Stillpoint Summer 2009

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Summer 2009

The Magazine of Gordon College


COVER STORY Life, Leadership and Legacy: A Tribute to Tom Phillips 8 6 Commencement 2009

12 Why Teaching Matters Now More Than Ever

28 Alumni Mentors

Photo Kristin Schwabauer ’04

The Gordon college Class of 2009


“May God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in the world, so that you can do what others claim cannot be done.” —Ann Seavey, Director of Academic Support, at Baccalaureate Service for the Class of 2009

6 Commencement 2009: Speaker David Batstone Calls Forth “A Generation of Justice: Gen J”

The largest graduating class in recent years—365 undergraduates from 11 countries and 20 states—participated in this year’s Baccalaureate Service and Commencement Exercises.

8 Life, Leadership and Legacy: A Tribute to Tom Phillips A special tribute to Tom Phillips, longtime Gordon Board of Trustees member and major benefactor of the College, brought together family members, friends and colleagues of both Tom and Gert, including Jud and Jan Carlberg; Chuck Colson of Prison Fellowship; Richard Gross, former president of Gordon College; Joanna S. Mockler of World Vision; Armand M. Nicholi, M.D., of Harvard Medical School; Gordon trustee Peter Bennett; and William H. Swanson, Raytheon Company CEO.

12 Why Teaching Matters Now More Than Ever by Janet Arndt ’68

Janet Arndt, director of the College’s graduate and licensure program in education, has to convince others why teaching matters now more than ever. But when she considers the teachers who inspired her as well as the graduates of Gordon’s education programs, it’s not a hard sell. Some of those graduates are featured in this section, including Krista Erickson ’91, Melissa Winchell ’99, Sam Sennott ’04 and Elissa Arndt ’00.

On the Cover Tom Phillips (right), longtime trustee and benefactor of Gordon College, was honored at a special celebration on campus May 30. Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Ministries, International, came to Christian faith through Tom’s influence (see President Carlberg’s article, page 3), and was among the many friends and family members in attendance. Cover Photo Gabe Davis ’02

Photo Essay #024 Science in Process | Mariwyn Light ’09 view this and other photo journals online at:




Up Front with President Carlberg

4 Letters 5 SPORKS informative fauxlosophy 20 In Focus Faculty 22 In Focus Students 24 In Focus Alumni 26 Encounters



17 Imago Dei: Human Dignity and Biotechnology

28 Alumni Career Perspectives Needed for New Mentoring Program

Jerusalem and Athens Forum (JAF) honors students were asked to consider how a Christian understanding of the Imago Dei can help us think well and wisely about biotechnology. Josh Hasler ’09 found inspiration in the face of his baby sister.

18 A Medical Researcher’s Disneyland by Danielle Zorn ’09 For medical student Steven Beaudry ’03, his two-year research fellowship at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, has been like a “Disneyland for nerds.”

19 David Stuart ’63: Pioneer in Biological Safety by Natalie Ferjulian ’10

Since the completion of his Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of New Hampshire, David Stuart, one of Gordon’s earliest science graduates, has been a pioneer in the field of biological safety.

A new networking program at Gordon is putting alumni in touch with current students and recent graduates to help them understand and connect to the working world.

29 Homecoming and Family Weekend 2009—Rediscover, Reconnect, Reignite 30 Alumni News News and notes about the lives of Gordon graduates.

36 Gordon College Clarendon Society 37 Clarendon Society: The Next Generation Derek ’93 and Sara (Hillier) ’93 Mogck have included Gordon in their estate planning.

Inspiration As another academic year closes, I reflect on the fact that I’ve been connected to Gordon College for 28 years. Coming in as a transfer student from Babson College in 1981, I was looking for a strong academic college that allowed me to play soccer and baseball and to be surrounded by Christloving people. Never did I imagine Gordon would become my home for nearly three decades. Gordon’s program is what drew me in; the continuing mission and the people of Gordon are what keep me connected. I have been blessed to be associated with so many wonderful faculty, staff, alumni, parents, students and friends of the College who exemplify Christ through their lives locally and around the world. Our commitment to the mission statement since 1889 continues to help us thrive: “Gordon College strives to graduate men and women distinguished by intellectual maturity and Christian character, committed to a lifestyle of service, and prepared for leadership roles worldwide.” I am continually inspired by our students’ passions and visions to live out this mission in new ways. We truly are sending students into “leadership roles worldwide.” Jonathan Tymann ’83

Volume 24 Number 2

“At the still point of the turning world.” T. S. Eliot, referring to God in his poem Four Quartets Editorial


Patricia C. Hanlon Editor

Nancy Mering Director of Alumni and Parent Relations

Kristin Schwabauer ’04 Assistant Editor

CREATIVE Tim Ferguson Sauder Creative Director Rebecca Powell Amy Harrell Publication Design

ADMINISTRATION R. Judson Carlberg President Daniel B. Tymann Executive Vice President for Advancement, Communications and Technology

Address changes

Senior Director of Development

Development Office

other correspondence Editor, STILLPOINT | Gordon College 255 Grapevine Road, Wenham MA 01984



NOVA Partners | Gorham, Maine

I just celebrated my 24 anniversary with the love of my th

life, Carlene, who has been an amazing soulmate. We have


five children: three boys—Jordan, 19; Joshua, 16; Jamieson,

Award of Excellence Winner, 13th Annual Communicator Awards 2007 Print Competition

15; and two girls—Courtney, 11; and Cassandra, 8. I now enjoy the thrill of Jordan being a freshman at Gordon. The legacy continues! I want to thank my parents for raising me in a Christian home where family time together

Gold Award for External Organizational Publication, 22nd Annual Admissions Advertising Awards (2007)

was always celebrated and challenges were addressed through the filter of Scripture. May God continue to lead the next generation to seek Him in all they do for His honor and glory. Special Organizations God has blessed my life in so many ways. I have had the pleasure of working with organizations that have inspired me to do more with the gifts that He has given me. I have also worked with men and women who have had a passion and vision for doing “good” for our society, working out that vision in a visible and constructive manner. Thank you

STILLPOINT, the magazine for alumni and friends of the United College of Gordon and Barrington, is published three times a year and has a circulation of over 22,000. Opinions expressed in STILLPOINT are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Gordon College administration. Gordon College is an equal opportunity institution and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, sex, or national or ethnic origin. Reproduction of STILLPOINT in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.

to Young Life, the YMCA, Portsmouth Christian Academy, Hampton Falls Baptist Church, Stratham Youth Programs and Boy Scouts of America for the honor of working with you toward making life better for those we serve. May God continually bless you all in everything you do in His name. We serve a loving and gracious Lord!

2 STILLPOINT | summer 2009

This magazine is printed on Mohawk Opaque paper which contains 10% postconsumer waste fiber, is manufactured with windpower and is certified by Green Seal.


with president Carlberg

“Tom Phillips’ life is a great example of the power of one person being wholly committed to Christ.”

“Let’s Give the Young Man a Chance”: Celebrating the Life of Tom Phillips In 1973, when Chuck Colson was facing arrest for conspiring to cover up the Watergate burglary, his friend Tom Phillips prayed with him and read to him from C. S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity. Soon afterward Colson became a Christian, giving himself to the Lord while sitting in Phillips’ driveway with tears streaming down his face. Since serving time in prison himself, Colson has spent many years serving the Lord through the ministry of Prison Fellowship and sharing the life-changing power of the gospel. Such has been the impact of Tom Phillips’ life since finding God’s peace. Even though Tom was CEO of electronics giant Raytheon, he struggled to find a sense of meaning until he became a believer. As a new Christian he had never shared the gospel with anyone until God spoke to him saying, “Tell Chuck Colson about me because he needs a friend.” Since then Tom has been a great friend and brother to many, including me. When I was just 35 years old, I came to Gordon College to interview as dean of the faculty. As part of that process, I met with the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, a group of powerful, well-known men of faith—and at that time they were all men—each

highly influential in his particular sphere. Though he was one of the most powerful among them, Tom Phillips made a point of sitting with me at lunch that day and asking me wonderful questions about my background and about my dream of being at Gordon. I was immediately struck by his personal interest, and he sold Gordon College to me. After lunch the trustees dismissed me and went into executive session where, as I learned much later, one of the old lions of the Board was adamantly opposed to hiring me because he thought I was too young and therefore too inexperienced for the job. It was Tom who carried the day for me, saying, “We said we need some youth in this organization. So let’s give the young man a chance.” Ever since he has been a wonderful supporter and friend and a Board member with a great heart for Christian education. He understands that the leaders forged here are exactly the ones needed in business, education, the sciences and the Church. On May 30, here on campus, we celebrated Life, Leadership and Legacy: A Tribute to Tom Phillips in recognition of all that he and his wife, Gert, have done not only for Gordon College but for the cause of Christ in New England

President’s Page

and beyond. On that great occasion we unveiled the new Phillips Walk—a stretch of the College’s campus passing by the Phillips Music Hall and the adjoining Ken Olsen Science Center. We also announced that the gift of Tom’s Raytheon archives will be housed, most fittingly, in the mathematics, computer science and physics hall of the new Science Center in a space overlooking Phillips Music Hall. Tom Phillips’ life is a great example of the power of one person being wholly committed to Christ. As head of Raytheon for many years, he held one of the most powerful corporate positions in New England and did so with complete integrity. He has also had considerable Christian influence on the leaders of the region. Over many years he has quietly given numerous men and women “a chance” like the one he gave me. I couldn’t be more grateful for his example, his friendship, and his legacy to Gordon College.

President R. Judson Carlberg, Ph.D.

summer 2009 | STILLPOINT 3


to the editor

“This morning I read the article on the journey you and Kathy have been on for the past two years. I so appreciated reading it.”

senior pastor. Retirement came in 2006. My wife, Jo Anne, and I were able to serve these churches without compensation because our Heavenly Father had amply provided for us. Dick and Carolyn have been at the top of my prayer list. How I wish I had been as faithful to God over the years as this dear couple. —Donald MacDonald ’37B,

To Dan and Kathy Russ (“Cancer and

traditional Reformed overemphasis of

the Care of the Soul,” Spring 2009)

such texts as Romans 13:1–7; evangelical

Dan, this morning I took time to read the article you and Kathy wrote on the journey you have been on for the past two years. I so appreciated reading it. Last night I was with a woman who after 25 years has had a relapse of her cancer. This has been going on for four years. She is tired of

Christianity’s adoption of a theology that emphasizes God’s punishment of sin and our role as agents in that punishment; and the subconscious transfer of battle metaphors from the spiritual realm into the political (with an accompanying literalization of those metaphors).

all the treatments, etc., which I think you

Over the years I have read in STILLPOINT

understand. I am going to take this article

many mentions of military service by

over to her today. It is good that you did not

alumni. I don’t recall reading news about

hide things from others. We all need this

alumni, faculty or students engaging in

courage to be open and share with others

peace ministries or criticizing the military

so we can be the beneficiaries of what God

policies of our government. If there are

has planned for us—in the provision of love

such, I’d like to hear about them.

and support from His family.

—Larry Ruark ’58, active duty as U.S.

Blessings, —Sandra Bowden, past president of CIVA (Christians in Visual Arts)

naval officer 1958–1961, North Attleboro, Massachusetts It was great to read about Richard

Louisville, Kentucky As a Nova Scotian and a Gordon College grad, I was rather amused by Michael Monroe’s comments in “Trips of a Lifetime” (Spring 2009). After visiting my province, he writes, “The people are French speaking. . . . Nova Scotia [N.S.] isn’t known for its history.” Nova Scotia (New Scotland) is a peninsula on the eastern coast of Canada and is surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Bay of Fundy. It is awash in history and culture. The first Frenchspeaking settlement in North America was at Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, in 1603. We are proud of our Acadian roots; there are still pockets of Acadian communities in N.S., but these folk speak English as easily as the rest of us. Ours is an eclectic population made up of First Nations peoples along with

Many thanks to Mike Gorman

and Carolyn Purchase ’35PBI (“Alumni

those of Irish, Scottish, English, German,

(Letters, Spring 2009) for questioning

News,” Spring 2009). They celebrated

Dutch and African descent. We have a past

Gordon’s involvement in the ROTC program.

wonderful anniversaries last year, including

as a seafaring people, and along with the

The editor’s note to Mike’s letter stated

Carolyn’s 100 birthday, and are both

fishery there is a long history in forestry,

that Gordon “has an obligation to prepare

still living at the Quarryville Presbyterian

mining and farming that has involved

students for leadership in a wide range of

Home in Quarryville, Pennsylvania. They

exports to the New England States for the

vocations.” This truism begs the question

were seniors at PBI [Providence Barrington

past 400 years.

and is not in itself a sufficient justification

Institute] when I entered, and both of them

for the College’s support of ROTC. The

were exceptional witnesses to me. Richard

The port cities of Halifax and Sydney;

note goes on to say that preparing military

was a student pastor, and he took me with

leaders “is not the same as supporting

him to church on one of my first Sundays

the military strategy of a given political

away from home. I do not know if others

administration.” I find this line of reasoning

from the PBI classes of ’35, ’36 and ’37 are

naïve and evasive. It is more the case, I

still living. If they are, they will surely join me

think, that such action implies support

in giving thanks to God for the ministry of

of the military strategy of all political

Dick and Carolyn.

administrations and that such support is a good thing.


Many years after I had entered the business world to become a bank officer, I served a

I suspect Gordon’s willingness to support

number of churches as a supply and interim

ROTC is ideologically anchored in the

pastor. My last call was in 2001 to serve as

4 Write STILLPOINT Spring 2009 a letter|

the coastal towns of Yarmouth, Shelburne and Lunenburg are unique and historic. The Highlands of Cape Breton are worldrenowned. We have a proud history in education, religion, politics, music and sports. Unilingual? Lack of a rich historic past? Not MY Nova Scotia. —Gordon A. Delaney ’61, Bridgetown, Nova Scotia

Story bryan parys ’04 Illustration Grant Hanna ’06

Installation 8: THE SLANT OF TRUTH This past spring I lost my voice due to the flu. It wasn’t the piggy kind, but it made for some memorable why-do-yousound-like-Tom-Waits moments. On a day when I could at least get out full sentences, the phone rang, and though I didn’t know the number, I recognized the North Shore area code. A voice young and thick with a Gloucester accent said, “Hey! What’s up, man?” I could not place the voice. When I don’t know something, I always assume the other person has it all figured out. It never occurred to me that we were both clueless, like drifters meeting in a Harold Pinter play. I was afraid if he discovered I was not “in the know” he’d make fun of me. So, as casually as I would answer my mother, I said, “Nothin’.” There was a pause. The ruse reminded me of a trip to Cambridge, Massachusetts, during my sophomore year at Gordon. I had stopped to read some C. S. Lewis on the lawn at Harvard because I vainly wanted onlookers to think I was Harvard material. Lewis, as usual, was using a lot of Latin words, putting them in italics as a way to separate the wheat from the chaff. I felt chaffed. Above me there was a black gate flaking with rust that carried the University’s coat of arms on which was written VERITAS. I asked the man next to me and found out that this is Latin for truth. I looked up, and the know-it-all gate said, “You’re in. But you’re not in.” Through that shield I felt history. Veritas has been happening here for centuries, it seemed to say, and veritas is probably happening right now behind the brick wall in the foreground, or in the head of that blonde girl—a true Harvardian—who was sitting against a tree holding a giant textbook as if she were posing for a brochure. The weight of knowledge was in her hands, and she was lifting it, doing rep after rep until the crevices in her brain filled with raw meaning, shaping it into something toned, classical and Greek. “How much veritas can you and your Christian college diploma dead-lift?” asked the gate, the tree, the blonde, the book, the bricks.

can know everything,” and in so doing decided to write off the transformative power of mystery. Was it the way he/she/they said it that allowed them to reach quovis quorum? Is truth only about sounding convincing? So it’s not surprising that in the middle of my phone call with the Gloucestah boy, we started questioning validity. “Your voice sounds weird,” he said. We paused again, and the silence knotted both brains into question marks. I wondered, “How long can we sound like we actually know what is going on?”

