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CRAFTS FUN FOOD MUSIC “Voted the Best Festival”
-MDJ Best in Cobb Edition of Cobb Life Magazine
Kristen Bland
10 TIM HAWKINS A Fruitful Life is No Joke: Advice on finding your passion in life and holding fast to it 6 GOODlife Events Check out this month’s list of local events and happenings for you, friends, and family. 9 STUDENTlife What can a college student do during this unique phase of life to continue in his or her Christian walk? 12 OUTDOOR LIVING Tips for creating a beautiful outdoor living space to call your own.
Managing Editor 14 GOODlife Travel Bolt Farm Treehouse is a retreat like no other that exudes excellence in everything to all who experience it’s vintage luxury atmosphere. 17 WRITING CONTEST Enter the GOODlife writing contest and tell us about your awesome parents for a chance to win them some incredible prizes. 18 GOODlife Recipes Easter Broccoli Salad: A refreshing low-calorie alternative to mix in with your Easter feast
Gabriel Bland Editor
Autumn Burr Advertising 770.656.4400 Article Submissions 1582 Williams Dr, Suite 250 Marietta Ga 30066
Graphic Designer Damien Parodi
Contributing Editor Krista Messic @goodlifemonthly
ON THE COVER GOODlife Magazine features Tim Hawkins, Christian Comedian. For the full story, see pages 10-11.
GOODlife Magazine is a monthly publication distributed throughout Atlanta and Metro Atlanta. Entire contents, including design elements and logos, are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any media without the express written consent of the publisher. GOODlife Magazine, LLC reserves the right to edit or reject any editorial or advertising content. Advertisers assume liability for content of all advertisements. All information herein has been checked for accuracy to the best of our ability. Not responsible for deletions, omissions, errors and or inaccuracies. © 2017 GOODlife Magazine, LLC. All rights reserved.
Acworth Egg Hunt
April 7 at 6:30pm Acworth Sports Complex Join the City of Acworth and Freedom Church for a huge egg hunt (50,000 eggs!), fun activities, and concessions.
Acworth Art Fest
April 8 (10am–6pm) and April 9 (11am– 5pm) Downtown Acworth More than 100 artisans from around the country, delectable treats, magical Kidz Zone.
Northeast Cobb Egg Drop
April 15 from 9:30am – 4pm Sprayberry High School, Marietta More than 100,000 eggs and pieces of candy are spread out and dropped from a helicopter at the football fields.
Dave Ramsey’s Smart Money Tour
April 18 at 6:30pm Woodstock First Baptist Church Dave Ramsey and Anthony ONeal walk you through the basics of personal finance like budgeting, dumping debt, planning for retirement, and much more!
Business Boutique
Teal Cup Golf Tournament
April 10 at 8am Indian Hills Country Club, Marietta Play golf to benefit Ovarian Cancer Institute. calendar/#oci-events
Abiding Church Easter Egg Hunt
April 16 at 11am Sparkles Skating Rink, Kennesaw Free community event on Easter Sunday including egg hunt, food, candy, inflatables, and face painting.
April 19 from 8:30am to 5:30pm Woodstock First Baptist Church Featuring Christy Wright, Dave Ramsey, Annie F. Downs and Nicole Walters. A oneday conference for women that gives you all the essentials to start or grow your own business!
Must Ministries – Magic of the Movies
April 22 at 6:30pm Cobb Galleria Ballroom Enjoy dinner, auctions, live entertainment, and more at MUST Ministries 11th annual Spring Gala fundraiser—this year’s theme is Magic of the Movies.
Big Shanty Festival April 22 and April 23 Downtown Kennesaw More than 250 booths with arts & crafts, food vendors, merchants, and live entertainment. www.
Bethel Music Worship Night
April 28 at 7pm Free Chapel Church, Gainesville Join together to worship and partner with what God is doing in our city. gainesville-georgia/
KSU Spring Arts Festival
April 29 from 11am – 4pm Kennesaw State University Visual Arts Building Free community event featuring visual and performing arts.
