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GL Vol. 5, Issue 2

• Travel to Nepal • Local Musical Favorites • Fashion: Paris to Woodstock • Environmental Feature in Colaboration with

Written by young people for young-minded people


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TOC/MastheaD CONTENTS Restaurant Review: Black-Eyed Suzie’s ............ p. 8 Opinion - Bullying............................................ p. 10 Advice: Ask Sushi...............................................p. 12 Reviews: Books & Movies.................................p. 14 Fiction: Mimi Ngo....................................... p. 16-17 Top 10 Albums ............................................ p. 18-19 Travels with Noel Fletcher ..........................p. 20-21 My Story of Sign Language ............................. p. 22 Fashion from Paris to Woodstock ............ p. 24-27 The Art of Amani Jones ............................. p. 28-29 The Art of Hali Bartel ........................................p. 30 Environmental Section: Earth Guardians .p. 31-35 Life of a Gymnast ..............................................p. 38 Poetry............................................................ p. 40-41 Great-Grandpa Jack ..........................................p. 42 Herione of the Hudson Valley..........................p. 43 Politics ................................................................ p. 44 Memories............................................................ p. 45 Awareness ...........................................................p. 46


Editor-in-Chief/Publisher................................Cathy McNamara Art Director......................................................... Grey Ivor Morris Executive Editor....................................................... Julie Schmidt Managing Editor................................................ Gabrielle Euvino Associate Editor.............................Monique Winum Martindale Editor....................................................................... Cynthia Adler Editorial Intern.......................................................... Josh Desetta SALES Marketing & Sales Director .... Carolyn Handel (845) 684-5138 Advertising Sales ..........................Marie Shultis (845) 417-1484 Sales & Distribution........................... Seth Allen (845) 594-2000 Ad Sales ..................................Jennifer Lavenhar (201) 407-9770 DISTRIBUTION: 7,000 COPIES. Throughout the Hudson Valley and NYC. Published by GoodLife Publishing 34 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY 12498 ONLINE VERSION: GoodLifeYouthJournal.com

SUBMISSION INFO: GoodLife accepts work done by young people aged 10 to 20 and pays $$ for accepted work. Deadline: Winter: Nov 9th, Spring: Feb 9th, Summer: May 9th, Fall: Aug 9th • Permission: Need a parental email if you are younger than 16 (giving permission to publish your work & receive payment). Need address. • Topics Examples: Lifestyle, music, book & movie reviews, sports & fitness, political & environmental. • Writing strategies: Reflecting, Reporting, Explaining, Arguing, Opinion and Humor! Length 200 to 500 words Be CREATIVE and send work that you would be proud to have published. All articles must be appropriate for ages 10 to 100! Work not used is stored for possible future publication. Send submissions as Word documents to: Goodlifejournal@gmail.com Thanks, Cathy McNamara (Publisher) (845) 217-9302 Open Call for young writers, Photographers! Volunteer and learn about publishing!

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Be Like Water...


OME ARE BORN with a love for water and others are not. Here my father is threatening to throw me into the ocean because I would never want to go in on my own... even at this young age! I admire people who can jump right into a pool or lake without hesitation. They’re so brave... immune to the shock of temperature change that would cause me extreme displeasure! While I watch others splashing and having fun, I still need to test the water with my big toe and hesitate. I become like a Pool Flower, focusing on saving bugs that float by, trying to hide what a scaredy-cat I really am while listening to “Come in! The water is fine!” When the social pressure becomes unbearable, I make my move... a slow, prolonged process of misery. Wading in, I gasp as each body section accepts and acclimates to the water. It’s always surprising how perfect the water feels once I’m over the shock, proving everyone has an inner water baby. Once fully immersed, the one thing that holds true no matter how we enter — we adapt and become one with the water. Like in life, we can find enlightenment, pleasure and growth if we allow ourselves to get our feet wet! It was the final day befor the pool was to close...it was my last chance to make up for not swimming all summer! I decided to motivate myself by doing one cannonball jump for every person that I love. Inspired with each leap and splash, I imagined sending waves of energy no matter whether they were near or far, here or in the heavens. It was so fun and joyful that I kept finding more and more people to honor. I guess the lesson here is: If you motivate yourself, you can overcome anything! If you “go for it” you will feel happy, proud and gain confidence along the way! So whatever you do this summer make sure to get wet! The GoodLife Summer issue has fashion on the runway and on location thanks to Starla Bolle covering Byrdcliffe Barn’s Fashion Night and the Sudbury School photography Summer fashion shoot. Artists from Mill Street Loft, Imani Jones and Hali Bartel show their award winning art! Also, don’t miss Earth Guardians New York quarterly environmental section, written by local and global young activists, artists and musicians stepping up as leaders to regenerate our earth. It’s full of news with things we can do to make an impact and create change in our world.

ON THE COVER: Rachel Schackne photo

Fall issue coming next!

Deadline August 9th • Back to school • Permaculture • Inventions Disclaimer: The views expressed in this magazine do not reflect those of the publishers, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised.

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Black Eyed Suzie’s

By Finn Doering, age 14 http://sharpfinnsoup.wordpress.com/


I was first introduced to their delicious homemade farm-to-table creative approach at the Woodstock Farmer’s Market. Now they have newly opened this catering space with only a few lucky tables for breakfast and lunch. The space is small (but it feels big) with a great bright airy energy and exactly my favorite style — rustic modern. I love the neon flowers on the wall and the colors of the space. Drinks were all super creative and delicious. We had jalapeno lemonade, celery soda with cardamom, and black pepper and rosemary infused iced tea, with a candied borage flower on top! I like how they used natural sweeteners. They make all their own simple syrups! The Vidalia onion rings with corn flour were devoured quickly. Instead of a greasy fried taste the corn makes them flavorful, tender and gluten free! The buttermilk fried chicken with wild hive farm corn flour was perfectly golden brown and crispy. The slaw is also original being that it uses kale. I asked for honey because I felt it needed a dipping sauce. It was the best fried chicken I’ve had in a long time! My dad tried the “wholesome health bowl” with grilled halloumi cheese, lentils, green couscous, baby kale, harissa roasted vegetables, preserved lemon vinagrette and zatar crostini, again served with a chive flower for color and interest. It was very delicious, slow roasted and flavorful. My mom and sis shared the hash brown waffle with sautéed kale, a poached egg and avocado ranch sauce, which was like a hollandaise. It was a winning combination! We loved it so much we will try to make it at home. I mean, what a genius idea to make a waffle out of hash browns! The desserts were insane! Lemon mousse with lime, blueberry preserves and a candied mint leaf. We thought it was light and fluffy and sweet and delicious! Earl Grey tea cake with a rhubarb frosting was not too sweet and really nice and the brownie was crispy on top and chewy in the bottom. The chocolate bundt with chocolate frosting was just really good cake! I love how each dish has a lot of thought in the design and presentation. Simple ideas with great taste and design. You can tell the 3 partners here really care a lot about their food and sharing new ideas with people. I will definitely think to go here first when in Saugerties from now on! Catering & take away. 230 Partition St. Saugerties

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By Helen Whipple-Gutman, Writer and mother

Helen Whipple-Gutman submitted a story about her grandmother to GoodLife 5 years ago. Now she is a mother of 2 with a message to readers “It’s important to stand up for the things you believe in. It’s a very valuable skill to be able to be creative. Having an imagination and believing in the magic of the world is what will carry the future generations. Don’t let anyone discourage you, don’t let them tell you not to believe, not to dream, not to be who you are. It is those things that make you, you. It is those things that will help you to find yourself. Stay true to yourself and your dreams. Page 10 • www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com

Illustration by Elizabeth Whipple


alking along Washington Avenue and Russell Street in Saugerties with my daughter, Elizabeth (6 yrs) and my son Aiden (5 yrs), I come across a handmade sign on the telephone pole that reads “Stop Bullying.” It’s made by what to me appears to be an elementary school­aged student, which makes sense because our public elementary school is literally 15 feet from where I stand. As a person with concern for others, and as a parent with young children who are at an age where everything said to them and everything they see is what helps shape them into the adult they will become, it made me kind of proud to see that someone was standing up for others and believes in something that is very important. It made me smile in a way because a child had the courage to make a physical sign and post it (taped it to the pole) so everyone could see it and their statement would be seen. But it also made me sad. For the same reasons that it made me proud and smile, it also made me sad. No one should feel bullied.
 As we got home, which is only a block from where the sign was, my daughter said, “Mommy, at school a boy in my class called me a bully.” Her confused and sad expression made me wonder. Why would anyone call my beautiful, smart, quietly shy, blue­-eyed, full of wonder, friendly little girl a bully? Especially someone who I thought was her friend. Other than teasing her brother at home, I’ve never known her to pick on anyone. At school she’s quiet and keeps to herself. I asked her why would he say that and she told me that she didn’t know. I hugged her, because I feel the only way to help her at this moment is to show her love. In closing, my point is that everyone needs love. That issues like bullying reach from young kids to grown adults. None of it is okay. As parents we need to teach our kids to be kind. To show respect. To treat each other nicely. They are the future.

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Ask Sushi

Fluffy Advice by Griffin Stewart, Brooklyn, age 15


i and welcome to another Ask Sushi with me, Sushi. The summer is here, and with it comes fun! Me and my pack members have a lot of plans this summer, like going on my very first cruise and seeing a butt load of new and exciting places— like Florida and Cozumel, Mexico... a world of never ending happiness, you can always see the sun, day or night! As well, one of my pack members is going to this place called Camp Glen Brook to live in the outdoors, doing fun things like canoeing, rock climbing and backpacking. I’m pretty jealous. On top of that, we are going to all the fun beaches around New York City, like the Rockaways and South Beach on Staten Island.

A: Well, I have never surfed before. Maybe I will try this summer. I’ve always been interested in surfing but I think I would be a lone wolf when it comes to it. It’d be just me and the waves riding alongside each other. But I would have to learn how to swim. I might be able to doggie paddle if I really try, but you know little paws, they can’t do a lot with those big waves. And now for my Sushi wisdom to you. Always be willing to try new things but remember to be safe. The ocean is a vast and powerful part of nature that deserves respect.

cycled paying for the cost of operation.** Other people are creating biodegradable plastic. And there are even fungi that can eat plastic and produce edible mushrooms. So the technology is there, all you need to do is to take care of your recycling, try not to use plastic bags and keep track of your garbage. Together we can turn the tides! And that is my Sushi wisdom to you.

Question 3: There are garbage islands of debris accumulations floating in the middle of the ocean. Can you give us any dog advice to humans on waste? A: Well, as a dog I never waste anything. I eat the whole bone— bone and all. My pack members are very serious about recycling and buying less plastic. All over Bushwick when I am taking my walks I see these storm drains full of garbage and

A: Well, one of my pack members is going to Brooklyn College in the fall. And my other pack member just leveled up in kung fu! All of us are having a really great time in Brooklyn. Our neighborhood is full of street art and fun people, amazing food and having good times, and lots of fluffy dogs! Manhattan always has something exciting happening, too! I do miss all of my doggie friends up in Kingston.

