When Feels Too Far Gone
Habits for a healthy Marriage by Jimmy EVans
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Kristen Bland
10 Mandisa Her journey back to freedom and joy from the darkness 6 GOODlife Events
Check out this month’s list of local events.
8 GOODlife Students
5 truths to equip any beleiver for this year’s academic journey.
13 Habits for a Healthy Marriage
“In marriage, long-term happiness is never the result of luck. It is always because we do certain things right...”
Managing Editor
15 Increasing or Decreasing
Change is a daily process, what can you do to set yourself up for growth rather than decline.
16 GOODlife Travel
Having a staycation? Take advantage of the many local Atlanta adventures you have yet to enjoy.
18 GOODlife Recipes
Goat Cheese and Sun Dried Tomato Stuffed Chicken Rolls
Gabriel Bland Editor
Autumn Burr Advertising 770.656.4400 Contributing Editor Krista Messic
Article Submissions 1582 Williams Dr, Suite 250 Marietta Ga 30066 @goodlifemonthly
Cover Credit GOODlife Magazine features Mandisa, Grammy awarded American gospel and contemporary Christian singer. For the full story, see page 10.
GOODlife Magazine is a bi-monthly publication distributed throughout Atlanta and Metro Atlanta. Entire contents, including design elements and logos, are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any media without the express written consent of the publisher. GOODlife Magazine, LLC reserves the right to edit or reject any editorial or advertising content. Advertisers assume liability for content of all advertisements. All information herein has been checked for accuracy to the best of our ability. Not responsible for deletions, omissions, errors and/or inaccuracies. © 2017 GOODlife Magazine, LLC. All rights reserved.
Celebrate America July 2 at 5pm Downtown Woodstock Amphitheater First Baptist of Woodstock presents food trucks, inflatables, live orchestra, and cloggers. Freedom Celebration July 3 Mount Paran North Church, Marietta Come and celebrate with food trucks, kids zone with inflatables, live entertainment, and fireworks. Pre-Independence Day Celebration of Freedom July 3 from 6-10pm Downtown Kennesaw City of Kennesaw hosting free event with live music, fireworks, festive street entertainment, food vendors, and kids’ activities. July 4th Concert and Fireworks July 4 Cauble Park, Acworth Free event with live music starting at 4pm, food vendors, and a fireworks extravaganza!
For our full local Consignment Sale list, visit our website at!
Fourth in the Park July 4 from 10am-10pm The Marietta Square Independence Day parade and celebration, free live concerts, arts and crafts show, food, carnival games, and fireworks finale. Parade starts at 10am at Roswell Street Baptist Church.
Wherever You Go July 14-16 (Recurring daily) Due West United Methodist Church, Marietta
Burnt Hickory Elementary Summer Camp July 10-14 Burnt Hickory Baptist Church, Powder Springs Overnight camp in Ocoee, TN for children entering 3rd-6th grades.
World Changers Church Grace Life Conference July 10-14 World Changers Church International, College Park Guest speakers include Creflo Dollar along with Michael Smith, Andrew Wommack, Gregory Dickow, Taffi Dollar, and Tricia Gunn. Special musical guest: Israel Houghton.
City of Acworth Parks and Recreation Department’s Senior Luncheon July 18 and August 15 at noon Roberts School Community and Education Center, Acworth Come join us for lunch, bingo, and other special activities. Free to all senior citizens.
NorthStar Family Movie Night July 14 at 7pm Northstar Church, Kennesaw Family outdoor movie night featuring Disney’s “Moana.”
Brand new musical by Christina Howell & Billy Payne. Based on the book of Ruth, set in turn of the century Chicago and southern Georgia, this musical boasts wonderful new songs and characters that draw you into their story of hope and survival.
NEEDTOBREATHE at Suntrust Park July 16 Suntrust Park, Atlanta Concert begins after the Braves game. needtobreathe
Southeast Homeschool Expo July 28-29 Cobb Galleria Centre A two-day expo devoted entirely to the display, sale, and discussion of educational materials with entire exhibit hall displays of materials by the best Christian, secular, and specialty publishers.
