GC Annual Report 2009-2010

Page 1


INDEX President’s Report


Goshen College Boards and Councils


Financial Information


Alumni and Friends Giving Report


Development Report


Elkhart County Report


Businesses, Foundations and Organizations


Matching Gift Companies


Maple Leafs Athletic Club


PRESIDENT’S REPORT Here at GC we have some of the best students anywhere! And I have the stories to back my claim: • For one full week this fall, more than 100 students were praying around the clock, 24/7, for Goshen College. • Recently, a brand new well was dug for the 750 students at St. Mary’s Mumias Girls School in Kenya with the $4,500 raised by Goshen College student-athletes. This past summer: • One of the students in our nursing program – who also is a softball player – studied Arabic and learned about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict while living with a family in Bethlehem. • Another student spent the summer helping homeless families in Goshen while also tending a community garden and supporting a campus composting program. • Other students stayed on campus and did graduate-level research through our Maple Scholars program. One student helped produce a play. Another painted a mural. Two others studied stress in honeybees. Another two did primary research in prairie grass development at Merry Lea – our thousand-acre land preserve. • Other students served with churches, campgrounds and service organizations around the country through our inquiry programs. And throughout the school year, our students teach in local schools, learn and serve in local hospitals and offer hope and healing through their volunteer work. These stories are a statement of how your financial commitments to Goshen College make a difference in so many students’ lives and will continue to do so for many years to come. Indeed, almost one in five students at Goshen College are first-generation college kids. Their lives, like my own so many years ago, are being forever changed because of the generosity of people like you. If I were to conflate the prayer of Jesus about God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven, with Jesus’ words elsewhere about storing our treasures in heaven, I can think of few better examples of bringing together heaven and earth than setting aside some of our earthly gain to help ensure the ministry and mission of a Christ-centered college education. The money invested in educating our students – no moth can corrupt, no thief can steal away. So I thank you for your commitment to Goshen College. Whether your giving this past year was to the Annual Fund, a restricted gift or some type of planned giving, you are essential to GC and our students. Your gifts can only increase, exponentially so, in the lives of our students who go on to join that great cloud of witnesses (16,000 strong), on every inhabited continent on earth. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Peace to you, James E. Brenneman President

PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL James E. Brenneman, Ph.D. President

William J. Born, M.A. Vice President for Student Life James K. Caskey, B.A. Vice President for Institutional Advancement – October 2009 to present

James L. Histand, C.P.A., M.B.A. Vice President for Finance, Associate Professor of Accounting

Lynn Jackson, M.E. Vice President for Enrollment Management

Frank E. Johnson, Ph.D. Special Assistant to the President Anita K. Stalter, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs, Academic Dean, Professor of Education Goshen College acknowledges

the following individual whose service to the institution ended prior to this publication, but whose contributions are reflected in this report for fiscal year 2009-10: William Jones, B.A. Vice President for Institutional Advancement – Through September 2009

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rick M. Stiffney, Chair Goshen, Ind. President and CEO Mennonite Health Services

Miriam F. Book Harleysville, Pa. Lead Pastor Salford Mennonite Church

Kenneth D. Hochstetler Souderton, Pa. Senior Executive Vice President Univest Corporation

Paul H. Bast Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Senior Vice President Primerica Financial Services

Rose M. Gillin Goshen, Ind. Coordinator of Medical Services/ Physician Oaklawn Hospital/Maple City Health Care

Ivorie G. Lowe Markham, Ill. Retired Educator

Philip E. Bontrager Archbold, Ohio President and CEO Sauder Manufacturing Company Robert M. Bontrager Corvallis, Ore. Director of Consulting American Association of Collegiate Registrars & Admission Officers

Felipe Hinojosa College Station, Texas Assistant Professor, Department of History Texas A&M University

Timothy J. Oyer Boston, Mass. President and Managing Partner Wolf Greenfield Faith H. Penner Harper, Kan. Educator

Lonnie L. Sears Paoli, Ind. Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics University of Louisville (Ky.) Karen S. Thomson Elkhart, Ind. Retired Regional Bank President Karen Weaver Edwardsburg, Mich. Retired Pharmaceutical Sales Carlos Romero, Ex Officio Goshen, Ind. Executive Director Mennonite Education Agency

ALUMNI EXECUTIVE BOARD Timothy J. Manickam ’82 President Portland, Ore. Steven L. Brenneman ’82 President-elect River Forest, Ill. Timothy R. Blaum ’10 Goshen, Ind. Karen L. (Lapp) Bowman ’78 Weddington, N.C. Ruth A. Brenneman ’87 Wellman, Iowa 2 Goshen College Annual Report

Peter J. Eash-Scott ’99 Lancaster, Pa.

Kay L. Hershberger ’88 New York, N.Y.

Gwendolyn Y. (Reid) Edwards ’83 Morris Plains, N.J.

Abri A. (Houser) Hochstetler ’09 Indianapolis, Ind.

Cynthia A. Friesen-Mason ’87 Hesston, Kan.

Sally A. Hunsberger ’86 Washington, D.C.

Laurie J. Fulle-Rychener ’83 Colorado Springs, Colo.

John E. Kaufmann ’66 Okemos, Mich.

Keith D. Gerber ’69 Sarasota, Fla.

Morgan E. Kraybill ’09 Pittsburgh, Pa.

Debra A. (King) Helmuth ’80 Indianapolis, Ind.

William F. Miller ’55 Goshen, Ind.

Gwendolyn A. (Brenneman) Rich ’67 Archbold, Ohio Ellen B. (Hoover) Stoesz ’78 Indianapolis, Ind. Shannon L. (Musselman) Unzicker ’91 Benson, Ill. Barbara D. (Derstine) Weirich ’78 Harrisonburg, Va. Kelli Burkholder King ’77 Director of Alumni, Parent and Church Relations Goshen, Ind.

STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION June 30, 2010 and 2009 Assets

Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable – net Contributions receivable – net Investments Insurance deposits – net Prepaid expenses and other assets Student loans receivable – net Land, buildings and equipment – net Deferred financing costs – net

2010 2009 $ 2,062,647 530,330 390,000 97,146,785 1,423,628 354,751 2,527,861 57,441,253 120,311

$ 1,607,450 289,277 485,400 85,417,424 1,184,214 127,091 2,831,510 59,469,192 124,795

Total assets $ 161,997,566

$ 151,536,353

Liabilities and net assets Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Deposits Annuities payable Retirement plans and post-retirement health care Long-term debt U.S. Government loan funds Fair value of interest rate swaps

Total liabilities

$ 1,431,872 428,273 776,655 2,829,122 31,800,000 2,375,093 4,498,542 $ 44,139,557

$ 1,406,833 389,434 826,245 3,171,670 31,800,000 2,357,932 3,429,969 $ 43,382,083

Net assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets

33,490,438 17,848,484 66,519,087 $ 117,858,009

29,296,813 20,996,145 57,861,312 $ 108,154,270

$ 161,997,566

$ 151,536,353

Full financial statements with footnotes available upon request or at www.goshen.edu/financevp/financials. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 3

WHERE DOES THE MONEY COME FROM? Statement of activities for the year ending June 30, 2010 (with comparative totals for 2009) Revenues and other support Tuition and fees Less: Tuition discounts Net tuition and fees Government grants and contracts Contributions and bequests Investment income (loss), net of endowment transfers Realized gains (losses) Auxiliary enterprises Merry Lea income Other income (expense) Net assets released from restrictions – satisfaction of program restrictions Total revenues and other support

4 Goshen College Annual Report

Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted 2010 Total 2009 Total $ 22,672,509 9,522,840 13,149,669


- -


- -

$ 22,672,509 9,522,840 13,149,669

$ 20,767,822 8,066,027 12,701,795

25,362 2,582,749

500,874 452,382

- 522,991

526,236 3,558,122

462,830 3,383,964

(1,573,139) 186,008 4,735,055 - 1,561,285

(3,993,594) 696,666 - 325,821 -

32,134 - - 6,750,961 (22,084)

(5,534,599) 882,674 4,735,055 7,076,782 1,539,201

1,691,941 (2,316,570) 4,239,345 316,146 1,551,475

5,623,271 (5,623,271) 13,140,591 (7,641,122) $26,290,260 $(7,641,122)








Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted 2010 Total 2009 Total

Instruction Research Public services Academic support Student services Institutional support Student aid Institutional advancement Auxiliary enterprises Merry Lea expenses Total expenses

$10,132,537 63,084 449,414 2,480,143 4,795,494 2,506,474 378,169 2,479,449 5,373,134 930,440

- - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - -

$10,132,537 63,084 449,414 2,480,143 4,795,494 2,506,474 378,169 2,479,449 5,373,134 930,440

$10,305,982 58,854 460,682 2,485,480 4,622,624 2,835,684 295,535 2,625,056 5,604,937 948,568






Changes in net assets before unrealized gains (losses) and actuarial adjustments

(3,298,078) (7,641,122) 7,284,002 (3,655,198) (8,212,476)

Unrealized gains (losses) and actuarial adjustments Unrealized gains (losses) on investments $ 7,240,079 $ 5,951,196 $ 1,373,773 $ 14,565,048 $ (34,005,688) Gains to restore prior losses on temporarily restricted endowment assets 1,320,197 (1,320,197) - - Unrealized loss on interest rate swaps (1,068,573) - - (1,068,573) (1,826,923) Actuarial adjustment of annuities - (137,538) - (137,538) (133,539) Total 7,491,703 4,493,461 1,373,773 13,358,937 (35,966,150) Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year







$ 33,490,438

$ 17,848,484

$ 66,519,087

9,703,739 (44,178,626) 108,154,270


$ 117,858,009 $ 108,154,270



The tradition of giving clubs took root at Goshen College in the ’60s, when a group of donors decided to begin giving $1,000 annually to the Goshen College Fund. Five separate clubs now support the GC Fund. These “unrestricted” gifts support every student and department on campus and allow the college to respond to needs as they arise. Together, these giving clubs provided $1,252,106 in unrestricted giving for the fiscal year 2009-10. The combined giving power of GC giving club members is truly phenomenal, whether they join the Builders at a minimum gift of $1 a day or the President’s Circle at $25,000 per year or more. We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of all these friends of Goshen College.

Presidents Circle $25,000 or more

Anonymous (1) • Ervin and Karen Bontrager • John and Pauline Fisher • D. Michael and Susan Hunsberger • Daniel and Mary Miller • Virgil and Mary Ann Miller • Myrl and Phyllis Nofziger • Carolyn and Maynard Sauder • Harold and Donna Schrock • Shirley and Stuart Showalter • Ed and Mary Swartzendruber • Dale and Karen Weaver • Glenn and D. Anne Weaver • Robert Weaver • Ed and Theo Yoder

Leadership Circle $12,500 to $24,999

David and Debra Horst

Honors Circle $5,000 to $12,499

Julia and Michael Baccash • Thomas and Trinda Bishop • Philip and Lori Bontrager • David and Karen Bowman • J. Lawrence Burkholder (deceased) • Russell and Janet Buschert • Mary Croyle • Alvin and Dolores Graber • Owen and Joy Hess • Sally Hunsberger and Michael Fay • George and Arlene Mark • Clair and Guenn Martin • Carl and Doris Metzler • Dana Miller and Linda Schlabach Miller • Galen Miller and Sue Neeb • Kevin Miller and Rebecca Stoltzfus • Marvin and Delores Nolt • Timothy and Joanne Oyer • Colene and Willie Rich • Mary and George Schiedel • Hollis and Martha Showalter • Gerald and Beulah Steiner


$1,000 to $4,999

Anonymous (2) • Douglas Albrecht and Jill Ropp • James and Ruth Alderfer • Mrs. Beverly Bachman • Jim and Lois Bare • Royal Bauer • Loretta and Roger Baur • Mary Ann and Joseph Bean • Curtis and Shari Bechler • E. Jay and Patricia Bechtel • Carl Beck • Kent Beck and Karen Lehman • Marie Beechy • David and Beth Birky • David and Yvonne Bishop • J. Russell and Rhoda Bishop • Zachary Bishop 6 Goshen College Annual Report

and Christina Alderfer • Samuel and Carol Bixler • Mary and Alvin Bontrager • Robert and Beth Bontrager • Warren E. and Annabelle Bontrager • William and Shawna Born • Levi and Lorraine Borntrager • Christopher Bowers • Janet and Jonathan Braslow • Cynthia and Clark Breeze • James and Terri Brenneman • Michael and Kristen Brenneman • Carley and James Brubaker • J. Kenneth and Pamela Brubaker • Thomas and Kathy Brubaker • H. Nelson and Ruth Brunk • Maretta and Arlin Buller • Helen and Joseph Burkholder • Jon and Deborah Byler • Sue Ann Byler • Doug Caskey and Mary Liechty-Caskey • Gene W. Caskey • Jim and Lisa Caskey • Karl and Wilma Cender • Thomas and Kristine Charles • Conrad Clemens and Andrea Gerlak • Don and Marie Clemens • Wilma and David Colter • Cathy Conrad • James and Mary Alice Conrad • Thomas and Dorthy Corson • Catherine and Michael Coscia • John Daniels and J.B. Miller • Julia and Gary Delp • David and Judith Denlinger • Helen Detwiler • Paul and Maxine Diller • Gayle Dosher • Donald Driver • Donald and Carol Ebersole • Jane Ebersole • Aaron and Bertha Eby • Sarah Eby-Ebersole and W. Daniel Ebersole • Mike and Donna Eisenstat • Curtis Fenton and Sarah Buller Fenton • John and Lois Fidler • Martha Foreman • Dale and Aldine Frankenfield • John and L. Jane Frankenfield • Russell and Ruby Freed • Barbara Freyenberger • Lawrence and Carolyn Garber • Mary Garber-Saleh and Faisal A. Saleh • Steven and Susan Garboden • Oneta Gardner • Luther and Mary Ann Gautsche • Erin Geiser • Harry and Elaine Gerber • Robert and Julia Gerber • Eldon and Luella Gerig • Florence A. and Benjamin Gerig • Duane and Reti Gingerich • John and E. Louise Gingerich • Owen and Miriam Gingerich • Wallace and Elaine Gingerich • Mark and Marci Glick • Norris and Sandra Glick • Isaiah Goertz and Allison Brenneman Goertz • John and Yixia Gotwals • William Gotwals • Adeline Graber • Kathleen Grieser and John Chipka • David and Mary Groh • Michael and Eleanor Groh • Ron and Linda Gunden • Ruth Gunden • Carl and

A. Kay Gusler • David and Florence Harnish • Lisa and Bryan Heinz • Jesse and Fern Heise • Mervin and Sharon Helmuth • Carolyn and Donald Henry • Steve and Ann Herendeen • Abner and Anne Hershberger • Diana and John Hershberger • Edgar and DeElda Hershberger • Gladys Hershberger • Kay Hershberger and Brian Burnett • Lotus and Judith Hershberger • Ray and Rosemary Hershberger • Barbara Hershey Becker and J. Arnold Becker • Alice and John Hill • Hans and Bonnie Hillerbrand • Phillip and Elizabeth Histand • Rex and Angie Hochstedler • Alan and Donna Hochstetler • Kenneth and Susan Hochstetler • Pauline and Harlan Hochstetler • Joyce and Samuel Hofer • Chad and Michelle Horning • Donald and Carol Horning • Jon and Maria Horsch • Kenneth E. and Rebecca B. Horst • Abram and Patricia Hostetter • Ruth and William Hsiao • Ralph and Ina Hunsberger • Willard Hunsberger • Marjorie and Joseph Jackson • Marilyn and C. Richard Jeppesen • Elizabeth Miller Jeschke • Gladys Johns • Brent and Leanna Kaser • Dennis Kauffman and Judith Laura Georges • Seth Kauffman and Angela Gunden • Verda P. Kauffman • Keith and Kathleen Kauffmann • Terry and Lois Kaufmann-Hunsberger • Ruth Keim • Mary Kem • Dale Kempf and Kay Miller Kempf • Helen Kennell • Larry King and Betty Serian • Laura Ann King • Stanley and Bonita King • Vernon and Shirley King • J. Michael and Ellen Klaus • Vic and Irene Koop • Nel Kopp • R. Kim and Lyla Kornhaus • Evelyn Kreider • Joan Kreider • Virginia Kreider • Joan Kropf and Alan Yordy • William and Vickie Kurtz • Henry and Jane Landes • Douglas and Joy Landis • Geoffrey Landis and Elizabeth Gunden • Jacob and June Landis • John and Alice Lapp • John and Patricia Lauver • David and Julia Leatherman • M. Grace Leatherman • Warren Leatherman • Elwin LeFevre • David Lehman • Gary and Alice Lehman • Maurice and Carol Lehman • Merritt and Dierra Lehman • Roger and Sondra Lehman • Sanford and Gay Lehman • Thomas and Mary Lehman • Katelyn and William Leichty • Robert A. and Jennifer

Lerch • Robert D. and Annabelle Lerch • Christopher and Lois Leuz • Donald and Catharine Lichti • Edward and Mary Liechty • Loveda Liechty • Gail and Harold Loewen • Melvin and Elfrieda Loewen • Kenneth and Nancy Long • Aaron and Martha Longacre • Norman Loux • Ivorie Lowe • Timothy and Gail Manickam • Jean and John (deceased) Mann • Lester LeVon and Leota Mann • David and Julie Mark • Ruth Mark • Barbara and Don Martin • Raymond and Luann Martin • Ruth and Jay Martin • Phillip Mason and Cynthia Friesen-Mason • William and Ruth Mason • R. Michael and Lois Massanari • Walter Massanari • Norma and Marion Mast • Rodney Maust and Martha Yoder Maust • H. Charles and Madeline Mellinger • Emil and LudieAnn Menzies • B. J. and Carolyn Miller • Byron and Ellen Miller • Dale E. Miller • Donovan and Barbara Miller • Edward and Twila Miller • Glen E. and Marilyn Miller • Ivan Miller • James and Sylvia Miller • John and Rebecca Miller • Kenneth Miller • Lois and Freeman Miller • Richard and Fannie Miller • William and Phyllis Miller • Ron and Sally Jo Milne • H. Ray and Nancy Mininger • Donald and Martha Minter • Doris and Richard Morgan • J. Phillip and Betsy Moyer • Sharon and Dale Moyer • David and Joanna MoyerDiener • Carolyn and Gene Nafziger • Charles and Esther Nafziger • Eldon Dean and LaVerne Nafziger • Lowell and Diane Kae Nafziger • Mary Katherine Nafziger • Roger and Laurie Nafziger • J. Larry and Norma Jean Neff • Benjamin and Susan Nelson • Joanne Neumann • Roger and LuEtta Neumann • Brent Nofziger • Dave and Ruby Nofziger • Ed and Carol Nofziger • Wilmer and Doris Nolt • Lori Nunemaker • Sylvester Outley and Barbara Lewis King • Kenneth and Rachel Pellman • Ruth and Marvin Penner • Delores and Donald Pettengill • Michael and Amy Phend • Edward and Rachel Pippenger •

Kenneth and Justine Pletcher • Nathan and Andrea Pletcher • Rodney and Marianne Pletcher • J. Mark Ramseyer and Norma Wyse • Stanley and Janet Reedy • Gerhard and Rosemary Reimer • Bertha and Jay Rhodes • Opal Ripley • Orlando Rivera and Karey Musselman • Alice and Willard Roth • Evan and Grace Roth • Carl and Lovina Rutt • Brent Rychener and Laurie Fulle-Rychener • David and Jean Sack • Myrl and Freida Sauder • Ronald and Leanne Schertz • Mary Schmid • Walter and Vera Schmucker • Allen and Doris Schrock • Marion and Verna Schrock • Ronald and Nancy Schrock • Earl and Jane Sears • Karen and David Seehusen • Laura and Peter Shaida • J. B. and Beatrice Shenk • Michael and Patricia Sherer • F. Jay and Marilyn Shetler • Leslie and Frances Shetler • Rose and Leonard Shetler • Arlin and Esther Shisler • Joe Short • Tim and Jane Short • LaRayne and Jim Siegmann • Stanley and Rita Smith • Barbara and George Smucker • Dorothy Smucker • Mark and Vicki Smucker • Philip and Jessica Smucker • Ralph and Lila Smucker • Ronald and Mary Lu Smucker • Donald and Leta Snyder • Frederick and Joan Speckeen • Wayne and Joanne Speigle • Theodore and Marlene Springer • Jody and Brenda Srof • Wilma Srof • Bruce and Barbara Stahly • Anita Stalter • Franklin and Joan Steiner • Rick and Kathy Stiffney • Randall and Ellen Stoesz • Elvin and Grace Stoltzfus • Eric and Ruth Stoltzfus • Glenn and Geneva Stoltzfus • Lorna Stoltzfus and Gary Lake • Vernon and Carla Stoltzfus • Jon and Jessica Stuckey • Kent and Linda Stucky • Thelma Swartzendruber • Karen and Randall Thomson • Timothy and Margaret Thut • Dana O. Troyer and Mildred Yoder Troyer • Elroy and Alberta Troyer • Marlin and Evelyn Troyer • Ethel Umble • Patrick and Ann Vendrely • Barry and Marjorie Weaver • Henry and Mary Weaver • Mark and Barbara Weaver • Gordon and Barbara Weirich • Dale and Helen

Weldy • Galen Wenger • Galen and Carolyn Wenger • Herbert and Marian (deceased) Wenger • Janice Wenger • Marion and Anna Frances Wenger • Rondel Wenger • Sara Wengerd • J. Glen and Helen Widmer • Norman A. Wiens • Betty Jo Yoder • Douglas and Janette Yoder • Ervin E. Yoder • Evangeline Yoder and J. T. Cutler • Gordon and Esther Yoder • Harley Yoder and Starla Graber • John and Joyce Yoder • Marian Yoder • Michael Yoder and Mary Lehman Yoder • Paul and Anita Yoder • Richard W. and Barbara A. Yoder • Robert and Dorothy Yoder • Ruth H. Yoder • Sam and Lillian Yoder • Terry Yoder and Joan Gotwals Yoder • Virgil and Rita Yoder • Gail Yoder Neville and Frank Neville, Sr. • John and Winnie Yordy • Lyle E. Yost • Lloyd Zeager • David Zehr • Grant and Dorothy Zehr • W. Jay and Carolyn Zehr • Mark and Karene Zimmerman • Leatha Zook • William and Joyce Zuercher


$365 to $999

Anonymous (7) • Russell and Gladys Alderfer • Mahlon and Julia Amstutz • Ronald and Jane Anderson • Kathryn Aschliman • Ferne and Russel Bachman • Carl and Laura Barnett • Jean Barnett • Marvin and Delores Bartel • Rose Marie Batch Jorgeson and Raymond Jorgeson • Ervin and Phyllis Beck • Merlin and Eileen Becker-Hoover • John and Brenda Beitler • Byron and Lois Bender • John and Naomi Bender • Roy and Connie Bender • Ivan and Romona Beyeler • Kent and Betty Birky • Wilbur and Fanni Birky • Heidi Birky Goldman and Andrew Goldman • Lavonne Bixler • Patricia Bixler • David and Ilva Bontrager • Herman and Jeanette Bontrager • Robert and Yvonne Bontrager • Wesley Bontrager • Stan and Marylin Boyer • David and Anita Breckbill • Grace B. Brenneman •


Steven and Tammy Brenneman • Todd Brenneman and Trinda Bolton Brenneman • Calvin and Cheryl Britsch • Lowell and Wilma Brown • Maynard and Janice Brubacher • Audley Bruce • Robert Brunk • Glenn and Judy Buller • Paul and Debra Buller • John R. and Susan Burkholder • John and Lyn Buschert • Glenn and Lorene Busenitz • James and Jo Ann Byler • Ruby and Roy Byler • Pauline Carbaugh • Virginia Chupp • Peter and Amy Conrad • Dean Cooke • Gary Cornette • Jim and Dory Delp • Wayne and Veronica Denlinger • Paul and Eleanor Derstine • Lois Deter • John and Shirley Dick • Waldo Dick • Carrie Diener • D. Edward Diener • Inez Diener • Julia Dietz • Clara and Walter Dintaman • Ruth Ann Dome • Dennis Drudge • Catharine Eash • Willard and Ellen Ebersole • Susan Edwards and Chris Neblett • John and Deborah Egli • James and Janis Erb • Calvin Esh and Janet Lind • George and Priscilla Falb • Ramzi and Carol Farran • Robert Fatton and Cynthia Hoehler-Fatton • Rebecca and Jonathan Felton • Lloyd and Evelyn Fisher • Judith and George Franz • Dayton and Gayle Frey • Joyce and Thomas Frey • M. Drew and Tonya Frey • Mary and Dempwolf Frey • Kelvin and Jane Friesen • Sandra and Douglas Friesen • Paul and Rosemary Fry • Donald and Connie Garber • David and Lisa Gautsche • Leonard and Linea (deceased) Geiser • John and Suella Gerber • Beth Gerig and Dean Bachman • Elinor Gerig • Kevin and Beth Gerig • Rich and Marcy Gerig • Elaine and James Gibbel • Rose and Zane Gillin • James and Catherine Gingerich • Samuel Gingerich and Erin Holmes • Jon and Rita Gingrich • Myron Gingrich and Lonna Stoltzfus • Jan and Barbara Gleysteen • Maggie Glick • Stanley and Susan Godshall • Byron Good and Mary Jo Del Vecchio Good • Delmar and Lou Ann

