Outdoor Living Spaces Local Festivals & Events
Overcoming Adversity the Benham brothers
Atl Fest
Low-Cost Pet Vaccination Clinics SUNDAY 12 - 2PM | MAY 6 & JUNE 24 No appointment needed. Save an average of 50% off retail pricing. Vaccines and flea / tick supplies available. All funds collected are donated to the Homeless Pets Foundation, making this a 100% tax write-off for you!
Pet Adoption Day SATURDAY, MAY 12 | 9AM -12PM Hosted by:
Email: JaniceOverbeck@janiceoverbeck.com Location: 2249 Roswell Rd. Marietta, GA 30062 Phone: (404) 585-8881
14 Benham Brothers
Jason and David share their experiences and insights in overcoming adversity and on how we should best respond to culture.
Article submissions
submissions@goodlifemagazine.org 1582 Williams Dr, Suite 250 Marietta, GA 30066
6 Events
13 Artist Spotlight
23 Students
10 Vacation Bible Schools
18 Outdoor Living Spaces
24 Billy Graham is Home
12 Local Spotlight
20 Women: Change your focus 25 Travel
Check out our list of upcoming of local events — activities for all ages
Lots of VBS options in our area for your children this summer
Turn Around Kids: a ministry in metro Altanta providing a nurturing home to mistreated children
LOVECOLLIDE: Sisters with allin faith hope to defy norms with their music
Tips for transforming your back yard into a living space you’ll love
Why you should focus less on self-worth and more on awe and wonder for the Lord
Graduating or changing jobs? How you can embrace, instead of resist, season of life changes
Will Graham describes his grandfather’s peace with death and how you can have it also
Top picks for luxurious getaways to Florida’s “Emerald Coast”
Publisher / Editor
Assistant Editor
Creative Director
Kristen Bland
Gabriel Bland
Autumn Burr
info@goodlifemagazine.org 770.656.4400 facebook.com/goodlifechristian @goodlifechristian
On the Cover GOODlife Magazine features David and Jason Benham — former pro baseball players, business men, authors, speakers, and TV personalities who lost their show because of their faith. For their full story, see page 14.
GOODlife Magazine is a bi-monthly publication distributed throughout Atlanta and Metro Atlanta. Entire contents, including design elements and logos, are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any media without the express written consent of the publisher. GOODlife Magazine, LLC reserves the right to edit or reject any editorial or advertising content. Advertisers assume liability for content of all advertisements. All information herein has been checked for accuracy to the best of our ability. Not responsible for deletions, omissions, errors and/or inaccuracies.
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Spring/Summer Events Woodstock Friday Night Live
First Friday of each month (March – December) 6-9pm Downtown Woodstock Come enjoy the many restaurants and stores that the area has to offer as the downtown merchants stay open late and celebrate with a themed downtown-wide festival.
Marietta Square Art Walk
First Friday of each month (now through November) 5-9pm The Marietta Square Features Marietta’s diverse cultural arts scene, showcasing local artists and performers along sidewalks throughout Historic Downtown Marietta. www.mariettaartwalk.com
Leadercast – Lead Yourself
May 4 from 9am- 3:30pm Piedmont Church, Marietta – Simulcast Sponsored by Glory Haus www.leadercastmarietta.com OR Infinite Energy Arena Duluth- LIVE www.leadercast.com Join thousands of leaders, reignite your leadership, build a great team, and rediscover what drives you.
May-retta Daze
May 5-6 from 10am-5pm North Park Square on the Marietta Square Annual arts and crafts festival features exhibitors and artists showcasing handmade goods including painting, pottery, woodwork, metal, glass, fabric, soap, candles, and more. www.marietta.com/may-retta-daze
Smoke on the Lake BBQ Festival
May 11-12 Cauble Park on Lake Acworth The annual Smoke on the Lake backyard barbecue festival with great food, family entertainment, and fireworks. www.smokeonthelake.org
Pet Adoption Day
May 12 from 9am-12pm Janice Overbeck Realty, 2249 Roswell Road, Marietta A house is not a home without a furry friend! Come to our pet adoption and see the happy faces of adoptable dogs and cats looking for their FURever home. www.facebook.com/pg/ JaniceOverbeckRealEstateTeam/events
Six Flags White Water Opening Weekend May 12-13 Six Flags White Water, Marietta Come try out the new Wahoo six tube, water toboggan racing slide complex, and their tallest water slide ever…the Dive Bomber! www.sixflags.com/whitewater
Marietta Greek Festival
May 18-20 Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church, Marietta The 28th annual Marietta Greek Festival celebrates Greek traditions, culture, and delicious Greek food. www.mariettagreekfestival.com
Armed Forces Day Appreciation Lunch
May 19 from 11am-2pm Janice Overbeck Realty, 2249 Roswell Road, Marietta If you are active duty or retired armed forces, we want you to join us for a special appreciation BBQ lunch at our office. No charge to attend. www.facebook.com/pg/ JaniceOverbeckRealEstateTeam/events
The Gluten Free and Allergen Friendly Expo
May 19-20 from 10am-3pm Cobb Galleria Centre, Atlanta The GFAF Expos are the largest and fastest-growing special diet consumer events in the US. The event will allow attendees to sample hundreds of gluten-free products, receive coupons and discounted products available for purchase, attend informative classes related to the gluten and allergen-free lifestyle, and more. www.gfafexpo.com/expos/atlanta
Pop-In for Family Fun
May 19 and June 16 from 10:30am3:30pm Marietta Museum of History, Marietta Pop-Ins provide children and their 6
families the opportunity to interact with the museum through themed activities and crafts. www.mariettahistory.org/pop-in-for-familyfun
artists including Michael W. Smith, Mandisa, Danny Gokey, Phil Wickham, Ayisha Woods, Colton Dixon, and many more! www.Atlantafest.com
Memorial Day Ceremony
Forward Conference
May 26 at 10am Veterans Memorial at Patriots Point in Cauble Park A ceremony to honor those who have given their lives in service to our country. 770-917-1234
Memorial Day 5K/10K
May 28 from 7:30am-12pm LA Fitness, 2550 Sandy Plains Road, Marietta Memorial Day is about remembering the soldiers who died while on Active Duty in the Military. In their memory, we are offering all active and retired military a FREE race (5K or 10K). www.fivestarntp.com/memorial-day.html
Adventure Night: AMPED!
