1 minute read
The page now boasts over 1,400 followers and has regular posts from Islanders, Barry residents and visitors.
Over the last year or so, sets of keys have been found, so many cats (they do stray), diamond rings, jewellery, clothing, hats and caps, phones, handbags, wallets and purses, dogs, watches, toys; you name it, the group has managed to return so many things to grateful owners.
There is also a small band of metal detectorists who regularly post their finds on the page. Several have even gone out of their way to find lost jewellery that has special emotional and sentimental value, and with some success. “It’s always lovely to reunite them with their owners,” they say.
There are a few obvious rules to engaging with the page: no advertising, or spamming, and the post must be related to being lost or found on Barry Island.
You don’t have to have lost something to join the group. The very fact you could share a Facebook post might assist someone finding a lost ring, a phone or a set of keys - it all helps.