2017 Fall-Winter Issue

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GoodLiving® Magazine is published by Light Shine Media Group, LLC Editor-in-Chief About the Publication GoodLiving® Guide to Happy Healthy Kids is a print and digital magazine published by GoodLiving® Media, an independent woman-owned company founded in 2010. The company’s mission is to produce publications, events and campaigns that support and encourage a healthy, positive and meaningful lifestyle. GoodLiving® has produced a high quality gloss magazine for families in Pinellas County called the Guide to Happy Healthy Kids. In 2016, the GoodLiving® Healthy Kids Club was launched to spread the good news throughout Tampa Bay by way of special events, media appearances, speaking engagements, social media and e-mail campaigns. In 2017, Tampa Bay Baby was added as a new title to be an informative resource guide for parents who have children ages 0 - 5. These are the most critical developmental years, and our community deserved a publication dedicated to this important and magical time of life. Information for all this can be found at GoodLivingMagazine.com

Pamela Settle

Artistic Director Marcie Kelliher

To submit story pitches or events


To advertise or purchase bulk copies of the magazine advertising@goodlivingmagazine.com

GoodLiving® Magazine P.O. Box 1795 Oldsmar, Florida 34677 (727) 776-3656 info@goodlivingmag.com

Edutisements included our publications are paid public education features placed by sponsors and do not reflect the opinions of Light Shine Media Group LLC or other paid advertisers.

About the Cover Our cover models are Nicole Mahon, age 10, and Alexandra Mahon, age 6, from Oldsmar. Celebrating the beauty of healthy children, this photo was taken by local maternity, newborn and family photographer, Julie Effron. Contact her at JulieEffronPhotoVideo.com

Also be sure to read the very special inaugural issue of Tampa Bay Baby. Find it at TampaBayBaby.net

GoodLiving® is a registered trademark and a publication owned by Light Shine Media Group, LLC. It is a free publication distributed throughout Pinellas County or is available to read online at GoodLivingMagazine.com. Bulk copies are donated to local schools as a community service. To request copies, contact info@goodlivingmag.com. All photographs, artwork, design and editorial are the sole property of GoodLiving® magazine and Light Shine Media Group, LLC. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without written permission.

GoodLiving® magazine, Light Shine Media Group, LLC and its owners are not responsible for any statements made by advertisers and writers for any consequences arising from omissions or errors. Readers should verify the advertising information of the advertisers and all specials are valid to the expiration date set by the advertiser. GoodLiving® magazine and Light Shine Media Group, LLC reserve the right to refuse any advertising for any reason. The views expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. All rights reserved.

le er from the editor Seven years ago, two moms with a love for magazines and adventure set out to do the improbable: to not only start a small business but to launch a new magazine. The odds at the time were that 80% of new magazines fail within three years. We celebrated when we hit that three-year mark in 2013, and we celebrate again in 2017 as we complete our SEVENTH year! Along the way, GoodLiving® magazine became GoodLiving’s Guide to Happy Healthy Kids, because our focus evolved to be all kids, all the time. This matched our belief that every family deserves to be healthy and every child deserves to be happy. Over the years, we have been blessed to share stories about local heroes in our communities and our schools. Experts have shared valuable information about nutrition, physical activity, mental health, physical health, education and brain development. We have taken a stand for a healthy community by sharing the work of charities and hopefully inspiring you to care more, give more and be more involved in acts of kindness. We have celebrated our lives here in Pinellas County and have challenged you to get involved with your schools and to vote on issues that impact the lives of our children. It’s been a wonderfully fulfilling seven years! For our Anniversary Edition, I would like to honor friendship, courage and family. First, friendship. Without the friendship of Jennifer Harvey, I would never have believed it possible to leave my career as a marketing executive to publish and edit my own independent publication. Together we crafted a vision for a magazine that would be focused on the lives of the readers and the betterment of the community, all centered around the word “good.” Good People. Good Schools. Good Eating. Good News. There were many days of anxiety as we took steps to go from idea to first copy. The photo shown here was the day we picked up our first copy from the printer in September 2010. What a moment that was! It was a like living through nine months of labor before birthing boxes and boxes of paper! We look it too. It was a hot day and we were exhausted. Because not only did we just live out a dream, we were managing our kids, their school work, our husbands and the rest of our lives. We flipped through the pages. We rejoiced. Our breathing was filled with relief. As I look back, I remember that the moment was more delicious because we did this as friends. Life is full of ups and downs, challenges and celebrations. To Jennifer, I say “thank you” for this moment. For all the other women friends out there who support one another, I say GOOD FOR YOU! We need each other. Second, I honor courage. I honor the courage that women today need just to get through our days -- our relationships, our careers, our health, as parents and as an individual person. Everyone has their own idea of what makes a woman successful, worthy, healthy, strong, independent and lovable. Media, especially social media, is full of opinions, judgments, studies, memes, essays, blog posts and now even protests about what makes a good woman, a good mother and a good citizen. Oh my word! The pressure! For moms, the motherhood battles continue on so many fronts, I don’t have enough room to mention them all. This is why it takes COURAGE to be our authentic selves despite all the social pressure that is out there. To blaze new trails or relish the old ones. To lead a PTA event, to decide to homeschool, to quit a job to stay home with the kids, to pursue that MBA, to open a business or learn how to sew. My “why” story is on the website. I never knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom until I brought home a stay-at-home baby. I am here today because my child changed my life and my paradigm. It took a great deal of courage to say good-bye to the expectations that others had for my life. My gut told me what I needed to do as a new mom. It’s because of this experience that I assure you it’s okay to follow your instincts and live your best life. Have courage.


Picking up the first issue of Goodliving® from the printer - HOT OF THE PRESS!


Presenting to the Pinellas County School Board in favor of daily P.E. for students.


Winning the Mom and Me Cook-off sponsored by Kohl’s Fit4AllKids.

And third, I honor family. And I mean family in the full, diverse sense of the word. Our families are where we derive love, a sense of self, safety, acceptance, encouragement and companionship. In the most intimate sense, we have our immediate families. Strong family units build strong individuals, and together they build strong communities. Children do better with a secure family unit. In fact, we all do better in a healthy family situation. It is this belief that not only drives our content in the magazine, but it also drives me personally. In a larger sense, we have families of friends, school families, church families and work families. How glorious it is that we have others to join us on our journeys! This is what makes like worth living! 4

A regular sponsor of the Playing Unplugged event in Largo Central Park.


Florida Hospital North Pinellas Family Day.


Talking about the importance of specialty magazines with Jamie Melonie on That Business Show.


Talking about kids and vision boards on the Good Day Tampa show.


Juliana Zobrist performed at GoodLiving’s Community Conversation event.


Artist extraordinaire Marcie Kelliher and her assistant hard at work on a Goodliving® issue.

10 Media Night for the Grand Opening of the new Fantasyland at Magic Kingdom. Pictured with Jack Harris of WFLA’s AM Tampa Bay.