“How much veritas can you and your Christian college diploma dead-lift?” asked the gate, the tree, the blonde, the book, the bricks. All I had to do was ask, and something would’ve been revealed. But mystery is such because it is elusive. Harvard’s book-flipping error, then, is not due to a shift to humanism but rather to an ignorance of the fact that just because everything could be revealed it means that it will be. I will never know who the person on the other end of that phone was. But it felt like an invitation to never give up trying to create clarity. As Harvard graduate Brian Greene—a scientist who doesn’t just sound convincing—puts it, “It is the mysteries that make the soul ache and render a life of exploration worth living.” Before he hung up the voice said he had “forgotten” what he wanted to say, and then inadvertently summed up the neverending search for truth by saying “I’ll talk to you later.”

bryan parys doesn’t like to capitalize his name

The official seal of Harvard University contains three books, pages splayed for anyone to read. But the seal atop the old wrought iron gate is not the same one they use now. In the old one the third book is turned upside down, its spine jutting up. It represents a time when its patrons believed that not all truth was human. There was some truth that only God could reveal.

and is currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts

Who was the one that flipped the book? I wondered what the meeting was like in which someone definitively said, “Now we

in creative nonfiction at the University of New Hampshire. He knows you’re thinking, “Wait, couldn’t he have just saved the person’s phone number before it was automatically deleted?” Well, dear reader, that wouldn’t have made for a very good ending, would it?

summer 2009 | STILLPOINT 5

Commencement Weekend Two Modern-Day Abolitionists Addressed the Class of 2009.



A Generation of Justice: “Gen J” “No matter what the news says, it’s an ideal time to graduate because at what time has the world needed you more than now? It’s a brilliant time to graduate,” Dr. David Batstone told the Class of 2009. Batstone, professor of ethics in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of San Francisco and cofounder of the Not For Sale Campaign to end human trafficking, spoke at the 117th Commencement under a perfect spring sky on the quad. His address, “Many Are Called but Few Answer,” was a stirring and personal charge. “As students of a Christian liberal arts education, you’ve learned how to learn, how to respond. So you’re graduating at a perfect time to address the needs of a world crying for help. We need a smart generation, a just generation. The models we have are broken. Name yourself a generation of justice. Gen J. You don’t have to go looking for your call; it’s all around you. Instead ask yourself, What can I do for the world? What can I bring to the world?” Batstone emphasized the need for Gen J to “use innovation that creates sustainability and addresses the needs of the world.” He cited several examples of individuals who responded to their

6 STILLPOINT | summer 2009

passion and in the process stumbled onto innovative ways to meet the needs of those around them. “Learning and risking are a part of being human, so how can we take what we’ve learned and create smart and deep activism in all we do—activism that brings about lasting change?”

step out in faith, you come to a point where you realize Jesus is all you need because Jesus is all you have. And when you step forward in determination, you become the kind of world changer who keeps going because you know God loves you, and you want to love Him back,” she said.

The evening before at the Baccalaureate worship service, the Class of 2009 was addressed by another modernday abolitionist, Dr. Gloria WhiteHammond, copastor of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Boston and cofounder of My Sister’s Keeper, a ministry that partners with women in war-torn Sudan.

Three hundred sixty-five undergraduates from 11 countries and 20 states participated in the ceremony. Colby Smidt, a sociology and economics double major of West Point, New York, received the Collegian of the Year Award. Junior and Senior Distinguished Faculty Awards were presented to Mark Stevick, assistant professor of English, and Bruce Webb, professor of economics and business, respectively (story, page 20). Two new members of the emeriti faculty were also introduced at the ceremony: Dr. Michael Givens, kinesiology; and Dr. Peter Stine, English. Emeriti status is reserved for faculty who have taught at Gordon for at least a decade and who have served the College with special merit as educators. Retiring faculty member Dr. Stella Pierce was also honored at the Commencement ceremony (story, page 21).

“The class of 2009 is the largest graduating class in recent history,” she said, “leaving college to enter the worst economic state in recent years. How do you do the right thing? Step up in courage, step out in faith and step forward in determination.” WhiteHammond’s sermon “Just Do It!” pulled the Nike slogan back to its roots in Scripture. She combined personal anecdotes from her experiences as a physician with three steps for graduates to go forward: “Step up in courage and you’ll find either a good place or a God-place,” she said. “When you

2009 1.

Three hundred sixty-five seniors received their diplomas at Gordon’s 117th Commencement, held outdoors on the quad under sunny skies.


Dr. David Batstone’s address, “Many Are Called but Few Answer,” challenged the graduates to be ready to listen and respond to the world’s needs.


The Class of 2009 lined up in front of the A. J. Gordon Memorial Chapel before processing.


Graduating senior and bagpiper Rob Knechtle led his class in the processional.


A Baccalaureate Blessing May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half truths and superficial relationships so that you may live deep within your heart. May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace. May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation and war so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them. May God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in the world so that you can do what others claim cannot be done. May the Blessing of God, Who creates, redeems and sanctifies, be upon you and all you love and pray for this day and always. Amen. Read by Ann Seavey, Director of Academic Support; based on a Franciscan blessing


Photos Nick LaVecchia

Extraordinary Excerpt Annery Miranda ’09

I want to be extraordinary. I want my graduation weekend to be extraordinary. I want my postgraduation plans to be extraordinary. I want my life to be extraordinary. In fact, I want this speech to be extraordinary. See, I want my life to capture all of my ambitions. I want to be about something. Something others will write about. I want every second to be lived to the fullest with no oversleeping and no vegging out on the couch. I want to wake up at 5 a.m. every single day to sip coffee after my run, read a book and go to my job to help poor children in Latin America. But my hunch is that the likelihood of living my life so perfectly is about the same as providing you with an all-encompassing speech. When I applied to colleges, I wanted to be in a big city going to a big-name school doing big things. But it was through this smaller college in a small suburb that I found the extraordinary opportunities to meet people like you who would open doors for me in the areas of international relations and peace and conflict in other countries. I have come to identify you, Gordon College students, as some of the most thoughtful people I have ever met. Some of you will be the first in your families to graduate from college. This makes you extraordinary. When I see some of you studying in the library every single day at the same time, practicing an incredible discipline that I so envy, I know you’re extraordinary. When I see some of you struggle with depression and anxiety and other health issues and still manage to graduate—even though others may not recognize how hard you have worked at staying above water—I can say you’re extraordinary. In a world so divided by ideas, I have witnessed and engaged in respectful conversations with people with whom I disagree. Gordon College students, I know this: You have arrived.

summer 2009 | STILLPOINT 7

The Raytheon Company is a leader in technology innovation.

Life, Leadership and Legacy: A Tribute to Tom Phillips

8 STILLPOINT | summer 2009

Photos (color) Gabe Davis ’02

Phillips meets with President Ronald Reagan.

Phillips joined Raytheon in 1948 as an engineer and retired in 1991 as CEO.

“That’s it, simple as that,” Tom replied. “Of course, you have to want Jesus in your life, really want Him. That’s the way it starts. And let me tell you, things then begin to change. Since then I have found a satisfaction and a joy I simply never knew was possible.” From Born Again by Chuck Colson

A special tribute to Tom Phillips, longtime Gordon Board of Trustees member and major benefactor of the College, took place Saturday, May 30, on Gordon’s Dale E. and Sarah Ann Fowler Campus. Phillips served on the Board for 40 years while also serving in leadership roles at the Raytheon Company and as a board member of Digital Equipment Corporation. He joined Raytheon in 1948 as an engineer and retired in 1991 as chairman and CEO. He and his wife, Gert, have consistently supported and encouraged Gordon students, faculty and staff. The day’s first event, a four-handed piano concert, took place in Phillips Recital Hall, whose tall windows frame Coy Pond, also known as Pete’s Pond (for trustee Peter Bennett). Performers were Gordon artist-in-residence and professor of music Mia Chung, and Alina Polyakov, music faculty at Gordon College and the Boston Conservatory. They played selections by Bartoldi, Stravinsky and Rachmaninoff. The

Phillipses were major donors for the Phillips Music Center, dedicated in May 2000. After the concert guests made the short walk to the Ken Olsen Science Center, where, in the DEC Loggia of Technology, they enjoyed a luncheon and tributes to Tom and Gert. In the MacDonald Auditorium a film showcased the accomplishments of Tom as innovative and visionary Raytheon CEO. In addition to President Jud Carlberg and his wife, Jan, speakers included Chuck Colson of Prison Fellowship; Richard Gross, former president of Gordon College; Joanna S. Mockler of World Vision; Armand M. Nicholi, M.D., of Harvard Medical School; Gordon trustee Peter Bennett; James V. Pocock, pastor; and William H. Swanson, chairman of the board and chief executive officer, Raytheon Company. “Tom has been a supportive friend and a truly great Board member with a heart for Christian education,” said President Carlberg. “He understands that the young leaders forged here

summer 2009 | STILLPOINT 9

Gert and Tom Phillips, on legacy bench outside the Ken Olsen Science Center.

Guests enjoying a concert in Phillips Recital Hall.

“What did Tom have on his desk? A yellow legal pad and a freshly sharpened pencil. Tom is a big-picture guy—macro, not micro.” —Richard F. Gross, past president of Gordon College (1976–1992)

at Gordon are exactly the ones needed in business, education, the sciences and arts, and the Church.” Carlberg said of the stretch of walkway outside the Science Center that has been named for Phillips, “This walkway is part of the very backbone of the College, as Tom has been the backbone of the Board.” Joanna Mockler referred to Phillips as “internationally adventuresome,” and said, “Tom, this day is a gift to us, and you honor us by accepting it.” Peter Bennett praised Phillips’ ability to speak wisdom into confusing situations. “It’s like that E. F. Hutton commercial: When Tom speaks, people listen.” Of his years working under Phillips at Raytheon, current CEO William Swanson recalled that “having Tom as a mentor was like having your own Warren Buffett coaching you on.” Of his many times golfing with Phillips, he said: “You learn more about a person playing golf with him than at work. Tom counted every stroke.” Armand Nicholi began his tribute on a

10 STILLPOINT | summer 2009

humorous note: “I’ve known Tom for more than 50 years. But how could we have met 50 years ago if I’m only 48?” Richard Gross, president of Gordon 1976–1992, asked: “What did Tom have on his desk? A yellow legal pad and a freshly sharpened pencil. Tom is a big-picture guy—macro, not micro.” Gross credited Phillips with pivotal leadership during the time when Gordon College was establishing a separate identity from what is now Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary: “Tom came up with a creative and insightful solution that preserved the assets of the College but also exercised the leadership of generosity.” Phillips’ leadership, however, extends beyond the business and academic world. The Phillipses are longtime members of Trinitarian Congregational Church (TCC) in Wayland, Massachusetts, home church to many alumni and friends of the College. Current TCC pastor James V. Pocock noted Tom

Above: Guests browsing displays. Below: The newly named Phillips Walk.

President Jud Carlberg and his wife, Jan.

and Gert’s half century of service at Trinitarian as high school youth group leaders and adult Sunday school teachers.

Amana microwave, a model of the Hawk missile and relevant publications from his career at Raytheon.

Through avenues like First Tuesday—a monthly breakfast Phillips sponsors for corporate, church and civic CEOs in the Boston area—he has also had considerable Christian influence on the leaders of the region. Over many years he has quietly invested time and care into many men and women, providing them unique opportunities to develop their personal and professional leadership skills in the context of their Christian faith.

The Phillips/Raytheon archives are the second technologyrelated archives housed at Gordon College; Ken Olsen donated the archives from the Digital Equipment Corporation last fall.

One of those people was Chuck Colson, former special counsel to President Richard Nixon—notorious as Nixon’s “hatchet man” before his conversion. In 1973, months before the word “Watergate” would become shorthand for a national scandal, Colson met privately with Phillips, who shared his faith with Colson. “Thirty-six years ago, in a flood of tears, my life was transformed,” Colson said. “What do you say to someone who saved your life? I will continue to serve Christ as long as I have breath.” In addition to his leadership contributions, Phillips and Raytheon have donated his archives to Gordon College. Some of the items within the collection are photographs (including pictures with five U.S. presidents), videos, speeches, letters, articles, copies of his 11 honorary degrees, an original

To coincide with the donation, Swanson announced the creation of the Phillips/Raytheon Scholarship for women and minority students at Gordon pursuing majors in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The $100,000 scholarship, in honor of Phillips’ service to Raytheon and his commitment to local communities, is the first of its kind for STEM students at Gordon. “As a real friend and a great Board member, Tom has played an absolutely crucial role in making Gordon what it is today,” said Carlberg. “We are grateful for his commitment to our students with both his archives and this scholarship, particularly for students whose circumstances might present challenges or obstacles to their education.” “Tom Phillips is a pathfinder in many ways: engineer, family man, leader, inspiration, mentor and someone who has always given back to his community,” said Swanson. “It’s our honor to recognize Tom’s longstanding commitment to country, company and community with this endowment to Gordon College.”

summer 2009 | STILLPOINT 11

Story Janet (Spoerer) Arndt ’68 Photo Michael Hevesy

Why Teaching Matters Now More Than Ever

Usually when people lose jobs they’ve enjoyed for years, they feel anxious and insecure. But Tom Esperson, a student in the graduate program at Gordon, left his on purpose: he wanted to teach. After a long business career as a chief technology officer, he told me he was no longer interested in “helping myself. I want to help others in direct and profound ways.”