NorthStar Church’s Kidz Adventure Night June 1 from 6-8:30pm Kids 3 years through 5th grade will learn to live fully alive with confidence, discovering that what God says is true! Featuring the Electrified Band, outdoor inflatables, and dinner. Registration required. $7 per child. www.northstarchurch.org/adventurenight
The Serenade Heights 4th Annual Motorcycle Benefit Ride
June 2 at 9am First Baptist Church of Woodstock Benefiting Serenade Heights, a transitional housing ministry for single-mother families in our community, the “Joker Run” will start at 9am, kickstands up at 10am, and all bikes in by 1pm. $25 ride, $10 for passenger. After the ride, we will have lunch, music, raffles, vendors, and prizes for best hand of cards. Sponsors also welcome and needed! Dakota Schultz 404-644-6844 for more information
June 28-30 Infinite Energy Arena, Duluth Each year, 13,000 students gather at the Infinite Energy Arena to be part of an incredible weekend of worship and fun. Presented by Free Chapel and featuring the best worship artists and guest speakers in the world. www.forwardconference.org
Star Spangled Spectacular
June 30 Campus Green at Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw Kick off your Independence Day holiday at Kennesaw State University’s 11th Annual Star-Spangled Spectacular, held in the heart of KSU’s Kennesaw Campus. Features a patriotic concert, followed by a spectacular fireworks finale. www. kennesaw.edu
Freedom Celebration
July 3 at 7pm Mount Paran North Church, Marietta Come and celebrate with food trucks, kids zone with inflatables, live entertainment, and fireworks. mountparannorth.com
July 4th Concert and Fireworks
July 4 from 4-10pm Cauble Park Live music in the afternoon, plus food, inflatables, and more. Fireworks at 9:30pm. acworthparksandrecreation. org
Outdoor Movie – Moana
June 2 at 6pm Swift-Cantrell Park, Kennesaw It doesn’t get much better than a FREE family-friendly movie in the park!
June 14-16 Six Flags Over Georgia, Austell AtlantaFest returns to Six Flags Over Georgia & Hurricane Harbor! Three incredible days of top Christian may/june 2018
Courage, Cowardice, or Complacency By David Hoffman
ne of the greatest challenges that Christians in the U.S. are currently facing concerns the question of how they should interact with present-day American culture. Though our culture has never been fully “Christian” per se, today the culture is becoming increasingly antiChristian. All anyone has to do is turn on prime-time television to see how the culture is promoting beliefs, activities, and lifestyles that are in total contradiction to the Bible and Christian living. It is clear that the divide between the “church” and the “world” is becoming more accentuated and more defined. Should Christians do nothing? Should Christians isolate themselves from the culture? How do Christians “be in” this culture, yet “not of it”? How should we as Christians interact with the culture? There are many answers, but each one falls into one of three different types of responses—a response of complacency, a response of cowardice, or a response of courage. No Christian ever explicitly says “We should respond in complacency,” or “We should be cowards.” However, a lot of the responses that Christians have to the culture are not courageous. Often, there are undertones of complacency or cowardice. If you haven’t realized that the question of how to interact with the culture is an important one, all that I can say is, it is! However, even more important than the question is the answer to this question. The answer will determine the future of our nation and the health and spiritual vitality of the American church. The question I want to ask you right now is, “How are YOU responding to the culture?” 8
Sometimes the easiest thing to do in the midst of difficulty is to ignore it. It’s a lot easier to not be bothered by what is wrong than to have to come up with the willpower or means to change it. That is complacency at its finest. People will also ignore problems because they are satisfied with their lives. Many Christians have adopted this mentality in response to the culture. It comes across as a cavalier, above-it-all type of attitude. If you have a good job, a nice car, a decent family, a steady stream of entertainment, and a church to go to each Sunday, then who cares about the problems in the culture? Right? “My life is good. Don’t bother me,” is the slogan of this response to the culture. The problem here is that having a good life does not give anyone an excuse to not be “salt and light” (Matthew 5:13-16). In fact, if God has blessed you with a life that is not riddled with problems and concerns, He expects you to be more willing and able to serve Him and fulfill His purpose in reaching the culture. “To whom much is given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48). If you were in a burning house, you would not lie in bed and say, “God’s got this under control; it’s all part of His plan.” You would rush out of bed, get everyone out of the house, and then call 911. If there was a way you could fight the fire, you would do it. There would be no room for complacency. Likewise, there is no room for complacency in a Christian’s response to the culture. In
Luke 19:13, part of the point Jesus makes in a parable is that the believer is to occupy until He returns. Another way a Christian can respond to the culture is in cowardice. The antiChristian sentiment within the culture can seem overwhelming at times. As Satan expands his influence in the world, it can easily produce fear. This fear exhibits itself in several different ways. Some Christians embrace an isolationist mindset and try to avoid any and all interactions with the culture lest they be defiled by it. This is an incorrect response. Jesus made it clear that He overcame the world and that He is greater in us than the devil who is in the world. Other Christians don’t feel compelled to try to escape the world. However, they fear confrontation with the culture. This will often lead to compromise in order to avoid the difficulty, or trials, that would come from challenging it. This type of response doesn’t deny Christ, but it also doesn’t fully stand for Christ. Instead of standing firm on the word of God, a Christian that responds in fear and cowardice will try to find ways that they can fuse the “truths” of the culture with Christianity. At first
glace, it seems noble, and many people probably tell themselves they are making their compromises in an attempt to reach and win the lost. However, nowhere in the Bible are the people of God called to compromise biblical and moral truth and to embrace the world in order to win the lost (1 John 2:15). Countless Christians have bought into the lie that God is not concerned with anything outside of the salvation of the lost, so cultural issues really don’t matter to Him and thus shouldn’t matter to us. If Jesus Christ is Lord of the entire universe, and if He desires to do redemptive work in humanity, can someone really believe that God does not desire to use His people to establish more of His truth, righteousness, and order in the culture in which we live? We as believers are to love the sinners of the world, but we are not called to love the sin of the world. Jesus stood out, the disciples stood out, pretty much every character that we favorably look to in the Bible stood out. As they obeyed God courageously, they offended the culture around them, yet God was with them. So, that leaves us with our last possible response to the culture, one of courage. God calls His people to be courageous. Christ commanded believers to be salt
Are you...
and light. How does the courageous Take the stands you know God wants His Christian interact with the culture? The people to take even if you don’t see the first and foremost principle is to never majority of other Christians doing it. As we back down from standing upon and for are courageous, God will do mighty things biblical truth. The second principle is to in our culture and in our day-to-day lives. assume responsibility for challenging, as Jesus promised that He would be with us lovingly and yet truthfully as possible, the always even to the end of this age. current ungodly movements in the culture that promote what is clearly biblically You might say, “What can I do?” The unacceptable. Jesus said that he would send answer is, do something! Start somewhere! the Holy Spirit and that He would convict Be honest with yourself. If you are being the world of sin. All too often, Christians complacent or cowardly, don’t run away cop out on their responsibility and say, from it in shame. We all fall short of God’s “See, it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to convict standard and expectations. If you have been of sin.” But who lives in the believer? The complacent or cowardly, repent, and then Holy Spirit. Therefore, the Holy Spirit not make a commitment to stand in courage. only desires, but also expects, us to be His Ask God to help you to do this. Pray for God tools and instruments. The third principle to give you opportunities to courageously that is necessary for a Christian to be stand for the Gospel and biblical truth. successfully courageous is to count the cost Encourage other believers to do likewise. ahead of time. When Christians commit to Don’t be afraid to shine the light of Christ acting courageously in the culture, they will wherever you are and wherever you go. stand out. Sadly, often, not only the culture So fellow Christian, believer, confessor but other Christians will attempt to tear of Jesus Christ as Lord, tell me: courage, you down if you commit to challenging cowardice, or complacency—how will you this culture in the truth and power of God. respond to this culture? You have to be prepared to experience resistance, even from people who may claim David Hoffman is an evangelist and the director of Kingdom the name of Christ. Enterprises, an outreach and evangelism ministry in Tucson, Courage is necessary Arizona. His passions are to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ, ignite a passion for evangelism within the lives of in the day we live in. believers, and help equip them to live Spirit-filled and SpiritThere is absolutely no empowered lives. For more information or to contact him, room for cowardice please go to HisKingdomEnterprises.com or IgniteAmerica.org. or complacency. Be a courageous Christian.