Is your church hosting any upcoming events? If so, let us know! Send information to
Classic Car Cruise
April 29th from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm The first Classic Car Cruise of the year! The event is free to the public. A $2 entry fee is requested for all vehicles in the cruise. All proceeds go to the Horizon Field, an all-inclusive special needs sports facility in Acworth
Cars & ‘Q for the Cause
April 29 at 7pm Choate Construction Sandy Springs Headquarters Featuring 100-plus stellar cars, Nick’s BBQ, drinks, silent auction, and live music; all to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Foundation.
Taste of Marietta
Apr 30 from 11am – 7pm Historic Marietta Square A fun way to sample a variety of Cobb County’s restaurants, as well as experience Marietta’s history, culture, & shopping.
Kells Weatherby Classic
May 1 at 9:30am Marietta Country Club The proceeds from this tournament will go to benefit Feed My Lambs, a non-profit organization that provides tuition free Christian preschools for children living in poverty areas.
May 5 at 8:30am Piedmont Church - Simulcast or Infinite Energy Arena, Duluth - LIVE Join thousands of leaders, reignite your leadership, build a great team, and rediscover what drives you.
Marietta Square Art Walk
May 5 from 5pm to 9pm Marietta Square Enjoy an evening of live music, performance and local art as you shop, dine, and experience all the Marietta Square has to offer.
Begins June 5 • 8 AM - 5 PM • Weekly Themes & Field Trips Extended Care & Sibling Rates Available
June 5-8 • 9 AM - 4 PM • Grades 3-10 • Co-ed Multi-Child Discounts Available
July 17-19 • Beginner - Intermediate • Limited Spots
For more information, contact Bre Johnson: 404.263.0445 april 2017
How to Stay Christian on Campus By David Mathis
hey call it “the bubble.” It’s the perception that your campus, however big or small, college or seminary, is cozily quarantined off from the surrounding world. Life is different when you’re safe “in the bubble.” At least for now, you’re protected from the real world and the suffocating responsibilities that being an “adult” will one day bring. True, the realities of campus life and being a fulltime student often produce a sense of disconnectedness from society. College and grad students aren’t always the sharpest on keeping up with what’s happening outside the bubble. But while there may be some truth to the bubble experience, it can be unhelpfully deceptive and give way to a crippling lie: that campus life isn’t real life. My race hasn’t started yet. School is just a scrimmage; the real thing begins after graduation. This is one of the most important myths to dispel for the Christian student.
Pop the Bubble
After living four years “in the bubble” as an undergraduate, then working on staff with a college ministry for four more, taking graduate courses, and now interacting with students about “How to Stay Christian in Seminary,” one of the most important lessons I’ve learned personally, and am eager to pass along to fulltime students, is this: Pop the bubble. Don’t believe the lie that life really hasn’t begun because you’re a fulltime student. Don’t think that what you do, or don’t do, on campus won’t affect the trajectory of the rest of your life and bring consequences that can be hard to shake. In particular, don’t give yourself a pass on the normal Christian life because “this is a special season” that somehow makes you immune to temptation, demonic attack, and the deep deceitfulness remaining in your own heart.
“You are not a student first, but ten thousand times a Christian first.” If you’re a student fulltime, it is a special season for growth — for study, for developing habits of mind and heart that will benefit you, and others, for a lifetime. It is a springboard to lifelong learning, not one long last day of recess. Be vigilant to protect class and study time, within reason; if God’s call on your life for now is to be a student, embrace his call and don’t squander this season of preparation for a life of need-meeting. But it is vital to fight the instinct to think of ourselves as exceptional. That we’re exempt from saturating our lives in the word of God, or continually availing ourselves of his ear in prayer, or genuinely belonging to his body in a local church. You are not a student first, but ten thousand times a Christian first. And in Christianity, there are no holding patterns, no pauses or time-outs, no respites from everyday soul-care. No bubbles. Today always matters (Psalm 95:7; Hebrews 3:13). The risen Christ is ever on his throne. Satan is always 8
scheming. And your heart is never in neutral, but either getting hotter or colder. This “special season” of life is way too special (and normal) to give yourself a pass on Jesus, his gospel, or his church.