Tom decided to shift gears in the middle of his life and take a job that would pay him far less than he’s ever earned. Why make such a radical change during such an uncertain time? Because whether the economy is strong or not, I’m convinced teaching remains the profession behind all others. It shapes business leaders; nurtures doctors; prepares pastors and inspires advocates. Especially in our increasingly technological and fragmented world, the personal power of a teacher remains the most important job on the planet. The character and gifts of one teacher can inspire an entire movement. Of course, I would think that. I’m the director of the College’s graduate and licensure program in education. It’s part of my job to convince others why teaching matters now more than ever; why the classroom remains one of the most hallowed spaces on earth. But when I consider the teachers who inspired me, it’s not a hard sell. Most of us can recall the one teacher who genuinely helped us; who challenged us to be better. His or her

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work was more than a job. It was a chance to make a difference in a “direct and helpful way.” Her enthusiasm and integrity went beyond meeting our needs for the day, month or year. He dedicated himself to developing us as whole people—intellectually, emotionally and socially. She wanted us to be capable of navigating our way through life’s hardest experiences. But now, according to current data, the demand for teachers will exceed 1.5 million over the next decade. Several states are already experiencing a severe shortage. Baby boomers are retiring, leaving vacancies in most states and in all content areas, with a critical shortage in areas like languages, special education, English as a Second Language, math and the sciences. From public, private and charter schools to tutoring, classroom teaching and small-group instruction, teachers will be needed in new and demanding ways. Today’s classrooms are often mini United Nations with students coming from a variety of ethnic and racial backgrounds. Add to that students

Gordon has opened doors for me. It is very well regarded by area schools as an institution that puts out well-prepared educators. I am still a student at Gordon—should be done with my Master of Arts in Teaching by December. —Christopher Love ’04 High school physics, Topsfield, Massachusetts

who have disabilities sitting beside neurotypically developing students, and teachers are faced with very diverse classrooms. Teaching today requires special teachers. Gordon’s Department of Education, on both the undergraduate and graduate levels, seeks to develop them. Recently, with a $30,000 grant from the E. Leslie Peter Foundation, education faculty Priscilla Nelson, Susan Wood and I developed a unique summer institute that brought public school teachers and Gordon education faculty together. The goals of the Teachers Institute were to: bb Develop collaborative relationships between teachers, college professors and teacher candidates. bb Design and explore creative teaching strategies that satisfy the goals of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and state assessments. bb Reflect on ways experienced teachers can refine and improve instruction.

Principals of local schools were recruited to participate because, as leaders of their schools where our students are doing their student teaching, they must agree with our goals and “buy into” our desire to “clone” their best teachers. Twentyfive teachers, recruited from principals’ recommendations, took part. The gap between current research on best teaching practices and what goes on in actual classrooms is significant. Ellen Condliffe Langemann, dean of Harvard University School of Education, states: “One of the big problems in educational research is that people haven’t understood the need to take research one step further and translate it to useable knowledge.” “The Institute is about listening and collaboration as we strive to better prepare our students for the classroom,” says Nelson. “We’re hoping the Institute stimulates open discussion between teachers and college professors since we’re all committed to strengthening the future of education in America.”

Grad Profiles

Fiorella Bongiorni, a supervising practitioner and Institute participant, said she greatly appreciated the opportunity for teacher candidates to work with college professors. “Veteran teachers have a wealth of knowledge and practical experience, and should be willing to learn and try the new best practices I have seen in my Gordon student teachers.”

Janet Arndt, Ed.D, is director of graduate education and licensure at Gordon and lives in Windham, New Hampshire. Her husband, Ken, is a 1970 Gordon alumnus, as are their four children: Elissa ’00, Emily ’03, Ethan ’05 and Erica ’08.

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A Life-Changing Journey

Never Stop Learning

Natalie Ferjulian ’10

“During your first year of teaching, ask questions—be a learner. You don’t have to know it all,” says Krista (Maher) Erikson ’91, a special education teacher at North Shore Christian School (NSCS) in Lynn, Massachusetts. “No one expects you to know it all. You will make mistakes and it’s okay. There is a learning curve.”

Unlike most college freshmen, Melissa (Kerr) Winchell knew when she entered Gordon that teaching was her passion and even more specifically, teaching English as a Second Language. Upon graduation in 1999, with a degree in English education and ESL certification, Winchell landed a job teaching AP English at Classical High School in Lynn, Massachusetts, where she had done her student teaching. “I enjoyed teaching in an urban environment, and I knew eventually I’d make the switch to teaching crossculturally,” said Winchell. But it wasn’t for another five years that an ESL teaching opportunity would arise— when an influx of Somali refugees came to Lynn. “I just kept thinking ‘This is divine. Here’s what I’m meant to do and I’m being given this golden opportunity,’” Winchell says. In 2008, after working as an ESL teacher for four years, Winchell was hired as the language support chairperson for the Lynn Public School System. She now oversees 10 middle and high schools in Lynn, which combined have 3,000 English language learners. “I enjoy the opportunity to do justice for students who are overlooked,” said Winchell. “It’s really been a life-changing journey for me.” Winchell is pursuing a doctorate degree in education at University of Massachusetts Boston with a dissertation on “Refugee Education and Marginalization.”

Danielle Zorn ’09

Erickson, along with other Gordon alumni teaching at NSCS, uses her education degree to serve and instruct others. As a little girl she wanted to be a mom, a desire that later fed her passion for teaching. Majoring in elementary education and special education, Erikson’s desire to help children who have learning disabilities grew during her time at Gordon. Assistant professor of education Priscilla (Spoerer) Nelson ’74 was instrumental in sparking Erickson’s enthusiasm for teaching at the elementary level. Later on Nelson helped Erikson acquire a teaching position at NSCS. Now Erikson teaches reading, math and writing one-onone and in small groups to children who need extra help, as well as conducts screening and testing for the school’s admissions. “At the North Shore Christian School we focus on ‘no child left behind,’” Erikson says. She is not finished learning from the classroom herself. Currently a student of Gordon’s graduate education program, Erikson, along with three other NSCS teachers, is taking Thursday night classes towards a Master of Arts in Teaching. She and her husband, David, a pastor in Malden, Massachusetts, and their four boys reside in Reading, Massachusetts, and continue to follow the Lord in their lives through teaching in the classroom and the pulpit. “We never know it all,” Erikson says. And that is what keeps her passionate about learning and sharing that fervor with others.

I think every class I took at Gordon influences the way I teach, think, and continue to learn through other classes. Gordon prepared me far beyond many of my colleagues. Some graduate classes feel like a review because they go over much of the material Gordon taught! —Matthew Taylor ’06 Special education for K–1, Whitman, Massachusetts

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I am consistently using the SmartBoard in my room, and combined with having wireless Internet schoolwide, I can utilize good websites and videos in class, enhancing students’ learning and understanding of concepts. This fall I am beginning my master’s degree in instructional technology at George Mason University. —Rachel Grover ’07 Fifth grade, Manassas, Virginia

Making Voices Heard Heather Smith

Samuel Sennott’s commitment to improving the lives of disabled people began with a life-changing volunteer experience. Caring for babies with cerebral palsy and adults with developmental disabilities at Michael Carter Lisnow Respite Center in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, inspired Sennott, who graduated from Gordon in 2004 with an education major, to transform others’ lives. With the help of colleague David Niemeijer, Sennott has recently released an application for the iPod Touch or iPhone that provides a complete communication system for the disabled. Created specifically for those with little or no ability to speak, the Proloquo2Go will revolutionize the way that autism, stroke, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and Lou Gehrig’s Disease patients live. Proloquo2Go lives up to its name (proloquo means “speak out loud” in Latin) with close to 8,000 symbols that prompt text-to-speech communication for voicing needs, wants, greetings and comments. Users can easily chat with friends, answer questions or tell stories using given phrases or typing their own with the small hand-held device.

VocaSpace, Sennott’s innovative vocabulary, provides a default word base of 7,000 with full expandability. Featuring automatic verb conjugation, automatic plurals and possessives for nouns, and a one-button addition of new vocabulary words, VocaSpace allows users of all ages to fully express themselves. In addition to basic and expansive vocabulary, Proloquo2Go also includes a MySpace feature which allows users to choose personal vocabulary buttons to communicate food and clothing choices, medical needs, music preferences and fun things to do. The iPhone/iPod Touch platform is ideal for its size and portability, and it is a cost-effective alternative to more expensive speech-generating devices. The application will soon be enhanced to include more voices and languages. Sam recalls Dr. Stella Pierce as one of the Gordon faculty members who helped him both learn teaching skills and keep his head up in the process. “One time in particular I had taught a lively, rowdy group of learners for an observed lesson and felt discouraged | |

afterward. She helped me reframe the situation, and communicated that she believed in me. As I have found increasing success with my students and my work, I have often reflected on how key Dr. Pierce’s mentorship was to my formation as a teacher. This level of faculty/student engagement is what makes Gordon such a terrific community.” After graduating with a dual certification degree in special education and elementary education, Sennott got his first Mac and started teaching. “Seeing how I could leverage good teaching with technology to completely change outcomes for my students made me hungry for knowledge.” Sennott is currently pursuing a doctorate in special education at Pennsylvania State University, focusing on augmentative communication, literacy, and universal design for learning.

Quotes from “An Interview with Sam Sennott” on the blog Teaching All Students (5/22/09), edited by Patrick Black (links below). Used by permission.

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I collaborate with colleagues, parents and assistant teachers in accommodating students with pervasive developmental delay (PDD-Unspecified) and am part of the process of finding schools that meet their needs. I have kept many of my old notes and books from undergrad and look back at them often. —Kira Landrebe ’07 Pre-K, Boston, Massachusetts

On the Cutting Edge of Reading Research As a freshman Elissa Arndt ’00 decided to get her bachelor’s degree in psychology or education since Gordon didn’t have a degree in speechlanguage pathology. But halfway through her freshman year she was invited to apply to the Pike Scholar program, which allows exceptional students to design a unique, rigorous academic program not available under existing Gordon majors or minors. Accepted as a Pike Scholar, Elissa designed an academic program around communication disorders, allowing her to pursue her career of choice. “I was able to ‘build’ my major to contain all the important aspects of speech-language pathology as well as take additional enriching courses. I took courses at nearby colleges and combined them with courses in education, anatomy and physiology, and internship experiences in various settings in which a speech-language pathologist might work.” After graduating, Elissa went to Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions in Boston graduate school to study speechlanguage pathology. The program

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certified her as both a speech-language pathologist and a reading specialist. After that she worked in elementary schools and at North Shore Children’s Hospital on Boston’s North Shore. She was also selected to be a trainer during the initial implementation of a statewide grant program offered by the Massachusetts Department of Education in which teachers were given professional development in reading instruction to improve their students’ reading abilities. In April of 2005 Elissa attended a professional development conference with Dr. Joseph Torgesen as the speaker. Following conversation with him, Dr. Torgesen invited her to work at the Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR)—a premiere research facility in reading for the country—where he served as director until his recent retirement. Elissa accepted the offer and continues at the Center full-time while working on her Ph.D. at Florida State University (FSU). FCRR serves as an internationally known resource of reading research and instruction for educators, greatly impacting reading policy in the

country—now under the directorship of Dr. Barbara R. Foorman. As part of Elissa’s work at FCRR, she reviewed reading curricula and created reports to help teachers, principals and district personnel in choosing materials for effective instruction. Elissa presents research at local and national conferences and provides professional development on reading instruction and intervention to schools and districts in Florida. She is also involved with FCRR’s development of a new reading assessment tool to assist teachers in monitoring progress of students K–12. Elissa is a doctoral candidate in the Reading and Language Arts Program in the College of Education at FSU with dissertation research in the area of spelling development. She also serves as an adjunct in Gordon’s graduate education reading program, flying to the North Shore one weekend a month during semesters to teach courses. She says, “I enjoy working with individuals interested in learning about current research on reading acquisition and instruction so they can meet the reading needs of students they teach.”

Florida Center for Reading Research

Imago Dei: Human Dignity and Biotechnology Students and alumni of Gordon’s Jerusalem and Athens Forum (JAF) honors program were invited to submit essays considering how a Christian understanding of the Imago Dei can help us think well and wisely about the biotechnological age upon which we are now entering. Josh Hasler ’09 (pictured, left) was this year’s winning essayist; honorable mentions went to Jenna Breitbarth ’10 and Suzanne Loughry ’09. Excerpts below; read the full essays online at

Reflections of an Older Brother Josh Hasler ’09

I’ll venture to say it’s rare for college students to find infants when they return from their first year away from home. (Sorry to get anecdotal at the outset—but be comforted that my personal narrative will influence my sweeping claims about the nature of the image of God.) With a very young sister around, reading children’s stories has been a rewarding part of my visits home, and it probably comes as no surprise that reading about children tends to be more affecting for me since my sister was born. It occurs to me that I write for many parents, grandparents, most of whom probably have had children for some time. But as a young and asyet childless buck from undergrad, the experience of watching a young child grow and develop language from visit to visit is a strange and bizarre experience. I begin this way for two reasons. First, people like kids and my argument will only need those sympathies from here on out. And second, the relation between the image of a child and the image of God is, I think, inextricable. It’s probably true that, as another sister pointed out since my leaving for school, I’ve also become boring. Fair enough. But her observation illustrates the oft-bemoaned corollary

Read more

of becoming: to be anything is also to not be something else—to remove one infinity of possibility while adding another (although maybe less exciting). The point is an ancient one so I won’t dwell on it. Hopefully a tenuous thesis emerges: Kids are interesting because they’re not yet much of anything. The other half of my thesis is that children, by reason of their becoming, represent the substance of hope and good imagination in the human world. The clay, just animated by the breath of God, immediately begins growing, developing, making possibility. They begin to imagine, create and innovate. That imagination, the very substance of possibility, also contains the much-needed prophetic voice in the disciplines of bioethics and ethics as a whole. I use the term prophetic voice (now probably quite overused) metaphorically. That is, the use of certain abilities with which humanity is gifted for the outpouring of what we believe to be God’s voice in absentia. That is, we do our best when God is not revealing. We also join a long tradition of imaginative exploration through stories and myths of warnings, exhortations and possibilities. It is this latter concept I think we are most apt to explore in the search for Imago Dei because it begins with something like birth and circles to something resembling a child.

