Published i n Australia by GOSFORD DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY STUDY GROUP 4 Adam Street, Narara, N.S.W. 2250 Telephone (043) 25 1055
Philippe Ed. Tabuteau J . P . 1990
A l l rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.
ISBN Series No. 0 7316 0651 5 ISBN This volume No. 0 7316 9639 6
This Book i s part of the series t i t l e d Historical Records of the Central Coast of New South Wales.
Printed in Australia
Gosford City Printing Plant
Australia 1788-1988 This publication has been endorsed by The Australian Bicentennial Authority to celebrate Australia's Bicentenary in 1988.
BENCH BOOKS ^COURT CASES: 1826-74 Table of Contents A r Index ol"Names. lickecs of Leave Mt^urns 8^c, Bench books: Letters iS35-iS3S bench BookS'^ Letters Bench Books: Letters Court Cases: Depositions 1636 '184r2
Court Cases-'Depositions Court Cases* depositions 1855 -mi 7 registers 48 years
(JLC 8^ JLfsK) 541 pages (BBi)
2S4r pages (BB2)
52$ pages (BB5) 540pages {CCD 290pages (CC2) BBjpages CCC5) 404pciges %Mi pages
Your reference: Our reference: R98/115 (reg)
Mr Philippe Tabuteau Hon Secretary Gosford History Group 4 Adams Street NARARA NSW 2250 THE ARCHIVES AUTHORITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES
26 May 1998
Dear Mr Tabuteau I was pleased to received your letter and particularly to hear the good news that you are begiiming to reprint the volume of contents, which I trust bodes well for the future publication of the seven registers of the Brisbane Water Police Magistrates. I have enclosed a foreword which I hope will be suitable and which may, in some small way draw attention to the efforts of your group. As you know I am retiring shortly and would like to take this opportunity to express my admiration for the dedication and hard work displayed by the Gosford District Local History Study Group especially by your President, Ms Joan Fenton and yourself I wish you every success in your publication. Yours sincerely
Level 3, 66 Harrington Street, The Rocks Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone (02) 9237 0200 • Facsimile (02) 9237 0142 Electronic mail: Website: http://www,
A s e r i e s o f r e c o r d s p e r t a i n i n g t o t h e h i s t o r y o f the B r i s b a n e Water D i s t r i c t , c o l l a t e d c h r o n o l o g i c a l l y and c o m p r i s i n g a comprehensive c o m p i l a t i o n o f p r i m a r y source records, including early r e g i s t e r s , reports, l e t t e r s , j o u r n a l s and d i a r i e s , newspaper e x t r a c t s w i t h comments, n o t e s , a p p e n d i c e s , e x p l a n a t i o n s . I n d e x e s , maps and p l a n s . The purpose o f t h e s e r i e s has been t o assemble I n an e a s i l y a c c e s s i b l e form, t h e n e c e s s a r y documentation f o r an e x t e n s i v e knowledge and b e t t e r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e h i s t o r y o f our d i s t r i c t .
1860 On
BENCH BOOKS & COURT CASES: T a b l e o f Contents & Index o f Names
T.O.L. and Q.R.
Page. Historical
Records o f the C e n t r a l Coast o f
New South Wales
Acknowledgements Foreword;
P r o f e s s o r B r i a n H. F l e t c h e r , B i c e n t e n n i a l Professor of A u s t r a l i a n H i s t o r y , U n i v e r s i t y o f Sydney
[ix] [x]
Boundaries o f t h e B r i s b a n e Water P o l i c e District LOCAL GOVERNMENT: The J u s t i c e s o f the Peace and L o c a l M a g i s t r a t e s i n England through the C e n t u r i e s and t h e i r c o u n t e r p a r t s i n t h e Colony o f New South Wales from 1788
from 1826
E a r l y P o l i c e F o r c e i n B r i s b a n e Water
B r i s b a n e Water D i s t r i c t C o u n c i l :
1843-1854 . . . .
J u s t i c e s o f t h e Peace from 1844
Police Magistrates
from 1867
G o s f o r d Borough C o u n c i l :
Our H i s t o r y from Records
Governors o f New South Wales
1848 PETITION FROM LOCAL RESIDENTS t o Governor S i r C h a r l e s FITZROY c a l l i n g f o r the appointment of two a d d i t i o n a l J u s t i c e s o f t h e Peace
TABLE: Time C h a r t o f L o c a l A d m i n i s t r a t i o n showing tenure o f P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e s , C l e r k s o f t h e Bench, J u s t i c e s o f the Peace s i t t i n g on t h e Bench and Chief Constables
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION ( P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e s , J u s t i c e s of the Peace, C l e r k s of the Bench and Chief Constables): I n t r o d u c t i o n to Biographies Thomas Cade BATTLEY W i l l o u g h b y BEAN Henry DONNISON Henry G r a t t a n DOUGLASS Dennis DWYER A l u r e d Tasker FAUNCE Edward Hammond HARGRAVES James HARRISON Hovenden HELY Robert HENDERSON A l f r e d HOLDEN Boyd HORSBRUGH John Maximus LETTE Gother K e r r MANN John MOORE . . . . . . W i l l i a m NUNN and W i l l i a m John NUNN A r c h i b a l d OSBORNE and John A l e x a n d e r OSBORNE . . . L y a l l SCOTT Thomas A l i s o n SCOTT Henry Guns l e y WATSON Jonathan WARNER Henry WORLEY
67 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 87 89 90 91 92 93
INTRODUCING the t r a n s c r i p t s of the B r i s b a n e Water P o l i c e D i s t r i c t e a r l y a d m i n i s t r a t i o n records . . .
TABLE OF CONTENTS; T i c k e t s o f L e a v e / Q u a r t e r l y & Other R e t u r n s , &c. P o l i c e Magistrate Register I (BBl) P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e R e g i s t e r I I (BB2) P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e R e g i s t e r I I I (BB3) B r i s b a n e Water D e p o s i t i o n Book I ( C C l ) B r i s b a n e Water D e p o s i t i o n Book I I (CC2) B r i s b a n e Water D e p o s i t i o n Book I I I (CC3)
INDEX OF NAMES of a l l persons mentioned i n B r i s b a n e Water Bench Books and Court Cases from 1826 t o 1874
105 127 149 197 257 263 271
A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S The p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h i s volume i n the s e r i e s was made p o s s i b l e through the c o n t i n u e d a s s i s t a n c e o f our many s u p p o r t e r s . We a r e especially grateful to: *
The Mayor, Aldermen and O f f i c e r s o f G o s f o r d C i t y C o u n c i l , who have p r o v i d e d us w i t h an area w i t h i n t h e N i a g a r a Park Branch o f G o s f o r d C i t y L i b r a r y which we a r e a b l e t o use as an o f f i c e and r e s e a r c h c e n t r e and as a d i s t r i b u t i o n p o i n t f o r our p u b l i c a t i o n s ,
C o l i n B a i n ( L i b r a r y S e r v i c e s Manager), M e r e d i t h Wallace ( L o c a l S t u d i e s L i b r a r i a n ) , Ann Nguyen ( N i a g a r a Park Branch L i b r a r i a n ) and F i o n a N e v i l l e ( N i a g a r a Park L i b r a r y A s s i s t a n t ) , f o r t h e i r c o - o p e r a t i o n and a s s i s t a n c e w i t h a l l phases o f our work.
John Cross ( P r i n c i p a l A r c h i v i s t ) and C h r i s t i n e Yeats o f the S t a t e A r c h i v e s O f f i c e , Sydney, who have a s s i s t e d our p r o j e c t over many y e a r s .
Tony Wheeler o f W. & F. Pascoe P t y . L t d . , who has been v e r y h e l p f u l i n p r o v i d i n g us w i t h c o p i e s o f the master r e e l s h e l d by the S t a t e A r c h i v e s O f f i c e .
J u d i Pecover, who prepares
W a l t e r Jackson-Smith and P h i l l i p Morley w i t h our p u b l i c a t i o n s .
Harvey Feeney and C o l i n J a g e r , who p r i n t our books i n t h e i r own time w i t h C o u n c i l ' s b l e s s i n g .
John Grosse, who designed
Rob P i c k e t t o f Gosford P r i n t i n g P t y . L t d . who p r i n t e d the c o l o u r e d cover.
The s t a f f o f Gosford C i t y Community S e r v i c e , f o r t h e i r p r a c t i c a l help.
Pam W i l l i a m s , a member o f the C e n t r a l Coast F a m i l y H i s t o r y Group, who h e l p e d us s o r t out the d e t a i l s o f the f a m i l i e s o f our e a r l y pioneers.
L a u r e l L i v i n g s t o n , who so a b l e a s s i s t s our Study Group i n the areas o f r e s e a r c h , t y p i n g and d e s p a t c h i n g o f book o r d e r s .
P h i l i p P a t e r s o n , former P r e s i d e n t o f the P o l i c e H i s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y , f o r making the S o c i e t y ' s r e c o r d s o f B r i s b a n e Water P o l i c e a v a i l a b l e to us.
Necessary f i n a n c e t o launch our s e r i e s o f p u b l i c a t i o n s was made a v a i l a b l e by the B i c e n t e n a r y A u t h o r i t y from F e d e r a l , S t a t e and L o c a l Government funds.
our maps and c h a r t s . f o r their assistance
the book cover.
Joan Fe.nton. Gosford D i s t r i c t Local Study
D u r i n g r e c e n t decades l o c a l h i s t o r y has come t o a t t r a c t growing i n t e r e s t throughout A u s t r a l i a . Evidence of t h i s can be seen i n the i n c r e a s i n g number of h i s t o r i c a l s o c i e t i e s t h a t have been e s t a b l i s h e d and i n the enthusiasm d i s p l a y e d by members who w i l l i n g l y devote t h e i r spare time to r e s e a r c h and w r i t i n g . One r e s u l t i s a s i g n i f i c a n t growth i n the volume of p u b l i c a t i o n s d e a l i n g w i t h the development of d i f f e r e n t r e g i o n s . In a d d i t i o n to producing j o u r n a l s c o n t a i n i n g a r t i c l e s based on o r i g i n a l r e s e a r c h , a number of s o c i e t i e s have begun p u b l i s h i n g memoirs, d i a r i e s and o t h e r documentary s o u r c e s . The d e c i s i o n of the G o s f o r d D i s t r i c t L o c a l H i s t o r y Study Group to embark on such a programme i s g r e a t l y t o be welcomed. To understand the r i c h c o m p l e x i t y of A u s t r a l i a ' s past i t i s i m p o r t a n t t h a t as much as p o s s i b l e s h o u l d be known about developments a t the r e g i o n a l l e v e l . The study of l o c a l h i s t o r y i l l u m i n a t e s what has o c c u r r e d i n a p a r t i c u l a r d i s t r i c t over a p e r i o d of time. But i t a l s o has the p o t e n t i a l , when viewed i n a broader c o n t e x t , f o r c a s t i n g f r e s h l i g h t on the h i s t o r y of the n a t i o n as a whole. The p u b l i c a t i o n of documents i s v i t a l to t h i s p r o c e s s f o r once put i n p r i n t they become a c c e s s i b l e t o a wide range of r e s e a r c h e r s who can form t h e i r own judgements about the course of e v e n t s . The G o s f o r d Study Group has a l r e a d y a c h i e v e d a g r e a l d e a l . Three s u b s t a n t i a l volumes d e a l i n g w i t h the J o u r n a l s of the Reverend A l f r e d G l e n n i e and the B r i s b a n e Water Case have so f a r appeared. The c u r r e n t volume c o n t a i n s the T a b l e of Contents and an Index of Names i n the M a g i s t r a t e s ' Records f o r the p e r i o d 1826 t o 1874. The r e g i s t e r s which w i l l be produced f o l l o w i n g t h i s volume throw v a l u a b l e l i g h t not o n l y on the w o r k i n g of the j u d i c i a l system but a l s o on the l i v e s of those a f f e c t e d by i t . They touch on s o c i a l as w e l l as l e g a l and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e h i s t o r y and as such possess wide i n t e r e s t . The e d i t o r i a l work has been c a r r i e d out w i t h m e t i c u l o u s c a r e and the h i s t o r i c a l s e t t i n g i s o u t l i n e d w i t h c o n s i d e r a b l e u n d e r s t a n d i n g and i n a way t h a t g i v e s added meaning t o the R e g i s t e r s . P l a n s have been announced f o r f u r t h e r volumes drawing on the s u b s t a n t i a l a r r a y of p r i m a r y sources a v a i l a b l e f o r the B r i s b a n e Water D i s t r i c t . What has so f a r been produced stands as a t r i b u t e t o the d e d i c a t i o n , p r o f e s s i o n a l s k i l l , enthusiasm and f o r e s i g h t of the Study Group. T h e i r e f f o r t s deserve r e c o g n i t i o n and success and they have p l a c e d a l l those i n t e r e s t e d i n A u s t r a l i a n h i s t o r y g r e a t l y i n t h e i r debt. One can o n l y hope t h a t t h e i r example w i l l i n s p i r e o t h e r r e g i o n a l groups to p u b l i s h s i m i l a r s e r i e s .
B r i a n H. Bicentennial U n i v e r s i t y of Sydney
Fletcher Professor
of A u s t r a l i a n H i s t o r y
The s e t t l e m e n t o f our d i s t r i c t began i n c l 8 2 3 when the f i r s t g r a n t s o f Crown Land were i s s u e d . They were m o s t l y l a r g e g r a n t s , t h e l a n d h o l d e r s g e n e r a l l y r e s i d i n g i n Sydney. The l a n d h o l d e r s used gangs o f a s s i g n e d s e r v a n t s t o c l e a r t h e i r e s t a t e s under the s u p e r v i s i o n o f o v e r s e e r s . The need soon arose t o e s t a b l i s h a l o c a l a u t h o r i t y t o p o l i c e a t u r b u l e n t people and t o e n f o r c e the l a w . There were not enough l o c a l r e s i d e n t s t o e s t a b l i s h an admini s t r a t i o n by l o c a l J u s t i c e s o f the Peace as e x i s t e d i n England a t t h a t time. There was o n l y one l o c a l landowner r e s i d i n g i n the d i s t r i c t who was regarded as a f i t person to become a P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e w i t h t h e l o c a l c o n s t a b u l a r y under h i s a u t h o r i t y . T h i s f i r s t M a g i s t r a t e was Willoughby BEAN, who began the f i r s t Bench R e g i s t e r i n 1826. He admini s t e r e d summary j u s t i c e from h i s house, which he used as a Court House, on the banks o f E r i n a Creek. From 1826 t o 1874, seven r e g i s t e r s were f i l l e d , c o m p r i s i n g some 3,000 pages. These r e g i s t e r s a r e a m i x t u r e o f minutes, correspondence, d e p o s i t i o n s , memoranda and g e n e r a l l y a l l m a t t e r s o f which t h e M a g i s t r a t e s wished t o make a permanent record. The i n t e r e s t the r e g i s t e r s evoke i s tremendous. However, a l t h o u g h they a r e b e i n g p u b l i s h e d i n t y p e s c r i p t form as p a r t o f t h e Hl^touLcal Reco/td^ OjJ the. CdntKal Coa6t New South Wate.6, the p u b l i s h i n g process takes time. I n the i n t e r v a l , our o b j e c t i s t o make t h e i r c o n t e n t s a v a i l a b l e t o l o c a l h i s t o r y students. We have t h e r e f o r e compiled a l i s t o f the content matter o f each o f the r e g i s t e r s , which w i l l enable the easy r e t r i e v a l of i n f o r m a t i o n p e r t a i n i n g t o e i t h e r an event o r s u b j e c t o f l o c a l s i g n i f i c a n c e . The reader i s r e f e r r e d t o the page numbers of each o f the r e g i s t e r s . We have a l s o compiled an index t o the names mentioned i n each o f the r e g i s t e r s . These i n d i v i d u a l indexes w i l l appear i n each volume as they a r e p u b l i s h e d .
However, f o r t h i s p r e s e n t volume, we have combined the i n d i v i d u a l i n d e x e s , p r o v i d i n g an index o f some 4,000 e n t r i e s w h i c h g i v e many thousands o f r e f e r e n c e s t o the seven r e g i s t e r s . The reader i n t h i s i n s t a n c e i s r e f e r r e d t o page numbers and r e g i s t e r symbols, which a r e e x p l a i n e d i n an i n t r o d u c t o r y note p r e c e d i n g the index. With t h i s volume we have a l s o p r o v i d e d a r t i c l e s d e a l i n g w i t h the system o f l o c a l a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f our a r e a , t o g e t h e r w i t h t a b l e s aimed a t g i v i n g a c l e a r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f the e a r l y B r i s b a n e Water D i s t r i c t C o u n c i l and o f the i n d i v i d u a l s h o l d i n g the o f f i c e s o f M a g i s t r a t e , C l e r k o f t h e Bench and C h i e f C o n s t a b l e over the time p e r i o d covered by the r e g i s t e r s . B i o g r a p h i c a l notes on these people p r o v i d e i n t e r e s t i n g i n f o r m a t i o n about i n d i v i d u a l s whose names a r e sometimes known, but about whom there has been l i t t l e p r e v i o u s l y published. To h e l p w i t h p l a c i n g our l o c a l events i n the c o n t e x t o f events i n New South Wales, we have i n c l u d e d a t a b l e l i s t i n g the Governors o f New South Wales, showing the r e l e v a n t volumes o f the HJiitoiAJCdt Re.c.oidi OfJ AvLitiaJUji which r e l a t e t o each Governor's t e n u r e . A good knowledge and u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f the w o r k i n g o f our l o c a l government i n s t i t u t i o n s w i l l be gained by the study and use o f t h i s p r e s e n t volume i n the s e r i e s o f the HJiJit.OH.Jijc.oJL Re.coKd'i of, thz Cmtial Coa.-6t New SoLutk WaJiu.
Gosford D i s t r i c t L o c a l H i s t o r y Study Group. May, 1990.
BOUNDARIES OF THE BRISBANE WATER POLICE DISTRICT There does n o t appear t o have been an o f f i c i a l d e s c r i p t i o n o f the B r i s b a n e Water P o l i c e D i s t r i c t when t h e f i r s t P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e was a p p o i n t e d i n 1826. Two d i s t i n c t a r e a s were s e t t l e d a t t h a t time: the c o a s t a l a r e a between Broken Bay and Lake M a c q u a r i e , and the f a r m i n g l a n d a l o n g the Hawkesbury R i v e r and Mangrove and Popran Creeks. On t h e c o a s t , gangs o f a s s i g n e d s e r v a n t s c l e a r e d l a r g e g r a n t s f o r absentee l a n d h o l d e r s . The main p u r s u i t s were f e l l i n g t r e e s and g r a z i n g cattle. The a r e a was reached by s a i l i n g v e s s e l s from Sydney. The p o p u l a t i o n was under one hundred a t the census o f 1828. The f a r m i n g l a n d s a l o n g the i n l a n d waterways were c u l t i v a t e d by a few f a m i l i e s o f f a r m e r s , m o s t l y e m a n c i p i s t s , w i t h the h e l p o f one o r two a s s i g n e e s . They grew g r a i n s and pumpkin and they burned mangroves f o r ashes. They t r a v e l l e d by s a i l i n g a l o n g t h e r i v e r t o Sydney o r Windsor. The f a r m i n g community had p r a c t i c a l l y no c o n t a c t w i t h the c o a s t a l r e g i o n . The P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e extended h i s i n f l u e n c e over t h e two areas as f a r as Wiseman's on t h e r i v e r and R e i d ' s M i s t a k e on Lake Macquarie. The f i r s t i n f l u e n c e on u n i f i c a t i o n o f t h e two a r e a s was when a Church of England M i n i s t e r was a p p o i n t e d i n 1838 and a C a t h o l i c P r i e s t appointed s h o r t l y a f t e r , b o t h o f whom r e s i d e d i n G o s f o r d (named i n 1839). Their m i n i s t r i e s c o v e r e d t h e l a r g e r u r a l P a r i s h formed by the two a r e a s . The 1841 Census a r e a taken from G o s f o r d c o v e r e d had been d e f i n e d on 12 August 1840:
the whole area which
"Embracing t h e south-west p o r t i o n o f the County o f Northumberland; bounded on the n o r t h by a l i n e from R e i d ' s M i s t a k e a c r o s s Lake M a c q u a r i e , b e a r i n g w e s t e r l y t o DORA CREEK, and by Dora Creek to WARRAWOLONG Range and to.Mt. Warrawolong, thence on the west by the west o f t h e s a i d range t o Mt. SIMPSON and the N o r t h road, and by the road t o WISEMAN's F e r r y ; on t h e s o u t h by the HAWKESBURY and Broken Bay roads t o Box Head on t h e Sea Shore, which forms the e a s t e r n boundary t o Reid's M i s t a k e a f o r e s a i d . " NSW GoveJinmml GazeXtz, 1840, pp. 785 and 824 When the D i s t r i c t C o u n c i l s were c r e a t e d i n 1843, the boundaries o f the B r i s b a n e Water D i s t r i c t C o u n c i l No. 25, p r o c l a i m e d on 19 September 1843, were those o f the P o l i c e D i s t r i c t . The 1841 Census r e v e a l e d a p o p u l a t i o n o f 1,090 persons and 142 houses. The a r e a o f the d i s t r i c t i n 1844 was 559 square m i l e s o f which o n l y 14.2% was a l i e n a t e d . The Country D i s t r i c t o f G o s f o r d was r e d e f i n e d on 29 F e b r u a r y 1856. The d e s c r i p t i o n a t t h i s time was t h e same as p r e v i o u s l y d e f i n e d i n 1840 and 1843. The d i s t r i c t b o u n d a r i e s were d e f i n e d a g a i n on 3 August 1878 and 20 March 1885 w i t h o u t any v a r i a t i o n t o t h e e a r l i e r d e s c r i p t i o n .
Local Government The Justices of the Peace and Local Magistrates in England through the Centuries and their counterparts in the Colony of New South Wales from 1788
EARLY BEGINNINGS IN ENGLAND The system, though medieval, was the best that was possible at the time and i t worked s u r p r i s i n g l y w e l l . A system i s , a f t e r a l l , as good as the men who administer i t , and Justices of the Peace, who were mostly representing the gentry, must have been a decent kind of people. I t must be said, however, that i t was also i n their interests for the system to work i n a f a i r fashion. F. W. Maitland took much i n t e r e s t i n the subject and i s quoted by Esther Moir i n her study as stating; "Perhaps the most d i s t i n c t i v e l y English part of a l l our governmental i n s t i t u t i o n s was (the. LnitLtatlon] of J.P., and even i n this century he remains a cornerstone of B r i t i s h administration. For over s i x centuries the J.P. has stood i n the front l i n e to maintain law and order, and for most of that time he has been simultaneously the p r i n c i p a l representative of central government and the focus of l o c a l power. That the o f f i c e of J.P. should have been e f f i c i e n t , by and large devoid of perquisites, and unpaid makes i t as remarkable as i t i s unique."
The system of Justice of the Peace was adapted to and worked very well i n conditions where the f a b r i c of the society was s t i l l very r u r a l and unsophisticated. I t was conducted by representatives of the l o c a l gentry who possessed ascendancy over the population by their p o s i t i o n and their education. I t worked best i n the centuries when England was s t i l l a r u r a l nation. I t also worked very well i n A u s t r a l i a when similar economic and r u r a l conditions prevailed. In our d i s t r i c t of Brisbane Water, t h i s was the period from s e t t l e ment to municipal incorporation, between 1826 and 1886. I t was: " . . . an o f f i c e held by unpaid amateurs throughout s i x centuries of English history which has become . . . deeply embedded i n national l i f e . " In the time of the Tudors the population i n England was whelmingly r u r a l .
"For the great majority of people f o r the greater part of this country's history the government i n London was something remote, almost Irrelevant to their l i v e s . The r e a l i t y of government l a y with t h e i r l o c a l Justice [1] Moir, Esther "Tkd JuitLce. 1969. [2] op. c i t . , page 9.
0^ tke.
Penguin Books,
Justice of the Peace, who, whether i n d i v i d u a l l y i n h i s own front parlour, (oi) with a neighbour . . . (alio a izcJipLQjfit
0^ thz
matters of l i f e and death
0<f tkz
"They became the pivot of a l l government i n the locality."
In the 14th century, communications i n England were rudimentary. Most settlements were more than a week's ride distant from the centre of power. Safety was uncertain, and travel was on horseback i n armed groups. The King communicated with the most Important of h i s subjects and they were apprised of his Instructions. He had no d i r e c t contact with the majority of h i s subjects who could not read. His w i l l was transmitted by the l o c a l authority, the l o r d of the manor, the l o c a l baron, e a r l or knight, the large landowner, the n o b i l i t y , the gentry. People i n r u r a l England f e l t that they belonged more to their native county rather than being subject of a Kingdom about which they had l i t t l e understanding. The l o c a l squires were the only authority they knew who could enforce their authority. These l o c a l powers varied with the size of the estate, and with the influence, importance and s o c i a l status of the individuals. They were the Keepers of the Peace, but they had no o f f i c i a l sanction from the central power. They merely dominated by t h e i r personality and the dependence of their tenants and retainers; the v i l l a g e r s and the population depended on them for work, patronage, shelter and s u r v i v a l . The populat i o n did not leave their parishes of b i r t h except on rare occasions such as marriage. Likewise, most of our l o c a l population, who were either government servants, i . e . , convicts, or holders of Tickets of Leave, were assigned In a d i s t r i c t which they were not free to leave. It was under the threat of a mounting crime wave - a situation which was not without s i m i l a r i t y to that of the r u r a l settlements i n New South Wales, distant from the c e n t r a l administration and d i f f i c u l t to access - that the Justices of the Peace were Instituted i n the 14th century. This was an attempt to strengthen the already existing forces of law and order which had been functioning without o f f i c i a l sanction and without uniformity. They had been set up spontaneously by the l o c a l landlords, the Peace Keepers.
[3] Like. UlZloughby on the banki oi
Bean holding coait Eilna Cieek.
[4] Moir, Esther, op. c i t . , [5] op. c i t . , page 10.
page 9.
In the early years of the fourteenth century, temporary commissioners were issued as Keepers of the Peace to supplement the administration of j u s t i c e , to l o c a l knights and gentry those who might be expected to command respect i n their l o c a l i t i e s . They were described i n an Act of 1327 (which did not i n fact create the o f f i c e , but merely gave statutory sanction to an already established system). They were given authority to arrest suspects and to inquire into felonies and trespasses. A r e s t r i c t i o n was Imposed that they might only i n i t i a t e proceedings but not determine them. Their authority i n fact was too s i n g u l a r l y l i m i t e d to be e f f i c i e n t . The and to men
House of Commons, representing the Interests of the gentry burgesses, kept on urging the claims of commissions issued the country gentry, demanding that they should be given to with some knowledge of l o c a l conditions.
This i s similar to the complaints of Donnlson i n his pamphlet "Tke. Bllibane. Waie/L Ca-4e4", on Governor Bourke having reduced the powers of l o c a l J.P.s thus causing the servants and Ticket of Leave holders to become r e s t l e s s and defiant. The Statute of 1361 marked the transformation from Keepers to Justices of the Peace by the o f f i c i a l and permanent extension of their powers, giving them d e f i n i t e authority to determine felonies and trespasses. They never l o s t t h e i r power to determine the indictments they i n i t i a t e d . Moreover, their authority was gradually extended beyond criminal matters to cover economic and administrative a f f a i r s . Each Bench of Justices consisted e s s e n t i a l l y of country gentry with a sprinkling of lawyers. The Justices were to be men resident i n their shire with some knowledge of l o c a l conditions. I t was s p e c i f i e d i n 1439 that a l l J.P.s should be holders of land worth ÂŁ20 per annum freehold, meaning that the status should be that of a country gentleman, and that a man should l i v e i n the country, "be of s u f f i c i e n t l i v i n g and countenance" and "be neither unlearned nor ignorant". The central government t e c h n i c a l l y appointed, and to a large extent controlled, the J u s t i c e s . Their s e l e c t i o n was subject to l o c a l influence and r e f l e c t e d l o c a l i n t e r e s t . The numbers i n the commission i n the early fourteenth century was small, no more than four or f i v e men to each county. The number of J.P.s s i t t i n g at Gosford was also small, often i n s u f f i c i e n t to discharge t h e i r duty without undue demand on t h e i r time. The greatest number of J.P.s available l o c a l l y was s i x i n 1860 and i n 1862. Their number f a l l to three i n 1848 and 1863 and was as low as two i n 1866. [6] Moir, Esther, op. c i t . , page 28.
Every man named In the commission had to take an oath before he could serve, and h i s tenure of o f f i c e then lasted u n t i l the issue of a new commission. "The Commission of the Peace to which the Lord Chancellor appointed the Justices was not issued a l l at one time f o r the whole country, but when and where i t was necessary to add or to subtract names i n any p a r t i c u l a r county. The new Justice then remained a magistrate f o r l i f e , or u n t i l the death of a sovereign, unless h i s name was dropped from any future commission (which happened f a i r l y often) . . . This remained a strong weapon i n the Government's d i s c i p l i n i n g of l o c a l worthies; i f they misbehaved they were l e f t off, despite their protests." This happened here l o c a l l y , as mentioned further on, when J.P.s formed two antagonistic factions, and some of them l o s t t h e i r commission.
The authority of the Bench was not l i m i t e d by the s o c i a l positions of delinquents. J.P.s could, and would, t r y any i n d i v i d u a l infringment of the law and i m p e r i l l i n g of the peace, without reference to the s o c i a l p o s i t i o n of the offender. "Sessions have the recurrent theme of violence, a violence moreover which was not l i m i t e d to the peasantry and the lower order, f o r the Indictments on the session r o l l s t e l l of crimes committed by knights, canons, chaplains, l o c a l o f f i c i a l s , even by the justices themselves."
The s i t u a t i o n was not d i f f e r e n t here as Bean, Donnlson, Moore, Hargraves and L y a l l Scott, amongst others, a l l J.P.s, appeared before and were d i s c i p l i n e d by the l o c a l Bench. For a l l their shortcomings, the Justices of the Peace f u l l y bore out the f a i t h of the Commons that they afforded the best potential means f o r keeping the peace. I t may also be said that perhaps "the Crown approved of them p a r t i c u l a r l y because they were cheap . . . " They were c l e a r l y the most s a t i s f a c t o r y means of organising l o c a l government. In 1607, l o c a l tyrannies and feuds not only disrupted the peace of landed society, but created an atmosphere which encouraged crime and r i o t among the poor, the landless and the homeless. There were r i o t s , brawls, assaults, murders, private feuds and l o c a l factions. I t i s against this backdrop that the Justices were c a l l e d to the Commission of the Peace. [7]
Moir, Esther, op. c i t . ,
page 28.
thn.QJitmzd to ^aipand HoMiy VoYiYUAon ^Kom thz CommiJ>i,Lon o^ thz Pzazz In 1837. Szz "Thz Bn.l6banz WatZA. Ca6z 1837-38" p. 36. [8] Thz Commji&iloni oi thz Ja6tX.zz6 o^ thz Pzazz o^ thz B^Ubanz WatZK Bznzk luzfiz 6u6pzndzd In Hovembzn 1862. Szz Bznch Book JJJ, pp.114, 115.
Moir, Esther, op. c i t . ,
page 22.
This could nearly describe the state of Brisbane Water d i s t r i c t at the time of the Bllndberry case i n 1837, and thereafter. Since most J.P.s belonged to the same general class of r u r a l society, v i z - l o c a l landed gentry, i t followed that many Justices s i t t i n g on the same bench were related. Likewise, many of our l o c a l J.P.s were linked by family t i e s : Bean was the brother-in-law of Battley, who was related by marriage to the Helys. Hely i n turn was related to G.K. Mann and Nunn. A l f r e d Holden had married an Osborne. Willy Nunn married Fanny Holden, and h i s aunt Emma Nunn had married John Alexander Osborne! This does not necessarily imply that they acted with one w i l l . C o n f l i c t s of Interest are not overridden by family connections; often family t i e s bring c o n f l i c t s . However, our l o c a l J.P.s c e r t a i n l y did show i n some circumstances that they shared a vested class interest when dealing with assigned servants who had exhibited laziness, dishonesty or antagonism towards a master, an attitude that most J.P.s, being land holders, may have experienced at one time or another. In 17th century England, provision had been made for further education and training of the J.P. "For those whose formal education stopped short of the Inns of Court, there were formal numbers of p r a c t i c a l manuals produced as the author of one puts i t , 'to further the good endever of such gentlemen as bee trained up i n the continual study of the lawes.'" "The. Kuitiallxn MagLitKCUtt", a p r a c t i c a l manual written by the Attorney General, John Hubert Plunkett, was produced for the same purpose of guiding J.P.s i n t h e i r everyday duty on the Bench of New South Wales. A l e g a l competence was common among Justices of the Peace. When they had not been formally trained i n law, the general education they had received produced Justices who were competent. They also had the opportunity to learn much from s i t t i n g on the Bench and observing the comportment of t h e i r brother magistrates. The clerk was often very competent. This was the case with our l o c a l Clerk of the Bench, Thomas Cade Battley, who was ready to give advice when s o l i c i t e d . Most had spent a number of years i n the o f f i c e and had a wide experience of the way to conduct the bench proceedings. [10] Moir, Esther, op. c i t . , page 32. [11] Plunkett, John Henry, B.A., S o l i c i t o r General of South Wales, "A GuJjdz to the Peace, ioi the Colony
the Duties o^ a Ju-itlce. 0(J o^ Wew South Wale^", Sydney,
The services of the Justices of the Peace were v i r t u a l l y unpaid, and f o r that reason very well appreciated by the central administration. However, the o f f i c e was onerous, mainly because of the time required to be devoted to the duties of attending on the bench.
THE LOCAL MAGISTRATES' DUTIES The duties of the magistrates were of two natures; f i r s t l y , the keeping of the peace and dispensing of j u s t i c e , and secondly, those duties of an administrative nature. These included f i l l i n g out and sending returns, taking Innkeepers' recognizances, mustering convicts, enforcing numerous regul a t i o n s , licensing of alehouses, timber cutting and slaughterhouses, and advising on the e l i g i b i l i t y or otherwise of persons being granted a Ticket of Leave.
The Justice of the Peace i n Eighteenth Century
The court had no power to hear c i v i l s u i t s . I t s j u r i s d i c t i o n did not extend to treason and some other major crimes, but this s t i l l l e f t the Justices to deal with murders, assaults, thefts, witchcraft, poaching and the countless other crimes l i k e l y to be committed i n a lawless countryside. In the lawless r u r a l settlements of New South Wales i n the nineteenth century, the Justices were not c a l l e d upon to judge witchc r a f t cases, but a l l the other crimes were represented poaching on a grand scale was c a l l e d c a t t l e thieving i n England and c a t t l e duffing i n A u s t r a l i a . The punishment available to the Justices i n New South Wales was not nearly as comprehensive and extensive as that available to the magistrates of the 17th century. They were flogging, ironing and gaoling, which were the only retributions available to our l o c a l magistrates, and then with the l i m i t a t i o n s of f i f t y or a hundred lashes (to the great disappointment of Henry Donnlson), or returning the offender to Sydney f o r t r i a l or f o r special treatment such as the tread-mill, iron gangs, etc. The e a r l i e r English magistrates could choose from hanging, branding, and whipping - as d i s t i n c t from flogging. In England, flogging was common, hanging frequent; vagrants were branded and the parents of bastard children were whipped. Notwithstanding the Justices' authority or even l o c a l power, the Crown and the Privy Council gave i t s orders to the l o c a l r u l e r s and were expected to Intervene i f they were not duly executed. The Privy Council did not allow the Justices to forget for long that they were under i t s supervision and control. As a succession of orders and l e t t e r s l a i d new
demands upon them, the Council did not hesitate to see that these were properly carried out, nor was i t slow i n punishing cases of negligence. I t was always w i l l i n g to investigate complaints of neglect or oppression brought against Justices. Cases of maladministration might be heard i n chancery or by Justices of oyer and terminer, who were s p e c i a l l y empowered to hear indictments on treasons, felonies and so on. In our times, Justices were even more subject to scrutiny by the closeness of our d i s t r i c t to the seat of central administration, and the eagerness of newspapers to expose what they could construe as disgraceful conduct by l o c a l authority to help sales of their newspapers. They used mainly two devices: one was the l e t t e r s to the editor (often with a tone of virtuous indignation), or reports made by the correspondents, with indignation and sarcasm. The f i l e of a r t i c l e s produced by Tkz Sydnzy Gazzttz at the time of the BlJUbanz (JJatzn. CaiZi i n 1837/38 i s a good example of the Influence newspapers sought to exercise i n r e l a t i o n to actions of Justices and Police Magistrates. The rights of the individual were thus safeguarded to a certain extent against incompetent or biased ways of the l o c a l magistrate. S t i l l , the country gentry formed the backbone of country society.
Differences Between the Justices of the Peace i n England and i n the Colony The system i n New South Wales was obviously similar to that which was i n force i n England as i t was an i n s t i t u t i o n brought d i r e c t l y from the Mother Country. However, the systems differed i n two respects, due to the p a r t i c u l a r nature of the Colony. The Church was not represented on the benches at the time we are studying. E a r l i e r , men of the cloth had been appointed magistrates, as was the custom i n England. The Bishop of A u s t r a l i a was a de facto member of the L e g i s l a t i v e Council, and the Rev. Samuel Marsden was a magistrate at Parramatta. On occasions Marsden even t r i e d h i s own servants, sentencing them to the lash or whatever, and ensured that the sentence was carried out. In England i t had generally been the custom to appoint clergymen to the Commission of the Peace. The "Long Parliament", however, secured the exclusion of clergy and diocesan o f f i c i a l s i n 1640 as part of i t s attack on the e c c l e s i a s t i c hierarchy. [12]
kizhdzazon T. H. Scott wa4 appolntzd a Mzmbzn. oi thz Lzgl6latlvz Council In Tzbtuafiy 1829 [HRA Xl\J-623}. Thz Bishop 0^ ku^tKaJUji wa4 a dz ^acto mzmbzn. o^ thz EKZcativz Council, and ol thz Lzgi-ilatlvz Council [HRA XV-SIS and XV-34SJ.
Later, the a b i l i t y of the clergy to be appointed was restored. The number of c l e r i c a l Justices on the Gloucestershire bench, for example, was growing throughout the century, u n t i l by the 1780s there were f i f t e e n . In W i l t s h i r e too, the number of c l e r i c Justices had shown a steady increase throughout the century. The representation of the clergy on the bench during that century grew steadily. In 1811, Cobbett declared i n his ToVUtLcal
"In the country more than two-thirds, I believe, of those who attend at the Quarter Sessions are clergymen of the Church of England." "The system placed the magistrates i n the dubious position of on the one hand v i r t u a l l y i n i t i a t i n g a prosecution as head of the police, and on the other hand of acting as judge i n a case he had himself initiated."
Governor P h i l l i p was following a well-established practice therefore when he appointed Richard Johnson, the Colonial Chaplain, to the Magistracy within months of landing at Sydney Cove. Major Grose dispensed with the c i v i l magistrates within days of P h i l l i p ' s departure. When Hunter returned as Governor i n 1795, he quickly reinstated the c i v i l magistrates, including Johnson. Several other Anglican clerg3nnen sat on the Bench; t h e i r j u d i c i a l duties could only damage the cause of Colonial Christianity.
There were clergymen on the benches of Parramatta, Windsor and Wllberforce, of the Castlereagh, Airds and Appin d i s t r i c t s , i n Tasmania and at Norfolk Island. The practice of appointing the clergy as magistrates i n New South Wales came to an end i n 1827. I t was discontinued by Governor Darling on the advice of Archdeacon Scott. In 1843 Alfred Holden expressed regret at the absence of the l o c a l parson from the number of the C o u n c i l l o r s . Requested to supply names of suitable candidates, he answered the Governor's Private Secretary that there were very few suitable candidates, and ended h i s l e t t e r : "I wish more than I can express that our excellent Clergyman Mr. Rogers could be of the numbers . â&#x20AC;˘ . and i f he cannot be appointed I would much wish at [13] Cobbett, c i t e d i n Moir, Esther, op. c i t . , pages 106 and 142. [14] Grocott, A l l a n M. "Convlct^i, Clojigymm and CkuiC-kdi", Sydney, 1980, page 231. [15] HRA, I - l , page 671. [16] HRA, I - l , page 698. [17] Scott to Darling, 15 May 1827, ML A850, page 391.
the l e a s t his c o n f i d e n t i a l opinion could be obtained..." In view of the acrimony i n l o c a l p o l i t i c s , the coercive nature of the duties and punitive actions that the l o c a l magistrates were bound to adopt, i t seems quite appropriate that a clergyman was prevented from s i t t i n g on the bench where he may have been led to compel assigned servants - on the threat of physical punishment - to attend his own church's r e l i g i o u s services.
Comparing the Police Force and the Bench i n England and i n the Colony; There was a fundamental difference between the two concepts and their application which can be immediately summarised as follows: In England there was no established police force, and i n the Colony there was a police establishment maintained by the Government. The peacekeeping machinery of England during the Napoleonic Wars was more or l e s s what i t had been during the year of the Armada. The duty of police was voluntary and amateur. The Justice remained the e s s e n t i a l guardian of established order. Amateurs who offered their services were paid by r e s u l t . The saying "No sedition, no pay!" meant that voluntary forces of police were assembled only i n cases of emergency, i n p a r t i c u l a r when situations arose such as r i o t s , plundering gangs roaming the countryside, and organised disruption of the peace. Action on anything beyond t h i s depended upon the Justices and the forces they controlled ujhlck we^e not paid I Three instruments were available to suppress r i o t s , a l l of which could be c a l l e d on by the magistrates. The f i r s t was the voluntary defence associations which could be constituted by any l o y a l minority and their expenses paid by voluntary subscriptions. The equivalent to that system i n the Colony, i n cases of emergency, were parties led by public-minded s e t t l e r s , or the formation of posses, set up to hunt the bushrangers and various other malefactors. This system of v i g i l a n t e s or voluntary self-defence i s quite i l l e g a l nowadays. The second resort was to assemble a compulsory levy - the old system of "Watch and Ward" revised and brought up to date by an Act of 1812. Both were resorted to occasionally [18] A p r i l 1,
and spasmodically. They were common practices which were o f f i c i a l l y endorsed as long as they had been called by and were under the authority of the l o c a l magistrate. Locally, this took the form of a punitive force of armed s e t t l e r s . I f these two modes were not successful, often because of the repugnance of the participants, then the Magistrate could c a l l on the M i l i t i a , a l o c a l armed force. When the M i l i t i a , as often happened, showed reluctance i n putting down l o c a l unrest by fighting against neighbours, then the Magistrate could c a l l i n the m i l i t a r y forces, which surprisingly they often did. There was no M i l i t i a i n NSW, but the equivalent was to c a l l i n the armed forces from Sydney, as was done by Willoughby Bean. In February, 1827, having received Information that a group of bushrangers was i n the v i c i n i t y . Bean requested that a corporal and a party be sent from Sydney. Bean was sent a m i l i t a r y party from the 39th Regiment under a Lieutenant acting as Brigade Major. In doing t h i s . Bean was following a B r i t i s h t r a d i t i o n . The m i l i t a r y parties were subordinate to the Magistrate and followed h i s instructions. In NSW, however, the l o c a l Magistrates or the Police Magistrate had under their authority a regular police establishment consisting of constables, a lock-up keeper, a scourger, etc., appointed to the position and regularly paid by the government. This establishment arose from the particular nature of the penal settlement. The most l i k e l y breaches of the peace were expected to come from government servants - the convicts and i t was therefore Incumbent upon the government to police i t s own delinquents and felons. At that time, i n the 1830's, the peacekeeping machinery at the disposal of the l o c a l authorities over most of r u r a l England, consisted, much as i t had done for the previous four centuries, of the high constables of the hundreds (an administrative subdivision comprising a number of parishes) supported by the petty constables of the parishes and townships. The l a t t e r was a p a r t i c u l a r l y unpopular o f f i c e , involving neither status nor remuneration. In V i c t o r i a n England the whole community was expected to turn out to a s s i s t the peace o f f i c e r s i n the event of a disturbance. In England i n 1839, f i f t y - t h r e e boroughs possessed no police, and i n 1848 twenty-two corporate towns were s t i l l without one. [19]
Tickets of Leave, 4/5525 - TLC:349.
Even a f t e r the disturbances of 1842 In the West Riding, Lord Wharncllffe wrote to the Home Office In October of that year that there was not the slightest p r o b a b i l i t y of a r u r a l police being established In the county. The Norfolk police i n 1841 were rather Ingloriously forced to detain their prisoners by chaining them to bed-posts or to mangers i n stables for lack of more e f f i c i e n t lock-ups. In NSW, the troublesome or violent convicts were s i m i l a r l y chained to heavy logs or trees i n the very f i r s t years of settlement, but l o c a l l y , three years a f t e r the a r r i v a l of the f i r s t s e t t l e r s , a lock-up and watch house of some description had been provided by Willoughby Bean at Brisbane Water. He also had three permanent paid constables under his authority. The organisation of the police system i n the colony i n the 1830's may appear to modern eyes to have been primitive, but by comparison to the system operating i n England, i t was well-organised and was due, as we have seen, to the o r i g i n a l status of penal colony where a police force was a necessity from the beginning; no such need had been f e l t i n r u r a l England. The colony was managed by a centralised armed organisation, where the Governor wielded much power and I n i t i a t i v e . Police organisation i n r u r a l England had been l e f t through centuries to the Justices' I n i t i a t i v e s or lack of i t , the main problem being to f i n d funds for s a l a r i e s . The funds needed for the Colonial police came from the M i l i t a r y Chest; they came from the Mother Country and not from the pockets of the Colonists, who were the ones who benefited the most from the exertions of the police which guaranteed t h e i r interests i n a c e r t a i n measure. It was therefore to be expected that the Home Office would seek means to save the expenses of Colonial police forces from the M i l i t a r y Chest by s h i f t i n g the cost, or part of i t , onto those who most benefited. This was a l l the more l o g i c a l when the discontinuation of transportation greatly reduced the convicts; the o r i g i n a l reason f o r which police had been organised and funded by the Colonial O f f i c e . In 1843 the D i s t r i c t Councils were formed. One of their objectives and the main cause of the opposition to their acceptance, was to place h a l f the cost of maintaining the police forces upon the free s e t t l e r s , who argued that the existence of the force was e n t i r e l y due to the presence of convicts and therefore was the r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of the government and should be supported by i t . The funding of Police Establishments loomed large i n the discussions and were a s i g n i f i c a n t part of the reason for
London's top-hatted Peelers take to the streets in 1829: from the Oxford Illustrated Encyclopaedia: World History
bringing about the rejection of D i s t r i c t Councils and also of l o c a l government when i t was proposed - the prospect of independence also carried with i t the l i k e l i h o o d of large costs to the community. The concept of l o c a l parish police was not sustainable as i t equated with fragmentation of forces. Local recruitment and t r a i n i n g would lead to forces of various e f f i c i e n c i e s and d i f f e r e n t potentials f o r successful r e s u l t s . In England, the f i r s t professionally conducted police force was one which Peel organised i n London, hence the common nickname "Peelers". This was the f i r s t metropolitan police force established. "The suggestion of i n s t i t u t i n g a professional police force, trained, controlled and paid by l o c a l taxation, was greeted with c r i e s of horror as 'continental' and 'Tyrannous'. I t was assumed that there were throughout the country l o c a l gentry of Integrity and a b i l i t y who could be counted upon to defend the rights of property and r e s t r a i n society within i t s proper channels." It was at l a s t recognised that a police force must be based upon c e n t r a l i s a t i o n and uniformity, sharing Information and t r a i n i n g , and be above parish r i v a l r y .
[20] Moir, Esther, op.cit., page 124.
Local Administration
Police Magistrates from 1826 Justices of the Peace from 1844 Police Magistrates from 1867
LOCAL GOVERNMENT District Council: 1843-1854 Municipal Borough Council: 1886-1894
NottH A m of Btolan Ba^
1788 1823 1825
Brisbane' "Water tHstnct ~
Na-rmd by ge<>cmjsr PkilUp ;&g^i.nning of Local ^ grants of Land. 1 Jxnuary ~ ^ou-rtdaruLs of Northumberland defined. mmiry of dx&tnct • BRISBANE WATER A-ppointmcnt • R. HENDERSON First Constable,
Aug. 1826 A p r 18? I
P M . IS"?? Oct 1836
P M . Oct. 1836 Mar 183T
P M . De-c. 1 8 3 7 Jan. 1844
Local Justices of th^ Peace Sttttrug on tVte Be-acH
18 1828 1851 183^ 1837
A-ppointme-nt of Police ACa^tsrm& 3e.gmni.nci of su.rOe.y of cowiEeA. of panshe.s. SurVfjy 0 / region by Assistant Siavayor F MATHEW Fu-rthe^r survey for situ, of ma-ritima, toxonship Beginning of urba-n de-valoprncnt. First cUfirution of bounda,ri^iys of J)isthct of Brisbane- 'XQaZe-r 1 8 3 ^ Su.rViiy township of Brisbane Water Na-mad C O S F O R D 184-0 1Z AiUj.,s of PoUce. District defined. 1843 Sept (Z7 De,o.~First nutting)
District Council 18^9
'Police, AUx
Chas T WEAVER S. E L L I O T T Ed. Hy
M a y . Ce.ase.d. to c-xtsf
K-ppointad. vcith spa^ciaL poxtxtr
A u g . I8TI AU3.
A u g . \&T5 Sapt
Gosford 0orough. Co a n c i L
1886 1886 1887 188^
Nov. Petition Incorporation Borough of Gosford Da.c. Proclaimed Fah. Election, Incorporation CompUtion of R a i l w a y Link
G-osford M^untclpal C o u n c i l
Eirina SHirc Council
1906 ~ 1908 i?cc.
IvCu.nicipatitjr of Cobford 2 4 Oct. ~ First maating
2 4 P«c. ~ F i r s f meeXing
/ Jan.
yOoy W o y Shira Council
1 ^ c§ S K t r c of Gosford
Shire of Wyong
City of Gosford
The b e h a v i o u r of i n d i v i d u a l s i n a f r e e s o c i e t y i s not l e f t e n t i r e l y to t h e i r own c h o i c e . The group t o which they b e l o n g e x p e c t s them t o behave a c c o r d i n g to a code of r u l e s accepted by the m a j o r i t y . I n more evolved and l a r g e r s o c i a l groups the accepted b e h a v i o u r i s w r i t t e n i n a code of laws which has been e d i c t e d i n a d e f i n e d manner and the a p p l i c a t i o n of the law i s e n t r u s t e d t o people a p p o i n t e d f o r t h a t purpose. The p r o c e s s of making laws and of e n s u r i n g t h a t they are r e s p e c t e d may be v e s t e d i n a unique a u t h o r i t y which may be a group of people or a s i n g l e i n d i v i d u a l . I n the e a r l y days of the C o l o n y , the Governor was the maker and the e n f o r c e r of the r u l e s , but as g r e a t as h i s power was, i t was s t i l l l i m i t e d . The Governor had to conform to the t r a d i t i o n a l laws of England as d e f i n e d and a p p l i e d t h e r e . He a l s o was r e q u i r e d t o r e f e r t o the Home S e c r e t a r y f o r conf i r m a t i o n t h a t h i s r e g u l a t i o n s were l a w f u l . I n some cases h i s o r d e r s were d e c l a r e d i n v a l i d , f o r i n s t a n c e , when he d i r e c t e d f r e e c i t i z e n s to be mustered. The Governor r e l i e d on the m i l i t a r y and the p o l i c e to e n f o r c e the l e g i s l a t i o n and t o see t h a t h i s r e g u l a t i o n s were r e s p e c t e d . O c c a s i o n a l l y , he a l s o d e l e g a t e d h i s powers when he was absent or too remote from the areas where h i s a d m i n i s t r a t i o n extended f o r him to be a b l e t o s u p e r v i s e d i r e c t l y . When a d i s t r i c t , h i t h e r t o u n s e t t l e d , became open to s e t t l e m e n t , g r a n t s of l a n d were g i v e n . I n the space of a few years the a r e a would become p o p u l a t e d . I t then became e s s e n t i a l to ensure t h a t common laws were r e s p e c t e d t o p r o t e c t the i n h a b i t a n t s curb the d e l i n q u e n t s , and see t h a t the p a r t i c u l a r e d i c t s of the Government were complied w i t h . A r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of the c e n t r a l a d m i n i s t r a t i o n had to be implemented as soon as i t was p e r c e i v e d t o be n e c e s s a r y .
BRISBANE WATER The f i r s t g r a n t s i n t h i s p a r t of the Colony are dated from 1823. They were m o s t l y l a r g e g r a n t s - i n the c o a s t a l r e g i o n a t l e a s t - and as many landowners l i v e d i n Sydney, they put
a l a r g e number o f a s s i g n e d s e r v a n t s ( c o n v i c t s ) to work on t h e i r e s t a t e s to cut down the timber and c l e a r the l a n d . They were a r a t h e r u n r u l y mob and had to be h e l d i n check i f a modicum of s o c i a l o r d e r was to be p r e s e r v e d . In 1826 i t had become urgent to s e t up a proper l o c a l a u t h o r i t y .
The u s u a l way to ensure o r d e r i n England was to a p p o i n t l o c a l r e s i d e n t s to the Commission of the Peace, empowering them, as J u s t i c e s of the Peace, to r e p r e s e n t the a u t h o r i t y and to e n f o r c e the laws. The J.P.s met at r e g u l a r i n t e r v a l s i n a Court House, and they s a t s i d e by s i d e to take d e p o s i t i o n s , t o t r y lawbreakers i n minor c a s e s , and t o i n s t r u c t the cons t a b l e s (who were under t h e i r d i r e c t a u t h o r i t y ) to apprehend m i s c h i e f makers. The more s e r i o u s cases of f e l o n y , murder and the l i k e were r e f e r r e d t o a h i g h e r j u r i s d i c t i o n . The l o c a l m a g i s t r a t e s conducted C o r o n i a l i n q u i r i e s i n cases of sudden death, and t h e i r a u t h o r i t y extended g e n e r a l l y to m a t t e r s of p u b l i c concern: d i s t u r b a n c e s , p e t t y t h e f t s , a r s o n , l a r c e n y , contraband, p o a c h i n g , c a t t l e s t e a l i n g and g e n e r a l l y a l l i l l i c i t a c t i v i t i e s of which they became aware. T h e i r a c t i o n s were, however, c l o s e l y watched by the c e n t r a l a d m i n i s t r a t i o n by which they were a p p o i n t e d . The Commission o f J u s t i c e of the Peace was g r a n t e d f o r a space of two y e a r s and was not renewed a u t o m a t i c a l l y .
The A r e a , the System, the Men,
and t h e i r
The A r e a ; The P o l i c e D i s t r i c t o f B r i s b a n e Water the p r e s e n t l o c a l government areas of G o s f o r d and I t extended from Broken Bay i n the south to Lake as h i g h as the mouth of Dora Creek i n the n o r t h , west as f a r as Wiseman's F e r r y .
covered Wyong. Macquarie and i n the
The System was t h a t of a p p o i n t e d P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e s who, i n s p e c i a l c a s e s , r e l i e d on the support of l o c a l J u s t i c e s of the Peace. The o f f i c e of P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e , which was a s a l a r i e d p o s i t i o n , was d i s c o n t i n u e d a t B r i s b a n e Water i n 1844. From t h a t y e a r , the a d m i n i s t r a t i v e o f f i c e was f i l l e d
[1] Vz^lntd
12 AuguU,
by L o c a l M a g i s t r a t e s , t h a t i s , the l o c a l J u s t i c e s of the Peace, who s a t t o g e t h e r i n twos o r t h r e e s t o a d m i n i s t e r j u s t i c e , d i r e c t the l o c a l p o l i c e f o r c e , and forward r e p o r t s and r e t u r n s to the c e n t r a l a u t h o r i t y i n Sydney. In 1867, t h e system r e v e r t e d t o a p p o i n t e d s a l a r i e d P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e s who h e l d s p e c i a l powers d e f i n e d i n an A c t o f 1857, to enable them t o a c t alone i n t h e i r c a p a c i t y o f m a g i s t r a t e . T h e i r Records; They l e f t us seven r e g i s t e r s f o r B r i s b a n e Water dated from 1826 t o 1874. The f i r s t i s the r e g i s t e r opened by W i l l o u g h b y BEAN i n August 1826, t i t l e d " T i c k e t s o f Leave and o t h e r Q u a r t e r l y Returns &c". I t c o n t a i n s 541 pages c o v e r i n g the years t o 1840. The s i x o t h e r s a r e n e a t l y d i v i d e d i n t o t h r e e Bench Books ( c o v e r i n g 1835 t o 1874) and t h r e e D e p o s i t i o n Books (1836 t o 1872), t h e number o f pages b e i n g 1,352 and 1,051 r e s p e c t i v e l y , b r i n g i n g the t o t a l number o f pages t o 2,944. T h i s does n o t i n c l u d e the pages l i s t i n g c o n t e n t matter and the indexes o f names which have been comp i l e d f o r each o f the seven r e g i s t e r s . A s e p a r a t e amalgamated i n d e x and a s e p a r a t e r e g i s t e r o f c o n t e n t matter w i t h i n t r o d u c t i o n s t o a l l the r e g i s t e r s from 1826 t o 1874 have a l s o been produced ( o f which t h i s i s the i n t r o d u c t i o n ) . We t h e r e f o r e have a v e r y comprehensive r e c o r d o f the m a g i s t r a t e s o f the P o l i c e D i s t r i c t o f B r i s b a n e Water c o v e r i n g n e a r l y h a l f a century.
LOCAL POLICE MAGISTRATES There were f o u r e a r l y P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e s charged w i t h admini s t e r i n g the d i s t r i c t o f B r i s b a n e Water from 1826 t o 1844. In the f i r s t few years the p o p u l a t i o n was r a t h e r s p a r s e , t o t a l l i n g o n l y 99 s o u l s a t the time o f the 1828 Census, and composed l a r g e l y o f a s s i g n e d s e r v a n t s and T i c k e t of Leave h o l d e r s , s t i l l t h e o r e t i c a l l y bound t o m a s t e r s , o r r e q u i r e d to s t a y i n a d e s i g n a t e d a r e a . Owing t o the n a t u r e o f t h e p o p u l a t i o n , i t was n e c e s s a r y t o have a l o c a l m a g i s t r a c y t o r e p r e s e n t the Government; few were a b l e o r q u a l i f i e d t o s i t on the Bench. In 1826, o n l y one r e s i d e n t was found t o f u l f i l t h e c o n d i t i o n s r e q u i r e d f o r the p o s i t i o n . He was W i l l o u g h b y BEAN, H i s l a n d was a 2000 acre g r a n t a t E r i n a e x t e n d i n g t o T e r r i g a l . He had h i s home, which he c a l l e d AmboL&e.} b u i l t on the banks o f E r i n a Creek. BEAN was n o t m a r r i e d a t t h i s time. The
r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f h i s o f f i c e was i m p r e s s i v e , and the time he had t o devote t o i t was g r e a t . He had o n l y t h r e e c o n s t a b l e s to a s s i s t him i n k e e p i n g o r d e r i n a huge d i s t r i c t . He had no c l e r k t o keep h i s books o r w r i t e the correspondence. He had t o b u i l d a watch house and l o c k - u p , and h i s home was the Court House. He a l s o had t o develop h i s own l a n d make a living. He took up h i s appointment i n August 1826. By June, 1831, he was i n s o l v e n t and was i n v i t e d t o r e s i g n h i s o f f i c e . The o f f i c e was l e f t vacant f o r two years as no-one c o u l d be found who was w i l l i n g t o take on the r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f the job. A p e t i t i o n o f the i n h a b i t a n t s was c o l l e c t e d and sent t o Governor DARLING j u s t as he was about t o l e a v e the Colony. F i n a l l y , a r e t i r e d army l i e u t e n a n t who had taken up l a n d i n the f a r n o r t h of the d i s t r i c t was induced by Governor BOURKE t o take up the appointment t h a t he had p r e v i o u s l y d e c l i n e d . Jonathan WARNER was h i s name, and he v i s i t e d the d i s t r i c t t w i c e a month. I t was a r a t h e r l o n g j o u r n e y from WARNER's home a t School H i l l o v e r l o o k i n g Warner's Bay, Lake Macquarie, t o the Court House at B r i s b a n e Water, t a k i n g him two days t o t r a v e l each way. A t one stage WARNER took steps t o move t o B r i s b a n e Water w i t h h i s f a m i l y , b u t e v e n t u a l l y he r e s i g n e d the p o s i t i o n , p r o b a b l y through f r u s t r a t i o n . H i s s u c c e s s o r was a p p o i n t e d immediately i n October, 1836. A l u r e d Tasker FAUNCE was a m i l i t a r y c a p t a i n who had no p r e v i o u s c o n n e c t i o n w i t h the d i s t r i c t o r i t s p o p u l a t i o n . He made m i s t a k e s i n h i s h a n d l i n g o f l o c a l a f f a i r s and he a n t a g o n i s e d some i n d i v i d u a l s assumed by him t o have been i m p l i c a t e d i n u n l a w f u l c a t t l e d e a l i n g s . He c o u l d n o t j u s t i f y h i s heavy-handed a c t i o n s a g a i n s t these i n d i v i d u a l s i n a c o u r t o f law, and he l e f t the d i s t r i c t i n March 1837. A l f r e d HOLDEN, FAUNCE's s u c c e s s o r , came i n December 1837. He had been m a g i s t r a t e a t I l l a w a r r a , and had e x p e r i e n c e d t r o u b l e s s i m i l a r t o those encountered here by FAUNCE, but had been v i n d i c a t e d . He was v e r y s u c c e s s f u l l o c a l l y , and h i s s t a y was the l o n g e s t . He saw the d i s t r i c t grow t o 1,075 s o u l s by 1841. He w i t n e s s e d the change from r u r a l s e t t l e m e n t t o the c r e a t i o n o f urban c e n t r e s - s m a l l v i l l a g e s r a t h e r , but w i t h p o t e n t i a l f o r an urban s o c i e t y ,
A ^ull account the, hoilXIltlti which occaiteA beJMZzn Captain VAUNCE, Pollcz MaglAtiatt thz B^libanz WateA VlitKlct, and thiz-t local landholdeA6 on iU'iplclon cattlz th^t, with all Iti zpliod&6, Li the. iubje.ct o^
B r i s b a n e Water Case 1837-8" one. 0^ thz \JOlumZi,
by the Go^i^oid Study
In the. 6eAle.i
" H i s t o r i c a l Records o f the C e n t r a l Coast o f New South Wales".
He was m a g i s t r a t e when PEEK's Township at B r i s b a n e Water was surveyed i n 1838 and the f i r s t a l l o t m e n t s s o l d i n February o f t h a t year. Soon a f t e r 1841 he saw the Government township take shape. He took p a r t i n the e s t a b l i s h m e n t l o c a l l y o f the Church of England. He was a t r u s t e e o f the church l a n d s , and chairman o f a committee f o r the b u i l d i n g of a parsonage, a s c h o o l and two churches. He a l s o saw the disappearance o f the assignment system which changed the n a t u r e of l o c a l s o c i e t y . He a l s o had a l a r g e r p o l i c e f o r c e . HOLDEN r e s i g n e d when Governor GIPPS c r e a t e d the D i s t r i c t C o u n c i l s and a p p o i n t e d him Warden. I t was a time of Government moneys a v i n g p o l i c y . Many P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e p o s i t i o n s were a b o l i s h e d and t h a t saved much money. The p o s i t i o n o f Warden was not remunerated. A l f r e d HOLDEN r e c e i v e d the appointment o f Warden of the new C o u n c i l , a p u r e l y honorary o f f i c e , i n exchange f o r a s a l a r i e d p o s i t i o n . He had no p r i v a t e income, and as he had a l a r g e f a m i l y and had to make a l i v i n g , he r e s i g n e d . He was n e i t h e r an ex-army o f f i c e r nor a landowner. He l e f t G o s f o r d , but remained i n the d i s t r i c t f o r a s h o r t t i m e , l i v i n g at Newport a t the mouth of Dora Creek, b e f o r e moving away. T h i s brought about the end of the P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e s as had been f u n c t i o n i n g f o r 18 y e a r s .
The f o l l o w i n g t a b l e shows the tenure o f the f o u r e a r l y P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e s . The dates have been a s c e r t a i n e d from n o t i f i c a t i o n s i n s e r t e d i n the Government G a z e t t e s . When such o f f i c i a l informat i o n was not r e a d i l y a v a i l a b l e , the dates were e x t r a c t e d from the e n t r i e s i n the r e g i s t e r s of the Bench. A p e t i t i o n was made by the i n h a b i t a n t s a s k i n g f o r the appointment o f P o l i c e at B r i s b a n e Water: Constable The
Robert HENDERSON was
P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e s were a p p o i n t e d
21 August t o 22 A p r i l
i n March,
as f o l l o w s :
1826 1831
Cor. p.345 Cor. p.393
A p e t i t i o n was then made by the i n h a b i t a n t s a s k i n g f o r the appointment of a new P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e : J o n a t h a n WARNER to
September 1 October
1833 1836
I. I.
p.l p.17
A l u r e d T. FAUNCE
1 October to 16 March
1836 1837
Gov.Gaz. p.733 BB.I. p.135
A l f r e d HOLDEN
22 December t o 25 January
1837 1844
Gov.Gaz. p.889 BB.II. p.408
George TowDsliend, Francis Plaister Trapaud, William Verner, Richard VVaddy, Charles William Wall, Jonathan Warner, Aiesander Warren, Robert Andrew Waucb, William Charles Wentworth, Robert Marsh Westmacott, Edward Weston, Henry Croasdaile Wilson, Thomas Braidwood Wilson, Thomas Wills, Charles Windeyer, Richard Windeyer, James Wright, Samuel Wright, George Wyndham, William Henry Yaldwyn, and Henry Zouch, Esquires. GREETING
N O W Y E , that we have assigned you and each and every of you jointly and severally to be Our Justices to keep Our Peace, in Our Colony of New South Wales and its Dependencies, and to keep and cause to be kept all Ordinances and Statutes for the preservation of the Peace, and fur the quiet rale and government of Our People, made in all and singular their Articles in Our said Colony and its Dependencies, according to the form and effect of the same; and to punish all Persons offending against the said Ordinances and Statutes, or any of them, in the said Colony 0^ its Dependencies ; and to cause to come before you, or any one or more of you, all those within Our said Colony and its Dependencies, who to any one or more of Our People, concerning their Bodies or the firing of their Houses, shall have used threats, to find sufficient security for the Peace, or their good behaviour towards Us and Our People ; and if they shall refuse to find such Security, then them in our Prisons, until they shall find such Security, to cause to be safely kept. We have also assigned you and either of you, with any one or more of such Justices as are hereby or shall hereafter be duly commissioned by Us in that behalf, to enquire the truth more fully, by all lawful means by which the truth of the matter shall be better known, of all and a'l manner of Felonies, Poisonings, Trespasses, or Extortions whatsoever, and of all and singular other Crimes and Offences of which the Justices of Our Peace, may or ought lawfully to enquire by whomsoever and after what manner soever in the said Colony or its Dependencies dcue or perpetrated, or which shall happen to be done or attempted. And also of all those who in the aforesaid C o lony or its Dependencies, in Companies against Our Peace in disturbance of Our People, with armed force have gone or rode or hereafter shall presume to go or ride, and also of all those who have there lain in wait or hereafter shall presume to lie in wait to main, or cot, or kill Our People. And also of all Vituallers, and all and singular other Persons, who in the abuse of Weights or Measures or in selling Victuals against the Form of the Ordinances and Statutes, or any of them therefore made for the common benefit of the said Colony and its Dependencies, and Our People thereof have offended or attempted or hereafter shall presume in the said Colony or its Depeodencies to offend or attempt. A n d also of all Sheriff^s Constables, Keepers of Gaols, and other Officers, who, in the execution of their Offices about the Premises, or any of them have unduly behaved themselves, or hereafter shall presume to behave themselves nnduly, or have been or shall happen hereafter to be careless, remiss, OT negligent, in OuÂť aforesaid Colony or its Dependencies.
And of all and singular Articles and circumstances, and all oilier things whatsoever that concern the Premises, or any of them, by whomsoever, and after what manner soever, in Our aforesaid Colony and its Dependencies, done or perpetrated, or which hereafter shall happen to be done or attempted in what manner soever. A n d to inspect all indictments whatsoever so before you, or any one of you, with such Justice or Justices as aforesaid taken or to be taken or before others late Our Justices of the Peace in the aforesaid Colony or its Dependencies, made or taken and not yet determined, and to make and continue processes thereupon against all and singular the persons so indicted or who before you hereafter shall happen to be so indicted until they can be taken, surrender themselves, or be outla#ed. A n d to hear and determine all and singular the Felonies, Poisonings, Trespasses, Extortions, U n lawful Assemblies, and Indictments aforesaid, and all and singular other the Premises according to the Laws and Statutes of England and of the said Colony and its Dependencies as in the like case it has been accustomed or ought to have been done. A n d the same offenders and every of them for their offences by Fiues, Ransoms, Amerciaments, Forfeitures, and other means, as according to the Laws and Cmtoms of England or form of the Ordinances and Statutes aforesaid it has been accustomed or ought to have been done to chastise and punish. Provided always. That i f a case of difficulty upon the determination of any of the Premises before you, or any one or more of you, shall happen to arise, then let judgment in no wise be given thereon before you or any one of you, unless in the presence of one of Our Justices of the S u preme Court of the said Colony. A n d therefore, we command you and each and every of you that to keep the Peace and Ordinances, Statutes, and all and singular other the Premises you diligently apply yourselves, and that at certain days and places duly appointed, or to be appointed for these purposes into the Premises, ye make enquiries, and all and singular the Premises, hear and determine, and perform and fulfil them in the aforesaid form, doing therein what to justice appertains according to the Law and Custom of England saving to us the Amerciaments and other things to us therefrom belonging. A n d we command Our Sheriff of the said C o lony, at certain days and places duly appointed, or to be appointed as aforesaid, to be aiding by all lawful means in the performance and ine execution of the Premises. In testimony whereof, we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Our said Colony to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Our Trusty and Well-beloved Sir George Gipps, Knight, Our CaptainGeneral and Governor-in-Chief of the Territory of New South Wales and its Dependencies, at Government House, Sydney, this eighth day of December, One thousand eight hundred and thirtyeight. (t. 8.1 "GEORGE GIPPS." Bu His Excellency's Command, E. D B A S T H O M S O N .
Printed at the '^Herald" Office, Lower George-ttreet Price Os.
Finding candidates w i l l i n g and able to perform the duties of constable was a recurring problem for the l o c a l Police Magistrates during the early years of our settlement. In most cases, the Magistrates were forced to resort to the appointment of former or even current prisoners of the Crown, Most of these constables were neither satisfactory nor r e l i a b l e . Few could read, and fewer could write. I t was even more d i f f i c u l t to f i l l the position of Chief Constable, also referred to as D i s t r i c t Constable. Robert HENDERSON was our f i r s t D i s t r i c t Constable, appointed In A p r i l , 1825, even before the l o c a l Police Magistrate, who was not appointed before 1826. We do not know exactly how long HENDERSON acted as Chief Constable, or the date on which he ceased those duties. In A p r i l 1831, CAPE of Wyong wrote a l e t t e r to complain to the Governor about the Inefficiency of the l o c a l Police Force.f7j A report from Maltland dated 6th A p r i l r e p l i e s to the facts advanced by CAPE. In the l e t t e r of complaint, CAPE wrote; "I hope I may be permitted to ask why the Government continues i n their employ as constables i n the D i s t r i c t of Northumberland Messrs. HENDERSON....regular farming and trading men t o t a l l y u n f i t f o r the o f f i c e . " The report concurs with CAPE, stating: "The D i s t r i c t Constable HENDERSON alone possesses a farm, he i s said to be a man of some property, speculates i n ship building and owns a trading vessel....He appears to be an active i n t e l l i g e n t man but I consider i t quite impossible that he can do h i s duty e f f i c i e n t l y with so many other things to attend to. Your Excellency (may) determine on appointing some person to the o f f i c e whose private a f f a i r s are less l i k e l y to take up h i s attention than HENDERSON." It i s evident that being a farmer with fourteen men (eight free and s i x assigned servants) on 500 acres, and acquiring more land a l l the time - he was the eighth largest landholder i n 1828 HENDERSON could not devote much time to what should have been a f u l l time profession, that of a Chief Constable. He was also the owner of a coastal trader assuring regular supplies to the district.