As I honor friendship, courage and family, I need to recognize and thank the GoodLiving® family as we mark this milestone. First, to Jen as my friend and fellow adventurer who gave me courage to do this and keep going. Another member of the immediate family is Marcie Kelliher, dear friend, courageous woman, and the extraordinarily talented artist and designer who takes the words and makes them beautiful on a page. She has designed every issue of the magazine and every time I pick up a new issue at the printer, it’s like Christmas morning. The three of us are self-employed moms who balance work and family. Some days it’s two plates in two hands, and other days it’s 20 plates spinning and our hair is on fire. Thank you to our kids and husbands who support the madness. With deep appreciation, I say thank you to our Healthy Kids Club Ambassadors, Christie Bruner, Corey Thornton, Brandon McIntosh, Lisa Marie and celebrity chef Robert Irvine for sharing your passion for healthy families. Thank you to the many professionals who have authored articles and to those who inspired us in “My Story.” Thank you to our community partners who provide editorial guidance and provide magazines to your families. And last but not least, gratitude to our family of advertisers who continually support the mission of this publication: To inform, inspire, encourage and celebrate healthy families in Pinellas County. I need to recognize and share my appreciation for Achieva Credit Union, Florida Hospital North Pinellas and the Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County. Their support is humbling to me, and I thank them for being an ongoing part of this very special work. We are all stronger together! It’s been a joy and a pleasure to produce this magazine for the families of Pinellas County. Thank you for being a reader. We invite you to join the Healthy Kids Club at GoodLivingMagazine.com so we can provide even more good stuff to you! We look forward to the year ahead.




Know your Candidates

Pinellas Parents for Healthy Schools

The upcoming year will be an exciting political year for Pinellas County and Florida. We will need to elect a new governor. We have one U.S. Senate seat up for election in the state, plus two U.S. Representatives from Pinellas County. The state senate and house will see many elections. Plus our Board of County Commissioners has three seats and our Pinellas County School Board has four seats up for grabs. That could mean quite a bit of turnover if voters decide to make some changes in 2018. There is still time for qualifying, so we don’t know yet just how many incumbents will face a challenge. However, with term limits and retirements, there will be seats with no incumbent, and thus a need to really know who is running for office! We encourage parents to stay on top of the issues and know where the candidates stand, especially when it comes to education. Keep in mind that the Florida Senate and Florida House of Representatives have been behind many changes to public education and teaching in past years, and 2018’s session will bring more of the same. Watch and learn to see who earns your vote as a voting parent.



Pinellas County Seats to Watch in 2018 U.S. House of Representatives Seats currently held by Gus Bilirakis and Charlie Crist Florida Senate The seats currently held by Jack Latvala and Jeff Brandes. Florida House of Representatives Seats currently held by James Grant (District 64), Chris Sprowls (65), Larry Ahern (66), Chris Latvala (67), Ben Diamond (68), Kathleen Peters (69), Wengay Newton (70). Board of County Commissioners Seats currently held by Pat Gerard (At Large), Dave Eggers (Single Member) and John Morroni (Single Member). Pinellas County School Board Seats currently held by Terry Krassner (At Large), Peggy O’Shea (At Large), Linda Lerner (Single Member) and Rene Flowers (Single Member).



RECESS Since the passage of HB7069 in the last Florida State Legislative session, recess is now mandatory at all public schools in the state (except charters). Twenty consecutive minutes of unstructured play should be occurring at each and every elementary school. Parents from across Florida advocated at the local level and then the state level to raise the awareness of the importance of daily physical activity and unstructured play. Schools in Pinellas County area are already reporting increased focus and attention as well as less discipline issues. PTAs are helping their schools by purchasing recess equipment and recess bags for classrooms.

SCHOOL NURSES Funding was approved by the Pinellas County Commission to place a school nurse at each school in Pinellas County. The funding will come from an increase in the county millage rate - property taxes for the average single family home in our district will increase $2.79/year. What an incredible accomplishment for our district to achieve! Having a qualified nurse at every school is a necessity as the rates for food allergies, chronic diseases and diabetes are on the rise. The district expects to hire 25-30 nurses this year, with the goal of placing an LPN at each school by 2021.

HEALTHY SCHOOLS TEAM Each school in Pinellas County has reported that they currently are operating a Healthy Schools Team. The intent of these teams is to establish goals for the school in regards to all aspects of wellness - nutrition, physical activity, social/emotional, safety, employee health and more. Typical members of the team include the principal, cafe manager, PE teacher, Wellness Champion (staff member in charge of employee health initiatives), School Counselor, and other concerned parties. According to Pinellas County Schools, parents are welcome to join their school’s HST - be sure to ask your principal how to participate!

G d News


PCS Partners with Barnes and Noble to Kick Off Holiday Book Drive

Lakewood High Jazz Ensemble to Perform at the Apollo Theater

Barnes & Noble has named Pinellas County Schools the recipient of its annual book drive. Patrons can donate books for Pinellas students at the Clearwater and St. Petersburg locations from Nov. 1 to Jan. 1. All books will be donated to classrooms throughout Pinellas.

Lakewood High Jazz Ensemble was invited to participate in the 2018 New York City Jazz Festival, where the band will perform at the Apollo Theater. The band previously won the Crescent City Musical Festival in New Orleans, and were looking for more opportunities. They submitted tapes and information and were selected to participate in the April 2018 festival, which is designed to give jazz ensembles the opportunity to perform as part of a ticketed daytime performance. The students will also receive comments from a panel of vocal and instrumental jazz experts, participate in a private clinic, and attend an evening performance of professional and amateur musicians. The students produced a CD, “Swinging on 54th,” and the Spartan Band Boosters are promoting the album to raise funds for the trip.

Learn about Pinellas County Schools Choice Programs Pinellas County Schools will be holding Discovery Nights to help families learn about District Application Programs. Explore individual programs at open-house style events called Discovery Nights. Each program will be holding its own Discovery Night. To view the Choice Program brochure and a link to the Discovery Night schedule, visit pcsb.org/choice. Parents can also contact schools to schedule a tour. High schools will offer opportunities for students to shadow other students in their programs. The application period for next school year is Jan 10-19, 2018. If you have questions, please call the Student Assignment office at (727) 588-6210.

Elementary Students Earn Industry Certifications to Get a Head Start on Career Planning Through a partnership between the district’s Career Technical and Adult Education department and Elementary Education, 10 elementary schools will offer digital literacy industry certifications to elementary-aged students. Students can earn a computer skills certification, that is focused on word processing, spreadsheets, sound, motion, color presentations, digital arts, cybersecurity and coding. Participating schools will host an after-school enrichment opportunity for approximately 15 students who would work toward the certification. Leila Davis Elementary piloted the effort, and the program is expanding to additional schools: Bay Point Elementary, Brooker Creek Elementary, Curlew Creek Elementary, Curtis Fundamental, Cypress Woods Elementary, Forest Lakes Elementary, Oldsmar Elementary, and James B. Sanderlin K-8 IB World School.

