Gospel 4 U January Issue

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GOSPEL 4 U MAGAZINE January /February

From The Editors Desk A New Season “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” – Ecclesiastes 3:1

We get up everyday and for some of us our life is the same , I want to decree and declare over your lives today that A NEW SEASON HAS COME and if you can see it you can receive it. As long as you have FAITH to believe that which you have declared then it shall be so. You see we serve a God of season. We see it in creation. God created the four seasons that are based upon the rotation of the Earth as it orbits the Sun. The seasons change as the earth moves, but the sun remains constant, and everything revolves around it. But just like our Scripture verse says, to everything there is a season. Every aspect of our lives is as to a season and there is a purpose for those seasons. There is a reason for the season and there is a purpose for the process. There are seasons you didn’t want to go through. But through those seasons you learned some things and you wouldn’t have learned them if you hadn’t gone through some things. There are seasons you’ve gone through all that you have been through but as long as you have the Lord on your side EVERYTHING is going to fall into place, even when you that you don’t know why you had to, but there is a reason for that season. God is about to put you in a place where you will be forced to spread your wings! Where you used to be would never allow you to become who God has created you to be. Happy New Year and God Bless!

Fir! Lady/Evan"l#t Joanna Birche$





When God gets ready to shift the atmosphere there is nothing that any individual can do, the Lord is moving in Harvest House Restoration Center and it is a very quick transition. Pastor Larry Birchett Jr, Senior Pastor and a very influential Leader who’s desire is to win souls for the Kingdom, is allowing the Lord to use Him mightily. Pastor Larry Birchett, Jr., dually serves as a commissioned officer in the United States Army. and he is the father of 6 wonderful children and the spouse of First Lady/Evangelist Joanna Birchett, together they are on a mission for the Kingdom. Pastor Larry Birchett, Jr. is the author of Reverence for the Storm which is sold all over the world and can be purchased on www.lulu.com, www.amazon.com , and everywhere else that books are sold online and in some stores in Pennsylvania. If you are in the Carlise or Harrisburg area please stop by Harvest House Restoration Center, located at 450 East North Street, Carlisle Pennsylvania 17013 or call 717-218-7631.

Gospel 4 U Magazine


Adiam condimentum Purus, in consectetuer Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc, aliquam ac, consequat vitae, feugiat at, blandit vitae, euismod vel.

A New Season See It And Receive It Pastor/Prophetess Ayanna Clark, a woman that is on fire for the Lord is currently embarking on a New Season in her life and I had the opportunity to get an interview with her and it was a blessing, please enjoy and be blessed. Gospel4UMagazine: Hello Ayanna thank you for taking the time to talk with us. Ayanna: Yes of course, thank you for thinking of me. G4U: So tell the readers what you have going on right now. Ayanna: Well I just finished up a new book along with six other co-authors called When New Life Begins: Pushing Past the Old and Embracing the New Kishma George is the visionary for that project. I served as the publisher and one of the co-authors. G4U: Tell us about that book. Ayanna: I am excited about it. As I mentioned before that Kishma George, who is an awesome woman of God, is the visionary for that project. She approached me because she wanted to write a compilation book of testimonies from different people who have overcame tragic events in their past. Originally she asked me to publish the book and eventually she asked if I would tell my story as well. Kishma is a woman of vision and has a non-profit organization that is really touching lives, Proceeds for this book will go towards building a transitional house for those who are aging out of foster care in Delaware.

GOSPEL 4 U MAGAZINE January/February

G4U: Hmm.. that sounds interesting and inspirational Ayanna: Yes, Definitely there are seven unique stories in this book and I believe many people will be blessed and encouraged to push past the old and embrace the new no matter what difficulties they are facing. G4U: What is your chapter about? Ayanna: Second change at love. I tell my testimony about how I married the wrong man and all that I went through as a result of that decision I made before Christ. I really went through a hard time but the Lord is so merciful He gave me another change at love and I am so thankful and blessed. Even though I am talking about my new marriage the main theme I wanted to express is how the Lord is able to bless you after you make it through your worse storms in life. Often times we can't see our way out and cannot imagine how the Lord will get the glory out of what we are going through but I am a witness that He can BLOW Your MIND! G4U: Sounds like you are walking into a new season. Ayanna: Yes definitely. My last season was long and difficult. G4U: Can you tell us about that? Ayanna: My last season was one of the worst that I ever had to endure. It was during that time I felt stripped of life, as I knew it. I went from being married to suddenly single, a working nurse to being unemployed. Some close friends and people who I thought was going to be around I looked up and they were gone but in the midst of it all my relationship with the Lord grew. It's funny because we can have head knowledge of scripture but it is something about actually experiencing the scriptures coming alive in your life. I had head knowledge that God was a provider, a friend