Broadening “Bioethics:” From Defense to Advocacy Jenna Breitbarth ’10

In the heated discussion between the pews and the lab, Christians often get lost in the narrow concerns of developed-world ethics. We become victims of the 90/10 gap: In discussing the issues of bioethics today, 90 percent of discussion centers on issues that affect only 10 percent of the world’s population. As we in the developed world discuss the morality of prenatal gender selection, the other 90 percent are discussing infant mortality and malnutrition in children. Why I’m Not as Worried as I “Should” Be by the Biotechnological Revolution Suzanne Loughry ’10

Once upon a time at a college not too far away, a girl signed up for a class called Topics in Bioengineering. She found herself immersed in scientific papers full of BioE lingo and funky graphs discussing everything from endothelial cells to neuroprosthesis to microspheres to dirt. At first even the abstracts sounded like gibberish, but by the end of the semester she was reading those journal articles with ease. Those papers are still on my computer. I’m no longer studying engineering, but I didn’t leave because of the biotechnology. I wasn’t scared away by the incredible results in bioengineering. In fact, the papers fascinated me.

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Story Danielle Zorn ’09

withdraw from it simply because we might face criticism as followers of Christ.” It may have been Dr. Camp singing “Brown-Eyed Fly” during genetics class, or Dr. Ju’s personal stories of faith and science, or just hanging out with Dr. Story in the lab learning about immunology, but many influential science faculty at Gordon contributed to the strong foundation on which Beaudry is building his professional career, he says.

A Medical Researcher’s Disneyland Beginning in a one-room laboratory in 1887, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is one of the “world’s foremost medical research centers.” According to Steven Beaudry ’03, the NIH, headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, is the “Disneyland for nerds.” The NIH in partnership with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) annually offers one- to two-year funded research fellowships to approximately 40 medical, dental and veterinary students through its HHMI Cloister program. And this, Beaudry thinks, is as close to Disneyland as you can get. “I absolutely love what I’m doing.” A fourth-year medical student at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine (WVSOM), in June Beaudry finished his two-year research fellowship at the NIH and will return to WVSOM for his final year of medical school. During his time at the NIH Beaudry studied the molecular mechanisms by which certain red blood cell disorders protect people from severe malaria and death. Beaudry will graduate as a D.O.—Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine—which is traditional medical training that also emphasizes a wholistic approach

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to patient care. “People aren’t just physical, but emotional and spiritual too—and everything is affected by disease,” Beaudry says. Beaudry explains the three motivators for his dedication: “Scientifically I am driven by the desire to answer questions about basic biological processes that no one can yet answer. Globally my desire is to do research to reveal more understanding of malaria and ultimately help save millions of children and adults in poor and malaria-endemic regions of the world. Spiritually I am motivated by the Holy Spirit and the deep satisfaction and joy I feel doing the work the Lord has called me to do. I believe God alone gives us our passions and the interests that drive us to do our daily work.” Beaudry gives much credit to his Gordon education. “At Gordon I saw how one could integrate science and Christian faith. I came away from Gordon with a much deeper appreciation for and fascination with the biological/cellular/molecular world because I experienced it through the lens of the Christian faith.” Gordon’s focus on global issues also prompted Beaudry to engage in the world, “not

Beaudry’s advice to those studying biology—or any other major—is to seek out a mentor; experience as many things as possible to get an idea of what you want to do; ask questions; and take advantage of the spiritual resources at Gordon. “There is no better time than the undergrad years to do these things,” he says. Beaudry hopes to pursue a position in academic medicine. “Hopefully I’ll find opportunities to go on medical mission trips and integrate my work with those outreach opportunities,” he says. In the meantime, while playing guitar for fun in his church’s praise band in Rockville, Maryland, and fly fishing, Beaudry continues to dedicate long hours to researching malaria, hoping for future cures and education for those suffering with this severe illness.

Danielle Zorn majored in communication arts and minored in business. She loves writing and doing anything outdoors.

Story Natalie Ferjulian ’10 Photo Gabe Davis ’02

“I came to understand science as an experiment that sets up experience in a controlled manner to help me extend my senses.” David Stuart ’63: Pioneer in Biological Safety Though they may not know it, science graduates from the Class of 2009 have something in common with 73-year-old David Stuart. Both have experienced Gordon’s giant strides in building Christian leaders in the sciences: this year’s graduates as the first in the Ken Olsen Science Center, and Stuart as one of the first to take science courses while the department was being established. But like many Gordon graduates, Stuart (pictured with his wife, Elizabeth) wasn’t sure what he’d do with his dual degree in biology and Bible when he graduated in 1963. “I did not want to go to graduate school after nine years of working my way through college,” he said. “But my professors harangued and harassed me into it because I guess they wanted to say all four of their first graduates got into graduate school!” Since the completion of his Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of New Hampshire, Dr. Stuart has been a pioneer in the field of biological safety. While he currently works part-time at both the Eagleson Institute and The Baker Company in Maine, he’s taught numerous

workshops on ventilation equipment (safety cabinets, fume hoods, isolators) around the world, researched, lectured, served as a tenured professor at Montana State University and written over 50 publications. In 2005 he received the most prestigious award given by the American Biological Safety Association, the Arnold G. Wedum Distinguished Achievement Award, in recognition of his contributions to the field of biological safety and research. “My career has been unbelievably successful as far as I’m concerned,” said Dr. Stuart. “And there’s no way on this earth I could have accomplished even getting through graduate school without God’s help.” Still, he grappled with the process of reconciling God with the sciences. “While at Gordon the whole business of science and faith bothered me,” said Dr. Stuart. “Physics helped a lot, especially as I came to understand science as an experiment that sets up experience in a controlled manner to help me extend my senses.”

Dr. Stuart believes that his success has a lot to do with the foundation built during his time at Gordon. “I cannot begin to tell you how well the quality and breadth of education I obtained at Gordon prepared me for my career,” said Dr. Stuart. “A Bible-centered education leads you to this ability and practice of tying everything—vocation and faith—together.” And Dr. Stuart’s comprehensive career confirms this, from developing new standards for chemotherapy drug preparation to finding an alternative to using toxic formaldehyde.

Natalie Ferjulian is a communication arts major and the daughter of two Gordon graduates, Eric ’83 and Erin Patricia (Sullivan) ’84 Ferjulian. The Ferjulians live on a farm in Hudson, Massachusetts.

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New Minor: Gender Studies This spring Lauren Barthold, philosophy, and Daniel Johnson, sociology, introduced a minor in gender studies, exploring how our understanding of gender shapes perceptions, interactions and institutions in ways that help and hurt various social groups. It teaches critical methods of inquiry and promotes habits of reflection leading to transformative engagement with contemporary societies. It focuses special attention on religious traditions—Christianity in particular—both to underwrite and challenge our gendered orderings of the world.

Distinguished Faculty

Photo Nick LaVecchia

During Commencement, Provost Mark Sargent presented the Junior and Senior Distinguished Faculty Awards to Mark Stevick, assistant professor of English, and Bruce Webb, professor of economics and business, respectively. Nominations are received from faculty and graduating seniors and are based on performance, scholarly and professional excellence and service to the College and community. Sargent said of Stevick, who received the Junior Award, “For a decade I have appreciated the surprising turns and careful precision of his poetry; impeccable timing in his delivery of comic lines; and the accuracy of historical recreation.” Stevick has performed on local stages and has appeared in films sponsored by the Discovery and History Channels. He has narrated radio spots for nonprofits and has led student trips to Great Britain. He launched a creative writing emphasis on campus in English and communication arts and is known locally as a playwright, especially as the author of Cry Innocent. “At heart, though,” Sargent says, “he is a poet—one able to find the elegant modern idiom to fit traditional forms like a French villanelle. In the last decade he has won more than 20 awards for his poetry, including a nomination for a Pushcart Prize.” Sargent said of Bruce Webb, recipient of the Senior Award, “For more than half a decade this professor has led the effort to reshape the Core Curriculum at Gordon,” a huge task that takes patience, persistence and high spirits. “To oversee the revision of the core takes the willingness to challenge colleagues to consider new approaches, listen to students’ experiences and views, and unveil proposal after proposal for public scrutiny. Through it all this professor has sought to hear the counsel of students and his peers and to hold to his vision that our core will be defined by themes vital for our students’ futures.” As a teacher and writer,” Sargent continues, “he is appreciated for clarity of explanations and attention to the interface of theology, ethics and economics.” Every year he shapes his senior seminar around a current topic like the banking crisis or the economics of global warming, and next fall he will help launch the new Core Curriculum.

A Scientist’s Keys to Happiness Meg Lynch ’10 Service and gratefulness are keys to happiness, according to physics professor Stan Reczek— coupled with a canoe trip or mountain climb to help him transcend scientist stereotypes. Reczek teaches Newton to Einstein for nonscience majors in addition to a biology, kinesiology and algebra-based physics course. Reczek recognizes God gave humans nonscientific ways to enjoy the earth, but “innate curiosity diminishes with age,” he says. “It would be marvelous to help people rekindle that natural curiosity.” So Reczek teaches a canoeing course on Gull Pond and takes every opportunity to enjoy creation—like hiking the difficult Knife’s Edge trail on Mount Katahdin in Maine, enjoying and being grateful for the world as an act of worship as much as understanding it. Before Gordon, Reczek spent 31 years serving the medical community on the North Shore. “I was most grateful for the opportunity to plan and implement the coming-together of four hospitals to form the North Shore Medical Center and Health System,” he says. If a life of service, gratefulness and love for the natural world are indications of happiness, it’s no wonder Reczek is always in high spirits. His heart for scientific and aesthetic appreciation of the world is a model for colleagues and students.

Gender Studies



Faculty books David Goss ’74, history, wrote The Salem Witch Trials: A Reference Guide (Greenwood Press, December 2007), a comprehensive textbook analyzing witchcraft trials in medieval European history with four chapters on the Salem, Massachusetts, episodes. It includes biographies of prominent people of that time, documents, and a glossary of legal and cultural terms. Green Chemistry Education: Changing the Course of

A Lifetime of Education

Chemistry (Oxford University

Photo Nick LaVecchia

She’s been an educator for over 40 years and impacting Gordon students since 2001. Retiring in May, she left Gordon’s walls with mixed emotions. “I’ve enjoyed the students and the opportunity to shape the next generation who view teaching as a calling,” says Dr. Stella Pierce, professor and chair of the Department of Education. “I’ll miss the daily contact and interaction with students.” Specializing in special education and foundations of education, she will be a huge loss. Donna Robinson, associate professor of education, says, “Stella Pierce has been a leader with vision who organizes the details— both needed in education. Stella sees the big picture and the steps needed to complete it. We’ll miss Stella’s careful and caring ways. Advising students, planning of any kind, and teaching have been her hallmarks. Students have benefited from her commitment and advocacy on their behalf. Both the Education Division and its students will feel her absence.”

Press, May 2009), coedited by Irv Levy, chemistry and computer science, provides science educators with current research in the field of green chemistry—a new way of creating chemicals positive for humans and environment—with emphasis on tools to incorporate new data into chemistry curricula. Levy coauthored a chapter with Ron Kay ’82, former associate professor of chemistry, titled “Student-Motivated Endeavors Advancing Green Organic Literacy.” The chapter highlights Gordon’s Green Organic Literacy Forum projects involving students in green chemistry outreach activities in the community and around the country the last six years. David H. Lumsdaine,

Stella took her first job as a speech therapist—the first African American to teach in three all-white schools in Georgia during the late 1960s, recruited for the job by the superintendent. Over the years she served as a speech and language pathologist, special education teacher and director in schools in Georgia, Texas and New Hampshire, and was a lecturer at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell. “I often feel responsible to advocate for marginalized students and those with disabilities, especially because I grew up during the Civil Rights Movement and was set apart because of race. I am delighted at how far our country has come in our struggle to live and worship together, and to educate all students. But history has also taught me how much more we have to learn about loving our neighbors, and that the achievement gap persists for many students of color.” Stella looks forward to traveling, gardening, spending more time with her family including her husband, four adult children and eight grandchildren. She will also work on a research project on the academic achievement gap found in groups defined by race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status.

political studies, wrote Evangelical Christianity and Democracy in Asia (Oxford University Press, March 2009), the first of four volumes answering the question “What happens when a revivalist religion based on scriptural orthodoxy participates in the volatile politics of the Third World?” Three of the volumes focus on Africa, Latin America and Asia. The last will address evangelical Christianity and democracy globally. Contact the Authors David G. | Irv | David L. | Order Your Copy All books are available online or through local bookstores.


summer 2009 | STILLPOINT 21



Gordon in a Celtics Halftime Show Danielle Zorn ’09 Standing at center court before 18,624 Celtics fans during halftime with a trophy in one hand and a cane in another, senior Yegue Badigue ’09 received the Celtics Heroes Among Us award, highlighting his “inspiring journey and dedication to helping disabled people in need.” Badigue, 28, born blind in the Republic of Chad, is studying international affairs and minoring in music. He dreams of “bringing economic empowerment to those left behind.”

Photo Scotland Huber ’09

Foreign Language in a Senior Center

Sophomore Brett Wilkes has been spending a lot of time at a senior community center this spring—but not for an internship or to play bingo. After meeting with leisure professionals through his Foundations of Recreation and Leisure class last fall, he decided to take his double major of German and linguistics to the Beverly Council on Aging and teach seniors foreign languages.

The Beauty of Whale Songs Sarah Mattingly ’09 spent the fall semester studying whale songs at Woods Hole, Massachusetts—something she’s always wanted to do—and learned about humpback whale social behavior from research and reading. “The humpback whale song is very complex and beautiful, which helps when you have to listen to it for hours,” Sarah says. She digitized cassette tapes and learned to use computer programs to look at spectrograms—graphs of song frequencies plotted against time. She also attended lectures ranging from why tuna congregate around floating objects in the open ocean, to intricate details about the organisms that cause red tide, to why religion—specifically Christianity—has anything to do with science and nature. “I researched whether or not song units get preserved through time, or if they die out like themes/entire songs,” she says. “What I found is that they do at least to some extent! This has lots of implications of how we think about their intelligence, social structure, memories, etc.”

He has taught two weeks of Spanish and German and is planning to teach two weeks of Hebrew. “The participants have been enthusiastic about learning new languages and have really enjoyed the classes,” says Brett. He teaches basic phrases and vocabulary and creates puzzles and activities for reinforcement. “Seeing people excited and getting into the material is fascinating and quite worthwhile.” Brett sees this as a valuable learning experience. “I’m looking at this as a way to discover and exercise gifts God has given me, and honor Him. It’s been a good way to build new friendships and share something I love— foreign languages.” He is taking a sociolinguistics class with associate professor of German Dr. Gregor Thuswaldner, researching and writing about language use among the elderly. “We discussed the issue of how different generations use language—the way parents talk to children is labeled ‘parentese,’” says Thuswaldner. “We don’t have enough research when it comes to how we talk to older people, but I suggested there are parallels to ‘parentese.’ Brett was inspired by our discussion to write his paper on language use and the elderly.” Brett submitted his paper to both Harvard and Cornell’s undergraduate student conferences in linguistics, and both schools accepted his paper. “This is a great example of what service learning in a Christian setting is all about,” says Thuswaldner. “It’s to combine our call to serve others and to do impressive academic work.”