Food Services receives grants to Expand school breakfast participation A dozen Pinellas Schools received grants from Action for Healthy Kids® (AFHK) for the 2017-2018 school year. The grants, made possible by the Walmart Foundation, provide in-school assistance, technical support and funding for equipment to improve nutritional environments and increase participation among hungry and malnourished children in the National School Breakfast Program. Congratulations to Azalea Middle, Fitzgerald Middle, Bardmoor Elementary, Largo Middle, Belcher Elementary, New Heights Elementary, Dixie Hollins High, Southern Oak Elementary, Eisenhower Elementary, Tyrone Middle, Blanton Elementary, and Sandy Lane Elementary.

Countryside High Students Win Congressional App Challenge Students from Countryside High School recently won the Congressional App Challenge. William West, Jacob Siegel, Jason Davenport, and Theo Jeffers are students in Countryside’s Game Design program. The students created an app called Procrastin8 that helps students to use their time wisely by not procrastinating. Students enter their course information into the app, and times that they are free to study, the app reminds them to do homework and study during those times. The Congressional App Challenge is a public effort to encourage students to learn how to code through annual district-wide competitions hosted by Members of Congress for their district. Students in participating districts code original applications for the chance to be selected for recognition by their Member of Congress, win prizes, and have their work put on display in the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. As result of winning the challenge, the Countryside High students will be visited by Congressman Gus Bilirakis at 1:45 p.m., Monday, Nov. 27 in the school’s media center.

Pinellas County Schools Expands Science Labs for Elementary Students Beginning in the 2017-18 school year, all Pinellas County elementary schools have a designated science lab where third, fourth and fifth grade students delve deep into inquiry and science exploration. In addition, second grade students will also take part in rich inquiry experiences that focus on the tools of science for measurement. The initiative will help students leave second grade with a solid understanding of what tool to use for measuring different attributes of solids and liquids and comparing similarities and differences.



G d News



Superintendent of the Year HAS BEEN NAMED FLORIDA’S 2018

Sen. Bill Montford, CEO of the Florida Association of District School Superintendents, and Robert Runcie, president of the Florida Association of District School Superintendents and superintendent of Broward County Schools, made the announcement during a joint meeting in Tampa with the Florida School Boards Association. “Dr. Grego empowers those around him to take risks,” said Rene Flowers, Pinellas County School Board Chairperson. “Dr. Grego’s willingness to embrace all sectors of the community is to be commended. His systems-focused approach to improving our school district is resulting in increased student achievement, improved operations and revered academic programming. He is focused on growing greatness at all levels.”

Dr. Grego has aggressively worked to eliminate achievement gaps. In 2013, he collaborated with district leaders and community members to launch the Bridging the Gap strategic plan aimed at closing the achievement gap between African American students and their peers. He led initiatives to increase achievement and provide intense support for lower performing schools. Dr. Grego led the development of new policies and practices to improve behavior and reduce suspensions. As a result, out-of-school suspensions dropped 41.8 percent and referrals dropped 30.3 percent in three years. Drawing on his background in career education, Dr. Grego advanced opportunities for students to prepare for college and careers. Under his leadership, the number of industry certifications earned by students has increased from 2,222 in the 2011-12 school year to 13,234 in the 2016-17 school year. Recognizing that science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) professions are among the fastest growing career fields, Dr. Grego promoted the development and expansion of beforeand after-school STEM Academies. The district now offers 250 STEM Academies, nearly 5 times as many as were offered when they were launched in 2013-14. Science Labs have been established in elementary schools, allowing students in grades 2-5 access to hands-on opportunities to master science concepts.

Under Dr. Grego’s leadership, Pinellas County Schools achieved districtwide accreditation and has received national recognition. In 2015, the Learning Counsel honored Pinellas as one of the top 10 districts in the nation for its digital curriculum strategy, and Pinellas was named a Ford Next Generation Learning Model Community, a Dr. Grego has been recognized at the state and national level for his milestone designation for preparing high school students for success. innovation and leadership. In 2014, Dr. Grego received an inaugural Whitney M. Young Jr. Leadership Award from the Pinellas County For the last two years, the Brookings Institution ranked Pinellas Urban League for his commitment to the community. County Schools as the top in Florida and in the top 10 nationally for districts offering the best choices for parents. In 2017, Pinellas earned a top-10 ranking in the Digital School Districts Survey for exemplary use of technology. The same year, Pinellas was named one of only eight Great Districts for Great Teachers by the National Council for Teacher Quality.

In 2016, he received the USF College of Education Dean’s Lifetime Achievement Award. That same year, he was recognized when he was selected as a finalist for the Green-Garner Award from the Council of the Great City Schools. In October, Dr. Grego was named the 2017 Florida Art Education Association Superintendent of the Year.

Under Dr. Grego’s leadership, the graduation rate has climbed to 80.1 percent, an 8.2 percent increase since 2012-2013, and the highest in district history. In 2017, the number of A and B schools increased from 43 to 51. And over the past two years, the number of D and F schools dropped significantly.

In November of this year, Dr. Grego was selected as the Superintendent of the Year by the National School Foundation Association (NSFA). Dr. Grego was nominated by the Pinellas Education Foundation.

During his tenure, Dr. Grego has implemented numerous initiatives to extend learning time and increase achievement. These include Summer Bridge, a six-week summer learning program, and Connect for Success, which provides take-home laptops for students at Title I elementary schools.


“NSFA created the Superintendent of the Year Award to highlight the characteristics of a superintendent in creating an environment in which an education foundation can flourish,” said Robin Callahan, Executive Director of NSFA. “The Pinellas Education Foundation is one of the most highly regarded education foundations in the country and that is due in no small part to the collaborative relationship with Dr. Grego and the culture he has helped to create.”

a note from

Pinellas County Schools

Make Pinellas County Sch ls

Your Choice

Now is a great time to discover the choices Pinellas County Schools has to offer! Start your child’s education with a strong foundation. This January, families of children entering kindergarten in the fall of 2018 can register their children at elementary schools across the district. To kick off registration, Ready, Set‌Kindergarten events will be held at elementary schools on January 10th and 11th. During these two days, families will have opportunity to register for kindergarten, explore classrooms, meet teachers and learn about opportunities for family involvement with their child’s school. Families can learn about the great programs available, such as art, music, gifted programs, science labs, STEM academies, physical education and other enrichment programs.

We also offer a growing list of 70 Choice Programs. Our highquality programs are designed to inspire students and provide them with the skills they need to achieve success in college, career and life. Visit pcsb.org/choice to check important dates. You can also contact schools directly to schedule a tour. The application period is January 10-19. Whatever you are looking for in your child’s education, you will find it at Pinellas County Schools. My best wishes to you and your family for a wonderful holiday season and a happy, healthy new year. Michael A. Grego, Ed.D. Superintendent, Pinellas County Schools

Learn more at pcsb.org/KG



School Readiness Readiness Tips for Parents

Learning begins long before a child enters kindergarten. Vocabulary development is particularly important. Infants absorb words, rhymes, songs, and images at amazing rates. Parents play a huge role in helping their children enter school ready to learn. Also helping are childcare providers, preschools, pediatricians, and the broader community. Access to quality childcare and early education is key. In addition, the timely recognition of developmental delays or health problems is also critical.

