5:1) is significantly more effective after a three-month treatment than a lower dosage (6.5mg extract) and also compared to placebo. Its benefits were examined using the Kupperman Menopausal Index (KMI). The KMI is a diagnostic tool used to evaluate a participant’s menopause-related symptoms, such as hot flashes, anxiety, irritability, headaches, insomnia, and joint pain.

But the herb’s benefits don’t end there. Black cohosh also has scientifically studied side benefits like inhibiting the growth of breast cancer cells, antiinflammatory activities, decreasing fat deposits in the abdomen, and helping to prevent and manage metabolic disorders. So the next time you’re confronting menopause symptoms head on, consider a well-known and time-tested ingredient like black cohosh. When taken daily, black cohosh can provide the longlasting menopause relief that women everywhere have been looking for. You may not experience the full benefits of black cohosh for two to three months, so recording daily symptoms in a journal may help you track your progress.

Eckhard Liske, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Braunschweig, Germany. He is an expert on the use of black cohosh as a treatment for menopause symptoms, and has published many scientific papers on this topic.

Good Health


A Healthy Thyroid Does This and More! TM

Healthy Hormone Levels • Immune System Support • Revives Metabolism • Supports Cellular Health: •

Breast, Uterine, Ovary and Prostate

Weight Management† • Restores Your Energy • Enhances Detoxification* •

It’s impossible for the thyroid to function properly without adequate levels of iodine and L-Tyrosine.

— Robert Thompson, MD Anti-aging, Holistic Practitioner Author of The Calcium Lie II *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. † In conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regimen.









Why You Need Stomach Acid by Gaetano Morello, BSc, ND You’ve just enjoyed a great meal at your favorite restaurant. It’s on the drive home that you start to feel the regret. Your chest is burning. You belch and taste bitter bile at the back of your throat. It’s an acid trip—but the stomach acid kind. When you get home, you pop an antacid and hope you’ll be able to sleep tonight.

Good Health TM


reduce your symptoms, and these are the only medicines he or she knows that can, in fact, reduce the pain of heartburn. At the same time, they create lots of new problems. There’s been a great deal of bad press about acid blockers recently, especially if you take them for a long time. Their long-term use has been linked to a host of problems, including vitamin and mineral absorption issues, infections, heart attacks, bone fractures, and kidney disease. Yet, even taking them for a short time is problematic because when you stop taking them, your stomach may produce excessive acid for a time, making your initial problem worse. Instead of just treating the symptoms of acid reflux or its chronic form, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), it’s better to resolve the issue that’s causing your problems in the first place. Here again is the truth: stomach acid is not the enemy! Stomach acid is crucial to proper digestion and is one of your body’s first lines of defense against bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, as mentioned earlier.

Acid reflux—what causes heartburn and other symptoms—is a condition where acid from your stomach backs into your esophagus. You see, the stomach can get extremely acidic—for good reasons, such as digesting proteins and destroying microorganisms found in the food we eat. So it makes a mucus layer to protect its surface from the acid. Unfortunately, the esophagus does not have such protection and thus when acid “refluxes” back, you can really feel it!

The real problem is that many people don’t produce enough stomach acid. Let’s think about this. If you don’t have enough stomach acid, what happens? Your food doesn’t break down properly, so it sits in your stomach and ferments instead of moving on through the digestive tract. It’s especially bad when you overeat. Then, the valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus doesn’t work as well as it should, and backs up into the esophagus. Fortunately, you can help heartburn without turning off stomach acid by using a natural remedy.

When you go see your family doctor for heartburn, chances are he’ll tell you to take an over-the-counter proton pump inhibitor (PPI) or H2 blocker to reduce the acid in your stomach. The problem is that your physician is trying to

Licorice should be your stomach’s primary protector when it comes to acid reflux. But not just any licorice. You want herbal licorice with the glycyrrhizin removed—glycyrrhizin is a natural compound in licorice that has


been associated with adverse effects at high doses. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice, better known as DGL, helps protect and heal the stomach lining, soothes an upset stomach, and reduces heartburn. Research has shown that DGL has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects, including antimicrobial activity against Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium associated with ulcers and stomach cancer. The stomach-soothing properties of DGL were put to the test in a doubleblind clinical trial in India. The study measured various symptoms in patients with functional dyspepsia while they were taking 75 mg DGL capsules or a placebo twice daily for 30 days. The DGL group showed improved symptoms overall. At the end of 30 days, when compared to placebo, the DGL group showed a 38 percent improvement in heartburn and a 79 percent improvement in regurgitation, two of the most common reflux symptoms. Of course, like with most health issues, lifestyle choices also play a role. If you have trouble with acid reflux, eat a healthy diet with smaller meals. An overly full stomach makes heartburn more likely. Don’t lie down for two to three hours after you eat. Keep a food diary to determine which foods trigger your heartburn. You might need to cut out deep-fried foods or carbonated beverages. Relieving acid reflux and its accompanying symptoms isn’t really about getting rid of acid. It’s making sure that acid stays in the stomach, where it belongs. Gaetano Morello, BSc, ND, is a licensed naturopathic physician practicing in West Vancouver, British Columbia. He is a clinician at the newly formed Complex Chronic Diseases Program at BC Women’s Hospital in Vancouver, making him the first Naturopathic Doctor working at a leading North American Hospital. Dr. Gaetano is the author of Whole Body Cleansing and Cleanse: Ultimate Inside-Out Approach, as well as a contributing author to A Textbook of Natural Medicine and a member of the Quality Assurance Committee for the College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia.

Good Health TM


Discover the essential mineral you’ve been missing. Everybody needs iodine, but diet alone can’t always supply enough.

Breast, Prostate and Colon Health*

Tri-Iodine™ changes that. It is a powerful blend of molecular iodine, sodium iodide, and potassium iodide to support:

Hormone Balance*

Menopause Relief*

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Cellular Defense*

90% of Americans do not get significant levels of iodine daily. Find Tri-Iodine™ at your favorite health food store, available in 3


6.25 mg

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to match your individual needs.



