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Turning Our Worry Into Worship
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Turning Our Worry Into Worship
by Donnie Jenkins
When I was growing up, I was a constant 1 Peter 5:7: “…casting all your anxiety upon Him, because worrywart. It got to the point of worrying even He cares for you.” when I didn’t have anything to worry about. Did you notice the word “casting” in the 1 Peter 5 I don’t know if any of you have been there or are there reference? Here’s one way of explaining it: Think for just currently, but if you are, let me just say, “I’ll see your worry a moment that you are taking a bag of garbage out to the and raise you one.” trash can. I like to stand and toss/fling/cast the bag to see if I
As you are reading this, you may be thinking—that’s can make the shot. As you and I are casting our cares upon me! OMGoodness! Did you know that worry can rob us of worshipful moments with God? In fact, even Jesus Himself addressed this by saying, “Don’t worry.” It would be easy to think, “That’s easy for Him to say—He’s the Son of God.” That is the very reason He can say this.
Let’s look into Matthew 6, beginning with verse 25, to pick up where Jesus is addressing the issue of worry. “Therefore I tell you: Don’t worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Isn’t life more than food and the body more than clothing? Can any of you add one moment to his life span by worrying?”
Here’s what is interesting: in verse 25-34, there are six references to the state of worry or worrying. Since the subject of “worry” is mentioned this many times in these few verses, it becomes apparent there is a lesson we are to learn and a discipline to develop.
Did you notice that Jesus did not give the challenge without giving regard to the basic needs of our life? Then, in verse 27, He asked a very profound question regarding worry: Can you add to your life by worrying?
While we are here, listen to Philippians 4:6: “Be anxious for nothing and pray about everything.” the Lord, it is the equivalent of taking the garbage out. By tossing out our spiritual garbage (worries), we are giving the Lord the opportunity to work in and through our lives.
When we choose to do this, it frees us up to worship and praise the Lord for His provisional care in times of uncertainty.
About The Author
Donnie Jenkins has been married to his wife Wendy, for 29 years. They have one son, Jonah. Donnie is the pastor at New Union Church in Georgetown, Tennessee, and also serves in the Cleveland/Chattanooga area as a workplace chaplain with Corporate Chaplains of America, which is located in Wake Forest, North Carolina.