Choosing your event stationer y can be a fun and personal experience. It’s hard to know which combinations will create the look you want at a price you can afford. Let our experienced professionals help you get the style you want that fits your budget.
Affordable Wedding Invites offers options to fit any style and budget. Whether you are planning a birthday party, bridal or baby shower or your dream wedding, we can assist you with creating the right look from the invitations to the accessories. With hundreds of colors, fonts and paper stocks to choose from, the possibilities are endless. Our digital process offers exceptional flat ink printing, available in full color or black/grayscale at an affordable price. All of our flat cards are printed on 100 lb. Cover in your choice of White or Natural. Folded Cards are printed on 65 - 80 lb. Cover. Matching envelopes are included, or you may choose to upgrade your selections with metallic, textured, or recycled papers and envelopes. For prices and customizable options, contact us to schedule a consultation.
• Professional Custom Design Services • Personal Assistance by an Experienced Professional • Unlimited Choices of Colors, Papers and Envelopes, Fonts and Layout Options • FREE Hard Proof of Your Final Selection Before Printing • 4-10 Working Days Production with 2-3 Day Shipping
Read our REVIEWS!
Affordable Wedding Invites by Gossett Printing, Inc.
2100 Old Texas Lane, Salem, IL (618) 548-2583 Email: affordableweddinginvites@gmail.com www.affordableweddinginvites.com
Black & White Invitations
Prices include your custom design on a choice of White or Natural 100 lb. Cover stock. Matching envelopes
Black & White Wedding Invitations are included where applicable. Black & White Wedding Invitations Invitation with Envelope Response Card with Envelope Invitation with Envelope RSVP Postcard (2-sided printing) Response Card with printing) Envelope Insert Card (2-sided RSVP Postcard (2-sided printing) Envelope Printing Insert Card (2-sided printing) Envelope Full Color Printing Wedding Invitations
Full Color Invitations
25 $75.00 25 $35.50 $75.00 $32.00 $35.50 $32.00 $32.00 $10.00 $32.00 $10.00
50 $78.50 50 $38.00 $78.50 $33.50 $38.00 $33.50 $33.50 $20.00 $33.50 $20.00
100 $87.00 100 $43.50 $87.00 $35.50 $43.50 $35.50 $35.50 $35.00 $35.50 $35.00
per add'l 25 $4.50 per add'l 25 $3.50 $4.50 $1.50 $3.50 $1.50 $1.50 $9.00 $1.50 $9.00
25or Natural 100 50 lb. Cover stock. 100 Matching perenvelopes add'l 25 Prices include your custom design on a choice of White
Full Color with Wedding Invitations are included where applicable. Invitation Envelope Response Card with Envelope Invitation with Envelope RSVP Postcard (2-sided printing) Response Card with printing) Envelope Insert Card (2-sided RSVP Postcard (2-sided printing) Envelope Printing Insert Card (2-sided printing) Envelope Printing
$82.50 25 $38.00 $82.50 $40.00 $38.00 $40.00 $40.00 $10.00 $40.00 $10.00
$94.00 50 $45.00 $94.00 $49.00 $45.00 $49.00 $49.00 $20.00 $49.00 $20.00
$125.00 100 $75.00 $125.00 $60.75 $75.00 $60.75 $60.75 $35.00 $60.75 $35.00
$16.25 per add'l 25 $13.75 $16.25 $9.00 $13.75 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00
Self-Mailer Invitations
Prices include your custom design on a choice of White or Natural 80 lb. Cover stock. No envelopes Self-Mailer Invitations required. Return Address printing is included.
Black & White Full Color
25 $100.50 $132.50
50 $105.00 $168.00
100 $112.00 $238.00
per add'l 25 $5.00 $38.00
Custom Invitation Services: Our digital process is a flat ink, available in full color or black and white printing. All of our flat cards are printed on 100 lb. Cover on your choice of White or Natural. Folded Cards are printed on 65 - 80 lb. Cover. Matching (Single) Envelopes are included. You may upgrade to color papers and envelopes, including metallics and recycled products. Step 1: Consultation During your FREE consultation, we will determine what style of invitation best suits your event needs and budget. We will provide an estimated cost, based on the paper stocks and production methods required to complete your order, as well as the anticipated production time for your project. You may submit inspiration boards, fabric swatches or other items to provide us with your vision. With this in mind, we will provide 2-3 designs for you to choose from. We can mix, match or modify any design to suit your preferences. A design deposit is required to begin your custom design. Contact us to begin your order. Step 2: Order Confirmation Your final proof will be mailed to you, exactly as your guests will receive it. Once you have received your proof, review it carefully and contact us with any corrections or approval. You may confirm your order for production by paying the remaining balance. We will provide your final invoice through Paypal, or we accept credit card orders by phone. NOTE: Please do not email us your credit card information. Step 3: Production Once you have confirmed your order for production, it will print and ship within 3-4 working days of receipt of your payment. *Please allow at least 2 weeks from the date of confirmation for production of specialty and custom orders. Specialty orders include any orders for fine processes such as letterpress, thermography or laser cut stationery. Upgrades to Metallic Paper Stocks and Basis Color Stocks or envelopes are also special order items. Returns and Exchanges. Due to the custom nature of our orders, we cannot accept any returns.