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P.A.C. Systems is recognized as the premier service provider of fire and life safety solutions in Dallas-Fort Worth. For over 20 years, the company has grown to a position as the leading innovator in the most advanced data collection systems to provide customers with inspection reports and analytical data that far exceed industry norms. From fully integrated systems comprised of fire detection, sprinkler installation/control, extinguisher services, to full service repair to any system, P.A.C. has the technical expertise that can accommodate any imaginable need of any commercial property anywhere, regardless of complexity.

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The P.A.C. Systems team is a disciplined group of engineers, service technicians, and solution providers committed to excellence. While providing an extensive list of services, our key focus is turnkey solutions that are unmatched. Services include such innovations as real time response, PSS – (Phone Solution Service), web access to inspection data, and a one stop provider for any set of pyrotechnic solutions.

P.A.C. Systems, Inc 751 109th Street, Arlington, TX 76011 (817) 640-2223

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Life Safety & Mass Notification Dallas-Fort Worth 817-640-2223

FEATURE STORIES THE BUCK STOPS HERE Deer hunting, whether its whitetail, mule deer or the more exotic variety such as Axis or Coues deer, has been a part of man’s existence for thousands of years.



The late fall and early winter is mating season for deer known as the rut. This powerful urge to procreate presents opportunities for the savvy hunter.

With hunting season here, many otherwise sedentary people will be doing things to their back and shoulders which they might regret the next day.

We’re Your One Stop Provider! We respond within 30 minutes by phone and can be on-site within two hours. Our technicians are clean cut, uniformed professionals.

SERVICES OFFERED System Design New Installations Monitoring Service/Repairs Tenant Improvements


Service Agreements

INSPECTIONS/REPAIRS Fire Alarm Systems Sprinkler Systems

Types of facilities we service High Rises, Hospitals, Malls, Apartment Complexes, School Districts, Communication Centers, Airport Facilities, Municipalities

Fire Pumps Suppression Systems Fire Extinguishers Backflow Devices For more information contact Bruce Hatchell at

(817) 640-2223 Or visit us on the internet at Member of BOMA, Apartment Association Texas Apartment Association, National Fire Protection Agency

• SINCE 1986 •

The Buck Stops Here

Deer hunting, whether its whitetail, mule deer or the more exotic variety such as Axis or Coues deer, has been a part of man’s existence for thousands of years. For anyone who has never hunted deer, it is next to impossible to explain the addiction hunters have toward this pursuit. For those who love this sport, no words are adequate. This special deer hunting issue of WOODS & WATER will show how you can have more fun and success on your hunt. We’ll go through some tips from experts and hopefully give you something to think about while you’re waiting for that huge, 12-point buck to ease into range.

WOODS & WATER: SPECIAL DEER HUNTING ISSUE A DEER’S A DEER…RIGHT? In spite of the fact that most non-hunters categorize deer in one big group, there are only two species of this animal that are native to North America – whitetail and mule deer. There is another subspecies - the Pacific coastal or blacktail deer - which is a regional subspecies of mule deer. In Alaska, hunters will find a relative of the mule deer called Sitka deer. Plus, there is a small population of whitetail subspecies in the Southwest U.S. and Mexico called Coues deer. In the 1920’s, an exotic breed – Axis deer – was introduced into North America by someone who had more money than good sense. When they failed to keep the gates locked and the fences high, most of these deer simply jumped the fence and began to breed, both with whitetail and other Axis deer. Now there is a large population of these exotic deer and there are special regulations for harvesting them. More on this later.

The Wildlife Management Institute estimates that throughout the 50 states, there are between 30 to 45 million whitetail deer and 8 to 10 million mule deer.

The ancestors of modern deer first appeared in Mongolia during the Miocene and Pliocene geological epochs, some 10 to 20 million years ago. From there they spread to populate most of Asia and Europe, eventually crossing the Alaskan land bridge to North America. Once here, deer continued evolving until—a mere million years or so ago, during the Pleistocene epoch—they attained the form we're familiar with today. It has been estimated that before the arrival of Europeans, North America supported some 40 million whitetail and 10 million mule deer. However, after the turn of the 20th century modern guns, the demand for deer hides and a complete lack of hunting regulations led to a decimation of whitetail and mule deer. The North American deer population had plummeted to a scant half million, and that figure represented the total of all species. U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt marshaled the help of many influential conservationists, hunters and landowner to stop this annihilation of the deer population in the form of hunting regulations and wildlife planning. This group became the Boone & Crockett Club, which is still fighting for reasonable regulations for deer harvesting. As a result of these efforts, The Wildlife Management Institute estimates that throughout the 50 states, there are between 30 to 45 million whitetail deer and 8 to 10 million mule deer.

IS THE DEER POPULATION OUT OF CONTROL? Some feel that the population of whitetail deer has come back a little too strong. Even with the expansion of cities and a concurrent loss of natural habitat, deer can be found foraging in backyards, golf courses and the gardens of city-dwellers. This has led many biologists, hunters and people concerned with food supplies to ask the question: “Why can’t hunters sell venison commercially?” In a 2012 article in the Wall Street Journal, writer Jim Sterba posed this question and offered some up some facts on harvesting deer to feed U.S. families. The Journal article noted that 85% of the venison sold in American restaurants comes from deer farms in New Zealand. The “wild game” offered on some upscale eateries is farmraised, not harvested by hunters. These laws were passed as a part Roosevelt’s attempt to replenish the deer populations. The estimated 6 million whitetail deer that will be taken by hunters this year aren’t nearly enough to bring the whitetail population in line. As a result of this ban on the commercial sale of venison, serious ecological damage is occurring. Thomas Rawinski, a U.S. Forest Services scientist in New Hampshire said, “Sadly, I spend much of my time in ecological disaster zones – forests devastated by too many deer. I truly believe that this has become the single greatest conservation challenge of our time.” Allowing hunters or special marksmen who are licensed to cull the whitetail deer populations and sell this venison to grocery stores and restaurants or give it to homeless shelters and food banks would help every link of the food chain. However, this is a very controversial issue and many hunters and animal rights advocates are opposed to changing the way whitetail deer are harvested. WHITETAIL DEER ARE JUST ABOUT EVERYWHERE Every one of the lower 48 states in the U.S. has some number of whitetail deer and states such as California, Nevada and Utah have the smallest population of these animals. Because they seems to handle living near civilization better than other wildlife (although feral hogs are starting to give whitetail deer a run for their money in terms of adapting to and destroying human habitat), whitetail deer are probably the best known of the large mammals.

The average weight of whitetail deer is about 150 pounds and they stand about 40 inches high at the shoulders. There are of course, huge variations on this size of these deer. A long-time record of 425 pounds is held by a whitetail buck. The coloration of these beautiful animals varies depending on the time of the year. In the summer, whitetails have a reddish brown color and in the winter their coast turns grey-brown or even a bluish tint. The most obvious physical characteristic of a whitetail deer relates to its name. Its tail is brown on top with a dark stripe down its center and the underside is a brilliant white. Deer hunters know that when its tail is held tightly against the rump, little of this white coloration is visible, and the animal remains well camouflaged. However, the “white flag” of the tail appears when the deer is getting ready to boogie. The antlers of whitetail deer have all of their points sprouting from the animal’s two beams. STUBBORN AS A MULE DEER The range of mule deer extends from southeastern Alaska down into Mexico, and from the Pacific coast eastward to a north/south line angling from Hudson Bay in Canada down through the middle of Texas. While not nearly as plentiful as whitetail deer, the mule deer “makes it up in volume” – as in size of the animal. A typical mule deer buck will weight from 150 to 300 pounds and will have a height at the shoulders of 4045 inches. The does average about 100 to 175 pounds. However, it is not usual for a mature mule deer buck to weigh 400+ pounds! As for their appearance, the coloration of mule deer is gray-brown to blue-gray in winter, molting to a tawny color in the summer months. The facial markings are similar to those of the whitetail, but the muzzle is more elongated. The mule deer’s tail is white with a black tip, but smaller and more rounded than that of the whitetail. The muley’s get their name from their ears. They can grow to be nearly a foot long, similar to an actual mule. Needless to say, a pair of foot-long ears is a distinctive feature not to mention they enhance this animal’s already excellent hearing! The mule deer’s antlers grow differently from whitetails. A mule deer buck's antlers have two main beams and they fork into two smaller beams, each of those forks into two more, and so on.

Mule deer differ from whitetail deer in another way – how they spend their summers and winters. Wildlife biologists note that mule deer migrate from their summer mountain-meadow habitat down to more pleasant timbered valleys and plains for the winter. Whereas whitetails tend to gather together for the winter on a portion of the same range they occupy in summer. Most hunters group the Pacific blacktail deer in the same class a mule deer and they are similar, just smaller. Technically, blacktail deer are only found in a strip of forest from southern Alaska down the Pacific to Northern California. The typical blacktail buck weighs about 150 pounds and stands about 36 inches high at the shoulders. There’s another weird difference between mule deer and whitetails and it has to do with the way they run. While the whitetail runs by pushing off alternately with its front and rear legs in long, graceful bounds, blacktails and all other mule deer typically launch themselves with all four legs at once, bouncing from point A to point B and gaining more altitude all the way.

COUES OR COWS? Couse deer are the nervous and smaller cousin of the whitetail deer. While hunters usually call this species “coos” or “cooeez,” the deer was named after naturalist Elliott Coues. His family pronounced their last name as “cows.” Since most hunters don’t want to refer to their quarry as “cows,” they use the other pronounciations! Coues deer are usually found in the U.S. Southwestern dessert and throughout the Southwest and Central areas of Mexico. They survive on vegetation that’s available in the desert, including cactus. Since there are very few of these deer, they are hard to hunt. SOMETHING A LITTLE MORE EXOTIC: AXIS DEER Anyone who sees an Axis deer for the first is likely impressed with its size, coloration and antler rack. This exotic deer is native to Sri Lanka and roamed the Himalayas for centuries before coming to the United States. In the 1930’s, several hundred of these deer were transported to the Hill Country of Texas and several other U.S. locations as a novelty addition to some large landowners “herd.” Unfortunately for these deer importers, someone forget to plan for security and quicker than it took to say “Oopps,” many of these beautiful deer jumped the fences, hit the road and, because of their delicious meat, became highly sought after prey for deer hunters.

