Praise the Lord! Welcome to another issue of Gospel 4 U Magazine, God has been so faithful and this issue is packed with an exclusive interview from 16 year old Evangelist Jekalyn Carr and you best believe that this is going to be a blessing to you, we also have some powerful Women of God giving you detailed information of how they recognized that they are not just any woman but they are “WOMEN OF WORTH.” I am so excited because in the words of Evangelist Jekalyn Carr “Greater is Coming” But the truth be told Greater HAS already Come! The Bible declares that our Latter will be greater than our past and wherever you are in life today it is just a confirmation that your life is not what it used to be 5-10 years ago, it has gotten better, so be encouraged my brothers and sisters and allow the Greater that God has for you to manifest in your life, He desires the best for you and as long as you stay focused He will see you through. Be blessed as you read the pages of this magazine and Declare that your GREATER has come!
Joanna Birche!
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Pastor Larry Birchett Jr Page 8 Prophetess Shirelle Roberts Page 10 Evangelist Alma Jackson-Smith Page 12 Minister Victoria Tindel Page 18 Bishop Benjamin Amoako Page 19
Pastor Gwendolyn Ann Cook Page 22 Minister Rebecca Rush (Purposeful Wait) Page 25 Out and About with Ms Kala Page 26 Pastor Evelyn Barnes Page 56 Pastor Michael Allison Page 57
Greater Is Coming An Exclusive Interview by Pastor Ayanna Moore
Jekalyn Carr has a powerful ministry and at the age of 16 she is being used by God. There is no limit to who God will use for His Glory.
f you have not been exposed to the ministry of Evangelist Jekalyn
Carr you have missed a jewel. Not only is this 16 year old an anointed singer who has been singing since the age of 5 but she is also a powerful preaching vessel. With a voice that sounds years beyond her age in tone and wisdom. Evangelist Jekalyn Carr is letting the world know age does not matter when it comes to the anointing. The Lord is looking for and using yielded, humble vessels and that is just what this young gospel singer and preacher is. Read on as we learn more about this mighty vessel‌
EVANGELIST JEKALYN CARR G4U: I was reading your bio and it says your
G4U: Do you have other siblings? Is anyone
passion for ministry started at five years old.
else in ministry?
Do you remember that? If so tell us about that if Not tell us about your earliest memory about knowing you were called a minister of God.
J.C: My sister likes to help with the administration side, the business side. My brother use to play for me but he now that he is in college and he is working.
J.C: Yes ma'am as you mentioned I started off singing at the age of five. I thought that was I was going to do. Then God spoke to me at the age 13 and begin to speak "There is more that I require." At that time I did not understand what He was saying so I keep doing what I normally did and He spoke to me again and said "There is more that I require of you.
G4U: Is your sister older or younger?
J.C: She is a year older than me. G4U: Do you go to private, public school or are you home schooled?
You are to evangelize." Ever since then I have traveled the world singing and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
J.C: I have been home schooled since the 4th grade and I am in the 11th grade now, and it is good. It all works out with how much I travel to do ministry.
G4U: Are your parents in ministry? J.C: My dad Pastors and my Mom preaches as well and she sings with her sisters.
G4U: Do you feel like you miss out going to a public school or being around your peers? J.C: No ma'am even when I am on the road I get
G4U: What church do you attend?
a change to meet and be around a lot of young people. Also many times when we say home schooled a lot of people think you are shut in to the home but
J.C: For His Glory Healing Ministries G4U: And your Father is the pastor? J.C: Yes ma'am he is.
it's really not. Our school has other young people there and we get a chance to associate with them and stuff like that. Another reason I love being homeschooled is because there is a lot of crazy things that are going on now in public schools, being
G4U: Your dad wears a lot of hats, that is
homeschooled I am able to be protected from that and not be contaminated because of that.
awesome, he is your Father, your Pastor and your Manager. G4U: What is it like being a teenager in this J.C: Yes Ma’am (laughing)
society but also being a minister?
EVANGELIST JEKALYN CARR G4U: How did you find out who you was at J.C: It's wonderful! Although I am young, only 16
such a young age?
I am still able to help inspire people and to help them be successful in life and encourage them. So I feel good especially being as young as I am and with the accomplishments that I have made at a young age.
J.C: Well I come from a singing family. I come from a preaching family and my parents always use to say that the mantle had to fall on somebody. So I just always knew even at a young age that I was unique
G4U: Have you had to deal with peer
and I was chosen. God showed my parents that, when
I was young and they began to teach me the values of Christ and to steer me in the right way. They seen the
J.C: No ma'am I really don't have to deal with peer pressure umm but I think young people or the people of God in general that experience peer pressure must understand where it comes from. Peer pressure comes from a place when people don't really
hand of the Lord upon my life. I tell people all of the time had it not been for God first but also my parents to steer me in the way I am going now, I wouldn't be where I am at today.
know who they are‌ Identity confusion.. Therefore
G4U: What would you say to those who
when the enemy confuses you about your identity
might not have parents who are serving the
anything that comes along especially negative
influences and we see it we feel like that is the right thing when really it's not. That is how the enemy will try to come in. He is trying to kill the people of God's purposes and the reason for why God placed them on this earth. He is trying to get them to sit down on what God has called them to be. Those who are experiencing peer pressure and are reading this I want to encourage you to lift your hands right now and ask God "Who am I? What have you called me to be? What is the reason you placed me on the earth? Because the enemy knows when you know who you are he can no longer use that peer pressure thing on you. So encourage yourself now. Lift your hands and ask God "Who am I?" and I promise you the peer pressure and negative influences you are experiencing now will not impact your life because you know who you are.
J.C: Some of you out there reading this you may know what you are called to do but do not come from a family that is serving the Lord or supportive of you, which can be a stumbling block especially if you are young because you have to have a right covering when you are out here. I want you to pray this prayer " God, show my leaders, show my parents who I am, place those people in my life who will rear me and steer me in the right way and help me to become great in life." We have to understand even as young people we have to have the right covering because if we don't have that, it limits our success. So pray that prayer "God show my parents, show my leaders who I am in you and place those people in my life who you predestined to be in my life to help push me into that place where you created me to be.
EVANGELIST JEKALYN CARR G4U: Amen, Wow! That is good advice and a
in this place to strengthen us through the process.
powerful prayer, because we know it might
That is what I want to encourage the people of God
not be their natural parents but it could be
who are reading this now to know you are not what
their spiritual parents, and like you have
you are in what you are in for nothing. Obviously,
stated, God will send them to help them
there is a plan that God has for your life and know if
along the way. Jekalyn, with so much going
God put you there it is for a reason. All you have to
on and more and more people knowing you.
do is begin to trust God and begin to ask God to
Traveling here and traveling there how do
strengthen you. Knowing all things work together for the good of those who love God. Understand that
you stay humble? J.C: By looking back and remembering where
God has a plan with everything that He takes us through.
God has brought and how far He has brought my family and I. The place we are standing now we wasn't always in this position. Just the thoughts of where God has brought us from automatically keep
G4U: What is your favorite song that you sing right now and why is it your favorite?
me humble. Also I am grateful. I love inspiring people and pushing people into their destiny and I know in order to stay in this place I have to be humble. So to sum it up it would be remembering where God has brought us from and the love that I have for people and the passion I have for what I do.
J.C: My favorite song that I sing is off my new album and it's called They Said But God Said You Are the Chosen One simply because a lot of times there are some people who will speak negativity over your life. Some people because they know your past they will try to determine your future they will tell you
G4U: I know it was a process to get to where
who you can't be in life, they will tell you where you
you are at now. Can you speak a little about
can't go, what you can't do but what we have to understand is that as long as we know what God said
the process people often have to go through.
and spoke over our lives what people say doesn't even matter. So that song right there not only encourages
J.C: I like to let people know all the time that
the people of God but it also encourages me.
there is a process for everything. My family weren't always in this position. There were some things that God had to take us through and when you listen to the songs off my new album those songs were birthed
G4U: Who do you look up to in ministry or as a gospel singer and why?
from the place and the process that God had to take my family and I through. Different things we had to experience. What we had to understand was that God wasn't taking us through that for nothing. God is trying to get something out of us and He is trying to get something to us and through us. So we to ask God
J.C: Bishop Jason Nelson,because he is a worshipper. He sings and also preaches. Pastor Shirley Caesar I love her I just got back from her church and Dorinda Clark Cole. Those are my favorite because we have singing and preaching in common.
EVANGELIST JEKALYN CARR G4U: Where do you see yourself in five
go, What do you want people to know about
you and your ministry?
J.C: Well I cannot imagine my future but I know
J.C: Thank you Gospel 4 U Magazine for the
that it is great. Eventually I want to have my own
opportunity to be featured in your publication and I
fashion clothing line. I also want to do a little acting
want the people of God to know it doesn't matter
here and there. Of course I will still be preaching and
what age you are, or where you come from or what
your background is if God's hand is upon your life and if you open up your heart God will use you to
G4U:What is your vision for your clothing line.
J.C: Well my clothing line is going to be inspired
touch thousands and thousands. It doesn't matter what people have spoken, it doesn't matter where you come from. Understand that when God has purpose upon your life and if He wants to use you, if you open up your heart God will immediately blow your mind
by what I wear. I wear a lot of flare dresses, flare
just as He did with myself and my family. All you
skirts, I wear a lot of wedges. I wear a lot of bows so
have to do is make that choice, open up your heart
whatever you see me wearing that is what my clothing
and allow God to use you for His glory.
line will be inspired by.
G4U: That is so needed. Especially with teen girls and young adults. Sometimes it is hard for them to find clothes for church that are fashionable without looking like they are going to the club. How can people contact you?
J.C: My website is myjekalyncarr.net I am on FaceBook Jekalyn Carr, my twitter is @JekalynCarr. I have an instagram account under my name as well Jekalyn Carr.
G4U: Well Jekalyn thank you for such an awesome interview, I know that people will be blessed by your ministry and before you
Pastor Ayanna Moore Empowerment Life Worship Center Chosenbutterfly123@yahoo.com
Halls of Ministry Matthew 21~ NKJV
Pastor Larry Birchett Jr
12. Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. 13. And He said to them, “It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.” 14.Then the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them. 15. But when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that He did, and the children crying out in the temple and saying, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” they were indignant 16. and said to Him, “Do You hear what these are saying?” And Jesus said to them, “Yes. Have you never read, ‘Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise’?” 17. Then He left them and went out of the city to Bethany, and He lodged there.
Larry Birchett Jr. Is the Senior Pastor of Harvest House Restoration Center and He is on a mission to lead the people of God walk into their Purpose and be all that God has created them to be, For booking engagements please email
eloved, the first thing that Jesus did once He
entered the Temple of Jerusalem was get the “house” in order. Jesus drove out all of the false workers and pretenders before focusing on ministry. We as men and woman of God need to take the same approach to every aspect of our life especially ministry. I’m a firm believer in sweeping your side of the street before you try to come and clean mines. And I’m not alone because the world goes by the same philosophy You see so many of us are enamored by having our own ministries and God hasn’t ordained any of us to start our own ministry. He sent the Apostles out into the world to preach, teach and baptize every body that would listen and believe in His name the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. He commissioned us and taught them how to build His ministry. He told them that they would heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out devils in HIS name. So where did we get the great idea to start calling God’s ministry by our name? Just a question and I won’t answer it for you. There are a lot of border line witches and warlocks in our pulpits because they’ve started out in rebellion. They were treasonous to their mentor(s) and have a reputation of being hard to deal with. The rebellion, which is as the sin of witchcraft originates in our hearts and is transferred into the holy halls of God’s temple all over the world and God is saying enough! Because of the prevailing spirit in this generation of just wanting to “minister” without the heart of a servant we’re seeing “strange fruit” on our trees. They asked Jesus what would be the sign of His coming and He said “as in the days of Noah” it shall be before the coming of the Son of Man. Word to the wise we’re living in those days beloved. In the days of Noah the giants of folklore walked the Earth and they were taking our woman for their own pleasure as well as set up kingdoms all over the world for their own worship and glory So it is today.