On 31 May 1831, Colonial Sii.cieXan.ij McLeay to Principal StipeAlntendent oi Police.: "TheJie, being no maglitiate. [PHSi.48]. Police
H i s t o r i c a l Society's f i l e s
Indicated thus:-
PHSf.[page number].
T H U R S D A Y , A P R I L PI, 1825. immander in Chief has thought proper to direct, that all Public Communications which may appear in the Sytfn< 1 with any Official Signature, are to be oonsidercd as Official-Communications made to those Persons to whom tt lIH III, r,s >ri\ ,,1,>UM.),
tbourer, ui the immediate Service of Government, Hoiiour of this auspicious Occasion. Bt/ Command uf His Excellency^ kjor-Gcneral Sir Thomas Brisbane^ K. C. B. J . O V E N S , Major of Briga**.
Grovern^D ex^t and General Order COLOMA?.
OfFICE, 50tll ApRit,
"^HE G O V E R N O R has been pleased thf followiHQ- Appointments
to approve of
Ttfre Townvof Liver|Hw>J—Mr. G«<>fgfe Ca^tanagfl^j froClerk to the B^a<^b of Magristrates. ithe Dibtrict of Caniffrn—Mr. John Wild, jimior, to be Clerk to the Bencli of Ma^istratfs. iiRobinson, holding a Ticket of Leave, to b e an Ordinary, ind J a D K S V^estfold, ^hip Minerva (5), to b e an Honorary C<UJstjiliJe.
the District of Brisbane Water—Mr. Robert Anderson {Crefc),.to be Chief Coostabie. the Tov n of Windso»'---Jamesjrijioi) (free), to be a Conr itpbJe, in the Uo^ni of Barnsidrs, ri'si^ned. 3y H's Excellency's Command, GouLcuiiN, Colonial Secretary, «JtTi»»»*,•»••*
» » . » A * » . « A At»»A
*t %<S l.«**A Ai.«*A/>%«>A ^••sA A><*A X k > » J d
G^overnmeni Public Notice. CoLomAL
8BCJIBTABV'S O F F I C F , 20th A P R I L , 1825.
S P A N I S H D O I L A R S , or an
p i E M A N C I P A T I O N , win be issued from this Office, ^tjje Appreheniioii of the following^ Convict, accused of ritms Oiu i ^ i h t , Diatiint uf Dfiii^eHy miSllY BAMtH, about Jive feet ten ivchcss and a [fhigk, brown haivy dark eyes^ fair eomplexwn^ and )1kt twenty'i/free years of age. Canfe in the Asia (2). Bjf Command of His Excf ilf^iicv^
From Police reports, we know that there was a Chief Constable at Brisbane Water i n 1835 with an annual income of ÂŁ75, but i n 1836, a Chief Constable was wanted. Finding a suitable candidate to replace HENDERSON was not as easy a task as we might imagine when we study the antics of the constables under BEAN and WARNER. A James DANNELL was approached and offered the position, but he declined. Robert SCOTT, an ordinary constable, was appointed to the position of Chief Constable under WARNER. He i s mentioned i n a report on the death of James McMAHON, dated 12th July 1836.[2] We know of him mostly through h i s d e f i c i e n c i e s i n f u l f i l l i n g the duties of h i s position. "A man c a l l i n g himself James THOMPSON was apprehended... was placed i n the lockup under the charge of Mr. SCOTT, the Chief Constable, on 9th July 1836. THOMPSON escaped from the constable but was retaken...On 13th July SCOTT took THOMPSON under h i s charge...on 14th July THOMPSON escaped and i s s t i l l at large " WARNER called SCOTT a "milksop" and gives h i s opinion that James DREW who arrived here as lockup keeper on 10th July 1836 w i l l make a good Chief Constable.f5J A. T. FAUNCE, the new Magistrate, would not put up with the improper behaviour of the Force. He dismissed most of i t i n the persons of h i s Chief Constable and h i s scourger/lockup keeper. In a l e t t e r dated 4th March 1837, Captain FAUNCE reports that: "Robert SCOTT, former Chief Constable, was charged with neglecting to report the drunkenness of the scourger, and on another date f o r taking WYATT [tk^ icouigZA] and a female prisoner of the Crown (whom the scourger had i n charge) to a house and drinking with them." The Chief Constable had therefore been dismissed f o r improper conduct i n December 1836, causing the position to become vacant again. Robert SCOTT i s not found i n the 1828 Census or on any other l i s t . We know of him only through the mention of h i s name and the instance of his dismissal. He does not seem to have stayed i n the d i s t r i c t . [2] [3]
HJUtoKlcoUi Re.coKd4) the. Centiat Coa6t CC1, p.107. Wa^neA to Colonial SzaxetaKy: 4/2329,3,
New South PHS^.1
On 31st December 1836, FAUNCE recommended f o r the Governor's consideration the name of James DREW, the lockup keeper, to be appointed Chief Constable i n l i e u of Robert SCOTT, dismissed. James DREW was a former sergeant i n the 4th Regiment. He was recommended by Jonathan WARNER for the position of lockup keeper, to which he was appointed on 10th July 1836. He was subsequently recommended and appointed to the position of Chief Constable. He resigned this position, however, on 30th September 1837. Magistrate FAUNCE recommended to the Governor that Dennis DWYER, also a discharged sergeant from the 4th Regiment, succeed James DREW and this recommendation was approved, Dennis DWYER was to stay i n that position u n t i l 1852 when he resigned. We have no further Information on James DREW. A "Mr. DREW" appears i n some court cases i n 1862, but this could be referring to HELY's brother-in-law.
1825 Apr
There i s no Police Force i n the D i s t r i c t . Letter from HELY to the Governor.
Col.Sec. 4/1782
1825 Apr 21
Robert ANDERSON, free, appointed Chief Constable at Brisbane Water.
Sydney Gazette
Brisbane Water Police Force: 1 D i s t r i c t Constable, 1 Constable, 1 Scourger
PHSf.41 f*J
1831 Apr
Robert HENDERSON was D i s t r i c t Constable.
1831 Apr 22
Governor dispenses with Willoughby BEAN's services as Magistrate.
4/3830 PHSf.48
1833 Jan 1
Jonathan WARNER appointed V i s i t i n g Local Magistrate.
Syd.Gaz. 21/1 & 23/1 PHSf.14/47/ 48
1834 J u l
Police Force: 1 free Constable and 1 bond Constable at Brisbane Water.
1834 Aug 9
WARNER refers to h i s Senior Constable HENDERSON.
Strength of Police Establishment at Brisbane Water: report of Committee on Police Strength recommended: 1 Police Magistrate at £250 p.a. 1 Clerk at £100 p.a. 1 Chief Constable at £75 p.a. 3 Ordinary constables 1 Scourger
Present strength: 1 Police Magistrate at £200 p.a.
2 Constables 1 Scourger
There i s a Chief Constable at Brisbane Water at £75 p.a.
Police Report
1836 Jan
WARNER states that he "has a t present only three constables".
A Chief Constable was needed at Brisbane Water.
1836 Apr 26
James DANNELL does not wish to be Chief Constable.
PHSf.1/41/ 49
1836 Jun 17
Position of Chief Constable f i l l e d by Robert SCOTT.
A prisoner i n charge of Robert SCOTT escapes.
1836 Apr
1836 J u l 9
1836 J u l 14 The same prisoner recaptured, escapes again from Robert SCOTT. 1836 Oct 1
Alured Tasker FAUNCE i s appointed Police Magistrate at £250 p.a.
PHS^ = Polict
PHSf.1/49 PHSf.14/54
1836 Oct 10 1836 Oct
J . WARNER nominates James DREW f o r the position of Chief Constable.
The pay of Chief Constable R. SCOTT, free, was £75 p.a.
1836 Dec 30 A. T. FAUNCE dismisses R. SCOTT, recommends J . DREW f o r the position. 1837
James DREW i s appointed Chief Constable.
1837 Mar 4
A. T. FAUNCE reports circumstances of dismissal of Chief Constable R. SCOTT.
James DREW resigns, FAUNCE recoimnends Dennis 1837 Sep 30 DWYER to the position.
Appointment of Dennis Dwyer, l a t e 4th Regi1837 Oct 21 ment, to Chief Constable.
1837 Oct 1
Alfred HOLDEN appointed Resident Police Magistrate at Brisbane Water.
1838 Jan 5
D. DWYER sworn to h i s position by A. HOLDEN.
1838 Apr 17
The Chief Constable receives £75 p.a.
1838 Apr 17
Strength of the Police Establishment at Brisbane Water: Present establishment: 1 Chief Constable, £75 p.a. 3 Constables, at 2/9 p.d. 1 Watchhousekeeper, at 3/- p.d. 1 Scourger, at 1/9 p.d.
Proposed strength: 1 Chief Constable, £75 p.a. 5 Constables, at 2/9 p.d. 1 Watchhousekeeper, at 3/- p.d. 1 Scourger, at 1/9 p.d.
(This proposal was e f f e c t i v e i n 1839)
F^om IXJLiiA 0^ Potict HU,toftlcal PATTERSON, {^omnK PtzAldrnt
Society - communlcattd the. Society.
NottH A m of Broken Ba^
1788 1823 1825
"Water iDistrict
A'a?ri2^ by geOcnusr PhiXU-p ^e^inning' of local ~ grants of Land. J Ja-Tiitary ~ ^ouTuiarres 0/ NorthumhcrLand defined. Namtnj of dUstruX • B R I S B A N E WATER appointment • R. HENDERSON Ftrsr ConstabU
Aug. 1826 Apr I8?l
?n Sept. 183^
P M. Oct. 1836 Mac I83T
De-c. 1&3T J a n . I8A-4-
A-ppoiritmcnt of a. Polux. Ma^istrati.. Bi^inniriff of su.T^cy cf cownEts. Na-ming of panshe.s. Survey of region hy Assistant Surveyor F MATHEW Furthe-r su-rvey /or sifit of ma.ritima. toxonship Big inning of urba.n de,velopTne,nt. First cUfirutian of boanda,nAs of X^istnct of lirisham. 'XQaXd.r \8J&/^ Survny toxonship of Brisbana, XOate-r Na.mad C O S F O R D 1840 1Z Muj. 3ourula.ruz.s of PoUcd District di.firud.. 1943 Supt. (Z7 Dec-First 7ne.cting) l926 1828 IS5I 195'4' 1837
the. pG-aca
Sttdng on the- Beach
District CouTtc-tt 18??
polled, Ala-x
Aug. I8TI
to a^xist
voith spatial poxoa.r
Jan. l8bT
M^ay. Ce-zseA
Aug. \i>13
S*pr. 1887
Gosford 0orough Council
^886 1886 1887 188^
Nov. Petition Incorporation Borough of Gosford Da-c. Proclaimed. Fah. Bliction,, Incorporation Complt-tion of Railway Link
G-osford M^unlclpal Council 1906 - 1 9 0 9 Co\x.nci\,
Shire of Gosford
Shire of Wyong
5- D e c .
A u ^ . W o y Wc>y Shira. Council
ACunicipality of Co^ford 24 Oct. ~ First maating
1 ja.n.
Cit^ of Gosford
~ Firsf meeting
Pottc.e MagL.o,tzatea, Jua.t i.cea o6 the Peace, C2enha o6 the Bench and ChLe6 Cona.tabtea.
The brief biographical information on the following pages has been prepared from research undertaken by members of the Gosford District Local History Study Group and from information supplied to us by family members. The biographies are not intended to be full and complete . chronicles of the lives of the people concerned ; they are extracts from more complete biographies of these individuals which will appear in subsequent volumes of the H .i sto'utcak Reebnda ob the CentxaL Coab.t ob New South Waken with which they are more particularly associated. We take this opportunity of acknowledging the help of the following: Frank BRENNAN , for the information on his ancestor Dennis DWYER. Gwen DUNDON , who prepared the notes on Lyall SCOTT. Dr. Marcus FAUNCE, for the information about his greatgrandfather , Alured Tasker FAUNCE.
Joan Fenton, Gosford District Local History Study Group.
Thomas Cade BATTLEY
The name of Thomas Cade BATTLEY is indissolubily linked with the early history of this district where he lived for over 54 years, 36 of which he served in an official capacity as clerk of a host of services . He also had a lifetime involvement with the local Church of England. T.C. BATTLEY was the son of Lieutenant - Colonel William BATTLEY of the 60th Rifles, and was descended from a distinguished Irish Protestant family. Thomas BATTLEY arrived in the district before 1838 . He settled at the northern tip of The Entrance Peninsula on the 640 acres which had been originally promised to Henry HOLDEN in 1828. Like many settlers unprepared for agricultural pursuits and the career of a gentleman farmer, Thomas BATTLEY became insolvent, and in 1843 he and his family were living at East Gosford. He became clerk to the Police Magistrate ( Alfred HOLDEN) early in August , 1843. From then on, BATTLEY acted as clerk to the Bench of Magistrates of Brisbane Water, registrar of the Court of Requests , Clerk of Petty Sessions , Land Agent, &c. He was also Post Master ( a position he resigned in 1860) and warden of Christ Church. The BATTLEY family was well-known and respected . married locally . The children were:-
Many children
Rosa Ann, born in 1835 Thomas Cade, 1837 Eliza Emily, 1839 Arabella, 1841 William, 1845 Henriette Elizabeth, 1847 The first two children were baptised together in February 1838 in Sydney by William COWPER. Rosa Ann died in 1859. Eliza Emily married the Rev. John SHAW in 1867. William BATTLEY died in 1929; his wife Harriet died in 1923. Two sisters of Thomas Cade BATTLEY arrived about the same time, and probably with him. They were Caroline Ann who married Edward Lindsey HELY, who died in 1882, and Harriett, who married Willoughby BEAN in 1838. Thomas Cade BATTLEY retired from official duties in 1880. He had become a Justice of the Peace , a significant title at that time. In May 1880, a testimonial of appreciation for his long and valuable service was conferred on him by the citizens of Gosford assembled in the Court House. He died on 18 September, 1892 at the great age of 88, and was buried in Point Frederick cemetery.
Willoughby BEAN
Willoughby BEAN was born in Hampshire , England, the eldest of eleven children . His father was a Major in the Coldstream Guards and his mother was Elizabeth , n4e HAFFEY . Major BEAN was made a prisoner in the Napoleonic wars and was assigned to reside in the town of Amboise in France where he was to spend the rest of the war. His family joined him there. When the hostilities were over , Major BEAN and and his family stayed on in France . Willoughby returned to England to finish his schooling and then emigrated to Australia in 1824. His cousin, Henry Gunsley WATSON , came to Australia at the same time. BEAN was promised a grant of 2,000 acres by Governor BOURNE. He took up and settled on his grant at Erina . In August, 1826, he was appointed the local Police Magistrate . He held court and administered summary justice from his house at Erina which he had called "Amboie.". He proceeded to build a Watch House and lock-up. In 1831, after becoming insolvent, he had to relinquish the office of Police Magistrate. He stayed on in the district managing estates and dealing in cattle for absentee landowners such as MANNING. While he was dealing in cattle , he was caught up in "The B,%,Ubane Watea Ca4e " when the then local Police Magistrate , Alured Tasker FAUNCE, initiated proceedings against BEAN , Henry DONNISON and John MOORE . It seems that a cow whose ownership was in dispute had been slaughtered by DONNISON, who had bought it from MOORE from a herd originally sold by BEAN . The accused were eventually exonerated and BEAN received some compensation for having been put in irons without justification. In 1837, shortly after the conclusion of the Case , BEAN married Harriett BATTLEY, the sister of Thomas Cade BATTLEY, a local resident and Clerk of the Bench. By 1839, Willoughby BEAN had left the district. He was farming at Banksmeadow when he once again became insolvent. In 1844, the BEANS and two children left Australia for Great Britain . They went to Lampeter in Wales where Willoughby studied for Holy Orders. In 1848, the family returned to Australia, settling at Port Phillip. Willoughby was ordained a Deacon and posted to Williamstown and in 1849 he became itinerant minister in Gippsland . In his later years he was appointed Chaplain at Yarra Bend and Kew. He died in Melbourne in 1877. Harriett Battley BEAN died at South Yarra aged 86.
Henry DONNISON was one of the second wave of early settlers in Brisbane Water. He arrived in the Colony in the year of the 1828 Census, but was not one of the 99 inhabitants who had moved to Brisbane Water between 1823 and 1828. Henry DONNISON of the Parish of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Middlesex, bachelor, had married Margaret HENDERSON of the Parish of Boldon, Durham, on 24th April, 1817 at Boldon, by licence. Henry was an insurance broker. The couple moved to London where the first of their five daughters was born. Hannah DONNISON was born in the Parish of St. George-in-theEast in September 1819. Margaret was born next in the same Parish in October, 1821, and she died in infancy. So did Emma, who was buried in October, 1825 at Kennington, Surrey, in the Parish of St. Marks. Eliza, the fourth daughter, was born at Kennington in March, 1824. The DONNISONS decided to settle in Australia with their two small surviving daughters, Hannah aged 9, and Eliza aged 4. They arrived in Hobart Town on 29 July 1828, later in the year moving to Hunter Street, Sydney where Henry became established as a merchant. A fifth daughter, Laura, was born in Sydney, and was baptised in January, 1830. On 23rd October, 1832, a parcel of land of 2,000 acres, No. 67, an original grant to Willoughby BEAN, was advertised. The estate, named "Erin", was at Brisbane Water. At the end of 1832, the DONNISONS moved north to establish themselves at Erina. With them came Daniel BERRY and Henry ANDERSON, two assigned servants. It seems that Henry DONNISON had truly pioneered a large-scale timber industry on his estate. He was also part of the social structure of the district. He was a Justice of the Peace and sat on the bench with WARNER, who was then Police Magistrate, from the earliest days of his arrival. All of his life, DONNISON took a keen interest in the administration.of the law, the enforcement of order, and the dispensation of retribution. Together with John MOORE, he forcibly complained when lesser settlers were given positions of authority. He strenuously objected to T. A. SCOTT sitting on the Bench, a He saw this as a deliberate insult to former Pound Keeper. himself and the class he represented. He was one of those prosecuted in The Bk.L,5bane Wa-tea Cate a{ 1837-38; he was a Councillor of the District Council; and he was a Trustee for the Church of England. DONNISON was killed in July 1847 as a result of a fractured skull, suffered when a limb of a tree fell on him as he was talking to some of his sawyers. He is buried at Point Frederick cemetery.
Henry Grattan DOUGLASS
Surgeon and magistrate, Dr. DOUGLASS was born in 1791, the son of a Dublin physician. He arrived in Sydney with his family in May 1821 and was immediately appointed to be a magistrate and an assistant surgeon. DOUGLASS ' early life in the colony was often marred by slander and conflict caused by his desire to help ameliorate the conditions under which the less-fortunate citizens of the colony lived. Full details of these conflicts can be found in volumes dealing with this period in Australia ' s history . Of note was the incident in 1825 when DOUGLASS and another magistrate caused Samuel MARSDEN to be charged with having permitted an assigned servant to work for his own benefit . The clergyman was convicted and fined and the Governor concurred in the sentence. Eliza Emily DOUGLASS , a daughter of Henry Grattan DOUGLASS, married Archibald OSBORNE, a magistrate at Brisbane Water, on 11th April 1849 at St . James' Church , Sydney. Archibald and Eliza Emily OSBORNE had two sons, John Douglass OSBORNE and Henry Grattan Douglass OSBORNE, before Archibald died suddenly in 1851. Dr. DOUGLASS acted occasionally as a magistrate on the bench at Brisbane Water to help Boyd HORSBRUGH , who was the only magistrate here for a time. HORSBRUGH had been on his own because HARRISON, RELY, HARGRAVES and SCOTT had all lost their commissions following in-fighting between the members of the bench . ( RELY and SCOTT were later restored ; HARRISON and HARGRAVES did not again sit on the bench.) Boyd HORSBRUGH was not implicated in the bench's discord as he had been away from the district for the two previous years; in 1861, he and his brother had temporarily left the district for the goldfields of Kiandra. John MOORE came back to the district and his name appears in the register on 12th April 1864. From then on HQRSBRUGH had MOORE's company on the bench until SCOTT resumed bench duties in September and RELY in November. Henry Grattan DOUGLASS was an important person in this ' period of Australian history. He was responsible for landmark laws being made , including that which brought about abolition of public executions which was later copied in the other colonies of Australia. He helped his friend W. C. WENTWORTH establish the University of Sydney , and he was a member of the Senate of the University from 1853 to 1865. He was also a member, from 1856 to 1861, of the Legislative Council. Henry Grattan DOUGLASS died in Sydney on 1st December 1865.
Dennis DWYER
In 1811, Dennis DWYER was born at Tipperary , Ireland, to a poor Irish family. His father , James, was a carpenter carrying on a family tradition in this trade; his mother , Mary, worked on a dairy . Dennis joined the Army, enlisting in the Royal Lancaster Regiment ( also known as The King's Own Regiment) when he was about 16. In 1829, at the age of 18, he married Agnes CAINE of Glasgow , who was one year his senior. In 1831, the regiment was ordered to do duty in New South Wales. Dennis arrived in Van Diemen's Land on 15th November 1831, transferring to Sydney in March, 1832. During the next five years , he was stationed at Parramatta ( when he became a corporal ), the Barracks in Sydney (receiving a promotion to Lance-Sergeant ), Emu Plains , Carter's Barracks and finally the Garrison where he received his discharge on 30th June 1837. As a literate , ex-army man , he had good prospects of a second career in the police . He belonged to the same regiment as Alured Tasker FAUNCE , the Police Magistrate at Brisbane Water, who appointed him Chief Constable . At the time of his appointment DWYER had already been an ordinary constable for some time. Dennis had three small children at this stage , and it must have been about this time that plans were finalised for at least some of his family left behind in Ireland to follow him and emigrate to New South Wales. His mother , father, brother James and a sister , Joanna, arrived in July 1839. The whole family moved to Brisbane Water after Dennis' father had fulfilled his bond to the government for payment of the family's passage . Dennis purchased land in the township, as many constables did from the very first sale of urban allotments. His land was where Marketown now stands. As he was literate, DWYER filled an important role in the police and administration of our district . He was appointed Bailiff of the Court of Requests in 1841, made the Collector of Quit Rents during the same year , and was later appointed Inspector of Distilleries. Dennis served as Chief Constable of the district for 20 years. He resigned on the grounds of ill-health on 19th March, 1859. Earlier in the year, he had made the mistake of getting drunk whilst on duty - an unforgivable sin for a Chief Constable! After receiving bad advice from members of the Bench, his case for a pension was disallowed. He died on 10th June 1879 of "Old Age and Breaking up of the System" and was buried at Point Frederick Cemetery.
Alured Tasker FAUNCE
Born in 1808 , Alured Tasker FAUNCE was the son of MajorGeneral Alured Dodsworth FAUNCE of Clifton, Bristol , England. He joined the army at the age of sixteen after having received a good education. When FAUNCE lived at Queanbeyan, he lived the life of a gentleman , playing the flute and singing for relaxation . His family must have been wellto-do. He had his portrait painted by Richard READ in 1833 while he was still a Lieutenant , and became a Captain when he was 33. Alured married Elizabeth MACKENZIE of Liverpool, NSW, in January 1835. At the time they were in that district, the couple had a daughter . No mention is made of his family at Brisbane Water, and it is possible that he left them in a better environment at Liverpool , not bringing them to a district where the conditions would certainly have been more primitive. FAUNCE was the main character in a series of events which became known as "The St .i56ane CVa teA Caze". It would seem from evidence that FAUNCE proposed to stay and settle in the Brisbane Water District ; he bought 25 acres of land on the outskirts of the town reserve in September 1837, after he had lost the court cases in actions instigated by Willoughby BEAN and John MOORE ( Henry DONNISON ' s action was delayed until October, 1837). Obviously the optimistic FAUNCE intended to stay on as Police Magistrate. However, after the deplorable episode of the original court case , the acquittals of the defendants and the public disgrace of being sued as the Governor ' s representative and condemned to pay reparations , it is possible that His Excellency thought FAUNCE had learned through his tribulations the art of being a District Magistrate and had matured through his mistakes . The Governor therefore appointed him to a new post at the Limestone Plains, now Queanbeyan. He died suddenly on 26th April, 1856, whilst playing in a cricket match as wicket -keeper, at Queanbeyan.
[Adapted btom "The Brisbane Water in the zeAte,6 "Historical Records of New South Wales", 1989 , pp. xl volume b ox mote detaA24 ob the ÂŁ.L
Case 1837-38", a volume of the Central Coast to xtU. See this e ob Captain FAUNCE.1
Edward Hammond HARGRAVES
HARGRAVES ' fame derives from his claim of having discovered the first " payable gold " in New South Wales. Many studies conclude that this claim was spurious . We do not enter into the debate ; there has never been any gold in our district and therefore we do not have immediate interest in his actions and involvement in the goldfields situated outside our area. E. H. HARGRAVES lived locally with his family in two periods. Between 1840 and 1849 he lived at East Gosford, and upon his return from the goldfields in 1852, he lived at Norah Head. Edward H. HARGRAVES was born at Gosport, a seaport opposite Portsmouth on Spithead , in 1816. He came to Australia in 1832 as a cabin-boy of 16, on board the "Wave". Edward was a hefty boy and grew in adulthood to a man of some six feet six inches in height , with a weight in proportion scaling around 19 stone. Between his arrival and 1836, he worked on a cattle run near Bathurst , then went to sea collecting sea slugs in the Torres Strait, and returned to Bathurst. In late 1836 , aged 19 years, he married Eliza MACKIE , daughter of a Sydney merchant. With his wife ' s money they took a hundred acres of grazing land near Dapto Creek in the Wollongong area, but after three disappointing years, they sold out at a loss. HARGRAVES then worked for a steamship company. In 1840, he was appointed agent for the company at East Gosford. He also bought allotments at East Gosford with his wife's money and in her name. He built an hotel, "The Fox Undvt The Hitt", at the bottom of Victoria Street at the public wharf. He also ran a store and leased some small cottages . He became insolvent and in June , 1841, the uncompleted 12 room hotel was sold to satisfy creditors ' demands. Between the years 1849 and 1851, HARGRAVES made his fateful trip to the California gold rush . The period from 1851 to 1855 were his years of notoriety . He had bought 25 acres of land from Robert HENDERSON at Bungaree Norah in 1852, on the eve of his sailing for England to be presented to Queen Victoria . He bought further land from HENDERSON in 1853 and proceeded to build a house fit for his position. There were many times when HARGRAVES antagonised the majority of the population , which included Rev. Alfred GLENNIE, who has much to say about HARGRAVES in his journals. HARGRAVES died of influenza at Forest Lodge on 29th October, 1891. He is buried in the Church of England cemetery at Waverley.
We know very little about James HARRISON and his family. We do not know from where they came, or to where they went when they left Brisbane Water. From the baptism registers, we know that the children of James and Charlotte HARRISON were:Date o6 BL' th 13 Sep. 1842 1 Apr. 1843
20 Nov. 1844 2 Aug. 1846 11 Feb. 1848
27 Dec. 1850 16 Oct. 1852 4 Nov. 1854
Fathen'.s Duckipti.on Chitd'a Name Settler, Wyong Alice Gentleman, Wyong Ridgeway Wyong [Died 23 Mar. 1854, aged 11, buried Point Frederick Cemetery.] Gentleman, Wyong Maud Jane Mona Settler, Wyong Charlotte Josephine James Thomas [Died 22 Feb. 1848, aged 9 days, buried Point Frederick Cemetery.] Sarah Ann Settler, Wyong Gentleman , East Gosford James Brisbane Henry Gentleman, Mona Vale Sydney Thomas
However, it is through the pages of the Rev. Alfred GLENNIE's journal that we begin to find out what kind of people the HARRISON family were. There are many references to picnics, excursions and sailing parties, and through the pages of the journals we know such things as the fact that Maud took music lessons from Rev. GLENNIE, and that at "Mona Vale" there was a piano, a black servant and a maid. It seems that James HARRISON lived as a retired gentleman. As well as being one of the local Justices of the Peace, James HARRISON had, along with Henry DONNISON, been elected as a Councillor of the Brisbane Water District Council in 1846 for a term of three years. However, he did not serve his full term; by 1848 he had been replaced. This may have been because of a temporary absence from the area. HARRISON's name appears in the Bench Records from 1849 to 1861, and he had been appointed Coroner in 1858. In 1861, along with HELY, HARGRAVES and Lyall SCOTT, he lost his commission . HELY and SCOTT resumed their bench duties the following year, but HARRISON never appeared again. James HARRISON involved himself very much in the affairs of the Church. He was a Church Warden and in November 1858 he was chosen unanimously as Lay Representative for the District Parish at the December Conference held at Morpeth, which he attended with Rev. GLENNIE. HARRISON was very active in the local boat racing held on the Broadwater. The Rev. GLENNIE had been gone from Gosford for nearly six years when, on 30th January 1865, he recorded that he received a letter that evening from Mr. HARRISON announcing the death of Mrs. HARRISON, without any further comment.
Hovenden HELY
Hovenden HELY was born in 1823 at Tullamore, Ireland, the son of Frederick Augustus HELY and Georgina BUCKNELL. He came to the Colony with his family on the "I.aabe ta" in 1823 and was five years old in 1828. He was educated under W. T. CAPE at Parramatta King's School and became a clerk at the Colonial Secretary's Office for two years. His father, the Superintendent of Convicts, died in September, 1836 when Hovenden was 13 years old. In 1841, he was managing his father's estate at Brisbane Water, in which he had a one-fifth share. In 1846 and 1847 he was a member of one of LEICHHARDT's expeditions, together with his brother-in-law's brother, John Frederick MANN. HELY was mainly in charge of the herd of goats. they took with them on this expedition. He left a journal of the expedition which shows mutual distrust and dislike between LEICHHARDT and himself. [1] In 1849 he was back at "Wyoming" and appeared regularly as a magistrate on the local bench from 1849 to 1851. The following year he headed the official search for LEICHHARDT, who had disappeared; however, the search was unsuccessful. In 1853 and 1854 he was back at "Wyoming" and on the local bench. In the years 1856 and 1857 he represented Northumberland and the Hunter River districts in the first Legislative Assembly. HELY's sister married Gother K. MANN in 1838. MANN had been living locally between 1839 and 1843, acting as local magistrate sitting on the bench, until he applied for the position of surveyor with the newly formed Sydney District Council. He left for England in 1858, Hovenden HELY borrowed heavily. where he married Mary Gertrude CHURCH in Somerset. In 1860, he was back at Brisbane Water acting as local magistrate. In 1860 he borrowed again and had financial problems. In 1862 he lost his Commission of Justice of the Peace and, together with three other magistrates, was dismissed from the bench. His Commission was restored in 1864 and his name appears again in the bench books in 1864 and 1865. In 1865 he was declared bankrupt. His bankruptcy was discharged in 1868, when he again resumed his Justice of the Peace duties on the bench until 1872, the year of his death. HELY died at "Btcanthuwa.ite", St. Leonards, and was buried on 9th October, 1872 in St. Thomas' Cemetery by Rev. W. B. CLARKE. He was 49. The HELY's family estate,
"Wyoming", was sold in 1887.
[1] The Goo o td Study Gnoup has a .typ eckipt ob HELY'h which may be studied, by appointment.
Robert HENDERSON was born in 1796 at Parramatta, the son of two Irish convicts, both from Dublin and who were both transported on the "Sugax Cane" for 7 years. His father was Thomas, who farmed 50 acres of land near Parramatta, and his mother was Margaret. The HENDERSONS were Protestants. In 1817, Robert married Catherine GEARY at St. John's Church of England, Parramatta. Catherine was the daughter of Patrick GEARY (1763-1827), who died at Kincumber. Patrick GEARY and his wife lived at Pitt Water where in 1826 he was District Constable. Robert HENDERSON obtained a grant of 80 acres at Pitt Water. Patrick GEARY had a grant of 100 acres at Brisbane Water, to where Robert and Catherine HENDERSON moved in the very first years of local settlement. Robert took up the duties of District Constable, to which office he was appointed on 15th May, 1824. The appointment brought E25 per annum while they were clearing the land and beginning to farm. He was the only Constable in the years 1824-25, even before a local Magistrate had been appointed to be in charge of the district. HENDERSON began to acquire parcels of land in the district, and in September 1829 he left the local police. He built a number of small vessels which were used to transport requirements to the early settlers. A man of many talents, he did not mind occasionally stepping outside the law if there was a profit to be made with little chance of detection. Of note was his implication in the case of the "Fa,vc Ban.badtan", a large-scale smuggling of some hundreds of casks of rum and brandy which were hidden in one of the remote small arms of the Broken Bay he knew so well. HENDERSON was described in the following terms in 1839 by Police Magistrate HOLDEN: "Mr. HENDERSON is a man of no Education who has become possessed of Considerable Property through his own steadiness & industry". He was then leaving Brisbane Water to live in Sydney. He later came back to Veteran's Hall and in 1850 he was elected to the District Council, and was later re-appointed. He died from a cancer of the face in 1869 and was buried in his private cemetery at Veteran's Hall. He had shown himself to be a man of enterprise,.a successful farmer, an acquisitive land owner, a local constable, a boat builder and owner, a publican, and, above all, a smart and sharp businessman.
Alfred HOLDEN arrived from Worcestershire with his brother George Kenyon HOLDEN . George Kenyon HOLDEN was the Private Secretary to Governor BOURKE before he later established himself in private practice as a solicitor . Alfred was appointed Clerk of the Bench at Port Macquarie in 1833. He - was later at Windsor , then received a Commission as Magistrate at Illawarra. While he was at Illawarra , he experienced a very similar situation to that which pitted FAUNGE against local landowners resulting in a series of court actions , and which became known as "The BkLabane Wave Cade ". At the conclusion of the Illawarra court case, HOLDEN was appointed to Brisbane Water in 1838. He took over from Captain FAUNCE. While he was at Dapto, Illawarra , Alfred HOLDEN married a daughter of Dr. Alick OSBORNE, one of a very well known and well established family of settlers. Alfred and his wife arrived at Brisbane Water at a time when it was still a primitive rural settlement without township or any urban facilities . HOLDEN acted with firmness and fairness and was very successful in controlling a turbulant population. HOLDEN took an active part in establishing the Church of England in this district . During the time he was in our area, he saw great improvements in the social environment. The administrative establishment had been improved : he had a Clerk of the Bench, a police establishment , and a postal service had been set up on a regular basis. The survey of the township of.Gosford made in 1839 resulted in HOLDEN's family having to move from the site of the township, on which he had established himself, to the parcel of land on the town outskirts on Narara Creek originally owned by his predecessor FAUNCE. Following the reduction of the Magistrates in the Colony after the establishment of District Councils in 1843, HOLDEN was appointed Warden of the Brisbane Water District Council, a position carrying no salary . As he had therefore lost his remunerated position of Police Magistrate , he had no option but to resign, as he did not have an independent income. He went to Newport, a settlement on Dora Creek , and in 1849 moved further north to Penhurst on the Upper Paterson. He had a large family of eleven - six daughters and five sons. The HOLDEN , OSBORNE and NUNN . families of Brisbane Water were related to each other . Alfred HOLDEN and the OSBORNES came from the Illawarra district . Alfred had married Jane OSBORNE; Jane's cousin John Alexander OSBORNE married Emma Eliza NUNN of Green Point; and Willy NUNN married Fanny Gillam HOLDEN.
Boyd HORSBRUGH was born in about 1818 in Scotland . He arrived in New South Wales in March , 1838. He was the fifth son of Major Boyd HORSBRUGH of Loch Malony , and grandson of Major James HORSBRUGH of Mayfield , Fifeshire , Scotland . He received a private education and was later sent to the Dollar Academy in Scotland. On the death of his father in 1837 he decided to emigrate to Australia and apparently settled at Brisbane Water upon arrival. He took an active part in politics both in Britain and in the Colony. In the Colony , he campaigned for the return to Parliament of various candidates , including Timothy CAPE and Hovenden HELY in 1843. In 1844 he became a magistrate of the Territories. He was a Justice of the Peace sitting regularly on the local bench, and he was appointed Coroner in 1848. His brother Henry came out in 1847, returning to Scotland after two years , but coming back to Brisbane Water again some years later. In 1852, Boyd HORSBRUGH participated in the expedition led by Hovenden HELY to search for the remains of the lost LEICHHARDT expedition. HORSBRUGH had a terrifying experience on this expedition when he and a Captain ANDERSON became lost . They spent three days and nights without food or water. ANDERSON became raving mad and wanted to kill HORSBRUGH who had to fight him. They were rescued just in time, both very weak . HORSBRUGH became delirious and was taken to Newcastle , 700 miles away, where he took months to recover. ANDERSON was brought to Sydney where he soon died. Boyd HORSBRUGH left the district for a while , returning to Brisbane Water in 1858 , when he again took his seat on the local bench and resumed Coronial investigations . In 1861, he and his brother left the district for the goldfields of Kiandra. They purchased a property at Redbank in the Tumut district in 1872. Three years later they bought Malton , some five miles from Goulburn . Up to a short time before his death, Boyd HORSBRUGH occupied a position on the Goulburn Licensing Bench. Boyd HORSBRUGH died at Malton and was buried in the tiny cemetery of Kippilaw . His headstone reads: " Boyd Died Also died
HORSBURGH , born . Fifeshire , Scotland. at Malton , Goulburn 22nd July 1887 aged 69. his brother Henry Stark HORSBURGH, 15th June 1894 aged 72."
John Maximus LETTE
John Maximus LETTE came from Tasmania, where his brother represented Central Launceston in the Tasmanian Parliament. He settled at Yarramalong on 843 acres which was originally a grant sold to Richard HILL of Vaucluse in 1840. He was visited in March 1855 by the Rev. Alfred GLENNIE who recorded in his journal that the LETTE family were living in a tent, their little cottage not yet being completed. Rev. GLENNIE baptised a little boy in December 1855, and then spent the night in the LETTE's house , which must have been completed then . He stayed the night on another visit to perform a baptism in January, 1857. John Maximus LETTE and his wife Sarah had three children born at Brisbane Water: Frank Isambard , born 3rd May, 1854 Donald, born 29th November, 1856 Emily Sophia , born 23rd April, 1859 A Mrs. CORNISH was Mr. LETTE's sister - in-law. The LETTE family were friendly with the CRAUSE family in Gosford. LETTE appears to have been a generous man. He presented Rev. GLENNIE with " Little Nell ", a horse, and gave a donation of £ 5 for the church at Gosford. LETTE sold his property at Yarramalong on 14th Elizabeth GIBSON. Richard HILL paid £ 210/15 /property in 1840; LETTE acquired it from HILL 1854; and when he sold it to Elizabeth GIBSON value had increased to £1,000/-/-.
March 1860 to for the Yarramalong for £758/14/- in in 1860, its'
Alfred GLENNIE informs us that LETTE went to the Snowy River from early May to the end of June , 1860. John Maximus LETTE's name appears in a return of Magistrates of the Colony printed in 1863 for the Legislative Assembly, which shows his address as Yarramalong , but lists three attendances at the Court of Petty Sessions , Kiandra. LETTE, attracted by the Kiandra gold rush and being a man of many interests , opened a store on the goldfields , tried his hand at mining , and ran cattle : For many years he was district coroner at Adaminaby . He also opened some of the reefs at Kiandra and spent much capital in developing them.
Gother Kerr MANN
Born in February , 1808, Gother Kerr MANN was a descendant of a distinguished family of Kent. His father was Gother MANN, R.E. (1746-1830 ), Inspector-General and Colonel -Commandant of the Royal Engineers , and he in turn was the son of General Cornelius MANN, R.E., and Elizabeth GOTHER. Gother Kerr's mother was Ann WADE, and he was one of a family of five sons and three daughters. Four of these sons had distinguished military careers: Gother Kerr was in the Royal Artillery, Cornelius was in the Royal Engineers , John Frederick was in the 28th Regiment and Frederick William was in the Royal Marines. In the early 1820's, Gother Kerr MANN went to India bearing a commission from King George IV to the Royal Bombay Horse Artillery . He saw much active service, and early in the 1830's he was invalided and came to New South Wales. In 1838 he married Mary Johanna HELY , 19 years of age, the eldest daughter of the late Frederick Augustus RELY, the former Superintendent of Convicts . Gother Kerr became one of the trustees of the estate of F. A. RELY . On 4th May 1839 he was appointed a Magistrate of the Territory and he gave his address as "Gother Kerr MANN , of Wyoming , Esquire". He began his duties on the local bench from July 1839. By 1842, Gother Kerr MANN was insolvent . In 1843 he applied for a position as District Surveyor for the Council of Sydney. In Low's 1844- 45 Directory , he was listed as a surveyor living in Liverpool Street. There is a record that in June 1850 he was surveying in the village of Nowra. However, he was living locally in 1849 when he was elected a District Councillor . In the North Shore Sydney Directory of 1851, he is entered as a Civil Engineer at Cockatoo Island, living in "Mosman ' s Cottage ", St. Leonards. Captain MANN , as he was known , became Chief Commissioner for Railways in July 1855,.a position;he held until July 1857. He was then entrusted by the Government with the construction of the Fitzroy Dry Dock. He retired from public service in 1870. On 3rd January 1898, Captain and Mrs. MANN celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary . They were surrounded by their entire family consisting of 12 children , 19 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren . A photograph was taken on this occasion of the family gathering. Gother Kerr MANN died on 1st January 1899, aged 90 years, at his home, Greenwich House, Greenwich Point, overlooking the Parramatta River.
John MOORE arrived in the Colony in 1829. He was an impoverished Irish Protestant. He obtained a grant of 650 acres in the Parish of Kincumber , which he named " Avoca ". Sarah, wife of the surveyor Felton MATHEW, met him in 1834, and wrote in her diary: "I received visit from . . . Mr. MOORE , a young man who has an estate about five miles from Erina, which he calls 'The Vale of Avoca' in honour of his countryman the famed poet. He is building a house, and when that is completed he will only want a wife to be perfectly happy, as he believes." He appears never to have married. He was engaged mostly in cattle dealing, rounding up wild cattle to which he claimed to have bought the rights . This claim was contested by many landowners , and from confusion about ownership arose bitter and acrimonious arguments . One such dispute sparked the Brisbane Water Case of 1837-38 which is the subject of a complete volume of the H.i2.tok.i.ca2 Recokcdh o6 the Cent)cat Coast o4 New South WateA. John MOORE also bought 500 acres at Lake Macquarie from Richard CAPE, which was ideal for mustering large herds of cattle. The financial position of John MOORE was never sound. His land was mortgaged to the hilt from the beginning . He found difficulty in paying the interest on mortgages or even the quit rent which was ÂŁ5/7/8 for Avoca and ÂŁ4 / 3/4 for Wallarah , CAPE's former grant. At one stage he thought of selling his holdings. He managed to stay afloat and became Warden of the District Council of Brisbane Water in 1843. He had cousins, the MADDRELLS , who settled near Braidwood. It was here he made his will, which explains why it has been overlooked by previous students of Brisbane Water local history. We know that he had left the district before September, 1860; however, he died in the district at Springfield , in 1865. He left no known descendants. As there was no resident minister of his faith (Church of England) at the time of his death , the memorial service was probably conducted by Thomas BATTLEY,.as it was not entered in the Church of England Register.
Rev. At6ned GLENNIE Jounnath,
William NUNN and William John NUNN
There are a great many references to the NUNN family in the journals of the Rev . Alfred GLENNIE . From these journals we find that the Reverend "had the pleasure to make Mrs. NUNN's acquaintance who arrived the previous week" on 13th March 1855. Upon arrival in the district , the NUNN family lodged in the HELY's cottage " Wyoming", which they had leased . The family consisted of Mr. and Mrs . William NUNN, senior, their daughters Kate and Emma Eliza and two sons, Gordon and William John, junior. William John and his wife Fanny had a little boy named Willie or Willy ( GLENNIE is uncertain of the spelling of the boy's name). Alfred GLENNIE regularly called on the NUNNS and often stayed for dinner . It is difficult to ascertain to whom GLENNIE is referring when he mentions " Mr." or "Mrs." NUNN. It seems that when he mentions " Wm. NUNN" he is usually referring to Mr. NUNN senior, whereas the young William John is usually referred to as "Mr. NUNN". A dramatic and sad event occurred on 12th November 1856; the death by drowning of Gordon NUNN, William John's younger brother, in the Wyong River. The children of William John and Fanny NUNN were William (who was probably born before they came to the district ); Amelia Wyndham, born 1856 at Wyoming; Ada Jane Emma , born 1857 at Wyoming; Emma Lucy Erina ( 1859-1863 ), born at Erina; Eliza Alice Gordon , born 1861 at Erina; and Fanny who was born at Erina and died in 1863 aged two months. Although William NUNN , senior, was one of the representatives of the church , he later declined to act as a collector for contributions to the clergy fund. He was often afflicted with rheumatic pain which kept him on his bed for weeks on end. In January 1863, GLENNIE tells us that William John NUNN has been "attacked with this dreadful diphtheria" and was "suffering from difficulty in breathing all very distressing". His father was summoned to his bedside, and William John died on 26th January 1863. He was nearly 36 years of age, and was a retired Army officer. On 6th September that year , William John ' s widow, Fanny NUNN, aged 38, was buried in Point Frederick Cemetery . She probably died as a complication from childbirth , as we then found that on 15th November , another Fanny NUNN, aged two months , is also buried in Point Frederick Cemetery.
UlN.N fa mi& of B 7 ANE WAT& Edna green joint
WILLIAM NUNN 1799 - 1873
JANE ROSE 1802 - 1879
1827 - 1863
1832 - 1856
FANNY 1825 - 1863
- 1881 1864 JOHN ALEX. OSBORNE
LUCY ERINA 1859 - 1863
S. P
FANNY 1863 - 1863
S. p
A r c h i b a l d OSBORNE and John Alexander
The OSBORNES came from Northern I r e l a n d but t h e f a m i l y was o r i g i n a l l y from L a n c a s h i r e , England. A r c h i b a l d OSBORNE, the a n c e s t o r , was born i n County Tyrone. He married I s a b e l l a , the daughter o f a James KING. They had f o u r daughters and s i x sons. The t h r e e younger sons came t o A u s t r a l i a : John, Henry and A l i c k . They bought c a p i t a l w i t h them and s e t t l e d i n the I l l a w a r r a d i s t r i c t . Henry OSBORNE and h i s w i f e a r r i v e d i n 1829 and s e t t l e d on a grant o f 2,560 a c r e s dear Dapto. He a c q u i r e d c o n s i d e r a b l e p r o p e r t y i n NSW, and was e l e c t e d t o the L e g i s l a t i v e C o u n c i l from 1851 t o 1856. A l i c k OSBORNE (1793-1856) became a surgeon. He j o i n e d the R o y a l Navy i n 1809 and made s e v e r a l voyages t o A u s t r a l i a as Surgeon-Superintendent on c o n v i c t s h i p s . A f t e r s e t t l i n g i n New South Wales, he too was e l e c t e d t o t h e L e g i s l a t i v e Council. One o f h i s daughters, Jane, m a r r i e d A l f r e d HOLDEN. John OSBORNE (1793-1856) a l s o was a surgeon i n t h e R o y a l Navy. He m a r r i e d Mary CLARKE i n I r e l a n d , and he, h i s w i f e and s i x c h i l d r e n a r r i v e d i n Sydney i n 1836. He a c q u i r e d l a n d i n t h e I l l a w a r r a r e g i o n , i n c l u d i n g a town grant which became p a r t o f t h e C i t y o f Wollongong. Of John OSBORNE'S s i x c h i l d r e n , two o f h i s sons a t B r i s b a n e Water:
A r c h i b a l d OSBORNE (cl815-1851), the e l d e s t son o f John OSBORNE, s e t t l e d a t "Wall&AOO ?an.k", B r i s b a n e Water. He m a r r i e d E l i z a E m i l y , the daughter o f Henry G r a t t a n DOUGLASS, i n 1849. He was a l o c a l m a g i s t r a t e and was a p p o i n t e d one o f the s i x f o u n d a t i o n C o u n c i l l o r s o f t h e B r i s b a n e Water D i s t r i c t Council. He d i e d on 28th November, 1851 aged 36, l e a v i n g h i s w i f e w i t h two s m a l l boys, John Douglass OSBORNE (born 1850) and Henry G r a t t a n Douglass OSBORNE (born 1851). John Alexander OSBORNE (1823-1910). He was unmarried when he was a l o c a l J u s t i c e o f t h e Peace. He was appointed Warden o f t h e B r i s b a n e Water D i s t r i c t C o u n c i l i n 1857 when he was o n l y 24 years o f age t o r e p l a c e John MOORE. He e v e n t u a l l y l e f t the d i s t r i c t f o r I n v e r e l l i n about 1868. I n 1864, he m a r r i e d Emma E l i z a NUNN. John Alexander OSBORNE was i n h i s 87th year when he d i e d a t Harper's Creek on 23rd F e b r u a r y , 1910. The o n l y c h i l d t h a t i s r e c o r d e d as b e i n g born l o c a l l y t o John Alexander and Emma E l i z a , was a son born on 5 t h August, 1868.
1704 - 1799
1791 - 1850
1803 - 1859
1793 - 1856
1815 - 1851
1821 - 1900
1823 - 1910
1825 - 1900
OHN DOUGLASS 1850 - 1889
1872 MMA C L A R A TURNER - 1931
I 1865
JOHN C. 1868
HILL 1891
1858 CHARLOI It SCOTT 1842
1832 - 1902
1818 - 1896
1821 - 1842
- 1892
1792 - 1853
1808 -
1795 - 1858
6 Sons 2 Daughters
HAROLD H. 1857
Jo fin, yimry ^ jjiick settled in the JlUwarra.
P E R C Y D. 1882
C L A R A M. 1884
AMLVm married a cUjfiUr of Alick OSBOJ^t ArcfuSdd C^JotinJ^Uxo-nder moved to the 'Brisbane y^ater district where the [otter marriedEwtnie'j[lizc^^^thJ\fllJ\ff\f whose sister (Catherine married J^ed-J^uj-yiELlJ. JijMald £^ John Alexander sat on the^ bench of Ma^istraU with their cousin XMOLVEN. y^illiamjlerbert OSBOIFQE married St^Ua SOLJTf^.
L y a l l SCOTT
L y a l l SCOTT operated a Steam Saw M i l l a t Ourimbah, and became the member o f p a r l i a m e n t f o r the Wollombi e l e c t o r a t e i n 1885. L y a l l SCOTT was the son o f a Robert SCOTT and was born i n about 1835. The f o l l o w i n g a r e some o f the notes t h a t have been c o l l e c t e d about him: 1858: John ROBLEY s t a t e d i n The G o s f o r d Times on 26th January 1928 t h a t "the f i r s t c r i c k e t c l u b was s t a r t e d i n 1858 by L y a l l SCOTT a t Ourimbah. . ." 1862: SCOTT was i n v o l v e d i n a c o u r t case w i t h Samuel TOMLINSON, one o f h i s former employees, who had s e t up a steam s a w m i l l i n o p p o s i t i o n t o SCOTT's m i l l . 1864: On 14th December, 1864, t h e death o c c u r r e d o f Mary L o u i s e SCOTT o f Ourimbah Steam Sawmill, aged 34 y e a r s , w i f e of L y a l l SCOTT, timber merchant. 1885: The nominations f o r the Wollombi E l e c t o r a t e were: W a l t e r H. V I V I M , L y a l l SCOTT, - ANDERSON and - JACQUES. P o l l i n g Day was 31st October, 1885. I n a speech t o the e l e c t o r a t e a t Wollombi, r e p o r t e d i n t h e Sydney Morning H e r a l d on 28th October, 1885, SCOTT remarked t h a t he " f o r many y e a r s had s a t i n the Water P o l i c e Court i n Sydney". SCOTT was e l e c t e d , f o l l o w i n g ECKFORD. 1885: Death n o t i c e , Sydney Morning H e r a l d , 17th December, 1885: "SCOTT, December 15th a t h e r r e s i d e n c e , 41 Cumberlands t r e e t , Martha M a t i l d a , w i f e o f L y a l l SCOTT, and daughter of the l a t e James PASHLEY, i n h e r 42nd y e a r . " 1886: SCOTT r e s i g n e d from P a r l i a m e n t on 22nd November, 1886 due t o i l l h e a l t h . 1887: A death n o t i c e appeared i n the Sydney Morning H e r a l d on 3 r d A p r i l , 1887: "SCOTT - A p r i l 3, a t h i s r e s i d e n c e , 41 Cumberland S t r e e t , L y a l l SCOTT, aged 52 y e a r s . " An o b i t u a r y appeared i n the Sydney Morning H e r a l d on 4 t h A p r i l , 1887: "The many f r i e n d s o f Mr. L y a l l SCOTT, both i n Sydney and i n the c o u n t r y , w i l l hear w i t h g r e a t r e g r e t o f t h a t g e n t l e man's death, which took p l a c e a t h i s r e s i d e n c e , 41 Cumberland S t . , y e s t e r d a y e v e n i n g . Mr. SCOTT, i t w i l l be remembered, r e p r e s e n t e d the e l e c t o r a t e o f Wollombi i n the l a s t P a r l i a m e n t but was compelled t o r e s i g n i n consequence o f i l l - h e a l t h . S i n c e then Mr. SCOTT has c o n t i n u e d t o d e c l i n e i n h e a l t h , u n t i l dropsy s e t i n , and death r e s u l t e d . A l t h o u g h not v e r y conspicuous i n p o l i t i c s , Mr. L y a l l SCOTT was w i d e l y and f a v o u r a b l y known i n commercial c i r c l e s , and was h i g h l y esteemed as an u p r i g h t man and a good c i t i z e n . " No r e c o r d o f b i r t h s t o e i t h e r o f h i s wives has been found.
Thomas A l i s o n SCOTT
Born i n Glasgow, S c o t l a n d i n 1777, Thomas A l i s o n SCOTT went to the West I n d i e s where he saw sugar b e i n g made, and he s t u d i e d the c u l t i v a t i o n o f sugar cane. I n 1816 he came t o New South Wales. He o b t a i n e d sugar cane p l a n t s from T a h i t i and began t o advocate the growing o f cane and the p r o d u c t i o n o f sugar i n New South Wales. He went t o P o r t Macquarie f o r the Government but was n o t v e r y s u c c e s s f u l i n h i s endeavours i n growing and producing tobacco and sugar. He was d i s m i s s e d and r e t u r n e d t o Sydney, He came t o our d i s t r i c t i n 1831 when he was granted 52 a c r e s of l a n d a t Brisbane Water. I t was subsequently found t h a t he was l o c a t e d on the s i t e o f the proposed township and he had t o move t o P o i n t C l a r e . He was appointed Poundkeeper f o r the d i s t r i c t by Jonathan WARNER i n December 1833, and i n September 1835 was appointed a s s e s s o r f o r the Brisbane Water Bench, t o t h e f o r c i b l y exp r e s s e d h o r r o r o f DONNISON and MOORE, who made an enemy of him. I n October 1836 he was a p p o i n t e d Postmaster a t B r i s b a n e Water and C l e r k o f P e t t y S e s s i o n s , and on 21 November was g a z e t t e d C l e r k o f the Bench t o the newly a p p o i n t e d P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e , A l u r e d T. FAUNCE. I n September 1842, w h i l e C l e r k t o HOLDEN, he o f f e r e d h i s r e s i g n a t i o n t o Gov. GIPPS and i t was a c c e p t e d . I n December he sought t o r e c a l l h i s r e s i g n a t i o n , and HOLDEN secured a p r o l o n g a t i o n o f 6 months. DONNISON and MOORE o b j e c t e d to the r e t e n t i o n o f SCOTT, who r e t i r e d t o h i s p r o p e r t y a t P o i n t C l a r e i n J u l y 1843, where he c u l t i v a t e d sugar and bananas. The second crop seems t o have been q u i t e s u c c e s s f u l . Through l e c t u r e s and a r t i c l e s , he began t o c r e a t e a legend s u r r o u n d i n g h i s involvement i n e s t a b l i s h i n g the sugar i n d u s t r y i n the c o l o n y . He c e a s e l e s s l y advocated and claimed t h a t h i s p i o n e e r i n g work, i n which he c l a i m e d t o have spent much o f h i s own money, be recompensed by a g r a t e f u l Government. F i n a l l y , a s e l e c t committee was e s t a b l i s h e d and the evidence was i n f a v o u r o f g r a n t i n g recompense t o t h e p i o n e e r o f the sugar i n d u s t r y i n New South Wales. Thomas A l i s o n SCOTT enjoyed a pension u n t i l h i s death i n 1881 a t the age o f 105, becoming i n h i s o l d days a l o c a l l i v i n g legend. I n September 1905, the Railway Commissioner gave the name o f " T a s c o t t " t o a p l a t f o r m opened t o s e r v i c e t h e farm he had e s t a b l i s h e d and where M a r i a Annie SCOTT had d i e d i n August, aged 97 y e a r s . She i s b u r i e d h a l f way up the h i l l behind where t h e i r house s t o o d .
Henry Gunsley WATSON
The son o f C o l o n e l WATSON o f the R o y a l A r t i l l e r y , Henry Gunsley was a c o u s i n o f Willoughby BEAN, our f i r s t r e s i d e n t Police Magistrate. I n a d e p o s i t i o n he made before C a p t a i n FAUNCE i n November 1836, he s t a t e d t h a t he had been i n t h e d i s t r i c t f o r n e a r l y seven years f4ee CCI p.29]. He purchased l a n d i n the p a r i s h o f Kincumber, s e c u r i n g two g r a n t s o f Crown l a n d : one o f 60 a c r e s promised o r i g i n a l l y to John STEWART i n 1825, named "Courigan" o r "Cowringan"; the second o f 100 a c r e s , promised o r i g i n a l l y t o Thomas HUMPHRIES and named " T o o w g i l l " o r " T o o r o g i l " . [ * ] Both deeds were s i g n e d by S i r George GIPPS i n 1839 and 1840 r e s p e c t i v e l y , and i n both cases were w i t h t h e agreement o f the o r i g i n a l grantees. The g r a n t s were s m a l l i n s i z e compared t o o t h e r s i n t h e d i s t r i c t . I t seems t h a t a l t h o u g h he had some s e r v a n t s , he was a l s o d e a l i n g i n c a t t l e and managing p r o p e r t i e s f o r absentee l a n d h o l d e r s . He does not appear on the l o c a l 1828 Census l i s t , but he i s shown on t h e 1837 C o n v i c t Muster as h a v i n g f i v e a s s i g n e d c o n v i c t s . He may a l s o have employed t i c k e t - o f - l e a v e s e r v a n t s or f r e e e m a n c i p i s t s , who would n o t appear on t h e C o n v i c t Muster as b e i n g a s s o c i a t e d w i t h a master. From r e f e r e n c e s found i n t h e B r i s b a n e Water Case, i t seems t h a t he was a J u s t i c e o f t h e Peace, and as such s a t on the l o c a l Bench. H i s name appears o c c a s i o n a l l y i n the l o c a l Bench R e g i s t e r from 1840 t o 1846. During h i s s t a y i n the d i s t r i c t , Henry WATSON attended f a i r l y r e g u l a r l y t o t h e d u t i e s o f Bench M a g i s t r a t e . However, i t i s p o s s i b l e t h a t f o l l o w i n g the d e p r e s s i o n o f the e a r l y 1840's, which h u r t our d i s t r i c t more than most, WATSON may have beai i n f i n a n c i a l d i f f i c u l t i e s . For whatever reason, we a r e a p p r i s e d e a r l y i n January 1847 t h a t "one o f the m a g i s t r a t e s o f t h i s d i s t r i c t , Mr. WATSON, has l a t e l y gone t o I n d i a " . Dr. C. E. W. BEAN, Willoughby's c o u s i n , c o n f i d e s t h a t Henry Gunsley WATSON r e t i r e d t o Ceylon where he l i v e d u n t i l about 1870, and d i e d "with s t r a i g h t e n e d means".
Jonathan WARNER was t h e second P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e a t B r i s b a n e Water. The d i s t r i c t had been s e t t l e d f o r j u s t 10 y e a r s when he was a p p o i n t e d i n 1833 and was s t i l l i n the p r i m i t i v e s t a t e p r e v a i l i n g i n those e a r l y p i o n e e r i n g days. WARNER had a r r i v e d on the "OfLphe.U'i" i n September, 1826. He had s e r v e d twenty y e a r s i n the m i l i t a r y . As an a s s i s t a n t s u r v e y o r h i s s a l a r y was ÂŁ182/10/- per annum w i t h allowance f o r two h o r s e s . He had been a p p o i n t e d a L i e u t e n a n t i n the NSW V e t e r a n Corps i n 1825. WARNER took advantage o f the scheme o f f e r e d t o o f f i c e r s on a c t i v e s e r v i c e , and s e l e c t e d l a n d on the n o r t h e a s t shore o f Lake Macquarie, p a r i s h o f Kahiba. When he s e t t l e d permanently i n the Colony, he l o s t h i s army s a l a r y . The Government wished t o f i l l the vacant P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e p o s i t i o n a t B r i s b a n e Water, but no l o c a l r e s i d e n t was deemed suitable. WARNER was approached t o v i s i t B r i s b a n e Water once a f o r t n i g h t i n the c a p a c i t y o f V i s i t i n g M a g i s t r a t e . A f t e r some n e g o t i a t i o n s r e g a r d i n g s a l a r y , he was e v e n t u a l l y a p p o i n t e d t o commence duty a t B r i s b a n e Water from 1st January, 1833. He completed a temporary c o t t a g e a t B r i s b a n e Water i n A p r i l , 1835, and he brought some o f h i s f a m i l y h e r e . I n 1835, the P o s t a l S e r v i c e i n the Colony was r e o r g a n i s e d and on 21st October 1835 WARNER was a p p o i n t e d Deputy Post Master a t B r i s b a n e Water. He remained as the V i s i t i n g P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e a t B r i s b a n e Water u n t i l mid-October, 1836. WARNER had been i n the s e r v i c e o f the K i n g from 1808 t o 1825. I f he had j o i n e d the army a t the age o f 18, he would have been born i n 1790, making him about 48 when a p p o i n t e d as V i s i t i n g P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e t o B r i s b a n e Water. Jonathan and h i s w i f e Mary had a t l e a s t e i g h t c h i l d r e n . They were: James (born 26th December 1819); Jonathan (born June, 1823); W i l l i a m (born 3rd November 1825); Augusta L o u i s e (born 19th September 1821); F r e d e r i c k Hawkesbury (born 23rd A p r i l 1828); Benjamin John Thomas; Isabella Louise; and Naomi Sarah. The f i r s t f o u r were a l l b a p t i s e d i n New South Wales on 4th November 1827. The WARNER'S Lymington e s t a t e o f 800 a c r e s was s o l d i n A p r i l 1885 f o r i t s coal-seam v a l u e . The shore o f WARNER's 1,280 a c r e grant i s now known as Warner's Bay.
Henry WORLEY, a farmer o f M a r e s f i e l d i n E a s t Sussex, and K o e s i a OSBORNE o f U c k f i e l d , were t h e p a r e n t s o f Henry WORLEY, born a t M a r e s f i e l d on 1 s t January, 1804. Henry J n r , became a farm l a b o u r e r . When he was 25 y e a r s o l d , he and an a s s o c i a t e robbed a p o u l t r y shed a t U c k f i e l d , were caught, and d e l i v e r e d to Horsham g a o l . A f t e r t r i a l , they were sentenced t o d e p o r t a tion for l i f e . Henry was a l s o c o n v i c t e d o f a s s a u l t and o f demanding money w i t h t h r e a t . Henry WORLEY a r r i v e d i n the Colony on the "Lady Fe.vZA6ham" i n 1830 and was a s s i g n e d t o R i c h a r d FITZGERALD o f Windsor. He h e l d a T i c k e t o f Leave i n 1838. He seems t o have been a c o n s t a b l e from e a r l y y e a r s a t M a i t l a n d , Morpeth and Newport (Dora C r e e k ) . We know more o f him a f t e r he came t o r e s i d e i n t h e B r i s b a n e Water D i s t r i c t . Henry m a r r i e d Martha E l i z a b e t h NORTH (born i n London i n 1809) at S t . James', Sydney, i n 1833. He o b t a i n e d h i s C o n d i t i o n a l Pardon i n 1844. I n 1859, he succeeded t o the p o s i t i o n o f C h i e f Constable when Dennis DWYER had t o r e s i g n . Henry had begun h i s c a r e e r i n t h e d i s t r i c t by b e i n g posted to Mangrove Creek, a s p r a w l i n g community o f some 150 s o u l s . He remained t h e r e f o r many y e a r s . He had a s m a l l farm up the Creek a t t h e l i m i t o f n a v i g a t i o n . T h i s a r e a i s s t i l l r e f e r r e d t o as Worley's Reach, I n 1859, Henry WORLEY was a p p o i n t e d I n s p e c t o r o f D i s t i l l e r i e s , which gave him a g r e a t e r a u t h o r i t y t o d e a l e f f e c t i v e l y w i t h a l l a s p e c t s o f i l l e g a l s p i r i t p r o d u c t i o n and d i s t r i b u t i o n which seems t o have been q u i t e developed i n t h e more remote p a r t s o f the Mangrove a r e a . Henry WORLEY was a Sergeant i n 1862. A f t e r h i s retirement from t h e p o l i c e , he was pensioned o f f and a c t e d as B a i l i f f of the Court o f Requests. He l i v e d on t h e s i t e o f the r a i l w a y s t a t i o n a t G o s f o r d , h a v i n g bought a t a u c t i o n most o f the a l l o t m e n t s i n S e c t i o n 11 bounded between E r i n a and Faunce S t r e e t s f r o n t i n g t o Mann S t r e e t , which was resumed f o r the b u i l d i n g o f the r a i l w a y l i n e through t h e township o f G o s f o r d . On 2nd J u l y 1866, an e n q u i r y was h e l d on the body o f Henry WORLEY, a pensioner o f the NSW P o l i c e . He had d i e d o f h e a r t d i s e a s e a t t h e age o f 62. Of Henry and Martha WORLEY's twelve c h i l d r e n , f i v e d i e d i n c h i l d h o o d , one d i d n o t marry and one had no i s s u e . There a r e many r e f e r e n c e s t o the WORLEYS i n the Rev. A l f r e d GLENNIE's J o u r n a l s , the l o c a l M a g i s t r a t e s ' R e g i s t e r s and o t h e r i n d e x e s .
INTRODUCING THE TRANSCRIPTS o6 the SWbane Waten Po&ce DAA.tnLct Ea4Ry AdminLo.tnatLve Reconda
There are seven surviving registers of the Police Magistrates and of the Bench at Brisbane Water. We have transcribed and indexed all seven, and they may be classified as follows: 1.
The earliest register contains the records of the Police Magistrates covering the years from 1826 to 1843. It was opened by Willoughby BEAN when he took office. This register contains many different matters of which the Magistrates wanted to keep a record. The content covers a variety of subjects and is therefore of the utmost interest to students of the early history of our district. It is analysed in an introduction to the transcripts. The title of the register is, as originally given, "Ttchet3 o6 Leave, Qua,, teAty and O.then Retuwcn4 &c. "
There are three Bench Books, begun in 1835 and extending to 1874. They mostly contain copies of letters and memoranda, and illustrate the daily business of administration of the district in their record of the correspondence to the central government, reports and local transactions.
The three Deposition Books record Court business and trial cases in the period from 1836 to 1872. They give us a good picture of events and behaviour of a number of individuals, and include summonses to answer inculpations, depositions as reported from witnesses, and circumstances. We also learn of death inquiries from coronial inquests. The depositions obtained in the Brisbane Water Case (the subject of the third volume in the series of the Hizto.Lcat Reconda o6 the Coast o6 New South l/ake3) are all recorded in these registers. We wish to say here that occasionally there are unflattering statements of a personal nature in depositions. This is to be expected as the depositions were taken in cases of misdeeds . Then, as now, these depositions are public statements , and as such are not restricted by privacy considerations. All depositions and statements can be freely consulted at the Archives Office in Sydney and copies have been deposited at the Gosford City Library. We have, however, used discretion in describing the subject matters in the Table of Contents, but we have not modified or suppressed any depositions as this would
have seriously altered the historical value of our work. We hope that no-one will feel embarrassed through the publication of these historical records of the life of our district, which was always harsh and at times turbulent or violent. The Police Magistrates, until HOLDEN's dismissal in 1843, were the administrators of justice and the head of the Police Establishment. The Bench, comprising the Justices of the Peace of the district, took over the former Police Magistrates' functions until the establishment of the Borough Council in 1886. We intend to publish the seven Magistrates' registers in their entirety. Firstly, we have made available the present combined Table of Contents and Index of Names as a volume of its own. Then in rapid succession the seven registers will be published, not necessarily in chronological order. Each volume will reproduce its own Table of Contents and Index of Names.
Indexes and Tables of Content: The value of any book is immensely enhanced by the inclusion of an index which permits retrieval of information not otherwise indicated. Books also usually exhibit a table of matters of content. Our registers obviously did not have an index, and only some had a very embryonic list of contents. We proceeded to compile both an index and a table of contents for each register. Using a computer, it was a simple process to produce indexes and also to incorporate the indexes into a combined index of all magistrates' registers. We offer in this volume the tables of content of all seven registers which will appear again individually in each volume, and also the amalgamated index of the seven individual indexes which will complete each single published register.
Our Transcripts of the Magistrates' Registers: The Magistrates' Registers are of various sizes, ranging from 284 to 541 pages. Keeping in mind that the optimum size for binding and for readers' convenience is around 350 pages, and in consideration of the size of the volumes in the series that have already been published, we have apportioned the seven registers in the following fashion: TICKETS OF LEAVE &c.
541 pages plus copious notes, in 2 volumes
1 , 051
, in 4 volumes "
, in 3 volumes
This will make a total of 2,944 pages , plus indexes , contents, introductory notes, etc ., forming 9 volumes. The combined Table of Contents and consolidated index in the present volume will enable people to appreciate the nature and scope of the information offered in the Magistrates' Registers , and gives references to the subjects and location of material. The typescripts , although not yet published , are available for study to any local history researchers who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity , by contacting the Honorary Secretary of the Gosford District Local History Study Group to make an appointment.
Bench Books and Deposition Books: The Reels The original registers of the Bench at Brisbane Water are a unique source of documentation of the life and administration of the early settlement. They are kept at the Sydney repository of the Archives Office of New South Wales. Being old and irreplaceable, they are not available for perusal or handling . They have therefore been microfilmed for the benefit of those who wish to study the information they have to offer. It will be noted that most reels also contain records which relate to other districts . It is often necessary to run past some of the information on a reel until the records for Brisbane Water appear. We have transcribed all parts which are relevant to our district, and afterwards , with special permission , we have checked our typescript with the original registers . However careful we. have been , we always advise that it is wise. to check information we provide with the film in case of any doubt . The written words, sometimes faint, may have been misread and not corrected in the subsequent check, which is a rather monotonous task. . Misspelling and other scribe idiosyncrasies have been left unaltered. There are five microfilm reels, which we have acquired. Details of the reels are listed on the following pages.