Since the great escape, the Axis deer population has expanded to an estimated 50,000 animals in Texas alone and it is a part of what some people call the free-ranging “Texotics.” In addition to the Axis deer, this group includes: Sika deer, Fallow deer, Blackbuck antelope and Aoudad sheep. Axis deer are best identified by their burnt orange coat with white spots (similar to a whitetail fawn) and a black streak running the length of their spine. Bucks have large antlers forking at the base and again inside each main beam. Adult male antlers can reach lengths of just over 40″, but 28-36″ is most common. Live weights range from 150 to 250 pounds in mature males and 90 to 150 pounds in adult females. Axis deer can be found in herds of 100 or more other deer, whitetails included and it has been noted by wildlife biologist that Axis deer can out-compete whitetail deer for native grasses and can even change their normal diet if the need arises. As a result, these exotics are crowding out the native whitetail population. Because there were once considered livestock, free-roaming Axis deer are not regulated by the state wildlife authorities. They technically ‘belong” to the land-owner on whose land they are walking and with permission from the owner, hunters can take an Axis deer at any time of the year and there is no bag limit. LET’S GO HUNT Whatever deer you’re chasing, there are things you can do to improve your odds of having a freezer full of venison. We’ve talked to hunting guides, professional hunters and manufacturers of equipment and these tips are found in this issue. However, with a subject as complicated and with as much lore has deer hunting, we’ve only scratched the surface. The best way to find out what works is to get out there and hunt!


HOW TO GET INTO A RUT The late fall and early winter is mating season for deer known as the rut. This powerful urge to procreate presents opportunities for the savvy hunter. During this time, bucks will do darn near anything to attract some female companionship. Just watch a young guy at a party or bar sometime and you will see variations of this rutting ritual. Bucks show off their masculinity in various ways. They sharpen their antlers by rubbing them on trees or shrubs. They fight with other bucks. They wallow in the mud or dust and they herd the does together. All of these activities make noise and get the attention of both does and other bucks. Just like young men in a bar, bucks can’t stand to be left out of something that might hold the promise of a few willing does. As a result, most will use their superior senses of hearing, sight and smell to find out where the party is! This is where hunters can use antler rattling techniques to get some close-in shots.

A FEW POINTS ON ANTLERS Deer antlers play a critical role in the animal’s defense and self-esteem, especially during the rut. Antler growth is timed to coincide with the annual mating season. For whitetail and mule deer, the cycle begins in midwinter, when the previous season’s antlers are shed. This explains why there are so many cast-aside deer antlers lying around during spring turkey season. This is also a great time to find some of these “sheds” and turn them into deer rattles.

New antlers begin develop in the spring and summer and they are composed of living cells nourished and protected by a covering called “velvet.” By the time mating season arrives, the velvet begins to die, dry, and peel away from the hardening antlers which the buck encourages by rubbing his rack against flexible saplings, then honing the tips to sharpness on soft-barked trees. By the time the rut begins, these antlers are hard and ready for action.

RATTLING BONES Rattling shed antlers is most productive during the rutting season. In fact, even though some hunters believe this rattling can bring in deer at any time during the hunting season, most wildlife biologists feel that rattling antlers at any time but during the rut is a waste of time and ultimately can drive deer away. This suggests that even deer can get annoyed when someone pretends to be an expert, but is in fact misinformed! As with most things associated with fishing and hunting, many deer hunters have their own special technique for rattling. Some rattle slow, wait, then rattle fast. Some rattle for no more than 2 minutes, wait and then rattle for 2 more minutes. Some won’t rattle antlers after 10 a.m. This is reminiscent of the football fan who wears the same clothes and eats the same number of hot dogs, in the same way each game because somewhere along the line he has developed a superstition about game day activities. As the commercial says, “It’s only weird if it doesn’t work.” While every hunter will likely do their own thing when it comes to rattling during the rut, a deer hunting guides generally suggest the following three techniques to improve drawing in curious bucks. #1 Check the Buck-to-Doe Ratio In areas where the buck-to-doe ratio is about even, there will be more competition among the bucks and rattling will likely yield more attention. In areas where there are many more does than bucks, any kind of rattling won’t make much difference because the bucks can get a date with 2 or 3 does every night. #2 Start Slowly Start by rattling slowly and quietly. The reason for this is to keep from spooking any deer that happen to be nearby when you start to work your magic. Most hunting guides suggest rattling for about 90 seconds, then waiting for five

minutes before rattling again. As this process continues, the hunter can increase the volume of the rattling and continue the process for longer. It’s a good idea to wait for about 30-minutes after the first round of deer music in order to let a monster buck, who happens to be shy, make his way to your stand. #3 Check the Wind Before starting rattling, check the wind direction. The reason for this is interesting. A buck will naturally approach a fight among other amorous suitors from downwind in order to hide his own scent and benefit from the element of surprise. The best place for a hunter to set up is at the edge of the field with the wind at his back. As always, it is critical that the hunter does everything possible to minimize his scent.

FINALLY, SCRAPE THE GROUND After the initial rattling, the hunter should scrape the ground or nearby trees with the antlers to give the impression of deer moving on. The hunter should stay in one place for at least a half-hour before moving on to another location. Rattling during the rut can be a great way to draw in bucks who are minding their own business in another part of the field. Even with animals, and especially with deer, curiosity is a powerful incentive. However, don’t overdo it. A mature buck knows when there’s a party going on or if someone is just making a racket.

We’re Your One Stop Provider! We respond within 30 minutes by phone and can be on-site within two hours. Our technicians are clean cut, uniformed professionals.

SERVICES OFFERED System Design New Installations Monitoring Service/Repairs Tenant Improvements


Service Agreements

INSPECTIONS/REPAIRS Fire Alarm Systems Sprinkler Systems

Types of facilities we service High Rises, Hospitals, Malls, Apartment Complexes, School Districts, Communication Centers, Airport Facilities, Municipalities

Fire Pumps Suppression Systems Fire Extinguishers Backflow Devices For more information contact Bruce Hatchell at

(817) 640-2223 Or visit us on the internet at Member of BOMA, Apartment Association Texas Apartment Association, National Fire Protection Agency

• SINCE 1986 •


Nothing jacks up the pulse rate of a deer hunter like the sight of whitetail deer approaching in the distance. This is magnified by 10X when the hunter has been sitting in the blind or stand for hours without seeing anything but leaves falling! By the way it’s moving it’s obvious that this amazing animal has not detected anything unusual and it is coming directly into range for a clean shot. When it gets to within 30 yards, it’s clear that it’s a young, 8-point buck.

So, what do you do? Take the shot, or let this young buck live to grow even bigger by this time next year? More and more deer hunters are passing on the young bucks and in the process, they are enhancing future hunts. THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA STEPS UP One of the great places to hunt whitetail deer is the state of Oklahoma. The Department of Wildlife Conservation in the Sooner state launched a public awareness campaign last season to influence deer hunters to think about their choice before harvesting the first thing with antlers that walks by. The state’s slogan is: “Hunters in the know…let young bucks grow! It is intended to emphasize that deer herd management means more than simply harvesting more antlerless deer. The decision to harvest a deer affects the entire area’s wildlife management and this affects future hunts and hunters. In support of this conservation campaign, the OK Department of Wildlife has launched a Facebook page where deer hunters are invited to share their stories about passing up the first buck they saw when hunting. WHAT DOES A MATURE BUCK LOOK LIKE? The challenge for hunters, especially inexperienced hunters, is to know when a buck is still young. With all of the excitement of finally getting a shot at a buck – any buck – new hunters will often take a deer that still has some growing to do. There are several online sources for educating oneself on the approximate ages of whitetail deer. A great source is the Oklahoma Wildlife Department Facebook page. It has photos of older, larger bucks that are submitted by visitors to the page.

The Oklahoma Wildlife Department Facebook page can be found at!/wildlifedepartment The next time you get a buck that looks like he’s still got some growing to do, pull down the gun and get out the camera. This will give him a chance to grow into an even bigger animal and it will give you a good shot of young buck that you can look for next year.


WHAT’S THAT SMELL? IT COULD BE YOU! Any fragrance not found in nature will stand out like Limburger cheese and will work against the deer hunter. Unfortunately, you have to wash your hunting clothes with something. Fortunately, there are several brands of detergent that will do the job, without the smell. Scent Killer, Scent-a-Way, Primos, and Dead Down Wind are a few of the many manufacturers of hunting-specific scent-free detergent. Some veteran hunters also use a combination of baking soda and Borax to make their own detergent.

Have you ever been around a dog or cat that’s been recently sprayed by a skunk? The smell is so bad, your eyes water. That’s the way you and your freshly washed hunting clothes smell to your typical whitetail deer. They can smell you from hundreds of yards away! Deer have an almost freaky ability to hear, smell and see things that appear miniscule to the average hunter. Overcoming their keen sense of sight and hearing can be attempted with camouflage clothing, hats and face paint and complete stillness and quiet. However, defeating their advantage in the olfactory area is a much bigger challenge. Almost universally, deer hunting guides say that improper scent control is the biggest impediment to success in hunting. If you want to have success in hiding from the mature monster bucks this year, it’s not enough to be well-hidden. You also need to be scent-proof. Here are some tips on blending-in to the wilderness. How to be Sharp-Dressed and Scent-Free One of the worst things a hunter can do is wash his or her clothing in regular detergent. Sure, Tide or Gain which advertise their “fresh, clean” smell on daytime TV get clothes clean, but they also leave a fragrance in the materials that screams to every deer within a mile: “There’s an idiot with a high-powered gun up there! Let’s high-tail it outta here!”