1 Corinthians 13 lets us know that everything has to be done in love or it will not be honored by God in Heaven. Ensure that you’re on fire for Jesus and not on fire for yourself ! Let God minister to you first before you try to go and recruit because your spirit will smell of the money changers that God had to expel from the halls of ministry. We live in an age where pastors don’t care who does what and is what or whatever, we just put them in the most sacred places of God’s temple and take the mic because we’re having church. As long as you pay your tithes and can look the part I’m going to allow you a place of prominence. Those that can’t pay won’t play. I’m here to tell you that a time is coming when Jesus will come and clear out all of the money changers once again because He’s looking for true servants that have His heart. Just like Jesus we have to get rid of the pre-tense before we can invoke or expect God’s presence! Verse 12 shows us that Jesus wasn’t worried about all of that traditional hocus pocus. They were literally SELLING ANIMAL SACRIFICES in the temple and were evidently “making a killing had bought into this notion of needing to assist God in their atonement and forgiveness. They were slaves to TRADITION AND LAW. (I.e. Animal Sacrifices, Abstinence of certain meats, worship of days, etc.) But Jesus was the fulfillment of the Law and they didn’t even realize it. In Matthew 12:1-8 Jesus tried to teach them with another object lesson about the Sabbath. In Matthew 12:7 ~ He even went so far as to teach them that in Hosea 6:6 ~ God was telling them way back then that He didn’t even care about their burnt offerings and sacrifices, He was more concerned about the purity of their hearts and their love towards Him! Hosea 6:6~ For I desire mercy and not sacrifice. And the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. Don’t think that Jesus didn’t know what was occurring He did. He was teaching. Keep God’s temple and business sacred. “Make money but don’t let it make you!” The Halls of Ministry have been defiled but I believe that God has an end time remnant just like Noah and his family that will carry on the “old time” religion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that will not compromise their integrity, holiness, and standard of obedience before the Lord. Holiness and righteous living is still right and everything we do should be as an offering before the Lord. Lord teach us to serve you with humility and worship you in spirit and truth. To respect your sacred pillars of worship starting with our physical temples. Amen
An excerpt from Pastor Larry Birchett, Jr.'s new book Processed for Purpose
HE KNEW ME, FORMED ME, SANCTIFIED AND ORDAINED ME Prophetess Shirelle Roberts Jeremiah1:5
Twenty eight years ago, Jesus found me
to this bible study, I knew little about the operation of the gifts of the Spirit in the life of
after being jilted by my first love of three years. I
believers. But God began to manifest
literally wanted to die! I thought it was the end
supernatural abilities through the power of the
of my life and did not care how I lived it. After
Holy Spirit in my life each time we met. I
the break up, I began to encounter relationship
became a little afraid of what He would reveal
after relationship. I was the woman at the well
during each session. Many things that he led me
(John 4:4-18). Prior to my conversion, the club
to say literally came to pass with haste, even
was my church and I attended it from Sunday to
prophesying of a specific death of an individual.
Sunday. That lifestyle eventually became
I had many questions some of which were never
increasingly empty, driving me into a season of
answered for a very long time, like “why did he
depression until the very day my ex’s sister took
choose me”? I had NO experience of the
me to Mt Airy COGIC. Within three weeks the
prophetic or what to do with it, neither did I ask
Lord regenerated my soul. Daily I would lock
for it. The truth is, God uses us in our gifting
myself in my bedroom and study the word of
long before we master the gift. It did not stop
God from sun up to sun down. My mother along
there, but spilled over during Sunday Morning
with neighbors and family thought that I lost my
church services as well. People began to talk
mind for real and I had. I then met two seasoned
about me and stare as if I was some crazy nut!
saints by the name of Rochelle and Jackie who
The truth is I wasn’t so sure that I wasn’t until
told me that I needed more power in prayer. They
days following. Trying so hard to understand
said speaking in tongues would not only give me
what was happening spiritually in my life, I
power but an advantage over my enemy the
began to search the scriptures more and more and
Devil. (1Cor14:2) Within a short period of time
was led to the book of Jeremiah. One afternoon I
and much prayer, crying and begging God, I
decided to go to Lovett Library on Sedgwick and
received the gift of tongues on my knees at my
Germantown Ave. in Philadelphia. I was
bedside. The two of them then began to take me
determined to find more information about the
to a weekly bible study in North Philadelphia
life of Jeremiah. I did not own a study bible or
held by an elder called Elder Carmichael. Prior
any other helps, just a Strong’s Concordance.
So, I walked down to the library, parked my car at the Acme supermarket and walked across the street. On the corner of Sedgwick was a blind man selling brooms. He looked out of place and very strange. As I walked pass him he yelled “Jeremiah” I stopped and turned and he said it again “Jeremiah”. I asked him “sir what did you say?” and he screamed louder “Jeremiah”. I asked “why did you say that?’ and he never responded. I walked away with tears in my eyes because I knew the struggle of Jeremiah. He had a reputation of being the weeping prophet whom Israel never believed. From that day forward I never had to question my place in the body of Christ ever again. Since that time until now the revelatory gifts have never ceased to operate in my life including dreams and visions. The prophetic gifting is not what some portray it to be. It is not for boasting or entertainment. It is a lonely place and at times a mental battle. While we speak the mind and counsel of God, there are times when we must warn others to repent of sin and turn back to God even while our own lives are full of struggle and trials. Although Paul advocates that believers should desire the gift of prophecy (1Cor 14:1) this gift carries with it a tremendous amount of responsibility. If you are not ready to be hated of men for telling them the truth, misunderstood, envied, rejected, ostracized for obeying the word of the Lord, pushed in the back , overlooked in ministry, hurt and brokenhearted then you are not ready to walk in the prophetic. TO CONTACT SHIRELLE ROBERTS OR MAKE COMMENTS, PLEASE EMAIL SWHITEROBERTS@YAHOO.COM
Cancer Fighting Faith Never Give up on God
“God is still in the healing business, and as long as you trust and believe in him then no matter what obstacles, infirmities or trials arise, He is able to deliver. Be blessed by this powerful testimony”
By Evangelist Alma Jackson - Smith
On August 30, 2012 I had surgery to remove a section of my colon where a tumor was attached. The
doctor said it was cancerous. I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. The most unexpected and difficult news I could never have imagined. This news came at a time I was feeling quite healthy, halfway to the age of 61, I was at a good place in my life.
A DIVINE SET UP! Approximately three months prior to my diagnosis, I volunteered to help CLC Bookcenter transition from Chestnut Hill to their new location at Cedarbrook Plaza. God opened up a door there for me to receive a part-time position. Within the next couple of months, my co-workers became very concerned about my obsessive eating of crushed ice everyday, insisting that I go see my doctor to get checked out. It took some coercing; being one who doesn’t do the doctor/hospital routine except for emergencies. So I eventually conceded due to the persistent demands of the assistant manager. Well I made the appointment and had a physical and blood work done on Monday Aug. 20, and just knew that everything was fine. But to my surprise, on Wednesday morning as I was on my way out the door, my doctor phoned instructing me to go to the nearest ER because he was concerned about the results of my blood test. I was informed that my hemoglobin was at a low of 5.6. Oh I rant and I raged about being in good health and feeling fine, furthermore I had things to do! My day of events was already planned to the full and going to the emergency room was not one of them.
My doctor asked me if I were experiencing any of the following: lightheadedness, dizzy spells, heart palpitations, or shortness of breath. NO! None of the above was my response and preceded to say that tomorrow will be a better day, I can go then. However, my doctor stated that he was very concerned that I may be losing blood. This caused me to pray and ask God to order my steps and direct my paths. The Holy Spirit divinely intervened as I prepared myself to go. Now there was one thing that I did not do, the Holy Spirit instructed me to pack my overnight bag but I thought my Bible and my tablet with all my worship music would be sufficient since my plans were to be in and out of there. As soon as I arrived at Abington Hospital in the ER they took my stats along with a blood sample. Sometime later, I was being seen by this doctor and that doctor asking the same questions over and over. Then just when I was sure I would soon be discharged, here comes another doctor and to my surprise they were talking about ordering this test and that test and the answer to my question was “YES, you are going to be admitted”. I spent the next few days crying out to the Lord, praying, reading and listening to worship music that ministered to my spirit all night. After the completion of the tests and procedures it was determined that the tumor was cancerous (about the size of an orange) and in order to remove it a section of my colon would have to be cut out. Well I was hearing about 99% of what the doctors were saying (but the cancer part I could not wrap my mind around it). When I was told that I had it, I said I did not receive it. There would be one, two and three doctors coming back to back, sometimes two and three at one time going over the same thing. I was tired of hearing it and I’m sure they were tired of hearing me say the same thing over and over again. I refused to let them give me cancer. I thought about how cancer is referred to as the big “c”, so I told them that it was a little “c” to me but I know the big “C” which is Christ Jesus, so I gave it to God. I can truly say that God blessed me with one of the best surgeons in the hospital along with a great care team of professionals. But praise be to God, I had the “Great Physician” attending to me. After the surgery, the team of doctors began informing me of the results and prescribed preventive treatments of chemotherapy and radiation which I was never able to commit to. Because I knew in whose report I would believe; I would receive the report of the Lord that He would heal me without chemo and radiation. And the Word of the Lord had resonated in my spirit that I was HEALED! I then found peace in my spirit believing the Word of God concerning my healing; that if I supplied the faith then God would provide a MIRACLE. And that’s what He has done. I continued praying God’s Will be done, that I will not lean to my own understanding but trust Him with all my heart. After my discharge from the hospital I did the required follow up appointments for the next four weeks. The doctor scheduled me for the procedure to have the “Port” put in (that’s where the chemo is administered), it was to be done in two weeks. I wanted to do the right thing; I didn’t want to miss God’s leading. I felt like Abraham, going all the way up the mountain to make the greatest sacrifice ever, believing even at the last moment “God will provide.”
I knew what I believed and even though I was “Fighting the good fight of Faith”, I was in a battlefield being confronted with fear constantly. I had to continually apply the scripture “God has not given me the spirit of fear…” (2 Tim.1:7). There were times when my mind was challenged about taking the treatments. Never-the-less, it seemed that after every appointment there would be an unsettling in my spirit which confirmed that God’s divine healing was promised to me. The Fight of my life was won by the Fight of my Faith! Four days before my appointment to have the Port put in, my oldest brother passed. My family had been dealing with the sudden decline in his health suffering from Lymphoma (cancer) and the effects of chemo and radiation. Because of how his unexpected condition affected my aging mom and dad who had already buried two sons in the past, I could never share what I was going thru with any family member until two weeks after his passing. I would have never imagined that while I was praying for my brother, waiting on him, and trying to be supportive to his wife as much as possible that I would hear the word cancer pertaining to me. So now my faith was activated to another level. The scripture came to mind, “Faith without works is dead”. I knew that if I was going to have miracle working faith, then I must have the Word of God. I began applying every scripture concerning healing to my life. God has a divine plan of health for body, soul, and spirit through the medicinal power of scripture and prayer. God divinely connected me with powerful men and women of God praying for me, speaking over my life and encouraging me in the faith. There were some who (out of love and concern for me) encouraged me to consider the treatments applying my faith to the fact that God works thru the doctors as well. Even though I highly respected and regarded their faithful relationship with God, my faith was set on believing that God was able to move the doctors out of way and heal me all by Himself. And what I needed to do was work my faith. The Fight is on! I began putting my faith to work. God divinely orchestrated assistance through all sources of health and nutritional information. I went to a holistic doctor and was put on a healthy eating program and I learned that sound nutritional dietary and lifestyle principles prevent cancer. My faith prompted me to fight against undisciplined eating. On May 3, 2013 (almost nine months after my surgery and diagnosis), I had a follow up colonoscopy and received great news of “NO cancer”! Cancer may be a giant to some people, but we have the same God on our side who helped the Goliath – killer. If you ask Him and heed His wisdom, you can beat the giant of cancer as well. God has provided both natural and supernatural agents to battle cancer and help us win the fight.
Pastors Jonathan W. & Gwendolyn Ann Cook Instruments Of Righteousness Evangelistic Ministries, Inc.
