2 minute read
Gò0dNews forEveryone
by Paul McGuire
Now is not the time to be silent. Revival refers to returning to life. The “lost” don’t
This the time when we, the Body of need revival; we do. They need to receive life in Christ; Christ, must speak. What must we speak? we need to return to life in Christ (2 Chronicles 7:14). Whatever God says to speak. To the right of us and The fundamental solution to our nation’s to the left of us, voices cry out for compliance. But we issues is for the Church in America to be revived. must take our stand with what God says, our alliance We may have claimed to be preaching the Gospel being with Heaven. from our pulpits, but the fruit shows otherwise.
We know we must make His call to Man to repent, Wickedness reigns. The Church has been largely quiet to come away from sin to God’s righteousness. From or has come into alliances with the world. suffers for the sinfulness of the Church. God is speaking. Do our ears hear? I like to use the phrase, “What does God say?” If we will approach Him with repentant hearts and open ears, He will speak to us. And then, whatever He says to say and do, we must say and do it. And HE will heal our land. It all starts with us, with those who claim His Name, who call themselves “Christian.” So in the ears of the “lost,” what voice do they hear? Do they hear the earliest days of America’s settling, there have been out for repentance from sin so they can receive life? those who made this call. Now again, we must take up Or do they hear from us a voice of compliance to their that call for men to repent. sinful ways, to an endorsement of godlessness by
Man tends to drift towards his sinful nature. And earthly alliance? those who pursue such a life we call “lost,” don’t we? God, help us, and have mercy upon them if we And we talk about their need for “revival.” But today, keep silent with the message of the Gospel: God loves our land suffers not because of the “lost” ones. It you, and He calls you to Himself—to life! the loving Heavenly Father call It is our responsibility to point and lead the “lost” to Christ. Instead, we need repentance and revival. About The Author Paul McGuire has been born again for almost 60 years, and has pursued to hear God’s Voice through all those years. He and his wife Teresa of 45+ years are active at Living Word Church in Cleveland, Tennessee. They have two children and four-and-counting grandchildren. 44 // October 2020