Architectural Portfolio

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Project 01: Multispeed Transportation Hub

- Sagrera Railway station

Project 02: Vertical Farm Tower

- Dharavi Slum tower

Project 03: Cultural & Creative Industries (CCI) Incubation Center

- Jing’An CCI Incubator

Project 04: Religion Communal Hub

- Nilai Religious Community Hub

Project 05: Architectural Representation

- Generative Design

- Translations

- Video mapping

01 02 03 04 01 19 35 49 61
Table contents

Sagrera Railway Station

Catalonia, Barcelona

The design project intended to question the role of a transportation hub from different perspectives, and eventually explore the discourse of urban transformation and regeneration that is challenging in contemporary urban context, especially within the traditional city of Barcelona.

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Individual work
01 Multispeed Transportation Hub

Dissolving boundaries softened the edges of city, resulted in ambiguous space in between urban and rural , city and nature

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Urban Morphology of Barcelona, Catalonia
200 A.C. 1300 A.C. 1750 A.C. 1956 A.C. 550 A.C. 1200 A.C. 1250 A.C. 1400 A.C. 1600 A.C. 1700 A.C. 1859 A.C. 1890 A.C. 1903 A.C. 1976 A.C. 1992 A.C. 2010 A.C. City center Edge city Exploration|Generalstudies 01 Multispeed Transportation Hub

Multispeed Transportation Hub

Exploration|Specificstudies Ideation|Strategy


Traces of Boundaries

Transition between Different Systems

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Multispeed Transportation Hub


The Invisible Threshold


The notion of boundaries, despite examined from different context, share similar values, that are able to connect and divide at the same time, while allowing the transition between different modes of existence. As boundaries worked beyond the lines, if closed up, could imply area, and thus it forms shape and spaces. The established delimitation of spaces in between the lines is not similar nor repetitive, and it requires experience and perception to distinguish this delimitation due to their own differentiating characteristics.

The design project aimed to explore the notion of boundaries from different perspectives and scales. As such, the design intended to break the boundaries, working beyond boundaries, while clarifying boundaries to work with in between spaces. These include the territories between public (railway station, public spaces) and private (housing), city and nature, daily passengers and local community, etc. The question remains to define the existence of boundaries.

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Page 9 Page | 10 Designprocess|Initialstudies Designdevelopment|Thinkingdiagram Territory / Boundary Structures Nature / Landscapes Point grips / grids Access / Circulations Density 01 Multispeed Transportation Hub masterplan

01 Multispeed Transportation Hub



Located along the south edge of the Sant Andreu district which attached to the Sant Marti, the design examines the boundaries between two district, further proposed a Neighbourhood-Oriented Transit (NOT) to suture the separated spaces. The program was introduced according to careful analysis of the surrounding context to inject new lifestyle to the local neighbourhood, besides considering the role of multispeed transportation hub that welcomes international passengers.

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Site model Architectural model Tectonic sectional model Space Prototypes
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Axonometricsectional perspectives 01 Multispeed Transportation Hub
South West Axonometric Section View North East Axonometric Section View

02 Vertical Farm Tower

Individual work

Dharavi Slum Tower

Mumbai, India

The vision of this project was to imagine the farming system as a backbone to support the cities operation. From rural to urban areas, there are no longer boundaries separating farming system. Eventually, the future farming system expand organically and taking over the abandoned and negative spaces within the cities. By allowing transparency between food production and consumption, the future farming system allows people to produce their own food while being self-sufficient. It is no longer the matter of farmers but exist in everyday life within urban proximity.

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02 Vertical Farm Tower




The site was selected in India to suitably address overpopulation, air pollution in the cities, food security issues in slum area, and lack of green spaces

13th Compound Matunga Labour Camp


Uttar Pradesh Muslims

10% of Dharavi’s populations

Embroiders, Furniture, Jewellery Recycling Industries

Tamils (Tamil Nadu)

37% of Dharavi’s populations

Leather and Tanning Industry, Food Preparation

Kumbhars (Saurashtra, Gujarati)

2% of Dharavi’s population

Pottery and Trading

Kolis (Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat)

2% of Dharavi’s population

Fishing and Sea Related Activities

Dharavi was founded in 1882 as a fishing village before turning into slum settlement. The slum was house to 1 million lower income family with productivity of around 10,000 different industries

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Sion hospital Mixed use commercial Industrial zone Mixed use commercial Mangrove habitat
(2.1 sqkm/210 ha) 250m 250m N The Site
Kala Killa Dhorvada Dhorvada Kumbharwada Koliwada Transit

02 Vertical Farm Tower Form&massing Design Concept

The design was inspired by the local informal settlements built by local residents. The houses were series of randomly placed blocks that forms a unique landscape with informal heights added floor by floor vertically to fulfil their needs from time to time. This intimate relationship between neighbourhood allows interaction between different community along the narrow alleyway that punctuates the gap between buildings. This experience was extended to the roof spaces where different buildings connect at different levels to offer possibilities for human activities.