On January 27, 2013, the Instruments of Righteousness Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. opened its doors for the first time. Our desire to launch out into the deep was initially given in seed form several years prior to this date. Like most visions inspired by God, it is normally processed over a period of time. Although Joseph received a dream at the age of 17 (Gen. 37:2), he did not experience the ultimate fulfillment of that dream until he was 30 years old (Gen. 41:46), 13 years later. Yet between these two time periods, not only was Joseph’s character developed, as he grew in wisdom and understanding, but above all things, God’s faithfulness, grace and power was clearly witnessed by all. For me and my wife, it has been a journey, as it relates to our individual experiences and what
God has been able to do in us through our decision to become one. For me life evolved from one of crime and misdirected values, to one of hope and purpose. However, for my wife it was much different. Several years after being diagnosed with an incurable disease, and through unforeseen circumstances, she was forced to spend five (5) months in the hospital and was eventually sent home on hospice. Yet despite this experience she learned to trust God, which resulted in her being delivered and today she is more alive than she’s ever been. Through a series of what I believed to be God ordained events, we married on November
20, 2004. In turn through our union, God began to recreate our focus, as we learned to take two separate ministries and through His grace created one. After more than three (3) decades of service in a ministry, countless hours of preparation and a considerable amount of time spent learning to listen to the voice of God, I gave place to the call of God without reservation of retreat. In Luke 2:51-52 even our Lord Jesus Christ was said to have increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man, as He submitted Himself to the leadership of His parents. I myself have found our experiences to be invaluable, especially in light of what God is doing.
Several months before launching the Church, we came together consistently to discuss what we perceived God to be saying to each of us. During this time the infrastructure was developed, which consisted of, but was not limited to Identifying the name of the ministry: Formulating the doctrinal statements, which included the vision and mission statement and applying for the 501C3. In addition to establishing the name of the Church, the foundational scriptures supporting the name was found in Romans 6:11-13. In these verses the emphasis are placed on verse 13 “Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.” In finalizing our decision, I was compelled to retire early from a State employed position with the Juvenile Justice Commission. During my employment of 26 years, I spent three fourths of this time working as an administrator in the area of community based programs. Throughout this time I worked with juvenile males, all of which were adjudicated from the courts. However, under the influence of the Holy Spirit we started the ministry as planned on January 27, 2013 and shortly thereafter; I retired on the 31st. Starting a ministry from the ground up has been a challenge, however, despite the challenges, we are extremely excited about what God is doing; and at no time have we dismissed our expectation regarding what he will do in the near future. Proverbs 29:18 assures us “where there is no vision, the people perish.” I certainly concur, without an open revelation restraints are lost, but with a clear understanding we are
encouraged to move forward with the desired end in mind. Like God, we too must see the end in the beginning. The Bible exhorts us to look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame...” Since January 27, 2013, the church has been involved with the following ministries. Each of these ministries have evangelistic over tones and have been designed to reach the lost: • Women Walking in the Spirit, Youth at Risk Mentoring Program: In addition to several other functions this ministry is committed to visiting the only secure care juvenile prison for girls in the State of New Jersey. The WWITS also provide mentoring training; conduct prayer summits designed to pray for all males and periodically they conduct sessions called, “Just Girl Talk.” These sessions consist of a panel of ten (10) to twelve (12) female Pastors, ministers and/ or lay people who are there to discuss candidly, women’s issues and/ or concerns. Therefore, in light of the questions asked and answers given, these sessions are for women only. Also during this time they present a Yes/ No Fashion Show, which allows the participating audience to take part. • “Anointed to Be Kings,” is an off shoot of the men’s ministry. As part of this ministry we are committed to ministering to juvenile males who are presently incarcerated. Therefore, we are conducting weekly Bible studies in an all-male institution located in Vineland, N.J. • Men and women individual cell groups occur on a monthly basis however, our objective here,
concerning this ministry, is to eventually conduct weekly cell groups throughout the Delaware Valley. • Food ministry; in collaboration with a church located in Camden, N.J. we minister to people who come to receive food on a monthly basis. • Our marriage ministry is designed to strengthen, encourage and develop wholesome relationships between couples. This ministry meets on a monthly basis. • Women Walking in the Spirit Ministries conduct a weekly live radio broadcast on WTMR 800 AM “Where the Master Reigns.” This broadcast occurs every Saturday from 11:15 to 12:00 p.m. • At this time we are meeting twice a week for services, Sunday morning beginning at 9:00 a.m. and again on Thursday evening beginning at 7:00 p.m. In addition we meet for corporate prayer twice a week as well.
• Last but not least we have an outreach ministry, which is committed to taking the love of God to the streets.
Also in this same year, Pastor Gwen was instrumental in bringing Dr. Jannah Scott from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Center for In addition to what we have Faith Base and Neighborhood been able to accomplish as a Partnerships Department of the church I would be remised if I did White House to Camden. In turn not give God the glory for so she was scheduled to meet with many other things He has done. local clergy, Mayor Dana Redd Let me take a few minutes to share and Chief John Scott Thomson of some of the things that come to the Camden Police Department, mind. at Mount Calvary Baptist Church In 2009 Pastor Gwen was blessed located in Camden. As a result of to write her first book entitled this meeting Mayor Redd applied “The Power To Believe.” Shortly for a National Forum for Youth afterwards she was given an Violence Prevention. In response opportunity to host a weekly Bible to what was submitted Camden study on ION television. In the received a Choice Neighborhood following year of 2010 she award, which is a federally funded authored her second book, program that has the potential to entitled “The Intercessor God’s bring 30 million dollars into the Secretary,” and at that time she city of Camden. was invited to be a weekly television host for the Earlier this year Pastor Gwen Praise the Lord and the Joy in and I, were both certified as Law Our Town segments, which aired Enforcement Chaplains for the on the Trinity Broadcasting city of Camden, NJ. However, in Network (TBN). spite of what we have been able to In 2012 Pastor Gwen became do, we still have not even coordinator for the March for scratched the surface of what God Jesus, which takes place annually desires to do in and through our in the city of Camden. She also lives concerning ministry. When I became the New Jersey consider the vision, God has given Coordinator for the Annual White us; I envision families being House Prayer Initiative. The strengthened, leaders being intent here is to invite churches developed and people of all from all over the nations that we nationalities coming together in might unify as one body on the the unity of the faith. I see south side of the White House in transitional homes being Washington, DC during the developed for youth coming out of weekend of the National Day of penal institutions: skill centers Prayer. designed to empower people, as it relates to the work force: Bible
institutes designed to perfect, equip and edify believers of all ages: and businesses established through the church in order to provide jobs for those who desire to be employed. Not only does this vision inspire faith and create passion but it forces us to depend on God, while standing in the power of His might, against all opposition. As we continue to take ground for the glory of God, we are rejoicing over the fact that God is continually building His church, by adding such as need to be saved. On August 4, 2013, under the leadership of my wife we successfully conducted a fund raiser in hopes of raising money in order to effectively assist the girls transitioning from the Juvenile Prison back into their communities. The proceeds from this fund raiser will be used for things such as Id’s, bus tickets, school supplies, personal needs and if possible we will assist them with housing. However, in light of the volunteer work we presently do with incarcerated youth, this event will be one of many. By far, God has proven Himself to be faithful and His word to be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. As we learn what it truly means to yield ourselves as instruments of righteous in His hand, we will continue to trust in Him with all of our hearts. To God be the glory for the great things He has done.
Why not Me? Allowing God to use You! By Victoria Tindel Many of us Christians (or none Christians) find ourselves wondering why we feel so lost, so depressed, so confused. Out of place or unsuccessful. We search everywhere and try everything just to find what makes us happy. And we don't realize that the pursuit of happiness is a trap! Why? Because happiness is an emotion based on what good happens in our lives. It's temporary! and life is never perfect, there's always something that doesn't go our way on a daily basis, so all our lives we're waiting on temporary situations to fulfill us. That's an emotional rollercoaster. Our problem is that we completely neglect or sometimes don't even think about the plan God has for our lives. We go do our own thing and when it doesn't work out we get discouraged and our faith in God dwindles down but we don't realize is maybe God didn't even tell us to go do that and it was purely us! Often times we think when we do things God's way He wipes all the "fun" out of our lives. But look how Jesus described the Kingdom of Heaven. “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son, and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding feast, but they would not come. Again he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, “See, I have prepared my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves have been slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding feast." But they paid no attention and went off, one to his farm, another to his business." The Kingdom of Heaven is described as a wedding feast! A wedding is one of the happiest days of a person's life. Sadly like the
people invited to the wedding feast we sometimes dismiss God and His plan and go do things that we think are more important. But let me ask you this, where have your decisions gotten you this far? Heartbroken, Lost, Confused, Depressed? Why not accept Jesus's invitation to the royal wedding of the Kingdom of God. He knows the desires of your heart , He won't lead you astray and best of all He will reveal the secret to true joy, peace, contentment and purpose. All you need to do is accept His invitation, get before God seek Him and His plan. Get in your word (Bible) and spend quality time with Jesus! Many are called but few are chosen. God loves Many, yet few love Him enough to just surrender to the awesome plan He has for their life don't let that be YOU!
Victoria Tindel is a youth minister in training at Empowerment LifeChanging Worship Center in Millville, NJ under the leadership of Pastor Lawrence and Prophetess Ayanna Moore. www.christoverdrive.com
The Church in Africa Bishop Benjamin Amoako To request Bishop Amoako at your Church or Ministry, or to send a love gift or Donation for the Church in Africa Please send all inquiries to
“The desert tribes will bow down before him and his enemies will lick the dust…all kings will bow down to him and all nations will serve him” Psalm 72:9-11, NIV The church is a mighty force to contend with. she cannot
beneagleway@hotmail.co m or
(Telephone) 011 233 244 366275
be destroyed, and shall not be destroyed neither can she be defeated. Jesus left the Church an unfinished mission. We are to share the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ. This mission is brought an epic conflict raging
To those of us involved in the
Some reports claim as many
through Africa. It is the battle for the
spiritual warfare of seeking to win
as five million Muslims in Sudan
soul of a Continent. Animism,
souls to Christ in these troubled
have turned to Christian in the last
Communism, Islam and Christianity
countries in Africa, it is apparent that
twenty years. People have seen the
are locked in a War of World views.
much of the violence is in retaliation
real Islam, and they want Jesus
for the success of Christian missions.
In some countries in Africa, this conflict is visible and physical. Tens of thousands of Christians have been killed and hundreds of churches burned down by Muslim mobs in northern Nigeria. The Christians in southern Sudan and the Nuba Mountains endured decades of Jihad
Some of the worst atrocities and most intense violence have taken place in countries where the church had made great strides in winning people to Christ from animism, secular humanism in Islam. The resilient Christians of
by the national Islamic Front
Sudan have stood up steadfastly
government of Sudan. Churches,
against the onslaught of Islamic
schools, and hospitals were bombed
Jihad. Not only have they withstood
by the Sudanese Air Force. Pastors
the assault of Islamic Jihad, but they
were crucified. Children were
have also succeeded in winning many
kidnapped from Christian homes to
of their enemies to Christ.
be enslaved and raised as Muslims.
In Nigeria, twelve northern states are enforcing
The opportunities for fulfilling the great
Sharia (Islamic) law and frequently attacking Christian
commission in there African countries are tremendous.
and burning churches, many tens of thousands of
The openness to the gospel and hunger got bible
Muslims have come to Christ. Jesus is the winner man.
teaching and training of its leadership is intense. Bad
In Morocco, Muslim newspaper articles openly complain that up to forty thousand Muslims have turned to Christianity in recent years.
times are good for spiritual work. As C.T Studd declared, “Some like to livesound of church on chapel bell: I would like t o run a rescue
What used to be a rare event is now becoming a mass movement to Christ. The ever advancing kingdom
shop within a yard of hell”. THE CHALLENGE OF ADEQUATE MEANS
of Christ. In the course of my short term mission work
to parts of Africa, recently in Congo I have seen God
more mightily. Congo must be one of the most difficult
missions fields in Africa I have experienced.
The Church in Africa, among other things, can
The logistical complications, vast distances,
be describe as a “young church”, given that most
endemic lawlessness, and corruption frustrated many
African continent more or less only came into contact
travelers. Approximately fifty-five million people, in an
with Christianity in the past 100 years. For most of this
estimated 450 ethno-linguistic groups, live in the Congo.
time, the main task of both the early missionaries and
Its vast mineral resources and agriculture potential were
the subsequent pastoral actors has been that of preaching
squandered by post-independence chaos, corruption, and
the Gospel to people who were hearing the Gospel for
mismanagement. A succession of dictators has
the first time. I must hasten to add here that there are
plundered the nations resources. Civil wars,
still many Africans who have not yet come into contact
assassinations, and incredible brutality have devastated
with Christianity meaning the period of primary
this long suffering nation. The opportunities for
Evangelization is still going on in Africa.
fulfilling the Great Commission in these African Countries are tremendous. The openness to the gospel and hunger for bible teaching and training of its leadership is intense. Bad times are good for spiritual work. As missionary C.T. Studd declared, “Some like to live Sound of Church or Chapel bell: I would like to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell”.