Know of any upcoming events? If so, let us know! Send information to
Classic Car Cruise July 29 from 4pm-9pm Main Street in Downtown Acworth All proceeds go to the Horizon Field, an all-inclusive special needs sports facility in Acworth. For more information, contact Jeff Chase at Nautique WWA U.S. Wakeboard National Championships August 3-6 Dallas Landing Park, Acworth Come watch the nation’s best wakeboarders of all ages battle it out on the water for a chance to claim a National title! The Global Leadership Conference August 10-11 Mount Paran North Church, Marietta Influence 2017 – Join 400,000 people around the world for two days of world-class leadership training. A Day With Kay August 12 from 8am-5:30pm First Baptist Woodstock Woodstock Women’s Ministry (be)loved presents Kay Author. Pigs & Peaches BBQ Festival August 25 from 6pm-10pm and August 26 from 10am-10pm Adams Park, Kennesaw It’s time once again for festival fans and music lovers to converge for two days of smoked and seasoned barbeque bliss! Celebrate Freedom September 2 Jim R Miller Park, Marietta Largest free one-day outdoor Christian music festival in Atlanta. Holy Smoke Festival September 4 from 10am-3pm Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, Marietta Join us for food, provided by Williamson Brothers BBQ, and family activities, including a 5K Run (9am), bouncy inflatables, car show, silent auction, product vendors, music, games, skydive demonstration, and more! july/august 2017
5 Back to School Basics By: Marshall Segal
The beginning of August signals the beginning of back-to-school shopping, or at least back-to-school-shopping commercials. You may not know it, but whether you’re a freshman or senior, you’re going to need more than notebooks, pencils, and a strong book bag. You need truth. Sure, you’re going to school, willingly or unwillingly, to learn, but there are truths you need before the algebra, literature, and biology. While you should develop good study habits for the new semester, here are some real keys to the classroom you probably won’t find in your syllabus.
1. Thinking may be the most critical thing you ever do. You’re going to school to learn how to think, not to pass tests. Whatever Christians do with their lives, whether we eat or drink or run a company or teach second grade or develop software or change diapers, we aim to do it to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). If you’ve tried it, you know it’s rarely simple or obvious how that happens. It requires careful thought and discernment. If we’re going to apply God’s word to the world, we need to know our world. John Piper writes, “The well-educated person is the person who has the habits of mind and heart to go on learning what he needs to learn to live in a Christexalting way for the rest of his life — and that would apply to whatever sphere of life he pursues” (Think, 191–192). If we’re going to apply God’s word to the world, we need to know our world. Every chapter in a history book, every science experiment in the lab, every interaction between classmates is an opportunity to learn about the world God created — the place he especially put us to see him, enjoy him, and help others do the same.
2. The most important book you’ll read this fall is your Bible. Because of all the assigned pages, you’ll be tempted to sideline your Bible reading until the next test has passed, the next paper is done, or the next break is here. Instead, treat your time in the Bible like you treat your meal plan. Your time soaking in Scripture will be the most fruitful and shaping time of your education. Nothing can replace the wealth you will find there, and nothing will prepare you better for life, family, vocation, or even your next class.
Marshall Segal (@marshallsegal) is a writer and managing editor at He’s the author of Not Yet Married: The Pursuit of Joy in Singleness & Dating (2017). He graduated from Bethlehem College & Seminary. He and his wife Faye have a son and live in Minneapolis. 8
Again, Piper pleads, “Let us labor to memorize the Word of God — for worship and for warfare. If we don’t wear it, we can’t wield it. If we do not carry it in our heads, we cannot savor it in our hearts or wield it in the Spirit” (Desiring God, 154).
3. Someone younger than you needs you. As a teenager, it took me several years to appreciate the influence I had over those younger than me. Sixth-graders can’t wait to be eighth-graders, who can’t wait to be freshmen, who can’t wait to be juniors, who can’t wait to be in college. So someone younger than you is watching you, and probably wants to be like you. Whether you choose to be or not, you will be a role model. Why not model Christ-like faith, joy, generosity, and service?
In all your good papers, projects, and tests, it is God working through you for his glory. If you were under the impression 2 Timothy 2:2 stops with elder-types in the church, remember that Jesus calls all his disciples, without distinction, to be making more disciples (Matthew 28:19). Keep your eyes open for the guy (if you’re a guy) or girl (if you’re a girl) trying to find someone to look up to, and spend some time and energy to consistently point them even further up to Christ. Think creatively about ways you could invest the gospel and your life into them, and eventually show them how they can do the same for others.
