Whitney Houston Bio

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==== ==== Get Whitney Houston - Greatest Hits (2000) http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00004ST9Q/ref=as_li_ss_til?tag=gordenwebstor20&camp=213381&creative=390973&linkCode=as4&creativeASIN=B00004ST9Q&adid=148JW7 YC2A6NHS64A6XV&&refrefURL=http%3A%2F%2Frcm.amazon.com%2Fe%2Fcm%3Flt1%3D_blank%26bc1%3D000000% 26IS2%3D1%26bg1%3DFFFFFF%26fc1%3D000000%26lc1%3D0000FF%26t%3Dgordenwebsto r20%26o%3D1%26p%3D8%26l%3Das4%26m%3Damazon%26f%3Difr%26ref%3Dss_til%26asins %3DB00004ST9Q ==== ====

Whatever happened to the singer and ex husband to Whitney Houston? Word has it that a warrant of arrest has been issued to Bobby Brown for nonpayment of child support to a former girlfriend. He was married to Whitney Houston in 1992 but the marriage failed after 15 yrs. I always wondered how much talent we missed from Whitney through all those years she had to endure living with Bobby Brown. Whitney was much better and still is without Bobby Brown. She used to look so innocent before she met this man. It is hard for us to comprehend what she went through but at least she is back in the lime light and we can enjoy her performances and her beautiful voice once gain. Whitney is making a comeback and has been invited by Oprah as her guest in the 24th season premiere of the Oprah show. We would all like to see her reclaim the glory that made her famous in singing and in theaters. Maybe she can add more Grammy's to her 6 that she currently holds or add to her 170 million albums that have been sold all over the world. It is certainly a pleasure to have her back. From all the forums, it seems like everyone is glad to have her back and is requesting songs from her most recent album "I look to you" especially the song "Million Dollar Bill. Being on the Oprah show will surely give her a momentum boost if she needs one at all.

About this Author Isaac k. [http://koyoxpress.com/makingup]

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