Sarah hopes to study behaviors and vocalizations of whales and dolphins in the future and wants to work on whale-watching boats, talking to passengers about the different species and behaviors of whales.

22 STILLPOINT | summer 2009

Languages and Linguistics



On Molecular Toxicology and Fungal Species Last summer Bethany Jenkins ’09 worked at Penn State’s College of Medicine in the Cancer Institute. Her project involved molecular toxicology, examining how, why and when chemicals affect cellular and molecular processes that lead to cancer. She spent time determining how genetic makeup influences a specific enzyme that affects production of antioxidants in the body. Bethany also interned at Ohio State University, where she worked with the model fungal species Aspergillus nidulans and used molecular genetic techniques to create a strain that did not express the gene Ku80. Bethany will attend Drexel University this fall to study microbiology and immunology. “I loved working with Aspergillus nidulans and would like to study disease-causing fungi in graduate school. Infections by a yeast species have been rising in people with suppressed immune systems. I’m very interested in how yeast cells adhere to human cells and the special mechanisms they use to bypass the immune system or build resistance to drugs.”

A Service for Students with Disabilities Many students struggle with disabilities while getting a degree. The Academic Support Center (ASC) is a liaison between students with disabilities and faculty, setting up appropriate accommodations like recorded audio books, quiet testing areas, extended time on tests, notetakers during classes and special advising. They also help with time management, study skills, issues related to learning disabilities and ESL as well as general troubleshooting. “The ASC did an excellent job helping people understand my disability without making me seem like a victim,” says senior Sarah Lambert,

Representing Zambia Peter Morse ’10 Last February I was one of 30 delegates from Gordon who participated in the Harvard National Model United Nations conference in Boston. As a political studies major, I wanted to learn more about U.N. agencies, parliamentary debate, and international development. This also seemed like a great way to prepare for my fall 2009 semester in Uganda because Gordon would be representing Zambia. I served on the Commission on the Status of Women, and our focus was family planning, an issue of particular relevance for Africa. Sub-Saharan African nations are in desperate need of greater gender parity and effective programming to address HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, and lack of access to education and jobs. Zambia’s own family planning efforts suffer because of its impoverished, undereducated population, which includes over 1,000,000 people living with HIV/AIDS. I prepared a report about Zambian family planning initiatives, and during the four-day conference I contributed to a final draft resolution, which summarized our Commission’s conclusions about various worldwide problems and potential solutions to poor family planning. Our resolution attempted to deal with questions like “What U.N. agencies or national governments might be able to fund development projects? Are rural health clinics more important than urban health clinics? Should we urge all nations to adopt birth control practices? How might we better educate children, women, and especially men so they can take responsibility for family planning in their communities?” The African nations leveraged our collective votes to ensure that the most powerful nations listened to our concerns. I received an Honorable Mention award—the first time Gordon has won anything at the Harvard Model U.N.—for taking the lead in fighting for the interests of Zambia and other African nations, and for assisting in drafting the final resolution. Peter Morse is a double major in political studies and biblical and theological studies, and will study comparative African politics and religions while in Uganda this fall. He hopes to work in civic or international education.

who has an unknown illness with her legs. “They said to professors, ‘Look, this is what Sarah can offer. Help her find a way to use her gifts.’” Harvard National Model United Nations Academic Support Center




“It wasn’t just the classroom that made an impact on me. It was professors, activities, friends, opportunities to fail and try again. The most rewarding part of my job is raising orphaned children who transform nations. I’m part of a movement not interested in fortune, fame or glory—something bigger than myself; a story God’s been writing for a long time.” —Jeff Lander ’95 Venture Teams Manager, Children of the Nations

Educating Africa: An Alumna’s Pursuit of Education against the Odds Mariwyn Light ’09 Born in the Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of the Congo), the journey of Marie Patfoort ’67 (second from the left) to higher education began at the Assembly of God mission where her father, a Belgian officer assigned to the Congo, left her in the care of missionary Nellie Meloon. Patfoort spent her teen years helping educate younger children of the mission while continuing her own studies in Latin, math and history under tutor Dr. Winifred Currie ’45. But her studies came to an abrupt halt when the Congo fell into a bloody revolution in 1960.

Taking the Nation by Storm

Because of mixed parentage, Patfoort was in danger. With the help of Dr. Currie she was smuggled out of the Congo, eventually arriving in the United States. With Dr. Currie’s continued aid she finished basic studies at a Bible institute in Rhode Island and in the early ’60’s came to Gordon, where Dr. Currie was a professor.

nationally. “Big time advertising for a small

She wanted to be an educator, so Patfoort pursued a degree in education at Gordon through scholarships and anonymous donations. She says she never would have made it without the help of professor Dr. Royce Miller and his family, who supported her through college. After graduating she found a job as a fifth-grade teacher in Whitefield, Maine. “To this day I still consider the Millers my family,” says Patfoort.

awards for its stellar work, most recently Best

In 1969 the government of Zaire proposed she return to Africa to teach. The country was much different from the Belgian Congo she had left in 1960. Devastated by the revolution, its need for educators was severe, and Patfoort, being the first Congolese woman to receive a college degree in education, was the right candidate for the job. She stayed for two years but returned to the U.S. before her window of opportunity to become a citizen closed. “I wish I could have helped the Congo more,” she says. “But there was no law, and it was extremely dangerous.” Patfoort eventually found her way back to teaching in Maine. Her dedication to educating future generations she attributes to her childhood years at the mission, where education became such an important part of her life.

Bait and Tackle started casting for clients in 2002 in America’s oldest fishing port— Gloucester, Massachusetts—and now operates business world,” defines their work in advertising, branding, copywriting and commercials. Cofounded by Chad Carlberg ’95 and Pablo Bressnan ’95, the agency has received many Directing and Best Music Score for Daughters of Dogtown from the 2008 National Film Challenge. “This company is part of a paradigm shift in the media world—a kid with a camera can get more attention on YouTube than a giant ad agency with all the resources on the planet,” says Carlberg. “So we ask ‘Is there a cheaper, morestreamlined way of doing this?’ Our company has positions that require varied capabilities: a photography director is an editor and producer. This allows people to focus more on doing their work—it’s all kinetic here.” Its quality work has opened doors to larger clients like Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and Sony Music | BMG. Carlberg has kept one foot in the documentary world, forming Production Blue with other filmmakers and commercial directors, catering to big agencies, corporations and documentary clients.

Bait and Tackle Children of the Nations



Alumni books Brad Davis ’76 wrote Like Those Who Dream (Antrim House, December 2008), the final volume of his four-part poem series entitled Opening King David, a meditation on the Book of Psalms.

In The Significance of Swans (Finishing Line Press, August 2008) Sørina (Kulberg) Higgins ’02 shares an intimate peek into her journey of doubt

Photo Garreth Bentley

Serving Orphans, Widows and HIV/AIDS Victims

and faith, often turning to the natural and mythological worlds for answers to spiritual questions.

Meg Lynch ’10

In Jesus’ Name—The

Once you’ve tasted the waters of Africa you’re sure to come back for another drink.

History and Beliefs of Oneness Pentecostals (Deo

—African proverb.

Publishing, March 2008), written by David Reed

This African proverb is true for Bruce ’77 and Linda (Cheever) ’78 Wilkinson, who went to Ghana after graduating. Their passion and care for orphans and victims of HIV/AIDS has led them to extraordinary depths of service for which Gordon awarded them the 2008 Alumni of the Year Award.

’68B, is a complete study of Pentecostalism’s third stream, including origins, history and theology that surfaced during the Pentecostal Revival.

Bruce, who majored in economics, says of the award, “It’s a little look in the rearview mirror and reminds me of my friends.” Linda, who studied history and education, says, “Gordon was a fabulous school for me. I grew a lot as a woman and a Christian. I’m not sure I would have been challenged the same way at another college.” “We’ve been commissioned to help widows and orphans by Jesus himself,” says Linda. “I went to Zambia with Bruce knowing I could use my gifts to help others.” Bruce began working for World Vision in 1988 and now heads the RAPIDS (Reaching HIV/AIDS Affected People with Integrated Development and Support) coalition, supporting those affected by AIDS. Linda founded and directs the Chikumbuso Women and Orphans Project in Lusaka, a community center for women and children affected by AIDS, offering medical help, education, skill training and provisions. RAPIDS cares for 250,000 children weekly; it trains, equips and employs 18,500 caregivers, supplying them with 23,000 bikes and care kits; it sends children to school and to clinics, and builds up livelihoods. The Chikumbuso Center supports 60 widows with a microenterprise program; 35 single moms with tailoring and soy production; 300 orphans at the K–5 school; and sponsors 24 grandmothers a month. The work seems overwhelming, but for this couple it’s a special calling. “If you want boring or routine, don’t take our jobs,” says Bruce about their monumental tasks. “But it’s all in a day’s work.”

Stephen Vantassel ’87 wrote Dominion over Wildlife? An Environmental-Theology of Human-Wildlife Relations (Wipf and Stock, April 2009), in which he evaluates the biblical, ethical and scientific arguments made by the Christian animal rights movement and outlines “shepherdism,” a theology that helps Christians navigate complex questions regarding responsible use of God’s creation. Contact the Authors Brad | Sørina | David | Stephen | Order Your Copy All books are available online or through local bookstores. To purchase Like Those Who Dream, go to To purchase In Jesus’ Name, go to


summer 2009 | STILLPOINT 25


From the Recording Studio— Gordon’s First Lady Podcasts Need a spiritual boost but don’t have time to read? Jan Carlberg has recorded daily devotional readings from her book The Hungry Heart (Hendrickson Publishers, May 2005), found online at Twominute readings daily explore less familiar Old Testament passages that strongly exhibit God’s character. “I’ve met many people who are afraid of the Old Testament,” she said. “But God reveals so much about Himself through these stories that still resounds today.”

Photo Kristin Schwabauer ’04

Clarendon Scholars— Living out A. J. Gordon’s Vision

Gordon Wins Prestigious Energy Solutions Contest The Scientist-Evangelical Initiative—a joint program of the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical Center and the National Association of Evangelicals—held an energy solutions contest inviting campuses to submit ideas on “greener” campuses. Gordon won, receiving an energy consultation with Terrapin Bright Green, the architectural/ engineering firm that designed the world’s greenest skyscraper. The firm will research ways to improve air quality, water conservation, waste reduction and energy efficiency in Lane Student Center. Gordon already recycles 35 percent of its daily trash and won the 2008 Massachusetts Recycling Coalition Award for best recycling program. Gordon purchases B20 diesel fuel and has converted 95 percent of its buildings to natural gas, reducing emission of greenhouse gases, keeping the groundwater safe and reducing the carbon footprint significantly. “Creating an environmentally friendly campus has been part of Gordon’s commitment for many years,” says Paul Helgesen, director of physical plant. “To be selected for this award from such a prestigious group reinforces that our hard work has been on target. Terrapin Bright Green’s recommendations will be incredibly helpful.”

26 STILLPOINT | summer 2009

As new immigrants poured into the city of Boston in the 1870s, Clarendon Street Baptist Church, pastored by Adoniram Judson (A. J.) Gordon, helped provide jobs. Gordon also started a missionary school as a way of reaching the world, holding classes in the church basement. After outgrowing the basement, they moved to the Fenway, and later to a campus in Wenham, Massachusetts. To honor that heritage Gordon College has renamed its urban scholars program; what was formerly known as New City Scholars is now The Clarendon Scholars Program. The program, directed by the Office of Intercultural Affairs, will continue its commitment to diversity and leadership but extend its reach to better reflect the global vision of A. J. Gordon. The scholarship program—which began six years ago in partnership with Emmanuel Gospel Center in Boston—provides scholarships for multicultural students with exemplary leadership skills and scholastic aptitude, awarded annually to qualified students from Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York. “We have a solid connection to Boston because of our partnership with Emmanuel Gospel, and that enabled us to move into these other areas,” says Sheena Graham, director of intercultural affairs. “It was a natural progression for Gordon to ‘own’ the program administratively and to reaffirm our heritage from Clarendon Street.” Since the program began, three multicultural classes have graduated and 33 Clarendon Scholars are currently enrolled at Gordon with 10 more coming this fall. The program provides mentoring relationships, training and peer support, assistance during the transition to college, and leadership opportunities to reinforce their success. “Our graduates are already doing many great things,” Graham says. “Some are working in international affairs, some are teaching overseas or in community development work using their degrees. Gordon benefited from their presence on campus, but now they’re making a difference in the world because of their time here.”

Clarendon Scholars



“Gordon is more than an institution of higher learning; it is koinonia—a community linked in love by our common faith in Christ; life to life, person to person. My greatest joy is seeing God working in and through this community to bring about redemption and reconciliation for those with broken hearts and broken spirits.” —Barry Loy Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students Photo Kristin Schwabauer ’04

For Their Exemplary Service: Provost’s Awards Given

The 2009 Provost’s Awards were presented to two staff members who make substantial and consistent contributions to students’ learning. Recipients are nominated by faculty, staff and students.

Phil Williams ’89, Director of Development Relations

Health Professionals Gordon’s first medical school applicants—David Hall and Glenn McGrath—graduated in 1977. Since then 117 Gordon graduates have followed. Gordon’s health professionals program prepares students for careers as physicians, nurses, dentists, veterinarians, physical therapists, etc., giving students a well-rounded education in a liberal arts setting. Craig Story, associate professor of biology, supervises students on this track, “working with highly motivated, engaged and enthusiastic students as they refine their callings to serve in

For almost 20 years Phil Williams has led student trips to Latin America— mainly Guatemala. He also volunteers with Partnership Ministries, an organization connecting churches in North America and Central America. “An avid Red Sox fan, you might expect to see baseball memorabilia all over his office,” says Provost Mark Sargent. “But what I have seen on his walls are the faces of Guatemalan children.” Williams began his career at Gordon College as a resident director but currently works in the Development Office in fundraising compliance. His great love has always been the Central American people. “His connection to Guatemala runs deep,” says Kirk McClelland, former director of service learning and missions. “When he says ‘mis hermanos,’ ‘my brothers,’ he really means it.”

medical fields.”