Good • Eileen Zehr Good and William Melberg, Jr. • Conrad and Mary Goodwin • R. Brent and Julia Gotwals • Katrina and Kevin Graber • Mark and Lori Graber • Peter and Mary Graber • Samuel Graber • Adam and Karen Graber Roth • David Graybill and Brenda Martin • Leon and Treva Greaser • Michael and Elisabeth Grieser • Sue and Marlin Groff • Marjorie and Wayne Guth • Richard and Annette Harnish • Robert and Ruth Harnish • James and Holly Harris • Bert Hartman and Alicia Batson • Doris and J. Lowell Hartman • Harvey and Betty Hartzler • Tamara and Tony Hazbun • Verle and Vivian Headings • Kenneth and Ruth Heatwole • Paul Helmuth and Joseph Greer • Kenneth Hershberger • Ross Hershberger and Melika Kauffman Hershberger • James and Diane Hertzler • Dan and Joy Hess • J. Harold Hess and Christine Schumacher • Robert and Rachael Hochstedler • Jerald and Linda Hochstetler • Russell and Catherine Hochstetler • Paul and Barbara Hodel • Bruce and Tonya Holaway • C. LaMar and Barbara Holaway • Arlene and Kenneth Holdeman • Joel and Sarah Holsopple • Todd Holsopple and Jan Friesen Holsopple • Dennis Hoover • Elizabeth Hoover • Oren Horst • Gordon and Phyllis Hostetler • Charles Hostetter • Hans and Linda Houshower • Norman and Alice Hsu • Arlin and Naomi Hunsberger • Randall Jacobs and Rachel Miller Jacobs • David and Cynthia Janzen • Bricianie and Gregory Jeudnez • Keith and Deborah Johnston • William and Amy Jones • Mary Ann and Walter Jost • Timothy and Ruth Stoltzfus Jost • Ann and Ned Kauffman • Harold Kauffman • Sanford and Linda Kauffman • Sherman and Betty Kauffman • Thomas and Amy Kauffman • Glen and Christina Kauffmann • Myrna and John Kaufman • H. James and Lois Kaufmann

• Fredrick and Patricia Kem • Susan Kenagy and Katherine Schaefer • Kurt and Betty Kennel • David and Karen Kieper • John and Kelli King • Lois King • Martha and Harold King • Sharon Klingelsmith and Anthony Cummings • Claramae Klink • Richard and Rhonda Koch • Jean and David Kohli • Gloria and Eugene Koo • D. Wayne and Phyllis Kornhaus • Rodney and Charla Kremer • Russell Kremer • Lester Kropf and Roth Yordy • Philip and Karen Kym • Gary and Barbara Lamb • Michael and Rosemary Lambright • Wayne and Lois Lambright • Jan and Michael Landis • Wendell Lantz and Doris Weaver • James Lapp and Miriam F. Book • David Leaman and Marva E. Williams • Larry Lehman • Thomas and Lena Lehman • Daniel and Mary Lemons • Christopher and Holly Liechty • Daniel and Mary Liechty • Russel and Marjorie Liechty • Rachel and Harold Lindsay • Frederick and Faye Litwiller • Wendell and Betty Litwiller • Jacob G. Loewen and Nancy Liechty Loewen • Kenton Longenecker and Shelly Mann • Donald and Christine Lundberg • Kerri Lyle • Norman and Phyllis Lyndaker • Dean Mann and Petra Lenz • Wesley Mark and Mary Harder • Arthur and Esther Martin • Barbara and John H. Martin • J. Mark Martin and Amy Anderson • Melvin and Geneva Martin • Richard and Karen Martin • John and Lois Mast • Ned A. Mast • Connie and Stephen McTigue • J. Edwin and Louise Meek • Albert and Mary Ellen Meyer • Bart Miller and Margaret Jeschke • D. Paul Miller • David and Mary Miller • Delmar and Donna Miller • Doyle Miller • Fernando S. Miller • Jon Eric and Jodi Miller • James A. and Helen Miller • James R. and Debra Miller • Jeffrey and Kay Miller • John and Rachel Miller • Joyce Miller • Karen Sue Miller and Sean Hassinger • Kenneth and Doris Miller •

Larry and Wilma Miller • LaVonne and James Miller • Lee and Susan Miller • Leroy and Elaine Miller • Lloyd Miller and Joan Yoder Miller • Lois Miller • M. DeVon and Margaret Miller • Mark and Deborah Miller • Marvin Miller and Mary Cender Miller • Mary Sue and Eli Miller • Peter Miller and Marilyn Graber • Richard A. Miller and Laura Eshleman • James and Lucy Miner • William and Karla Minter • Dennis and Pattie Mishler • Judy and Alvin Moore • David and Janet Mullet • E. Barbara Murray • Audrey Musselman • Karla Myers • E. Wayne Nafziger • Janice Nafziger • Eva Nance • Mark and Gail Neumann • Theodore and Dana Neumann • Larry and Janet Newswanger • Dennis Nice • Mary and Robert Nixon • Patricia and Bruce Nofziger • Steve and Rachel Nolt • Mark and Judith Nord • Margaret Norman • Van Nussbaum and Carla WengerNussbaum • John Nyce and Dorothy Yoder Nyce • Angela and Jacob Oetama-Paul • Robbin and Michael O’Leary • Robert and Jean Owens • Margaret and Richard Oyer • Cynthia and Carroll Peterson • David and Karen Powell • Jo Ann and John Preheim • Madonna and John Price • Janet and Dave Puzycki • LeAnne and Galen Quenzer • Richard and Lois Reimer • Jill and Todd Replogle • Letha and Willard Ressler • Sydney and James Rieckhoff • Deanna Risser • Myron and Thelma Roll • Anthony and Deena Roth • John Roth and Ruth Miller Roth • Lynn and Kathleen Roth • Linda and James Rufenacht • Philip and Karen Rush • Virgil and Irma Jean Sancken • Cora Schertz • Wayne Schertz and Agnes Classen Schertz • Andrew Schiedel and Karen Martin Schiedel • Anita and John Schimmel • Steven Schlabach • Theron Schlabach • Mabel Schmidt • Sue Schmucker Coblentz and Christopher S. Coblentz • Kenton and Sally Schreck • Thomas and Ruth Schrock • Janice Schrock • Joseph and Mary Schrock • Michael and Susan Schrock • Marian and Ivan Schwabbauer • Lonnie and Sandra Sears • Ruth and Bruce Sellers • Nelson and Ruth Shantz • Ada Shaum • Brenda and Albert Shelby • Wallace and Evelyn Shellenberger • J. David and Shirley Shenk • Shirley and Brent Shenk • Byron and Gail Shetler • Clay and Rose Shetler • Peter and Jan Shetler • Carolyn Short • James and Mary Jo Short • Hollins and Rachel Showalter • Dean and Dorothy Slagel • Barbara Slough • John and Joann Smith • Leanne and Walter Smith • Arthur Smucker and Carol Oyer • Carol Smucker and Charles Back • James and Anna Smucker • Dale and Anita

DEVELOPMENT REPORT Two-year contribution summary Goshen College Fund Alumni Friends Churches Businesses/Organizations/ Foundations Total Special funds Alumni Friends Churches Businesses/Organizations/ Foundations Total Total contributions

2009-2010 2008-2009 $ 1,566,590 $ 1,277,744 252,584 224,382 175,029 189,045 143,465 209,040 __________ __________ $ 2,137,668 $ 1,900,211

$ 735,292 $ 641,227 291,084 282,302 33,956 18,965 412,535 677,096 __________ __________ $ 1,472,867 $ 1,619,590 $ 3,610,535

$ 3,519,801


Snyder • Kenneth and Celesta Snyder • Randall and Ann Snyder • Samuel Snyder and Lori Nitzsche • Karen and Darrel Sommers • Betty Springer • E. Keith and Kathleen Springer • Dianne Springer Brenneman and James L. Brenneman • John and Lillian Steiner • Melvin and Carolyn Stjernholm • Charlene and Lowell Stoltzfus • Robert Stoltzfus • Carolyn and Tom Strnad • Jeffrey J. and Amanda Stuckey • Keith and Phyllis Stuckey • Larry and Rhonda Stuckey • Thomas and Bonita Stuckey • Rose and Mervin Stutzman •

Mary Ann and William Suter • M. Willis and Esther Sutter • R. Jane Swihart Farrell and Joseph Farrell • Donald and Cheryl Thomas • Everett and Barbara Thomas • Robert and Brenda Toews • Dennis and Kathleen Troyer • Shirley Troyer • Brent and Judith Trumbo • Rebecca K. Tyson and Marcellus Blosser • Benjamin and Debra Unger • Carol Unruh • Carolyn and Larry Vanice • F. Arlene and Gary Voorhis • David Weaver • Vance and Karon Weaver • Dwight and Marjorie Weldy • Joseph and Betty Wildermuth • Ardith and Ralph

Wilson • Maria and Jonathan Witmer-Rich • Dirk Wolfer • Aden and Helen Yoder • Bernadine and Ervin Yoder • David W. and Jane K. Yoder • David Yoder • Derek and Laurie A. Yoder • James Yoder and Linda Bertsche • Jessica Yoder and Brad Miller • Katherine Yoder • Laura and Edward Yoder • Leroy and Maxine Yoder • Doug and Vicki Yoder • Mary Yoder • Melvin and Betty Yoder • Samuel and Arleta Yoder • Timothy and Jane Yoder • Brian and Kyla Zehr • Rachel Zehr • Karen Zimmerman • Avery and Eunice Zook


We are pleased to acknowledge donors who made gifts of $1,000 or more to specific programs, scholarships or other “restricted” funds. They may give out of passion for a field of study, in memory of a loved one, or out of caring for a special group of students. They provide support for the arts, athletics, Merry Lea, faculty development, the Mennonite Historical Library, scholarships for students and many other areas. Whatever their special passions, we thank the following donors for their partnership in these vital missions. Anonymous (4) • Milo Albrecht • Kathryn Aschliman • Carol A. Beachey and Donald Voth • Carol K. Beechy and Kathryn Boardman • Dean and Cindy Bergeman • Suzanne Bishop • Thomas and Trinda Bishop • Zachary Bishop and Christina Alderfer • Rajesh and Aarti Biyani • Mabel and Henry Blunk • Mary and Alvin Bontrager • Janet and Jonathan Braslow • Eunice and Merle Brenneman • Larry and Susan Brooks • Joy Martin Buschert • Russell and Janet Buschert • David and Lynette Coil • Thomas and Dorthy Corson • R. Charlotte Croyle • Timothy and Shannon Demant • Helen Detwiler • Peter J Dyck (deceased) • Rebecca Dyck and Peter Deslauriers • Elta Ehret • John and Pauline Fisher • Luke and Becky Gascho • Winston and Sibyl Gerig • James and Molly Gingerich • John and Yixia Gotwals • Robert and Lucille Gotwals • Alvin and Dolores Graber • Galen L. Graber and Ruth Brenneman • Leonard and Irene Gross • Opal Gunden • Ron and Linda Gunden • Ruth Gunden • Marjorie and Wayne Guth • John and Elaine Harley • Thelma Harley • Gregory and Eudora Hartzler • Kelly Hartzler • Paul and Lavera Helmuth • Robin and Debra Helmuth • Edward and Delia Herr • Hans and Bonnie Hillerbrand • Mervin and

Fern Hostetler • Arlin and Naomi Hunsberger • Christine and Sushil Jain • Carl and Virginia Johnson • Debra and Robert Kauffman • Myrna and John Kaufman • Dale Kempf and Kay Miller Kempf • Vicky and Jim Kirkton • Timothy P. Klassen • Renata Kroeker • Kevin and Carrie Lambright • Jane M. Lehman • Martha Lehman and Rex Hooley • Maurice and Carol Lehman • Neil Ann Stuckey Levine • Aaron and Martha Longacre • Clair and Guenn Martin • James Martin and Linda Dintaman Martin • Carl and Doris Metzler • James and Eleanor Miller • Virgil and Mary Ann Miller • Ron and Sally Jo Milne • Gordy and Marie Moore • Laura L. Morris • Denise and Michael Murphy • Sharon Muth • Charles and Esther Nafziger • Eldon Dean and LaVerne Nafziger • Ann and Lewis Naylor • Justina Neufeld and Floyd Bartel • Douglas and Angela Nisley • Bryan and Elaine Noe • Myrl and Phyllis Nofziger • Gloria and Curtis Nussbaum • Griffen and Ryan O’Shaughnessy • Paul Oswald • Kenneth and Justine Pletcher • William and Rosemary Pletcher • David Pottinger and Faye Peterson Pottinger • Ernestine Raclin • Blair A. and Teresa Rieth • Ann Rieth Van Dyke and Paul Van Dyke • Anthony and Deena Roth • John Roth and Ruth Miller Roth • Lowell

and Jueldine Rupp • LaVerne and Carol Schirch • Patricia and Douglas J. Schmucker • Harold and Donna Schrock • Ruth and Jack Scott • Marilyn and John Shelton • Lon and Kathryn Sherer • Shirley and Stuart Showalter • James and Sherry Smith • Arthur and Nova Jean Smoker • Philip and Jessica Smucker • Betty Springer • Joe Springer and Jo-Ann Brant • Theodore and Marlene Springer • Philip and Sharon Stalter • Virgil and Marie Strahm • M. Willis and Esther Sutter • Douglas and Rhonda Swartzendruber • Ed and Mary Swartzendruber • Lois Thompson • Dana O. Troyer and Mildred Yoder Troyer • Ora and Mary Troyer • Hazel and F. Helen Vanlaningham • Douglas and Jane Vendrely • Patrick and Ann Vendrely • Jakob and Sina Warkentin • Barry and Marjorie Weaver • Glenn and D. Anne Weaver • Margaretha Weaver • Robert Weaver • David and Janet Weed • Peggy Weed • Alan and Carla Weldy • Marion and Anna Frances Wenger • Rebecca and John Wetzel • James and Alice Wheeler • Donna and Steve Wiktorowski • Marian Wolke • Bud and Phyllis Wulliman • David and Dolores Yoder • Douglas and Janette Yoder • Ed and Theo Yoder • Fred and June Yoder • Harley Yoder and Starla Graber • Kent and Gaye Yoder • Thomas K. Yoder


Each year, Goshen College learns of friends who have included the college as a beneficiary of their charitable estate planning. These new deferred or planned gifts include charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts, life insurance plans, bequests in a will and other options. We gratefully acknowledge the following supporters who let us know of new or increased deferred giving plans for Goshen College in 2009-10. All donors who make deferred gifts are also members of the Heritage Circle. Kirk and Jean Alliman • Helen Detwiler • John Hostetler • C. Norman and Rhoda Kraus •

Gregory and Kathy Leichty • David and Jean Sack • Ronald and Nancy Schrock • Melvin

and Carolyn Stjernholm • Aden and Helen Yoder • Dorothy Zimmerman


Goshen College honors the following individuals who remembered the college while they were living, so that their values, ideals and dreams might endure beyond their lifetimes. We are deeply grateful for the gifts received from the following estates during the past fiscal year. Leah P. Beachy • Howard and Eva Blosser • Laverne Brunk • Wilbert H. Budd • Anna Lois Charles • Ernest Christner • Cora Crossgrove • Denton E. Croyle • Wilda Drawbond • Agnes Weaver Eigsti • Clayton Eigsti • Velma

Hirstein • Ivan and Della Miller • Roy I. Kauffman • Dorothy M. King • Luella Linder • Robert E. Lundberg • Helen G. Meyer • Ella Mae Miller • Lois M. Miller • Maxine S. Miller • Mary and Clifford Nafziger •

Harley and Alta Sauder • Irene Schloneger • Dorothy Schmitt • Marianna Stutzman • Hilda Sudermann Martin • Avon R. Yoder • Erma R. Zimmerman


Heritage Circle members are alumni, parents, faculty and staff members and other friends who have made Goshen College a beneficiary in their wills, living trusts, gift annuities, charitable trusts, life insurance plans, retirement plans or other types of deferred giving. We gratefully acknowledge these donors who are providing for the Goshen College students of the future. Anonymous (4) • David Aasen • John and Patty Abshire • Milo Albrecht • Audrey Alderfer • James and Ruth Alderfer • Kirk and Jean Alliman • Kathryn Aschliman • Donald and Patricia Bachman • Harold and Elda Bachman • Alice and Lewis Beachy • P. Edmund Bechtold • Ervin and Phyllis Beck • Palmer and Ardys Becker • Duane Beckner • Marie Beechy • Ben and Janet Beiler • Edward Belan • John and Naomi Bender • Martha and John Bender • Ivan and Romona Beyeler • Kent and Betty Birky • Melvin and Jane Birky • Thomas and Trinda Bishop • Marjorie Bixler • Don and Carolyn Blosser • Mary and Alvin Bontrager • Phillip and Lynette Bontrager • Eugene and Kathleen Bowman • Paul and Ruth Bowman • Cynthia and Clark Breeze • Howard Brembeck • G. Martin and Faye Breneman • Gerald Brenneman • Grace B. Brenneman • Rachel and Robert Brenneman • Louise Brinkmeyer • Calvin and Cheryl Britsch • Maynard and Janice Brubacher • J. Kenneth and Pamela Brubaker • Thomas and Kathy Brubaker • H. Nelson and Ruth Brunk • Mabel Brunk • Milton and Kathleen Brunk • Glendola Burkey • Sheldon and Janis Burkhalter • David and Joyce Buschert • Russell and Janet Buschert • Esther Buskirk • Rebecca Byler • Ruby and Roy Byler •

Geraldine Chan • Linda and Joseph Christophel • Esther Christy • Don and Marie Clemens • James and Charlene Clymer • Beulah and Clarence Cobb • Gladys Cone • Mark and Nancy Conrad • Nancy Conrad • Harold Cross and Lena Fabiani-Cross • Mary Croyle • Esther Deal • Maxine Derstine • Helen Detwiler • D. Edward Diener • John Dietz • Julia Dietz • Arnold and Wilmetta Dietzel • Paul and Maxine Diller • Rodney and Gwenolyn Diller • A. Irene Dorville • Rodney and Patricia Dueck • Alice Dye • Robert and Doris Ebersole • Martha and Lawrence Edel • Daniel Eigsti • Donna Eigsti • Kenneth Eigsti • Albert and Ann Fath • Helen and C. Gene Fisher • Lloyd and Evelyn Fisher • Diane and Robert Fowler • Mary and Dempwolf Frey • Lena Fricke • Paul and Rosemary Fry • Jayne and James Gall • E. Leonard and Veva Garber • Oneta Gardner • Bennet and Grace Geiser • Robert and Julia Gerber • Elinor Gerig • Gladys Gingerich • John and E. Louise Gingerich • Paul and Ann Gingrich • Frances Gleason • Martha Gleason • Harold and Doris Good • Alvin and Dolores Graber • Evelyn Graber • John and Betty Grasse • Frances and Lawrence Greaser • Dwight and Carol Grieser • Mary Groh • Ida Gross • Anne Gunden • James and Suzanne Gunden • Opal Gunden •

Ron and Linda Gunden • Ruth Gunden • E. Dale and Susan Habegger • Barth and Betty Hague • Abram Hallman • Doris Hamman • Kathryn Hamsher • Peggy Hann • Joe and Janet Harnish • Pearl Hartz • Edith Hartzler • Gregory and Eudora Hartzler • Harvey and Betty Hartzler • Rachel Hartzler • Ruth Hartzler • Hazel Hassan • Alma Heap • Esther and C. Franklyn Heatwole • Kenneth and Ruth Heatwole • Ella Mae and David Heintzelman • Jesse and Fern Heise • Paul and Lavera Helmuth • Elizabeth Hernley • Abner and Anne Hershberger • Edgar and DeElda Hershberger • Lawrence Hershberger • Virgil and Margaret Hershberger • John and Carolyn Hertzler • Marjorie Hile • Hans and Bonnie Hillerbrand • Milo and Mary Hochstedler • James Hochstetler • Ernest Hodel • Paul and Barbara Hodel • Joyce and Samuel Hofer • Edward and Jean Hollenberg • Roma Holmes • Lara and Glen Honderich • Donald and Fay Etta Horst • Kenneth and Rebecca Horst • Laurence Horst • Raymond and Ruth Ann Horst • Doris Hostetler • James C. Hostetler • Jeptha and Joyce Hostetler • John Hostetler • Mervin and Fern Hostetler • Robert and Ellen Hostetler • Evelyn Hostetler Mullet • Abram and Patricia Hostetter • Arlin and Naomi Hunsberger • Elizabeth Jacobs • Gladys Johns


• Carl and Virginia Johnson • Hilda Johnson • William and Toni Johnson • Mary Louise Kalbfleisch • Velma Kamp • Maxine Kauffman • Duane and Dorotha Kauffmann • Barbara and Richard Kaufman • Helen Kaufmann • LeRoy and Pauline Kennel • Lois and Arthur Kennel • Evonna King • Laura Ann King • Lois King • Viola King • Claramae Klink • C. Norman and Rhoda Kraus • Evelyn Kreider • Martha Kreider • Virginia Kreider • Roger and Lillian Krugh • John and Patricia Lauver • Warren Leatherman • Allon and Doris Lefever • J. E. and Emma Lehman • Jane M. Lehman • Janice Lehman • Maurice and Carol Lehman • Merritt and Dierra Lehman • Wilma Lehman Blosser • Gregory and Kathy Leichty • Lowell and Ruth Leichty • Anna V. Liechty • Daniel and Mary Liechty • Russel and Marjorie Liechty • Ruth Liechty • James Little • William and Lucille Long • Aaron and Martha Longacre • J. Michael and Deborah Loss • Ralph and Viva Lugbill • Helen Mann • Lester LeVon and Leota Mann • Barbara Martin • Clair and Guenn Martin • Ernest and Rosetta Martin • Frank and Marsha Martin • Grace Martin • Melba Martin • Ralph Martin • Richard E. Martin • Roger Martin • Ruth and Jay Martin • R. Michael and Lois Massanari • Walter Massanari • Dorothy Ferne McFarland • J. Edwin and Louise Meek • Ruth Mendenhall Barrett • Clara Mercado • Harold and Peggy Metzler • Paul and Jeanette Metzler • Ralph and Carolyn Metzler • Bart Miller and Margaret Jeschke • D. Paul Miller • Delores and Perry Miller • Donovan and Barbara Miller • Glen E. and Marilyn Miller • Kenneth and Bertha Miller • L. Edwin and Joann Miller • Lyle and Bonnie Miller • Marjora and Lawrence Miller • Mary Miller • Richard and Cheryl Miller • Virgil and Mary Ann Miller •

William and Phyllis Miller • Esther Mishler • Toby and Charles Musgrave • Eldon Dean and LaVerne Nafziger • Lowell and Diane Kae Nafziger • Roger and Laurie Nafziger • Ruth Nafziger • James and Kelly Neff • Roger and LuEtta Neumann • Larry and Janet Newswanger • David and Susan Nielsen • John and Deloris Joan Nisely • Dave and Ruby Nofziger • Myrl and Phyllis Nofziger • Margaret Norman • Gloria and Harold Nussbaum • Mary Oswald • Paul Oswald • LaVerne and Richard Petersen • Lois Pollard • Calvin and Freda Redekop • Jacob and Judith Redekop • Julie and Micky Reese • Clarence and Ruth Reeser • Olive Rich • Robert Richardson • Glenn Rinkenberger • William D. Roberts • Awilda Rohrer • Alice and Willard Roth • Larry and Rosemary Rupp • Lowell and Jueldine Rupp • Virginia Ryan • David and Jean Sack • Ray Sala • Ronald and Leanne Schertz • Vernon E. Schertz and Eleanor Milam • Mary and George Schiedel • Wendell D. Schloneger • Mabel Schmidt • Arden and Anna Belle Schmucker • Joyce Schmucker • Harold and Donna Schrock • Ronald and Nancy Schrock • Karen and David Seehusen • Kevin Segner • Werner J. Severin • Tillie and Robert E. Shank • C. Kathryn Shantz • Edith Shantz • Laura Shantz • Ada Shaum • Jennifer and Jeffrey Shenk • Stanley Shenk • Lon and Kathryn Sherer • Leslie and Frances Shetler • Linda Shetler • Arlin and Esther Shisler • Joe Short • Tim and Jane Short • Hollis and Martha Showalter • Shirley and Stuart Showalter • Mary Ann and Robert Shreiner • Kathryn Slaubaugh • Barbara Slough • Don and Jody Smith • Sally and Doug Smoker • Pauline Smucker • Clayton Sommers • Eloise Sommers • Arvilla Souder • Betty Springer • Dianne Springer Brenneman and James L.

Brenneman • Cara and Joseph Steiner • Gerald and Beulah Steiner • Mabel Steiner • Melvin and Carolyn Stjernholm • Elvin and Grace Stoltzfus • Robert Stoltzfus • Victor and Marie Stoltzfus • Virgil and Marie Strahm • Richard and Judith Stuckey • Kent and Linda Stucky • Carla and Maurice Stutzman • Johanna Sutter • Lela Sutter • M. Willis and Esther Sutter • Ed and Mary Swartzendruber • Wilma Taylor • June Templin • Nelda Thelin • Patrick and Michele Ann Tibbs • Dana O. Troyer and Mildred Yoder Troyer • G. Weldon and Frances Troyer • LeRoy and Phyllis Troyer • Loretta Troyer • Marlin and Evelyn Troyer • Ora and Mary Troyer • Rajeanna Troyer • Brent and Judith Trumbo • Franklin and Cara Ulrich • Naomi Ulrich • Ethel Umble • Barry and Marjorie Weaver • Dale and Karen Weaver • Glenn and D. Anne Weaver • Henry and Mary Weaver • Margaretha Weaver • Robert F. Weaver • Robert Weaver • Miriam Weldy • Janice Wenger • Sara Wengerd • Neva White • J. Glen and Helen Widmer • Reuben Widmer • Norman A. Wiens • Lorraine Wyse • Aden and Helen Yoder • Allen and Marie Yoder • Dennis and Nancy Yoder • Doris Yoder • Edith Yoder • Elizabeth Yoder • Ed and Theo Yoder • Gordon and Esther Yoder • Hazel M. Yoder • Hazel Yoder • Hobert and Lois Yoder • Larry Yoder • M. Pauline Yoder • Marian Yoder • Michael Yoder and Mary Lehman Yoder • Pauline Yoder • Richard and Marie Yoder • Richard W. and Barbara Yoder • Ruth H. Yoder • Sandra and James Yoder • V. Ray and Mary Yoder • Lester Kropf and Ruth Yordy • Lyle E. Yost • John and Julia Zehr • Rachel Zehr • Dorothy Zimmerman • Mark and Karene Zimmerman • Alfred Zook • Leatha Zook


Goshen College students benefit from more than 300 endowment funds and scholarships, which support both our annual operating income and student financial aid. More than half the funds provide the student scholarships that keep a quality Goshen College education affordable for all. These named scholarships and endowment funds received gifts during the 2009-2010 fiscal year.

