Iperform 70
With an impressive wear layer of 0.7 mm, Iperform 70 offers durable
o ll n 0 ni e an stylish esi ns for the most eman in areas. his hetero eneo s vinyl oorin is ompa t, impa t resistant, an easy to install. itionally, this oor is hy ieni an slip resistant. he spe ially evelope Performance Barrier ensures that the oor remains stron an eautiful, even after many years of intensive use. han s to our , you an on ently hoose this oor. onsi erin all this, it s no surprise that Iperform 70 is nown as
01. Inspiration p. 05
0 olle tion verview p. 1
0 e hni al Info p.
0 ustaina ility p.
Energetic Green
Feel the power of Energetic Green et your spa e loom with vi rant reen sha es that ra iate ener y an freshness.
Soft Woods
Step into the warmth of nature with Soft Woods he soft woo rain an natural olours reate a alm an invitin atmosphere.
Golden Glow
a e your spa e shine with Golden Glow he warm an ol en tones provi e a sense of lu ury.
Bold Blue
a e a lastin statement with Bold Blue he ifferent sha es evo e hara ter an serenity.
Nature Neutrals
hoose for timeless ele an e with Nature Neutrals he neutral olours reathe almness an simpli ity in a natural way.
Grey Tones
is over the eauty of re ne simpli ity with Grey Tones reate a mo ern, un erstate loo that omplements any style.
Collection Overview
Performance Barrier
he erforman e arrier, an inte rate layer in the pro u t, uarantees a lon lastin loo his prote tion not only ma es the oor stron er an more sta le, ut ma es it Iperform 70 maintains its fresh appearan e even after many years.
Performance Barrier
Sanite ® hy ieni treatment is a permanent part of our anti a terial hetero eneous vinyl oors. Featurin in the a in an wear layer, Sanite ® rovi in a ura le oor nish that s
Flawless maintenance with Hyperguard+
han s to the prote tive layer, yper uar , the Iperform 70 oor is easy to maintain an his innovative treatment offers ura ility without ompromisin on esi n an with the same te hni al hara teristi s in terms of a ousti s an resistan e. In short, with Iperform 70, you et a that retains its eauty, while you an en oy years of
The testThe results
Test principle (ISO 26987-2008)
Spe i e su stan es in li ui or paste form are pla e on a test pie e for e ne perio s an then remove fter leanin has een arrie out, the resultin han e of appearan e is assesse un er spe i e li htin on itions.
Duration of contact 2 hours
Cleaning procedure
a h sample is washe with a leanin a ent water soap an rush efore the nal assessment.
Internal test
No need for additional
han e sli htly han e mo erately han e reatly han e
VOC Results
Regulation or protocol or protocol
French VOC regulations rr t u 2 mai 200 mo ifiant l arr t u 0 avril 200 , rr t u 20 f vrier 2012 mo ifiant l arr t u 1 avril 2011, ret no 2011 21 u 2 mars 2011
German AgBB (2021)/ABG (2022)
Pass valuation pro e ure for emissions from uil in pro u ts une 2021
Belgian legislation Pass oyal e ree: I 201
Italian regulation (public procurement) Pass e ree 11 to er 2017 FFI I P I n.25 11 201
BREEAM International
LEED EU v4.1
Pass emplary BREEAM International New onstru tion 2021 v .0
Pass E emplary BREEAM N R 2022 v .0: New onstru tion
Pass E emplaryBREEAM N Nieuw ouw 2020
Pass Re ommen e SWE IS B I IN MA ERIA S ASSESSMEN Version 5.0
Pass Emission lass 1 anish In oor limate a ellin , eneral test an la ellin riteria, 7th E ition, May 2021
Pass EE v .1 Buil in esi n an onstru tion April 202 se tion E re it: ow Emittin Materials
Pass very low emittin
Metho for sele tin environmentally frien ly materials an pro u ts in onstru tion pro e ts.
Hot welding
mm 100 m len th
IV ommer ial offers a wi e ran e of wel in ro s. oin your hetero eneous vinyl into a wel in , or reate a wel
Either way will result in a oorin solution that is stron an eautiful.
Warrante y IV ommer ial.
Endless wood for easy installation
Groutless design
An all over woo pattern is not only eautiful to loo at, ut easy to install, ust unroll for a reat loo in oor in no time at all.
Re u in installation waste, it also ma es routless esi n a ost effe tive an responsi le hoi e.
Effortless installation
One group, one vision
In 2022 Unilin launched One Home, our group-wide sustainability strategy with ambitious targets in several domains. We look into the environmental impact of our products and production processes, but also at how we live at home, at work and on our planet.
reenhouse as emissions must e re u e or even ompletely eliminate his is a ma or hallen e for the manufa turin in ustry, as we still too often urn fossil fuels an en of life pro u ts. We nee to swit h to ir ularity, usin renewa le or re y le materials an ma in re y la le pro u ts.