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02 Vertical Farm Tower Designconcept

Vertical zoning & programs

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Podium terrace level Vehicle parking Loading Bay Tourist accommodation Recreational space / playground Community hall Residential Commercial Community Ceremonial Services Recycling waste management Farmers market Public toilet Groceries Commercial Workshops Communal kitchen Roof terrace Recreational space / playground Food storage Vertical greeneries Workshop cum Residential Food processing Workshop cum Residential Residential units Residential units Residential units Private garden Private garden Services Residential units Solar and water harvesting Private garden Observation deck Communal space Commercial Community Recycling Services Commercial farming Residential units Education centre Communal space Services Services Services Residential Commercial Farming system Services Waste management Water treatment + 1.5m + 15.5m Ground level Farming Level 10 + 36m Farming Farming Level 20 + 72m Level 30 + 108m Residential Rooftop level + 150m Basement Level 5 - 20m - 40m Communal Discharge Public spaces Community farming Community farming
Idea sketch

02 Vertical Farm Tower

Climate/Weatheranalysis Formevolution/massing

The proposed site Site accessibility

Extending the north surface for better views and outdoor activities

Extruding the platform to create overhangs on south direction for natural shading

Breaking the interval platform to create vertical relationship between functional spaces

Identify the vertical farming component to harvest most sunlight during the day

Punctuating the tower to create void for porosity that allow natural ventilation

The internal circulations

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NW SE Solar collector Less openings Filtered sunlight Passive facade More openings Extended roof terrace Natural ventilation Reduced wind speed Rainwater harvesting Solar panel Water treatment & storage High thermal mass material Overhang terrace / roof Direct sunlight analysis Design strategies & application Partial day bright Blocked sunlight All day bright Vertical farming system Façade system to filter sunlight Blocked sunlight All day bright Larger openings Harvest diffused sunlight Reduce solidity of tower to surrounding context Enhance the porosity of tower Outdoor laundry area Filtered natural sunlight for habitable spaces Roof/platform overhangs

02 Vertical Farm Tower

Feasibility&Plans Site Plan

The site is located within the proximity of local community along the Dharavi main road. The main drop-off point at the north of the site. However, the tower is accessible from different directions through pedestrian walkway connecting to the tower. The ground floor was dedicated for open market that resemble all sorts of daily necessities to provide convenient for local people and also as a selling place for harvested vegetables and spices from above. There is also cultural performing stage on the north west and handicraft shops on the north east for tourist activities.

Podium Section

The spaces are naturally ventilated with roof overhangs, while smooth circulations to connect to upper floor.

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Ayurseva Hospital Commercial lot Commercial lot Commercial lot From 60 feet road Slum housing Slum housing Slum housing N Level 1 GFA: 3054 sqm. Podium farming Spice market Wet market Farmers market Handicraft & leather shop Performing stage Snacks street food stalls Drop-off Marketplace Workshops Main entrance drop-off Dharavi main road Handicraft & leather shop Communal dining Community farming Wet market Loading bay

02 Vertical Farm Tower


Page 31 Page | 32 Residential module Assorted module Farming module Community module Single floor hydroponic farming Double floor hydroponic farming Vertical garden Bamboo tube Vegetables processing and packaging Reserved water tank and food storage Large plants Medium plants Small plants Seating bench Community centre Recreational playground Commercial shop units Educational centre Multipurpose hall Performing stage Back stage Slides Electronic shop Convenient store Barber shop Tuition centre Multipurpose room Classrooms Single storey pakka house Double storey pakka house Tool house Tourist hostel Workers quarters Private garden Private garden Working unit Living unit Bunk bed Upper storey Industrial factory Dhobi ghat Working place Office Utilities room Water closet Water reservoir Counter reception Clothes sorting and storage Washing area Hanging and drying area
Page 33 Page | 34 months: Site excavation and basement foundation system, piling works months: Slipform core construction and podium level works months: Tower staircase construction following by structural slab. Finishing up podium floors months: Continue tower construction. Start to assemble module units coming in package. 9 months: Complete tower and remove slipform facilities. MEP services installation and testing. Brick jali Bamboo jali Chajja Jharokha Tectonics/Structure Constructionsequence Tectonics/Verticalfarmingintegration Facadedesign 02
Private garden Terrace farming Hydroponic farming Pocket garden Podium farming R.C. core structure R.C. Columns Bamboo framing system
Vertical Farm Tower

Individual work

Jing’An CCI Incubator


The Design Proposal addressed the urban sprawling of high end shopping complex in recent years, which, indeed have shaped the district of Jing’ An into an image of luxury shopping experience with world branded products. Part of this trend were undoubtedly the improving lifestyle of the people, while some urban citizens consume to release their working stress and urban tensions. This phenomenon of brandscapes, have seen tendency to change Shanghai into a Brandscapes city.