and comforter but during those 18 months I experienced the Lord being my provider when every other resource dried up, a friend when friends left and a comforter when I needed to be comforted. I would have never known Him in those roles if I had not experienced what I went through. Now as I look back I can say it was worth it. G4U: That must have been difficult. Did you start to doubt God during that time? Ayanna: Umm I can't say I doubted Him because I had been through some storms before. Nothing quite this brutal but I know the things we experienced in our lives prepare us for what we go through. So I knew I had to hold on but to be honest I didn't know how much longer I could hold on. It seemed like one blow after another after another was hitting my life. I felt like I was in deep water over my head and before I could catch my breath another wave of water would hit me. I am not going to lie it was a horrible time. G4U: What were you doing to get through it? Ayanna: Well my ex-husband and I had a ministry together and when he left I could not just close the doors so I pushed. I pastored the church and also continued with having youth group. All of a sudden more speaking engagements were coming so I was going different places preaching. God knows how to keep you busy and He kept me busy doing His work. I really did not have a chance to wallow in all of the negative that was going on and because I had to preach and encourage others I had to stay in the Word and in prayer. Every minister knows that the Word you give to others was first given to you. So why I was preaching all over really I was preaching to myself.

G4U: So what would you tell people who find themselves going through a difficult season in their life? Ayanna: First try to identify why. Some things we go through are because of bad choices we made and if that is the case we need to Repent so we can be Restored. If that is not the case HOLD ON‌ You might not be able to see your way out but you have to think about how God has gotten you out of other situations that you couldn't see you way out before. Also know if He is allowing you to go through something it is because you are equipped to go through and there is a blessing on the other side. You might not feel like it but when you know how God works you know that He really does love us and only wants what is best for us. There are some things that you must go through in order to become who the Lord would have you to become. Many people want to be used by God but what kind of track record of faithfulness during difficult times do they have? G4U: That's good! Ayanna: I think about the Children of Israel. God brought them out of Egypt, which was bondage, and He intended for them to go to the Promise Land a place that was flowing with milk and honey but the Bible tells us He did not take them the easy way. He took them the longer more difficult way to test what was in their hearts (If they would trust Him) and to see if they would obey. They were fine as long as things were easy and they didn't have to use faith but the moment things got difficult and they had to use faith they immediately got angry at God and began to doubt Him motives towards them. Never mind He had answered their prayer and freed them from a situation they could not free themselves, never mind He had parted the Red Sea and allowed them to walk on dry land while their enemies were swallowed up by the water. The Lord had done wonderful things for them and shown Himself faith but as soon as they needed to trust Him they couldn't. I never wanted to be like that. I knew God had freed me from a life of sin that I couldn't free myself and I knew He told me He was taking me to a place that was blessed so during the hard times it was my chance to prove that I really trusted God more than what my situation looked like. G4U: Now that season has passed in your life. What season are you in now and when did it start? Ayanna: Well first the Lord resurrected Love, purpose and destiny. I knew I was called to be a man of God's helpmate and to help him do great things in the Kingdom of God but when my marriage ended I had no clue how that would happen. I was so numb by the time that season ended I just wanted to crawl in my bed and stay there. I still loved the Lord and wanted to serve Him but I was drained. God allowed me to connect with,

an awesome man of God who was everything that I dreamed of and we were married August 25, 2012. It was then I knew that horrible season of my life was finally over and a new exciting one had begun. Right now the season I am in is one where promises are being fulfilled, provision is being made and promotion is happening.. I did not know what was on the other side of that storm but I am so glad I weathered it with the Lord. It was worth it! G4U: Wow! Now you have to tell us how you met your man of God! Ayanna: I tell it in the new book When New Life Begins; Pushing Past the Old to Embrace the New. So whoever is interested to know will have to buy the book! Ha, Ha. G4U: How can they order this book? Ayanna: The book is available now and can be ordered at www.cb-publishing.com G4U: So what else do you have going on? Ayanna: I am finishing up another book called "Devil, Please I am not offend" this book is about how the enemy uses offenses to get us out of position. Because of offenses we leave churches, jobs, relationships etc well before God would have us to leave them and the main reason is because someone offended us. In this book I share the revelation God gave me that will help people to not only overcome offenses but to be stronger, wiser, and better because of offense.. I also publish other people's books through my publishing company ChosenButterfly Publishing. Besides books my husband Pastor Lawrence J. Moore and I are pastoring a new church God blessed us with and I am also busy going out speaking and mentoring other young women in ministry. G4U: You seem to have a lot going on Ayanna: Yes I guess I do when I stop and think about what I have on my plate but I love it and would not trade what I do in.. I am just so thankful especially when I think about where the Lord has brought me from. G4U: Any last words for our readers? Ayanna: I want you to know you are here for a reason. God has a purpose and a plan for your life that is greater than your worse pain. When you turn to Him with a whole heart and give Him license to lead your life, He will lead you on a path that will make every tear you ever cried Worth it. I love the 2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory NKJV We may have gone through or are currently going through bad situations but there is light at the end of the tunnel and the Lord will make it work for your good if you let Him. G4U: How can people contact you? Ayanna: My websites are www.cb-publishing & www.the-tstation.com I am also on Facebook (www.facebook.com/TheTransformationStation) and Twitter (Ayanna Lynnay)