4. Comparison in the classroom can be the birthplace of pride. God opposes the proud (James 4:6). That’s enough to know pride is dangerous, really dangerous. No one opposes God and survives, much less wins. Your pride will defile you (Matthew 7:20–23) and keep you out of the kingdom. Your humility, however, testifies to God’s forgiveness of your sin and his grace at work in you. The classroom naturally nurtures a culture of comparison. Pride can certainly begin before our education, but school’s grades, awards, and social dynamics seem to breed the wrong kind of competition — a self-seeking kind. And this pride clashes with our Savior’s sacrifice like your dad’s white socks and his favorite sandals. Your younger years are fertile ground for big dreams. Piper recently encouraged a group of young ambitious dreamers to distinguish between influence and fame. He said it is a good and honorable thing to want to change the world, but it’s wicked to want to be known for it. Let’s try to be quick to celebrate others (Romans 12:10), slow to speak, especially about our own successes, and slow to think more highly of ourselves than we ought (Romans 12:3). Remember you are a sinner bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:19–20), and that in all your good papers, projects, and tests, it is God working through you for his glory (Philippians 2:13).
5. Only the gospel saves anyone, even A-students. Whatever the grades may say, none of us really measures up — no, not one (Romans 3:11–12). Regardless of how hard you work this year, you will fail. You may fail to serve your roommate patiently or steward your time effectively or respect your parents humbly or do your schoolwork faithfully. Your only hope this fall or any fall is the gospel. And that is a really, really strong place to stand and study. Fortunately, every student who trusts in Christ has an advocate before the one with infinitely more power and authority than any teacher, dean, principal, or president (1 John 2:1). God loves you and promises to be with you and help you because his Son died for you, not because of how well you do in school or how many friends you have or how happy your parents are with your performance. You might have a new computer or a new study partner or an improved living situation or some new resolve to do better, but ultimately your only hope this fall or any fall is the gospel. And that is a really, really strong place to stand and study. So whether you’re going to walk, drive, or take the bus for the first day of classes, as you pack up, prepare your heart and mind for the work. By God’s merciful, student-loving grace, this year could be a breakthrough in your personal passion for him, your ministry to others on campus, and your readiness for a long life lived with and for Jesus.
july/august 2017
When Joy Feels Too Far Gone -By Gabriel Bland “Optimist.” “Joyful.” “Upbeat.” Everyone knows someone who could be described with these words, and perhaps as you read this list of characteristics, a specific person even came to mind. One person who has stood out to many as a joyfully warm and upbeat person in the world of music is beloved musician and alumna of the American Idol Top 10, Mandisa. From the start of her career on the epic television show, with her soulful singing and forgiving heart toward Simon Cowell, to her Grammy-winning musical endeavors, Mandisa has become a source of light and inspiration for many. Not only her personality, but also her songs like “Overcomer,” “Good Morning,” and one of her most recent releases “Unfinished” evoke a life-giving encouragement. The last of those was birthed out of the reality that she, just like every other person, is susceptible to having her joy shaken when the storms of life come.
“It’s interesting when you are facing depression, you feel like you are the only one that knows what that feels like.”
Three and a half years ago, Mandisa lost her best friend, Kisha, in a fight against breast cancer, which catapulted her into a deep, overwhelming depression that eventually led to her considering suicide as the only means of escape. But, by the grace of God, she has come back out of the darkness and has found her joy once again. And she now actively desires to share the tools and hope that God gave her to overcome, because suicide was not her only way out—instead, it was the love and light of Christ that were the means to the freedom she so desperately needed.