Question 4: What are you or your human family up to? We would love to hear about everyone’s developing interests.

“Many people around the world are trying to make a change

Which brings me to my first question. Question 1: Have you ever gotten to visit the ocean? A: Well, actually, all of the five Burroughs are technically right up against the Atlantic Ocean, so, I’m seeing the ocean wherever I go. Every time I take the ferry to Staten Island I am crossing a patch of ocean. So the sea and NYC are as linked as I am to chicken. You can’t imagine us apart! And now my Sushi wisdom to you. The ocean is in your heart all you have to do is feel it! Question 2: Have you gotten to see the Youtube of the surfer dogs who surf along with their human on the same board? Being a surfer dog might be cool for you, too? Page 12 • www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com

plastic and I think, if only people would be more careful with their waste and recycle, then the whole world and the ocean would be a cleaner place. When you are me, close to the ground you notice these things a lot more than my big neighbors. They’re so busy with their lives that they forget to look down and see the trash piling up everywhere. And now for my Sushi wisdom to you. Many people around the world are trying to make a change and fix the oceans. Take 19-year-old Boyan Slat who has plans to create an Ocean Cleanup Array that could remove 7,250,000 tons of plastic waste from the world’s oceans. The device consists of an anchored network of floating booms and processing platforms that could be dispatched to garbage patches around the world. And the plastic could later be re-

And now for my Sushi wisdom to you: It’s not about where you live, but what you make of it. Remember, always to see things with an air of barkthority. And that is my Sushi wisdom to you. All right dog and dogettes, I’ll be seeing you later! Peace out and eat chicken!


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Book & Movie Reviews By Stella Prince, Age 11 Hey, guys! For this issue, I am reviewing 2 movies and 2 books. Enjoy!

DEAR AMERICA: VOYAGE ON THE GREAT TITANIC This book, written by Ellen Emerson White, is one of hundreds in the Dear America series. This book is about a girl, Margaret Ann Brady, who accompanies a woman on the Titanic. Here the girl records in her diary her experience on the sinking ship in 1912. I have to say that this series is quite good. The Dear America series focuses on girl protagonists and the My Name Is America series focuses on boy protagonists. Other great historical fiction series are: My America, Dear Canada, and The Royal Diaries. I would read all of them and watch the episodes, too! “Dear America” is a great TV show that you can get online. I would definitely recommend these series. êêêê

DEFINING DULCIE This wonderful book, by Paul Acampora, is a sad but well-written tale of a girl named Dulcie who travels with her Mom to California after her Dad dies in Newbury, Connecticut, where originally she’s from. But, Dulcie does not like California one bit. She’s steals her late Dad’s ‘68 Chevy and secretly drives cross country by herself back to Connecticut. Then, she meets a girl, Roxanne, who has some problems. Dulcie and her Mom help Roxanne to make things right. It has a wonderful ending. êêêêê


This movie, directed by Thor Freudenthal, is a favorite of mine. If you’re a lover of the Diary Of A Wimpy Kid books, and you haven’t heard of the movies, you have to see them! I thought Robert Capron, who played Rowley, was exceptionally great, and of course the legendary Zachary Gordon was fantastic, too. If you do not know, this story is about a boy named Greg Heffley, who is a major wimp. He records his diary entries about school and life. It is actually really funny! The cartoons are eccentric and the actual books are great! êêêêê Page 14 • www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com


Forget Me Not

Part II


“She had merely shrugged and went to retrieve his used mug when she noticed he had forgotten, or rather left, some items on the table. First was a little message saying, ‘Happy Birthday’ with a rabbit keychain By Mimi Ngo, age 17 beside it, which made her smile. Then she noticed the other items he left. Clasped between his assumed cur­ rent favorite novel ­a tragedy, no surprise ­was a stem with the actual flowers sticking out from between the pages. She wasn’t too familiar with the flora of the world, but if she didn’t know better, she would say these were Forget­Me­ Nots.
She smiled, pulled the flowers out from between the pages and twiddled the plant in between her fingers.
‘Good to see we’re on the same page.’ Heh.” End of flashback.... fter her birthday when he gave the flowers and the rab- umbrella only for the massive downpour to cascade down secbit keychain, he stopped coming to the café. Initially, she onds later.
Cursing her luck and ruined hair, she looked around thought he for a temporary was embarshelter. She was rassed and needed at least 60% wet some time to recunow, but not perate. However, as quite to point of weeks and months being drenched. passed and eventuConsumed ally a year, she realin thought, she ized that he was probhardly noticed ably never coming back. the man walking toShe worried that he may wards her and talkhave gotten in another ing to her until he accident and was hospicleared his throat. talized, but she tried to Interrupted from her write it off that he was thoughts, she averted probably overwhelmed her gaze towards the with work. It wasn’t like stranger only to realhe had to get coffee specifically at her cafe either; he could have just gone to a café that was closer to his workplace. Yeah, that made perfect sense. Almost two years after his last visit, the peak of summer was approaching and temperatures were climbing. The summer rain fell from the sky this day accompanied by the rays of sunlight that made each raindrop shimmer. While she thought it was strange that the rain sometimes fell while the sun was still out, she couldn’t complain since a rainbow would soon follow. Of course, the weather didn’t always cater to everyone’s wishes. The drops were falling faster and faster as she fumbled with her broken


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Photo by Kylla Delisio on location at the Garden Cafe Woodstock. Models: Eden O’Clair & Caleb McNamara


ize that the person really wasn’t a stranger. She sucked in a breath and blinked a few times as her brain tried to grasp if she was dreaming or not. She stood frozen like a gaping fish for a good 10 seconds before clearing her throat, “A­ah, sorry, I was, um, lost in thought.” She gave a sad excuse for a smile and tried to brush off her awkwardness, “You used to come by the café often. It’s, um...uh, been awhile.” She was trying to be as nonchalant about it as possible, but she wasn’t succeeding.
“Ah, yes, it’s been awhile...I hope business has been well.” He nodded his head and attempted to give his own smile, but his was more tired­looking than awkward. That’s when she took note of the changes that had come into place during the past year or two. His goofy and happy demeanor was gone and replaced with a more serious and fatigued appearance. His facial features had also hardened quite a bit in comparison to the puppy­like features he had before. Whatever happened to him within the past year must have had a serious impact on him. Her smile dropped just a bit.
“Business has been great actually; we’re adding colder beverages as the weather becomes warmer. You sh­ ” She opened her mouth to say something else, but closed it upon further thought.
A strange thick tension followed and the only sounds audible were the drops of rain that pelted down.
He shifted a bit and looked at the sky, “It doesn’t look like the rain is going to let up anytime soon. Would you like me to escort you to your shop?” She raised a single brow, finally noting the large black umbrella grasped in his hand. Putting on her “pretty waitress” façade, she sent him one of her customer­charming smiles, “How polite of you, good sir. You really don’t have to; I own the café, so opening a little later is fine.” She used to talk with him like this as a joke, and he knew it. “No, I insist, miss,” he played along. He dipped his head a bit and shifted so she could join him under the umbrella.
A bit unsure of what to do, she looked at him, the umbrella, the rain and then back at him again. He just stood there and waited for her to move, but she was too busy being a steamed vegetable to process his words. After a few seconds, she regained her composure and humbly ducked under the umbrella, making sure to keep a good distance

away from him to give him some personal space.
Silence followed as they began making their way towards the café. She fumbled with her bag as a distraction and then decided to make some small talk to lessen the awkwardness. “So, what have you been up to? You said you were a detective, right? I remember you would always bring in case files. Has work been overwhelming?” He tensed up for a second and didn’t answer for a good few minutes. When the silence was beginning to pick back up, he finally said, “Nah, work hasn’t really been that much trouble. I’ve just had a lot on my mind.” He chuckled, “And when I say ‘a lot on my mind’, you could take it literally.”
She scrunched her brows at that statement and tilted her head slightly, “What do you mean?” “I know we chatted a lot whenever I came by the café... but I never actually told you about my amnesia. It’s a little personal, but I don’t mind telling you about it.”
For some reason, hearing this made her heart drop to her stomach. She wasn’t sure if this was anxiety or hope. She remained silent and let him continue. “So...long story short, I was in an accident a few years ago and due to some major brain damage, I evidently got amnesia. The past few years I’ve been struggling with some identity issues and fragments of random memories that I haven’t been able to piece together.” Well, she couldn’t say she was surprised. Didn’t this type of thing often happen with amnesia victims? She fidgeted and took in a deep breath to try to brush off any remnants of hope she still had while staring directly ahead as they neared the café. He was silent for a minute and then muttered loudly enough for her to hear, “Even just walking like this with you is like déjà vu,” he said almost like a whisper. “Wait.”
Suddenly, she felt a grip on the sleeve of her cardigan as if he was afraid to invade her personal space. Since she was a bit too anxious to look at him, she turned her head towards him ­without meeting his eyes ­to acknowledge him. “This might sound weird,” he started, “but I think I remember you.”
That was all it took and she could feel her heart stick in her throat.
She inhaled deeply, “Why don’t you come in and I’ll make you an Americano?” After years of hope and yearning, she never thought she would dread this conversation.

“Cursing her luck and ruined hair, she looked around for a temporary shelter. She was at least 60% wet now, but not quite to point of being drenched.”

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Monty Q. Stewart’s Top 10 Favorite Albums

By Monty Stewart, age 18


rom the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s come a list of albums that freaking rock! These are, of course, my personal favorites. Some albums are higher up on the list than they should be, but who cares? Take a read, and after you’re done, take a listen, if you care to do so. Without any further ado, let’s get started with number ten!

You’re in for an earful when you pick this one up. 5. Tenacious D – Tenacious D (2001) Jack Black is one funny dude, although his lyrics are pretty crude. What this album truly did for me was introduce me to a whole world of music I may not have otherwise found. 4. Holy Diver – Dio (1983) “Dio has rocked for a long, long time,” sings JB. “But who is Dio?” asks a younger me. Thanks to the Internet, I found out that Dio is possibly one of the greatest heavy metal singers of all time. It was then that I knew, I LOVE HEAVY METAL!!!

10. Doolittle – The Pixies (1989) The Pixies somehow manage to be noisy and mellow all at the same time. Black Francis’ mysterious lyrics leave you contemplating for hours at a time. 9. Space Oddity – David Bowie (1969) “Ground Control to Major Tom…” go the all-too-familiar lyrics. People know the song, but don’t realize the sheer creative genius of the rest of the album. 8. Axis Bold as Love – Jimi Hendrix (1967) Axis Bold as Love has possibly one of the most incredible guitar solos of all time. The entire album is a crescendo of psychedelic goodness from front to back. 7. Bat Out of Hell – Meatloaf (1977) To me, this album is a symbol of freedom. I put it on and I feel that I’m ready to ride off into the sunset. It will always hold a special place in my heart for that reason. 6. Bleach – Nirvana (1989) It’s the late 80s, about to be the angst-ridden 90s. Enter Nirvana. Nevermind is the album that most people love, but here’s the thing. If you’re looking for that full-on underground-grunge experience, look no further than Bleach. It’s angry, raw and sometimes sorrowful.