This Is Real Life
It’s important to hear that the life of a student is not a retreat from real life; it is real life. Real faith, real holiness, real warmth and softness of heart, real relationships, real eternity lie in the balance. As Welch minister Martyn LloydJones said, “There is no such thing as a holiday in the spiritual realm.” The secret to “staying Christian” as a student, whether at a secular college or a Christian seminary, is that there’s no real secret. It’s just ordinary, everyday, world-transforming Christianity. The key to standing firm in your identity as a Christian in any season of life, any place on the planet, any time in history is simply this: being a Christian today. Hearts don’t harden all at once, but a day at a time.
“If you are a Christian, your most important homework is heart-work.” There’s a sense in which it can be even more dangerous for the Bible and seminary student than for the student at a secular university. If the gospel is the aroma of life to life, and death to death, then studying theology is either the fast-track to sanctification or to condemnation (2 Corinthians 2:15–16), to increasing faith or diminishing belief. But what’s true in the incubator of Bible college is true as well on the secular campus. All things were created in, through, and for Jesus (Colossians 1:16). Every course of study is about Jesus, if we only have the eyes to see. And “he is before all things, and in him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17). Biology, physics, business, chemistry, communications, literature, medicine, philosophy, and political science will either draw you nearer to Jesus or pull you farther from him.
Your Most Important Homework
Heart-work, said Puritan great John Flavel, is the “one great business of a Christian’s life.” If you are a Christian, your most important homework (and classwork, for that matter) is heart-work. The life of the student is cognitively demanding, but we should relentlessly labor to make our mind-work serve our heart-work. And we do so, not leaning on our own understanding and resources, but with the wind of the Holy Spirit in our sails. Standing firm in our beliefs in college, seminary, or any other season of life means expending energy to “keep yourselves in the love of God” (Jude 21). And that is the very thing he stands ready to do for and through us: “Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling” (Jude 24).
David Mathis (@davidcmathis) is the pastor at Cities Church in Minneapolis/Saint Paul, and adjunct professor for Bethlehem College & Seminary. He is a husband, father of four, and author of “Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus through the Spiritual Disciplines.”
april 2017
veryone wants to look back on their life with joy and satisfaction, having no regrets. If you are reading this article, then it’s it’s safe to assume that you share that sentiment. Here’s a major point to consider: most people will look back on their lives and will more often find regret over the things they did not do than gratification over the things that they did do. And quite often those play out as dreams or passions that were left unpursued. So how do you find the things in life that you have a true passion for, and once you’ve found them,
A Fruitful Life is No Joke -with Comedian are there steps you can take to set yourself up for long-term success in that area? Who better to ask than a man who is not only living out his dream and pursuing his passion, but is thriving at it? That would be the self proclaimed head “jackwagon” himself … comedian Tim Hawkins Tim has a career doing what he loves, and he’s not the only one who loves it. Having been designated one of the biggest names in “Christian comedy” and having become one of the most in-demand entertainers in comedy as a whole, Tim’s ridiculous, yet completely relatable observations about everyday life expose it’s hilarity, leaving audiences of all ages laughing ‘til their sides hurt…not to mention the few along the way who actually peed themselves! The accumulation of over 300 million online views and over a hundred sold-out shows each year come not only from his uproarious stand-up, but also from his comedic music videos and performances. A few fan favorites include The Chick-fil-A Song, Yoga Pants, Cletus Take The Reel, and The Government Can.
For Tim, the journey to his dream job was one that involved a process of trial and error built on hard work. In his story, there are many lessons that can be learned and much wisdom that can be applied for anyone seeking to follow his or her dreams, whatever they may be. For Tim, one major turning point in the path to where he is now was quitting his job as a grocery truck driver back in 2002. It was at that moment, Tim made the decision to pursue
a career in comedy, doing what he was good at, making people laugh. He decided that he would make it work, whatever it took. Sharing his perspective on the start of that journey, Tim explained: “I tried a lot of different jobs, just trying to find my way in the world. And this is really the only thing I know how to do, so I thought, is there a way to do it? It’s a lot of trial and error. I think one of the things that you learn in your life is that
“ you define your calling, that thing you’re supposed to do in life, is when you’re relentless at something.