T. O.L. & RETURNS 4/5525
( 895)
4 / 5526 ( 2663 )
5/3167 ( 2663 )
5 / 3168 (2663 )
( 664)
( 665)
5 / 3169 (2664)
48 years
REEL NO. 895 - 4/5525
"T.Lcketh o^ Leave/Quahtex1y and Otkvt Rttunna &c." Reel No. 895 contains four Registers loosely titled Tickets of Leave, but also comprising other matters. The first Register is "Description of Tickets of Leave, June 1, 1843, Police Office Bathurst , and Index. Court of Requests". The second contains Lists of Assigned Servants, and the fourth is also Tickets of Leave, accounts, fines, fees, summonses, passes, 1842 and Letters from Police Office, Broulee. The third Register - the one in which we are interested is titled on one side TICKETS OF LEAVE and on the other side QUARTERLY AND OTHER RETURNS &c. It contains a wealth of information, but has a peculiarity which needs to be fully explained here, in case researchers are unable to find the references they seek. The Register - the first of the Brisbane Water Magistrates' series - begun by Willoughby BEAN in August 1826 was also used by Jonathan WARNER and T.A. SCOTT, clerk to A. HOLDEN. The complication arises because the register has been used starting from both ends. Firstly, BEAN started from one end recording what he terms "Cases, Complaints and other Business brought before the Bench". In fact, he entered everything of which he wished to keep a record; hence the variety of the nature of the entries.
Pages are numbered on each opposite top corner. The official correspondence was entered from page 345, beginning with a letter dated August 21st, 1826 to the Colonial Secretary, and ends on page 393 with a letter from BEAN tendering his resignation, dated June 5th, 1831. Later, Jonathan WARNER succeeded BEAN as Magistrate. He turned the Register over, and began entering his records and correspondence from the opposite side, numbering the pages on the top middle of each sheet, beginning at page one in September 1833. His last entry is an abstract covering 1st July to 30th September, 1836. On page 63, T. A. SCOTT, Clerk for A. T. FAUNCE (the new magistrate replacing WARNER who had resigned) takes over by entering an abstract for the quarter October to December, 1836. The last page on that side of the Register is page 142: a Quarterly Return for 1st July to 30th September, 1840. Page 142 of that side corresponds with page 402 on the other side. We will publish this Register in two parts: 1. CORRESPONDENCE by Willoughby BEAN comprising pages 345 (TLC) to 393, to which we have added: Introduction, comments, appendices (such as Function of the Magistrates, the assignment system, convicts and Tickets of Leave, the penal institution, extracts from PLUNKETT's "The Australian Magistrate", extensive correspondence from CAPE to supplement material on the subject entered in the Register, the Police Establishment), plus notes and biographical information when judged useful to explain points of interest. PART I is the remainder of the entries made by BEAN. It comprises 393 pages and covers the years from 1826 to 1831. 2. PART II is the other side of the same Register, begun (TIM) by WARNER in 1833 and completed by T. A. SCOTT, Clerk for both A. T. FAUNCE and Alfred HOLDEN, in 1840. It comprises 142 pages.
REGISTERS OF THE MAGISTRATES AT BRISBANE WATER 5 Reels of 35 mm film, from the Archives Office, Sydney
Reel No. 895. 2/8421
BATHURST. Police Office Tickets of Leave. June 1843 - &c.
BRISBANE WATER. Tickets of Leave / Quarterly Summary trials, and other Returns &c . 1826 on. 1831. Tickets of Leave for Brisbane Water. Index at front . Return of Aboriginal Natives, 4 May, 1839 . Letters from Brisbane Water. Returns 1831 . Requisitions , September, 1840. The earliest register , August 1826 - March 541 pages 1843.
Tickets of Leave, 1842
( 1837-45).
Reel No. 2663. 4/5526
BRISBANE WATER. Bench of Magistrates . Copies of letters sent. January 1835 - July 1838. 284 pages
BRISBANE WATER. Bench of Magistrates . Copies of letters sent. July 1838 - 4 March 1846. 528 pages
BRISBANE WATER. Bench of Magistrates . Copies of letters sent. 4 March 1846 - 7 September 1874. 540 pages
Reel No. 664. Police Office , November 1840 - July
BRISBANE WATER. Bench Books. Colonial Trials & Court Records . Mostly enquiries, sworn statements, depositions in court. Cases before FAUNCE and HOLDEN . Index at the back. 290 pages, some very hard to read at the end. Title on spine: Brisbane Water Depositions 1835-42. Brisbane Water Depositions , 17 October 1836 25 August 1842. 290 pages
Petty Sessions September 1833 -
Reel No. 665. 4/5560
BRISBANE WATER. Colonial Trials and Court Records. Bench of Magistrates Evidence, sworn statements, depositions . 26 July 1841 - 10 August 1855. 357 pages
Bench, Colonial Trials &c. 1841-1850. Record of cases 1825.
Reel No. 2664. 5/3169 BRISBANE WATER. Bench of Magistrates , Deposition 5 3170 Book . Book No. 1; 20 December 1855 - 9 September 1872. 404 pages 5/3242
WAGGA WAGGA. Court of Petty Sessions , November 1848 - May 1857.
SZ 933 SURVEYOR GENERAL. Meehan ' s field book 1817-19. No. 134. 2/4965
COLONIAL SECRETARY . Memoranda Book 1829-37 and records of applications for assigned servants, 1838-1841.
REGISTER OF PERSONS prohibited from receiving convict servants County of Northumberland ... Brisbane Water. 31 March 1826 - 26 December 1833.
SMALL DEBTS REGISTER. 7 March 1861 - 7 September 1881. 1 Volume. This volume summarises the daily proceedings of the Court giving details of Magistrates present, nature and result of case, costs and summons issued.
G.B. White's field book 1830.
Penal Establishment .
Ship and
TABLE OF CONTENTS T.Lcket3 06 Leave/ Quante ty & O.thex Re-tw nh Al. Augua.t 1826 to October. 1840, Po lice Mag .is.tnateb W.i,2.2oughby BEAN (Augua .t 1826 to June 1831) Jonathan WARNER (Sept
1833 to Sept.
AZuned Ta4ker. FAUNCE
(Octobevc 1836 to Nov. 1837) A26r.ed HOLDEN (Fnom December. 1837) F.Uca.t Pant: Page4 1 to 331 W-iJioughby BEAN'S co44e4porcdence 64om Auguh.t 1826 to Ap4.i.2 1831: pagea 345 to 393 Second Pakt: From September 1833 to October 1840 (MagL4.trated WARNER, FAUNCE & HOLDEN).
4/5525 (895)
F I R S T R E G I S T E R 1826 - 1840
This Register is in two parts:
TLC - The pages are numbered in the top corner. Begun by Willoughby BEAN, J.P. P.M. from 1826 to 22 April 1831 Comprises pages numbered 1 to 393 (dated 5 June 1831)
The Register is then turned over, and it starts again from the back.
TLM - The pages are numbered on the middle of the top of each page. Used by Jonathan WARNER, J.P. P.M. from January 1833 to September 1836
Captain Alured Tasker FAUNCE, J.P. P.M.
Alfred HOLDEN, J.P. P.M. Used pages 111 to 142, dated 30 September 1840
Pages left blank by WARNER have been used in later years by FAUNCE and HOLDEN - see inventory in front of TLM.
4/5525, Reel 895
TICKETS OF LEAVE / QUARTERLY & OTHER RETURNS &c. Brisbane Water Police District Register 1826 - 1840
Inventory of pages and content Content matter
Rudimentary index of 19 lines only preceding Page 1
Cases, complaints before the Bench: G. BURNS, J. MATHERS, J. KILLING, M. KILBRIGHT, R. GISSING.
Summary Trials &c. J. SUCKENCH.
Summary Trials &c.: R. BRADY, M. BRINN, M. DEMPSEY, R. COPPER, P. MURPHY.
Summary Trials (absconders cast away).
1 2 3
Blank Blank Names of men holding Tickets of Leave, Quarterly Muster.
Opposite page completing above.
Names of men holding Tickets of Leave, Quarterly Muster.
Opposite page completing above.
Names of men holding Tickets of Leave, Quarterly Muster.
Opposite page completing above.
Names of men holding Tickets of Leave, Quarterly Muster.
Opposite page completing above (continue p.120).
* Pagea S rom .thL RegizteA are preceded by the symbo t "TLC" Ln the Index o{ Names.
Content matter
to 95
Passes issued to Applicants for Tickets of Leave: see list. (Brisbane Water Ticket of Leave Register.)
97) to)
Abstracts Salaries Police Establishment: see list.
101) 102
Account of Fees received: 1 Oct/11 Mar
Abstracts Salaries Police Establishment: see list.
to) 119) 120
Names of men holding Tickets of Leave, Quarterly Muster (from page 18).
Opposite page completing above (from page 19).
Continues page 120.
Continues page 121.
Continues page 122.
Continues page 123.
126) to) 129)
130) 131)
Return of Natives.
Inventory, Stationery, Arms, received from store.
Resignation of James CARROLL, Ordinary Constable.
"Crooked Billet", Licence. SPEARS and WHARD.
Recognizance by William and George SPEARS, and R. HENDERSON.
Continued from p.137: "Crooked Billet" Public House Licence. See p.150.
to) 137)
138 139 140) to)
Abstracts Salaries Police Establishment: see list.
149) 150
From page 139. Recognizance acknowledged; A. HOLDEN, H. DONNISON.
151 1 Blank
Content matter
Appropriation Fines & Fees.
Opposite page, description and particulars.
Opposite page, description and particulars. Articles seized HORTON'&"HULI retailing. of Spirzts^ ^'^`"
Memorandum, Queen v. MURRAY, disposing of Liquor
AULT & HORTON, cash found by Constable GRADEN. Description of Jacob WAKS. Certificate of Freedom, Patrick KEEGANS.
1829/ 1830/31
164) to) 187) 174) 175)
Applications for Tickets of Leave: see list.
Blank Expenses incurred, Police Establishment: March 1827 to September -
Memo by Thomas SCOTT, no date.
Extraordinary Expenses incurred, provisions to a party of the 39th whilst in District from 24 Feb. to 20 March - (Payment rec'd. by Mr. BEAN)
Request for Ticket of Leave: Martin COLLINS. Signed by HOLDEN, no date.
Application for Ticket of Leave: John JONES.
Few words in HOLDEN's hand, no date.
Content matter
Return of Aboriginal Natives.
Estimate probable expenses for Police for year.
Description and state of repairs of buildings, no date.
Furniture and Stationery.
Provisions , Arms and Ammunition, other expenses.
Supplementary Estimate: pay Scourger.
Watch House Keeper, extra
202) to)
Abstracts Salaries Police Establishment.
Re-siting of Pound.
Robert TAYLOR's petition to Governor; an assignee to HELY.
Numerous reference in support of Robert TAYLOR's petition.
Continuation of TAYLOR ' s references.
Conclusion of TAYLOR' s references by A. HOLDEN.
226) /1)
Sales at Police Office of belongings of Harriet WOODHAM and John MOORE by Mr. DWYER, Chief Constable.
Recognizance SPEARS and WARD of ÂŁ50 for Licence.
/2) 227) 228) 229
Same recognizance , Peter FAGAN, James MALONE and William WARD; same wording as that on pp.226/2 to 228.
Continuation and conclusion of above.
Same recognizance for Edward SMITH, Thomas WILSON and William H. WELLS for the "Brisbane Water Hotel".
Page missing.
Page missing.
Continuation Licence.
Recognizance John Thos. WILSON, Aylmer Edwin CAMPBELL and James CAMPBELL for "Victoria Hotel".
Content matter
Page 237
Estimate of probable expenses for 1841: signed by Gother K. MANN
Description of buildings and repairs required, Police Establishment.
Stationery continued, furniture, etc.
Returns continued, Provisions, Arms and Ammunition, Special Items.
Return of Special Constables, December -
Estimate of probable expenses for 1842.
Description of buildings, state of repair, Provisions, Furniture.
Stationery, Arms and Ammunition, Special Items.
Return of Aboriginal names.
Timber Licences: 1840-1841
254) to) 263)
Abstracts of Salaries, Police Establishment.
Sums paid for supplies and service to Police.
265 266
268) 269)
Abstracts of Salaries, Police Establishment.
Estimate of probable expenses for Police for 1843.
Estimate of probable expenses : furniture and stationery.
Estimate of probable expenses : Arms, &c., Special Items.
272 273
1842 1842
Content matter
" Licenced Butchers , Report of Cattle Slaughtered". (Has not been filled in.)
Opposite, same remark.
278) to) 299)
Missing on reel; left blank in original.
Abstract of Returns for 1844, not photographed HOLDEN's own hand.
Sale of belongings of Aquila HARRIS deceased.
Accounts in respect of Aquila HARRIS.
Sale of belongings of John JONES , whose Ticket of Leave is cancelled.
Accounts in respect of John JONES.
304) to) 309)
Missing on reel; left blank in original.
Memorandum and accounts.
311) to) 330)
331 332) to) 344)
Appointment of Robert CREIGHTON as Pound Keeper in room of W. TURNER.
345) to) 393)
Willoughby BEAN's correspondence ; April 1831.
August 1826 to 1826/31
Then Register turns over and begins from end. Page 402 corresponds with page 142; 403 " 141; 404 " 140;
11 5
Coxxe4pondence ob W. BEAN, J.P., Pottce Mag.ih.tna to 21 Augu4.t 1826 to 22 Ap&L2 1831
TLch.et4 og Leave/ Quaa.tenky 9 OtheA Retwcn4 8c. pp. 345 to 393
4/5525 (895)
BRISBANE WATER POLICE DISTRICT Early Documents. Correspondence from the Police Magistrate, Willoughby BEAN from 21 August 1826 to 22 April 1831, in "Tickets of Leave/Quarterly & Other Returns &c." Willoughby BEAN's correspondence runs from page 345 to page 393. Page
Additional Constable needed. be built at Brisbane Water.
Estimate of Watchhouse to
Watchhouse estimate .
HENDERSON and FARRELL, depasturing at Pitt Water. HENDERSON's deposition.
HENDERSON's deposition. receives back money.
Bushrangers at Reid's Mistake. Stray cattle, information supplied by CONNELLY.
No additional Publicans Licences. forming Police Establishment.
List of Constables
Bushrangers' whereabouts unknown. are required.
A Clerk and a Boat
Aboriginal tribes in District. Clothing and list of natives. Tender Watchhouse.
Receipt for Prisoners. Township and Allotments.
Military Party, 39th Regiment . Account of expenses in relation to party of soldiers in District.
Provisions to Military Party. appointed.
Tickets of Leave received. Abstract of Police Expenses.
Fines and Fees Return, none .
Police Establishment, information re staff and other particulars.
Fines and Fees, none. Natives troublesome, instances of offences.
CAPE's strife with Aboriginals.
Return of Summary Trials, April 1828.
Applications for Tickets of Leave. List of Applicants. Cedar Permit, BOOKER.
Tickets of Leave, alteration of District designated, Wm. BOOKER and Wm. SMITH.
Arms for Police requirements.
BEAN recommends that HENDERSON
Constable dismissed and
Summary Trials Returns.
Page 364
Return , Ticket of Leave Muster , April: BOOKER, FREEMAN, GILL, KIRK , MILLER, ROKE , SMITH ( May 1828). Stephen FITZGERALD : Application to marry Mary LEE, widow of Patrick GEARY. BEAN's report on the subject.
CAPE and the Aboriginals ;
Forms of Summary Trials, 1st Quarter 1828 have been sent.
Returns of Summary Trials.
Clothes for Aborigines , blankets and rugs.
Tickets of Leave and fees for their issue.
Returns Summary Trials 1st Quarter 1828. Report, Black Natives, blankets.
BEAN disproves distress of District . Farms in need of survey.
Solicit appointment of a Clerk.
Return Summary Trials.
Copy of letter referred to at bottom of page 371. BEAN asking surveys being expedited September 1828. 372
Tickets of Leave and due. Establishment of a Pound, suitable site.
Recommending establishment of Pounds in District.
Returns .
Return of 15 Census forms, delay in their transmission due to the lack of a Clerk.
List of householders in District , 15 in number.
Population, Census 1828 , table showing returns, 14 entries.
Drowning of Charles KEYS. Nuisance made by wild cattle, offer of disposal.
Rugs to the Natives . have been excluded.
Return of Black Natives who received rugs.
Application for grant of Crown Land by George MEADOWS, recommended.
Loss of Ticket of Leave presumed stolen, from John GILL. Description.
(Marked "384".) GILL' s deposition re Ticket of Leave loss. John GILL, application for land.
GILL' s land grant , particulars of the applicant. District quiet and peaceable . Ten rugs distributed to the Blacks.
John SLADE , application for extra land. or Fees ever collected.
Dismissal of James WADDELL , Constable and Scourger.
Complaints from outside natives to
Report . No Fines
"Nihil Returns". Proposition to appoint a Clerk in lieu of Constable. Summary trials.
BLOODWORTH and cedar cutting, report. complaint. McGRATH arrested.
Requesting a Police Clerk. Transfer of Servant. BLOODWORTH's cedar gang.
BLOODWORTH's sawyers cutting cedar. Slops distributed to Blacks.
List of Natives' names. Death of Wm. BALLARD from a party of escaped convicts.
Inquest, death of BALLARD. Sworn statements.
William BALLARD. continued.
Dispensing with Willoughby BEAN's services as a Magistrate following his insolvency.
Assigned servant
Examination and sworn statements,
4/5525, Reel 895
TICKETS OF LEAVE / QUARTERLY & OTHER RETURNS &c. Brisbane Water Police District Register 1827 - 1840 SECOND PART Other end of the Register Inventory of pages and content Page*
Content matter
Period or Quarter
Blank Index, short and rudimentary of 27 lines. 1
Abstract Returns of Population. Estimate of Agricultural Produce.
Return of Articles in possession of Police Establishment at Brisbane Water and Kuringbong.
Abstract of Fees and Fines.
January to December
1834 1835
Abstract of Fees and Fines. Memorandum : Swearing in of Constable.
Blank (ruled to fill an abstract , left unused).
Missing or Blank
NSW Census population of District of Brisbane Water.
Return Arms , Accountrements & Ammunition
Jan.& Apr.
* Pagea £ kom -tUA Regi✓ .tvt ane pn. eceded by t he aymbo l "TLM" in the Index os Nameb.
Content matter
Period or Quarter
15 Return Arms, Accoutrements & Ammunition.
16 Do.
17 Do.
18 Return of Government Ordinances deficient.
Arms, Accoutrements & Ammunition.
Jan. /Mar.
Oct. /Dec.
Jan. /Mar.
19 Quarterly Return:
Blank Blank Blank
Requisition for Articles for use of the Police Establishment April
Do. Do. Continuation of above
Content matter
Period or Quarter
Requisition for Articles for use of the Police Establishment
Continuation of above
Requisition of stores , Police January Establishment
Requisition continued, carried forward to p.84
Quarterly abstract of Contingencies
Jan. /Mar.
Apr. /Jun.
Oct. /Dec.
Jan. /Mar.
Apr. /Jun.
Oct. /Dec.
Jan. /Mar.
Quarterly abstract of
Contingencies 65
Quarterly abstract of Contingencies
Apr. /Jun.
Memorandum : Cattle confiscated; KING , MOORE & others
Memorandum : Boat found and claimed by RICHARDSON
Punt made for Erina Creek, detail of payment
Quarterly account of Contingencies
68 69
Content matter
Period or Quarter
72) to) Missing 75) 76
Quarterly accounts of Contingencies
Apr. /Jun.
Sale of belongings , George PRINCE, died in hospital
Appointment of Constable: Patrick KELLY in room of Samuel GRIFFITHS
Destruction of Tickets of Leave and Certificates of Freedom: PRINCE , DEVINE, PURTELL, TAYLOR, ROURKE
1839/ 1841
Sale of effects , HULL and HORTON
Certificate Liquor Licence, "Crooked Billet"
Requisition from Colonial Store
Requisition from Colonial Store
Order re cattle being removed from Mangrove . Advice received from MOORE October
82 83
Continuation of above
Return of Aboriginal natives
Continuation of above
Account of sale, J. HORTON and J. HULL
Period or Quarter
Certificate Liquor Licence: W. SPEARS (" Crooked Billet") and Ed. SMITH (" Brisbane Water Hotel")
Certificate Liquor Licence: Peter FAGAN (" The Red Cow")
Return of Constables, etc., and proposal for additional staff
Return of Police Establishment
Jan. /Dec.
Estimate of probable Police expenses
Content matter
99) to) Blank 106) 107
108 109 110
109A Supplementary estimate 11OA Abstract and Acquittance of
Swearing in of Police officers
Jan. /Aug.
Estimate of probable expenses Department of Police
Supplementary estimate
Receipt of expenses : Establishment
Police Jun./Sep.
June Qtr.
Sept. Qtr.
Dec. Qtr.
118) to) Missing 121) 122
Receipt of expenses : Establishment
Mar. Qtr.
June Qtr.
Quarterly account for Contingencies : Police Establishment
Content matter
Period or Quarter
Quarterly account for Contingencies: Police Establishment
Receipts on account of Police Establishment
Do. (p.411 from other end)
Do. (p.410)
Return of articles in possession of Police (p.409)
Receipts on account of Police Establishment (p.408) September
Amounts due by Police Establishment (very faint or illegible)
138 139
Instructions as to distribution of Prisoners' rations Sale of belongings of J. HILLIARD (p. 405)
A. HOLDEN October
Quarterly account for Contingencies: Police Establishment
Do. (See p.264 other end for receipts)
142 143
Blank to the end this side
which is page 150/394 (p.393 being the last used page on the reverse side of this Register).
TABLE OF CONTENTS Pot ice Mag.i a.txa to Req.l,5tex I
Pagea 6rom .thi,s are preceded by the aymboL "BB1" .Ln .the Index o6 NameA.
BENCH BOOK I Bench of Magistrates
261 pages : Copies of Letters Sent
- 1838 Enquiring if there is freight to pay, and answer
[No page number]
Apr 15
- 1835 Apprehension of three Native Blacks following robberies
Jan 2 J. Warner
Application for TOL, T. WHEELING
Jan 5
Application for TOL, J. COLSON
Supply of arms to be addressed to Newcastle
Needs stationery , handcuffs , nails, etc., lock-up Kurangbong Six Natives sent to gaol in Sydney . J. Warner's family conveyed to Brisbane Water.
Jan 10 Jan 10
Feb 16
Forwarding fines & fees collected at Wiseman's Station
Feb 16
Contacted Mr. WISEMAN for necessary receipts
Feb 16
Requesting arms be sent to Brisbane Water
Feb 16
Applications for TOL, W. TURNER , R. LANG, F. SMITH, with recommendations
Feb 16
Prisoners absconded , D. McLEAN & T . MARKMAN
Mar 3
Troublesome Natives ambushed and seized at Duralong Concluded
5 6
Jan 15
Man found dead on beach at Tuggerah
Jan 16
TOL description , T. NORMAN
Jan 16
Has two constables , needs a third
Jan 19
Prisoner absconded , J. MORGAN
Jan 20
Robberies by Black Natives , depositions sent to Sydney
Jan 26
Annual Police Return sent
Jan 27
Jan 31
- 1835 Punishment Return, THRELKELD subpoena, sent
Bringing his family to Brisbane Water
Feb 2 J. Warner Feb 12
Asking for a Mail Bag to be sent to Brisbane Water
Report on complaint about GREY's servants at Terrigal Continued Concluded
12 13
Feb 12 Feb 11
Prisoner J. MORGAN returned
Feb 11
TOL description, P. KING
Feb 12
Periods of employment for salary purposes
Mar 13
Resignation of constable W. SMITH, replacement needed
Mar 13
H. STEPHENS, being free shortly, will leave district Applications for TOL, S. GRIFFITHS, C. BENNETT, with recommendations
Mar 12 16
Mar 13
Muster and Punishment returns
Mar 16
Prisoner absconded, J. MOORE
Mar 14
Mr. SCOTT appointed Pound Keeper
Return Probable Cost of Police for 1835 Deposition, robberies by Black Natives at Wyong
Mar 23 18
Constable SMITH to be replaced as soon as possible Reward for apprehending Natives to be paid to Bank account Concluded
Mar 23
Mar 25 Mar 31 Apr 7
Letters and Returns sent
Amount of Fines and Fees for Quarter sent, 3/6
Apr 8
Application for TOL recommended, W. MILES
Apr 9
Deposition, robberies by Blacks at Wyong
Apr 15
Receipt of circular and book "The Australian Magistrate"
Apr 28
Has received no reply to letter of 13th ultimo, re salary Deposition re Black Natives sent to Sydney
Apr 19 Apr 28
Bench Book I
131 Page
- 1835 Resides permanently at Brisbane Water, Return subpoena
Apr 30
Punishment Return sent
Free female sent (no addressee)
May 11
Application for TOL recommended, J. WILLIAMS
May 11
Fifty blankets received for Natives, 10 in hand
May 11
Contingent Return sent
May 11
Prisoner absconded, J. FLYNN
May 18
Summary Punishment Return
May 16
Enquiry on whereabouts of E. GLOVER
May 26
Watch house chimney to be replaced
Salary abstract Return sent Stationery to be sent by Lank schooner Concluded
May 29 May 30 Jun 1
Requisition for a set of sails
Jun 1
Summary Punishment Return sent
Jun 2
Received the Indent of Prisoner arrived in 1833
Deposition against HOBBY, a black leader
Jun 18
Forward Monthly Punishment
Salary Abstracts to June 30 sent
Jul 1
Returns of Arms and Accoutrements, &c.
Jul 1
RAINEY's deposition against HOBBY
Jul 1
Lock-up Provisions and Rations Return
Jul 1
Quarterly Returns Fines and Fees
Jul 10
Reply to Circular sent
Jul 16
Half-Yearly Return sent
Jul 16
Four men robbed WATSON's hut at Tuggerah Beach Description of men, conclusion
30 31
Salary of Pound Keeper and Clerk of the Peace Concluded
Jul 20 Jul 31
Application for TOL recommended, J. M. REDDLE
Aug 3
Letters and Returns sent
Aug 3
Return of constables from bushranger chase Concluded
Bench Book I
J. Warner
- 1835 Delay of apprehended suspected runaway, J. RYAN, due to absence of constables chasing bushrangers Concluded
33 34
Summary Punishment Return
Aug 24
List of absconders
Aug 24
LOWRIE, HENDERSON and SCOTT to act as Assessors
Constable McINTYRE allowed ironed prisoner to escape Concluded
Aug 24 Aug 24
P. FOX, TOL holder, absent without leave TOL of J. COLSON to be altered for Limestone Plains
Aug 25 Sep
No application forms to purchase land available locally
No object to P. FOX's TOL being altered for Illawarra
Four bushrangers caught by Mounted Police Postage paid, 4 /9
M. COLLINS, absconded
Unlawful transferring of assigned servants to W. CAPE Concluded
Return of M. COLLINS
Unlawful running of BOUGHTON ' s salt works at Reid's Mistake
Sep 12 Sep 14
Watch house stone chimney estimate
Habitual absconder J. FLYNN sent to Sydney Concluded
Sep 21 Sep 24
Summary Punishment Returns sent
Sep 23
Duplicate receipts for stationery sent
Sep 23
Runaway R . STARK from Hunter's River caught
Sep 28
Applications for assigned servants
Quarterly salary abstract sent
Arms sent to Newcastle and back to Sydney be re -directed
J. Warner
Bench Book I
- 1835 Monthly summary punishment return sent
Quarterly return of arms
Monthly summary trials sent
September summary trials sent
Contingent amount not yet credited to 30th June
J. COOTE and J. DRUK, absconders
Contingent amounts sent late due to HENDERSON being away
Oct 8 Oct 20
Police money to be placed in Bank of Australia account, remarks about management of account Concluded
Report on runaways
Oct 21
Lock-up flour returns
Oct 22 Oct 22 Nov
J. McINTYRE, ex-Constable, forger & thief Concluded
Arms and ammunitions to be sent direct to Brisbane Water Concluded
Nov 3
Monthly summary trials sent, Colon.-Sec.
Nov 9
Monthly summary trials sent, Attorn.-Gen.
Nov 9
Weekly runaways report
Nov 9
Report on how Mr. BOUGHTON runs his salt works Concluded
Recognizances to keep peace, BRAMBLE and COULSON
Nov 12
Nov 15
Returns runaways, 2 to 30 Nov.
Dec 4
Return of sundry arms
Receipt of arms and inventory
Received indent of prisoners 1831 and 1832
Application for TOL recommended, C. TUCKER
Runaways return sent, and summary trials Runaway caught and sent to Sydney Concluded
J. Warner
Bench Book I
134 Page
Date - 1835
Request for delivery of sails Concluded
55 56
J. Warner
Sending fee of 2/8 to renew TOL, M. HOURRIGAN
Dec 12
Application for TOF recommended, H. STEPHENS Application for TOF recommended, M. McGRATH
Dec 14 57
Request money due since 30 June J. FLYNN, habitual absconder, sent to Sydney Concluded
Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 18
Application to alter TOL to McLeay River recommended, M. SCAYSBROOK
Dec 18
Return of runaways
Dec 18
Example of Auditor-General's inefficiency
Dec 23 - 1836
Forwarding fines and fees, 12/6
Jan 1
Summary trials sent
Jan 1
Returns of Fines and Fees, contingent amount, salary abstracts and amended contingent amount, forwarded
Jan 1
Annual return of crops, quarterly return of arms, ammunitions &c., monthly return of summary trials, requisitions for printed forms and articles for lock-up, and protests and depositions Rex. v. MOORE and others, forwarded
Jan 1
Return of runaways
Jan 1
Quarterly return of rations
Jan 1
Advice to Attorney General that J. MOORE will require W. TURNER as evidence
Request for strong chest to store records Sending schedule
Jan 1 Jan 7
Jan 8
Receipts for flour for lock-up
Jan 9
Return of runaways
Constable CHITTY elopes with'female prisoner Concluded
Jan 16 63
Transfer of TOL to Bathurst recommended, C. BENNETT
Jan 19
Requesting Ticket of Freedom , G. COULSON
Jan 23
Bench Book I
135 Page
- 1836 Return of runaways
Jan 23
Receipts for various articles and for contingent money to 30 June 1835
Jan 23
Postage sent, 4/11
Jan 23
Closure of BOUGHTONts salt works at Lake Macquarie Concluded
Report on unlawful usage of Crown Lands Concluded
Jan 26 Jan 26
Description of Moses CARROLL Scourger S. CURRAN wishes to be promoted to Constable
Jan 26 67
Jan 30
Summary trials. returns sent
Summary trials returns sent
Return of runaways
Altered monthly Post Office audits sent
BARTLEY, newly arrived, purchased land from J. E. MANNING, applies for servants
Upon return of a constable from Sydney, will send to relieve DANIELS stationed on the North Road near Wisemans
Woman absconded with CHITTY is E. WALSH Recommend H. HANNELL to be Chief Constable
Feb 22 70
Return of runaways No cattle impounded for two years, recommend erection of pound close to Watch house Concluded
Feb 24 Feb 29 71
Request two copies of Gazettes HENDERSON supplied flour to lock-up, bill unpaid for 6 months
Feb 23
Feb 29 72
TOL received for D. DRISCOLL; however, has not appeared and is therefore absent without leave
Description of T. POWELL
Mar 12
Request money to be paid into own account by Colonial Treasurer Runaway returns sent
Runaway returns and return of summary trials Charges against J. HINTON
Mar 19 Mar 19
Bench Book I
J. Warner
136 Page
- 1836 No-one in lock- up for trial at 15th Feb.
Mar 28
R. CAPE unlawfully cutting cedar on Crown land
Mar 28
Man sent to be identified, suspected runaway Concluded
Mar 29
Request payment of accounts Return of runaways
Apr 1 77
Apr 1
Salary abstract return, quarter to 31st March
Stationery requisitioned in February still not received
Monthly return of summary trials, March
List of TOL men residing on vacant Crown land
Monthly return of summary trials
Weekly return of summary trials
Application for a Conditional Pardon, E. MORAN; return of runaways
Lock-up returns of flour, quarter to March
Apr 18
Return of runaways
Apr 18
Sending 2/8 for renewal of TOL, E. KIRLING
Quarterly returns, arms, accoutrements and ammunition
Quarterly return of contingencies Report on unlawful occupation of Crown lands Concluded
Estate of probable expense of Police
Apr 18
Return of runaways
Apr 26
Death of J . WHALING, struck by J. SMITH
Apr 26
Certificates of price of flour sent
Requesting payment due to December , 1835
Apr 26 Apr 26
J. HANNELL declined appointment as Chief Constable , without a watch house keeper and scourger , request appointments
Apr 26
Receipts for contingencies to March sent
Apr 27
Depositions against J . HEATON already sent Depositions re death of J. WHALING sent Concluded A. OLIVER, overseer to F. A. HELY, given Notice to Quit SIMPSON ' s grant
J . Warner
Apr 27 Apr 27 85 Apr 27
Bench Book I
- 1836 To F. A. RELY, Notice to Quit immediately land occupied at Currungbong, known as SIMPSON's grant Concluded
85 86
To Colonial Secretary: HELY has cattle on SIMPSON's grant, but buildings etc. are on MANNING's grant Description of TOL holder, H. NICHOLLS
Apr 27
Apr 30 87
May 3
Forms for T. WHALING's family
May 3
M. PURTELL's application to buy land
May 4
Return of runaways
May 6
Subpoenas, v. SMITH,_sent to Crown Solicitor
May 6
Receipt for flour sent
May 6
Return of runaways sent
May 14
Description of cedar cut illegally by R. CAPE
May 14
Request depositions against J. HEATON for trial
May 30
Request subpoenas be sent well in advance, James SMITH's case Receipt for lock-up flour for March quarter
May 30 91
May 30
Weekly return of runaways
May 31
Application for assigned servant for John FERGUSON of Mangrove
May 31
Duplicate of R. HENDERSON's account for flour supplied to lock-up in 1835
Jun 1
Requisition for stationery of last February, not yet supplied; requisition for sundry supplies of last January, not yet supplied
Jun 4
Return of runaways: P. COYLE absconded
Jun 9
Description of TOL holder, T. O'BRIEN
Jun 9
Received fifty blankets for Aboriginal natives; nominal return of the Natives residing in the district sent
J. Warner
Jun 9
Application for three assigned servants for Edward KELLY of Popran Creek
Jun 10
Postage for quarter to March sent, ÂŁ1.0.8
Jun 4
Summary trials return
Jun 12
Bench Book I
138 Page
Date - 1836
Deposition sent, death of J. McMAHON, drowned in Mangrove Creek
Jun 17
94 95
Jun 17
J. Warner
J. MARLOW occupies land of J. GREEN, since deceased - letter relates to death of J. McMAHON Concluded
Forwarding original subpoena, copy served at residence of Wm. NORMAN/BUTCHER
Jun 18
Return of runaways (P. COYLE apprehended)
Jun 18
Request relocation of constable presently stationed at Wisemans
Jun 18
Information re J. RYAN, now free at Sydney
Resignation of SCOTT as Pound Keeper Request Superintendent of Iron Gang to prevent P. LYNCH from writing letters
Jun 20 Jun 20
Jun 21
The loan of W. LARDER, HELY's assigned servant, to R. HENDERSON
Jun 22
Requisition for arms
Jun 22
Flour supplied to lock-up unpaid for a year, request new arrangement immediately
Jun 24
Sending J. WHALING (or WHITING)'s TOL; Descriptions of TOLs for MOORE, CURTIS and HILLIARD.
Jun 25
Application for assigned servant by P. FAGAN
Jun 25
Weekly return of runaways
Jun 25
Registers had to be kept at private dwelling; no copies of Gazette received this year
Jun 30
Returns of Fines & Fees, salary abstracts
Jul 2
Returns of Arms, ammunitions &c., and returns of summary trials
Jul 2
Returns of Summary Trials, monthly
Returns of Summary Trials, weekly
Jul 2
Fees received for Quarter to June, 3/6
Weekly return of runaways: H. ASHBY
Amounts due still not paid to bank account
Descriptions of TOLs, ELLINGHAM & KIDDELL Description of TOL holder, P. HAYS Returns of flour issued, June quarter
Jul 2 Jul 5
103 Jul
Bench Book I
- 1836 Returns of summary trials; return of runaways; Mary BRADY or REIBBY found at large in the district
Recommendation transfer of TOL to Pitt Water, T. POWELL Requisition for buckets and boat painter
Jul 7 J. Warner Jul 7
Petition for Conditional Pardon, W. OXENHAM
Vouchers for stationery forwarded
Jul 11
Trooper appointed not yet arrived
Jul 11
Tender for repair of lock-up after inspection by Governor Bourke in April Forwarding a suspected runaway for identification, calling himself J. THOMPSON Concluded
Subpoenas returned, MURDOCH & ORFORD, left district
Water conveyance contingent amount sent Report on death of J. McMAHON, drowned Concluded
Jul 11 Jul 12 Jul 12
Application for 5 servants, G. H. N. MATCHAM
Jul 16
Ironed man, "J. THOMPSON", escaped, description 108
Jul 16
Original subpoenas, Rex v. J. SMITH, sent
Jul 16
Weekly returns of runaways
Jul 16
Maltby SMITH, in lock-up since last March, refused slops by his master, DONNISON
Jul 23
Request new constable, J. CARPENTER, to replace S. CURRAN, now in hospital in unsound state of mind
Jul 30
Return of runaways
Jul 30
Scourger, J. MYATT, arrived 14th inst.
Jul 30
J. Warner to Col. Secretary, complaining of amounts still not paid
Return of runaways Receipts for water conveyance of Prisoners
Aug 16 Aug 19
Aug 22
Return of runaways
Aug 29
Shortfall in forms sent; collectors appointed
Aug 29
Bench Book I
- 1836 Receipts for rations sent
Aug 29
Renewal of mutilated TOL, E. MORAN
Return of runaways
Return of summary trials to Col.-Secretary
Return of summary trials to Attorn.-General
Applications for assigned servants sent
Return of nil runaways; return of prisoners apprehended, W. GRIFFITH, J. TURNERELLY Census Returns sent Concluded
Sep 15 Sep 23 Sep 23
Applications for assigned servants from W. SPEARS and W. WARD
Sep 23
Descriptions of A. BLACKFORD, J. BERRY and W. MILES
Sep 24
Returning subpoena for Mr. RUDDER re J. MEAD
J. Warner,
Sep 28
Returns of fines and fees
Sep 30
Return of summary trials to Attorn.-General
Sep 30
Returns of Arms & Accoutrements and Summary Trials to Colonial Secretary
Sep 30
Weekly returns of summary trials and runaways
Sep 30
(Thin L6 the Last o6 the entnieo o6 Jona-than WARNER in .thi,3 RegL4.ten. Thomah AtLaon SCOTT, a3 Ckenk 06 .the Bench to the new Police Magis.tnate, A.Cuned Ta6kevc FAUNCE, took ovek on Oetoben 1836, page 117.) Forwarding summonses to Sydney: G. ROBERTS, W. T. CAPE, W. RASH
Oct 11
Weekly returns of summary trials and runaways
Oct 11
Summons to appear, J. MOORE
Nov 1
Summonses for witnesses in the case of J. MOORE: M. CARROLL, W. TURNER, W. BRAMBLE, G. ROBERTS Summonses for witnesses for John MOORE: W. TURNER, G. TURNER, OLD NED, A. RAINEY Pass to TOL holder H. NICHOLAS Summons for Mr. H. G. WATSON to appear Nil
returns of summary trials and runaways; TOL 36/503, W. MORRIS, sent to Superintend. of Convicts
T. A. Scott
[Undated] 118
Oct 12-19 Oct 19 [Undated]
Bench Book I
- 1836 J. MOORE committed to gaol for stealing a heifer
Oct 22
Depositions, housebreaking, T. WORKMAN and T. F. RUSSELL
Oct 22
Abstract of salaries due to Police Concluded
Tender for repairs to Court House and Lock-up Concluded
Oct 25
Oct 20
Depositions on death of S. RICHARDS
Oct 22
TOL, W. Morris, sent
Acknowledging receipt subpoenas and bail notices, &c. Concluded
J. MOORE case for cattle stealing
Seeking information on wild cattle Concluded
W. CAPE lending assigned servant W. GEE to W. SAMUEL of Mangrove Concluded
Nov 21
Nov 26
Nov 29 128
Depositions, JOHNSON (alias A. MAHAREY), housebreaking Alleged hulk absconders, JOHNSON (alias MAHAY) and SHEA, sent to Sydney
Nov 25
W. CAPE lending assigned servants G. ROBERTS, J. JONES & W. GREIG to W. T. CAPE for harvest Fee of 2/8 for renewed TOL, E. MORAN, found by Post Master General
Tender for repairs signed by contractor
Requesting reward of ÂŁ100 be paid for runaway JOHNSON, and possibly SHEA
Dec 13
Request to employ two persons to enable return to be filled in time
Dec 13
Request for copies of missing Government Ordinances
Dec 15
Application for TOL, J. REDDING, be postponed due to drunken behaviour and absenteeism
Dec 23
Bench Book I
A. T. Faunce
1837 Return of agricultural produce for 1836
New scourger needed, J. MYATT dismissed
Jan 30 [Undated]
Chief Constable Robert SCOTT dismissed due to neglect of duty
Application for and estimate of the salaries for two District Constables
Return sent
[Undated] Mar 16 Mar 16
Application for two constables, WatchHouse and Mangrove Creek
Mar 16
Request for scourger
Dec 22
Request for scourger
Dec 22
Particulars about E. KELLY and his grant
Dec 26
Warrant for apprehension of W. CAN
Dec 20
Notice to be inserted discreetly in Sydney Herald Concluded
141 142
Dec 29
Notice of 5 bullocks stolen, sent to police at Liverpool, Windsor and Parramatta Concluded
142 143
Dec 29
Request for Colonial Gazettes and Acts of Council Concluded
143 144
Dec 28
Dec 28
J. MOORE willing to dispose of his claim to wild cattle Continued: pp. 145,146
A. T. Faunce
A. Holden
- 1838 Description of SMITH, suspected of stealing cattle Concluded
146 147
Jan 2
Jan 2
Jan 2
Inquiry as to appointment of Coroner, either self of SCOTT, Clerk of Bench
Jan 6
Inquiry into circumstances of a child, PATTISON/PATTERSON/PATTEISON dying Concluded
150 151
Jan 5
Request for renewal of mutilated TOLs: J. HILLIARD, J. WILKINS & J. BARRETT Request for complete set of Acts of
Council and copies of Gazettes
Bench Book I
143 Page
- 1838 Deposition, M. PURTEL, PATTISON enquiry
Jan 2 A. Holden
Continued, E. PINTAX Concluded
152 153
Jan 2
Continued, E. PINTAX Continued pp. 154, 155
Jan 3
Continued, J. SMITH Concluded
155 156
Jan 3
Continued, E. RYAN Continued pp. 157, 158
Jan 3
Continued, M. DALEY Concluded
158 159
Jan 3
Continued, M. PURTELL
Continued, E. PATTISON
Continued, J. SMITH
Jan 3
Continued, M. DALEY Continued pp. 163, 164
Jan 4
Continued, cross-examination
Conclusion of inquest into death of child PATTISON
Arms and ammunition return and requisition Concluded
167 168
Jan 1
Identity of G. SIDOLE applying for TOL Concluded
168 169
Jan 16
Jan 16
Enquiry about cattle suspected of being stolen Concluded
171 172
Jan 19
Deposition of BATTLEY's re stolen mare Concluded
172 173
Jan 19
Receipts for stationery sent
Jan 19
Return of the establishment for 1837 sent
Jan 24
Disappearance of SAMUELS and PATTISON, perhaps absconders Concluded
174 175
Jan 26
Cattle stealer, MORRISEY, loitering in area Concluded
175 176
Jan 26
Warrant sent to Port Macquarie for apprehension of absconders: BENHALL, JOHNSON, GREENLATCH, CASEY, BOWEN, TEALE, LANDERGAN, WILSON, HOWARD. Reward offered. Concluded
176 177
Jan 22
Bench Book I
144 Page
1838 Enquiry, December police pay not deposited
[Blank page]
ROBERTS/ROBINSON probably a cattle thief Concluded
180 181
Feb 10
Musters for attendance at Divine Service Continued pp. 183, 184
Feb 13
Application for assigned servants by A. W. MANNING Concluded
184 185
G. ROBERTS suspected cattle stealer Concluded
186 187
Feb 19
To W. T. CAPE, no overseer on farm, men have no meat Concluded
188 189
Feb 21
Requests DONNISON's attendance at Court re case against MULHALL
Requesting Constable to be stationed at Reid's Mistake Concluded
190 191
Feb 23
Convict J. MOORE to act as scourger, has not been seen yet, suspected absconder Concluded
191 192
Feb 23
Warrants of apprehension, PEACOCK & MORAN Concluded
192 193
Feb 27
Would great appreciating receipt of stationery
Requesting police salaries for December and January
Requesting CAPE's stockkeeper, DUAL, to attend Court
Apr 4
Hut to be erected for constable at HENDERSON's, Reid's Mistake Concluded
195 196
Apr 5
M. CARROLL to contract for mail delivery at ÂŁ100 p.a. Concluded
196 197
Apr 4
Apr 7
Cheque, supposedly from J. MOORE, a forgery Continued: pp. 198, 199 Deposition by J. MOORE: 199, 200
A. Holden
A. Holden ) H. Donnison) A. Holden
Bench Book I
145 Page
- 1838 Seeking advice from R. THERRY .
Reward to R. GORMAN for apprehension of J. WALSH
Apr 10
A. Holden
Apr 12
Mutilated TOL for W. MILES to be renewed
Requesting postponing of grant of TOL to DOUAL, pending enquiries Concluded
Requesting the Lord Bishop of Australia to provide land for horse of clergyman Concluded
Apr 10 Apr
Apr 17
Requesting lines of road be marked to proposed churches
A. Holden H. Donnison
Apr 17
Mail conveyance very irregular
Apr 17
Proposal to have two constables at Reid's Mistake Concluded
206 207
Apr 17
Location of constables , and proposal to have a fourth at Reid's Mistake Concluded
208 209
Apr 17
Memorial forwarded seeking permission for W. MILES to be married
Apr 17
T. A. Scott
Reminder , Brisbane Water Police pay
Apr 17
A. Holden
Return sent of prices of provisions and wages of laborers
Apr 17
Copy of Return showing wages to 31/12/1837
Copy of Return showing prices of provisions to 31 December 1837
Receipts sent for stationery
Enquiry requested , man sentenced to treadmill, being employed as a Wardsman Concluded
On being paid for Coronial duties, and comments on poor salary Continued Concluded
215 216 217
Reason given by G. WRIGHT for absconding Concluded
To Rev. Threlkeld on distributing blankets to natives Concluded
Receipts for blankets sent
A. Holden
Apr 20
Apr 20
Apr 28
May 4
May 8
Bench Book I
146 Page
1838 Land claimed by P. FAGAN, originally promised to J. ROBERTS, a soldier
On wages being paid in spirits, and on the wholesale dealing in liquor Concluded
On the best location to post constables at Reid's Mistake Continued [page 223 omitted] Concluded
222 224 225
On the power of the Commissioner of Crown Lands Concluded
226 227
May 9
Fines and Fees Returns mislaid Concluded
228 229
Similar to previous letter, to Col. Treasurer
New Zealander apprehended, suspected murderer
May 10
Various Returns and letters sent
Parcel misdirected and returns sent
To T. C. BATTLEY, asking if GREEN deserves reward for capturing runaway Concluded
A. Holden
May 22 May 22
Return of reward to J. GREEN for apprehending T. DEANS
May 25
To Capt. PLUNKETT, P.M. at Illawarra, on various subjects Continued: pp. 235, 236 Concluded
To W. CAPE Snr. on wild cattle rights Concluded
238 239
May 29
Copy of letter sent to 17 settlers re mustering of servants to attend divine service
Jun 1
Two additional constables to be added to local police Concluded
241 242
May 26
May 26
Letter on page 240 sent to 17 settlers
Returns and letters sent
2 8
Refusing petition for condition pardon, M. HORRIGAN
Rebuke to Rev. Colquhoun in asking for HOLDEN's recommendation for HORRIGAN Continued Concluded
244 245 246
Jun 9
Bench Book I
147 Page
- 1838 Letters and returns sent Concluded
246 247
Jun 12
Strong recommendation for restoration of TOL for C. CHAMBERLYNE by Mrs. HELEY Supported by G. K. MANN, A. HOLDEN and H. DONNISON
Advertisement to be inserted in Sydney Herald re slop clothing missent Concluded
Summons to Major CRUMMER to attend Public Houses Licensing Meeting Concluded
To P. GRANT , Maitland, deposition against P. ALLFOURS, letter sent Concluded
Deposition , to which preceding letter refers Concluded
J. SIMSON, residing in district , does not have a Certificate of Freedom
Jun 22
Request Certificate of Freedom for J. CARROLL
Jun 22
Jun 12 Jun 19 Jun 19
Jun 19
Jun 22
To Crown Solicitor , requesting return of records for referral
Jun 20
J. HORRIGAN of Illawarra appointed new Watch House Keeper
Jun 23
Copy of letter from D. SPILLANE re order on HOLDEN given to CROSS of Windsor
Jun 1
Memorandum that previous letter forwarded to P.M. at Windsor to investigate charge of obtaining money under false pretences On steps to take to prevent illegal cutting of timber on Crown lands Concluded
Jun 26 257 258
TOL returned of deceased , A. FANNING (DOOLEY)
Jun 30 Jul
Sending ÂŁ2 collected for the poor
Various letters and returns sent
To Levick & Sounger, Sydney suppliers Concluded
To T. C. BATTLEY, on various matters, including lost mares
Jul 23
Jul 23
Bench Book I
A. Holden
- 1835 to
Index made and written to J. WARNER
Attorney General
- 1836 [262]
Page [263 ] left blank Assignment Board
Auditor General
Brigade Major
Commissary General
Page [267] left blank Colonial Secretary Continued Continued
[268] [269] [270]
Clerk of the Peace
Principal Superintendent of Convicts
Colonial Treasurer
Crown Solicitor
Ordnance Department
Postmaster General
Principal Superintendent of Convicts Continued Continued
[277] [278]
[End of Register]
Bench Book I
PoRJce MagL4.tta.e Re2L4.ten. II
Pagea 64om .thto Reg-L4.tet ate preceded by the 4ymboL "BB2" in the Index o6 Namea.
528 pages
Bench of Magistrates : Copies of Letters Sent
- 1838 Too many men assigned to P. FAGAN
Returning TOLs:
Jul 6
Jul 10
P. FAGAN suitable to convey mail No action for false pretences taken against SPILLANE, census money to be sent Cheque sent to Mrs. SPILLANE
Jul 12
6 7
Jul 12 Jul 20
Jul 20
Whale boat for use of natives
Jul 13
February salary unpaid
Jul 25
Letters and Returns sent
Warrant of distress, D. SMITH: seized spirits to be sold Liquor Licence:
one certificate
Jul 22 Aug 13
Appointment to local police of S. GRIFFITHS Concluded
Complaint of FAGAN re arrangements for mail at Wiseman's Concluded
Aug 17 Aug 20
Aug 20
Letters and Returns sent
Aug 21
Mares stolen, T. BATTLEY
Description of stolen mares Concluded
Aug 24 Aug 28
Melons stolen by ASHBY, 7 days' jail Deposition on sudden death of A. KEMP
A. Holden, PM
Jul 13
Warrant for apprehension, S. DREW
Check whereabouts of SOOMREY, MORRIS, POWELL
Jul 10 Jul 11 T. A. Scott, CPS
NEWCOMB and SCARESBROOK absent at muster Stealing of Mare and Foal, BRAMBLE Concluded
A. Holden, PM
Jul 10
Letters and Returns sent Delay in Police salaries
Sep 15
Sep 1
Bench Book II
- 1838 Pig stealing by TUCKER
Inquiry on legality of cedar cutting
Aug 24
Return summary trials
Letters and returns sent
A. Holden, PM
Cattle stealing by three servants of CAPE
Letter to CAPE on above subject
A. Holden
A. Holden, PM
Application to be Stipendary Surgeon: AULD Cancellation of TOL: Concluded Summary trial:
unlicensed house
Committal to six weeks' treadmill
Replacement of three assigned men for CAPE
Sep 14 Sep 14
BATTLEY's two stolen mares not sighted
Sep 14
P. FAGAN may lose assigned servants
Report of state of immigration
Aug 24
District situation with regard to immigration
Aug 24
Needs and prospect of employment
Aug 24
(Inquiry from Legislative Council)
Aug 24
Inquiry into death of black native
Sep 10
Selling illicit spirits, J. LOWRY
Sep 14
Letters and returns sent Letters and returns sent
A. Holden H. Donnison
Sep 11 31
Sep 18
Description of BATTLEY's mares sent to Yass
Regarding A. YOUNG, TOL holder
A. Holden
[Page 32 missing] Description of mares, letter to Yass
Sentence of six weeks' treadmill
WOODBURY, threat to remove bridge Application for three servants
Sep 19
Administrative papers mislaid Applications for 30 servants
WOODBURY preventing passage through Concluded
A. Holden, PM
H. Donnison A. Holden, PM
Bench Book II
- 1838 Letters and returns sent
Constables to be stationed at Reid's Mistake
Oct 11
CAPE's three men sent to Iron Gangs Concluded
38 39
Oct 12
Reply to W. CAPE's letters, reporting the cattle stealing situation and the measures taken to deal with it Concluded
40 41
Oct 12
CAPE's bull branded by MOORE Concluded
A. Holden, PM
A. Holden
Servant complaining of threats from LOWRY
Oct 19
Letters and returns sent
State of crops with regard to population Concluded
Oct 23 Oct 28
Information about two mares and a foal stolen
Nov 2
P. McKENNA, a violent man assigned to Mrs. HELY
L. McDERMOTT, assigned man never been sighted Concluded
Nov 1 Nov 26
G. PRINCE died, possessions sold Letters and returns sent
A. Holden, PM
Nov 3 47
Memorandums forwarded
Nov 6 Nov 13
Return of assigned servants in district Concluded
TOL to be taken from CHAPMAN, disorderly conduct Concluded
Nov 19
Nov 19
Copy of depositions sent
Nov 22
Fees for transfer of assigned servants Concluded
Nov 19
TOL cancelled for illicit spirit selling PINTOX receiving maize, Crown property
Nov 26 51
Wollongong Watch House returns and letters Application for assignees :
Application for assignees :
Application for assignees :
Nov 30 A. Holden Dec 3
Dec 8 A. Holden, PM Dec
A. Holden
Dec 8 A. Holden, PM
Bench Book II
- 1838 Alteration , Police personnel Inquiry about two stolen mares Concluded
Dec 10
A . Holden, PM
Dec 10 54 Dec
Case against LOWRY, sly grog selling
1839 W.T. CAPE objects to MOORE ' s claim on wild cattle
Jan 5
Money due by Lieut. CAMPBELL to J. SIDOLE
Jan 7
Enquiry to Moreton Bay concerning previous convictions for false swearing by J. GREEN: and memo of Overseer Concluded
Application for assigned servants, further particulars added
Jan 6
Sale of possessions on withdrawal of TOL: C. CHAPMAN
Jan 25
A.E. CAMPBELL' s wish to mitigate punishment
Jan 20
Sale of effects of former TOL holders, HORTON and HULL
Jan 25
Opinion on validity of letter advising death of REDDING ' s first wife Concluded
62 63
Jan 28
Jan 7
Memo re case v. TURNER, false pretences
Jan 4
Affidavit of service of subpoena on MULHALL HORSBRUGH ' s application for assigned servants refused
Recommendation that TOL for GREEN be allowed for Parramatta Concluded
BATTLEY wishes to return three servants after trial Concluded
Abstract of Fees due for Inquests Death of P. ROONEY, TOL returned
Applications for assigned servants for G.C. STEWART and Hy. SMITH CHAPMAN's watch sold for ÂŁ2.15.0 Letters and returns sent
Feb 15 Feb 15
Feb 15 Feb 20
Bench Book II
- 1839 BATTLEY's wish to return his three servants
Half proceeds of sale of effects sent to Treasurer: HORTON and HULL Proceeds of sale of effects of CHAPMAN
Feb 22
A. Holden, PM
Feb 22 70
Feb 22
BATTLEY now wishes to retain one of his servants 71
Feb 25
Letters and returns sent Report on the history of the Wild Cattle in the district "Cattle stealing was carried on to a great extent..." CAPE Snr.'s claim on them; involvement of MOORE, MANNING and R. CAPE. Continued pp. 73, 74 Concluded
Timber seized by police at Kincumber Advertisement describing timber above Concluded
Mar 25 Mar 25 76
HENNESSEY wrongly held for horse stealing at Windsor MABERLY, convict, to receive his family
Mar 25 77
Wine seized from two, and summonses against Identification of runaways
Feb 28
Mar 26 Apr 1
Letters and returns sent
Apr 1 Apr
Notice of sale of confiscated effects
Apr 2
No private school in the district; church school to have opened last week
Apr 5
Fine for selling wine without a licence TOL of D. SPRING altered for Port Macquarie
Apr 6 81
No assigned servants to be granted to KIRBY TOL of H. NICHOLS to be altered for Wollombi
Mar 30 82
Claims made during FAUNCE's magistracy, to be attested to by him
Apr 11 Apr 12
Copy of the return referred to above
Apr 12
NIGHTENGALE to quit land on which he squats
Apr 16
Requesting copies of indents for prisoners arriving in 1837 and 1838 TOL received for WILSON, requests TOL be sent for BAILEY Concluded
Apr 26 Apr 30
Bench Book II
1839 Receipt from SIDOLI for amount owed by C. CHAPMAN (TOL cancelled)
Apr 25
Account of sale of CHAPMAN ' s effects Deposition against J . HILLIARD
A. Holden, PM
Apr 19
Warrants for apprehension of J. WHELAN and D. STACEY
May 11
Uncontrollable and insane behaviour of J. MURPHY, assigned to A. HOLDEN
Estimates of Police Establishment expenses; comment on bad state of roads
May 21
Subpoena for Rev. Mr . Threlkeld
May 21
Report of bad character of GREEN Concluded [ Letter not sent]
LOWRY blocking road, prevent HENDERSONs from passing through Concluded, a constable to attend
Enclosing tender for boat for Police use Concluded
Jun 7 Jun 6
93 Jun Jun
94 Jun 14
Death of G. LAWFORD, convict, through illness Application for assigned servants by DONNISON Concluded
A. Holden, PM
Jun 4
Petition for a good road leading to Sydney To prevent H. DENNY, a cattle stealer, from leasing land
H. Donnison
Jun 18 95
Seeking identification of two men claiming to be free: FRAZIER and BROOKS Seeking identification of H. FEENY, who claims his TOL burnt Request payment of pension for Michael CARROLL to be paid through Magistrate Concluded
Notice of removal of pound, and letter to Government Printer for Gazette
Jun 25
T.A. Scott, C.P.S. A . Holden, PM
T. MUIR, assigned to HOLDENs , subject to epileptic fits, and to be removed
Jun 18
Proposed table of rates to be charged for cattle trespass
Jun 28
Jul 1
Reason for delay in travel of I. EARLE, TOL On same subject as previous letter, to Police Magistrate , Bathurst
Bench Book II
1839 Two pounds collected for the benefit of the poor
Depositions sent on sudden death of D. SPRING, drowned Three mutilated TOLs to be renewed at fee of 2/8d each; STACEY, IDEN & GRIFFITHS
Reward of 20/- paid to W. HAYES for apprehension of W. DERBRIDGE Reporting death by accident, D. SPRING
T.A. Scott, CB
A. Holden, PM
Jul 16
G. K. Mann, JP
Medical Certificate forwarded
Jul 23
Applications to cut timber on vacant Crown lands: NEWCOMBE, STILES, BEST & BERRY
Jun 26
A. Holden, PM
Jul 28
G. K. Mann, JP
Jul 25
T.A.Scott, CPS
G. K. Mann, JP
Recommending removal of TOL from S. GRIFFITH
DONNISON declines to sign lease contracts Shingles seized near Mangrove Creek to be sold C. CHAPMAN, TOL cancelled, travelling freely (ThL6 letter. w&Ltten by Holden Saom Illawanna.) Concluded
Aug 1 A. Holden 10&
Money sent for renewal of Tickets of Leave (Holden %etu)tned bnom Illawanna on 9th September.) Memorandum on the subject of Michael CARROLL's pension
Two warrants sent to Patricks Plains; P. McNAUGHTON (alias LAGHLAN) & H. NASH
Sep 10
A. Holden, PM
[Undated] A. Holden Sep 11
D. Dwyer, Chief Constable A. Holden
Letter to Shoal Haven on case judged there
Aug 29
Letters and returns sent
Sep 10
Copies of two warrants, McNAUGTON (LAGHLAN) and NASH
Sep 11
D. Dwyer, Chief Constable
To an undisclosed addressee on a subject unclear
Sep 17
A. Holden
Returning papers relative to Michael CARROLL's pension, as he is in Benevolent Asylum
Sep 23
Money taken from a gambling prisoner sent to Benevolent Society
Sep 21
Requesting renewal of market pass, J. McQUILLAN
Sep 23
Requesting description of STYLES, a felon
Information requested from BOUGHTON, Newcastle, re land possibly rented to DENNY Advice sought from Attorney General on absconding servants
A. Holden, PM
Sep 23 Sep 28
Sep 28
Bench Book II
- 1839 Recommendation that J. LONGBOTTOM, a violent man, be returned to a road gang Concluded To ascertain identify of J. DONAVON of Mangrove Creek Concluded
Sep 28
A. Holden, PM
Sep 28 114
To Commissioner of Assignment from G. SPEARS requesting supply of assigned servant To Principal Superintendent of Convicts from P. FAGAN requesting supply of assigned servant Concluded
Recommending application from W. KIRBY for assigned servants Forwarding 20 applications for assigned servants and returns of overseers
Sep 24
Oct 1
Ten shillings collected for the poor
Statement of fines and fees to 30 September
Fees for renewals of TOLs for IDEN & STACY
Enquiry on STILES ("Bobby the Calf") sent to Parramatta
Depositions sent relative to Inquest held, M. LOUNDS, drowned From Edward KELLY, requesting supply of assigned servant HELY to have Jane GREGORY assigned to him
Sep 30 Oct
On being appointed Commissioner of Affidavits Late applications for assigned servants from HUMPHREYS and HENDERSON
Memo re H. BAMFIELD owing money to FAWKES Concluded
T.A. Scott, CB
A. Holden, PM
Oct 10 Oct
A. Holden, PM
D. Dwyer, Ch.Cs.
Oct 14
A. Holden
Oct 11
A. Holden, PM
Oct 12 [Undated]
Money due to J. HILLIARD, cancelled TOL, to be paid into Savings Bank
Oct 10
Enquiry as to approval of sites for Church, Parsonage and School House at Gosford
Oct 14
A. Holden
Oct 14
A. Holden, PM
Two men to be forwarded in lieu of MURPHY and MUIR Enquiry if money taken from J. FROST is being held in Savings Bank
Oct 25
Bench Book II
- 1839 Depositions against J. TAAFE, an assumed lunatic
Copy of letter re C. CHAPMAN, assumed mislaid Sum of money found on prisoner, confiscated, and forwarded to Benevolent Society
Oct 24 Oct 28
Grant of Crown land to Robert HALL/HOLT
Claim by KELLY to the wild herd at Mangrove Concluded
Claims by HENDERSON and ANDERSON for money owing for passages supplied
Oct 28 Oct 21
J. LONGBOTTOM to be sent to treadmill
Nov 2 T.A. Scott, CPS Nov 5 A. Holden, PM
Amount of sale of effects of M. LOUNDS deceased , and amount of sale of cloths ordered forfeited by D. MORIARTY
Nov 11
Nov 18
Replacement of G. DIVINE, servant granted TOL
Man suspected of being W. SMITH, absconder from A. FRAZIER, Penrith Concluded
Replacement of T. MUIR, a stonemason Further letter re C. CHAPMAN and his TOL
A. Holden, PM
Oct 25
Proposed private road connecting Gosford and Maitland
H. DENNY occupying BOUGHTON's land at Reid's Mistake
Oct 25
Licence not given to T. WATKINS for an inn
Nov 15
J. Lowry
Nov 29
A. Holden, PM
A. Holden
HOLDEN's application to Commissioner of Assignment for domestic servants
TOL of M. LOUNDS returned, request money raised from sale go to Benevolent Society
Application for TOL and Conditional Pardon (from TAYLOR) Concluded
A. Holden, PM
Dec 10
Application for assigned servant to replace W. EDWARDS/EDMONDS, free by servitude
Nov 29
R. Cox
Depositions against J. WOOD and M. SMITH for stealing wine
Dec 16
A. Holden, PM
Bench Book II
- 1839 Informing Wollombi Magistrate of location of Constable
Alteration of W. CALLAWAY ' s TOL for Sydney Concluded
Dec 16
A. Holden, PM
Dec 31 Dec 31
Letters and returns sent
- 1840 Abstracts and returns for last quarter sent
Jan 7 A. Holden, PM
Assignee returned to wrong master after sentence 137
Jan 10
Request that D. DONAVON ' s TOL be altered to Port Philip
Jan 20
Certificates to be added to W. NORTHW00D's petition for Conditional Pardon
Jan 21
Asking advice from Attorney General if servants who are in debt to their master must work off their debt
Jan 21 Jan 21
Letters and returns sent Letter to CAPE re complaint by TURNER of non-payment of wages Concluded
140 141
Jan 28
Letters and returns sent Letters and returns sent
Jan 22
Letters and returns sent
Feb 11
Asking advice from Attorney General re action to take under the Act of Cutting Timber on Crown Lands
Letters and returns sent
Feb 18
Depositions sent, JACKSON v. KELLY & HART
Feb 26
Deposition , G. MULHALL , burnt to death
Feb 26
Request to forward articles required
To Magistrate , Port Macquarie , warrants to apprehend JOYCE, RANDALL, HAWKER, BOYCE and CONNELLY Request for assigned servant in lieu of A. HARRIS, granted TOL Threat of legal action against HENDERSON
Mar 10
Mar 10 145
Mar 16
H.G. Watson
Mar 28
A. Holden
Bench Book IT
- 1840 Letters and returns sent
Request for subpoena and licence forms Information on restoration of J.HORTON's TOL, sent to Parramatta district Concluded
A. Holden, PM
Apr 1 [Undated] 147
Letters and returns sent Enquiry to Rev. E. ROGERS on character of J. SHAKESHAFT alias NIGHTENGALE Concluded
Mar 28
Deduction of ÂŁ30 fine from amount owing to J. SMITH Application for assigned servants from G. K. MANN Forwarding letter from Rev. E. ROGERS recommending SHAKESHAFT Amount forwarded from sale of forfeited effects of H. WOODHAM
Apr 14
Collection for the poor for the last quarter
Apr 14
Receipt for passage money on WA tt,am IV
Apr 14
Receipts, part of contingent account
Letters and returns sent Land should not be leased to notorious cattle stealer
Apr 30
G.K. Mann
Apr 30 153
Further information to Magistrate, Port Macquarie regarding wanted men Letters and returns sent
Apr 14 Apr 19
Enquiry to determine boundary lines of BROUGHTON's land Letters and returns sent
T.A. Scott
May 2 May 29
May 30
Memorial from inhabitants that East Gosford be the site of Gosford
Jun 2 A. Holden, PM
Letters and returns sent
Jun 6
Reporting death of J. GRADON, TOL holder Letter to COX, Maitland, asking for information to identify T. MOOR
Jun 6 G. K. Mann, JP Jun 18
Bench Book II
- 1840 Description of two runaways from Australian Agricultural Company, supposed to have passed through district Concluded
155 156
Deposition from A. GRANT alias GIBSON alias McDONALD, a runaway from A.A. Company Letters and returns sent
Jun 20 157 Jul 11
Letters and returns sent On granting licences to cut timber on Crown lands Concluded
Collecting effects of deceased for sale
To A. CAMPBELL , decline to institute investigation against Chief Constable Concluded
Jun 16
G.K. Mann, JP H . Donnison, Jp
Jul 14
T.A . Scott, CB
Request two assigned servants to replace A. SIDEBOTTOM and S. HITCHCOCK , now TOLs, for Mrs HELY of Engenhurst Assigned convict to DONNISON , disorderly Concluded
G.K. Mann, JP
Jun 20
Aug 1 G . K. Mann Aug 7 161
Applying for replacement of defective TOL forms
Letters and returns sent
Aug 8
Report to Colonial Secretary on wild cattle Concluded
Aug 162
Requesting copy of opinion of Crown Law officers regarding wild cattle
Aug 20
Sale of spirits by J. SINGLETON refused
Aug 28
T.A. Scott, CPS
Aug 31
A. Holden, PM
Information sought on T. KINGROSE
Reply to warrant received for the removal of T. STONE from DONNISON Concluded
W. CAPE Snr . objecting to GEE receiving TOL Concluded
[Undated ] G.K. Mann, JP 5
A. Holden, PM
Recommending alteration of TOL of D. DONNAVON to Port Philip Setting out rules for assigning servants, to J. K. WILSON
Bench Book II
- 1840 To J. MOORE, action being taken regarding people collecting wild cattle at Mangrove
Letters and returns sent
Sep 12
To W. H. WELLS advising that the course of justice will not be altered to suit him Letters and returns sent
Sep 22 168
D. DONAVON's TOL mislaid in office during administration of Capt. FAUNCE
A. Holden, PM
T.A. Scott, CPS
Sep 24 Oct
Enquiry to Police Magistrate, Newcastle on character of M. J. DAVIES
Reply ;that DAVIES is not an eligible person to lease the land in question
Oct 17
J.H. Connenier,JP A. Holden, PM
M. J. DAVIES has applied to lease land formerly leased by H. DENNY Concluded
A. Holden, PM
Recommending J. K. WILSON as a proper person to have charge of Prisoners of the Crown
Oct 10
Advice to Colonial Secretary that J.M. DAVIS not considered fit to rent land
Oct 27
D. DONAVON transferred to Port Philip Concluded
Oct 29
Depositions against J. MINTON and W. FLOOD, stealing a decanter and peppermint
Nov 13
Nov 13
Corrected account of fines and fees for last quarter
Nov 13
A. Holden, PM
Depositions, death of J. BAKER by falling tree
Nov 13
Adjustment of account of fines Concluded Memo:
Letter above cancelled, following in lieu
Asking when M. LOCK will be free
Asking who is to pay the cost of returning female servants
Notice: horse found, left at Wyong by bushrangers, in possession of Police
Dec 11 Dec 30
[Undated] A. Holden, PM
Bench Book II
- 1841 Strong recommendation that J. SHERING receive his TOL by return of post, due to good conduct in pursuit of bushrangers Concluded
175 176
Informing that T. McQUILTY, a witness in a case from Wollongong , now resident in the district Letters and returns sent
Jan 2
Jan 4 Jan 8 Jan 14
179 Jan 14
Depositions sent, case against A . DOGHERTY To Sydney Police Magistrate , requesting deposition to be taken from Mrs SMITH in case against W. DOUGHERTY
A. Holden, PM
Jan 4
Letters and returns sent TOL of G. HARRIS Concluded
Summary trials returns sent , explanation of lateness No men to be assigned to SOLLING
Jan 14
Letters and returns sent
Jan 16
McQUILLAN' s salary to be paid into HOLDEN's account at Commercial Bank
Jan 9 Feb
Request for Census forms
Requesting the six men to put up the Jetty, as promised by Governor, be forwarded immediately
Asking if R. WOODBURY has any objections against A . DOBEY receiving his TOL
Feb 2 T.A. Scott, CB
Receipts for next day ' s mail
M. BUTT to explain his reprehensible conduct
J. BROWN and T. STACEY, TOL holders, to attend police office immediately To T. C. BATTLEY, may require his attendance when case examined Concluded
A. Holden, PM
Feb 11 183
To E. HELY, Lake Macquarie , re his action against his servant SMITH Strong recommendations in favour of NORTHWOOD, HENNESSEY and BRADY , recommending pardons and/or TOLs Concluded
Feb 12
184 185
Feb 12
Bench Book II
- 1841 Acknowledging receipt of forms of return for Census; E. H. HARGRAVES, A. E. CAMPBELL and Wm. NORTHWOOD have been appointed Collectors
Depositions, sudden death of E. W. JONES Continued Concluded
187 188
Offer of assistance from Roger THERRY
Possessions of deceased SHORTILL to be shortly sent to DAVIS D. DWYER recommended as Bailiff in the Court of Requests at Gosford
Boundaries in which HARGRAVES will collect Census Concluded
To A.E. CAMPBELL, instructions for collecting Census Concluded
Feb 15 Feb
Feb 25
Mar 194
Financing the repairs of a punt at Erina Creek Concluded
Mar 15 Mar
D. DWYER nominated as Collector of Quit Rents
Mar 11 196
Mar 15
Letters and returns sent
Mar 20
E. H. HARGRAVES nominated as a proper person to be Collector of Quit Rents
Mar 24 197
Furniture approved 22 Jan. 1840, still wanted Forwarding cancelled TOL for J. JONES
Mar 24 Mar 24
Scourger required to replace HAMILTON, sentenced to treadmill Letters and returns sent
A. Holden, PM
Feb 27
Decline to recommend E. F. BAKER to wholesale spirits
M. CONNOR's TOL to be altered to Windsor
Feb 27
Identification of J. CLARKE for TOL
Letters and returns sent
A. Holden, PM
Feb 17
Alteration of TOL for J. GAVON Deposition of Mrs SMITH, re P. SHORTILL
Feb 11
Mar 27 Apr 2
Apr 16
HOLDEN to MANNING to act for someone's benefit
Apr 23
Letters and returns sent.