Though richly endowed with natural resources, the paradox of Africa is that it remains a materially poor continent. This poses a number of challenges for the fulfillment of its mission to evangelist. Some of these African countries which are yet to be reached had inadequate means interms of finances and means of transportation and other logistical resources. Many of the churched are in rural areas where distances hamper effective pastoral means lack of enabling infrastructure like good roads, modern means of communication , electricity and training means hamper effective pastoral ministry. But in spite of all these and other challenge the church is resilient and even advancing the kingdom of God.
Gwendolyn Ann Cook, Co-Pastor of “Instruments Of Righteousness Evangelistic Ministries. Founder/President of “Women Walking in the Spirit Ministries” Female Youth-At-Risk Mentoring Program. Author & Television Host.
In 2009, I was invited to speak at the only female juvenile prison in the State of New Jersey. A sister by the name of Teresita Snipes who was employed by the prison had read my book “The Power To Believe, It’s Not What You Need It’s What You Believe.” In turn she felt that I would be an encouragement for the girls, and through the sharing of my testimony give them a sense of hope. Upon entering the prison, along with my husband, who was employed by the Juvenile Justice Commission and assigned to work with the community based programs, we were waned prior to going into the building. After checking our credentials and being waned we were escorted by one of the Correction Officers into an empty room with theater style seating. Shortly thereafter several cute young girls began entering the room. Some of them did not look old enough to go to the store by themselves let alone be confined to an institution surrounded by bob wire fence. They appeared to be excited about seeing me; some even said that they had seen me on television before. During the time of my visit, I was hosting a weekly broadcast on ION Television called the “Battle for Life,” prior to becoming a host for the Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN). As I surveyed the room
while waiting for all the girls to enter and be seated, they bombarded me with all kinds of questions about my hair, make-up and how I got on television. After noticing how comfortable they were in talking to me, I began to question them. My questions to them were, centered on their age, how long they had been there, where they were from and their current charges. It was mind boggling to discover that some of them were as young as 13 and confined to a secure care institution. After hearing their personal stories and the reasons for why they were incarcerated I was compelled to take a closer look at why so many of our young girls were being incarcerated. Shortly after visiting the girl’s institution I was able to partner with one of the Alternative Schools located in Camden, N.J. in hopes of implementing an intervention curriculum, which would become a deterrent for those who were at risk of being incarcerated themselves. As a result of the relationships I was able to establish with many of these girls, I have learned a great deal regarding why they do some of the things they do. Although their reasons for why they do what they do may vary, I was convinced that the need for mentorship is absolutely necessary in order for them to become productive citizens. When I consider the distorted view many of them have of themselves, the peer pressure they are under, and the lack of resources and in some cases the lack of supervision; many of them do not have a
fighting chance. Despite the desire of some to do better, once they return to their communities and are faced with similar situations, the challenges can appear to be overwhelming, especially when the proper support systems are not in place. In light of their plight I have committed myself to making a difference in their lives and in helping them to prepare for the day that they will be released. Throughout my experience I witnessed many of these young girls who have been released into unsettling environments return back to the institution. In knowing this, I was motivated me to establish “Women Walking in the Spirit Ministries, Youth-AtRisk Mentoring Program.” Left to themselves, many of these young girls return to a lifestyle that they are most familiar with. Some end up looking for love in all the wrong places; therefore, there is a growing number of girls who get involved in drug distribution, gang affiliation and in some cases prostitution. Many of them seek employment at strip clubs as a means of survival. A high percentage of these teenage girls are from the city of Camden, NJ. Statically Camden is recorded as being the poorest city in the Nation, in addition to being the most dangerous. Some of the girls come from other cities throughout the State of New Jersey; and a small percentage of them are from Philadelphia as well as New York. For many of these young girls have come to see the prison system has become a revolving door. In turn because of the lack of support many of them re-offend and return, with new charges. Women Walking in the Spirit Ministries Female Youth-At-Risk Mentoring Program is presently looking for help in order to provide housing: a “safe haven” upon their release. In addition to housing part of our desire is to provide assistance for, such things as ID’s, which may consist of but are not limited to a birth certificate, social security card and a valid driver’s license. We also look to provide them with bus passes which will assist them in seeking employment and getting to and from school. We will
also help with school supplies, personal necessities, such as cosmetics, clothing and female medical exams when needed. The ministry has partnered with Crystal Lewis and her mother Barbara Hall-Bryant the owners of “I Say Yes Salon & Spa” in Delanco, NJ. The Salon has been providing hair and skin care for the girls upon their release. Many of the girls have experience damaged or hair loss from worry or a lack of care due to the length of their confinement. However, I Say Yes Salon & Spa has definitely been used to bless as well as encourage the girls as they transition back into the community. On August 4th of this year, Women Walking in the Spirit Ministries Female Youth-At-Risk Mentoring Program hosted a “Whose Mentoring You?” fundraiser. The event was to raise funds for the resources needed to assist these young girls, as they transition back into their communities. The Keynote Speaker was Mayor Dana Redd of Camden, N.J. who has fully supported the efforts of the ministry, in addition to the Mayor, a representative from the New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission Chaplaincy Program, Rev. Mary Hodge as well as my mentor
Rev. Dr. Eve Lynne Fenton, founder of “Women In Covenant.” Who also facilitates the ministries certified Youth-At-Risk Mentoring Training for women desiring to become mentors. The proceeds from the event held on August 4th, as well as all other contributions will be used to assist in implementing a sound aftercare plan, which will give each individual a greater opportunity to succeed. The ministry will continually be seeking to establish sponsorship and/ or contributions to aide us in meeting this need. Therefore, we are committed to establishing prevention programs which will impact positively on recidivism. The ministry is a 501(C)3 Non-Profit therefore, all donations are tax-deductible. In response to all donations you will receive a contributions letter pursuant to Internal Revenue Code requirements for substantiation of your charitable contribution. Please feel free to view our website: www.womenwalkinginthespirit.com, and for more information you can contact me directly at 609-781-2026 or by email at: womenwalkinginthespirit@hotmail.com.
We believe in “Changing a Life, One Child at a Time.”
Service During Tribulation God still wants me to serve even when I’m suffering? Yes! Our service to the Lord doesn’t stop when a problem occurs in our lives. In fact, this should be the time when we are giving our all to the Lord and serving others. Indeed, I had to learn this the hard way. There came a point in my life when I just thought, “Is my life falling apart?” The answer to that question I nervously asked myself not too long ago was no. My life wasn’t falling apart, but my feelings led me to believe so. At the time I was so caught up in myself and wondering when my situation would change, that I lost focus of the assignment the Lord had given me. It took my brokenness for the Lord to then reveal to me that He was calling me to a higher place in Him. That brokenness was just part of my process. When we tend to focus more on our problems rather then what the Lord told us to do, then we are inevitably self absorbed. Self absorption interferes with one’s ability to tune into anything else that does not involve them. In other words, you will not be able to serve others the way God intended because you will be too preoccupied with your own problems. Your very deliverance could be caught up in your service. Maybe God is just waiting for you to be obedient and stop running away from your calling. Or is He just waiting for your affliction to end so He can truly use you? Not so! If that’s the way the Lord
intended then no one would be in ministry. We are all faced with different trials however; God has already equipped us with strength and power through the Holy Spirit to overcome. Many of us need to be asking God “What do you want me to do in this season?” as oppose to, “When is this season going to be over?” So what are you waiting for? Don’t wait for your problems to cease in order for the Lord to use you. This mindset will only set you up for tribulation after tribulation. Instead, choose today that regardless of what giants you face the Lord has already given you the tools and strength you need to defeat those giants. Moreover, He has equipped you to serve during your waiting season. So get busy using those gifts that the Lord placed inside of you. The very thing you may struggle with could be the gateway to a ministry God has called you to. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” Romans 8:28. God is able to work even the ugly situations in our lives, together for our good. Be encouraged! Rebecca Rush For more information about this ministry please email purposefulwait@gmail.com
Out And About With Ms
allowing my children to have some independence. My Kala ™ Grandmother told me that my children were the most valuable thing I owned. For a long time I thought of my children as my most prized possession. When I was a brand new mother they depended on me for life, is what I thought. My husband and I fed and clothed them and it was up to us to keep them alive. With this incredible We Belong To God! charge from my Grandmother, who I loved dearly, to care for 1 Peter 2:9 “ … A people my children, I was not letting belonging to God , that you them out of my sight. This may declare the praises of him summer I was challenged for who called you out of darkness the first time at Christian into his wonderful light” overnight camp. When I was pregnant with My little girls are 7 and 8 my first child my Grandmother years young and they were told me that my children were invited by their 2nd grade the most valuable thing that I teacher to overnight camp, so I owned. This summer I learned did what I had to do. My who we really belong to. children could go, but I was While I was Out And About going with them. I was blessed this summer on the way to the to be one of two counselors in Beach with family and friends, a log cabin in the woods with I drove through a very bad rain 14 little girls including mine. storm. The clouds grew very So I knew they were safe dark and I could see that a because I would be there. Well, storm was approaching. on the first day there I was Before I drove through the informed that after breakfast clouds I prepared myself with my girls would go to their prayer and held on tight to the individual classes and find steering wheel. I knew that I their way around the camp would need more than my own grounds on their own. Which, eyes to make it through, and I meant they would walk from was carrying precious cargo. one side of the camp grounds Through prayer, we made it to another, (On Their Own) through the storm and safely while I taught acting to other to our destination. This campers? I thought “Excuse incident brought to mind what me! My kids aren’t going by my grandmother told me themselves, that’s why I’m about my children and my first here. They are my most experience this summer valuable possession.” Just
then God told me “No, They belong to me”. So I prayed for them. Put my faith in God and went and taught my acting classes. Afterwards, I met them at lunch and saw them with the proudest smiles I had ever seen. They returned to me safely and got everywhere they needed to be all week long. When I saw them at lunch the first thing they said was “Mommy we had so much fun. We love this place!” Thank you God! Yes we must, train up our children in the way they should go… We train them up but they belong to God. We make the best decisions that we can for them and when we do the best that we can, we remember that they belong to God and that he takes care of us all. Ms Kala is an actress and Praise 103.9 Radio Personality who loves to inspire people. She has been blessed with the opportunity to talk with some of the most inspiring Gospel Artists of our time. To watch some of these videos check out www.outandaboutwithmskala.com
Go Out And About With Ms Kala on Praise 103.9FM and www.praisephilly.com on Saturdays from 10am-2pm. Out And About With Ms. Kala, LLC A Christian Entertainment and Education Company. We offer Fun and Interactive Team Building & Communication Workshops and Inspirational Videos. For more information
Women, as you read the articles be ready to get a RENEWED, REVIVED and RESTORED We have to understand that we are Destined for Greatness because we are Women of Great Price and we have to know that Women of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding Be Blessed!
Woman of Wo"h
By Amina R. Maybank She is a woman of worth Whether in season or out It is for God’s presence she thirsts It’s Jesus Christ that she serves She seeks His will above her own Obedient to His call She moves forward, despite the unknown Adaptable to any circumstance She rests in His presence Through it all she still stands Her life is in His hands Trusting only in His Word This woman of worth, is described in the 31st Proverb She finds her way, though her vision is blurred Blurred from tears, scars from previous years She rebukes fear Her eyes are straight ahead As she pushes through the pain Waiting to give birth Birth to the promises of God Birth to the tomorrow that yesterday told her had died A woman of worth She speaks life rather than death Comforts those around her Even when she’s not feeling her best She is faithful and honest She keeps her word She does what she has promised Strong and courageous The enemy flees from her voice The joy of the Lord is her strength In Him she shall rejoice A woman of worth For God is her treasure She is precious May He preserve her forever
To contact Amina Maybank for any ministry details please email her at wordsfromheaven2012@yahoo.c om and check out her blogpage at www.aminaswords.blogspot.com
A Submissive Woman By Pastor Rebecca Cooper
Leaving home at the early age of seventeen I learned very early how to take care of myself and depend on one
unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of
person, “Me” I later realized in life this independence
the garden, God hath said, ye shall not eat of it, neither
would hinder me from being all God intended for me to
shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the
be. As I grew older and matured I began to see what I
woman, ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that
viewed as strength was really a weakness. My in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, independence put up a wall as a defense mechanism and it and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. was very difficult to trust God and later the leadership of my husband.