Good Health TM


ABCs of GMOs

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have slowly made their way into our supermarkets beginning in the mid-1990s. But sorting out which foods have been modified isn’t an easy task since labeling isn’t required. So what are GMOs? In a nutshell, GMO foods have had their genetic material altered, either by adding genetic material from other organisms or by changing their existing genetic material. FDA guidelines state that genetically modified plants meet the same requirements as all other foods. In fact, agencies such as the World Health Organization, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the American Medical Association all have endorsed the safety of genetically modified food. So you might assume that there’s no problem. But dig a little deeper and you’ll quickly find the darker side of GMOs. Six companies—Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow Agrosciences, BASF, Bayer, and Pioneer (DuPont)—control 70 percent of the world’s pesticide market and almost the entire genetically modified seed market. This in itself is cause for a closer examination of what is actually happening, not only to our food supply but to the farming industry itself. For instance, user agreements with these giant corporations prohibit their seeds from being used for independent research, and these GMO giants can sue farmers for growing their seeds without paying royalties. And then there is concern over potential health risks. Because genetic modification often mixes or adds proteins not indigenous to the original plant or animal, there is a significant risk for 40


new allergic reactions to organisms to which you were not originally allergic. Since genetically modified soybeans were introduced into the food market, for example, twice as many people are allergic to soy than before. According to the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, animal testing has found evidence of GMO side effects that include immune dysregulation, altered liver function, and changes in the pancreas, kidney, and spleen. Rats fed genetically modified potatoes developed precancerous growths, and, 7 out of 20 animals fed genetically modified tomatoes were dead within two weeks. Insect-resistant corn, which is said to have eliminated the use of millions of gallons of pesticides, is on its way to killing off the entire population of monarch butterflies.

Because genetically modified traits are genetically dominant—and GMOs are 20 times more likely to cross-pollinate than native plants—the genetically modified traits will continue to show up in the wild, as has already happened with the corn in Oaxaca, Mexico. And there is no end in sight as this crosscontamination continues at a rapid rate. Are any alarms going off in your head? And,what can we consumers do to take back control of our food? To date, 60 countries require GMO food labeling. The U.S. is not one of them. These corporate giants who have taken over the food industry should be required to prove that GMOs are safe and that we’re not part of one of their laboratory experiments. There are several major anti-GMO activist groups, including “Millions Against Monsanto” at https:// millions-against-monsanto if you want to take action. The long-term health and environmental effects of GMOs have yet to be determined. Until they are—or until labeling is deemed mandatory—smart shopping is your best protection. There are currently nine crops that are predominantly GMO: Corn, canola, cottonseed, soybeans, sugar beets, alfalfa, Hawaiian papaya, zucchini, and yellow squash. Since many of these (especially corn, cottonseed, and soy) are used to create numerous processed and packaged foods, look for labeling that specifically states that the food is non-GMO. When shopping for fresh fruits and vegetables, it’s also smart to opt for organic whenever possible.

Good Health



fast and effectively!*†

Whether it’s the nervous flutter of butterflies in your stomach, sweaty palms before a big speech, or sleepless nights due to looming deadlines, everyone experiences the symptoms of anxiety at some point. But when occasional stress and fear stop you from doing the things you love, it’s time to reclaim your life with clinically studied AnxioCalm®. It can offer you relief in just hours, and helps relieve:

• Occasional anxiety and nervousness • Everyday stresses • Self-consciousness and insecurity • Self-doubt and fear of failure • Occasional restless sleep*

• Excessive worry • Excessive sweating • Upset stomach • Muscle tension

Be Calm. Be Relaxed. Be Confident. Make AnxioCalm part of your everyday success plan. It’s non-drowsy, non-addictive, and safe for adults and children over the age of 4. † Relieves occasional anxiety and stress. *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT DISEASE.


Good Health






by Carol Ann Weber

Just as there are clothing fashion

trends, so are there body fads— the most famous of which has got to be the six-pack. For most of us, getting washboard abs is one of our fitness goals that never seems to happen—perhaps because we don’t really know how to actually get them (and no, it’s definitely NOT with sit-ups!). Achieving the magazine cover model kind of muscle definition takes a lot of work and is a joint effort between a consistent and rigorous workout routine and an equally stringent nutrition plan. While most of us don’t have the time or the inclination to put in that kind of high-level dedication, we’d likely love to attain a flatter stomach. So what’s the secret? Within the last 15 years, the word “core” became the fitness buzz word that replaced “abdominals,” and with good reason. Having a strong core is the real goal if you want to shape up your mid-section—and getting there is not just about the abs. A six-pack is the tip of the iceberg, and what lies beneath is a composite of several muscle groups that wrap front-to-back and all the way around your midsection, supporting your spine. These muscle groups are: • Rectus Abdominis – the large muscles in front of your abdomen that form a “six-pack.” •E xternal and Internal Obliques – Commonly known as “love handles,” they allow 42


you to twist your trunk. The external obliques frame the rectus abdominis from the outside of the ribcage, and the internal obliques do the same from the inside. • Transverse Abdominals – a thin sheet of muscle running along the sides of the abs, which fuses connective tissues behind it. They hold your gut firm and flat and stabilize the lower back, promoting good posture. • Spinal Erectors (Lower Back) – the muscles that straighten your body back to the erect position after you bend forward. They also allow your body to twist. Only when you succeed in strengthening all of the core muscles will you get the flat stomach you’ve dreamed about. But wait, there’s more! You’ll also protect yourself from back injury and establish better posture to ensure spinal health as well as more efficient functioning of your internal organs. This requires giving all the core muscles equal time so your core wall is strong and functional on all fronts. You not only will look amazing but will also find that your entire body operates and moves with maximum functionality. That’s why it’s called the “core.” Here are the top six core exercises from three different disciplines that are easy to do at home and definitely get the job done:

Cat/Cow (Warmup exercise for entire core)

On your hands and knees, arms directly under the shoulders, roll your head down as you arch your back like a Halloween cat and exhale. As you roll your head back up, roll your shoulders back, open your chest, and reverse the curve of your spine in the opposite direction as your head touches the back of your neck, resembling a cow. Repeat until your spine moves fluidly from one pose to the other and you feel fully warmed up.