Milo C. Albrecht Nursing Scholarship Milo Albrecht

Alumni Scholarship

Roy I. Kauffman Estate • Kenneth Walker

Landis and Steve Friesen • Lisa M. Miller • Ron and Kathy Nafziger • Lynda Reier • David Unzicker and Jenelle Basinger • Charmaine Virkler Campany and John Michael Campany • Valerie Werner and Daniel Martin

Dr. H. Clair and Florence Amstutz Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. John David Brunk Music Scholarship

ARK Clinical Nursing Scholarship

Dale Bucher Memorial Scholarship

Kevin and Jennifer Graber

Laverne Brunk Estate


David Bucher and Sharon Hoover • Florence Bucher • Anna Lois Charles Estate

Atlee & Winifred Beechy Peace Studies Endowment

Carol Beechy and Kathryn Boardman • Gerald and Karen Kreider

Bishop/Gunden Athletic Scholarship

Thomas and Trinda Bishop • Zachary Bishop and Christina Alderfer • Davidson Companies • Ron and Linda Gunden • Hewitt Associates, LLC • Seth Kauffman and Angela Gunden • Griffen and Ryan O’Shaughnessy

C. Franklin Bishop Scholarship

Suzanne Bishop • Marjorie and Wayne Guth • Bryan and Elaine Noe

Bhagwati Biyani Scholarship

Rajesh and Aarti Biyani • Microsoft Matching Gifts Program

Ratna Biyani International Student Scholarship Rajesh and Aarti Biyani

Howard and Eva Blosser Scholarship Howard and Eva Blosser Trust

Anna M. Bowman Social Work Scholarship Eric Beck and Susan Landes Beck • Jana and Steven Bergfeld • Anita Berkey and Larry Brandenburg • Jamey and Kay BontragerSinger • Jim and Sue Bowman • Paul and Dorothy Bowman • Rebecca Brown and Josh Kelly • William and Aileac Deegan • Joy and Jay Bao • Anne Gerber • Peter and Kristine Gingerich • Alicia Gingrich and Kirsten Peachey • Judith and Craig Huss • Christine

J. Lawrence and Harriet Burkholder Merit Scholarship

There were 45 donors who gave to the J. Lawrence and Harriet Burkholder Merit Scholarship. Please see “In memory of J. Lawrence Burkholder” in the Memorials and Tributes section of this report.

Robert C. Buschert Physics and Math Scholarship Marilyn and John Shelton

CBEE Endowment

Lowell and Jueldine Rupp

Donald and Marie Clemens Scholarship Denise and Michael Murphy

Thomas and Dorthy Corson Nursing Fund Corson Family Foundation, Inc.

Crossgrove Faculty and Student Research Fund Cora Crossgrove Estate

Crowe Horwath Outstanding Accounting Scholarship Crowe Horwath, LLP

Esther Showalter Deal Scholarship Esther Deal

Dintaman Martin Scholarship

James Martin and Linda Dintaman Martin

Elfrieda Klassen Dyck Compassionate Nursing Scholarship Anonymous (2) • Don and Carolyn Blosser • Robert and Lovina Brant • A. Anita Brendle • Maynard and Janice Brubacher • Monica Dalke • Mary Deslauriers • Clara Dyck • Jennifer Dyck • Michael Dyck • Paula Dyck • Peter Dyck • Rebecca Dyck and Peter Deslauriers • Sasha Dyck • Wilma and Cornelius Dyck • Mark Fox • Marilynn Gillies and Patrick Barnard • Velma and Eric Harder • Doreen Harms • David and Florence Harnish • Richard and Emily Hausman • Hugh Hazelton and Ginette Boucher • David and Jennifer Hiebert • Charles and Millicent Holzinger • Ronald and Marlene Horch • John Hostetler • Allan and Renata Klassen • Arthur C. Klassen • Frank and Ruth Klassen • Herb Klassen and Maureen HarveyKlassen • Norman Klassen • Randy and Joyce Klassen • Timothy P. Klassen • Walfried and Helene Klassen • Lenora and Dietrich Kroeker • Renata Kroeker • Rita MacDonald • E. Irene Martin • Ronald and Gudrun Mathies • Justina Neufeld and Floyd Barte • Alfred and Charlotte Neufeldt • Leonard and Mera Neufeldt • Gloria and Harold Nussbaum • Peter and Margaret Peters • Chester and Geraldine Raber • Antonio and Dorothy Ramos • John and Marlene Schwab • Deborah Scott • Raymond and Page Scott • Ruth and Jack Scott • Kenneth and Karen Sensenig • Ruth and Guenther Toews • John and Elisabeth Wieler

Peter J Dyck Peace and Justice Scholarship

There were 61 donors to the Peter J Dyck Peace & Justice Scholarship. Please see “In memory of Peter J Dyck” in the Memorials and Tributes section of this report.

Elementary Education Scholarship Sharon Muth

Environmental Scholarship

Air & Waste Management Association

Bonnie E. Herrington Fisher Scholarship Roma Holmes


Leonard and Veva Garber Endowment for Church Leadership Development E. Leonard and Veva Garber

GC Gang of the ’50s Schololarship

James and Joyce Millen • J. Robert and Helen Peifer • Patricia and Douglas J. Schmucker

Nelson Ray Geigley Scholarship for Communication

Lloyd and Mildred Hartzler Scholarship Janet and Jonathan Braslow

Sara K. Hartzler Scholarship

Gregory and Eudora Hartzler • Kelly Hartzler • L. Emil and Louise Kreider

Paul J. and Lavera S. Helmuth Scholarship

Gail E. King Research Assistantship Fund

Luke and Verna Birky • Dale and Lucile Hochstetler • Daniel Kauffman and Ann Aja • Viola King • Rebecca Roth

Al and Nellie Kuttruff Scholarship Al and Nellie Kuttruff Trust Fund

Ray and Dorothy Geigley

Fred F. Silk Charitable Foundation • Paul and Lavera Helmuth

LaJunta Mennonite School of Nursing Scholarship

Dorothy M. King Estate • Lincoln Financial Group Foundation, Inc. • Colleen Tonn

LeVon and Anita Yoder

Samuel H. and Clara Kennel Lehman Scholarship

Oswin and David Gerber Scholarship

Thomas and Joanne Holtzinger

General Endowment

Diane Eigsti Gerber • Martha Miller Ruggles and Adam M. Ruggles

Roman Gingerich Athletic Scholarship College Mennonite Church Homebuilders Class • James and Molly Gingerich • Shirley Gingerich • Steven and Cathy Gingerich • Dwight and Carol Grieser • Gladys Johns • Mary Kinsinger • Sara Wengerd • Fred and June Yoder • Melvin and Betty Yoder • Robin Yoder

Goshen Health System Graduate Nursing Scholarship Goshen Health System

Robert and Lucy Gotwals President’s Leadership Award Robert and Lucille Gotwals

Florence Grieser Memorial Nursing Scholarship Lucile Grieser

Gunden Family Fund

Aetna Foundation, Inc. • Anne Gunden • James and Suzanne Gunden • Marjorie Gunden • Opal Gunden • Ruth Gunden • Sandra and Brian Kennedy • Carl and Doris Metzler • Linda Metzler and Christopher Gill • Robert and Catherine Metzler • Rebecca and Stephen Smith • David and Rosemary Widmer

Guth/Nofziger Scholarship Myrl and Phyllis Nofziger

Charles Hahn Scholarship Marlene and Leroy Hartman

14 Goshen College Annual Report

Ronald Hoffman Athletic Scholarship Holtzinger Library Fund

Sushil and Christine Horswell Jain Endowment Christine and Sushil Jain

Richard and Mary Horswell Pinch-Penny Press Fund Christine and Sushil Jain

Mervin and Fern Hostetler Scholarship Mervin and Fern Hostetler

Charlotte Weldy Hurst Scholarship

Carl and Mary Hurst • Gerald and Glenda Hurst • Violet Miller

International Student Aid

Carl and Laura Barnett • Jean Barnett • Jonathan and Ruth Beachy • Denton E. Croyle Estate • Rachel and Peter Eash-Scott • James and Diane Hertzler • Velma Hirstein Estate • Bricianie and Gregory Jeudnez • Allen and Bernelle Kanagy • Elwin LeFevre • Kevin Miller and Rebecca Stoltzfus • Ron and Sally Jo Milne • Alexander and Julia A. Naula • Jo Ann and John Preheim • The Schowalter Foundation, Inc. • Ruth and Bruce Sellers • State Farm Companies Foundation

Carl W. and Virginia B. Johnson Nursing Scholarship Carl and Virginia Johnson

Daniel and Edith Kauffman Scholarship

William and Alta Dezort • ShopDonations.com

Mennonite Education Agency

Claramae Klink • Jane M. Lehman

Longacre Family Scholarship Aaron and Martha Longacre

Betty Lowenstein Nursing Scholarship Betty Lowenstein Trust

Manickam International Student Scholarship Timothy and Gail Manickam

Mennonite Historical Library Endowment Anonymous (1) • Kathryn Aschliman • Harold Bauman and Carolyn W. Hertzler • Ervin and Phyllis Beck • Wilbur and Fanni Birky • John and Pauline Fisher • Dwight and Carol Grieser • Stanley and Bonita King • Daniel and Mary Liechty • Gary Rassi • John Roth and Ruth Miller Roth • Barbara and George Smucker • Joe Springer and Jo-Ann Brant

Alta and A. J. Metzler Church Leadership Award Douglas and Jill Kaufman • Carl and Doris Metzler • Linda Metzler and Christopher Gill

Herman and Helen Meyer Scholarship Helen G. Meyer Estate

Glen R. Miller Chair in Chemistry

Maxine S. Miller Estate • Reuben and Annabel Widmer Charitable Remainder Unitrust There were 24 additional gifts to the Glen R. Miller Chair in Chemistry. Please see “In memory of Maxine Miller” in the Memorials and Tributes section of this report.

Elmer and Lydia Murray Scholarship John and Marilyn Murray • Mervin and Kay Reist

Raymond and Fannie Nafziger Sommer Scholarship

Anna Richard Scholarship

Philip T. Smith Memorial Scholarship Craig Springer Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Dwight Chester Nelson Scholarship

Rotary Scholarship for International Students

Nursing Scholarhsip

Lucille M. Roth Scholarship

Roger and Charlene Haines Dorothy Ferne McFarland

Milo Albrecht • Roy E. Johnson, Jr. • L. Ellen and David Morehouse

Ethel Pletcher Nusbaum Music Scholarship William and Rosemary Pletcher

Jon O. Nussbaum Scholarship Gloria and Curtis Nussbaum

Ontario Student Bursary Fund Mennonite Foundation of Canada

Paul and Dorothy Oswald Scholarship Paul Oswald

Charles E. Peachey Scholarship

Myron Lind and Joyce Peachey Lind • Sanna Yoder and Richard Walters

Sarah Fike Pletcher International Student Grant Fund William and Rosemary Pletcher

Katherine Wall Redekop Scholarship Loyal and Bertha Klassen

Reschly Accounting Scholarship Samuel C. and Jeanna M. Reschly

Beverly Robinson

Goshen Rotary Club

Anthony and Deena Roth

Milford and Rosie Roupp Music Scholarship

Stephen and Janelle Diller • Mark and Sherry Jordan • Nathaniel Jordan

Mary Royer Children’s Literature Endowment Arden and Meribeth Shank

Peter and Mattie Schertz Global Church Leadership Scholarship Russel and Marjorie Liechty

J. Mark and Nancy Schrag Environmental Science Scholarship

C. Richard Herrold • Margaret and Joseph Koucky • Kathy and Tom Petroni

Harold A. and Donna J. Schrock Nursing Scholarship Harold and Donna Schrock

Sherer Strings Preparatory Endowment Lon and Kathryn Sherer

Arthur L. Smith Scholarship Thomas K Yoder

Lois Thompson

Anonymous (1) • Matthew and Monica Beachy • Jesse and Erin Birky • David and Sara Chupp • Craig and Beth Kleinschmidt • Roger and Jennifer Prough • Kara Schmucker • Mark and Deanna Landes • Kenneth and Justine Pletcher • Andrew and Bethany Reeser • Anthony Riddle and Melissa Schertz Riddle • Monroe and Anika Yoder

Arthur and Cordelia Sprunger Art Scholarship

John Blosser and Rebecca Unternahrer • Bernard and Jo Frey • Abner and Anne Hershberger • Ronald Hurst • Judith Kauffman • Frederick Schlabach and Janet North • Rebecca and John Wetzel

SST Endowment (E. E. Miller Endowment) Arlin and Naomi Hunsberger

Lou and Wilma Stealy Music Scholarship Richard and Judith Stuckey

Chris and Elizabeth Stoltzfus Music Scholarship

C. Martin and Charlotte Stoltzfus • Larry and Janet Stoltzfus

Gareth L. Stoltzfus Memorial Music Scholarship Clair and Guenn Martin


Virgil and Marie Strahm Scholarship in Nursing

Shirley Holaway Troyer Scholarship

Sutter Family Memorial Scholarship

Basil Turner Laboratory

William Day • Judy Wenig-Horswell and Charles Horswell • Marian Wolke • Judge Ronnie Yoder and Shirley Yoder

Umble Master Class Endowment

Darlene Mathis Eddy

Virgil and Marie Strahm

Earl and Margaret Sutter • Joy Sutter • Lela Sutter • M. Willis and Esther Sutter There were 57 additional donors to the Sutter Family Memorial Scholarship. Please see “In memory of Miriam Sutter Albrecht” in the Memorials and Tributes section of this report.

Ed and Mary Swartzendruber Music Scholarship Ed and Mary Swartzendruber

Francis C. Troyer Science Education Scholarship

Kristin and Willie Ems • Jessica Lehman and Mark Murphy • Shirley Troyer

Ora and Mary Troyer International Student Scholarship Ora and Mary Troyer

Kristin and Willie Ems • Jessica Lehman and Mark Murphy • Shirley Troyer

Raymond A. Yoder Art Scholarship

Joy Martin Buschert • Russell and Janet Buschert

S. A. Yoder Memorial Lectureship in English

Youko Watari • David and Dolores Yoder

S. C. Yoder Professorship in Christian Life Service

UPS Scholarships

UPS, through Independent Colleges of Indiana, Inc.

Amy Vanlaningham Nursing Scholarship

Syracuse Church of God • Hazel and F. Helen Vanlaningham

Phyllis and Bud Wulliman Music Scholarship Bud and Phyllis Wulliman

Glen E. and Beulah Yoder Scholarship David and Dolores Yoder

Florence L. Yoder

Walter E. and Matilda Yoder Music Scholarship

Elta Ehret • Dana O. Troyer and Mildred Yoder Troyer • Michael Yoder and Mary Lehman Yoder

Edith Zehr Elementary Education Scholarship Ronald and Lila King • Rachel Zehr

Verna Zimmerman Nursing Alumni Scholarship Dorothy Schmitt Estate


The wonderful and generous support of our alumni is greatly appreciated. Between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010, our alumni contributed $2,301,833 to Goshen College. We are honored to acknowledge the alumni listed below for their financial support. Each class list is preceded by the percentage of living class members who gave, and the total amount given by the class. 1931-1939

18% – $109,495 Elda Long Bachman ’38 • Harold Bachman ’36 • J. Lawrence Burkholder ’39 (deceased 6/24/10) • Carrie Yoder Diener ’39 • Elinor Smith Gerber ’36 • Edith Schertz Hartzler ’37 • Velma Emmert Kingsley ’37 • Evelyn Burkholder Kreider ’36 • Rachel Weaver Kreider ’31 • John Lehman ’36 • Alta Hartzler Litwiller ’33 • Helen Ebersole Mann ’32 • Lawrence Maurer ’36 • Harold Schrock ’37 • Katherine Miller Schrock ’36 • Luther Shetler ’38 • May Rohrer Smucker ’39 • Evangeline Weaver Stouder ’36 • Shirley Holaway Troyer ’38 • Pauline Phillips Yoder ’37 • Lyle Yost ‘37


22% – $6,095 Elsie Bechtel • Marie Ramseyer Shisler Beechy • Elizabeth Plank Geil • Anne Wenger Gunden • Esther Kolb Hess • Audrey Harrington Michels • Eileen Bachman Schertz • Geneva

16 Goshen College Annual Report

Stamm Shetler • Dana Troyer • Dwight Weldy • Marjorie Conrad Weldy • Kathleen Zehr • Leatha Richard Zook

Marion Eigsti Nunemaker • J. Glen Widmer • David Yoder


28% – $11,505 Helen Wade Alderfer • Suzanne Harnish Bishop • D. Edward Diener • Inez Snyder Diener • Elta Yoder Ehret • Ada Brenneman Fisher • Rachel Swartzendruber Fisher • Robert Fisher • Paul Goering • Lucile Grieser • Galen Johns • Verda Lambright Kauffman • Viola Zehr King • Warren Leatherman • Harold Lehman • Norman Loux (deceased 5/20/10) • Paul Martin • Bernice Meyer Miller • C. Milford Paul

30% – $1,835 Lola Schertz Basinger • Ruth Inbody Bullis • Miriam Stalter Charles • Esther Stiver Christy • Arnold Dietzel • Shirley Erb Gingerich • John Jennings (deceased 6/18/10) • Estelle Sutter Krabill • Allen Miller • Sturges Miller • Lois Schertz • Doris Geiser Swinehart • C. James Swope • Thelma Huston Thomas • Elsie Birkey Yoder • Charlotte Zehr


22% – $6,115 Marion Albrecht • Kathryn Rutt Combs • Lester Culp • George Falb • Lloyd Fisher • Myra Roeschley Gunden • Virginia Stalter Kreider • Lester Kropf • Freda Maust LaMar • Genevieve Warner Lehman • Lois Miller •



32% – $31,159 Anonymous (1) • Milo Albrecht • Lois Litwiller Buckwalter • Ruby Fisher Byler • Grace Stamm Eicher • Priscilla Miller Falb • Beulah Litwiller Gonzalez • A. Meryl Grasse

• Mervin Hostetler • Areta Graber Lehman • Margaret Swope Lehman • Ruth Yoder Liechty • Dorothy Miller Nelson McFarland • Mary Jo Schrock Snyder • Franklin Steiner • Betty Stutzman Ulrich • Wilfred Ulrich • Mary Helen Yoder Wade • Ruth Ellen Yoder


21% – $9,722 Ralph Gerber • Florence Roth Gerig • Opal Barkey Gunden • Esther Sevits Hershberger • Joseph Horner • Fern Yoder Hostetler • Paul Leatherman • J. Robert Martin • Robert Miller • John Nunemaker • Mary Oyer • Alberta Augsburger Rensberger • Frances Beck Reynolds • Arthur Smucker • Gail Yoder • Mildred Yoder Troyer • Ruth Miller Yordy • Dorothy Zook Zeiset


29% – $5,103 Anonymous (2)) • Royal Bauer • Harold Bauman • I. James Eshleman (deceased 4/12/10) • Paul Friesen • Kenneth Heatwole • Ruth Kreider Heatwole • Carolyn Weaver Hertzler • Thelma Kauffman • Ellene Long Miller • Winifred Erb Paul • Allen Schrock • Doris Reynolds Schrock • Wilma Hollopeter Shank • Esther Eash Yoder • Wilma Yoder • Alice Hostetter Zercher


30% – $13,265 Ray Bair • Ruth Bauman • Donald Berry • Mabel Brunk • Beulah Schrock Buller • Charlene Showalter Christophel • Mary Schnell Croyle • Maxine Troyer Derstine • Velma Swartzendruber Esch • Walter Good • Marjorie Nafziger Gunden • Donald Jacobs • Evonna Myers King • Floyd Litwiller • Alvina Miller Livengood • John Martin • Lavern Studer Mikesell • D. Paul Miller • Marjora Short Miller • Mary Nafziger • Elaine Sommers Rich • Awilda Miller Rohrer • Sara Stoltzfus • Ethel Miller Stutzman • Marcella Franz Wiebe • Edith Yordy


39% – $36,090 Anonymous (1) • Lois Blosser Amstutz • Alice Perry Balmer • Carl Beck • Lois Garber Byler • Genevieve Casida Cochley • John Fisher • Pauline Clemens Fisher • Edna Buller Gerber • Ellis Gerber • Marjorie Harnish Guth • Doris Miller Hartman • Jesse Heise • Wilma Carpenter Hoover • Ruth Yoder Hunsberger

• Maxine Kauffman • Miriam Kauffmann • Lucille Good Kennedy • Lois Smeltzer King • Lois Meyer King • Rachel Litwiller • Adele Haddad McCarus • J. Virgil Miller • Virginia Dayton Moreland • Betty Augsburger Moyer • Mark Moyer • Berniece Landis Nafziger • Edith Swartzendruber Nafziger • Roger Neumann • Helen Snyder Reusser • David Shank • Billy Smith • Phyllis Sprunger Suter • Lela Sutter • Loretta Troyer • Mary Herr Weaver • Stanley Weaver • Miriam Weldy • Miriam Haarer Wellington • Paul Witter • Esther Detwiler Yoder


35% – $7,545 Anonymous (1) • Henry Baerg • Lillian Oswald Bair • Arletta Roth Bare • Genevieve Lehman Buckwalter • Helen Witmer Burkholder • Jeanette Krabill Christner • Gladys Hershberger Cone • Fern Troyer Erb • Jacob Flisher • Gerald Geiger • Simon Gingerich • Gladys Landis Grasse • Mildred Detrow Grim • Pearl Hartz • Martha Hernley Heath • Fern Hershey Heise • Martha Ann Kanagy • Ivan Kauffmann • Claramae Lehman Klink • Clarence Leichty • Wilma Ewert Leichty • Melvin Loewen • Rosetta Blosser Martin • Doris Gunden Metzler • Geneva Ulrich Meyer • Vernon Meyer • Ellen Miller • Margaret Troyer Miller • Mervin Nafziger • Tillie Yoder Nauraine (deceased 2/27/10) • LuEtta Nafziger Neumann • Charlene Heatwole Nielsen • Olive Rich • Emma Sommers Richards • Maurine Bauer Sawatzky • L. Eloise Miller Schrock • Ada Shaum • Ila June Litwiller Shoemaker (deceased 8/23/10) • Melinda Jost Smith • Mabel Smeltzer Steiner • Daniel Stoltzfus • Rosalie Garber Stoltzfus (deceased 12/3/09) • Gladys Stoltzfus Sweigart • Lillian Nice Unzicker • Kenneth Walker • Peter Wiebe • Rheta Mae Hostetler Wiebe • Gertrude Moyer Witter • Doris Yoder Wortinger • Ardis Brenneman Zerger


33% – $21,750 Lucille Shank Allen • Clifford Amstutz • Cora Garber Askren • Arthur Beck • Byron Bender • Lois Graber Bender • Mary Bender • Luke Birky • Miriam Moyer Birky • Marjorie Atwater Bixler • Irma Ebersole Bowman • Betty Swartzendruber Buckwalter • Joy Martin Buschert • Arthur Byler • Theodore Cline • John Cullar • Julia Latta Dietz • Mildred Schumacher Dymond • Elwood Graber •

Charles Harnish • Robert Harnish • Ruth Martin Harnish • Harold Hartman • Arlene Landis Hege • Mildred Miller Hess • Alfred Hoover • John Hostetler • Richard Hostetler • Wendell Hostetler • Wilbur Hostetler • Willard Hunsberger • Thomas Kintigh • Murray Krabill • David Lehman • Jay Lehman • Paul Liechty • Lona Deter Litwiller • Mary Ann Troyer Litwiller • Ernest Martin • Albert Meyer • Jocele Thut Meyer • Donald Miller • Edna Guth Miller • Ivan Miller • Mary Detweiler Miller • Vern Miller • Vernon Miller • Donald Minter • T. Carroll Moyer • Vesta Moyer • Myrl Nafziger • Twila Hostetler Nafziger • D. Lowell Nissley • Mary Ellen Grieser Nofziger • Shirley Troyer Peachey • Julia Smucker Penner • Chester Raber • Mary Fisher Regier • Ellen Miller Riegsecker • Opal Ripley • Esther Kreiss Risser • Alan Roth • Oscar Roth • Reynold Sawatzky • Celesta Gascho Snyder • Robert Stoltzfus • Josephine Lehman Swartzendruber • Mervin Swartzentruber • Arlie Hershberger Weaver • Marian Smith Wenger (deceased 1/6/10) • John Yoder • Lillian Zook Yoder • Melvin Yoder


34% – $28,980 Anonymous (1) • Donald Bachman • Russell Berkey • Gladys Long Bertsche • Rebecca Troyer Bixler • A. Allen Brinklow • Grace Stahl Brubaker • Lowell Byler • Miriam Kauffman Byler • Felix Canal • Donald Driver • Martin Friedmann • Eldon Gerig • Miriam Sensenig Gingerich • Owen Gingerich • A. Ruth Nafziger Good • Lorene Nafziger Good • Robert Gotwals • Joyce Long Graber • Madelene Yoder Gregor • James Greiner • Esther Bixler Heatwole • Dale Hochstetler • Lucile Conrad Hochstetler • George Horst • Helen King Hostetler • Elizabeth Bixel Jeschke • Hilda Bixler Johnson • Benjamin Kenagy • Alta Snyder Krabill • Kathryn Miller Lorentzen • Helen Hostetler Miller • Lois Frey Miller • Olive Grace Yoder Miller • Mary Miller Oja • C. Evan Oswald • William Pletcher • Lois Davidson Pollard • Donald Reber • Joellen Metzler Schurr • Jacob Shenk • Kenneth Shoemaker • Bernard Showalter • Dean Slagel • Dorothy Schrock Slagel • Harvey Snyder • Doris Yoder Spicher • Kenneth Steider • M. Willis Sutter • Thelma Derstine Swartzendruber • Dorothy Keller Unger • Wayne Unzicker • Harold Weaver • Norman Wiens • Betty Ebersole Yoder • Gordon Yoder • Marilyn Burkholder Yoder • Zelda Yoder • Carl Zehr