Cami (Smith) Foerster ’98, Resident Director of Nyland Hall

Students in this track meet with healthcare

People describe Cami Foerster as “someone who listens, is generous with her time, is willing to spend long hours with students who need encouragement and counsel, and cares deeply about students’ spiritual lives.” Her supervisor, Terry Charek, associate dean of students for resident life, praises her for serving “students without counting hours, making a huge impact on students’ lives.” Greg Carmer, dean of the chapel, commends her as one of the people most dedicated to helping students gain a richer “understanding of themselves, faith and the world.”

professionals for a unique peek into this field and gain real-world experience through internships and medical mission trips. Significant time is spent discussing biomedical ethics in each class. “Being exposed to professionals is helping me figure out which field will suit me best,” says senior Ryan Cappa, a neuroscience major under the Pike program. “It’s also given me a realistic look into life after all my schooling is complete.” Since 1977 Gordon has sent graduates to various medical schools, including Cornell University Medical College, Emory University and Harvard

As a student at Gordon, Foerster and her peers saw a need to reach out to Bostonians with material, educational and spiritual needs and founded the Boston Project, “a community-based organization with a passion for seeing renewal in urban neighborhoods,” according to its website. She still serves on the board and is active in promoting its ministries.

University Medical School, to name a few.

Health Professions


Photo Scotland Huber ’09

Noelle Graves ’93 serves as an alumni mentor to Vroselyn Benjamin ’12.

get firsthand information from a trusted source, someone who has shared the Gordon experience.” Pam worked closely with Nancy Mering, director of the Alumni and Parent Relations Office, and with the Alumni Board. “Getting the ball rolling has taken a lot of effort, and we wouldn’t be where we are without the Alumni and Parent Relations Office and the Alumni Board, particularly members Dave Evans ’77 and Noelle Graves ’93, who have championed the cause of alumni recruitment,” Pam said.

Alumni Career Perspectives Needed for New Mentoring Program As a Gordon grad you may want to contribute to the College but don’t have extra money or time to give at the moment. Or perhaps you live too far away to contribute your time in person. But there’s another way you can stay connected and help: You can tell current students what it’s like to do your job so they can see if your field is a good fit for their God-given talents and abilities. A new networking program at Gordon is putting alumni like yourself in touch with current students and recent graduates to help them understand and connect to the working world. The Mentoring/GordonLink Program is an online tool through which alumni offer a range of help, from answering a few quick questions about their line of work to offering longer-term career advice over a period of months. They can also post internship and job openings at their companies. The need to help current students and recent graduates transition successfully to the working world is particularly critical in these tough economic times. The ranks of alumni involved are growing daily, but many more are

28 STILLPOINT | Summer 2009

needed to field questions from students interested in a wide array of careers. The time commitment is entirely up to you; Mentoring/GordonLink allows alumni to control how involved they will be. You decide how many students you’re willing to email and how long you want to offer advice (once or ongoing). The Career Services Office manages the program under the direction of Pam Lazarakis, director of career services, who spent a year researching career center online tools to find one to enhance not only employment resources but also to house the mentoring program. Pam says, “We needed a tool for the first stage of job postings and hiring—a tool geared to juniors, seniors and their first five-plus years out of college.” The program is offered through the Boston-based online company Experience Inc. Mentoring/GordonLink is an updated, online version of GordonLink, a 15-year campus program connecting alumni to students looking for career advice. “This is a great way to help people find each other,” Pam says. “Students can


Many other colleges and universities, including the University of Massachusetts and several colleges within Harvard University, use the Experience tool. Pam will track the success of the Mentoring/GordonLink Program by looking at the number of mentor connections and by listening to student reviews. Gordon students are already on the site looking for alumni in their fields of interest. No matter how long you’ve been in your field—first year on the job or just retired—your experience is vital to a current student. Your privacy is safe since only your first name and first initial of your last name appear to students as they search for Gordon grads in their field of interest. Students will not have access to your email address or any other contact information unless you supply it. Alumni participants are also welcome to network, and to post and search for job opportunities on the site. “This tool is a valuable way to contribute to Gordon,” says Dave Evans, who has been working closely with the Career Services Office and the faculty to launch the program. “Alumni can offer a bit of time and career perspective to a student who sees the world through the same Christian lens.”

Homecoming and Family Weekend 2009 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9


7:30 a.m.

Golf Tournament * The Meadows, Peabody 10:20 a.m.

Homecoming Convocation: Presentation of 2009 Alumni Awards 1–2 p.m.

Alumni Invited to Meet Alumni Board 6:30–8:30 p.m.


Great Scots: Alumni in the Gordon Spotlight *

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 8 a.m.–4 p.m.

Welcome Tent 9 a.m.

Scot Trot 5-K Trail Race ** 9 a.m.–12 p.m.

Smart Scots Craft Session Basket Weaving with Judy Spates *


10–11 a.m.

Parents’ Reception with President and Mrs. Carlberg * 10 a.m.

Alumni Baseball 10–11:15 a.m.

October 9–11

11 a.m.

Women’s Field Hockey vs. University of New England 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.

Princemere Fellowship Retired Faculty Lunch * 12 p.m.

Women’s Soccer vs. Regis College 10 a.m.–3 p.m.

Children’s Activities 1 p.m.

Women’s Alumni Field Hockey 1:30–2:30 p.m.

Faculty Department Receptions 2:30 p.m.

Men’s Soccer vs. Regis College 2:30–3:15 p.m.

Community Hymn Sing 2:30–4 p.m.

20th Annual Science Carnival 3:30 p.m.

Alumni Men’s Lacrosse 4:30–5:30 p.m.

Jazz Band Concert 5 p.m.

Alumni Men’s and Women’s Soccer

Retired Faculty Connection

Class Reunions Saturday, October 10 Gordon Reunions 5 –20 Classes of 2004, 1999, 1994, 1989 * th


12–1:30 p.m. Reunion Lunch 12:30 p.m. Class Photos

25th—Class of 1984 5:45 p.m. Class Photo 5:30–7:30 p.m. Food and Fellowship

30th–45th—Classes of 1979, 1974, 1969, 1964 * 12–1:30 p.m. Reunion Lunch 12 p.m. Class Photos

Barrington Reunion and Panel 25th–45th—Classes of 1984, 1979, 1974, 1969, 1964 *

11 a.m.

Women’s Tennis vs. Nichols College 11 a.m.–12 p.m.

7:30 p.m.

255 Grapevine: A Sampler of Alumni, Student, Faculty and Staff Talent

Smart Scots Sessions


Discussion of The Shack by William P. Young

10 a.m.

Dr. Dan Russ, Director of the Center for Christian Studies

Wednesday Wars and Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy—Selected Readings

Worship Service Professor Marv Wilson, preacher; Alumni Choir


Dr. Peter Stine, retired English professor

Children’s activities

Creation Care: A Walk in the Gordon Woods Dr. Russ Camp, retired biology professor, and Donna Loy, admissions assistant 10:30–11:30 a.m.

Phi Alpha Chi Honor Society Reception

Faculty Music *

Preregistration required


Preregistration requested

12–1:30 p.m. Reunion Lunch 1 p.m. Class Photos

Complete schedule and locations



1940s Betty (Whitney) Crisci ’49 published over 375 articles and 21 short stories during her career, which began in 1951. Her husband, Francis, officially retired from the pastorate in 1990, and the couple moved to Sarasota, FL. Shortly thereafter Francis was asked to hold worship services in their mobile home community, and their ministry is thriving.

1950s Marjorie Buck ’50 sold the last copy of her book Amuzgo Lessons, which sold over 3,500 copies since its original printing in 1976. Marjorie is working with Wycliffe Bible Translators at their Mexico branch. Last year she had the opportunity to visit with friends and family in the Northeast. Sylvia (Burgess) Lloyd ’58B and her husband, Robert, are enjoying retirement, though Robert works part-time for CAM International updating their Spanish website. They live in Siloam Springs, AR, and enjoy spending time with their grandchildren. Thomas ’59B and Carol (Brown) ’58B Buckley are celebrating 50 years of marriage and missions work in the church planting field. In 1959 the Buckleys began their work with the American Mission for Opening Churches. In 1996 they founded a new mission, Church Planters to America, located in Almond, NY. Thomas is the resident director.

1960s Reunion: Classes of 1964 and 1969

Grace (Pitt) Collies ’60B and husband Lyle celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary October 4, 2008. A luncheon was held on the waterfront in Mystic, CT. Nancy (Chapman) Morgan ’60 was in attendance. Nancy and Grace were in each other’s weddings and were roommates at Barrington. Carolyn (Averill) Bontkes ’63B and husband William are working with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Brazil. In February they ended a yearlong furlough in the United States. George Cottenden ’64 retired in July 2008 from the pastorate of Trinity Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Hatboro, PA, after 27 years behind the pulpit there. He served for 41 years in various pastoral and missionary services. He and wife Barbara (Benson) ’64 live in North Wales, PA. Barbara retired several years ago from kindergarten teaching and stays busy with church and community activities. They have three grandchildren and two more on the way.

30 STILLPOINT | Summer 2009

Carlynn Reed ’68 is the codirector of Imagiscape Theatre with Jonathon Neville. They perform a two-person show about caregiving, Heal Thyself. Her son, Kirk, and husband, David Reed ’68, are disabled. Imagiscape will soon be releasing a documentary about the transformation of their homes through a unique theatre process. Richard Slater ’69 is the associate conference minister of the New Hampshire Conference, United Church of Christ. Prior to this position he was for 25 years the pastor of First Congregational Church of Lebanon, NH. Richard and his wife, Nirmala John, have four children and two grandchildren.

1970s Reunion: Classes of 1974 and 1979

Nanette (Love) ’74 and Dana Moran are moving to China. They welcome people to visit their website,, to see updates on their travels and work in the mission field. Karin (Coonrod) Geballe ’76 serves on the Board of Directors for Compagnia de’ Colmbari, an international collaborative of performing artists based in New York City, NY. It is dedicated to creating free artistic public spectacles from old and new works from diverse traditions and cultures. James Kerr ’76 and his wife, Mara, were featured in a story entitled “Jim and Mara Kerr Cavern View Antiques Howe’s Caves, New York,” in the May 2009 issue of The Maine Antiques Digest. Ron Barnes ’77 received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in May 2006 and presided over the wedding of his son, Dylan, in July 2006. Jerry Bouts ’78 retired from the U.S. Navy after 28 years of service. He works with the United States State Department Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement as a foreign affairs officer. The position entails coordinating U.S. government initiatives to assist Mexico in their efforts to deal with criminal cartels and the drug trade. Kevin Michael Slater ’79B lives in Richmond, VA, with the Chair of Labyrinth Group Global.

1980s Reunion: Classes of 1984 and 1989

Philip C. Eyster ’80B founded Eagle Projects International in 1989 and has since served as president. Each year he leads projects to dozens of underdeveloped countries for missions

and humanitarian aid work with hundreds of volunteers. Phil and his wife, Marcia (Gammon) ’81B, have five birth children and adopted two girls from China. They make their home in Maine and Prince Edward Island, Canada. www. Paul ’81 and Lucinda (Rowe) ’79 Bentley returned home for a short time between assignments in Bolivia. Their work abroad is with a radio station broadcasting in the Quechua language with an estimated listening audience slightly over 1,000,000. Matthew McKinnon ’84 taught math, computers and English alongside Brazilian nationals for 17 years in São Paulo, Brazil. He and wife Simone have six children, all boys. The McKinnons have returned to the United States to work with youth stateside and are living in Mt. Holly, NJ. They welcome you to visit their website, David Fenrick ’87 was appointed director of Intercultural Unity at Northwestern College, St. Paul, MN, where he also teaches intercultural studies. Samuel and Eun-Soo Folta ’87 are on a yearlong furlough from missions work in China. They have spent the past six months visiting congregations along the Northeast coast. They will return to China later this year and are in search of missionary associates to return with them to teach English. Stephen Vantassel ’87 published his dissertation, Dominion over Wildlife? An Environmental-Theology of Human-Wildlife Relations, through Wipf and Stock. Greg Johnston ’88 received his B.A. in technical management from Southern New Hampshire University. Greg works for Microsoft and lives in Rockport, MA, with his wife, Karry (Parker) ’88, and their children: Ian, 17, and Abagail, 11. Cheryl (Shehan) Lavornia ’88 graduated from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in May with a Master of Divinity in Urban Studies. Cheryl is on the pastoral staff at Evangelical Covenant Christ Church in East Greenwich, RI.

1990s Reunion: Classes of 1994 and 1999

Claudia Landau ’90 graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA, with a master’s degree in theology in 2004. After graduation she served as a hospital chaplain in Albany, NY. An article featuring her ministry as an interfaith chaplain was recently published in the Schenectady, NY, Daily Gazette.

Homecoming 2009


October 9-11

Howard Fass ’92 created a nonprofit charitable organization called The Snow Lion Foundation. The foundation’s mission is to be a positive force for action regarding human rights and freedoms for Tibet, Taiwan, Uyghur and other similarly impacted regions. More information can be found at their website, www. Rick Pfohl ’92 graduated in May with a Doctor of Strategic Leadership from Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA. He was honored as the “Outstanding Graduate” of his cohort and spoke at graduation. He is currently working on publishing his dissertation and has been invited to speak at leadership conferences around the country. Michael Groat ’93 was promoted to director of the Professionals in Crisis Program at the Menninger Clinic, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. In addition to the directorship he will continue his work as an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences. Laura Bartlett ’96 earned a master’s degree in 2006 in cross-cultural studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA, with an emphasis in international development and leadership. After an internship in Kenya she became the chaplain for Hope Gardens/Union Rescue Mission, a transitional living facility outside Los Angeles for homeless single moms with kids. She is the program manager residing over youth and adult vocational development programs. Aaron Lecklider ’96 was appointed assistant professor of American studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Timothy Willeford ’96 was honored with the 2008 IBM Chairman’s Award for leading communications projects with the IBM Project Big Green Energy and Environmental Campaign, which took place in over 50 countries. Tim is the global communications lead for IBM University Programs, academic and innovation initiatives, business and IT transformation and the center for CIO leadership. He lives with wife Christina and their daughter, Katarina, in Brookfield, CT. Meghan Lindsay ’97 received her degree in physical therapy at Elon College in Elon, NC, and works in New Hampshire as a pediatric P.T. Meghan uses her vacation time to serve with Joni Erickson Tada’s Wheels for the World ministry. She has been on five or six trips to Honduras, China and Thailand, helping fit disabled children and adults with wheelchairs.