The Plank (Entire Core)

Considered to be a core yoga position, the standard plank (described below) not only engages all the core muscles, but also activates the Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Complex, the glutes, the majority of the legs, and the neck. It pretty much requires most of the muscles in your body, and your core muscles allow you to hold the pose. Starting in push-up position—either modified (on your knees) or on your toes with straight legs—drop down onto your forearms, elbows bent, hands clasped in front of you forming a "V" on the floor. Your back is straight. With a deep inhale, keep your abdominals contracted as you hold the position for 60 seconds. Exhale on the way down. Repeat at least three times. For a bigger challenge, lift one leg off the ground and hold that for one minute, then the other, three times on each side.

Good Health TM



PILATES: The Hundred

(Rectus Abdominus, Obliques, Transverse Abdominus)

The Superman (Spinal Erectors, Transverse Abdominus)

Lying flat on your stomach, legs straight, and your arms straight out in front of you, simultaneously raise the opposite arm and leg (right arm, left leg) and hold for five counts. Same for the other side. Repeat three times.

Reverse Crunches (Rectus Abdominus, Transverse Abdominus)

Lie flat on your back with arms straight out to your sides (adjust for balance), palms flat on the floor. Keeping your legs together, bend your knees and draw them up until your legs form a 90-degree angle and your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Your abdominals should be contracted throughout the entire movement as you slowly lift your pelvis off the floor, and curl it toward your rib cage. Your knees should automatically curl toward your chest. Hold the pose for two to three seconds, then slowly lower your pelvis back down to the floor, keeping your knees up. Repeat.

Bicycle Crunches

(Rectus Abdominus, Transverse Abdominus, Obliques)

A study done at San Diego State University compared 13 common abdominal exercises and determined that the Bicycle Crunch is the most effective core exercise of them all. Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground and contract your core muscles. With your hands cradling your head, lift your knees to about a 45-degree angle. Slowly, at first, go through a bicycle pedal motion. Then, step up the pace, alternately touching each elbow to the opposite knee as you twist back and forth. Breathe evenly throughout the exercise.

Lying on your back, position your arms straight out in front of you perpendicular to the floor and your straight legs at a 90 degree angle. Slowly curl your upper body off the floor towards your legs as your arms move forward and outside of your legs. Hold that pose and pulse your arms up in a small vertical range of motion. Inhale for five counts and exhale for five counts for one set. Complete 10 sets.


Work your core at least three times a week. Be mindful of your breathing— exhale at the moment of greatest muscle contraction, and inhale on the release.

Carol Ann Weber’s 500+ articles have been published in magazines such as Fitness Rx, Muscle & Fitness, Oxygen, and Men’s Fitness. She has also been named the Academy of Bodybuilding and Fitness “Best Columnist of the Year.” Along with weight training, she enjoys yoga and a brisk walk anywhere outdoors. 43

Good Health TM

STEP #1:


S oak.

Fill a large basin with comfortably warm water. Add ½ cup of Epsom salts, ½ cup of oatmeal, and 10 drops of lavender essential oil. Stir to mix well before slipping your feet into the water. Sit back and relax for 15 minutes.

STEP #2:

Exfoli a te.

TOE SHOW! It’s that time of year when sandals rule! But if your feet have been neglected, they may look less than lovely. You don’t need to hit the salon or nail shop with their chemically packed lotions and polishes to remedy the situation. Get your tootsies summer-ready naturally with our DIY five-step pedicure.

Pat your feet dry and gently push back the cuticles. Empty the basin and refill with clean water. In a small bowl, mix ¼ cup finely ground almonds with ¼ cup honey. Massage into your feet, concentrating on particularly rough spots such as the heels. Rinse your feet with the clean water. Next, scrub away any stubborn calluses with a pumice stone. Rinse feet again and pat dry with a clean towel, paying particular attention to the area between the toes. Apply a cream specifically designed to eliminate chronic calluses. Look for a clinically studied herbal callus balm from Germany that contains targeted herbs like white willow bark, sage, thyme, and marigold, shown to penetrate tough skin.

STEP #3:

M oi sturize.

Slather your feet with your favorite non-toxic foot cream. For seriously dry skin, try this overnight trick: Massage a generous amount of coconut oil into your feet and don a pair of cotton socks just before climbing into bed. In the morning, wipe away any oil residue and marvel at your baby-soft skin.

STEP #4:

T rim.

Keep your toenails tidy by cutting them straight across the top, not at an angle. This helps to prevent painful ingrown toenails. Gently file to get rid of any ragged edges.

STEP #5:

Poli sh .

Summer is the perfect time to decorate your tootsies with bright colors that peek out of those flip-flops or strappy heels. But, if you do opt to paint your toenails, look for a natural polish free of toxic chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene, or phthalates. One safe way to polish is with one of the many brands of water-based polishes, available in fun, vibrant colors.

AVERTING ATHLETE’S FOOT Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that runs rampant in locker rooms, public pools, and public showers. Marked by itching, burning, small blisters, inflammation, and cracked, scaly skin between the toes, athlete’s foot is uncomfortable, unsightly, and highly communicable. Prevention is key— and the easiest way to avoid becoming a victim is by wearing flip-flops or water shoes in common areas where the fungi flourish. 44

If you’re unlucky enough to contract the condition, opt for sandals since closed shoes can create a damp environment that the fungus loves. One of the most effective natural treatments is tea tree oil. Using a cotton ball, simply dab the oil on the affected area two or three times a day. Studies show that tea tree oil is just as effective as popular over-the-counter remedies.

Thyme is another effective option. A natural antibacterial and antifungal, the key to this culinary herb’s efficacy is a compound known as thymol. One study testing the antifungal effects of several natural compounds found that thymol was the most effective at erradicating fungi. To use, steep a few tablespoons of thyme in hot water, then either soak your feet in the “tea” or dab on the affected areas.

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Blood Sugar Balance Made Simple.


60 Years o f Unpreced ented Research in Germany

Introducing Sucontral® D. Powered by a time-tested herb, Hintonia latiflora, and clinically studied for support of healthy glucose levels, Sucontral D is finally available in the U.S.!*† • Healthy insulin function • Healthy A1c levels† • Carbohydrate metabolism*




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The herb ashwagandha has been used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for over 6,000 years for its rejuvenating properties. As an adaptogen, ashwagandha stabilizes processes in the body, called homeostasis, while reducing the effects of stress. Healthy men can use ashwagandha to enhance athletic endurance and stamina. The medicinal benefits of ashwagandha extend to the reproductive system. In a doubleblind, clinical study, researchers tested the effects of ashwagandha on male infertility. Forty-six infertile men were given 225 mg of a standardized ashwagandha extract (KSM-66) or a placebo three times a day for 12 weeks. At the end of the 90-day study, semen parameters and hormone levels were measured. The researchers found that ashwagandha increased sperm concentration by a whopping 167 percent from baseline. Semen volume and sperm mobility were also increased substantially, by 53 and 57 percent respectively. Additionally, testosterone levels in the blood increased by 17 percent compared to the placebo.