33% – $27,895 Alice Swihart Alvarez • Mahlon Amstutz • LaRelda Nafziger Birky • James Bixler • John Bixler • Ina Ruth Krabill Breckbill • John Burkholder • Susan Herr Burkholder • Curtis Byer • Herman Diener • Juanita Pletcher Dietz • Maxine Frey Diller • Paul Diller • Peter Dyck (deceased 1/4/10) • Roy Eby • Vera Good • Lucille Yoder Gotwals • Esther Buckwalter Graber • Ronald Graber • Beth Centz Grendahl • Arlene Grieser • David Groh • Ruth Gunden • Cleo Hartzler • Hazel Nice Hassan • Mary Jane Lederach Hershey • Beulah Troyer Horst • Cletus Hostetler • David Hostetler • Patricia Lerch Hostetter • Florence Goodman Hower • Leonard Hurst • Margaret Meyer Irvin • Glendon Jantzi • Velma Frey Kamp • Paul King • Betty Hostetler Kolb • Jacob Landis • Luella Linder (deceased 2/18/10) • George Mark • Harold Metzler • James Miller • Jean Carper Miller • Stella Schultz Miller • Doris Holaway Nafziger • Myron Oesch • Iris Yoder Peachey • Barbara Bender Reber • Octavio Romero • Mabel Guengerich Schmidt • Wilmer Sears • Miriam Troyer Showalter • Robert Smith • Kenneth Snyder • Donald Sommer • Mary Stahly • Earl Sutter • Margaret Kauffman Sutter • Marilyn Helmuth Voran • Mary Eby Weaver • Herbert Wenger • Ethel Birky Wengerd • Carol Hostetler Yoder • Samuel Yoder • Vera Beyler Yoder • Vernelle Yoder


45% – $93,219 Ferne Imhoff Bachman • Leona Yoder Baker • John Bender • Naomi Hertzler Bender •

18 Goshen College Annual Report

Goldie Severn Boese • Warren Bontrager • Gerald Brenneman • Mary Conrad Brenneman • Evelyn Hartzler Bushong • Esther Berkey Cender • R. Charlotte Hertzler Croyle • Esther Showalter Deal • Marian Stover Douglas • Mervin Eigsti • Irene McCoy Farrand • Mary Rohrer Frey • Joseph Freyenberger • Maggie Glick • Mary Groh • Leonard Gross • Glen Habegger • Florence Rheinheimer Harnish • Rodney Herr • Joyce Eigsti Hofer • Roma Herrington Holmes • Clair Hoover • James Hostetler • Rosanna Yoder Hostetler • Abram Hostetter • Gene Kanagy • Caroline Morse Landry • Elwin LeFevre • Ruby Swartzendruber Lehman • Marjorie Schertz Liechty • Russel Liechty • Nancy Yoder Long • Ralph Lugbill • David Mann • Evelyn Camp Marquiss • Lucinda Martin • Julia King Megnin • Alta Roth Mellinger • Johannes Meyer • Beverly Shellenberger Miller • James Miller • Eldon Nafziger • Marilyn Logan Newsom • Nathan Nussbaum • Galen Otto • Clarence Reeser • Ruth Bixler Reeser • H. Joanne Keller Rivera • Caroll Hostetler Roth • Dolorez Good Roth • Paul Roth • Ethel Henry Rush • Patricia Brenneman Santiago • Mary Kathryn Sauder • Joyce Mishler Schmucker • Elizabeth Stieglitz Scruggs • Doris Good Shoemaker • Eleanor Davidhizar Shoup • Samuel Smeltzer • Eloise Lambright Sommers • Frederick Speckeen • Edward Stoltzfus • Mildred Graber Stoltzfus (deceased 1/29/10) • Bertha Wenger Swarr • Emery Swartzendruber • Paul Swartzentruber • G. Weldon Troyer • Dale Weldy • Rebecca Sprunger Wetzel • Aden Yoder • Florence Yoder • Geneva Spicher Yoder • Helen Kandel Yoder • James Yoder • Kathryn Gregory Yoder • Mary Ellen Yoder • Gail Miller Yoder Neville • Lois

Hostetler Young-Bjerkestrand


39% – $37,790 Anonymous (2) • Willard Albrecht • Kathryn Aschliman • Ross Bender • Charlotte Burkhart Biris • DeWayne Bontrager • Willis Breckbill • Kathryn Smucker Brenneman (deceased 3/31/10) • Audley Bruce • NaiKwang Chang • J. Stanley Charles • James Christophel • Caroline Moser Detwiler • Helen Thut Detwiler • Catharine Brunk Eash • Willard Ebersole • Janice Roth Freyenberger (deceased 8/12/10) • Paul Fry • Rosemary Blosser Fry • Anna Rose Schmucker Fuentes • Luella Albrecht Gerig • Barbara Detweiler Gleysteen • Harry Graber • J. Lester Graybill • Roger Haines • Doris Birky Hook Hall • Victor Hartzler • Edward Herr • C. LaMar Holaway • Darrel Hostetler • Marian Hostetler • Marian Brendle Hostetler • Annabelle Conrad Hughes • Gerald Hughes • Kenneth Imhoff • Allen Kanagy • Wilma Leichty Kanagy • Dale Kauffman (deceased 6/9/10) • Regina Kauffman • Vera Stauffer Kauffman • Darlene Metzler Landes • J. Clyde Landes • Roland Landes • June Moyer Landis • Naomi Kauffman Lederach • Gilda Kratzer (Nafziger) Lehman • Jane Lehman • Anna Liechty • Kenneth Long • Jean Ann Aschliman Longacre • Mona Aeschliman Mann • Geneva Kauffman Martin • Melvin Martin • Lois Merillat May • Mary Ellen Yoder Meyer • D. Richard Miller • Kenneth Miller • Marilyn Oswald Miller • Marvin Miller • Esther Alderfer Moyer • LaVerne Vogt Nafziger • Wayne North • Murlene Garber Oesch • Joyce Nyce Osborne • Millard Osborne • Geraldine Landis Raber •

James Reusser • Betty Stutzman Rheinheimer • Colene Aschliman Rich • Thelma Ackerson Roll • Lorraine Roth • Genevieve Leichty Schwartzentruber • Edith Shantz • Esther Shaum • Kathryn Summers Sherer • Wilma Pletcher Srof • Lydia Schlabach Tester • Mary Jean Troyer • George Unger (deceased 1/29/10) • Joan Strauss Walsh • Margot Stauffer Wiebe • E. Louise Croyle Wigle • David Yoder • Dolores Stump Yoder • Neta Faye Sweigart Yoder • Virgil Yoder


37% – $57,619 Joseph Alderfer • Julia Ebersole Amstutz • Carolyn Brooks Blosser • John Bohn • Eugene Clemens • Phyllis Nelson Clodfelter • James Delp • Bernice Gregory Dick • Ruth Fleming Eddy • Victor Esch • Charles Firebaugh • Elaine Rocke Gerber • Jan Gleysteen • Eileen Rutt Graybill • Mary Burkhart Groh • Alta Perry Grossman • David Haarer • David Harnish • Dean Hartman • Donna Barkey Hartman • Bonnie Brunk Hillerbrand • Hans Hillerbrand • Barbara Thut Holaway • Naomi Derstine Hunsberger • Mary Ann Heiser Jost • Raymond Kauffman • Ray Keim • Clifford King (deceased 5/19/10) • Emily Workman Lantz • David Leatherman • Eileen Hartzler Lehman • Thelma Burton Lockwood • Arlene Martin Mark • Eva Byers Martin • Lois Hurst Mast • Deloris Herr Meiners • Carl Metzler • Jeanette Keener Metzler • Paul Metzler • Miriam Gross Meyer • Anna Nofziger Miller • James Miller • Phyllis Ramseyer Miller • Violet Hurst Miller • William Miller • Doris Amstutz North • Margaret Yoder Oyer • Carolyn Yoder Sauder • Vernon Schertz • Wolfgang Schultz • Wilbert Shenk • Catherine Snyder Siebert • Beatrice Hilty Slabach • Evelyn Hartzler Smith • Earl Sommers • Margaret Gerber Stoltzfus • Marie Habegger Strahm • Betty Kauffman Stutzman • Frances Mumaw Troyer • Marjorie Yoder Waybill • Robert Weaver • Helen Eicher Weldy • Gerald Wilson • Barbara Roth Yoder • Betty Burkey Yoder • Carol Sommer Yoder • Lonabelle Jantzi Yoder • Marilyn Rufenacht Yoder • Marvin Yoder • Richard Yoder • W. Jay Zehr


37% – $23,692 Anonymous (1) • Violet Keens Barr • Lois Dayton Byler Morauski • Gene Caskey • Ruth Wismer Cender • Ila Eichelberger Dennis • Eleanor Yordy Dooner • Vada Kauffman Egli • Lillian Amstutz Fox • Sara Yoder Frey • Ester

Good • Maynard Good • Martha Harshbarger Gordon • Lois Brenneman Gugel • Charlene Sommer Haines • Paul Helmuth • Paul Herr • Floyd Hershberger • Raymond Hoover • Ralph Hunsberger • Elizabeth Beyeler Jacobs • Bernelle Good Kanagy • Dale Kanagy • Lois Ruth Kennel • Anna Rose Nafziger Kiesow • Mary Ann Hostetler King Pratt • James Kratz • Dorothy Reil Kuhns • Julia Steiner Leatherman • Freeman Lehman • Lois Gisel Leidig • Robert Lerch • Dean Mann • E. Jean Detwiler Mann • Mary Hostetler Mann • Ruth Litwiller Mark • Ruth Hartzler Martin • Glenda Frey Mast • Barbara Dirks Miller • Patricia Mishler Miller • Arlene Smucker Moore • Doris Souder Morgan • Mae Nitzsche Mumaw • Audrey Musselman • Carol Nebel • Fridtjof Nussbaumer • J. Robert Peifer • Beulah Esch Raber • Merrill Raber • Gerhard Reimer • Myron Roll • Wilmer Rutt • Cora Cable Schertz • Esther Troyer Shaum • Daniel Smith • Donna Gerber Smucker • Mary Lu Imhoff Smucker • Pauline Smucker • Ronald Smucker • W. Frederick Springer • Wilma Kaufman Springer • Ruth Yoder Stauffer • Geneva Swartzendruber Stoltzfus • Glenn Stoltzfus • Marie Althouse Stoltzfus • Victor Stoltzfus • W. Dale Stutzman • Janet Hostetler Swartzentruber • Marlin Troyer • Carol Jean Roupp Weber • Ardith Schertz Wilson • Donna Swartzendruber Wirges • Don Wittrig • Meredeth Miller Wittrig • Carol Miller Zehr • Myron Zerger • Velma Zimmerly Shoup • John Zook • Rosemary Stieglitz Zook


37% – $24,623 A. Jane Trumbo Alderfer • Vernice Bixler • Harold Bontreger • Norma Ehret Boyer • Elsie Zuercher Byler • Mary Martin Christophel • Agnes Classen-Schertz • Vada Hostetler Clemens • Ardis Kennel Cowerd • Ruth Hostetler Craig • Ruth Kauffman Detweiler • Aaron Eby • Lawrence Eby • Mary Jane Breneman Eby • Myrna Kinsinger Farraj • Leonard Geiser • Linea Reimer Geiser (deceased 2/4/10) • Harry Gerber • David Helmuth • Delia Leichty Herr • Barbara Amstutz Hodel • Paul Hodel • Anna Joyce Cooprider Hoff • Carl Hurst • Janet Lambright Kanagy • Dale Kaser • Willard Kaser • Irene Overholt Kauffman • Marilyn Frey Kay • Jean Sutter King • John King • Eleanor Graber Kreider • Jane Schloneger Landes • Roy Landis • Henry Langeman • Arvilla Weaver Langsdale • John Lederach • Celia Gerber Lehman • Louis Lehman • Marilyn Baker Lehman • Marion Lehman • Annabelle

Stuckey Lerch • Janet Miller Litwiller • Aaron Longacre • John Mann (deceased 6/17/10) • Lester Mann • Arthur Martin • E. Irene Zook Martin • Truman Mast • Erwin Mellinger • James Millen • Joyce Burkhart Millen • B. J. Miller • Glen Miller • John Miller • Sylvia Neumann Miller • W. Duane Miller • Marilyn Liechty Moffett • Faye Hochstetler Nyce • Joan Wegenek Oswald • Helen Stoesz Peifer • Lena Smeltzer Pettiford • Frances Prough • Lois Landwater Rhodes • Alice Metzler Roth • Roger Roth • Virginia Brenneman Ryan • Frances Stieglitz Schiller • Betty Hostetler Schmidt • Willeane Beyeler Schrock • Earl Schwartzentruber • Juanita Brenneman Shenk • Kathryn Slaubaugh • Stanley Smucker • A. Elizabeth Snyder Stemen • Doris Stutzman • Elinor Esch Surgener • Hildegarde Reimer Terry • Shirley Amstutz Toole • Willis Troyer • Carol Greider Unruh • Winifred Mumaw Wall • Elnora Mumaw Weaver • Leland Weldy • Carl Yoder • Hazel Zehr Yoder • Janet Yoder • Nadine Byler Yoder • Phyllis Yoder • Terry Yoder • Theodosia Hartzler Yoder • Floyd Zehr • Pearl Bauman Zehr • M. Joan King Zook


37% – $117,835 Merlin Aeschliman • Carol Teuscher Beachey • Palmer Becker • Ruth Sommers Bixler • Velma Blosser • Marylin Ebersole Boyer • Stanley Boyer • Shirley Kratz Brandes • Lois Yoder Brubacher • Carley Eash Brubaker • David Buschert • Gerald Buzzard • Richard Camp • Mary Gotwals Carroll • James Conrad • Mary Alice Schantz Conrad • Lois Deter • Lowell Detweiler • Irvin Detwiler • Wanda Longacre Domer • Bernice Klaassen Esau • Doris Gnagey • Alvin Graber • Joan Reedy Griffith • Robert Hamsher • Marjorie Smith Harms • Verle Headings • Anne Krabill Hershberger • John Hertzler • Donald Horst • Fay Etta Weaver Horst • Marjorie Brubacher Jackson • A. Sophia Keens Johnson • Winnifred Schmucker Johnson • Grace Mattar Kelley • Bertha Redekop Klassen • Rosella Hostetler Kliewer • Phyllis Rensberger Kornhaus • Mildred Sherk Kreider • Betty Wenger Litwiller • Edna Hertzler Litwiller • Constance Brenneman Longacher • Phyllis Lehman Lyndaker • Mildred Saltzman McGinnis • Carolyn Burkholder Miller • Delmar Miller • Lavonna Miller • Martha Yoder Miller • Angel Miranda • Carolyn Swartzendruber Nafziger • Alice Zehr Newcomer • Donald Nyce • Edith Snyder Pekarek • Rosemary Wyse Reimer • Anna Jean Gerber Rios • Corine Short ALUMNI AND FRIENDS GIVING REPORT 19

Samuelson • David Schenk • Leanne Fricke Schertz • Ronald Schertz • Doris Metzler Smeltzer • Walter Smeltzer • Merle Sommers • Leah Yoder Strouse • Melvin Sweigart • John Troyer • M. Jean Birky Troyer • Barbara Roth Unzicker • Melvin Voran • Nelson Waybill • D. Anne Harnish Weaver • Glenn Weaver • Robert Weaver • Truman Weaver • Carol Mast Webster • Dorothy Imhoff Wegman • Marion Wenger • Paul Wenger • J. Ivan Wengerd • Elvin Yoder • Keith Yoder • LeVon Yoder • Marceil Hartzler Yoder • Sharon Weirich Yoder • Avery Zook • Joyce Gingerich Zuercher • William Zuercher


31% – $24,046 Anonymous (1) • Kenneth Amstutz • Ervin Beck • Phyllis Lauver Beck • Verda Hostetler Bialac • James Bixler • Donald Blosser • Lewis Brubacher • Robert Byler • Sue Ann Miller Byler • Arlene Clemens • M. Louise Buckwalter Dean • Althea Alderfer Detwiler • Ellen Penner Ebersole • Bertha Beachy Eby • Darlene Mathis Eddy • Ada Kaufman Enzen • John Esau • Victor Fast • Nancy Fisher • Robert Frey • John Garber • Mary Zimmerman Gardner • Fran Kaufman Gerber • Phyllis Miller Gerber • Doris Gingrich • Dolores Kauffman Graber • Carl Gusler • Vivian Amstutz Headings • Joanne Yoder Holtzinger • Marguerite Schultz Holzworth • Gordon Hostetler • John Ingold • Margaret Miller Ingold • Vivian Tyson Kaser • Delores Schwartzentraub Kirkwood • Shirley Martin Kowaleski • Janice Luckenbill • Norman Lyndaker • Donald Marquis • Allen Martin • Fern Cender Martin • Jay Martin • A. Eugene Miller • Donald Miller • Gerald Miller • James Miller • Ned Miller • T. Jean Maurer Miller • Lora Esch Miranda • Mary Lou Yantzi Morse • Janice Stickel Mullet • Maurice Mullet • Jerry Newcomer • James Nussbaum • John Nyce • Joyce Metzler Petro • LaVera Miller Ressler • Velma Shenk Ross • Arnold Roth • Lucille Schultz Roth • Gerald Schweitzer • Norma Roeschley Slagell • Geneva Steiner Smucker • Lila Amstutz Smucker • Marlene Rufenacht Smucker • Ralph Smucker • Donald Snyder • Larry Stoltzfus • Virgil Strahm • Leon Stutzman • Raul Tadeo • Donald White • Donald Yoder • Larry Yoder • Maxine Mumaw Yoder • Orville Yoder • Mervin Zook


28% – $20,625 Kathleen Harley Aeschliman • Julia Rohrer 20 Goshen College Annual Report

Beyeler • Maribel Beyler • Jane Zehr Birky • David Brunner • Mary Burkholder • Jon Clemens • Mark Conrad • Nancy Gerber Conrad • Anna Lois Zimmerly Copeland • Harold Cross • Doris Kennel Delp • Louise Miller Dietzel • Howard Dils • Clara Wideman Dintaman • Dale Eash • Mary Jane Mumaw Fast • Leora Hostetler Gerber • Melba Martin Gerber • A. Kay Gingerich Gusler • Grace Hartzler • Marilyn Keller Hayden • Lavera Sommers Helmuth • Carolyn Lehman Henry • Abner Hershberger • William Hooley • Phyllis Davenport Hostetler • Lois Conrad Kauffman • Sam Kaufman • Verna Swope Kerns • Martha Landes King • D. Wayne Kornhaus • M. Grace Leatherman • Gary Lehman • Christopher Leuz • Milton Litwiller • Lorna Linder Longenecker • Nevin Longenecker • Marian Landis Martin • Orlene Stuckey Mason • Elaine Kleer Miller • Kristine Miller • LaVonne Eschliman Miller • M. DeVon Miller • Maurice Miller • Clara Moyer • John Murray • E. Wayne Nafziger • L. Caroline Nebel • Donald Nofziger • Vietta Cender Nofziger • Eldina Miller Nussbaum • Velda Mast Rohrer • Philip Roth • Margaret Swartzendruber Ryan • Shirley Kauffman Sager • Joyce Schertz • Theron Schlabach • Yvonne Hofer Schnarr • Wallace Shellenberger • Denzel Short • Dale Sloat • Carl Smeltzer • Margaret Rupp Smeltzer • Lavonne Taylor Smith • George Smucker • James Stemen • Carolyn Morrison Stoll • Dale Stoll • Jo Ann Troyer Sumner • Eileen Berry Swanson • Nelda Rhodes Thelin • Robert Thomas • Aden Troyer • Ann Sommer Troyer • Ora Troyer • Theodore Walter • Ruth Stahly Weldy • Samuel Wenger (deceased 5/15/10) • Martyne Ruth Wetzel • Lynn Williams • Anita Hoffman Yoder • Leroy Yoder • Marian Smith Yoder • Ruth Hockman Yoder • Dorothy Yoder Nyce • Allen Zehr • Dean Zehr • Eldon Zehr • Rachel Zehr • Albert Zook


35% – $66,750 Anonymous (1) • Jacob Alderfer • James Alderfer • Ruth Hess Alderfer • Rosemary Egli Anderson • Shirley Albrecht Bachman • Sharon Long Baker • Jean Bender • Lavonne Gisel Bixler • Eunice Beyeler Brenneman • William Brenneman • Grace Birky Busenitz • Donald Clemens • Catherine Lyndaker Dannan • Jane Alderfer Diseroad • Janet Williams Dover (deceased 8/15/10) • Wilma Regier Dyck • Rebecca Miller Fast • Esther Ventura Garay • Johanna Gehman • Robert Gerber • Avon Yoder Good • Deloris Graber Good • Helen

Good • Leland Good • Clayton Gotwals • Rachel Bixler Guedea • Velma Schmidt Hadley • Martha Harshberger Helmuth • Gordon Hershberger • Lotus Hershberger • James Hertzler • E. Joy Yoder Hess • Catherine Schloneger Hochstetler • Russell Hochstetler • Carol Hoover (deceased 3/14/10) • Karl Hostetler • Ronald Hostetler • Ruth Yu Hsiao • Larry Huneryager • Erma King Kauffman • Harold Kauffman • Thelma Reimer Kauffman • John Keiser • Margaret Schumacher Keiser • Stanley King • Kathryn Shantz Leatherman • Phyllis Schloneger Lehman • Lois Gross Leuz • Wendell Litwiller • Paul Longacre • Lawrence Manglitz • Thomas Marquis • Allan Mast • James Mast • Norma Kornhaus Mast • Wilma Teuscher Mast • Leonard Metzler • Daniel Miller • Lester Miller • Mark Miller • Myrtle Stoltzfus Miller • Nancy Reedy Miller • Janice Nafziger • Ruth Gisel Nafziger • Dolores Gerber Nussbaum • Gloria Amstutz Nussbaum • Alyce Nyce Peifer • N. Donald Peifer • Ruth Eby Penner • Delores Lambright Pettengill • Madonna Atwater Price • Marvin Reimer • James Rhodes • M. David Rohrer • Myrl Sauder • Mary Hunsberger Schiedel • Marion Schrock • Mildred Schrock • Verna Rohrer Schrock • Marian Histand Schwabbauer • Earl Sears • Jane Falb Sears • Tillie Anderson Shank • Richard Slagell • John Smith • Ralph Smucker • Linda Zuercher Sommer • Marilyn Litwiller Studer • Milton Troyer • Elaine Yoder Unzicker • Grace Sommers Whitehead • D. Byron Yake • Myrtis Shore Yake • Evangeline Yoder • Lowell Yoder • Mary Ann Short Yoder • Orville Yoder • P. Kenneth Yoder • Russel Yoder • Ila Long Zimmerly • Lois Martin Zimmerly • Marlin Zook • Cecilia Wesdorp Zubler


31% – $32,283 Marlene Landis Alderfer • L. Sanford Alwine • Rose Marie Batch Jorgeson • Melvin Birky • Raymond Book • Edna Yoder Brugger • Fern Brunner • James Byler • Phyllis Lehman Collier • Eleanor Yoder Derstine • Marjorie Springer Detweiler • Homer Detwiler • Delores Histand Friesen • J. Stanley Friesen • Mildred Hoshaw Geiger • Delmar Good • John Gotwals • Daniel Haarer • Harvey Hartzler • Judith Hieser Hershberger • Owen Hess • Kathryn Hunsberger Histand • Patricia Cosby Holcomb • James Horsch • Jeptha Hostetler • Joyce Metzler Hostetler • Merle Hostetler • Christine Horswell Jain • David Kanagy • James Kauffman • Norman Kauffmann •

Stanley Kaufman • Loyal Klassen • Richard Krabill (deceased 12/23/09) • Alan Kreider • Lois Swedberg Lambright • Wayne Lambright • Gordon Lapp • Alice Weldy Lehman • Rachel Nafziger Lindsay • Frederick Litwiller • R. Beryl Martin • Bernadine Beck Mast • Jeannene Reschly Mast • Barbara Stoltzfus Miller • Dale Miller • Donovan Miller • Lois Barkey Miller • Margaret Rensberger Miller • Judith Wies Ney • Mary Miller Nixon • Mary Jo Cender Oswald • Chester Peachey • Marilyn Parsons Rappatta • Janet Umble Reedy • Stanley Reedy • Alice Yoder Risser • Mary Schrock Rogoff • Samuel Rolon • Barbara Streeter Schalliol • Roy Schlabach • B. Loreen Lewis Schlemmer • Vera Zook Schmucker • Ruth Schlabach Shaum • Velorous Gingrich Shearer • Shirley Wyse Shenk • Alice Shoemaker • Macy Friedt Steckley • Gary Stoltz • Robert Summers • Royal Unzicker • Carolyn Smucker Vanice • Arlene Peifer Walter • Mary Ann Troyer Watkins • Julia Brandeberry Weaver • Ryk Weber • Donna Yoder • Eileen Yoder • Elizabeth Gingerich Yoder • Ilse Hodel Yoder (deceased 5/28/10) • LaJane Richer Yoder • Perry Yoder • Richard Yoder • Robert Yoder • Elwin Zook

1963 26% – $60,410 Jeannette Sprunger Bechtel • Jeanette Wyse Beck • Wilbur Birky • Robert Bontrager • Joyce Kauffman Brenneman • Rebecca Kaser Brubacher • Maurice Brubaker • Janice Eicher