Consequently, by looking into urban experience of human lifestyle, further examine to reposition this shift into cultural engagement of people, instead of materialize satisfaction in Shanghai. This is where cultural and creative industries has to offer the community, by creating diverse and intertwined cultural experience in the local context.

Page 35 Page | 36 03 CCI Incubation
Page 37 Page | 38 03 CCI Incubation Center Exploration|Specificstudies Ideation|Strategy Transition
Page 39 Page | 40 Ideation|Atmosphere Presentation|Concepttests 03 CCI Incubation Center
Page 41 Page | 42 Presentation|Formprocess Presentation|Formprocess 03 CCI Incubation Center
Page 43 Page | 44 Presentation|Thinkingdiagram Presentation|Proposal 03 CCI Incubation Center
Page 45 Page | 46 Presentation|Proposal Presentation|Proposal 03 CCI Incubation Center


Overallproposal fromexcessivebrandingtocreativity

Questioning Shanghai

The proposed CCI Incubator was aimed to nurture young and creative talent as an intangible culture that reflects the creativity and freedom of Shanghai to embody massive cultural interaction between eastern and western influences. We have came to a conclusion that culture matters in the long term development of the cities. Perhaps, we should emphasize on the “content” rather than “packaging” designed to attract consumers.

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03 CCI Incubation


Religion Communal Hub

Individual work

Nilai Religious Community Hub


The design of Nilai Religious Community Hub is conceived as a center piece to revitalize the Nilai city with new cultural, religious and leisure spaces. Located within the vicinity of old town Nilai, the site is surrounded by bundle of greenery, leaving the whole area being covered by nature. As the proposed site is mainly consists of large residential area, the design focused on the purpose of local community, aiming to foster their community interaction through series of study and analysis of the site.

Rising from the sunken ground, the design emphasize on the need to recreate a landscape roof that is rich in texture and activities to allow different cluster of community races to share, inspired, learn and relax within the building.

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Page 51 Page | 52 04 Religion Communal Hub UrbanStrategy|Siteanalysis UrbanStrategy|SiteSynergy
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Religion Communal Hub



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Religion Communal Hub


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Page 59 Page | 60 Presentation|SectionalPerspective Tectonic | Sectional detail 04 Religion Communal Hub

05 Architectural Representation GenerativeDesign


Explore the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a medium in generating and interpretating abstract, conceptual ideas. Specifically, this exercise will understand how AI work with studio theme about dissolving boundaries that could inspire thinking process while offer potential strategy in design development.


The Style Transfer method, as one of the AI creation method, has been applied throughout the experiment. Three different approaches has been introduced.

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Site scale Urban scale Building / Architectural scale
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Input image (Urban) Mereology Fractals Discrete
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Input image (Site) Mereology Fractals Discrete
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Input image (Building / Architectural) Mereology Fractals Discrete

05 Architectural Representation GenerativeDesign Results

After several rounds of experimentation, the final results portray a combination of artistic and abstract vibe, yet it is possible to interpret the results in a pragmatic approach to assist the architectural process of idea generation and design development.

The potential of the tool is huge, given the interpretations of Artificial Intelligence might be different based on the chosen image and style. The generated abstract art could be interpretate from different perspectives and thus it breaks the traditional notion of design through cognitive knowledge.

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Site Fractals agglomeration Urban Diffusion
Building / Architectural Overlapping layers

05 Architectural Representation



Dissolving the boundaries of music genre. As the nature of music is part of artistic expression, the creativity of music has been limited within the genre. Experimental music breaks the boundaries of genre. Given the freedom to explore different format of contemporary music, it is possible to discover a new array of music forms.


The music “Flus” produced by Junichi Akagawa was carefully selected due to its experimental music format working with abstract, artificial sounds composed into a unique audio product. The audio file will be translated into various visual products, integrating with the music to express the invisible emotions, texture, rhythms, lines, symbols and colors of the music.

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Spectrograms Audio spectrum Experimental graphic notations
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Frequency Waveform Soundscape
Audio spectrum


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Original Pixelations Patterns
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05 Architectural Representation

Video mapping


Rather than presenting during the design stage with conventional presentations, there is alternative to present ideas with animated elements to inspire thinking process of a project. The results could be easier to understand while offer new perspective to discuss the project.


The model produced related to studio project were placed inside a transparent box as a base for video projections through software on a projector to animate the static models that present the concept of the studio project.

Dissolving solid boundaries

Framing along the edge of boundaries

Connectivity across boundaries

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