“It’s interesting when you are facing depression, you feel like you are the only one that knows what that feels like. And I’ve come to realize that there are a lot of people out there who know what it is to battle in darkness. When I’m praying for this album and praying as I share this story, it’s that people who are in the darkness and who know what it’s like to be facing depression, that they would see my story and that it would give them hope. Because if there’s anything my story says, it’s that if you are still here, if your heart is still beating, and if your lungs are still breathing, that means your story is still being written—that God is not done with you yet.” In the months before the release of her album “Out of the Dark,” and still continually, Mandisa has been all over social and traditional media calling out to those in the darkness that there is hope, there is freedom, and it’s not out of their reach. As Mandisa opened up to us, she shared three practical steps that God used in the midst of her darkness to help her find freedom:
“The first thing he showed me was community, which is interesting because I am a single woman. I have never been married. I mean, I lived with a roommate in college, but for the most part, I have lived alone for most of my life. I am also an introvert, so that means I actually get energized from spending time alone. However, I also recognize that isolating and being by yourself too much is a breeding ground for the enemy. And it was in that season of darkness and isolation that I was listening to the lies of the enemy. And so God has really shown me the power of community, the power of walking with brothers and sisters in Christ. And it was in large part to my friends and my loved ones chasing after me and saying that they loved me just as I was, but loved me too much to leave me there. That is what God used to help lift me out because I was going down a very dangerous path and so I’m thankful for my very persistent loved ones.”
Not Focusing on Mistakes from the Past “Second, God showed me that I have to stop focusing so much on all the mistakes that I have made in the past—that I needed to take it one day at a time, and not even focus on how far I have to go. My go to scripture for that is in Philippians 3:13; it says “…forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.” We really have to take it one day at a time. And for somebody who feels hopeless and in darkness, it’s so overwhelming. And the only way that I can do it is to not focus on all the mistakes I made and not get overwhelmed by how far I have to go, but just today. What choices can I make right now? What can I do with Jesus to help me walk in fellowship with Him? Who can I be with today that is going to help me live in the light?”
Look for the Flicker of Light
“The third thing that God showed me was ‘Look for the flicker of the light.’ It came in so many ways for me. It came through my loved ones, and it came through listening to Christian radio. I’ll never forget being in my car, and it was the first time I had turned on Christian radio in forever because when I was in that dark period, I didn’t want to be around the light—I didn’t want to hear about Jesus. I wanted to stay in that dark place, and so I wasn’t listening to Christian music at all. So when I finally turned on my regular Christian radio station, I heard the song ‘One Step Away’ by Casting Crowns, and it said ‘You’re one step away from surrender. You’re one step away from coming home. You’re one step away from arms wide open.’ And for me that was a flicker of light. It brought in a flood of light for me. I was in darkness for so long, and it is amazing how a little flicker of light can change everything. I love being in a concert setting when one person will lift out the flashlight on their phone and then it just spreads throughout the entire arena—but it starts with one. And that just goes to show you that that is the thing about light; darkness is overwhelming, but all it takes is one little flash of light to chase out the darkness.” So many people, across the world as a whole, but specifically in our own personal circles, are actively struggling with depression and may feel like there is no hope. Whether it be someone you know, or even you yourself who are grappling with the weight of that darkness, the truth is that none of us is alone. Even when it doesn’t feel that way, God is always there. And we, as the body of Christ, have the ability to be the active hands and feet of God by taking the time to reach out to those around us, those who july/august 2017
may be battling such despair, and communicate the love
we have for them. Take the opportunity you have today to be a glimpse of light in their life. Even if they don’t appear to receive it at the moment, you don’t know the life-giving impact your persistence could have in their life.
Little known fact:
Some people don’t know that I sucked my thumb until I was 24 years old. And so that’s why when people tell me that I have a beautiful smile, I kind of laugh because I know that it’s only by the grace of God. I always say that I was on the heavenly dental plan, because it is only by the grace of God that I do not have buck teeth sticking out of my face.
healthy Marriage -By Jimmy Evans
In marriage, long-term happiness is
never the result of luck. It is always because we do certain things right. Even though you may be convinced that your spouse has most of the problems, you cannot change your spouse. You can only change you.
Habit #2:
Be positive through touch, praise, and romance.