MEN'S HEALTH Supplements uniquely suited to men’s health needs Men have unique nutritional needs, but many of them don’t pay enough attention to them. Some take better care of their cars than they do their bodies. But just like a car performs better when it’s had a tune-up, men can improve their health and quality of life by paying attention to what their bodies are telling them, and taking steps to address their health needs. That’s where supplements can play an important role. In this edition of the “Alternative Medicine Chest,” we’re focusing on supplements that can give men the edge in taking care of their health.


Research has suggested that this nutrient derived from the Indian spice turmeric is a cancer-fighting powerhouse, and that includes fighting prostate cancer. A double-blind clinical trial examined the protective effects of BCM-95, a highly absorbable form of curcumin, in patients undergoing radiation therapy for prostate cancer. The study, published in the Journal of Cancer Science & Therapy, reported that after three months, those in the curcumin group experienced significantly fewer urinary symptoms, such as frequent urination, compared to the placebo group. The researchers reasoned that the antiinflammatory properties of curcumin led to less bladder irritation.

Grape Seed Extract:

Grape seed extract is exceptionally high in oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs)—antioxidant compounds that are potent free radical scavengers. Grape polyphenols have shown therapeutic potential for multiple health concerns, particularly cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. What’s more, because the arteries in the penis are small, erectile dysfunction may be an early warning sign of cardiovascular disease. Experts believe that when the smooth muscle or the lining of blood vessels becomes damaged, the result can be erectile dysfunction. Grape seed extract may help relax blood vessels and preserve vascular integrity.


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Icelandic Angelica:

A frequent symptom of an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH) is an overactive bladder. Men with an overactive bladder may have trouble starting and stopping urination. It can also mean extra trips to the bathroom, including at night. One unique herb used to treat an overactive bladder is Icelandic angelica. Icelandic angelica has been used traditionally for over a thousand years as a health tonic and includes many beneficial compounds, including flavonoids and other polyphenols. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Urolog y, researchers examined the effects of Icelandic Pomegranates are rich angelica in antioxidants and other nutrients—the seed oil is leaf the only botanical source of the omega-5 fatty extract on men with acid known as punicic acid. Research suggests nocturia—an overactive that pomegranate extract may help treat bladder at night. The cardiovascular disease and certain forms researchers found An excellent source of the building of cancer. More specifically, because of that those who had blocks needed for the walls of our blood its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory reduced bladder vessels, mesoglycan is a supplement like no other. effects, pomegranate may help prevent capacity showed It strengthens weak blood vessels and improves or slow the progression and recurrence a significant microcirculation. Mesoglycan can reduce fibrinogen of prostate cancer, the second-leading improvement levels associated with abnormal clotting. What’s truly cause of cancer death for U.S. men. In a after using remarkable is that mesoglycan does this without thinning clinical study published in Clinical Cancer Icelandic the blood. Men may be just as likely as women to suffer Research, men with recurrent prostate angelica for from varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency cancer who had rising PSA (prostateeight weeks. (CVI)—especially if they are sedentary or stand in one specific antigen) levels were treated with In men over place while they work. Mesoglycan has been shown pomegranate juice daily. Compared age 70 without in clinical trials to relieve symptoms associated to baseline, PSA levels took longer to sleep disorders, with CVI and peripheral artery disease. double—from an average of 15 months Icelandic angelica Mesoglycan improved walking distance, at baseline to 54 months after treatment, increased the lower leg swelling, and quality of signaling a stabilization in the cancer. While amount of time life measures. you could drink pomegranate juice, consider a they slept before their pomegranate supplement with fruit and seed oil to first bathroom trip by an get the benefits of pomegranate for more convenience average of 101 minutes. and fewer calories.



Saw Palmetto: The indigenous people in the Southeastern U.S. have used the fruit of the saw palmetto shrub traditionally for centuries. Today, saw palmetto is frequently used to help relieve symptoms of BPH, especially frequent nighttime urination. A Greek clinical study examined the use of saw palmetto in addition to the antibiotic prulifloxacin in the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis. This condition is marked by symptoms of pelvic pain and urinary complaints. At the end of eight weeks, those treated with saw palmetto and prulifloxacin experienced greater pain relief and fewer urinary symptoms than those who only received prulifloxacin. Other scientific studies have suggested that saw palmetto may prevent or treat erectile dysfunction and male pattern baldness. 47


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by Robert Corish, MD


My mother lost her eyesight from macular degeneration. What can I do to protect my eyes so I don’t suffer the same fate?

A: Age-related macular

degeneration (AMD) is a condition that causes blurred or no central (straight-ahead) vision. In fact, AMD is the leading cause of vision loss in those over age 50. You are at higher risk of AMD because of your family history, but you can reduce your risk by making sensible lifestyle choices, such as: stopping smoking, wearing sunglasses and choosing targeted dietary supplements. For AMD, the first ones I’d recommend are lutein and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids are found in the eye itself and protect

the eye from harmful ultraviolet light exposure. In two decades of follow up with results published in JAMA Ophthalmolog y, researchers analyzing a large cohort of men and women found that those with high lutein and zeaxanthin predicted plasma scores (based on food intake) had about a 40 percent reduction in the risk of developing advanced AMD, more than other carotenoids. Other natural supplements to consider include formulas high in anthocyanin content, like black currant and grape seed extracts. Anthocyanins are natural blue and purple pigments that are superstar antioxidants for the eye. Research suggests that anthocyanins may protect eye cells from lightinduced damage and improve microcirculation in the eye. Plus, oxidative stress is a contributing factor to many eye diseases, so adding black currant and grape seed extract makes sense.


One of my friends tells me to never be put on statins. It seems like everyone is on them. Are her concerns valid?

