Good Teacher Magazine 2021, Issue 2

Page 37

n Mental Health Te Pukenga The interac�ve book features short stories, inspira�onal quotes, recipes, drawing pages and thought-provoking ques�ons - all designed to facilitate a conversa�on around mental health and provide a safe space for teenagers and young adults to record and process their own challenges. Last year Fairhall faced her own setback when COVID-19 put a halt to her publishing plans. She chose to pivot her focus and explore interests she had in other areas, by studying a Cer�ficate in Sustainability and Outdoor Educa�on through Ara Ins�tute of Canterbury.

"I published The Li�le Book of Smiles on my 21st Birthday. I couldn’t have asked for be�er �ming!" You can order The Li�le Book of Smiles for $25 by emailing the team at Ara is a regional partner, and sponsor of the Young Enterprise Scheme. The programme aligns closely with Ara's approach of experien�al, real world learning, which helps to develop problem solving, leadership and communica�on skills.

Now a�er four years of hard work, fundraising and development Fairhall is excited to say the book is available for purchase, and it turns out that it coincided with another big celebra�on.

Samantha Fairhall with The Li�le Book of Smiles

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Good Teacher Magazine Issue 2 2021


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