Apr 24
Bench Book II
Depositions from enquiry, death of W. HUNT
Apr 26
A. Holden, PM
Reply from HENDERSON re young BRADY's
interests Concluded
Recall of HAMILTON as scourger , sentence expired
May 7 [Undated]
Letters and returns sent Wish to retain servant, W. GLEESON, to help build jetty
May 25 May 25
Description asked for to identify individual Horse left by bushrangers is not SCOUGALL's
May 28
Letters and returns sent
May 28
Return of summary trials
Jun 10
Mistake made by J. STANTON in splitting shingles Jun 8
on PEEK's land Cannot intercede on CAMPBELL's behalf for his
servant BRENNAN
Jun 14
Asking CAMPBELL for explanation re lending his servant JOHNSON to T. WILSON
Jun 19
Letters and returns sent
Jun 25
Advising Newcastle Police Magistrate that C. TUCKER and J. ARKWRIGHT have been refused Timber licences
A. Holden, PM
Jun 25
Same letter to Maitland Police Magistrate Recommendation that prisoner JOHNSON be removed from CAMPBELL's service Concluded
Jun 25
T.A. Scott, CPS
207 208
Jun 25
Depositions forwarded, Queen v. FORSEY Jun 25
Letters and returns sent
Sale of punt produced ÂŁ10 and sent to Colonial Treasurer
Letters and returns sent
Jul 10
Warrants sent to Maitland to apprehend BRAMBLE and DIAMOND with subpoenas for KORF and FAROSH
Jul 19
H. Donnison
Jul 19
Subpoena for KORF sent to Sydney DENNY, COULSTON, GEE and others committed for cattle stealing
Jul 19
Bench Book II
A. Holden
Depositions delayed, case against DENNY, COULSON & GEE
Jul 23
Little bay horse to be sent to Maitland for SCOUGALL, possible reward of ÂŁ5
Jul 20
Letters and returns sent
Jul 26
Summary jursidiction returns sent
Jul 26
Depositions sent re accidental drownings of J. McQUILLAN and G. FORD
Aug 3
Letters and returns sent
Aug 3
Recommendation for TOL for J. TWANY
Aug 10
Informing Crown Solicitor that G. CARTER, a witness in case against FORSEY & LOWRY, is in Debtor's Prison
Asking Magistrate at Maitland for evidence against DENNY and others Concluded
Asking Magistrate at Newcastle for affidavits in case against DENNY and others Concluded
Depositions forwarded to Sydney, case against DENNY, GHEE, COULSON (YORK), FREEMAN, WARNER, BRAMBLE, WILSON, DAVIS & DIAMOND Concluded
Warrant for arrest of A. DIAMOND sent to Port Macquarie Magistrate
Examination of witness unnecessary Concluded
To WARNER regarding his son's involvement in cattle stealing, and SIDEBOTTOM's involvement as a witness Concluded
Considerable progress in building jetty at Gosford; six assigned men have to be returned due to expenses Concluded
All of A. CAMPBELL' s assigned servants to be removed to Hyde Park Barracks; 24 named Concluded
Application for TOL for J. SETHRIDGE delayed through being mislaid
Aug 10 Aug 6
Aug 7
Aug 9
Aug 13 Aug 13
Aug 15
Aug 13
Aug 19
Aug 20
Bench Book II
1841 Seeking means of reducing expenses in building parsonage ; suggesting modification to specifications
Aug 20
J. B. RICHARDS now resides at Bathurst; farm is in state of abandonment
Sep 10 Sep 11
Letters and returns sent Report to the Attorney General on cattle stealing case against DENNY & others Concluded
Fresh arrangements made for rationing of the Wharf Gang; men to be retained
Aug 3 H. Donnison
Certificate to enable witness expenses to be paid to W. FARISH To John MOORE, re money and Orders in case against M. SMITH
Aug 30
A. Holden
Sep 29
To Gaol Keeper, Sydney, re Maltby SMITH Unable to give character reference for George COULSTON
A. Holden
Sep 28 Sep 28
Sep 28
Copy of depositions in case against DENNY and TURNER Concluded
Sep 27 229
Information to R. THERRY re case against DENNY, BRAMBLE and others
From G. WELLER to H. DONNISON, re cattle in above case, copy of this letter sent to R. THERRY Concluded Outline of case against DENNY and others and description of evidence Continued Concluded
Sep 28
Jul 17 230 Sep 27 231 232
Asking for bank statement with respect to J. McQUILLAN, deceased Pilot Description of state of dilapidation of Court House Concluded
Sep 29 233 234
Letters and returns sent Letter to NOWLAN re his claim on horse, advising of SCOUGALL's successful claim Concluded Returns of enquiries made re sudden deaths, together with abstracts of fines & fees
Sep 29 1
Sep 30 235 Sep 30 Bench Book II
- 1841 Letters and returns sent
Warrant for further detention of H. DENNY Recommendations for pardons for P. BRADY and P. HENNESSEY Concluded
Oct 18 238
Returning original subpoena in case against DENNY and others; SUNDERLAND's name mistakenly written for FREEMAN's Concluded
Oct 16
Oct 18
Additional evidence forwarded against DENNY
Oct 18 240
Depositions forwarded in case v. PARTRIDGE
Oct 29 Oct 29
Oct 29 241
Informed BENNETT of Free Pardon; CARTER has left the Colony No TOL received for T. CROUT
Oct 30 242
Asking if H. DENNY's horses are to be sold, as he has been sentenced to 14 years transportation, or given to wife
Nov 1
Nov 1
To W. A. MILES, summons for G. SPEARS
Asking for opinion on report of Judge's statements bearing reference to the Court of Requests Concluded
Nov 3
Nov 3
Notice on M. WALSH absconding
Nov 3
Letters and returns sent
Nov 5
Depositions against G. RADFORD, recommend cancellation of TOL
Sum of money due to E. MANNING for passages to Sydney Concluded
Depositions, accidental death of A. H. CLARKE
A. Holden, PM
Bill for medical attendance at Watch House by Doctor AULD
To W. A. MILES, returning Warrants and copy of Capt. TOBY's deposition, case of horse theft Concluded
Oct 20
Direction to deposit money due on account of the Kincumber School House
J. COOPER's TOL forwarded
Nov 19
T.A. Scott, CPS
Nov 20
A. Holden, PM
Bench Book II
- 1841 To J. R. BRENNAN , Sydney Magistrate, summonses for F . O'BRIEN
To Mrs. CHISHOLM of Sydney , replying to circular re employment for young women Concluded
To Post Master General re appointment of postmaster , BENSON & PARKINSON or HORRIGAN Concluded
Nov 20 Nov 23 Nov 23 250 Nov 23
Refusal by the Governor to pay Dr. AULD Asking if the Order still exists that a medical man attends flagellations
Additional evidence against M . PARTRIDGE Concluded
Nov 23 Nov 26
E. H. HARGRAVES willing to collect Quit Rents
Nov 6
Gosford Wharf Gang returned to Hyde Park Barracks
Nov 8
As Dr. AULD's bill not to be paid, what course of action should be taken if a prisoner is dangerously ill
To Sydney Magistrate , notice under Deserted Wives and Children Act to be served on G. SPEARS Concluded
254 Nov 27 255
To I.B. EDWARDS advising no funds available to erect lock-up at East Gosford Conclusion to letter on page 252 re Gosford Wharf Gang
Nov 27 Nov 30
Nov 8 Nov 9
Timber licence payment of ÂŁ 1 for M. HORRIGAN Depositions sent, death of M.A. GILLIGAN
Nov 23
Nov 25
To Major CRUMMER , Newcastle , re case against DENNY; Mrs . DENNY to be interrogated Information sought to J. DONAVON ' s application for a pardon
A. Holden, PM
Nov 21
Letter sent with money enclosed Mistake made in report of punishment re J. BULLOCK , recommendation for TOL Concluded
Nov 20
Dec 10
Brr.cI Book II
- 1841 Market pass for 12 months recommended for C. BOYLE
Acknowledging advice that J. HENESSY has been reccomended for a Conditional Pardon Concluded
Dec 10
Dec 10
To J. D. CAMPBELL, two horses to be sold, confiscated from DENNY
Dec 10
Requesting advice from Attorney General re DENNY's cattle in possession of TURNER and others
Regarding interrogation of J. SWEENEY, a very dull man
Returns of leg irons not sent A twelve month pass for C. BAYLE, a crewman on a small trading vessel
Dec 18
A. Holden, PM
Dec 21 Dec 21
Dec 21
Application for timber licence for R.ADJUTANT with ÂŁ1 note
Dec 30
Summons to be served on Brien P. 0"BRIEN
Dec 30
Charge of stealing shingles from H. HELY, against M. GRADY, C. BRYAN & R. CLARKE
H. Donnison
Dec 21
NORTHWOOD recommended for Conditional Pardon; Mc'QUILLAN's returned, as he is deceased Letters and returns sent
A. Holden, PM
Dec 30
- 1842 Request assistance from T. VOGAN for Constable WORLEY in removing seized spirits
Letters and returns sent
Jan 6
Depositions sent, contrived drowning of E. WARTON to conceal his absconding (Advice that no claim for fee will be made for this "enquiry")
Jan 5
Apprentice carpenter, J. GREEN, to be returned to Orphan School, as master (A. HARRIS) has died
A. Holden, PM
Bench Book II
- 1842 Letters, returns and applications sent
Mrs. HELY's assigned servants not having a proper supply of rations Warrant sent by High Sheriff against MANNING, Mrs. A. W. MANNING lives at "Bangalore" Concluded
Jan 14
269 Jan 14 270
Request alteration of J. CLEWS ' TOL so that he can remain with J. SPEARS Recommendation for Conditional Pardon for D. DONAVON is withdrawn for misconduct
Jan 12 Jan 13
Jan 13
Letters forwarded
Jan 15
Cancellation of D. SULLIVAN's TOL for disorderly conduct
Something wrong going on between HADDOCK and Mr. CARTER's servant
A. Holden, PM
Jan 12
Warrant received for R. HUBBARD , advice that he has left the district , probably drowned G. VENTEMAN claims £3 from the sale of DENNY's two horses
Jan 15
6 [1841]
Dec 26 [1841] - 1842 -
Costs of £7/3/10 awarded against T. WILSON in case BURNS v. WILSON Request for remittance of passage requisitions from Messrs . BENSON & PARKINSON
Jan 13 273
Jan 20
Timber applications sent
Jan 22
Request to service summons , BAKER v. HELY
Jan 22
Letters, returns and applications sent
Return of labour and provisions
Jan 26 Feb
Selection of site of Burial Ground at the extremity of Point Frederick
Mr. HARGRAVES sent copies of Treasurer's letters, etc.
Timber application sent
HOLDEN receives Commission to take Bail
T.A. Scott, CPS
A . Holden, PM
Feb 16
Application for timber licence
Feb 21
Return of crops sent
Feb 22
Return of certificates granted
Bench Book II
- 1842 Regarding Mr. HARGRAVES' Sureties, required as Collector of Quit Rents
Regarding D. CROSS' application for a general Publican's licence Concluded
Feb 22 Mar
Raffle held in a private house is illegal, carrying a fine of ÂŁ500
Mar 24
Requesting advice as to probationary periods applicable to sentences for 10 or 15 years
Mar 19
Remuneration due to J. HILL, caretaker of MANNING's property
279 Mar 31
Recommendation that A. DAVEY's TOL be altered for Wollombi Advising H. HELY of time of Court case
[Undated] 280
Forwarding money due following distress warrant Asking G.K. MANN to sign warrant of execution
To Mr. A. CLARKE, regarding his complaint that COX and NORRIS should not be allowed TOLs Concluded
Regarding affidavit of service of subpoena Concluded
Apr 13
A. Holden, PM
[Undated] 284
Apr 14 Apr 14
Informing that COX may have made false statement with regard to previous punishments
Apr 7 Apr 14
Rebuke to H. HELY for requesting fresh proceedings Requisitions necessary from H. MOON to enable payment of claims for passage
T.A. Scott, CPS
Apr 14
Letters, returns and applications sent
Request that the Police Magistrate at Illawarra forwards TOL of J. GAVEN
Apr 14
Apr 14
Warm recommendation for Conditional Pardon for Sampson CURTIS
Recommendation that A. DAVEY's TOL be altered for Wollombi
Apr 12
Apr 14
To Magistrate, Maitland, warrant of apprehension for T. HODGES
To Magistrate, Newcastle, warrant of apprehension for T. HODGES
A. Holden, PM
Jul 21 Apr 23
A. Holden H. Donnison
Apr 25
T.A. Scott, CPS
Bench Book II
1842 Returns, petitions , etc., sent
Apr 26
Recommendation for a Conditional Pardon for J . REDDING
Apr 28
Asking advice if an insolvent is qualified to receive a Publican ' s Licence Concluded
Apr 28
Summonses to HELY and HORSBURGH to serve on the Bench Letters and returns sent
May 5 290
Advice to S. DELL that justice has been rendered , requesting Order for ÂŁ 1.15.2 Recommendation that W. CALLOWAY be allowed to hold TOL for Sydney Concluded
May 8 May 9 T . A. Scott, CPS May 9 A. Holden, PM
Regarding guidelines to Magistrates under the Hired Servants Act Request for Postmaster to send mail twice a week
A. Holden, PM
May 16 292
May 19 May 19
Regarding guidelines under Hired Servants Act Nett proceeds of the sale of DENNY's two horses forwarded , ÂŁ 30/6/-.
May 20 May 20
Requisition for forms to Colonial Storekeeper Request to H. HELY for permission to search
the hut of his servant MAHER
May 23
Request Messrs . JONES & Co. to send a dozen police suits for constables
May 23
Expecting letters addressed to code
May 23
Application forwarded to purchase land, Mr. ELLIS
May 25
Recommendation for TOL , D. ASQUITH
Oranges and lemons stolen , suspected to be conveyed to Sydney to market Catherine REYNOLDS apprehended at Wyee
May 30 296
May 27 May 30
Receipts for forms Runaway convict, W. DERHIDGE, seen at Port Philip
May 24
May 31
Bench Book II
- 1842 HARGRAVES appointment cancelled, misleading statements to Magistrate Concluded
297 298
May 30
Memorandum of Quit Rents collected by HARGRAVES, ÂŁ1/2/0
May 30
Inquiry to HENDERSON as to why CALLOWAY has left his service DELL had received the correct amount due
Jun 1 300
Receipt forwarded to HARGRAVES for Quit Rent
Alteration of W. BARDEN's TOL to Pitt Water
Jun 9
Enclosing copy of R. HENDERSON's letter re W. CALLOWAY to Superintendent of Convicts
Letter from HENDERSON explaining why CALLOWAY left his service, which includes a reference to his character and conduct Letters and returns sent
Jun 10
[Undated] 302 [first]
Jun 16
Constables cannot comply with CROSS' wishes
Jun 16
Warrant of apprehension to Maitland for J. LANGHTEN
Jun 20
Request for alteration of TOL for J. DAGGER to Brisbane Water
302 [second]
Enquiry re alteration of TOL for R. KENNETT Letter to Rev. E. ROGERS advising that Police Magistrate may inspect local schools
A. Holden, PM
Jun 17 Jun 17
Request from Rev. E. ROGERS for A. HOLDEN to inspect schools, with the view to receiving Government assistance
May 2 E. Deas Thompson
On visiting local schools, being the only magistrate in the area
Jun 21
Recommendation for TOL, D. ASQUITH
Jun 22
Claim against the estate of BENSON & PARKINSON
A. Holden, PM
Jun 27
Wish to settle account with Brisbane Water Steam Packet Company
To Magistrate at Windsor re P. HANSON Concluded
Jul 11 Jul 15
Bench Book II
- 1842 Returning unpaid requisitions to Brisbane Water Steam Company
Presence in district of suspected cattle stealer: P. HANSON List of disbursements for steamer passages
Payment for work done on Sabbath unlawful Concluded
Jun 20
T.A. Scott, CPS
Jul 15
A. Holden, PM
Aug 4
Letters and returns sent
Aug 8
Transfer of publican ' s licence from East Gosford : T. W. JOLY Application form for TOL for P. BRADY sent to HARRISON , including regulations Concluded Disputes on right of way on land at Popran Creek Concluded
Discontinue advertisements in the Sydney Herald re bullocks
HARGRAVES to apply for a new licence
Memo re HARGRAVES' application
Meeting of local magistrates re licences for public houses: to A. WILSON
[Undated] Aug 24
T.A. Scott, CPS
Aug 26
A. Holden, PM
To H. ECKFORD of East Maitland re finding the head of a beast freshly slaughtered Concluded
To Mr. RHODE of Wiseman ' s ferry regarding
warrant for apprehension of his wife
(The dxa6.t oS a tette)c mitten by
Holden L6 pinned to the 5Lx&t page og .the Regi-s.ten: ] To Police Magistrate , Wollombi, D. DUNLOP concerning warrant for apprehension of RHODE' S wife Quantity of cedar, cut in plank, ownership in dispute, statement by James TARGET Letters and returns sent
[Loose] Sep 1
Bench Book II
- 1842 Asking THERRY for opinion in minute form
Depositions sent, housebreaking charge, S. SMITH, J. WHELAN & KENNY
Depositions sent, charge against J. SHANAWAY & J. CHOWN Complaint of unbecoming outrage and insult against J. MOORE
Warm recommendation for conditional pardon for J. CLEWS
Sep 13
T.A. Scott, CPS
Sep 17
A. Holden, PM
Sep 17 [Undated] [Unsigned]
Strong recommendation for grant of TOL to J. WILLIAMS Sale of property of J. TURNER deceased, a TOL holder
Aug 31
Enquiry as to date prisoner M. LATHAM will be free Asking if necessary that freed prisoners attend Sydney to collect certificates
[Undated] A. Holden, PM
Sep 21 320
A. Holden, PM
DWYER excused to attend case of M. WOOTTON 321
Sep 29
Return sent
Sep 29
Sep 21
A. Holden, PM
Clearing accounts of deceased TOL, J.TURNER 324
Sep 28
Seeking permission to published Notice in Government Gazette, J. TURNER's property
Sep 28
Recommending Free Pardon instead of Conditional for W. SIDEBOTTOM
Travelling expenses for witnesses, ATKINS, ATKINSON and THRELFALL
A. WILSON's application for Wine and Beer Licence Letters and returns sent
E. K. Bremridge
Oct 12
T.A. Scott, CPS
Horse seized is W.T. CAPE's property
Oct 13
A. Holden, Commissioner
Who is the owner of the cedar on property of J. K. WILSON, reported by J. TARGET? 327
Oct 13
A. Holden, PM
Letters and returns sent
Oct 13
Recommending a Passport between Brisbane Water and Sydney for W. LARDER
Oct 17
Bench Book II
- 1842 Character reference for COULTER; reference to RHODES
Recommending P. HOLMES for TOL
Oct 17 A. Holden, PM
Oct 17 Oct 26
Recommending J. COOTE for TOL Letters and returns sent
Definition of "Landed Proprietors" sought W. T. CAPE's horse sold on behalf of SMEATHMAN
Nov 5 332
W. MARTIN discharged, no prosecution against him by EDWARDS Recommending E. SEVERS or EVENS TOL to be altered for Parramatta
Nov 10 A. Holden, Commissioner Nov 10 A. Holden
STOCKDALE unable or unwilling to pay ÂŁ4 order Informing F. O'BRIEN that Bench not in favour of wholesale beer and wine sales
Oct 27
Dec 12 A. Holden, PM Dec 29
Dec 23 - 1843 -
Requesting identification of D. GANN, lost pass
Jan 4
A. Holden, PM
Asking if insolvent T. W. TOBY can sue to recover debts due to him
Jan 11
A. Holden, Commissioner
Dec 30 [1842]
A. Holden, PM
E. BENTONY recommended for Conditional Pardon Alteration of TOL to Parramatta for J. HAWKINS, alias M. A. THOMPSON
Jan 28
Wisdom in withholding certain land from sale
Jan 30
Asking MOORE if J. HADDOCK, TOL, had cattle, and how he came by them Concluded
Jan 30
Forwarding W. ANDERSON's Memorial for a Conditional Pardon
Jan 30
Forwarding 2/6 fee for Passport for C. BAYLE
Feb 9
Recommending 12-month Passport for J. LETHRIDGE 340
Forwarding letter from J. BURNS' friends at home indicating pardon has been granted Concluded
Feb 13 A. Holden
Endeavouring to stop sale of land to undesirable men
341 Feb 13 A. Holden, PM
Bench Book II
- 1843 Recommending J. LEATON for a Certificate of Freedom
Recommending J. CULLEN for a TOL Recommending restoration of TOL to M. COX
A. Holden
Feb 13 A . Holden, PM 343
Requesting postponing of land sale Report on cattle stealers' interest in land for sale Concluded
Feb 13
Feb 13 Jan 28
Feb 15
A. Holden, PM H. Donnison, JP G. K. Mann, JP
Copy of Certificate attached to J. FURNESS' application for Conditional Pardon
Mar 6 A. Holden, PM
[Duplicate of letter re J. BURNS, as per p340]
Feb 13
Insertions in Government Gazette, appointment of Robert CREIGHTON as Pound Keeper
Letters and returns sent
T.A. Scott, CPS
Mar 10
Copy of Certificate attached to M. CULLENS' Memorial for Conditional Pardon
Feb 25 A. Holden, PM
Sending 2/6 fee to alter TOL of J. HAWKINS, alias M. A. HUNTER
Feb 18
On location of polling places for election Concluded
On the formation of separate District Councils Continued Concluded
351 352
S. CURTIS recommended for Conditional Pardon; W. SIDEBOTTOM likewise recommended, but has died in Sydney, asking for advice Concluded
Problems posed by SIDEBOTTOM's death, concluded
Mar 18 Mar 18 A. Holden, PM
Mar 18
Returns sent
Recommending cancellation of TOL, W. DICKSON Brisbane Water Steam Company, discounted payments for passage , complaints by MOON Continued Concluded
Mar 11 355 356 357
Affidavit from STOCKDALE that he has paid ÂŁ4
Mar 27
Circular requesting Masters to be cautious in engaging men who require timber licences Concluded Returns sent
Mar 29
- 1843 Suggesting convenience of printing forms for Court of Requests claims
Advising rate of increase of population Concluded
Mar 29
Sending S. TAYLOR's application for publican's licence Certificate attached to T. STACEY's application for Conditional Pardon, recommending deferment for 12 months Concluded
Mar 29 A. Holden, PM
Money due to sentenced man DIXON to be paid up
Apr 10
Revision of electoral lists to Assessor, Mr. FERGUSON
May 1 [Unsigned]
To A. PAINE, unable to adjudicate between Master and Servant as single magistrate
May 1 A. Holden, PM
Returns sent
Apr 29
Returns sent
Mar 9
Returns sent
May 11
Copy of letter forwarded re J. LEABEN
May 12 A. Holden, PM
Recommending TOL for G. PRICE to be altered to Parramatta; enclosing 2/6 fee
May 12
Copies of Certificates attached to Memorials for Conditional Pardons: E. CONHAM and E. TOMSETT Recommendation for TOL, J. CULLEN
May 12
May 17
To E. C. CLOSE, acknowledging receipt of
Jun 5 A. Holden, Deputy Returning Officer
notices re polling places and days Letters and returns sent
Jun 5
Forwarding TOL for M. HARTY
May 26 A. Holden, PM
Recommending alteration of TOL for Windsor 2/6 fee enclosed for J. FITZGERALD;
Jun 5
Enclosing affidavit of debt due to J. FITZGERALD 367 sent to J. McKENNA, Accountant, Sydney
Jun 19
Copy of Order to Trustees of estate of G.K.MANN, ÂŁ2.1.0 owing to J. FITZGERALD
May 13
Bench Book II
- 1843 (A ÂŁooae aheet between p367 and p368.1 Note to Superintendent of Convicts on amount owing to J. FITZGERALD, and amount lent to her by HOLDEN to get to Windsor Copy of deposition by J. FITZGERALD setting out details of amount owed by MANN
Jun 21 A. Holden, PM 368
Recommendation for Absolute Pardon for James BARRETT by Rev. ROGERS, W. BEAN and T. C. BATTLEY Letters and returns sent
May 17
A. Holden, Commissioner of Supreme Court
A . Holden, PM
Jun 7
Letters and returns sent
Jul 11
Recommendation for TOL for J. WILLIAMS
Jul 12
Statement causing refusal of TOL for T. COLLISON wrongly copied by watchhouse keeper To J. CHRISTIAN, Maitland re his runaway servant M. McGUINNESS, whose sentence has expired Concluded
Jul 28
Jul 28 371
Intention to pay contractor SCOTT
Aug 5
Recommending refusal of extension of pass given to A. SIDEBOTTOM Concluded
Aug 10 372
Duplicate of above letter to Police Magistrate, Sydney
Letter sent
Aug 5
Letters sent
Aug 10
Order for Rations supplied by T.A. SCOTT Concluded Advising T.A. SCOTT that money due to him will be paid when he has squared his accounts Concluded
Aug 11 T.C.Battley, CPS 373 Aug 12 T.C.Battley, CPS
Recommendation for Conditional Pardon, D. GLEESON To J.F. MANN, re wishes of Plaintiffs in cases against HELY
Aug 12 A. Holden, PM 375
Aug 14 A. Holden
Bench Book 11
- 1843 Summons for defendant, COOKLEY v. O'BRIEN
Aug 16 A. Holden
Reply to DONNISON in case v. HARGRAVES
Aug 21 A. Holden, Commissioner
Unwillingness of plaintiffs to agree to adjournment in cases v. RELY Concluded
Asking if reward due to GORMAN for apprehending runaway, J. COOLEY alias JOHNSON Concluded
Aug 24 A. Holden, PM
Man suspected of absconding, W. WYLD, is not a runaway Asking for guidance from PLUNKETT in case DONNISON v. HARGRAVES
Aug 21 A. Holden, Commissioner
Aug 24
Money sent to A. ENGLISH on account of J. FITZGERALD, TOL holder
Aug 28
A. Holden, Commissioner
Aug 29 A. Holden, PM Sep
Returns sent
Returns and abstracts sent to Auditor General
Sep 11
To T.A. SCOTT on his differences and complaints 381
Sep 20 T.C.Battley, CPS
Letters and returns sent
Returns and abstracts sent
Sep 21
To F. O'BRIEN, Monitor office, amount of award Sep 22 A. Holden, PM
against him in favour of D. COAKLEY Advising DONNISON no reply received from PLUNKETT in case v. HARGRAVES
A. Holden,
Sep 23
Asking if amounts paid in cases MOON v. BRADY and DONNISON v. DUNLEAVEY
Sep 23 A. Holden, PM
Suggesting circular be printed with information 384
Sep 23
Example of proposed form
Sep 23
Letters sent
B. DONNELLY, escapee, has been retaken
Warrant for DONNELLY's commitment to Darlinghurst Gaol No objection to D. DWYER acting as Inspector of Distilleries Letters and returns sent
Sep 25 Sep 25
Sep 24 Sep 25
Bench Book II
- 1843 Requesting advice on allowing use of a hut on Crown Land near a wharf Concluded
387 388
Claim for reward on behalf of GORMAN for capturing highway robber J. COOLEY Concluded
Sep 25 A. Holden, PM
Sep 25
Deposition sent regarding DONNELLY's escape from the Lock-up
Sep 28
Recommendation of M. LATHAM's TOL be altered to Penrith; half-crown fee enclosed
Recommending TOL for D. KELLIER as mistake made in statement, not an attempt at deception Concluded
To Edward HELY, urging settlement in case against JAMES Concluded
A. Holden
Forwarding to Treasurer ÂŁ2.10.0 for sale of wine &c forfeited in case v. MITCHELL
Oct 10 A. Holden, PM
Report on T.A. SCOTT's claim for pay, &c., requested by Governor
Oct 12
Man living with E. due to meeting copy of letter he was leaving care until his
Oct 18
LEAHY cannot be moved with an accident; from J. NORRIS stating his wife in her own return from Sydney
W. MILES recommended home for a Conditional Pardon
Recommendation for Certificate of Freedom for J. BULLOCK Request for service of summons &c., VENTEMAN v. BEAN
Oct 18 396
Requesting Certificates of Freedom for J. WILKINS and J. BULLOCK be sent Reminding PLUNKETT of request for advice, DONNISON v. HARGRAVES [see p.379] To D. DUNLOP, Wollombi: affidavit of service of subpoena on EGGLETON, Queen v. MADDOX
Oct 18
Oct 19 Oct 18
Oct 19
A. Holden, Commissioner
Oct 19 A. Holden, PM
Bench Book II
- 1843 Recommending GORMAN's application for land
Pass given to M. HICKEY to reside in Sydney Concluded
Oct 28
Reply to DONNISON's request for an early decision in case v. HARGRAVES Enquiry as to property of runaway J. PUNNEA
Oct 21 A. Holden, PM
Oct 28 400
Recommending application for Conditional Pardon for E. WILTSHIRE
Nov 11 A. Holden, PM Nov 17 Dec
Letter of reference to be carried by E. LEAHY alias LAWLYSS or NORRIS
Recognizances sent
Recommendation for Market Pass for E.THOMSETT
Letter of reference for E. LEAHY alias LAWLYSS or NORRIS, travelling to Sydney Concluded
Referring Superintendent of Convicts to letter written today re E. LEAHY alias LAWLISS To DONNISON who has declined to sit on the bench to examine the HORRIGAN affair Concluded
A. Holden, Commissioner
Dec 12 A. Holden
No objection to alteration of C. COOPER's TOL to Parramatta
Dec 12 A. Holden, PM
Recommending TOL for CAPPER with reservation, suggesting assignment to his wife
Reference from J. K. VINE, CAPPER's Master Concluded A remark from Holden
Dec 20 A. Holden, PM Oct 16 Dec 16 - 1844 -
Forwarding statement and balance of T.A. SCOTT's
accounts to Auditor General Continued Concluded Recommending alteration of TOL of W. RYAN to Sydney; enclosing half-crown fee
406 407 408
Jan 11 A. Holden, PM & Commissioner Court of Requests Gosford Jan 11 A. Holden, PM
Bench Book II
- 1844 Enquiring about letters not answered re TOLs for T . CALLISON and S. ASHER
Jan 25 A. Holden, JP
(The above Letter. was cent 6nom Newpo'ii, Lake Macquarie.] Applications for reports of Freedom for D. ASQUITH and A. CAPPER
Jan 20 T.C.Battley, CPS
Advice that HOLDEN will be removing immediately to Newport , Lake Macquarie , a distance of 30 miles, advising inconvenience , &c.
To Auditor General re accounts Concluded
Jan 22 T.C.Battley, Regr
Prisoners ' indents missing after 1838
Feb 1 T.C.Battley, CPS
Requesting Police pay be paid into account of H. DONNISON , being nearest Magistrate
Detailed report on the state of the Police Establishment Continued Concluded
413 414
Estimate of Agricultural produce Constable HORRIGAN to be dismissed; W. BERRY to be appointed
Dec 28 T.C . Battley, CPS [18431
7 H. Donnison
Feb 10 T . C.Battley, CPS 415
Feb 14
Acknowledging receipt of the printed convict indents for 1839 and 1840
Feb 16
Request for Certificates of Freedom for E. LEAHY and M. BUTT be forwarded 416
Feb 16
Mem: The Clerk of the Peace with Recognizance
Feb 16
Transfer of licence , Queens Hotel, from HARGRAVES building to Peeks Point ; licencee George F. BAKER
Feb 11
To F. O'BRIEN , refusal by HARGRAVES to pay judgement of ÂŁ3.10.0
Feb 23
To Newcastle Magistrates , on the efficient stationing of constables in the north
Feb 23
Advice that R. MARLEY is unknown in the district and that subpoena cannot therefore be served in case v. HUTCHINSON & Ors. Concluded 419 Estimate of probable Police expenses , 1845 Concluded
A. Osborne, JP H. Donnison, JP
Feb 28 Feb 28
Bench Book II
- 1844 Four local magistrates rostered to attend once a week; seeking advice concerning other times Concluded
420 421
Seeking advice as to the result of petitions for Conditional Pardons for M. COLLINS and A. BLACKFORD TOL granted to M. KELLY for Brisbane Water
Advising Newcastle bench that D. KELHIE is in district without a Pass
Recommendation for Conditional Pardon for J. FROST by J. MOORE, H.G. WATSON, A. OSBORNE and T.C. BATTLEY
Recommending alteration of TOL of J. GREGORY to Newcastle Concluded
Mar 9 Mar
Requesting reply to letter of Feb. 7 re Police Establishment Specimen signatures authorised to sign cheques, supplied to Bank
Feb 28 T.C.Battley, CPS
Mar 23 425
Mar 23
Petition for Conditional Pardon for W. CURTIN Certificates attached from: Fr. COGHLAN, H. G. WATSON, T. C. BATTLEY, A. OSBORNE.
Mar 28 D. Dwyer, Chief Constable
Petition for Conditional Pardon for R. LANG
H. Donnison, JP
H. Donnison
Cattle stealing to be investigated, charge against A. SIDEBOTHAM
Recommendation , alteration of T. HICKEY's TOL to Maitland
Apr 6 T.C.Battley, CPS
Request suspension of granting of Conditional Pardon for E. CONTAM Concluded
Apr 10
Forwarding fees for timber licences for James and Joseph CROFT
Apr 11
Request that J. MOORE and B. HORSBURGH be appointed Assessors
Requesting a mounted policeman for the district Concluded
Apr 10 H. Donnison, JP Apr 16 T.C.Battley, CPS
Bench Book II
- 1844 Depositions sent, case v. EGGLETON: request to serve summonses on witnesses
Apr 25 T.C.Battley, CPS
Certificates from D. DWYER, A. OSBORNE, Henry DONNISON and Rev. ROGERS recommending C. NEWMAN for a Conditional Pardon
A. Osborne, JP Apr 25 H. Donnison, JP
Enquiry into relationship between prisoner J. LEE and J. JOHNSON of the 99th, may be connected with cattle stealing Duplicate voucher forward for payment to R. TIGHE
Apr 29 H. Donnison
T. HICKEY's TOL sent to be altered to Maitland
May 6
Reference for T. W. TOBY to Parramatta Bench
Call for identification of cattle from SADLEIR of Liverpool, showing brands sold by J. EGGLETON Concluded
Same letter to Bench at Liverpool Concluded Note same letter sent to Campbell Town
May 8 T.C.Battley, CPS
May 22 A. Osborne, JP
Jun 1 H. Donnison Jun 1 H . Donnison
To Liverpool Magistrates advising EGGLETON had escaped; same letter sent to Campbell Town
Jun 5 A. Osborne, JP
Copy of private information received re possible whereabouts of EGGLETON
Asking for caution in leasing land at Reid's Mistake Concluded
Jun 14 A. Osborne, JP H.G.Watson, JP
Directing C. WINDEYER to pay J. SHEERING amount of judgement in case SHEERING v. HELY Concluded
Jun 19 A. Osborne, JP H.G.Watson, JP
Need for mounted police to catch cattle thieves Concluded
Petition for Conditional Pardon for W. ELDRED, with certificates from H. DONNISON, A.OSBORNE, H. HELY, Rev. E. ROGERS Concluded 441
[Undated ][Unsigned]
H. Donnison, JP A. Osborne, JP
H. Donnison, JP A. Osborne, JP
Recommend H. HAMER's TOL to be altered to Parramatta
H. Donnison, JP Jul 10 H.G.Watson, JP
Seeking legal advice regarding absconding apprentice, &c. Concluded
H. Donnison, JP Jul 10 H.G.Watson, JP
Bench Book II
- 1844 Arguments against proposal to discontinue issuing blankets to blacks Concluded
442 443
Deposition agains McCULLY, rectification of verdict in a previous case Police report requesting new and better arms
Recommending petition for prisoners family [sic] J. BURNS, servant of P. FAGAN
Recommending petition for Conditional Pardon, E. JAMES Recommending E. JAMES for Conditional Pardon from Rev. E. ROGERS
Jul 19
H. Donnison, JP H.G.Watson, JP A. Osborne, JP
Jul 19
T.C.Battley, CPS
Jul 19
H. Donnison, JP H.G.Watson, JP
Jul 24
E. Rogers, Clergyman H. Donnison, JP, Magistrate
Jul 24
A. Holden, JP
Jul 14
H. Donnison, JP A. Osborne, JP H.G.Watson, JP
Returning amended accounts, repairs to Lock-up
Aug 7 T.C.Battley, CPS
J. McMAHON's TOL altered to Parramatta Concluded
Aug 28
H. Donnison, JP
A. Holden, JP H. Donnison, JP
Sep 10
H. Donnison, JP
Sep 11
H. Donnison
Sep 11
H. Donnison, JP
Election of Chairman for Courts of General and Quarter Sessions in NSW Sail stolen from Sir Thomas MITCHELL, retained locally for identification Concluded P.S. EGGLETON frequently seen in Sydney
Method of charging by some Pound Keepers
Recommending M. KELLY's TOL be altered to Bathurst Enquiry re M. SMITH's TOL application
Collection of cattle by G. MORLEY reported by Constable WORLEY as being suspicious Concluded
Advising Convict Superintendent of T. CAPPER being suffered to live with his wife C. ALLEN absent from district without collecting his TOL
Urgent need for arms; no reply to letter of. 19 July last Report on consequences of Order of 7th July, 1843 Continued Concluded
[Undated] Sep 11
H. Donnison
Sep 18
H. Donnison, JP H.G.Watson, JP
Sep 25
H.G.Watson, JP
A. Osborne, JP B. Horsburgh, JP H. Donnison, JP
452 453 454
A. Osborne, JP H.G.Watson, JP B. Horsburgh, JP
Bench Book II
- 1844 Sir Thomas MITCHELL's sail sent to Sydney by cutter Neptune
Recommending J. WHITE's TOL be altered to Sydney so she can accompany her husband Concluded
Report to Convict Superintendent re Thomas and Ann CAPPER Request for arms forwarded to Governor
Oct 22
T.C.Battley, CPS
Oct 30
B. Horsburgh, JP H. Donnison, JP
Oct 30 456
B. HORSBRUGH, JP, authorised to sign cheques
Oct 30
T.C.Battley, CPS
Petition for Conditional Pardon for Henry WORLEY, with certificates of recommendation 457
Oct 30
A. Holden, JP H. Donnison, JP B. Horsbrugh
Recommending P. BURKE's TOL be altered to Windsor
H. Donnison, JP. Nov 6 B. Horsbrugh, JP
Recommending S. ASHER's TOL be altered to Newcastle
Asking for Attorney General's advice on matter of HARGRAVE's appropriating and selling shingles Continued Concluded
459 460
Delay of one year in processing of application for M. COLLINS' Conditional Pardon Request for permission to purchase chairs to seat the full Bench of Magistrates
Warrant for the apprehension of Scotchman A. HAMILTON, formerly a Scourger Forwarding TOL of J. SCOTT for alteration to Maitland
Chairs dating from WARNER ' s time in 1836 Request return of J. SULLIVAN from Yass to answer charge
A. Holden, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Nov 6 H. Donnison B. Horsburgh
Nov 6 A. Holden
Deposition, matter of SOLLING and his servant M. McLEOD Recommending alteration of A. SIDEBOTTOM's TOL to the Manning River; similar for James SULLIVAN to Yass
Nov 13
H. Donnison, JP B. Horsburgh, JP A. Osborne, JP
Nov 13
H. Donnison, JP
Nov 13
H. Donnison, JP
H. Donnison
Dec 11
H. Donnison, JP B. Horsburgh, JP
Dec 11
Dec 11
H. Donnison, JP B. Horsburgh, JP
Bench Book II
- 1844 -Requesting information regarding correct designation of Justices of the Peace
H. Donnison, JP B. Horsburgh, JP
Dec 11
Dec 11
Rev.E.Rogers H. Donnison, JP A. Osborne, JP B. Horsburgh, JP
Dec 11
H. Donnison, JP B. Horsburgh, JP Rev.E.Rogers
Dec 11
A. Holden, JP A. Osborne, JP
Dec 11
Fr.C.Coghlan H. Donnison, JP B. Horsburgh, JP
Asking for result of application for Conditional 467 Pardon for T. STACEY
Dec 11
T.C.Battley, CPS
Enquiring if decision has been reached on M. COLLINS
Dec 13
B. Horsburgh, JP
Dec 16
H. Donnison
Dec 18
H. Donnison, JP B. Horsburgh, JP
Enquiring as to nature of charge against W. BERRY
Dec 24
T.C.Battley, CPS
Enquiring as to exact time of delivery of prisoner A. SIDEBOTTOM
Dec 24
Petition for Conditional Pardon for Charles NEWMAN, with recommendations
Petition for Conditional Pardon for George TURNER, with recommendations
Recommendation for a TOL to A. FREEMAN
Petition for Conditional Pardon for William CURTIN, with recommendations
Warrant forwarded for apprehension in Sydney of A. HAMILTON Evidence in case v. SIDEBOTTOM Concluded
468 469
- 1845 Request to Yass Magistrate to direct SULLIVAN to present to Brisbane Water Bench Request for sails and oars for Police Boat Concluded
H. Donnison, JP Jan 2 B. Horsburgh, JP
Jan 8 H. Donnison, JP A. Osborne, JP
TOL holder J. McMAHON can testify as to unlawful cattle slaughter by E. KELLY of Popran Creek Police pay for November not yet credited to bank account
Jan 15 472
H. Donnison, JP
Jan 15
Bench Book II
- 1845 Request to Parramatta Magistrates to capture J. EGGLETON, wanted for cattle stealing Concluded
472 473
Oars to be supplied by Colonial Storekeeper
Jan 24
H.G.Watson, JP
Jan 29
H. Donnison
Wanted man, J. WILSON, reported in district
Jan 24
Further request to Yass Magistrates to issue pass to J. SULLIVAN
Jan 29
T.C.Battley, CPS
Jan 29
H. Donnison, JP
Certifying that defendant CRAWFORD suffering from ague at time of committal Request for advice on manner to proceed in case BARTON v. SCOTT
Re circular on provision for meeting Police expenses Concluded
Feb 6 H. Donnison Feb 12
Modifying timber cutter regulations
Feb 12
Modification to arrangement for depositing Police pay to bank Concluded
HORRIGAN dismissed due to impression of guilt, rather than proof Concluded
Feb 19
Feb' 26
Complaint of probable overcharging for postage
Feb 26:'
480 Feb 26
Request for reply to letter dated 6th Feb. Request for advice from Attorney General in case of HARGRAVES v. GREADY Continued Concluded
481 482 483
Requesting clear and explicit answer to letter dated 6th February Concluded
Further letter regarding J. WILSON [see page 4741
H.G.Watson, JP H. Donnison, JP
Intention to pay fines into District Council Fund
No further proceedings taken against E. CONHAM
H. Donnison, JP B. Horsburgh, JP
Feb 26
T.C.Battley, CPS
H.G. Watson, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Mar 12
T.C.Battley, CPS
Mar 12
H. Donnison
Bench Book II
- 1845 To J. INDER re his letter on stolen Cedar Boards; requesting postage to be paid
Mar 12
Return of probable expenses of the Police Department for 1846
Mar 26
H. Donnison
Signatories to Police bank account , opened in 1844
A. Osborne B. Horsbrugh
Mar 26
Forwarding W. ROBINSON ' s and T. CAPPER's applications for TOLs; requesting result of J. BURNS' application
Depositions sent, DONNISON v. ANDERSON Concluded
Requesting further elucidation from Court of Requests (see pp. 476 , 480, 484] Requesting alteration of TOL to Penrith
T.C.Battley, CPS
Mar 31
T.C.Battley, CPS
Apr 16
A. Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Apr 14
T.C.Battley, CPS
May 1 H . G.Watson, JP H. Donnison, JP May 1 A. Osborne, JP H.G.Watson, JP
Petition for Conditional Pardon for T. STACEY, with recommendations
H. Donnison
Petition for Conditional Pardon for S. WILSON, with recommendations
May 1
Petition for Absolute Pardon for G. PARRY, with references from J. FERGUSON, G. GREENTREE , T. GREEN and P. GOULD, with recommendations
Rev.E . Rogers H.G.Watson, JP May 1 B. Horsbrugh, JP
T.C.Battley, CPS A. Osborne, JP H.G.Watson, JP
A. Holden
Application for TOL for G. TAYLOR, with recommendations
May 1 T.C.Battley, CPS A. Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
To Rev. C. COGHLAN , deploring his interference Concluded
490 491
To Governor , complaining of COGHLAN Concluded
On the management of the Police bank account
May 30
Jun 2 H. Donnison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
May 28
Regarding the absconding of M. KILFOYLE
Concluded TOL for R. FOLKES altered from Scone to Brisbane Water; recommendation for alteration to Sydney
May 7 H. Donnison A. Osborne B. Horsbrugh
H. Donnison, JP
H. Donnison B. Horsbrugh
Bench Book II
- 1845 Forwarding statement for remission of fine imposed on W. ANDERSON
Deposition by W. ANDERSON on COGHLAN's interference, witnessed by D. DWYER Concluded
Jun 4 H. Donnison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Request for copy of CALLAGHAN's Work on the Laws of the Colony of NSW
W. SPURLING's TOL should be altered to Brisbane Water from Windsor
Jun 11
Requesting recommendation from Illawarra Bench to have J. COLBOURNE's TOL altered Requesting H. ANDERSON's Conditional Pardon be forwarded; requesting result of the application for H. WORLEY's Conditional Pardon
Jun 18
A. Osborne H. Donnison B. Horsbrugh
H. A. B. J.
Donnison, JP Osborne, JP Horsbrugh, JP Moore, JP
H. Donnison B. Horsbrugh
Jun 16
W. ANDERSON has proved to be a thief and an absconder Report on death of convict John DONOHOE
Further on the management of the Bank account Concluded
Jun 18 Jun 16
B. Horsbrugh
Jun 25
H. Donnison, JP
Jun 25
Requesting forms from Immigration Office be sent in triplicate
Jun 25
A. Osborne, JP H. Donnison, JP
Acknowledging opinion of Solicitor General re W. ANDERSON
Jun 25
H. Donnison
On the management of the bank account
Requesting opinion on W. ANDERSON's case, with regard to Master & Servants Act, etc. Continued Continued Concluded
502 503 504
H. Donnison B. Horsbrugh A. Osborne
John MOORE has recently been appointed a J.P.
H. Donnison
Decline to recommend D. GRIFFIN or J. DOLAN (alias BRENNAN) for TOLs
T.C.Battley, CPS
Bench Book II
- 1845 Further on the matter of J. WILSON [see pp. 474, 4841
Jul 11
H. Donnison
HOLDEN has resigned as Commissioner of Court of Requests; DONNISON recommended
Jul 30
A. Holden A. Osborne B. Horsbrugh
WILSON has absconded, details of his misdoings Concluded
Aug 6 H. Donnison, JP
J. DRAKE an absconder, missing from list of runaways
Aug 13
H. Donnison
Recommending alteration of W. DIXON's TOL to Williams River
Aug 21
J. Moore, JP
Rev.E.Rogers A. Holden, JP A. Osborne, JP
Petition for Conditional Pardon for J. FURNISS with recommendations
Recommending 12 months' Passport to TOL holder W. MARLIN for Moreton Bay Claiming reward to detention of J. WILSON Reply to Rev. W. W. SIMPSON concerning circumstances of death of H. BOOTH Concluded
Recommending a Pound to be erected on the Village Reserve, Kingcumber Certificates of Freedom for E. HANNAH and J. BRADY have been lost in transit to Port Macquarie
Petition for Conditional Pardon for D. DELANEY, with recommendations
H. Donnison
Sep 17
T.C.Battley, CPS
Sep 29
H. Donnison
Oct 15
H. Donnison, JP A . Osborne, JP
Oct 22
No objection to M. SMITH having her TOL altered to Sydney Petition for Conditional Pardon for M. CONNER, with recommendations
Sep 13
Fine imposed on W. ANDERSON remitted, then remission cancelled Sending W. MARLIN's TOL for alteration to Moreton Bay
H. Donnison A. Osborne
Sep 509
H. Donnison A. Osborne B. Horsburgh
Oct 22
H. Donnison A. Osborne
Oct 22
A. Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
A. Osborne, JP Nov 5 J. Moore, JP Rev.E.Rogers Nov 5 J. Moore, JP A. Osborne, JP
Bench Book II
- 1845 Reasons for refusing cedar cutting licences to R. WOOD and E. TAYLOR on behalf of E. H. HARGRAVES Concluded
514 515
No objection to alteration of G. TREAGLE's TOL to Moreton Bay, as long as debts paid first Requesting advice in case HELY v. STOCKDALE concerning cattle impounded
H. Donnison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP Nov 5 J. Moore, JP 516
Private toad to be built from Gosford to Sydney through Mr. PEAT's farm, etc. Forward H. BESANT's TOL for alteration to Patrick Plains
Forwarding fee of 5/6 for H. ANDERSON's Conditional Pardon Ordering forms for Census
Nov 12
H. Donnison A. Osborne B. Horsbrugh
Nov 12
Advice sought in case HELY v. STOCKDALE Forwarding J. GASKILL's TOL for alteration to Moreton Bay; referring to letter of the 5th November re G. TREAGLE
Nov 5 A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP
Nov 26
H. Donnison, JP J. Moore, JP
A. Osborne B. Horsbrugh
Dec 17
H. Donnison B. Horsbrugh
Dec 31
H. Donnison B. Horsbrugh
H. Donnison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
1846 Recommending A. JEPSON for TOL
A. Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Warrant for apprehension of two TOL holders in district of Moreton Bay
H. Donnison
Forward E. JAMES' TOL for alteration to Maitland Referring to non-provision of funds for passage of prisoners by water... in police expenses Concluded
Jan 7 H. Donnison, JP Jan 14 521
Reporting arrival of W. DERTRIDGE in district Objecting to alteration of J. CULLEN's TOL to Bathurst, due to short stay in district
H. Donnison J. Moore
Jan 27 522
Jan 28
A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP
Bench Book II
- 1846 Forwarding revised table of rates for impounded animals
Jan 28
Claims made for debt by TOL holder G. TREACLE
Requesting funding for a third room to be added to the Court House ; advising of surplus of ÂŁ 19; pound moving to King Cumba for cost of ÂŁ5 Concluded
Asking when Lease Holders Return may be sent
H. Donnison, JP J. Moore, JP H. Donnison, JP A. Osborne, JP
A. JEPSON has disappeared after being released from Hospital , requesting search be made J. DOLAN at the Treadmill , sentenced by the Newcastle Bench
H. Donnison, JP A. Osborne, JP
Requesting advice if A. JEPSON has been granted a TOL for Moreton Bay
Feb 11
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Feb 12
H. Donnison
Feb 16
T.C.Battley, CPS
Feb 25
H. Donnison, JP
Feb 25
H. Donnison, JP
Sending affidavit re suspected stolen watch; copy of affidavit by F. MILLER re suspect J. LEE
Feb 27
H. Donnison
Petition for Conditional Pardon for M. COLLINS, with recommendations
Feb 27
Fr. C.COGHLAN H. Donnison, JP A. Osborne, JP
H. ANDERSON ' s TOL returned, having received his Conditional Pardon
H.G.Watson, JP J. Moore, JP
[End of Register]
Bench Book II
PoLLce Magidtaate iegiite2 111
Page,j jfiaom th.i i ? eq L4teia cute ryaeceded by the 4ymboJ "!3833" in the Index o^ Name..
540 pages
Bench of Magistrates : Copies of Letters Sent
- 1846 Answer to circular on Leaseholders G. TREAGLE ' s TOL sent to be altered to Moreton Bay
Forms and stationery required ; carbines and ammunition also required Subpoenas to be served in case Queen v. VENTEMAN , for felony Concluded
Receipts sent to liquidate claims against G. TREAGLE ; E. CONHAM's Conditional Pardon at this office
Advice sought from Attorney General in case v. VENTEMAN, involving Rev. COGHLAN and E. MORIARTY Concluded
F. DEVLIN, complainant against DONNISON, whereabouts unknown 7
Papers returned in case of F. DEVLIN against DONNISON MARLIN and STEVENS still in custody; also awaiting advice re VENTEMAN
Mar 11
J. Moore, JP
Mar 16
H.G.Watson, JP
Mar 25
J. Moore, JP
Mar 25
H. Donnison, JP A. Osborne, JP B. Horsburgh, JP
Apr 1
H. Donnison, JP A. Osborne, JP
Apr 1
H. Donnison, JP A. Osborne, JP B. Horsburgh, JP
Depositions sent, cases v. MARLIN and STEVENS
Need for a married Lock -up Keeper and a Constable
H.G.Watson, JP J:. Moore, JP
J. CULLEN's TOL to be altered , objection to local Bench being ignored Forms required, referring to order of 1st December last Concluded
H. Donnison, JP B. Horsburgh, JP
B. Horsburgh, JP J. Moore, JP
Apr 21
B. Horsburgh, JP H. Donnison, JP
Apr 21
T.C.Battley, CPS
Apr 28
H. Donnison
J. Moore, JP H. Donnison, JP
- 1846 Requesting new cheque book to be sent to W. NORTHWOOD of Market Street
Apr 22
H. Donnison
Lock-up keeper to be paid 2 / 3 per diem; Constable paid 2/6 per diem
Apr 29
B. Horsburgh, JP H. Donnison, JP
Apr 29
B. Horsburgh, JP J. Moore, JP
Recommending grant of Publican ' s Licence to W. E. LEIGH Concluded
Conditional Pardons for E. CONHAM and W. EDWARD; fee 5/6 each
J. EGGLETON , cattle thief, in custody again; P.S. to letter of 29th April
Boy PENFRAY required , main witness against EGGLETON; also subpoena for J. HILLS Concluded
Advice to R. SADLEIR , Orphan School , Liverpool of EGGLETON ' s re-capture Requesting Sydney Police Magistrate to cause enquiries to be made re EGGLETON
H. Donnison, JP
May 4
B. Horsburgh, JP J. Moore, JP
May 1
May 1
H. Donnison
May 1 13
May 1
Notice to be printed by Government Printer, requesting information re cattle alleged to be stolen by EGGLETON Concluded
Returns of the District Census sent, 338 sheets Concluded
T.C.Battley, CPS
May 6
B. Horsburgh, JP J. Moore, JP H. Donnison, JP
Advice that 12 uninhabited houses are not included in the Census Returns Letter regarding G. TREAGLE's debts should be sent to Moreton Bay
May 2
May 6 16
Watch House and Cells at Gosford in a very bad state
H. Donnison, JP J. Moore, JP
May 6 May 13
H . Donnison, JP A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP
J. WILCORKSON's TOL to be altered for Parramatta , unable to support himself, aged 76 years
Chief Constable to proceed to Sydney with prisoners, etc. Requesting action in case against VENTEMAN
May 13
H. Donnison, JP J. Moore, JP
May 18
H. Donnison, JP
May 18
H. Donnison, JP J. Moore, JP B. Horsburgh, JP
Bench Book III
- 1846 Depositions sent, case against STOCKDALE for felony Concluded
18 19
Deposition sent, case DWYER v. JARDINE J. COOTE's TOL forwarded with fee of 2/6, and recommendation for alteration to District of Moreton Bay J. HAWES' petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; references from H. HELY and G. RELY Concluded
May 20 May 20
May 20
May 20 21
F. COOPER's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; reference from H. HELY
May 20
M. COX's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended
May 20
E. WRING's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; personal references from DONNISON, MOORE and HORSBURGH Concluded
W. HUDSON's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; references from H. HELY and G. RELY
May 20
G. HARRIS' petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; reference from H. HELY
P. SHIEL's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; references from DONNISON, MOORE and Rev. ROGERS
May 19 May 20
Requesting Sydney Magistrates to obtain recognizance from PENFRAY's stepfather, W. FROME, in case v. EGGLETON Thanks to Police Commissioner for supplying two Constables
J. Moore, JP B. Horsburgh, JP H. Donnison, JP
May 20
May 20
J. GLOVER's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; references from H. RELY and G. RELY
B. Horsburgh, JP J. Moore, JP
W. FITZPATRICK's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended
J. SWEENEY's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; references from H. HELY and G. HELY
B. Horsburgh, JP J. Moore, JP H. Donnison, JP
May 20
May 20
H. Donnison, JP J. Moore, JP
May 22
H. Donnison
May 25
H. Donnison, JP J. Moore, JP
Bench Book III
- 1846 R. FOLKS' petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; references from S. GILLETT and Rev. E. ROGERS
Request money due for Police account be withdrawn from Commercial Bank and deposited in correct account at the Bank of Australasia Mail to Attorney General of 8th and 28th April re COGHLAN v. VENTEMAN lost; duplicates sent Recommending alteration of G. TAYLOR's TOL to Newcastle District Transmitting examinations in case against EGGLETON, with comments Concluded On advice that F. JARDINE should be tried summarily at Gosford Concluded
27 28
H. Donnison, JP J. Moore, JP
Jun 3
T.C.Battley, CPS
Jun 3
J. Moore, JP B. Horsburgh, JP H. Donnison, JP
Jun 3
J. Moore, JP H. Donnison, JP
Jun 3
J. Moore, JP B. Horsburgh, JP H. Donnison, JP
Jun 10
W. MARLIN and W. STEVENS found guilty and sentenced Asking if F. JARDINE is free, as claimed, and cannot be dealt with summarily
May 25
Jun 10
B. Horsburgh, JP J. Moore, JP
Jun 10
J. CULLEN's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended;
references from T.A.SCOTT
Jun 10
and Rev. E. ROGERS Concluded
J. Moore B. Horsburgh
C. BOYLE's petition for Conditional Pardon
recommended ; references from MOORE, HORSBURGH and A. HOLDEN
Jun 10
Conditional Pardon for G. HOWE (alias references C. LOCKYER) recommended; from MOORE, HORSBURGH, DONNISON and I. BREMER
J. GAY's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; references from J. KIDD and Rev. E. ROGERS Concluded W. BARDEN's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended
Jun 10
Jun 10
J. Moore, JP B. Horsburgh, JP H. Donnison, JP
H. Donnison, JP J. Moore, JP B. Horsburgh, JP
Jun 10
Bench Book III
- 1846 Warrant received from Queanbeyan for apprehension of EGGLETON, now in Darlinghurst gaol
Jun 17
Copy of letter, from A. WITTS, Chief Constable, Queanbeyan, enclosing warrant for EGGLETON
Jun 2
Copies of documents sent to Sydney Magistrates in case COGHLAN v. VENTEMAN Memorandum of documents sent in case COGHLAN v. VENTEMAN
Advice to W. LEWTHWAITE that EGGLETON is awaiting trial, and is also wanted by Goulburn Bench As requested, copies of depositions sent in cases against MARLIN and STEVENS
Depositions sent, case against CROSS, felony Memorandum of case against CROSS Concluded
Jun 17
T.C.Battley, CofB
Jun 19
T.C.Battley, CofB
Jun 24
J. Moore, JP H. Donnison, JP
Jun 27
A. Osborne, JP
Jul 1
H. Donnison J. Moore, JP
H. Donnison
H. Donnison, JP J. Moore, JP
H. Donnison
Account and report on case v. EGGLETON sent to Attorney General
Letter to FLEMING, Chief Constable, Macdonald River, on course of action Forwarding FERGUSON's letter to Crown Solicitor
H. Donnison, JP J. Moore, JP
H. Donnison, JP
Requesting R. SADLEIR, Liverpool, to provide appearance of former stockman MOFFAT in case v. EGGLETON
Letter to FERGUSON, Mangrove Creek, advising date of trial
Jun 17
Fines for drunkenness, ÂŁ2/-/-, sent for use of the Benevolent Asylum
To Attorney General on procedure in case against EGGLETON
Jul 20
Subpoenas for HILL and MORFORD sent to Liverpool in case against EGGLETON 42
Jul 20
Advising P. G. KING, A.A. Company, that permission for R. HOLMES to have his TOL altered, is refused
H. Donnison, JP J. Moore, JP
Jul 22
H. Donnison T.C.Battley, CB H. Donnison
A. H. B. J.
Bench Book III
Osborne, JP Donnison Horsbrugh Moore
Date - 1846 -
Sending 12/6, being fees for alteration of five TOLs
Jul 22
A. Osborne, JP H. Donnison B. Horsbrugh
H. DALEY's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended
Jul 22
H. Donnison J. Moore, JP A. Osborne, JP
J. COCKCROFT' s petition for Conditional Pardon recommended
Aug 12
G. FROST's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; reference from J. MOORE
Aug 12
A. Osborne, JP H. Donnison, JP
J. Moore, JP
H. Donnison J. Moore
Depositions sent, case v. MURDOCK for aggravated assault
Interesting explanation to Convict Superintendent on reason for refusal to alter R. HOLMES' TOL or to recommend his Conditional Pardon Concluded
Examination and recognizance of W. AINSWORTH
B. Horsbrugh Sep
H. Donnison
R. HOLMES' TOL returned
Sep 30
B. Horsbrugh, JP A. Osborne, JP
Sending fee of 5/6 for W. CURTIN's Conditional Pardon
Sep 30
A. Osborne, JP
Oct 1
A. Osborne B. Horsbrugh
J. HARRISON claims he is master of two servants, WILD and McLOY, who have been assigned to his mother-in-law, Mrs. COULSON Concluded
48 49
Depositions sent, case v. J. WHITE, felony
To Criminal Crown Solicitor regarding subpoenas in cases v. CROSS and EGGLETON
Returning subpoenas and affidavits of service in case v. EGGLETON
Forwarding report of Watch House Keeper to Colonial Secretary
Oct 7
H. Donnison
H. Donnison, JP J. Moore, JP
A. Osborne, JP Report of Lock-up Keeper, J. DITCHAM, on state of repair of the Lock-up Sending ÂŁ4/5/0 to Benevolent Asylum, being fines for drunkenness for quarter
Oct 52
Oct 7
H. Donnison J. Moore, JP
Bench Book III
- 1846 Notice and subpoenas in case v. CROSS
To Superintendent of Convicts, advising MARLIN's and STEVENS' TOLs cancelled and published in Government Gazette Concluded
Objection to subpoena served on DONNISON in case v. VENTEMAN Estate of E. CONHAM claimed by J. CAMPBELL
Objections of Gosford Bench to instructions from Sydney Bench Concluded
Asking Attorney General for advice in cases COGHLAN v. VENTEMAN and VENTEMAN v. COGHLAN Concluded
H. Donnison
Oct 14
H. Donnison J. Moore, JP
Nov 4
H. Donnison
Nov 6 Nov 9
Nov 10
J. Moore, JP H. Donnison, JP
Memorandum: listing letters and subpoenas sent with previous letter J. TITLEY's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; reference from H. DONNISON
Nov 11
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Nov 18
J. Moore, JP H. Donnison, JP
H. Donnison
Recommending J. BURNS' TOL to be altered to District of Bathurst
Asking HORSBRUGH to attend in order to set Small Debts Act in motion Requesting Convict Superintendent to return three debtors, TOL holders, to the district, to settle debts Concluded [Memo from T.C.Battley that letter received and answered in Sydney, where Magistrates were on subpoena in case VENTEMAN v. COGHLAN.]
Dec 11 59
Rules re Court of Petty Sessions at Gosford sent to Attorney General Urgent request for stationery and forms R. FORSEY has probably returned to England
Dec 14 60
H. Donnison, JP J. Moore, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
H. Donnison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Dec 23
H. Donnison B. Horsbrugh
Dec 23
H. Donnison
J. Moore
Bench Book III
- 1847 Examination on death of H. DALEY
Recommendation for Wine and Beer Licence to be granted [not named] J. COTTRELL's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended
As WATSON has gone to India and OSBORNE may have permanently left the district, need for a further Magistrate; SHONE nominated Rules for conduct in 'Court of Requests'
H. Donnison
Jan 7
H. Donnison B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Jan 7
H. Donnison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Jan 7 63
Depositions re prisoner J. MEREDITH
Examinations re H. DALEY's death sent to should have been Colonial Secretary; sent to Convict Superintendent
Jan 2
W. CURTIN's TOL returned; he has received his Conditional Pardon Tenders for repairs to Lock-up and cells received from CREIGHTON and READ; advice from Magistrates that they should be rebuilt
Legal position of W. WILD and P. McCLOY is now settled Concluded
H. Donnison, JP
Jan 7
Jan 7
H. Donnison J. Moore, JP
Jan 14
H. Donnison
Jan 14
H. Donnison J. Moore, JP
Jan 18
B. Horsbrugh H. Donnison
Jan 21
Depositions sent, case v. COLLISON; record against prisoner MEREDITH
Jan 21
Returns of Live Stock, with comments about
decreasing numbers Concluded
Jan 21 67 Jan 28
Rules of Court of Petty Sessions sent Request for contingency sum for passage and escort of prisoners by water
Depositions sent, case of the ship SAJt Robvtt Peet Concluded
Jan 28
T.C.Battley, Registrar B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP H. Donnison
Jan 30
Bench Book III
- 1847 Assigned men object to being returned to previous master at Dungog
Recommending alteration of H. BRAGGE's TOL to Merton, Hunters River
J. WILLIAMS' petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; references from G. HELY, Rev. ROGERS and J. MOORE Concluded
B. Horsbrugh, JP H. Donnison
Feb 25
H. Donnison, JP
Constable BALE bring six men, passage for escort will be ÂŁ2/-/-.