Men and women both need physical affection. When you don’t feel like being affectionate Today I’ll share how you can protect and promote is when you need affection the most. Hold the emotional health in your marriage. When hands, put your arm around each other, and you practice these four habits, you can revive lost cuddle on the couch. It is essential. The more passion and take your marriage to the next level. non-sexually affectionate a man is, the more sexually responsive a woman becomes. I’ll never Habit #1: understand it, but that’s “You have Protect the priority of the marriage. that way God wired most women. to decide to Marriage is the most important thing in our lives We also need to regularly with the exception of our personal relationship do the right praise and encourage each with God. Every couple should have a weekly other. Praise and honor is thing before date night like you did before you got married. And just to clarify, date night is not when you get especially important for you feel like men. Maybe your husband chicken and watch “American Idol.” Give effort isn’t at home as much as you it. You fell in and court each other. Plan a great meal, talk would like or isn’t focused about real issues, and plan a fun night of sex. Be love because on the marriage or family. intentional and keep the skills of dating alive in You can recapture his heart your marriage. you dated through encouragement and You’ve probably heard people say, “We are out of each other. praise. The more praise you love. It must be over. The passion is gone.” Well give him, the more he will I totally understand that. You have to decide to You fell want to be with you. do the right thing before you feel like it. You fell in love because you dated each other. You fell out of love because you got lazy. This happens to all of us. Pursue each other and it will keep your marriage the main priority in your life.
We also connect emotionally through romance. Men and women see romance differently
out of love because you got lazy.” july/august 2017
through their own needs. For men, romance often involves food, sex, and fun. It’s usually a short road. For women, romance is all about pursuit during her day and detailed communication when you’re together. It’s usually a long road. Romance happens when you learn to be romantic in your spouse’s language.
The second way that we deal with negative
“When you emotions is by daily giving our spouse the freedom to complain. Your spouse will never don’t feel trust you unless they know they can complain without paying a price. Daily have an attitude like being that says, “I am here to please you. Will you affectionate please tell me if I am not succeeding?” is when you For years, my fear was if I ever get humble with she would shame me or reject me. The need affection Karen, day that I got humble with Karen is the day I became the head of my home. When I allowed the most. Habit #3: Karen to approach me and correct me, I finally Hold hands, got the response from her I had been waiting Resolve and remove negative emotions. put your arm for. around each Habit #4: Removing negative emotions begins by spending time with God other, and every day. If I do not pray and Create an atmosphere of spend time with the Lord, I am cuddle on the partnership and sharing. going to have anxiety (Philippians couch. It is 4:6-7) and it changes the way that The fourth habit of healthy couples is I relate to everybody, especially my essential.” partnership. No one dominates in a healthy spouse. ALL ARE WELCOME, ENROLL NOW! BALLET, TAP, JAZZ, ACTING, MUSICAL THEATER Classes held at Mount Paran Christian School
marriage. An atmosphere of sharing says, “I will never make a significant decision without you.” Sharing means you no longer do things by yourself. You do not buy things alone. You do not make decisions about your job or about important areas of your life without your spouse. Over the years, the best decisions we have ever made have been when Karen and I make decisions together. In my opinion, if your spouse does not agree with a major decision in your life, then God has not called you to do it. The decision might even be right, but it may not be the right time. Healthy relationships are marriages where we walk together.
As you were reading these four habits, you’ve probably realized an area where some improvement is needed. Well, join the club. None of us has arrived in marriage. Take the first step. Go to your spouse and humbly take responsibility for your part in the relationship. Focus on yourself and trust God to change your spouse.
Intentionally Increasing or Unintentionally Decreasing -By Mason Tanner
ntentionally increasing or listen to my voice; I know them, and they unintentionally decreasing.” I had follow me.” heard these words come from my father’s Today, I am a pastor myself, and mouth a hundred times, but for some I find myself often quoting those reason, at this point in time, it meant words, “Intentionally increasing or more to me than ever before. Maybe it was unintentionally decreasing.” We as because I had been down a hard road of human beings have a deep, innate desire rejection and self-doubt or maybe I was just to know and to be known. But there is growing up, or both. Either way, as I listened only one who can fully know us—and to my father preach that Sunday, I could that is Jesus. As the human race, we were not get the words out of my head. I was a created to know and be known by God. mess, and if anything was true, it was that I The desire to be known is fulfilled in had not been increasing. Later that day, as God’s love for us. He views you and me golf was on TV and everyone was resting, with deep love. He will never stop loving as was normal for my family on Sunday you, and he is constantly doing things to afternoons, my dad asked me a question, pursue you and show his love for you. I “Hey Mason, how are you and Jesus doing?” encourage you to talk to him. And if you Thoughts ran through my head like a fried run out of things to say, just listen. He circuit board: How does he know? What has things to tell you too. should I say? Should I lie? Then I blurted out, “We are friends.” But my dad was not going to have the proverbial wool pulled over his If you feel too busy or bogged down, eyes. He replied full of wit and love, “I know remember the words of Martin Luther, “I you are friends. I wanna know if you are have so much to do today that I’m going on speaking terms.” I was busted. I had not to need to spend three hours in prayer been pursuing a relationship with in order to be able to get it all done.” Our Jesus, and often I felt that I needed relationship with God is contingent on to fix myself before I could talk to prayer, and prayer is one of the ways that him in prayer. After my dad asked we as believers can intentionally increase, his question, I felt like I had been because otherwise, we will unintentionally filleted open and was on the table decrease. for surgery. Over the next year, my Mason is a husband, a father, and founding dad and I had many conversations Pastor of Dwelling Place College and Young about talking with God. He Adults Ministry. Mason received a B.A. pointed me to the scriptures of in Philosophy and Religion from Auburn John 10:14 and 27: “I am the good University and an M.A. in Intercultural Studies shepherd; I know my sheep and and Church Planting from Asbury Theological my sheep know me…My sheep Seminary. He is passionate about the Gospel spreading through the avenues of media and seeing young people come alive in Christ.
