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I am Gopika, from Chile. After 7 wonderful years living and learning in rural India I decided to move to France. I've being traveling around the world since 1999 (Chile, Bolivia, Mexico, Eastern Island, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, India, Australia, France, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Thailand). I love and respect animals and nature, I like to participate in projects that make a change in the world we live in. I believe in friendship and cooperation. I'm grateful to be able to connect with so many interesting people to share and learn.
Milo Ramirez
Jagadananda Das Jps
Francisco Javier Moreno Merchán
Joselin Cornejo Zarate
Ana Deza
Lorena Robledo
Dharmesh Nathwani
Dani Pm
Seidy Pamela
Pili Corzo Fernández
Imasumac Madriz
Pablo Terrón
Gerardo José Alvarado Ferretti
Laura Chavez Delgado
Cony Pérez
Alessandra Stentella
Arlin Alvarez
Lorena Trindade
Emiliano Pepe
Pato Bravo
claudia meunier
Harshad Ashodiya
Jose Manoel Machado
Estefanie Manzor