A: Your friend’s concerns are certainly

valid. Statins, the ubiquitous drugs used to lower cholesterol, have been associated with some significant risks, including severe joint and muscle pain, liver and kidney damage, and impaired memory. Furthermore, the FDA has acknowledged that there are risks related to statin use. One condition that may actually make you re-examine statins is the potential risk they have in developing diabetes. In a large, long-term retrospective study of healthy adults published in 2015 that examined statin use and its link to developing diabetes and gaining weight, researchers found that individuals taking statins were 87 percent more likely to develop diabetes and that statin users had a much higher risk of diabetic complications. Furthermore, individuals taking statins were 14 percent more likely to be overweight or obese. Statins work by reducing the production of cholesterol in the liver, and lately they are also being touted for their antiinflammatory effects. However, is the use of a drug, which may have significant side effects, really the best choice to prevent a heart attack? Especially when there is valid scientific evidence to show that there are several natural plant-based ingredients that can balance cholesterol and reduce inflammation without the risks associated with statins. Therefore, as a part of a comprehensive, healthy lifestyle, one should first consider natural equivalents rather than statins, these include; curcumin, Indian gooseberry (amla), omega-3 fatty acids, and astaxanthin to help prevent heart disease.


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Thyme & Ivy. Safe & Effective. Bronchial Clear™


Two Amazing Choices. Bronchial Clear™ & Bronchial Clear™ Liquid provide soothing support with safe, effective thyme and ivy.*

Bronchial Clear™ LIQUID.

• Safe and effective • For kids and adults • Non-drowsy, non-jittery


Finally, a DGL you can really stomach! DGL is a great digestive soother, but most forms must be chewed in order to be effective, and their strong licorice taste can be tough to swallow. Advanced DGL™ is a clinically studied DGL in capsule form that doesn’t require chewing—just one capsule twice a day for digestive health you can count on.* • Supports a healthy stomach lining • Relieves occasional heartburn and indigestion* • Safe, no side effects *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT DISEASE.


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I’m concerned about skin cancer because I’m fair-skinned. What’s the best way to protect myself?

A: You’re kind of stuck between a rock

and a hard place when it comes to sun exposure. Too little and you don’t get the beneficial effects of the vitamin D our skin manufactures from the sun’s rays, and, on the other hand, too much sun and you put yourself at risk for skin cancer and photo-aging. Additionally, if your complexion is fair, you’re at even greater risk due to this complexion’s greater vulnerability to sun damage. Keep in mind that during sun exposure, you’re exposed to two types of ultraviolet (UV) radiation: UVA, primarily responsible for skin aging, and UVB rays that lead to sunburns. Both types can increase your risk of skin cancer.

many of them are cheaply produced and are high in tannins—large molecules that can hinder absorption and bioavailability. It is important to find a French grape seed extract with low molecular-weight OPCs that are more bioavailable and can do the job you need them to do.

One nutrient that is receiving a lot of attention for its ability to protect skin cells is grape seed extract. Grape seed extract is What’s ironic is "What’s ironic is that particularly high that the crucial in oligomeric vitamin D that the the very vitamin D proanthocyanidin skin manufactures that we get from sun complexes from sun exposure (OPCs)— may actually help exposure may actually bioflavonoids that protect us from help protect us from are potent free developing skin radical scavengers cancer. Vitamin D getting skin cancer." in the body. regulates parts of This antioxidant the growth cycle action may of certain cells, protect keratinocytes against reactive called keratinocytes, which are found in oxygen species. Grape seed extract the outermost layer of skin. According to may also reduce DNA damage and Michael Holick, a prominent vitamin D increase cell survival after sun exposure. researcher, vitamin D acts as a “sentinel What’s more, recent research is finding within the skin cell to reduce risk of that OPCs in grape seed extract tumor formation due to the UVBmay influence epigenetic changes by induced DNA damage and increased reawakening tumor-suppressor genes, oxidant activity.” which prevent cancer initiation. Of course, one needs to be sensible Unfortunately, it can be hard to find about sun exposure—burning to a crisp a grape seed extract that will give you is not good for anyone. That being said, the benefits you need. That’s because a little sun exposure without sunscreen 50

can really boost your vitamin D stores. The Vitamin D Council states that a fair-skinned person spending the summer in Boston may need less than an hour of sun exposure on a quarter of her body at noontime to produce 1,000 IUs of vitamin D. That time goes down to just six minutes for someone in Miami. As a guide, they recommend being in the sun for about half the time it takes for your skin to turn pink. Keep in mind, that if you live in a northern climate during the winter, you’re vitamin D levels from the sun will be dramatically reduced. Therefore, taking a supplement of vitamin D3—the biological form that your body uses— may be advisable if you’re not getting vitamin D from the sun. Robert Corish, MD is an expert in preventative medicine. His interdisciplinary approach incorporates conventional medicine with integrative medicine and orthomolecular medicine, a combination that offers many more tools to the physician. Dr. Corish describes himself as a “lifelong medical student” as he continues to study and research the latest breakthroughs— particularly in functional nutrition and preventative medicine strategies. He is a Fellow of the Health Studies Collegium, and an associate of the American College of Nutrition.

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GLUTATHIONE protects cells • Increases blood/plasma level of active Glutathione (GSH), an antioxidant • Protects cells against free radical damage* • Clinically studied • Patented protection system


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Blackened Catfish


in' Up Some k o o C

Serves 4

Packed with protein (just 3 ounces boasts 15 grams of protein!), catfish is a low-calorie way to increase your fish intake, Southern style.

h e t r u n o S


2 teaspoons avocado or olive oil


4 catfish filets 2 teaspoons sea salt 1 tablespoon ground black pepper 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper 1 tablespoon garlic powder 1 tablespoon onion powder 1 tablespoon thyme

Bring some down-home flavors of the Deep South to your table—without the deepfried, salty, and fatty ingredients that link this regional cuisine to heart disease. We’ve done a cleaner version that’s heart healthy yet doesn’t sacrifice flavor. Eat up, ya’ll!