It’s also recommended to dry these hunting clothes outside on the line, not in a dryer where they can pick up the scents of the rest of the family’s clothing. If outside drying is not possible, some of these detergent companies make drying sheets that help to eliminate the smell of your daughter’s perfume which might be lurking in the dryer. Some hunting guides suggest wearing clothing that is infused with activated carbon. This type of clothing absorbs human scents to reduce detection. Scent-Lok and Scent Blocker are two popular manufacturers of these clothes and hats. An activated carbon cap will also reduce scent from sweating and that funky morning coffee breath. Each of the companies that make scent-elimination products also manufacture odor-eliminating sprays for use in the field. These sprays kill bacteria or otherwise limit the amount of human scent detectable to animals. It’s a good idea for the hunter to spray himself liberally from head to toe after getting dressed to restrict any remaining scent on clothing. Finally, it’s not enough to get clothes clean and scent-free. Efforts need to be made to keep them scent-free when they are in storage. The best strategy for this it to buys some

extra-large, inexpensive Zip-Loc bags and then seal each item inside. Most smart hunters put all of these bags of clothes in another sealed plastic box such as those made by Rubbermaid.

ELIMINATING THAT BODY ODOR The cleanest, most scent-free hunting clothes will not camouflage the scent of the human body and unless your body just naturally smells like a deer, raccoon or feral hog, this is a problem. This is especially true if said body has been cleaned and shaved using regular soap and shaving cream. Hunters should always shower and shave using scent-free soap and body wash to get clean without picking up unwanted perfumes. Some of the same companies which make scent-free clothing sell scent-free soap, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, and even chewing gum. It’s advisable to shower with scent-free products before every hunt and die-hards even use these products exclusively during hunting season to prevent any lingering fragrance.

Most hunters are aware of the pitfalls of body scents and try to eliminate them with the above precautions. However, many forget that the two biggest culprits in the odor elimination war are the right hand and the left hand. That’s right. Your hands are used for just about everything before and during the hunt and the odds of picking up human scents with those two mitts of yours are high. They also sweat which is a big red flag to Bambi’s dad. The best strategy for stopping or at least lessening the odor from your hands is to wear gloves that are sprayed with scent-eliminator products. Some hunters even spray their hands before getting dressed in order to eliminate human scents on the clothing. EVERY STEP YOU TAKE While there is no evidence that former lead singer for Police, Sting, is a deer hunter, his song lyric – “every step you take, every move you make, I’ll be watching (or smelling) you” – could have been written by a whitetail deer. Deer constantly smell the ground and if a hunter has walked over the area with contaminated boots, the deer will know it and skedaddle. There are two ways to avoid leaving a human scent on the ground around the deer stand. Either buy some carbon activated scentblocker boots from one of the companies that have been mentioned above or wear rubber boots that have been scrubbed down. There are many boot companies that offer a wide variety of rubber boots in different camo patterns and levels of insulation. They are inexpensive, waterproof, and don’t allow human scent out. They will have a “rubber” smell when they are first purchased, so they should be left outside to air out before using on a hunt. Even these rubber boots should be sprayed before every hunt.

USE SOME COMMON SCENTS It’s the little things that can make the difference between getting a trophy buck and having a day when no deer come within shooting distance. Eliminating human scents can go a long way towards a good day in the field. However, for all of the high-tech clothing, sprays and gizmos, the best tools for scent elimination are based on common sense. For example, it makes absolutely no sense for a hunter to have immaculately cleaned his body, clothing, headgear and boots to eliminate all human scent (see above) and then wear these clothes and boots while eating breakfast, drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes or filling up the gas tank. All of these activities reek of unnatural scents and will be picked up on the clothing material and hands of he hunter and the deer will avoid them at all costs. The best strategy is to keep the hunting clothes in the Zip-loc bag and the boots off until you get to the field. Try not to spill any coffee or gasoline on your hands (fill up the night before) and stay away from cigarette smoke at all costs. The most important common sense strategy for scent elimination is pay attention to the wind’s direction. No matter how clean and scent-free your body, clothes and boots are, deer have that amazing ability to smell something that does not belong in the wilderness. Complete scent elimination is impossible so setting up downwind from where you think a buck might emerge is very important. However, if the buck happens to appear from an area that has you upwind, all of these efforts towards scent elimination might help keep you in the game until you can make that shot!


If you're a bow or rifle hunter, there's a better than 50/50 chance you will be up a tree in the very near future. Treestands have become an extremely popular piece of gear for hunting whitetail deer. Choosing the right kind of stand involves some forethought because the trees in a given area might not support the type of stand you have. Since there are three kinds of treestands from which to choose, here's a quick look at all three. A LOOK AT LADDER STANDS Hunting guides and online resources note that ladder stands are safe and easy to climb. If you can walk you can probably clamber up a ladder. Most height-wary hunters feel more secure with a ladder attached not just to their tree of choice but also to the ground. The stability of a ladder is one of its greatest attributes. Plus, they can be attached to just about any kind of tree. The downside of a ladder stand is its weight and bulky nature. If you want an exhausting workout, try hauling a ladder stand a long ways. Most hunters use this type of treestand around food plots and on private land where they will hunt year after year. Remember, however, if you leave a ladder stand up thoroughly check it prior to each season for weaknesses in the straps.

CLIMBING STANDS ARE EASY TO MOVE The best thing about a climber stand is its weight and mobility. This stand is the perfect choice for a day-hunter who is going into an area to hunt then bringing the stand out with him that evening. Just find a good spot and you can go up a tree and be hunting in minutes. If the deer aren't coming your way, climb back down and move. There are some downsides to the climber stands. Trees have limbs and this presents a challenge. The hunter has to disconnect and reattach his straps to get around some limbs. One solution: Carry a small saw to cut off smaller limbs. The biggest drawback of a climber stand is the tree to which it is attached may be easy to climb but in a bad position for getting a clear shorted target than you want to be. Getting in and out of a tree can be a noisy process with this type of treestand. Another disadvantage of a climber stand is the amount of stuff you have to carry into the field with you. In addition to the stand, a hunter will have a backpack full of gear, bows and guns. It becomes necessary to carefully choose that which is absolutely necessary and leave the rest in the truck. HANG-ON, THE DEER ARE COMING Hang-on stands are the most versatile of the three types of stands and as a result the most popular. They can be hung on most trees, and, unlike the climber stands, the limbs are an advantage because they provide a helping hand to get up a tree, and help with camouflage. These stands are comfortable over a long period, they are easy to turn around to get a better shot and they are easy to climb and descend the tree. Nothing is perfect and the drawback with a hang-on stand is the fact that you have to carry your climbing apparatus with you. This is a problem that many treestand manufacturers have addressed; climbing sticks are lighter, safer, and more secure than ever before. Each of these treestands have advantages and disadvantages but they are all potentially dangerous if the hunter fails to use a safety harness. Don't get up in a tree this season without a quality safety harness. Your life could depend on it.


It’s amazing how many times you find yourself in the great outdoors and realize some small tool or piece of equipment was left back in the garage and the entire hunting experience is diminished. As a public service, below we have listed the stuff that you should bring along on your deer hunt. Here are the essentials that you need to pack. Trust me on this, you want to bring everything on this list…including the 10-penny nails.

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Your hunting license!! Ties for the hunting license tags Rifle with a (recently zeroed) scope Compass Lease maps of the hunting property Gun case Box of bullets of the correct caliber Hat (style optional…cowboy, floppy camo, Easter bonnet) Dark or camo ski mask Orange vest or cap Shooter’s gloves Turtleneck sweater Thermal underwear Down vest or jacket Three-quarter length raincoat with hood Two (2) pairs of well-broken-in hunting boots

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Two (2) pairs of wool socks Jeans or twill pants Dark-colored chamois shirt Insect repellent (with DEET as one of the ingredients) Plastic canteen Lock-blade, drop-point knife with sheath Knife sharpener Small flashlight with belt loop Nylon parachute cord Gambrel Pulley with nylon line Small meat saw Knife for gutting and skinning Game bags Wide belt (to keep you pants up with all of that equipment hanging on)

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P.A.C. Systems is recognized as the premier service provider of fire and life safety solutions in Dallas-Fort Worth. For over 20 years, the company has grown to a position as the leading innovator in the most advanced data collection systems to provide customers with inspection reports and analytical data that far exceed industry norms. From fully integrated systems comprised of fire detection, sprinkler installation/control, extinguisher services, to full service repair to any system, P.A.C. has the technical expertise that can accommodate any imaginable need of any commercial property anywhere, regardless of complexity.

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The P.A.C. Systems team is a disciplined group of engineers, service technicians, and solution providers committed to excellence. While providing an extensive list of services, our key focus is turnkey solutions that are unmatched. Services include such innovations as real time response, PSS – (Phone Solution Service), web access to inspection data, and a one stop provider for any set of pyrotechnic solutions.

P.A.C. Systems, Inc 751 109th Street, Arlington, TX 76011 (817) 640-2223

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Bow hunters have been at it for about a month and soon many of them will be exchanging their bows for rifles to hunt whitetail deer. So, what caliber of rifle will they likely be choosing. The quickest way to start an argument among a group of hunters is to say something about “the best caliber rifle for whitetail deer.” Just like noses and other body parts, everybody has an opinion about the best gun for deer hunting. Usually, these passionate arguments include facts and figures about trajectories, ballistics and other scientific considerations. However, most of these opinions come down to personal preferences and experiences. In other words, it’s usually a Ford/Chevy deal. Since firearm deer season is here, you probably have your gun picked out, scope sighted in and ammo purchased. However, if you are still undecided as to the best caliber gun for deer hunting, we made a few queries of some professional hunting guides and looked at a bunch of websites and here are a few suggestions.