how you define your calling, that thing you’re supposed to do in life, is when you’re relentless at something. And that was comedy for me. I mean, if I would fail at it, there was no question of quitting, I wanted to do it so bad. Whereas, other jobs… when I would fail, I would quit. It was a little bit of inspiration and a little bit of desperation.” Finding that thing that you are desperately passionate about doing, your calling, is so crucial because when hard times come (and they will come), if you are doing what you are enthusiastic about, you will not give up near as easily. Tim is not saying that if you pursue what you love, everything will be easy. Anyone who has done anything worthwhile will tell you otherwise. That classic mantra, “If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life” may sound nice, but it is sadly untrue. It always takes work—and usually lots of it. As Tim said, it involves a lot of trial and error. For him, failures did come, but what separated those failures from the previous ones was his decision to get back up and keep moving forward, a decision made easier by his strong desire. And from there it takes consistency of continually pressing forward. But Tim clarified that it means so much more than simply pressing forward in a business sense. He began to share that having daily consistency in his relationship with God is
The Bible calls it prudence. It’s being consistent and knowing that your fruits will pay off later. Because I don’t think that God is someone
absolutely crucial to his finding happiness and success, not only in his career, but in his marriage and as a father. “The Bible calls it prudence. It’s being consistent and knowing that your fruits will pay off later. Because I don’t think that God is someone who just gives us answers; He is the answer. He is it. And I think that too many people think that God is a supplement in their lives. No, He is life itself.” And it’s by having that daily consistency in seeking the presence of God that Tim finds the strength to press on to success. From that foundation, Tim then creates a culture around himself that also helps him be successful. He does this by first giving himself the freedom to fail. Too often people are so afraid to fail that they get frozen and miss
“Little known fact about you?”
“I actually do yoga.” “Do you wear yoga pants like in your song?” “My wife bought me men’s yoga pants, and yes, they are like wearing whip cream. And it’s like, ‘Where have you been all my life?’”
who just gives us answers; He is the answer. He is it. And I think that too many people think that God is a supplement in their lives. No, He is life itself.
opportunities to grow. Second, he positions the right people in his inner circle. “Surround yourself with people who free you up to do what you do well. My tour manager, he loves to be on the phone. He’s all about logistics. I hate logistics. I get nauseous thinking about logistics.” Third, he knows when to rest. You only have so much to give without taking time to refill. Just like a cup that’s being poured out, if you don’t get refilled, you will run dry, even with the things you love. Make sure to invest in yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. And Tim’s final piece of advice for success in pursuing your dreams is this, “Say yes until you can say no.” Take whatever work you can get until you earn the opportunity to start being choosy.
LIVE april 2017
Creating a
Outdoor Living Space
Whether you’re entertaining or catching up on some R&R, an outdoor room can make it much more enjoyable. Of the 5,000 homeowners surveyed by HGTV and Casual Living magazine, a whopping 87 percent indicated that an outdoor living room was important or very important, and more than half stated they already had one. Clearly, more and more of us are looking right outside our windows for spots to both relax and entertain. Your outdoor room should ultimately feel like an extension of your home’s interior.
Go Big with an Outdoor Kitchen
The kitchen is the heart of any home, so it should follow that an outdoor kitchen would be where the action is in any outdoor living space. Whether in a back yard in the suburbs or on a rooftop in the city, outdoor kitchens have grown in popularity because cooking al fresco feels more of a pleasure than a chore. You can do much more than grill outdoors by building your open-air kitchen around a refrigerator, a sink, food prep areas, or even a wood-fired pizza oven. Another key to any outdoor kitchen is seating, which can range from standard picnic tables to a full bar, complete with working beer taps.
Add Warmth with a Fireplace or Fire Pit
Adding an element of fire can instantly transform an otherwise ordinary space into one that is inviting and warm. With a fireplace or fire pit, your outdoor living area can be enjoyed year round. In addition to being a great heating source, they also offer excellent entertainment opportunities for any gathering.You can use them to cook s’mores or kabobs, or just to kick back and enjoy a peaceful evening. Did you know they also add value to your home in the real estate market? Adding an outdoor fireplace is fairly easy, and it can be created to fit the unique style of your home.