Jeremy ’97 and Amy (Ludeker) ’96 Simons have been working in prison ministry in Davao City, Philippines. Once a week, along with a group of volunteers, they take meals to prisoners who would otherwise go without. In April Amy participated in a two-day International Solidarity Conference on Mindanao that was concluded by Peace Power Day in Central Mindanao. The Simonses encourage you to visit their blog, http://

2000s Reunion: Class of 2004

Thomas Lake ’01 was published in the December 8, 2008, issue of Sports Illustrated. His story, “2 On 5,” details a high school basketball game where two players, after their teammates fouled out, battled back to victory against a full squad. http://vault.sportsillustrated.cnn. com/vault/article/magazine/MAG1149384/ index.htm Kathryn (LaMothe) Blevins ’02 is procurement account manager for Operation Blessing, an affiliated organization of the Christian Broadcasting Network in Virginia Beach, VA. Her work is to build relationships with corporations within the United States for donations distributed domestically and internationally for disaster relief and other outreach programs. Denise (Carozzi) Kent ’02 has opened the Law Office of Denise Kent in Hamilton, MA. She also maintains a professional website, Chris Mozdzanowski ’02 received his medical degree from University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine, May 2008. He began his residency in the Emergency Medicine residency program in Rhode Island in July 2008. Jonathan Fitzgerald ’03 published an article in Christianity Today, January 2009. The article was titled “Building a Peace beyond Understanding” and detailed John’s time in southern Sudan. www. Anne (Sanders) Martinat ’03 moved to France in 2005 to pursue a master’s degree in medieval history at La Sorbonne University in Paris, France. Shortly after arrival she married Isaac Martinat, and Anne received her teacher’s certification and taught middle school for a year. In 2007 the couple moved to Casablanca, Morocco, where their son, Nathan, was born in March 2008. Anne and Isaac work at George Washington Academy in Morocco and plan to continue their work in rural schools in need.


Melissa Pratt-Zossoungbo ’03 is a Sea Grant 2009 Knauss fellow working with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as an ocean policy analyst in the office of Policy, Planning and Analysis in Silver Spring, MD. Luke ’03 and Jennifer (Anderson) ’04 Reynolds completed an anthology to be published this spring. All proceeds will be donated to efforts in Darfur. Philip Cook ’04 graduated from Salem State College in December ’08 with a master’s degree in teaching history. Philip is a history teacher at Gloucester High School. He lives in Ipswich, MA, with his wife, Elizabeth (Rommer) ’05. Elissa Rodkey ’04 presented her paper “Last of the Mohicans? James McCosh and Psychology ‘Old’ and ‘New’” at the American Psychological Association’s convention in August 2008. Her paper won the Society for the History of Psychology’s Best Student Paper award. Elissa is in her second year in a master’s program at York University in Toronto, where she is studying the history of psychology. Amy Little ’05 graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine in Knoxville, TN, with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. After graduation she began rotation as an intern for small animal medicine at VCA South Shore Animal Hospital in South Weymouth, MA. Andrei Semenov ’06 is a visiting scholar at Pennsylvania State University, Department of Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, and the Laboratory for Cognition and Action. Additionally he serves as manager of the experimental phonology laboratory at the Center for Language Science.

Weddings Richard Hopkins ’46 and Ruth (Chase) ’49 Wessel, January 3 at Bethel Baptist Church in Brandenton, FL. Dick has one son and three daughters, and Ruth has two daughters and three sons. All of their children were in attendance along with eight grandchildren. The couple resides in Bradenton, FL, but will return to New Hampshire for the spring. Alumni in attendance were Julie (Moon) Morse ’54, Joyce (Smith) Witherell ’52, Dick ’46 and Marilyn (Davis) ’71 and Paul Hopkins ’72. President Jud Carlberg and wife, Jan, also attended the ceremony. Ernie Madden ’78B and Deborah Fulbright, July 7, 2007. Ernie is the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Fairfield, ME. He has two daughters, Katherine ’07 and Rebecca ’08. Son Ryan plans to attend Gordon College in the fall.

Summer 2009 | STILLPOINT 31



James Thompson ’85 and Sze Man Yau, September 13, 2008, in Philadelphia’s Independence National Historical Park. Attendees included W. Christian ’85 and Jill (VanderWeert) ’86 Sieverts, and Michael E. ’84 and Lois Rebekah (Hardy) ’84 Markiewicz. Sze is a pharmacist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and Jim works in the corporate alliances group of Fox Chase Cancer Center, also in Philadelphia. The couple honeymooned in Italy.

and Kelsey (Harris) Walny ’02. Melanie is a third-year resident in family medicine at the University of Washington. The Bergs reside in Seattle, WA. Paul D. Craney ’04 and Laurene Belsito, June 22, 2008, in Rockport, MA. The couple lives in Washington, D.C. Paul is the executive director of the District of Columbia Republican Committee and has been published or quoted in multiple types of print and online media.

Jonathan Flanders ’06 and Julie Mathis ’06, December 22, 2007. Alumni participating in the ceremony were Lourdes Meza ’06, Mariya Tymchenko ’06, She-hee Koh ’06, Mbong Azang-Njah ’06, Esther Kim ’03, Benjamin Flanders ’03, Ryan Hardin ’03 and Daniel Wall ’02.

Timothy Smeeding and Marcia Carlson ’91, November 1, 2008, in Garrison, NY. Tim is an economist who is Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Public Affairs at the La Follette School of Public Affairs and director of the Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Marcia was offered a tenured job in the Department of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin in March 2008. The couple resides in Madison, WI.

Jeremiah G. Rood and Amanda M. Dumond ’03, September 13, 2008, at Hamilton House in South Berwick, ME. Amanda is assistant editor at The Hellenic Voice, a Greek American newspaper based in Lexington, MA. Jeremiah is pursuing a Master of Divinity degree at Andover Newton Theological School in Newton, MA, where they live. Ryan Berg and Melanie Parker ’02, July 12, 2008, at Denny Park Lutheran Church in Seattle, WA. Gordon alumni in attendance were Ben ’04 and Katie (Thomforde) ’02 Hanchett, Jennifer (Swenson) Coffey ’02

32 STILLPOINT | Summer 2009

Adam Rowe ’04 and Elizabeth Aiken ’04, June 14, 2008. The couple was married on Cape Cod. Alumnae in the wedding party were Sunny Park ’04, Rebecca Copty ’04 and Katie Grogan ’05. Liz and Adam serve on the staff of Rolling Hills Community Church in Danville, CA.

Grant Johnson ’06 and Ahnika Michealsen ’07, August 24, 2008. The ceremony took place on the Crossroads Estate at the Firestone Vineyards in Los Olivos, CA. Grant works for Melchiori Construction as project engineer and Ahnika is employed by Smith Barney Investments. The couple honeymooned in Maui/Kannapauli, HI, and reside in Santa Barbara, CA. Many Gordon alumni attended the ceremony. Isaac Farley and Stacey Binkiwitz ’05, September 28, 2008, at Stonehurst Manor, North Conway, NH. Beckah Fisher ’05 served as maid of honor. Isaac works at Laconia Winair in Laconia, NH, and Stacey at Lakeview Neurological Rehabilitation Center. They reside in Effingham, NH.

Michael Hildebrandt and Kimberly Watkins ’05, June 22, 2008, in Beverly, MA. Gordon alumni in attendance were Julia (Brink) D’Onofrio ’05, Katie Ambrose ’06 and Kevin Roberts ’00. Kimberly and Michael both work at the Landmark School in Prides Crossing, MA. They reside in Beverly, MA.

Jaron Foster and Megan Pope ’06, July 5, 2008, in Montpelier, VT. Marc Ramsey and Jenny Warren ’06, August 3, 2008, in Lyme, NH. Rebecca Anderson ’06 participated as a bridesmaid.

ALUMNI Michael Bagge ’07 and Jennifer McMann, September 2008, in East Longmeadow, MA. They live in Haverhill, MA. Joshua Nasman ’07 and Christine Scanlon ’09 were in the wedding party.

Births Son Joshua James to Santos and Kara (Toth) ’90 Montanez, February 4. He joins siblings Caleb, Tabitha, Isaiah and Anel. The family resides in Stamford, CT, where Santos works as the director of a faith-based addiction program called Reformers Unanimous International, and Spanish ministry. Kara completed her Ph.D. at Wilmington College, New Castle, DE. She recently released a gospel CD entitled The Way That He Loves. Son Isaac James to Todd ’91 and Megan Allen, February 18, 2009. He joins brother Luke. Isaac was born underwater at the Allen home with the support of a midwife and doula. Son Alexander Zachary to Daniel and Melinda (Palmer) ’93 Fried, January 28, 2008. He joins brother Brian, and the family resides in Holyoke, MA. Daughter Zuzu Whitefield “Danger” to Doug ’93 and Joanna (Stuart) ’95 Kimball, November 16, 2007. She joins sisters Meriwether, Honour and Tabitha. Daughter Nora Marta to Simon and Annie (Garabed) ’93 Ovanessian, March 21, 2008. Nora joins sister Nyrie and brother Avedis. Son Eli James to Brian ’94 and Bethany (Smith) ’96 Van Brunt, December 1, 2008. He joins siblings Noah Aslan, Katerina Elizabeth and Emily Florence. They live in Bowling Green, KY. Son Owen Jeffery to Jeffery and Eva (Wilson) ’95 Brown, December 17, 2008. He joins sister Charlotte Emmiline. Eva works part-time as a literacy coach in Lake Mary, FL. Jeff is a freelance writer and is pursuing a Master of Divinity at Reformed Theological Seminary in Oviedo, FL. Son Jack Arthur to Matthew and Karen (Evans) ’96 Eckert, December 22, 2008. He joins siblings Emily Grace and Samuel Matthew. The family resides in Culpeper, VA. Matthew is a firefighter and paramedic, and Karen is a stay-athome mom.


Son Joseph Matthew to Matthew and Molly (Fitzgerald) ’98 Bonaventura, August 8, 2008. He joins sisters Sara and Anna.

Son Joel Alexander to Michael and Christine (Patterson) ’02 Robertson, October 15, 2008. He joins brother Benjamin Wyatt.

Daughter Maryn Rose to Paul and Molly (O’Connor) ’98 Dantonio, April 19, 2008. She joins brother Samuel Jameson. The Dantonio family lives in Morristown, NJ, where Paul works as the director of biologics research at Biomet NJ and Molly is a stay-at-home mom.

Son Jonathon Michael to Dan and Kate (Lynch) ’03 Bevcar, April 7. Mary M. Lynch ’10 is his aunt. The family lives in Oswego, IL.

Daughter Hannah Elisabeth to Eric and Christina (Young) ’99 Sweeney, May 1, 2008. Son Camden Michael to Michael ’99 and Alicia (Harrington) ’01 Willis, February 27, 2009. He joins sister Isla Grace. Daughter Emma Hope to Roger and Jessica (Laliberte) ’99 Zaleski, December 25, 2008. Emma joins siblings Aaron and Ava. Daughter Mallory Susay to Darius and Haley (Mitchell) ’00 Doak, September 3, 2008. She joins sister Avery Elizabeth. They reside in Presque Isle, ME, where Haley works as a physician assistant for The Aroostook Medical Center. Sons Asher David and Patrick Pelumi to Christian ’00 and Christy Lindsay. Asher was born January 31, 2008. Patrick was adopted from West Africa March 31, 2008, at age 4 and is a boy with special needs. They join siblings Grace, Aiden and Naomi. Christian works as an arborist near the family home in Harleysville, PA. Daughter Beatrix Cricket to Charles ’01 and Hannah (Woodham) ’03 Bartholomew, September 2008. She joins sister Penelope Sage. Daughter Gemma Esther to Zahan ’01 and Kim (Bogart) ’01 Billimoria, August 14, 2008. She joins brother Alyosha. Daughter Mackenzie Penny Anne to Michael and Patricia (Candell) ’01 Curtis, October 23, 2008. Daughter Magdalena Grace to Bob and Lisa (Terranova) Ladwig ’01, March 5. Magdalena is welcomed by her sister, Geneva, and brother, Caleb. The Ladwigs live in Waukesha, WI. Daughter Natalie Miriam to Matthew ’02 and Abigail (Bray) Haynes ’03, July 29, 2008.

Daughter Sarah Elizabeth to Jason ’96 and Amy Webber, March 19, 2008. She joins brother Noah.

Daughter Eve Marie to Raji and Michelle (Wironen) ’02 Manasseh, October 31, 2008.

Daughter Cameron Alyson to David ’97 and Brooke (Hammon) ’94 Friedrich, June 6, 2008. David was appointed assistant dean of Harvard College and director of the Student Activities Office in March 2009.

Son Noah Jonathan to Jonathan and Danielle (Fraumann) ’02 Mattera, September 29, 2008. He joins sister Isabelle.

Daughter Anna Constance to Michael ’03 and Jill (Lieberwirth) ’03 Egan, April 10, 2008. Son Wyatt Robert to Krutis and Heather (Rocklein) ’03 Klausmeyer, April 6. He joins brother Colton. The family resides in Tomball, TX. Daughter Catherine Arielle to Joseph and Carelene (Coolbaugh) ’03 O’Donnell, September 22, 2008. Daughter Charlotte Emerson to Adam ’04 and Jen (Menzel) ’03 Buinicky, November 21, 2008. Daughter Grace Arlene to Gordon and Arlene (Fearon) ’04 Hood, January 31 in Kauai, HI. Son Aden Jesse to Jesse ’04 and Kathryn (Elander) ’02 Samuel, February 7. The family resides in North Andover, MA. Jesse works as a senior imaging research associate at Perceptive Informatics in Billerica, MA, and Kate works as a senior regional marketing associate at Putnam Investments in Andover, MA. Daughter Mia Mei-Xin to Hanway and Katie (Scott) ’04 Yang, October 3, 2008. Daughter Anaia Grace to Ryan ’06 and Linda Denerley, November 6, 2008. Daughter Sophia Grace to Timothy ’07 and Jennifer (Specht) ’06 Easley on April 8. She joins sister Naomi. The family resides in Windsor, NY.

In Memoriam Ethel Webb ’32, October 22, 2008, in Englewood, FL. Ethel would have been 100 on February 5. Arthur ’41 and Katherine (Schroeder) ’42 Freeman, March 19 and February 14. The family has put together a tribute webpage to honor their lives— Paul Klose ’43, February 16. He is survived by his wife, Madelyn (Curtis) ’47. Albert John Wollen ’44, November 22, 2008. Albert and his wife ministered with Cedar Mill Bible Church of Portland, OR, for almost 30 years—until Albert’s retirement in 1982. He is survived by his wife, Roberta, who resides in Ocean Park, WA.

