Vitello tonnato Ingredients (serves 8) For the sauce: • 100 g canned tuna • 1 tablespoon capers • 5 anchovy fillets • 1½ cups mayonnaise • salt • white pepper • lemon juice from ¼ of a lemon Put all the ingredients, except the mayonnaise, into a food processor. Then mix in the mayonnaise and lemon juice. If the sauce is too thick, add a bit of the veal cooking juices.
For the veal: • 2 x 750g veal fillets • 3 anchovy fillets • 1 carrot • 1 celery stalk • 1 onion • 3 garlic cloves • 1 bay leaf • 2 parsley stalks • ½ lemon • ½ cup dry white wine • water • extra anchovies • capers
In a large saucepan place the veal (they should fit quite snugly), then add the vegetables, garlic, anchovies, herbs and ½ a lemon. Cover the meat with the boiling water and wine. Simmer gently for about 2 hours until the meat is tender. It is best if the meat is allowed to cool down in its own juices, even in the fridge overnight. Slice the veal very thinly and serve, pouring the sauce over and garnishing it with a few capers.