Bring Serenity with a Water Feature
Whereas fire brings warmth to outdoor spaces, water can provide a dimension of cool tranquility. Water features can take all different forms, from small store-bought fountains to exotic Koi ponds to cascading waterfalls. When adding a swimming pool, it’s important to consider the landscape as a frame. Pool design is best done by a landscape architect who understands site function and circulation so that the space is optimized to create the perfect private retreat, whether streamline modern or a rustic waterfall oasis.With the busy schedules of today’s families, out-of-town vacations can become more limited. Instead, vacate to your own back yard by building the outdoor space that’s just right for you 12
Intentionality... Choosing to By Gabriel Bland can change so many things, but one of the most important things it can affect is the relationships with the people around us. What if there was a place you could take someone you care about, beyond the distractions of life—a place where you could show your love and intentionality toward them? Places like this do exist, and Bolt Farm Treehouse is one such place. From its very construction, the treehouse was created to foster intentionality within relationships, and was designed to do so while upholding a standard of excellence in everything for its guests. Built in 2015 as a cooperative effort between Seth Bolt, founding member of beloved rock band NEEDTOBREATHE, and his father, Larry Bolt. Together they brought decades of building experience, artistic perspective, and a passion for excellence to create what started as an incredible escape from the distractions of life for friends and family alike, and grew to become something bigger than either of them ever imagined. Having received over 160 fivestar reviews on Airbnb, it has been named “The Number One Place to Stay in South Carolina,” by Only In Your State, and one of the top five treehouses in the South, by the Atlanta JournalConstitution. This unique getaway is every romantic’s dream, which comes at no surprise once you learn that the standard that Seth had in mind when designing the treehouse was to create a romantic haven for his future bride, whom he had yet to even meet. Every detail of this destination was created to help the guests to disconnect from the rest of the world and allow them to invest in themselves, whether it be as a married couple seeking time to be together without distraction, a mother-daughter trip to reconnect and build a deeper relationship, or as an individual seeking inspiration or simply to find rest in nature’s beauty. It includes the “five star phone resort” to encourage disconnecting. Guests are even presented the option of having an 100% organic hand-prepared meal delivered right to the treehouse. This picturesque “Royal14
Vintage� treehouse sits on 40 acres of farmland and forest in beautiful Walhalla, South Carolina, just a couple hours from Atlanta. And while maintaining that perfect blend of nature and comfort, Bolt Farm Treehouse is fully furnished, has a fireplace, outdoor rope bed, 2-person hammock, chandeliers, vintage board games, record player, treetop dining room with ice box, and propane grill, and is equipped with a bathroom, electricity, and heater/ AC unit. It also includes an outdoor shower that provides views of the woods, while still giving guests full privacy. With growing renown and the demand that comes with it, the treehouse continues to book out far in advance. So start planing ahead now for a getaway that you will never forget, and be on the lookout as dates for 2018 start opening for booking. For a full list of amenities and for booking information, search Walhalla, SC destinations on or to check out Bolt Farm Treehouse. And make sure to visit Bolt Farm on Instagram: @boltfarmtreehouse &
The Perfect Sacrifice By William Graham Perfection. Have you ever seen it? Sure, we may gaze at a snowflake, a flower, or a child’s smile and feel that we are looking at perfection. But examine more closely—that snowflake will soon dissolve, the flower is missing a petal, and the child will certainly have his share of misbehavior. The fact of the matter is that, in this world, very little is without blemish or defect. The same can be said of the Old Testament sacrifices. They were not perfect and did not permanently purify anything. They had to be repeated constantly, and they never truly dealt with sin and judgment. But when we look at the sacrifice of Jesus, the most pivotal moment in history, we witness something that is so perfect that it changes the course of eternity. Let’s visit Hebrews 9:23-28. First, Jesus’ sacrifice purified everything—in heaven and on earth. Verses 23 and 24 share that not only the “copies of heavenly things” (in other words, the things of man) would be purified, but “the heavenly things themselves.” Christ’s blood had to be over everything, and therefore even the way into heaven must be covered and cleansed with blood as man comes to God. The sacrifice of Jesus—the very reason we celebrate Easter—is what makes it possible for us to enter into heaven. We have been cleansed through the blood of Jesus on the cross, all the way to the heavenly realm. Second, Jesus’ sacrifice does not need to be repeated. Under the old covenant, the High Priest had to annually make atonement for the sins of the nation on Yom Kippur, year after year. Not true with Jesus’ sacrifice. Verses 25 and 26 explain that there is no longer a need for repeated blood sacrifices, as Jesus “…has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.” He never had to repeat it because it was a perfect sacrifice—the shed blood of a man for men. That is why, as Christians, we don’t have to fear death. Finally, Jesus’ sacrifice is perfect because it took away judgment. My friends, I’m sorry to break it to you, but—short of Christ’s return—you are going to die someday. Verse 27 says, “And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment.” We will all eventually pass from this world and stand before the Lord. However, thanks to the finished perfect sacrifice of Jesus, He has taken that judgment for those who believe. Verse 28: “so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.” What an incredible grace that we’ve been given! The debt has been paid! What is the point of Hebrews 9:23-28? It’s this: Jesus’ sacrifice was so perfect that it purified everything from you and me to heaven itself; it never had to be repeated, and took away our judgment. As you enjoy your Easter celebration, please take a moment to pause and appreciate Christ’s perfect sacrifice; the purifying final act that took away judgment for those that call upon His name. What a joy to place our eternal hope in Him! ill is the third generation of Grahams to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ under the banner of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA). He also serves as vice president of the BGEA, and as executive director of the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove in Asheville, N.C.