Get Ready for A New Season

By Rosetta Small The New Prophetic Season is upon us - and those who have been called, prepared, anointed and appointed to blow the trumpet - are being released. Isaiah 42:9 says “Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.” Isaiah 40:3, 4 The voice of him that cries in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God... Believers need to arise in their walk with Christ and prepare for the coming of the Lord. In getting ready for a new season, there are a number of things we need to do. 1. Have Supernatural Faith If you have faith as small as a grain of mustard seed… (Matthew 17:20). We develop faith through our personal time with God. Learn more about Him through reading the Bible. Be encouraged by stories like Joshua asking for the sun to stand still. God is the same yesterday, today, He can do it again. Learn more about God through your personal prayers. Ask God things in prayer and wait for how He answers you. This communication with God will grow your faith. 3. Thankfulness Will Move God’s Spirit Toward Breakthrough Give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:17-19). Thanksgiving is the oil that enables God’s Spirit to greater functionality through your life. Thanksgiving reveals what you are focusing on. Doubt and fear focus on the circumstances of life. Thanksgiving realizes that every good thing comes for our Father. Thanksgiving also is an act of faith in the prayer promises of Jesus — the One who promised is faithful to complete it. 4. Ask, Believe and Receive Asking is a principle in the school of prosperity. Receiving is always a product of asking. It is your responsibility and privilege to ask God for financial breakthrough. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” Mat 7:7-8 “Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will yet for this be enquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them; ”. Ezekiel 36:37 Declare prophetically 1. Lord, let the good in this season locate me. 2. Lord, show me a token for good.

3. According to your word in psalm 65:1, 11 crown this year for me with your goodness, let my path drop fatness. As you invest time in prayers this season, God who answers prayers will intervene in your case this time and testimonies will abound in your life. Prophetic Declaration For This New Season 1. I speak by the word of the Lord concerning you, “The merciful God will crown this year for you with His goodness. 2. For the remaining days of this year you shall see the goodness of the Living God in your business and career. 3. Indeed and reality your path will drop fatness; an end has finally come to your lean purse/wallet. 4. For better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof; as this year is gradually coming to an end, as the Prophet of the living God, I speak better things to locate you, your family and business. 5. Within the next 21 days your financial story would have changed for good. Be blessed and get ready for a new season!

Rosetta Small is the author of the book “Key to Successful Fasting” sold on Amazon.com. She serves with her husband Benny Small as co-pastor of Prayer Life Ministries, Florida. They can be reached at email:goodchurch@live.com.

GOSPEL 4 U NETWORK AND MAGAZINE One Mind, One Body, One Spirit

Gospel 4 U Ministry www.gospel4uministry.com gospel4uministry@gmail.com 754-444-8688



Kishma George Kishma George is featured in this issue of the Gospel 4U Fashion Spotlight, She is the President/CEO of K.I.S.H. Home, Inc., Director of Women Destined for Greatness Mentoring Program. Ms. George is a motivational speaker, mentor, playwright, producer and aspiring author whose mission is to inspire and encourage women and girls to fulfill their God-given purpose. She is also the proud mother of an intelligent, God-fearing and aspiring entrepreneur daughter. Her activities outside of K.I.S.H. Home, Inc. include but are not limited to,

featured by

being an active member of Bread of Life Christian Church, in Wyoming DE. Kishma depicts her fashion style as being elegant. She also likes Traci Lynn fashion jewelry. She loves the designs by Calvin Klein along with many other designers. An elegant fashion style makes Kishma feel like what God says she is.. fearfully and wonderfully made... To have your picture nominated to be featured in the Gospel 4 U Fashion Spotlight, send your pictures to gospel4uministry@gmail.com


Larry and Joanna Birchett celebrates 5 years of marriage, ALL GLORY TO GOD!


Fashion Hello Divas!!