3. Jerusalem – Sleep (1999) Listen to Sleep’s riff-filled hourlong one-song masterpiece. It isn’t a song so much as it is a journey that transcends time and space. 2. In Utero – Nirvana (1993) Yes, as far as I’m concerned, Nirvana deserves to be here twice. I even prefer Bleach, but something about In Utero feels so ‘absolute’. “All and all is all we are,” sings Kurt. I don’t know what it means. I think that’s the point, the song seems to say: “Who cares?” 1. Master of Reality – Black Sabbath (1971) Okay, so who invented heavy metal? That’s right, Sabbath’s sound was so heavy, that it shook the face of music forever. I saw them in concert for the first and last time - last winter - and was totally blown away, but long before that I have loved the Sabs. Master of Reality will always and forever remain my favorite. Its explorative sound seems to tap into the secret meaning of the universe. It’s just so freaking awesome.

Sampling of Local Musicians We asked our Facebook friends who their favorites were

Liz Anne Drobnicki: My favorite rock group in the Hudson Valley is Graffiti Souls. Every song on their album is a hit! Jan Sperl: Shannon Sperl... rockin’ the music scene in Kingston, NY on her winter break.. Singing cover tunes at local establishment. Shannon currently attends Berklee College of Music in Boston. Talented is an understatement. Everyone should give this girl a listen.

boyfriend and me away. He is also so in touch with his fans and has great energy on stage and off. Super cool guy who is gonna go far in life you can see it. James Orr: Gypsy Sun they play an eclectic mix of Jimi Hendrix/Band of Gypsys material and some other stuff too. They do shows at Bearsville Theatre in Woodstock! Maxwell Storms: Aquarius Productions, but y’all already know that.

Grace Anderson: Frank Palangi is amazing. Saw him live a few months ago at the Upstate Concert Hall. He opened for Starset and completely blew my Page 18 • www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com

play NAMM in Anaheim, Ca later this month.

Corinne Danger McDonald: Yes, Beautiful Bastards!

Photo by James Orr

Deborah Seroff: The Beautiful Bastards , Jeremy Adrienne Seymour: Matthew Vigna is an aweSwift. Currently has a monthly residency at some guitarist from Saugerties! Matthew Vigna Pictured Gypsy Sun: Chogyi Lama, Calvin Alfaro, James Orr Harmony Cafe in Woodstock. Also known in FB Page music. Kingston, Catskill, Saugerties, and many area Jeffrey Alan Cella: Lindsey Webster (current single is Billboard Top 10) and towns. Quickly becoming the new Rock-n- Roll Band. Jessica Lynn (first music video soon to be released) are on the same bill to

Local Musicians (Cont’d) Nick Gz: YEAH. ME! Bella ElBey: Naas Alston Goodlife: I love going to Live at the Falcon to see Connor Kennedy & Minstrels… Connor Kennedy (guitar/vocals), Will Bryant (organ/vocals), Lee Falco (drums/vocals), and Brandon Morrison (bass/ vocals), Also Calder Mansfield’s new song She Loves Me. http://caldermansfield. bandcamp.com/releases Tyler Torelli: https://m.facebook.com/RahClyrica Noah Schneidman: Hey guys, I wanted to contact you regarding a new album that i just completed. I’m a 17 year old from Onteora High School. I self-recorded, produced, and mastered roughly an hour of original material for this album and I’m super proud. I think it is really good. If you gave it a listen i think you would agree. I was just wondering if you guys could throw me a shout out of some sorts in the journal; a blurb, a mention, maybe a review (if that is a thing). Anything you could do would be really greatly appreciated. Here’s a link to the music: https://noahschneidman.bandcamp. com/album/sleeping-tapes Swanky Tiger: Oliver Myles Mashburn, Will Rockefeller, and Michael Glendening with drummers Spencer Hoyt and Connor Crawford, the band’s true sound and vision were realized in the adoption of a snarling new moniker - Swanky Tiger. They recorded their debut album, EMPIRES, at their own Dead Bee Studios in upstate New York. The album was mixed and mastered by Joe Colmenero and Tony Gillis, respectively, at The Cutting Room Studios in NYC. Upon its release in the winter of 2015, EMPIRES garnered accolades from PopMatters, Pancakes & Whiskey, and InYourSpeakersMedia, among others. Through performances at some of NYC’s most iconic venues, including The Studio at Webster Hall, The Bowery Electric, Saint Vitus, The Bitter End, and a showcase at the 2015 CMJ Music Marathon, they have been establishing themselves as an explosive presence on the New York rock and roll scene. Jesse Shayne on drums, Swanky Tiger are currently writing new material and booking live dates in the United States. Download at: Swankytiger.bandcamp.com/yum

Pictured Swanky Tiger

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Special Travel Section with Noel Fletcher


I Learned My

ABCs of Trekking!

HAT IS NEPAL? It’s a small country in between India and Chinese Tibet. The northern parts of Nepal are very Buddhist. In fact, Buddha was actually born in Nepal, though we all think of Tibet as being more Buddhist. However, Nepal is much more Hindu in its southern parts, closer to India. The people speak Nepali, a language that is not used anywhere else in the world. Nepal doesn’t really produce much, and it doesn’t have a strong economy. Its main industry is tourism. There are safaris for tourists in a national park named Chitwan, where there are some Bengal Tigers (only found at night), and many one-horned rhinos and so on. Since the government introduced elephant riding safaris, the army has been using them to watch out for poachers, and they had a poaching free year last year! The biggest tourist attraction is trekking. For those who don’t know, trekking is hiking that lasts for several days. There are multiple treks in the Himalayas in Nepal, including the Everest Base Camp trek, Langtang, and the Annapurna Circuit. Only the last parts of these treks are high enough to be snowy. We did the Annapurna Base Camp (aka ABC) trek in March, 2016.

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The first few days of trekking (which my Dad has renamed “UltraWalking” for people who want it to sound more sporty), we ascended a lot of steep stone steps. I’m glad I didn’t do that for any longer, because that could really damage your knees. We could have just hiked up the trail normally (like in the Catskills), but apparently the steps were built to avoid erosion and to make it easier for unskilled Trekkers. There were also these long suspension bridges that my Dad posted photos of on Facebook and Instagram. People posted comments on his posts on how scary those bridges looked, and how everybody thought they could never walk across . . . but come on, they were made of metal (at least, some of them were), and people who were five-star tourists on holiday and were not experienced hikers/travelers didn’t think twice about crossing them! After the stone steps, where I begged for a helicopter because I was so worn out (I tried to say, “I thought we had travel insurance!”), we continued on a trail of normal, medium Catskill difficulty level. A few days later, we got to Machhapuchhre Base Camp (MBC) by lunch time, unlike other days when we would spend six or more hours a day hiking. We decided to stay there and chill for the rest of the day to acclimatize to the altitude, as we could feel the effects of thin air.

Travel The next morning, we and she just didn’t know set our alarms for 5:00 where we were on the A.M., when we were to map. But after we left, we go to Annapurna Base ran into some local old Camp and see more woman carrying a giant views. We walked up an basket of whatever on her avalanche that had hapback. She asked, “Where pened a few days earare you going”, and we lier. No one was there to answered “Tadapani.” witness it, although the Then she shook her head people staying or workand pointed the other ing at the lodges probway, saying, “No no no, ably heard it. Eventually, that way, den up . . . up!” we arrived at Annapurna We eventually made it Base Camp. From here to Hotel Lonely Planet, we could see mountains many hours later, and like Annapurna South . . . I guess it was worth and Machhapuchhre it! The food was good (Fishtail). We went back The view from Annapurna Base Camp. n’ home-made (unlike to MBC and descended a our first night, when the few hours later. soups were basically MADE of M.S.G.), and they actually had a wood A few days later, we came back down to a “tea house” that we had stove heater (the only one we had seen since we left home)! been to before, known as “Himalaya View Guest House AND RestauBut did I like this trek? Was it good? Was it bad? What did I like? rant”. Friends we had met earlier, one Danish woman, one English guy, Well, the Catskills are not actual mountains; the valley was cut out and an American guy from Chicago, had a by a glacier. The Catskills are basically giguide/porter (our porter was my Dad, and ant, steep rolling hills covered in trees. But A Note from Posie Strenz: we didn’t get a guide). My parents said that these were actual mountains, and I had they wanted to prolong our trip, and they never seen such views in my life! They On January 1st, my husband Tony Fletcher, our younger son Noel (10 years old) and I embarked on a ten-month journey, responded by pulling out a map and showlook (and are) tall, rocky and snowy. We going “mobile school” with the help of an Apple endorsed ing us another route back, which would get climbed to an elevation of 13,549 feet, and educational program. The world will be Noel’s school as well, us to a nice little tea house named “Hotel were looking at mountains that went up and we plan for him to be video blogging and writing on Lonely Planet”. My dad pointed out that to around 26,000 feet. It was really hard certain topics, such as schools/education systems around the it just looked like minor routes that the work, but it was beautiful, and my hiking world, what types of energy countries use, music, governments, etc. This report is the second in a series. locals used for things. The guide said that strength may have seriously increased! it was impossible to get lost, and that the By the way, here are some fun facts: trail was marked perfectly. He was wrong, • Nepal is the fourth most polluted country in the world in terms and we got lost. I mean, not LOST lost . . . we just got on the wrong of air quality, and has the second most polluted city in the world, trail after it split. We had two choices: 1: Stay on the ridge. 2: Climb up. Kathmandu, due to bad car emissions, diesel generators, brick After looking at the maps, we decided to stay on the ridge. However, kilns, and earthquake destruction dust. after doing that, we didn’t see any westerners. Then, when a painful hail storm broke out (luckily we had light rain gear), we took shelter • Nepal is the second poorest country in the world. in a “lodge”/”tea house” where they acted like they rarely see tourists. • The number of Indian people going to American colleges or uniTheir children draped themselves over my dad as if they had never versities has jumped by 30% in the last year. seen an iPhone before. They did have the menu that all tea houses have in Nepal, and they cooked us some warm food. My dad thought • India’s population is 1.32 billion people. that we must have been close to our destination, Tadapani, though the • India gains 30 people per minute, and the world gains 150 people woman there said “You won’t get there.” She didn’t know where we per minute. were on the map, which kind of made us assume that we were close


A Beautiful Country

am a student from Nepal. Nepal is a beautiful country. I am going to tell you about two beautiful places in Nepal: Boudhanath and Mount Everest. Boudhanath is one of many beautiful places in Nepal. Boudhanath is a temple of Buddha. Buddhist people go there to worship. Buddhist people walk around Boudhanath three times. Boudhanath is located in Kathmandu, Nepal. Boudhanath is ancient temple and it is big place in Kathmandu. Many tourists come to visit in Boudhanath. Boudhanath is one of the most popular places in Nepal. Mount Everest is another beautiful place in Nepal. Mount Everest is known as top of the world. Mount Everest’s peak is 8848 meters above sea level.