EXPERIENCING CONFLICT? Handle with grace gmint.org may/june 2018
Shipwrecked Free 3 (as of 9/1/17) - completed 5th grade
Burnt Hickory Church of Christ 2330 Burnt Hickory Road, Marietta burnthickory.org June 3-7 6:30pm - 8:00pm Game On! Free 2 years - rising 5th grade Mount Bethel UMC 4385 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta mtbethel.org/event/vbs/201806-04 June 4-7 12:30pm - 3:30pm Shipwrecked $50 per child; FREE if parent or grandparent volunteers for the week Rising Pre-K4 - 4th grade Wildwood Baptist Church 4801 Wade Green Road, Acworth wildwoodbaptist.org June 4-7 6:30pm - 8:30pm Game On! Free 3 (as of 9/1/17) - completed 5th grade Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 2922 Sandy Plains Road, Marietta holytrinitymarietta.org June 4-8 9am - 12pm Shipwrecked Free 3 years - 5th grade 10
Kennesaw First Baptist Church 2958 N Main Street, Kennesaw kfbc.org/summer June 4-8 9am - 12pm Game On! Free 4 years - completed 5th grade Piedmont Church 570 Piedmont Road, Marietta piedmontchurch.tv/events June 4-8 9am - 12pm Summer Extreme Free 3 years - completed 5th grade RiverStone Church 2005 Stilesboro Road Kennesaw riverstoneonline.org/events June 4-8 9am - 12pm AMPED Pre-K4 - 5th grade Roswell Street Baptist Church 774 Roswell Street, Marietta roswellstreet.com June 4-8 8:45am-12pm Game On! Free K - 5th grade Due West UMC 3956 Due West Road, Marietta duewest.org June 11-14 8:30am - 11:45am Pre-K 8:45am - 12pm Elem.
Burnt Hickory Baptist Church 5145 Due West Road, Powder Springs burnthickory.com/event June 11-15 9am - 12pm Game On! Free Completed Pre-K4 5th grade Covenant Presbyterian Church 2881 Canton Road, Marietta covepres.com June 11-15 9am - 12pm Rolling River Rampage Suggested donation $20 per child 4 (as of 9/1/18) - completed 5th grade
First Baptist Roswell 710 Mimosa Blvd, Roswell fbroswell.org June 11-15 9am - 12pm Shipwrecked Free 4 (as of 9/1/17) - 5th grade Mount Paran North 1700 Allgood Rd NE, Marietta mountparannorth.com June 11-15 9am - 12pm June 15 - Optional Skating $10 Shipwrecked Free Pre-K4 - completed 5th grade
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Towne View Baptist Church 950 Shiloh Road, Kennesaw towneview.org June 11 - 15 9am - 12pm Shipwrecked Free 4 years - 5th grade Holy Family Catholic Church 3401 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta holyfamilycc.org/vacation-bibleschool June 17-21 10am - 12pm Babylon $50 per child 4 years - 10 years
First Baptist Woodstock 11905 Highway 92, Woodstock fbcw.org June 18-22 9am - 12pm OR 6:30pm - 8:30pm Time Lab Free Pre-K - 6th grade Rockpoint Church 3900 Legacy Park Blvd, Suite D-300, Kennesaw therockpointchurch.org June 23 4pm - 8pm Superheroes for Christ Free Pre-K - 5th grade
Johnson Ferry Baptist Church 955 Johnson Ferry Road, Marietta johnsonferry.org June 18-21 8:45am - 12:15pm Tukio Free Completed K - 5th grade
Wesley Chapel UMC 4495 Sandy Plains Road, Marietta wesleychapelumc.com June 25-29 1pm - 4pm Rolling River Rampage $10 per child, $30 immediate family cap. 3 years - 5th grade
Acworth UMC 4340 Collins Circle, Acworth acworthumc.org/event/ registration June 18-22 9:15am - 12pm Shipwrecked $20 per child 4 (as of 9/1/17) - rising 6th grade
Sandy Plains Baptist Church 2825 Sandy Plains Road, Marietta sandyplains.org July 9-13 8:30am - 12pm Time Lab Free Completed Pre-K - 5th grade
may/june 2018
GOODlife local Spotlight
: s d i K d n u ro e Child at a Time TurnDA ifference On Making a
by Evie Palmer
aitlyn Simonson was born in a broken home in Russia where she was severely malnourished, neglected, and abused. Eventually, social workers moved her into an orphanage until a couple from the U.S. adopted her. But Caitlyn felt like she didn’t belong. Her adoptive parents did everything they could to help Caitlyn adjust, but found her emotional trauma to be more than they could handle. They found Turn Around Kids, a ministry in metro Atlanta that thrives on opening its doors to children who are abused, neglected, or abandoned. It is there that Caitlyn Simonson found a family. “I was very self-destructive and headed down the wrong path, but thankfully, God used Turn Around Kids as a safe haven to protect me from myself,” Caitlyn says. Caitlyn is only one of the many testimonies of how God uses the ministry of Turn Around Kids. She is now an amazing wife and the mother to six sweet girls. She and her husband have served as houseparents with Turn Around Kids.
Turn Around Kids was birthed nearly fifteen years ago when the co-founder, Christi Vieira, was in Atlanta ministering to the community and noticed a young child frequently taking care of younger siblings alone. Christi spent time building a relationship with the family, and eventually, the mother asked Christi if her children could live with her while she sought to get her life together. Christi willingly agreed, and the concept for Turn Around Kids was conceived. Christi and her mother, Cheryl Anderson, co-founded the ministry. Along with their husbands, Mario and Sid, and others who have joined Turn Around Kids, they have opened their hearts to numerous children and provided a place where they feel loved and safe and feel like they belong. Turn Around Kids is a non-profit organization that takes legal guardianship of children in its care while seeking to reconcile the children with their original families by promoting parenting classes and counseling. Although this reconciliation is the ultimate desire for the ministry, the reality is that many of the children will grow up under the care of the families at Turn Around Kids who are committed to these children for life. The goal of Turn Around Kids Ministries is to make a difference one child at a time. They do this by providing a loving and nurturing family environment through a regular routine of hands-on learning, spiritual devotions, counseling, sports, and a whole lot of fun. At Turn Around Kids, the children are valued and are given extravagant love and care. Christi says that the children know that “they belong and they feel that. They realize they have a family.” To learn more about Turn Around Kids or find out ways to get involved, visit https://www.turnaroundkids.org/.