The holiday season is finally upon us! This is a time of festivities, fellowshipping and gift shopping. The question for a lot of us will be “What do I wear?� to that holiday party or get together. Believe me, there are a lot of fabulous fashions you will be excited to wear this season. As you are dressing for your engagements, remember you represent more than yourself. Because you are child of the Almighty King, you are in fact royalty, so adorn yourself during this season as such. In the midst of your travels, you may find that something you are wearing could be the draw, the draw that gives you the opportunity to minister to someone in need and spread some holiday cheer. So let the beauty and brilliance GOD placed in you show this season! GOD Bless!

Dell Scott Whether your going to a Christmas gala or a New Year's get together, there are a lot of looks to choose from this season. Fall trends help to create noteworthy looks for The office holiday party can call for the holidays! a chiffon dress, in a bold color for a bit of fun, or a sleek skirt, silk For the formal affair, grab a sleek satin blouse with jeweled heels, or a gown, velvet cutout design or demure leather skirt, colorful sweater and brocade print gown. Fall called for metallics, gold multi-chain necklace with glitter, and heels. sequins galore, so Black leather leggings, silk blouse what or a sweater and embellished perfect heels can gain you a stylish embellish entrance at a home holiday party! ments than Desire a more laid back these to approach? Toss on that overincorporate shaped sweater, metallic belt, into your look.

Power colors to keep in mind: Winter white, Metallic hues, such as, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Hematite, and Copper, Navy blue, Blush pink, Emerald and Red of course! If you skinny jeans, bejeweled boots and dare to be different, opt to bring in the New you have a winner! Year with a Color-block pattern. When adding accessories with jeweled, spiked or other embellishments make sure they are paired well to avoid overkill. Metallic hues glisten like fresh fallen snow this season as they add sparkle to a slinky belt, box clutch handbag, stunning shoes or statement jewelry.

What would the holidays be without Diamonds? Add some bling! A beautifully paired diamond or crystal drop earring is always a girls best friend (to her and her outfit!)

Add finishing touches for hair and makeup with some of fall's favorites: Dark stained lips, Rosy cheeks, and Jewel-tone eye shadows. Deck the halls with Sleek yet polished or Bouffant hairstyles. Tis the season with Dark nail colors, Colored french manicures, or Metallic hued nails. If your feeling really festive ...Try caviar beaded nail art!

Whatever you wear this holiday season make sure your look reflects your own sense of style. Select styles that enhance and flatter your body type. Most of all remember to look fabulous and fierce! Have a blessed holiday season!

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GOSPEL 4 U MAGAZINE January/February 2013

This book will inspire YOU to Push Past the Old & Embrace the New regardless of the circumstances you've endured! This powerful book allows you to indulge in the real life stories of 6 amazing and courageous co-authors. Ayanna Lynnay, Rodney Davis, Kishma A. George, Iyana Davis, April Holmes, Letisha Galloway & Natasha Simms have shared their heartfelt stories for the purpose of inspiring and assuring you that YOU can and will live a fulfilled life! When New Life Begins Book Project was created to raise funds to help purchase a transitional home for young women currently in, or have aged out of the foster care system in Delaware. In Delaware, there are limited resources tailored toward our youth, especially young women who are in, or have aged out of the foster care system. One of the most important resources that enable young women to successfully transition out of foster care and into independent living is housing. Because housing is limited, their desperation in finding adequate living usually leaves them susceptible to poverty, abuse or incarceration. Contact us at (302) 399-6477 or email whennewlifebegins@ymail.com for more information. You can also visit us at www.kishhomeinc.org

In Delaware, there are limited resources tailored toward our youth, especially young women who are in, or have aged out of the foster care system. One of the most important resources that enable young women to successfully transition out of foster care and into independent living is housing. Because housing is limited, their desperation in finding adequate living usually leaves them susceptible to poverty, abuse or incarceration.

**Portions of the proceeds will go towards purchasing a transitional home for young women presently in or have aged out of the foster care system in Delaware.**

Gospel 4 U Magazine


Douglas and Linda Reed

A Change For 2013 Direct Sales/Marketing Linda Scott Reed

Douglas and Linda Reed are from the New York/ Pennsylvania region with 3 kids and 29 years of serving in the United States Army. We ventured into the business of Direct Sales /Network Marketing for the past 3 years. Over the past 3 years, we have built a team with over 500 independent representatives with a fortune 500 technology company. We are so blessed and poised to reach one of the pinnacle positions with our company. We are helping many people change their lives family by family through this wonderful business opportunity. Our WHY for getting involved in this

industry are two fold. My husbands goals and dreams is to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ full time. This business is a vehicle to help us accomplish that goal. My goal, is to have more than enough to give to others freely and to be a blessing to many who do not have it financially. In building this business, God has blessed us to build a team of believers and as a result of that, we have a nightly prayer call at 10:00 PM where we have many different Men and Woman of God that come on the call and bring a word to all the attendees. If you are looking for a change in 2013 and always

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