Learning begins long before a child enters kindergarten.

Parents are their child’s first teachers. There are many ways moms and dads can help prepare their children for lifelong learning by building vocabulary and instilling a love of reading: 

Talk, talk, talk.

Starting at birth—even while expecting—talk and describe what you are doing. Speak slowly, ask questions, and let your child see your face as you form words. Use facial expressions to grab attention. 

Read, read, read.

It’s never too early to read to your child. Establish a routine, like during bath or bedtime. Set a goal to read 20 minutes a day, even if it’s five minutes at a time. Read slowly, point to pictures, and ask questions. Make it fun; use your face, voice, and body to bring books to life. 

Sing, sing, sing.

Infants and young children love music and movement. When they listen to lively songs, such as The Wheels on the Bus, they learn about the world around them and the rhythm of language. Plus, you will relive your childhood by singing your favorites to them!



School Attendance Attendance Tips for Parents Know

school policies.

Know the attendance policy for your child’s school and keep a copy handy. Establish

regular routines.

Set a regular bed time and morning routine. Save time in the morning by laying out clothes and packing backpacks the night before. Address

health issues.

Every day counts in a child’s first years of school. Starting as early as kindergarten, absences add up. Your child can fall behind even if he or she misses just one or two days a month. Good habits start the very first month of school. These habits set the stage for good school attendance all year. Being late or tardy can impact your child’s education. Learning begins the minute the bell rings to start the school day. Good attendance is an indicator of future success. Children who attend school regularly are more likely to read on grade level, be promoted on time, and graduate from high school.

Every day counts in the first years of school.

Allow your child to stay home only when he or she is truly sick. Manage chronic health conditions, such as asthma, and prevent lost learning time with regular dental and health exams. Have

a plan.

Develop backup plans for getting your child to school. Call on a neighbor, family member, or another parent. Limit

time out of school.

Avoid scheduling family vacations or appointments for your child when school is in session.

JWBPinellas.org 13

SERVING UP QUALITY HEALTHCARE IN PINELLAS COUNTY Community Health Centers of Pinellas, Inc. operates ten clinics throughout the county and is providing adults, children, babies and pregnant women with a medical home for patient-centered and integrated primary healthcare. Patients with private insurance and Medicaid are welcome. They offer a sliding fee scale for self pay patients. It would be understatement to say that many families feel unstable about their healthcare these days, whether it’s about changing insurance coverage, job status or having enough cash on hand to see a doctor. While the overall environment continues to change, the Community Health Centers of Pinellas (CHCP) has been here, and plans to remain here, providing people with quality healthcare whether they have insurance or not. But make no mistake, this is not a free clinic. They fit in a category of not-forprofit Federally Qualified Health Centers that can qualify for federal funds to bridge the gap for their uninsured patients. The majority of their budget comes from private insurance and Medicaid, and because they are nonprofit, they have the luxury of choosing patient care over the bottom line. Dr. Nichelle Threadgill, chief medical officer and pediatrician, says all physicians and practitioners are board certified, which supports their mission to provide the highest quality care to all patients served. She says they have a different spirit and mission as physicians, “we like working here, we’re a family!”

CHCP offers family practice, pediatrics, obstetrics, behavioral health and dental care. Their integrated approach allows them to see the whole patient with overall health in mind, and they can see patients from birth to end of life. They are able to treat patients with common chronic diseases like asthma and allergy, diabetes, hypertension and weight management. They can consult about nutrition and provide prenatal care for expectant mothers. Lab work can be conducted onsite or offsite, depending on the situation. They have agreements with other providers to provide discounted X-rays and mammograms. One of the best services they can provide for patients is that they can help with mild concerns regarding depression, anxiety and even ADHD. Also, the offices in Clearwater and St. Petersburg have dental services for preventive care, fillings, cleanings and extractions. For patients who do not have insurance or benefits, staff at CHCP can help clients navigate the system to find plans and programs. There are ten locations throughout the county, with an 11th planned for Lealman. They have hours friendly to students and working parents. During the week they are open until 8 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. “The CHCP is a medical practice within our community where the care is needed, and we provide care that is equal to or greater in quality to any other health center,” says Threadgill. For families seeking a consistent, quality medical home for parents and children, the CHCP is there for them with ten location and staff happy and willing to be a partner in GOOD health!

SUICIDE PREVENTION tips for parents No parent wants to think about suicide impacting their child. But with suicide in children and adolescents on the rise, wise parents will inform themselves and take action when needed.

Warning signs of suicide: Get the FACTS


Feelings that seem different from the past, like hopelessness; fear of losing control; helplessness; worthlessness; feeling anxious, worried or angry often. Actions that are different from the way your child acted in the past, like talking about death or suicide, taking dangerous risks, withdrawing from meaningful activities or sports and/or using alcohol or drugs. Changes in personality, behavior, sleeping habits or eating habits; loss of interest in friends or activities or sudden improvement after a period of being down or withdrawn. Threats that convey a sense of hopelessness, worthlessness, or preoccupation with death (“Life doesn’t seem worth it sometimes”; “I want to go to sleep and not wake up”); plans like giving away favorite things, studying ways to die, obtaining a weapon or stash of pills. Situations that can serve as “trigger points” for suicidal behaviors. These include things like loss or death; humiliations, rejections or failures; a break-up, or impending changes for which your child feels scared or unprepared.

Use Preventative Techniques Parents are often the first to recognize these warning signs in their child. You are not powerless; you can guard your child against the possibility of suicide. • Interact with your child positively by giving regular positive feedback, such as compliments for good work. • Increase their involvement in positive activities, such as clubs or sports. • Appropriately monitor your child’s whereabouts and communications (texting, Facebook) for safety’s sake. • Be aware of your child’s social environment (friends, teammates, coaches) and communicate regularly with other parents in your community. • Communicate regularly with your child’s teachers to ensure safety at school. • Limit your child’s access to alcohol, prescription pills, illegal drugs, knives and especially guns. • Explain the value of therapy and medication to manage symptoms. • Address your concerns with other adults in your child’s life (teachers, coaches, family). • Discuss your concerns with his/her pediatrician to seek mental health referrals. • Talk with your child directly about suicidal thoughts – this DOES NOT cause a person to think about or attempt suicide

Have an Open Conversation Talking to your child about a topic like suicide can seem almost impossible. Have this important discussion with your child by using these tips: • • • • •

Talk in a calm, non-accusatory manner. Express loving concern. Convey how important they are to you. Focus on your concern for your child’s well-being and health. Make “I” statements to convey you understand the stressors they may be experiencing. • Reassure your child that seeking help can change their outlook. • Seek a mental health professional to partner with in suicide prevention.

Take Appropriate Action If you feel that something is “just not right” or if your child is exhibiting many of the warning signs listed in this article, it is important not to wait to take appropriate action to protect your child. Find a mental health provider who has experience with youth suicide and participate actively in your child’s therapy.

If danger is imminent, call 911 or take your child to the nearest emergency room.

NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE 1(800)273-TALK (8255) SUNCOAST CENTER Central Intake for Continuing Therapy (727)388-1220 15

The fall and winter seasons are made magical at Walt Disney World. The gorgeous fall decorations are taken down right after Halloween when all the parks, Disney Springs and Disney Resort Hotels transform into Christmas wonderlands.

HERE ARE SOME MUST DO’S TO ENJOY THE WONDERS OF THE SEASON, DONE ONLY AS DISNEY CAN DO: RETURNING THIS YEAR IS THE JINGLE BELL JINGLE BAM! at Hollywood Studios. This show ends the night with state-of-the-art projections, special effects, music and fireworks into one grand spectacle for all to see. At sunset, along Sunset Blvd., a new holiday experience features spectacular projections of Mickey, Minnie and other beloved Disney characters sharing their favorite Christmas stories as in the distance, the famous Hollywood Tower Hotel turns into scenes of the season – a giant pile of Christmas gifts, a gingerbread house and a frozen winter wonderland!

NEW HOLIDAY KITCHENS AT THE EPCOT INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF THE HOLIDAYS. Experience the flavors of the holidays, as you meander through World Showcase stopping at each of the festival’s many Holiday Kitchens. These kiosks serve up food and drinks that take the words “warm and cozy” to a whole new level. There’s even a Holiday Kitchen that’s all about sweet treats like snowflake sugar cookies and warm apple fritters with cinnamon ice cream and caramel sauce. HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENT AT DISNEY SPRINGS. Every corner of Disney Springs is wrapped and ready for the season with festive holiday décor and seasonal entertainment. This year an expanded Christmas Tree Trail features ten new trees inspired by Disney classics such as Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, Snow White and Dumbo. CANDLELIGHT PROCESSIONAL AT EPCOT. One of the most beloved Epcot traditions returns with new celebrity narrators. The Candlelight Processional is a retelling of the Christmas story as told by a celebrity narrator accompanied by a 50-piece orchestra and mass choir. The show takes place at the America Gardens Theatre nightly at 5:00 p.m., 6:45 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. from November 24th - December 30th. GINGERBREAD HOUSES. Explore stunning edible creations at select Walt Disney World resort hotels, like the life-size holiday gingerbread house at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa. A giant edible spinning carousel is a holiday tradition at Disney’s Beach Club Resort, while a holiday village with a miniature train takes center stage at Disney’s Yacht Club Resort. New this year, Disney’s Contemporary Resort will be home to an 18-foot-tall Cinderella Castle, crafted with thousands of gingerbread blocks, rolled fondant and modeling chocolate.


COUNTDOWN TO 2018 MAGIC KINGDOM HAS FANTASY IN THE SKY FIREWORKS. Guests will ring in the New Year in front of Cinderella Castle with the cherished fan-favorite fireworks show that will take place December 30th and 31st, 2017 beginning at 11:50 p.m. Additional showings will light up the sky both nights at 6:30 p.m. FRONTIERLAND AND TOMORROWLAND NEW YEAR’S CELEBRATION DANCE PARTIES. Put on your dancing shoes and boot-scoot with a hoppin’ beat ‘til midnight in Frontierland. Or jump start the New Year with an upbeat get-together in Tomorrowland, blasting into 2018 with futuristic tunes. Park hours on December 30th and 31st are 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. EPCOT HAS NEW YEAR’S COUNTDOWN FIREWORKS. Say “au revoir” to 2017 around World Showcase as dazzling fireworks light up the sky to welcome 2018 in a booming big way! This one-night spectacular starts at 11:40 p.m. NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTIES. A DJ dance party will have guests dancing and grooving “around the world” with special entertainment at the America Garden Stage, Future World Fountain Stage and other areas throughout the park. Just for New Year’s Eve, you can move to your own beat with music playing in your headphones at the “Silent Groove” dance party that will take place at Future World Center. Park hours on December 31st are 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. DISNEY’S HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS HAS A NEW YEAR’S EVE DANCE PARTY. Revelers will get the party started with a DJ dance party all around Center Stage in front of the Chinese Theatre with special projections on the theatre. The fun starts at 7:00 p.m. on December 31st. Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM!, the nighttime holiday show will take place at 8:00 p.m. The elaborate nightly themed firework show, Star Wars: A Galactic Spectacular, will bring in the New Year with a special twist at midnight! Park hours on December 31st are 9:00 a.m. to midnight.

Managing Your Baby’s

Digital Life The experts all agree that screen time is not GOOD for babies. They need human interaction and lots of snuggling while awake. For ages 2 - 5, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states that viewing should be limited to one hour per day, be high-quality, educational programming and be viewed with a caregiver who can relate the show’s content to real life. That doesn’t sound exactly like real life in today’s busy, high tech world, yet it is sound advice based on research that is looking for what’s best for children. As a parent, managing modern technology is a new responsibility you will have for all 18 years, and since it’s fairly new and changing regularly, you don’t have much to go on. New research is emerging that will continue to show the effects, both good and bad. Each age group comes with different recommendations and challenges, so the goal should be to stay informed, diligent, aware, engaged and in control. Remember as the parent, you have the right to say “No” and to set and enforce the rules to protect your children, whether you have a preschooler or a teenager. The AAP has created a Family Media Use Plan that can be found at HealthyChildren.org. Look under “Family Life” and choose “Media.” There you will get a link to their planning document, along with recommendations and safety precautions.


Not enough sleep. Young children with more media exposure or who have a TV, computer, or mobile device in their bedrooms sleep less and fall asleep later at night. Even babies can be over stimulated by screens and miss the sleep they need to grow.


Noting that research findings are incomplete and that more research is needed, the AAP reinforced their recommendations that parents exercise caution and limit exposure when it comes to digital devices that emit radiation from electromagnetic fields (EMF). They remind parents that cell phones are not toys, and are not recommended for infants and toddlers to play with. On their website HealthyChildren.org, The AAP has information entitled Cell Phone Radiation & Children’s Health: What Parents Need to Know. They reiterate children’s unique vulnerability to cell phone radiation stating, “Another problem is that the cell phone radiation test used by the FCC is based on the devices’ possible effect on large adults—not children. Children’s skulls are thinner and can absorb more radiation.” They also share these tips to reduce radiation exposure: Use text messaging, speaker mode or hands-free kit When talking on the cell phone, hold phone away from your head Make only short or essential calls on cell phones Avoid carrying your phone against the body in a pocket, sock, or bra. If you plan to watch a movie on your device, download it first, then switch to airplane mode while you watch in order to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure. Keep an eye on your signal strength. The weaker your cell signal, the harder your phone works and the more radiation it gives off. Avoid making calls in cars, elevators, trains and buses. The cell phone works harder to get a signal through metal, so the power level increases. Remember that cell phones are not toys or teething items.