Evie is a homeschooling mother of seven who has been married for over fourteen years and considers serving her family her main ministry. She and her family are involved in the International House of Prayer in Atlanta, where her husband is the Community Life Pastor.
by Marcus Hathcock
tired of basic today’s culture, to be “basic” is to be someone who is driven by mainstream behaviors and attractions. It’s the essence of fitting in, living from the baseline of acceptability. Lauren DeLeary Budnick and Brooke DeLeary aren’t having it. The sisters, known collectively as the faith-forward pop duo LOVECOLLIDE, have spent their young lives bucking trends, shattering expectations, and defying norms--in essence, being anything but basic. “We like to think outside the box and challenge others not to live the basic life,” says Lauren, “but to step out into the unknown and live out the life that God has called them to.” “That’s the theme, that’s the mission— an extraordinary life,” Brooke adds. “Living in a way where you can never be labeled, like Jesus. Starting revival by being the light, being different, showing who Jesus is through us.” Having started a band together when they were just tweens, Brooke and Lauren have watched God take something that began as a sibling side project and turned it into a poignant ministry. They’ve released several independent recordings together, toured across the U.S., done modeling and film gigs, and have shared the stage with some of Christian music’s biggest names. They’ve also been able to minister in Canada, something that’s particularly meaningful as tribal members of the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation in Muncey, Ontario. It’s been a solid run so far. But with the release of their first major nationally distributed album, Tired Of Basic (The Fuel Music), LOVECOLLIDE is formally making their introduction to the larger music world and is poised to vastly expand their sphere of influence. With their 10 new tracks, the sisters
have crafted a soundtrack for the revolution—a revolution against boredom, mediocrity, and status quo living. It’s a message that isn’t just for the band’s audience; it’s for the band, too. Sonically, Tired Of Basic finds LOVECOLLIDE at their musical peak, experimenting with new, cutting edge sounds that stand up to the best Top 40 radio has to offer. Armed with the prowess of new producers Riley Friesen (Family Force 5, Group 1 Crew) and Matt Dally (Superchick, Jamie Grace), LOVECOLLIDE has found its perfect match to achieve the sound they want to accompany their lyrics.
Artist Spotlight negativity. I spent a lot of time in bed, detached.” Tired, out of options, and feeling the pit of despair getting deeper, Brooke decided to fast for the first time in her life. In that process, God began to speak.
“I think our biggest goal with this new music and this new album was to create something that truly sounded like what we listen to on a daily basis and what gets us going, and that’s dancy pop” says Lauren.
“He said to me, ‘I can’t begin a new thing in your life when you still have old things,’” Brooke remembers. “‘I can’t fill you up when you’re still full with what was left over.’ That kind of turned things around.”
Lyrically, the themes of Tired Of Basic pull from some seismic ups and downs of the past two years.
New music emerged. New partners surfaced. A new sound rose up. And the name LOVECOLLIDE took on a whole new dimension.
Lauren, for one, dealt with the devastation of having to break off an engagement. “I thought I was supposed to settle for that mediocre love, that my dreams for marrying my best friend and the love of my life were for someone else,” she says. “I’d just given up in a sense, but God radically changed my life when I broke off that relationship. Then, God gave me Adam.” That’s Adam Budnick, LOVECOLLIDE’s drummer, whom Lauren married January 6, 2018.
“We want to unite, love people, love each other, giving without expectation,” Brooke adds. “With how we live our life, with our music, with everything—we want to slap people in the face with love!” Armed with a perspective and a confidence that comes from their all-in, risky faith and the stories it produced, LOVECOLLIDE is poised to make more of an impact than ever.
Meanwhile, as hatred, racism, and division have been at the forefront of public consciousness, the negativity took a very personal toll on Brooke, sending her into a suffocating depression.
“We want our music to be an experience, not just something to listen to,” says Lauren. “We want the vibe, the style, the feels we give people, and the love they receive to be something they remember, something that changes them.”
“I lost myself for a long time,” she recalls. “I lost my connection with the world because I couldn’t handle all the
may/june 2018
e live in a culture that is constantly trying to convince us that its standards of what is “best” are what will bring us the most satisfaction, the most fulfillment, and lasting meaning. But it keeps changing its mind about what those standards of “best” even look like. No matter who you are or what you believe, the culture around you strives to influence the way you live and relate to the world. Followers of Christ are called to abide by a standard that is set apart from the constantly changing perceptions of the culture, but the church today finds itself struggling with how to be “in the world, but not of the world.” From the world’s perspective, staying steadfast to truth
can appear foolish, costly, and out of touch with the “modern and progressive” world around us. However, for those who know God and seek Him first, there is no greater way to live than to live for Him, whatever the cost. This is much easier said than done and may feel impossible to apply to our own lives. Often we find encouragement when we hear how others have experienced victory and seen God’s faithfulness. Two people who continuously stand firm in this “whatever the cost” lifestyle, and as a result, have experienced—and by God’s faithfulness, overcome—adversity, attack, and rebuke from the culture surrounding them, are brothers David and Jason Benham.
The Benham brothers’ names are known very well in several distinct circles. Whether you’ve heard of them from their time spent as professional baseball players, from their becoming two of the biggest names in real estate, or from the viral news story about them losing their HGTV show because of their beliefs, there is still much more to be told of the Benham brothers’ story. Throughout their lives, from the success stories to the moments that may seem like failure from the outside, they’ve persistently trusted in God’s goodness, faithfulness, and worthiness of everything they have, no matter the cost. David and Jason share their story and what’s on their hearts.
Unexpected Beginnings David begins with the story of their past: “Jason and I were raised by a Free Methodist pastor dad. He was a former saloon owner in Kissimmee, Florida, and was a raging alcoholic. We had a three-year-old sister, our mom was pregnant with Jason and me at the time, and the night we were born, our dad was passed out drunk in the waiting room from an all-night poker party. He was an irresponsible dad who didn’t even want twins. He tried talking our mom into aborting us, but she wasn’t having any of that. And finally, a few months after we were born, she had had enough. She convinced him to either go to church or she would leave. He went to that small Free Methodist church in Kissimmee and got radically saved. He said he remembers that Sunday: ‘It was as if the Lord took the roof off of the building and the angels of heaven were just descending on the place.’ He said it was so impactful on his life that he couldn’t stop crying because God loved Him through everything he had done. Over the next six months, he was trying to sell the saloon so he could use the money to go to seminary. He said that he was stacking the beer coolers, singing ‘Amazing Grace,’ and witnessing to everyone bellying up to the bar. And so, he sold the saloon and used the money to go to Asbury Theological Seminary. After graduating, he was asked to plant a church in Dallas, Texas.”
Boys to Men of God: By Example David goes on to share about their dad’s dedication and practical application of God’s word: “He would say, ‘If your theology is not your biography, then your theology is worthless,’ and ‘The word of God became flesh, but oftentimes pastors and spiritual leaders turn it all back into words again.’ So, Dad was very big on living the faith— don’t just think it, don’t just do it on Sunday mornings, but live the faith. He never put Jason and me in Christian sports leagues. He always had us in regular sports leagues because he said we should be salt and light.” Their father continued to be a living example for them, leading Jason and David in prayer and applying the Bible to their lives. This led to them giving their lives to God individually in the same year when they were 12 years old. “I remember coming home, and Dad told Jason and me, ‘You know what? It’s amazing
that Christ has saved you. Now it’s time to get into the Word so that you can start thinking like a Christian.’ Our dad was very worldviewfocused and centered on getting into the word of God—you know, ‘Studying to show yourself approved so that you may be a man of God, thoroughly equipped for every good work’ (2 Timothy 2:15). He wanted us to do good works in business, in our community, in athletics, and in our families one day, but he knew we needed the word of God in us. So, Dad very much built into us a hunger and thirst for the Word. And it was not because he taught that to us, but because he was in it every day. We would watch Him run every day three to five miles, and this was before cell phones, so he would take a stack of 3x5 cards and write verses. And he would hold eight or ten of those in his hand, and while he would run, he would memorize scripture. And every morning when we woke up, Dad was reading the word of God. So we caught a hunger and thirst for God’s word and for a biblical worldview from our dad, but that’s not where it stopped. It was transitioning that theology into biology—living it out.”