Brunk • Robert Brunk • Leonard Byler • Mary Cender Miller • Mary Lee Nyce Chittick • Jewell Yordy Coleman • Wanda Sundheimer Croft • Donald Diller • Diane Eigsti Gerber • Althea Engle • Mary Lehman Esh • Nancy Lapp Falconer • Phyllis Frey • G. Weldon Friesen • Lawrence Garber • Julia Yoder Gerber • Ida Gross • Karen Bontrager Hadley • Jon Hartzler • Timothy Histand • Daniel Hochstetler • Oren Horst • Philip Horst • Charles Hostetter • Glenda Gautsche Hurst • Norma Johnson • Mary Louise Mumaw Kalbfleisch • Lou Ann Richer Kanagy • Gordon Kauffman • Joan Schertz Kaufman • Stephen Kim • Calvin King • Patricia Forrester Kratzer • Jon Lapp • Keith Leinbach • Faye Newcomer Litwiller • Mary Mast Litzinger • Nancy Rudy Martin • Lois Shetler Massanari • R. Michael Massanari • Rhoda Nyce Massanari • Ronald Massanari • H. Charles Mellinger • William Meyers • Duane Miller • Margaret Wanberg Miller • Oletta Zehr Miller • Rachael Shantz Miller • Virgil Miller • Ruth Ann Brilhart Peachey • Carol Springer Rhodes • Sydney Plaut Rieckhoff • Bonnita Chokey Rufenacht • Mary Beth Kaufmann Schlabach • Enid Miller Schloneger • Rhoda Nafziger Schrag • Mary Kaufman Schwartz • Ruth Anne Kaufmann Sexton • Evelyn Kauffman Shellenberger • Carolyn Short • Joann Yoder Smith • David Smucker • Leta Miller Snyder • Margaret Steider • Beulah Wenger Steiner • Gerald Steiner • Carolyn Detwiler Stjernholm • Melvin Stjernholm • Charlene Beechy Stoltzfus • Duane Studer • Roberta Price Stutzman

• Charles Ulrich • Donald Voth • Carolyn Schrock Watkins • Arlene Yoder Wenger • Bernadine Albrecht Yoder • Bradley Yoder • Ronald Yoder

1964 30% – $93,444 Elmer Bechtel • Patricia Sutter Bechtel • E. Dean Beck • Martha Mishler Bender • Robert Beyeler • Daniel Bodiker • Diane Frey Bodiker • Franklin Bontrager • Allen Brooks (deceased 7/27/10) • Ruth Gogel Brown • Robert Brubacher • Maretta Britsch Buller • Ann Krabill Burkholder • Richard Cope • Judith Yoder Denlinger • Roseyn Rychener Devlin • Darrel Diener • Leona Saxton Diener • Muriel Zook Draper • Carol Nafziger Eeten • Caralee Eicher • Ruth Esh • Gordon Fricke • Ivan Friesen • LuEtta Horsch Friesen • Wayne Ganger • Melvin Gerber • Robert Gerber • Bruce Glick • Merlin Grieser • Mary Fry Groff • Gerald Gross • Kathleen Harshbarger • Frances Hassencahl • Alan Hochstetler • Lura Sherman Hoover • Elaine Weldy Hostetler • Alice Wenger Hsu • Ivan Kauffman • Thomas Kauffman • Sharon Kennell Kauffmann • Janet Troyer Keim • Lydia Ann Schrock Kennel • Jon Kennell • Arliss Steider Ketchum • Lila Zehr King • Ronald King • Neil Lapp • Larry Lehman • Maurice Lehman • Merritt Lehman • Helen Slaubaugh Lindstrom • Ronald Martin • Leland McBride • Shirley Wilson Meyer • Dennis Miller • Jerry Miller • L. Edwin Miller • Marian Kauffman Miller • Mary Sue Yoder


Miller • Edwin Moyer • Ann Musselman Naylor • Elaine Bachman Newcomer • Myrl Nofziger • Wesley Oswald • David Powell Karen Coolman Powell • Donald Rensberger • Rachel Nolt Rensberger • John Rohrer • Rebecca Roth • Linda Miller Rowold • Dwayne Rufenacht • Phyllis Ruth • James Sauder • Vernon Schinski • Robert Schloneger • Kenneth Schmidt • Walter Schmucker • Daniel Schrock • Carl Schumann • Bonnie Short • Leanne Miller Smith • Donald Smucker • Dorothy Springer Smucker • Cara Schrock Steiner • Ruth Geiser Steiner • C. Martin Stoltzfus • Allen Stuckey • Phyllis Dintaman Stutzman • Edith Brenneman Summers • R. Jane Greenawald Swihart Farrell • Roberta Speicher Thompson • Jan Vandonk • F. Arlene Troyer Voorhis • Ronald Weaver • Faith Landis Wenger • James Wenger • Sara Gingerich Wengerd • John Yoder • Kermit Yoder • Sharon Wise Yoder • M. Winifred Hostetler Yordy


27% – $21,276 Anonymous (2) • Kirk Alliman • Carolyn Amstutz Patterson • James Bare • Elaine Yoder Blake • J. James Brenneman • James A. Brenneman • Marilyn Kaufman Brown • J. Kenneth Brubaker • Rebecca Schlabach Byler • Norma Nofziger Camp • Wilma Yordy Colter • Judith Schrock Eash • Dorothy Delagrange Eberly • Gabriel Ebersole • James Erb • M. Joann Zeiset Freed • Rodney Frey • Elaine Moyer Gibbel • Gilbert Gingerich • Ervie Glick • David Graber • Carol Hartzler Grieser • Dwight Grieser • Joan Krabill Gross • Karen Grossman • Donovan Handrich • Catherine Bohn Hartman • Margaret Beachy Hershberger • Virgil Hershberger • J. Harold Hess • Thomas Holtzinger • Norman Hsu • Gerald Hurst • Ronald Hurst • Alice Hartzler Kennell • Bonita Liechty King • Robert Koch • Gloria Chan Koo • Ella Metzler Kopczynski • Myron Krehbiel • Dierra Kreider Lehman • Jacob Leichty • Elizabeth Lehman Martin • Jared Massanari • Elva Mast • Carolyn Oyer Miller • Judith Kennell Miller • Lloyd Miller • Stephen Miller • Jean Lehman Moyer • Samuel Moyer • Ruth Frankenfield Mumbauer • Ella Bontrager Nafziger • Shradha Nand • Carl Newcomer • Bryan Noe • Elaine Merillat Noe • James Norton • Twyla Maurer Pauls • Mona Nofziger Sauder • Wayne Schertz • Vivian Mishler Schinski • Dale Schlabach • Ervin Schlabach • Vivian Crilow Schlabach • Donald Sheeler • Joe Short • Peter Short • Arthur Smoker • Nova Jean Wingard Smoker 22 Goshen College Annual Report

• Alvin Smucker • Betty Voran Smucker • B. Arlene Miller Snavely • Ivan Snyder • Royal Springer • Judith Stucky Sprunger • Daniel Steiner • John Steiner • Margaret Mann Steiner • Wesley Steiner • Colleen Rhodes Stoltzfus • Johanna Sutter • Carol Yoder Swartzendruber • Ray Swartzendruber • Judith Stjernholm Terrill • Douglas Thomas • Ted Thompson • Philip Troyer • Merlin Unruh • Marnetta Rychener White • Winifred Boshart Wilt • Janet Yoder • Nancy Metzler Yoder • John Yordy • Paul Zimmerly • John Zook


27% – $37,980 Lois Yoder August • Cynthia Jantzi Bell • Jacqueline Tschabold Bhuyan • Leta Schrock Bontrager • Linda Burkhart Boyer • Janice Kauffman Brenneman • Janice King Brubacher • John Burkey • Beverly Litwiller Burmeister • Jon Byler • Susan Kauffman Cater • Virginia Chupp • Evelyn Zuercher Cross • Kristin Troyer Ems • Janis Yoder Erb • Paul Esh • Ruby Byler Freed • Russell Freed • Laura Funk • E. Leonard Garber • James Gehman • Grace Marie Souder Gerber • Stephen Gerber • Elaine Graber Gingerich • James Gingerich • Sandra Stalter Gingerich • Wallace Gingerich • Byron Good • Bonnie Kaufman Graber • Judith Burket Haller • Gregory Hartzler • Wilbur Hershberger • Evelyn Plank Holderman • Karen Pletcher Honderich-Griffin • Dorothea Dyck Honn • Jerald Hostetler • Wanda Amstutz Hostetler • Linda Nofziger Kauffman • Sanford Kauffman • Ethel Hartzler Kaufman • Myrna Yoder Kaufman • S. Roy Kaufman • Bonita Martin Kaufmann • John Kaufmann • Gerald Kreider • Karen Beechy Kreider • Carol Lehman • Barbara Martin • Barbara Hertzler Martin • Clair Martin • Guenn Stoltzfus Martin • Raymond Martin • Alice Eicher Massanari • Ora Mast • Donna Kauffman Miller • Evelyn Yoder Miller • James Miller • John Miller • Leroy Miller • Julia Mast Mishler • Jane Edmondson Morgan • J. Phillip Moyer • David Mullet • Paul Myers • David Nofziger • Ruby Stoltzfus Nofziger • Jane OswaldLambert • Marvene Goppert Pippenger • Sue Roth • Louise Stuckey Rudo • Howard Schrock • Jacob Schrock • Ronald Schrock • Christine Schumacher • Brenda Short Shelby • Sarah Roth Smucker • Loren Stauffer • Vernon Stoltzfus • Judith Stealy Stuckey • Richard Stuckey • Alice Goertz Peebles Thompson • Channing Todd • Edith Derstine Tully • Vance Weaver • Eleanor Steiner Yoder • Gretchen Honderich Yoder • Janette Rupp Yoder • John

Yoder • Roy Yoder • Tim Yoder • Lucille Zehr • Karen Zimmerman • Mark Zimmerman


27% – $31,663 Anonymous (1) • Beverly Horst Armstrong • Martha Dosher Beck • Mary Lou Stuckey Beck • Jan Bleile • James Blosser • Ellis Bontrager • Linda Schmidt Brenneman • Sandra Schloneger Brenneman • Dolores Stickan Brown • Pamela Heiser Brubaker • Victoria Blair Crowe • David Denlinger • Lillian Bartel Elias • Nancy Kennell Fisher • David Forrer • Barbara Fisher George • Dwight Gerber • Lowell Gerber • John Gingerich • Norris Glick • Carol Glick Mullet • Barbara Anderson Graber • Leon Graber • Jean Wallace Griffin • P. Marcus Hamsher • Rebecca Imhoff Hartzler • Rodney Hartzler • Wealtha Yoder Helland • Carolyn Gass Hertzler • Larry Mann Hesed • Arlene Koch Holdeman • Elaine Hooley • Erica Janzen • Lois Janzen Preheim • Karen Jones • Duane Kauffmann • Sandra Gunden Kennedy • Vernon King • Ruth Neffle Koch • Carol Histand Lehman • Jane Gingerich Lehman • Donald Litwiller • Bonnie Weldy Miesel • Albert Miller • Edward Miller • Galen Miller • Leon Miller • Lloyd Miller • Ronald Milne • Sally Miller Milne • Colin Mishler • L. Ellen Miller Morehouse • Sharon Lais Moyer • Wade Mullet • Elaine Gerber Nand • Miriam Brackbill Nissley • Dennis Noe • Amanda Knox Osborn • Judith Lehman Gordon Polk • Kathleen Yoder King Quinn • Gwendolyn Brenneman Rich • Paul Rohrer • Virgil Roth • Lynn Rupp • Keith Saffer • Charlene Gerber Schildt • Geraldine Miller Schrock • Philip Schrock (deceased 3/3/10) • Karen Ulrich Seehusen • Susan Shank • Gerald Short • Suzanne Richard Short • Rita Kandel Smith • Stanley Smith • D. Gary Smucker • Jake Snyder • Linda Yost Spohn • Bruce Stahly • Clayton Steiner • Susan Yoder Stempel • Ila Hartzler Stoltzfus • Neal Stoltzfus • Jeannie Wyse Stuckey • David Swartz • Helen Lyndaker Unruh • Loren Unruh • Sara Leatherman Weaver • Gwen Widmer • Rachel Yoder Hartsough Wilcox • Jerry Wittrig • Norah Johnson Wolthuis • Clarence Yoder • Galen Yoder • Janet Leatherman Yoder • Mary Schrock Yoder


27% – $30,243 Barbara Holdread Adams • Ronald Anderson • Roselyn Aschliman-Roth • Ivan Beyeler • Rosalie Barclay Billheimer • Mary Boshart

• Douglas Brenneman • Rachel Cross Brenneman • Lloyd Brugger • Steven Buerge • David Byler • Joan Smith Carter • Kathryn Fretz Churchman • Keith Derstine • Paul Derstine • Ramzi Farran • John Frankenfield • J. Richard Frey • Joyce Brunner Frey • Ruth Gahman • Glenn Geissinger • Paula Geiser Gerber • Joan Gerig • E. Louise Burkholder Gingerich • Donald Graber • Marla Miller Graber • Sherrill Moore Graber • Nancy Virgil Groff • Candace Cureton Groh • Lowell Guengerich • Elaine Smucker Harley • John Harley • Robert Hartzler • Diane Kennel Hensley • Alice Albrecht Hill • Rachael Troyer Hochstedler • Pauline Stutzman Hochstetler • Evelyn Leichty Hostetler • J. Michael Hostetler • Eric Huber • Susan Hess Hurst • B. Suzanne Beechy Kauffman • Dennis Kauffman • Richard Kauffman • Dortha Shank Kauffmann • John Kaufman • Loretta Epp Kaufman • Sharon Reist Kennel • Titus King • Deanne Gisel Kuhns • Michael Lambright • Henry Landes • Jane Clemens Landes • Darlene Ritter Larrison • Theodore Larrison • Keith Lauber • J. Philip Leatherman • Robert Litwiller • Marilyn Shoemaker Longfellow • Marilyn Esch Ludwig • Mary Noll Lyday • Terry May • Barbara Jantzi McFall • L. Richard Meyers • Linda King Meyers • Becky Iden Miller • Marilyn Davidhizar Miller • Marjorie Teuscher Miller • Twila Gingerich Miller • Verlin Miller • Doris Moyer • Janet Kropf Mullet • W. Lloyd Mumaw • Martha Ebersole Nardacci • Verlyn Nofziger • Mary Beechy Pfeiffer • Charlene Yoder Rhodes • Dale Rhodes • Claudia Wolfe Rosen • Duane Sauder • Albert Schlabach • Willard Schloneger • Elaine Gerig Schrock • Nancy Schrock • Esther Lehman Shallenbarger • Beverly Short • Aliko Songolo • Donovan Steiner • Rita Graber Steiner • Robert Stuckey • Douglas Swartzendruber • Margaret Brenneman Thut • Fay Terwillegar VanCise • Rachel Albrecht Varona • Lavon Welty • Carolyn Liechty Wenger • Galen Wenger • Margaret Wiedemer Wigton • Douglas Yoder • Janice Hamsher Yoder • Joan Yoder Miller


24% – $44,425 Anonymous (1) • James Ashcraft • Claudia Chupp Beechy • John Beechy • Erma Stauffer Beougher • Jane Smucker Beyeler • Marion Beyeler • Thomas Bishop • Trinda Hirschey Bishop • Arlee Albrecht Blackburn • Calvin Britsch • Thomas Brubaker • Elaine Jennings Buerge • Lenette Maurer Burckhart • Sonja Cassady • Mary Derstein • Marilyn Wenger

Derstine • A. Irene Bolton Dorville • Barbara Linder Engelhard • Carol Koop Farran • Michael Feeney • Gail Fisher • Karla Barger Ford • Jerry Frey • G. Delbert Friesen • Keith Gerber • Janette Basinger Gerig • Douglas Gingerich • Duane Gingerich • Gloria Aeschliman Gingerich • Kenneth Gingerich • Helen Liechty Glick • Roger Golden • Kenneth Graber • Susan Goughnour Guengerich • Ronald Gunden • Velma Dyck Harder • Karen Yoder Harvey • Mervin Helmuth • Cheryl Hershberger • Dwight Hershberger • Joan Kennell Hershberger • Maxine Mast Hershberger • Jane Myers Hooley • Elaine Bomberger Hostetler • Shirley Hildebrand Hsu • Glenda Hunter • Daniel Kauffman • Barbara Claassen Kaufman • H. James Kaufmann • Larry King • J. Michael Klaus • Kay Sutter Kreider • Paul Kreider • Rosemary Imhoff Law • Kermit Lehman • Ruth Nussbaum Lehman • Thomas Lehman • Ronald Leichty • Donald Lichti • Rita Conrad Liechty • Ruth Fireoved Marino • Janet Fields Miller • Patricia Stevens Miller • Paul E. Miller • Paul J. Miller • Stephen Miller • Ruby Newcomer • Keith Nofziger • Marjorie Troyer Nofziger • Dale Nussbaum • D. Duane Oswald • Donna Richer Oswald • Stephen Oswald • Sylvester Outley • Velma Miller Peck • Doris Nolley Perkins • Phillip Rich • Ronald Rogers • David Rosenberger • Larry Rupp • Rosemary Falb Rupp • Sherry Huebert Schmidt • H. Devon Schrock • Jane Wenger Sell • Phyllis Good Senesi • J. David Shenk • Elaine Nussbaum Short • Karen Summer Short • Marlin Short • William Shumaker • E. Keith Springer • Anita Stalter • Keith Stuckey • Larry Stuckey • Susan Eigsti Stuckey • Ted Stuckey • Mary Ann Yoder Suter • Darrell Swartzentruber • Karen Diener Thompson • Timothy Thut • Rebecca Tyson • Margaret Miller Williams • Carol Shank Wolfer • Mary Yoder • Michael Yoder • Dorothy Miller Zehr • Grant Zehr • Dorothy Peters Zimmerman


24% – $28,851 Larry Augsburger • Julia Smucker Baccash • Walter Bachman • Carol Beechy • Judith Beechy • Marlene Aschliman Bell • David Bender • Dawn Yoder Bender • Virginia Davidhizar Birky • Karen Edgin Birtcher • John Blosser • Mabel Amstutz Blunk • Carol Myers Brown • Audrey Yoder Croal • Mary Lou Nussbaum Cross • Phyllis Weaver Crouch • Howard Detweiler • Mary Stoltzfus Eggink • Gail Ehret • M. Dean Falb • Bettilu Gisel

Fraas • L. Jane Gross Frankenfield • Jill Miller Frey • Jayne Poynter Gall • David Gerig • Mary Amstutz Gilbert • Duane Gingerich • Noreen Preheim Gingerich • Paul Gingerich • Ann Keener Gingrich • Martha Yoder Graber • Myron Graber • Shirlyn Liechty Graber • Thomas Graber • Jean Rufenacht Hartzler • Kenneth Hieser • Robert Hochstedler • Helene Hoover • Robert Hurst • C. Earl Jantzi • Lowell Jantzi • Donald Jaquet • Phyllis Lehman Jaquet • Ann Alderfer Kauffman • Joan Stuckey Kauffman • Lois Johns Kaufmann • Elizabeth Krady Kelsey • Miriam Ebersole Kennell • Rose Hite Kettlebar • Sharon Klingelsmith • John Kolb • Robbin Mester Lang • Catharine Histand Lichti • Vicki Gardner Lichti • Barbara Crouch Martin • Richard Martin • Shirley Richer Martin • Kathleen Lehman McCain • Barbara Miller • Elaine Guengerich Miller • Gloria Miller • Leon Miller • Lowell Miller • Loren Moshier • James Moyer • Eva Neff Nance • Kathleen Engle Oswald • Myra Nafziger Oswald • Robert Oswald • Jean Kauffman Owens • Robert Owens • Cynthia Wingard Peterson • Ken Pletcher • Rodney Pletcher • Roberta Davidhizar Rexroth • J. Douglas Risser • Norene Rychener Saldana • Rebecca Roth Schenck • Kenton Schreck • Janice Ebersole Shantz • Glenn Slabaugh • Rebecca Gunden Smith • Robert Souder • Barbara Yoder Stahly • Breta Woodhull Stahly • Dennis Stahly • Bonita Slaubaugh Stuckey • Thomas Stuckey • Linda Wyse Stump • Sem Sutter • Ellen Russell Swihart • John Thut • Nancy Warstler Thut • Louise Morell Vanagasem • Sueann Von Gunten • Sharon Graber Waltner • Ruth Beachy Wartell • Susan Babler Weber • Ronald Weirich • Vicki Randolph Weirich • Herman Wulliman • Frederick Yoder • Ramona Yoder • LaVerne Yousey


27% – $49,015 Audrey Alderfer • Darlene Trudel Ashcraft • Retha Yoder Baer • Sharon Lucas Bailey • Kathleen Rohrer Basbagill • Philip Bauman • Ross Bender • Jeannette Birky • Karl Birky • A. Anita Warkentin Brendle • Kathy Matthews Brubaker • Shirley Nafziger Brunk • June Gingrich Cleaveland • Veronica Beachy Denlinger • Wayne Denlinger • Ruth Ann Dome • Jane Ebersole • Sarah Eby-Ebersole • John Egli • Nancy Kaufman Ehret • Dianna Burkey Eshleman • Patricia Wyse Falb • Victoria Northage Fisher • Bernard Frey • Jo Nussbaum Frey • Barbara Schmid Fridley ALUMNI AND FRIENDS GIVING REPORT 23

• Mary Yoder Glick • Sandra Gerig Glick • Doreen Wenger Good • Martha Smith Good • Randall Graber • Carroll Haines • Ruth Clemmer Hartzler • Rosemary Wiebe Haury • Diana Nafziger Hershberger • Joy Glick Hess • Wayne Hochstedler • David Huneryager • Cynthia Wedel Janzen • Lois Johnson • Clell Kandel • Allan Kauffman • Duane Kauffman • Carol Reeb Keel • Martha Hess Kelley • David Kennell • Patricia King • Richard Koch • Jean Flueckiger Kohli • Connie Rathbun Kreider • Jean Schrag Lauver • Gay Hunsberger Lehman • Darrell Leu • Jonathan Lind • Donald Lundberg • Nancy King Marsh • Karen Nofziger Martin • Luann Habegger Martin • Roger Martin • Patricia Massanari • Camille Maxwell • Barbara Paul Miller • Fernando Miller • J. Mark Miller • Lynn Miller • Marcia Miller • Rachel Buckwalter Miller • Stanley Miller • Kathleen Stalter Najar • Benjamin Nelson • Susan Gardner Nelson • Patricia Nofziger • Christina Neff Okamoto • Mary Bontrager Owens • Henry Peters • Letha Miller Ressler • Jeanette Eicher Rice • David Ritchie • John Roeschley • S. Rebecca Miller Roggio • Karen Garver Rohrer • Carol Freeman Rosenberger • M. Duane Schmidt • J. Thomas Schrock • Ruth Slabaugh Schrock • Shirley Albrecht Shenk • Rozella Sherman • Clayton Shetler • LaRayne Lauber Siegmann • Connie Maibach Sims • Kenneth Sims • David Slagel • Dore Potteiger Smith • Marilyn Young Smith • Mark Smucker • Vicki Yoder Smucker • Randall Snyder • Kathleen Newcomer Springer

24 Goshen College Annual Report

• Roger Springer • Larry Steider • Karen Mast Steiner • Carla Handrich Stoltzfus • Max Stuckey • Kwang Eel Suh • Jean Swartley • Rhonda Willems Swartzendruber • Don Troyer • Jon Troyer • Dale Weaver • Rondel Wenger • Jane Widmer Yoder • Mary Ann Lehman Wieand • Ruth Ann Miller Wittrig • Phyllis Imhoff Wulliman • Emma Jean Yoder • Joyce Yoder • Marilyn Yoder • David Zehr


25% – $28,660 Anonymous (3) • Peter Albrecht • Lynette Anderson Bachman • Franklin Baer • John Bauman • Larry Beckler • John Beitler • Mary Beyler • Jeanne Nofziger Birky • Mark Birky • Kathleen Moyer Birnbaum • Herman Bontrager • Milton Borntrager • Janet Hartzler Braslow • Carol Zuercher Brubaker • Lonnie Buerge • Shirley Handrich Bustos • Alma Coffman • Cathy Conrad • Deborah Conrad • Janice Graber David • Ann Glick Derrick • Deloris Schwartz Dueck • Mamo Dula • Rosemary Eash • Marilyn Steiner Eigsti • Leon Eshleman • Nancy Summerville Flint Shambaugh • Dale Frankenfield • Richard Gerig • Samuel Gingerich • Robert Guth • Lois Hooley Hall • John Hershberger • Seiichi Hirahatake • Elizabeth Boshart Histand • Phillip Histand • Gloria Miller Holub • Joyce Huber • Donald Jantzi • Marilyn Hostetler Jantzi • Marilyn Harms Jeppesen • Nelda Stickel Johnson • Kenneth Kuhns • Janelle Landis Kheshgi • Paul Lauver • Sanford

Lehman • Sarah Yoder Leroy • Mary Rich Liechty • Suzanne Hilty Lind • Timothy Lind • John Miller • Ruth Miller • Sandra Wyse Miller • John Mishler • Phyllis Emerson Mishler • Deanna Stalter Moshier • Diane Grieser Nafziger • Randall Nafziger • Karen Strauss Nichols • Lowell Nunemaker • Gloria Yoder Nussbaum • Rebecca Falb Oyer • Robert Oyer • Amy Conrad Phend • Michael Phend • Justine Clemmer Pletcher • Mary Regier • E. Dean Rhodes • Vernon Rice • G. Edward Rissler • Jean Kuhns Rissler • Rebecca Liechty Rupp • Linda Schlabach Miller • Janice Schrock • Ruth Dyck Scott • Nelson Shantz • Ruth Kauffman Shantz • James Short • E. Grace Hostetler Sims • Carol Spicher Waggy • Theodore Springer • Judith Hartzler Steider • Kathleen Bennett Stiffney • Donna Blowers Stoltzfus • Rose Mary Slabaugh Stutzman • Yon-Sook Han Suh • Barbara Gunden Thomas • Everett Thomas • Verna Hostetler Troyer • Gerald Van Spronsen • Jorgiann Waltner • Susan Anderson Weaver • David Weldy • Mary Griewank Yeakey • Nancy Davidhizar Yoder • Rebecca Miller Yoder • Julia Byler Zehr • Lois Sharp Zendt