GOODlife Writing Contest Over $1,500 in prizes
Do you have an awesome mom or dad? Well, we want to hear about them! One of them could be featured in an upcoming edition of GOODlife magazine... a tribute to Mother’s Day in the May issue or Father’s Day in June.
Is there something you’ve never said, but want to say? Maybe it’s a thank you for making your life happier,
getting the family through challenging times, or inspiring you to be a better person. Here’s your chance! Submit an original written work (story, poem, letter, etc.), 450 words or less, about or to your mom or dad to, and be entered to win a special Mother’s Day or Father’s Day prize for the respective parent you write about. And you may enter one submission for each parent!
A GOODlife Starts with...
Chateau Elan
Three 13 Salon and Spa “Day of Beauty”
Overnight stay for 2 & 2 rounds of golf
La Vida Massage 60 Minute Massage
Top Golf
$100 Gift Card
- Hair design and finish - Any color service for desired outcome - Hair power conditioning treatment - Gel spa manicure - Gel pedicure
- Spa facial - Facial waxing - Full body massage - Full makeup application - Hair power gloss - Body treatment - Two spa add-ons
Hilton Atlanta/Marietta Hotel & Conference Center Weekend night stay with
Publication in GOODlife Magazine
breakfast for two
Winning entry published in June issue, print and digital versions
Publication in GOODlife Magazine
Winning entry published in May issue, print and digital versions
Provide your full name, phone number, and mailing address, both in the email and on the submission itself. Entries for the Mother’s Day contest must be received by midnight April 7, 2017, and for the Father’s Day contest, midnight May 5, 2017. One entry per person, per contest, allowed. All entries must be original work, and any previously published work will not be eligible for the prize. For more rules and information, visit april 2017
ast year, I looked over an Easter spread and counted twelve different dishes that had either a cheese or mayonnaise as their base. I love these staples as much as the next person (looking at my waistline, you might By Krista Messic argue that I love them more than most!), but I began to think about what I could make that would be different, flavorful, fresh, and a little less calorie-packed. I think this dish is just the ticket. I hope you enjoy!
Easter Broccoli Salad
Salad Ingredients: 24 oz. broccoli florets 1 pint fresh blueberries 6 oz. fresh raspberries 1 Lg. Red Delicious apple 1 Lg. Granny Smith apple 4 oz. dried cranberries 1/3 c. finely chopped red onion 1/4 c. hulled sunflower seeds 1 1/2 Tbsp. lemon Juice
Dressing Ingredients: 12 oz. fat-free Greek yogurt 1/3 c. honey 1 Tbsp. lemon juice 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar 1 Tbsp. water 1 Tbsp. poppy seeds Salt, to taste 18 18
Bringing it All Together 1. Lightly steam broccoli florets to a bright green, but crisp texture. Rinse in cold water, drain, and lay out on paper towels to dry. 2. Place dry broccoli, blueberries, raspberries, onion, cranberries, and sunflower seeds in a large bowl. 3. Chop the apples into bite-sized pieces and toss in the lemon juice. Drain and add apples to the large bowl. 4. In a small mixing bowl, whisk the dressing ingredients. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss gently to combine. Refrigerate for an hour and then serve.
Big Shanty