Selected projects
Tatjana Gorbachewskaja 2012
Budapest City Hall Budapest, Hungury, 2008
The original building, designed in the 18th century in baroque style, was one of the most grandiose buildings in the city, but due to the wars, the numerous refurbishments, demolitions and transformations currently the building is not considered as a renowned, illustrious monument. The objectives of the competition were to create the Main Square of the City with a new transparent, democratic City Hall, which works as a Forum for the inhabitants, attracts the tourists, where the courtyards are opened for public facilities and give a flexibility of usage for all over the year. The proposed design is dealing in one hand with the restoration of the baroque building complex, giving back the historical values of the development, and in other hand to create a 21st century design of the new wings, which can work well together with the original concept.
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
The design recalls the original layout of the complex, with 4 courtyards of different atmospheres. The complex is reachable by each side of each courtyard, which emphasizes the transparency, and opens up for pedestrian flow from the main street to the Danube, which direction is now blocked by the existing building. The development is formed by 3 main axis: cultural, commercial, and administrative. The design proposes a direct connection to the underground metro lines, linking the old city wall level, which is excavated and shown on this level, with the new city ground level. The ground floor of the building is mainly opened for public, incorporating the main entrances, retail facilities, cafes and restaurants. The upper floors contain mostly rentable and city offices, and in one part a small design hotel. The façade design is also reflecting the transition between the old and the new, closed and opened. The volume itself is creating a visual wall all along the main street starting from the existing building with more classical closed façade, continuing with more opened tree shaped columns structure with glass wall behind, ending up by the main pedestrian cross with an opened column structure. This structure is forming the main gate of the project with a transparent campanile like vertical emphasize on the corner.
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
fórum/kultúra kereskedelem
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
Mixed Use Columbusquarter,
Almere, The Netherlands, 2009
The Columbuskwartier project is situated at a major traffic junction in a new district of Almere. The design offers a concept with an outspoken sustainable, open and flexible character that stimulates social interaction. On the South side, the roof garden is accessible for the public from street level, covering the supermarket and parking underneath. It is formed by terraces, the highest of which are the gardens of the apartments. An organic greenhouse and restaurant are also located in the garden. This way, visitors can experience sustainable production in the green house and sustainable consumption in the restaurant and supermarket, all in one location. On the North side, retail and the entrance to the apartments are located at street level.
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
[stedenbouwkundige evolutie ] [01] Uitgangspunt stedenbouwkundige verkaveling
[02] Aanzet bouwmassa Winkels met appartementen erboven. Oriëntatie van woonmassa naar noord en zuid.
Bouwmassa en parkeerlocatie liggen haaks op Pampusweg en busbaan.
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
[03] Draaien bouwmassa Aanpassenvandebouwmassaparallelaandeverkeersrichting. • Definiëren en versterken van straatprofiel langzame verkeersroute • Hoek bouwmassa wordt meer prominent en winkelgebied beter zichtbaar en makkelijker bereikbaar vanaf het kruispunt met de bushalte • Optimaliseren oriëntatie woningen naar oost en west. • Geen oriëntatie op bedrijventerrein. • Woonmassa buiten de geluidsbelastende zone.
[04] Toegankelijk dak
[05] Programma landschapsdak
Doortrekken dak naar maaiveld. • Sterkere relatie tussen het gebouw en het maaiveld. • Versterkt identiteit van het gebouw. • Parkeren uit het zicht, landschap in het beeld. • Verbinding vijver met landschap.
Toegevoegde waarde aan zowel het publieke domein als de private tuinen door verschillende functies, architectuur en materialen. • Voornamelijk opvulling: (sier)tuinen, terrassen, tuinderplantage en moestuinen. • Tuinderkas voor groente- en fruitteelt en een bio-restaurant. • Gaten in het daklandschap en de bomen in parkeergarage maken de parkeergarage aangenamer en verzorgen natuurlijke ventilatie en daglicht. • Natuurlijk verloop publieke naar privé domein.
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
Elite housing �Moika-Krjukov�
St.- Petersburg, Russia
The building is situated in the historic city-centre of St-Petersburg. This zone has a Moika-streetscape protection. The main aime was to find the solution for the maximum usage of the historical surrounding attractivity (inside quality) while keeping a neutral appearance, in a contemporal way (outside quality). Stages: Concept, Preliminary Design, Working Documents Project: Elite Housing 30000 m2, apartments: 20 X 120-200 m2
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
The volume of the design has a U shape. There are seven levels above ground and one underground. The seventh level is partially set back from the elevation. Apartments can be accessed via the two cores each containing two lifts and a staircase. There is a maximum of two apartments per core. It is possible to join two apartments into one. This can be done horizontally or vertically. There are two duplex apartments at the Kryukov canal side. The penthouses at level 7 are linked to the apartments at level 6. Escape routes from the basement are organized from ground level via separate escape exits.
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
fixed object (table/sofa) low speed space -relax zone contemplation view sstable position inside - fixed opening toward outside attractors
dynamic space -working, acting operation view oriented frames, changing dependent from the position of gazer flexible position inside - constant chanching opening toward outside for secondary attractors, collage effect.