Mount Everest is located in Solukhumbu, Nepal. Mount Everest is between Tibet border and Nepal border. The first person who climbing the Mount Everest was from New Zealander was Edmund Hillary and from Nepal was Tenzing Norgay and from Nepal woman she was Pasang Lhamu Sherpa. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. In conclusion, Nepal is a beautiful country. I told you about two beautiful places in Nepal: Boudhanath and Mount Everest. I wrote about these two beautiful places because maybe in the future, you could see them! Bhunimg Tamang is a student in Saugerties Ulster BOCES ESL.


My Story of Sign Language


ne day I was in school at recess and I sat down in a bench eating my lunch. At my side it was a girl like my age listening to a song and writing in her journal. I said hello to her but she didn’t even move like if I wasn’t talking to her. She didn’t hear me so I said hello to her again but she didn’t hear me. The days passed and I saw that she didn’t speak and she was always listening to songs and writing in her journal. One day I asked my mother if she knew why she didn’t speak and she told me that maybe she is a special girl or she has problems listening. Another day in recess I wrote her a note saying “Hello, good morning!” She smiled and answered “Hi, good morning!” on the paper. We started communicating in a paper. She was listening to a song. I asked her what she was listening to. She answered, “A special song.” I asked her if I could listen to it. She wrote me a note saying, “No, I’m embarrassed…Sorry.” Then we kept writing notes to each other.

By Alison Polanco, age 12 Days passed and we started to become friends. One day she asked me if I would like to listen to her special song. I told her that I would like that. She let me listen to it, but it was weird. I didn’t hear anything. Then she began to move her hands doing like signs I was confused. I asked her in a note what was she doing and she told me that she was speaking. I didn’t understand, so I asked my teacher what was she doing. My teacher told me that she didn’t hear and speak. She spoke only with sign. That is called sign language. I decided that I wanted to learn sign language so I could communicate with other people like her. These are the things I have done to learn sign language: 1) Get books out of the library. 2) Watch videos on Youtube. 3) Look for practice DVDs or videos to watch. If you are interested in sign language, you could do the same thing! Alison is a student of the Saugerties Ul­ ster BOCES ESL program.

The 1st workshop starts June 28th 2pm-5pm Then every Tues. same time as long as there are participants.



earn basic sewing skills, upcycle clothing into fabulous new garments. Everyone will make one garment for themselves, and a second that will carry the Altered Label and be donated to sell, then a portion of the proceeds will be donated towards substance abuse programs. As we go along I would like to have a fashion show with all that has been produced. The workshop is free. We are looking for donations such as clothing, small tables, drawers from old dressers, and others, who have skills and would be willing to donate time to give a different workshop. Any help with advertising is appreciated. TO SIGN UP CALL KIM AT 845-688-3171 or email: threadsoftime@live.com

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Executive Director of the Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild Jeremy Adams

Fashion Shows: From Paris To Woodstock


By Starla Bolle, Age 11

ast month, my famiy and I went to Europe for my Great Grandma’s 100th birthday. While we were there, it was Fashion Week in Paris, and somehow my parents got us into an actual Paris Fashion Week fashion show. Did you hear that? A PARIS FASHION WEEK FASHION SHOW!!!! It was

so cool. I knew I needed to look professional, stylish and edgy, so I decided to wear an Orange off-the shoulder dress with bright blue Doc Martin boots and a beanie hat. We pulled up in a taxi to The Palace De

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Photos by Dylan McNamara

Beux Arts where the show was taking place, which is a grand art museum from the 1700’s that was transformed for the show. I felt like I fit right in considering how everyone else around me looked when I got there. There was a big line of reporters, photographers, and shop owners who all looked very stylish and edgy. A common trend was to wear black colored high-heeled shoes with the actual heel in a pattern or bright color, or even a metallic. When we walked in the door it looked so incredible. Behind the bright silver walls you could still see some of the old paintings sticking out. There was a huge disco ball and so many lights I couldn’t even count. The runway ran down the middle of the room

Fashion with a giant mirror tilting in a little at the end so you could see the models as they walked back. We got seated in the 2nd row – can you believe that? Before the show started there were photographers taking pictures of famous people in the front row just in front of us, and I photo-bombed every picture I could. So if you see me on the cover of the next issue of Vogue, don’t be surprised! The show was for Paris-based designer Pascal Millet. As the music started, the first model descended onto the runway. She looked right out of a commercial with a still face, perfect make-up, and a fairly weird hairstyle – a bun with 2 strands of hair flowing out of it and 1 strand of hair coming over the top. The clothes were mostly black, grey and white dresses. The one exception to this was one outfit where the model had feathers in her dress, shoes and hair, and the whole outfit was bright red. This show was called a Ready-To-Wear show, which means that the designer is actually going to sell the clothes in stores the way we see it on the runway. They are definitely super high-end clothes and if you saw them in a store, the store would be very fancy, and the items would be very expensive. I would probably wear those to anything really fancy like a sit-down dinner or a party. Or maybe if I was invited to meet someone famous like the President, a celebrity, or the Queen of England. At the end of the runway, there was a huge herd of photographers trying to get a good photo. If you looked at that herd you wouldn’t see one speck of human face, you would only see cameras and lights flashing. You could tell

that there will be at least a few photos of those models looking amazing. It was awesome. From our seats, I could see every single model. At the end of the show was the Grand Finale, where all the models line up and do one big walk down the runway together. Everyone claps and then the designer comes out and waves to the crowd. After that I got to take a selfie right in front of where models posed for pictures before the show. Overall I’d say it was a really, really cool experience. Closer to home, I saw a fashion show in Woodstock for Fashion Night at the Byrdcliffe Barn. It featured models wearing clothes from a bunch of local stores and boutiques, including my parent’s and Grandparent’s stores – DIG, Woodstock Design, and Woodstock Trading Post. The setting was an old wood barn that is part of a theatre and artist colony called Byrdcliffe. There were rows of chairs and when we got there, almost everyone had saved seats for their friends with the little program booklet you got when you walked in the door, so we wound up sitting in the fourth row. The runway was set up in the middle of the room, and was also made of wood. Before the show, there was a lot of food, even chocolate mousse! When the show started, they would announce the name of the model and the store he/she was modeling for. A lot of the models walked more than once and wore more than one outfit. The models were all ages, from teenagers to people who are friends with my Grandma. They played a variety of different music from “Applause” by Lady Gaga to “Aquarius” from Hair. At the very end, all the models came out in a line wearing the last item of clothing they modeled for a big finale. It really was a true Ready-to-Wear show, because the clothes were already in the stores, and you knew exactly which store to buy them in!

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Fashion tory

Sudbury School Explores Fashion


or their Summer 2016 issue, The Goodlife Youth Journal commissioned students in the Hudson Valley Sudbury School Photography Cooperative to do a summer youth fashion photo shoot. Amelia Iaia, a student at HVSS and a member of the Cooperative elaborates: “Each of us chose our own models, outfits, and location. We featured styles ranging from high-waisted denim shorts and solid color crop-tops to flannels and punk style t-shirts. Even though we each took a personal approach to the shoot, the outcome was unified because of our shared understanding of photography.” Another student, Lucie Parker, enjoyed picking out the clothes and putting things together. She’s into style and color and said: “It was great to work in New Paltz because the environment offered so many colors to pair with the clothes; the town was a great backdrop for me. I was really excited about using denim on denim and cute cropped tops- all things I’ll be trying out this summer.” Wren (Donna) Gordon was also excited by the


STYLING BY AMELIA Page 26 • www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com

opportunity to express her personal style. “I tried to catch my models in the moment, and I really wanted to show a playful side of punk, which is an attitude I really identify with. This was an eye-opening project for me and made me think that it might be something I want to do in my future.” This is not the first project of this kind for members of the HVSS Photography Cooperative, which produced an amazing look book in the winter called They. To get an exclusive look go to http://www.flip­ snack.com/theylook­ book/they.html STYLING BY AMELIA









“Each of us chose our own models, outfits, and location.” STYLING BY AMELIA


STYLING BY LUCI STYLING BY LUCIE PARKER www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com • Page 27

Art Imani won a prestigious Gold Scholastic Key award for her painting as well as a full scholarship to the Maine College of Art.

The Art of Imani Jones W

“I never heard anything that praised black features as beautiful and different in a good way.” Page 28 • www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com


ell, somehow, someway, by the grace of God, I made it through Senior Project. I honestly have no idea how I’m going to write this artist’s statement, so I’ll just keep writing how I feel until it sounds right. I’ll start first with my theme: “My Life as a Black Teen in the U.S.” I chose this theme because I wanted to show the harsh realities I experienced of growing up a young black girl. Through my work, I explore police brutality, institutionalized racism, and even mental slavery. I knew this work was going to rip me apart, but I’ve been bottling up the rage inside me for a long time. Some pieces were mentally exhausting for me, but there were things that I needed to say. There were pieces I didn’t want to do at all. For each piece I create, I research as much as possible about the topic. As I researched, I cried for people I had never even met. I wrote down the names of nine- and twelve-year-olds who are the same ages as my cousins; teens the same age as me; men and women the same age as my mother and father; and even people as old as ninety-three. For a long time, I hated myself internally and externally. This was part of my own mental slavery. I hated myself externally because I thought I was ugly. I thought my dark skin was the worst thing about my body; I hated my nose because I thought it was too big; I hated my hair because I thought it was too nappy. I hated myself because I was black. From a young age, black girls are brainwashed into believing that European features are the epitome of beauty. I thought about bleaching my skin. I thought about getting plastic surgery to make my nose more “acceptable”. This feeling isn’t uncommon for young black girls. I saw videos of girls bleaching their skin and the

side effects of it; plastic surgeries gone wrong and why each girl felt they needed it. I studied their mental slavery and discovered my own. As I researched and looked within myself, I discovered how I could break free from this thought process. I had to get to know myself all over again and begin loving myself for who I am. I began freeing my mind from the mental slavery mindset that I had been brainwashed into. I came to realize that I’m beautiful, that black is beautiful. One day I read a poem by emmanc. He said, “When she is told that her skin is too dark I do not hesitate to offer that the sun loved her so much it kissed her more than the rest of us.” Another poet said, “With skin that absorbs the sun and hair that defies gravity, black girls are truly magical.” I thought that was the most fascinating thing ever because I never heard anything that praised black features as beautiful and different in a good way.

