3 minute read
He Knows My Name
Gò0dNews for Everyone
He Knows My Name
by Dorothy Teague
In this fast-paced world we live in, we are known more by our number rather than our name. We are given a number to identify us when we are born into this world, our Social Security number. It goes with us throughout our life. We have to give it at every turn, from applying for a job, getting a loan, having a bank account, to going to the doctor. Further, in this digital world, we are identified by our account numbers and the use of a password in order to pay bills, use our credit cards, book a hotel or flight, and the list
goes on. They may ask for the name on your account, but only after having the number. It is dehumanizing us a little at a time, a stripping away of WHO we are.
On the other hand, before we are formed in the womb, God knows our name. He knew us before we existed in this world (Jeremiah 1:5). He knew what our name would be and how our unique path would be laid out. Psalm 139:16 says, “Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them.” This is a hard concept to understand, which is why we must accept it by faith that He is an omnipresent God, not restrained by Time itself. It is so reassuring to me that He knows my name and He loves me so much that He has written it on the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16).
We read in John 11 how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead after he had been in the tomb for four days. He called Lazarus by his name to come out. This is important on so many levels! Lazarus was known by Jesus just as Jesus knows our names. Each child of God is important to Him. But if Jesus had not called him by name, all the dead in the tombs would have come out because of the power of Jesus and His Word. On the other side of things, Lazarus knew Jesus’ voice and came out at His bidding. John 10:27 says, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me…” While it is nothing short of amazing that God knows each one of our names before we are born, it is greater still that He also gives us a new name presented on a white stone as recorded in Revelation 2:17. It is a mystery as to what the stone will be made of or what it will say, but scripture tells us that it will only be known to the receiver of the stone. The significance is that it is symbolic of an entry pass into Heaven to the believer or victor through Christ.
While we may be known in this world more by a number than a name, we must remember that God knows us all by name. We are His children, and He, our Father, and what a good Father He is! He named each one of us and will never forget us!
About The Author
Dorothy Teague is a Tennessee native, who resides in McMinn County with her husband, Lewis, on their farm. After completing 31.5 years as a teacher in the Bradley County School System, she is active in her church at Eastanallee Baptist Church where she is a member of the choir and praise team.