Feb 25
J. Moore, JP
Sending Return of Offences and Return of apprehended prisoners
Feb 25
H. Donnison B. Horsburgh
Mar 8
H. Donnison
Copy of Attorney-General's opinion re the seamen per SLUG Robert Peet to Water Police
Constable required to live at Kincumber, not elderly No objection to J. GLOVER, a sick man, staying here
Mar 19 73
S. HITCHCOCK's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; references from Rev. E. ROGERS and Georgina HELY Arrival of Constable BERGIN, suitable person
J. BENT, TOL holder, absent without a pass; G. TAYLOR, TOL not altered yet Forms and requisitions needed soon
Bench statement: Popran Creek
B. Horsbrugh, JP H. Donnison, JP
Apr 1
H. Donnison J. Moore, JP
Apr 1 Apr 8
Apr12O 76
Apr 20
E. KELLY still living at
Requesting appointment of one extra Constable for Courumbong Statement of local police force Inspection of Public House necessary, but inconvenient ; request to Police Magistrate SULLIVAN , Macdonald River
H. Donnison
T. STACEY needs new TOL to replace one burnt, and alteration to New England district No objection to H. GLANCY's TOL alteration
Mar 20
Apr 20
Apr 20
Apr 20
A. Osborne B. Horsbrugh J. Moore A. B. H. J.
Bench Book III
Osborne Horsbrugh, JP Donnison Moore, JP
1847 Clarification sought on points of Masters & Servants Act Concluded
78 79
Apr 20
Search for some of the crew of the ship Rob¢nt Peep
Apr 29
Examinations sent in case v. HOWARD, for Larceny
Apr 29
F. JARDINE's description, with the view to granting Certificate of Freedom
A. Osborne H. Donnison H. Donnison J. Moore
Apr 29 May 13
H. Donnison B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
May 13
H. Donnison
Letter received from GILCHRIST and ALEXANDER re case of P. A. HOGAN
Jun 3
H. Donnison J. Moore
A. SIDEBOTTOM ' s Passport renewed
Jun 3
Examination sent of P. A. HOGAN, together with other documents J. GLOVER's TOL returned
Answers to questions posed by a Committee set up to enquire into the Colony's Police Continued Concluded
82 83 84
Jun 3
H. Donnison J. Moore B. Horsbrugh
Observations on unfairness of operation of the Small Debts Act
Jun 3
J. Moore, JP
Jun 17
H. Donnison
Further observation to Police Enquiry
B. Horsbrugh J. Moore Cannot recommend A. SIDEBOTTOM for Conditional Pardon, due to his character
H. Donnison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Charge against Edward and John KELLY and Samuel TAYLOR made by George PEAT of stealing a bull Copy of PEAT's information regarding the bull in KELLY's herd W. DUBRIDGE, TOL, left district without permission after charging J. EGGLETON R. FOLKS, TOL, drowned after being thrown in the watter when struck by boom
87 88
Jun 17
J. Moore, JP
Jun 18
Jun 24
H. Donnison B. Horsbrugh
Jun 24
H. Donnison J. Moore
Bench Book III
- 1847 No objection to J. OLIVER's TOL being altered for the City of Sydney
Informing the Bank Manager of Henry DONNISON's death Cancellation of W. DERBRIDGE's TOL
Depositions sent, death of infant S. KIRK, severely burnt Advice to PEAT that witness now identifies bull as belonging to TAYLOR Concluded
J. MOORS declines to prosecute P. A. HOGAN Advising Convict Superintendent that J. BENT has not reported
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Jul 12
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Jul 15
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Jul 22
J. Moore, JP
Jul 22
T.C.Battley, CB
Jul 29
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
J.BENT's TOL not received, and he has not yet made an appearance Police Pay to be now paid into B. HORSBRUGH's account at Bank of Australasia
Jul 12
J. OLIVER's TOL transmitted, to be altered to District of Sydney
Aug 5 Aug 6
T.C.Battley, CB
Aug 19
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Aug 26
J. Moore, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Confusion as to district indicated on J. WILLIAMS' TOL
No alterations needed to Notice to appear in Government Gazette for provision tenders
J. MADDEN's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; reference from Rev. ROGERS D. GLEESON's application to have passage provided for his wife and children; supporting certificate from Rev. ROGERS
Sep 23
TOL and fee of 5/6 for Conditional Pardon granted to M. CONNER W. CURTIN's application to have passage provided for his wife; supporting certificate from Rev. ROGERS
M. COX's application to have passage provided for his wife and children; supporting certificate from Rev. ROGERS No objection to alteration of A. SIDEBOTTOM's TOL to Paterson
Sep 30 Oct
B. Horsbrugh, JP
J. Moore, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Oct 14 98
Oct 14
A. Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Bench Book III
Date - 1847 -
Lock-up keeper J. DITCHAM has resigned; J. SEAMAN appointed conditionally for one month
Oct 14
J. MADDEN's application to have passage provided for his wife and family; supporting certificate from Rev. ROGERS
Oct 14
J. KILMINSTER's petition for Conditional reference from Pardon recommended; Rev. ROGERS
A. Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Oct 14
Recommendation that Chief Constable DWYER be removed to another district
Nov 5
A. Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Sending TOL and fee of 5/6 for a Conditional Pardon
Nov 22
J. Moore, JP
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
W. FACEY's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended (reference from Hovenden HELY); P. ALCOCK's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended Request for a new Constable to fill vacancy
Will not be pressing charges against Chief Constable DWYER J. GAY of Dinner Creek, Mangrove, apprehended for illicit distilling Estate of value of stills attached
Dec 9 103 104
Instructions sought on how to implement new Timber Act
Recommending the appointment of an inspector of Slaughter Houses
A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Dec 16
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Appointment of Constable A. ELLIOTT Handcuffs returned to Colonial Storekeeper for replacement Memo countermanding recommendation for T. CARROLL's TOL alteration Live Stock return, decrease from previous year
Jan 13
[Undated] Jan 21
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Bench Book III
- 1848 Letter returned, addressed to Commissioner MAYNE of Wellington
Jan 27
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Estimates of Probable Expenses of the Department of Police at Brisbane Water
Jan 27
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Replying to circular that there are no public roads in the district, and that all prisoners are escorted by water conveyance to Sydney; recommending station houses at PEATS Hawkesbury River and Dora Creek 108
Feb 24
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Enclosing TOL and fee of 5/6 for Conditional Pardon for W. FITZPATRICK
Mar 23
A. Osborne, JP
Mar 23
J. Moore, JP A. Osborne, JP
Requesting tracing of Section 32 from Surveyor General, site of new Court House 110
Mar 23
Selection of site for the erection of a new Court House
G. HAMMETT's (alias EMMETT) petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; M. TWOMEY's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended (reference from Hovenden HELY) Description of G. HARRIS (alias KEYLOCK)
Mar 30 111
Advising that Sarah WILLIAMS (alias Emma ARMSTRONG), TOL, has not appeared yet COTTRELL, SPARLING, HITCHCOCK and WILLIAMS advised their Conditional Pardons have been recommended; SIDEBOTTOM's TOL altered for Paterson
Mar 30
A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Mar 30
No necessity to alter Police District boundaries
Mar 30 Mar 30
Mar 30
Apr 6
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Apr 6
J. Moore, JP
Thirty blankets will suffice for issue to Native Blacks
Apr 18
A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP
Enclosing TOL for W. BARDEN, together with fee of 5/6 for his Conditional Pardon
Apr 19
A. Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Soliciting favour of an answer to a letter re occupation of Crown Lands
Enclosing TOL for J. SWEENEY, together with fee of 5/6 for his Conditional Pardon Proposal to build Court House on another site; tracing provided returned Concluded
Bench Book III
1848 J. CASEY's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; P. MAHER's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended (references from Georgina and Hovenden HELY)
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP A. Osborne, JP
May 4
No objection to P. MAHER's and C. CHANTECLAIR's TOLs being altered to Port Stephens 116 Concluded
May 4
A. Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
E. KING's and J. CULLEN's TOLs returned with fees of Eleven shillings for their Conditional Pardons
Jun 1
J. Moore, JP
J. STEVEN's petition for Conditional Pardon recommended; reference from T.C.Battley)
Jun 15
J. Moore, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Jul 6
B. Horsbrugh, JP
MADDEN, KILMINSTER, ALCOCK and FACEY have been informed of their Conditional Pardons
Jul 6
C. COPPER's TOL sent to be altered for Sydney T. CARROLL's TOL sent to be altered for Newcastle
S. HITCHCOCK's application to have passage provided for his wife and family
Jul 20
Jul 20
A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP
A. Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Jul 27
A. Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Aug 17
Passport to Port Stephens recommended for R. ELLISON
Aug 17
B. Horsbrugh, JP A. Osborne, JP
T. CARROLL's fee of 2/6 for alteration of his TOL has been paid
Aug 17
Requesting W. MILES' Conditional Pardon be forwarded, enclosing fee of 5/6 Conditional Pardon of G. HARRIS alias KEYLARK not forwarded
D. DWYER suspended from his position of Chief Constable
B. HORSBRUGH dissents from decision to dismiss Chief Constable
Continued Concluded
Sep 28
A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP
Sep 29
B. Horsbrugh, JP
121 122
Depositions sent, case v. FREDERICKS for Perjury
Requesting S. RYDER's Conditional Pardon be forwarded, enclosing fee of 5/6
Bench Book III
- 1848 Disassociating himself from HORSBRUGH's interpretation, case v. DWYER
Oct 12
A. Osborne, JP
Communication to inform the causes of the polemic surrounding DWYER case
Oct 14
J. Moore
Sending L. SPRAR's TOL for alteration to Mowbray
Nov 2
B. Horsbrugh, JP
H. DWYER has absconded from Mr. COLLIN at Barrenjoey R. ELLISON's TOL to be altered to Port Stephens
Nov 2 127
G. ROBINSON has absconded from Mr. COLLIN at Broken Bay H. DWYER's TOL to be altered to Sydney
Seeking advice in a case of a mother forcibly taking her child from his father Concluded
To J. MOORE, upon his objecting to the removal of the Constable at Kincumber to Cooranbong
Nov 23
Nov 23
Nov 30
A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP
Dec 21
A. Osborne, JP B. Horsburgh, JP
Dec 29
A. Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
- 1849 No objection to alteration of W. WILD's TOL to Sydney
Jan 4
B. Horsbrugh, JP J . Moore, JP
Jan 18
Sending abstract of returns of Live Stock J. MORGAN's application for Conditional Pardon recommended; with personal references from HORSBRUGH, MOORE and BATTLEY
Feb 15
To the Attorney General respecting an action for trespass and false imprisonment threatened by E. SHORT of Armidale against Mr. DWYER
Feb 22
Horse races being planned along Victoria Street, East Gosford Concluded
134 135
Feb 22
J. Moore, JP
Bench Book III
- 1849 Measurements for Police uniforms sent
Mar 15
Auctioneer's Licence required to be taken out by Clerk of Petty Sessions
Apr 5 J. Moore, JP
Returns of Agriculture, Vineyards
Apr 17
Suggesting 50 blankets to be issued to the Native Blacks for the Winter G. PARRY's petition for a Conditional Pardon reference from Chaplain recommended; Arthur DOUGLASS
Summons to be served on Barker J. BENSON Summonses to be served, no names
Returning Bond entered into by Clerk of Petty Sessions and Sureties
A. Osborne, JP
Apr 24
J. Moore, JP A. Osborne, JP
Apr 26
J. Moore, JP
May 7 T.C.Battley, CB A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP
May 24 A. Osborne, JP A. Osborne, JP
Requesting approval of Colonial Treasurer to new bank account Concluded
May 31
J. Moore, JP
May 31
Conditional Pardon for J. MADDEN to be forwarded to Gosford; fee of 5/6 sent
Returns of offences, and resident Magistrates forwarded to Colonial Secretary for information of Legislative Council
Apr 19
May 28
New bank account to be opened at Bank of Australasia: "Gosford Bench Police Fund"
Specimen signatures forwarded to Bank of Australasia
Apr 17
May 24
Requesting furniture for new Court House F. TURNER charged with being of unsound mind and a dangerous Lunatic
A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP
Apr 17
A. McARTHUR's petition for a Conditional reference from Pardon recommended; B. HORSBRUGH
Sureties proposed for receipt of Public Monies and Immigration Remittances, J. READ and J. HEGIN
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Jun 12
A. Osborne, JP
Jun 14
A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP
Jun 21
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Bench Book III
1849 Charges by Rev. William BENSON against two local Magistrates and Rev. COCHLAN Concluded
145 146
Depositions sent, case v. MURPHY and CAPPER, stealing and receiving corn
Reporting the absence of two TOLs from the District: J. MURRAY & J. MORGAN P. ALCOCK and J. WILLIAMS' TOLs returned; requesting Conditional Pardons to be forwarded; advising J. MADDEN's Conditional Pardon not yet received
Sending passage money for families of three applicants: W. CURTIN, D. GLEESON and J. MADDEN Concluded
Jul 26
Aug 23
A. Osborne, JP J. Harrison, JP H. Hely, JP
Sep 13
J. Moore, JP
Sep 27
A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP
H. MEAD's petition for a Conditional Pardon recommended ; references from Chaplain DOUGLASS and J. FERGUSON
Sep 27
Sep 27
P. BYRNE's petition for a Conditional Pardon recommended; reference from D. DWYER
Sep 27
Arrival of families of S. HITCHCOCK and W. CURTIN Concluded A. OSBORNE and J. MOORE express willingness to act as Commissioner of Crown Lands Concluded
J. Harrison, JP H. Hely, JP J. Moore, JP
F. CHANY's petition for a Conditional Pardon reference from B.HORSBRUGH recommended;
W. BOSTON's petition for a Conditional Pardon recommended; reference from D. DWYER
J. Moore, JP
Aug 2
Additional signatures of Magistrates who will sign cheques on the Gosford Bench Police Fund
Jul 19 Jul 26
Requesting ordinary Constable to fill vacancy
To Immigration Agent MEREWETHER regarding welfare of female orphan M. ALLINGHAM Concluded
J. Moore, JP Jul 2 B. Horsbrugh, JP
J. Moore, JP A. Osborne, JP J. Harrison, JP
Sep 27 Oct
J. Moore, JP A. Osborne, JP
A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP J. Harrison
Bench Book III
- 1849 Requesting J. COTTRELL's Conditional Pardon be sent; fee sent of 5/6 P.S.: P. ALCOCK and J. WILLIAMS' Conditional Pardons not yet received Recommending alteration of J. JONES' TOL to Sydney to remain in service of G. K. MANN
Oct 24
J. Moore, JP H. Hely, JP
Oct 24
H. Hely, JP A. Osborne, JP
J. Moore, JP Nov 1 A. Osborne, JP J. Harrison, JP H. Hely, JP
Deposition sent re G. WRIGHT, suspected of being a runaway from Iron Gang
W. CURTIN requesting refund of fee of £3 paid as maintenance for family
J. FROST's TOL sent with fee of 5/6 for Conditional Pardon granted
Nov 2 J. Moore, JP Nov 8 H. Hely, JP
Regarding re-issue of Licences to cut timber on Crown Lands
H. Hely, JP Nov 8 J. Harrison, JP A. Osborne, JP
Depositions sent re case v. BRENNAN and FORRESTER, also v. J. FREEMAN, suspicion of felony
Nov 22
Fencing of Reserve for Pound and Police Paddock Concluded Discrepancy in sum allocated by Legislative Council for police establishment Concluded
Nov 29 160
Petition for Conditional Pardon of female (unnamed) prisoner £3 for W. CURTIN's family's maintenance has been refunded To R. SADLEIR of Male Orphan School, advising circumstances re John DONALD (alias McDONALD, alias Donald McDONALD) apprentice to B. PARTRIDGE; PARTRIDGE lax in teaching, McDONALD guilty of disobedience and returned to School Concluded
Osborne, JP Moore, JP Harrison, JP Hely, JP
Nov 29
A. Osborne, JP H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP
Nov 30
H. Hely, JP
Depositions taken, death of J. HART, Master Mariner
A. J. J. H.
[Undated] A. Osborne, JP 162
Dec 20
A. Osbsorne, JP H. Hely, JP
Dec 27
H. Hely, JP J. Moore, JP
Bench Book III
- 1850 Requesting thirty blankets for local blacks
Jan 17
D. DWYER appointed as Inspector of Weights and Measures
Jan 17
A. FLYNN's petition for a Conditional Pardon recommended Return of probable expenses for the department of Police at Brisbane Water for 1851
Jan 17
Prisoner R. RIXON (alias W. ROBINS) is sent for identification, suspected of being a runaway
Jan 24
A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP
A. Osborne, JP H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP A. Osborne, JP H. Hely, JP
Jan 31
Return of fines and fees for quarter ending 31 December 1849
Feb 12
A. Osborne, JP
Recommending the alteration of the TOL of W. ROBINSON to Moreton Bay
Feb 21
A. Osborne, JP H. Hely, JP
J. PERFEET is assigned to A. WALKER, but has never been in District
Half Yearly Return of TOL holders with reports on J. SAUNDERS, T. COVENTRY, G. HARRIS and J. PAGE
A. Osborne, JP Mar 5 J. Moore, JP
Depositions and recognizances sent, case v. ROBINSON for false pretences
J. Moore, JP Mar 7 H. Hely, JP
Returning misdirected letter
Mar 21
J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP
Depositions sent, case v. HOWELL for suspicion of larceny Concluded
Apr 13
H. Hely, JP
Cancelling recommendation for W. ROBINSON's TOL to be altered to Moreton Bay Prisoner J. WHITTLE is sent for identification, suspected of being a runaway
May 2 A. Osborne, JP 172
Returns of Agriculture and Vineyards sent Depositions sent, case v. McFARLANE (alias CADBY) for larceny Enclosing TOLs and requesting Conditional Pardons be sent for S. WILSON and T. STACEY
May 7 J. Moore, JP May 9 A. Osborne, JP J. Harrison, JP
May 30
H. Hely, JP
Jun 29
J. Moore, JP
Bench Book III
1850 Returning TOLs and requesting Conditional Pardons be sent for G. HAMMETT (alias EMMETT ) and J. TITLEY Postal communication between Sydney and Gosford irregular , three weeks without mail ; suggesting twice-weekly mail carried by horseback Concluded
Jul 18
J. Moore, JP H. Hely, JP A. Osborne, JP H. Hely, JP
Apr 25
J. Harrison, JP J. Moore, JP
175 Aug 1 A. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP
Result of land sale at Gosford J. HILLMAN and T. MARSH claim they have a permit to cut cedar on Crown Land
Aug 29
J. Moore, JP
ÂŁ1/4/- forwarded, being fees for the four Conditional Pardons for HAMMETT/EMMETT, TITLEY, WILSON and STACEY, plus 2/for postage
A. Osborne, JP H. Hely, JP
Depositions sent re S. HOWELL, suspected of being of unsound mind Concluded
Sep 19
A. Osborne, JP
Depositions sent, case v. STOCKDALE, suspicion of perjury
Suburban lots put up for sale, but no bids
Sep 19 179
Depositions sent, case v. GERALD or JARROLD for larceny Returning TOL and requesting Conditional Pardon be sent for W. HUDSON; fee of 5/6 sent with postage of 8d Tenders for a weekly overland mail to the district have been cancelled as PEAT has withdrawn his Punt Concluded
Oct 10
H. Hely, JP
Oct 25
Nov 21
J. Moore, JP A. Osborne, JP H. Hely, JP
Dec 12
Supply of forms required under Regulations for Licences to cut timber on Crown Lands
Dec 23
J. Harrison, JP J. Moore, JP A. Osborne, JP H. Hely, JP
1851 Respecting forms required for taking the Census in this District
W. BENNETT and two others reported as having escaped from a survey party
Jan 23 Jan 30
H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP A. Osborne, JP H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP
Bench Book III
Returning TOL, enclosing fee of 5/6 plus 8d postage, and requesting A. McARTHUR's Conditional Pardon be sent
Jan 30
H. Hely, JP
W. ROBINSON considered not a fit person to hold a TOL
Feb 13
J. Moore, JP
Thirty blankets required for annual issue to native blacks Concluded
Feb 13
H. Hely, JP
185 Feb 20
A. Osborne, JP
Reporting that A. H. PRATT, TOL holder, has presented himself to the Bench J. TAYLOR's TOL cancelled
Requesting a supply of forms as per order of 1st December, 1850 Census 1851: total population of this District is 1,451
Mar 7 H. Hely, JP 187
J. McDOUGAL absent from the District without a pass; recommend cancellation of TOL
Mar 27
J. Moore, JP H. Hely, JP
Apr 3 H. Hely, JP
Recommending the most convenient polling places in the District
Recommending Gosford and East Gosford being declared places to wholesale spirits Concluded
A. Osborne, JP
Apr 3 H. Hely, JP Apr 15
T. PERKHAM forwarded to Sydney as his conduct is strange
Depositions sent, case v. BARTLETT, suspicion of larceny
Mar 6
Apr 17
H. Hely, JP
Apr 24
J. Moore, JP A. Osborne, JP
W. TRIGG's petition for a Conditional Pardon recommended; reference from D. DWYER
May 8 H. Hely, JP
Requesting Attorney-General's advice in case
STOCKDALE v. NEWMAN, stealing shingles Concluded
191 192
J. MOORE objects to sale of wholesale spirits
May 8 May 15
J. Moore, JP H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP
Forwarding 367 sheets , census taken in March
May 22
Circumstances in which letter recommending sale of wholesale spirits was signed
May 28
J. Harrison, JP H. Osborne, JP
Bench Book III
Depositions sent, case v. ROBINSON for dog stealing; TOL has been cancelled
W. ROBINSON had previously been convicted of obtaining money under false pretences Circumstances of escape of two runaways under escort of Constable
J. P. THORNSTON, suspected runaway, sent to Sydney for identification Concluded
G. HADDON not a runaway, recommend his TOL be altered to this District Concluded
May 28
A. Osborne, JP
May 29
J. Moore, JP
May 29
J. Moore, JP A. Osborne, JP J. Harrison, JP
Jun 30
H. Hely, JP
Jun 30
Returning TOL, sending fee of 5/6 plus 4d postage, and requesting F. CHANY (alias NELSON)'s TOL be forwarded
G. HARRIS's petition for a Conditional Pardon recommended
No bidders at sale of suburban allotments
Depositions sent, case v. BROWN for stealing Depositions sent, death of E. THOMSETT
Reports of whereabouts of three TOL holders, W. BENNETT, J. TAYLOR and J. OSBORNE Requesting Conditional Pardons for P. BYRNE and H. MEAD be sent (enclosing fees and postage amounting to 12/-); sending 5/- owed by J. TAYLOR, and 2/6 fee for altering G. HADDON's TOL to Scone
A. Osborne, JP H. Hely, JP
Jul 15
H. Hely, JP
A. Osborne, JP
Aug 21
J. Harrison, JP H. Hely, JP
J. Moore, JP A. Osborne, JP
Regarding G. HARRIS' petition for a Conditional Pardon 203 Concluded
H. Hely, JP A. Osborne, JP
Require printed forms for the use of the department of Police for the District Concluded
Nov 27
J. Harrison, JP
Nov 29
J. Harrison, JP
Dec 17
J. Harrison, JP H. Hely, JP
Death of A. OSBORNE, JP; has for some time been in a state of delicate health T. CAPPER's petition for a Conditional Pardon recommended; reference from D. DWYER
Bench Book III
- 1852 Depositions sent, case v. HELPS, GRADY and DEAVES for burglary and robbery
Jan 29
Thirty blankets required for distribution to native blacks
Feb 2
Men sent for identification [no names] Returning J. OSBORNE's TOL for alteration to Moreton Bay; enquiring about family of J. MADDEN not yet arrived
J. Harrison, JP
Feb 19
Depositions sent, accidental drowning of J. WOOLLEY, of Wyong Creek
E.H.Hargraves, JP Jan 1 J. Harrison, JP Jan 1 J. Harrison, JP
Enquiry to New England Bench re fate of William CREIGHTON, son of Robert CREIGHTON, Pound Keeper
E.H.Hargraves, JP Jan 1 J. Harrison, JP
Request for necessary forms
Mar 11
Depositions sent, death by natural causes of M. BOULIN, a Roman Catholic from Ireland
Apr 5 J. Moore, JP
J. TAYLOR, TOL, absconded from Mr. WILLIAMS Inconvenience caused by lack of printed forms
J. TAYLOR's TOL returned, having been cancelled Advising Moreton Bay Bench that W. CURTIN's wife is without support in the district
Constable WORLEY assaulted, but behaved insolently to the Bench Concluded
Wreck of the schooner Essoat, five bodies found Concluded
J. Harrison, JP J. Moore, JP
Apr 15
J. Harrison, JP
May 19
J. Harrison, JP
May 19
J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP
Jun 16
J. Moore, JP
Jul 7
Regarding tenders for the conveyance of mail to Gosford for 1853
Jul 14
J. Harrison, JP
Aug 11
J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP
Extirpating Scotch Thistle and Bathurst Burr
Aug 11
Sending T. MURPHY with Constable to Superintendent of Convicts
Oct 20
J. Harrison, JP
Oct 27
J. Harrison, JP J. Moore, JP
Lockup Rations account for T.C.BATTLEY queried by Auditor General Concluded
Bench Book III
- 1852 Absconder J. MARMON's TOL returned, having been cancelled
Nov 24
H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP
C. HIGGINS, F.S., suspected of being of unsound mind
Dec 18
J. Harrison, JP
GAVENLOCK Junior remanded, case of assault Concluded
Dec 20
J. Harrison, JP
219 - 1853
Thirty blankets required for distribution to native blacks
Jan 12
J. Harrison, JP
Police uniforms not supplied for last year
Jan 12
J. Harrison, JP
J. Moore, JP Sureties for Clerk of Petty Sessions are still valid
Police clothing and stationery may be sent to NORTHWOOD's wharf No supply of forage available for police horses
Seven suburban allotments put up for sale, one sold for ÂŁ7/10/-.
Feb 16
H. Hely, JP
Feb 23
J. Harrison, JP J. Moore, JP
J. Harrison, JP J. Moore, JP
Depositions sent, case v. BENNISON for assault and wounding Edw. MORAN
Mar 30
Vacancy for one Constable, no-one available locally
B. Horsbrugh, JP Apr 6 J. Harrison, JP
J. SHEILS' TOL returned, having been cancelled
T. CAPPER's TOL, with 5/10 in 2d stamps, sent; request that his Conditional Pardon be forwarded
Request for an additional Constable for the district due to rising population Map of Gosford of 10 years ago is now lost
B. Horsbrugh, JP
B. Horsbrugh, JP May 4 H. Hely, JP May 4
J. FREDERICKS, absentee servant from Jamberoo, has been apprehended Deposition sent, death of W. JOHNSON
Apr 6 Apr 19
D. RUDKIN sworn in as an ordinary Constable
ÂŁ30 needed for erection of stable for police horses before Winter
May 4 May 25
J. Harrison, JP J. Moore, JP
May 26
J. Harrison, JP
Bench Book III
- 1853 Depositions sent, case v. P. SCAYSBROOK, alias CAULFIELD, for false pretences
Depositions sent, death of J. FOLKES after falling from a boat Depositions sent, death of F. FORRESTER, suffocated in mud and water Constable GORMAN recommended for zeal in apprehending prisoners Concluded
Sep 14
H. Hely, JP
Nov 10
J. Harrison
Nov 10
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Nov 16
J. Harrison, JP H. Hely, JP
Nov 23
J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP
Respecting the postal route from Mangrove to Sydney
- 1854 Require 100 forms for Timber Licences
Requesting W. BOSTON's Conditional Pardon be sent; enclosing TOL and 35 2d stamps to cover fee and postage Thirty blankets required for distribution to native blacks
H. Hely, JP Feb 8 B. Horsbrugh, JP 231
Return of actions before the Bench sent Requesting supply of printed forms
Feb 8 Feb 8
Deposition sent, death of T. FRENCH by drowning Depositions sent, case v. HIBBS for false pretences
Jan 5 J. Harrison, JP H. Hely, JP
Articles required for use by police
Feb 22
J. Harrison, JP
Mar 29
J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP
Apr 27
H. Hely, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
P. HAYES suspected of being of unsound mind
Apr 29
Reporting that the Clerk of Petty Sessions does not occupying any part of Court House
H. Hely, JP May 4 J. Harrison, JP
J. BEATTIE, holding a Publican's Licence, convicted of interfering with a constable's duty; MOORE objects to granting of so many Publican's Licences 235
May 10
J. Moore, JP
Enquiry held, death of E. GRANT, wife of T. GRANT of Erina
May 24
H. Hely, JP
Bench Book III
- 1854 Depositions sent, case v. E. LOWRY, for stealing money from M. CONWAY
May 24
H. Hely, JP
D. RUDKIN resigns from police; replacement required from 1st August
Jun 14
H. Hely, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Jul 19
J. Harrison, JP
Depositions sent, case v. MALONEY for stealing money
Further deposition, case v. MALONEY
Request to advertise for Constable
Aug 2 Aug 9
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
R. WATKINS appointed as a Constable
J. Harrison, JP H. Hely, JP
Depositions sent, case v. CLARKSON and SEYMOUR for murder
J. Moore, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Requesting a reward to be offered for information respecting the suspected murder of T. MIDDLETON
J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Depositions sent, death by drowning of Rev. John HEALEY
W. THOMSON alias CASSIDY, suspected runaway from Van Diemans Land, forwarded for identification Enquiry to Dr. GWYNNE of Parramatta re his patient F. BENTLEY, a sawyer of unsound mind; BENTLEY's money being spent by E. JONES
R. WATKINS has resigned as Constable; M. CONWAY appointed
Nov 8
J. Harrison, JP J. Moore, JP
Nov 15
J. Moore, JP
Nov 15
J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP
Dec 20
J. Harrison, JP H. Hely, JP
1855Sureties for Clerk of Petty Sessions are still valid
To Dr. GWYNNE, requesting reply to letter of 15th November, 1854 Location of Ferry on Erina Creek; tender for dues
J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Twenty blankets only required for distribution to native blacks on Queens birthday Requesting Parramatta Bench to determine if F. BENTLEY is with Dr . GWYNNE, or is alive or dead
Jan 17
Feb 14
J. Harrison, JP
Mar 1
Mar 21
J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP
Bench Book III
- 1855 No sheep depasturing in the District on which assessment could be made
Mar 21
J. Harrison, JP J. Moore, JP
Unable to attract tenders to supply provisions for the Police District; Clerk of the Bench will procure them at best terms
Mar 28
J. Harrison, JP
Apr 11
J. Moore, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Deposit of ÂŁ40 paid by W. BENNETT for passage of his wife and children; wishes it returned as wife has died Death of J. READ, one of the sureties of the Clerk of Petty Sessions; replacement proposed is G.R.B. VENTEMAN of E.Gosford
Forwarding Bond duly executed by Clerk and Sureties HEGIN and VENTEMAN Enclosing TOLs and Pass and requesting sending of Certificates of Freedom for J. HAYES, G. HADDON, D. ALLAN and J. SMITH or YOUSEFF Depositions sent, case v. WATKINS for assault with fire arms; also concerning D. DWYER Concluded
May 16
J. Harrison, JP
May 30
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Jun 27 249
Recognizance of Rev. WOOLFREY to appear in case v. WATKINS To Dr. DOUGLASS, M.L.C., forwarding petition to have road constructed Concluded
Apr 25
Jul 11 250
Vacancy in Gosford Police, services required of a man of good character
J.A.Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP J.A.Osborne, JP J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP
Jul 16
D. DUNN has been appointed a Police Constable 251 J. HENNESSEY committed to Darlinghurst Gaol, and thence to Asylum at Tarban Creek
Aug 1 J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP Aug 15
Report of Gosford Bench respecting the committal of James HENNESSEY to Darlinghurst Gaol Concluded
252 253
Aug 15
To Chief Justice Sir Alfred KNIGHT with details of HENNESSEY's committal to gaol
Aug 22
J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Bench Book III
- 1855 Requesting opinion from Attorney General on correctness or otherwise of allowing Rev. WOOLFREY to be sworn on Catholic Bible
Depositions forwarded, death of J. DONOVAN by accidental drowning
Aug 22
[Undated] B. Horsbrugh, JP
Regarding claim by C. WATKINS, former Constable, for arrears of pay
Sep 12
Return of wages and prices for August
Sep 12
List and names and addresses of each Magistrate in the district; also same for Clerk of the Bench and Chief Constable Concluded
To Colonial Secretary on threats from a Postal Clerk to J. MOORE Concluded To Sydney Police, returning letter, memorial and certificates of character, C. WATKINS, late Constable of Police Recommending J. MOORE and B. HORSBRUGH as Justices willing to discharge the duties of consenting to the marriage of minors
J. Moore, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Harrison, JP J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP
Sep 19
J. Moore, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Harrison, JP
Oct 10
H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP
Nov 31
H. Hely, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Nov 28
J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP
E. BEARD, TOL, charged with assaulting a recommend his TOL be Constable; cancelled, to be restored to another District Opinion sought on the power of the Bench to adjudicate under Masters & Servants Act
J. Harrison, JP J. Moore, JP
B. Horsbrugh, JP J.A.Osborne, JP
J. Harrison, JP J. Moore, JP
Nov 21
B. Horsbrugh, JP J.A.Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
From R. HENDERSON re case being considered TAAFFE v. OSBORNE
Dec 12
J. Moore, JP
Dec 19
J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP
- 1856 Forms required for collection of Census
Recommending A. C. DAVISON for appointment to office of Deputy Registrar Concluded
Jan 16
J. Osborne, JP J. Moore, JP J. Moore, JP
Jan 30
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Harrison, JP
Bench Book III
- 1856 Recommending petition by inhabitants of Mangrove Creek for a Post Office
Regarding application by H. CALLEN for refund of ÂŁ26 paid for passage of family Concluded
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Feb 13
Twenty blankets required for distribution to native blacks on queens birthday Requesting supply of printed forms
Further on a refund due to H. CALLEN
Feb 20
J. Harrison
Feb 20
J. Harrison, JP
Mar 12
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP H. Hely, JP J.A.Osborne, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Census returns forwarded
Mar 19
On J. HENNESSEY's assault on E. COYNE Concluded
Apr 2 J. Harrison, JP J. Moore, JP
Mr. SCOTT has written to Attorney General re J. HENNESSEY's case Sureties for Clerk of Petty Sessions are. still valid Depositions sent, case v. COYNE for Larceny, also referring to charge of murder Concluded
Apr 3 J. Moore, JP 268
270 271
A. or F. BENTLEY, absconder from Asylum Concluded
May 28
J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
J. Harrison, JP Aug 6 J. Moore, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP 273
Requesting A. C. DAVISON to return Register Books and other records
Books returned by A. C. DAVISON; Thomas C. BATTLEY appointed District Registrar Concluded
J. Moore, JP J. Harrison, JP J.A.Osborne, JP
Jul 23
BENTLEY to appear before the Board to enable him to be discharged
Enquiry held into death by burning of Henry DANVIS, an infant
Apr 30 269
Economy of the District, population and transport Continued Concluded
Letter to be carried by BENTLEY to Asylum Superintendent
E.H.Hargraves, JP Apr 9 J.A.Osborne, JP
Aug 6 J. Harrison, JP Aug 6 J. Moore, JP
Aug 7 J. Harrison, JP Aug 20
J. Moore, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Bench Book III
Date - 1856
Depositions sent, case v. SCHIFFERMULLER for stealing money
Oct 29
Requesting supply of handcuffs
J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Harrison, JP
- 1857 Re supply of 20 blankets for black natives: 9 were issued on the Queens birthday, 6 subsequently used, 7 on hand
Jan 14
J. Harrison, JP
An additional 10 blankets required for issue to native blacks
Feb 11
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Depositions sent, case HARGRAVES v. STOCKDALE for embezzlement
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Have marked list of gentlemen holding a Commission of the Peace who are absent from the Colony J. STOCKDALE ill-used apprentice H. CAMERON, has not paid money owed
H. CALLEN claims balance of ÂŁ8/10/- still owing to him by Immigration Agent CREIGHTON has resigned as Pound Keeper; COULTER offers to take position and remove Pound to his own land
Estimates of expenses for Police for 1858 Report of the state of the Court House and Lockup at Gosford which is out of repair
Ten blankets requested, have still not been sent for native blacks History of Mann Street pound and Police paddock
Advice sought from Attorney General re FOSTER v. SMITH Returns sent of applications granted under the Licensed Auctioneers & Publicans Acts
No objection to D. DWYER being appointed Inspector of Distilleries A. H. PRATT's TOL sent; requesting his Certificate of Freedom be forwarded
J.A.Osborne, JP
Mar 18
J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Mar 25
J. Harrison, JP
[1856] Nov 19
J. Moore, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
May 13
B. Horsbrugh, JP J.A.Osborne, JP
May 13
B. Horsbrugh, JP
May 13
B. Horsbrugh, JP
May 20
J. Harrison, JP
J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Jul 22 Jul 22 H. Hely, JP
Aug 12
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Bench Book III
- 1857 Recommending T. C. BATTLEY for appointment as Police Magistrate
Aug 12
H. Hely, JP J. M. Lette, JP E.H.Hargraves, JP
Proceedings sent of dismissed case against FANNING & ASHWOOD for false pretences
Aug 19
J. Harrison, JP
H. RELY accused of parading a Courtesan in public No eligible tenders received for supply of provisions to the Lockup
[Undated] J. Harrison, JP 285
Specifications and tender from R. CREIGHTON for repairs to the Court and Watchhouse Recommending that T. C. BATTLEY not be appointed as Police Magistrate
Advising that J. MOORE, JP, has left the District
Again recommending that I. COULTER be allowed to remove Pound to his land
To Police Magistrate at Wollombi, advising that C. BROWN has been apprehended for unlawfully deserting his wife Depositions sent, case v. J. C. WATSON for assault Concluded
J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Aug 26
J. Harrison, JP
J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J.A.Osborne, JP
Sep 16
B. Horsbrugh, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Enquiry held, death of G. HUMPHREYS, an infant, drowned in his father's well Depositions sent, death of R. WILLIAMSON, an infant, by accidental burning
Aug 19
Sep 23
J.A.Osborne, JP
Sep 30
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Oct 15
J. Harrison, JP
Dec 11 Dec 30
B. Horsbrugh, JP
289 1858 -
14 Blankets required for issue to the native blacks Requesting blankets for native blacks and stationery be sent per Black Swan
Feb 10
J. Harrison, JP J.A.Osborne, JP
Feb 24
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Decline sending copies of depositions in case NUNN v TAAFFE to Sydney solicitors
May 6 T.C.Battley, CB
Enquiry held, death of W. ALLAN, natural causes, accelerated by excessive drinking 291
Jun 2 B. Horsbrugh, JP
Bench Book III
- 1858 To Gold Commissioners at Rocky River and Mudgee, endeavouring to locate R. MOFFITT, whose wife and child have drowned Concluded
291 292
Depositions sent, death of M.A. MOFFITT, one of three who drowned by the upsetting of a boat
Depositions sent, death by drowning of A. FLEMING
No offer made to purchase Ferry dues at Mooney Mooney Creek
Jun 2 B. Horsbrugh, JP
Jun 16
J. Harrison, JP
Jun 23
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Jun 23
Estimate of probable Police expenses for 1859
Jul 7
Requiring supply of printed forms of voucher to authorise payment for holding enquiries into sudden deaths
Jul 28
Enquiry held, death of two fishermen, found dead at Tuggerah Beach Lake No sale of Mooney Mooney punt dues; unlikely that there will be Concluded
Sep 15
Deposition sent, accidental drowning of E. GIBBS, a seamon from the Uncte Tom Still no offer for the tolls and dues across Mooney Mooney Creek
J. Harrison, JP
Deposition sent, death of G. DOEL Depositions sent, case v. an Aboriginal native on suspicion of stealing money
Acknowledging receipt of a circular advising of change to Electoral Law
Sep 15
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Nov 10
B. Horsbrugh, JP W. Nunn, JP
Nov 19
J. Harrison, JP
Dec 1 J. W. Nunn, JP
Dec 15
B. Horsbrugh, JP W. Nunn, JP
1859 Requesting advice from Attorney General on Master & Servants Act
Jan 12
15 Blankets required for issue to the native blacks
Jan 26
Punt at Mooney Mooney not used for nine months, now unserviceable
J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Jan 26
Bench Book III
- 1859 H. S. HORSBRUGH and B. J. BENSON appointed Census collectors, requesting that their remuneration be forwarded Plan
received of the Parish Road from Kincumber to Gosford
Blankets for native blacks to be sent via Black Swan from Phoenix wharf
Still no reply to letter seeking an opinion under the Master & Servants Act Depositions sent, case v. EMMERSON for assault
W. J. Nunn, JP J. Harrison, JP W. Nunn, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Feb 23 Apr 1 J. Harrison, JP
Recommending D. DWYER for an allowance or gratuity Requesting a reply to letter seeking an opinion under the Master & Servants Act
Feb 23
Deposition sent, case v. T. F. McDONELL, charged with false pretences D. DWYER resigned office of Chief Constable; H. WORLEY appointed in his stead
J. Harrison, JP Apr 6 W. Nunn, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP Apr 19
J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
May 24
J. Harrison, JP
Jul 7 J. M. Lette, JP 305
Respecting police estimates for 1860, recommending an allowance in lieu of forage No repairs needed to police buildings; requesting a Batten fence to enclose the Lockup
Petition being prepared, residents ask for mail to be delivered via Peats Ferry Concluded
Jul 29
B. Horsbrugh
Aug 11
B. Horsbrugh, JP W. Nunn, JP J. Harrison, JP
Aug 11 Aug 18
W. Nunn, JP
Witnesses' recognizances sent, case v. EMMERSON
Aug 18
B. Horsbrugh, JP W. Nunn, JP
Attendance required by four Bench magistrates re district Police matters
Aug 18
T.C.Battley, CPS
Sep 22
J. Harrison, JP
Sep 22
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Harrison, JP W. J. Nunn, JP
Enquiry held, death of E. F. BENGER, by accidental burning To the Minister for Lands, requesting use of Peats Ferry to carry mail Concluded
Bench Book III
- 1859 To. W. T. CAPE, M.L.A., supporting the use of Peats Ferry to carry mail
Sep 29
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Harrison, JP W. J. Nunn, JP
Requesting an opinion in a case DUFFY v. NUNN for unlawful impounding
Reply to letter of complaint sent by E. H. HARGRAVES to the Government Continued Concluded
Nov 10
Statement that part of letter from HARGRAVES is entirely without foundation
Deposition sent, accidental death of an Infant by burning [not named]
311 312
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Harrison, JP
J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP W. Nunn, JP J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP J.A.Osborne, JP W. Nunn, JP J. Harrison
- 1860 Statement disassociating himself from the dismissal of Chief Constable DWYER Concluded
313 314
Statement of what books are available for use by the Court for reference
Jan 6 H. Hely, JP
Jan 19
B. Horsbrugh, JP W. Nunn, JP
Statement of motives of Magistrates in signing D. DWYER's petition
Jan 19
Deposition sent, death of a man (name unknown) found on Tuggerah Beach
Jan 26
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Jan 26
J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. M. Lette, JP
Approving the appointment of H. WORLEY as Inspector of Distilleries Requesting an opinion as to superior jurisdiction of the Sydney Bench Concluded
317 318
J. B. W. J.
Harrison, JP Horsbrugh, JP J. Nunn, JP M. Lette, JP
Requesting reply to letter, p.310, in case DUFFY v. NUNN
Mar 1 J. Harrison, JP
Original proceedings sent, case HARGRAVES v. SEAMAN
Explanation to Attorney General of certain Affidavits, HARGRAVES v. SEAMAN
B. Horsbrugh, JP W. J. Nunn, JP
Mar 22
B. Horsbrugh, JP J.A.Osborne, JP J. M. Lette, JP W. J. Nunn, JP
Bench Book III
- 1860 Reply to Colonial Secretary regarding DWYER's petition and HELY's letter
15 Blankets required for the use of the native blacks Electoral List revised for the district of Brisbane Water, Electorate of Wollombi
Re application of Mr. COLE to rent the Government Cottage at Pests Ferry
Mar 22
J. Harrison, JP W. J. Nunn, JP
Mar 22
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. M. Lette, JP
Mar 22
T.C.Battley, CPS H.' Hely, JP
Mar 29
J. M. Lette, JP W. Nunn, JP
Requesting Postmaster General to be handed over Pests Ferry for the use of the mail contractors
Apr 26
J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP W. J. Nunn, JP
Slight error made in the return of Agriculture for the year ending March
May 10
H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP
Requesting that decision to reduce the number of police be reversed Depositions sent, accidental death of a female [not named] Recommending Mrs. SPEARS for a Publican's General Licence Concluded
May 31
H. Hely, JP
Jun 14
J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP W. J. Nunn, JP
H. Hely, JP Jul 6 J. Harrison, JP
Further recommending D. DWYER for a retiring
To the Secretary of Lands re the dispute between the mail contractors and the person in charge of Feats Ferry punt On the recommendation of a retiring allowance for D. DWYER
H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Depositions sent, case v. MORGAN for stealing money allowance
May 24
J. Harrison, JP [Undated] B. Horsbrugh, JP
Aug 23 327
No Ticket of Leave holders in this District
Aug 23 Sep
Need to replace MOORE and HORSBRUGH as legal guardians to give consent to the marriage of minors, as they have left the area
To the Windsor Bench, advising the apprehending of G. WILLIAMSON, charged with deserting his wife Conrl' ded
H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP
Sep 6
Sep 13
Bench Book III
1860 Seeking an opinion on a case, NUNN v. SLOANE Concluded
329 330
Nov 3 H. Hely, JP
- 1861 Thirteen blankets required for issue to native blacks, two on hand Recommending COLE's application to occupy cottage at Peats Ferry
Jan 15 331
Depositions sent, case v. KNIGHT, for suspicion of Felony, etc. Depositions sent, case v. HARGRAVES for unlawfully shooting a mare Forwarding J. HENNESSEY to Gaol for trespassing HEGIN deceased, VENTEMAN left district, new sureties for Clerk of Petty Sessions will be D. Y. BARRON and G. KEENE
Bench invited to reconsider charges against HARGRAVES, they see no reason to alter their opinion BARRON and KEENE are good and sufficient sureties for Clerk of Petty Sessions
Jan 17 Jan 25
H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP
H. Hely, JP
Feb 15 Feb 22
H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP
Feb 28
E.H.Hargraves, JP J.A.Osborne, JP
Mar 1 J. Harrison, JP E.H.Hargraves, JP 334
Recommending allowance to Constable GORMAN in lieu of forage
Mar 14
J. Harrison, JP
Mar 28
H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP
Depositions sent, case v. FREEMAN and FREEMAN Jnr., cattle stealing
Copy of proceedings sent, case HARGRAVES v. TAAFE, trespass, vagrancy, &c. To Attorney General on letter written by OSBORNE and NUNN in case v. E.H.HARGRAVES Concluded
To Inspector General of Police re charge brought by HARGRAVES against Chief Constable WORLEY, neglect of duty
J.A.Osborne, JP Jun 7 W. J. Nunn, JP
Copy of proceedings sent, case E.H.HARGRAVES v. WORLEY, with comments on case Concluded
339 340
H. Hely, JP Jun 7 J. Harrison, JP L. Scott, JP
Depositions sent, death of D. OWENS
Jun 11
J. Harrison, JP
Bench Book III
1861 Stationery ordered last December still not arrived; blankets not yet received, aboriginals are much in want of them
Jun 11
H. Hely, JP
From E. H. HARGRAVES to the Inspector General of Police on dismissal of H. WORLEY Continued Concluded
342 343 344
Jun 11
E.H.Hargraves, JP
Jun 27
H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP
Jul 11
H. Hely, JP L. Scott, JP
Jul 18
T.C.Battley, CPS
Jul 18
H. Hely, JP L. Scott, JP J. Harrison, JP
Advising Architect of leak in the roof of the Court House Buildings
Jul 25
H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP
Copies of plan sent, new road from Gosford to Dora Creek
Jul 29
To Bench of Magistrates at East Kempsey respecting charge v. COBB for horse stealing
Proceedings sent, charge of drunkenness against Constable GORMAN
On the suspension of Constable GORMAN from his position Concluded
Protesting the impropriety of HARGRAVES acting as prosecutor and magistrate in case v. GORMAN Concluded
Requesting issue of caps instead of hats to the police force
Depositions sent, death of M. BLACKFORD, falling of a tree J. FLACK wil repair Court House roof for the sum of ÂŁ4/-/-
Further recommending D. DWYER for a pension or gratuity Concluded
Recommending GORMAN's service of 24 years be not considered broken by suspension
Proceedings sent, HARGRAVES v. GORMAN Requesting amount of allowance granted for cleaning of Court House
Aug 15 Aug 22
J.A.Osborne, JP
Aug 29
J. Harrison, JP L. Scott, JP
H. Hely, JP E.H.Hargraves, JP J. Harrison, JP J.A.Osborne, JP H. Hely, JP L. Scott, JP
Sep 10
J. Harrison
Sep 19
H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP
Bench Book III
- 1861 Reporting that sureties of the Clerk of Petty Sessions are still good and sufficient
Oct 10
H. Hely, JP J. Harrison, JP
Constable M. CONWAY charged with being drunk on duty
Oct 17
L. Scott, JP J. Harrison, JP
Dec 24
J. Harrison, JP
Deposition sent, death of D. BENNISON near Webbs Reef
- 1862 Depositions sent, case v. DEVENPORT for assault with intent
Regarding petition praying for a mitigation of sentence passed on J. RYDE Concluded
Praying for the remission of J. RYDE's sentence Concluded
356 357
Twelve blankets required for distribution to the aborigines of the District To Parramatta Magistrates, G. TAYLOR has been apprehended, charged with horse stealing
H. Hely, JP Jan 2 J. Harrison, JP L. Scott, JP Jan 23
J.A.Osborne, JP W. J. Nunn, JP
Jan 23
L. Scott, JP
Jan 23
J. Harrison, JP L. Scott, JP
H. Hely, JP Feb 6 L. Scott, JP H. Hely, JP
Re information and search warrant for stolen Feb 13
L. Scott, JP J. Harrison, JP
Advising NUNN that matter of search warrant has been referred to Attorney General
Feb 13
T.C.Battley, CPS
Depositions sent, death of A. WHITE by a fall from a tree
Feb 20
H. Hely, JP
property in the case NUNN v. BUCKTON Concluded
Advising that blankets for aborigines should be sent to Phoenix Wharf Erskine Street to be forwarded by steamer
L. SCOTT's letter to Attorney General on the actions of the magistrates against NUNN for compounding a felony Continued Concluded
362 363
Feb 24
Mar 11
L. Scott, JP
Bench Book III
1862 Depositions sent, case against W. J. NUNN for compounding a felony Continued Continued Concluded
363 364 365 366
Mar 12
J. Harrison, JP
Mar 28
E.H.Hargraves [Presiding
Depositions sent, case against L. SCOTT for Arson, pointing out irregularity with regard to H. HELY
Justice] W. J. Nunn, JP
Depositions sent, case v. TOMLINSON for perjury
RELY denying allegation by HARGRAVES and NUNN [see p. 366] Concluded
Apr 8 J. Harrison, JP Apr 10
H. Hely, JP
Apr 15
H. Hely, JP L. Scott, JP
Apr 17
H. Hely, JP
Publican's licence transfered from S. SPEARS to D. PARKER
May 14
T.C.Battley, CPS
No cancellations of licences, only one transfer, at annual meeting
May 24
T.C.Battley, CPS
Deposition sent, proceedings against BUCKTON and her mother Returns of Agriculture and Live Stock for 1862 forwarded Concluded
Depositions sent, death by burning of A. MALONE of Courembong
Requesting return of lease attached to a deposition in case v. SCOTT for Arson Return of Magistrates attending the Court of Petty Sessions for 1861/62
Rules of practice for the conduct of the Small Debts Court at Brisbane Water Dr. BENSON has charged Sergeant WORLEY ÂŁ2/2/- re A. WHITE deceased
Informing that the letter of May 20th was inadventently not forwarded; Dr. BENSON has now entered a suit against WORLEY Concluded
Depositions sent, case v. BROWN for violent assault with intent
Jul 4 J.A.Osborne, JP Jul 24
J. Harrison, JP
Aug 14
J. Harrison, JP L. Scott, JP
T.C.Battley, Registrar
May 20
H. Hely
Sep 18
Sep 25
J. Harrison, JP
Bench Book III
- 1862 Recommending mounted Police Constable for Gosford Concluded
373 374
Postmaster GREY has resigned; nominating Irvine COULTER as replacement
Consequence of the resignation of Sergeant WORLEY as Bailiff to the Court of Requests Concluded
H. Hely Nov 6 J. Harrison, JP
Nov 27
H. Hely, JP L. Scott, JP
Dec 15
W. J. Nunn, JP J.A.Osborne, JP
Dec 21
T.C.Battley, CPS
Transfer of licence from J. LLOYD to F. BRAMWELL
1863 Nine blankets required for supply to Aborigines
Request to forward blankets by steamer from the Phoenix Wharf Deficiency of justices to form a Court of Revision; recommending the appointment of R. T. AULD and J. DUNLOP to assist with revision of electoral lists D.Y. BARRON and G. KEENE still qualified bondsmen for the Clerk of Petty Sessions Concluded
W. J. Nunn, JP J.A.Osborne, JP
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Mar 5 B. Horsbrugh, JP
Mar 17
H.G.Douglass, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Mar 27
T.C.Battley, CPS
Revised electoral lists for the District of Brisbane Water, Electorate of Wollombi, have been despatched Publican's licence granted to G.R. STOCKDALE at Blue Gum Flat Concluded
Jan 22
May 8 379
C. ASHBY convicted of disorderly conduct, unfit to have charge of her two children
B. Horsbrugh, JP Jun 2 H.G.Douglass, JP
Depositions sent, death of G. SMITH
May 14
Depositions sent, death of T. RILEY
May 14
ASHBY children being conveyed to the Asylum by their mother To J. ECKFORD, M.P., tenders for work on wharf too high
Jun 23
B. Horsbrugh, JP
H.G.Douglass, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Jul 6 B. Horsbrugh, JP
Bench Book III
- 1863 Depositions sent, case of sudden death [not named in margin] at Courumbung
G. GRAY's 3-month sentence has expired, H. HELY entered into recognizance Furniture required for use in the Court House
H.G.Douglass, JP Aug 5 B. Horsbrugh, JP 382
Depositions sent, death through accidental discharge of a gun [not named] Depositions sent, Inquiry held on body of a man found floating near Mullet Island (name unknown) Regarding rates of damages for trespass of cattle on unenclosed lands Concluded
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Jul 22
Aug 18 Sep
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Sep 29 Oct 20
H.G.Douglass, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
Depositions sent, death of T. FORD of Ourimbah
Nov 17
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Depositions sent, death of W. MUDDLE of Maiden Brush
Requesting appointment of a Stipendiary or other Magistrates
Thirteen blankets required for use of the Aborigines Return of cases and sittings of the Brisbane Water Court
Proceedings forwarded, case WORLEY v. TAAFFE, using insulting language 602 electors within the Police district of Brisbane Water: 576 Resident and 26 Non-Resident
Dec 15 Dec 15
Depositions sent, female body found at Betonga Beach, Hawkesbury River
Dec 15
T.C.Battley, CPS
Dec 21
B. Horsbrugh, JP
1864 Adjournment of cases for want of a second Magistrate Concluded
Jan 5 B. Horsbrugh, JP
Answering questions relating to the Management and Condition of Police at Brisbane Water Concluded 389
Jan 8
Bench Book III
- 1864 Correction of error in Summary Jurisdiction Return
Depositions sent, death by scalding of child, Catherine DAVIS Blankets for Aborigines should be sent to the Phoenix Wharf to be shipped by steamer Respecting a letter from W.G. DREW applying for compensation for timber sold Concluded [P.S. Dr. DOUGLAS ceased to visit District.] Return sent of Gentlemen in the Commission of the Peace usually attending, deceased or left the district
Receipt of circular and form of receipt
B. Horsbrugh, Resident Magistrate
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Mar 24
T.C.Battley, CPS
Apr 12
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
[Undated] T.C.Battley, CPS
May 17
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
May 17
Receipt of plan of road to be opened at Berrys Head in lieu of portion of the Gosford and Dora Creek Road No forfeitures or cancellations of Publican's Licences
Feb 16
Mar 29
Receipt of plan of road about to be opened from Wyong to Mangrove Creek Receipt of plan of road to be opened at Yangy Angy in lieu of portion of the Gosford and Dora Creek Road
Mar 9
Six holders of Publican ' s Licences in district ; no new applicants Receipt of plan of a road to be opened from Gosford and Erina Wharf to Wamberal Lagoon &c
Depositions sent, death of W. POINTER, aged 9, drowned in creek at Blue Gum Flat Roof of Court House and Lockup needs re-shingling
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Jan 19
Recommending appointment of W. LYONS and W. WAMSLEY as assessors to revise Electoral Lists 606 electors with the District: 29 of which are non-residents
Jan 16
May 17
May 17 397
May 17
T.C.Battley, CPS
Jun 6 B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Bench Book III
1864 Depositions forwarded, case v. BLAKE for assault with intent
Extensive damage to Court House from rain due to need for re-shingling Requisition for articles for use at Court House
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Jun 6 399
Jun 7
Collecting of statistics of Agriculture and Life Stock may be made by collectors of the Electoral Roll Depositions forwarded, case v. BERRY for bigamy
May 27
Jun 8
Depositions sent, sudden death of infant, Margaret MILES
Jun 17 Jun 22
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Road through Gosford township almost impassable
Jun 24
B. Horsbrugh, JP J. Moore, JP
Pound has not been used for seven years; no fixed rates of damage can be legally demanded or recovered
Jul 18
J. Moore, JP
Depositions sent, death by scalding of infant, A. D. GREGORY Respecting an error in appropriation of fines due to the Benevolent Asylum
Jul 18 403
Informing Benevolent Asylum of error Depositions sent, death of E. CLARE
To Attorney General re case under Small Debts Act WHEELER v. McCULLOCH Concluded
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Sep 7 L. Scott, JP Sep 12
L. Scott, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
406 Sep 28 407
Transfer of Publican's Licence from STOCKDALE to T. UNDERWOOD 7 blankets required for use of the Aborigines in this district
Aug 16 Aug 24
J. SEAMAN changed with neglecting to pay maintenance to his wife Satisfied with work of J. POOLE, stone approach to Jetty at Gosford
T.C.Battley, CPS
Aug 10
Deposition sent, death of T. CALLON Deposition sent, death of infant A. MARCHANT
Aug 10
B. Horsbrugh, JP H. Hely, JP
Oct 18
T.C.Battley, CPS
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Nov 23
L. Scott, JP
Dec 20
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Depositions sent, death of J. WEAKLEY,
aged 8 years, at Mangrove Creek
Bench Book III
- 1864 Depositions sent, death of D.J. MARINER, found dead on Ettalong Beach
Depositions sent, death of man, name unknown, found dead on Ettalong Beach
Dec 20
H. Hely, JP
Dec ^0 - 1865 -
Requisition for articles for use of the Court Concluded
Jan 11
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Advising no hospital or benevolent asylum in the district of Brisbane Water
Jan 11
Blankets for Aborigines should be forwarded from Phoenix Wharf
Jan 11
T.C.Battley, CPS
New requisition for articles for the use of the Court
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Depositions sent, case v. HANFORD for maliciously wounding working bullocks
Plan received of a road from Peats Ferry to the Maitland and Gosford Road Plan received of a road about to be opened from Galgabbah Creek Lake to Reids Mistake Heads Concluded
Feb 3
Plan received of a road about to be opened from the Gosford and Dora Creek Road to the Tuggerah Beach Lake at Chittaway Plan received of a road about to be opened from the Gosford and Dora Creek Road, through McQUOIDS on the left bank of Ourimbah Creek Depositions sent, case v. T. COBB, for assault with intent Compensation for timber sold under a warrant of distress claimed by W.G. DREW Concluded
Revised Electoral List forwarded; 665 names, 42 of which are non-residents
Apr 4
No new Publican's Licences, no forfeitures or cancellations
Apr 24
Plan received of a road about to be opened from Gosford to the Wollombi and Peats Ferry Road
Apr 26
T.C.Battley, CPS
B. Horsbrugh, JP L. Scott, JP
Bench Book III
- 1865 Plan received of a road about to be opened from Pests Ferry to the Gosford Road
Apr 26
Recommending permanent appointment of a Bailiff at a salary of £25 per annum
May 17
Publican's Licence forfeited of D.J. PARKER of the Victoria Hotel East Gosford
B. Horsbrugh, JP L. Scott, JP
May 31
T.C.Battley, CPS L. Scott, JP B. Horsbrugh, JP
To Colonial Secretary on the state of the Police in the district
Apr 26
Table of rates for cattle sustenance whilst impounded, forwarded to Minister for Lands
Jul 6 B. Horsbrugh, JP
To Minister for Lands on the appointment of a Pound Keeper, fixing a scale of sustenance charges Depositions sent, death by drowning of Mary MADDEN at Popran Creek
Jul 419
Jul 18
Forms required under Stamp Duties Act
Aug 1 T.C.Battley, CPS
Nil return of Stamp Duties received
Proposal to re-erect the public Pound in Mann St. at a cost of £15
Nil return of Stamp Duties received Depositions sent, death of J. DAWKINS
Depositions sent, case v. M. FRAZER for wilful and corrupt perjury
Proceedings forwarded of Small Debts Court case, WAMSLEY v. FRAZER
Grant of £20 made for the erection of a new Pound on the old site Concluded
Aug 30
B. Horsbrugh, JP L. Scott, JP
T.C.Battley, CPS
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Sep 12 422
Nil return of Stamp Duties received Conditions not fulfilled for immigration assistance, deposit paid by H. DONNELLY
Sep 19 Oct
T.C.Battley, CPS
Sep 30 Oct 12
W. Mann, JP L. Scott, JP
Depositions sent, death of J. ARMYTAGE
Oct 13
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Depositions sent, death of W. DEAVES
Oct 13
Immigration Deposit receipt and instructions given to Honors DONNELLY
Oct 16
T.C.Battley, CPS
Bench Book III
- 1865 Stamp Duties upon Legacies payable under the will of John MOORE of Springfield Concluded
425 426
Forfeiture and cancellation of Publican's Licence by T. UNDERWOOD Nil return of Stamp Duties Concluded
Oct 18
Oct 19 Nov 6 427
Nil return of Stamp Duties
Acknowledging receipt of a stamped cheque book
Nov 22
Two new sureties for the Clerk of Petty Sessions : H.A. CRAUSE and P. FAGAN
Depositions sent, death by poisoning of M. & M. FAGAN and B. GILLIGAN Acknowledging receipt of forms to notify non-receipt of Duties
T.C.Battley, CPS
4 B. Horsbrugh, JP L. Scott, JP
Dec 11
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Dec 16
T.C.Battley, CPS
- 1866 Depositions sent, case v. MOULDING for stealing on 30th November 1865
Jan 1 B. Horsbrugh, JP
Same letter repeated, 5th December 1865
Jan 1
Same letter repeated, 6th December 1865
Jan 1
Ten additional blankets needed for Aborigines (7 men and 4 women)
B. Horsbrugh, JP Jan 1 W. Nunn, JP
No duties payable on Legacies and Residuary Accounts for December 1865
Jan 1 T.C.Battley, CPS
As a Licensed Publican unsuitable as a Surety for Clerk of Petty Sessions, new Sureties proposed are B. DAVIS and P. FAGAN
Bailiff to Small Debts Court to resign if no Government salary forthcoming Blankets for distribution to Native Blacks to be sent by steamer from the Phoenix Wharf
Jan 17
B. Horsbrugh, JP L. Scott, JP
Jan 7
Jan 17
Sudden death of F. BRAMWELL, publican of East Gosford
Jan 23
H. CALLEN, farmer of Kincumber, killed by the falling of a tree
Jan 23
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Bench Book III
- 1866 Report on duties received under Legacies, Successions and Residuary accounts
As W. NUNN has resigned his Commission of the Peace, and L. SCOTT is absent, E. J. HARGRAVES and G. SPEARS recommended as assessors to assist in revising Electoral Lists Nil return of duties received
T.C.Battley, CPS
Mar 2 B. Horsbrugh, JP 434
Depositions sent, death of R. HOUSTON, aged 25, a Ward in Equity Sending List of Electors to Returning Officer Concluded
T.C.Battley, CPS
Mar 19
B. Horsbrugh, JP
Mar 27
T.C.Battley, CPS
Nil return of duties received
Desirability of establishing a Public Ferry at Erina Creek
Apr 10
B. Horsbrugh, JP L. Scott, JP
Forfeiture of Publican's Licence by D. PARKER and T. UNDERWOOD
Apr 30
T.C.Battley, CPS
Regarding application of C. BENGER for a writ of Habeas Corpus; inability of HORSBRUGH and L. SCOTT to attend
May 1 B. Horsbrugh, JP
Nil return of duties received
May 7 T.C.Battley, CPS
Report on forfeiture of Licence by D. PARKER
May 16
Return of names of Magistrates and number of Courts held
May 31
Nil return of duties received
Plan received of a road about to be opened from Cockrone Lake to Kincumber No offers made at auction for Lease of Dues of the Erina Creek Ferry Concluded
Jun 4 Jun 8 B. Horsbrugh, JP Jun 26
T.C.Battley, CPS
Nil return of duties received
Depositions sent, sudden death of Henry WORLEY, Police Pensioner & Bailiff
Jul 5 B. Horsbrugh, JP
No offers made to Lease Dues of the Erina Creek Ferry
Nil return of duties received Advising Commissioner of Stamp Duties of value of H. WORLEY's Estate
Jul 24
T.C.Battley, CPS
Aug 6 442
Aug 24
Bench Book III
- 1866 Recommending entering into an arrangement with the present owner of Erina Creek Ferry
Nil return of duties received Recommending tender for operating Erina punt be reduced to ÂŁ1
Nil return of duties received Depositions sent, death of W. ROBERTSON, found dead in Dinner Creek Mangrove
Aug 24
B. Horsbrugh, JP
T.C.Battley, CPS
Sep 12
B. Horsbrugh, JP L. Scott, JP
T.C.Battley, CPS
Oct 1 B. Horsbrugh, JP
Depositions sent, death of E. JONES, killed by log
Oct 1
Still no purchaser of ferry dues for Erina Creek punt
Depositions sent, case v. J. FREEMAN for wilful and corrupt perjury Concluded
Oct 26
T.C.Battley, CPS
Nov 2 L. Scott, JP
Nil return of duties received
Nov 5 T.C.Battley, CPS
Depositions sent, accidental death of J. PEMBERTON, aged 17 Nil return of duties received
Five additional blankets required for issue to the Aborigines
Police Magistrate will commence duty early next year
Nov 23
Dec 3 T.C.Battley, CPS
Dec 1 A. 0. Grant, JP [Date altered to Jan 7, 1867] Dec 20
Police Magistrate commenced duty today: delay caused by lack of steamer Duties forwarded, re H. WORLEY deceased
A. 0. Grant, JP
Jan 7 A. 0. Grant, JP 450
Court House and Watch House roof needs re-shingling
Jan 7 T.C.Battley, CPS Jan 9 A. 0. Grant, JP
Bench business postponed for want of second magistrate; request to be given double Magisterial power
Double Magisterial power conferred in January 1867 Concluded
WORLEY accounts completed and returned
L. Scott, JP
Jan 9 Jan 16 Jan 18
T.C.Battley, CPS
Bench Book III
- 1867 Transfer of Publican's Licence from Sarah BRAMWELL (now BROWN) to James BROWN
Aborigines' blankets be sent via wharf of Wm. JOLLY & Co. No Bailiff; request to have Senior Sergeant of Police J. BUCKELY appointed
Sending Duty Stamps for the Salary Abstracts for 1867 Nil return of duties received
Jan 21
A. 0. Grant, PM
Jan 21
Feb 12
A. 0. Grant, PM
Feb 21
Feb 26 457
Mar 13
Requesting extension of the provisions of the Dog Act to the townships
Mar 13
Nil return of duties received
Explanation as to no Return yet under Cattle Disease Prevention Act Concluded
T.C.Battley, Land Agent
Mar 4 T.C.Battley, CPS
Application for a copy of CONNELLS' Magisterial Digest
A. 0. Grant, PM L. Scott, JP
Apr 1 T.C.Battley, CPS Apr 16
No Certificates granted to Publicans at Annual Licensing Meeting
Apr 23
Sending revised Electoral List; 637 electors, 41 are non-residents 461
May 3
Nil return of duties received
May 6
Depositions sent, death of Annie COST, aged 5 years, at Veteran Hall
T.C.Battley, CPS
Still waiting on book of Forms for Timber Licences
Nil return of duties received
T.C.Battley, CPS
Jan 24
Acknowledging receipt of the Australian Almanac for 1867 Calling to the attention of the Crown Law Officers the state of the roof Concluded
Jan 18
May 9 A. 0. Grant, PM
Nil return of duties received
Jun 3 T.C.Battley, CPS
Recommending salary to the Bailiff of the Small Debts Court Continued Concluded
A. 0. Grant, PM Jun 3 L. Scott, JP
Depositions sent, death by drowning of C.L.A. SAMPSON, aged about 10 years
463 464 Jun 7 A. 0. Grant, PM
Bench Book III
- 1867 Nil return of duties received
Requesting chimney pots for Court House Requesting supply of form letters; nil return of duties received
Jul 4 A. 0. Grant, PM L. Scott, JP 465
No reply to request for small salary for Bailiff; prospect of losing his services Plan received of a road about to be opened from Bungewoi to the Village of Norah Concluded
Jul 1 T.C.Battley, CPS
Jul 12
T.C.Battley, CPS
Jul 18
A. 0. Grant, PM L. Scott, JP
Jul 19
A. 0. Grant, PM
466 Aug 5 T.C.Battley, CPS
Duty received on estate of H. CALLEN Problems in rewarding secret informers in case of sly grog selling
Aug 26
A. 0. Grant, PM
Nil return of duties received
T.C.Battley, CPS
L. Scott, JP
Depositions sent, sudden death of J. TOBIN of Duralong, aged about 80 years No reply to request for a copy of CONNELL's Magisterial Digest Concluded
Sep 16
Return of Blankets required for use of the Aborigines: nine wanted
Sep 17
Depositions sent, death by burning of M. A. WATKINS, aged 7 years
Sep 24
Request for information re Leave of Absence of salaried officers: T. C. BATTLEY has had none since 1856
Nil return of duties received Depositions sent, case v. C. BROWN for Larceny
Blankets for Aborigines should be sent by steamer from the Patent Slip Wharf Request to appoint I. COULTER as Pound Keeper on his own premises
Depositions sent, death of G. FROST
T.C.Battley, CPS
A. 0. Grant, PM
Oct 14 472
Oct 29
A. 0. Grant, PM L. Scott, JP
Nov 4 T.C.Battley, CPS
Nil return of duties received Nil return of duties received
A. 0. Grant, PM
Dec 2 Dec
A. 0. Grant, PM
Bench Book III
- 1868 Nil return of duties received
Depositions sent, death of E.S.S. FORRESTER, aged 29 years, of Wamberal Nil return of duties received
Jan 6 T.C.Battley, CPS
Jan 23 475
Feb 3 T.C.Battley, CPS
Australian Almanac for 1868 has been received
Depositions sent, deaths by drowning of John, Jonathan and Sarah HARDY
Publican's Licence granted to J.O'LEARY for "Cricketers Home", Coorumbung
B. DAVIS and P. FAGAN, Sureties for Clerk of Petty Sessions, still qualified to act as Bondsmen Nil return of duties received Requesting the Postmaster General that no alteration should be made to the postal line between Sydney and Gosford, via Peats Ferry Concluded
A. 0. Grant, PM
Apr 6 T.C.Battley, CPS
Apr 24
A. 0. Grant, PM L. Scott, JP
479 May 4
Revised electoral list for the district; 650 names of which 42 are non-residents
Report on postal duties undertaken by the BATTLEY family members Concluded
May 5 T.C.Battley, CPS May 27
A. 0. Grant, PM
Jun 1 T.C.Battley, CPS
Nil return of duties received 482
Jul 6
Nil return of duties received
Aug 3
Requisition for form letters
Aug 27 Sep
Nil return of duties received
Nil return of duties received
Nov 2
Nil return of duties received
T.C.Battley, CPS
Mar 13
Nil return of duties received
Nil return of duties received
Feb 11
A. 0. Grant, PM
Mar 2
Nil return of duties received Body of a New Zealander found on the beach at Cabbage Tree Bay
A. 0. Grant, PM
Bench Book III
- 1868 Plan of a road for public inspection, from Gosford and Dora Creek Road within the boundary of HELY's to the road from Mangrove to Wyong Creek
No blankets required for Aborigines, twelve on hand Depositions sent, death from a selfinflicted gunshot wound of G. CREER alias W. TRIPPETT
Nil return of duties received Requesting renewal of Magistrate's double power Concluded
A. 0. Grant, PM
Dec 15 Dec 15 486 - 1869 -
Nil return of duties received
Jan 4 T.C.Battley, CPS
Proposed nomination of a new Postmaster at Kincumber
Jan 4 A. 0. Grant, PM
Reminding Colonial Secretary about request for renewal of Magisterial double power
Jan 7
Depositions sent, death of T. WELLS, a splitter, aged 63 years Nil return of duties received
Jan 21 Feb
T.C.Battley, CPS
sawyer, aged 30 years
A. 0. Grant, PM
Nil return of duties received
T.C.Battley, CPS
Depositions sent, death of P. HENRY, a
Proclomation of 16 October 1863 extending the provisions of the Towns Police Act to the Town of Gosford; description of the boundaries of the two locations of East Gosford and West Gosford Concluded
490 491
Mar 12
A. 0. Grant, PM
Nil return of duties received
Apr 5 T.C.Battley, CPS
To G. WADE, asking to show cause why he should not be dismissed due to drunkenness 492
Apr 12
T.C.Battley, Registrar
R. T. AULD is the only legally qualified Medical Practitioner in the district
Apr 12
A. 0. Grant, PM
Bench Book III
- 1869 No applications for Publican's Licences filed at Annual Licensing Meeting
Revised electoral list forwarded; 668 names, 43 are non-residents Nil return of duties received
A. 0. Grant, PM L. Scott, JP
May 495
Jun 7 T.C.Battley, CPS 496
Publican's Licence issued to H. CAMPBELL for "Bushmans Home", formerly known as "Uncle Toms Cabin" Nil return of duties received
May 3
May 6 A. 0. Grant, PM
Nil return of duties received Postponing one week's leave of absence as there is no replacement
T.C.Battley, CPS
Apr 21
Depositions sent, death of J. FARRELL (alias Jack the Loafer), at Pests Ferry, Hawkesbury River Return of local Magistrates and attendances in Court for years 1867 and 1868 Concluded
Apr 21
Jun 5 A. 0. Grant, PM
Jun 14 497
Depositions sent, charge v. ASHBY for stealing money from the Prison
T .C.Battley, CPS
A. 0. Grant, PM
Nil return of duties received
Aug 2 T.C.Battley, CPS
Plan received of a Parish road to be opened from Davistown to the Gosford and Kincumber Road
Aug 2
Nil return of duties received T. C. BATTLEY required to attend at the Colonial Secretary's Office
Sep 499
Sep 23
A. 0. Grant, PM
Nil return of duties received
T.C.Battley, CPS
Application for copies of the Standard Weights & Measures Concluded
Oct 21
A. 0. Grant, PM H. Hely, JP
Depositions sent, death of H.T.A. WATKINS, farmer's daughter, aged 16 years
Oct 21
A. 0. Grant, PM
Forwarding a case of convicts' indents and other records anterior to 1847
Oct 22
Nil return of duties received
Nov 1 T.C.Battley, CPS
Bench Book III
Acknowledging circular relating to the new system of Public Accounts to be kept by Clerks of Petty Sessions
Depositions sent, death by drowning of J. WOODWARD, aged 9 years Depositions sent, case against BROWN for stealing a silver watch, &c.