A healthy, omforta le an sustaina le livin environment is more important than ever. he pro u ts we ma e must provi e a e value to our ustomers, without ompromisin on health, omfort or sustaina ility.
ur ompany is a se on home for more than ,000 employees. We aim to reate a positive, stimulatin an safe wor in environment where they feel oo an value an environment where everyone an hallen e himself an ontinue to row. ur ommunity, muni ipalities an nei h ours also form a si ni ant part of our story.
renewable energy
We use solar ener y to ma e our eet reener. For instan e, we use the power from our solar panels to har e our employees ele tri ars an e i es. Furthermore, even the for lifts in our warehouses are har e with solar ener y. he result is a reat amount of ilometres with ero emissions.
oura in the use of e i es
In 201 , three win tur ines have een installe on the Avel em pro u tion site. he tur ines pro u e aroun
hat s a out as mu h as the yearly ele tri ity onsumption of ,000 Flemish househol s. With this lean ener y we power our own pro u tion fa ilities.
y effi ient pro u tion
he manufa turin of vinyl floors re uires oolin water to a sor heat in the ifferent sta es of pro u tion. IVC has investe in a ol e periment that uses surfa e water from the near y sin only a minimal amount of ener y, river water is pumpe up an sent alon the lose loop flow of our Avel em plant s pro ess oolin water. he e han e of thermal ener y up to ,000 w is a hieve throu h
11 Wh year e uivalent of 7 tonnes of oil toe annual ele tri ity onsumption of ,000 househol s
state of the art heat e han ers, so there is no ire t onta t etween the river water an the pro ess water en route. sin minimal ele tri ity ompare to other oolin systems, these innovations have resulte in a in the overall pro u tion of vinyl floors. By eliminatin the nee for ma hine riven refri eration, we ve also si nifi antly reduced an reate etter wor in on itions. eat
By usin internally re y le materials in the omposition of our floors, we use fewer new raw materials an wor towar s our oal of a fully ir ular pro u t. We try to re u e our environmental impa t not only y pro u in effi iently, ut also y the way we use materials. o ay all sheet vinyl pro u tion waste, an most of the sheet vinyl omin in via our Re over a e Ba Pro ram is ein re y le an reuse in the a in of LV pro u ts.
How we recover sheet vinyl
After installation or at en of life, ol oors an off uts are olle te into a s or on pallets. he ustomer onta ts us to arran e olle tion.
epen in on what we ve olle te , we rin the waste a to our re y lin entres, or sen it to one of our partners.
Before the olle te materials are rea y for re y lin , they nee to e sorte an leane efore ein shre e
4. RECYCLING he pro ess of onvertin waste into reusa le material. At our re y lin plant or e ternal re y ler. se as raw material for new oorin s. Material that s too ontaminate or not REAC ompliant is turne into raw material for roa furniture.
5. NEW FLOORS he re y le material is use as raw material for new LV
Some post onsumer oors an t e re y le into new oorin e ause they re not REAC ompliant. We then loo for other appli ations, su h as footwear, street furniture an out oor tiles.
Referen e ases of olle tin sheet vinyl
Aintree Race Course
At he ran National Aintree, the most popular horse ra e in Britain, more than 3,000 m2 of woo an vinyl went ire tly from the ra e ourse to the lan fill ea h year. A hu e waste after an event of only three ays. han s to our Re over a e Ba Pro ram, all floor materials are now re y le , savin a out 2. 5 tonnes of C 2.
Villages des Athlètes
his temporary an ir ular villa e will provi e a wel ome to the athletes of the worl s most popular sportin event an e ome an e o responsi le nei h ourhoo after the ames. A versatile uil in pro e t, an a perfe t fit for our Batima vinyl. With its innovative esi n, the floor is easy to install, remove an re y le.
Vaccination Centres
urin the pan emi , the Bel ian overnment set up va ination entres in several pu li uil in s, su h as a 2,000 m site in Bru es. o prote t the ori inal floors from ama e urin this temporary use, hetero eneous vinyl from IVC Commer ial was installe looselay so it oul e easily re laime an re y le afterwar s throu h the Re over a e Ba Pro ram.
Circular vinyl with ReVinylize y
ur ultimate oal A fully ir ular pro u t. sin an innovative re y lin te hnolo y, we aim to ma e . We re ompletely rethin in our pro u ts: how an we use re y le sheet vinyl in the evelopment of new sheet vinyl In or er to o this, we re ta in a two pron e approa h, entre on the vinyl on the one han an the recycling on the other han
This groundbreaking process in the industry, will result in up to 20% recycled sheet vinyl in future sheet vinyl products. Besides
our sustainability journey
At IVC, we aim to a value to our ustomers livin spa es without ompromisin on health, omfort or sustaina ility. In or er to o so, we rely on thir party ertifi ations to provi e transparen y in terms of environmental impa t an safety of our pro u ts.