How do I submit when I feel if I let my
Once he gets us to question our worth we begin to use other means to validate our value . How many times has
guard down I will be taken advantage of? How do I
society made a woman feel if she didn’t keep up with the
submit when I have been used and abused by authorities in the past? How do I submit when my kindness and love
Jones’ she was a nobody? Even in the church we feel if my ministry is not like so and so’s there’s something
for God has been taken advantage of time and time again?
wrong with me and instead of seeking the lord for an answer as to why we feel insecure and inferior we take
Once the REAL meaning of submission is learned we
matters into our own hands and begin looking for that
will find it a little easier to submit to the authorities the Lord places in our lives whether it be a husband, pastor,
security in all the wrong places. For me my security was found in my independence. In order for me to submit I
or any other type of authority.
must first work through the web of lies that hindered my
One of the first things the Lord taught me was the
Value of submission which began with knowing my identity. When you know who you are there is no need to put on the façade of “I am woman hear me roar”. The enemy knows the importance of knowing your identity and this was a tactic he used in the Garden of Eden against Eve. I like to call it Identity theft. He robbed her of who she really was. Out of all the trees in the garden given to her by God the restraint of just one she allowed satan to make her feel inferior and insecure. She now believed she lacked something, that God was withholding something from her, that she didn’t somehow measure up and needed what this tree had to offer. Genesis 3:1-5 Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said
There is much misconception about a submissive woman. Society tells us if we are submissive we are weak when in
given authority. We will never operate in authority we are not willing to respect or submit to.
fact the Lord knew the strength that lied within and
One of the keys to submission is first knowing who you
therefore commanded women to submit. Not in word only are in Christ. There is nothing to prove when you agree but submission is an attitude of the heart motivated by
with the word of God and what it says about you. Though
love. He is not looking for submission that is birthed out of fear or duty but out of love. I believe John 3:16
others may have called you everything besides a child of God the Bible says you are fearfully and wonderfully
illustrates this point, For God so loved the world, that he
made Psalm 139:14. It says that inner beauty, a meek, and
gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
quiet spirit is of great worth to God 1 peter 3:4. If you
him should not perish, but have everlasting life. It was the
want to know how much something is worth you can judge
love of God that motivated his divine plan to submit to the hands of sinful men surrendering his life, here is what
by the price someone is willing to pay for it. The word of God says Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay
Jesus had to say about his life, No man taketh it from me,
down his life for his friends John 15:13.
but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down,
The Lord shed his blood for you and me. He spared no
and I have power to take it again John 10:18.
expense to redeem you.
Walking two steps behind your husband and appearing modest in the house of the Lord does not necessarily
Friends and family might have thrown you away but God says I saw your value and paid the greatest price for you,
determine submission but following God’s plan for order
MY BLOOD. He spared no expense to redeem you. He
in the home and public will be demonstrated by trusting
did not wait for you to become “GOOD” enough But God
his divine plan, order, and leadership.
commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet
Eve did not understand that her worth was not in what she did not have but in WHO God designed her to be. God
sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
designed Eve to be just what her name means, giver of life, While you were yet in your sin, I SAW YOUR WORTH she would be a help meet for Adam, the mother of
and your submission motivated by love reveals on the
mankind together they would fulfill God’s desire to
outside what God already declared about you on the inside
populate the earth and produce fruit. Eve, however did not see how valuable she really was and in turn went
so woman, do YOU know YOUR WORTH?
looking for something to give her the worth she thought she lacked. How many times do women look for their worth in all the wrong places? In Men, bars, the streets, opinion of others, financial status, appearance and if we do not get the approval of the world we too feel inferior which leads to self assertiveness and like Eve no longer allows submission to the will of God or her husband. All a part of the enemies plan to get Eve to undermine Gods authority which also means she would not walk in her God
Pastor Rebecca Cooper is the spouse of Pastor Shawn Cooper and the mother of two beautiful girls, Dejanna and Natashia. She is the founder and CEO of Victory Through The Word TV Program featured on Channel 19 WMCN every Monday at 7:30 AM and along with her husband they are assistant Pastors at Empowerment Life Changing Worship Center. To Contact Pastor Rebecca Cooper for speaking engagements anointedhandsministries22@yahoo.com
I am a Woman of Worth By Missionary Jennifer Marlowe
Christian woman. I have faith that the man who is
Proverbs 31: 1-31 Being in relationship Not knowing your worth; You
going to be my companion, my Boaz, would have to find me.
are only an empty shell…
In the physical world, when something or someone is
I ask myself these questions… Am I a virtuous woman, a noble woman, what’s my worth? Can I be trusted? Are my good works spoken of? Do I care about others, am I a giver? And with the persistent to dig deeper in the meaning of my worth, I pose more inquiry to myself, Am I servant of the kingdom? Am I doing justice for the ministry that God has placed me over? Do I speak wisdom and give sound advice.
lost, there is a description about the thing or the person that makes it more recognizable when being searched for. The more thorough the description, the more likely that item can be found. The more detailed the attributes are of a good woman; the more likely she will be found by her true companion. Lightheartedly, I question myself, Am I virtuous woman sitting in the world’s hypothetically Lost and
What is my physical appearances like? Do I fear God? Finally, asking myself, what is the essence of my character, the essence of my Being, the Essence of my worth? As a single woman, can I be found in all that I have just revealed? I can recall in Proverbs 31, King Lemuel’s mother gave him sound words of wisdom. In her maternal spirit, she wanted her son to have the right companion, a good wife, a virtuous woman; Woman of worth. In her motherly guidance and divine intuition, she reveals to her son some of the attribute he must look for when searching his worthy companion. And in this revelation, the first lesson evolves from Proverb 18:22, Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the LORD. This was reassuring to me as a single
Found for believers? Am I ready to be found? Though the humor lightens the seriousness of my desire, knowing all this and being single, it gives me an insight of what a virtuous woman should be.
In the bible story of Ruth, and knowing the
already have a unique purpose in serving God. Ruth
characteristics of a virtuous woman; it was apparent
knew her purpose for that season and it was taking
that’s why Boaz found her. The story stated that
care of her mother-in-law (her ministry). She was
when she was in the field and he notice her. Ignited
interrupt by her Boaz, her worth was recognizable. I
by only a glimpse, he desired to know who she was.
now know that fulfilling my spiritual destiny is the
And in his query, it was evident that her character
greatest service I can give to God and He will give
spoke volumes and was known throughout the city
me the desire of my heart. It is for this devoted
for her worth. And like King Lemuel Mother had
reason, I’ll continue to patiently practice my faith,
described to her son of what a virtuous woman was,
live on purpose, and Know my worth….
Ruth was nothing short of that description. Ruth
Galatians 6:9 reads, let us not grow weary of doing
was a woman of worth and substance.
good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not
After asking these questions, and examining myself, loose heart. I then question my own worth and substance. Looking back at where came from and where I am now, that I am a new person. 2 Corinthians 5:17 reads, Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. My past was narrated by insecurities, abuse, selfishness, neglect, and fearfulness. I am now a woman of strength, maturity, passion, fearlessness, love. I grew up as a tough yet fragile little girl, into an insecure young lady who questioned her worth. I am now a virtuous woman who shares her joy with her Dance ministry and walks in the office a missionary. Knowing that God’s Word is true, He will take my mistakes and turn them into opportunities to use them for a purpose and His eternal purpose. In the eyes of God my worth is valuable, because I am HIS creation. Again I was reassure in Jeremiah 1:5, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. This verse lets me know that I
Jennifer Marlowe is a Mighty Woman of God, she is currently on board as a Missionary at the True United Church in Philadelphia and she is a Woman who really knows her worth. To contact her please send all inquiries to auntypministries@gmail.com
Women of Humility By Pastor Shirley Williams
constantly learn and grow as a person, and as a leader. When desperate situations arises, she
Proverb 31:26 states, "She opens her mouth
must be able to quickly size up the situation
with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of
and present a plan of action.
The pace of change is so rapid in our current
She give orders and they obey without
culture that we cannot afford to be caught off
hesitation. This speaks of a humble women
guard. A wise woman, who prepares to move
proven character, sacrifice , and faithfulness. Somehow we have to be able to make the best out of bad situations for herself and for those
into action, when the need arises. She is resourceful. In today's world, woman has many resources
under her authority.
available. A wise woman today, should be
Social network is a huge phenomenon in
aware of the resources at her disposal. When
today's culture, but no matter how many "
an emergency or a need arises, she will be
friends" a woman has on Facebook, she still
able to meet the need present, because she
must build a personal relationship and have
has the resources on hand and in view.
trusted co-workers and friends. Humble women are reasonable, wise and prudent in both her words and actions. Humble women do not waste time fretting over what to do, neither does she bad mouth others. Humble women of today, you cannot afford to be ignorant of currents events and the culture of your ministry setting. A humble women has their finger on the pulse of their home she knows where the paperwork to insurance policies, bank account, titles, deeds and investments are. A wise women in ministry must be aware of the situation and needs of her ministry. She should
opinion of someone for our own judgement. But It's takes courage to face today's changing culture others may have wisdom, knowledge, love ideas, and challenges those changes bring. Fear or suggestions that may be very valuable and paralyzed, courage moves forward to see what
worth our time to consider.
needs to be done and how to move ahead.
How does humility affect your relationship with
Regardless of the consequences, it is a
characteristic that is desperately needed in the
"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the
ministry. Today, the combination of courage and
humble." (James 4:6)
wisdom is a rare and valuable commodity.
When we think of ourselves as sovereign, in control of our lives, marriage, husband, and
See humility is not beating oneself up, berating
God... God himself opposes us. No wonder at
yourself, putting yourself down, or feeling sorry for times we don't have any peace, joy , contentment, oneself. It is not thinking that you are worthless or or any other fruit of the spirit. When we have valuable. That is false humility and it can be pride
ourselves on the throne of our own heart, in God's
in disguise. Or believing Satan's lies about your
place, we are making an idol of ourselves. But
identity instead of believing God's Word about
when you humble, God will do anything for you,
who you are in Christ. Humility is a proper
or give anything to you. God gives grace that
understanding of yourself, who you are in
makes us humble, and when in obedience to His
relationship to the Holy God of the universe, how
word, we cultivate humility and He gives more
spiritually poverty-stricken and poor you are, and
how you are not above other people. Humility draws God to us and makes us beautiful , vulnerable, and attractive to other people , too. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God , who gives to liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him." (James1:5) Humility says, " God has wisdom I don't. I will trust Him more than my own understanding." and humility says, " maybe my husband, pastor, fiancĂŠ', mentor, counselor, friend, and parents have wisdom that I don't have. I need to listen and consider what they have to say." Of course, we must weigh what others say against scripture. And we don't substitute the
"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but
say, and that you will not put them down. So when
humility comes wisdom." God wants to give us
you apply humility to your relationship with others,
wisdom to help us make the right choices in our life
God is free to work through us and in our
but unless we humble ourselves and become
relationships in ways that He can't work when we
teachable, God's wisdom is wasted on us. Being
are infested and eaten up with sin or pride.
teachable means we receive God's word of wisdom
Our godly humility draws people to us like a
and we put it into practice. Otherwise, we are just
magnet. Many people need a repairer of the breach
deceiving ourselves.
alongside them, a humble woman who has the
Do you speak words of wisdom? See a wise woman technical expertise to turn that vision into reality. builds her house but a foolish one pulls it down with
Humility is when we discover the power of our
her hands. A wise woman, when she speaks, is not
words, it brings life to people soul's we can use that
gossip, slander, or idle talk. She speaks to build up
ability to help others stand taller than they ever
and not tear down . A wise woman tone of
thought they could. The more you are in the Word of
conversation impacts the tone and tranquility of her
God , the more of a virtuous woman you will
become and your Heavenly Father, as well as other people in your life, will respect, admire, love and
Ladies, a kindly word that falls today will bear fruit
appreciate you,, they will also esteem you, honor
tomorrow. Just to know that the counsel and
you, adore you, communicate with you, spoil you,
instructions you give to help other's deal with
protect you and lay down their lives for you.
everyday problems.
So applying humility to our relationships, we are
It's nothing more satisfying to others to know that a
honored, lifted up, exalted, and God is greatly
humble women of God knows what to say, when to
glorified! Lord, help us to become women of
say it, and how to say it. This is where you , as a
genuine godly humility. Help us to clearly see our
virtuous women of God, come into play. Proverbs
pride by the power of your spirit contending us.