Baseball to Business That living example from their father continued to impact their lives even after they graduated high school. They both had signed baseball contracts to play at Liberty University. David recalls their transition from college to professional sports to the world of business: “Now, Jason and I had no idea that we were going to be entrepreneurs. We studied history at Liberty, and we were just preparing for the major leagues. By that time, we were recognized nationally as baseball players, so we had a pretty strong hunch that we were going to get drafted. In ’98, I got drafted by the Red Sox, and Jason had been drafted by the Orioles. We always thought God was going to use baseball as a platform for us to glorify Him. Little did we know that four years later we’d be out of baseball, having never made it to the big leagues. We were only minor league baseball players—by that time we were 26 years old with young families— and we were looking for jobs. We had no business training, but we had been reading scripture since we were 12, so we were armed with the principles of God’s word. We had no idea how many principles we had inside of us that were perfect and made us ripe to grow a strong business until we got into the real estate world and just started selling. And the next thing you know, our principles, our integrity, and just the favor of God on our may/june 2018
business grew us, by 2012 (which was nine years later) to 100 offices across 30 states. We topped the charts on Wall Street Journal. We were number two in real estate professionals out of 1.2 million brokers. We just shot to the top: Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year finalists, INC magazine’s top 50 of the fastest private growing franchises in the country…so you name all these things, and we were getting it, and it was just the principles of God’s word.”
The Cost to Pay David talks about their offer for a television show: “Because of that business success in 2012, a production company reached out to us and asked if we wanted a reality show. This is back when Duck Dynasty was really hot, and we saw the platform was significant for that, and we thought, ‘OK, yeah, that’s worth a shot.’ Well, they put a single clip together, a little three-minute film, and they sent it to L.A. In 2013, TLC made us an offer… But while we were in negotiation with them, HGTV then called and said ‘Listen, you guys are already in real estate. We want to do a show with you and your brother. We want to take you and your families and really highlight and elevate you guys to the top of our network.’ So they offered us a straightto-series, no pilot season, and we took it. With that, they did all of their background research. We were with them for about 18 months before all of the other stuff began to unravel. In those first 8-10 months, HGTV was doing all of their research and found out that our dad was a national leader of a prolife ministry, and they found out that Jason and I were vocal about marriage, we were vocal about life—and HGTV was actually OK with it. They called us—this is before we signed the contract—and said ‘Man, you guys are really vocal about these things. We want
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you to know that this will eventually come up as your show airs, but we just want you guys to know that we are still with you. And we want to sign you.’ So Jason and I thought, ‘Well that’s great!’ We did tell them that there were activist groups out there that were going to come after them, and so HGTV knew that. But they didn’t realize the fight was going to be as hot as it was. “So we signed with them, and we ended up doing pre-production in the spring of 2014. They called the show ‘Flip It Forward.’ It was about flipping houses and helping families learn how to flip. And while we were transforming homes, we were also transforming marriages and finances, and sometimes if the dad was out of shape, we would get him into the gym. It was a transformation show about all things being transformed. And they were allowing us to incorporate our principles into the show, which was amazing. “In the middle of that is when some activist organization found out that Jason and I were getting a show. That’s when they started to bombard HGTV behind closed doors and say, ‘You can’t have these guys on.’ And then, of course, that resulted in HGTV feeling like the pressure was going to be too much, and they ended up letting us go. When they did, they actually cried on the other end of the line. It was really heartfelt, and it was a heartbreak for HG, just like it was for us. That’s why we never said anything negative about HGTV. As a matter of fact,
people would say, ‘I’m going to boycott HGTV.’ And we would tell them, ‘Don’t do that, they stuck up for us, they’d tried to fight for us, but they felt like it was too much pressure.’ We like to say, ‘When you walk into the cafeteria in an elementary school and you see a kid get bullied in the corner, you don’t go yell and scream at the kid; you deal with the bully. We didn’t yell and scream at HGTV, we went after the Goliath, which was a spiritual battle in this culture that demands silence from Christians that are willing to speak about the principles and the moral boundaries of Christ, the boundaries and principles that lead to the blessing of God.
“It’s not loving to refuse to speak about God’s moral boundaries that lead to His blessings.” “For us to speak about those moral boundaries is actually love. It’s not loving to refuse to speak about God’s moral boundaries that lead to His blessings. I mean, we don’t
do that with our own children. I don’t let my kids play in the road just because that’s what they feel they want to do. I don’t let my children go and self-identify as whatever they want to selfidentify with just because that’s what they feel. I give them the moral boundaries. I lead them to the truth, but I do it with love and compassion and respect. And that’s what love looks like.”
A Better Platform David continues: “So once HGTV fired us, that’s what landed us with 200 one-on-one interviews with all the major networks. I mean, you name it, they were calling for us. There wasn’t a lot of news going on at the time; it was almost as if God paused significant news around the world for two weeks, and we were the number one story on Facebook for 24 hours, which is crazy. Thirty million Google searches for the name ‘Benham Brothers’ in the span of two weeks. Fifty-one million tweets about the Benham brothers and the HGTV story were delivered to Twitter streams over a two-week period. I mean, it was crazy. It was HBO, TMZ, Good Morning America, Nightline, Fox News, CNN, you name it—they were calling us wanting interviews. And Jason and I found ourselves once again just like when we were thrust into the business world with no training. It was the same thing; we had no training to defend the faith, no apologetics training, nothing. We just had a reservoir of God’s word and a heart that was led by the Holy Spirit, and we just started speaking the truth. And the next thing we knew, the more we spoke, the more powerful the message became. We had publishers reaching out to us, which then turned into Whatever the Cost, which was our HGTV story that then became a best-seller very quickly. And then people started asking us to speak, and the next thing we knew, we were in D.C. speaking at major political events and were headlining conservative events, and even universities were asking us to speak at their schools.”