1. Preheat a cast iron skillet on high heat until white ash dances on the bottom of the pan. 2. Mix the spices together and coat both sides of each filet with the mixture. 3. Heat the oil in the skillet. 4. Cook the filets for 2 minutes on each side or until they flake easily. 5. Remove from the pan and serve with a side of collard greens. Per serving: 89 cal; 4g total fat; 0g carb; 15g protein; 22.7g sodium; 0g sugar

Finger-Lickin’ Fried Chicken Serves 8

This gluten-free version of classic fried chicken serves up plenty of crunch while providing you with muscle-building protein and healthy fats. Ingredients

1 cup unrefined coconut oil 2 eggs, beaten 1½ cups almond flour 1 teaspoon Old Bay seasoning 1 teaspoon garlic salt 1 teaspoon marjoram, dried ½ teaspoon thyme, dried ½ teaspoon sea salt ½ teaspoon ground black pepper 1 whole organic chicken, cut up with skin left on Directions

1. Heat the oil in a large frying pan to 350° F. 2. Preheat the oven to 400° F. 3. Cover a large baking sheet with aluminum foil. Place a wire rack on top of the baking sheet. Set aside. 4. Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. 52

5. Dip chicken pieces in the egg, then roll each piece in the almond mixture to coat evenly. 6. Place in the hot oil for 2-3 minutes. Turn the pieces over and cook another 2-3 minutes or until browned. 7. Transfer the chicken to the baking sheet, leaving a bit of space between each piece. 8. Place the chicken in the oven and bake for 30 minutes or until done. 9. Serve immediately. Per serving: 587 cal; 50g total fat; 4.6g carb; 32g protein; 96.5g sodium; 0g sugar

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Better Biscuits Serves 8

What Southern meal would be complete without biscuits? These low-carb, grainfree, gluten-free, dairy-free biscuits let you indulge guilt-free! Ingredients

2½ cups blanched almond flour 1½ teaspoons baking soda ¼ teaspoon sea salt 3 tablespoons unsalted grassfed butter, melted 1 tablespoon honey 2 tablespoons coconut milk

Kick Up Your Collard Greens

2 large eggs

Serves 6


¼ teaspoon apple cider vinegar

This novel take on traditional greens gets its zing from apple cider vinegar and red peppers. Bonus: Collard greens are a rich source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as manganese. Who says Southern food ain’t healthy?

1. Rinse the greens and chop roughly, discarding the stems.


1. Preheat oven to 350° F. 2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, set aside. 3. In a small bowl, combine the dry ingredients. 4. In a medium bowl, whisk the butter and honey until combined. Add the coconut milk, eggs, and apple cider vinegar. Whisk until blended. 5. Gradually stir the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until well combined. 6. Sprinkle a small handful of almond flour onto a cutting board or pastry mat and place the dough on the flat surface. Roll the dough out to ½-inch thickness and cut into discs with a biscuit cutter.


4 pounds collard greens (or a mixture of collard, turnip, dandelion, and beet greens) 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 onion, diced 4 cloves garlic, minced 4 cups chicken stock or bone broth ¼ cup apple cider vinegar

2. Heat the oil in a large Dutch oven over medium-high heat. 3. Add the greens, onion, and garlic to the pan, cooking until the greens have wilted. 4. Pour the stock into the pot and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer, covered, for 1½ hours. 5. Stir in the vinegar and red pepper flakes. Continue to simmer for an additional 30 minutes uncovered.

Pinch of red pepper flakes

6. Add the bacon, if desired. Stir to incorporate and serve.

5-6 strips of nitrate-free, sugar-free bacon, cooked and crumbled (optional)

Per serving: 93 cal; 2.8g total fat; 7.9g carb; 5.7g protein; 787g sodium; 0g sugar

7. Place each biscuit on the baking sheet, two inches apart, and bake for 15 minutes, until golden brown. Serve warm. Per servings: 271 cal; 23.7g total fat; 9.9g carb; 9g protein; 255g sodium; 3.5g sugar


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Navigating the SNACK AISLE If you’re trying to eat healthy or lose weight, the snack aisle—even in a health food store—can be a real minefield. Admittedly, the healthiest snacks are real foods, like fresh veggies or hard-boiled eggs, but sometimes the convenience of the snack aisle is hard to pass up. So we’ve put together some tips to help you navigate the selections and make healthy picks that actually taste good.

LESS IS MORE. When you’re

reading the nutrition information on the back of the package—you’re doing that, right?—the fewer ingredients listed on the label, the better.

LIMIT SUGAR. If sugar of any type

is high on the ingredient list or if the product has multiple sugar types listed, pass it by. Sugar can come in many forms, so watch for ingredients like corn or malt syrup, cane sugar, and words ending in “ose,” like fructose or dextrose.

3 SNACK TRENDS TO TRY Natural Jerky: This isn’t the same jerky that’s been a mainstay of convenience stores. Think gourmet flavors, like teriyaki, Cajun mango curry, blackberry merlot, cranberry, and a focus on organic and grass-fed or grass-finished meat. Go beyond beef and give turkey or bison jerky a try. 54


Nuts are packed with protein and healthy fats, so they’re great snacks. But this is where a nutrition label can be deceiving. If you see a snack bar filled with nuts, accept the fact that it will be higher in calories and fats. You can find snacking nuts in some gourmet flavors, like Thai or chili lime. Just stay away from versions with added sugar.


WHAT??? Yes, calories are important, but beware of empty calories that are common in “100-calorie snacks.” Those little dessert bars can be full of added sugars and artificial ingredients. If you’re still stuck on 100, opt for 100-calorie nut packs, guacamole, or cheese.

Sprouted Grains: During the plant development process there’s a sweet spot between when a seed becomes a plant— when it’s just sprouting—where starches are reduced because they’re used to fuel development while proteins, vitamins, and minerals increase slightly. That’s the magic of sprouted grains. While the nutrition is only slightly different from whole grains, some people find that sprouted grains are easier to digest than some whole grains.

TAKE NOTE OF PORTIONS. You might assume that the small bag of sunflower seeds you’re eating is one serving, but you may be wrong. Small bags often contain more than one serving, which means that eating the whole bag could more than double the calories you thought you were getting.

BE SMART ABOUT GLUTEN. Gluten-free doesn’t always equal good for you. Gluten-free snacks can be loaded with chemicals you can’t pronounce, plus sodium, sugar, and simple carbohydrates.

GET BAKED. If you must eat chips,

baked chips will help you save calories and cut down on unhealthy fats. Or opt for bean chips that have more fiber and protein.