Summer 2009 | STILLPOINT 33



William Hoyt ’45B, February 22. Mr. Hoyt attended Julliard School of Music in New York City after graduation from Providence Bible College and pursued what would become a successful operatic career. He recorded several albums that have been on radio and television and was chosen to sing with educational theologians on the Billy Graham team and with Dr. Stephen Olford. He is survived by his wife, Erica. Daniel E. Morris ’49B, September 19, 2008. He is survived by his wife Marjorie (Moretti) ’49B. Mr. Morris worked for the State of Rhode Island Department of Human Services for 22 years, retiring in 1990. Roland Kimball ’50, April 27. Roland spent 31 years teaching English at Northern Essex Community College in Massachusetts, where he received professor emeritus standing and the Roland C. Kimball Literary Award was instituted to honor students for excellence in composition. After teaching, Roland served as vice president and president for Full Gospel Businessmen International, was an associate pastor and counselor at Bethel Assembly in Portsmouth, NH, and was vice president of the Board of Directors for Operation Blessing in Portsmouth, NH. Roland enjoyed collecting and repairing antique clocks, traveling throughout Europe and Israel, and The New York Times crossword puzzles. His greatest loves were his family, his beagle, Freckles, and serving his Lord and Savior through preaching and teaching the Holy Scriptures. Ella (Marshall) Wing ’52B, November 13, 2008. Virginia Zulker ’57B, December 12, 2008. She is survived by her adopted son, Charles Zulker, and his wife, Michelle. Harold Hoehner ’58, February 12. His legacy and influence on Dallas Theological Seminary will be lasting; he was a distinguished professor of New Testament studies. Dr. Hoehner was known as a man of integrity, frugality, hard work, strong opinions, and fairness to others coupled with a loyal, collegial spirit, humility and humor. Merton Bates Fitzgerald ’71B, January 28, 2008, at Chapel Pointe Health Center, Carlisle, PA. Rev. Fitzgerald died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 91.

Correction Robert W. Sutton, ’50, ’47B, was misidentified in the Spring 2009 STILLPOINT. We are happy to report he is very much alive. Robert Sutton, a former professor of English at Gordon, passed away March 20, 2008. Our apologies for this error. 34 STILLPOINT | Summer 2009

Alumni Award Winners A. J. Gordon Missionary Service Award: Herbert D. Boyd ’52 During more than 55 years evangelizing and planting churches in The Netherlands, Herbert Boyd so distinguished himself that he was made a member of the Order of Orange-Nassau, one of the highest civilian honors granted there. In 1952 Herb and his late wife, Ruth, were the first missionaries appointed with Baptist Mid-Missions (BMM) to The Netherlands. Now Herb’s son, David, and grandson, Daniel, continue Herb’s work planting churches in The Netherlands.

Alumnus of the Year: Eugene Neville ’69B Pastor since 1981 of the thriving Mount Moriah Baptist Church in Brockton, MA, Pastor Neville’s ministry has included ministry training and programs to help prisoners and their families. Through Weed and Seed, a joint effort with the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office, Mount Moriah has initiated programs to reduce recidivism among young offenders. Other programs include a computer summer camp and a college resource center for urban youth.

Winifred Currie Award in Education: Gary D. Schmidt ’79 A Calvin College English professor since l985, Gary Schmidt is a children’s and young adults’ author, and recipient of two Newbury Award Honorable Mentions, the Printz Honor and numerous other literary awards. Gary also writes scholarly works and created a three-week literature course, New England Saints, which brings him to New England every January.

Jack Good Community Service Award: Melissa Kerr Winchell ’99 Melissa Winchell, chair of the English department at Lynn Classical High School, also chairs the Language Support (ESL) program in the Lynn secondary schools. She and her husband, Jason, also a teacher at Lynn Classical, have coached sports teams, and begun a youth ministry, Ripple Effect. An adjunct professor at Gordon, she is completing a Ph.D. in education. The Winchells have adopted two Haitian brothers.

Young Alumna of the Year: Shella Saintcyr ’03 Shelly Saintcyr is a social worker and a poet. Having worked extensively in a variety of community service programs in Boston and Chicago, she serves the needy, and through her poetry she provides encouragement and inspiration to people with emotional and mental challenges. Enrolled for summer 2009 in a creative writing program at Columbia University, Shelly chose her church there based on its missions focus. Doctoral work in theology is a likely next step.



Submission Guidelines We accept alumni news in any form—if possible, please send electronically: Deadline for the Fall 2009 issue is September 1; for the Spring 2010 issue, January 1. bb Give graduation year and maiden names (if applicable) for all alumni mentioned, including wedding participants and deceased. bb Give exact position titles and company names, and locations (city and state) when appropriate. Spell out acronyms when appropriate.


bb We publish photos primarily of weddings and alumni gatherings; we are no longer able to publish baby photos. bb Photos should be in focus and have good contrast. Digital photos should be at least 300 dpi for best results in print.

Please send photos as attachments rather than embedded in the email. STILLPOINT reserves the right to edit alumni news for clarity and space limitations. No engagements, please. We will not publish email addresses unless you give permission.

PHONE 978 867 4238 FAX 978 867 4672 ONLINE MAIL Gordon College Office of Alumni and Parent Relations 255 Grapevine Road, Wenham MA 01984 EMAIL

Charles W. “Chuck” Colson, left, is founder of Prison Fellowship International, a ministry to prisoners and their families, and also founder and chairman of the Wilberforce Forum, a Christian “think tank.” In 1993 he was awarded the Templeton Prize, given each year to the one person in the world who has done the most to advance the cause of religion. He was among many friends in attendance at the celebration honoring Tom Phillips, trustee and benefactor of Gordon, on May 30. STILLPOINT conducted this photo session in the Ken Olsen Science Center. During the session Colson quipped, “Photographers are evidence of the depravity of man. They always tell you ‘Just one more picture.’”

Summer 2009 | STILLPOINT 35

Current Members

1930s Edith Smith ’33B Ernest Sillers ’35

Legacy Benches on Campus By Commencement, 30 new teak benches graced the pathways at Gordon. Each bench is dedicated in memory or in honor of a loved one, friend, faculty/staff member

George ’36 and Jean Smart Grace Hawkins ’38

1940s Barbara Steeves ’40 Leona Harmon ’41 H. LeRoy Patterson ’41 Bernice Niles ’43 Alda Young ’45 Charles Sherrard ’46 and LaVonne MacKenzie

or a graduating class. Here are just

Manuel Jr. ’47 and Madelyn Avila

a few examples:

Pearl Homme ’47 Madelyn Klose ’47 Violet Vogel ’47B Walter Wood ’47B

In Highest Honor of Coach Marc Whitehouse, Our Leader, Our Mentor, and Our Friend; Knowing You Has Enriched Our Lives —Your Players

Charles Jr. ’48 and Ida Margarit Schenck Wendell and Mary ’49 Chestnut Francis and Betty ’49 Crisci Ruth Wessel Hopkins ’49 James Meffen ’49 Frank Jr. and Ruth ’49 Replogle Walter ’49B and Audrey ’53B Rice Mary Wilson ’49B Elmer Young ’49

Dedicated to the Life and Legacy of Dr. T. Leonard Lewis President of Gordon College from 1944 to 1959 Given by the Class of 1959

1950s Ralph ’50 and Pauline ’50 Brown Carl ’50B and Caroline Burke Andrew Jr. ’50 and Mary ’70 Kilpatrick Ida Parker ’50 Elin Bridgham ’51

In Loving Memory of Betsy Carnall Stine 1939–2005 Wife of Professor Peter Wilfred Stine

Don ’51 and Cora Marcum Cecil ’52 and Florence ’51 Breton Jeannette Spinney Stuart ’52 William ’52 and Nancy ’55B Udall

Mother of Four Gordon Students:

Joyce Witherell ’52

Jennie-Rebecca, Sarah, Nathaniel,

John ’53 and Beverly Beauregard


Ethel Fern ’53 Christine Hodgman ’53 T. David ’53 and Margaret Jansen

The cost to name a bench is $5,000, with a significant portion going toward the completion of the Ken Olsen Science Center. The benches are strategically placed on campus and will be enjoyed

Audrey ’53B and Walter ’49B Rice Richard ’53 and Dorothy ’50 Rung Frederick ’53 and Margaret ’58 Smith Lester ’53 and Ruby ’53 Tufts Margaret Alsen ’54 James ’54B and Gertraud ’52B Campbell

for many years to come. To learn

Paul ’54B and Myrtle Carlson

more about naming a bench to be

Veronica Lanier ’54

installed by Homecoming, contact: Bob Grinnell 978 867 4005 Jon Tymann 978 867 4039

36 STILLPOINT | Summer 2009

Mary Lark ’54B Charlotte Stuart ’54 Wayne ’56B and Kathleen Owens

Diane Blake ’58 Joyce Duerr ’58 Robert Goodwin ’59

1960s Philip and Judith ’60 Johnson James ’60 and Merlyn Rutherford Raymond Mann ’61 Eleanor Wilson ’61B Priscilla Ferrin Leavitt ’62B Carolyn Cassidy ’63 Judith Krom ’63 Marsha Littler ’63 Charlotte Baker ’64 Phillip ’64 and Linda ’65 Bonard G. Lloyd ’64 and Gwendolyn Carr Mary Gibbs ’64 Glenn ’64 and Marcia Harrington Ruth Bennett ’65B Peter ’65 and Pat ’65 McKay Ronald Perry ’65 Barry ’66 and Yetta ’66 Relyea Janet ’68 and Kenneth ’70 Arndt Thomas ’68 and Linda ’69 Zieger Judson II ’69 and Joan ’74 Guest

Friends of the College David and Carolyn Ames John Barbour David Belman Kenneth and Dorothy Bernard Helen Burrill Frank and Ruth Butler R. Judson and Janice Carlberg Carl and Randi Carlson Richard and Lois Carlson Roy Carlson Jr. Donald and Barbara Chase Barbara Cushing-Geary Kenneth Durgin Harry Durning Dale and Sarah Ann Fowler Olive Garde Eldon and Grace Hall Laura Headley George Hein Roy and Beverly Honeywell Nathan Hubley Jr. Edward and Ellen Huff Joseph and Margaret Hunt Ruth Jones


Robert Jr. and Miriam Kenyon

Kenneth ’70 and Janet ’68 Arndt

Graham Mason

Margaret Clark ’70B

Billie McKinney

Mary ’70 and

John and Jacquelyn Meers

Andrew Jr. ’50 Kilpatrick

Raymond and Priscilla Lee

C. William Jr. and Pat Meyer

James ’70 and Patricia ’70 Rahn

Evelyn Nelson

John ’71 and Karen Den Bleyker

Leonard and Judy Peterson

David ’71 and Lynda ’72 Linker

Lucile Peterson

Joan ’74 and Judson II ’69 Guest

Charles and Sarah Pickell

Daniel ’74 and Darlene ’74 Kuzmak

Lois Pollard

Elizabeth Hunter ’75B

Elinor Pouliot

Eric ’76 and Robin ’80 Feustel

Caryl Reid

Ellen Anderson ’77

Eloise Rideout

Margaret Ann Bentley ’78

Thomas Rodger

William ’78 and Jane Keep

Edwin and Sharon Schempp

David ’78 and Joyce ’80 Nystedt

Diane Shaw

H. Sue Snyder ’78

William Shepard

Margaret Mattison ’79

Thomas and Madelyn Shields


T. Grady and Tine Spires Edward and Marjorie Steltzer

Robin ’80 and Eric ’76 Feustel

Peter Stine

Joyce ’80 and David ’78 Nystedt

Robert and Jean Svoboda

Mark ’80 and Jill Smith

Ann Tappan

Robert ’81 and Barbara ’81 Grinnell

Elizabeth Gordon Thompson

Ronald ’81 and Jerilyn ’82 Mahurin

Russell and Jean Tupper

John ’82 and Jan Anderson

Daniel and Andrea Tymann

Tori Jaye Britton ’84

David Vander Mey

Gordon ’85 and Barbara ’83 Becker

James and Barbara Vander Mey

Douglas MacDougal ’85

Pamela vanTwuyver

Brian ’87 and Johanna Habib

Nance Ware

Daniel and Beth ’87 White

Joan Welsh

Peter ’88 and Elizabeth ’89 Stahl

John III and Sara Zimmermann

Florence Winsor ’56


David Furman ’57B

Richard Jr. ’93 and Sherrie Klein

Daniel ’57 and Ronnie Jean Klim

Derek ’93 and Sara ’93 Mogck

Harold and Joyce ’58 Anderson

Marc ’95 and Emily ’96 Pitman

Photo Amy Neureither

Gordon was so important to us. Naming the College in our wills was easy and ensures we can give something back. Derek Mogck ’93

Clarendon Society: The Next Generation Meet Derek ’93 and Sara (Hillier) ’93 Mogck. He was a political science major who became an attorney. She was a history major who minored in political science, earned a master’s degree in teaching and taught high school history. Both worked in pubic policy in Washington, D.C. Now they live in Connecticut, raising three children while Derek practices law in Hartford. Sara is at home and takes leadership roles in their kids’ and community activities.

Clarendon Society Planning for the future—this is why more people under 50 are establishing wills to protect their families and support organizations they care about. Creating a will is typically inexpensive and allows anyone to contribute to Gordon regardless of personal financial circumstances. It’s also what makes alumni like Derek and Sara Mogck part of the next generation of Clarendon

They have a mutual affection for Gordon—the place that helped them find their callings and each other. As students they participated in a variety of activities, from Orientation staff to athletics. They remain committed to Gordon, now helping develop a Hartford area alumni association.

Society members supporting Gordon for the

They have also shown their support in a way increasingly common among individuals in their 30s and 40s—naming Gordon in their wills. Derek says, “Including Gordon was a natural decision. When our children were born we realized we needed wills to guide others in case something happened to us. We also wanted to honor the people and experiences that helped shape our lives. Gordon was so important to us. Naming the College in our wills was easy and ensures we can give something back.”


long term. The Clarendon Society recognizes all who designate gifts to Gordon through wills, trusts or other estate planning vehicles.

Dan White Director of Planned and Special Gifts 978 867 4843

255 Grapevine Road, Wenham MA 01984-1899


Coveralls oil on wood panel, 2 x 4 feet © 2007

Truitt Seitz painter

Coveralls was painted at the end of a three-year period during which I was employed as a carpenter. The experience changed the way I understood the symbolic nature of physical labor. In creating Coveralls I used the red pigment, the subtle cruciform composition, and the gestural brush marks to serve as symbols that loosely connect the rendering with the pictorial content. The coveralls serve as a metaphor for the laborer’s body, one in which daily toils slowly deteriorate the flesh and bone. Without romanticizing physical labor, I tried to elevate it by depicting the physical world at its most humble and most sacred. That the coveralls might be interpreted as a slab of meat in a butcher’s shop is a deliberate ambiguity, reinforcing the notion that the daily, corporeal sacrifices of a laborer nourish the bodies of loved ones. It isn’t necessary to search hard for parallels between “meat” and “body,” nourishment and sacrament. Truitt Seitz, M.F.A., adjunct professor of art, has exhibited in New York and the Boston area. Coveralls was recently selected for a group exhibition juried by contemporary artists Jenny Saville, Vincent Desiderio and Eric Fischl.

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