Delays in learning and social skills. Children who watch too much TV in infancy and preschool years can show delays in attention, thinking, language and social skills. One of the reasons for the delays could be because they interact less with parents and family. Source: The American Academy of Pediatrics Obesity. Heavy media use during preschool years is linked to weight gain and risk of childhood obesity. Food advertising and snacking OTHER TIPS FOR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS while watching TV can promote obesity. Also, children who overuse • Do not feel pressured to introduce technology early. media are less apt to be active with healthy, physical play. • Monitor children’s media. Behavior problems. Violent content on TV and screens can contribute to behavior problems in children.


• Turn off TVs and other devices when not in use. • Keep bedrooms, mealtimes, and parent-child playtimes screen-free and unplugged for children and parents. • Avoid exposure to devices or screens one hour before bedtime. • Avoid using media as the only way to calm your children.

PBS KIDS IS NOW ANYWHERE AND ANYTIME! NEW STREAMING OPTION MEANS KIDS CAN WATCH THEIR FAVORITE SHOWS ON DEMAND It’s a new day at PBS KIDS. Modern television viewing habits have changed, with more families using streaming services, YouTube and apps on devices to access games and shows for their children. Our lifestyles have changed, too. We’re not always at home when Sesame Street comes on the television station. In response to these new realities, PBS KIDS has made it possible for as many parents as possible to access educational programs with their 24/7 streaming service. Device users can also download the free PBS KIDS viewing app at their app store. Streaming from the website is at PBSKIDS.org. For generations, we have relied on PBS for the highest quality educational and entertaining programming, and that hasn’t changed. They are still ranked as the most trusted source of children’s programs. Not only are their shows fun and loaded with lovable characters, they help kids get ready for school. New in 2017, their live stream experience has expanded to offer an integrated games feature, enabling children to toggle between a PBS KIDS show and an activity that extends learning – all in one seamless digital experience.

Also brand new for PBS is a 24 hour a day children’s channel! This channel will feature all kids shows all the time. Not every cable or satellite provider is carrying this new channel yet, but keep your eyes open. It is available for Frontier customers at this time. The WEDU channel that you are used to seeing is the same, and will continue to air its children’s shows at the same times as before. These new options are making it easier for busy parents to balance their schedules with appropriate screen time, all while ensuring their little ones are getting the best shows possible for their developing brains and personalities.

Another great feature offered free from PBS KIDS is an app called Super Vision.™ It tracks what a child is playing and learning, gives a summary of videos played, sets time limits and suggests hands-on activities that kids and parents can do together to enhance the lesson. Before going to the main site, visit WEDU.org/Kids first. WEDU is our local public station here in the Tampa area, and its site will have local information on special shows and events that won’t be found on the main site.

The page has links to a reading site, a math site, a game, digital downloads and the WEDU Kids Club. The reading site called PBS KIDS Island has reading activities and games. The math site, called PBS KIDS Lab, allows parents to click an age and a math skill to obtain a home activity to teach that skill. Both of these teaching tools are completely free to use. The actual shows are screened from PBSKids.org and you can link to it directly from WEDU. It’s recommend that parents utilize both sites.


G d Events FREE FALLIN A TRIBUTE TO TOM PETTY January 5, 2018 • 8:00 p.m. Central Park Performing Arts Center 105 Central Park Dr. Free Fallin is honored and humbled to continue performing Tom Petty’s music in the wake of his passing in October of 2017. Along with the music world, his fans and family, our hearts are broken. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers music has become the soundtrack for the 20th century and beyond. The Heartbreakers have sold over 80 million records and four of his albums have gone 12X platinum. His songs are heard everyday on a variety of radio formats including his own XM channel. Presenting a stunningly accurate tribute to the look and sound of the Heartbreakers, Free Fallin has successfully toured the country for more than 10 years performing at festivals, fairs, casinos and major concert venues. This has earned them a glowing reputation as one of the finest tribute bands in the country. $19.50 • add $5 at the door (cabaret seating). For more information or to purchase tickets, visit LargoArts.com or call the Box Office at (727)587-6793.

FAMILY FUN RUN SERIES NEW YEAR - NEW YOU FUN RUN January 6, 2018 • 8:00 a.m. Highland Recreation Complex • 400 Highland NE Ave Join us for a series of fun runs to keep you exercising as a family. Dress up, get silly and have a blast running along the grounds of the Highland Recreation Complex. Each run will have a fun themed twist to keep families engaged. The family that participates in all eight runs will receive a special prize! $20/family or $10 /person for each fun run. For more information, visit HighlandRecreation.com or call (727)518-3016.

MASSENKOFF RUSSIAN FOLK FESTIVAL January 19, 2018 • 8:00 p.m. Central Park Performing Arts Center • 105 Central Park Dr. Massenkoff Russian Folk Festival is an authentic, cultural presentation of Russian Songs, Balalaika Music and Russian Folk Ballet in authentic Russian style, language and costumes.The Company features professional musicians who are conservatory graduates, professional Russian dancers, and features Russian songs with Nikolai Massenkoff, a “world celebrated singer.” $24.50-$39.50, add $5 at the door plus applicable service fee. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit LargoArts.com or call the Box Office at (727)587-6793.


Tom Petty 1950 - 2017

January 20, 2018 • 9:00 a.m. McGough Nature Park • 11901 146th St. N Take a guided walk through the woods, seeking out animals at the different Largo Nature Parks. Donations are kindly accepted. FREE. Pre-register by calling (727)518-3047.

VOLUNTEER FAIR January 20, 2018 • 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Largo Community Center • 400 Alt. Keene Rd.

NERF WARS! January 6, 2018 • 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Safety Harbor Recreation Center • 650 9th Ave. S.

Free. For more information, call (727)518-3131.

Foam will fly! Bring your Nerf gun and your family and friends for another incredible event. Participants will have a chance to compete in a wide range of activities with their Nerf gun. It’s fun for all ages! Be sure to label your Nerf Blaster and darts.


For ages 5 and up. $5. For more information, visit cityofsafetyharbor.com or call (727)724-1545.


Do you want to be a part of something wonderful? Then the Largo Recreation, Parks and Arts Department is the place to be. Representatives from all divisions will be on hand to introduce you to your next great adventure. From greeters and ushers to coaches and program leaders, there’s something for everyone to do. Youth volunteers are needed for the Largo Teen Volunteer group as well.

January 12, 2018 • 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Folly Farms Nature Preserve • 1562 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. St. N. Come join us for an evening of family fun with stories, s’mores and an educational hike at Folly Farms Nature Preserve in Safety Harbor. For all ages. $3. On-site Registration is available. For more information, visit cityofsafetyharbor.com or call (727)724-1545.

Tis the Season

for Fresh Markets

Take advantage of the season’s best picks for produce, herbs, eggs and more at the local markets. Support local farmers, artisans and businesses.

SATURDAY MORNING MARKET IN ST. PETERSBURG The Saturday Morning Market is open from October - May in the parking lot of Al Lang Field. There are 200 vendors rotating through 130 spaces that attract about 10,000 shoppers each week. Enjoy live music, local entertainment, food trucks and vendors that represent a wide variety of ethnicities and nationalities, contributing to a rich multicultural experience of food, crafts and music.