26% – $31,050 Brenda Goossen Beitler • Janet Palicki Bettcher • Mary Yoder Bontrager • Elizabeth Miller Brazofsky • Carol Brunk Harnish • Mario Bustos • Linda Stalter Butti • Timothy Clemens • Margaret Derstine Conrad • Nevin

Diener • B. Harry Dyck • Donna Zuck Eigsti • Eldon Eigsti • Stanley Engle • Catherine Fast Everingham • Gena Shelly Fryer • Marcia Schertz Gerig • Firman Gingerich • Kenneth Gingerich • Leona Goering Gingerich • Sharon Aschliman Ginter • LeAnn Winkler Glessner • Eileen Zehr Good • Kathleen Grieser • Robert Grove • Jay Hartzler • Sherilyn Greaser Hartzler • Lawrence Heatwole • Donita Schertz Herr • G. Daniel Herr • Donald Hess • David Hiebert • Jennifer Peterson Hiebert • Curtis Holsopple • Kenneth Horst • Beth Swanson Hower • Brenda Beechy Huneryager • Amy Gerber Kauffman • L. Bernice Beyer Kauffman • Thomas Kauffman • Nancy Geiser Kauffmann • Vicky Yordy Kirkton • Elvin Krabill • James Krabill • William Kurtz • Rhonda Erb Landgraf • John Lauver • Neil Lehman • Beth Lehman Miller • David Leinbach • Daniel Liechty • Anda Stamm Lind • Martha Koefoed Main • Roger Martin • Rodney Maust • Bonnie Lou Miller • Carol Miller • Dana Miller • Ellen Kempf Miller • Roberta Miller • Thomas Miller • Verna Miller • Betsy Alderfer Moyer • Sharon Muth • Dale Nissley • Virginia Whitmer Nunemaker • Frederick Paff • Karen Boise Paff • Deloris Taylor Pattison • Robert Pflederer • Dennis Rheinheimer • Martha Detweiler Savanick • Sally Richard Schreck • Brenda Nofziger Sensenig • Meribeth Shank • Robert Shantz • Gary Shetler • Dora Short • Mary Jo Hartzler Short • Tim Short • David Slabaugh • Darrel Sommers • Barbara Troyer Springer • Marlene Slagle Springer • Dianne Springer Brenneman • John Stahl (deceased 7/15/10) • Janice King Stair • Sanford Stauffer • Rick Stiffney • Barbara Stone • Martha Suter • Carmen Stutzman Thompson • June Hershberger Trcka • Priscilla Stoltzfus Trinkley • Judith Vessey • Rosemary Gunden Widmer • Doris Yoder • Joyce Shoemaker Yoder • June Gingerich Yoder • Michael Yoder • Samuel Yoder • Glenn Zook • Lois Lauber Zook


21% – $21,815 LaVelle Byers Allen • Linda Amstutz • Julia Martin Beittel • Linda Bertsche • Betty Albrecht Birky • Kent Birky • Ramona Blosser • Wyman Bontrager • Jo Ann Otto Borntrager • Maynard Brubacher • Robert Brunk Harnish • Naomi Rose Buckwalter • Glenn Conrad • Kay Wenger Creasey • Henry Derstine • Patricia Cole Detwiler • Rachel Harder Diener • Donald Ebersole • Diane Kauffman Fowler • Sandra Shoemaker Friesen • Steven Garboden

• James Gingerich • Stephen Glick • Ilse-Marie Goertz • Susan Gotwals Lehman • Tim Graber • Scott Graybill • Elizabeth Gunden • Galen Hershberger • Nancy Kauffman Hess • Michael Hofstetter • Rachel Hofstetter • Susan Murray Hofstetter • Linda Beechy Houshower • Sherry Roupp Jordan • Armon Kauffman • J. Stanley Kauffman • Keith Kauffmann • Gary Keister • Norma Denk Keister • Thomas Kennell • Carol Canal King • Carol Bame Knapp • Constance Albrecht Krabill • Joan Kropf • Ellen Liechty Lehman • Nancy Zumbrun Leichty • Paul Leichty • Ginette Philibert Leinbach • Diane Clemens Leland • Daniel Lemons • Edward Liechty • Nancy Loewen • Christine Yost Lundberg • Gary Mallard • Connie Yoder McTigue • John Miesel • Galen Miller • M. Gem Gross Miller • Nevin Miller • Alice Lepisto Murto • Theodore Neumann • Sharon Shenk Risser • Joseph Schrock • Mary Thomas Schrock • Daniel Sensenig • Arden Shank • F. Jay Shetler • Hilda Shirk • Jane Birky Slabaugh • Jay Smith • Ada Beyer Souder • Joanne Sprunger • Mary Sprunger-Froese • Robert Stauffer • Prudence Kratzer Steiner • Kent Stucky • Linda King Stucky • Jane Snyder Vendrely • Rebecca Wenger Voth • Lora Warkentin • Susan Weaver • Galen Wenger • David Widmer • Samuel Wong • Susan Hepler Yoder • John Zehr


25% – $32,395 Zenebe Abebe • Sanford Alderfer • Rosemary Kropf Allen • Jay Bachman • Shirley Helmuth Bachman • Douglas Basinger • Loretta Mumaw Baur • David Beachy • William Beck • LaMar Bender • Kristen Brenneman • Michael Brenneman • Martha Deisler Brown • Paul Buller • Norene Miller Chesebro • Rick Clark • J. William Clemens • John Dick • Shirley Claassen Dick • Debra Hostetler Dietrich • Janelle Roupp Diller • Stephen Diller • Fred Driver • Dennis Drudge • Rebecca Dyck • Gregory Ebersole • Daniel Eigsti • Mary Lou Swartzendruber Farmer • Judith Harder Franz • Faith Wyse Frey • Anna Emerson Friesen • Douglas Gaff • Rebecca Peterson Gaff • Yvonne Garber • Mary Garber-Saleh • Lynford Gerber • Jennifer Northage Glick • Linda Widrick Gnagey • Carol Lapp Graber • Hope Branscombe Graham • Fred Habegger • James Hall • Paul Hartman • Dorothy Beachy Hathaway • J. Michael Herr • Ray Hershberger • Patricia Thompson Hofstetter • Kathleen Yoder Holsopple • Lonnie Holub • Dennis Hoover • Rebecca Bontrager Horst • Sheila

Hostetler • Hans Houshower • John Huffman • Cynthia Jones Irick • Jean Weaver Jacobsen • Carol Birky Jennings • Barbara Bundy Johnson • Mark Jordan • R. Timothy Kaufman • Joan Kreider • Richard Kremer • Timothy Lehman • Mary Lehman Yoder • Betty Stuckey Leichty • Mary Smucker Lemons • Mary Purves Liechty • Jacob Loewen • Brenda Martin • Stephanie Mason • Harriet Metz • Thomas Meyers • Darlene Showalter Miller • Darrel Miller • Lana Miller • Ronald Miller • Brenda Monce • Denise Pike • Marianne Bachman Pletcher • Darlene Short Ramon • Sue Lehman Roggie • Rose Byler Rosanova • Margaret Jones San Miguel • Daniel Shenk • Vera Smucker Shenk • Carolyn Drudge Strnad • Joanna Suter • R. Douglas Swartz • Ethel Korn Kambs Umble • Debra DePree Van Dyke • Douglas Vendrely • Connie Gingrich Warkentin • Gordon Weirich • Ann Croyle Weldy • Janice Wenger • Barbara Sommer Wieferich • Norma Wyse • James Yoder • Vicki Kauffman Yoder • Marvin Zehr


22% – $42,645 Anonymous (1) • Audrey Swartzendruber Almdale • Mary Ellen King Andris • Janice Auchtung Atwood • Marlene Bachman Beachy • Susan Bender • Patricia Bixler • Reta Scheele Borchelt • Jane Yoder Bowers • Michele Hallis Brubacher • Russell Buschert • Deborah Byler • M. Christine Alderfer Carpenter • Mary Goossen Christensen • Pamela Swartzendruber Clouse • Diane Conrad • Paul Conrad • Ruth Beyler Conrad • D. Daryl Derstine • Ruth Janzen Detwiler • Gayle Dosher • Robert Fatton • Rebecca Beachy Felton • Barbara Freyenberger • Maribeth Diener Friesen • Sue Esau Gerber • Melbern Gingerich • Rachel Yoder Gingerich • R. Brent Gotwals • Jane Graber • Diane Stutzman Graybill • Nancy Tielkemeier Guthrie • Judith Lantz Heath • Geneva Hershberger • Rosemary Buckwalter Hershberger • Sylvia Horst • Deborah Gahman Johnston • Frank Jordan • Jean Liechty Jordan • Cynthia Kauffman • Twila Kauffman • Jon Kennel Kauffmann-Kennel • Lois KaufmannHunsberger • Lynn Canal Kennell • John King • Judith Koch • Bruce Kooker • Phyllis Krabill • Dorothy Schrock Kratz • Russell Kremer • Vickie Graber Kurtz • Geoffrey Landis • Alice Weber Lapp • Gary Laustsen • Jolene Bontrager Lehman • Richard Lehman • Bruce Leichty • Grace Zinser Lotter • Robert Lotter • Darrell Martin • Susan Ernsberger McDonald • Carolyn Davidhizar Metzger • Byron Miller • Peter Miller • Julie Miller Derstine • John ALUMNI AND FRIENDS GIVING REPORT 25

Nafziger • Margo Westerbeek Nafziger • Paula Neumann Ream • Beverly Short Nice • John Nice • Pamela Piper-Ruth • Carol Plummer • J. Mark Ramseyer • Sidney Richard • Evan Richards • Linda Richer • Dennis Rittenhouse • Albert Roggio • Donna Eigsti Roth • Jay Schlabach • John Schmid • Mary Schmid • Julia Schrock Rosenfeld • Alice Hertzler Shenk • Karen Fast Shenk • Jane Graber Short • Lois Fast (Ganger) Sousley • Philip Stalter • Carmen Strite Miller • Beth Sutter • Ronald Sutter • Stephanie Ortman Thompson • Marjorie Martin Weaver • Beth Ranck Yoder • Glenda Yoder • Richard Yoder • Ronald Yoder • Lloyd Zeager


20% – $19,887 Anonymous (3) • Eileen Becker-Hoover • L. Merlin Becker-Hoover • Ronald Blaum • James Brenneman • Terri Plank Brenneman • Dwight Brubacher • Glenn Buller • Sarah Buller Fenton • Daniel Cantu-Hertzler • Mary Clemens • Susan Ebersole • Marcia Wenger Ertel • Curtis Fenton • Kelvin Friesen • Donald Garber • Beth Gerig • Elinor Gerig • Carol Gilliom • Mark Graber • Joyce Nymeyer Graybill • Donna Mast Haines • Laurel Schmidt Hertzler • Ronald Hertzler • Suzan Yoder Hooper • Nancy Smoker Huber • Elizabeth Johnson • Talis Kaminskis • Sherman Kauffman • Terry Kaufmann-Hunsberger • Evelyn Burkholder King • David A. Lehman • David J. Lehman • Linda Bender Liechty • Randall Liechty • Anita Martin • Judith Martin Godshalk • Donna Schlabach Mast • Randall Metzler • Doyle Miller • Pamela Huenefeld Miller • Robert Miller • Kay Miller Kempf • David Mishler • Rebecca Birky Mishler • Randall Murray • Robert Nafziger • Roger Nafziger • Don Nussbaum • Bonnie Zeiset Opel • Eugene Ratzlaff • Anena Howard Rolofson • Colleen Sholly Rosborough • Linda Gautsche Rufenacht • Teresa Bennett Russell • Philip Shenk • Robert Smoker • Dale Souder • Jennifer Sprunger • Sharon Weaver Stalter • Ann Brenneman Stroud • Sheldon Swartz • Donald Thomas • Joan Steiner Vogt • Byron Warkentin • Barry Weaver • Connie Miller Yoder • Denton Yoder • Jan Gundy Yoder • Joel Yoder • M. Douglas Yoder • Martha Yoder Maust • Dennis Zehr


21% – $15,077 Anonymous (1) • Mary Ann Trautman Armstrong • Lorene Lehman Arnold • Julia 26 Goshen College Annual Report

Erb Beachy • Debra Bixler Brown • Cheryl Leichty Blaum • Lori Hollenberg Bontrager • Wesley Bontrager • Helen Stoltzfus Bowman • Joanne Bowman • Karen Lapp Bowman • Catherine Lamb Brandenberger • Marcia Green Brothers • Debra Stayrook Buller • David Canal • LaRita Albrecht Claassen • Jonathan Clemens • Rosa Clemens-Hines • Randall Clouse • David Conrad • Barbara Liechty Detweiler • Jay Detweiler • Laura Doty • Mary Dyck • Deborah Funk • Bonnie Yoder Gerber • Jean Sutter Glick • Julia Detweiler Gotwals • Mary Liechty Graber • David Graybill • David Groff • Curtis Hartman • Ann Klink Herendeen • Maynard Hershberger • Mary Kauffmann-Kennel • Dale Kempf • Barbara Bixler Lamb • Gary Lamb • Joanne Leatherman • Gregory Leichty • Joseph Liechty • Rita Kennel Lopienski • Laurel Martin • Mary Kristin Massanari • Miriam Miller Mast • Deborah Olson Miller • Lynette Shoemaker Miller • Mark Miller • Mary Schmid Miller • Philip Miller • Terry Miller • William Minter • Judith Mishler • Amy Yoder Murray • Laurie Neumann Nafziger • Dennis Nice • Mary Erb Nitzsche • Nancy Dome Patton • Bruce Peifer • Roger Piper-Ruth • K. Louise Ranck • Patricia Goossen Robbins • Federico Rosado • Deena Godshall Roth • Linda Schrock • Douglas Schwartzentruber • Jan Bender Shetler • Peter Shetler • Marianne Lahr Smith • Klaudia Brady Smucker • Ellen Hoover Stoesz • Carla Miller Stutzman • Ruth Sutter • William Swartzendruber • John Tiessen • Barbara Derstine Weirich • Catherine Wismer • Todd Woodworth • Charles Yoder • Deborah Cady Yoder • Karen Yoder • Brian Zehr


20% – $51,996 Ryan Ahlgrim • David Anderson • Lois Kieffaber Bare • Alice Gunden Bender • Michael Bender • Cindy Bechler Bobcek • Philip Bontrager • David Bowman • David Breckbill • Debra Brubaker • Lynette Schlabach Buschert • Deborah Cantu-Hertzler • Paul Conrad II • Marilee Good Diener • Ronald Diener • Kristie Whitlock Ellis • Erin Geiser • John Weaver Glick • Sally Weaver Glick • Judith Beck Gongwer • Sherri Ann Kurtz Goodwin • Lorelle Bowman Graber • Marilyn Graber • Peter Graber • Cynthia Moser Grau • Burdette Gunden • Barth Hague • Robin Helmuth • Steven Herendeen • Karen Weaver Hershberger • Norma Schrock Hershberger • David Horst • Debra Esau Horst • Cindy Riffel Hull • Leanna Cender Kaser • Marlo Kauffman

• Joel Kauffmann • Calvin Kaufman • Pamela Gerber Kaufmann • Lisa Herr Lederach • Philip Lederach • Janet Neufeld Lehman • Heidi Wolfgang Linebach • Christina Litwiller • Anna Lizama • Marvin Marks • Conrad Mast • Donna Rohrer Mast • Wendy Myers Maven • David Miller • Susan Fisher Miller • Ramon Nachtigall • Joyce Witmer Nafziger • Mark Nafziger • Mark Neumann • Jean Newcomer • Gail Janzen Newel • Hai Thi Nguyen • Gary Nofsinger • Joyce Nafziger Peifer • Beth Poinsett • Anthony Roth • Delvin Rychener • Gerald Schlabach • Linda Miller Shetler • Greg Slough • Carol Smucker • Jane Snider • Terry Stauffer • Eric Stoltzfus • Ruth Horst Stoltzfus • Janice Yordy Sutter • Barbara Cole Sweigard • James Sweigard • Wanda Thuma-McDermond • Donald Tyson • Debra Hostetler Vander Molen • Jane Keeney Webster


19% – $48,527 Anonymous (4) • Barbara Stewart Abebe • Debra Ardeel Ardeel-Sullivan • Anita Berkey • Carol Bucher Bixler • Samuel Bixler • Beth Gerig Bontrager • Robert Bontrager • Anita Stoltzfus Breckbill • John Ross Buschert • Linda Campbell-Davis • Barbara Carbaugh • Ruth Weber Claassen • Catherine Tonn Coscia • Karen Regier Deaver • Rhoda Trost Derstine • Joy Ehnle Bao • Willard Fenton-Miller • Dayton Frey • Carol Gamber • Olga Contreras Garcia • John Gerber • Sibyl Graber Gerig • Winston Gerig • Leon Greaser • Charlotte Gingerich Gunden • James Gunden • Debra King Helmuth • Lorie Ringenberg Hershberger • Phyllis Kaufmann Horst • Dennis Huffman • Phillip Kaufmann • Rodney Kremer • Donald Lanctot • Jan Loewen Landis • Joy Neumann Landis • Sherry Springer Litwiller • Jerri Studer Longacre • Sharla Hofer Marshall • A. Edward Mendoza • Doris Boehr Miller • Joseph Miller • Kenneth Miller • Lee Miller • Elizabeth Kingshott Moser • Paul Mumaw • Pamela Cassel Myler • Douglas Nisley • Rodney North • Cynthia Gable Nussbaum • Robbin Lerch O’Leary • Miriam Rich • Rhonda Richer • Rita Yoder Riggenbach • Joetta Handrich Schlabach • Patricia Yoder Schmucker • Bonita Bontrager Schrock • Elizabeth Sholly • Sharon Shumaker • Douglas Smucker • Douglas Snyder • Bradley Sommer • Kathleen Koshmider Sommer • Joseph Springer • Charlotte Schrag Sprunger • Randall Stoesz • David Sutter • Jeri Miller Vincent • Charmaine Virkler Campany • Shari Miller Wagner • Donita Shaum Wheeler • Christian Yoder • Patricia Albrecht Yoder •

Cheryl Troyer Zehr • Karen Zehr • Terrence Zehr


23% – $19,157 Anonymous (2) • Curtis Bechler • Gloria Beck • Kent Beck • Sylvia Flisher Blaser • E. Douglas Bomberger • Irvin Bomberger • Robert Brenneman • Timothy Brenneman • Ann Belser Brown • James Brubaker • Jay Brubaker • Patricia Shumaker Chisholm • Mark Chupp • Marie Gehman Clemens • Peter Conrad • Donna Perlich Crow • Warren Croyle • Bruce Detweiler Breckbill • Kathleen Duerksen • Calvin Eigsti • Kathy FentonMiller • Christine Frederick • Gregg Friesen • Joanna Fenton Friesen • Rose Alvarez Gillin • Mary Buller Gilliom • Richard Gilliom • Barbara Good • John Graber • Beth Graybill • Elisabeth Smucker Grieser • Michael Grieser • J. Mark Groh • Miriam Miller Halterman • Richard Harnish • Regina Harvey • Marcella Hershberger • Paul Hershberger • Bruce Holaway • Daniel Horst • Nancy Hostetler • Judith Kauffman • Susan Kenagy • Rosemary Hooley Lambright • Douglas Landis • Jeffrey Long • Kathy Kenagy Mark • Brenda North Martin • Kenneth Martin • Philip Martin Godshalk • Adamson Masingila • Lori Sommers Maust • Katherine Schten McAdam • Brent Miller • Daniel Miller • Kevin Miller • Phyllis Miller • Ruth Miller Roth • Karey Musselman • Gail Schrock Neumann • Karen Nofziger • Celia Armstrong Pang • Annette Unruh Quiring • Orlando Rivera • John Roth • Rosalie Schrag • Daniel Schrock •

Ruth Eshleman Schrock • Molly Skiles Seeck • Audra Sprunger Shenk • Gerald Shenk • Marjorie Shenk • Betty Brubaker Simensen • Robert Smucker • Norman Sohar • Christina Springer • Ellen Sprunger • Diane Stauffer • Duane Stoltzfus • Eric Stoltzfus • Karen Sherer Stoltzfus • Joy Sutter • Mary Sutter • Mark Troyer • Brent Trumbo • Benjamin Unger • David Weaver • Sherry Mellinger Wenger • Diane Leatherman Yoder • Peter Yoder • Stephen Kreider Yoder • Stephen L. Yoder • Curtis Zehr


22% – $28,064 Anonymous (1) • Elaine Zehr Acker • Jana Schloneger Bergfeld • Joan Miller Block • Jeanne Brandenberger • Don Breckbill • Steven Brenneman • Douglas Caskey • Karl Cender • Sharon DeBliek-Anderson • Adrianne Delgardo • Julia Swartzendruber Delp • Laura Eitzen • Carol Epp • Calvin Esh • Ann Garl • Lana Sommers Gascho • Rita Liechty Gingrich • Kathleen Renshaw Grothouse • Leslie Gustafson-Zook • Thomas Hall • Jean Haidet Hershberger • Robert Hershberger • Charlotte Joldersma Hoogenboom • Carl Horner • Stephanie Haines Horner • Randall Horst • Douglas Kauffman • Kathy Kautz • Anita Yoder Kehr • Bryan Kehr • Janice Kennel Ropp • Mary Ette Kramer • Eric Lehman • Marcia Richer Lehman • Laura Lerch Horst • Mark Liechty • Janet Lind • Glen Longacre • Gail Miller Manickam • Timothy Manickam • David Mark • Joanna Osborne Masingila • Keith Mast • Joyce Good McFadden • Carla

Hughes Miller • Crandall Miller • Joyce Miller • Kenneth Miller • Nadine Zook Miller • Sanford Miller • Stanley Miller • Douglas Minter • Dennis Mishler • Robert Mishler • John Nafziger • Wayne Nitzsche • Christine Wenger Nofsinger • Ted Nussbaum • Clifford Oyer • Ellen Peachey • Kathleen Nisly Peachey • Brenda Reed • Gwendolyn Mast Reiser • Russ Rupp • Brent Rychener • Kristina Stoltzfus Schlabach • Joan Schrock-Woodward • Michael Sherer • Timothy Sprinkle • Brenda Boehr Srof • Jody Srof • Timothy Stair • Margaret Kempf Swartzendruber • Colleen Smith Taliaferro • Cynthia Cooke Weisel • Audrey Plank Wells • Carl Wiebe • Mary Meyer Wiebe • David Yoder • Stephen Yoder • Terry Yoder


21% – $23,488 Gretta Lehman Beitler • Lynette Miller Bertsche • David Birky • Claudia Eberly Borntrager • Patricia Byler • Thomas Charles • Eric Christner • Karen Ries Cressman (deceased) • Denise Miller Diamond • Jon Ebersole • Kurt Eby • Rachel Liechty Eby • Twila Yoder Eshleman • Laurie Fulle-Rychener • Ned Geiser • Kevin Gerig • Jon Gingrich • Joan Gotwals Yoder • Galen Graber • Ruperto Guedea • Cathy Stutzman Harms • Lisa Neumann Heinz • A. Chris Herr • Jane Hiebert-White • John Hiebert-White • Kenneth Hochstetler • David Horst • Laura Hostetler • Marcella Hostetler • Brent Kaser • Elizabeth Lederach • Greta Eicher Lehman • Kristina King Leitzel • Wesley Mark • Anne Martin • Beth Martin Birky • Linda Metzler •

Kathryn Meyer Reimer • Paul Meyer Reimer • Mary Lou Overholt Miller • Rachel Miller Jacobs • Renee Hooley Munshi • Cheryl Kehler Myers • Ralph Myers • Kathy Schroeder Nussbaum • J. Mark Plank • Janet Suderman Puzycki • Evan Roth • Debra Kaufman Ruehl • Philip Ruth • Katherine Schaefer • Jennifer Halteman Schrock • Patricia Musser Sherer • Byron Shetler • Gail Mann Shetler • R. Craig Shetler • Reuben Shetler • John Smucker • Anita Maust Snyder • Dale Snyder • Dallas Sommers • James Spicher • Grace Mast Stoltzfus • Rebecca Stoltzfus • Donna Nafziger Suter • Emily Hertzler Swartley • Kenton Swartley • Kathi Toelke • Rebecca Unternahrer • Miriam Voran • Joseph Weaver • Mark Weaver • Alan Weldy • Karen Weldy • Ellen Welty Nussbaum • Robert Wheeler • Karen Wiebe • Diane Bontrager Woodworth • Barbara Huse Yearty • Cynthia Yoder • Sanna Yoder • Calvin Zehr • Carol Long Zehr • Andrea Zuercher


20% – $34,507 Tamene Abebe • John Balutansky • Connie Leinbach Bauman • Gail Lehman Baumgartner • Daniel Bertsche • Kim Riley Betz • Duane Bontrager • Carola Horsch Breckbill • P. Jane Stock Brookmyer • Timothy Buckwalter • Steven Bustos • James Caskey • Eunice Charles • Phyllis Cole-Dai • Dean Cooke • Kenneth Cullar • Ann Detweiler • Nancy Stealy Fieldhouse • Connie Carlson Garber • Beth Good Gerig • Marci Ropp Glick • Kristal King Graber • Elizabeth Guedea Carreno • Ray Gyori-Helmuth • Suzanne Lawton Hall • Mary Harder • Marie Harnish • Tamie Schrock Herr • Susan Alderfer Hochstetler • Tonya Miller Holaway • D. Michael Hunsberger • Mark Leichty • Jennifer Lapp Lerch • Robert Lerch • Niels Lichti • Nelda Rempel Litwiller • Barbara Beyer Mack • Rachel Wise Martin • Lois Stoltzfus Mast • Rebecca Reef Metcalf • Gareth Nissley • Cheryl Showalter Parker • Jon Reber • Kay Hartzler Reist • Mervin Reist • Susan Rempel-Smith • Lori Rusterholtz • Kahlil Schertz • Pamela Stuckey Schroeder • Lonnie Sears • Debra Huebert Selzer • Dorothy Shirk • James Smucker • Linda Graber Taylor • Beth Litwiller Troyer • Craig Troyer • Donald Troyer • Ronald Troyer • Carol Moser Wenger • Clifford Wenger • Rhonda Kinsinger Wray • Christine Miller Yoder • Christopher Yoder • Todd Yoder • Rhonda Yoder Polizzotto • Stanley Zehr • Philip Zimmerman • Cynthia Zook 28 Goshen College Annual Report