Art Institute of the Mill Street Loft


ruthfully I am not ready to have Imani leave our studios. When we met four years ago, I never expected this shy, unassuming girl to change my world as much as she has. First, Imani is a survivor and capable of overcoming any obstacle. Currently, she attends Poughkeepsie High School, where fewer than 42% of incoming freshman make it to their senior year. Not only has she made it through, but she has excelled with strong grades, a passion for knowledge, a critical eye, and a drive to help others. Growing up below the poverty line, in a urban environment, Imani saw little hope for her future. Our society and cultural racism had convinced her she had little to no worth. It is only through the arts that she discovered she had a voice, and that her views mattered. She could change the world if she could only get people to listen. They are listening. Her work has resonated with her fellow students, teachers, community members as well as college reps from around the nation. Conversations continue well after she leaves the studio about the content and message she bravely inked into our hearts through her large scale drawings confronting racism. Imani has a unique position and view that cannot be taught. Her life experiences cannot be mimicked. Students who can draw or paint can be found in any school. However, you will only find one with


I hated myself internally because to be honest, I never thought I’d amount to anything. I thought I was nothing. I didn’t have many options. The only money I had for college was two jars of pennies, and I had to spend that to help my mom out. So college was out of the question. I never really thought about college. I was even thinking about dropping out of high school. Those were my options for life, that’s it. That’s all I ever saw for my life. Then I stepped into Mill Street Loft, and everything just flipped. Now that I’m in Senior Project, it’s like “Whoa, I can actually make it”. Like a torch in a dark cave--it was like some sort of revelation. I knew if I couldn’t finish Senior Project then I couldn’t become a

real successful artist. I knew if I couldn’t push myself through it, then this wasn’t for me. It’s just crazy how I think back on how I had no purpose, my life was empty. I didn’t care if I lived or died because in the end I knew it wouldn’t matter. But now I have a dream that I can actually mold into my life. I used to dream about having a dream, if that makes any sense. Now I can actually make something of myself. Honestly, my dream is to become a badass ink illustrator. I know it’s small, but all I got is my ink pen, paper, and a dream. That’s all I need. Now Todd [Poteet, the director of the Art Institute at Mill Street Lofts], he’s got some other crazy plot. He’s got me doing all these crazy things. I’m jumping through hoops and rings of fire for these projects. This crazy, awesome, white guy always tells me I’m going to make a change. Now he’s got me chasing after something and to be honest I have no idea what it is, but it’s better than chasing nothing at all. All I know is that I have an opportunity, I’ve got a chance to really make it in life and that’s what keeps me going through each week, each day, and each project.




By Todd Poteet, Director of the Art Institute

the talents, skills, voice and power of Imani Jones. MSL ARTS is a multi-arts educational center that works with students of all ages to change lives through the arts. Our Award-winning Dutchess Arts Camp has inspired students for over 35 years. Students in the Art Institute of Mill Street Loft have been offered over $38 million in merit scholarships to colleges across the nation. Through our outreach programs, students have developed self-esteem, learned life skills, developed their talents, found distinct purposes, and change the world around them. Join us and change a life through the arts. The Poughkeepsie Youth Challenge offers artistically motivated and talented students with financial need the opportunity to earn a fully paid scholarship for three or four years of specialized visual arts training to earn them scholarships to college. Our summer sessions are almost completely sold out except for some space in our Photography and Character Design Concentrations Session 1 June 27-July 15 Session 2 July 18-July 29. The Junior Art Institute program that runs in one week sessions June 27-July 29 at Vassar College. Mill Street Loft • 45 Pershing Avenue, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601. E-mail: info@millstreetloft.org 845.471.7477 • fax: 845.471.7507 • info@millstreetloft.org www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com • Page 29


Hali won a scholarship award to the Rhode Island School of Design is also a graduate of the Art Institute of the Mill Street Loft.

The Art of Hali Bartels I ’ve grown up on the hillsides of the Hudson Valley, in the speck of a town, Woodstock. Growing up I didn’t have that much to to, considering the underwhelming number of children. This is why I turned to art... it occupied my time and kept me quiet (a godsend for my parents). What started as something I enjoyed in my free time, turned to an all out obsession. I can’t remember a time in my life that I hadn’t done art. When other kids when to summer camps, I went to art classes. When people would try and make plans with me, I would cancel and go painting or drawing. Presently, I still do most of the same things I did when I was seven. I’ve really

“Self Koi”

never stopped making art. I am blessed enough to have parents who support me to death, and do everything they can to get me to do better. I have recently been accepted to RISD with a scholarship this following year, and I can’t wait to learn and experience and (hopefully) satiate my need for art.



ali won The Garrett Henderson Ackerman Memorial Award. The award of a solo show in the Youth Exhibition Space (YES) gallery is named for Garrett Ackerman, who died in a house fire at the age of 7, The award is given each year to a graduating Ulster County High School senior who shows great promise in the visual arts. It is WAAM’s mission to promote local artist of all ages and give them opportunities to exhibit and engage with other artists. —Beth Humphrey, Education Curator at WAAM

“Double Self”


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PipeLine NEWS from Earth Guardians: Last month, EGNY Woodstock crew members attended a rally where Youth Director Gabi Raphael and Aidan Ferris risked arrest standing with the people of Peekskill in a direct action, shutting down a Spectra job site for hours. Gabi, still only 16 years old, joined the blockade, but was excused from arrest, being a minor. Aidan joined 20 others in the Peekskill City Jail for several hours while Gabi and Co-Director Rachel Marco-Havens held firm with support outside the jail support until she was released. People all over the world are taking actions like these to shut down fossil fuel industry in its tracks. Anna Compton, Member of the Woodstock Crew, had a chance to ask Gabi and Aidan about the experience.

ANNA: What drove you to speak out about this project, and why is it AIDAN: I did feel like my freedom was taken away. It was eye openimportant? ing and made me think about modern privileges—I couldn’t pass time AIDAN: We wanted to take a stand and show Spectra that we will with my cell phone, there was no privacy, and it was definitely uncomput our bodies on the line and risk arrest--do whatever it takes--to fortable. But I knew there were people out (Continued on next page) stop this incredibly dangerous project. Pictured: Earth Guardians Gabi I believe that this is one of the most Raphael, Anna Compton, Aidan pressing issues facing our country Ferris and Ryan Goetz today. This project threatens the entire Northeast. This nuclear power plant is very old and dangerous, having had three transformer fires in the last eight years. Even our governor has called for its decommissioning. If a high pressure pipeline runs close and explodes, it could cause a catastrophic event similar to Chernobyl or Fukushima, and it would happen within 50 miles of New York City! This project also would run across two fault lines, under the Hudson River, and through hundreds of backyards! This project is insane, and we obviously can’t let it go through. Governor Cuomo and both our senators have asked for a halt to construction. There’s no other option but to take direct action! Twenty-one of us altogether were arrested for blockading this project. ANNA: What it like being in jail for 5 hours?

Who are the Earth Guardians?

A global group of young solutionaries working to create a better world through activism, art, media, and music. Our vision is a world where young people understand the way each decision we make affects other people and the planet. We are committed to bringing about this vision by elevating the voice of our young leaders - as it is this generation that will be most affected by the decisions we make today.

EARTH GUARDIANS ON THE WEB: WEBSITE: earthguardians.org FACEBOOK: facebook.com/EarthGuardiansTribe CONNECT WITH CREWS: earthguardians.ning.com YouTube: youtube.com/earthguardiankids

SHORTS: Teen Films TWITTER: @earthguardianz

Bearsville Theater Friday, October 2 • 5:00 PM www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com •• Page Page 31 31

Pipeline News (Cont’d) (Continued from previous page) there waiting and supporting me. regarding my age was the question of whether colleges would be I didn’t feel unsafe because the police were (and they are not always) swayed in a negative direction. I quickly realized that was ridicuconsiderate, and I knew I wouldn’t lous because this is my future and be in there forever. Most of all, it was I should never be penalized for encouraging to know there were 20 fighting for it. other people there with me. I could Two Major Pipeline projects were halted last month. hear those who I couldn’t see, beGET INVOLVED! The Northeast Direct pipeline was halted due to an inabilcause we were all singing. We sang • Call your senators and Goverity to secure the filling of the line once operating, and the for so many hours that when we ran nor Cuomo to encourage them to Constitution Pipeline was denied the 401 water permits to out of movement songs, we moved speak up about halting this plan! continue laying its pipeline. Sadly, though, the Constitution to Broadway Show Tunes. (Cuomo: 518-474-8390, Schumer: project had already torn down the Hollaran family’s generaBy the time I was released, there 518-431-4070, Gillibrand: 212tions-old maple-producing sugar bush in Pennsylvania, just were only four of us left. The songs 688-6262, Chris Gibson: 518-610weeks before the pipeline was shut down. were so supportive, it had to be dif8133) The New York Earth Guardians Crew has been working ficult for the last guy in his cell to to spread awareness about the Spectra Project down in the • Go to these websites to learn be singing alone. Lower Hudson Valley. more: SAPE2016.org, senrg.org, resistaim. ANNA: What was it like to risk arwordpress.com rest at a young age? GABI: It was exciting. I felt empowered to act as a youth in a way • You can also donate to the fundraiser seeking to raise funds for the legal bills of those arrested: www.gofundme.com/resistaim-onward that was meaningful and would have an impact. My only concern

On a Happy Note

Oceans Cry for Help


t’s no secret that our oceans are crying for help, but what if I told you that it’s more urgent than you may think? Marine life is part of a sacred cycle of the Earth, and without it, the diversity of animals on our planet would quickly become scarce. Most every issue that the oceans are experiencing is human induced. Is it too late for us to replenish what we have destabilized, and stolen from the natural flow of nature? These issues are definitely not something to be taken lightly, and the more pollution we continue to dish out into the atmosphere, the worse the oceans will become. The acidity of the waters, coral bleaching, and rising ocean temperatures are just a few of the many issues that they are facing. Some may call ocean acidification “climate changes equally evil twin.” Why, you may ask? Because of the excess carbon dioxide we cannot sense because it is soaked up by the water. Since the beginning of industry, the ocean has absorbed around 525 billion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and currently, about 22 million tons per day. That is too large of a number for us to not be concerned. The 30 percent increase in seawater acidity has already been affecting some marine life, coral reefs being one of them. Coral reefs cannot survive without their friends, the zooxanthellae (algae that gives corals their food, energy, and color). Coral bleaching occurs when this vital nutrient is stripped from it, causing the organism to starve and conduct a stress Page 32 • www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com

By Jasi Sikora, age 16

response, and if not replenished with zooxanthellae, eventually it will die. This stress response of bleaching is lethal to the coral, and even if conditions return to normal, recovery could take years or decades. So, what is the cause of this? Mainly, the rise in sea temperatures. In the oceans, we have seen a warming of about 0.18°F over the years. This warming has occurred from the surface to a depth of about 2,300 feet, where most marine life resides. These warming sea temperatures can be associated with things like the spread of unwanted diseases and bacteria, which can lead to forced migration of animals and even extinction. This warming can also induce the melting below polar ice shelves, which then leads to collapses. All of this could trigger extreme e-climate changes, and quickly. Now, back to that question I posed at the beginning. Is it too late? My answer is, not definitely. Though the global temperature has already risen by at least 1.1 degrees Fahrenheit, and is almost certain to rise another 0.7 according to the IPCC, I believe that our atmosphere and the oceans still have a great chance. Humanity can come through, if we take drastic measures to replenish our magnificent oceans abundance Photo by Rachel Schackne and balance. Our government will not save our climate, the people will. It is up to us to protect what is sacred, and do everything we can to stay educated and aware of the state of our planet. Only time will tell, so let us take action now!