SAFETY HARBOR MARKET ON MAIN Get to the Safety Harbor Market on Main every Sunday for local hand-crafted items, local food vendors, produce, fresh orange juice, pickled products and much more! Selection varies each week to bring something new to each market. Plan to come early for breakfast or stay through the afternoon and enjoy lunch on the gazebo lawn while listening to live music. Enjoy a walk through quaint downtown Safety Harbor after your visit to the market. Throughout the year, they have live music, cooking demonstrations, Florida agriculture lessons, charity programs, hands-on art classes and other community-building activities. They also support young entrepreneurs by offering New to the Market booths and mentorship from successful business owners.

DUNEDIN DOWNTOWN MARKET IN PIONEER PARK Enjoy gorgeous Downtown Dunedin at this market in Pioneer Park, which runs Friday and Saturday mornings during the season. The Dunedin Downtown Market is a local open-air fresh market that supports 60+ local vendors who sell a mixture of produce, plants, eggs, meats, cheeses, fresh baked goods, take home foods, ready to eat lunch bites and locally made handcrafts.

Guiding a Child to Have Vision by PAMELA SETTLE “Every parent is a homeschool parent. We may send our children to a school for academic instruction, but the rest of the education happens at home.” -- Renaye Thornberry

Renaye Thornberry, creator of a life skills curriculum for parents, says“Young children can be taught important life skills that will help them be more successful when they hit high school, college and beyond.” Among the skills that Thornberry teaches is learning how to make and reach goals. However, before you can make goals, you must have a larger-scale vision for who you want to be as a person, what you want to accomplish and how you want to be remembered. A popular tool used by life coaches for adults is the vision board, but it’s not just for adults. Kids as young as five are able to comprehend and develop a vision, vision board and goals. The activity of making vision boards is great for the whole family and something that can be done together to spark conversations about hopes, dreams and challenges for mutual support and encouragement, The board serves a visual representation of your priorities, short-term goals and long-range vision. These cues create neuro pathways in the brain that bring results. When you can visualize the goals, you are increasing your belief that it can happen. Your brain starts to notice those things associated with your goal and you start to be moved toward those things. Have you ever bought a new car, say a red convertible and then started noticing how many red convertibles there are on the roads? Well this is part of the brain working the way it works. On a daily basis, it screens out what isn’t necessary and pays attention to what is relevant. Making sure the brain remembers what is relevant to you is a task that takes conscious effort, research, planning and prayer. By putting those subjects on your vision board, you direct your brain keep your priorities and direction thereby reducing the chance of getting sidetracked by distractions, crises and other people’s priorities. Keep in mind that the clutter and busy-ness of life can very easily keep us off track and a vision board helps to maintain our focus and moves us toward our goals.

Children Can Do It, Too Children can be trained from a very young age how to be proficient at setting and achieving goals that are, of course age, appropriate. They can also comprehend visualizing certain concepts. “A child as young as four can have conversations and understand what kind of person he or she wants to be in the context of their families, friends and school,” said Thornberry. She recommends having an open and exploratory conversation with your child. Ask questions like:

What is my vision for my life? 22

“What kind of person do you want to be in our family?” “How do you want to get along with your sister?” “Do you want people to know you as a kind and generous friend?” “Do you want to be a good student?” “What makes you happy?” “If money wasn’t an object or failure wasn’t an option, what would you do?” “How do you want people to talk about you?” “What type of adventures would you like to have?”

The visual representations for some of these concepts can be a little tricky. A suggestion for getting along with a sibling is to use a photograph of them hugging and smiling to trigger a memory of positive feelings and create a desire to generate that feeling on a regular basis. The next step is talking about goals can include statements like “I will to become a good reader,” “I will be a pitcher on the baseball team,” “I will get a new bike” and “I will to be an astronaut.” Make a list of all the vision and goals to help create the board.

Helpful Tips Be sure to guide the conversation, but make sure the goals truly belong to the child and not to the parent. A vision board that says, “I will obey my parents, eat my vegetables and never fight with my siblings,” will be a dead giveaway. Save those parenting goals for your vision board! Also avoid letting the child choose only material desires, like wanting an iPad, expensive clothing or a big screen TV. Vision and goals, even for a child, need to encompass multiple aspects of life to help them be well rounded. Many will come from daily experiences, but don’t limit them to things that are practical. Make it safe for them for dream big and think out of the box. Hang the board in the child’s room and refer to it often. Be strategic and use their goals to help teach lessons. For example if a child wants to make the basketball team or play a solo in the band, then practice is important. When a child whines about practice time, you can use their vision board to reiterate priorities and remind them of where they want to go.

Making the Board Use a corkboard, poster board or foam core and some markers. Have something that can be accessed and changed over time. Get the list of vision and goals and determine what kind of visuals will best represent the goals and vision. Look for pictures on the Internet, in magazines or in family picture collections. Arrange them on the vision board and give them captions. Drawings, phrases, quotes or personal mementos can add extra meaning. Remember that visions and goals can change, so periodically update the board. Keep the conversation going year to year and be an active part of helping children plan for their future. Be an encourager, but also be the trusted advisor. Do what you can to seek resources and advice when needed. Share their enthusiasm. Expose them to as many learning experiences as possible, even ones that are new to you. And always, always remember that it only takes a few harsh or careless words to crush a child’s dream. This is an excellent way to start the discussion early! The skills of creating vision and achieving goals will help children tremendously as they grow older and their goals get more challenging. In particular, the middle school and high school years are full of distractions, some of them destructive and deadly, so teaching a child to stay focused and on track could make the difference for their future. The same goes for college and beyond where these skills can hopefully spare them the regret that comes when 10, 20 or 30 years pass by and their life isn’t anything they wanted it to be.


about vision, dreams & goals If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. -Henry David Thoreau Man is a goal seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals. -Aristotle The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going. -Ralph Waldo Emerson The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goals to reach. -Benjamin Mays All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them. -Walt Disney To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe. -Anatole France If you give your mind a $10,000 problem, it will fine a $10,000 solution…if you give it a $1,000,000 problem, it will find a $1,000,000 solution. -Jack Canfield


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G d Products



The Doll Kind’s stuffed dolls are soft, huggable playthings that give back, and empower children to share kindness with others. Each doll comes with a “kindness kit” that includes 10 tokens to hand out, each with a special phrase designed to encourage passing along love and gratitude. For every doll that’s purchased, The Doll Kind donates another to a child in need of a smile due to illness or hardship in orphanages, hospitals, and shelters around the world. Winner of the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award and Dr. Toy’s Best Toys.

Books are the best gifts to give this holiday season, and Literati’s Book Club makes shopping easy for you. Literati works with top-educators and librarians to hand-pick five beautiful new books every month with a fun theme (science, friendship, adventure, history, etc.). You can select a gift card for the recipient, or select a 1-month subscription box, 3 or more. Shipping is free both ways and you can cancel anytime. Here’s how the subscription service works: Select the Book Club appropriate to your child’s age and stage of development (newborn-3 years old, 3-5 years old, 5-7 years old and 7-9 years old), sign up and create your account and enter your billing information. On the first day of the month you’ll be charged a $10 service fee. Five books related to that month’s theme will be shipped via USPS around the 10th the month. Once these arrive, spend up to a week exploring these books with your child. Read them together, and note your child’s reactions. On the first of the following month you’ll be charged only for the books you keep and you will receive a discount (up to 30%) off the books you keep. You can even donate old books, and Literati will give them to kids who need them the most. Boxes also arrive with artwork from famous illustrators.