Insect-based protein bars: Insects have been a part of the diets of many people around the world, and if you can get past the “yuck” factor, you might give insect-based protein bars a try. Most are made with cricket flour, so you’re not going to be picking leg parts out of your teeth. There’s a lot to be said for eating bugs: They’re packed with nutrients and are more sustainable than any meat protein.

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Owning the Change You’re busy getting the most out of life. You’re not gonna let menopause slow you down one bit. Menopause Relief* provides a safe, effective choice for symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and irritability. Each dose provides 13 mg of Black Cohosh, which was proven in European studies to be the most effective dosage for menopause relief.*



Smooth out the Rough Spots


Herbal Callus Balm™ is the perfect accessory for spring. It penetrates dry, callused skin to soften and hydrate so you’ll look great again—just in time for sandal season! • Clinically studied, European formula • Effective nutrients improve the appearance of skin • Use daily on heels, hands, elbows, knees 55

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! T C U D O R P G IN L L E S # THE 1 umin


Stronger, More Effective Curc



Softgel 750mg


Up to 500

CAPSULES of Turmeric

Up to



10 CAPSULES of Plain Curcumin

• BCM-95 ® Curcumin used in over 27 groundbreaking, published studies • Healthy Inflammation Response2 • Cellular Health Support * • The ONLY PATENTED curcumin with turmeric essential oil containing turmerones

You Deserve Results



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10 REASONS Why You Can Count On CuraMed





Joint Health

Intestinal Health

Curcumin maintains flexibility and comfort in joints while supporting cartilage structure.*

Curcumin supports healthy bile secretion, bowel motility and fermentation processes while supporting the gut mucosal lining.*

Cellular Health


7 8


Multiple scientific studies have highlighted BCM-95 Curcumin’s ability to support cellular health, protect DNA and RNA from oxidative stress, and support multiple cellular processes.*

4 5

Curcumin helps maintain focus and concentration while protecting brain cells from oxidative stress. The intelligent choice for cognitive health!*

Curcumin supports a healthy inflammation response through multiple pathways in the body, providing remarkable health benefits.*2



Brain Health

Healthy Inflammation Response

Research suggests that curcumin promotes healthy levels of the body’s natural detoxifiers, such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase.*

Cardiovascular Health


Scientific studies have indicated that curcumin supports vascular integrity and healthy cholesterol balance and supports heart function.*3

Curcumin is a true superstar for the relief of pain.*1


Curcumin supports healthy levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, key neurotransmitters for optimal mental health. Clinical studies show CuraMed’s effectiveness for enhancing mood and well-being.*

9 10


Curcumin powerfully protects the body from damaging oxidative stress.* According to an independent lab analysis, CuraMed has an ORAC value of 1,500,000.4

When it’s your health, count on CuraMed ! ®

Absorbs Better

Works Longer

More Effective


Clinically Proven Results!

MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE 1. Occasional muscle pain due to exercise or overuse 2. Occasional inflammation due to exercise or overuse 3. Cholesterol levels already within normal range 4. Based on independent lab analysis per 100 grams of BCM-95 5. Compared to plain curcumin ^ Five hundred 500 mg capsules ^^Ten 500 mg capsules BCM-95® is a registered trademark of Dolcas-Biotech, LLC †† SPINSscan Other Herbal Formula Subcategory Product Item Rank, data ending 12/27/15 *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THESE PRODUCTS ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 57

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Research Roundup


It’s our goal here at Good Health Lifestyles to bring you the latest in cutting-edge research for a variety of common health issues. Because we believe that knowledge is power—especially when it comes to health—we are digging deeper into the exciting new research from leading medical journals and breaking it down to help you get the most from today’s science.

Grapes—An Answer for Cancer?


Potential anticancer properties of grape antioxidants. Dietary intake of foods rich in antioxidant properties is suggested to be cancer protective. Foods rich in antioxidant properties include grape (Vitis vinifera), one of the world's largest fruit crops and most commonly consumed fruits in the world. The composition and cancer-protective effects of major phenolic antioxidants in grape skin and seed extracts are discussed in this review. Grape skin and seed extracts exert strong free radical scavenging and chelating activities and inhibit lipid oxidation in various food and cell models in vitro. The use of grape antioxidants are promising against a broad range of cancer cells by targeting epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and its downstream pathways, inhibiting over-expression of COX-2 and prostaglandin E2 receptors, or modifying estrogen receptor pathways, resulting in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Interestingly, some of these activities were also demonstrated in animal models. However, in vivo studies have demonstrated inconsistent antioxidant efficacy. Nonetheless, a growing body of evidence from human clinical trials has demonstrated that consumption of grape, wine, and grape juice exerts many health-promoting and possible anticancer effects. Thus, grape skin and seed extracts have great potential in cancer prevention and further investigation into this exciting field is warranted. Source: Zhou K, Raffoul JJ. J Oncol. 2012;2012:803294.



While the compounds from grapes are well known for their heart-friendly properties, it may come as a surprise to some that they can help stop tumors, too. A review of studies headed up by Kequan Zhou of the Wayne State University Department of Medicine, found that the phenolic antioxidants in grapes worked to stop the growth of cancer cells in many ways: by inhibiting over-the-top inflammatory COX-2 expression, affecting estrogen actions, and targeting tumor-specific growth factors in the body. To put it in the language of the review, grape compounds show ‟antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiproliferative activities.” At first glance, the takeaway from research like this is the reiteration of the connection between food as medicine, with a plea for all of us to get more fruits and vegetables in our diets. But at a more therapeutic level, it shows the importance of clinically studied grape seed and grape skin extracts and the concentrated effects of those ingredients for cancer treatment and prevention. The researchers note that clinical research— versus in vitro studies—is still limited and that the absorption of grape seed and grape skin compounds can be poor. The challenge for anyone looking to boost their protective factors against cancer is to find an extract that overcomes this. Nonetheless, the review concludes that grape polyphenols offer a very viable possibility in the battle against cancer.

