Goodwill Industries of Kentucky 2019 Annual Report

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f r o m


PresidentaCEO Dear friends, The board and staff at Goodwill are dedicated to using the power of work to assist our citizens who desire a better quality of life. We provide services, jobs and other resources that offer a real opportunity for people to break out of poverty and to have more choices in their lives. To that end, we have broadened our services and our partnerships to address the barriers that commonly trap people in poverty. We know that when people are finally able to stabilize their lives and build skills, new options open to them. But it all starts with a vision and with confidence that the vision is achievable. Many of our staff members have themselves overcome barriers. To the people we assist, the Goodwill staff members they encounter serve as examples of what is possible. Our staff specializes in encouraging the people who come to Goodwill to believe in themselves and their potential. In 2019, nearly 3,000 people found jobs with Kentucky employers through Goodwill. We hosted 31 expungement events throughout the Commonwealth to help 1,400 people remove eligible offenses from their records. Through our Soft Skills Academy, more than 3,000 people began learning the basic work skills that employers expect. Approximately 220 people earned a financial literacy certificate and more than 100 learned digital skills. Goodwill continues to refine our service model to offer our participants the best possible opportunities. We seek to connect more with educators to make it easier for people to earn a credential that employers value. We seek better ways to connect our job seekers with stable housing so they can be reliable employees and have the comfort of knowing where they will sleep each night. There is so much work yet to do! I hope the examples included in this annual report give you a sense of what is possible when people are supported in ways that unleash the power of work to improve lives, families and communities. Our team couldn’t do that work without you!

Many thanks,

Amy Luttrell | President & CEO | Goodwill Industries of Kentucky

WE'RE CHANGING LIVES THROUGH THE POWER OF WORK. Our Mission: Goodwill Industries of Kentucky, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Louisville whose mission is to help people with disabilities or other disadvantages achieve and maintain employment to gain a better quality of life. We give people a hand up—not a handout—so they can experience the dignity and independence that comes from earning a paycheck and achieving self-sufficiency.

MISSION IN ACTION in our stores

Six years ago, Michelle was in an abusive relationship. She was hit so badly in the head, she permanently lost hearing in her left ear. Near this same time, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and experienced a manic episode.

Margie—who had similar experiences to Michelle— eventually earned her trust. Margie helped Michelle find a doctor and Michelle was prescribed proper medication to help manage her bipolar disorder and PTSD.

Michelle explained, “I was making impulsive decisions and I couldn’t sleep for months. I wasn’t eating. I had no self-esteem and I let someone abuse me.”

Aside from her emotional growth, Michelle has been promoted to assistant manager and graduated from Goodwill’s Retail Employee Advancement Training (GREAT) program – which requires an application, acceptance into the program and ten weeks of dynamic classes.

As the physical abuse worsened, Michelle feared her life was in danger. “I literally got the sense knocked into me. If I was going to die, it was not going to be at his hands. I finally realized I didn’t deserve it.” In 2014, Michelle accepted a part-time position at Goodwill, which would come to be the turning point in her life. She was matched with her Goodwill career coach, Margie, and the healing began little by little.

After beginning her job at Goodwill, Michelle met her current husband, who she calls her “biggest fan.” “Goodwill has helped me so much. I can’t even describe the change. My husband said, ‘You literally used to hide behind me. Now, you stand beside me,’” Michelle explained. “I don’t hide any more. I lead.”


with our partners

Glenandre moved to Kentucky in 2010 and fell into financial hardships. To supplement his income, he participated in illegal activity, which resulted in a low-level felony. He was incarcerated for a year and a half before being released on parole. Glenandre was housed at The Healing Place in Louisville, where he heard a presentation from Tom Saylor, Training Facilitator for Goodwill Industries of Kentucky. “Tom’s seriousness and enthusiasm about the program spoke to me,” Glenandre said. “After hearing about the opportunities Goodwill was presenting, it was too good to pass up.” Glenandre then enrolled in Goodwill’s LifeLaunch program, designed to help job seekers transition from the justice system to the workforce. Glenandre completed Goodwill’s Soft Skills Academy—which focuses on six key modules—and earned a Work Ready Certificate and forklift certification.

One day before graduating from Soft Skills Academy, Glenandre had a job interview with Nelco, a Goodwill partner and second-chance employer. His Goodwill career coach sat in on the interview and Glenandre was offered the position. The position quickly allowed him to achieve financial stability and he found housing outside of The Healing Place. “I already had certain skills and work-ready mentality, but after receiving training and guidance from Goodwill, my confidence and motivation grew tremendously,” Glenandre said. “The constant oneon-one counseling with my career coach is priceless and Goodwill guided me step-by-step to achieving employment. The LifeLaunch program at Goodwill changed my life completely.”

SERVICES PROVIDED At Goodwill, we are committed to helping Kentuckians who have disabilities or other life challenges find meaningful work and become self-sufficient. We have developed career-service models to assist thousands of Kentucky families in finding pathways out of poverty. Here are some of our results.



paid in tuition reimbursement to Goodwill employees.

donors welcomed at our doors.



wages paid to Goodwill employees with disabilities or other barriers.

participants placed into vehicles through Goodwill Cars to WorkÂŽ.


$11.70 average wage paid to participants placed full-time with employer partners.


Work Ready Certificates awarded through Goodwill's workforce development program.



people offered expungement support.

job seekers provided with job preparation services.

Kentuckians placed into jobs.


Each year, Goodwill Industries of Kentucky partners with hundreds of community employers to place thousands of Kentuckians into jobs.


In 2019, we used

Total Revenue


86 cents of every

Program Services

$51,902,326 (70.0%)

Administrative Support for Programs

$7,390,688 (10%)


$972,371 (1.3%)


$623,134 (0.8%)

Community Reinvestment

$13,238,478 (17.9%)

Net Assets


dollar in our budget to fund mission-related programming.


Dan Hall, Chair

Greg Gerard

Charles Lambert

Charles Kane, First Vice Chair

Ajay Gupta

Debra Murphy

Jeanna Jones, Treasurer

Connie Harvey

Ted Smith

Jason Groneck, Secretary

Hugh Haydon

William Stout

Douglas Edwards

Dwight Haygood

Amy Luttrell, President & CEO

Crissy Fiscus

Dwight Johnson

Goodwill Industries of Kentucky, Inc. |


1325 S. 4th St. | Louisville, KY 40208



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