ONE SHOT KILL The most important criteria for any deer hunting gun are a one-shot kill with little or no meat wasted and its effectiveness from a reasonable range. Of course, meeting these criteria has a LOT to do with the skill of the hunter. However, the right caliber gun will certainly help in this process. The hunting experts suggest that the best rifle for those who want flat trajectory and low recoil is the .25 - 06 Remington with a 120-grain bullet. This will deliver about 300 pounds per foot more energy than the .243 load, with little recoil. This gun has comparable trajectory ballistics to the lighter guns. Probably the most popular gun for deer hunting is the .30 - 06. It has 10 or so bullet types and weights and is one of the most adaptable guns for just about any situation. The guides say that this caliber is not a flat-shooting as the .25 - 06 but it is still very effective at 300 yards. Another favorite of the deer hunting guides is the .270, with the most popular bullet weight being 130 grains. This bullet delivers 100 pounds per foot more energy at 300 yards than the 150 grain bullet out of the .30 – 06, it has a flatter trajectory and doesn’t have much of a kick. There are many more calibers that hunting guides and online references suggest, but the one that seems to always be included in any list is the 7 mm magnum. This caliber is especially good for the trophy hunting in the South Texas brush land. It’s also a BIG gun so unless you’re in good shape and don’t mind a few recoil bruises on your shoulder, this might be too big for day-in-day-out hunting.

PRESERVATION OF THE MEAT The gun debate among hunters usually centers on the contention that the smaller calibers waste less meat. This argument contends the .30 – 06, .308, .270 and the 7 mm magnum destroy too much meat when they enter the deer. However, hunting experts and guides disagree. Since most deer hunters go for the lung shot, these heavier calibers have a higher foot-pounds of energy and they tend to anchor the deer, thereby preventing a cripple being lost in the brush. Smaller calibers don’t have enough power to drop a deer at any distance and when this happens, lots of meat is wasted – as in the entire deer.

Plus, many hunters who prefer the small caliber will aim for the neck because they have learned the “knock-down” limitations of their gun. Unless the neck is broken by this shot, the crippled deer will likely escape and the meat of the entire deer is wasted. In addition to being frustrating to the hunter, this is inhumane to the wounded deer. The lack of a knock-down shot can also result in the meat of the deer being “gamey” tasting. This results when a deer is spooked or is wounded and runs for a great distance. When this happens, the deer builds up a great deal of blood and adrenalin in his system. Plus, oxygen is burned out of the muscles which increases the amount waste residue such as lactic acid. For better tasting deer meat, it’s better to have a bigger caliber with immediate knock-down power.

WOODS & WATER: SPECIAL DEER HUNTING ISSUE SHOOT STRAIGHT Success with bringing back a deer for the freezer depends less on the caliber of gun and more on the range and marksmanship of the hunter. We’ve seen old-timers drop a whitetail doe with a well-placed bullet from a singleshot .22. It can be done, but it requires a laser-like aim and a short distance. Your hunting style, the terrain and hunting conditions you will be operating in will help determine the caliber of rifle that will help you get a clean shot. Hunting from the side of a mountain in Colorado where the only deer will be 200 to 300 yards away is a much different challenge than from a treestand in a wooded area. Talk to guides, gun salesmen and other hunters to help you decide which is best for you.


One piece of equipment seldom seen in the gear bags of duck and other waterfowl hunters is a rangefinder. Without a doubt, these electronic tape measures have long been in the bag of tricks for big game hunters, but rangefinders have become part of the standard kit for shotgunners as well. Here's why. The trick to waterfowl hunting is positioning oneself at the place where the birds want to drop in. This trumps just about everything else – including calling and decoy placment – except for accurate shooting. Advance scouting becomes critical to make this happen. Plus, once a flight pattern is determined, finding it the next morning (in the dark) is equally important. The combination of a rangefinder and GPS enables the hunter to find and then re-find the exact place where the birds will be approaching.

HERE'S HOW Veteran goose hunting guides suggest this scenario for using a rangefinder and GPS system. On the day before the hunt, scout the fields and find a flock you want to hunt the next morning. After rolling up on them, pause at a distance that will not spook them. Next, enter a GPS waypoint. Range the center of the flock in the field, and note the exact compass bearing on which you’re ranging. As soon as you’re out of sight of the birds, stop and manually put a waypoint into the GPS that locates the distance to the birds on the same bearing. With this process the center of the decoy spread has been determined for the next morning. It's still important for the hunter to determine reasonable shooting range, based on his experience, shell pattern and shooting ability, but the rangefinder is a great tool to ensure the birds are within that self-imposed range. OTHER WAYS TO USE A RANGEFINDER During decoy deployment, a rangefinder can also be used to set optimal range for shots. As decoys are being placed, range back to the blind from the farthest decoy and note the distance. This allows the hunter to establish the maximum shooting range. Only when the birds reach that preestablished distance are shots called for. Rangefinders can also help a hunter establish a safe distance from other hunter when shooting over public water. Most veteran shotgunners feel 300-yards is the minimum distace one set of decoy spreads should be from another. With a rangefinder you can prove the distance to other hunters. Of course, you still have to convince them to move-it-on-over. On on the range before the hunt, rangefinders can help the waterfowler. It can help determine the pattern of the shot. All that's necessary it to place test targets side by side by side, walk back up range and sight through the rangefinder back to the targets. This will tell you the exact distance from which you're shooting and the size of the pattern of your shot from this distance.

Probably the last thing a duck or goose hunter wants to think about is another piece of equipment! However, a rangefinder and the GPS feature on a smartphone can make the difference between a frustrating day on the water and a productive one.


With hunting season here, many otherwise sedentary people will be doing things to their back and shoulders which they might regret the next day. Walking for hours over cornfields while chasing pheasants or quail, climbing up tree stands in hopes of spying a big buck or sitting in a cramped duck blind for hours will wreak havoc on the back and shoulders of someone not used to the activity. Plus those with chronic back pain, often avoid the outdoor sports altogether. It might surprise you to learn that back pain resulting from vigorous exercise like hunting, fishing or even chronic back problems may be the result of bad posture. Yes, your mama was right when she said “stand up straight.” Experts in back health, know that good posture requires both muscle and joint support and constant reminding. This is exactly what the posture shirt from AlignMed does. If you’re an active outdoor sports enthusiast whose aching back is making life miserable, you’ll be interested in this product. It’s being used by more than 1,000 professional athletes to keep their backs stronger by keeping improving their posture. BILL SCHULTZ HAD A BAD BACK “A large part of the population suffers muscle and joint pain for one reason or another,” noted Bill Schultz the CEO of AlignMed. “However, the top reason is because they have bad form or posture.”

Most of us spend too much time in front of a computer or traveling in a plane or car and these activities negatively affect our posture. Bill Schultz has been there and done that. “These activities force your joints to wear out in a manner they are not supposed to, he said in a recent phone interview. “If you work all day at a computer or driving, it causes you to slump over. The front muscles will shorten, the back muscles will get longer, the hips will start moving forward and, over time, you’ll start tweaking your body. It is this over time thing that’s the problem,” he added.

HOW DOES IT WORK? According to Bill Schultz, it does three things. “First, the bands, which we call ‘neuro bands,’ will support your structure; your muscles and joints. Number two, they activate muscles. Muscles are filled with nerves which cause the muscles to contract. The posture shirt activates those nerves. Finally, it provides a bio-feedback. It makes you think about where your neck, shoulders, spine and hips are,” he said.

“In my career, I did thirty years of research and marketing of orthopedic implants,” he said. “The problem was I was developing products for people who were already broken. They needed surgery, pharmaceuticals or physical therapy in order to get fixed.” “This problem became really REAL when it happened to me, Schultz noted. “I had lower back pain, sciatica and a disc that was protruding. Even with all of my medical contacts, I could not come up with a solution.” “Finally, my orthopedic team told me ‘Bill, you have bad posture,’ he said. “They did some skin taping that fired my back muscles and reminded me about my posture. People don’t get better posture on their own. They know it’s important but it’s too hard to think about it all the time, especially if you’re sitting at a desk or even hunting and fishing.” One of Bill’s orthopedic physicians said he could put this taping in a garment and all Bill had to do was wear it. He thought this piece of clothing would have the effect of balancing the muscles, firing them and making him think about standing up straighter. “I started wearing a jacket that he had sewn and lo and behold, it did work,” Bill said. “I subsequently purchased the patent, raised some money and started AlignMed. I went from a chronic pain patient at 46 years old to someone who doesn’t suffer that anymore at 56.”

Bill was quick to note that the therapy from AlignMed garment is not done with compression. “It does it with variable elasticity,” he noted. “The panels that are sewn into these shirts have elastic properties that mirror the contractions of muscle properties. We call this ‘muscle mapping.’ We copy what the muscles do – from head to toe – by laying these elastic straps on the muscles in strategic places and then dragging those muscles to the body’s core in the hip area.”

In the process of developing and testing this posture shirt, Schultz and his team created an entirely new category of apparel. “It’s functional apparel,” he stressed. “It’s not compression apparel or performance apparel and not wearable technology. It’s functional apparel. You put it on and it helps the muscles and joints align themselves,” he said. IT TAKES A LITTLE WORK If you think your back muscles might benefit from this product, using it is pretty simple. “We tell people they can wear it 10-minutes a day or 24-hours a day,” Bill said. “For a starting point, we recommend you wear the garment 1 to 2 hours to begin with. If that’s comfortable for you, move it up for more time. Your body will tell you if this is working.”

It took a while for the orthopedic experts at the company to come up with a viable “posture shirt.” They had to make more than 500 garments to get the correct formula for making the straps work. Plus, the design team wanted clinical proof that the shirt worked. They got it from the agency which regulates pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices: the U.S. Food and Drug Agency (FDA) “Most products like this have no clinical validation,” he said. “This is what my team of physicians and academic scientists are good at. We live in the world of FDA approvals. We had to prove that the shirt does what we said it does.” “Once the garments were being worn, we used x-ray imaging to observe the joints trying to center themselves,” Bill said. “We used EMG (electromyography), which is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles, to see muscle firing patterns. We were also able to test vascularity and clinically validate that the garments made a difference.”

