achers feel under-prepared and nd support students with ADHD Australia is holding a virtual summit on October 21 of current trainers and programs as well as launching specialist learning modules for educators that will help them iden�fy, guide and teach children with ADHD and other neurocondi�ons. These will be free to access for educators all over Australia, through a link from the ADHD Australia website.”
ADHD Australia Educa�on Summit: Building Brighter Pathways Timed with ADHD awareness month in October, the ADHD Australia Educa�on Summit is the first of its kind in this country and aims to build brighter pathways for ADHD students by providing educators with tools to iden�fy signs of ADHD in children and provide free access to resources for crea�ng effec�ve educa�onal environments. The summit will showcase the findings from ADHD Australia’s latest educa�on survey, discuss exis�ng educa�onal resources available to support educators and students with ADHD and will also present new educator training resources on how to iden�fy and accommodate students with ADHD. Knowledge and access to evidenced-based ADHD related resources and strategies to use in educa�onal contexts for both primary and secondary are highly desired. The resources
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for educators will build desire and understanding of the importance to con�nue to par�cipate in ongoing PD related to suppor�ng students with ADHD. ADHD Australia is now calling on all Australian educators to register for the online summit and to go to its website for more informa�on on how to access these resources. ADHD Australia Educa�on Summit ● Date: Thursday 21st October ● Time: 4.30-6.30pm ● Link: Eventbrite link here. The summit is part of ADHD Australia’s broader strategy to build brighter pathways for Australians of all ages with ADHD by solving real-world problems with its science-backed programs and resources.
About ADHD Australia ADHD Australia is a registered na�onal, independent, non-profit organisa�on commi�ed to empowering Australians living with ADHD to reach their poten�al by leveraging our evidence-based collec�ve exper�se and providing a united amplified voice. Among the key guiding principles of our founding directors was to be independent of all exis�ng ADHD bodies, working closely with them to complement their exis�ng efforts through advocacy, ac�on, and collabora�on.
Good Teacher Magazine Issue 2 2021