Nil return of duties received Transfer of Publican's Licence from J. BROWN to W. ALDRICK for "Sawyers Arms Inn"
Nov 9 T.C.Battley, CPS Nov 22
A. 0. Grant
Nov 26
H. Hely, JP
T.C.Battley, CPS
Dec 21
- 1870 Nil return of duties received
Jan 3 T.C.Battley, CPS
Advising of non-arrival of parcel of stores
Jan 18
No blankets required for distribution to Aborigines
Jan 28
Acknowledging receipt of the Australian Almanac for 1870
Jan 28
Nil return of duties received
Plea to appoint at least one further Magistrate Nil return of duties received; request supply of forms
CPS & L.A. H. Hely, JP
T.C.Battley, CPS
H. Hely, JP
T.C.Battley, CPS
Nil return of duties received
Apr 4
No applications for Publican's Licences filed at Annual Licensing Meeting
Apr 22
T.C.Battley, JP, CPS
Apr 30
H. Hely, JP T.C.Battley, JP
Sending revised Electoral List: 729 names, 53 are non-residents
Nil return of duties received Nil return of duties received
Transfer of Licence for "Sportsmans Arms" at East Gosford from W. I. COULTER to James FLETCHER
Replying to circular as to income of the Bench Clerk
T.C.Battley, CPS
Jun 6
Jun 14 509
Jun 22
L. Scott, JP
Bench Book III
- 1870 Nil return of duties received
T.C.Battley, CPS
Aug 1
Nil return of duties received Depositions sent, death by burning of Eliza COCKCROFT
Depositions sent, cave against GAVENLOCK for larceny Concluded
Aug 20
T.C.Battley, JP
Depositions sent, death by drowning of J. SOMMERS, shell digger of Woy Woy
Nil return of duties received
T.C.Battley, CPS
T.C.Battley, JP C., C. Fagan, JP
T.C.Battley, CPS
Depositions sent, case against FORSTER for obtaining goods by false pretences
Nil return of duties received Nil return of duties received
Nov 7 Dec
Nil return of duties received
- 1871 Nil return of duties received
Jan 2 T.C.Battley, CPS
Acknowledging receipt of Australian Almanac for 1871
Jan 27
H. Hely, JP T.C.Battley, JP
No spirit merchants have registered premises in the last 10 years
Feb 17
T.C.Battley, CPS
Nil return of duties received
Nil return of duties received
Forwarding electoral list to Government Printer Nil return of duties received
Mar 6 Mar 10
Revised electoral list for 1871-1872 sent: 724 names, 49 are non-residents No certificates granted to Publicans at the Annual Licensing Meeting at Gosford
Apr 3 T.C.Battley, CPS Apr 21
Apr 21
Nil return of duties received
May 1
Requesting supply of form letters
May 1
Depositions sent, charge against COCKCROFT for cutting and wounding Nil return of duties received
T.C.Battley, JP
H. Hely, JP May 9 T.C.Battley, JP Jun 5 T.C.Battley, CPS
Bench Book III
- 1871 Advising that J. HARRISON left the district in 1863; Coroner's duties performed by resident Magistrates Concluded
518 519
Nil return of duties received
Jun 22
H. Hely, JP T.C.Battley, JP
T.C.Battley, CPS
Recommending J. CAMERON as Postmaster for Blue Gum Flat
Jul 11
Application for WALLBRIDGE children to be admitted to Destitute Children's Asylum at Randwick
Jul 17
Requesting permission to allow WALLBRIDGE children to enter Asylum Concluded
H. Hely, JP
T.C.Battley, JP
Aug 1
Nil return of duties received
Aug 7
W. WAMSLEY appointed Postmaster at Blue Gum Flat; seeking relocation of Post Office
Aug 9
Nil return of duties received
T.C.Battley, CPS
Depositions sent, death of A. A. ROSS, aged 34 months
Sep 20
C. T. Weaver, PM
Will proceed to Sydney to take Coroner's Oath
Sep 26
Inquiry into death of R. BURNS of Kincumber
Sep 29
T. Weaver, JP
Nil return of duties received
Nil return of duties received
Nov 6 T.C.Battley, CPS
Transfer of Publican's Licence from W.ALDRICK to J. BROWN for "Sawyers Arms Inn"
No blankets required for distribution to Aborigines, 14 on hand; 7 Aborigines in the District Nil return of duties received
Woman, apparently of unsound mind, committed for medical attendance in Sydney Female prisoner committed to take her trial in Sydney [ no name in margin]
T. Battley, CPS
Nov 21
Nov 27
C. T. Weaver, PM T.C.Battley, JP
T.C.Battley, CPS
Dec 15
C. T. Weaver, PM H. Hely, JP
Dec 15
C. T. Weaver, PM
- 1872 Nil return of duties received
Jan 1 T.C.Battley, CPS
Bench Book III
- 1872 Nil return of duties received
Feb 5 T.C.Battley, CPS
Nil return of duties received
Mar 4
Nil return of duties received
Apr 1
No Certificates granted to Publicans at Annual Licensing Meeting
Apr 16
Revised Electoral List sent: 747 names, 49 are non-residents
Nil return of duties received Depositions sent, death of I. COLE
Apr 25 May 6
May 28
C. C. Fagan, JP
Nil return of duties received
Jun 3 T.C.Battley, CPS
Nil return of duties received
Jul 1
Nil return of duties received
Aug 5
Nil return of duties received
Depositions sent, death of J.E. FULLER, aged 2 years
Sep 20
C. C. Fagan, JP
T.C.Battley, CPS
No need to appoint a special Mining Registrar
Oct 23
C. T. Weaver, PM
Nil return of duties received
Nov 4 T.C.Battley, CPS
Nil return of duties received
Nil return of duties received
- 1873 Nil return of duties received
Jan 6
Sending amended statistical return
Jan 14
C. T. Weaver, PM T.C.Battley, JP
Nil return of duties received
T.C.Battley, CPS
Nil return of duties received
Mar 3
Nil return of duties received
Apr 7
No Certificiates granted to Publicans at Annual Licensing Meeting
Apr 15
Revised Electoral List sent: 695 names, 59 are non-residents
Apr 25
Nil return of duties received
May 5
Nil return of duties received
Jun 2
Nil return of duties received; request for supply of forms
Jul 7
Bench Book III
- 1873 Nil return of duties received
Commenced duties of Police Magistrate this morning
Aug 4 T.C.Battley, CPS Aug 25
H.S.Elliott, PM
T.C.Battley, CPS
Nil return of duties received
Nil return of duties received
Nov 3
Nil return of duties received
Nil return of duties received
- 1874 Nil return of duties received
Jan 5
Nil return of duties received
Feb 2
S. J. ROBINSON and G. OXLEY, absconding apprentices from Williams River, apprehended locally
Feb 19
Nil return of duties received
H.S.Elliott, JP T.C.Battley, JP
Mar 2 T.C.Battley, CPS
Thirteen blankets required for distribution to Aborigines
Nil return of duties received
Apr 6 T.C.Battley, CPS
No Certificates granted to Publicans at Annual Licensing Meeting
Apr 21
Sending revised Electoral List: 658 names, 55 are non-residents
Apr 23
Nil return of duties received
May 4
Nil return of duties received
Jun 1
Nil return of duties received
[Last Page]
H.S.Elliott, PM T.C.Battley, JP
Nil return of duties received
Aug 3
Nil return of duties received
Depositions sent, charge against HITCHCOCK, assault on a child under the age of 10
Sep 15
7 H.S.Elliott, PM
[END OF THIS REGISTER] [Note on last page: "Continued New Book 29 Sept 1874". No new book is known to exist.]
Bench Book III
TABLE OF CONTENTS BtL.obane Water Deposition Book I
Page-6 ,nom .thL4 Reg.i.a.tvc ate pteeeded by the eymbot "CC1" in the Index o, Namea.
290 pages
- 1836 Enquiry, death , Sarah RICHARDS continued pp. 2,3,4
Oct 17
A. T. Faunce
Depositions , John MOORE , of Avoca, charge of cattle stealing continued pp. 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 15,16,17,18 , 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27, 28,29,30,31 , 32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40, 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 , 49,50,51,52,53, 54,55,56,57 , 58,59,60,61 , 62,63,64,65,66, 67
Oct 19
A. T. Faunce
Depositions , R. RHODES, breach of contract with E. KELLY continued pp. 68,69,70,71
Nov 17
A . T. Faunce
Depositions, R. CAPE against W. BEAN, of false oath; continued pp. 72,73,74
Nov 14
A. T. Faunce
Deposition , W. BRAMBLE , contempt of Court continued p. 75
Oct 23 [1835]
J. Warner
Depositions , R. SCOTT, Chief Constable , dereliction of duty continued p. 76
Dec 30
A . T. Faunce
1837 Depositions , case against BEAN, cattle stealing ; continued pp. 77,78,79,80, 81,82,83,84 , 85,86,87,88 For the defence : pp. 88,89
Jan 3 A. T. Faunce
Depositions , Rex v. DONNISON & BEAN, cattle stealing ; continued pp. 91,92,93,94, 95,96,97,98 , 99,100,101 , 102,103,104,105, 106,107,108 , 109,110,111,112,113,114,115, 116,117,118 , 119,120,121 , 122,123,124,125, 126,127,128 , 129,130,131,132,133
Jan 4 A. T . Faunce
Deposition by H. DONNISON , re W. BRAMBLE contempt of Court [same as already entered p . 74]; continued p. 134
Oct 23 [1835]
J. Warner
Enquiry, death , R. TIFFIN of Mangrove Creek 135 continued p. 136
Jan 21
A. T. Faunce
- 1838 Depositions , C. TUCKER, theft of pig continued pp. 143,144
Aug 31
A. Holden H. Donnison
Enquiry, death , A. KEMP, Mangrove Creek continued p. 146
Aug 27
A. Holden
Enquiry, death, Abraham, a black native continued p. 148
A. Holden
Depositions, J. LOURY, illicit spirit selling continued pp. 150,151,152,153,154
A. Holden
Surrendering of BRAMBLE, wanted for cattle stealing
Aug 3 [A loose sheet]
H. Donnison
- 1839 J. SIDOLI, claim of £5 from C. CHAPMAN
Apr 19
A. Holden
D. GLEESON, claim of £4/7/6 from CHAPMAN
Apr 19
A. Holden
Enquiry, death, A. SPRING, TOL holder continued pp. 157,158
Jul 2 A. Holden
Enquiry, death, M. SOUNDS, free by servitude continued pp. 160,161,162,163
A. Holden
Depositions, J. TAAFFE, suspicion of being a runaway continued pp. 164,165,166
Oct 14
A. Holden
Depositions, J. WOOD, stealing continued pp. 168,169,170
Dec 14
A. Holden
- 1840 Depositions , E. KELLY trespass of cattle continued pp. 171,172,173,174,175,176
Feb 12
A. Holden
Enquiry, death, G. MULHALL
Feb 21
A. Holden
Depositions, W. BEALEY, forgery concluded p. 180
Jul 21
A. Holden
Depositions, D. HIGGINS, sale of stolen rum; continued pp. 181,182,183,184
Sep 25
A. Holden G. K. Mann
Enquiry, death, J. BAKER, a prisoner continued pp. 186,187
Nov 3 A. Holden
continued pp. 177,178
Deposition Book I
- 1840 Depositions, J. MINTON & W. FLOOD, theft continued pp. 189,190,191
Nov 6 G. K. Mann A. Holden
Enquiry, deaths, J. CAMPBELL & P. SHORTILL concluded p. 192
Dec 28
A. Holden H. Donnison G. K. Mann
- 1841 Depositions, A. E. CAMPBELL, unlawful sale of spirits continued pp. 195,196,197,198,199
Jan 26
Depositions, S. HARRIS, assault on E. HELY continued pp. 200,201,202,203
Jan 2 A. Holden
Enquiry, death, E. W. JONES continued pp. 205,206,207
Feb 12
A. Holden
Depositions, M. &. E. WELSH, robbery continued pp. 208,209,210
Mar 30
A. Holden H. Donnison G. K. Mann
Depositions, Capt. STEVENS, assault continued pp. 211,212
Apr 12
A. Holden
Depositions, R. & M. A. J. FORSEY and F. LOWRY, theft; carried to p. 223 continued p. 214, carried to pp. 224, 225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232
Jun 18
A. Holden
Enquiry, death, W. HUNT, infant continued pp. 216,217,218,219,220
Apr 10
A. Holden
H. Donnison G. K. Mann
Depositions, J. CLIFFE, aiding and abetting 220 a prisoner to resist arrest continued pp. 221,222
Jun 1 A. Holden G. K. Mann
Depositions, GEE, DENNY, WARNER and others, 233 cattle stealing; continued pp. 234, 235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243, 244,245,246
Jun 20
G. K. Mann
Depositions, Maltby SMITH, robbery continued pp. 247,248,249,250,251
Jul 19
A. Holden
Queen v. DENNY, additional evidence concluded p. 252
Oct 18
A. Holden
Enquiry, death, A. H. CLARKE concluded p. 254
Nov 9 A. Holden
Depositions, T. WHOOTTON & M. CRAWLEY, 255 stealing money continued pp. 256,257,258,259,260,261,262
Jul 12
A. Holden
Deposition Book I
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TABLE OF CONTENTS BANane AM Depozition Book 11
Pagea b'om thi.4 are preceded by the eymboL "CC2" Ln the Index of Name3.
357 pages
- 1841 Enquiry, death, J. McQUILLAN, TOL holder pilot; continued pp. 2,3,4,5
Jul 26
A. Holden
Depositions , M. PARTRIDGE , subornation of perjury; concluded p. 7
G. K. Mann H. Donnison
Queen v. M. PARTRIDGE, additional evidence continued pp. 9,10,11,12
Nov 19
A. Holden H. Donnison A. Holden
Enquiry, death , M. A. GILLIGAN , a child continued pp. 14,15
Depositions , CLARKE & BRYAN, shingles theft continued pp. 17,18,19 , 20,21,22,23
Dec 20
A. Holden G. K. Mann
Enquiry, supposed death of E . WHARTON, prisoner ; continued pp. 25,26,27
Dec 26
A. Holden
- 1842 Queen v. PARTRIDGE , additional evidence
Jan 17
A . Holden
Depositions , W. SMITH & J. WHELAN, theft continued pp. 30,31,32,33
Aug 23
A . Holden
- 1843 Depositions , H. KELLY, S. RYAN & T. TAYLOR, robbery; continued pp.35,36,37,38,39,40
Jan 5 D. Dunlop A. Holden
Depositions , J. & M. BRENNAN & M. THRELFAL, resisting arrest; continued pp. 42,43
Depositions , P. RYAN, releasing a prisoner from a constable ; concluded p. 45
H. Donnison
Depositions , T. WANDLE, suspicion of felony continued pp. 47,48,49,50,51
Feb 28
H . Donnison A. Holden
Depositions, T. & M. WANDLE/WARDLE, re-examination ; concluded p. 53
Mar 6 A. Holden H. Donnison
Depositions , McBRIDE & B . DONNELLY, larceny continued pp. 55, 56
Jun 12
A. Holden A. Osborne
Depositions , B. DONNELLY, escape from custody
Sep 28
A . Holden
Depositions , M. LOUISE, threat to Rev. C. COGHLAN; concluded p. 59
A. Holden
A. Holden H. Donnison
- 1844 Depositions, J. EGGLETON, larceny continued pp. 61,62,63,64,65,66,67
Apr 22
H. Donnison
Depositions, R. CRAWFORD, assault upon B. CORLIS; continued pp.69,70,71,72,73
Nov 29
H. Donnison
Depositions, A. SIDEBOTTOM, suspicion of felony; continued pp. 75,76,77,78, 79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87
Dec 4 H. Donnison B. Horsbrugh
Depositions, J. CRAWLEY, assault upon M. SMITH; concluded p. 89
Dec 26
A. Osborne B. Horsbrugh
- 1845 Depositions, J. WILSON, dishonest timber dealing; continued pp. 91,92,93,94,95
Aug 5 H. Donnison J. Moore
- 1846 Depositions, J. STOCKDALE, theft continued pp. 97,98,99,100,101,102
May 15
H. Donnison J. Moore B. Horsbrugh
Depositions, F. JARDINE, assault upon Chief 103 Constable; concluded p. 105
May 18
B. Horsbrugh J. Moore
Depositions, J. EGGLETON,.cattle stealing continued pp. 107,108,109,110,111,112, 113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120
May 31
H. Donnison
Depositions, D. CROSS, stealing a heifer continued pp. 122,123,124,125,126, 127,128,129,130,131,132
Jun 26
H. Donnison A. Osborne
J. EGGLETON, additional evidence requested concluded p. 134
H. Donnison
Depositions, A. MURDOCK, &c., aggravated assault on PARKES, THOMPSON, &c. continued pp. 135,136,137,138,139, 140,141,142,143,144
Aug 21
H. Donnison J. Moore
Depositions, J. WHITE, theft of palings continued pp. 146,147,148,149,150, 151,152
Sep 22
H. Donnison A. Osborne B. Horsbrugh
Depositions, E. ROBERTSON, theft of trowsers; concluded p. 154
Depositions, D. & R. HUGHES, suspicion of larceny; continued pp.156,157,158,159
Nov 25
Depositions, E. ROBERTSON, false pretences concluded p. 161
J. Moore B. Horsbrugh J. Moore H. Donnison J. Moore
Deposition Book II
- 1847 Depositions, J. HOWARD, suspicion of larceny; concluded p. 163
Apr 28
H. Donnison J. Moore
Warrent issued, P. HOGAN, theft continued pp. 165,166
Feb 26
J. Moore H. Donnison B. Horsbrugh
Depositions, P. HOGAN, theft continued pp. 168,169
May 13
J. Moore
Depositions , F. PRICE & T. GAMESTER, false pretences; continued pp. 171,172,173
H. Donnison B. Horsbrugh Nov 25
J. Moore B. Horsbrugh
- 1848 Depositions, W. TARRENT/TARRAND, fraudulent sales of timber, concluded p. 174
Jul 13
B. Horsbrugh
Depositions, J. FREDERICKS, perjury in, preceding case; continued pp. 175, 176,177,178,179
Jul 13
A. Osborne B. Horsbrugh
- 1849 Depositions, J. HENNESSEY, assault continued pp. 181,182,183,184
May 21
A. Osborne J. Moore
Depositions, P. MURPHY, theft of maize corn; continued pp. 186,187,188,189
Jul 19
J. Moore
Depositions, W. BRENNAN, F. FORRESTER, W. ROBINSON, suspicion of felony continued pp. 191,192,193,194,195,196, 197,198,199,200,201
Nov 15
J. A. J. H.
Enquiry, death, J.HART, shipowner, drowned continued pp. 203,204,205
Nov 30
H. Hely
Moore Osborne Harrison Hely
1850 Depositions, W. ROBINSON, obtaining money by false pretences; continued pp. 206, 207,208,209,210,211
H. Hely J. Moore J. Harrison
Depositions, S. HOWELL & M. CONDEN, suspicion of larceny continued pp. 212,213,214,215,216, 217,218,219,220
H. J. A. J.
Hely Harrison Osborne Moore
Deposition Book II
- 1850 May 30
J. Moore
Depositions, R. McFARLANE, alias CADBY, theft of bridle continued pp. 222,223,224,225
Depositions, G. STOCKDALE, perjury . continued pp. 226,227,228,229
Depositions, J. GERALD, theft continued pp. 230,231,232,233
Oct 22
H. Hely
Depositions , J. ROBERTS, assault continued pp. 234,235,236,237, 238,239
Mar 27
J. H. A. J.
Depositions, R. BARTLETT, suspicion of larceny; continued pp. 241,242,243,244
Apr 19
J. Moore
Depositions , J. BROWN, stealing continued pp. 246,247,248,249,250, 251,252,253,254
May 12
H. Hely
Enquiry, sudden death, E. THOMSETT, farmer concluded p. 256
Aug 8 A. Osborne
Enquiry, sudden death, A. OSBORNE Esq. JP continued pp. 256,257,258,259,260, 261,262,263,264
Nov 29
J. Harrison
Enquiry, death, J. WOOLLEY, drowned continued pp. 265, 266
Dec 26
J. Harrison
J. Harrison H. Hely Sep 19
A. Osborne
J. Moore
S. DOWLING Hely Osborne Harrison
- 1852 Depositions, W. HELPS, M. GRADY & J. DEAVES, 267 burglary and robbery; continued pp.268, 269,270,271,272,273,274,275
Jan 20
J. Harrison
J. Moore
Enquiry, death, M. BONLIN, laborer concluded p. 277
Enquiry, death, J. CASEY, prisoner concluded p. 279
Jun 27
J. Harrison
Enquiry, death, A. HARVEY, prisoner concluded p. 280
Jun 27
J. Harrison
Examination on death of two unknown females; concluded p. 282
Jun 27
J. Harrison
Deposition Book II
- 1852 Enquiry, death, "KEACH", a Chinaman concluded p. 283
Jun 27
J. Harrison
Enquiry, death, "SOE", a Chinaman concluded p. 285
Jun 28
J. Harrison
Amended deposition, identity of HARVEY appearing on page 279 concluded p. 286
Jul 14
J. Harrison
- 1853 Depositions, BENNISON, assault and wounding 287 continued pp. 288,289,290,291,292
Mar 20
J. Harrison
May 26
J. Harrison
Depositions, P. SCAYSBROOK, false pretences 294 continued pp. 295,296,297,298
H. Hely
Enquiry, death, J. FOLKES continued pp. 300,301,30,2
Oct 31
Enquiry, death, F. FORRESTER continued pp. 303,304
Nov 2 J. Harrison B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, W. JOHNSON
J. Harrison
- 1854 Enquiry, death, T. FRENCH of Mangrove
Feb 16
J. Harrison
Depositions, W. HIBBS, false pretences continued pp. 307,308,309,310,311
Feb 27
J. Harrison J. Moore
Enquiry, suspicious death, E. GRANT continued pp. 313,314,315,316
May 23
H. Hely
Depositions, E. LOWRY, laborer, stealing continued pp. 317,318,319,320
May 24
H. Hely
Depositions, P. MALONEY, stealing money continued pp. 321,322,323,324,325, 326,327,328,329,330,331
Jul 6 H. Hely
Depositions, R. CLARKSON & H. SEYMOUR, malicious shooting continued pp. 335,336,337,338,339, 340,341,342,343
Enquiry, drowning of Father J. HEALEY continued pp. 345,346,347
Nov 8 J. Harrison J. Moore
J. Harrison 7
J . Harrison J. Moore B. Horsbrugh
Deposition Book II
- 1855 Depositions, apprehension and shooting of J. HENNESSEY continued pp. 349,350,351,352,353, 354,355
Enquiry, death, J. DONOVAN, drowned continued p. 357
Jun 6 J. Moore B. Horsbrugh J. A. Osborne J. Harrison
Aug 23
B. Horsbrugh
[End of Register]
Deposition Book II
TABLE OF CONTENTS BaLobane Watea DepoAtion Book III
Pagea Qom .thL4 RegL6.tex ate pneceded by the Symbol "CC3" in the Index o6 Namea.
404 pages Page
- 1855 Enquiry, death, J. LAUGHTON, discharge of gun continued pp. 2,3,4
Dec 20
J. Harrison
- 1856 J. COYNE, suspicion of larceny, chains continued pp. 6,7,8,9,10,11,12
Apr 8
E.H. Hargraves J. Harrison J. Moore J.A. Osborne
Enquiry, death, H. DANVIS concluded p.14
Jul 17
J . Harrison
SCHEFFERMULLER, stealing from a hut continued pp. 16,17
Oct 1
J. Harrison
- 1857 = Death by drowning, infant G. HUMPHREYS concluded p.19
Sep 25
B . Horsbrugh
WATSON for assault, J. DICKSON continued pp. 21,22(missing),23,24
Dec 23
B. Horsbrugh
- 1858 Deposition: death of David ALLAN concluded p.25
May 21
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, body of A. FLEMING found drowned concluded p.26
Jun 4
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, M. A. MOFFIT, drowning concluded p.27
Jun 7
J. Harrison
Enquiry, death of 2 fishermen, Tuggerah Beach
Jul 27
J. Harrison
Enquiry, sudden death of G. DOEL, butcher continued pp. 30,31,32
Sep 7
B. Horsbrugh
JEMMY, aboriginal native, suspicion theft continued pp. 34,35,36
Oct 27
W. A. B. J.
Enquiry, death, E. GIBBS, seaman , "Uncle Tom"
Nov 2
J. Harrison
Nunn Osborne Horsbrugh M. Lette
- 1859 EMMERSON for assault, M. J. BOWLES continued pp. 39,40,41,42
Jul 13
J. B. W. J.
Harrison Horsbrugh Nunn A. Osborne
- 1859 Enquiry, death, E. F. BENGER, 7 or 8 years concluded p.45
Sep 2
J. Harrison
Death, house fire, B. CARNEY, 7 years old concluded p.46
Nov 28
J. Harrison
- 1860 Deposition, body found at Tuggerah
Jan 22
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, S. TOMKINS, run over continued pp. 48,49,50,51
May 30
H. Hely
T. MORGAN, stealing money from E. SMITH continued pp. 53,54,55,56
Jul 5
H. J. B. W.
Hely Harrison Horsbrugh Nunn
- 1861 G. KNIGHT, suspicion of Felony, theft continued pp. 58,59,60,61,62,63, 64,65,66,67,68
Jan 24
E. H. Hargraves H. Hely J. Harrison
E. J. HARGRAVES, wilfully killing a mare continued pp. 70,71,72,73,74,75,76
Feb 14
J. Harrison H. Hely
Depositions, witnesses re missing cattle continued pp. 78,79,80,81,82,83,84, 85,86,87
Apr 4
J. Harrison H. Hely
J. FREEMAN, J. FREEMAN Jnr., statement
Enquiry, death, D. OWENS, found in bush continued pp. 90,91
Jun 5
J. Harrison
Enquiry, death, M. BLACKFORD, fall of tree continued pp. 92,93,94
Jul 26
J. A. Osborne
Enquiry, woman's body found in creek concluded p.96
Oct 17
J. Harrison
Circumstances of the death of Sarah RYAN continued pp. 97,98,99,100
J. Harrison
Enquiry, death, D. BENNISON, of Webbs Reef continued pp. 101,102
Dec 17
J. Harrison
W. DEVENPORT, assault, M. A. BUTLER continued pp. 104,105,106,107,108, 109,110
Dec 27
W. J. Nunn H. Hely
J. Harrison L. Scott
Deposition Book III
- 1862 Death, A. WHITE, blacksmith continued pp. 111,112,113,114
Feb 17
H. Hely
W. J. NUNN, compounding felony continued pp. 115,116,117,118,119,120, 121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129, 130,131,132
Mar 10
J. J. L. E.
Harrison A. Osborne Scott H. Hargraves
L. SCOTT, arson, burning a bridge continued pp. 134,135,136,137,138,139, 140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148, 149
Mar 27
J. H. E. W.
Harrison Hely H. Hargraves J. Nunn
TOMLINSON, perjury, breach of contract continued pp. 156,157,158,159,160,161, 162,163,164,165,166
Mar 28
J. H. E. W.
Harrison Hely H. Hargraves J. Nunn
Adjourned, difference of opinion on Bench continued pp. 167,168,169,170
Mar 6
J. Harrison J. A. Osborne H. Hely
Statement of the accused concluded p.172
Mar 28
Enquiry, death by burns, A. MALONE, aged 13 concluded p.173
Jun 10
J. A. Osborne
T. BROWN, violent assault continued pp. 175,176,177,178,179,180
Sep 18
L. Scott J. Harrison H. Hely
Agreement , TOMLINSON & JOLLY, re timber on STOCKDALE's pp. 150,151,152,153,154,155
- 1863 Enquiry, sudden death, G. SMITH, a sawyer continued pp. 182,183
May 6
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, T. RILEY, farmer of Woy Woy concluded p.185
May 11
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, J. DEAVES, of Cournabong continued pp. 187,188
Jul 20
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, R. FRAZER, gunshot wounds continued pp. 190,191,192
Aug 24
B. Horsbrugh
Deposition Book III
- 1863 Enquiry, unknown body, Hawkesbury River continued pp. 193,194
Sep 27
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, T. FORD, labourer continued pp. 196,197
Nov 9
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, W. MUDDLE, sawyer concluded p.199
Dec 3
B. Horsbrugh
Decomposed female body found Berowra Creek continued pp. 201,202
Dec 17
B. Horsbrugh
- 1864 Death, C. DAVIS, aged 3, scalding brine concluded p.203
Jan 8
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, W. POINTER, infant, drowning continued pp. 205,206
Mar 25
B. Horsbrugh
J. BLAKE, assault with intent
May 23
B. Horsbrugh
D. BERRY, bigamy, E. JARRETT & E. MILLARD continued pp. 214,215,216,217,218
Jun 16
B. Horsbrugh J. Moore
Enquiry, death, MILES, infant concluded p.220
Jun 18
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, A. D. GREGORY, infant, scald concluded p. 222
Jul 18
J. Moore
Enquiry, death, E. CLARE (blind), suffocation 223
Aug 11
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, T. CALLON, fisherman, burns
Aug 18
B. Horsbrugh
Investigation, death, A. MARCHANT continued pp. 227,228
Sep 6
L. Scott
Enquiry, death, D. JOSEPH, Mariner, drowned concluded p.229
Dec 4
Enquiry, death, body found with JOSEPH concluded p.231
Dec 4
Enquiry, death, J. WEAKLEY, child, Mangrove
Dec 5
continued pp. 207,208 , 209,210,211,212
- 1865 Deposition, J. HANFORD, wounding bullocks continued pp. 234,235,236,237,238,239, 240
Feb 1
B. Horsbrugh H. Hely L. Scott
Deposition Book III
- 1865 Deposition, T. COBB for assault, intent to rob; continued pp. 242,243,244,
Mar 1
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, M. MADDEN, drowning continued pp. 248,249,250,251,252,253
Jul 1
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, J. DAWKINS, laborer concluded p. 255
Sep 2
B. Horsbrugh
Depositions, M. FRAZER, perjury continued pp. 257,258,259,260,261, 262,263
Sep 8
B. Horsbrugh W. Nunn
Enquiry, death, J. ARMYTAGE, drowned concluded p. 265
Oct 8
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, W. DEAVES, aged 16, drowned 265 continued pp. 266,267
Oct 8
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, Mrs. FAGAN, B. GILLIGAN, M. FAGAN, poisoning continued pp. 268,269,270, 271, 272, 273,274,275
Dec 6
B. Horsbrugh
Deposition, E. MOULDING, stealing in a dwelling house continued pp. 277,278,279,280,281,282, 283,284,285,286
Dec 7
B. Horsbrugh W. Nunn L. Scott
245, 246
- 1866 Enquiry, death, F. BRAMWELL, fits continued pp. 287,288,289
Jan 10
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, H. CALLAN, fall of branches 289 concluded p. 290
Jan 11
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, R. HOUSTON, heart complaint 291 continued pp. 292,293
Mar 12
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, H. WORLEY, heart complaint continued pp. 295,296, 297
Jul 2
B. Horsbrugh
Death, W. ROBERTSON, drowning, unsound mind 297 continued pp. 298,299,300,301,302
Sep 24
B. Horsbrugh
Enquiry, death, E. JONES, rolling of log continued pp. 303,304
Sep 29
B. Horsbrugh
Depositions, J. FREEMAN Jnr., perjury continued pp. 305,306,307,308,309, 310,311
Oct 17
L. Scott
Enquiry, death, J.PEMBERTON, bullock driver 311 continued pp. 312,313
Nov 17
L. Scott
Deposition Book III
- 1867 Death, drowning, A. COX, aged 5, Veteran Hall; continued pp. 314,315
May 8 A. 0. Grant
Enquiry, death, C. L. SAMPSON, aged 10, drowned; concluded p.317
Jun 4 A. 0. Grant
Enquiry, death, J. TOBIN, farmer, of Yarra- 317 malong; continued pp. 318,319
Aug 21
L. Scott
Enquiry, death, M. A. WATKINS, aged 7, of Mangrove Creek; continued pp. 320,321
Sep 19
A. 0. Grant
Depositions, C. BROWN, larceny continued pp. 323,324,325,326,327
Sep 30
A. 0. Grant
Enquiry, death, G. FROST, of Norahville continued pp. 329,330
A. 0. Grant
- 1868 Enquiry, death, E. S. FORRESTER of Wamberal 330 continued pp. 331,332,333
Jan 14
A. 0. Grant
Deaths, J. HARDY, J. HARDY Jnr., drowned concluded p. 334
A. 0. Grant
Death, S. HARDY, accidental drowning continued pp. 335,336
A. 0. Grant
Enquiry, body unknown man drowned, wreck "E3pe,zanza";continued pp. 337,338
Feb 26
A. 0. Grant
G. GREER, alias W. TRIPPETT, self-inflicted 338 gun-shot; continued pp. 339,340
Nov 27
A. 0. Grant
- 1869 Enquiry, death, T. WELLS, visitation of God 341 continued pp. 342,343 Enquiry, death, P. HENRY, natural causes continued pp. 344,345,346,347
Enquiry, death, J. FARRELL, Jack the Loafer 347 concluded p. 348
Jan 19
A. 0. Grant
Jan 30
A. 0. Grant
May 1 A. 0. Grant
Depositions, C. ASHBY, theft from W. SMITH continued pp. 350,351,352
A. 0. Grant
Enquiry, death, H. T. WATKINS, aged 16, of Wamberal; continued pp. 353,354,355,356
Oct 18
A. 0. Grant
Death, J. WOODWARD, aged 9, of Kincumber concluded p. 357
Nov 21
A. 0. Grant
Depositions, G. BROWN, stealing a watch continued pp. 359,360
Nov 23
H. Hely
Deposition Book III
- 1870 Enquiry, death, E. COCKCROFT, 11, burns concluded p. 362
Aug 19
T. C. Battley
Depositions, F. GAVENLOCK, larceny continued pp. 364,365,366,367,368
Sep 1 T. C. Battley
Enquiry, death, J. SOMMER of Woy Woy, drowning; continued pp. 370,371
T. C. Battley
Depositions, R. FORSTER, false pretences continued pp. 373,374,375,376,377,378
Sep 13
T. C. Battley C. C. Fagan
- 1871 Depositions, COCKCROFT, stabbing E. WAMSLEY 379
Apr 24
continued pp. 380,381,382,383,384,385, 386,387
H. Hely
T. C. Battley
Enquiry, death, A. A. ROSS, 4, of Kincumber, 387 burns; continued pp. 388,389
Sep 18
C. T. Weaver
Enquiry, death, R. BURNS, of Kincumber continued pp. 392,393
Sep 28
C. T. Weaver
Depositions, C. BROWN, stealing from S. THORPE; continued pp.396,397,398,399
Dec 15
H. Hely C. T. Weaver
- 1872 Enquiry, death, I. COLE, tree falling continued pp. 400,401
May 22
C. C. Fagan
Enquiry, death, J. E. FULLER, infant of Lake Macquarie; concluded p. 403
C. C. Fagan
Deposition Book III
INDEX OF NAMES o6 at pen4on3 mentioned in BkL4bane water Bench Books and Count Caaea 1826 .to 1874: •
Tichetb o6 Leave t Quantenky Retunnh
Tickets o6 Leave & Quaatetty Re-tunno (Conaeapondence)
Police Mag.L4.tnate Reg.i,3 .tenh I, II & 111 Bn.v66ane water Depoa.iti.on Booha 1, II 9 111
The following index of names has been compiled from seven individual indexes prepared for each of the Brisbane Water Magistrates' Registers. The combined index contains some 4,000 name entries which give many thousands of references to the seven registers. The names have been entered in this index as they appear in the records with the variations in spelling, if any, and the prefixes we have found. Distinct entries are shown for MULHALL J.; MULHALL J째.; MULHALL John; or plain MULHALL. DONNISON may be DONNISON Mr.; DONNISON H.; DONNISON Hy.; DONNISON Henry; or plain DONNISON. We could not afford to make enquiries in each case the diversity into a standard individual heading. it to whoever is studying FLETCHER to decide if J. refers to James or to John FLETCHER, the senior or
to reduce We leave FLETCHER the junior!
The time span covered is from 1826 to 1874, two years short of half a century. Registers' Symbols: The reader is referred to page numbers in each individual register preceded by a register symbol. The explanation of these symbols is set out below. Joan Fenton. Gosford District Local History Study Group.
A ABRAHAM BB2:29/30 "Abraham" CC1:147 TLC:130/1, 195, 247 TLM:89 "Abrahams" BB1:18, 21 TLM:56 ACRES
CC1:116 ACRES Mr. CC1:76, 85 ADJUTANT Robert BB2:262 AINSWORTH CC2:142 AINSWORTH Thomas CC1:262 AINSWORTH William BB3:45, 47 CC2:138/41, 144 ALCOCK Peter BB3:101, 117, 148, 155 ALCORN Mr.
BB2:455 ALDRICK William BB3:503, 525 ALEXANDER BB3:79/81 ALEXANDER James TLC:18, 20, 122 "Alfred"
CC2:236 "A lick" CC2:209, 233/4 ALLAN Daniel BB3:291 ALLAN David BB3:248 CC3:24 ALLCOCK BB1:242 CC1:147
ALLCOCK Peter CC1:148 TLC:20, 252 ALLEN Charles BB2:451 ALLEN Henry CC3:355
Paddy ALLFOURS BB1:250/2 BB2:6 CC1:235
ALLINGHAM Mary BB3:150 ALLMAN Mr. BB2:210 ALLUM CC1:279, 281, 283 ALLUM William CC1:280 Revd. ALLWOOD BB3:12, 28, 50 AMBROSE CC1:263, 267, 269, 274, :278/9, 287 AMBROSE James CC1:263, 281/3 AMBROSE Robert CC1:268, 279/82, 284 AMBROSE Thomas BB3:79 CC2:163 AMFORT John
TLC:252 "Amy" CC2:270 ANDERSON BB2:273, 502/3 ANDERSON Anne CC2:268, 271/2, 274 ANDERSON Harry CC2:268 ANDERSON Henry BB1:5, 79 B132:154, 498, 518, 528 CC2:171 ANDERSON John BB2:83, 127 CC2:293 ANDERSON Mr. CC1:241 ANDERSON Mrs. CC2:269 ANDERSON Robert TLC:347
ANDERSON Robt. TLM:70 ANDERSON West ley BB2:495/6, 498, 500/1, :510
ANDERSON William BB2:339, 486
ANDERSON William C. TLC:12 "Andrew" TLC:131, 195, 247 ANDREY CC1:62 ANDRY CC1:63 ANSON J. BB3:395 ANSWORTH CC2:135/6 ANSWORTH William CC2:134, 137 ARCHBALD John BB2:221 ARCON James CC2:159 ARMITAGE CC3:74/5, 80 ARMITAGE James CC3:25, 69, 71/2, 76, 93/4 ARMITAGE Jane CC3:2 ARMSTRONG Charles CC3:189/91
ARMSTRONG Emma BB3:111 ARMSTRONG John CC3:256 / 8, 260, 262 ARMYTAGE CC3:267 ARMYTAGE James BB3:424 CC3:264/6 ARKWRIGHT Jsh. BB2:206 ARNETT CC3:104 ASCOUGH TLC:156
ASHBY BB3:497 ASHBY Amelia Ellen BB3:379/80 ASHBY Charlotte BB3:379 CC3:53, 55, 349, 351/2 ASHBY Eliza Jane BB3:379/80 ASHBY Henry
BB1:101 ASHBY Joseph CC3:196
ASHBY John CC3:367 ASHBY Josh BB2:14 ASHBY Mrs. CC3:350 ASHER Samuel BB2:409, 458 ASHLEY Joseph TLC:20 ASHWOOD BB3:284 ASKINS Thomas TLC:163 ASQUITH CC1:209 CC2:43 ASQUITH David BB2:295, 305, 409 CC1:207/8 CC2:41/2, 44/5 ATKINS
881:252 ATKINS John BB2:325 ATKINS Thomas BB2:358 CC3:297, 300/1
ATKINS Tom BB1:250/1 ATKINSON CC1:279, 288 ATKINSON John CC1:268, 287/8 ATKINSON Margaret CC1:268, 271 ATKINSON Mary BB2:325 ATKINSON Maud CC1:145 ATKINSON Mrs. CC1:264, 266/, 280, 284 ATKINSON William BB1:166 CC1:146 AULD Dr. BB2:238, 250, 253 BB3:253, 263, 341, 488 CC1:220 CC3:18, 42, 182 / 3, 288, 292 AULD R. BB2:19 TLM:133
AULD R.T. CC2:340 CC3:91 AULD Robert CC1:206, 219 CC2:335, 339, 341, 343, 355 90, 203, 255, 273, CC3:27, :290, 296/7, 303/4, 314, :332, 347 TLC:300/1 AULD Robert Thomas BB3:377/8, 492 CC3:272, 346 AULD Robt. TLM:130 AULT TLC:160 AUSTIN Mr. CC3:16 AXHILL BB2:108, 121 B BACHELOR James CC3:69 BADCOCK William Hugh CC2:65
"Bagger" TLM:89 BAILEY BB2:43 BAILEY James BB2:85 BAKER
BB2:273 CC2:61 BAKER E.F. BB2:194 G.F. BAKER BB2:248, 264, 402 CC1:201, 203 BAKER George Francis BB2:416
CC2:54 BAKER John BB2:173 CC1:185 BAKER Mr. BB2:325 CC2:55, 60 CC3:152, 162/3 BAKER Thomas BB2:148 BALDWIN Thomas BB2:305
BALE BB3:71 BALE James CC3:24/5 BALL BB2:492 BB3:52 CC2:203/4 BALL John Peeling CC2:240, 243 BALL Joseph CC1:147 Judith BALL CC2:240, 243/4
BALL Mrs. CC2:242, 302 BALLANTYNE William CC2:71/2 BALLARD William TLC:390/2 BALLARD Williams TLC:9 BALLEN James CC1:199/200, 203 BAMFIELD Henry BB2:120 BAMFORD Eliza TLC:154 BAMFORD Elizabeth TLC:155, 162/3, 362, 372 BANON CC3:116, 118 BARBER BB2:281 BARBER Joseph CC2:294/8 BARBER Richard BB3:259 CC2:153/4 BARDEN William BB1:1, 9 BB2:300 BB3:34, 114 CC2:323 BARKER Emanuel BB2:45 BARKER Mr. BB2:170 BARKER W.J. TLC:253 BARKER & HALLEN BB2:327 BARNETT BB3:213/4
BARNETT James CC2:286 BARNETT Mr. CC2:285/6 BARNRIDGE E.R. CC2:31 BARNRIDGE Edwin CC2:29/30
BARRETT James BB1:147 BB2:154, 368 TLC:18, 122 BARREY Major BB2:98 BARRON David Young BB3:333/4, 378 BARROW Mr. BB1:0, 1 BARROW W.W. BB1:173, 193, 214, :233, 246, 260 BB2:4, 17, 37 BARRTLE James TLC:12
CC3:353 BARTLETT Richard BB3:190 CC2:240/1 BARTLETT Samuel CC3:330 BARTLEY Mr. BB1:68 BARTON BB2:476 BATCHELOR BB3:337 CC3:71, 74 BATCHELOR James CC3:69, 72/3, 76 BATLEY Mr. CC1:61 BATT (BUTT ) Mathew TLC:242 BATTLEY BB3:55 /6, 141, 217, :364 BATTLEY Mr. BB1:172, 264 BB2:71, :408
91, 217, 219, 231,
BB3:470, 480/1, 499 CC1:233/5, 237
Battley Icont'd.) CC2:191/2, 197, 260/3 CC3:10, 130, 268, 384 BATTLEY Mrs. CC2:262 BATTLEY T . C . BB1:261 BB2:31, 65, 182/3, 368, 373, :501 BATTLEY Thomas BB1:239 BB3:481 BATTLEY Thomas Cade BB2:13, 23, 69, 374, 381, :429 BB3:7, 89, 132, 216, 258, :274, 283, 286, 346 CC1:238 /9, 245/6 CC2:228, 257, 259, 264 CC3:128, 155, 163/4, 171, :304, 308/10 BATTY Henry CC2:241, 244 BATTY Thomas CC2:240/1 BAYLE Charles BB2:261, 339 BAYLIS BB2:180 BEALEY William CC1:179/80 BEAN BB2:396 CC1:99, 101 TLC:377 BEAN Henry BB2:451 BEAN Mr. BB1:12, 126 32, 44/5, 47/53, CC1:23, :55/60, 62/66, 74, 76/80, :83/4, 93, 132 TLC:6, 190, 352/3 BEAN W. BB2:72, 368, 451 CC1:86/8, 94, 102/3 TLC:20, 251, 345 BEAN Willoughby BB1:239 CC1:29, 40/1, 43, 61, 67, :71/2, 90, (Register :Index] TLC:154, 376, 393 BEARD Edward BB3:258
BEATTIE James CC2:317 BEATTIE John BB3:235 BEATTIE Mr. CC3:277 BEATY Pat. BB2:494 "Belcher" TLC:195, 247 "Belchor"
TLC:130 BELL BB3:477 CC1:148, 210 CC3:337 BELL J. CC1:147 BELL Joseph TLC:163 BELLY
CC2:231 "Ben" CC2:164 BENGER CC2:217 BENGER Charles BB3:437 CC2:214 CC3:44
BENGER Euphemia Ferguson BB3:308 CC3:44 BENGER Mr. CC3:45 BENGER Mrs. CC3:45 BENHALL Robert BB1:177 BENNETT BB1:19/20 BB2:241 CC3:95, 97, 99 BENNETT Cornelius BB1:16, 44, 63 TLC:12, 16
BENNETT John CC3:96, 98, 100, 347/8 BENNETT Margaret CC3:13/14
BENNETT William BB3:182, 201, 246 CC3:13, 98 BENNISON BB3:222
Daniel BENNISON BB3:353 CC2:287/9, 291/2 CC3:100/1
BENNISON Robert CC3:101 BENSON BB2:273, 287 TLM:137 BENSON Barker J.
BB2:305, 333 BB3:139, 301 CC2:314, 335, 338/9, 341, :343
CC3:113, 127, 185 BENSON Dr. BB3:372 CC3:24, 111/12, 130, 184, :288 BENSON Mr. BB2:248 BENSON Revd. W. BB3:145/6 BENSON & PARKINSON BB2:305 BENT James BB3:74, 91, 93 BENTLEY Alfred
BB3:271/3 BENTLEY Frederick BB3:242/3, 245, 271/3 BENTONY Enoch BB2:335 BERGIN BB3:74 BERRECK BB2:128 BERRY BB2:490 BB3:400 CC1:81, 256, 258, 262 CC3:175/6 BERRY Daniel BB2:103 CC3:213/4, 217/8 TLC:163
BERRY Danl. TLC :242 BERRY Esther CC3:216 BERRY John BB1:115 CC1:80, 255, 257, 259/61 TLC:14 TLM:130
BLACKFORD Mary BB3:348 CC3:91/4 BLACKFORD Mrs. CC3:173 BLACKFORD Winifred CC3:91/2, 173 BLAKE
BERRY Mrs. CC3:215 BERRY William BB2:415, 429, 469 BB3:105 BERRYMAN William BB3:118 BESANT Henry
BB3:398 CC3:210 BLAKE John CC3:206/8, 211/2 BLAKE Revd. BB3:96 BLANCHE T.
BB2:517 BEST BB2:264 BEST Maria CC3:213, 215, 218 BEST Mrs. CC3:217, 277 BEST Samuel
BB2:103 CC2:88, 275 CC3:213, 215/6, 218 TLC:163 BETELMAN Frederick William CC3:233, 236, 238, 240 BETHAM TLC:154, 364 BEVERLEY William BB2:221 "Bianna" TLM:89 "Big Jem" CC2:326 "Bilehur" TLM:89 "Bill" TI.M:89 "Bill the Blacksmith" CC2:153
"Blazer" TLC:131, 195, 247 "Blind Clearby" TLM:89 BLOODSWORTH TLC:388/9 BLOODSWORTH George CC1:17 BLOODSWORTH Mr. CC1:97, 233
BLOODWORTH TLC:387 BLOOMFIELD BB3:239 CC2:340 BLOOMFIELD George CC2:334/9, 341, 343 BLOOMFIELD Jane CC2:335, 337/8, 341, 343 BLOW Henry TLC:122 BLOWER BB1:246 "Blue George" CC1:99 "Bluzer" TLM:89 "Boen-Boen"
"Billy" TLC:249 "Billy Boy" TLC:130, 249 BIRCH James CC1:1 BISHOP Henry CC2:90, 93/5 "Bissny"
TLM:90 BLACKFORD Ambrose BB1:115 BB2:421 TLC:14, 18, 20, :242 BLACKFORD George CC3:13
BB3:50 BLAND Dr. BB3:24
32, 122,
TLC :130 BOGAN Lizzy CC3:27 "Bogstail" TLC:130 "Boia"
TLC:195, 247
"Boio" TLC:130 "Boira-Bouca" TLM:89 BOLTON
BOSTON William BB3:153, 230 CC3:33/4, 36 "Bothun" TLM:90 BOUGHTON BB1:269 BB2:111
TLC:347 BOLTON William CC3:200
"Bongabong" TLC:131, 247 BONIFACE BB3:259 "Bonker" TLC:130 BONLIN CC2:277 BONLIN Martin CC2:276 "Bonrabare" TLM:89 "Boogstaaile" TLC:195 "Boogstaile" TLC:247 BOOKER CC1:223 TLC:377 "Booker" CC3:235 TLM:89 BOOKER William CC1:84 TLC:2, 154/5, :376
"Boolemice" TLM:90 "Boongubring" TLM:89 "Boora Paddy" TLM:89 "Booren Roven" TLC:247 BOOTH
CC3:30 BOOTH Hugh BB2:509 BOOTH William CC3:26 "Bootyoure" TLM:89 "Borgabong" TLC:195 BOSSLEY BB2:434/5
L.D. Mr.
BB1:33, 41, 51/2, 64 BB2:128 BOULIN Martin BB3:210 BOURKE
BB1:19/20, 22 BOURKE Dr. CC3:295 BOURKE John CC3:290 BOURKE Sir Richard BB2:8, 233 "Bovenboven" TLC:195
162, 362/4,
BOWEN Mr. BB2:76 BOWEN Thos. BB1:177 BOWKER Dr. CC2:261/2, 264 CC3:186, 188 Charlotte BOWLES CC3:38, 40/43 BOWLES Mary Jane
CC3:38/43 BOWMAN BB3:147 "Bowranger" TLM:90
"Boxal" TLM:89 BOYCE BB2:137 CC1:243 BOYCE John BB2:144, 153 BOYCE Mr. CC1:235
BRAMWELL Frederick BB3:375, 432 CC3:286/9
BOYD Dennis BB2:221/2 BOYD Thomas CC3:69, 74/6 BOYLE Charles BB2:257 BB3:32 BOYLE Mrs.
BB3:453 BRANTON William Henry CC3:33, 35/6 BREMER Ideloury BB3:33 "Bremonan" TLC:247 BREMRIDGE BB2:357 BREMRIDGE E.K. BB2:325 BREMRIDGE Mr. BB2:355/6 BRENNAN BB2:205, 504 CC2:42, 195/9, 201
CC2:239 "Brabber" TLC:131, 247 BRADLEY
CC1:58, 169/70 BRADLEY John BB2:134 CC1:167/8 BRADY BB2:200, 237, 383 CC2:52 BRADY James BB2:185, 512 BRADY Martin BB2:263 BRADY Mary BB1:103 BB2:15 BRADY Patrick BB2:236 CC2:46/8, 51
BRENNAN Francis CC3:288/9 J.B. BRENNAN BB2:254 BRENNAN J.R. BB2:247, 262
BRENNAN John BB2:221 CC2:41, 43, 190/1, 193/4, :196/7, 199/201, 275 BRENNAN James BB3:86 BRENNAN Maria CC2:41, 43
BRADY Peter BB2:310 BRADY Richard TLC:6/7 BRAGGE Henry BB3:70 BRAMBLE BB1:124, 261
BB2:6, 210, 214 , 225, 229, :231/2 CC1:21, 23/4, 26, 29, 35, :91/2, 97/100, 104, 119, :122/4, 132/3, (Loose :sheet between pages 155 :and 156], 234/5 BRAMBLE William BB1:53, 117 BB2:216, 224, 344 CC1:17/19, 27, 33, 36, 74, :75, 107, 96, :117/8, 120/1, :129/30, 132, :[Register Index] CC2:47 TLM:4
109, 125/7, 134,
BRENNAN Ryan BB2:307 BB3:55/6 BRENNAN William BB3:159 CC2:190, 192/4, 196, 200 BREWSTER Mary Jane CC3:231/2
BRIDGE J. TLC:20 "Bringemar" TLM:89 BRINN Michael TLC:7, 156/7, 163 BRISSINGTON George BB1:75 TLM:60 BRISTOW Elizabeth CC3:89
BROADBENT BB3:240 CC3:181/2 BROADBENT Ann BB3:355 BROADBENT John CC3:206, 211/2 BROKER Thomas BB2:267 BROOK BB2:173 BROOKS BB1:13 Dr. BROOKS TLC:387
BROOKS James BB3:480 BROOKS John BB1:12 TLC:391 TLM:56
BROOKS Samuel CC3:241, 244/6 BROOKS Wm. BB2:95 BROUGHTON BB1:269 BB3:53 BROUGHTON Henry
BB2:152 BROUGHTON Mr. BB1:268 BROWN BB1:171 BB3:240, 373, 391, 502 CC1:23/4, 56, 97, 122, 128, :241, (Register Index) CC3:176/9 BROWN Charles BB3:288 143, 145, 150, CC3:133/4, :155, 164 BROWN Charlotte BB3:471 327, 394, 322/4, CC3:182, :396/9 BROWN George CC3:358, 360 BROWN H.H. BB3:72 BROWN James BB3:200, 453, 503, 525 CC2:245/54
CC3:372/6, 378
BROWN John BB2:182 CC1:26/7 TLC:163
BROWN Js. BB2:30 BROWN L. TLM:61 BROWN Mrs. CC3:181, 325/6, 366, 373/4, :396/7 BROWN Peter TLC:14, 16, 120 BROWN Robert BB2:18, 38 BROWN Sarah BB3:453 BROWN Stephen TLM:59 BROWN Thomas CC3:174/5, 180, 182 BROWN William CC3:89 "Brown" TLC:131, 195, 247 H.H. BROWNE
BB3:71 BRUFF Samuel CC2:103 "Brunman" TLC:130, 195 BRYAN CC2:17/20 BRYAN Charles BB2:263 CC2:16, 21, 23 BRYANT CC2:20 "Bubbah" TLC:195, 247 "Bubbya" TLC:130 "Bubigah" TLC:195, 247
BUCHANAN John BB2:473 BB3:2, 60, 75, 106 BUCKLEY BB3:426, 467 CC3:343 BUCKLEY John BB3:454, 458 206/8, 212/4, CC3:204, 233/4, 238, :217/8, :240/2, 245/6, 256/7,
Buckley [ cont'd.] CC3:262, 276 , 278, 280/1, :283/4, 286 / 7, 304/6, :310, 322 / 5, 327/8 TLC:251 BUCKTON BB3:359, 362, 365, 368 CC3:115, 123, 128/30 BUCKTON Anna CC3:226/7 BUCKTON Esther BB3:363 CC3:114/ 17, 125, 129 BUCKTON George CC3:114, 124/6, 132 BUCKTON Joseph BB3:358 CC3:114 BUCKTON Mrs. CC3:119, 124 BUCKTON Sarah CC3:114/ 5, 120, 122, :124/130, 132 BUCTON CC3:198 Esther BUCTON CC3:198
BUCTON Hanna/h CC3:221/2 "Budbery" TLC:195, 247 "Budbury" TLC:130 "Bulba" TLC:130 BULL
BB2:434/5 BULL Captain BB3:197 BULL Mr. CC2:108 BULLOCK
BB2:502/3 BULLOCK James BB2:249 / 50, 267, 395/6 CC3:302/3 "Bunangorah" TLC:247 "Bunargara" TLC:130 "Bunargorah" TLC:195 "Bungangorah" TLC:247
"Bungema" TLC:130, 247 "Bungo" TLC:131 "Bungooah" TLC:247 "Buober" TLM:89 "Burgova" TLC:195 BURKE Patrick BB2:457 BURKE Thomas TLC:8 BURN J. CC3:230 BURNES Mr. CC3:316 BURNS BB2:272 CC3:2 BURNS Elizabeth CC3:393 BURNS Elizabeth Jane CC3:392 BURNS George TLC:1 BURNS John BB2:340, 346, 444 BB3:57 BURNS Michael CC3:390/2 BURNS Michael, Jnr. CC3:391, 393 BURNS Peter CC3:392 BURNS Rose BB3:524 CC3:390/3 BURNS Thomas CC3:108 BURTON CC3:194 BURTON William BB3:488 CC3:38, 40, 341/2 BURY John TLC:20 BUSCOMBE CC3:29/31, 237, 239, 343 BUSCOMBE William CC3:233, 235/6, 238, 240, :344 "Bush Jim" TLM:89
"Bush Tom" TLC:130, 195, 247 BUSHBY Mr. CC3:277 BUSHEL CC2:253 BUSHELL CC1:63 "Butcher" CC2:164 BUTCHER BB1:95 BUTLER Francis CC3:103 BUTLER Mary Ann CC3:103/6, 109 BUTLER Mrs.
CC3:107/8 BUTT BB2:183, 468 BUTT Ann CC2:271 BUTT Matthew BB2:182, 416 Matthew BUTT (BATT) TLC:242 BUTTOCK James BB2:501 BYRNE Michael CC2:169 BYRNE Patrick BB3:152, 202
BYRNES James CC3:316 C CADBY BB3:173 CC2:222/3 CADBY (alias McFARLANE) Robert
CC2:221 CAIN BB3:511 CAIN William Nicholas CC3:369, 371 CALL Constable BB3:275 CALLAGHAN
BB2:496 CALLAHAN Daniel CC3:45/6 CALLAN Henry CC3:289/90
CALLAN Michael CC3:289/90 "Callawa" TLM:90 CALLAWAY William BB1:19 BB2:135 CALLEN Anne BB3:265 CALLEN Bridget BB3:265 CC3:357 CALLEN Ellen BB3:265 Henry CALLEN
BB3:263/5, 278, 432, 466 CALLEN Mary BB3:265 CALLEN Michael BB3:265 CALLEN Patrick BB3:265 CALLEN Peter
BB3:265 CALLEN Thomas BB3:265 CALLISON Thomas BB2:409 CALLON Thomas BB3:404 CC3:224/5 CALLOWAY William BB2:290, 299, 301 TLC:20, 122 CAMERON Daniel BB2:221
CAMERON Hugh BB3:278 CAMERON John BB3:519 CAMPBELL BB3:39, 51 CC1:192 CC3:394 CAMPBELL A. BB2:160, 205, 221/2 CC1:188/90 CAMPBELL A.E.
BB2:60, 172, 186, 193 CC1:193 TLC:302 CAMPBELL Aylmer BB2:207 CC1:247
CAMPBELL Aylmer Edwin CC1:194/98 TLC:236 CAMPBELL E.A. TLC:265 CAMPBELL Hugh BB3:496 CC3:328, 393, 396/9 CAMPBELL J.D. BB2:258
CAMPBELL James BB3:54 CC1:189, 193/99, 217 CC2:106/7, 118, 159 TLC:236 CAMPBELL John CC1:191, 193 CAMPBELL John Keating BB2:207 CAMPBELL Lieut. BB2:56 CAMPBELL Margaret BB2:172 CC1:189/90, 219 CAMPBELL Messrs. BB2:221 CAMPBELL Mr. BB2:205, 208 CC3:395 CAMPBELL Mrs. CC1:218 CC3:394/5, 397 CAMPBELL Mrs. Aylmer CC1:217 CAMPBELL Mrs. James CC1:188, 217, 219 Peter CAMPBELL
TLC:351, 378 CAMPBELL Rebecca CC3:322, 325, 327/8 CAN W. BB1:140 CANALE Bryant CC1:[Register Index] CANN Edward CC1:[Register Index] Edward CANNON CC1:5/6
TLC:20 TLM:141 CANNON Edward "Old Ned" CC1:4 CANNON Edwd. TLM:134
CAPE BB1:124 BB2:163, 166 CC1:105 TLC:371, 388
CAPE Mr. BB1:40, 180, 195 BB2:15, 18, 41, 72, 74, 170 16, 18/19, 10/11, CC1:5/8, :22, 24, 26, 28, 33, 35, 64, 86, 42, 63, :38/9, :90, 97, 108, 112, 117, :121, 126/7, 236, 237
TLC:2, 4, 360/3, 365/6 CAPE Mr. Senr. BB1:239 CC1:92 TLC:5, 193 CAPE R.
CC1:30, 31, 37 , 88, 105/6, :114/6 CAPE Richard BB1:44, 75, 89 CC1:4, 7, 9, 1.0, 40/2, 46, :58, 61 /2, 66, 71/4, 77, :79/80, $7., 89, 92, 98, :101/3, 110/3, [Register :Index] TLC:1, 387 CAPE T. CC1:31, 34 CAPE Timothy CC1:12 CAPE W. BB1:127, 268 BB2:43, 72/3, 165, 167 TLC:163
CAPE W. Snr. CC1:91 CAPE W.T. BB1:189, 202 BB2:18/19, 22, 39, 55, 141, :326, 332 BB3:322 CC1:82, 91, 99, 105, 142, :144 TLC:20 CAPE William BB1:39; 44 BB2:41 CC1:7, 15, 110, 126 TLC:376
CAPE William Snr. CC1:111 TLC:1, 3
CAPE William Timothy BB1:44, 117, 119, 127 BB3:309
CARROLL Bryan BB1:119 CC1:8
17, 19, 10, 13, CC1:4/5, :42, 73, 100, 126/7, 129 CAPE Wm. Snr. CC1:104/5 CAPE Wm. T. TLC:20
Bryant CARROLL CC1:4, 7 James CARROLL BB2:10 TLC:133 TLM:111
CAPPER BB2:406 CC3:374 CAPPER Ann BB2:409, 455 CAPPER David
CARROLL Jas. TLC:152 CARROLL John BB1:254 TLC:252 CARROLL Joseph CC2:299/302 CARROLL Margaret CC1:167
CC3:372/3, 375/8 CAPPER James CC3:52/6 CAPPER Mrs. BB2:405 CC3:375
CAPPER Thomas BB2:405, 450, 455, 486 BB3:147, 205, 224 CC2:106, 160/1, 185/9 William CARBES CC1:135/6 CARBISS CC2:302, 309 CARBISS William CC2:306 "Carbon" TLC:130, 195, 247 "Carbon George" CC2:207, 210 CAREY Robert CC3:399 CARNEY CC1:149/50, 152, 154 CARNEY Bill CC1:151 Bridget CARNEY CC3:46 CARNEY James CC3:45/6 Wm. CARNEY
BB2:42 CARPENTER James BB1:110, 270 CARROLL BB1:6 BB2:13 CC1:42 TLM:63
CARROLL Matthew CC2:247/8 CARROLL Michael BB2:97, 107, 110 CARROLL Moses BB1:5, 21, 41, 54, 66, 76, :117/8, 180/1, 196, BB1:249, 250, 277
BB2:39, 191 CC1:7, 10, 14, 18, 20/2, :33, 41, 72/3, 84, 105, :108, 111, 117/120, 124, :167, 170, [Register :Index) TLC:152 TLM:56, 108, 110A CARROLL Mrs. CC1:169
CARROLL Patrick TLC:353 CARROLL Thomas BB3:106, 117, 119 CARROLL William BB3:403 CARTER BB2:241 CARTER G. BB2:214 CARTER Joseph BB2:274 Loyalty Ramsey CARTER CC1:231 CARTER Lt. CC1:223 CARTER Mr. BB2:272 CC1:225, 228, 230
CARTER Mrs. CC1:213, 224/5, 227, 230/1 CARTER N.G. CC1:213, 228 CARTER Nicholas G. CC1:223, 227
CARTER Nicholas Gay CC1:229, 231/2 CASEY CC3:397 CASEY James BB3:115 CC2:278/9 TLC:20 Robert CASEY CC3:393/4, 398 CASEY Robert R.
CC3:369, 395 CASEY W. BB1:177 CASSIDY William BB3:241
CASTLE Jas. BB1:9 CATER Charles CC3:57, 60/1, 68 CATER George CC3:344/6 CATER Mrs. CC3:63 "Caticha" TLM:89 CATOR Charles CC3:47/51 CAULFIELD Patrick BB3:227 CAULFIELD ( alias SCAYSBROOK) Patrick CC2:294/5, 297/8 CHAMBERLAIN Charles BB2:256
BB3:58, 69 CHAMBERLYNE Chas. BB1:247 CHAMBERS & HOLDEN BB2:145 CHAMPION Captain BB3:79/80 CHAMPION William CC2:166
CHANCY Frederick CC2:25 CHANEY CC3:74
CHANEY Frederick CC3:69, 75/6 CHANTECLAIR Charles BB3:115 CHANY Frederick BB3:152, 198 CHAPMAN BB2:49, 106 BB3:80 CC2:168 CHAPMAN Charles BB2:48, 59, 68 , 70, 86, :105, 131 CC1:155 TLC:20 CHAPMAN "Charley the Dealer" CC1:235 CHAPMAN James BB2:123 CHAPMAN Josiah BB3:79 CC2:164, 166/7 CHAPMAN Mr.
CC2:165 "Charlie Myrtle" BB1:1 TLM:89 CHENEY BB3:337 CHEYNE BB3:11 / 12, 28, 38 / 9, CHEYNE John CC2:133/4 CHEYNE Mr. BB2:434/5 CC2:115, 120 "Chic Wan" TLM:89 CHILCOTT John
CC3:60 CHILDS BB3:249 CHISHOLM Mrs. BB2:248 CHITTY TLC:392 CHITTY Robert BB1:62, 69, 277 TLC:377, 386/7 CHOWN CC1:264, 266, 268/71, 273, :275/8, 280, 282/4, :287/8 CC2:70, 72
CHOWN John BB2:317 CC1:267,
John CLENS TLC:20 272,
:289/90 CC2:69 CHRISTIAN John BB2:371 CHRISTY CC1:103 CLANCY John BB2:221
CLARE Edward BB3:404 CC3:223/4 CLARELL Mary CC3:194 CLARK CC2:7 CLARK Robert CC2:23 CLARKE CC2:7, 16/20 CLARKE Arthur BB2:282, 308 CC1:253
CLARKE Arthur Hill BB2:246 CC1:253 CLARKE James BB2:193 CLARKE Marianne CC1:254 CC2:8/11, 28 CLARKE Mary CC2:12 CLARKE Mr. CC1:244, 254 CLARKE Mrs. CC2:7 CLARKE Robert BB2:263 CLARKE William CC1:234 TLC:300
CLARKE William John CC2:6 CLARKE Wm. TLC:302 CLARKSON BB3:239 CC2:338, 340 CLARKSON Mrs.
CC2:338 CLARKSON Richard CC2:334/7, 342/3
CLERTON BB2:145 CLEWS BB1:242 CLEWS John BB2:114, 270, 319 CLIFFE John CC1:220 CLIFFORD
CC3:318 CLIFFORD James CC3:317, 319 CLINTON Jno. TLC:264 TLM:142 CLINTON John TLM:132/3 CLOSE E.C.
BB2:50, 365 COAKLEY BB2:417 COAKLEY David BB2:382 COBB CC3:244 COBB Thomas BB3:344, 413 CC3:241, 245/6
"Cobongillary" TLM:90 COBSON James BB1:1 TLC:12 COCKCROFT BB2:514 CC3:380, 383 COCKCROFT Eliza BB3:510
CC3:361/2 COCKCROFT Jane Ann CC3:361 COCKCROFT John BB3:44, 518 CC3:361/2, 379, 385/7 COCKER Edward CC2:213 COCKROFT John BB3:510 "Cocky" TLC:195 COGHILL TLC:156
COGHLAN 27, BB3:6, 8, :58/9 COGHLAN Cornelius BB3:5, 36
COGHLAN Cornelius D. BB2:426, 528 COGHLAN Cornelius E. CC2:59
COGHLAN Cornelius S. BB2:466 COGHLAN Mr. BB2:492, 495/6 COGHLAN Rev . Cornelius CC2:58 COGHLAN Revd. BB2:479, 491 BB3:18, 146 COLBOURNE John BB2:497 COLE BB3:331 CC3:67 COLE Isaac BB3:530 CC3:58, 399/401 COLE James BB3:321/2 CC3:57, 63/4, 68, 348, 399, :401
COLE Louisa CC3:399/400 COLE Mr. CC3:97 COLE Mrs. CC3:194 COLEMAN Nicholas TLM:57 COLLIER George CC2:165 COLLIN BB3:126/8 COLLINS Martin BB1:39, 41 BB2:118, 421 , TLC:163, 192
COLLINS Sophia CC3:264/6 COLLISON Thomas BB2:370 BB3:66 COLMAN John BB3:43 COLQUHON Mr. BB2:269
COLQUHOUN Revd. M. BB1:243, 245, 247 BB2:82 COLSON James BB1:1, 37 COLSTON BB2:214 CONDEN Maurice BB3:170 CC2:211, 213,
215, 220
CONDREN Dennis CC3:173 CONELLY George BB2:144 "Congara" TLC:130 CONGDON William CC2:344, 346/7 CONHAM Edward BB2:364, 480 BB3:5, 10, 54 Patrick CONLAN TLC:353 CONNELL Henry
BB2:512 CONNELLY Dennis TLC:349 CONNELLY George BB2:153 CONNELLY John
CC3:37 CONNENIER J.H. BB2:169 CONNER Maurice BB3:96 CONNOLLY John CC2:245 "Connor" TLC:131, 195, 247 TLM:89
460, 467, 528
CONNOR CC1:170, 172 CONNOR James CC1:173, 176 CONNOR Maurice BB2:197, 513
CONROY Daniel CC1:68 CONTAM Edward BB2:428 CONWAY BB3:242 CC2:317 CC3:79, 85, 106/8
CONWAY Constable BB3:275 CONWAY Margaret BB3:236 CC2:316, 318/20 CONWAY Martin BB3:353 CC3:96, 98/9 COOK Mountford CC3:366/7 COOKLEY
BB2:375 COOLEY BB2:389 COOLEY Jeremiah BB2:377, 388 COOPER
BB1:86 CC1:81, 143 CC2:238 COOPER Charles BB2:404 COOPER Frederick BB3:21 CC2:19, 65 COOPER John BB2:240 COOPER Richard TLC:7/8 Joseph COOTE BB1:47 BB2:330 BB3:20 COPPER Charles BB3:117 "Corigira" TLM:89 CORLIS CC2:69 Bridget CORLIS CC2:68/72 CORLIS Patrick CC2:69/72
CORNBLAY Elias BB3:97 CORRIGAN Mr. BB2:4 CORY Mr. BB2:458 COST Annie BB3:462 COTTRELL James BB3:62, 112, 155 COUGH CC3:369
COUGHLAN Mr. BB2:495 COULSON CC1:112/3 COULSON Geo. TLM:4 COULSON George BB1:37, 53, 63 BB2:216 CC1:107, 119, 243
COULSON Mr. CC2:226, 258/61 COULSON Mrs. BB3:48/9 COULSON Robert
CC2:227, 257, 262, 264 COULSON (alias YORK) CC1:242 George COULSON (alias YORK) CC1:240 COULSTON BB2:311 COULSTON George BB2:211, 227 CC1:63 COULSTON Mrs.