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The Mineral for Your Mind: Zinc

Curcumin and Boswellia Battle Viruses



The total content of zinc in the adult human body averages almost 2 g. This is approximately half the total iron content and 10 to 15 times the total body copper. In the brain, zinc is with iron, the most concentrated metal. The highest levels of zinc are found in the hippocampus in synaptic vesicles, boutons, and mossy fibers. Zinc is also found in large concentrations in the choroid layer of the retina which is an extension of the brain. Zinc plays an important role in axonal and synaptic transmission and is necessary for nucleic acid metabolism and brain tubulin growth and phosphorylation. Lack of zinc has been implicated in impaired DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis during brain development. For these reasons, deficiency of zinc during pregnancy and lactation has been shown to be related to many congenital abnormalities of the nervous system in offspring. Furthermore, in children, insufficient levels of zinc have been associated with lowered learning ability, apathy, lethargy, and mental retardation. Hyperactive children may be deficient in zinc and vitamin B-6 and have an excess of lead and copper. Alcoholism, schizophrenia, Wilson's disease, and Pick's disease are brain disorders dynamically related to zinc levels. Zinc has been employed with success to treat Wilson's disease, acrodermatitis enteropathica, and specific types of schizophrenia.

Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-transmitted alphavirus that causes chikungunya fever and has infected millions of people mainly in developing countries. The associated disease is characterized by rash, high fever, and severe arthritis that can persist for years. CHIKV has adapted to Aedes albopictus, which also inhabits temperate regions including Europe and the United States of America. CHIKV has recently caused large outbreaks in Latin America. No treatment or licensed CHIKV vaccine exists. Traditional medicines are known to have antiviral effects; therefore, we examined whether curcumin or Boswellia serrata gum resin extract have antiviral activity against CHIKV. Both compounds blocked entry of CHIKV Env-pseudotyped lentiviral vectors and inhibited CHIKV infection in vitro. In addition, vesicular stomatitis virus vector particles and viral infections were also inhibited to the same extent, indicating a broad antiviral activity. Although the bioavailability of these compounds is rather poor, they might be used as a lead structure to develop more effective antiviral drugs or might be used topically to prevent CHIKV spread in the skin after mosquito bites.

Zinc, the brain and behavior.

Source: Pfeiffer CC, Braverman ER. Biol Psychiatry. 1982 Apr;17(4):513-32.


With the exception of popular immune-supporting products, it may be easy to think of zinc—if at all—as something to take during a cold or f lu. But despite the lack of attention it typically gets, zinc is essential for the way the brain develops during pregnancy, infancy, and childhood. Levels of zinc can even determine our susceptibility to addictive behavior and the risk of mental disease. The importance of this classic research is that it illustrates the need for zinc in ways that you may easily forget and underscores some very critical reasons to get zinc into a daily regimen, whether you are a mom-to-be, a young child, or an adult.



Curcumin and Boswellia serrata gum resin extract inhibit chikungunya and vesicular stomatitis virus infections in vitro.

Source: von Rhein, Christine, et al. Antiviral research 125 (2016): 51-57.


With the increasing worldwide spread of viruses, we need new ways to fight them. This research showed that two powerful herbal ingredients normally associated with pain relief or tumor reduction may also have strong antiviral effects. While this study mentioned bioavailability as a potential limiting factor, it doesn’t have to be: There are clinically studied varieties of both curcumin and boswellia available with enhanced absorption or higher levels of beneficial compounds. Getting one or both of these natural virus fighters into your regimen each day can help you and your family preempt immune system attacks. And the only side effect is better health overall.

Good Health




Feed Your Mind*

Fortify Your Heart*

With natural phospholipids and peptides, Vectomega® is food for your brain. And, of course, the bioidentical DHA/EPA omega-3 fatty acids are great for your heart. It’s the Vectomega difference that will make a difference to your health.*



Good Health TM


I promise you a pain-free life or your money back.* †

I have been involved in natural health for over 45 years. During this time, I developed over 400 formulations and learned what it takes to make people healthy. I have changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and I want to change your life, too. My products were inspired by my dedication to natural health and passion to make your life better. Because pain can destroy your life, my goal was to develop a formulation to get you pain free.† Curamin® is the result of my research on pain relief.*† Its primary ingredient is an enhanced absorption curcumin which has been the subject of more than 27 scientific studies. I develop products that will provide you with results. It is an honor to put my name on them and I’m proud to give them to my children and grandchildren. With Terry Naturally ®, you could say you’re using our family products. If you don’t get the benefits you expect from them, I have not earned your trust or your money. Therefore, I offer you an unconditional money-back guarantee. Some people call me a pioneer. I don’t know about that. What I do know is that I work every day to be able to offer you products that you can trust to be safe and effective, and provide results that will change your health and your life for the better.

Terry Lemerond Founder and President of Terry Naturally ® products


Good Health TM


! D N A R B G IN # L L E S 1 E H T


Stop Pain Now


Safe • Effective • Non-Addictive Curamin® formulas are award-winning, leading pain relief† products, changing lives for the better all around the world. The clinically studied ingredients in our formulas are carefully selected for effective and safe pain relief.† Curamin doesn’t mask occasional pain—it gets to the source and stops it.*†


“My patients are looking for relief from pain, so I recommend Curamin.† I feel better knowing they are getting results without the side effects.”* —Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, MD**

Curamin formulas provide safe relief.*† No kidney, liver, or intestinal damage. †Occasional muscle pain due to exercise or overuse.

^SPINSscan Other Herbal Formula Subcategory Brand Rank, data ending 2/21/16.



Good Health


STOP ALLERGIES...Fast Relief Begins Here! TM

e Symptoms Reliev With This Unique, ted Nasal Paten der Spray. Pow

Unique, Patented Nasal Powder Spray Reduces Symptoms Without Side Effects! FastBlock Allergy Relief is like no other treatment for allergies. It’s the world’s only non-irritating, powder spray for allergy relief. Unlike liquid nasal sprays or allergy drugs, FastBlock Allergy Relief does not cause drowsiness, irritate the nasal passages, or cause unpleasant side effects.

FastBlock Allergy Relief is clinically proven to deliver fast, effective protection against hay fever and other airborne allergens such as pollen, dust mites, and pet dander. It distributes a fine cellulose powder into the nasal passages, coating the allergy receptors in the nose where airborne allergens attack.

Antihistamine-Free Steroid-Free

Safe for adults, children over the age of 18 months, and pregnant and lactating women.



Exclusively From: 64

Mechanical Allergen Particle Barrier Medical Device Bottle Patent #US 7,465,287 | Formula Patent #US 8,202,550

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