july/august 2017
Summer in Atlanta Adventures for for all all ages ages Adventures Georgia Aquarium Georgia Aquarium is one of the world’s largest and most captivating aquariums. Its 10 million gallons of fresh and salt water house the largest single aquarium habitat in the world and more aquatic life than any other aquarium in North America. Georgia Aquarium offers shows, interactive animal encounters, Behind the Seas tours, and more. Visit the new 4D Funbelievable Theater and Sea Lions at Sun Trust Pier 225, then head to The AT&T Dolphin Celebration to learn about dolphin behavior and the human connection.
ifly ifly Atlanta’s Atlanta’s indoor indoor skydiving skydiving Get ready to be blown away—literally. It’s thrilling. It’s amazing. Experience the feeling of freefall as you float on a smooth cushion of air. Indoor skydiving is the simulation of true freefall conditions in a vertical wind tunnel. It’s where the dream of flight becomes a reality for ages 3 to 103.
legoland discovery center - Atlanta The ultimate indoor Lego playground is located right in Atlanta at Phipps Plaza in Buckhead! Family fun with 2 rides, 10 LEGO build & play zones, a 4D cinema & much more! Build your own family adventure.
Andretti Indoor Indoor Karting Karting & & Games Games Andretti It''ss Entertainment Entertainment you you can can feel feel!! It Buckle up for Atlanta’s premier entertainment experience! Set the pace on the European-inspired indoor track at speeds of up to 40mph with the new Sodi GT5 karts. Climb the Cosmic Rock Wall, soar across the Zip Line, or walk high above the game floor on the SkyTrail Ropes Course. Take on over 120 of today’s hottest video, arcade, and redemption games, including the exclusive 7D Dark Ride Motion Theatre. Go head-to-head on the professional-grade Cruden race simulators. When you need a break, enjoy chef-inspired meals sure to keep you coming back for more in the Andretti Grill Restaurant.
Children's Museum Providing family-friendly environment that allows children to use their imaginations and learn through play, Children’s Museum is Atlanta’s only children’s museum and the largest in the state of Georgia. Located in the Centennial Park area of downtown Atlanta.
Treetop quest... where your adventure begins Experience a thrilling new adventure in the heart of Mother Nature. Feel the adrenaline rush as you climb, jump, zip, and swing in a network of ropes, ladders, and bridges, inviting amateur adventurers to scurry across their lengths. Treetop Quest’s ropes courses hover as high as 55 feet above the ground while allowing guests to stay safe, thanks to a belay system that’s impossible to detach at canopy level. The courses vary in difficulty and height to accommodate all experience levels and ages, allowing visitors as young as 4 to enjoy a challenge.
Fernbank Museum Experience a world of adventure filled with dinosaurs, live animals, cultural artifacts, and hands-on science explorations. Fernbank Museum prepares for an icy cool summer with its new exhibit, Mammoths and Mastodons, presented in conjunction with the giant screen film, Titans of the Ice Age. Also new—take a walk on the wild side as you explore 75 acres of outdoor nature adventures.
