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Partners in Crime: Non-Romantic
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Partners in Crime: Non-Romantic
by Nikki Hill
“H ow could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will the apostles’ feet” (Acts 5:2). Take note that Sapphira did not withhold money for herself, but that what caused her death was the knowledge of her husband’s crime in which carry you out also” (Acts 5:9). she lied about in Acts 5:8-9.
Have you ever been asked by your spouse or asked Speaking of lying, “You have not lied just to human your spouse, “If I ever commit a crime, would you ‘have beings, but to God” (Acts 5:4). Ouch! There should be my back?” Translation—“Will you snitch on me or help me a sign with a friendly reminder in our minds that say, cover the crime?” Ananias and Sapphira must have asked “Caution: If God has called someone out to do a mission, one another this before committing the crime of withholding know they are protected by the Holy Spirit. God will not we have knowledge that our spouse committed a crime— allow them to be fooled.” How embarrassing to be seen as the married coupled that lies. But even more embarrassing and ashamed and flirting with death when lying to the Almighty! God knows everything! He knows our thoughts and actions before we commit them… separately or together with someone. Let us not allow Satan to fill our hearts with greed just as he did Annanias heart that it causes us to lie to the Holy Spirit. We are to guard our hearts and if we money from the Holy Spirit after selling a piece of their our spouse’s heart by encouraging them to do what property (see above Bible verse). In a way, they remind me is right. This could be a possible alleviation of terrible of Bonny and Clyde. They may have loved each other even consequences when crimes are committed. We should hold through a crime of selfish gain. But what happens when one one another accountable for our actions. Consider this: combines this kind of “love” with crime? “Two are better than one…If either one of them falls down
Consequences for committing a crime may end in one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and picking up trash along highways, being locked behind has no one to help them up” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10). Annanias bars, and others, or even worse, death. Couples do not and Sapphira could not help one another up, because they have to commit a crime physically to be charged but both had fallen. The conclusion and lesson in Annanias and mentally, they can cause their very own life. Although we Saphirra’s story: they both lied to the Holy Spirit in one are to support our spouses by submitting to one another, way or another. And both paid the price and still where left this does not mean committing a crime with them even if with nothing in the end. can, do our best to try to protect “With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but bought the rest and put the rest at About The Author Nikki Hill is a graduate from Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee, with a Bachelors in English. She has a beautiful family and one day hopes to be a teacher and inspirational speaker. 50 // September 2020
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