Message to the Readers Through their life experiences and their speaking engagements all over the country, the Benham brothers are not only seeing the state of the culture as a whole, but also the culture within the church. Jason shares insights into one of the major dangers they see in the body of Christ here in America: “In our culture today, David and I see many Christians and especially Christian leaders seeking relevance to the culture. We’re never to focus on being relevant to culture;
“We’re never to focus on being relevant to culture; we’re to focus on being reverent to God” we’re to focus on being reverent to God… A person who is focusing on relevance is concerned with the response of the people, or concerned with how they are viewed or what their reputation is. A person who focuses on reverence is not concerned about those things—it’s not that they are trying to look bad or be misunderstood, but what they are saying is, ‘I’m going to give the message God wants given regardless of how people respond to it.’ We get this from Hebrews 11:7: ‘By faith Noah, in reverence, built an ark to God.’ Now, just take a second to think about that whole story. At this point in history, it had never rained before. People didn’t understand the concept of water falling from the sky. And so, Noah starts building an ark
because it’s going to rain for 40 days, and it takes him 110 years. All during that time, who do you think was the most irrelevant man in his culture? It was Noah. They would come up to him and say, ‘Hey Noah, what are you doing?’ ‘I’m building a boat’ ‘For what?’ ‘Because it’s gonna rain.’ They’re like, ‘Rain? What’s that?’ ‘Water falling from the sky.’ ‘You’re an idiot, Noah.’ People wouldn’t have invited him to speak at their church because he was the freak. But the minute that that first drop of rain hit the ground, who do you think was the most relevant man on the planet? It was Noah. It was his reverence that led to his relevance. And we’ve got so many people trying to be cool, not talking about the difficult things, all because they don’t want to offend someone. All the while, we’re walking around in irreverence. And a byproduct of that irreverence will be irrelevance. But we must focus on being reverent to God, which means we don’t reconcile God’s word down to what the culture thinks so that the two can get along. What we do is restate, reaffirm, and apply God’s truth in today’s culture, and we do it with a heart of love because we really care about people.”
For more from David and Jason, go to:
benhambrothers.com Be sure to check out their newest book Miracle in Shreveport for encouragment and an incredible testimony of God’s faithfulness.
may/june 2018
Planning Your
he warm weather inspires many of us to whip our overgrown back yards into shape.
But according to a report by the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), homeowners want more than just a neatly trimmed square of turf in their back yard. Outdoor living spaces, specifically kitchens and entertainment areas, received a 94.5 percent popularity rating in the most recent ASLA survey.
All photos on page provided by: CUTTING EDGE LANDSCAPE
Demand for outdoor living spaces loaded with features and hardscape continues to grow. Hardscape is defined as the human-built surfaces and structures that form the solid backbone of your landscaping. These include
walkways, stairs, fences, retaining walls, decks, patios, shade structures, garden borders, water features, fire features, and more. Consider these tips when creating an outdoor living space and installing hardscape:
Create a Plan
Knowing as much as you can about your destination always makes the journey easier. Look around and dream about what it is that would make the ideal space for you to enjoy. And once you’ve gotten a basic idea of what you are wanting, talk to a professional to have them create a master plan for your entire property that includes landscaping and hardscaping that
match the vision you have. If it’s not realistic to tackle all of your backyard projects at once, develop a plan that can be carried out in phases. Depending on the project, you may need to pull permits and call for utility line locates (and do so well in advance). Thorough preparation and planning reduces errors, which can save you a ton of time, energy, and money.
Hardscape Before You Plant
Hardscaping projects usually involve construction and equipment, which can compact soil, tear up your lawn, and damage plantings and irrigation systems. Whenever possible, install hardscape first before you plant.
Consider Sun Exposure
Few people enjoy spending time on a patio that’s a scorching heat sink. The Georgia sun is intense, and our weather can change on a dime, so be sure to consider durable materials and protection
Out back!
from the elements when planning outdoor living areas, such as decks and patios.
Guide Foot Traffic
Create well-defined walkways that welcome guests to your front door, lead them to special features, and invite them to explore gardens. Paths provide safe transitions between popular areas of your yard, and they can set the mood, formal or informal, for your landscape. Don’t forget to facilitate foot traffic flow between indoor and outdoor living spaces. Oversized entries, such as folding glass-panel wall systems, French doors, or pocket doors, make it easy to entertain and maximize both living spaces.
Take the Heat Outside
A natural gas fireplace or fire pit is the perfect anchor for a seating area, adding ambiance and warmth when the air turns chilly. Grilling stations and outdoor kitchens allow you to cook full meals without heating up the house on hot summer days and nights.
Deck Additions Can be Built Quickly
If you’re looking to add space to your home, a deck addition is one of the quickest ways to do so. It’s also a cheaper option for adding an outdoor area to gather and enjoy. Outdoor living spaces and hardscape provide year-round enjoyment and boost the value of your property. If you’re not sure where to start with an outdoor building project, contact a professional landscape architect or residential remodeler to help you design your backyard escape.
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WOMEN, trade Self-Worth for AWE and
Woods. Walking its paths, we halted, slack-jawed, to gaze up at 250-foot redwoods that had stood since the signing of the Magna Carta. Towering and ancient, they reminded us of our smallness.
Muir Woods was a place to be awestruck. But not necessarily for everyone. I can still see the eight-yearold playing a video game by Jen Wilkin while his parents took in the view. I’m not judging mom and dad—I’ve been on vacation with young you’ve spent much time in Christian women’s circles, you may children myself—but the irony of the image have noticed that we have devoted was compelling. many gatherings to exploring our identity.
Retreats, conferences, and topical Bible studies rush to assure us that we are redeemed and treasured, that our lives have purpose, that our actions carry eternal significance. If we just understood who we are—the message goes—we would turn from our sin patterns and our spiritual low self-esteem and experience the abundant life of which Jesus spoke. Recently I attended a women’s conference at which this message predictably took center stage. One after another, all three keynote speakers took us to Psalm 139:14, urging us to see ourselves the way God sees us, as fearfully and wonderfully made. It could have been just about any women’s event, with just about any typical speaker. Christian women ask Psalm 139:14 to soothe us when our body image falters, or when we just don’t feel that smart, valuable, or capable. We ask it to bolster us when our limits weigh us down. But based on how frequently I hear it offered, I suspect the message may not be “sticking to our ribs” very well. Why is that? I believe it is because we have misdiagnosed our primary problem. As long as we keep the emphasis on us instead of on a higher vision, we will take small comfort from discussions of identity—and we will see little lasting change. Our primary problem as Christian women is not that we lack self-worth, not that we lack a sense of significance or purpose. It’s that we lack awe.
Awe and Wonder
On a recent visit to San Francisco, my husband and I had the chance to hike Muir 20
Awe helps us worry less about self-worth by turning our eyes first toward God, then toward others. It also helps establish our self-worth in the best possible way: we understand both our insignificance within creation and our significance to our Creator. But just like a child on an iPad at the foot of an 800-year-old redwood, we can miss majesty when it is right in front of us.
True Self-Awareness We have done it habitually with Psalm 139:14. It’s easy to hear it as a “pink verse” when a woman is reading it aloud to a room full of women. It is harder to hear it that way when we consider who wrote it. Imagine King David writing it to give himself a pep talk about his appearance or his self-worth. No, Psalm 139:14 is not written to help us feel significant. We have only to zoom out and consider the entire psalm to see this. Without question, the subject of Psalm 139 is not us. Rather than a reflection on me, fearfully and wonderfully made, it is an extended and exquisite celebration of God, fearful and wonderful.
“Research shows that when humans experience awe— wonderment at redwoods or rainbows, Rembrandt or Rachmaninoff—we become less individualistic, less selffocused, less materialistic, more connected to those around us. In marveling at something greater than ourselves, we become more able to reach out to others.” Research shows that when humans experience awe—wonderment at redwoods or rainbows, Rembrandt or Rachmaninoff— we become less individualistic, less selffocused, less materialistic, more connected to those around us. In marveling at something greater than ourselves, we become more able to reach out to others. At first, this seems counterintuitive, but on closer examination, it begins to sound a lot like the greatest commandments: Love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength (marvel at someone greater than yourself), and love your neighbor (reach out to others).