“It takes a little work to get the benefits of better posture,” Bill notes, “Some have said they have worn the shirt for 20-minutes and they became tired. That’s going to happen when you’re using posture muscles you’re not used to. It’s just like getting a workout in the gym. You’re going to feel the effect. If fact, our theme for this product is ‘it’s the workout you wear.’” IT’S READY FOR THE OUTDOOR SPORTS MARKET AlignMed has sold and tested more than 80,000 units in the medical environment. “We’ve done enough work with the medical community where the doctor can write a prescription for this shirt,” Bill said. “No other garment can make that claim. No other garment is registered with the FDA as a medical device. Now the company is ready to show outdoor sportsmen the benefits of better posture.

“We’re now going to a consumer environment – people like the hunters and anglers who read WOODS & WATER,” he said. “We want them to know that if they are not happy with the shirt, they can send it back for a full refund. Plus, it looks pretty cool. Once we got our science down, we reached out clothing designers and said, ‘make this look good’ and they did.” The shirts come in pull-over, zip-up and a vest model. “We think the vest would work best for hunters and anglers,” Bill noted. “They would put the vest on over a t-shirt and zip it up. It has two side straps and you adjust their own posture.” It requires a high degree of athleticism to be a successful bow hunter, shotgunner or rifle hunter and the AlignMed team has tested these shirts among professional athletes. “We have more than 1,000 professional athletes, including more than 400 Major League Baseball players, more than 200 NFL athletes and star players in the NBA, who wear it,” he said. “Some guys wear the shirt during the game and some wear for their practice work to work on their form.” “From an athlete’s perspective, you have to have the best form to perform the best game,” he said. “If your back is out of line, you’re not going to be able to perform your best and you’re going to be susceptible to injuries. If you go out there with bad form and try to throw a baseball 90-miles-an-hour or get hit by a 300-pound tackler, you’re going to have a problem.” “We originally tested the posture shirt among elderly people,” Bill said. “They would use the shirt to build muscles to prevent falls. The trainers who worked with athletes noticed this and said ‘our athletes need this for the same reason.’ So, our athletic business took off before the other markets. The easiest place for outdoor sportsmen and women can find AlignMed products is to go the company’s website The product can also be obtained from a physician “Functional apparel is here to stay and it’s going to get bigger and bigger,” Bill summed up. “We can’t cure people, but we can help them!”

HOW FAR IS TOO FAR? BOONE & CROCKETT AGREES WITH WAYNE VAN ZWOLL ON LONG RANGE SHOTS Back in March, WOODS & WATER featured an interview with well-known marksman and firearm expert, Wayne van Zwoll. He has outstanding shooting credentials. He started competing in shooting contests at Michigan State University and qualified for the final Olympic tryouts and won two state prone titles. As a journalist, he has published almost 3,000 articles and twice that many photographs in publications like Field & Stream, Outdoor Life and several NRA publications. Wayne has authored 15 books on firearms and their use in the field. His “Rifles & Cartridges” column is now in its twentysecond year in Bugle magazine. We spoke with Wayne about his new book that every hunter – at no matter what level of shooting expertise – will find fascinating: Mastering the Art of Long-Range Shooting. He also recently wrote an article about this subject for the Boone & Crockett Club. More on this later. THE CURRENT STATE OF LONG-RANGE SHOOTING This B&C article and the controversy that followed it led the club to issue a position statement on long range shooting. It began with the club's analysis of the current situation: Bullets fired from hunting rifles have had the capability of hitting targets at long distances for many decades. Regardless of these capabilities, sportsmen have historically held themselves to an ethical standard of not taking excessively long or risky shots at the big game animals they pursue. New shooting technologies now being developed and promoted for use in hunting are encouraging hunters to shoot at substantially increased distances. These new technologies, while not illegal, are tempting hunters into taking longer and longer shots, which is raising significant ethical questions, including those of fair chase and intent. The distance at which a shot is considered “long-range,” ethical, or unethical cannot be defined by specific yardages because this varies with each individual situation. It depends on equipment, shooting conditions, the species being hunted, the hunter’s experience and marksmanship skills, and other variables. It also depends on the commitment of every responsible hunter to avoid inflicting undo suffering, to make quick and humane kills, and to make every effort never to waste animals pursued as legal quarry. It is widely acknowledged that

the likelihood of wounding, and the challenges of tracking, and recovering animals increase proportionally as shooting distances increase. Hunting must involve the risk of detection and failure if there is to be any honor in having overcome the superior senses and survival instincts of the hunted. It is for this reason that sportsmen have embraced limitations so that technology does not fully overwhelm the natural capacities of the prey they pursue. This is a self-imposed trade-off that decreases the likelihood of a successful harvest, but heightens the hunting experience and shows respect for the animals being hunted. Combined, these values represent the intent and cherished traditions of hunting. WAYNE VAN ZWOLL'S OPINION ON LONG RANGE SHOOTING In his Outpost interview, Wayne left no room for ambiguities about his opinions about hunters attempting long-range shots, rather than moving in closer for one that has a higher percentage. One of our questions dealt with this issue. Outpost: Throughout your book you note that attempting to make a long shot on game is not advisable or a challenging as moving in for a closer shot. What do you mean by this? Wayne van Zwoll: I’ve seen people in the field who spot an animal and they try to make a longdistance shot. They want to try out their new, highpowered rifle or cartridge or optics and they revel in making a shot that’s quite long and they brag about this. To my mind, this is not sportsmanlike. I like to shoot at long range because it teaches me about the effect of wind and gravity on my bullet. However, when I’m shooting at a distance, I’m shooting at a steel plate or paper. When I’m in the field, I get as close as I can. I try to never try a shot that I’m not 90 percent sure I will make with the first round. That’s puts a very high bar for me. People who are attempting long-range shots are risking a miss or crippling shot and the farther you are from the animal, the harder it is to finish it if you do make a crippling hit. I don’t think that’s sportsmanlike. It’s not ethical.

THE BOONE & CROCKETT POSITION ON LONG RANGE SHOOTING Apparently, the leadership of the Boone & Crockett agree with van Zwoll. They issued this position statement on the subject. The Boone and Crockett Club believes the term “long-range� shooting is more defined by a hunter’s intent, than any specific distance at which a shot is taken. If the intent of the individual is to test equipment and determine how far one can shoot to hit a live target and if there is no motivation to risk engagement with the animal being hunted, this practice is not hunting and should not be accorded the same status as hunting. The Boone and Crockett Club maintains that hunting, at its most fundamental level, is defined by a tenuous and unpredictable relationship between predator and prey. This is an intrinsic, irrefutable and intimate connection that cannot be compromised if the hunter is to maintain the sanctity of this relationship and any credible claim that hunting is challenging, rewarding, respectful of wild creatures, and in service to wildlife conservation. This connection is built upon many complex components that differentiate hunting from simply shooting or killing. The Club finds that long-range shooting takes unfair advantage of the game animal, effectively eliminates the natural capacity of an animal to use its senses and instincts to detect danger, and demeans the hunter/prey relationship in a way that diminishes the importance and relevance of the animal and the hunt. The Club urges all hunters to think carefully of the consequences of long-range shooting, whether hunting with a rifle, bow, muzzleloader, crossbow, or handgun, and not confuse the purposes and intent of long-range shooting with fair chase hunting. Hunters tend to be an iconoclastic group and because of this, they don't necessary agree with every position taken by outdoor sports or conservation organization. Whether they believe taking long range shots is consistent with a fair chase, remains to be seen. Some will and some won't. There is, however, no question about the extensive range of modern rifles. Firearm, optic, range finding and ammunition technologies have made it possible for hunters to attempt shots on game from unbelievable distances. Unfortunately, many hunters are not expert marksman; no matter what equipment they own. When these long shots cripple wild game, instead of resulting in a clean kill, this is worse than unethical. It's a shame.

Chronic Wasting Disease Outbreak on Iowa Deer Farm ALMOST 80 PERCENT OF THE DEER TESTED POSITIVE FOR THE DISEASE Every deer farmer’s worst nightmare has occurred in Iowa. The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship announced that the test results from the depopulation of a quarantined captive deer herd in north-central Iowa showed that 284 of the 356 deer, or 79.8 percent of the herd, tested positive for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). The owners of the quarantined herd have entered into a fence maintenance agreement with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, which requires the owners to maintain the 8’ foot perimeter fence around the herd premises for five years after the depopulation was complete and the premises had been cleaned and disinfected CWD is a progressive, fatal, degenerative neurological disease of farmed and free-ranging deer, elk, and moose. There is no known treatment or vaccine for CWD, but is not a disease that affects humans.

On July 18, 2012, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s (APHIS) National Veterinary Services Lab in Ames, IA confirmed that a male white tail deer harvested from a hunting preserve in southeast IA was positive for CWD. An investigation revealed that this animal had just been introduced into the hunting preserve from the above-referenced captive deer herd in north-central Iowa. The captive deer herd was immediately quarantined to prevent the spread of CWD. The herd has remained in quarantine until its depopulation on August 25 to 27, 2014. The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship participated in a joint operation to depopulate the infected herd with USDA Veterinary Services, which was the lead agency, and USDA Wildlife Services. Federal indemnity funding became available in 2014. USDA APHIS appraised the captive deer herd of 376 animals at that time, which was before depopulation and testing, at $1,354,250. At that time a herd plan was developed with the owners and officials from USDA and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. Once the depopulation was complete and the premises had been cleaned and disinfected, indemnity of $917,100.00 from the USDA has been or will be paid to the owners as compensation for the 356 captive deer depopulated. The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship operates a voluntary CWD program for farms that sell live animals. Currently 145 Iowa farms participate in the voluntary program. The above-referenced captive deer facility left the voluntary CWD program prior to the discovery of the disease as they had stopped selling live animals. All deer harvested in a hunting preserve must be tested for CWD. gun, just in case.


