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Introducing a Plant-Based Diet

by Carrie Jackson


Dr. Meena orange peppers, yellow Malhotra is squash, leafy greens the medical and red berries. The director at Heal n Cure, focus should be on an integrative facility in whole foods that have Glenview that spe- not been processed or cializes in functional genetically altered. I tell medicine. Few factors my patients that if it are more important to comes from a plant, eat our overall health than it, and if it’s made in a what we eat. The qual- plant, don’t. Technically, ity, quantity and clean- products such as refined liness of our food can sugar, white flour and either prevent or cause certain vegetable fats disease. Plant-based can all be labelled diets have become quite "plant-based," but they popular recently, with Dr. Meena Malhotra, MD are devoid of nutritionpeople seeking to reduce their meat intake al benefits and obesogenic. There is room to improve their health, lower their carbon in the diet for unprocessed meat, dairy and footprint or for ethical reasons. Nutrition is eggs, but it should free of chemicals and one of five pillars of health, and Malhotra locally sourced, if possible. recommends a plant-based diet to improve liver health, maximize nutrient intake, balance hormones and enhance the body’s What are the health benefits of ability to repair the ongoing damage. Still, a plant-based diet? there are many misconceptions about what Eating a variety of vegetables, fruits and exactly plant-based eating is and how to other plant-based foods can help support best achieve balance. every system in your body. They contain What are some myths about eating meat? soluble fibers that nourish the helpful microbial community in the colon to optimize gut balance and health. They also It’s ingrained in American culture that we have insoluble fiber that slows the absorpneed to eat meat at every meal in order to tion of food, promoting satiety and better get adequate protein, but this is simply not glucose control and elimination of waste true. Our ancestors would hunt animals from the intestinal tract on a regular basis. to consume occasionally, but spent most They are rich in antioxidants, prebiotics, of their time gathering—eating nuts and probiotics, anti-inflammatory nutrients and seeds and berries. That’s how we’re genet- phytochemicals that may reduce oxidative ically wired. It is quite easy to get all the stress, support the liver to promote efficient nutrients you need from a plant-based diet biotransformation and detoxification, and if you think of a rainbow when preparing boost overall immune system function. your meal. Find fruits and vegetables in Plant-based foods also contain micronutrievery color to get the full spectrum of ents that can lower your risk of cancer and phytonutrients such as purple cabbage, other diseases.

Why is a meat-heavy diet harmful?

Most farm animals are given antibiotics and extra-high dosages of hormones to fatten up quickly. When we consume those products, that can lead to weight gain, fatty liver, hormonal imbalance and insulin resistance. Since hormones are fat-soluble, they reside primarily in the fatty part of an animal product such as the egg yolk, marbled red meat or skin of the chicken. Consuming too much of this can result in high cholesterol, heart disease, obesity and other preventable conditions. Red meat especially has been tied to stomach, esophageal and colorectal cancer. It’s also calorically dense, so it’s easy to go overboard. With a plant-based diet, which tends to be high in fiber and more nutritionally dense, people can eat larger amounts and not worry about gaining weight.

How can people start transitioning to a plant-based diet?

Start by eliminating meat from one meal a day, and in the rest of the meals, make your plate at least half vegetables. Try new recipes and methods of cooking. Eating a plant-based diet doesn’t mean just eating salads. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different grains, like bulgur, quinoa, farro and freekeh, and proteins such as lentils, seitan and chickpeas. Organic and nonGMO soybeans are considered a whole source of protein, which means they provide the body with all the essential amino acids it needs. Make sure you have staples like beans, olive oil, rice and oats on hand, and look for recipes from different cultures. A number of Indian, Mediterranean, African and Asian dishes are plant-based and have robust flavors. in addition to anti-inflammatory spices such as turmeric.

For more information, call 847-686-4444, email DrMalhotra@HealNCure.com or visit HealNCure.com. See ad on page 3, in the

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Carrie Jackson is an Evanston-based writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings magazine. Connect at CarrieJacksonWrites.com

Savory Gluten-Free Waffles for Spring Brunches

by Tiffany Hinton

Many families celebrate spring holidays like Easter with their favorite brunch foods. However, for those of us with food allergies and dietary preferences, developing a family-friendly brunch menu can be a challenge. Our family has learned to get creative with brunch menus by trying world cuisine-inspired dishes and themes to accommodate our gluten-free needs.

The Harvard School of Public Health and the World Health Organization report that the Mediterranean diet is the most effective dietary lifestyle, offering a host of health benefits, including weight loss, heart and brain health, cancer prevention, and diabetes prevention and control. This new research has resulted in an update to our food pyramid to align with emerging research.

The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating based on the traditional cuisine of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. While there is no single definition, it is typically high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nut and seeds, and plant-based oils. Below, my family and I share a gluten-free, high-protein falafel waffle that will make an exciting addition to a holiday brunch spread.

Savory Mediterranean Falafel Waffles

Yields: 6 waffles

2, 15 oz cans chickpeas, drained ¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped 1 small onion, minced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 scoop bone broth and or collagen protein powder (or 2 Tbsp gluten-free flour) ½ tsp ground coriander ½ tsp ground cumin ¼ tsp salt 1 tsp baking soda

Photo credit Tiffany Hinton

Using a food processor or high-speed blender, blend the chickpeas, parsley, onion and garlic until there are no large chunks. You may need to do this in two batches. Transfer this mixture to a large bowl and stir in remaining ingredients. Cover and refrigerate one hour.

Preheat waffle maker and spray with cooking spray. Spoon ½ cup of falafel batter into waffle maker, cook for 12 to 15 minutes. The falafel will be crispy and lightly browned when done cooking. Serve with fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and hummus.

Recipe courtesy of Tiffany Hinton, GF MomCertified. Connect on social media @gfmomcertified.

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