Awe yields self-forgetfulness. When we emphasize self-awareness to the omission of self-forgetfulness, we have missed the mark. You can tell me that I am a royal daughter of the King. You can assure me that I am God’s poem or his masterpiece. You can tell me that I stir the heart of God, that I am sung over and delighted in, that I am beautiful in his eyes, that I am set apart for a sacred purpose. You can tell me these things, and you should. But I beg you: Don’t tell me who I am until you have caused me to gaze in awe at “I Am.” Though all of these statements are precious truths, their preciousness cannot be properly perceived until framed in the brilliance of his utter holiness. There can be no true self-awareness apart from right, reverent awe of God.
Lift Up Our Eyes So I implore you, women teachers, lift my eyes from myself to him. Teach me the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 31:30). Finding our identity in the wrong places is a symptom of succumbing to the fear of man. We measure ourselves by a human standard instead of a divine one. But the solution to the fear of man is not repeated assurances that we are loved and accepted by God. It is fear of God.
• When I ask, “Does he delight in me?” Teach me, “He delights in those who fear him.” (Psalm 147:11) • When I ask, “Does he call me friend?” Teach me, “His friendship is for those who fear him.” (Psalm 25:14) • When I ask, “Is he for my good?” Teach me, “His goodness is stored up for those who fear him.” (Psalm 31:19) • When I ask, “Will he grant me wisdom?” Teach me, “It begins with the fear of the Lord.” (Psalm 111:10)
The fear of the Lord is linked to contentment (Proverbs 15:16; 19:23), to confidence (Proverbs 14:26), to blessing (Proverbs 28:14), to spiritual safety (Proverbs 29:25), and to praise and adoration (Psalm 22:23). It is no wonder, then, that the much-referenced Proverbs 31 woman is called praiseworthy because she fears the Lord.
Teach Us Awe
• When I ask, “Does he see the direction I take?” Teach me, “The eye of the Lord is on those who fear him.” (Psalm 33:18)
As Ed Welch has rightly diagnosed, we must fight fear with fear. We cease offering reverence and awe to a human standard by instead offering it to its true object: God himself. This is worship. And when we “worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness” (Psalm 96:9) an interesting thing happens: we do rediscover our true identity—as sinners redeemed by grace, in a manner that defies human understanding.
• When I ask, “Does he love me?” Teach me, “His steadfast love is for those who fear him.” (Psalm 103:11, 17)
In that moment, the one in which we tremble and stammer, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful woman,” our hearts are
• When I ask, “Can I turn from my sin?” Teach me, “Yes, by the fear of the Lord.” (Proverbs 16:6)
ready to drink in the good news that we are daughters of the King. The priceless pearl of his love for us can at last be properly valued. The miracle of our acceptance through Christ can at last be properly savored. It’s time for women teachers and authors to abandon the thin gruel of self-reflection for a message that sticks to our ribs. Women desperately need to be discipled into the joyful practice of self-forgetful worship. Help us lift our eyes to towering majesty. Help us learn awe. Teach us the fear of the Lord. Jen Wilkin is an author and Bible teacher. Jen and her family are members of the Village Church in Flower Mound, Texas, where she serves on staff. She is author of Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds and, most recently, None Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (and Why That’s a Good Thing).
may/june 2018
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By Mason Tanner
e all face seasonal changes—literal, like from winter to spring, as well as metaphorical, such as a new job or graduation. With these changes come an opportunity to change ourselves and our surroundings to better adapt to the new season. For example, no one is going to wear a fur coat in Atlanta this summer when it’s 100 degrees. In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find one in a store because, just like the rest of us sporting our tank tops and shorts, the stores have changed their selections as well. We all know that we need to change our clothing and our activities as weather patterns shift with the cyclical seasons. But so often, we don’t embrace change when seasons shift in our education, work, or family. I predominately support young adults who are in the work force, but I also work with college students who are just trying to get through school and graduate. Needless to say, I see a lot of people in my line of work who are going through transitions and seasonal changes. More often than not, the people I encounter resist the process of change or change itself even if they don’t realize it.
Change is Good
Getting Out of a Rut Can be Hard, but It’s Worth It
Often we resist change because we are not used to it or we have become comfortable in the season from which we are moving. This mentality will always hold us back as people who were not made for mediocrity. To understand this, you first have to see what and how God thinks about you. He created you to love you and to make His name known through you. We see this all throughout the scriptures. He came, lived, died, and rose again so that you could be in relationship with Him. It is obvious that he thinks the world of you, that he would give everything up for you. If His love is not the mediocre type, then you can imagine what His desires for your life might be. When we each begin to think this way, we can expect that even though change might not meet our expectations, it is a good thing as long as we are listening to God through prayer in the process.
Ruts are one of the worst kinds of resistance we can face. They make us comfortable to the point of almost falling asleep at the wheel—lazy and divisive to the extent that many of us don’t know we are in one until it is nearly impossible to get out. The good news is that God can always pull you out of a rut if you are willing to do your part as well. One of the best techniques for getting out of a rut is to change your surroundings. Paint your room, make a new schedule, pray at a different time of day, start physical training—whatever it takes, partner with God to make a change. Being too comfortable is your enemy. The student who has been in college for six years and doesn’t know his career path, or the young professional who has no aspiration for her next promotion, or even the husband and wife who have gotten into a pattern of mere cohabitation should all ask the question, “Am I in a rut?”
Change Can Bring Breakthrough
God is Not Going to Lead You Somewhere that He Will Not Be
One thing we often overlook is that change can bring breakthrough in multiple areas of our lives. Change in seasons forces us to think differently and to get out of our normal routine. Thus, some of the things that we haven’t been paying attention to get unearthed and sometimes uprooted. We have to rearrange our schedules and our priorities. For myself, from November to January, I don’t think twice about eating tons of fried foods, mashed potatoes, and collard greens. But as soon as the weather starts warming up, I know that I am going to want to be more active, so it’s time to eat better so I can play harder. If I don’t adjust things, it’s not going to keep the warm weather or my desire to be outdoors from coming. I think we often convince ourselves that if we ignore a problem, it will go away. But that is actually how we get into a “rut.”
The thing that we all need to remember when facing seasonal changes—whether we are getting a new job, graduating from high school, college, or grad school, or even finally stepping out of a season of a rut—is that God will not lead us somewhere that He is not going. We serve a loving and omnipresent God who in His word says, “The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9). As your seasons change, remember change is good. Celebrate the breakthrough that it brings in your life. Commit yourself fully to the Lord, and be confident that He is with you and giving you strength in your new adventure.
