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Mobile Marketing is a booming industry right now and that is only expected to grow exponentially in the future. As with any newly developing market, the jobs that are required to carry out the tasks do not yet exist or need to be tweaked from previously existing positions. People will need to either move from related positions into the new jobs or become educated and trained from the ground up to fill these spots. As the marketplace continues to develop, more people will be necessary to fill various strategic and creative positions. Some of these jobs will be more necessary than others and will become high demand positions subject to a healthy dose of competition between firms to retain the best and the brightest. The following four positions are jobs that are emerging in the new mobile marketing landscape and will become regular positions in many organizations in the near future. What Are The Types Of Mobile Marketing Jobs 1. Mobile Marketing Strategist A Mobile Marketing Strategist is the person that makes the key tactical decisions in the mobile marketing campaign. Essentially, the project manager, the person in this position will need to have a great deal of knowledge about the marketplace and mobile marketing strategy and implementation. This person doesn't just make recommendation for strategy, they need to have the expertise to make recommendations and guide the client on decisions throughout the entire process. This includes guiding them towards the best application development and vendor engagement options for their campaign. In addition, a position like this will require strong market research skills and the ability to digest large amount of industry and market data into actionable recommendations and best practices. The Mobile Marketing Strategist position is a very demanding position that calls for a high level of expertise. Despite the pressure a position like this will cause, the rewards are also just a high. 2. Mobile Application Developer A Mobile Application Developer is the person that creates the applications for the mobile platform on which the campaign will be deployed. There are two basic types of mobile application development, so a developer should be familiar with one or both of the processes. The first is taking existing applications, for example web applications for use on a computer through the internet, and converting that application into one that can be used through a mobile phone. The conversion process is not as easy as it might initially sound and requires multiple techniques to accomplish. A new user interface must be designed and implemented, though the back end processes may stay very similar. The second is to develop an entirely new mobile application for use with the mobile marketing campaign or advertising effort. A new mobile application will be