Joe Britt Q&A


OE BRITT IS THE MIND behind Thermal Mass Construction (TMC), a building technique that uses a combination of radiant tubing, geothermal, and high-density masses of concrete to efficiently retain heat (kind of like a battery). He has been developing his ideas in architecture and engineering for the last 35+ years and has come up with many practical building solutions to today’s sustainability issues and beyond. He is a local Catskill tribe member, but currently looking to sell his house in Rosendale, built with TMC techniques, in order to help fund his quest to continue to define what’s possible in architecture and sustainability. Joe loves discussing ideas about the future and the specifics of his vision so, on a rainy Wednesday morning, I gave Joe a call to do just that: Max: How did you get your start in architecture and engineering? Joe: I think about sixteen years old. I started building treehouses around eleven, or twelve. I grew up in an area that was all subdivision and all the contractors would throw out their wood in piles. I would take it and I would build stuff in the fields, that were soon to be houses.

By Maxwell Storms “energy-based society” and if we adopted clean energy, then the whole entire government wouldn’t have to help out as much. We have to come up with means to transition to get out of this. We’re at an interesting time: where every aspect of our lives is tied directly to fossil fuels.We need to find a way to transition off fossil fuels MS: How might Thermal Mass Construction (TMC) help to create a sustainable society? JB: TMC has shown how residential structures can become truly self-sustaining. We have 150 million homes in the United States alone. The fact the we can take and reuse these materials and rebuild and create a new economy by becoming sustainable is what could and should happen. You break down sections of homes and reuse wood. You can reuse cinder-block foundations and lots of other things you can reuse materials and rebuild.

MS: Very cool, that seems like a very relevant skill-set in this age we’re coming into right now, with the decline of oil. JB: Yes, yes. The young generation are just sitting around, and those who do get jobs, are they meaningful? Are they entry-level? What if people all came together and took all the structures MS: Gotcha, so where did you go that were poorly-dilapidated and from there? rebuilt those in a new way. Made JB: I got working in construction a community-center, you know? at 16. I was given a shovel and put We need to start thinking outside into the basement and told to levelthe box on everything. We have off the gravel. That’s when it would to look and see what’s valuable. be a hundred degrees outside and I mean, polluting our drinking it’d be like 50 degrees in the basewater! Just locally, just here, toment, probably where I started getday. In Newburgh, you know, ting my ideas. Why not use this? toxic chemicals called PFOS Nobody really gave it a thought. (perflouriooctane sulfonate) Joe Britt believes that we can make home or building heating and cooling But the basement cooling loop I were found in the drinking wasystems more efficient by utilizing Thermal Mass Insultation. came up with is underneath the ter supply. Water is valuable once basement flap. You know, a 14,000 square foot house has a half a million pounds of mass at 50 degrees, we’ve used up a majority of all the ground water, the good water, that will never be exposed to the sun. It’s a perfect place to grab what happens next? coolness to keep your house cool. From there, I worked for a custom home-builder, he did all top-end stuff. 17 years old, I had my first company truck, it was a 1970 Ford. Door falling off, all rusted up, but it was mine, you know. I did a lot of custom homes and I got into electrical. Everybody was doing electrical, and at 25 years of age, whenever doing commercial and residential wiring, they’d put me in. Everything from high-end, custom-custom homes, all the way down to stores, regular houses, commercial industries. I got to see the y and the x aspect of all our structures, and the general-consensus is that we consume a lot of energy to maintain all these. MS: What, in your eyes, are the biggest obstacles to a fully-sustainable society, currently? J: The biggest obstacle is the question right now. We are called an

MS: Yes, its really so important that we protect our resources like Cooper Lake from companies that seek to exploit us. JB: It’s all about the dollar, but what about our children? Ask the questions, you know? 97% of all scientists agree we’re going in the wrong direction. So we need to stop designing things that consume, pollute, or destroy, and design things that regenerate this planet and fix the problems. We have thousands of super funds sites ( Clean up sites designated by the US fed. contaminated with hazardous substances and pollutants), is that progress? Continue polluting and cleaning up? MS: No, I would say no. I would say those are avenues for the opposite. JB: True. Creation of new enterprise and the new generation to make things sustainable...or regenerative. As a (Continued on page 34) www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com • Page 33

Joe Britt (Cont’d)

(Continued from page 33) community, as friends, it’s very possible.

MS: Absolutely, I think it is. Speaking of the possibilities, what’s the future looking like for Joe Britt and Thermal Mass Construction? JB: I will be selling my house soon for some profit, moving to an area and building new forms of architecture in the very-near future.

Illustration by Caleb McNamara

MS: Your house is built with these techniques? JB: Yes: it’s a concrete structure profile, two stories high. The inside is structural steel. An indoor pool, concrete deck, it’s a beautiful spot that I’m finishing up now, and should be on the market in a week or two.

insulation on the floors, solar cover, put solar panels on the backside for hot water. So I keep 120,000 pounds of thermal mass at 82 degrees I could always draw of off, and heat the house if I needed it. My house, 60,000 pounds of concrete is heated with a 40,000 BTU pellet stove that can burn into a boiler. Hot air comes out and it is served up from a fan through two radiator coils. For 10 cents a day, the water will circulate through the radiant concrete floors at 90 degrees. Shut the pellet stove off for 12 hours, and that’s how the floors are heated. Running cold water through the loop cools the home!

MS: 10 cents a day is pretty good! JB: Nowadays, people run their air conditioners from the MS: That sounds great. Explain a Left: The traditional aproach mass outside Right: shows the much more eftime the sun comes up until little how the cooling-loops work ficient Thermal Mass Construction. Where mass will store energy /heat inside. the time that the sun comes within the house to keep a constant temperature. down! And it doesn’t have to be that way. JB: Sure, the base of my design is called Thermal Mass Construction. Typical homes..have little mass and if they do its structural MS: Not to mention all that extra draw on the grid in the summertime and faces out on the exterior of a home. If you switch this around in the Southern states as well. and put the concrete mass facing the interior it is able to absorb JB: It’s non-stop. They build these monstrous buildings, with these (look at diagram). With TMC, you have half a million pounds of huge, huge, huge, heating and cooling systems, running all day mass inside a home, you could open a door and it doesn’t change long. So people can work. These are the buildings, too, that can the temperature. So if your TMC home has 70-degree air tem- be addressed. These buildings are built for money, and they’re not perature, you could open a door, and let it all out then close the really even energy efficient. There’s all kinds of areas to improve. door and your place would reheat because of the heat stored in the Industry is a perfect place to start. concrete walls. Learn more about Joe Britt and Thermal Mass Construction at I made a solar battery for my indoor pool. Insulation on the walls, this link: http://www.whatifpureenergy.com/introduction.html

Breaking Crew News GLOBAL: Earth Guardians Bhutan On June 2nd EGB and more than 250 people came to plant trees and to celebrate Social Forestry Day. Along with several organizations and the community, they planted more than 2000 trees near Chimi Lhakhang (Fertility Temple of The Divine Madman.)! They were not just planting trees, they were fulfilling the nations commitment to remain carbon neutral and to increasing our already more than 70% forest coverage. LOCAL: Earth Guardians New York Wear red bands against Pipeline! EGNY launched a campaign —#AIMtoSTOPSPECTRA— calling for people of all ages to support the efforts to avert a fracked Gas Pipeline from laying 105 feet from Indian Point nuclear power plant. This marks the welcome of two Page 34 • www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com

new Frontline Community Crews: EGNY Peekskill & EGNY Croton On Hudson. learn more at earthguardiansNY.org A CALL TO REGENERATE SOILS TO MITIGATE THE CLIMATE CRISIS: At Earth Guardians, we are working on a soil sequestration campaign that will engage schools, businesses, farmers and municipalities to work locally in teams to develop projects in their communities. Utilizing school presentations, art, music and education this project can communities behind this common purpose of building soil.To get involved, check out the Earth Guardians Protect Our Future campaign. Join the Earth Guardian tribe and participate in monthly crew calls hosted by Aidan Ferris the second Tuesday of every month at 5 PM MST start a crew and collaborate with other crews.


Global Warming Lawsuit


By Gabi Raphael, age 16

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Photo by Katia Juliana

levels at 350 ppm. In that 51GROUP OF 21 plainyear span, our government has tiffs, ages 8-19, have failed to take action. Every time banded together and the government rubber-stamps filed a lawsuit against a new dirty energy project or the the Obama administration, sits idly by while resources the Environmental Protection are exploited, they are actively Agency, the U.S. Department working against the people and of Energy, and the Department planet and promoting climate of Transportation. The charges destabilization and destruction. state that the government has violated the younger generaGABI: How does it feel to be tion’s constitutional rights to young women working with lawlife, liberty, and property, as yers, judges, etc.? Do you feel that well as failed to protect essenyou are being treated equally? tial public trust resources. Even VICTORIA: As a young perthough the government know son, I already know I’m not that fuel industries are threattreated equally, and I’m not askening the future of the planet, Pictured here are four of the five Earth Guardiant plaintiffs in the lawsuit: Victoria ing to be either. I’m asking to be they have continued to pro- Barrett, Levi (the youngest, age 8), Xiuhtezcatl Tonatiuh and Kelsey Juliana. heard because this is my future mote the expansion of fracking, that they are making decisions tar sands extraction, oil drilling, for, and I believe that the judges “We sat in this courtroom today, and we coal mining, and other damaging are doing that in this case. have filed this lawsuit, because the practices. The lawsuit asks President Obama to immediately implement a GABI: What action are you taking withleaders we have elected to take national plan to decrease atmospheric in your local community? concentration of carbon dioxide to a safe KELSEY: Five years ago, I co-filed a lawcare of our planet, and to level of 350 ppm by the year 2100. suit against my state of Oregon, asking a take care of our country judge to recognize the atmosphere under the I interviewed two of the lawsuit plaintiffs for this article. Victoria Barrett is a 16-year-old from public trust doctrine and to demand that the for our generation White Plains, New York, who attends high school Oregon legislature reduce statewide CO2 emisand those to folin Manhattan. Kelsey Juliana, age 20, is studying ensions by 6 percent per year. vironmental education. low, are failing GABI: Has RYSE played a role in this lawsuit and if so, GABI: What motivated you to join this class action lawto do their how has being on the council inspired you to take leadersuit? ship in the fight against climate change? job.” VICTORIA: I recognized it as a step towards large scale KELSEY: RYSE has played a huge role on the lawsuit! and tangible climate action, a moment where the youth can They’ve inspired youth to take legal action and become plaintake their future into their hands. It’s history changing and tiffs in the case. We look to them as a resource for providing precedent setting. ideas and outlets to take further action on climate. I am continually KELSEY: In recent years, I’ve seen the crises from climate change inspired by the other council members’ activism and feel empowintensify and increase. Anger and motivation to address this crisis ered to create change! Through RYSE, I see the importance of every from we, the people, have increased with it. individual taking action through whatever means they have access to or enjoy doing, including going through the courts. GABI: Why did the plaintiffs decide to direct the legal action towards the federal government instead GABI: Kelsey, does your responsibility differ from of polluters such as Exxon or Dupont? the other plaintiffs as the named plaintiff on this VICTORIA: The government has the power to case? prevent these polluters from ruining our earth, KELSEY: All 21 plaintiffs in this case are essenbut instead they support these contributors tial. There is no real difference between myself through subsidies. and the other plaintiffs. I do recognize that, as the KELSEY: In 1965, our government released oldest plaintiff and one who has gone to court for memos addressing the negative effects of climate similar hearings before, I have a responsibility to change and urging our nation to act on it. In 1990, act as a role-model for the younger plaintiffs. I try the EPA was ordered to create a carbon emissions to be a big sister to them in times of concern, nerreduction plan to keep our atmospheric CO2 vousness, or simply in helping with logistics.

