GUIDELINES Date of Submission - 27th May 10 P.M Answer Every Question in Detail Page Parent Endorsement Letter Compulsory with Mentor or VP Endorsement Letter Limit - 8 pages
Personal Information
Name College Department Email ID -
Questions Q1 - Why do you think you want to be part of JNC OC ?
Q2 - What According to you is the work of Core OC in Conference and how do you thing you will be do it in the best way.
Q3 - How do you think AIESEC in Pune will Benefit from this Conference?
Q.4 Make a plan of Action for the event Include The Following things 1.
How big the OC should be and why?
2. How will you Raise Sponsors for the conference. Prepare a Plan for it 3.
What are expecting to learn from this OC experience ?
4.Why do you want be a part of JNC core oc