24% – $30,244 Anonymous (2) • Fanni Marner Birky • Amy Bixler • J. Rohrer Bomberger • Elizabeth Bontrager • Gordon Bontrager • Jamey Bontrager-Singer • Kay Bontrager-Singer • Lori Litwiller Bustos • Lisa Yoder Caskey • Kristine Kopp Charles • Conrad Clemens • Margaret Miller Clemens • Bethany Denlinger • Kaylene Yoder Ediger • M. Drew Frey • David Gautsche • Jean Alexander Gilcrest • Mark Glick • Rikki Godshall • John Goldfus • Reba Locher Goshert • DeLane Miller Graber • Starla Graber • Sonja Gyori Gyori-Helmuth • Stephen Harnish • Monica Hostetler Harnish • Randall Jacobs • Keith Johnston • Glenda Shirk Kauffman • Susan Drescher King • Timothy Klassen • David Leaman • Martha Liechty Conrad • Shelly Mann • Carolyn Martin • Lisa Martin • Vincent Martin • John Mast • Carol Brenneman Miller • Kevin Miller • Karla Yoder Minter • Timothy Oyer • Joyce Peachey Lind • Jerry Peters • Brian Preheim • LeAnne Zimmerman Quenzer • Elizabeth Keim Ropp • Dorine Smucker Rosenberger • M. Thomas Rosenberger • Grace Hunsberger Roth • Philip Rush • Sara Zimmerly Ryan • Steven Schlabach • David Schneider • Joyce Mast Schrock • Sandra Graber Sears • Michelle Schirch Shelly • Michael Stauffer • Arlene Hinckle Steffen • Kathryn Strang • Michael Throne • Brenda Stoltzfus Toews • Robert Toews • Ann Gusler Vendrely • Patrick Vendrely • Barbara Lerch Weaver • Dawn Weber Cullar • Harley Yoder • Jane Yoder • Kathleen Schertz Yoder • S. Scott Yoder • Loretta Zook-Stanley


19% – $22,265 Cheryl Miller Beachey • Gregory Beachey • Shari Kornhaus Bechler • Michael Bixler • Mark Boyce • Linda Dintaman Martin • Leanne Farmwald • Tonya Bachman Frey • Lamonte Garber • Julie Albrecht Gensmer • Margaret Owen Gesner • Holly Graber • Laurie Virgil Gray • Steven Harper • Jennifer Helmuth • Keith Helmuth • Jerald Hochstetler • Martin Hodel • Diantha Hostetler • Keith Hostetler • Sally Hunsberger • Susan Graber Hunsberger • James Kalb • Debra Bontrager Kauffman • Jeffry Kauffman • Hanna Khoury • R. Kim Kornhaus • Kathleen Kremer • Jessica Lapp • Jennifer Friesen LeFevre • Jan Miller Lehman • Timothy Lehman • Myron Lind • Kelvin Mack • Brent Mann • Barbara Lehman Martin • James Martin • Kendel Martin • Joanne Groff McIlvaine • Debra Miller • James

Miller • Karen Miller • Sheri Neff Miller • David Moser • Kurt Neumann • Kathleen Nofziger • Patricia Schlabach Nofziger • Emily North • Joachim Oberst • Michael Peachey • Gordon Peters • Julia Reimer • Emily Riesser • Annabelle Shirk Roth • Stanley Roth • Janice Roth Peters • Lisa Roth Walter • Rachel Leatherman Schertz • Craig Schloneger • James Schrock • David A. Smucker • David J. Smucker • John Swartzendruber • Debra Fisher Sweetser • Connie Frey Tempest • Lorna Troyer • Rosanna Landis Weaver • Barbara Oesch Yoder • Cynthia Swartzendruber Yoder • Thomas Yoder


20% – $11,327 Anonymous (1) • Lon Amstutz • Linda Anneler Zehr • Richard Beyler • Teresa Paglow Bomberger • Ruth Brenneman • Wendy Brunner • Nancy Chupp • Nancy Hoglund Davidson • Wendy Eash • Michael EbyGood • Cynthia Friesen-Mason • Lisa Yoder Gautsche • Nita Gerig • Marjorie Springer Gingerich • Jennifer Headings Graber • Kevin Graber • J. Michael Groh • Barbara Harder • Bert Hartman • Steven Hartman-Keiser • Ann Helmuth Leaman • Kathleen Keener Shantz • Fredrick Kem • David Kieper • Roelf Kuitse • Ronald Landis • Julie Landis-Cheng • Bryan Leaman • Roland Ledyard • Berdine Mininger Leinbach • Amy Schloneger Lichti • Brent Litwiller • Kenton Longenecker • Jon Markley • Colleen Caskey Martin • J. Mark Martin • Lori Yoder Martin • Stanley Martin • Emil Menzies • Darren Miller • Jeffrey Miller • Kaylene Nofziger Miller • Kathleen Blosser Plank • Jan Albrecht Ramer • Ronald Rheinheimer • Kenneth Rodgers • Karen Miller Rush • Christine Scherer • Ann Conrad Schloneger • Faith King Smucker • Jennifer Snyder • William Stoltzfus • Jon Sweigart • Robert Tiessen • Jennifer Ulrich • Juan Vega • Steven Walter • Carla Friesen Weldy • Amanda Dutton Yoder • Kermit Yoder-Schrock • Stephen Zehr


19% – $8,255 Beth Bartel • Connie Wyse Berkey • Cynthia Yoder Bontrager • Dennis Bontrager • B. Jane French Burns • Bruce Campbell-Janz • Charity Denlinger • Jill Detweiler Breckbill • Elizabeth Hodel Fakhoury • Charlene Meyer Flowers • Dawn Gerber Hankins • Paul Helmuth • Kay Hershberger • Franklin Hess • Shana Kauffman Hodel • Todd Holsopple •

Jon Horsch • Benjamin Hunsberger • Krystal Hershberger Johnson • Steven Johnson-Evers • Karen Kaufmann Kieper • Vanessa King Boyer • Karen Yoder Kym • Christine Landis • Christopher Liechty • Daniel Liechty • Holly Hollenberg Liechty • Cara Longacre Hurst • Kevin Longacre Hurst • Rebecca Martin • Phillip Mason • Bonita Hostetler Miller • Lyle Miller • Tammy Stern Miller • Brian Mishler • Lucille Zoss Moyer • Jana King Peachey • Myriam Hudicourt Raber • Philip Raber • Randal Rheinheimer • Kevin Schloneger • Michelle Freese Seiler • Jonathan Shenk • Beth Hochstetler Smucker • Jeffrey Smucker • Lon Swartzentruber • Harley Toole • Matthew Waidelich • Kim Roth Walker • Carol Garber Welty • Valerie Werner • Kirk Yoder • Randall Yoder • Tim Yoder • Gretchen Yoder-Schrock


16% – $6,085 Kelly Green Abrams • Douglas Albrecht • Heidi Boschmann Amstutz • Neil Amstutz • Dennis Berkey • Peter Bixler • Jane Mishler Bontrager • Jill Erb Bontrager • Christopher Bowers • Julie Martin Burruss • Evangeline Gerber • Diane Gingerich-Feil • Lon Gingerich-Feil • Myron Gingrich • Daniel Haggerty • Tamara Loewen Hazbun • Emily Headings • Susan Hunsberger • Margaret Jeschke • Connie Johnson-Evers • Randall Kauffman • Douglas Kaufman • Jill Hostetler Kaufman • Philip Kym • Steven Leinbach • David Martin • Joy Frey Martin • Anita Stuckey Mounsithiraj • Van Nussbaum • Pamela Lehman Pulliam • Troy Risser • Jill Ropp • Phillip Rupp • Jon Rychener • Katrina Esch Schrock • Robina David Sommers • Aletha Stahl • Youko Watari • Cynthia Yoder


16% – $8,925 Jennifer North Bauman • Kendal Bauman • Kimberly Wagler Bontrager • John Bretz • Kimberly Burkholder • David Coil • Lynette Troyer Coil • Kent Smith Dutchersmith • Cynthia Friesen Coyle • Jan Friesen Holsopple • Debra Zehr Frohberg • Alicia Gingrich • Mark Guengerich • Linda Garber Gunden • Kenneth Hershberger • Rex Hochstedler • Judith Hayes Huss • Brian Jans • Dawn Kaczor • Heidi Kauffman • Dawn KaufmanFrey • Ronald Krabill • Robert Kurtz • Gerald Leatherman • Jill Koop Liechty • R. Scott Litwiller • Ann Reedy Longacre • James Longacre • Elaine Kaufmann Martin • Timothy Martin • Anthony Miller • Bart Miller •

Maynard Miller • Denise Clemens Murphy • Rachel Miller Nolt • Steven Nolt • Janet North • Maria Lehman Osborne • Douglas Peters • Donna Nofziger Risser • Erin Roth • Rita Ruth Rupp • Frederick Schlabach • Sue Schmucker Coblentz • Kendal Sommers • Lori Steiner Jans • Michael Stoltzfus • Eric Troyer • Valerie Hart Wickard • Jenny Litwiller Wyse • Gail Roth Yoder


15% – $8,195 Susan Holst Beck • Philip Bergey • Trinda Bolton Brenneman • Todd Brenneman • Kevin Buerge • Lorin Byler • Amy Von Gunten Clemens • M. Kent Clemens • Beth Detweiler Grove • Daniel Diener • John Duerksen • Cynthia Eby • Duane Eby • Susan Edwards • Cory Good • Craig Harnish • Nina Kaufman Harnish • David Hershey • Angela Nofziger Hochstedler • Chad Horning • Michelle Yoder Horning • Yolanda Kauffman • Beverly Lapp • Beth Lehman • Jessica Lehman • Roger Lehman • Joseph Manickam • Roger Martin • Eric Massanari • Bradley Moyer • Bruce Nofziger • Lynda Nyce • Sonya Hostetler Overman • Jayne Oyer Eby • Julie Reese • Penny Ropp Good • Lisa Seiler Ramos • Kurt Stutzman • D. Lisa Peters Tinneny • Shannon Musselman Unzicker • Evert Vandeworp • Kristine Drolet Weaver • Jonathan Wenger • Ken Wyse • Angela Lewis Yeoman • Mary Yoder • Thomas Yoder


12% – $8,225 Craig Baumgartner • Brent Beck • Mary Longacre Benner • Rajesh Biyani • D. Scott Bodiker • Arloa Bontrager • Melinda Wenger Brady • Janelle Seitz Butterworth • Susan Conrad • Jeffrey Dyck • Rita Enns Peters • Joseph Fritsch • Kathleen Steiner Fritsch • Heather Kaufman Haggerty • Scott Hartman • Ross Hershberger • Dawn Leland Jenkins • Kurt Kennel • Jeanne Liechty • Randall Mast • Edward McKenna • J. Eric Miller • Lynn Miller • Marla Gascho Miller • Eric Nord • Jeffrey Osborne • Matthew Overman • Brent Reinhardt • Tami Schlabach • Mark Schloneger • Brett Sherman • J. Chad Stoltzfus • D. Brian Swartley • Delwin Troyer • Steven Weaver • Deric Zuercher


11% – $3,870 Kimberly Kropf Arredondo • Sabino

Arredondo • Elizabeth Slager Beachy • Lisa Bohnert Rose • Alan Burkholder • Mark Claassen • Kevin Frey • Ingrid Friesen Moser • Susan Hertzler Burkholder • Sarah Hostetler • William Kaufmann • Monica Leaman Kehr • Betty Lew Kennel • R. Paul Koop • Patrick Leaman • Angela Skillings McKenna • Erika Yoder Meyer • Thomas Meyer • Jodi Burkhalter Miller • Lori Nitzsche • Jill Reedy • Marla Gerber Reinhardt • Ken Rychener • Jason Samuel • Sarah Hubbard Schloneger • Scott Schmucker • Michael Schrock • Samuel Snyder • Jeffrey Stuckey • Brenda Wyse Summers • Ann Garber Walter • Angela Brenneman Yoder • Joshua Yoder


13% – $3,580 Eric Beck • Susan Beck • Jonathan Bollinger • Ryan Claassen • Julie Sauder Crossgrove • Ellen Fast • Gayle Troyer Frey • Suella Lehman Gerber • Mark Goertz • Andrea Buller Golden • Jan Good-Bollinger • Matthew Chad Harshbarger • Kandace Helmuth • Rebecca Whitmer Helmuth • Todd Helmuth • Eric Jantzen • Melika Kauffman Hershberger • Chad Lehman • Carolyn Schantz Lichti • Telissa Yoder Matos • Lisa Miller • Thavisak Mounsithiraj • Lenae Nofziger • Andrea Nafziger Nord • Jeffrey Roth • Kristen Rensberger Rychener • Thomas Shenk • Lisa Truckley Simko • Karen Gandy Thomson • Lara Troyer • Matthew Troyer • David Unzicker • Eric Yordy • Kristin Shellenberger Yordy


11% – $3,985 Stacy Neff Beshara • Melody Kauffman Claassen • Christine Miller Daniels • Matthew Eberly • Linda Sellers Foster • Tamara Gerber • Mira Grieser • Denise Beyeler Harshbarger • Michael Hawkins • Evan Hoover • Rachel Hostetler • Jennifer Yoder King • Tillman King • La Vern Friesen Klassen • Rachel Lapp Whitt • Gregory Larson Sawin • Ed Leichty • Karen Holmstrom Lesch • A. Ryan Mellinger • Emily Lehman Miller • Ryan Miller • David Moyer-Diener • Gwendolyn Boll Roth • Vicki Furman Schreiber • Cheryl Shreiner • John David Thacker • Amy Mull Warncke • Lynette Fahnestock Weeman • Christopher Whitehead


12% – $5,180 Anonymous (2) • Jenelle Basinger • Michael ALUMNI AND FRIENDS GIVING REPORT 29

Bodiker • Jason Byler • Eunice Erb Culp • David Daniels • Jonathan Friesen • Kristin Wengerd Friesen • Sharon Hackworth Gaff • Jessica Graber • Ursula Lundall Green • Wendel Landes • Jennifer Larson Sawin • Melissa Allebach Mast • Sonya Mateer Rempel • David Miller • Samuel Miller • Laura Yoder Moshier • Karla Myers • Beth Conrad Rupp • David Rupp • Kyle Schlabach • Heidi SiemensRhodes • Mitchell Siemens-Rhodes • Jon Stuckey • Bethany Swope • A. Colleen White • Maria Witmer-Rich • Derek Yoder


13% – $10,270 Lisa Beachy • Rebecca Beachy Miller • Zachary Bishop • Emily Burkhalter • Janine Byler • Carrie Fisher Stalter • Lori Mull Goertz • Anthony Hartzler • Kelly Hartzler • Jennifer Jackson Hawkins • Lenora Hirschler • Scott Hochstetler • Jennifer Koop Olsta • Amy Friesen Leichty • Suzanne Kralis Light • Lisa Miller • Richard Miller • Rachel Miller Moreland • Jason Moshier • Joanna MoyerDiener • Sheila Mullet • Kathleen Nissley • Brent Nofziger • Nathan Rempel • Lynn Scholfield • Philip Smucker • Travis Stalter • Lynnette Thacker • Patrick Tibbs • Laura Glick Yoder


11% – $2,700 Anonymous (1) • Kendra Miller Baumgartner • Alison Charbeneau Bryant • P. Michael Freed • Kristine Yoder Gingerich • Peter Gingerich 30 Goshen College Annual Report

• Bradley Hartman • Jesse Hostetter Kropf • Marla Hostetter Kropf • Joann Hunsberger • Nathaniel Jordan • Matthew Kanagy • Chad Kauffman • Kristin Graber Kauffman • Glen Kauffmann • Rachelle Lyndaker Schlabach • Celia Mellinger • Alexander Naula • Roger Prough • Valerie Schrock • Robert Steiner • Sarah Burkholder Steiner • Aaron Stuckey • Theresine Gundy Wedel • Jonathan WitmerRich • Edward Yoder


11% – $6,385 Anonymous (1) • Larry Adams • Matthew Beachy • Heather Birky • Collin Bishop • Karen Hunter Cain • Jonathan Denlinger • Obed Diener • Peter Eash-Scott • Amy Gingerich • Katrina Nussbaum Graber • Angela Gunden • Joel Holsopple • Kristi Short Kauffman • Travis Kauffman • Christina Kilmer Kauffmann • Mark Landes • Steven Miller • Lori Nunemaker • Jennifer Vardaman Prough • Jill Liechty Replogle • Samuel Reschly • Grant Rissler • Melissa Schertz Schertz Riddle • Kara Schmucker • Rebecca Sieber • Jessica Yoder Smucker • Jonathan Stoltzfus • Dirk Wolfer • Katherine Yoder • Monroe Yoder


11% – $6,070 Alvin Bauman • Terry Beck • Clint Borntrager • Rebecca Brown • David Chupp • Laura Eshleman • Melissa Fisher Fast • Clarissa Gaff • Anne Gerber • Kevin Graber • Sonia Graber • Seth Kauffman • Timothy Kennel • Justina

Jones Kramer • Karen Martin Schiedel • James Neff • Griffen Bishop O’Shaughnessy • Andrea Springer Pletcher • Nathan Pletcher • Andrew Reeser • Bethany White Reeser • Andrew Schiedel • Rachel Amstutz Stuckey • Anne Waltner


8% – $3,439 Joseph Bean • Erin Clark Birky • Jesse Birky • Elizabeth Miller Borntrager • Heidi Burkhart • Sara Rhodes Chupp • Jackie Drake • Janice Eigsti Miller • David Fisher Fast • Glenn Gilbert • Ryan Gingrich • Stephen Himes • Bricianie Brice Jeudnez • Ned Mast • Brian Miller • Laura Moyer • Lauren McFarland Murto • Kelly Sauder Neff • Angela OetamaPaul • Becky Overholt • Jeanna Baus Reschly • Deborah Scott • Lisa Schmucker Showalter • Rachel Stuckey Showalter


5% – $1,975 Heidi Birky Goldman • Lukas Jordan • Joel Leichty • Jeffrey Martin • Susanna Meyer • Regina Miller • Laura Kauffman Nafziger • Stephen Nafziger • Anthony Riddle • Adam Scharf • Deborah Sensenich • Howard Showalter • Adam Tice • Maria Longoria Tice • Jessica Yoder


4% – $700 Alyssa Beck Abebe • Kaleab Abebe • Garrett Bishop • Jennifer Springer Bishop • Olivia

Roth Brubaker • Eric Kanagy • Gregory Louck • Joseph Mast • Marie Johnston Mast • Julia Adams Naula • Jeanette Stoltzfus • Karl Stutzman • Jayne Thomas Kennel


6% – $1,280 Melisa Birkey • Marcia Topp Braun • Lindsy Diener • Sasha Dyck • Jason Kauffman • Shelley Habusta Kauffman • Jason Kramer • Lisa Miller Martin • Stella Mason • Sarah Nelson • Charity Brubaker Ortman • Erica Willems Schechtman • John Weldy • Alan Zimmerman


6% – $1,537 Katie Beck • Angela Newcomer Buller • Brett Buller • Jeffrey Claassen • Mariko Miyama Claassen • Adam Graber Roth • Erik Hisner • Daniel King • Deanna Martin Landes • Martha Miller Ruggles • Jason Schmucker • Katherine Showalter • LaMont Steiner


6% – $5,190 Miriam Augsburger • Dominique BurgunderJohnson • Crystal Collier • Aileac Banks Deegan • Allison Brenneman Goertz • Joshua Gross • Matthew Hochstetler • Stephanie Hirschler Honderich • Lori Kaminski • Katelyn Nafziger Leichty • William Leichty • Rose Miller Shetler • Joshua Sprunger • Jennifer Rupp Steiner • Xiaoli Xiang


3% – $275 Laura Renner Barnett • Marsha Dougherty Decker • Jessica Hertsel • Melanie Histand Schmucker • Erica Nofziger Sprunger • Mary Janczak Treadway • Matthew Tschetter • Anna Yoder Schlabach • Brian Yoder Schlabach


6% – $860 Elizabeth Buschert • Karen Graber Roth • Sara Groff • Justin Hochstetler • Michael Honderich • Anthony Janzen • Hilary Mayhew • Zachary Miller • Laura Sharp • Jordan Swartzendruber • Monica Torres • Megan Vendrely • Greta Weaver • Matthew Yoder


8% – $1,082 Elizabeth Beachy • Jacob Brenneman • Mark Christiansen • Analisa Gerig-Sickles • Sheldon Good • Samantha Gordon • Katharine Derstine Grieser • Nathan Grieser • Abri Houser Hochstetler • Meghan Hoover • Morgan Kraybill • Laura Leatherman • Lane Miller • Leah Miller • Peter Miller • Christopher Neumann • Luke Penner • Robert Puster • David Shenk • Hillary Watson


35% – $2,713 Rachel Allen • Grant Bachman • Julia Klassen Baker • Marita Waggy Barsoda • Timothy Blaum • Benjamin Bouwman • Andrew Brubaker • Jessica Bubp • Jonna Buller •

Alexander Caskey • Jennifer Cree • Steven Cress • Vanessa De Pue • Edgar Diaz • Rocio Diaz • Lauren Eash • Kelsey Eldredge • Joseph Friesen • Rachel Funk • Matthew Fyfe • Lindsay Gangloff • Elizabeth Glick • Jeremy Good • Nicholas Good • Hannah Groff • Jenna Nickel Grubaugh • Rachel Halder • Daniel Hall • Douglas Hallman • Benjamin Handrich • Allison Hawkins • Brittany Herschberger • Mark Hershberger • Patricia Hershberger • Vanessa Hershberger • Elena Histand • Thomas Hoover • Betsy Houser • Kristina Johnson • Jill Kauffman • Michelle Kaufman • Joel King • Caleb Kitchell • Thomas Leischner • Patrick Linehan • Kimberly Hoover McCreary • Hannah D. Miller • Hannah W. Miller • Jacob Miller • Jocelyn Miller • Kristofer Miller • Michelle Miller • Rachel Miller • Zachary Miller • Melody Musser • Elizabeth Nafziger • Michael Neumann • Breanna Nickel • Angela Noah • Sarah Noah • Lindsey Nofziger • Elizabeth Nussbaum • Pamela Pauw • Christina Peters • Laura Printz • Gina Richard • Javier Rios • Emily Roggie • Karla Santiago • Kathryn Schlabach • Laura Schlabach • Rachel Schlabach • Darin Schwartzentruber • Troyanna Scott • Allen Shenk • Isaac Shue • Deborah Smith • Annali Smucker • Chase Snyder • Anna Srof • Taylor Stansberry • Jessica Steil • Drew Stoltzfus • Ashley Janssen Swartzendruber • Emily Taylor • Kristen Ulery • Piperlaurie Voge • Marlys Weaver • Scott Wilkinson • Daniel Wolfer • Luke Woodworth • Noah Yoder • Crystal Zook ALUMNI AND FRIENDS GIVING REPORT 31



Elkhart County has always been home for Goshen College, and we rely on and deeply appreciate the support of Elkhart County businesses, churches, organizations and residents. Goshen College provides Elkhart County with a top educational, community and arts center. Approximately 35 percent of GC students come from Elkhart County, and 20 percent of Goshen College alumni call Elkhart County home.

In Honor:

Shown below are the contribution totals received from Elkhart County individuals, businesses, and organizations from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010.

In honor of Anna Bowman

Development Report for Elkhart County Goshen College Fund 2009-2010 Alumni Friends Churches Businesses/Organizations/ Foundations Total Special funds Alumni Friends Churches Businesses/Organizations/ Foundations Total Total gifts from Elkhart County


$ 319,775 $ 324,348 100,360 106,938 131,030 127,291 5,509 14,817 __________ __________ $ 556,674 $ 573,394 $ 227,176 $ 251,472 73,656 208,115 9,325 5,525 194,941 97,961 __________ __________ $ 505,098 $ 563,073 $ 1,061,772

$ 1,136,467

Many gifts come to Goshen College in memory of loved ones or to honor the lives and special occasions of friends and family members. We accepted the following memorial and tribute gifts in 2009-2010 with warmest appreciation for both the gifts and the good people they honor. In honor of Alvin Bauman – Birthday Yoder Ainlay Ulmer & Buckingham LLP

In honor/memory of Marie and Orin Beechy Carol Beechy and Kathryn Boardman

Twenty donors gave to the Anna Bowman Social Work Scholarship in honor of Anna Bowman. Please see them listed in the Endowment and Scholarship section of this report.

In honor of President James Brenneman and the Goshen College Institutional Advancement Division William and Amy Jones

In honor of Jim Caskey – Vice President appointment Bethany Swope and Marshall King

In honor of Dr. Stan Grove for his beekeeping work Raymond Dave and Kay Laney

In honor of Benjamin and Leah Hurst – Christmas ’09 Gerald and Glenda Hurst

In honor of Carl and Mary Hurst – Christmas ’09 Gerald and Glenda Hurst

In honor of Len Hurst – Christmas ’09 Gerald and Glenda Hurst

In honor of Michael and Tawnya Hurst – Christmas ’09 Gerald and Glenda Hurst

In honor of Bryan Leaman Dennis Kreeger

In honor of Gary and Alice Lehman – Christmas ’09 Gerald and Glenda Hurst

In honor of Vi Miller – Christmas ’09 Gerald and Glenda Hurst

In honor of Joni Sancken – Ordination Virgil and Irma Jean Sancken

In honor of Rebecca & Stephen Smith – 40th Anniversary Patricia B. Smith 32 Goshen College Annual Report

In honor of Joe Springer

Daniel and Mary Liechty • Gary Rassi

In honor of Ed Swartzendruber – Retirement Edd’s Supplies, Inc.