31:26 (amplified) states, " She opens her mouth in
Convict us. Help us to repent with godly sorrow and
skillful and Godly wisdom, and on her tongue is law show us the light we need for each new step into the of kindness, giving counsel and instructions."
abundant life you have created for us as a virtuous
Does that scripture describe you ? It is a blessing
when other people can trust you with their feelings, knowing that you will always have kind words to
Pastor Shirley is a mighty Woman of God, she is the wife of Khalil Williams and the Pastor of Wailing Win Ministries, to contact Pastor Shirley please email khaliwop@yahoo.com
Women Of Good Character
By Joan Marlowe
“Who can find a virtuous Woman, for her worth is far above Rubies” Proverbs 31:10 It’s an amazing even interesting; sometimes frighten how much time energy and money is spent taking care of our physical body. Our society has become one that is totally obsessed with looks. Millions of dollars are put into all kinds of possessions to make us look good. It’s all about the implants, Botox, nips and tucks; you name it you can get it. Even going to the extreme of a face lifts, butt lifts, ribs removal; there is the talk of the fountain of youth, turning back the aging process. Some people even saying they are not keen on aging gracefully and will even armor themselves to fight it with everything they’ve got, or purchased. So we have age spot remove creams, anti-wrinkly creams, just thinking about it will drive any women crazy. Once a made up proxy of a ideal wife, trophy wives were imaginary term, however, today most women are busy making themselves into being life like trophies. And because we look at them in astonishment and say WOW”; we continue fueling the manifestation with our comment about their hair, nail, implants, etc., the more we diluted our definition of an healthy physical being. Please do not be mistaken what I have mentioned. There is great benefits to looking and feeling positive and assuring our yourself. We should all strive to look our very best, be in the best of health, and God knows we need to be careful what we put into our bodies. We need to eat right. Who wouldn’t dream about fitting into their ideal dress size? Who wouldn’t love to wear a size 6-8 dress; God knows I would love to wear a size 6 or 8. But what I have learned in life is that good Godly character is so much more than relying on our physical appearance and material possessions. It is much more than what we wear, how many hours per week we exercise, if we are carrying pocketbook or wearing a Christian Dior, or Louis Vuitton accessory. As women we have gotten so distracted by worldly requirement that people are blindly defining themselves by. This prompted the questions, Is that all we are worth? Is there nothing more to us than price tags and labels? Webster’s dictionary defines character as one of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish and individual; distinctive quality.
With that official definition and the inquiry desire to be spiritually fulfilled, I pose the question, Are there traits and features that form the nature of a person. We can even expand on this further, because as Christian we need to have not just good character; instead we should armored by the good Godly character that then becomes the fiber of our moral being and having good moral standards. possessing the fruit of the Spirit, as given in Galatians 5: 22-23; love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithless and gentleness, and self control enable us to be women of good Godly character. Godly character is built from a real relationship with Christ and combined that with the Fruit of the Spirit, promotes our ability to relate and have self growth, ultimately developing our relationship with God and others. Some of the features that make us a good godly character are creditability, dependability, honesty, forgiveness, humility, fairness, courage, gratitude, friendship, responsibility, contentment, generosity, diligence, wisdom, discretion, obedience, and reverence. Let’s take a closer look at several of the characteristics just mentioned and its how it applies to Godly woman: Forgiveness is being able to forgive others, God has forgiveness for us. Humility – don’t be arrogant; the word of god reminds us that God does not walk with the proud. Gratitude - Be thankful and don’t complain Contentment – Having the right attitude in accepting whatever God supplies Obedience - Submitting to God and others in authority Diligence - It is operating at our best for God highest. Generosity - Allowing us to give as God gives us For too long we will boast that we are people of good character because we do not drink or swear, we are not falling off bar strolls, and we do not sleep around. We talk about how modest our dressing should be, we are not loud or boisterous, no one can call us trouble makers or tail bearers. God knows that all of these are necessary, but after I had delved deeper into the attributes I have mention earlier, I realize that is so much to attain, so much work to be done to building good godly character. How do we handle adversities? How do we behave when trouble comes knocking at our door. So often, we he hear Christian say they have acted out of character and even at time dare to blame someone else for their behaviors. I have even heard Christians say that they would put down their Christianity for a minute so that they can “handle a situation”.
I am perplexed by such a gesture and is challenged to ask, “What kind of statement if that? What satisfaction justifies ungodly behavior? Remember one of the traits of good godly characteristics is discretion, which is focusing our mind on sound judgment, carefully choosing our works, attitude, and actions. How humble are you? Are you willing to reduce yourself to the real you, so that the real character and person of Christ can be revealed in you. John 3 verse 30 “HE must increase, but I must decrease.” Readers, as women of God, I challenge you to define and know our worth. The word of God states that we are fearfully and wonderfully made; precious are we in the sight of God. You see, good Godly character requires us to tend to all aspects of our being. Its more than one part, you can be tremendously generous giving until it hurts, and on the other hand disobedient in other areas of life, leading to the assignation of your character. Let’s reference two women in the bible, Hannah, and Mrs. Jobs, based on the question I posed the question on adversity. And knowing the story of Hannah and Pinninah, of how Hannah was teased and reduced by her rival, it did not stop Hannah from going to the temple and fulfilling her call. Nowhere in the bible, do we read that Hannah responding to rival, Pininah. Instead, she kept on praying and fulfilling her duties as a wife to Elkanih. Even when the priest saw her lips moving in praying and did not hear any words, he accused her of being drunk. She did not get mad at him, she did not yell, nor did she storm out or stopped going to the temple. Her faith triumphed in troubled, as Roman5:4. Perseverance produces characters and character produces hope.” the bible, Hannah, and Mrs. Jobs, based on the question I posed the question on adversity. And knowing the story of Hannah and Pininah, of how Hannah was teased and reduced by her rival, it did not stop Hannah from going to the temple and fulfilling her call. Nowhere in the bible, do we read that Hannah responding to rival, Pininah. Instead, she kept on praying and fulfilling her duties as a wife to Elkanih. Even when the priest saw her lips moving in praying and did not hear any words, he accused her of being drunk. She did not get mad at him, she did not yell, nor did she storm out or stopped going to the temple. Her faith triumphed in troubled, as Roman5:4. Perseverance produces characters and character produces hope.” Hannah’s hope was in God, the supplier of all her needs. (HE) The Giver of all goods and perfect gifts. She did not act out of character, the woman of God she was, or cheapen herself worth. This paid off, for her son, Samuel became one of the prophets of old.
Mrs. Job on the other hand, failed miserably. She had advised her husband to curse God and die. How could she think of cursing her creator, the one who gave all that she had. And not to disregard her pain or great lost, the loss of her children, wealth, husband health, and sound of mind, she should have known that if God did it before; He would did it again. Because in the end God gave Job double his loses. Some of us are getting old and may desire a partner, a companion, a husband; but we will not lose our character by settling for less than what God has us. We will wait on the Lord and will not be discouraged. We won’t sell ourselves short. And like a song writer once methodically stated in a gospel song, “what god has for me, It is for me”. In legal matters, sometimes we are asked to produce a character witness or reference that can vow for the makeup of your being. And that person may even have to go before a judge to tell them about how good a person you are. They basically have to present your best features and characters. So I ask this question, what does your characters say about you? Does the enemy have one up on you? If he goes before God would he be able to build a case against you base on your disobediences of the traits of a godly person. enemy have one up on you? If he goes before God would he be able to build a case against you base on your disobediences of the traits of a godly person. So today, Sisters, I challenge you to define and feel empowered by so many different ways of our worth. Let’s remember that we are not labels or price tags, but we are royalty joint here with Christ. We are strong in the lord and in the power of His might, and so no matter what comes our way, trials or tribulations, sickness or death, imprisonment, we will maintain our good godly character. Like Hannah we will bless the Lord at all times, and His praise will continually be in our mouth. We will lift our eyes to the hills for wrench cometh our help. Knowing our help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.
Minister Joan Marlowe is detertmined to be all that God desires of her, a woman of great Worth. To contact her please send all requests to joanmarlowe@gmail.com
Women Destined For Greatness By Pastor Dionne Butts
Every Saint has a past and if we are not careful that past will try to dictate our future. We all come from many different backgrounds, experiences and circumstances. As women, we were born precious in the sight of God; as a matter of fact, He had plans for our life before the very foundation of this world. (Jeremiah 29:11) The problem was that sin crept into the world and tried to rape, rob, and molest us from our innocence, dignity, and integrity. The one thing that the enemy did not realize is that we are special, we are WOMEN. Despite of our circumstances, we have been handcrafted by the Creator our God. We were fearfully and wonderfully created (Psalms 139:14). Father divinely designed us to wear strength as a garment even in the midst of rejection and abandonment. He divinely designed our hearts to love the unlovable even when no one returns love to us. He divinely designed us to nourish our husbands that they might achieve all that God ordained for their life; we nourish our families, and even children who aren’t ours. You see, we are precious in His sight. We are special, we are WOMEN. However, the journey of becoming a woman destined for greatness is often times difficult. We come from different backgrounds which affected our physical, emotional, and moral fabric of whom we are or who we have become. If your parents were well off and were excited about having you, they prepared for you. Your mother kept her prenatal appointments and when you were born they celebrated you. At the hospital, your family visited you and the nurses and doctors attended to your needs. At your release from
the hospital, you went home to a peaceful environment. You began to learn the world around you and the adults in your life. Whenever you cried there was someone there to tend to your needs. Whenever you were hungry or thirsty someone was there to feed you. You learned that you can trust your parents or the adults in your life because they met your needs. When you started to crawl and walk your parent or adults in your life was there to protect to you from mishaps. You learned that the adults in your life will protect you. You see, you grew with confidence, love, and trust in who you are and what you have become. Conversely, the journey for some other women did not start out the same. There were traumatic experiences from conception whether it was due to unwanted pregnancy, high risk pregnancy or exposure to drugs. Once these baby girls were born they experienced the same or more attention while in the hospital. While you’re in the hospital you have very little visitors and no one but the doctors and nurses celebrated you. You went home with a parent or parents and things quickly changed. Your world was subject to a whole other environment, chaos. While your counterpart is getting her need met you are trying to get attention to be fed and changed regularly. You quickly discover that the parent or adults in your life cannot be depended upon so you
lay and wait for them to feed you and your anxiety level rises as the hunger increases. Your mother started to be
We all know that it does not matter whether you are male or female we all have been violated from our
preoccupied with other things and when you wanted to
understanding of a healthy relationship. As a result, many
coo or play after your long awaited feeding she laid you
Christians enter into relationships that continue to
back in your crib. You learned quickly that you were not
produce brokenness. We also see God as we see the
interesting. When you crawled and walked no one was paying attention and you fell. You began to learn that
person or thing that caused us pain. We love the way we have been loved or our understanding of love. We tend to
your parent or the adults around you were not dependable believe that we are sometimes unlovable. When someone and that you were not protected. You grew with little
is violated by a loved-one, this can leave a person cripple
stimulation and when mom met a new man in her life;
in their emotional understanding of what is the true
you suffered at the hand of the new boyfriend. You grew meaning of love or what is God’s original intention with low self-worth, shame, anger, and resentment. These regarding love; even when God tells us and show us love are short scenarios on how we develop and the effects of
through His Son (John 3:16).
early life circumstances that can dictate how we see
One of the most frequent questions many people have
ourselves and who we believe we are and what we are
after being hurt is “how can a God do this to me.” It is
capable of doing. Many of us have been dropped and the unfortunate thing
the sin in the world. When someone is violated physically by a loved-one this can affect how you
is that the person who dropped you had no idea that you
sexually relate to members of the opposite sex. We
were destined to be great. They had no clue that the very
continue in the sin because we believe that this is only
thing almost took you out was going to be the very thing
thing I am good for and weidentify with the offense by
that will make you. The whole experience was going to make you better and not bitter. It was committed against
living out the behaviors. We are all violated educationally through the media and its lack of sensitivity, misguided
you; but, God was working it out for His glory. They did
understanding of sex and relationships. It promotes
not see your potential but God knew and He created you
intoxicating effects of sex which produces self-hatred,
as His workmanship to do good works. (Ephesians 2:10)
lust, and pride. All of these elements of brokenness and
Despite of all you have come through and all you have been through; you are still blessed. Praise God your pain
lies about who we are and what we are have often influenced our deliverance.
has become your gain in the Kingdom of God. Your past
In the fourth chapter and fourth verse of Second Samuel,
will try to talk to you every once in a while but you have
you will find Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan, the son
to remind it that your destiny is not concerned about it.
of Saul, both now dead; that he had fallen, and become
The truth is that our destiny does not care about our past. You might not have the same testimony as your sister;
lame; and that since his fall he had been hid, lame on both his feet, in Lo-debar; which Hebrew word means, a
but, the commonality is that in the journey you have all
place of no pasture.
learned some valuable life lessons. There are many stories in the bible that shows us how people have been broken or mistreated yet; God’s loving kindness has redeemed them through it all. Brokenness is defined as not kept or honored. Many Christians have been broken or dropped in their childhood by people who were supposed to nurture and protect them. These nurses have systematically robbed, raped and molested people psychologically, physically, educationally and spiritually.