BB3:65 COULSTON (alias YORK) CC1:244 COULTER BB2:329 CC3:31
COULTER Irvine BB3:279, 287, 374, 472 CC3:29/30
COULTER Mrs. CC2:238 COULTER Rachel CC2:233, 235/7 COULTER Sam. TLM:60 COULTER Samuel CC1:247/251 CC2:233, 235, 237 CC3:369
COULTER William Irvine BB3:508 COUTES Edward CC3:369 COVENTRY Thomas BB3:168 COWAN CC3:337 David COWAN CC3:343/4, 349/51
COWAN Mary Elizabeth CC3:349, 351
COX BB2:281, 453 CC2:179 CC3:380 COX Ann CC3:314/5 COX Annie CC3:313/5
Catherine BB3:97 COX Dr. CC3:288 COX Eliza BB2:434 COX
Elizabeth BB3:97 COX Isaac BB2:435 CC2:108 COX James
CC2:62 Jane BB3:97
Michael BB2:285, 343 BB3:21, 97, 150 CC1:254 CC3:313/5 COX Mr. BB1:239 BB2:155 CC3:386
R. BB2:201 TLC:20 COX Robert BB1:54, 56, 88, 106 CC2:1/2 TLC:163 COX William BB3:97 COYLE BB3:229 COYLE Peter BB1:92, 95, 277 COYNE
BB3:268 CC3:8 COYNE John CC2:155, 159 CC3:5/7, 12 CRAFT Joseph CC2:301/2
CRAFT William CC2:299 / 300, 302 CRAIG Robert CC1:7 CRAINGEN CC2:201 "Cramaboo Crammer" CC1:37
"Crambra" TLC:130 CRANE William CC3:33/6 CRAUSE BB2:504 CC2:90 / 1, 93/5, 352 CC3:23, 181 /2, 268, 297 CRAUSE H.A. BB3:191 CC2:171, 204 CC3:295 CRAUSE Henry BB3:88 CRAUSE Henry Augustus BB3:428 175, 172/3, 170, CC2:92, :178/9, 203, 344 CC3:294 CRAUSE Mr. CC2:174, 231, 345/6 CC3:102
CRAUSE Mrs. CC3:297 CRAWFORD BB2:475 CC2:69, 107 CRAWFORD Mrs. CC2:68 CRAWFORD Robert CC2:68, 70/2,. 106 CRAWLEY Jeremiah CC2:88/9 CRAWLEY ( alias WOOTTON) CC1:255
CREER George BB3:485 CC3:338 CREGAN D. CC3:251 CREGAN David CC3:250 CREGAN Mr. CC3:247, 249
CREIGHTON BB2:332 BB3:279 CC2:133 CC3:294
CREIGHTON Mrs. CC2:183 CREIGHTON Robert BB2:347 BB3:65, 208, 285 CC2:74,79,81, 106, 184, 189 TLC:331 CREIGHTON William BB3:208 CC2:106 "Crockey" TLC:130 CROFT James BB2:429 CROFT Joseph BB2:429 CROFT Sarah BB2:164 CROKER BB1:235/6 "Crooky" TLC:247 CROSS
BB3:37/8, 40, 50 CROSS D. BB2:302 BB3:52 CROSS David BB2:277, 350 BB3:39
CC2:111/12, 121/3, 130 CROSS John BB3:79 CC2:126, 131/2, 163 CROSS Mr. BB1:256 CC2:113, 124/7, 129, 131/2 CROSS Robert CC1:235 CROSS William BB2:438 Thomas CROTHERS BB3:387 CROUT Thomas BB2:242 CRUMMER BB1:250 CRUMMER Major BB1:249 BB2:254, 259
CRUMP CC2:218 CRUMPTON Thomas CC2:219 "Cud Gey Bull" TLC:130 "Cudgey Bull" TLC:195 "Cudgeybull" TLC:247 John CULLEN BB2:342, 365, 522 BB3:3, 31, 116 CC1:152/3
CULLENS Martin BB2:348 CUMMER Major BB1:249 CUMMINS Robert CC3:96, 98/9 "Cungubool" TLM:89 CUPIDA John BB2:157 CURLEY Patrick BB2:65, 71, 91 CURRAN
BB1:17/8, 20, 55 TLM:56, 58 CURRAN Stephen BB1:53/4, 56, 67, 110 TLM:57, 59/60, 107/8, 110A CURREN Stephen
CC1:81 CURRENT Albert BB1:269 CURTAIN Mrs. CC3:46 CURTAIN William BB3:212 TLC:20 CURTIN BB1:233 CURTIN William BB2:425/6, 466 64, 97, 150, 153/4, BB3:47, :157, 162, 212 CC2:103/4 CURTIS Sampson BB1:99 BB2:283, 284, 352, 354 CC1:191/2 TLC:20, 122, 124, 242 Samuel CURTIS
CURTIS William TLC:242 "Cusey"
TLC:249 D DAGGER CC1: 237 DAGGER James BB2:302 DALEY Henry BB2:30 BB3:44, 61, 64 TLC:163
DALEY Mary BB1:151, 158, 162, 165 DALEY Mrs. BB1:163 DALEY William BB2:222
CC1:41/2 DANGER Mr. CC1:72 DANIELS BB1:69 Henry DANVIS BB3:274 CC3:13 DARBY John CC2:287/8, 290/2 DARCEY Walter BB2:222 D'ARCY BB1:187 BB2:278 DARGAN James
BB2:44 DART Lin. TLM:68 DART Lynn TLC:102 DAT E.D. BB2:54 DAUGHERTY J. TLM:115/6
DAVEY Adam BB2:279, 285 DAVIDSON BB2:60 DAVIES John CC1:251 DAVIES Michael John BB2:168/9 DAVIS BB2:214, 230/1, 239 CC1:241/3, 252 CC3:390 Benjamin DAVIS BB3:431, 476 CC3:356 DAVIS Catherine BB3:389 CC3:202/3 DAVIS Edward BB2:53, 58 John DAVIS
BB2:216, 238 CC1:233, 236/7, 239/40, 252 CC3:28 DAVIS John Michael BB2:171 Mr. DAVIS BB2:190 CC3:98 DAVIS Rock BB3:500 CC3:202/3, 228/30, 352, :354/5
DAVIS Thos. TLM:58 DAVIS William BB2:273 TLC:266 DAVIS & RUDD EE2:473 DAVISON BB3:274/5 DAVISON Alexander Clarke BB3:263, 273 Mr. DAVISON CC3:8/10 DAWKINS CC2:217 CC3:203 DAWKINS John BB3:421 CC2:214/6, 220 CC3:202, 254/5 DAY E.D. BB2:283
Edmond D. BB2:210 DAY Edward BB2:215 DAY William TLC:378 DEANS Thomas BB1:234 DEAVES
CC2:272 DEAVES James CC3:186/7 DEAVES John BB3:205 CC2:267/8, 270/1, 273/5 DEAVES John William CC3:266/7 William DEAVES BB2:482/3 BB3:424 CC2:275, 323 CC3:187/8, 264/7 DEAVES William John CC3:264/5 DEEVES Sophia
CC3:92/3 DEEVES William TLC:251 DELAMARE Christ TLC:12 DELANEY Daniel BB2:513 TLC:242 DELL Samuel BB2:290, 300 DEMON George TLC:6 DEMPSEY John CC3:336/7 DEMPSEY Maurice TLC:353 DEMPSEY Morris TLC:7
DENNETT Thomas TLC:8 DENNY BB1:206, 222 225, 228/9, BB2:16, 217, :231/2, 238/9, 254, 270 CC1:234/6, 239, 245/6, 251 DENNY H.
BB2:259 DENNY Harry BB2:54, 242, 293, 344 CC1:241/2
Denny [cont'd.] DENNY Harvey
BB2:93 DENNY Henry BB2:111, 128, 152, 168, :211, 214/6, 224, 227, :236, 438 CC1:233, 240/4 DENNY Mrs. BB2:254, 258/9 DERBISHER William TLM:56 DERBRIDGE Mr. TLM:68 DERBRIDGE William
BB2:102 BB3:90 DERHIDGE William BB2:297 DERTRIDGE William BB2:521
DEVENPORT CC3:108 DEVENPORT William BB3:354 CC3:103/4, 106, 109/10 DEVINE Geo.
TLC:122 DEVINE George TLM:80 DEVLIN Francis BB3:6/7 DIAMOND BB2:210, 215 CC1:235 DIAMOND Anthony BB2:218 CC1:234 DIAMOND William BB2:216 DIBCHAM John CC2:166 DICKSON Jane CC3:20/1, 23/4 DICKSON William BB2:354 CC3:20, 23/4 Samuel DILL BB2:280 DILLON
BB2:226, 228 BB3:40 CC1:249 DILLON I. Moore BB2:419
DILLON J.M. BB2:238 DILLON Patrick CC1:246, 248, 250 "Dinah" TLM:90 DIPLOCK CC2:46/7, 50 DIPLOCK Jeremiah BB2:344 DITCHAM John BB3:37, 51, 98 DIVINE Geo. TLC:124, 250 DIVINE George BB2:129 TLC:20 DIXON
BB2:361 DIXON William BB2:507 TLC:242 DOBEY Adam BB2:181 DOCKER BB2:108, 121 DOEL
DONAVON John BB2:113, 255 DONAVON Mr. BB1:166 DONAVON Patrick CC1:154 DONLON CC3:385 DONLON Mr. CC3:384 DONNAVON Dennis TLC:20 Barney DONNELLY BB2:386, 389 CC2:54 DONNELLY Barney (alias Bernard) CC2:57 DONNELLY Bernard BB2:386, 389 DONNELLY Honora
BB3:423, 425 DONNISON BB1:139 BB2:313, 379 /80, 383, 397, :399
CC2:174, 267, 270/1 CC3:30/1 DOEL Ann
BB3:6 / 7, 26, 36, 55 CC1:52, 100/ 1, 109, 208 DONNISON H.
CC2:320, 322/ 3, 325, 328 DOEL Anne CC2:268, 270, 274 DOEL George CC2:268, 271, 273/4, 320, :324/6, 328, 330 CC3:29, 32 DOEL Mrs. CC2:267, 271/3, 321, 324, :330 DOGHERTY Alexander BB2:179 DOLAN James
BB2:137, 241, 376 TLC:20 DONNISON Henry BB1:189 BB2:88, 94, 100 , 104, 160, :163, 289, 312, 403/4, :412, 425/6, 429, 440, :444, 446, 483, 488, :501, 506, 514 BB3:21, 56, 89/90, 92 CC1:12/13, 20, 23, 26, 43, :61, 67, 74/ 5, 87/8, :90/1, 93 / 5, 99, 107, :125, 129, 133, :Register Index]
BB2:504, 526 DONAHEE Samuel BB2:262 DONALD TLC:156 DONALD John BB3:162/3 DONAVON CC1:187 DONAVON Dennis BB2:137, 165 , CC1:185/6
CC2:90, 101, 133/4, 136, :145/6, 149, 152, 165 TLC:134, 136, 138, 150, 163,
168, 171, 271
:221, 224, 226, 228/9, :231, 236, 252, 331 Heny. DONNISON TLC:21 Hy. DONNISON TLC:102, 163
Donnison [cont'd.] DONNISON Mr. 58, 109, 140, 42, BB1:10, :177
204, 95, 148, BB2:14, 229, 271, 217, :214/5, 478, 424, 472, :333, :480, 486, 496, 512, 525 CC1:15/16, 21/2, 24/27, 31, 51, :33/5, 37, 44/9, :54/8, 65/6, 79/84, 86, 110/12, 96, 108, :89, :114/9, 121/4, 126, 128, :130/1, 134, 242 CC2:86, 88 TLM:67/8 DONNISON' Mrs. CC2:88, 192 DONOHOE John BB2:499 Dennis DONOVAN TLC:122 DONOVAN Honnora CC2:356 DONOVAN John BB3:255 CC1:170, 174/6 CC2:356/7 CC3:231, 247, 249, 251 DONOVAN John Joseph CC3:231/2 DONOVAN John, Jnr. CC2:356
DONOVAN Mrs. CC3:232 DONOVAN Patrick TLC:156/7, 163 DONOVON CC1:150 DONOVON Patrick CC1:149, 151/2 DOOLEY Michael BB1:258 DOUAL BB1:202 "Doughboy" TLM:90
DOUGHERTY BB2:179 DOUGHERTY William BB2:180, 221 DOUGLAS Dr. BB3:391 DOUGLAS George CC2:145/6, 149/51
James DOUGLAS CC3:37 Arthur DOUGLASS BB3:138, 151 Dr. DOUGLASS BB3:250, 385, 413 James DOUGLASS TLC:265 Revd. DOUGLASS BB3:124 Adam DOVEY TLC:310 J.S. DOWLING CC2:247 James S. DOWLING CC2:235 DOYLE BB3:38 CC2:121 DOYLE James CC2:129 DOYLE John CC2:129
DOYLE Wm. TLC:252 DRAKE James BB1:58 BB2:307, 507 DREW Jas. TLM:60 DREW Mr. CC1:132 CC3:119, 147/8 DREW Samuel BB2:7 DREW W.G. BB3:390, 413 DRISCOLL Dennis BB1:73 DRUK James BB1:47 DRYSDALE John Waugh BB3:150 DUAL BB1:195 William DUBRIDGE BB3:88 DUELL CC2:171/2 DUFFY BB3:310, 318 CC3:210 DUFFY Mr. CC3:183
DUMARESQ Capt. TLC:346 DUNCAN Mr. BB2:108, 121 CC3:346, 375
DUNCAN Thomas BB3:489 CC3:343/5 DUNIN BB3:229 DUNLEAVY BB2:383 DUNLOP D. BB2: 0, 329 DUNLOP David BB2:397 CC2:35 DUNLOP John BB3:377/8, 487 DUNN BB3:356, 364 CC3:8, 121/2, 125, 128/31 DUNN Daniel BB3:251, 352, 359 CC3:31/3, 102, 114/7, 120, 123/4, 126, 132, 184 DUNN Patrick BB2:2 TLC:122 DURRINGTON Thomas CC3:340 DWYER BB2:316, 378 BB3:19, 31, 48, 50/1, 103, :121/2, 124, 133, 221, :233, 248, 350 CC1:152 CC2:180, 348 DWYER D.
BB2:118, 321, 374, 425, 496 BB3:152/3, 205 CC1:198, 241, 252, 256, :259, 260, 266/7 CC2:3, 12, 98, 101, 107, :120, 149, 199, 205, :223, 230, 265, 270, :272/3, 286, 342 TLC:132, 300, 302 TLM:115/6, 131 DWYER Denis TLM:111
DWYER Dennis BB2:86, 191, 195, 387, 432 BB3:100, 102, 105, 120, :123, 164, 190, 232, :258, 282, 303, 313/5, :320, 326/7, 349 CC1:144, 149, 194/7, 219, :230/1, 240, 251, 255, :261, :277, 279, 288 CC2:2, 7, 10/11, 28, 55, :63/4, 97, 100, 103/6, :110, 119, 148, 168, 221, 225, :197, 204, :229, 232/3, 240/1, 244, :248/9, 251, 267/8, 274, :291/2, 299, 300, 302, :305, 312, 334/7, 341, :343, 355 CC3:20/1, 23/4, 31 TLC:226 TLM:71, 76/8, 126/8, 133, :141/2 DWYER Emma CC3:372, 375/6, 378 DWYER Henry BB3:126, 128 DWYER James CC1:183/4 CC2:348 CC3:23 DWYER Mr. BB2:63, 161,.213, 360, 377, :510
CC1:257/8, 265 CC2:54, 67, 99, 115, 117, :135, 157, 165/6, 193/4, :224, 231, 302, 322, :349/54 TLC:152
E EAGAR Patrick BB2:221 EARLE Isaac BB2:100 TLC:163 EASTER John CC3:28 EBSWORTH BB3:81 ECKFORD BB1:145/6 ECKFORD Henry BB2:314
ECKFORD John CC1:42, 73
ECKFORD Joseph (M.P.) BB3:380, 436 ECKFORD Mr. CC1:90 EDMONDS BB2:134 EDWARD William BB3:10 EDWARDS
BB3:270, 467 EDWARDS I.B. BB2:255 J.B. EDWARDS BB2:194 TLC:266 TLM:136 EDWARDS Mary CC3:255 EDWARDS Mr. BB2:333 EDWARDS Mrs. CC3:254
EDWARDS R. BB2:394 EDWARDS Richard BB2:358 EDWARDS William BB2:134 CC3:255 TLC:163 EDWIN CC2:33 EDWIN Mr. CC2:32 EGAN Dan CC2:250 John EGAN TLC:156/7, 162/3 EGGLETON BB2:397, 431, 436 BB3:11/12, 17, 24, 29, :38/9, 41/2, 50/1 CC2:108, 119 EGGLETON J.
BB3:11 EGGLETON John BB2: 434/5, 437, 447, 472 BB3:13, 28, 34, 36 CC2:65, 106/7, 110/14, :116/18, 133 EGGLETON Julia BB3:88 CC2:60, 65/7
EGGLETON Mrs. BB2:473 CC2:61/3, 103, 105, 117 William ELDRED BB2:440/1 ELDRIDGE CC2:322 ELLEM George CC3:44/5 ELLEM John BB3:460 ELLEM Richard CC2:220, 299, 301 ELLINGHAM William BB1:102 TLC:18 ELLINGHAM Wm. TLC:120 ELLIOTT
BB3:29 ELLIOTT Archibald BB3:105/6 CC2:227 ELLIOTT Gilbert BB3:13 CC2:110 ELLIOTT H.S. BB3:536 ELLIS BB2:455 ELLIS Mr. BB2:294 ELLISON Robert BB3:119, 127 ELLRINGHAM Wm. TLC:20 ELRIDGE W.C. CC3:230 ELRINGHAM Wm. TLC:14 William ELSTON CC3:281/3 EMMERSON BB3:305 EMMERSON John BB3:307 CC3:38/40, 42/3 EMMETT George BB3:110, 174, 177 ENGLISH BB3:29 ENGLISH Andrew BB2:379 ENGLISH John CC1:155
"Erina Kitt" TLM:90 EVANS Ann CC2:129 EVANS Elizabeth BB2:334 EVANS G.W. BB1:105 EVANS George BB3:426 EYKYN Richard
CC1:247 F FACEY William BB3:101, 117 CC2:185/6, 189 FAGAN BB2:12, 154 BB3:51 CC2:154 CC3:58, 64/5 FAGAN Charles CC3:273/4, 342, 399 FAGAN Charles C. CC3:275 FAGAN George CC3:57, 66/8, 366 FAGAN George Alfred CC3:363/5, 367/8 FAGAN Joseph CC3:271/2 FAGAN Margaret (Miss)
BB3:428 CC3:267/8., 270, 272, 274/5 FAGAN Margaret (Mrs.) BB3:428 CC3:267/8, 271, 275 FAGAN Mary BB3:428 CC3:272 FAGAN Mrs. CC3:272/4 FAGAN P. TLC :20 TLM:136
FAGAN Peter BB1:99, 219, 240, 264 BB2:1, 3, 11, 21, 24, 115, :444 BB3:428, 431, 476 CC1:179, 191/2, 236 CC2:116/7 CC3:267, 269/71, 273/5, :291/2, 342
Peter FAGAN [cont'd.] TLC:229 TLM: 98 FAGAN Peter Francis CC3:293
FAGAN Peter Jnr. CC3:292 FAGAN W. CC3:343 FAGAN William CC3:270/1, 342
FAIRS Mary CC1:135/6 FAIRS William CC1:135 FALCONER William CC2:132 FANNING BB3:253, 284 CC2:348/9 FANNING Andrew BB1:258 TLC:20, 122 John Patrick FANNING BB3:254 CC2:353/4 FANNING Mr. CC2:351 FARAND Will. TLC:251 FARISH CC1:251 FARISH Mr. BB2:231
FARISH William BB2:227 FAROSH James BB2:210 FAROSH William BB2:210 FARRELL TLC:388 FARRELL John BB2:527 BB3:494 CC3:347 TLC:347
FAUNCE Capt. BB1:137, 190 BB2:82/3, 127, 168 CC1:93/5 TLM:67 FAWKE BB2:120 FAWKES BB2:121 FEENEY Hugh BB2:96 FEENEY Major BB3:117 FEIGNELL Thomas TLC:4
FELL W.C. BB3:426 FELLOWLEY Rev. BB2:499 FENWICK BB2:231 FENWICK Henry BB2:229/30 CC1:244/5 FENWICK Robert CC1:245 FERGUSON BB2:11, 166 BB3:37, 40, 52 FERGUSON J. BB3:41 FERGUSON John BB1:91, 166, 264 BB2:362, 489 BB3:152 CC2:121/3, 125, 128, 132, :162 FERGUSON Mr. BB2:361 CC2:126/7, 129, 212, 214 FERNAN Mr. TLC:368 FERRITOR Mr. BB2:109 FERRITORS Mr. BB2:107 FINLAY CC1:113 FINLAY Henry CC3:393 FINNAGINS Hesther BB3:97 FISHER CC2:318
FISHER Charles CC2:319 FISHER F. BB1:254 FISHER George CC2:204, 210 Robert FISHER BB3:302 FITTOCK Benjamin BB3:79/80 CC2:165/7 FITZGERALD TLC:377 FITZGERALD James BB2:379 FITZGERALD Jane BB2:366/8
FITZGERALD Stephen TLC:6, 162, 362, 364/5 FITZGERALD William TLC:353, 364, 376 Edmund FITZGIBBONS TLC:156/7 Edward FITZGIBBONS TLC:162/3 FITZPATRICK CC2:197/9, 201, 353 Bill FITZPATRICK CC2:348 FITZPATRICK John CC2:190/1, 194/5 FITZPATRICK Margaret CC2:302/3
BB3:22, 108 FITZROY Charles BB3:44 FLACK John BB3:349 FLACK William CC3:241, 243/4, 246 FLANAGAN CC1:78 FLANAGHAN CC1:78, 113
"Flat Head" TLC:131, 195, 247 "Flathead" TLM:89 "Flash George" CC1:114 FLEMING BB3:37/8, 40
FLEMING Alexander BB3:293 CC3:25/7 FLEMING Alfred CC2:239 FLEMING John BB2:93, 152 FLEMING Joseph CC2:125, 127 FLEMING Mr. CC2:121 / 4, 128/31 FLETCHER CC1:106 FLETCHER James BB3:508 FLETCHER Mr. CC2:128 FLETCHER William BB1:1, 9, 22 CC1:105 TLC:156 / 7, 162/3 FLETCHER Wm. TLC:12, 16 FLINT John TLC:8 FLOOD Edward CC1:176 FLOOD William BB2:172 CC1:188/91 FLYNN Ann BB3:164 FLYNN Jno. TLM:58 FLYNN John BB1:24, 34, 42, 58, 272 TLM:57, 59 FOLEY BB2:314 CC3:99
FOLEY Elizabeth Sarah Jane CC3:57, 66, 68 FOLEY John BB3:383 CC3:193/4 FOLEY Mrs. CC3:64, 97 FOLKES Joseph BB3:227 CC2:299 / 300, 302 Robert FOLKS
BB2:494 BB3:26, 88
FORD George BB2:213 CC2:4/5 FORD James CC2:5 FORD Thomas BB3:384 CC3:195, 197 FORRESTER CC2:196, 198 FORRESTER Elizabeth Sarah Susanna BB3:474 CC3:330, 333 FORRESTER Francis BB3:159, 228 CC2:190 /1, 193/4, 197, :201, 302/4 FORRESTER Mrs. CC3:331/2
FORRESTER Robert CC3:106, 330/1 FORSEY BB2:214, 217 CC1:214, 225/7, 232, 236/7 FORSEY Mary Ann Jane BB2:208 CC1:228/9, 231 FORSEY Mrs. CC1:226/9, 232 FORSEY Robert BB2:208 BB3:60 CC1:213, 223 /4, 228/31 FORSTER BB3:512 CC3:374 FORSTER Mr. BB2:282 FORSTER Richard CC3:372/3, 377/8 FORSTER William BB2:296
"Forumbea" TLM:89 FOSBEY Edward BB3:450 FOSSIE Robert TLC:163 FOSSIE Robt. TLC:164/5 FOSTER TLC:391 FOSTER Edward BB3:281
FOSTER Frederick CC3:354/5 FOSTER George TLC:390, 392 Richard FOSTER CC3:372
FOX Patrick BB1:9, 36, 38, 272 TLC:12
"Frank the Sundance" CC2:38 "Frank the Trenchman" CC2:39 FRANKYAN Robert BB2:222 FRASER J.R. BB2:372 FRAZER CC3:191/2 FRAZER Mary BB3:421/2 CC3:189, 256/7, 262/3
FRAZER Mrs. CC3:191/2, 261 FRAZER Robert CC3:189/90 FRAZIER Alex. BB2:130 FRAZIER Lawrence BB2:95 FREAGLE George TLM:62 FREDERICKS CC2:178/9 FREDERICKS Joseph BB3:122, 226 CC2:173/7 FREEMAN BB1:261 BB2:40, 217, 238 BB3:335, 337, 342
CC1:82, 234, 236/7, 240/1, :252 CC3:80, 83/7 FREEMAN Abraham BB2:466 FREEMAN James BB2:216 BB3:446 CC1:120, 235, 239, 242, 251 CC2:278/84, 335, 340/1, 343 CC3:77/9, 81/2, 88 TLC:12, 154/5, 162, 364, :369
FREEMAN James Jnr. CC3:69, 73/4, 76/7, 79, 84, :86, 88, 304/8, 310/1 FREEMAN Jas. TLC:16 FREEMAN Jnr. BB3:335, 342
FREEMAN John BB3:159 FREEMAN Mrs. CC1:239 FREEMAN William BB1:9 "Freeman" TLC:249 FRENCH CC2:231/2 Thomas FRENCH BB3:232 CC2:305
FREWIN J. CC3:149 FREWIN Joseph CC3:133/4, 148, 150, 155, :164
FREWIN William BB2:254 FRIDAY Thomas BB1:54, 65 TLM:59 John FRIENDSHIP TLC:6 FRISBY CC2:342 FROME William
BB3:24 FROST BB1:124 CC1:19, 21, 24, 27, 100, :110, 123, 127/9, 208, :266, 275/6, 279, 288 CC3:28, 80 FROST George BB3:44, 473 CC1:7
CC3:77/8, 86/8, 328, 330 FROST James CC3:69/71. 76/8, 81/2, 84, :88, 304, 309/10 FROST Jos. CC1:99 FROST Joseph BB2:122, 423 BB3:157
Joseph FROST lcont'd.1 CC1:12/13, 15/18, 23, 25/6, :28, 30, 96, 124, 126, :129/30, 132, 286/7, :[Register Index) CC3:47
TLM:60 FROST Mary CC3:329/30 FUGLEMAN CC1:114 FULLER Jane CC3:402 FULLER Jane Elizabeth BB3:531 CC3:402/3 FULLER John CC3:402/3 TLC:8 FULLER Mrs. CC3:403 Joseph FURNESS
BB2:345 FURNISS Joseph BB2:508 G GAIL
CC3:345 GAINES CC1:163 GAINS CC1:163/4 GALLOWAY Willm. TLC:18 GAMESTER Thomas BB3:128 CC2:170/2, 242, 244 GAMSTER Thomas BB3:129 GANNS BB3:40/1 GANN David BB2:334 GARDINER Alexander CC3:1/3 GARDINER John CC3:1/4 GARDINER Robert CC3:1/4 GARLING F. BB2:54
GARNER John BB2:119
GARRETT BB3:532 CC3:137 GASKILL Jane BB2:518 James GASSIN
TLC:7 GATSELL Mr. BB2:509 GAVEN John BB2:286 GAVENLOCK BB3:218, 510 CC3:183 GAVENLOCK Christopher BB2:336
GAVENLOCK Christopher, Jnr. CC3:364 Francis GAVENLOCK CC3:363/4, 367/8 GAVENOR CC2:17, 19 GAVENOR William CC2:16, 18, 21/3 GAVON John BB2:189 GAY John BB3:33, 103 GEARY Mary Lee TLC:364
GEARY Patrick TLC:364 GEE BB2:164/5 CC1:8 James GEE CC2:237/8 GEE Thomas BB2:211 CC1:7, 233, 239/44 TLC:242 GEE William BB1:127 GELLETT Captain BB2:494 James GENN CC1:164/5 "George" CC2:196 Thomas GEORGE TLC:163
GERALD BB3:179 CC2:231 GERALD (or JANOLD) CC2:229 GERALD (or JARROLD) CC2:230, 232
GILMAN Major TLC:354
James James
GHEE BB2:40, 214, 231/2 GHEE Thomas BB2:216 GIBBONS CC3:31 GIBBS Edward
BB3:297 CC3:37 GIBSON BB2:156 GILCHRIST & ALEXANDER BB3:79/81 GILE John CC3:369 GILKERSON Andrew CC3:198 GILKESON Andrew CC3:198 GILL CC1:48/9 GILL John CC1:63 TLC:154/5, 162, 364, 382/4
GILLETT Captain BB2:494 GILLETT Samuel BB3:26 GILLIGAN Ann CC2:13 GILLIGAN Bridget BB3:428 CC3:267/72, 274/5 GILLIGAN Caroline CC2:13 GILLIGAN Jane CC2:13/14 GILLIGAN Mary Ann BB2:257 CC2:13/15 GILLIGAN Mrs.
CC2:15 GILLIGAN Thomas CC2:13 "Gil lo" TLC:195 "Gillwaney" TLC:247
"Gilwaney" TLC:195 GINGER Mr. BB2:218 "Gipper" TLM:89 Sir George GIPPS TLC:222 GISSING TLC:4 Robert GISSING TLC:1, 3, 156/7 "Gitto" TLC:247 "Gitton" TLC:130 GLADDEN Henry CC2:5 GLADDEN William CC2:4 GLANCY Honora BB3:76 GLEESON BB2:70 GLEESON Daniel BB2:86, 374 BB3:96., 150, 153 CC1:155 TLC:20 GLEESON Danl. TLC:18, 122 GLEESON John BB3:96 Thomas GLEESON CC1:203 Timothy GLEESON BB3:96 William GLEESON
BB2:202 GLENNIE CC2:116 GLENNIE Mr. CC3:30, 182/3 Rev. Alfred GLENNIE BB3:328, 340 CC3:126, 130/1 "Glennil/Olinnil" TLM:89 GLOVER BB2:316 CC1:216 Edward GLOVER BB1:24
Gorman [cont'd.I GLOVER James BB3:24, 73, 81 CC1:257 CC2:97/9 GLOVER William CC3:15/17 GODDARD John
BB2:493 CC1:176 GODDARD Mr. BB2:494 GODWIN George CC2:275 GOLD CC2:124 GOLD Philip CC2:122/3 GOLDIE David CC3:340 GOLDIE James William BB3:485 CC3:338/9 GOLDIE Mrs. CC3:340 GOLDIE Robert CC3:340 GOLDIE William CC3:340 GOLF John CC1:53 "Golwasge" TLC:131 GONDEC James BB3:299 GOODRICH J.G. CC2:278/85 GOODWIN CC2:205 GOODWIN George CC2:207/11 "Gooremah" TLM:90 GORDON CC3:344 GORDON John CC3:343 GORMAN
BB1:88, 111 BB2:51 , 157, 510 BB3:40, 214, 228, 234, :237/8, 339, 344, 351, :373
CC1:33, 255/6
CC2:185, 188 , 192, 198/9, :222, 231/ 2, 246, :258/9, 264, 267, 278, :312, 315/7, 321/2, : 325, 336, 350/1 CC3:9/ 10, 40, 64, 81, 94, :194, 224 TLM:63 GORMAN Constable BB1:43 BB2:182, 398 CC1:128
GORMAN Moses CC2:352 GORMAN R. TLC:152 GORMAN Richard BB1:36, 43, 95 , 103, 117, :201, 241, 255
BB2:135, 321 , 378, 389, 494 BB3:103, 334, 345/6 CC1:10, 26, 42, 73, 126/7, :130, 132 /3, 248, 258, :[Register Index) CC2:34/ 6, 113, 162 /3, 187, :189, 196 /7, 200, 205/7, :211/13, 272 /4, 278/86, :294 296/8, 320, 323/4, : 328,, 330 /1, 335, 337, :341, 343 CC3:6/ 8, 12, 15 /17, 57, : 65/6, 68, 103, 107, :109, 192/ 3, 200/1 TLM:58 /60, 62, 70, 108 GORMAN Samuel TLM:112 "Gothinga" TLM:90 GOUDIE James BB3:304 GOULD BB3:37, 52 GOULD Phillip BB2:489 CC2:127/8, 132 GOWER Robert TLC:2, 4, 156/7, 163 GOWINLOSK Christopher BB2:336 GRADEN BB1:186 BB2:13 TLC:160
GRADEN Jos. TLC:18 Joseph GRADEN BB1:241 GRADEN Josh.
Capt. GRAY CC1:60
TLC:122 GRADON Joseph BB2:155 GRADY BB2:264, 280 CC2:18/ 19, 21/2 GRADY M.
GRAY Mary A. CC3:209 GRAY Mary Anabella CC3:206/8, 211/2 GRAY Mrs.
TLC:251 GRADY Martin BB2:286 BB3:205 CC2:16/17, 20, 23, 267/75 GRADY Mrs.
CC2:269, 272 GRAH Mr. CC1:59 GRAHAM George CC2:175, 177/9 GRANT CC2:313/6 GRANT Alex. BB2:156 GRANT Alexander Ogilvie BB3:451, 493, 495 GRANT Bridget CC2:313/4 GRANT Ellen BB3:236 CC2:312, 316 GRANT John CC2:292, 313 CC3:94 GRANT Mr. BB3:463 GRANT Mrs. CC2:313/4 GRANT Patrick BB1:251 GRANT Thomas BB3:236 CC2:275, 312, 316/7 GRANT Thomas, Jnr. CC2:315 GRATH Mr. CC1:44 GRAVENOR William CC2:16 GRAY
GRAY George BB3:381 CC3:206/7, 211
CC3:210 GRAY Mr. CC1:49, 78 GRAYDON BB1:261 GRAYDON Joseph TLC:20 TLM:111 GREADY .BB2:458/9 GREADY Martin BB2:481/3 GREE\... BB1:214 GREEN BB1:233 BB2:31, 57, 65, 91 BB3:66 F. GREEN BB2:64 GREEN John BB1:94, 234, 269 BB2:56, 90, 266 TLC:122
GREEN Mary BB3:97 GREEN Mr. CC3:3 T.O.S. GREEN BB3:63 GREEN Thomas BB2:489, 497 CC3:1
GREENHAND E.W. TLM:5 GREENLATCH Josh BB1:177 GREENTREE George BB2:489 GREGORY Alexander David BB3:402 CC3:221 GREGORY Alexander Ray CC3:222
GREGORY Jane BB2:119, 423 GREGORY Sarah CC3:221 GREIG William
BB1:127 GRENFELL H.S. CC2:134, 149 GRENFELL Henry S. BB3:49 CC2:147, 151/2 GRENFELL Mr. CC2:145/6, 148, 150 GREY
BB2:334 BB3:374 CC1:103 CC3:118 GREY J.N. TLC:391 GREY Mr. BB1:11/12 CC1:101/2 CC3:116 TLC:392
GREY Mrs. CC3:116 GRIFFIN David
BB2:504 GRIFFINS Mr. CC3:225 GRIFFITH Saml. TLC:12 GRIFFITH Samuel BB2:104 TLM:79 GRIFFITHS Saml. TLC:18, 120 GRIFFITHS Samuel BB1:16, 44 BB2:10, 53, 102 TLM:111 "Grimalong" TLC:131, 247 "Grionalong" TLC:195 GROSVENOR TLC:392 GROSVENOR Thomas
TLC:9, 162, 391 GROVENOR CC1:219 TLM:137 GROVENOR William CC1:217
CC2:41/2, 44 GUNDIMAN
BB3:243 GWYNNE Dr. BB3:245
H HADDOCK BB2:272, 296 HADDOCK John BB2:338 TLC:163 HADDON George BB3:197, 202, 248 HAGGEN Thomas BB3:45 HAGGER Thomas CC2:141/2 HAGGETT Revd. BB3:118 Robert HALL BB2:125 HALLAM CC1:278 HALLAM William
CC1:285 HALLEN BB2:327 HALLKINDER James CC2:117, 267/72, 274, 322 HALLORAN
BB3:126 HAMER Henry BB2:441 HAMFORD CC2:222 HAMFORD John CC2:147/8 HAMFORD Margaret CC2:221 HAMILTON
BB3:191 CC1:194, 255
BB2:198, 201 HAMMETT George BB3:110, 174, 177 HAMMOND James CC3:353/4 HAMMOND Mr. CC3:355 HANFORD BB3:411
HANFORD CC3:233, 239/40 HANIFORD John TLC:300, 302 HANLEY John BB3:96 HANNAH Edward BB2:512 HANNELL James BB1:70 , 83, 269 HANSEN Hans Christian CC3:317/9 HANSON Peter BB2:306/7 HARBEY William BB2:124 HARDY John BB3:475 CC3:333/4 HARDY Jonathan BB3:475 CC3:333/5 HARDY Mrs. CC3:335 HARDY Robert CC3:254 / 5, 333/5 HARDY Sarah BB3:475 CC3:333/4, 336 HARGRAVES BB2:297,300, 312/13, :376/7 , 379/80, 383, :397, 399 , 416/7, 459 BB3:332/3, 335, 347, 351, :360, 362/5, 367 CC3:305
BB2:186, 252 , 299, 358, :481/2, 514 BB3:277, 310 / 12, 318/19, :336, 338, 340, 344, :350, 366
[ cont'd.]
CC3:83, 125, 154, 170, 308 TLC:251, 264/5, 300/1 TLM:134, 136/7, 141/2 HARGRAVES Edward CC3:336 Edward H. HARGRAVES BB3:345 Edward Hammond HARGRAVES BB3:307, 317, 328, 339, :342, 346, 486, 495 CC3:77, 79, 82, 88, 304, :306/7, 310, 328/9 E.J. HARGRAVES CC3:86, 329, 338 Edward John HARGRAVES BB3:433 CC3:69, 76/8, 84, 88, 304, :309/10, 328, 337 Frances Jane HARGRAVES CC3:329 HARGRAVES Mr. BB2:159, 191 , 275, 277, 298, :382, 454, 496, 515 BB3:505 CC3:28, 70/3, 75, 80/1, 123 HARGREAVES BB2:458 HARPER W. BB1:43 HARRIS BB2:179 BB3:203 CC1:200 TLM:136 HARRIS Acquilla BB2:145, 266 Aquilla HARRIS TLC:300/1 HARRIS George BB2:151, 178 BB3:23, 111. 119, 168, :199, 202 CC2:181, 183 HARRIS James BB2:275 HARRIS Margaret CC1:218/9 HARRIS Mrs. CC1:216 Samuel HARRIS CC1:199, 201, 203 William HARRIS CC2:131
HARRIS William Henry CC3:379, 385/6 HARRISON BB2:378 BB3:49, 65, 155 , 178, 194, :228, 248, 284 , 342/3, :346, 360, 362 HARRISON James BB2:311 BB3:48, 218 , 235, 258/9, :308, 328, 336, 341, :345, 350, 353, 363, :366/7, 518/9 CC2:225/ 6, 228, 294/5, :297/8, 341, 343 CC3:33/4, 36, 125, 154, 170 HARRISON John TLC:361 HARRISON Mr. CC2:227, 265/6 CC3:117/ 8, 120, 130 HARRISSON John TLC:4 HARSHALL J.H. BB2:221 HART Bridget BB2:143 CC1:171 HART Joseph BB3:161 CC2:202/4
HAWKINS J. TLC:250 HAWKINS Jane BB2:336, 349 HAWKINS John BB1:52 HAWKINS Thomas CC3:297/8, 300 William HAWKINS BB2:110 HAYES CC3:65, 67 HAYES John BB3:248 Pearce HAYES BB3:234 CC2:287/92 TLC:18, 20, 120 Price HAYES TLC:14 William HAYES
BB2:102 HAYS Pierce BB1:103 HAYWARD Mr. BB1:27, 57 HEALEY Mr.
CC1:170, 172, 174/5 HARTSALL William BB2:156
CC2:347 Revd. John HEALEY BB3:241, 255 CC2:344/5 HEALY John BB2:250 HEATON Jno. BB1:84, 90, 274
HEGIN BB3:39, 51, 334 CC2:259, 264
BB2:366 HARVEY Arthur BB3:213 CC2:279/ 80, 285/6 HAWES James BB3:20/1 HAWES James Thomas CC2:83 HAWES Mrs. CC2:86 HAWES Sarah CC2:83/4 HAWKER George BB2:144, 153
HEGIN John BB3:139, 247, 333 CC2:106, 119 HEIL BB2:468 HELEY Mr. BB1:145, 170 CC1:36, 38, 111 HELEY Mrs. BB1:182, 184 , 240, 247 "Hell Fire Jack"
HAWKINS Edward CC3:134, 164
CC1:114 HELLY CC1:165 HELPS CC2:269, 271/2
Bill HELPS CC2: 156 HELPS Mrs. CC2:269 / 70, 272 William HELPS
BB3:205 CC2:155, 159 , :273/5 HELY BB1:12, 86 BB2:273, 377 , BB3:123, 284 , :366 TLC:163, 377 HELY Alan CC2:20
201, 267/70,
391, 438, 517 342/3, 346,
HELY E. BB2:183 HELY Edward BB2:119, 392 CC1:243/4 CC2:264/6 HELY Ellen CC1:199, 201/3 HELY F.A. BB2:301 BB3:73, 101 , 484, 491 TLC:7, 20, 222, 356 HELY Frederick A. TLC:6, 8, 376 HELY Georgina BB3:20, 22 /3, 73, 115 CC2:96, 98/100 TLC:223
HELY H. CC2:233 TLC:224 HELY Hovenden BB2:263, 280 , 286, 294, :358, 372, 440 BB3:20 / 24, 101, 110, 115, :196/7, 200 , 258, 314, :320, 324, 328, 331, :336, 345, 350 , 355/6, :359, 367 / 8, 372, 381 CC2:16 /17, 74/ 8, 96, 99 CC3:154, 170, 240 HELY M. BB2:289 HELY Mr. BB1:269 BB2:88, 98 , 281, 375/6, :422, 424, 491 CC1:38, 235
Mr. HELY [cont'd.1 CC2:19/20, 23 , 30, 79/87, :97, 312 CC3:118, 127, 129, 130, :181/2 TLC:1/ 4, 223, 361, 363, :368, 374, 388 HELY Mr. E. BB2:4 HELY Mrs. BB1:168 BB2:45, 160, 213, 267, :516, 521 BB3:18 / 19, 24 , 73, 94, 110 CC1:215/7, 234/5 CC2:97, 101 CC3:127, 130 TLC:222/3 HENDERSON BB1:30 BB2:303 CC1:185/7, 241
TLC:4/ 5, 359 , 377, 389 HENDERSON Henry TLC:16, 120 HENDERSON Mr. BB1:50, 107, 109, 182 BB2:73, 109, 199/200, 301 CC1:1 / 2, 53, 59, 61/4, :106, 112, 127, 233 CC3:313 TLC:165, 353, 364, 383 TLM:61 HENDERSON Mrs. BB2:91/2 TLC:364 HENDERSON R. BB1:196, 239 BB2:38, 127, 299 CC1:3 TLC:20 TLM:115/6 HENDERSON Robert BB1:11, 35, 47/9, 72, 76, :82, 88, 91, 111, 184, :206, 269 332:83, 120 , 135, 145, 462 BB3:261 CC1:2, 75, 88/9, 100, 107, :120, 134 , ( Register :Index] CC3:315 TLC:7/8, 138, 163, 347/8, :350/1 , 356, 358, 376, :378, 386
Robert HENDERSON [ cont'd.] TLM:4, 57 HENDERSON Robert Geary CC3:315 Robt. HENDERSON TLC:164, 188 TLM:64, 82, 131
HENESSY James BB2:257 HENESY James CC3:113 HENNESSEY BB3:248, 253, 266 CC2:182, 321, 351-4 Andrew HENNESSEY CC3:110, 112 HENNESSEY James BB3:251 / 2, 254 / 6, 260, :267, 332 CC2:180 / 1, 183 /4, 348, 355 CC3:110/12 HENNESSEY James, Snr. CC2:350 HENNESSEY Mary BB3:254 CC2:348/9
HENNESSEY Mr. BB2:40, 58, 140/1 HENNESSEY Mrs. BB3:253 CC2:354 HENNESSEY Patrick BB2:237 TLC:193 HENNESSY Mr. BB2:76 HENNESSY Patrick BB2:184 HENRY CC3:108 HENRY James CC3:346 HENRY Philip BB3:489 CC3:343, 345/6 HERBERT BB2:348 CC2:36, 38/40 HERBERT John CC2:34/5, 37 HIBBERT Charlotte CC1:171/3, 176 HIBBS BB3:233 CC1:69
HIBBS Joseph CC1:68, 70/1 HIBBS Mr. BB1:39 William HIBBS CC2:306/11 HICKEY Mary BB2:398 HICKEY Timothy BB2:428, 433 HIDDLE C.D.
BB2:293 HIGGINS Catherine BB3:96 HIGGINS Charles BB3:218 HIGGINS D. TLC:250 HIGGINS Daniel CC1:180, 183
HIGGINS Michael TLC:20 HIGIN John BB3:141 HILL BB3:12, 50 TLC:154, 377 HILL James BB3:42 CC2:109, 119/20 HILL John BB2:268, 279 TLC:376 HILLIARD CC1:67, 78, 90 HILLIARD J. TLM:139 HILLIARD Jno. TLC:16, 120 HILLIARD John BB1:99, 147 BB2:87, 121 CC1:54, 57, [Register Index] TLC:14, 20 HILLIOCK BB3:37 HILLMAN John
BB3:176 HILLOCK CC2:160 HILLOCK Robert CC2:154, 161 HILLS BB3:38, 41/2
HILLS James BB3:11, 28 CC2:119 HINTON John BB1:74 HINTON Thomas BB1:271 HIRST Master BB2:96 HITCHCOCK BB3:541 HITCHCOCK George BB3:118 HITCHCOCK Jane BB3:118 HITCHCOCK Richard BB3:118 HITCHCOCK Sarah BB3:118 HITCHCOCK Solomon BB2:160 BB3:73, 112, 118, 150, :153/4 "Hobbie" TLM:89 HOBBS BB2:205 "Hobby" BB1:27/8 TLC:130, 195, 247 TLM:57 HOBSON Mr. BB2:417 HOBSON William BB2:382 HODGES Thomas BB2:283/4 HOGAN CC1:53 HOGAN James CC1:44, 57/8, [Register :Index] HOGAN Mr. CC2:165, 167/8 HOGAN Patrick CC2:164 HOGAN Patrick Andrew BB3:80/1, 92 CC2:166, 169 HOLDEN BB2:381 BB3:28, 226 CC2:236 TLC:194, 226, 377
HOLDEN A. BB2:132, 367, 408, 444, 446, :457, 466, 489, 508 BB3:32 CC1:157, 163 TLC:133, 136, 150, 165, :192/3, 200, 221, 225, :250, 266, 310, 331 TLM:115/6, 122, 125, 136 Alfred HOLDEN
BB1:259 BB2:504 TLC:134, 138, 152 TLM:71, 76 HOLDEN G.K. BB2:88, 98
HOLDEN Henry TLC:376 HOLDEN Mr. BB1:O, 1 BB2:82,88, 224, 259, 299, :361, 373/4, 410/11, 417, :467, 478, 491, 506, 514 BB3:94 CC1:104, 241, 247/8 TLC:267, 301, 303 TLM:131, 133 HOLDEN Mrs. CC2:236 HOLDEN Richard CC2:233 HOLDEN & CHAMBERS BB2:145 HOLLAND CC3:181 HOLLAND Mr. CC3:182 HOLLS BB3:191 CC3:136, 156, 171 HOLMES BB3:46 HOLMES Henry TLC:2/3, 156/7, 251 Patrick HOLMES BB2:330 HOLMES Robert BB3:43, 45, 47 HOLT BB1:86 BB2:125 BB3:379 HOLT Samuel CC2:335/6
HOOKER John CC3:193/4
HOOPER John CC1:89 TLM:56 HORAN Bridget BB3:99 HORDERN Mrs. CC1:229 HORGAN
CC3:188 HORGAN James CC3:186/7 HORRIGAN BB1:237, 244/5 BB2:51, 377, 403/4, 490 sheet CC1:152/ 3, [Loose :between pages 155 and :1561, 223, 241, 243 CC2:130
HORRIGAN J. BB2:180 HORRIGAN Jno. TLM:123, 136 HORRIGAN John BB1:250, 255 BB2:280, 415, 478 CC1:149, 150/1, 175/6, : 179/80, 241/2 CC2:22, 57, 184, 189 TLC:264/7, 302 TLM:126
HORRIGAN Mich. TLC:122 HORRIGAN Michael BB2:256 HORRIGAN Ml. BB1:79, 243 HORRIGAN M.L. TLC:18 HORRIGAN Mr. BB2:248/9 HORSBRUGH BB3:124, 146 , 284, 328 HORSBRUGH B. BB2:52 HORSBRUGH Boyd BB2:64 BB3:92, 122 /3, 132, 138, :142, 201, 258, 261, :316, 321, 378, 391, 437 CC2:102, 255, 302/4
Boyd HORSBRUGH [ cont'd.l CC3:184, 193, 200/1, 204, :207, 211/ 2, 218, 231, :240, 245/7, 254/6, :262, 280, 283, 285, : 298, 305/6 HORSBRUGH Henry CC2:303/4 HORSBRUGH Henry S. BB3:301 HORSBRUGH Mr. CC2:205, 209, 243 HORSBURGH
BB2:289 CC1:186/7, 210 HORSBURGH Boyd BB2:430, 451 , BB3:32, 58
456, 489
CC1:185 CC2:26/7 HORSBURGH Mr. BB2:501 CC2:24/5 HORTON TLC:160 TLM:81 HORTON James
BB2:20, 61, 69 , TLC:158 TLM:91 HORTON Thomas CC3:4 HOSIER
146, 147
CC1:157/8 HOSIER Thomas CC1:156 TLC:20 Frederick HOSKIN BB3:131 HOSKINS BB2:56 HOURIGAN Jno. TLM:134 HOURIGAN John TLM:133 HOURRIGAN Mich. TLC:12 HOURRIGAN Michael BB1:56 Richard HOUSTON BB3:434 CC3:270, 273/4, 291/3 HOW George BB3:43, 58, 69
HOWARD BB3:79 Charles HOWARD TLC:375 HOWARD George CC2:163 HOWARD James BB1:177 HOWARD John CC2:162 HOWE George BB3:33 HOWELL BB3:170 CC2:212, 214/5, 217/8 HOWELL Samuel BB3:177 CC2:211, 213, 216, 220 HUBBARD Richard BB2:269 Bill HUDSON CC3:10 HUDSON James CC2:323 HUDSON Mr. BB2:232
HUDSON William BB3:22, 180 CC3:6/9, 12 TLC:20 John HUGGINS BB1:41 HUGHES BB2:453 CC2:145, 147 Bob HUGHES CC2:137 David HUGHES CC2:155/9 Edward John HUGHES BB3:128 HUGHES Mrs. CC2:157/8 Robert HUGHES BB3:128/9 CC2:142/ 3, 155/9 HUGHES T. BB1:24 HUGHES & HOSKINS BB2:56 "Hughy" TLM:89 HULL TLM:81
HULL Joseph BB2:20, 61, 69 HULL Josh. TLC:158 George HUMPHREYS
BB3:287 CC3:18 HUMPHREYS Mr. CC2:192 HUMPHREYS Patrick BB2:299 HUMPHREYS T. TLM:115 Thomas HUMPHREYS BB2:120 BB3:287 CC2:166/7 CC3:18 TLC:376, 378 TLM:131 Thos. HUMPHREYS TLC:17 HUMPHRIES TLC:377 HUMPHRIES Mr. CC1:11, 257 T. HUMPHRIES TLC:20 Thomas HUMPHRIES BB1:240 BB2:267, 358 BB3:487
HUMPHRIES Thos. TLC:252 HUNMELL James BB2:216 HUNT CC1:217, 219 CC3:106 HUNT Bridget CC1:215/6 HUNT Mrs. CC1:217/9 HUNT William BB2:200 CC1:215/6 Anna HUNTER BB3:66/7, 91 HUNTER Dr. CC2:259 HUNTER Mary A. BB2:349 HURST Captain BB2:153
HUSBAND John BB2:18, 38
HUSTLER W.M. BB2:268 HUSTLER William BB2:279 HUTCHINSON William BB2:419 HUXLEY CC3:23. John HYDE BB2:454
I "Iago" TLC: 195 IDEN George BB2:102, 117, 151 TLC:14, 16, 120, 242 IMANAY
BB2:30 "Inc-ker" TLM:89 INDER Jacob BB2:484 CC2:93 INGLE G. TLM:115 Capt. INNES BB2:307 "Iritorie/Witorie" TLM:89
IRVIN John TLM:61 ISAACS BB3:336 Robert IZARD CC3:195 IZZARD CC3:63 Robert IZZARD CC3:59, 196 IZZARD Thomas CC3:47/9, 62
J "Jack" TLC:130, 195, 247 TLM:89 "Jack Jones" BB1:5/6 TLM:56, 89
"Jack the Loafer" BB3:494 "Jackey Jackey" TLC:131 JACKSON
BB2:16, 51 CC1:173/4 CC3:141/3, 145, 147/9, 170 JACKSON Ann BB2:143 CC1:170/1, 176 JACKSON George W. TLC:383, 385 JACKSON John TLC:163 JACKSON Mary BB2:474, 505/6
JACKSON Mr. CC2:36 JACKSON Mrs. BB2:484 CC1:172, 175 JACKSON Thomas
BB2:262 CC1:170 CC2:22 TLC:252 JACKSON Thos. TLC :251 "Jacky Jacky" BB2:322 TLC:195, 247 "Jago" BB1:5, 21 TLC:130, 247 TLM:58, 89 "James" CC2:233/4, 236 JAMES BB2:391/92 Edward JAMES BB2:444/5, 520 TLC:20 JAMES Grace CC2:69, 71 JAMES Mrs. CC2:68, 70 JAMES Ned CC1:143 JAMES Thomas BB2:221/2 JAMES Walter
CC2:69, 71
JAMISON Sir John BB1:173 TLC:32 "Jargo" TLM:58 JANOLD (or GERALD) James CC2:229
JAQUES CC2:215 CC3:98 JAQUES A.H. BB1:9, 22 JAQUES Henry CC1:117 JAQUES Mr. CC1:42, 73, 98 JARDINE BB3:19, 30 JARDINE Francis BB3:29, 31, 80 CC2:103/5 JARRELL Margaret TLC:300 Esther JARRETT CC3:213/5, 218 JARRETT George CC3:213, 215, 218 JARRETT Margaret TLC:301 JARROLD BB3:179 James JARROLD (or GERALD) CC2:230, 232
JEFFREYS John CC2:131 JEFFRIES BB3:40, 52 JEFFRIES John CC2:124, 126, 130, 132 JEMMISON Sir John TLC:32
"Jemmy" CC3:33/6 TLC:130, 195 "Jemong" TLC:247 JENKINS CC3:177 JENKINS Sarah CC3:174/6, 179 JENNINGS John CC2:313 JENNINGS Mary Ann
BB2:71 JEPSON Andrew BB2:519, 525/6 "Jerry" TLM:58 JETT TLC:6 JETT William TLC:353 "Jew Fish" . TLC:131, 249 "Jewfish" TLM:89 JILKS
BB2:427 "Jim the Publican" CC1:235 "Joe the Marine" BB1:3 TLM:56 JOGA Peter BB2:221 JOHNSON BB1:128/30 BB2:377 JOHNSON Andrew CC1:53 CC2:55/6 JOHNSON George BB2:205, 207, 221/2 JOHNSON James BB1:177 BB2:510 JOHNSON John BB2:432 JOHNSON William BB3:227 CC2:55, 69, 293 JOHNSON & JOHNSON CC3:163 JOHNSTON CC3:369 JOHNSTON J. CC3:385 JOHNSTON James CC3:358, 360, 363/4, 368, :371, 379, 384, 386 JOHNSTONE BB1:37
JOLLEY Wm. & Co. BB3:453 JOLLY CC3:168 JOLLY Mr. CC3:139, 157/60, 169/70 JOLLY William
CC3:150, 152/3, 155/6, 161, :163, 165, 171 JOLLY William & Co. CC3:138, 151, 165 JOLLY & Co. CC3:139/40, 159/60, 165 JOLY Thomas W. BB2:310 JONES BB2:241 BB3:52, 229 CC2:93, 211, 215 CC3:175, 177 JONES David CC1:199/200, 203 JONES E.W. BB2:186/8 CC1:204, 206/7 JONES Ebenezer
BB3:242/3, 245, 445 CC3:174, 178, 180, 302/4 JONES Edward BB2:267 JONES Henry CC1:180
JONES James BB3:156 CC3:179 JONES Job CC2:175/7, 179 CC3:353, 372, 376/8 JONES John BB1:39, 127 BB2:198 TLC:163, 193, 302/3
JONES Joseph CC2:174 JONES Mr. BB2:125 JONES Samuel BB3:60 JONES Sarah BB2:353 JONES Thomas CC3:179 TLC:2, 162, 362 JONES William CC2:212/4, 217
JONES & Co. BB2:294 JONES & WALKER CC1:77 JORDAN Charles A. CC2:41/2, 44 JORDAN Charles Arthur CC2:111 Constable JORDAN BB2:249 JORDAN Hannah Lavinia CC2:66 JORDAN Mr. CC2:66 JOSEPH David CC3:228 David JOSEPHS CC3:229/31 JOSEPHSON Andrew BB2:91 JOYCE Capt. D. CC3:100 JOYCE Francis BB2:144, 153
"Jugoes Kitt" TLM:90
K "Kangaroo Jack"
TLC:131, 195, 247 TLM:89 KEACH CC2:282/3 KEATING James BB2:221 KECK Mr. BB2:239 John KEEFE CC1:174, 176 KEEGAN Patrick TLC:160 KEENAN CC1:179 KEENE George BB3:333/4, 378 CC2:352
CC3:110/11 KEENE Mr. CC3:112 KELHIE Daniel BB2:422 KELLIER Daniel
KELLY BB3:91, 229 CC1:173, 188, 215, (Regis:ter Index)
CC3:81 KELLY Constable BB3:235 KELLY Edward BB1:39, 41, 44 , 93, 139, :264 13132:118, 125, 143, 348, 471 BB3:76, 86 CC1:67/71, 170/2, 174/5 CC2:35 / 8, 40, 308, 310 TLC:163 TLM:125 Edward, Jnr. KELLY CC2:306/7, 309, 311
KELLY Edwd. TLC:102 KELLY Hannah CC2:306/9, 311 Honora KELLY CC2:35/6, 40 Honoria KELLY CC2:34, 38 KELLY John BB3:86/7, 460 CC2:306 / 8, 310/11 KELLY Michael BB2:422, 448 CC1:216 KELLY Mr. CC2:34, 39 KELLY P. TLC:300 KELLY Patrick BB2:53 CC1:198 CC2:23 TLC:102 TLM:79, 128/9 KELLY Revd. BB3:99 Rev. Henry KELLY CC2:72 KEMP CC1:146 Abraham KEMP BB2:15 CC1:145 Charles KEMP CC3:57 James KEMP BB2:450
"Kendagah" TLC:195, 247 "Kendorah" TLC:247 KENNEDY CC3:10 KENNEDY Charles BB2:273 CC1:63 CC2:23 TLC:163 KENNEDY Martin BB3:228 KENNEDY William CC3:340 KENNETT Richard BB2:302 KENNY BB2:317 CC2:29/31 Elizabeth KENNY
CC3:57, 62/3, 68 "Kerdaja Ken Daja" TLC:130 Ed. KERLING TLC:14 Edward KERLING CC2:56 KERLING Edwd. TLC:18 KERR Mrs. CC1:246 KEYLARK George BB3:119 KEYLOCK George BB3:111 KEYS Charles TLC:374, 377/8 KEYS William CC1:235 KIDD James BB3:33 KIDDELL Jno. TLC:18 KIDDELL John BB1:102 TLC:14 KILBRIGHT Murther TLC:2 KILBRIGHT Murthy TLC:1 Margaret KILFOYLE BB2:493 Edward KILLAHER BB2:221
KILLICH BB1:96 KILLING John TLC:1 KILMINSTER John BB3:99, 117 "Kimadier" TLM:89 "Kimba" TLM:90 KINDER James Hall CC2:117 KINDRICK John BB2:344 KING CC1:60/1, 66, 103 CC2:323 KING Captain BB3:46, 81 KING Emmanuel BB3:116 James KING BB2:44 BB3:97 KING Pat. BB1:13 KING Phillip G. BB3:43 KING Rbt. TLC:12 KING Robert CC1:7, 49, 52, 54, 63, :[Register Index] KING Robt. TLC:16, 120 TLM:67 KINGROSE Thomas BB2:163 KINSMILL John BB2:63 Mr. KIRBY BB2:202 KIRBY W. BB2:58 KIRBY William BB2:52, 81, 115 KIRK CC1:163, 170 KIRK Michael BB3:90 TLC:154/ 5, 162 /3, 356, 364 KIRK Mr.
KIRK Sarah BB3:90 KIRK & Son BB2:139 CC1:168 KIRKSSON BB2:137 KIRLING Edward
BB1:78 TLC:122 KIRNAEN John BB2:307 "Kitehum" TLM:90 "Kithea" TLM:90 "Kitty Gammon" TLM:90 KNIGHT BB3:331 CC3:61/3 KNIGHT George CC3:57/ 8, 60, 68 KNIGHT Mrs. CC3:65 KNIGHT Sir Alfred BB3:254, 261 KORF Mr. BB2:210 CC1:234, 241 "Kurang Boy Jimmy" TLM:56 "Kuring Bong Jimmy" BB1:9 "Kyraba" TLM:89
L LADD BB2:51 LAGHLAN BB2:107, 109 LAIDLEY TLC:354/5, 370 LAIDLEY Mr. BB1:27 Robt. LAING TLM:60 LAMB CC1:236 TLC:154, 364 LAMB Mr. BB2:108, 121
LAMBKIN Emily CC3:358/60 LAMBKIN George Henry CC3:348/60 LANAGAN CC1:112 LANAGAN John CC1:42 LANAGHAN CC1:64, 78/9, 85, 89, 91, :102, 105 LANAGHAN John CC1:90, 107, 119 LANDERGAN Michael BB1:177 LANE CC2:336 LANE Henry TLC:353 Hy. LANE TLC:6 LANFORD George TLC:20 LANG Mr. TLC:392 LANG Robert BB1:44 BB2:426 TLC:252 Robt. LANG TLC:12, 18, 120 LANGDON CC1:30 LANGDON Mr. BB2:72 LANGHTEN John BB2:302 LANIGAN John TLM:60 LANNAGAN CC1:48, 65, 74 LANNAGAN John CC1:73 LANNAGHAN CC1:48/9, 60, 63/4, 74, 78 LANNAGHAN John CC1:59 LARDER Will. BB1:97 LARDER William BB2:328 LATHAM Martha BB2:318, 390 LATHAM Mary
LAUGHTON Peter CC3:1/4 LAWFORD Geo. TLC:122 LAWFORD George BB2:94 TLC:20 LAWLISS BB2:403 LAWLYSS BB2:401 LAWRENCE G.H. BB1:9 LAWRIE John TLC:387 LAWSON Peter CC3:401 LEABEN John BB2:363 LEAHY Eliza BB2:394, 403 LEAHY Elizabeth BB2:401/2, 416 LEAHY Timothy CC1:245 J.M. LEAN BB3:176(a), 176 LEARY CC3:78 LEARY Joseph BB2:276 LEARY Michael CC2:229 LEATON John BB2:342 LEBOIN George TLC:242 LEE Joe CC3:7, 10 LEE Joseph BB2:527 TLC:242 Patrick LEE BB3:86 LEES CC3:345/6 Joseph LEES CC3:6, 8, 12, 49 Mr. LEES CC3:48 LEES William CC3:343, 347
FLEMING Alexander BB3:293 CC3:25/7 FLEMING Alfred CC2:239 FLEMING John BB2:93, 152 FLEMING Joseph CC2:125, 127 FLEMING Mr. CC2:121 / 4, 128/31 FLETCHER CC1:106 FLETCHER James BB3:508 FLETCHER Mr. CC2:128 FLETCHER William BB1:1, 9, 22 CC1:105 TLC:156 / 7, 162/3 FLETCHER Wm. TLC:12, 16 FLINT John TLC:8 FLOOD Edward CC1:176 FLOOD William BB2:172 CC1:188/91 FLYNN Ann BB3:164 FLYNN Jno. TLM:58 FLYNN John BB1:24, 34, 42, 58, 272 TLM:57, 59 FOLEY BB2:314 CC3:99
FOLEY Elizabeth Sarah Jane CC3:57, 66, 68 FOLEY John BB3:383 CC3:193/4 FOLEY Mrs. CC3:64, 97 FOLKES Joseph BB3:227 CC2:299 / 300, 302 Robert FOLKS
BB2:494 BB3:26, 88
FORD George BB2:213 CC2:4/5 FORD James CC2:5 FORD Thomas BB3:384 CC3:195, 197 FORRESTER CC2:196, 198 FORRESTER Elizabeth Sarah Susanna BB3:474 CC3:330, 333 FORRESTER Francis BB3:159, 228 CC2:190 /1, 193/4, 197, :201, 302/4 FORRESTER Mrs. CC3:331/2
FORRESTER Robert CC3:106, 330/1 FORSEY BB2:214, 217 CC1:214, 225/7, 232, 236/7 FORSEY Mary Ann Jane BB2:208 CC1:228/9, 231 FORSEY Mrs. CC1:226/9, 232 FORSEY Robert BB2:208 BB3:60 CC1:213, 223 /4, 228/31 FORSTER BB3:512 CC3:374 FORSTER Mr. BB2:282 FORSTER Richard CC3:372/3, 377/8 FORSTER William BB2:296
"Forumbea" TLM:89 FOSBEY Edward BB3:450 FOSSIE Robert TLC:163 FOSSIE Robt. TLC:164/5 FOSTER TLC:391 FOSTER Edward BB3:281
FOSTER Frederick CC3:354/5 FOSTER George TLC:390, 392 Richard FOSTER CC3:372
FOX Patrick BB1:9, 36, 38, 272 TLC:12
"Frank the Sundance" CC2:38 "Frank the Trenchman" CC2:39 FRANKYAN Robert BB2:222 FRASER J.R. BB2:372 FRAZER CC3:191/2 FRAZER Mary BB3:421/2 CC3:189, 256/7, 262/3
FRAZER Mrs. CC3:191/2, 261 FRAZER Robert CC3:189/90 FRAZIER Alex. BB2:130 FRAZIER Lawrence BB2:95 FREAGLE George TLM:62 FREDERICKS CC2:178/9 FREDERICKS Joseph BB3:122, 226 CC2:173/7 FREEMAN BB1:261 BB2:40, 217, 238 BB3:335, 337, 342
CC1:82, 234, 236/7, 240/1, :252 CC3:80, 83/7 FREEMAN Abraham BB2:466 FREEMAN James BB2:216 BB3:446 CC1:120, 235, 239, 242, 251 CC2:278/84, 335, 340/1, 343 CC3:77/9, 81/2, 88 TLC:12, 154/5, 162, 364, :369
FREEMAN James Jnr. CC3:69, 73/4, 76/7, 79, 84, :86, 88, 304/8, 310/1 FREEMAN Jas. TLC:16 FREEMAN Jnr. BB3:335, 342
FREEMAN John BB3:159 FREEMAN Mrs. CC1:239 FREEMAN William BB1:9 "Freeman" TLC:249 FRENCH CC2:231/2 Thomas FRENCH BB3:232 CC2:305
FREWIN J. CC3:149 FREWIN Joseph CC3:133/4, 148, 150, 155, :164
FREWIN William BB2:254 FRIDAY Thomas BB1:54, 65 TLM:59 John FRIENDSHIP TLC:6 FRISBY CC2:342 FROME William
BB3:24 FROST BB1:124 CC1:19, 21, 24, 27, 100, :110, 123, 127/9, 208, :266, 275/6, 279, 288 CC3:28, 80 FROST George BB3:44, 473 CC1:7
CC3:77/8, 86/8, 328, 330 FROST James CC3:69/71. 76/8, 81/2, 84, :88, 304, 309/10 FROST Jos. CC1:99 FROST Joseph BB2:122, 423 BB3:157
Joseph FROST lcont'd.1 CC1:12/13, 15/18, 23, 25/6, :28, 30, 96, 124, 126, :129/30, 132, 286/7, :[Register Index) CC3:47
TLM:60 FROST Mary CC3:329/30 FUGLEMAN CC1:114 FULLER Jane CC3:402 FULLER Jane Elizabeth BB3:531 CC3:402/3 FULLER John CC3:402/3 TLC:8 FULLER Mrs. CC3:403 Joseph FURNESS
BB2:345 FURNISS Joseph BB2:508 G GAIL
CC3:345 GAINES CC1:163 GAINS CC1:163/4 GALLOWAY Willm. TLC:18 GAMESTER Thomas BB3:128 CC2:170/2, 242, 244 GAMSTER Thomas BB3:129 GANNS BB3:40/1 GANN David BB2:334 GARDINER Alexander CC3:1/3 GARDINER John CC3:1/4 GARDINER Robert CC3:1/4 GARLING F. BB2:54
GARNER John BB2:119
GARRETT BB3:532 CC3:137 GASKILL Jane BB2:518 James GASSIN
TLC:7 GATSELL Mr. BB2:509 GAVEN John BB2:286 GAVENLOCK BB3:218, 510 CC3:183 GAVENLOCK Christopher BB2:336
GAVENLOCK Christopher, Jnr. CC3:364 Francis GAVENLOCK CC3:363/4, 367/8 GAVENOR CC2:17, 19 GAVENOR William CC2:16, 18, 21/3 GAVON John BB2:189 GAY John BB3:33, 103 GEARY Mary Lee TLC:364
GEARY Patrick TLC:364 GEE BB2:164/5 CC1:8 James GEE CC2:237/8 GEE Thomas BB2:211 CC1:7, 233, 239/44 TLC:242 GEE William BB1:127 GELLETT Captain BB2:494 James GENN CC1:164/5 "George" CC2:196 Thomas GEORGE TLC:163
GERALD BB3:179 CC2:231 GERALD (or JANOLD) CC2:229 GERALD (or JARROLD) CC2:230, 232
GILMAN Major TLC:354
James James
GHEE BB2:40, 214, 231/2 GHEE Thomas BB2:216 GIBBONS CC3:31 GIBBS Edward
BB3:297 CC3:37 GIBSON BB2:156 GILCHRIST & ALEXANDER BB3:79/81 GILE John CC3:369 GILKERSON Andrew CC3:198 GILKESON Andrew CC3:198 GILL CC1:48/9 GILL John CC1:63 TLC:154/5, 162, 364, 382/4
GILLETT Captain BB2:494 GILLETT Samuel BB3:26 GILLIGAN Ann CC2:13 GILLIGAN Bridget BB3:428 CC3:267/72, 274/5 GILLIGAN Caroline CC2:13 GILLIGAN Jane CC2:13/14 GILLIGAN Mary Ann BB2:257 CC2:13/15 GILLIGAN Mrs.