In Memory:

In memory of Miriam Sutter Albrecht

Marion Albrecht • Kathryn Aschliman • Miriam and Harley Birky • Richard and Arlee Blackburn • Lois Buckwalter • College Mennonite Church Homebuilders Class • Kay Creasey • Carrie Diener • Marcia Ertel • Douglas and Lisa Gaeddert • William and Lucille Gering • Jean and Samuel Glick • Beulah Gonzalez • Walter and Lorene Good • David Haarer • Peggy Hann • James and Diane Hertzler • Elizabeth Jacobs • Verda P. Kauffman • Ivan and Lola Kauffmann • Ruth Kaufmann • Helen Kennell • John and Jean King • Stanley and Bonita King • Sharon Klingelsmith and Anthony Cummings • Elvin and Constance Krabill • Geoffrey Landis and Elizabeth Gunden • Diane Lewandowski • Carl and Doris Metzler • Eldon Dean and LaVerne Nafziger • Mary Katherine Nafziger • Roger and Laurie Nafziger • Carol and James Rhodes • Walter and Vera Schmucker • Daniel and Jennifer Schrock • Lon and Kathryn Sherer • Rose and Leonard Shetler • Shirley and Stuart Showalter • Betty Springer • E. Keith and Kathleen Springer • Edna and Roy D. Springer • Joe Springer and Jo-Ann Brant • Royal and Beverly Springer • Earl and Margaret Sutter • Gary and Kay Sutter • John and Charlotte Sutter • Lela Sutter • M. Willis and Esther Sutter • Ronald and Barbara Sutter • Ed and Mary Swartzendruber • Philip and Elizabeth Troyer • R. Gary and Susan Underwood • Dorothy Unger • Janice Wenger • Gordon and Esther Yoder • Melvin and Betty Yoder • W. Jay and Carolyn Zehr

In memory of Atlee & Winny Beechy Carol Beechy and Kathryn Boardman

In memory of Buetta Wyse Bontrager Elizabeth Bontrager and Philip Waite

In memory of J. Lawrence Burkholder

Kathryn Aschliman • Ross T. Bender • Fern Brunner • Richard and Norma Camp • David and Sara Chupp • Thomas and Dorthy Corson • John and Pauline Fisher • Fourth Freedom Forum, Inc. • Melvin and Elizabeth Friesen •

Leonard Geiser • Shirley Gingerich • Paul and Ann Gingrich • Alvin and Dolores Graber • Dwight and Carol Grieser • Abner and Anne Hershberger • James and Diane Hertzler • Arlin and Naomi Hunsberger • Elizabeth Jacobs • Stanley and Bonita King • Alan and Eleanor Kreider • Albert Lane • Russel and Marjorie Liechty • Evelyn and Robert Marquiss • Frank and Marsha Martin • D. Richard Miller • Mary Mishler • Eldon Dean and LaVerne Nafziger • Roger and LuEtta Neumann • Rodney and Marianne Pletcher • Sue Roth • Larry and Rosemary Rupp • H. Devon and Ruth Schrock • Earl and Genny Schwartzentruber • Wilbert and Juanita Shenk • John and Joann Smith • Barbara and George Smucker • Glenn and Geneva Stoltzfus • Linda and Tom Stump • Ethel Umble • Bradley Yoder • Florence L. Yoder • Larry Yoder • Melvin and Betty Yoder • Sam and Lillian Yoder • Donald Xia Additional gifts for this memorial were received in the next fiscal year.

Mennonite Fellowship of Montreal • The Montreal Friday Group • Justina Neufeld and Floyd Bartel • Alfred and Charlotte Neufeldt • Donald Neufeldt • Hans Nickel • J. Lorne Peachey • Chester and Geraldine Raber • Antonio and Dorothy Ramos • Rebecca Rupp and John Gutteridge • Vincent Schiavoni • Allen and Mary Schmidt • John and Marlene Schwab • Gerald and Audra Shenk and Audra, Jeni, Gloria, Alta and Marty • Vicki Snyder • Edgar Stoesz • Lynette and Floyd Stoltzfus • Glenn and D. Anne Weaver

In memory of Joan Copsey

In memory of Reta Kay Gerber

Ronald and Connie Yoder

In memory of Elfrieda Klassen Dyck

Clara Dyck • Marilynn Gillies and Patrick Barnard • Allan and Renata Klassen

In memory of Peter J Dyck

Janice Albright • Margaret Berry and K. Richard Lougheed • Linda Blum • John and Lous Brubaker • Kathleen Ceroni and Michael Polechko • Dawson College Nursing Department • Eric Deslauriers and Nancy Arbogast • Clara Dyck • Jennifer Dyck • Naomi Dyck • Paula Dyck • Rebecca Dyck and Peter Deslauriers • Sasha Dyck • Charlene Epp • Mark Fox and family: Sara, Sam and Nathan • Wilmer Froese • Abram Funk • Marilynn Gillies and Patrick Barnard • Steve and Pam Goossen • Velma and Eric Harder • Doreen Harms • David and Florence Harnish • Lorna Hauta • Hugh Hazelton and Ginette Boucher • David and Jennifer Hiebert • Charles and Millicent Holzinger • John Hostetler • Paul and Brenda Johnson • Allan and Renata Klassen • Frank and Ruth Klassen • Randy and Joyce Klassen • Timothy P. Klassen • Alan and Eleanor Kreider • Robert and Lois Kreider • Lenora and Dietrich Kroeker • Renata Kroeker • Kim Labuda • J. E. and Emma Lehman • Anita and Ralph Loxley • Rita MacDonald • E. Irene Martin • Luke Martin and Maureen Hastie • Ronald and Gudrun Mathies •

In memory of Orus Eash Thomas Dean

In memory of Agnes Eigsti

Orlin and Ina Eigsti • Carl Hanson • Myrl and Phyllis Nofziger • Laurie Paternoster • Frances Reynolds • Shirley and Stuart Showalter • Victor and Marie Stoltzfus • Ed and Mary Swartzendruber • Dorothy Unger • Yoder Ainlay Ulmer & Buckingham, LLP A. Irene Dorville • Goshen Health System • Ruby Newcomer

In memory of Rosalee Gingerich

College Mennonite Church Homebuilders Class • Shirley Gingerich • Steven and Cathy Gingerich • Dwight and Carol Grieser • Gladys Johns • Mary Kinsinger • Sara Wengerd • Fred and June Yoder • Melvin and Betty Yoder • Robin Yoder

In memory of Thelma Groff

Harold Bauman and Carolyn W. Hertzler • Mary Eleanor Bender • Gladys and Hilary Bertsche • Verda and George Bialac • Miriam Charles • Mary Conrad Lo and Mathew Lo • Edith and Esther Davidson • Menno and Shirley Friesen • Paul and Rosemary Fry • Jean Geiger • Mary and Glenn Gilbert • Greencroft Manor IV residents • Betty Groff and Allison, Mark, James and Rob Chris Groff • Jim and Sue Hallman • Tom and Kathy Hallman • Geraldyne Hartsough • Thomas and Joanne Holtzinger • Gordon and Phyllis Hostetler • Stanley and Bonita King • Evelyn Kreider • Ruth Mark • Donald and Mary Miller • Alice and Robert Murto • Eldon Dean and LaVerne Nafziger • Myron and Murlene Oesch • Myra Oswald • Gerhard and Rosemary Reimer • Laura Schumm • Ed and Mary Swartzendruber • Mary Helen Wade • Lynn and Margaret Williams • Don and ALUMNI AND FRIENDS GIVING REPORT 33

Meredeth Wittrig • Erma Lou Yoder

In memory of William H. Haarer, Class of 1913 David Haarer

In memory of Josephine Hanlon Roy E. Johnson, Jr.

In memory of Mary Ann Hostetler ’48 James Melchert

In memory of Lawrence “Larry” Hurst Carl and Mary Hurst • Gerald and Glenda Hurst • Violet Miller

In memory of Jacob Kauffman Rebecca Roth

In memory of J. Robert Kreider

Anna Aeschliman and Family • Kathryn Aschliman • Harold Bauman and Carolyn W. Hertzler • Suzanne Bishop • Linda and James Butti • J. William and Margaret Clemens • College Mennonite Church Homebuilders Class • Kent and Mary A. Elliott • Gilbert and Sandra Gingerich • David Haarer • Kenneth and Ruth Heatwole • Gerald and Glenda Hurst • Alan and Eleanor Kreider • Evelyn Kreider • Rachel Kreider • Merritt and Dierra Lehman • Russel and Marjorie Liechty • Mary Katherine Nafziger • Rodney and Marianne Pletcher • Kristin and Bryan Robert • Walter and Vera Schmucker • Lon and Kathryn Sherer • Shirley and Stuart Showalter • Betty Springer • Victor and Marie Stoltzfus • Marjorie Summer • Ed and Mary Swartzendruber • Esther E. Unruh • Gordon and Esther Yoder

In memory of Willard “Dick” Martin

Mary Eleanor Bender • Kathleen Harshbarger • Elizabeth Jacobs • Leslie and Frances Shetler • Marion and Anna Frances Wenger • Bradley Yoder • Gordon and Esther Yoder

In memory of June L. Martin ’63 LeRoy and Sue Walters

In memory of Wiley McDowell

Kathryn Aschliman • Harold Bauman and Carolyn W. Hertzler • Ervin and Phyllis Beck • Wilbur and Fanni Birky • Dwight and Carol Grieser • Stanley and Bonita King • Barbara and George Smucker • Joe Springer and JoAnn Brant

34 Goshen College Annual Report

In memory of Alpha Miller Arlin and Naomi Hunsberger

In memory of Maxine Miller

Kathryn Aschliman • Randall and Pamela Clouse • Marjorie Detweiler • Paul and Maxine Diller • Shirley Gingerich • Dwight and Carol Grieser • Ruth Gunden • David Haarer • Grace Hershberger • Verda P. Kauffman • Carolyn Leichty • Ruth Mark • Scott and Alison Mattern • Marie Miller • William and Phyllis Miller • Edith Nafziger • Mary Katherine Nafziger • Lon and Kathryn Sherer • Barbara Slough • Donald and Leta Snyder • Ed and Mary Swartzendruber • Gordon and Esther Yoder • Patricia and James Yoder • Richard W. and Barbara A. Yoder

In memory of Faye Stalter Nusbaum Anita Martin and H. Russel Vernon, III

In memory of J. Mark Schrag

C. Richard Herrold • Margaret and Joseph Koucky • Kathy and Tom Petroni

In memory of Philip Smith Lois Thompson

In memory of Hilda Sudermann Martin Harold Bauman and Carolyn W. Hertzler • Daniel and Judith Byler • College Mennonite Church Homebuilders Class • Carrie Diener and Family: Darrel, Karen and Maribeth • John and Lois Fidler • George and Gretchen Hardgrove • Gladys Hershberger • Grace Hershberger • Stanley and Bonita King • Mary Mishler • Tony and Lisa Smith • Carl and Genevere Snyder • Ed and Mary Swartzendruber • Harold and Mary Weaver

In memory of Amy Vanlaningham Syracuse Church of God

In memory of Richard Vendrely

Douglas and Jane Vendrely • Maredith Vendrely

In memory of Dale Wenger Gordon and Esther Yoder

Tree in memory of David L. Yoder Marian Yoder

In memory of Ilse Yoder

Arthur Barile • Thomas Bastable • Marilyn Birkey • Loretta Blevins • John Blosser and Rebecca Unternahrer • Mildred Brand and Family • Fern Brunner • George and Martha Buckingham • Richard Bussen • Thomas Carl • Mark and Melody Claassen • Paul Conrad and Martha Liechty Conrad • Alan and Susan Diefenbach • Linda and Stephen Foster • Mary and Glenn Gilbert • Melvin and Sherrill Glick • Timothy and Amanda Haynes and Family • Dorothy Hoffman and Family • Elizabeth Jacobs • Evelyn Kreider • Loren and Deanna Moshier • Larry and Rosemary Rupp • Marcella Stalter • Lois and Terry Tucker • Carolyn and Larry Vanice • Grace and Robert Whitehead • Leonard and Joan Wiebe • Bradley Yoder • Larry Yoder • Galen Zern

In memory of Ray Zehr Luke and Verna Birky

In memory of Erma Zimmerman

Mary Eleanor Bender • Suzanne Bishop • J. William and Margaret Clemens • College Mennonite Church Homebuilders Class • Paul and Rosemary Fry • Shirley Gingerich • Grace Hershberger • Elizabeth Jacobs • Carolyn and Charles Pauls • Anita and John Schimmel • Walter and Vera Schmucker • Betty Springer • Dr. and Mrs. Louis Stephens, Sr. • Ed and Mary Swartzendruber • Florence L. Yoder • Gordon and Esther Yoder • Kathy Zimmerman

MICHIANA BUSINESSES AND ORGANIZATIONS Although Goshen has students from nearly all the 50 states, about half come from Michigan and Indiana, with a significant number from the wonderfully diverse and lovely border region known as Michiana. We gratefully acknowledge the following Michiana businesses and organizations that supported Goshen College with their giving to the Michiana Student Aid Fund, the Music Center, Maple Leafs Athletic Club and other funds during the 2009-10 fiscal year. The lead Michiana businesses and organizations contributed $2,000 or more. Lead Michiana Businesses and Organizations

Ancon Construction Company, Inc. • Blair and Martha Rieth Family Foundation • Carmichael Foundation, Inc. • Corson Family Foundation, Inc. • Edd’s Supplies, Inc. • Elkhart County Community Foundation, Inc. • Elkhart River Restoration Association, Inc. • The John E. Fetzer Institute, Inc. • Goshen Health System • Goshen Rotary Club • Interra Credit Union • Jayco • Kaufman Counseling & Consulting, Ltd. • Martha Rieth VanDyke Charitable Lead Annuity Trust • Mennonite Education Agency • Mennonite Foundation, Inc. • Mennonite Mutual Aid • Michiana Anesthesia Care, P.C. • Miller Poultry • Northside 66, Inc. • Ora and

Grace Yoder Endowment Fund

Michiana Businesses and Organizations

1st Source Foundation • Arlen Epp Counseling and Coaching • Bashor Children’s Home • Bayer HealthCare LLC • Berry Plastics • Biomet, Inc. • Borntrager, Inc. • Brooks Construction Company, Inc. • Choice Carrier Corporation • Classic Transport, Inc. • Crowe Horwath LLP • Culver Family Foundation • DJ Construction Company, Inc. • Erv’s Vac Shop • Exchange Club of Elkhart County • Explore Media LLC • Financial Partners, Inc. • Fourth Freedom Forum, Inc. • Gordon McCormick Corporation • Goshen Chamber of Commerce • Goshen Community Bank •

Goshen Elkhart Music Teachers Association • Goshen High School • Greencroft, Inc. • Heritage Financial Group, Inc. • Hertzler Systems, Inc. • Kennedy’s Kitchen • Kruggel Lawton & Company LLC • KZRV LP • Lake City Bank • Lincoln Financial Foundation, Inc. • McCormick Motors • Miller Concrete, Inc. • Mission Woodworking, Inc. • Monteith Tire of Goshen, Inc. • Oaklawn Psychiatric Center, Inc. • Omega Plastics Corporation • River Bend Hose Specialty, Inc. • RSM McGladrey, Inc. • South Side Soda Shop • Synergy Insurance Group • Troyer Foods, Inc. • Veada Industries, Inc. • Weaver Realty • Yoder Ainlay Ulmer & Buckingham LLP • Zehr Construction. Inc. • Zimmer

BUSINESSES, FOUNDATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS OUTSIDE THE MICHIANA AREA Goshen College is pleased to acknowledge the generous support of the following businesses, foundations and organizations from across the United States and Canada. They provide support for students and partner with Goshen College to make it one of the best liberal arts institutions in the nation. Air & Waste Management Association • Al and Nellie Kuttruff Trust Fund • Arts Midwest • Bachman-Springer Scholarship Fund • Betty Lowenstein Trust • CROPP Co-op / Organic Valley Great Lakes • Dutchman Hospitality Group, Inc. • EC Foundation • Enterprise Holdings Foundation • Fred F. Silk Charitable Foundation, Inc. • Gibbel

Foundation, Inc. • Goodville Mutual Casualty Company • Holmes By-Products Company, Inc. • Independent Colleges of Indiana, Inc. • Indiana Youth Institute • John & Barbara Bontrager Memorial Fund • Kroeker Farms Limited • Ladies of Bethany • Margaret A. Cargill Foundation • Mennonite Foundation of Canada • Outley Professional Service, Inc.

• Pettisville Grain Company, Inc. • Process Resource Group • Reuben and Annabel Widmer Charitable Remainder Unitrust • Sauder Manufacturing Company • The Schowalter Foundation, Inc. • ShopDonations. com LLC • Stringtown Enterprises, Inc. • Superior Law PLLC • The UPS Foundation • Vernon H. Haase Foundation

MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Matching gift programs at companies and corporate foundations encourage charitable giving to colleges and universities by their employees, retirees and board members. We are pleased to acknowledge matching gifts from the following companies and organizations for the 2009-2010 fiscal year, totaling $67,040. Abbott Laboratories Fund • Adobe Systems, Inc. • Aetna Foundation, Inc. • Alcoa Foundation • AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP • AT&T Foundation • Automatic Data Processing, Inc. • The Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership • Caterpillar Foundation • Chevron Humankind • Crowe Horwath LLP • Davidson Companies • The Dow Chemical Company Foundation • Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc. • Emerson • The John E. Fetzer Institute, Inc. • Follett Corporation • GE

Foundation • GlaxoSmithKline Foundation • Goshen Health System • Heritage Financial Group, Inc. • The Hershey Company • Hewitt Associates LLC • IBM Corporation • Intel Foundation • John Deere Foundation • Johnson Controls Foundation • JP Morgan Chase Foundation • Land O’Lakes Foundation • Lincoln Financial Foundation, Inc. • Lockheed Martin Corporation • Merck Partnership for Giving • Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. • Microsoft • Mission Woodworking, Inc.

• Nationwide Foundation • NCR Foundation • Nelnet Foundation • Noel-Levitz, Inc. • OneAmerica Financial Partners, Inc. • The P & G Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation • Pfizer Foundation • The Prudential Foundation • Qualcomm • Raytheon • Rockwell Automation Charitable Corporation • Rockwell Collins • Shell Oil Company Foundation • State Farm Companies Foundation • Verizon Foundation • Wells Fargo Foundation • Wyeth Matching Grants: A program of Pfizer, Inc.


MAPLE LEAFS ATHLETIC CLUB Recognizing that our athletics program is an important facet of the total educational program at Goshen College, the following individuals and businesses support Goshen’s student athletes. Our thanks to these friends for their contributions during the past year to the Maple Leafs Athletic Club, the athletic department, athletic scholarships or the Roman Gingerich Recreation-Fitness Center. Anonymous (1) • Ancon Construction Company, Inc. • Matthew and Monica Beachy • Dennis and Connie Berkey • Jesse and Erin Birky • Kent and Betty Birky • Garrett and Jennifer Bishop • Thomas and Trinda Bishop • Zachary Bishop and Christina Alderfer • Don and Carolyn Blosser • Daniel and Diane Bodiker • Michael and Jodi Bodiker • William and Shawna Born • Clint and Elizabeth Borntrager • Brooks Construction Company, Inc. • Kevin Buerge • Barbara Carbaugh • Doug Caskey and Mary Liechty-Caskey • Jim and Lisa Caskey • Eric Christner • David and Sara Chupp • Rick and Janet Clark • Classic Transport, Inc. • Don and Marie Clemens • David and Lynette Coil • College Mennonite Church • Gary Cornette • Timothy and Shannon Demant • Bruce and Jill Detweiler Breckbill • Kurt and Rachel Eby • Erv’s Vac Shop • Douglas and Rebecca Gaff • James and Molly Gingerich • Shirley Gingerich • Steven and Cathy Gingerich • Andrea and Jason Golden • Sheldon Good • Goshen Community Bank • Goshen Health System • Doug Gossman • Barbara and Russell Graber • Galen Graber and Ruth Brenneman • Greencroft, Inc. • Dwight and Carol Grieser • Ron and Linda Gunden • Ruth Gunden • Daryl and Crystal Haarer • Jean Hartzler • Heritage Financial Group, Inc. • Edward and Delia Herr • Dale

36 Goshen College Annual Report

Hershberger • Valerie Hershberger • Hertzler Systems, Inc. • Erik and Jessica Hisner • Justin and Abri Hochstetler • Holmes By-Products Company, Inc. • Brent and Carmen Hoober • Chad and Michelle Horning • Merle and Elaine Hostetler • Gordon and Jeanne Houser • John and Margaret Ingold • Interra Credit Union • Anthony Janzen • David and Cynthia Janzen • Gladys Johns • Nelda Johnson • Luke Jordan • Talis and Linda Kaminskis • Armon and L. Bernice Kauffman • Seth Kauffman and Angela Gunden • Thomas and Donna Kauffman • Duane and Dorotha Kauffmann • Myrna and John Kaufman • Kaufman Counseling & Consulting, Ltd. • Gary and Norma Keister • Stanley and Bonita King • Mary Kinsinger • Craig and Beth Kleinschmidt • Kruggel Lawton & Company LLC • KZRV L.P. • Lake City Bank • Kevin and Carrie Lambright • Wayne and Lois Lambright • Mark and Deanna Landes • Geoffrey Landis and Elizabeth Gunden • Elwin LeFevre • Robert and Annabelle Lerch • Frederick and Faye Litwiller • Kerri Lyle • W. E. Malone, Jr. and Sharon Malone • Mennonite Mutual Aid • James and Joyce Millen • Anthony and Leah Miller • Christina Miller • Joyce Miller • Lyle and Bonnie Miller • Lynn and Darlene Miller • Philip Miller and Jean Newcomer • Ron and Wanda Miller • Sanford and Mary Lou Miller

• Stanley and Sandra Miller • Miller Concrete, Inc. • Colin and Julia Mishler • Robert and Kenda Mishler • Monteith Tire of Goshen, Inc. • Anita Stuckey Mounsithiraj and Thavisak Mounsithiraj • Manotham Mounsithiraj • James and Kelly Neff • Douglas and Angela Nisley • John and Doris Nunemaker • Omega Plastics • Griffen and Ryan O’Shaughnessy • Allen Peachey • J. Robert and Helen Peifer • Luke Penner • Kenneth and Justine Pletcher • Nathan and Andrea Pletcher • Roger and Jennifer Prough • Lynette and Gregory Raines • Andrew and Bethany Reeser • Anthony Riddle and Melissa Schertz Riddle • River Bend Hose Specialty, Inc. • RSM McGladrey, Inc. • Phyllis Ruth • Kara Schmucker • Patricia and Douglas J. Schmucker • Scott Schmucker and Lisa Gunden • Daniel and Elaine Schrock • Janice Schrock • Jay Shetler • Dorothy Shirk • Peter and Suzanne Short • Hollins and Rachel Showalter • Fred and Patricia Simon • David and Sheri Smucker • Robert and Ada Souder • Theodore and Marlene Springer • Bruce and Barbara Stahly • Mary Sutter • Synergy Insurance Group • Delwin Troyer • Troyer Foods, Inc. • Veada Industries, Inc. • Douglas and Jane Vendrely • Maredith Vendrely • Patrick and Ann Vendrely • David Weaver • Glenn and D. Anne Weaver • Annette and Robert Webb • David and Janet Weed

• Gordon and Barbara Weirich • Alan and Carla Weldy • John and Sarah Weldy • Sara Wengerd • Donna and Steve Wiktorowski • Erin Wiktorowski • Troy Wiktorowski • Lynn and Margaret Williams • Todd and Diane

Woodworth • Clarence and Gretchen Yoder • Ed and Theo Yoder • Fred and June Yoder • Galen Yoder • LeVon and Anita Yoder • Melvin and Betty Yoder • Monroe and Anika Yoder • Robin Yoder • Terry and Sharon Yoder

• Yoder Ainlay Ulmer & Buckingham LLP • Zehr Construction, Inc. • Mark and Karene Zimmerman • Daryl and Maxine Zook



Kelli Burkholder King

Director of Public Relations (574) 535-7571 rraguirre@goshen.edu

CREDITS Jim Caskey

Vice President for Institutional Advancement (574) 535-7556 jimkc@goshen.edu

DEVELOPMENT Roger Nafziger

Director of Alumni, Church & Parent Relations (574) 535-7563 kellibk@goshen.edu

Richard R. Aguirre

Jodi H. Beyeler News Bureau Director

Director of Annual and Planned Giving (574) 535-7797 rogeran@goshen.edu

Jan Ramer

Mary Ann Bean

Alumni Records Assistant

Isaiah Goertz

Bethany Swope

Web Designer/Developer

Institutional Advancement Administrative Assistant

Patty Eash Development Administrative Assistant

Robert Majdak Database and Donor Research Manager

Ginny Nunemaker Donor Records

Ken Pletcher Major Gift Officer

Rose Shetler Assistant Director of Annual Giving

Constituency Relations Assistant

Rachel Campagnoli

Karen Sommers

Graphic Designer

Coordinator of Church Relations

Josh Gleason

Lisa Weaver

Sports Information Director

Coordinator of Welcome Center

Myrna Kaufman

Janette Yoder

Administrative Assistant

Director of Community Programs and Adult Educational Travel Goshen College acknowledges the following individuals whose service to the institution ended prior to this publication, but whose contributions are reflected in this report for fiscal year 2009-10: Robert Day, Major Gift Officer; Adam Graber Roth, Goshen College Fund Gift Officer; Judy Weaver, Development Grant Writer; Thushan Hemachandra, Web Designer/Coordinator

Photography by Jodi H. Beyeler, Tim Blaum ’10, Martin Brubaker ’11, Josh Gleason, Emily Miller ’11 and David Zwier ’12. Layout and design by Rachel Campagnoli.

Goshen College 1700 South Main Street Goshen, Indiana 46526

www.goshen.edu (574) 535-7000 (800) 348-7422

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