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The Life of A Gymnast


y name is Roxy Bolle, and I’m a gymnast. I flip and twist every day! I get hurt, but I get right back up. It’s fun flipping around all day! I started being interested in gymnastics when I was three years old. I was doing splits during commercials when I was watching TV, and then I got on to doing cartwheels. I went to this place called The Little Gym. I started doing cartwheels there, and then one-handed cartwheels. I started doing jumps off the beam, and then more advanced stuff, so I moved to this place called Gym Stars. At Gym Stars, I learned back handsprings and really advanced stuff, like aerials (which is a cartwheel without any hands). First you need a one-handed cartwheel down. And then you want to try it on a trampoline tumble track, first with a spotter. You run up, put your hands above your head, skip, put your hands away, and put your hands by your side, then push your body like you’re doing a cartwheel. The first times, until you get the moves and the confidence, you actually do a cartwheel on your forearms, which looks pretty crazy. Then I moved on to round off back handsprings. That is a cartwheel with your legs together, and a back bend with a spring. It’s really fun!

By a 7 Year Old (LOL), Roxy Bolle My friend Leena taught me how to drop into a back bend and how to do a front handspring and a front flip. We would spend a lot of time together after school and she would spot me and coach me. A spot is when someone like a coach puts his or her arms under you to help you through the move and makes sure you don’t fall. I got a pink gymnastics mat when I was about two years old that my cousin Natasha gave to me. It was at my grandparents’ house and I started doing forward rolls and splits on it. I brought my mat to school and practiced there with my friends. We even started a school gymnastics club. And then I needed something to work on my gymnastics at home

“It’s fun flipping around all day!”

Photos by Roxy’s mom

on, so my parents bought me a new green mat. It was really pretty, but it was a little harder than my pink one. I didn’t really do back handsprings on it that much, but then I got used to it. Now I really like it. I set it up in my room or living room, and work on perfecting things. I’m working on some stuff that I need to get better at. I invented a trick where I run, go into a front handspring on my mat, and then flip on to the couch. I also got a floor beam as a present, and it’s really fun to do things on it that I can’t do yet on the high beam. I can practice on the floor beam without worrying about getting hurt. Sometimes it feels frustrating when I can’t get a move down, but then I start to calm down and I take a little break. That helps me a lot. I’m also really proud of myself for doing all these cool things. Being upside down and flipping through the air might seem scary, but actually it’s really fun. It’s like a carnival ride when you go down on a high slide. My coaches Meagan and Jesse who work at Gym Stars can teach me pretty much anything. I’m very cooperative and I just love working with them. I have to work hard, but then I can do a fun trick, and it pays off. My friends think it’s cool. I’m glad I can do these things, and I love being a gymnast! Page 38 • www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com

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The Charminish Invertebrate Of The Sea Ada Graham-Lowengard, age17

I spotted a man in his house by the sea he spotted me, too, and he poured me some tea. He told me the story that you’re ‘bout to hear I listened, rapt, not quite believing my ears.

held in my breath, I dared not move a finger I shivred, I harkened.

“Now listen here, sonny,” he said to me pulling my shoulders together, his eyes all ablaze, “I’ve sailed around the world eight decile times, but I’ve never seen the like in all of my days.”

It gurgled for me to return to its lair I obliged, as I shuffled in glooming despair It opened a port with its tentacled fingers, it blubbered and blibbered, so I dared not linger.

“A storm was a-swirlin’, I was about twelve, the windows were open, rain splished on the shelves. I knew that the squall was out waitin’ for me, but my parents had left, and outside was the sea.

It pushed me quite softly into its brass home a table and chair were laid out for just one. The charminish creature sat dolefully down and it danced with its tendrils as I looked around.

The sailors had told me things. Never believed them. They always exaggerated. I perceived them as simply a fable, a liraal they told to a densile, doff boy who was just twelve years old. But now that the wind howled outside my window, my thoughts were a-flurry, I rushed to the door. I opened it, wondering if there was something I couldn’t quite see on the whippity shore. Then all of a second, a galish wind knocked me my eyes filled with sand, I was pushed, and I fell I rolled down the beach without reason or sense as my heart filled with dread and I crunched on the shells. Above me there towered a charminish creature, his claws were right shrazend, his eyes were a-glane I

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It wanted champagne.

“Do you like my abode?” it gluggered my way, “I do not dislike it,” said I, “If I may— who are you, you charminish creature? And why have you taken me down here? Why haven’t I died?” The sadly-strung creature’s six eyes turned around and a tear rolled down what I think was a glum frown. Its forehead flung downward and it turned to me. “I ne’er have met someone here in the sea.

you have given me company, aided my strife. If ever I’m lonely, I know that you’ll care, and if you’re ever likewise, know you can come here.” I prashed to the surface, I struggled in water the shore was just inches from where I kicked up. I swurshed to my cottage, my insides a-churning, and toppled right into my door in a quup. I was safe in my bungalow, I knew that well, and the danger was gone, as far as I could tell, but the blubbering creature’s last words came to me as I scrunched out the light, locked my door with my key.

And that is my story, young childairn, I hope that I didn’t bore you with my charminish folk. You can take all the tea in my house, I don’t care, “I’ve drifted, and scraloffed, but never have I ‘cause the creature will bring champagne tonight, found a friend to discuss and digrend to,” it sighed. I hear.” O, creature! I thought, though I ner spoke aloud, I bet you are lonesome, lowlum, unproud. I left the man’s house with a smile on my lips, I was entertained, surely, but also a-quep’d. The tentacled person then melted to ploshes, I had never heard quite such a flurminish tale, it shmished and lolled and kimish-ed and tawshed. and I draggled a stick as my mind set to sail. I right thought he perished, that dorminy day, but as I left to leave, I chanced heard him say: It was getting quite late, and the clock had struck ten, “I thanks you my I was walking along on my house’s path when childairn, I owe A charminish creature stopped by for a chat. you my He was pleasant, and charminish, and that is that. life


Th5 Li11le WQQden ClQwn

The Act of Speaking

It has always sat there,

Invisible tears roll down its wooden face,

I pluck the strings

And it will always sit there,

No one can hear it cry,

Alone and forgotten on the topmost shelf of the worn and weary house,

The piercing silence hangs around it’s head like a rain cloud.

Blanketed in a light snowfall of dust,

I have never asked my grandmother about it,

The crimson fading from its cheeks.

And I probably never will,

Its laugh is silent and hollow,

Its fate is one of isolation.

By Josh Desetta

By Eva Ury

of your harped mind the vibration shakes your head with invisible, undecided feelings. You echo this aloud softer now, my mind erupts in noise

Bitter with grief,

from the strum. The notes, I have decided, are minor and resonant.


By Hendrix Bruno

It is time

You go fast You go hi

to tighten my strings.

You go everywhere You can do tricks

You can do everything You can’t be “board!”

In other words

By Kaitlana Viglielmo Illustration by Sierra Oliver www.sierraoliver.com “Take Me Outside”

Words muffled on paper, Thoughts trampled in my head, Voices dance across my tongue, Memories burn their way back into my dreams . Ink trails across my papers Text drips out of my pen You’re fictionally too real to me just to be a dream And I want to capture your essence in these pages forever. Crack the binding and be able to smell you in the room. It all makes sense when I’m alone At ease in the shadows Slowly falling in love with myself Falling in and out of love with the world. I’m letting go slowly of the shadows I hide in Just to feel alive. I am gowned to the earth yet free falling through the air These thoughts run rampant in my head For this is my witching hour. Blood rushes through my ears My heart pounds like a bass drum That knocks your breath out every time. Sad songs fill my eyes And the dark recess of my brain Scare me as a rabid animal might. I love it www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com • Page 41


Great-Grandpa Jack Cayea: 92 and Counting By Nolan Fuller, age 12


stepped through the door, into a festive Thanksgiving gathering. Immediately, I noticed my great-grandfather; Jack Cayea leaning on his cane in the center of the room, surrounded by an ocean of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Despite his impressive age of ninety-two, he towered above our fellow relatives like a tall and ancient mountain, still standing despite the ceaseless tests of time. After I had hung up my coat and said my hellos, I made my way across the crowded room, taking care not to knock into anyone as they walked by with plates laden with food. Upon finally reaching my great-grandfather, I explained to him that I had chosen him to be the star of a biography and his face broke into a warm smile. A few minutes later, we moved to a separate room to avoid the loud chatter of the family gathering. Armed with a pencil and note packet, I began to question him

“I plan to visit him often and make the most of the time I have to spend with him.” about our family’s ancestors and how they had reached America. The interview had begun. I chose my Great-Grandpa Jack Cayea to interview and research for this article because, out of all my grandparents, he knows the most about the way the world used to be and how it has changed over the

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past century. It means a great deal to me to be able speak and learn from a family member who has lived for nearly one hundred years. Many people never get the chance to spend time with and hear the stories of a relative who has lived that long, and I consider myself lucky to be able to do so. Through this process, I learned a lot about my ancestors and the way the world used to be. Nowadays, the world is a lot different than it was during my great-grandfather’s era. First of all, nothing like the horrors of World War II have been experienced by our generation, and hopefully it will remain that way. Secondly, the technology we have access to today is infinitely more advanced than anything anyone back then could have ever imagined. Smartphones and tablets, let alone modern computers in general, would have seemed like magic to most people back in the 30’s and 40’s. My great-grandpa currently resides in Rhinebeck, New York, where he lived with his wife (my great-grandmother) until her death on June 11, 2015. Although nearly all of his old friends have by now passed away, he has made a large group of new friends at his retirement home and enjoys many hobbies, including playing billiards and various other games. My great-grandfather really appreciates his family and the long life that he has lived. He considers his promotion to Battalion Chief during his time at the fire department to be one of his greatest accomplishments. For the rest of his future, my great-grandfather plans to stay happy and healthy for as long as possible, and I plan to visit him often and make the most of the time I have to spend with him.