Choose from four dolls at thedollkind.com • $59





The 40th Anniversary edition features the classic Family Feud home version console, and it is sure to provide hours of family entertainment. Game includes one classic game console with grid cover, one scoreboard with sections for Face-Off and Fast Money Rounds, Totals and Strike Indicator, one wipe-off marker and one instruction/question pad with more than 500 Family Feud Survey Questions. 3 or more players.

Kids would love to find the Web Riderz Swing under the tree this year! M&M’s Web Riderz Swing is a 39” platform swing that is safety rated to carry up to 600 pounds. Perfect to hang outside. It is delivered fully assembly and ready to hang! Hang from a two points for your traditional back-and-forth swing or from a single point to spin merry-go-round style. M&M’s tire swing line is made from repurposed tires, making them not only strong and durable, but environmentally friendly. Available in four fun colors including Tickled Pink, Snowflurry (blue), black and SuperHero (red and Blue).

$24.99 • endlessgames.com

$115 • mandmsalesinc.com

key2Bme Give someone a constant reminder of how much they mean to you with key2Bme. These stylish, meaningful keys come with an inspiring mini quote card in an organza gift bag. Choose from “Family”- “Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends,” “Amazing” – “You are Even More Amazing Than you Wish You Were” or “Be Happy” – “The Purpose of our Lives is to Be Happy.” More than 50 designs and special sayings to choose from with more being released soon. Easy to attach to a keychain, purse or backpack. $7.99 • available at key2bme.com and amazon.com



GoodLivingŽ Guide to Happy Healthy Kids, as an advocate for healthy kids, has partnered with Super Healthy Kids, a provider of healthy meal plans, recipes and instructional videos. Their most popular plan is only $99 for an entire year for weekly meal plans, a custom app, mobile-friendly shopping lists, nutritional information, printables, a member’s only Facebook page and much more. We know that busy moms can use a hand with healthy, easy recipes that come with instructions and a shopping list. Get a membership for yourself and then remember it whenever you need a holiday or shower gift for a friend, your sister-in-law or the new mom in your playgroup. The pros and dieticians at Super Healthy Kids teach techniques and talk about food in their videos, plus they blog tips and encouragement that will help you get and stay motivated. Their recipes and meal plans provide the best balanced nutrition for your entire family including even the pickiest of eaters or those with diet restrictions. Every recipe is analyzed for nutrient composition including calories, fat, carbohydrates, protein & sugar. Providing balanced nutrition for your family starts at home and is part of teaching them healthy habits for life. App now available! Find out more at superhealthykids.com/goodliving

THE MEAL PLANNING SYSTEM New recipes are provided daily for every meal: breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Fresh new meal plans every week are created by our dietitians to make sure your family gets optimal balanced nutrition. Use our tips for using seasonal fruits and vegetables in meals that kids will love. Get exclusive access to our members only library of 4,000 healthy recipes created with kids in mind. Every recipe is printable. Store your favorite recipes in your own personal recipe box.

OPTIMAL NUTRITION Meal plans are created by expert dietitians to provide balanced nutrition to your entire family. Each recipe is created with high quality whole foods. Recipes are low in sugar, high in fiber, include whole grains and a variety of healthy proteins. Meals provide a balance of vitamins and minerals to ensure your kids get everything they need for optimal growth Fruits and Veggies are prepared in a variety of ways to promote adventurous eating with your kids. Gluten-free meal plans, recipes and tips are included.

SIGN UP TODAY AT SuperHealthyKids.com/goodliving 28

Bu ernut Squash Alfredo & Bro!oli INGREDIENTS 1 cup cubed butternut squash (1-inch cubes) 3 cup broccoli florets 1 TB olive oil 1/4 cup unsalted butter 2 cloves chopped garlic 3 TB flour 2 cups milk 1/4 tsp. nutmeg 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese 12 oz tubed pasta (such as ziti) INSTRUCTIONS Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place cubed butternut squash and broccoli florets on a cookie sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper. Bake for 20 minutes. While your veggies bake, cook pasta and drain. In large pan over medium-high heat, add butter and garlic. Let melt. Add flour and whisk in until smooth. Cook for 2 minutes and then add milk and bring to a boil. Stir occasionally. Add nutmeg and cheese and stir until smooth. In a blender, add milk mixture and cooked butternut squash. Blend until smooth. Pour over cooked pasta and stir until coated. Add broccoli and serve!

Healthy Meals Made Easy, Fast and Healthy with


One of the hottest new cooking tools in today’s kitchen is the Instant Pot®. It helps that as an appliance it can replace a slow cooker, a rice cooker and a steamer, but the fact that it is an easy, programmable and almost foolproof pressure cooker makes the Instant Pot® mom’s new best friend. Pressure cookers of old are the ones we saw our grandmothers use for canning, and sometimes cooking. The memories are likely shrouded with a little mystery along with a dose of fear, but be reassured, modern pressure cooking is a time saving, nutrition enhancing, flavor building meal maker. One pot meals, soups, stews, vegetables and even roasts are a snap to make and they come out tender, flavorful and delicious! Load the ingredients. Set the control panel based on your recipe and leave it. The Instant Pot® will bring the sealed pot to pressure and cook your dish in a fraction of the time. This means cooking family meals from scratch with whole ingredients is possible any time, even on a week night. Pictured here is the Instant Pot® Duo Plus which is the #1 best-selling cooker in the Instant Pot family, with its advanced microprocessor technology and safety features. Pressure cooking speeds up the process by two to six times, meaning you can make a

pot of nourishing and hearty soup in less than an hour. The Instant Pot® generates almost no noise and leaks no steam. It traps all the aroma in the food without heating up the kitchen which is great for Florida kitchens! The 3-ply stainless steel bottom inner pot is extremely durable the slim body design has lid holders for both left and right-handed users. The Duo Plus includes three new programs, Cake for making soft and moist cakes; Egg for soft or hard cooked eggs; and Sterilize for baby bottles, jars and utensils. The newest Duo Plus has a large, blue, user-friendly LCD display and new user interfaces for adjusting cooking settings, pressure levels and temperatures. There is a 24-hour delay start feature with an automatic Keep Warm setting so food is ready when you are. The cooking programs have been thoroughly tested for optimal results. Instant Pot® has been carefully designed to eliminate many common errors which may cause harm. It has passed stringent UL & ULC certification giving one uncompromised safety. Instant Pot® has been designed with 10 safety mechanisms and patented technologies. If you haven’t ever tried pressure cooking, it’s worth a shot. It’s the appliance that could possibly change how you cook for you and your family. The Instant Pot® cookers come in a variety of sizes and affordable prices. Purchase at retailers, through Amazon and at their website InstantPot.com.


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