Six flags over georgia & hurricane harbor water park Six Flags Over Georgia is the largest regional theme park in the Southeast, featuring more than 40 rides and attractions, along with Hurricane Harbor Water Park. New for 2017 and now open—the ride voted “Best New Product in the World” debuts for the park’s 50th Anniversary— JUSTICE LEAGUE: Battle for Metropolis. This indoor attraction, featuring next generation of interactive thrills and the latest technology of 4D gaming, allows the entire family to join the JUSTICE LEAGUE reserve team and battle the iconic DC Super-Villains in a battle to save Metropolis.
lake lanier Islands Spend an amazing day of beachside family fun in the sun. Whether seeking high-energy adventure or a day of relaxation, LanierWorld is the one stop your family doesn’t want to miss. The water and adventure park is within Georgia’s largest lake, Lake Lanier, and provides double the fun and adrenaline-infused excitement. Includes over a half-mile of white, sandy beaches with lots of lounging space, daily live entertainment, dining options throughout, dive-in family movies, and over a dozen adventure rides, slides, and attractions, including Georgia’s largest wave pool—Wild Waves!
stone mountain park Stone Mountain Park features a wide variety of family activities. Located on 3,200 acres of natural beauty, adventure awaits as you discover interactive family-friendly attractions and many natural and historical sights. Board the Scenic Railroad and take a trip around the base of the Mountain. Challenge yourself on SkyHike®, the nation’s largest family adventure course, or cool off and play in the spray on Geyser Towers®…the adventures are endless! Be sure to stay into the evening for the Lasershow Spectacular in Mountainvision®, showing nightly during Summer at the Rock (through July 30). State-of-the-art graphics, lasers, lights, music, and breathtaking fire effects create multi-dimensional magic on one of the world’s largest outdoor screens—Stone Mountain. july/august 2017
GOODlife Recipes
Goat Cheese and Sun Dried Tomato Stuffed Chicken Rolls Ingredients:
By Krista Messic
8 boneless chicken cutlets 8 oz. goat cheese (I used herb & garlic flavor) 2/3 c. fresh basil, chopped 1 Tbsp. garlic, chopped 1/4 c. julienned sun-dried tomatoes in the bag Salt and pepper, to taste 2 c. fried pork rinds, crushed to “bread crumbs” 1 c. fresh parmesan cheese, shredded 9 oz. jar of sun-dried tomatoes in oil 2 large eggs 2 tsp. of water 2/3 c. melted butter 1 tsp. garlic powder 1 1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning
oy, do I have a good one for you! So good that my family has had this twice this week and are excited that I have to make this recipe again to get pictures. Some of my family members have been eating a low-carb diet (and have had wonderful results in the weight loss department). With restricted diets always comes a little bit of boredom if you don’t get creative and try new things. Here are a couple of notes for those who don’t have any dietary restrictions. You can choose to purchase pre-made sun-dried tomato spread instead of making the puree, just know that most processed foods have a lot of added salt and sugar. Read the labels and adjust your seasoning accordingly. You can use panko bread crumbs instead of the pork rinds if you want to, but I don’t suggest it. The pork rinds add such a crunch and some really amazing flavor. OK, here is the way to making a delicious meal that your whole family will LOVE!
• Heat oven to 375F. • Use a mallet to flatten chicken to 1/4” if necessary and make it more malleable for rolling. • In a large bowl, mix together goat cheese, basil, chopped garlic, rough chopped sun-dried tomatoes, and salt and pepper. Put in refrigerator. • Beat eggs and mix with water in a shallow dish. Mix pork rinds and parmesan cheese in a separate shallow dish. Set both aside. • Drain the jar of sun-dried tomatoes, and process in food processor until smooth and spreadable. • Spread equal parts of sun-dried tomato puree across the narrow ends of chicken to about half. Top with cheese mixture. (Depending on the size of your cutlets you may have a little of each left over. If you spoon it onto the chicken without touching the meat, you can have the leftovers on crackers—BONUS!) • Roll each up, jelly roll style, and secure with a toothpick. • Dip stuffed breast into egg mixture and then roll in pork rind mixture. Place in baking dish seam-side down. Sprinkle any remaining pork rind mixture across the top and press lightly into the chicken rolls. • In a small bowl, mix melted butter, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning. Drizzle over chicken rolls. • Bake for 30 minutes. 18