CC2:15 GILLIGAN Thomas CC2:13 "Gil lo" TLC:195 "Gillwaney" TLC:247
"Gilwaney" TLC:195 GINGER Mr. BB2:218 "Gipper" TLM:89 Sir George GIPPS TLC:222 GISSING TLC:4 Robert GISSING TLC:1, 3, 156/7 "Gitto" TLC:247 "Gitton" TLC:130 GLADDEN Henry CC2:5 GLADDEN William CC2:4 GLANCY Honora BB3:76 GLEESON BB2:70 GLEESON Daniel BB2:86, 374 BB3:96., 150, 153 CC1:155 TLC:20 GLEESON Danl. TLC:18, 122 GLEESON John BB3:96 Thomas GLEESON CC1:203 Timothy GLEESON BB3:96 William GLEESON
BB2:202 GLENNIE CC2:116 GLENNIE Mr. CC3:30, 182/3 Rev. Alfred GLENNIE BB3:328, 340 CC3:126, 130/1 "Glennil/Olinnil" TLM:89 GLOVER BB2:316 CC1:216 Edward GLOVER BB1:24
Gorman [cont'd.I GLOVER James BB3:24, 73, 81 CC1:257 CC2:97/9 GLOVER William CC3:15/17 GODDARD John
BB2:493 CC1:176 GODDARD Mr. BB2:494 GODWIN George CC2:275 GOLD CC2:124 GOLD Philip CC2:122/3 GOLDIE David CC3:340 GOLDIE James William BB3:485 CC3:338/9 GOLDIE Mrs. CC3:340 GOLDIE Robert CC3:340 GOLDIE William CC3:340 GOLF John CC1:53 "Golwasge" TLC:131 GONDEC James BB3:299 GOODRICH J.G. CC2:278/85 GOODWIN CC2:205 GOODWIN George CC2:207/11 "Gooremah" TLM:90 GORDON CC3:344 GORDON John CC3:343 GORMAN
BB1:88, 111 BB2:51 , 157, 510 BB3:40, 214, 228, 234, :237/8, 339, 344, 351, :373
CC1:33, 255/6
CC2:185, 188 , 192, 198/9, :222, 231/ 2, 246, :258/9, 264, 267, 278, :312, 315/7, 321/2, : 325, 336, 350/1 CC3:9/ 10, 40, 64, 81, 94, :194, 224 TLM:63 GORMAN Constable BB1:43 BB2:182, 398 CC1:128
GORMAN Moses CC2:352 GORMAN R. TLC:152 GORMAN Richard BB1:36, 43, 95 , 103, 117, :201, 241, 255
BB2:135, 321 , 378, 389, 494 BB3:103, 334, 345/6 CC1:10, 26, 42, 73, 126/7, :130, 132 /3, 248, 258, :[Register Index) CC2:34/ 6, 113, 162 /3, 187, :189, 196 /7, 200, 205/7, :211/13, 272 /4, 278/86, :294 296/8, 320, 323/4, : 328,, 330 /1, 335, 337, :341, 343 CC3:6/ 8, 12, 15 /17, 57, : 65/6, 68, 103, 107, :109, 192/ 3, 200/1 TLM:58 /60, 62, 70, 108 GORMAN Samuel TLM:112 "Gothinga" TLM:90 GOUDIE James BB3:304 GOULD BB3:37, 52 GOULD Phillip BB2:489 CC2:127/8, 132 GOWER Robert TLC:2, 4, 156/7, 163 GOWINLOSK Christopher BB2:336 GRADEN BB1:186 BB2:13 TLC:160
GRADEN Jos. TLC:18 Joseph GRADEN BB1:241 GRADEN Josh.
Capt. GRAY CC1:60
TLC:122 GRADON Joseph BB2:155 GRADY BB2:264, 280 CC2:18/ 19, 21/2 GRADY M.
GRAY Mary A. CC3:209 GRAY Mary Anabella CC3:206/8, 211/2 GRAY Mrs.
TLC:251 GRADY Martin BB2:286 BB3:205 CC2:16/17, 20, 23, 267/75 GRADY Mrs.
CC2:269, 272 GRAH Mr. CC1:59 GRAHAM George CC2:175, 177/9 GRANT CC2:313/6 GRANT Alex. BB2:156 GRANT Alexander Ogilvie BB3:451, 493, 495 GRANT Bridget CC2:313/4 GRANT Ellen BB3:236 CC2:312, 316 GRANT John CC2:292, 313 CC3:94 GRANT Mr. BB3:463 GRANT Mrs. CC2:313/4 GRANT Patrick BB1:251 GRANT Thomas BB3:236 CC2:275, 312, 316/7 GRANT Thomas, Jnr. CC2:315 GRATH Mr. CC1:44 GRAVENOR William CC2:16 GRAY
GRAY George BB3:381 CC3:206/7, 211
CC3:210 GRAY Mr. CC1:49, 78 GRAYDON BB1:261 GRAYDON Joseph TLC:20 TLM:111 GREADY .BB2:458/9 GREADY Martin BB2:481/3 GREE\... BB1:214 GREEN BB1:233 BB2:31, 57, 65, 91 BB3:66 F. GREEN BB2:64 GREEN John BB1:94, 234, 269 BB2:56, 90, 266 TLC:122
GREEN Mary BB3:97 GREEN Mr. CC3:3 T.O.S. GREEN BB3:63 GREEN Thomas BB2:489, 497 CC3:1
GREENHAND E.W. TLM:5 GREENLATCH Josh BB1:177 GREENTREE George BB2:489 GREGORY Alexander David BB3:402 CC3:221 GREGORY Alexander Ray CC3:222
GREGORY Jane BB2:119, 423 GREGORY Sarah CC3:221 GREIG William
BB1:127 GRENFELL H.S. CC2:134, 149 GRENFELL Henry S. BB3:49 CC2:147, 151/2 GRENFELL Mr. CC2:145/6, 148, 150 GREY
BB2:334 BB3:374 CC1:103 CC3:118 GREY J.N. TLC:391 GREY Mr. BB1:11/12 CC1:101/2 CC3:116 TLC:392
GREY Mrs. CC3:116 GRIFFIN David
BB2:504 GRIFFINS Mr. CC3:225 GRIFFITH Saml. TLC:12 GRIFFITH Samuel BB2:104 TLM:79 GRIFFITHS Saml. TLC:18, 120 GRIFFITHS Samuel BB1:16, 44 BB2:10, 53, 102 TLM:111 "Grimalong" TLC:131, 247 "Grionalong" TLC:195 GROSVENOR TLC:392 GROSVENOR Thomas
TLC:9, 162, 391 GROVENOR CC1:219 TLM:137 GROVENOR William CC1:217
CC2:41/2, 44 GUNDIMAN
BB3:243 GWYNNE Dr. BB3:245
H HADDOCK BB2:272, 296 HADDOCK John BB2:338 TLC:163 HADDON George BB3:197, 202, 248 HAGGEN Thomas BB3:45 HAGGER Thomas CC2:141/2 HAGGETT Revd. BB3:118 Robert HALL BB2:125 HALLAM CC1:278 HALLAM William
CC1:285 HALLEN BB2:327 HALLKINDER James CC2:117, 267/72, 274, 322 HALLORAN
BB3:126 HAMER Henry BB2:441 HAMFORD CC2:222 HAMFORD John CC2:147/8 HAMFORD Margaret CC2:221 HAMILTON
BB3:191 CC1:194, 255
BB2:198, 201 HAMMETT George BB3:110, 174, 177 HAMMOND James CC3:353/4 HAMMOND Mr. CC3:355 HANFORD BB3:411
HANFORD CC3:233, 239/40 HANIFORD John TLC:300, 302 HANLEY John BB3:96 HANNAH Edward BB2:512 HANNELL James BB1:70 , 83, 269 HANSEN Hans Christian CC3:317/9 HANSON Peter BB2:306/7 HARBEY William BB2:124 HARDY John BB3:475 CC3:333/4 HARDY Jonathan BB3:475 CC3:333/5 HARDY Mrs. CC3:335 HARDY Robert CC3:254 / 5, 333/5 HARDY Sarah BB3:475 CC3:333/4, 336 HARGRAVES BB2:297,300, 312/13, :376/7 , 379/80, 383, :397, 399 , 416/7, 459 BB3:332/3, 335, 347, 351, :360, 362/5, 367 CC3:305
BB2:186, 252 , 299, 358, :481/2, 514 BB3:277, 310 / 12, 318/19, :336, 338, 340, 344, :350, 366
[ cont'd.]
CC3:83, 125, 154, 170, 308 TLC:251, 264/5, 300/1 TLM:134, 136/7, 141/2 HARGRAVES Edward CC3:336 Edward H. HARGRAVES BB3:345 Edward Hammond HARGRAVES BB3:307, 317, 328, 339, :342, 346, 486, 495 CC3:77, 79, 82, 88, 304, :306/7, 310, 328/9 E.J. HARGRAVES CC3:86, 329, 338 Edward John HARGRAVES BB3:433 CC3:69, 76/8, 84, 88, 304, :309/10, 328, 337 Frances Jane HARGRAVES CC3:329 HARGRAVES Mr. BB2:159, 191 , 275, 277, 298, :382, 454, 496, 515 BB3:505 CC3:28, 70/3, 75, 80/1, 123 HARGREAVES BB2:458 HARPER W. BB1:43 HARRIS BB2:179 BB3:203 CC1:200 TLM:136 HARRIS Acquilla BB2:145, 266 Aquilla HARRIS TLC:300/1 HARRIS George BB2:151, 178 BB3:23, 111. 119, 168, :199, 202 CC2:181, 183 HARRIS James BB2:275 HARRIS Margaret CC1:218/9 HARRIS Mrs. CC1:216 Samuel HARRIS CC1:199, 201, 203 William HARRIS CC2:131
HARRIS William Henry CC3:379, 385/6 HARRISON BB2:378 BB3:49, 65, 155 , 178, 194, :228, 248, 284 , 342/3, :346, 360, 362 HARRISON James BB2:311 BB3:48, 218 , 235, 258/9, :308, 328, 336, 341, :345, 350, 353, 363, :366/7, 518/9 CC2:225/ 6, 228, 294/5, :297/8, 341, 343 CC3:33/4, 36, 125, 154, 170 HARRISON John TLC:361 HARRISON Mr. CC2:227, 265/6 CC3:117/ 8, 120, 130 HARRISSON John TLC:4 HARSHALL J.H. BB2:221 HART Bridget BB2:143 CC1:171 HART Joseph BB3:161 CC2:202/4
HAWKINS J. TLC:250 HAWKINS Jane BB2:336, 349 HAWKINS John BB1:52 HAWKINS Thomas CC3:297/8, 300 William HAWKINS BB2:110 HAYES CC3:65, 67 HAYES John BB3:248 Pearce HAYES BB3:234 CC2:287/92 TLC:18, 20, 120 Price HAYES TLC:14 William HAYES
BB2:102 HAYS Pierce BB1:103 HAYWARD Mr. BB1:27, 57 HEALEY Mr.
CC1:170, 172, 174/5 HARTSALL William BB2:156
CC2:347 Revd. John HEALEY BB3:241, 255 CC2:344/5 HEALY John BB2:250 HEATON Jno. BB1:84, 90, 274
HEGIN BB3:39, 51, 334 CC2:259, 264
BB2:366 HARVEY Arthur BB3:213 CC2:279/ 80, 285/6 HAWES James BB3:20/1 HAWES James Thomas CC2:83 HAWES Mrs. CC2:86 HAWES Sarah CC2:83/4 HAWKER George BB2:144, 153
HEGIN John BB3:139, 247, 333 CC2:106, 119 HEIL BB2:468 HELEY Mr. BB1:145, 170 CC1:36, 38, 111 HELEY Mrs. BB1:182, 184 , 240, 247 "Hell Fire Jack"
HAWKINS Edward CC3:134, 164
CC1:114 HELLY CC1:165 HELPS CC2:269, 271/2
Bill HELPS CC2: 156 HELPS Mrs. CC2:269 / 70, 272 William HELPS
BB3:205 CC2:155, 159 , :273/5 HELY BB1:12, 86 BB2:273, 377 , BB3:123, 284 , :366 TLC:163, 377 HELY Alan CC2:20
201, 267/70,
391, 438, 517 342/3, 346,
HELY E. BB2:183 HELY Edward BB2:119, 392 CC1:243/4 CC2:264/6 HELY Ellen CC1:199, 201/3 HELY F.A. BB2:301 BB3:73, 101 , 484, 491 TLC:7, 20, 222, 356 HELY Frederick A. TLC:6, 8, 376 HELY Georgina BB3:20, 22 /3, 73, 115 CC2:96, 98/100 TLC:223
HELY H. CC2:233 TLC:224 HELY Hovenden BB2:263, 280 , 286, 294, :358, 372, 440 BB3:20 / 24, 101, 110, 115, :196/7, 200 , 258, 314, :320, 324, 328, 331, :336, 345, 350 , 355/6, :359, 367 / 8, 372, 381 CC2:16 /17, 74/ 8, 96, 99 CC3:154, 170, 240 HELY M. BB2:289 HELY Mr. BB1:269 BB2:88, 98 , 281, 375/6, :422, 424, 491 CC1:38, 235
Mr. HELY [cont'd.1 CC2:19/20, 23 , 30, 79/87, :97, 312 CC3:118, 127, 129, 130, :181/2 TLC:1/ 4, 223, 361, 363, :368, 374, 388 HELY Mr. E. BB2:4 HELY Mrs. BB1:168 BB2:45, 160, 213, 267, :516, 521 BB3:18 / 19, 24 , 73, 94, 110 CC1:215/7, 234/5 CC2:97, 101 CC3:127, 130 TLC:222/3 HENDERSON BB1:30 BB2:303 CC1:185/7, 241
TLC:4/ 5, 359 , 377, 389 HENDERSON Henry TLC:16, 120 HENDERSON Mr. BB1:50, 107, 109, 182 BB2:73, 109, 199/200, 301 CC1:1 / 2, 53, 59, 61/4, :106, 112, 127, 233 CC3:313 TLC:165, 353, 364, 383 TLM:61 HENDERSON Mrs. BB2:91/2 TLC:364 HENDERSON R. BB1:196, 239 BB2:38, 127, 299 CC1:3 TLC:20 TLM:115/6 HENDERSON Robert BB1:11, 35, 47/9, 72, 76, :82, 88, 91, 111, 184, :206, 269 332:83, 120 , 135, 145, 462 BB3:261 CC1:2, 75, 88/9, 100, 107, :120, 134 , ( Register :Index] CC3:315 TLC:7/8, 138, 163, 347/8, :350/1 , 356, 358, 376, :378, 386
Robert HENDERSON [ cont'd.] TLM:4, 57 HENDERSON Robert Geary CC3:315 Robt. HENDERSON TLC:164, 188 TLM:64, 82, 131
HENESSY James BB2:257 HENESY James CC3:113 HENNESSEY BB3:248, 253, 266 CC2:182, 321, 351-4 Andrew HENNESSEY CC3:110, 112 HENNESSEY James BB3:251 / 2, 254 / 6, 260, :267, 332 CC2:180 / 1, 183 /4, 348, 355 CC3:110/12 HENNESSEY James, Snr. CC2:350 HENNESSEY Mary BB3:254 CC2:348/9
HENNESSEY Mr. BB2:40, 58, 140/1 HENNESSEY Mrs. BB3:253 CC2:354 HENNESSEY Patrick BB2:237 TLC:193 HENNESSY Mr. BB2:76 HENNESSY Patrick BB2:184 HENRY CC3:108 HENRY James CC3:346 HENRY Philip BB3:489 CC3:343, 345/6 HERBERT BB2:348 CC2:36, 38/40 HERBERT John CC2:34/5, 37 HIBBERT Charlotte CC1:171/3, 176 HIBBS BB3:233 CC1:69
HIBBS Joseph CC1:68, 70/1 HIBBS Mr. BB1:39 William HIBBS CC2:306/11 HICKEY Mary BB2:398 HICKEY Timothy BB2:428, 433 HIDDLE C.D.
BB2:293 HIGGINS Catherine BB3:96 HIGGINS Charles BB3:218 HIGGINS D. TLC:250 HIGGINS Daniel CC1:180, 183
HIGGINS Michael TLC:20 HIGIN John BB3:141 HILL BB3:12, 50 TLC:154, 377 HILL James BB3:42 CC2:109, 119/20 HILL John BB2:268, 279 TLC:376 HILLIARD CC1:67, 78, 90 HILLIARD J. TLM:139 HILLIARD Jno. TLC:16, 120 HILLIARD John BB1:99, 147 BB2:87, 121 CC1:54, 57, [Register Index] TLC:14, 20 HILLIOCK BB3:37 HILLMAN John
BB3:176 HILLOCK CC2:160 HILLOCK Robert CC2:154, 161 HILLS BB3:38, 41/2
HILLS James BB3:11, 28 CC2:119 HINTON John BB1:74 HINTON Thomas BB1:271 HIRST Master BB2:96 HITCHCOCK BB3:541 HITCHCOCK George BB3:118 HITCHCOCK Jane BB3:118 HITCHCOCK Richard BB3:118 HITCHCOCK Sarah BB3:118 HITCHCOCK Solomon BB2:160 BB3:73, 112, 118, 150, :153/4 "Hobbie" TLM:89 HOBBS BB2:205 "Hobby" BB1:27/8 TLC:130, 195, 247 TLM:57 HOBSON Mr. BB2:417 HOBSON William BB2:382 HODGES Thomas BB2:283/4 HOGAN CC1:53 HOGAN James CC1:44, 57/8, [Register :Index] HOGAN Mr. CC2:165, 167/8 HOGAN Patrick CC2:164 HOGAN Patrick Andrew BB3:80/1, 92 CC2:166, 169 HOLDEN BB2:381 BB3:28, 226 CC2:236 TLC:194, 226, 377
HOLDEN A. BB2:132, 367, 408, 444, 446, :457, 466, 489, 508 BB3:32 CC1:157, 163 TLC:133, 136, 150, 165, :192/3, 200, 221, 225, :250, 266, 310, 331 TLM:115/6, 122, 125, 136 Alfred HOLDEN
BB1:259 BB2:504 TLC:134, 138, 152 TLM:71, 76 HOLDEN G.K. BB2:88, 98
HOLDEN Henry TLC:376 HOLDEN Mr. BB1:O, 1 BB2:82,88, 224, 259, 299, :361, 373/4, 410/11, 417, :467, 478, 491, 506, 514 BB3:94 CC1:104, 241, 247/8 TLC:267, 301, 303 TLM:131, 133 HOLDEN Mrs. CC2:236 HOLDEN Richard CC2:233 HOLDEN & CHAMBERS BB2:145 HOLLAND CC3:181 HOLLAND Mr. CC3:182 HOLLS BB3:191 CC3:136, 156, 171 HOLMES BB3:46 HOLMES Henry TLC:2/3, 156/7, 251 Patrick HOLMES BB2:330 HOLMES Robert BB3:43, 45, 47 HOLT BB1:86 BB2:125 BB3:379 HOLT Samuel CC2:335/6
HOOKER John CC3:193/4
HOOPER John CC1:89 TLM:56 HORAN Bridget BB3:99 HORDERN Mrs. CC1:229 HORGAN
CC3:188 HORGAN James CC3:186/7 HORRIGAN BB1:237, 244/5 BB2:51, 377, 403/4, 490 sheet CC1:152/ 3, [Loose :between pages 155 and :1561, 223, 241, 243 CC2:130
HORRIGAN J. BB2:180 HORRIGAN Jno. TLM:123, 136 HORRIGAN John BB1:250, 255 BB2:280, 415, 478 CC1:149, 150/1, 175/6, : 179/80, 241/2 CC2:22, 57, 184, 189 TLC:264/7, 302 TLM:126
HORRIGAN Mich. TLC:122 HORRIGAN Michael BB2:256 HORRIGAN Ml. BB1:79, 243 HORRIGAN M.L. TLC:18 HORRIGAN Mr. BB2:248/9 HORSBRUGH BB3:124, 146 , 284, 328 HORSBRUGH B. BB2:52 HORSBRUGH Boyd BB2:64 BB3:92, 122 /3, 132, 138, :142, 201, 258, 261, :316, 321, 378, 391, 437 CC2:102, 255, 302/4
Boyd HORSBRUGH [ cont'd.l CC3:184, 193, 200/1, 204, :207, 211/ 2, 218, 231, :240, 245/7, 254/6, :262, 280, 283, 285, : 298, 305/6 HORSBRUGH Henry CC2:303/4 HORSBRUGH Henry S. BB3:301 HORSBRUGH Mr. CC2:205, 209, 243 HORSBURGH
BB2:289 CC1:186/7, 210 HORSBURGH Boyd BB2:430, 451 , BB3:32, 58
456, 489
CC1:185 CC2:26/7 HORSBURGH Mr. BB2:501 CC2:24/5 HORTON TLC:160 TLM:81 HORTON James
BB2:20, 61, 69 , TLC:158 TLM:91 HORTON Thomas CC3:4 HOSIER
146, 147
CC1:157/8 HOSIER Thomas CC1:156 TLC:20 Frederick HOSKIN BB3:131 HOSKINS BB2:56 HOURIGAN Jno. TLM:134 HOURIGAN John TLM:133 HOURRIGAN Mich. TLC:12 HOURRIGAN Michael BB1:56 Richard HOUSTON BB3:434 CC3:270, 273/4, 291/3 HOW George BB3:43, 58, 69
HOWARD BB3:79 Charles HOWARD TLC:375 HOWARD George CC2:163 HOWARD James BB1:177 HOWARD John CC2:162 HOWE George BB3:33 HOWELL BB3:170 CC2:212, 214/5, 217/8 HOWELL Samuel BB3:177 CC2:211, 213, 216, 220 HUBBARD Richard BB2:269 Bill HUDSON CC3:10 HUDSON James CC2:323 HUDSON Mr. BB2:232
HUDSON William BB3:22, 180 CC3:6/9, 12 TLC:20 John HUGGINS BB1:41 HUGHES BB2:453 CC2:145, 147 Bob HUGHES CC2:137 David HUGHES CC2:155/9 Edward John HUGHES BB3:128 HUGHES Mrs. CC2:157/8 Robert HUGHES BB3:128/9 CC2:142/ 3, 155/9 HUGHES T. BB1:24 HUGHES & HOSKINS BB2:56 "Hughy" TLM:89 HULL TLM:81
HULL Joseph BB2:20, 61, 69 HULL Josh. TLC:158 George HUMPHREYS
BB3:287 CC3:18 HUMPHREYS Mr. CC2:192 HUMPHREYS Patrick BB2:299 HUMPHREYS T. TLM:115 Thomas HUMPHREYS BB2:120 BB3:287 CC2:166/7 CC3:18 TLC:376, 378 TLM:131 Thos. HUMPHREYS TLC:17 HUMPHRIES TLC:377 HUMPHRIES Mr. CC1:11, 257 T. HUMPHRIES TLC:20 Thomas HUMPHRIES BB1:240 BB2:267, 358 BB3:487
HUMPHRIES Thos. TLC:252 HUNMELL James BB2:216 HUNT CC1:217, 219 CC3:106 HUNT Bridget CC1:215/6 HUNT Mrs. CC1:217/9 HUNT William BB2:200 CC1:215/6 Anna HUNTER BB3:66/7, 91 HUNTER Dr. CC2:259 HUNTER Mary A. BB2:349 HURST Captain BB2:153
HUSBAND John BB2:18, 38
HUSTLER W.M. BB2:268 HUSTLER William BB2:279 HUTCHINSON William BB2:419 HUXLEY CC3:23. John HYDE BB2:454
I "Iago" TLC: 195 IDEN George BB2:102, 117, 151 TLC:14, 16, 120, 242 IMANAY
BB2:30 "Inc-ker" TLM:89 INDER Jacob BB2:484 CC2:93 INGLE G. TLM:115 Capt. INNES BB2:307 "Iritorie/Witorie" TLM:89
IRVIN John TLM:61 ISAACS BB3:336 Robert IZARD CC3:195 IZZARD CC3:63 Robert IZZARD CC3:59, 196 IZZARD Thomas CC3:47/9, 62
J "Jack" TLC:130, 195, 247 TLM:89 "Jack Jones" BB1:5/6 TLM:56, 89
"Jack the Loafer" BB3:494 "Jackey Jackey" TLC:131 JACKSON
BB2:16, 51 CC1:173/4 CC3:141/3, 145, 147/9, 170 JACKSON Ann BB2:143 CC1:170/1, 176 JACKSON George W. TLC:383, 385 JACKSON John TLC:163 JACKSON Mary BB2:474, 505/6
JACKSON Mr. CC2:36 JACKSON Mrs. BB2:484 CC1:172, 175 JACKSON Thomas
BB2:262 CC1:170 CC2:22 TLC:252 JACKSON Thos. TLC :251 "Jacky Jacky" BB2:322 TLC:195, 247 "Jago" BB1:5, 21 TLC:130, 247 TLM:58, 89 "James" CC2:233/4, 236 JAMES BB2:391/92 Edward JAMES BB2:444/5, 520 TLC:20 JAMES Grace CC2:69, 71 JAMES Mrs. CC2:68, 70 JAMES Ned CC1:143 JAMES Thomas BB2:221/2 JAMES Walter
CC2:69, 71
JAMISON Sir John BB1:173 TLC:32 "Jargo" TLM:58 JANOLD (or GERALD) James CC2:229
JAQUES CC2:215 CC3:98 JAQUES A.H. BB1:9, 22 JAQUES Henry CC1:117 JAQUES Mr. CC1:42, 73, 98 JARDINE BB3:19, 30 JARDINE Francis BB3:29, 31, 80 CC2:103/5 JARRELL Margaret TLC:300 Esther JARRETT CC3:213/5, 218 JARRETT George CC3:213, 215, 218 JARRETT Margaret TLC:301 JARROLD BB3:179 James JARROLD (or GERALD) CC2:230, 232
JEFFREYS John CC2:131 JEFFRIES BB3:40, 52 JEFFRIES John CC2:124, 126, 130, 132 JEMMISON Sir John TLC:32
"Jemmy" CC3:33/6 TLC:130, 195 "Jemong" TLC:247 JENKINS CC3:177 JENKINS Sarah CC3:174/6, 179 JENNINGS John CC2:313 JENNINGS Mary Ann
BB2:71 JEPSON Andrew BB2:519, 525/6 "Jerry" TLM:58 JETT TLC:6 JETT William TLC:353 "Jew Fish" . TLC:131, 249 "Jewfish" TLM:89 JILKS
BB2:427 "Jim the Publican" CC1:235 "Joe the Marine" BB1:3 TLM:56 JOGA Peter BB2:221 JOHNSON BB1:128/30 BB2:377 JOHNSON Andrew CC1:53 CC2:55/6 JOHNSON George BB2:205, 207, 221/2 JOHNSON James BB1:177 BB2:510 JOHNSON John BB2:432 JOHNSON William BB3:227 CC2:55, 69, 293 JOHNSON & JOHNSON CC3:163 JOHNSTON CC3:369 JOHNSTON J. CC3:385 JOHNSTON James CC3:358, 360, 363/4, 368, :371, 379, 384, 386 JOHNSTONE BB1:37
JOLLEY Wm. & Co. BB3:453 JOLLY CC3:168 JOLLY Mr. CC3:139, 157/60, 169/70 JOLLY William
CC3:150, 152/3, 155/6, 161, :163, 165, 171 JOLLY William & Co. CC3:138, 151, 165 JOLLY & Co. CC3:139/40, 159/60, 165 JOLY Thomas W. BB2:310 JONES BB2:241 BB3:52, 229 CC2:93, 211, 215 CC3:175, 177 JONES David CC1:199/200, 203 JONES E.W. BB2:186/8 CC1:204, 206/7 JONES Ebenezer
BB3:242/3, 245, 445 CC3:174, 178, 180, 302/4 JONES Edward BB2:267 JONES Henry CC1:180
JONES James BB3:156 CC3:179 JONES Job CC2:175/7, 179 CC3:353, 372, 376/8 JONES John BB1:39, 127 BB2:198 TLC:163, 193, 302/3
JONES Joseph CC2:174 JONES Mr. BB2:125 JONES Samuel BB3:60 JONES Sarah BB2:353 JONES Thomas CC3:179 TLC:2, 162, 362 JONES William CC2:212/4, 217
JONES & Co. BB2:294 JONES & WALKER CC1:77 JORDAN Charles A. CC2:41/2, 44 JORDAN Charles Arthur CC2:111 Constable JORDAN BB2:249 JORDAN Hannah Lavinia CC2:66 JORDAN Mr. CC2:66 JOSEPH David CC3:228 David JOSEPHS CC3:229/31 JOSEPHSON Andrew BB2:91 JOYCE Capt. D. CC3:100 JOYCE Francis BB2:144, 153
"Jugoes Kitt" TLM:90
K "Kangaroo Jack"
TLC:131, 195, 247 TLM:89 KEACH CC2:282/3 KEATING James BB2:221 KECK Mr. BB2:239 John KEEFE CC1:174, 176 KEEGAN Patrick TLC:160 KEENAN CC1:179 KEENE George BB3:333/4, 378 CC2:352
CC3:110/11 KEENE Mr. CC3:112 KELHIE Daniel BB2:422 KELLIER Daniel
KELLY BB3:91, 229 CC1:173, 188, 215, (Regis:ter Index)
CC3:81 KELLY Constable BB3:235 KELLY Edward BB1:39, 41, 44 , 93, 139, :264 13132:118, 125, 143, 348, 471 BB3:76, 86 CC1:67/71, 170/2, 174/5 CC2:35 / 8, 40, 308, 310 TLC:163 TLM:125 Edward, Jnr. KELLY CC2:306/7, 309, 311
KELLY Edwd. TLC:102 KELLY Hannah CC2:306/9, 311 Honora KELLY CC2:35/6, 40 Honoria KELLY CC2:34, 38 KELLY John BB3:86/7, 460 CC2:306 / 8, 310/11 KELLY Michael BB2:422, 448 CC1:216 KELLY Mr. CC2:34, 39 KELLY P. TLC:300 KELLY Patrick BB2:53 CC1:198 CC2:23 TLC:102 TLM:79, 128/9 KELLY Revd. BB3:99 Rev. Henry KELLY CC2:72 KEMP CC1:146 Abraham KEMP BB2:15 CC1:145 Charles KEMP CC3:57 James KEMP BB2:450
"Kendagah" TLC:195, 247 "Kendorah" TLC:247 KENNEDY CC3:10 KENNEDY Charles BB2:273 CC1:63 CC2:23 TLC:163 KENNEDY Martin BB3:228 KENNEDY William CC3:340 KENNETT Richard BB2:302 KENNY BB2:317 CC2:29/31 Elizabeth KENNY
CC3:57, 62/3, 68 "Kerdaja Ken Daja" TLC:130 Ed. KERLING TLC:14 Edward KERLING CC2:56 KERLING Edwd. TLC:18 KERR Mrs. CC1:246 KEYLARK George BB3:119 KEYLOCK George BB3:111 KEYS Charles TLC:374, 377/8 KEYS William CC1:235 KIDD James BB3:33 KIDDELL Jno. TLC:18 KIDDELL John BB1:102 TLC:14 KILBRIGHT Murther TLC:2 KILBRIGHT Murthy TLC:1 Margaret KILFOYLE BB2:493 Edward KILLAHER BB2:221
KILLICH BB1:96 KILLING John TLC:1 KILMINSTER John BB3:99, 117 "Kimadier" TLM:89 "Kimba" TLM:90 KINDER James Hall CC2:117 KINDRICK John BB2:344 KING CC1:60/1, 66, 103 CC2:323 KING Captain BB3:46, 81 KING Emmanuel BB3:116 James KING BB2:44 BB3:97 KING Pat. BB1:13 KING Phillip G. BB3:43 KING Rbt. TLC:12 KING Robert CC1:7, 49, 52, 54, 63, :[Register Index] KING Robt. TLC:16, 120 TLM:67 KINGROSE Thomas BB2:163 KINSMILL John BB2:63 Mr. KIRBY BB2:202 KIRBY W. BB2:58 KIRBY William BB2:52, 81, 115 KIRK CC1:163, 170 KIRK Michael BB3:90 TLC:154/ 5, 162 /3, 356, 364 KIRK Mr.
KIRK Sarah BB3:90 KIRK & Son BB2:139 CC1:168 KIRKSSON BB2:137 KIRLING Edward
BB1:78 TLC:122 KIRNAEN John BB2:307 "Kitehum" TLM:90 "Kithea" TLM:90 "Kitty Gammon" TLM:90 KNIGHT BB3:331 CC3:61/3 KNIGHT George CC3:57/ 8, 60, 68 KNIGHT Mrs. CC3:65 KNIGHT Sir Alfred BB3:254, 261 KORF Mr. BB2:210 CC1:234, 241 "Kurang Boy Jimmy" TLM:56 "Kuring Bong Jimmy" BB1:9 "Kyraba" TLM:89
L LADD BB2:51 LAGHLAN BB2:107, 109 LAIDLEY TLC:354/5, 370 LAIDLEY Mr. BB1:27 Robt. LAING TLM:60 LAMB CC1:236 TLC:154, 364 LAMB Mr. BB2:108, 121
LAMBKIN Emily CC3:358/60 LAMBKIN George Henry CC3:348/60 LANAGAN CC1:112 LANAGAN John CC1:42 LANAGHAN CC1:64, 78/9, 85, 89, 91, :102, 105 LANAGHAN John CC1:90, 107, 119 LANDERGAN Michael BB1:177 LANE CC2:336 LANE Henry TLC:353 Hy. LANE TLC:6 LANFORD George TLC:20 LANG Mr. TLC:392 LANG Robert BB1:44 BB2:426 TLC:252 Robt. LANG TLC:12, 18, 120 LANGDON CC1:30 LANGDON Mr. BB2:72 LANGHTEN John BB2:302 LANIGAN John TLM:60 LANNAGAN CC1:48, 65, 74 LANNAGAN John CC1:73 LANNAGHAN CC1:48/9, 60, 63/4, 74, 78 LANNAGHAN John CC1:59 LARDER Will. BB1:97 LARDER William BB2:328 LATHAM Martha BB2:318, 390 LATHAM Mary
LAUGHTON Peter CC3:1/4 LAWFORD Geo. TLC:122 LAWFORD George BB2:94 TLC:20 LAWLISS BB2:403 LAWLYSS BB2:401 LAWRENCE G.H. BB1:9 LAWRIE John TLC:387 LAWSON Peter CC3:401 LEABEN John BB2:363 LEAHY Eliza BB2:394, 403 LEAHY Elizabeth BB2:401/2, 416 LEAHY Timothy CC1:245 J.M. LEAN BB3:176(a), 176 LEARY CC3:78 LEARY Joseph BB2:276 LEARY Michael CC2:229 LEATON John BB2:342 LEBOIN George TLC:242 LEE Joe CC3:7, 10 LEE Joseph BB2:527 TLC:242 Patrick LEE BB3:86 LEES CC3:345/6 Joseph LEES CC3:6, 8, 12, 49 Mr. LEES CC3:48 LEES William CC3:343, 347
BB3:354, 356, 403 CC3:206, 208/10, 212 RYDER Susan
BB3:43, 123 S SADLEIR BB3:28, 41/42, 50 SADLEIR Mr. BB2:437 SADLEIR Richard BB2:435 BB3:12, 39, 162/3 SADLIER Master CC2:106 SADLIER Mr.
CC2:108/9, 119, 133 SADLIER Mrs. CC2:108 SADLIER Richard CC2:106 "Sally"
TLM:90 SALT Samuel CC2:121, 125 SAMPSON Angelo CC3:316/7 SAMPSON Caroline CC3:316 SAMPSON Charles Lawrence Angelo BB3:464 CC3:316/7 SAMUEL
BB1:151, 164 SAMUEL Wm. BB1:127, 150, 154 SAMUELS BB1:160/2 SAMUELS Mr. BB1:158, 164 SAMUELS William BB1:165/6, 174 "Sandy" BB2:90 Frederick SAPPIE CC2:340 SAPPY Frederick CC2:340/1, 343 John SAUNDERS
BB3:168 SAVILLE Benjamin BB2:21
SCARBOUROUGH Susan CC2:6 SCARESBROOK Michael BB2:5, 274 TLC:156/7
Michael, Jnr. Michael, Snr.
TLC:12 SCAYSBROOK Michael BB1:58, 79 SCAYSBROOK Patrick BB3:227/8 SCAYSBROOK (alias CAULFIELD) Patrick CC2:294/5, 297/8 SCHEFFERMULLER Henry CC3:15/17 SCHIFFERMULLER BB3:275 SCOTT BB1:117 BB2:476 BB3:267, 343, 345/6, :364/6, 370, 437 CC3:163 SCOTT Chief Constable CC1:[Register Index) SCOTT James BB2:463 SCOTT John CC3:138 SCOTT L. CC3:195 SCOTT Lyall BB3:357, 363, 433, 451, :486, 493, 495/6, 505 CC3:49, 50, 57/9, 67/8, :133/5, 149/50, 152/3, :155/7, 160, 162, :164/7, 171, 226, 240, :256, 260/2, 310
BB1:17 , 75, 96, 149 BB2:264 , 371, 393, 406, :408, 409, 411, 494
CC1:40, 71, 88 / 90, 92, :100, 106, 131 CC3:48, 51, 60 , 63, 118, :136/48, 151, 154, :161, 168/70 SCOTT Mrs. CC3:135 SCOTT Robt. BB1:107, 134 CC1:75/6, 132 SCOTT T. CC1:[Register Index] SCOTT T.A.
TLC:152, 159, 250, 310 TLM:115/6, 132 SCOTT Tho. A. TLM:78, 123, 142 SCOTT Thomas A. BB1:32, 35, 259 BB2:318, 373 / 4, 381, :407, 449 BB3:31 CC1:80 , 85, 105 CC3:32 TLC:264/7 TLM:63, 66, 69 , 77, 117, :126/8, 131, 133, 141 SCOTT Thomas Alison TLM:70/1, 129 SCOTT Thos. A. TLM:62, 64, 76, 122, :124/5, 130 SCOTT Walter BB1:249 SCOUGALL Richard BB2:203 , 212, 234 SEAMAN CC2:181, 187, 192, 194, :197/8, 221/3, 230 SEAMAN George BB3:317/19 SEAMAN John BB3:98, 406 CC2:182 / 4, 188 / 9, 235, :246/8, 251/4 SELBY Margaret CC2:281/2 SELMON CC3:235 SELMON John CC3:233, 237, 239/40
SETHRIDGE Jeremiah BB2:222 SEVERS Elizabeth BB2:334 SEWARD Richard CC3:379, 381/3, 386 SEYMOUR BB1:171 BB3:239 CC2:337, 340, 342 SEYMOUR Henry CC2:334/6, 343 SHADFORTH J. TLC:223 SHAKESHAFT BB2:149 CC2:215, 305 SHAKESHAFT John BB2:148 SHAKESHAFT Tommy CC3:316 SHANAWAY James BB2 : 3.17 SHARAWAY BB2:325 SHAW CC2:29, 33 SHAW Ann CC2:32
SHAW John BB2:221 SHAW Joseph BB2:527 SHAW Mrs. CC2:33 SHAY William BB1:41 SHEA BB1:128 SHEA Bryan BB1:129/30 SHEA Bryant TLM:63 SHEERING BB2:438 SHEERING John BB2:439 SHEILS John BB3:223 SHERIDAN Richard CC3:284/6 SHIEL Patrick BB3:25 SHIELD Catherine CC3:392
SHIELDS Catherine CC3:391/2 SHIELDS Catherine Jane CC3:393
SHERIFF J.L. BB3:504 SHERING John BB2:175 SHERRIFF J.L. BB3:514 SHERRIFF I.T. BB3:475 SHERRIFF & DOWNING Messrs. BB3:455 SHONE BB3:62, 126 , 150, 152/3 SHORE William BB3:491 SHORT Edward BB3:133
SHORT John BB2:141 SHORTILL Patrick BB2:190 CC1:191, 193 SIDEBOTTOM BB2:30, 219, 230, 353, :372, 468 CC1:1, 81 CC2:75, 78, 80/3 SIDEBOTTOM Abraham BB1:233
BB2:157, 160 , 371, 427, :462, 469 BB3:81, 86, 98, 112 CC2:74, 77, 79, 85/7 TLC:242
SIDEBOTTOM Mrs. CC2:74/ 9, 83/7 SIDEBOTTOM W. BB2:31 SIDEBOTTOM William BB2:58, 322, 352 TLC:163
SIDEBOTTOM Wm. TLM:59 SIDOLE Guieseppe BB1:168
SIDOLE Joseph CC1:155 TLC:20 Guiseppe SIDOLES BB1:169 SIDOLI BB2:70, 407 Joseph SIDOLI BB2:56, 86 SIMERY George CC1:247 SIMPSON CC3:337 SIMPSON James BB2:449/50 SIMPSON Mr. CC1:122 SIMPSON P. BB1:269 TLC:7, 163 SIMPSON Percy BB1:85/6 BB2:72 CC1:18 SIMPSON Thomas BB2:221 SIMPSON William West (Rev.) BB2:510
SIMSON Joseph BB1:253 SINGLETON CC2:219 Henry SINGLETON CC3:300 SINGLETON James BB2:162 SINGLETON Sarah Susannah CC3:300 SKINNER BB3:11 / 12, 28, 38, 50/1 SKINNER John A. CC2:79 SKINNER John Arthur CC2:78, 108, 115 SKINNER Mr. BB2:434/5 CC2:74/5, 77, 81/3, 86, :106, 119/20, 133 SLADE TLC:371, 377 C.M. SLADE BB2:131 SLADE G.M. BB2:24 , 36, 120, 145
TLC:376, 378, SLADE Mr. BB2:326, 332 SLOANE Mrs. CC3:216
383, 385
SLOANE William BB3:329 SMART W.W. BB2:126 SMEATHMAN Mr. BB2:326, 332 SMITH BB1:6, 142, 146, 171, :268, 274 BB2:6, 77, 79, 183 CC1:100, 128/9, 132, :168, 170, 246, 261 CC2:30/3 SMITH A.B. BB3:191/2 SMITH C. BB2:147 SMITH Constable CC1:81 SMITH David BB2:9 SMITH Edward BB2:154 TLC:231 TLM:97 SMITH Elizabeth CC3:52, 54/6 SMITH Francis BB1:4, 44 TLC:12 SMITH Fras. TLC:16 SMITH George BB3:379 CC3:181 SMITH Henry BB1:12, 37 BB2:67, 129 CC1:63, 114 SMITH J. BB1:234 TLC:250/1 SMITH James BB1:81, 84, 90 , 109, 153/5, :157, 162, 262
BB2:200 BB3:248 TLM:61
SMITH John BB2:80, 148, 431 BB3:191/2 CC1:162, 260 CC2:61 /2, 65/6 CC3:52 /3, 55/6, 233, 268 TLC:2, 154 /5, 162, 188, :345, 350, 355/6, 364 SMITH Major BB2:52, 112, 127 CC1:185 SMITH Maltby BB1:109, 124, 278 BB2:134, 226 CC1:12, 19, 23, 26, 30, :33, 84, 97/8, 126/7, :129/33, 167, 169, :257/50 ( Register Index] TLM:60
SMITH Mary BB2:449, 512 CC2:88/9 SMITH Mr. BB1:134 BB2:280, 353 CC3:235 TLC:1 SMITH Mrs. BB2:179/ 80, 190 CC3:217 SMITH R.V. BB1:88 SMITH Thomas BB2:65, 71 , 91, 305 TLC:6, 252 SMITH Will. TLC:251 SMITH William BB1:5, 15, 18 BB2:129, 290, 317 BB3:281 CC1:44, 48 CC2:29 CC3:349/51 TLC:3, 6, 154/ 5, 162, 352, :355/6, 358, 363/4, 386 TLM:56 SMITH Wm. TLC:253 SMITH ( of Blue Gum Flat) CC1:131 SMYTH Major BB2:495 SMYTHE Major BB2:498, 501/2
BB2:332 SOLLING Mr. BB2:184, 357, 461 CC3:83, 85 SOMMERS John BB3:511 CC3:369, 371 SOOMREY Thos. BB2:8 SOUNGER
BB1:261 SPALDING William BB3:43 SPARK/S A.B. CC1:179/80 SPARLING William BB3:112 SPEARES CC1:176/7, 184 SPEARES William CC1:181 SPEARS BB2:154 CC1:161 CC2:188, 210, 315, 350 CC3:16, 29, 350, 367, 384/5 SPEARS . Frances CC1:1 SPEARS Francis CC2:179 CC3:31 SPEARS Frank CC3:23, 31 SPEARS G. BB1:239 SPEARS Geo. TLM:82 SPEARS George BB1:16 BB2:114, 243, 253 BB3:433, 451 CC3:25/ 6, 294/5, 366 TLC:134, 138, 226 TLM:97 SPEARS John CC3:250, 252 SPEARS Joseph BB2:270 [cont'd. over)
Joseph SPEARS [ cont'd.] BB3:324 CC2:315, 317, 335, 341, 343 CC3:24/ 5, 30/1 Josh. SPEARS BB1:239 SPEARS Mr. BB2:9 CC3:25, 102 SPEARS Sarah BB3:324/5, 369 CC1:160, 162 SPEARS W. BB1:239 TLC:20 SPEARS William BB2:358 CC1:159, 180, 182 CC2:312, 315/6
TLC:32, 134/ 5, 138 / 9, TLM:82
SPEARS Willm. TLM:97 Wm. SPEARS BB1:115, 264 .SPENCER Paul CC2:23 John SPERKS (PERKS) TLC:156/7 SPILLANE BB1:256 D.L. SPILLANE BB2:3 SPILLANE Mrs. BB2 : 4' SPRAR Luke BB3:126 SPRING BB1:242 CC1:158 Daniel SPRING BB2:81, 101, 103 CC1:156/7 TLC:20
SPURLING William BB2:497 STACEY BB2:183 STACEY Daniel BB2:87 STACEY Thomas BB2:102, 182 , 360, 467, 488 BB3:75, 173, 177 CC1:59 TLC:353
STACEY Thos. TLC:122 STACKMAN W. CC3:313 STACKMAN William CC3:311/2 STACY CC1:59/60 STACY Thomas BB2:117
STAIT Richard BB1:175 STAMP CC3:182 STANAWAY CC1:264 / 6, 268 / 79, 284, :286, 288 STANAWAY James CC1:267, 272, 281, 285, :289/90
STANTON James BB2:204 STARK Richd. BB1:43 TLM:58 STARKEY John CC3:399/401 STEEL Catherine CC2:88 STEPHEN Justice BB2:243 STEPHEN Rev. Canon BB3:520/1 Henry STEPHENS BB1:15, 56, 272 STEPHENS Larry CC3:31 STEPHENS Laurence CC2:325/6, 328 STERLING John BB3:282 "Steve" CC2:165 STEVENS BB3:45 CC1:210/11 STEVENS Campbell CC1:212 STEVENS Henry CC1:84/5, 154 STEVENS John BB3:116 STEVENS William BB3:4 , 8, 30, 37, 53
BB2:377 STEWART Charles BB1:24 TLM:4 STEWART G.C. BB2:67 STICKLEY Simon CC2:122, 129, 132, 162/3 STILES J. BB2:470 James STILES BB2:103 STILES Josh BB2:117 STILES Rob BB2:117 STOCKDALE BB2:332, 517 BB3:18, 191 0:92:76, 100 CC3:142, 159, 191, 324/5 STOCKDALE Elizabeth CC2:85/6 STOCKDALE George BB3:178 CC2:223/9, 275
STOCKDALE George Robinson BB3':378, 407 CC3:323 STOCKDALE James BB2:358 BB3:278, 370 CC2:80, 85 , 96/9, 101/2 CC3:133, 136/7, 139/40, 146, :150, 156/8, 160/1, :164/7, 171 STOCKDALE Jas. TLM:.136 STOCKDALE John BB2:516 BB3:277 CC2:97, 350 CC3:6, 65, 146 , 151, 157, :162, 169 STOCKDALE John R. CC3:5, 155, 170/1 STOCKDALE John Robinson CC3:192
STOCKDALE Mr. BB2:324, 357 CC2:352 CC3:138, 145, :162, 168 STOCKDALE Mrs. BB2:469 CC2:99/100 STOCKDALE W. TLC:266 STONE
SULLIVAN Mich. TLC:252 148, 153,
BB2:160 STONE S.W. TLC:264 STONE Thomas BB2:161, 163 Donald STRACHAN CC3:334 STRANGE CC1:213/ 4, 224, 228 Frederick STRANGE CC1:223 STRANGE Mrs. CC1:224 STREET Mr.
TLC:162 STREET Thomas TLC:162 STRICKLEY Simon CC2:128 STUCKLEY BB3:52 STUKLEY BB3:37 STYLES BB2:111 SUCKENCH John TLC:5 SUCTCUCK John TLC:361 SULLIVAN BB2:470 CC1:170/1 Benjamin SULLIVAN BB3:78 Christopher SULLIVAN CC2:5 Daniel SULLIVAN BB2:271 CC1:173/4, 176 TLM:112
SULLIVAN Captain BB2:356 SULLIVAN James BB2:462, 464/5
SUTHERLAND James CC1:203 SUTHERLAND Jas. TLM:136 James SUTTON BB2:314 SWAINE CC2:231/2 SWAN Thomas BB1:19 TLC:20
SWAN Thos. TLC:122 SWEENEY John BB2:260 BB3:23, 58, 69, 113 SWEENEY Martin TLM:5
SYMITHERS BB1: 269 T TAAFE CC3:80 TAAFE John BB2:123 TAAFFE BB3:335, 337, 386 CC3:72/73, 305 TAAFFE James CC2:340 TAAFFE John BB3:261, 290, 460 CC1:163/4 CC3:69/70, 74/6 TANNER Mary BB3:118 TARGET James BB2:327 TARRAND William CC2:174/9 TARRENT William CC2:173/4 TAYLER CC1:255
TAYLER Mr. CC1:256 TAYLOR BB2:133, 348 BB3:91 CC2:34, 36, 38, 40 CC3:216, 218 TAYLOR Edward BB2:267, 514 CC2:74/5, 77, 79 CC3:205, 336 TAYLOR George BB2:287, 489 BB3:28, 74, 358 CC3:89 TAYLOR James BB3:201 / 2, 210/11 TAYLOR Jane CC2:77 CC3:205, 332 TAYLOR John BB3:186 TAYLOR Mr. CC1:257, 260 CC2:39, 56 TAYLOR Mrs. BB3:87 CC2:36 CC3:204, 216 TAYLOR Mrs . Samuel CC2:35 TAYLOR Nathaniel CC3:321 TAYLOR Robert BB2:138 CC1:243 TLC:222 TLM:80 TAYLOR Robt. TLC:223/4 TAYLOR Samuel BB2:277, 358 , 360, 471 BB3:86/7 CC2:35/40, 55 TAYLOR Thomas CC2:34/5, 37, 39 TEALE Daniel BB1:177 TEBBY Mr. CC1:41 TEBLEY Mr. CC1:72 TELFOUR CC1:263/ 4, 266, :268/71
"Telombray" TLC:131 "Teringe" TLC:247 "Terirge" TLC:131, 195 TERRY George CC3:229/31 "The Fugleman"
CC1:114 THERRY R. BB1:201 THOMAS Mr. BB2:137 THOMKINS Susan CC3:48, 51 Susan THOMPKINS CC3:49 THOMPSON BB1:166 CC2:142, 157 THOMPSON Ann
CC2:134, 136, 138/41, :143/4 THOMPSON Geo. TLC:102 THOMPSON George CC1:77, [Register Index) THOMPSON James BB1:104, 108 TLM:62 THOMPSON John BB3:45 CC2:134/40, 143/4 THOMPSON Mary Ann BB2:336 THOMPSON Mrs. CC2:7, 159 THOMPSON William CC3:134 THOMSETT Edward BB2:401 BB3:201 CC2:255 THOMSETT Samuel CC2:255/6 THOMSETT Susannah CC2:255/6 THOMSON William BB3:241 CC3:164 THORN Charles BB2:132 THORNSTON John Peter BB3:196
THORPE Samuel CC3:393/6, 398/9
TOBY Mr. BB2:361 CC1:246
THRELFAL Margaret CC2:41/3 THRELFALL Margaret
TOBY T.W. CC1:217 CC2:4
BB2:325 CC1:272, 275 THRELFALL Thomas BB2:325 CC1:272, 275/6 THRELFS
TOBY Thomas W. BB2:335, 402 CC1:218
BB2:506 Henry THRELFS BB2:505
THRELKELD BB1:234/5 THRELKELD Revd. BB1:10, 22, 218 BB2:90, 185 THRELSS Henry BB2:474 TIFFIN Robert CC1:136 TIFFIN "Mad Bob" CC1:135 TIGHE Mrs. BB2:450 TIGHE Robert BB2:433
"Tillabury" TLM:90 "Tirro" TLM:90 TITLEY John BB3:57, 174, 177 CC2:210 TOBIN BB2:305 CC3:9 TOBIN Bridget CC3:318 TOBIN John BB3:468 CC1:218 CC2:292 CC3:317/9 TOBY CC1:221 TOBY Captain BB2:240/1
TOBY J.W. BB2:278 CC2:3
TOBY Thomas Whitty BB2:427, 434 "Tom" CC2:165 "Tom Jones" BB1:9 TLC:131, 195, 247 TLM:56, 89 TOMKINS
CC1:287 TOMKINS Susan CC3:47 TOMLINS Mr. BB1:230 TOMLINSON BB3:367/8 CC3:142/3, 153/4, :157/60, 163, 176
TOMLINSON Mr. CC3:148/9, 151/2, 162, :168/170, 176 TOMLINSON Mrs. CC3:178 TOMLINSON Samuel BB3:370, 390 CC3:133/7, 141, 146/7, :150, 155/6, 161, :164, 166/7, 171, 174 TOMLINSON & Co.
CC3:160, 162 "Tommy" (from New Zealand) BB2:22, 34 "Tommy" (Aboriginal) TLC:130 "Tommy Sons" TLC:130 "Tommy Tommy" TLC:131, 195, 247 TOMSETT Edward BB2:364 "Tonmur" TLM:90 TOOLE William CC2:250 "Tool roll" TLM:90
TOOMEY John CC2:311 "Toorniyere" TLM:90 "Tory Dick" TLM:89 TRAINER A. CC3:253
TRAVERS & Co. BB3:240 CC3:9 TRAVERS Miss J.L. BB3:229 TRAVERS Mr. CC3:5 TRAYNOR Anne CC3:253 TRAYNOR Mrs.
CC3:247 TREACLE Geo. TLM:137 TREADLE George BB2:515, 523 BB3:2, 5, 16 TREEVE R.J. BB3:391 TREFALL CC1:284 TREGLE George BB2:518 TRELFALL CC1:278/9, 284, 286/7 TRELFALL Mrs. CC1:289 TRIGG William BB3:190 TRIGLE CC1:216 TRIGLE C. TLM:71 TRIPPETT William BB3:485 CC3:338 "Tucka" TLC:130 "Tuc-ker" TLM:89 TUCKER CC1:143 TUCKER Charles BB1:54 BB2:15, 206, 267 CC1:142
TURNER BB1:180 BB2:58, 141, 231, 254, 332 CC1:35, 234, 242 CC2:183 TURNER Bill CC1:144 TURNER Elizabeth CC2:180/2, 184 TURNER Francis BB3:141 TURNER George BB1:21, 118 BB2:140, 465 CC1:26 CC2:100 TLC:20 TURNER I. BB2:357 TURNER John BB2:320, 324 TLC:252 TURNER Mr. BB2:229, 232 TURNER Mrs. CC2:183 TURNER "Old Ned" BB1:118 TURNER W. TLM:136 TURNER William BB1:4, 44, 61, 117/8 BB2:33, 219, 259 CC1:4/5, 7/8, 28, 40, 61, :71, 111/12, 114, 127/8, :237, [Register Index] CC2:23, 101/2, 151, 180/1, :229 TLC:12, 16, 331 TURNERELLY Jas. BB1:114 TURNSDAINE Henry BB3:514 TWANY John BB2:213 TWOMEY Michael BB3:110 TWYMAN Tom CC3:11 TYER Henry BB1:41
U UNDERWOOD Thomas BB3:407, 426, 436 "Urgena" TLC:195
V VARDON William CC3:197 VENTEMAN BB2:396 BB3:2, 6, 8, 27, 35,
:53/4, 56, 58/9, 334 CC2:94/5, 170 VENTEMAN Charles CC2:185/9, 240/4 VENTEMAN Daniel CC3:225 VENTEMAN George BB2:270, 358 BB3:5, 18
90/1, 151, CC2:10, :205/11, 221/3, 225, :229/33, 273, 294/8 CC3:33 VENTEMAN George R.B. BB3:247, 333 VENTEMAN Julie CC2:10
VENTEMAN Mr. CC2:93, 224, 316/7, 319 CC3:35 VENTEMAN Mrs. CC2:8/9, 230, 232, 269 VINE E.C. BB2:405 VINE I.R. BB2:405 VINE J.K. BB2:406 VINE Mr. BB2:282, 455
VOGAN Thomas BB2:263
w "Waaigah" TLC: 247 "Waalackbargo" TLC:247 "Waalgarboo" TLC:195, 247
"Waargah" TLC:195 "Wadalal" TLC:131 WADDELL TLC:6 WADDELL James TLC:2, 3, 6, 188, 345, :350, 358, 374 WADE George BB3:463, 492 "Waigoa"
TLC:130 "Waigoah" TLC:247 WAKS Jacob TLC:160 "Walgy" TLC:130, 195 WALING James BB1:277 WALKER Archibald BB3:167 WALKER Mrs. CC3:313, 315 WALKER William CC1:77
WALKER William, & Co. BB3:167 WALKER & JONES CC1:77 WALLBANK Thos. TLC:14 WALLBRIDGE Ann BB3:521 WALLBRIDGE Anne BB3:520 WALLBRIDGE Eliza BB3:521 WALLBRIDGE Fanny BB3:520/1 WALLBRIDGE Jane BB3:520/1 WALLBRIDGE Madeline BB3:520/1 WALLBRIDGE William BB3:520/1 "Waligy" TLC:247 WALSBROOK Thomas TLC:120 WALSBROOK Thos. TLC:16 WALSH Elizabeth BB1:69
WALSH John BB1:201 WALSH Martin BB2:244 WALTERS BB2:72 WALTERS Mr. BB1:126 WAMSLEY BB3:422 CC3:190, 387 WAMSLEY E. CC3:49 WAMSLEY Edward BB3:421, 519, 522 CC3:191, 379/81, 386 WAMSLEY James CC3:260 WAMSLEY Mary J. BB3:519 WAMSLEY Mr. CC3:192, 259/60, 382/5 WAMSLEY William BB3:392/3, 421, 522 CC3:256/8, 261/2, 367 "Waniba" TLC:131 "Waraackbargo" TLC:195 WARBURTON George BB3:317 WARD CC1:161 CC2:295, 298 WARD Ephraim CC3:229/30 WARD Mr. CC1:253 WARD W. TLC:250 TLM:116 WARD William BB1:115, 264 BB3:487 CC1:162 CC2:296 TLC:226, 229 TLM:60, 97/8 WARD Wm. TLM:59, 61/2, 132/3 WARDEN CC1:60 WARDEN Thomas CC1:59, 63
WARDEN Thos. TLC:12 WARDLE CC2:47, 49 WARDLE Mary CC2:48/9, 51/3 WARDLE Mrs. CC2:47 WARDLE Thomas CC2:46, 48, 51/3 "Wargoah" TLC:195 WARLTERS TLC:371, 377, 383 WARLTERS Jeremiah TLC:353, 376 WARLTERS Mr.
TLC:6, 353, 378, 387 WARNER BB2:214, 225, 230/2 CC1:236 WARNER J. BB1:121, 262
CC1:134, (Register Index) TLC:20 TLM:108 WARNER James BB2:215/7, 224 CC1:233, 237/8, 245/6
WARNER Jn. Ed. BB1:44 WARNER Jonathan BB2:220 CC1:100, 118, 120, 245 WARNER Jnth. TLC:21, 32 WARNER Mr. BB1:120, 125 BB2:463 CC1:34, 36, 42, 47, 73/4, :80/1, 83/4, 86, 104, :110/12, 115, 117, :121, 124, 132, 238 WARNER Mr. (Snr.) CC1:239 WARNER Mrs. BB1:11 "Warpicar" TLM:90 "Warraok Bago" TLC:130 "Warriba" TLC:195, 247 WARTON Edward BB2:265
WATER BB3:244 WATKINS BB3:248/9, 253 CC2:213, 215 , 303, 322, :324, 351, 353/4 WATKINS C. CC2:349 Charles WATKINS BB3:256, 260 CC2:316, 318, 320/1, 328, :331, 348, 350, 352, 355 CC3:331, 352/3, 356 Elizabeth WATKINS CC3:247, 249 Harriet Elizabeth WATKINS CC3:321
WATKINS Henrietta Teresa Agnes BB3:500 CC3:352, 356 WATKINS James CC3:319/21 WATKINS Margaret Theresa CC3:331 WATKINS Matilda Ann BB3:469
CC3:319, 321 WATKINS Miss CC3:353/4 WATKINS Mrs. CC3:250 / 2, 330, 353/4 WATKINS Robert BB3:239, 242 CC3:247, 252 WATKINS Sarah Jane CC3:320 Thomas WATKINS BB2:131 CC1:44 77, 136 CC2:212, 218 WATSON BB3:62 CC1:102 WATSON H.G. BB2:145, 423 , 425/6, :450, 482 TLC:20, 224, 391/2 WATSON Henry Gunsley TLC:386 WATSON Hy . Gunsley BB1:118, 239 CC1:29
WATSON John Christian BB3:288 CC3:20, 23 WATSON Mr. BB1:30 BB2:159, 248, 266, :419/20 , 440, 501 CC1:7, 56, 63, 237 WATSON Wm. G. CC1:[Register Index] "Wattakan" TLM:89 WATTLY CC2:236 "" TLM:89 WAUGHS TLC:354/5 "Wayoo" TLC:130 WEAKLEY James BB3:408 CC3:231 WEAKLEY Richard CC3:231 WEALIN Mr. BB3:105 WEARIN John BB3:98 WEAVER Charles Thomas CC3:387, 390 WEBB CC1:210 TLC:377 WEBB Commissary BB2:241 WEBB Eliza CC2:338, 341, 343 WEBB Jack CC1:259 WEBB James TLC:2, 376 WEBB John CC2:337, 341/2 WELLER BB2:231 WELLER George BB2:230 CC1:244/5 WELLER J. CC1:233 WELLER Mr. CC1:236 WELLS CC3:96, 342
WELLS James CC3:95 WELLS Mary CC3:342 WELLS Thomas BB3:488 CC3:96, 341 WELLS W.H. BB2:167 WELLS William H. TLC:231
WELLS Willm. TLM:97 WELSH Ellen CC1:207/9 WELSH Michael CC1:207/8 "Wendorah" TLC:195 "Werowah" TLC:195 "Werowan" TLC:247 "Werowra" TLC:131 WEST Philip CC1:63 WESTER CC1:248 Zachariah WESTROPE CC1:249 WESTROT CC1:248 WESTROT Z. CC1:250 WETHERELL TLC:154, 364 WHALAN CC2:31/2 WHALAN James TLC:20 WHALAN Thomas TLC:16 WHALING James
BB1:81, 84 WHALING Thos. BB1:87 WHARD W. TLC:250 TLM:131 William WHARD TLC:134 TLM:63, 69, 124, 130
WHARD Willm. TLM:117, 123
WHARD Wm. BB1:239 BB2:83, 127 TLM:64, 66, 122 WHARTON Edward CC2:24/7 WHEAT CC2:223 WHEAT William CC2:222, 224/5 WHEELER BB3:416 WHEELER J. BB3:405
WHELAN CC2:30/3 WHELAN James BB2:87, 317 CC2:29 WHELAN Thos. BB1:44 TLC:12 WHELING Thomas BB1:1 WHELINGS J. BB1:262 "Whepemup" TLC:195 "Whipemup" TLC:247 "Whip-em-up" BB1:19 TLM:89 "Whipumup" TLC:131 WHITE CC1:200 CC2:148 WHITE Abel BB3:359, 372 CC3:110/11, 113/4 WHITE Dr. BB2:510 WHITE Janne BB2:454 WHITE Joseph BB3:49 CC2:145/7, 149/52
WHITE Mrs. CC2:152 WHITE Rev. CC3:217 WHITE Robert CC1:199, 202/3 CC2:101/2
CC1:255 WILCORKSON John BB3:17 WILD BB2:434/5 WILD William BB3:48, 65, 131 WILKINS Joseph BB1:37, 147 BB2:396 WILKINS Josh. TLC:12 WILKINSON TLC:154, 364
WILKINSON Elizabeth CC3:393, 397/9 WILKINSON Josh. TLC:16, 120 WILKSHIRE Edward BB2:400 WILLARD TLM:139 "Wi 1 leeh" TLM:90
WILLIAMS BB3:183, 210 CC2:178 CC3:60, 189, 191 WILLIAMS James CC1:1/2 WILLIAMS John BB1:9, 23 BB2:319, 369 BB3:70 /1, 94, 112, 148, 155 CC1:111 CC2:82/ 3, 202/4 Sarah WILLIAMS BB3:111
WILLIAMSON George BB3:328 WILLIAMSON Jeremiah CC2:146/8, 151 WILLIAMSON Mary CC3:19 WILLIAMSON Mr. CC3:19 WILLIAMSON Rosannah BB3:288 CC3:18/19 WILLIAMSON Sarah CC3:332 "Willibin" TLC:131 WILLINGALE John BB2:9 WILLMOTT Elizabeth BB3:425 "WiIpin" TLM:89 Edw. WILSHIRE TLM:139 WILSON
BB2:214 , BB3:329
231, 484, 507
CC1:199 CC2:90, 95, 344 WILSON A. BB2:313 CC1:206 TLC:300
WILSON Adam BB2:187, 325 CC1:205 CC2:23/4 WILSON Caleb TLC:188 WILSON Catherine
TLC:163 WILSON David BB3:328 WILSON J. TLM:134 WILSON Jno. R.
TLC:252 WILSON John BB2:150, 474 , 505/6, 509 CC2:91, 93/4 WILSON John Kerr BB2:166, 170, 327 John Thos. WILSON TLC:236 WILSON Mary Ann TLM:57
WILSON Mobby BB2:474, 505/6 WILSON Mr. BB2:184 CC1:247, 249 CC2:345 WILSON Nobby BB2:509 CC2:91, 93 WILSON Samuel BB2:85, 488 BB3:173, 177 CC3:287/B TLC:163 WILSON Thomas BB1:177 BB2:187/8, 205, 216, 272 CC1:203/5 TLC:231 TLM:142 WILSON Thos. TLC:264/5, 267 TLM:97, 133, 136 WILSON William CC2:24
WILSON alias MAHARG Jno. TLM:63 WILTSHIRE Edward TLC:252 WINDERYER C. BB2:400 WINDEYER BB3:87, 90 WINDEYER Charles BB2:386/7, 439 BB3:86 WINTER Mr. CC1:90 WIRE G.F. BB2:203 Mr. WISE BB2:245 WISEMAN Mr. BB1:3 CC2:35 WISEMAN Wm. CC2:34 WISEW00D John TLC:390, 392 WISKINS TLC:6 WISKINS Joseph TLC:3, 388 "Witorie/Iritorie" TLM:89
WITTS Alfred BB3:35 WOCK William CC3:28 "Wollajy" TLC:130 "Wombut" TLC:131 WOOD
BB2:142 CC1:168/70 CC3:178 WOOD Jno. TLM:136 WOOD John BB2:134 CC1:153, 167, 169 WOOD Mrs. CC2:77 WOOD R. CC3:177 WOOD Ralph BB2:514 CC2:156, 171/2, 174/9 CC3:10, 174/6, 180 TLC:251
WOODBERRY Mrs. CC3:232 WOODBURY BB2:34, 36/7 CC3:300 WOODBURY John CC3:297/9 WOODBURY Mr. CC3:299 WOODBURY Richard BB2:181 CC2:311 WOODBURY William BB3:460 CC2:219/20 CC3:297 WOODHAM Harriet BB2:150 TLC:226 WOODS Margaret CC2:148 WOODWARD James BB1:32, 240 BB3:501 CC3:356 TLC:20/1 WOODWARD John BB3:501 CC3:356/7
"Wooerah" TLC:247 WOOLFREY Henry Norbert
CC2:344 WOOLFREY Mr. CC2:354 WOOLFREY Mr. N. CC2:350/1 WOOLFREY Rev.
BB3:252/3 CC3:185 WOOLFREY Rev. H.N. BB3:249, 255 WOOLFREY Rev. Mr. CC2:353 WOOLFREY Rev. W.O. BB3:234 "Woolgaiba" TLC:131 "Woolgee" TLM:89
WOOLLEY CC3:8/9 WOOLLEY John BB3:207 CC2:264/5 WOOLLEY Robert BB3:207 CC2:264/6 CC3:6/7, 12
"Woolloongoong" TLC:247 "Wooloongoong" TLC:195 "Woolung Goong" TLC:130 "Woonbroin" TLC:130 "Woorbul" TLC:195 "Woorbull" TLC:247 WOOTTON CC1:262 WOOTTON Mary
WOOTTON ( alias CRAWLEY) Mary CC1:255 "Woreeh" TLC:195 WORKMAN Thos. TLM:58 WORLEY BB3:213, 316 , 338/40, :353, 365, 372, :374, 386
CC1:183, 224, 226 CC2:213/4, 217/8, :305 CC3:118 TLC:266 WORLEY Constable BB2:263 WORLEY Henry BB2:449, 457, 498 BB3:212, 303, 342/3, :440, 442, 450, :452, 463 CC1:180 /1, 184, 278/9 CC2:211/2, 220 CC3:51, 111, 116, 128, :130, 179, 181, :184/5, 256, 261/3, :294/7 WORLEY Martha Elizabeth BB3:442, 450
CC3:296 WORLEY Mr. CC3:259 WORLEY William CC3:110/13 WORTEMAN Thomas TLM:63 WORTHING Richard CC3:341/2 WRIGHT David CC3:60 WRIGHT George
BB2:321, 431 CC1:259, 262 CC2:60/1, 64, 66/7 WOOTTON Mr.
BB1:218 BB3:156 WRIGHT Gilbert BB3:133 WRIGHT Sam CC2:177
CC2:67 WOOTTON Thomas BB2:431 CC1:258 CC2:60, 62/4, 66
Emanuel WRING BB3:21 TLC:300/1 "Wutgubg-gaby" TLM:90
WYATT CC1:131 TLM: 63 WYATT Joseph CC1:75 WYLD William BB2:378 "Wyomba" TLM:90
Y YATES BB3:290 "Yea-Yea" TLM:89 "Yelline-Bonna" TLM:90 YORK BB2:216, 231 CC1:233, 239-41, 243 YORK (alias COULSON) CC1:242 George YORK (alias COULSON) CC1:240 YORK (alias COULSTON) CC1:244 YOUNG Mr. BB2:115 YOUNG William BB2:9, 31 CC1:63 TLC:20
YOUNG Wm. TLC:264 "Young Dick" BB1:3, 18 TLM:56 "Young Hugh" TLC:130 "Young Hughy" TLC:195, 247