Environmental Mana ement
Sin e 1 7 IVC has ma e su stantial efforts towar s a well an pre isely tailore , fully inte rate environmental mana ement system. In 2012 we were awar e IS 1 001 ertifi ation, show asin our ommitment to environmental responsi ility. his ertifi ation for e olo i al performan es is a oo refle tion of our past efforts an urrent omplian e with environmental rules an re ulations.
Mem er of the reen in ustry
As a lea er in floorin , we are mem er of a wi e ran e of or anisations that represent the in ustry. We are mem er of ERFMI E , FEB E , NB E an al i FR . With oth ERFMI an al i we are wor in to ether to provi e our ustomers olle tive Environmental Pro u t e larations EP an Fi hes e laration Environnementale et Sanitaire F ES , showin our in ustry efforts towar s reener pro u ts. In Bel ium, we are a mem er of the Fe ustria an Vo a employer or anisations. Within these in ustry or anisations, we onsi er it important to wor to ether for a reen in ustry.
uality Mana ement
As part of our IS 001 ertifi ation we have implemente a uality mana ement system, that ena les us to omply with the stri test re ulations. his emonstrates our a ility to onsistently provi e pro u ts that meet ustomer an re ulatory re uirements.
E ola els
o ether with temperature an humi ity, air uality is one of the most important fa tors in interior environments. We want to ma e sure that our sheet vinyl floorin , that is often a entral part of people s livin spa es, ontri ute to healthy an safe livin spa es an ensure that they on t pose any health ris s to our en users. o o so we ma e sure that our finishe pro u ts inten e for interior use omply with some of the stri test in oor emission la els.
A itionally we only pur hase an pro ess raw materials that are in line with the REAC re ulations an only wor with suppliers who omply with these re ulations. In this way we are a le to uarantee the inte rity an uality of the en pro u t that we eliver to the en user. by
Get in touch
Want to learn more a out IVC Commer ial s floorin solutions, or nee help ta lin an e itin pro e t We ve ot you overe
Go to ivc-commercial.com to rowse our olle tions, or er samples, ownloa inspirational ro hures or stop y one of our showrooms.
ou an also ma e an appointment with our e i ate team y sen in us an email via info@ivc-commercial.com Get in tou h
Heterogeneous Vinyl
Technical Specifications
R sistan e au pie e meu le Meu elpoottest M els hu
urvation rullin S h sselun
R sistan e le tri ue Ele tris he weerstan Ele tris her Wi erstan EN 10 11, 10 hm
A umulation e har es le trostati ues Ele trostatis he Propensiteit Ele trostatis he Verhaltun EN 1 15 2 V antistati
Sta ilit imensionnelle imensionele sta iliteit Mass n erun
Average value / valeur moyenne emi el e waar e ur hs hnittswert
Sp ifi ations te hni ues e hnis he spe ifi aties e hnis he Spe ifi ationen 02 2024
EN IS 23 norm 0, 0 0,03
Con u tivit thermi ue Warmte oor an s o ffi i nt W rmeleitf hi eit EN 12 70,157 W m.
Isolation thermi ue hermis he isolatie W rme ur hlasswi erstan EN 12 70,01 m W
au e liant ans la ou he usure oeveelhei in mi el in sli tlaa Bin emittelmen e in er Nut s hi h EN 105 2 ype I
Groupe a rasion Sli ta eweerstan Vers hlei verhalten EN 0 2Class
ualit e l air int rieur Binnenmilieu Raumluft ualit t L W V C
Effi a it a ousti ue onta t elui isolatie ritts hallver esserun sma EN IS 717 2 Lw 7 B 2
R sistan e au haises roulettes Bestan te en stoelwielen Stuhlrollenfesti eit EN IS 1 PASS ype e haises roulettes ype stoelwielen Stuhlrolle yp EN 1252 ype W
R sistan e la lumi re Li hte hthei Li hte htheit IS 105 B02
Chauffa e par le sol Vloerverwarmin Bo enhei un EN 12524Suita le 27 C
R sistan e au pro uits himi ues Chemi ali nresistentie Chemi alien est n i eit EN IS 2 7Very oo 3
Sou ure thermi ue Warm lassen hermis he Vers hwei un Availa le
Sou ure froi ou lassen altvers hwei un Invisiwel Suita le ur e e la arantie en ann es Garantie in aren Garantie ahren 15
1 este lue on on rete. 2 For ompa t pro u ts, the a ousti values are only in i ative. 3 etails availa le upon re uest. he warranty overs manufa turin efe ts an premature wear in the event of normal use. he pro u ts o not ontain any su stan es from the urrent an i ate list pu lishe y EC A su stan es of very hi h on ern to e pu lishe un er the REAC re ulation. E lu e any ru er parts that may ome into ire t onta t with the floorin hair en s, furniture, wheels se only PVC or polyethylene omponents. IVC reserves the ri ht to han e or amen any written information without noti e. Ensure the latest information is ein onsulte y referrin to the we site.