Mason is a husband, a father, and founding Pastor of Dwelling Place College and Young Adults Ministry. Mason received a B.A. in Philosophy and Religion from Auburn University and an M.A. in Intercultural Studies and Church Planting from Asbury Theological Seminary. He is passionate about the Gospel spreading through the avenues of media and seeing young people come alive in Christ. may/june 2018
Heaven by William Graham
n the morning of Feb. 21, 2018, my grandfather slipped silently and sweetly into the presence of Jesus. He was called home in a manner that was fitting for a servant of Christ who had uncompromisingly served his Lord for the better part of a century. He closed his eyes in the earthly realm, only to open them once again in heaven. I believe it was something that my grandfather anticipated with great joy and peace. Why? Because he knew—with no doubt in his mind—that it wasn’t the end. Death for him was just a door that must be walked through in order to get to his real and true home. On the other side of that door was his dearly beloved wife (my grandmother, Ruth), his parents and two siblings, and many wonderful friends and partners in ministry who had gone on before him. Most importantly, the Savior was there with arms open wide to welcome His good and faithful servant. Many people have a fear of dying because they don’t know what is in store for them. They want to get to heaven, but don’t know if they’ve done enough good things in life to warrant their place. They feel like there’s no way of knowing until they die and their tallies are counted. Others openly admit that they don’t believe in a God or in heaven and hell. In their view, there’s nothing on the other side of that final breath. You live and then you die. My friends, if you hold one of these two views, it makes complete sense that you are afraid of dying. If you can’t say with certainty that you know heaven awaits you, it probably doesn’t.
If that describes you, please hear what I have to say next. Rather than fearing death, you can consider it your friend! Since Christ has conquered death, it is now subservient to Him. Death has lost its sting (1 Corinthians 15:55). For those who call on the name of Jesus as Savior and Lord—like my grandfather did— death is now the friend that opens the door and introduces us to eternity with Jesus in heaven. Therefore, the real question isn’t about life and death, it’s about Jesus and what you’re going to do with Him. It’s not a matter of being good enough. The Bible says that we’ve all fallen short of God’s perfection (Romans 3:23). No amount of good works can change that. Rather, it’s a matter of accepting Jesus’ free gift of salvation, paid for by His sacrificial death on the cross (taking your sins and mine) and then His victory over the grave. Ask Christ to forgive you of your sins and be the Master of your life. Like my grandfather, you can have the peace of knowing that when your time on earth is done, you will be in heaven and see Jesus face to face. Don’t wait another minute— surrender your life (and death) to Him today! For more information on placing your faith in Jesus Christ, visit www.StepsToPeace.org.
Will is the third generation of Grahams to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ under the banner of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA). He also serves as vice president of the BGEA, and as executive director of the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove in Asheville, N.C. 24
GOODlife Travel
Emerald Coast
by Michelle Tomao
It’s as much about the places to stay as it is the places to play when travelers plan a luxurious getaway. Along with world-class fishing, sugar-white beaches, spectacular open-air shopping, fresh local seafood, and championship golf courses, travelers to Destin, Fort Walton Beach, and Okaloosa Island can enjoy top resorts, hotels, and spas. Finding luxurious accommodations in the Heart of Florida’s Emerald Coast is easy, but choosing among them may be a bit more challenging. Top picks include:
Henderson Park Inn
For a romantic getaway this summer, there is no better location than the shores along Henderson Beach State Park. Nestled alongside the acclaimed preserve, Henderson Park Inn’s adults-only beachside bed and breakfast has everything guests need for an unforgettable getaway to the Emerald Coast. This New England-style boutique hotel, recently presented the Johannsens Award for Excellence by Conde Nast, sits adjacent to Henderson Beach State Park and directly on a quiet stretch of private beach. Featuring 35 luxury rooms and suites along with world-class amenities, in addition to Victorian-inspired furnishings and a large veranda that offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Gulf of Mexico. (HendersonParkInn.com)
The Henderson
Recently opened just beyond the acclaimed B&B is the elite resort The Henderson, which features a fullservice spa, three restaurants on site, and an adults-only pool, in addition to its lazy river and kids’ splash pad. Reminiscent of a grand seaside manor of yesteryear, a visit to The Henderson will be rewarded with an expansive nature-inspired spa, the freshest gulf-to-table cuisine, and an array of outdoor amenities and activities all wrapped in attentive and gracious hospitality. The destination also offers accommodations ideal for any traveler, from condos and hotels to private beach homes and RV campgrounds. (HendersonBeachResort.com)
The Lofts at Henderson:
The Henderson has unveiled its new family-friendly accomodation offering: The Lofts, an exclusive villa-style counterpart to the 170-room, luxury resort. Overlooking the resort’s pools and Destin’s famed sugar-white sands and emerald-green waters, the thirty-six 1- and 2-bedroom villas are available now for booking. (TheHendersonLofts.com)
Emerald Grande at HarborWalk Village
Another option is the iconic Emerald Grande at HarborWalk Village. Staying here, boundless options are available for a relaxing and luxurious trip. A short elevator ride from the guest suites is HarborWalk Village. Acclaimed restaurants and activities are only a few features of HarborWalk Village, but the anchor is the marina, offering paddle boarding, snorkeling and scuba diving, fishing trips, and boat rentals. Spend the day on the water and then reserve time on the Sunset Cruise for a romantic experience for two. After a long day at the beach, take time for a great facial or massage. The Spa at the Emerald Grande is a full-service elite spa overlooking the Harbor. Detox in the dry sauna or the steam room before you replenish with an all-natural juice at the juice bar. (EmeraldGrande.com) may/june 2018
GOODlife Travel
It’s easy to plan group activities in Destin and Fort Walton Beach, too. Whether a relaxing day is just the front 9 or the full 18, Destin and Fort Walton Beach is home to 10 golf courses, ideal for all levels of play. Anglers all across the world know Destin as the “World’s Luckiest Fishing Village.” From experienced fishermen to beginners, chartering a group trip is as easy as visiting the Destin Harbor. A focal point of many trips is also great shopping. Destin Commons features many great flagship stores within its outdoor plaza, but also over a dozen unique shops and attractions to the area, including one of only two Southern Living stores in the country, and Uncle Buck’s Fish
Bowl, an entertainment addition to Bass Pro Shops. To find a one-ofa-kind souvenir or gift, visit the locally owned shops of downtown Fort Walton Beach or hunt for treasures in the antique district. As visitors make their way toward Fort Walton Beach, no one can pass by Destin Harbor and HarborWalk Village, which is really the epicenter of fun and festivities, from acclaimed gulf-to-table restaurants, such as Harbor Docks, Brotula’s, and Dewey Destin’s, to the many events offered each month. Right now is a great time to visit Destin, Fort Walton Beach, and Okaloosa Island to take part in any of the fantastic seasonal events , including the selections listed below.
Memorial Day Concert Celebration
Let Freedom Ring, an All-American Tribute
Rock the Docks Live Concert Series
May 26–27, 2018
May 31 – August 16, 2018 | Thursdays, Festivities start at 6:30pm, Fireworks at 9:00pm
June – August 18, 2018 Saturdays, 7:00pm
Celebrate Americana and the heritage of the Destin Harbor all summer long every Thursday night through August 16th at HarborWalk Village. The FREE all-American celebration includes a one-of-a-kind WWII vintage airshow, live entertainment by The Modern Eldorados, and fireworks over the Destin Harbor, followed by “Just Add Fire,” a unique fire spinning performance.
Make this summer a hit every Saturday through August 18th at HarborWalk Village! Enjoy a FREE concert and rock out on the Destin Harbor.
Entertainment starts at 7:00pm Saturday & Sunday Fireworks at 9:00pm Sunday Celebrate Memorial Day at HarborWalk Village! It’s time for flip-flops, sun tans, and SUMMER! Kick off summer with live music all weekend long and fireworks over the Destin Harbor.
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