Sybil Ludington:

Heroine of The Hudson Valley


By Hudson Fuller, age 9

ost people know about how Paul Revere warned the colonists that the regulars were coming during the Revolutionary War. Yet not many people know much about a local heroine, Sybil Ludington, and her midnight ride. They both did about the same thing but Paul Revere got all of the fame. They both rode on a horse to warn colonists that the redcoats were attacking. They both brought troops together to defend the colonies. The only difference was that Paul Revere was a boy and Sybil Ludington was a girl. Actually she went twice the distance and she was unarmed! A messenger came to the Ludington’s house in nearby Dutchess County to warn Colonel Ludington that the redcoats were burning down Danbury, Connecticut. The messenger could not go any farther because he was tired and cold. So Sybil took his place. Sybil road on a horse around 40 miles at midnight. It was rainy and cold and there were outlaws. This all happened on the night of April 26,1777. When Sybil made this ride she was only sixteen years old! She had to go because nobody else was there to warn the troops. Every one of Colonel Ludington’s men were miles away at their farm because it was planting season! She barely knew where she was going. She had to go into the dark woods so she would not get caught. This all happened in Dutchess County, New York. In Carmel, New York, you can go across the Hudson river and see a statue of Sybil. The statue shows her bravery as she rides through the night on her horse. The statue is bigger than real life. The statue is also made of bronze. I believe that the statue is bronze because it represents strength and it is so big to show importance. Even though not many people know about this Hudson Valley heroine, she was still very important. Even George Washington thanked Sybil for gathering the men to fight. After Sybil’s ride, the soldiers did come to fight but they were outnumbered and the battle was lost. It was a not typical in the 1700s for a girl to do something in the war like what Sybil did. Maybe that is why Paul Revere got all of the glory and why most people do not know about Sybil Ludington’s story.

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Teens for Bernie


By Asha Lee, age 12

am Asha Lee. I am a twelve year old female who lives in Hud- hold on to their money. son, New York and I believe that Bernie Sanders should beBernie Sanders would come the next president of the United States. The first step is stop corporate tax loop making Bernie Sanders the democratic nominee. holes because they only I agree with many of Bernie’s ideas. I believe that he has great ways make the wealthy wealthier. of rebuilding the American system. When I say the term rebuilding, I The spreading gap between realize that this can be scary. It’s a scary thought having to rebuild a the rich and the middle system that I have lived in my entire life. While we have tried class has only inThese to make everyone equal and for the American dream to creased under conbe shared by all, we have often failed. I believe that ventional establishare editorial Bernie can help rebuild the system. ment politics. opinion pieces sent to us. Bernie Sanders wants healthcare, education, The climate Here at GoodLife, we value true living wages, etc. to be basic human rights. falling apart before our eyes, the large amount of each person’s choice and opinion I understand that these are ideas that seem out drug use in America, the corporations going to of reach. But I believe that intention is the first other countries to make a larger profit and leavequally and understand that these step. Bernie Sanders is aware of climate change, ing America with fewer jobs and more poverty. very differences are what make our mass incarcerations, drug use, gun violence, These conditions have become radical. country stronger and free. Each corporate tax evasion and the large number of I believe that Bernie’s ideas will work. I hope people who are in poverty and have been for for a future where I can go to college without bechoice is respected for its unique generations. He has progressive ways to solve ing in debt for the rest of my life. I hope for a furepresentation of an individual. these problems and many more. ture where I can go to the hospital without paying Together we remain Many people don’t think that we can afford the hundreds of thousands of dollars just to stay alive. I solutions that Bernie proposes. They embrace an old hope that I will be able to support a family and have united. “trickle down” economics model where the wealth of a them grow up in a world without global warming and few is supposed to trickle down to the rest of us, but this has severe weather disasters. Bernie Sanders can help take us never been the case because wealthier people and corporations down this path.

At the Political Rally with Dad


his was the first campaign for both me and my dad. It was our first rally. I missed an after-school activity or two so we could drive over to the college where the event was being held and hop on line as early as possible. My dad managed to reserve us seats beforehand, but even still, the line snaked from one side of the campus to the other. We encountered aging environmentalists, young leftists, one folk quartet, and several friends. The exhilarated buzz in the air was palpable. Once inside, there was a scramble for seats. Sitting in the bleachers behind the podium would limit your view to the back of Bernie’s head, but increase the likelihood that you might show up on TV. Getting up close would require you to push through a horde of ardent supporters, but would Page 44 • www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com

By Jack Warren, age 18

get you a chance to shake Bernie’s hand. My friends and I managed to sneak our way into a VIP seating area, which may have technically been breaking the rules, but we felt was in the good graces of Bernie’s rebel sensibilities. After a long The Poughkeepsie Convention Center wait, (during which Jack and Robert Bernie had been briefly addressing the two gymnasiums worth of overflow) he came out to speak to the crowd, where he was greeted with roaring cheers. He launched into his speech, hitting all of his familiar talking points and working the crowd like a conductor with an orchestra. It was inspirational, not only within the context of the Bernie campaign, but within the larger battle for progressive change. We didn’t end up getting to shake Bernie’s hand, but we did get front row seats to his political revolution. And it’s never looked better.

In Memory: Hiawassa Hackett From the bottom of my heart, thank you to those who genuinely cared about Hiawassa Hacketts health and well being. Thank you for never leaving his side during his struggle with Sickle Cell. Rest in peace my son. Mama Eve Hackett upper left Wassa’s Family

I would like to say that Hiwassa was a person of love and ambition. He excepted everyone for who they were and was not afraid to be there for anyone who needed him. I can honestly say I have never met someone who cared for so many people. The amount of people he had affected is astonishing. If I could learn one thing from anyone, it would be to love like Hiwassa. upper right—Kalo Talley (Wassa’s brother) One week ago Max and I went up to Albany to visit Wassa while he was in the hospital. He was struggling and in so much pain but as I walked down the hall on the way to his room, I could hear him singing, joyfully, to his nurse. When I entered he laughed and gave me such a big hug. He was the warmest, kindest, most real person who could make you laugh even when he was hurting. He was always trying to find the good things in life and make the best of any difficult situation. Wassa, I feel so blessed that you were in my life, I learned so much from you. I know you are flying high, free from that body that made you suffer and that you are in peace. I love you dude; I can still hear your laugh(which was by far one of the best laughs of anyone i know)! Rest easy brother.

n e Moo by Jad Photo kid” t a th y miss “I reall

—Aidan Ferris Joda Hoffman May 11 at 12:30pm Love and miss this kid.. In his short life, he was more alive and invigorated on a daily basis than almost anyone I’ve ever met.. He is such an inspiring person, and I feel that so many people who take their health and their time in this world for granted have so much to learn from Wassa.. His body might be gone, but his spirit lives on, and I guarantee he’s kickin it with Harold and Ryan somewhere, laughing and reminiscing about all the crazy times we’ve had in Woodstock over the years.. Much love, Hiawassa Hackett.. I’ll catch you on the flip side, brother. Correction: In the Spring issue, Harold Reilly’s name was erroneouly listed as Figureda.

With Wassa at Waipio Valley in Hawaii. “He loved this spot so much, I was so lucky to have been there with him. He wanted to show me for 10 years. To share that time time with him down there was a blessing.” —Shane Tart

www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com • Page 45


The Route 212 Coalition


T 212 Coalition is a grass roots organization founded by Kassandra Quednau and Shayna Micucci. The aim of the group is to raise awareness about drug addiction and to link resources to alleviate the damage of drug abuse and remove its stigma. Here is part 2 of the RT 212 Coalition interview done by Ryan Goetz, who has many friends he is helping try to save.

Ryan: Do you view the addiction as a criminal act? Shayna: I don’t view it as a criminal act and I consider it a disease! Kasandra: I personally know from my own previous addiction experience... it literally distorts your chemistry because it changes who you are how you think how you act your choices it totally takes you over the only way for me to explain that it is literally A disease that chemacle changes your brain thought process and how your brain fires and what it wants from life is The drug and that’s what it’s going to focus on getting It’s like a self-inflicted disease I mean there is environmental factors like if you have diabetes. You eat too much sugar and you know it’s bad for you you’re going to get diabetes addiction is the same way you know. Ryan: So AA meetings, do you think that those are big part of getting the help you need? Shayna: I think the AA and NA meetings work they keep people sober and they keep people clean. I think the biggest obstacle especially for young people is that they might think that AA and NA is all about God and is very religiousbased and it can be very intimidating especially for young person has an established their views on spirituality yet

Shayna Micucci and Kassandra Quednau interview by Ryan Goetz

Kasandra: yeah, like a God... Shayna: ...for your life process.I kind of sense that the environment had changed because a lot of young people weren’t looking for an outlet or program to get clean, but now it’s become a reality that they need one. So were trying to look at a way to get like a youth NA group here in Woodstock and promote it in a non-intimidating way. I was always nervous to walk into in AA or NA meeting because I thought they were going to push God on me. I think that sometimes his programs “Woodstock join(s) a shift don’t work for everyone but for the people that in municipal policing policy they work for they are amazing. It’s unfortunate that we don’t have other programs in this area aimed at recovery and that could be an alternative.

treatment rather than Jail cells using the PAARI Program and the Angel Program policies.”

Ryan: I didn’t know they were religion based I’ve never been Kasandra: They have a faith component but they’re not straight out pushing religion but they believe in something greater than yourself and they want you to surrender to that way. Shayna: it’s more like your own version of spirituality Ryan: to help try to find you like something to look up to?

Ryan: do you think if someone gets caught with heroin and it’s clearly a user do you think there should be a law that they should be forced into rehab, instead of put in jail or do you think it’s fine the way it is? Kasandra: I think that with people with first time drug offenses or low level drug offenses should be some kind of mandatory diversion program. I think the jail is still a place where there safe and they’re not using and it gives them time to kick and get off the drug and get a clear head but there’s not a lot of treatment options in jails. Local Police departments like in Woodstock join a shift in municipal policing policy aimed at recovery and treatment rather than Jail cells using the PAARI Program and the Angel Program policies.

Addiction Programs

TOWN OF WOODSTOCK: Joins a shift in municipal policing policy aimed at ushering heroin and opiate addicts into recovery and treatment, rather than jail cells and courtrooms. The policy to establish an “ANGEL” Program models the Gloucester Initiative, instituted by Police Chief Leonard Campanello of the City of Gloucester, Massachusetts, and implemented by communities across the United States. Woodstock Police Chief Clayton Keefe, echoing sentiments expressed by other police officials, states, “Drug addiction is a disease, and drug addicts need help. The Woodstock Police Department will take direct action. The stigma associated with heroin and opiate addiction is over. Police officers are here to help you, not judge you. The Chief went on to say, “If you or anyone you know in the Town of Woodstock appears to be suffering from an overdose, please, do not waste Page 46 • www.goodlifeyouthjournal.com

time trying to hide evidence of drugs or drug paraphernalia; call 679 2422, Woodstock Dispatch, immediately and report a drug overdose. • PAARI Program: • The Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI) was started to support local police departments as they work with opioid addicts. PAARI committed police departments: • Encourage opioid drug users to seek recovery • Help distribute life-saving opioid blocking drugs to prevent and treat overdoses • Connect addicts with treatment programs and facilities • Provide resources to other police departments and communities that want to do more 
to fight the opioid addiction epidemic.

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