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Killer Apps – WOODS & WATER Hunting and Fishing Technology Theodolite On Your Phone BY: ANDY DYE Greetings campers. This is the first installment of my technology and the outdoors column. The intent is to show ways you can enhance your outdoor experience or just make life easier with technology as it relates to the outdoors. The first app I wanted to cover was the Theodolite HD app. Admittedly, I’m still learning how to use all the features of this thing, so we’ll learn about it together. It’s what’s called an augmented reality (AR) app, which means that it uses the camera on your phone to “look” in the direction you point it, with the tools and information superimposed on top of the picture. You may not think you know anything about AR, but if you’ve seen that yellow line marking the location of the first down mark on TV football game, you’ve seen augmented reality. Once you play with this puppy, your favorite kind of “reality” might turn out to be this augmented reality. FEATURES: CALCULATING HEIGHT AND DISTANCE AND KEEPING TRACK OF OTHER HUNTERS The most obvious features of this app involve its ability to calculate height and distance based on angles and known distances. You can use it to figure out a tree’s height, and if you are fortunate enough to have mountains higher than the ridges of ancient river beds like where I live in Louisiana, you can figure out some cool distances when hiking or hunting in the wilderness. The version I reviewed also has a feature where you can set up a team and exchange tracking information with each other. The feature is good for up to 20 other people, but will cost an extra $0.99 through an in-app purchase. The app information says that it runs with a low consumption of power in the background so that it won’t use up too much battery charge. The developers tout this as a “search and rescue” feature, but I could easily see this utilized in hunting camps to see where each hunter is located at any given time.

This app will record exact GPS coordinates, with azimuth features and even has a range finder. Unless you have some experience using all of the types of data, a run through of their documentation is advised. You can log data and then email it to yourself. On the map view, you can set markers and name them, and view the map in a hybrid fashion, with both satellite and street maps. SCIENCE!!! Now, if you are planning on using the Theodolite HD as a more scientific tool, the developers mention that you can get some data packages which are more accurate GPS-wise to account for earth curvature and irregularities. However, it seems like out of the box it will suffice to determine the best spot to put a tree stand when standing where you anticipate a deer to be and looking around an area. The good news is that if you have a little more to capture than just a snapshot, you can video with the augmented reality on the video, through the app. You can also share your location via text message with someone that also has the app, and the link will open in the app.

Overall, the app is $3.99 in the app store and worth it to play around with. Don’t forget your smartphone when you hit the field this year. You can use it for these typs of apps and, if nothing else, you can send shots of the game you took, post it on Facebook and rub it in on your friends who did something girly while you were out being a hunter/ nature intended!

Andy Dye is a technology and marketing consultant who lives in Lafayette, Louisiana. You can send him questions for future features at


WOODS & WATER: FALL FISHING Shorter days, cooler nights and fewer bugs are signs that autumn is here. If you're an angler, this can be some of the most productive time you'll have all year. Fish are starting to go on a feeding frenzy to prepare for winter and next spring's spawn. In the Midwest, the two months just prior to the first freeze is prime time for fising. Joe Larscheid, chief of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources' Fisheries Bureau, says fall is a close second to spring as the top season to fish because the fish will get into predictable patterns making them easier to locate. "Panfish, especially yellow perch, will form large schools as the water temperature cools so look for a lot of boats in one area. In the rivers, fish will move to the deepest holes for the winter so fishing the outside bends of the river is a good strategy," Larscheid said. "Fall is often overlooked as a prime fishing time because many of us are in hunting mode or are busy with school activities, but there is excellent fishing to be had and many of our trophy fish are caught in the fall." Experts say using live bait, particularly minnows, and a slower presentation are keys when fishing in cooler water. Targeting areas of a lake or river where the water is warmer can also improve success. In lakes, shallow water along the north shore will be warmer and in lakes and rivers, areas where small creeks enter will be warmer. Plus, this time of year presents an added bonus. With school back in session, not only will the competition for the best fishing spots be less, but the campgrounds will also be less busy. Combining a fishing and fall camping trip to a state park when the leaves are turning makes for a perfect outdoor weekend.


Boat names are as varied as boat owners. However, owners looking for something special to put on their vessel now have a new premium level Custom Boat Graphics service from Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) that includes the services of their own private designer. The new Custom Boat Graphics service is for boaters who want something more than just boat name lettering, but who may not have the time or creative talent to design their artwork. “Boaters only need to come to us with an idea, and in as little as two to three business days we have a custom designed artwork ready for installation -- not just a boat name -- delivered to their door,” said Boat Graphics Specialist Ron Crittendon. Crittendon says having the services of your own private designer can help you get the snazzy graphics you are looking for. “We use in-house designers that offer a range of styles, for example, from artists who specialize in Tahitian designs popular today with West Coast boaters to more traditional looks favored in New England. Boaters start by submitting a request online at or by calling 800-937-3300.

Adding to the high level of care is the 30-day “Oops Assurance Guarantee” on all BoatUS graphics. The Guarantee allows buyers to receive replacement decals free of charge if the graphic was damaged during installation. If getting the creative juices flowing is a challenge, BoatUS also has a list over 9000 names submitted over the last two decades as well as annual Top Ten Boat Names lists to help owners find the right choice. Boat Owners Association of The United States ( is the nation’s leading advocate for recreational boaters providing its over half-million members with government representation, services such as 24-hour dispatch, on water boat towing as well as roadside assistance for boat trailers and tow vehicles, feature-packed boat insurance programs, money-saving benefits including marina and service discounts, and vital information that improves recreational boating. Its member-funded BoatUS Foundation is a national leader promoting safe, clean and responsible boating and offers range of boating safety courses - including 33 free state courses - that can be found at


ARE WE RELEASING TOO MANY FISH? Fishermen have been trained to catch and release. However, this might be having unintended consequences, at least in the state of Utah. The Utah Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) will be proposing rule changes for 2015 which encourage anglers to keep their fish. The popularity of catch-and-release fishing boomed over the last decade, dramatically changing how biologists are approaching fish management. Releasing too many fish is keeping trout, bass, and walleye from reaching their ideal size. “You may not realize it,” said DWR fisheries coordinator Drew Cushing, “but catching and releasing fish—on waters where you’re allowed to keep some fish—is working against you. Until anglers start keeping some fish, the fish aren’t going to grow to the size that many anglers want. Many of Utah’s waters simply have too many fish.” THE PERCENTAGE OF RELEASED FISH IS AMAZING Releasing so many fish can hurt both anglers and state fisheries. Remarkably, the DWR statistics show that 95 percent of all brown trout caught in the state are released, as well as 90 percent of black bass. In 2012, anglers only kept 1,500 walleye from Utah’s famed Willard Bay Reservoir, compared to the 16,000 fish kept in 2002. Although many anglers take great pride in being able to release a fish unharmed, officials now say it is okay to take a few for the freezer The DWR is considering removing the home possession limit—which is the amount of fish an angler can have in their homes at any one time—completely for all fish species except salmonids like trout, whitefish, grayling, and salmon. Even those species, however, may not be protected for long. “If we find that [the rule changes] does make a difference,” Cushing said, “we might recommend that the possession limit for salmonoids be eliminated in 2016.” The alternative can be wasteful and costly. Cushing explains that at reservoirs such as Oak Creek, where there are so many brook trout that fish have become stunted, officials may have to chemically treat the waters and replace existing fish with new, bigger trout.


Muck Boots are Designed for Active Hunting



This new hunting boot by Muck Boot Company is designed to keep you out there and in pursuit of your game even when terrain and weather are working against you. Muck Boot’s new Realtree Xtra® Pursuit Glory hunting boot boasts numerous protective features designed for the active big-game hunter.

A hunter can easily pull these tall boots over his pants to reduce scent and keep outerwear dry. The rubber and neoprene proven scent-containment properties, when combined with Inscentible scent masking, help you maintain a low profile throughout your hunt.

Rubber reinforcement pads on the boot’s media side provide additional durability and comfort. Providing warmth, 100% waterproof protection and scent containment, this hunting boot provides exactly what the big- game hunter needs for a successful day afield.

The Muck Boots Feature: Temp Rated: - 40degrees Inscentible® scent masking agion® Antimicrobial treatment to prevent bacterial growth Spandura® upper for added protection Fleece lining & 5mm of NEOPRENE for added warmth Triple density PU sock liner with etc® top lining for added comfort Cushioned EVA midsole Rugged outsole design for added traction For more information, retail locations and pricing for Muck Boots, click on the company website:

Cold feet during hunting season or ice fishing are a thing of the past.


No Matter How Cold it Gets, ProFLEX Heated Insoles Keep Your Feet Warm



Thermacell ProFLEX Heated Insoles foot warmers are the newest addition to the Thermacell line. Designed to make any cold weather activity more comfortable and enjoyable, they have all the features of the original Thermacell Heated Insoles but are more flexible and comfortable, have longer use time, contain a removable and rechargeable battery and can be charged using either USB cable or wall charger.