Being of the house of Saul, the enemy of David, he concluded, no doubt, that David would be his enemy; and therefore hid away from his presence. It is the same way with many of us, we have been so low for so long that when God is showing us kindness we tend to hid from His presence. In II Samuel 9:4, “the bible states, that Mephibosheth was in a place by the name of Lo-Debar which is a low and desolate place. The person that was responsible for caring for him took him to a place called Lo-Debar where he remained all his life.(KJV) The bible did not mention whether or not Mephibosheth mother was around, it didn’t mention whether the nurse tried to restore him. Although the nurse did not intentionally drop him she did not intentionally help restore him. In fact, she left him there. Many have been abandoned, rejected, and have attached themselves to people who have experienced these same issues. However, if you read on, David calls for him to restore him and to show him kindness. God is calling and has called many from this low place to restore them and redeem them to a right place in His kingdom. It’s working for your good. In I Samuel 11:1, Hannah made a vow and said, "O LORD of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will give Your maidservant a son, then I will give him to the LORD all the days of his life, and a razor shall never come on his head."(NASB) This is the story of Hannah, who was without child and full of shame. The dreams of having children and living a life full of abundance seem to skip her. Her hopes and dreams appeared to be shattered. Hannah’s strength gone because of her womb being closed and her adversary’s consistent reminder of how much she is loved by her husband caused her to cry out to God. She suffered much; but, the Father did not come to her rescue because of her tears. He came to her side because of her faith. You see faith, activates the power and presence of God in our lives. God opened her womb after her prayer and she conceived a son. She was a women destined for greatness because of her faith in God. God used many people from many different walks of life to bring about transformation. He does not care about your past in fact; He uses your past to make you into greatness. He will use your character to get His mission across. Rehab was a prostitute who believed God and hid spies in her home because she believed God and it was counted as righteousness, greatness. Esther was an orphan who postured herself in obedience and was
positioned in the Kingdom to save a nation, greatness. It was Esther’s obedience that made her great. Leah was not loved by her husband because she did not have the physical appearance that he desired yet she gave birth to praise, greatness. Mary a poor girl in Nazareth an insignificant place said, yes to the Holy Ghost and conceived the Savior and brought forth greatness. The list of greatness can go on. Be encouraged and remember in Romans 8:28-30 “And we know that [a]God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; 30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified,
He also glorified.” (NASB) God destined you to be great from the beginning of time. He said made a promise in His word, Genesis 12: 2, God said directly to Abraham, “I will bless you and make your name great.” God is not opposed to greatness He is opposed to pride. He wants you to walk in righteousness (Ps. 15:2) . Remembering that every affliction, every trial, heartache, rejection, abandonment, and pain is all working together for your good and His glory.
Pastor Dionne Cosby-Butts
It is through the trial that you grow and know God our Savior more intimately. The pressures of life and trial is producing the anointing of God in your life to destroy yokes, to heal wounded hearted, and to restore the breach of the waste lands. Your struggles were not in fruitless. Maximize your potential for the glory of God and the good of others. Not only does God want you to be great in the Kingdom, He destined you for it. Woman you are destined for greatness.
is the Senior Pastor of New Beginnings Evangelistic Church in Norristown PA and to contact her please email her at anointed2minister@hotmail.com
Do you Know Your Worth? By Joanna Birchett
The Lord deals with everyone in a different way and as long as we have an ear to hear then we will always be in His will, I cannot sit her and say that I have always known my worth, but one thing’s for sure is that I know who I am and whose I am, I remember when I just got saved and I was at Church trying to make ends meet by selling my colognes and pocketbooks and someone walked over to me and said “once a hustler, always a hustler” It was at that moment that a light illuminated in my head and I realized that there is so much more in me than I could imagine, and just because I went through some things it doesn’t mean my life is at a full stop, I consider myself a woman that has no limits to do the things for the Lord, we sometimes think less of ourselves and that causes us to have low self esteem, but I am here to let you know that you are fearfully and wonderfully created in God’s image and as long as we understand and grasp this principle we will be able know who we are. Maybe you are reading this and you are a single mother, struggling to make ends meet, or you had your kids out of wedlock and you don’t know what to do next, Woman! I am here to be real and let you know that you have to let go of what was not and embrace the new, there is so much that God wants to do in you, through you and even
around. Many women today have lost sight of what true beauty is. There seems to be an unspoken rule that women are not worthy but I beg to differ because through God’s very essence, we were created in love. God knew everything about us even before we were born. In Psalm 139:13-16 David declares,“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Get into the Word of God because it is then that you will begin KNOW WHO YOU ARE! You are so special to God and He desires MORE of you.
Being a woman ministry that knows my worth, has
difference with the china is that we treat it with
not always been easy, the thing is that Salvation is
tender loving care, STOP allowing the enemy to play
free but the Anointing of God will cost you and
rampant on your mind, you are designed for God’s
sometimes we go through the motion and allow the
purpose and as long as we humble ourselves He will
enemy to plays tricks on us, we were created to
exalt us in due season.
serve Him and one thing’s for sure is that sometimes There is someone reading this right now and you as women we seek for the tangible blessings,
feel like all hope is gone, BUT I would like to
because we think that if I can dress like Sue or have
encourage you today that your Greater is coming,
long hair like Mary that I will be a Woman of Worth, there are no limits to what God wants to do for you, well! that is not true because when you understand
Just hold on, don’t give in you were created with
that God created you with a PURPOSE, and all you
need to do is just allow God to work in you and He
Out of your PAIN you will birth forth your
will unlock the things that He has stored up so that
PURPOSE and then the Holy Ghost will release the
you can blossom into the flower that you are.
POWER of GOD in your life, your worth is more
Purpose is not picked up off the shelf, or earned
than rubies and you can best believe that!
from reading a book, In all our lives we have to understand that there is a reason for us being here and know in our hearts that we are all created for a unique and special purpose and knowing who you are in God will allow you to know your worth, “We are God’s masterpiece created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Do you know what that means? Woman! You are the the apple of His Eye, His jewel, His treasure, His beautiful butterfly, His masterpiece, you have to understand that we are a designer's original. Like the butterfly we are to Live, Grow, Change and be set Free to become the woman that God has created us to be. In the words of Pastor Larry Birchett Jr.”Women you are Fine China not Paper Plate,” I totally agree because we do not treat paper plate with any respect at all, we eat from it and then throw it away, but the
Many times we tend to look down ourselves but the word of God declares "The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked." ~ (Proverbs 24:16. NLT) So I am here to tell let you know that no matter what you have done, or what you are doing, get up, shake yourself loose and understand that you are a Woman of Great Price that is destined for greatness. You are God’s masterpiece! Honor who God has made you. Yes, you are a Woman of Worth! so as I close this chapter I ask you again, Women do you know your worth? Well if you do, WALK LIKE IT, TALK LIKE IT AND LIVE IT! God Bless!
First Lady/ Evangelist Joanna Birchett is a woman that believes “DEFEAT IS NOT AN OPTION,” She is the wife of Pastor Larry Birchett Jr of Harvest House Restoration Center, and is a Woman of Worth To contact her please email gospel4uministry@gmail.com
A Woman of Wisdom By Elder Carlitha Dulin I see my darling standing at the end of a very long corridor. My heart begins to race at His very presence. I begin to tremble in anticipation because of the way He stares at me. I know He loves me and I love Him. He’s the only one I’ve ever wanted to prepare myself for my entire life. The many mistakes I’ve made never changed His mind about me. He didn’t care that I never finished school. He didn’t care that I had a previous marriage. He didn’t care that I am a widow. He didn’t care that I had children by different men out of wedlock. He absolutely loves me for the inner me which is something that I’ve never experienced with anyone. I inhale deeply as I anticipate our closeness. I can almost taste His scent in my lungs to the point where I don’t even want to exhale. My darling is standing there. He is just waiting for me to come closer to Him. Without hesitation I decide to walk closer to Him. With every step I take towards Him His appearance becomes more and more visible to me. Memories of our times spent together flash in front of my eyes. I can hear the voice of His words speaking from the inside of me, vibrating my entire being. I quake and I chill. I shutter, but I’m relaxed. I remember how I felt during my first encounter with Him. It was like nothing that I’ve ever experienced sitting there at His feet and just basking in His presence, wanting that moment to last for eternity, wondering what I’d have to do in order to make that happen. Suddenly, I’m there. I’m standing face to face with Him.
I could hardly wait for His warm embrace when He finally stares into my eyes, taking me into His arms and… and…Oh, no! It was at this moment that I remembered something He said to me. It was something very important that He told me to do. He told me when He came for me that I had to have something with me that was very dear to Him. He left me with a part of Himself. I was so busy focusing on my outward appearance that I neglected my inner man. The part of me that He loves the most! Oh, no!
How could I have forgotten that? I’m not ready to go with Him…I got to run back and get it right! I quickly glanced away from Him in enough time to catch His expression. I disappointed my love. I ran away quickly as the warm regretful tears swam down my face. My heart now beating at double speed as I ran wondering if I had enough time… When suddenly I heard something that no mother, daughter, sister, niece, aunt or grandmother ever wants to hear……a slamming door!
Wisdom vs. Foolishness is the separating factor. It separates the he Bible gives us an mature from the immature and the illustration of two very different carnal minded from the spiritually types of women in the kingdom of minded; and ultimately, the haves heaven found in Matthew Chapter from the have-nots. 25. Although they had quite a few natural things in common the A foolish woman’s counsel Bible puts a distinct mark between during times of testing is simply, the characters of these two types “Curse God and die!” She has no of women. depth in her. She is shallow and
cannot see afar off. The Bible Matthew 25:1-2 says, “Then says, “A foolish woman is shall the kingdom of heaven be clamorous: she is simple, and likened unto ten virgins which knoweth nothing.” We are took their lamps, and went forth instructed to forsake the foolish to meet the bridegroom.” “And and live which is why we should five of them were wise and five of listen very carefully to the voice them were foolish.” of wisdom when she speaks. The first thing they had in common is that they were all virgins. Second, they each possessed a lamp. Third, they each had an appointment to meet with the bridegroom. But the thing that separates them is the very thing that either wins people to Christ or causes them to turn their backs on Him. Prov. 11:20 says, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Prov. 14:1 says, “Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.”
The ten virgins (representing kingdom people) all had a few things in common; but what separated them was a mere character flaw. Five of them demonstrated wise characteristics while the other five demonstrated a foolish character. They all took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom. The foolish women took their lamps, and took no oil with them. The lamp is symbolic to the written word of God. Psalms 119:105 says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” The oil is symbolic of the anointing or the Holy Spirit, God’s power.
1 John 2:27 says, “...the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” The scripture warns us that the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. Again, the scripture informs us that to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. This clearly tells us that we cannot have the written word of God only, but that we need the Holy Spirit, the power of God to direct us in the written word of God. The foolish women thought that by carrying the written word of God only, that they could make it without the power of God. But I submit to you today that we need the power of God operating in our lives. The Holy Spirit is our seal unto the day of redemption. He is the anointing that destroys the yoke and the one who teaches us how to live the written word of God in our daily lives. Be very careful of people who quote scriptures and manifest gifts but don’t bear the fruit of the spirit!