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
Office Building Oosterdok Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2009
In order to assess the feasibility of the proposed brief and site the client (Amsterdam City Council and the developer MAB) commissioned EEA to produce a masterplan for the area. The objectives of this now endorsed plan were to provide a framework for the spatial and programmatic possibilities of the redevelopment. A unique urban model for the southern part of the island, that faces the inner harbour, has been developed creating an inner city environment with a vibrant character that maintains the identity and atmosphere of this distinctive place in the city. The building plots are defined by a series of radiating streets, a characteristic theme of Amsterdam, and contain a diverse and dense mix of functions. The new public spaces play an important role in the development of the urban plan by connecting to the various building programme and activities as well as to a waterfront quay that optimises the harbour views. As a result of the high density and varied mix of functions, the spatial masterplan strategy has created a distinct urban architecture solution. The design aims to combine building and public space in such a way that creates a lasting urban structure as an extension of the city.
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
of the proposed brief and site the client (Amsterdam City Council and the developer MAB) commissioned EEA to produce a masterplan for the area. The objectives of this now endorsed plan were to provide a framework for the spatial of the redevelopment. A unique urban model for the southern part of the island, that faces the inner harbour, has been developed creating an inner city environment with a vibrant character that maintains the identity and atmosphere y. The building plots are defined by a series of radiating streets, a characteristic theme of Amsterdam, and contain a diverse and dense mix of functions. The new public spaces play an important role in the development of the urban s building programme and activities as well as to a waterfront quay that optimises the harbour views. As a result of the high density and varied mix of functions, the spatial masterplan strategy has created a distinct urban architecture mbine building and public space in such a way that creates a lasting urban structure as an extension of the city.
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
Media Art Museum, Worms, Germany, 2007
New media art makes up a special form of art that principally relies on digital technology for its mediation. The Museum for Media Art in Worms caters for this art form and presents the public with various types of gallery spaces to view and interact with these types of art works. Part of its permanent exhibition is a computer-mediated presentation of the Nibelung myth. The Museum for Media Art is situated in the grounds of the Festplatz, close to the Rhein River. The location of the museum attempts to renegotiate the relation between the city and the river and mediates between these two by activating the part of the Festplatz close to the river edge.The architecture of the museum is organised by two regulating models: the model of a valve and the model of a migrating line. Combined, these two principles form a complete architectural framework for the design of the Museum of Media Art.The first, the valve, is conceived as a flexible framing mechanisms that controls views. The valve system works as a control system that defines the organisation of space on the basis of visual connectivity between spaces and in terms of how a visitor approaches and sees an exhibited artwork. The model of the migrating line was developed from a study of modulations in yarn deformations in knitted textiles. The focus was on the sectional modifications that were induced in the yarn in relation to a migrating base line along the yarn axis. This resulted in the development of a model where deformations of the sectional space were based on the migrating base line. The sectional articulation of this yarn model was used as a basis for the architectural organisation of the museum. The model was particularly important in defining the relation between the building figure and the ground. Beyond the exhibit of new media art and the presentation of the Nibelung myth, the Museum of Media Art contains laboratories for sound, video and Internet, a conference amphitheatre, a library, a film archive, a terrace and a cafĂŠ. STAEDELSCHULE Thesis work
border condittion of the site
transport connection
0 50 100 150 200
events in the city/ relations to the water
performative environments organisation:
programmatic spine guided view opening from landscape to the building. constant movement of view from city to the water borbder
350 400 450 500 550
green zones/ relations to the plot site
Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects
museum programm
textile research result
facade structure program of spaces zoning elasticity-regidity
framing of program+structure migration migration path dependent frame
public/social zone light
privat zone dark
inversion of framing - spatial organisation
intensification of framing - spatial organisation
grounding condition of program+structure migration reference: grounding condition study, Eams chair analysis
frame grounding distribution of forces on defined points
migrating path grounding -
view organisation devices
principle of “control valve�
visual and spatial connectivity parametrically defined sectional space organisation
1 2
1 2
actuator point of rotation
1 2
public zone
privat zone
1=2 stable organisation
1 relaxe zone stress zone
shared view zone
public zone
1 > 2 dynamic organisation
stress zone relaxe zone 1 < 2 dynamic organisation
2 3
view controll 2>1 shared view zone inversion of public- privat role
disposition of actuator on surface
shared view zone
balance zone degree of opensy
theatre, mediateque entrance space
administration space exhibition space
close system of 2 neighbour spaces
2 3
semipublic zone inversion of public- privat role
open exhibition zone close exhibition zone
migrating path
section B-B
6 7
4 5
1 10 3
1. enter 2. service 3. administration 4. permanent exhibition sound/ video 5. temporal exhibition 6.nebilungen exhibition modern legend 7. sound laboratory 8. internet laboratory 9. video laboratory 10. migrating path for visitors 11. lounge 12. amfiteatre 13. information
structural migration ground condition hibryd structure migration stabilisation of structure
landing zones
section A-A
mass activation
form n activatio
floor segments
integrated seats landscape
glass segments
glass pattern
ceiling integrated segments
frame structure works as an integrated device of view orientation. view contanly switching from the exhibiton to the city landcape.
frame structure
Design model definition Stages: Design seeks to promote a synergetic approach to form-finding using integrated digital and physical processes. Through simulation and analysis, material performance may be evaluated and instrumentalized as a means for design generation. The research shown here illustrates different facets of this approach which views geometry, material and performance as equipotent elements of the design process Project: Consideration of Calder mobile analyse as dynamic system and Arman painting as a field organisation STAEDELSCHULE