To get those cold toes toasty, simply place Heated Insoles inside footwear and activate heat with wireless remote, then adjust heat (medium or high) or turn off with remote as desired. The ProFLEX Insoles’ durable, lightweight, soft cushion polyurethane foam construction is breathable, conducts heat efficiently and has great retention and shock absorbency for all-day comfort. They maintain a steady temperature inside your footwear, keeping your feet at normal body temperature or slightly warmer as desired, as opposed to chemical foot-warming pads that get hot to the touch and can make your feet sweat. Powered by rechargeable, removable lithium-ion polymer batteries embedded in the foot warmer insoles, the can run continuously up to 5 hours - or much longer if used in intervals - on one charge and recharges fully in 4 hours. When one battery runs out, simply insert a new battery without even removing the insoles from the shoes for continuous use all day. Small, lightweight remote fits into a pocket or attaches to a belt. Thermacell ProFLEX Heated Insoles function equally well in damp or dry environments and can be used in any type of footwear desired, whether boots, shoes or waders and are highly water resistant against both moisture from outside the footwear and perspiration. Made for men and women, the ProFLEX Insoles are customizable to fit any shoe size from a women’s 4.5 to a men’s 14. 179.99,, stores throughout north America. For more information on the Thermacell ProFLEX Heated Insoles click on the company website



OGIO Expands with ‘Urban Outdoor’ Inspired Day Packs


OGIO International Inc. is a leading lifestyle bag designer with a strong sports heritage and the company wanted to create a backpack that combined the aggressive styling of an adventure sports enthusiast with the rugged styling of an outdoor enthusiast. Its two new bags the Throttle and Clutch, deliver on both form and function and will appeal to an outdoor sport con sumer that wants a dual purpose pack that will perform as well outdoors as it will for everyday work and travel. These two design innovations offer a unique adrenaline-inspired pack for this growing demographic and will allow OGIO to expand its distribution into more outdoor sports channels looking for distinctive styles that will appeal to new customers. Throttle and Clutch are both engineered with high performance rip stop coated materials that will provide water resistance to survive your most extreme adventures. The Throttle is designed as a dual purpose top loading pack-duffle and provides 28L of storage, while the Clutch caters to the minimalist urban commuter at 21L. Throttle Features Include: • An external access hanging padded computer sleeve, tablet sleeve and phone pocket with a water resistant rain hood • Two additional external side pockets to stash away beverages or other small items • A large front zippered pocket and top loading main volume entry for clothes, electronics and more • An alternative dedicated fleece-lined electronics pocket for GPS systems, cell phones or cameras • A two-way adjustable sternum strap for maximum comfort over long periods of time • Designed in a slate blue, stealth black, navy green or burnt orange Clutch Features Include: • A large main volume compartment for all travel goods • An interior padded laptop sleeve to keep your electronics protected • An aluminum zipper for ultimate durability from rain, and quick access to belongings • A two-way adjustable sternum strap for maximum comfort over long periods of time • Also designed in a slate blue, stealth black, navy green or burnt orange Throttle and Clutch are now a vailable for $80 and $50 respectively. For more details on the bag desgigns visit


Whether for Hunting or Fishing Vicious Vision Delivers


Vicious Vision Premium Polarized Sunglasses continue to amaze wearers with their unmatched clarity, scratch resistance and glare elimination. It was no different with the introduction of two new lens options, Yellow Moss and Blaze Orange. These new colors were developed to enhance vision and depth perception during low light times such as early mornings, late evenings or overcast days.

The Yellow Moss lens brings many of the benefits of a traditional yellow lens, but that hint of green keeps from blowing out images when things begin to brighten up. Pro anglers such as John Crews, Bill Lowen and David Kilgore have all reported a noticeable increase in their ability to identify fish and structure in the water with this lens color. The new lens has also been well received by the bowfishing community as a true game changer in their sport. The Blaze Orange was introduced with the hunter in mind, although the lens does have applications for fishing and other outdoor activities. The color delivers not only the extra light in dim conditions, but also brings improved sharpness and depth perception in the field. The lenses are available in all frame styles, including the Realtree速 Xtra pattern. The lenses will still deliver on the qualities expected from the Xperio UVTM lens technology including: Elimination of ALL blinding glare and ghost images 50 times more protection from dangerous UV radiation compared to no lenses at all (highest available today) Advanced hard coat surface technology providing MAXIMUM scratch resistance Cutting edge hydrophobic coating to resist dirt, dust, smudges, oil and water Like the other six Xperio UV lens color options offered by Vicious Vision, the two new colors are also available in custom single-vision prescription offerings. They are available through thousands of eyecare professionals nationwide, ensuring that the customer will get the personal service and quality they need for better vision. All Vicious Vision eyewear comes with a hard case and is backed by a limited lifetime warranty. To learn more about the new eyewear, or to configure your own Vicious Vision sunglasses, visit the brand website at


Wild Mushroom and Venison Stroganoff Are you looking for a good answer when your spouse says something like: “why do you spend so much time at that deer hunting lease with those good-for-nothing boys you call your friends?” How about this? “Well, honey. Let me show you a special dish that can only be completed with venison. How about if I whip us up a little Wild Mushroom and Venison Stroganoff for two?” This recipe is easy and amazing. These ingredients only serve two, so the kids will have to have something more pedestrian. Prep Time: 20 min

Cook Time: 20 min

INGREDIENTS • 7 ounces white rice • Extra-virgin olive oil • 1 medium red onion, peeled and finely chopped • 1 clove garlic, peeled and finely sliced • 11 ounces venison loin, fat and sinews removed, trimmed and sliced into finger-sized pieces • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper • 1 tablespoon paprika

Level: Intermediate

Serves: 2 servings

• 9 ounces mixed exciting, robust mushrooms, wiped clean, torn into bite-sized pieces • Small bunch fresh flat-leaf parsley, leaves picked and roughly chopped, stalks finely chopped • Knob of butter • A splash of good brandy • 1 lemon, zested • 2/3 cup crème fraiche or sour cream • Few little gherkins, sliced

DIRECTIONS Cook the rice according to the package instructions until it's just undercooked and drain in a colander. Put the rice back in the pan, cover with aluminum foil and set aside to steam - this will give you incredibly light and fluffy rice. Heat a large frying pan on a medium heat and pour in a glug of extra-virgin olive oil. Add the onions and garlic and cook for about 10 minutes until softened and golden. Remove from the heat and spoon the onions and garlic out of the pan onto a plate. Set aside. Season the meat well with salt, pepper and the paprika. Rub and massage these flavorings into the meat. Place the frying pan back on a high heat and pour in some more olive oil. Add the mushrooms and fry for a few minutes until they start to brown. Then add the meat and fry for a minute or 2 before adding the parsley stalks (you can do this in 2 pans or in batches if your pan is not big enough) and the cooked onion and garlic. Toss and add the butter and brandy. You can light the brandy and when the flames die down, or after a couple of minutes of simmering, stir in the lemon zest and all but 1 tablespoon of the crème fraiche and season, to taste. Continue simmering for a few minutes. Any longer than this and the meat will toughen up - it doesn't need long, as it's been cut up so small. Serve your fluffy rice on 1 big plate and your stroganoff on another. Simply spoon the remaining crème fraiche over the stroganoff, then sprinkle over the sliced gherkins and the parsley leaves. Bon appetite!

WOODS & WATER is please to announce that we have partnered with outdoor icon O’Neill Williams. He will be providing some incredible recipes as well as other content throughout the year. Be sure to tune in to his televion show each week as well as listen to his radio show on WOODS & WATER Radio. You can also visit his website at




ANOTHER ICE COLD SIX-PACK OF HOW TO’S Each month we scour the Internet to bring you a completely RANDOM set of video How To’s. The only common threads are that they relate to enjoying the outdoors and they make you say, “Hell, I can do that!” It’s been said by the old-timers, “There’s nothing better than an ice-cold six pack of How To’s on a crisp Fall evening.” As you gather ‘round the fire after a long (and hopefully, productive) day in the field, here are a few random bits of wisdom of which no self-respecting outdoorsman should be unaware. So, without further ado (and who likes ado anyway), here an ice-cold, sixpack of How To’s!

Are you one of the 10 million or so people who had to have one of those bigger, better iPhone 6 smartphones? Well, here’s How To blow up it up with a 50 caliber round. Have you ever wondered how to fish if you were a Python? Us neither, but this is fascinating.

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• SINCE 1986 •

Tis the season for whitetail hunting and here’s How To attract a buck with a mock scrape

So, you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere, it’s getting dark and cold and all you have is an empty Bic lighter. Here’s How To make a fire with an empty Bic lighter.

We saw some nimrod lose his kayak on the freeway after he failed to tie it down. Watch this and you’ll learn How To safely transport yours. And finally, the video which every outdoorsman MUST see before going to that big deer lease in the sky. Here’s How To punch like a Kangeroo.

RADIO FOR THE GREAT OUTDOORS WOODS & WATER Radio is the first radio station dedicated to hunting, fishing, and the great outdoors. You can hear us on your smartphone, desktop or tablet‌ just about anywhere. WOODS & WATER Radio is a mix of great music and information that celebrates the outdoors! Give us a listen. Click on WOODS & WATER logo below to listen now!


19 USES FOR ZIP TIES IN SURVIVAL SITUATIONS Everyone knows that there are a million uses for WD 40 and Duct Tape. But did you know that there are probably just as many uses for zip ties? The above video walks your through a few of those uses. Some are just general common sense but there are some useful ways to take this simple tool and utilize in a survival situation when the SHTF. Do you have some great survival tips? We would love to hear them. You can either jump on our Facebook or Twitter accounts and share those with us there or feel free to email us at: In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the video.



THE MOTOR CITY MASTER HITS ON ALL CYLINDERS For many, the only exposure to Bob Seger songs has been his constant rotation on Classic Rock radio stations and, of course, his hit turned into Chevy commercial – “Like a Rock.” Well, that’s about to change in a BIG way because Seger has released one of the best records in his 50-year career and radio will, no doubt, take notice. It’s called “Ride Out” and it’s packed with new songs, destined to be classics. The singer/performer will be 70-years old in a few months and he has sold more than 57 million albums. He has been touring pretty much constantly since the 60’s and some feel the title of his latest – Ride Out – is a sign that he’s about ready to hang ‘em up. According to interviews which preceded the release of the album, Seger is not saying whether he’s done yet or not. “I love all the people in my band,” he noted in a Wall Street Journal article, “And I give them good income, so I have to think about the musical family that depends on me.” Not since Mitch Ryder (and his band “The Detroit Wheels”) has an artist been so tied to the Motor City. Seger’s bio notes that he grew up in Ann Arbor, Michigan and started playing Detroit clubs when he was a teenager. For more than a decade, he was a Midwest phenom until his hit “Night Moves” made him an “overnight” sensation. While the city of Detroit and the state of Michigan is very much a part of Seger musical DNA, the “Ride Out” album was recorded in Nashville and this might have had something to do with the choice of songs and feeling of the album. AN AMAZING COLLECTION The first cut on Ride Out is a perfect choice. Written by the prolific, writer/singer John Hiatt, “Detroit Made” in many ways is Bob Seger’s story. An homage to American-made cars and the people who love them, this cut is vintage Seger – rocking guitar, playful lyrics and all about the heartland. From the first guitar licks of “Hey Gypsy” fans of the late Stevie Ray Vaughn know exactly what’s coming next. Just as Stevie Ray did with his seminal tune “Pride & Joy,” Bob Seger (and his excellent guitarist Kenny Greenburg) put on a clinic on Texas blues with this song. Before releasing the album, Seger was interviewed and he said he wrote “Hey Gypsy” as a tribute to SRV. Another outstanding roots writer/performer who decided he’d had enough of Nashville and moved to New York City wrote “The Devil’s Right Hand” and it’s another standout cut on Ride Out. Steve Earle wrote this song and Seger covers it like a warm blanket on a cold night. This could very well be one of the many singles which come from this album. The title cut of the album is pure, unadulterated Seger. “Ride Out” would rock out listeners in any of the five decades Seger has been performing. This is vintage Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band.