Wise women realize that they need the Holy Spirit, the anointing coupled with the written word of God operating in their lives. They know that they cannot be effective in their witness without the Holy Spirit so they not only carry their lamps, but their lamps have oil! A time came when the five wise and the five foolish women were all sleeping. And a midnight there was a cry made, “The Bridegroom is here; go out to meet him.” They all arose and lit their lamps. The wise were ready to meet the Bridegroom. But the foolish still needed to borrow some oil because their lamps were running out of oil. A wise woman is prepared while a foolish woman is not! A wise woman will rise up early in the morning to seek God for her household. She will position herself to hear from God so that she will know how to operate for that day. A foolish woman will sleep until midday and be on the phone the other half of the day while her household is lacking. The wise woman decided not to lend their oil to the foolish women because they might suffer in the process. The bible warns us no to cast our pearls before the swine. A wise woman discerns when and when not to give. But rather, she will tell you how and where to get your own. The wise women told the foolish women to go to those who sell oil and buy oil for themselves. In other words, they knew what it took for the anointing to remain in their lives. They knew how to sacrifice their finances, their skills and their time to see the power of God manifest in someone else’s life. But they also knew those who were wasters. They knew those who just wanted a quick fix. A wise woman can discern between good and evil. She knows a spiritual leach from a poised saint. When the wise woman told the foolish women to buy oil for themselves…what they were saying in essence is, “You pay the price for the anointing like I did. I’m not laying hands on you so that you can get high. If you want it bad enough, you sacrifice for it.” And while the foolish women went to go buy oil, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Need I say anymore? Jesus is coming back and no one knows the day or the hour of his return. However, we are comforted by the scriptures in 1 Thess. 4:16-17 “…the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first” “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
After the door was shut the foolish virgins came to the door saying, “Lord, Lord, open to us.” But the Lord replied, “I don’t know you.” There is so much to be said about the above story. I can ask if you are wise or if you need to make some mid course corrections in order to be wise. Are you prepared? Are you paying the price for the anointing or are you relying on someone else’s relationship with the Lord? Whatever the case for you may be my prayer is that you would learn from the strengths and the weaknesses of these two sets of women and that you would choose life so that both you and your seed may live.
Elder Carlitha Dulin is the wife of Paul Dulin and she is a woman that stops at nothing, she recognizes her worth and declares that she is destined for more. To contact her please email at likeperfume@gmail.com
Know Y!r Place Phaedra Anderson
Woman of WORTH Woman of VIRTUE You were chosen from BIRTH Woman of WISDOM Woman of PURPOSE You are the MASTER’S MASTERPIECE And you’re far from worthless Woman of HONOR Woman of RESPECT Woman of HUMILITY Keep that in check Woman of SUBMISSION Woman of POWER Woman of GREAT KNOWLEDGE Elected for this HOUR Woman of FAVOR Woman of FAITH WOMAN OF GOD KNOW YOUR PLACE!
Phaedra can be contacted at Phaedra.Anderson@yahoo.com
A Couple’s Prayer, “Lord Make Our Way Straight.” Psalm 5:5-8 By Rev. Evelyn Barnes Reading Psalm 5:5-8 reminds us that as children of the Most High God, we are recipients of God's great favour and we have the unrestricted privilege to freely seek His direction and guidance through prayer. On the occasion of this writing, David is surrounded by wickedness, thus prompting his prayer for God to lead him in the right path and to tell him clearly what to do. The salient truth is that whether or not we are encountering enemies, the people of God should "pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17), while earnestly and diligently pursuing God’s will. For the Christian couple, this Psalm can be a poignant reminder of the need to continually seek God's face, so as to grow increasingly more aware of His divine purpose for our marriage. God is intentional, and in His sovereign power He calls every saint for specific reasons of His own, and assigns to each a purpose. Conversely, God has not called any of us to merely sit around as adorning objects. We've not been saved just to look good, rather God has called us to salvation to do good works that were ordained before time began (Ephesians 2:10). The marvel is that The Most High God has graciously allowed His undertakings to be accomplished through our fragile and sin stained hands; however, we soon find that it is through our flaws that the light of His presence shines (2 Corinthians 4:7). Called by God to be His workmen, we strive to become fountains of His love, grace and bountiful mercy as we faithfully dispense to others that which we receive from Him. It is important to note that God not only calls us into ministry as individuals, but He also has plans for ministering couples. First century theologians, church leaders, and married partners, Priscilla and Aquila, provide an excellent example of a couple who ministered together (Romans 16:3-5). Mary and Joseph, as they fulfilled the role of earthly parents to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, also show that God trusts important ministry to the hands of faithful and willing couples. We can conclude that the aim of a Godly couple isn’t limited to amicably living together, avoiding divorce court, and feeling warm and fuzzy in one another's presence; rather, husbands and wives are called to surrender our resources and our lives in service to God. Every couple should challenge themselves by asking; "Is the love of Christ's ministering life being worked out through my marriage?" In seeking to know God’s divine intentions for the life of our marriage, it is helpful to note that the ministry assignment may be a lifelong call, or it may be a divine summons to respond to short term needs. Consider the following possibilities: God may send us to minister to
family members, to address needs existing in our church, to host a neighborhood Bible study, to serve together in a missionary outreach, and more. Whatever our service, it should always uphold righteousness, operate justly, be full of mercy, and extend God's grace and love as we make Him known to the world. We ought to always remember that it is God who designs our path and we who obediently follow. To honor God's call, husbands and wives must align with the Word of God, and walk in His strength while executing our ministry responsibilities. Wholehearted obedience to Our Lord will open the way for genuine intimacy with Him, and loving devotion to one another. Whether our ministry is formal or informal, long lasting or transient, high profile or obscure, every couple should remain alert to God's call. Most significantly, we must never forget that our efficacy in ministry demands that we maintain a submissive, lovetrust relationship with Christ, and that we continually pray: "Lord make straight your way before me (us)." Discussion: 1. List the gifts, talents and blessings that God has given you. Seek God's will for how to use it all for His glory. 2. Do you know what God has called you to do, but you refuse because of your personal fears, bias, etc? Ask God's forgiveness and pray to use all that you have for His purposes. ©2013 all rights reserved by Evelyn Barnes Rev. Evelyn Barnes has been married for 42 years to Pastor Hubert Barnes of the Star of Hope Baptist Church, located at 7137 Hegermen St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19135. Telephone: (215) 332-1130
YOU KNOW I’M BAD, I’M BAD! YOU KNOW IT! Written By: Pastor Michael A. Allison Michael Jackson received great success with his Thriller album; however, it wasn’t until the release of his fifth album, BAD, that his legacy as one of the most successful artists in American recording history was cemented. This album was significant due to its timing, placement and position. Some may argue that it had nothing to do with time, place or position, but rather to his talent. I suppose that only the Lord and those in the recording industry really know the truth. Regardless of the reason for the success of Jackson’s album, I believe that in order to be truly B.A.D. (Bold Active Determined), there must be a measure of grace given to an individual to know the times that they are in and to position themselves properly. According to another “B.A.D.” man of God, Bishop David G. Evans, time and place equals destiny; so, being a B.A.D man is your destiny. When I was asked to share my insights on being a B.A.D Man for Christ, I was taken back a little because who could speak to this topic better than Pastor Paul “Bad Mon” Brown himself, a person who I have admired over the years. After some prompting from your dear editor and an explanation of the acronym, I think it is safe to say that I do qualify and that it’s important for me to share my B.A.D. experiences with the next generation; however, the member(s) of the leadership team of Move of God Family Ministries would say that B.A.D. stands for Bully And Demanding [when it comes to me]
GRACE MAKES YOU BOLD I mentioned earlier that one must be given a measure of grace in order to be BAD. Although everyone is given grace, it is important for all men to actually receive this grace. In my early years, I always desired to be a decent man of God because it was in me to be one, like all men. In my pursuit of becoming the “perfect man,” I quickly discovered that I was far from perfect. Due to my unique position in life of being a first generation American of Jamaican parents, and growing up in the 70’s in a lower middle class neighborhood, I suffered from low self-esteem. I was in a dilemma; I didn’t really fit in anywhere. In the eyes of my parents and siblings, I was too “American” to be a true Jamaican, and in the eyes of my neighbors and friends, I was too “Jamaican” to be a true American. I struggled greatly with my identity. I was not able to benefit fully from my rich Jamaican heritage, and the lack of ancestral ties to America prevented me from identifying as a proud African-American. Anyone who has ever been in my position- living in America, but growing up in a Jamaican household- can appreciate the frustration of explaining to my friends why my family was eating “Green Meat and Pink Rice,” which is the famous Jamaican Curried Goat and Rice.
While growing up, I felt like I wasn’t good enough for anything, and I made every effort to make myself good at something; eventually, I learned that my way of doing things was in direct conflict with God’s way. Instead of allowing God to work on my imperfections, I tried to hide and mask my imperfections. Wearing this mask only led to anger and pride and created several other issues for me. I had a loving Heavenly Father who wanted to use me, but couldn’t because I placed Him in a position where he didn’t want to walk with me. I was extremely impulsive and relied on my own strength, which failed to help me carry out His purpose. These issues prevented me from doing the will of God, and delayed what God wanted to accomplish in my life. So, how was I able to become who I am today? I discovered God’s grace. Grace is an undeserved privilege that will allow you to accomplish big things, despite your shortcomings. The only way to access the power of this grace is to know God and to understand that He is able to work in and through you. You must know how you fit into His equation; in other words, know your position in Him. You are a Son with certain rights and privileges, don’t be afraid to exercise it. Lastly, Grace makes up for the things that you can’t do on your own. Do you think Sasha and Malia Obama would have any issues getting into a Justin Bieber concert? I think not, let’s see why. Their “grace” is the fact that they are the children of our President. They have access to something great because of their father! It does not require money – only connections. After attending the concert, they may even choose to go backstage. They can do this BOLDY and with confidence, knowing that they will not be restricted or harmed because they have the full protection of the Secret Service. If there are any problems, all it takes is one call to the White House and it’s a done deal. We are just like Sasha and Malia in the sense that we are children of the One with the highest authority, having access to anyone and anything despite our lowly position as children. Under his authority we have the ability to execute His desires. Grace makes you BOLD.
Grace opens up a whole new world to you once you know who you are and how you fit in the master equation of God, through Christ. When we are still held captive by our personal inadequacies, it’s like being trapped in a baby’s crib; you only have limited space to move around. When a child learns to walk, he wants to be able to maneuver freely. During this phase, children begin moving toward independence by mimicking the actions of their parents. They put on their own clothes, brush their own teeth, feed themselves, pantomime driving a car, and my favorite-use your tablet. Although they make a mess while doing these things, it is necessary for their development. We, as active men, need to begin to move and act just like how Jesus would move and act. We may not get it right the first time and it may even be messy, but it’s about learning to use His ability, and not ours. Our actions get us to the place, but His ability performs the work. My advice is to just try Him based on what you know of Him; the more you know of Him, the more you will try the things that He did. After all, it is His desire for you to do more.
Nothing gets you more determined [having a firm, fixed purose manifesting a rpesolution] than knowing you have a limited amount of time. LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am. Psalms 39:4
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14:12 I encourage every man to get to know more of Him. You can only accomplish that by spending time with Him. Build a record of small victories through Him. Trust me, these small victories [over a period of time] will persuade you that you can achieve even greater things through Him. Never become satisfied with just being “good” in Him; learn to seek the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, mentioned in Philippians 3:8. For those of you aspiring to be preachers, teachers and leaders this is where you learn to effectively live one sermon before trying to preach ten. Always remember a “living (active) testimony is better than a dead witness”. When we spend more time in His presence, we begin to realize how God really works; He is all about appointments. God has an appointed time for all things and we are not typically privy to His timing. As a result, we have to be more concerned about that which is in our control. We must be good stewards of the time that we have been allotted, so that we can be in the proper place and position to be used by God. The only way to ensure that you are where you need to be when God is ready to move is to be determined.
David asked the Lord for instruction on how to make the best use of His time, based on the purpose that was assigned to him. It [his purpose] wasn’t about being a King of Israel because he was already one when he asked the Lord. David realized he had a purpose much greater than the Kingdom of Israel, he recognized that his purpose was more generational in nature; He had to establish a lineage that would make way for Messiah. As men, we must also be generational in our thinking, as it relates to our individual purpose. Although Pastor Brown said that I’ve accomplished much, I know that I haven’t even touched the tip of the iceberg. Like David, I know how frail I am and that I only have a limited amount of time to accomplish my purpose; therefore, I reject the limitations that have been set by people. I know that I can’t achieve this on my own, but I know a God who can and I am determined to accomplish His purpose for my life, and to leave a legacy for future generations.
CONCLUSSION & SUMMARY As I’ve mentioned earlier, being B.A.D is knowing that you have grace to be in the right place and position to operate within the time frame that God has allotted you. Being B.A.D. is not about accomplishing things on your own strength, but rather yielding to God’s strength despite your inability. Men, you are B.A.D., but do you know it?