The album is not without some interesting twists and turns. For example, have you ever heard Seger sing a bluegrass song, especially one that he wrote and played banjo on? Nope. Me neither. However, the cut “Adam and Eve” has been described as a “Biblical Duet” and it is stunning. The female vocalist on this song is Laura Creamer and it was she who sang background vocals on Seger’s monster hit “Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man” in 1968. This song sounds like the A.P. Carter could have written it but he didn’t. Bob Seger did. Seger can still sing a ballad like nobody else. His rough-hewn voice and the sparse production on this cut is the perfect combination for the gorgeous “You Take Me In.” Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band are on the road for the next year, promoting this album and (no doubt) playing a few of the dozens of the hits in his voluminous catalog. If this is indeed where he “Rides Out” into the sunset, he will leave a legacy that few artists can claim. If you want to see how a musical icon ages gracefully, get your hands on a copy of Ride Out. It’s one of the best of the year.


Maybe you’ve noticed. We don’t write negative music reviews in WOODS & WATER. That’s not our role. We’re here to pick out a couple of new albums every month, out of the hundreds and hundred which are released, and tell you why you might want to check them out. Our criteria are simple and some might say arbitrary. The music should appeal to our readers – folks who enjoy getting outdoors and hangin’ with Mother Nature – it should have an interesting story and it should have great lyrics and tunes. That’s it. It would be a waste of your time for us to pontificate on the failings of a musical artist. As we all know, most critics couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket anyway. This approach allows us to turn you on to some artists whom you may or may not have discovered. That’s the fun part of this gig. This brings us to singer/songwriter Frank Foster. He has an amazing new CD entitled “Rhythm and Whiskey” and he epitomizes southern rock. If you’ve missed him when he came through your town, you might want to check out is new record.

He released three other CDs before this one: Rowdy Reputation (2011), Red Wings and Six Strings (2012) and Southern Soul (2013). Each was solid and soulful and each contributed to his rabid fan base – the people who show up at the county fairs, music festivals and Wednesday night gigs at little roadhouse bars. They also must buy CD and downloads because Rhythm and Whiskey sold 9,000 units in the first week after it was released! Foster was born in Cypress Bottoms, Louisiana, a tiny town just south of the Louisiana/Arkansas line. As he noted on his website, he went to college and then got a “good job” working on oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. While he was making good money searching for black gold, he was using his off-duty days searching for a career writing and singing. He did this by performing his songs throughout the country. WHY GET RHYTHM? On his new album, Frank Foster presents genuine country music with more than a splash of southern rock. You can hear the Hank Jr, Skynyrd, Allman Brothers, Jamey Johnson and Waylon influences a mile away. Some think this type of country music could help the bring back some credibility – lost in the auto-tuned, flavorof-the month pablum – to country music. We agree. There’s little doubt why the record label chose “Cut Off Jeans” as the first single. The lyric is pure down home country and the tune and arrangement is ZZ Top. This is the killer cut that the kids in Brady, Texas and Dothan, Alabama will be blasting at the Sonic on Friday night after the football game. Foster’s singing style is perfect for this one and he kills it. You say your tastes in music leans toward ballads with great hooks? Look no further than “Good ‘Ol Girl.” This could very easily be the next single because it shows off Foster’s considerable singing chops. And speaking of hooks, there a big, juicy guitar hook on the outstanding cut, “Outlaw Angel,” that will change your life.

Other great cuts on Rhythm and Whiskey include: Flyin’ Down the Highway, Southern Man and the closest thing you’ll hear to Hank Sr. and the Drifting Cowboy Band – The Gospel. The community of men and women who make their living in the oil and gas business have known about Frank Foster for several years because he is one of their own. With this new record, he’s about to be

OUTDOOR RECREATION BOOSTED BY THE 2014 FARM BILL Good news from Department of Agriculture: The 2014 Farm Bill will include $20 million in funds earmarked for wildlife conservation and improving access to public and private lands for hunters and anglers. Specifically, the funding is associated with the Farm Bill’s Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program (VPA-HIP). Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said that the Department of Agriculture will partner with nine state agencies and the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakima Nation to increase recreational and economic opportunities on private lands. The Natural Resources Conservation Service administers the program. Examples of projects include the construction of a wildlife viewing center in Washington. The Farm Bill will provide $131,000 to the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakima Nation for the undertaking, which in addition to the viewing center, will open 21,000 acres of tribal and private land to public recreation. In Iowa, the bill will provide $3 million to assist landowners with 22,000 acres worth of wildlife habitat enhancement projects and open an area for public hunting. Recreational activities are an important economic boost for rural communities. According to the Outdoor Industry Association, outdoor recreation supports 6.1 million direct jobs, $80 billion in federal, state, and local tax revenues and $646 billion in spending each year. Here are some state winners from the U.S. Department of Agriculture: • Arizona Game and Fish Department: $2.2 million to expand the state’s public access program by working with more landowners through the provision of incentive payments, hiring additional staff, and boosting outreach efforts. • Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakima Nation: $131,000 to construct a wildlife viewing center and expand access to 8,500 acres of private land and 12,500 acres of tribal lands for hiking, bird watching, and photography.

• Georgia Department of Natural Resources: $99,000 to expand the state’s Wildlife Management Area program. • Illinois Department of Natural Resources: $1.7 million to expand the state’s public access program with a goal of making land available for recreation while also helping protect at-risk species like the goldenwinged warbler and bog turtle. • Iowa Department of Natural Resources: $3 million to enhance 22,000 acres of wildlife habitat and open areas for hunting to the public. • Michigan Department of Natural Resources: $1.2 million to add dozens of farms to the state’s hunting access program, increasing accessible land by 8,000 acres. • Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks: $490,000 to work with 150 landowners to expand access to 48,000 acres for hunting, fishing, and recreation. • Pennsylvania Game Commission: $6 million to expand the state’s public access program with a goal of making land available for recreation while also helping at-risk species. • South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks: $1.5 million to further public access to private lands for hunting and recreation in the southeastern portion of the state, as well as improve wildlife habitats. • Texas Parks and Wildlife Department:$2.4 million to increase land availability and participation in hunting as well working with private landowners to further steward wildlife populations.



Water cooler talk has taken on a new meaning in the state of California. As the state's waters continue to dry up as a results of its record-breaking drought, construction is underway to build water coolers to aid vulneerable fish species. These giant devices are already being installed in facilities like Rancho Cordova’s Nimbus Fish Hatchery, the Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery, and the America River Hatchery just east of Sacramento. Officials hope that the coolers will alleviate the strain from abnormally high water temperatures, which can be fatal to fish like trout and salmon. The problem is that like elsewhere across the state, hatchery managers are having a hard time protecting their water supply from evaporation. Shallow waters are easier to warm, and even a few degrees can be uncomfortable for coldwater fish accustomed to a steady 50 or 60 degrees. CONSISTENTLY COLD WATER IS CRITICAL FOR SOME FISH “So as the reservoir drops, there’s less of a coldwater pool lower down in the reservoir, and so the reservoir becomes warmer,” Gary Novak, manager of the Nimbus hatchery, told CBS News.

These massive coolers are already being used in some hatcheries, where the state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) transported hundreds of thousands of Coho salmon retrieved from drying streams and rivers. The unprecedented fish rescue operation took place early this summer, during which volunteers and DFW staff swarmed the state’s waterways with buckets and nets hoping to catch as many young salmon as possible. According to the Associated Press, even hatcheries were susceptible to the heat. The wire service reported that more than 2 million fish were transported from vulnerable hatcheries to cooler ones. Wildlife officials are even considering removing fish eggs from the wild to cooler-equipped hatcheries to ensure their survival, at least until they can be released back into the rivers later this year.

AN ALLIGATOR WENT DOWN TO GEORGIA It started out as a mild September day on Lake Blackshear in Georgia. Chad Young and his buddies were hunting alligators and they found one...a big one.The 660-pound reptile offered up a difficult fight to the hunter and his companions, and Young said it took more than four hours before the animal finally tired out. “Basically it was like taking a full-size truck and hooking it to your boat. I mean he had plenty of power and he didn’t slow down for a while,” Young said . Media reports noted that once the hunters saw size of the alligator’s head, they knew they needed more help. The 13-foot reptile took six men and a truck to move, but it was worth it for Young, who said he planned on getting another gator before the season ended. According to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Young’s catch missed the state record by about 10 inches. Alligators in Georgia are inducted into the books based on length rather than weight, and the current record holder is a 13-foot, 10-3/4-inch gator harvested by Jim Overman from Lake Seminole last year. That animal only weighed 620 pounds. The previous state record was also caught in Lake Seminole in 2010, but measured an inch and half less and weighed 692 pounds. Missing the state record was no big deal to Chad Young. “I’m happy as I could be. That’s probably one of the best times I’ve had hunting period,” he said.



Do you have a funny hunting or fishing picture? • Do you have a joke that everyone should hear? Email them to:


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