Principle 22 – God Uses the Weak by His Spirit (pdf)

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Principle 22

God Uses the Weak by His Spirit GOD DOES not look to find those who are the elites and those who are the most skilled. Rather He looks for the weak383 and foolish who trust in Him. God uses broken pots and vessels,384 He uses imperfect people who trust in a perfect God. Thus all men will know that it is God who has manifested His power and glory through a brother or sister. It is realized then that it was not the work of men385 but the work of God. To bring maximum glory to His Name the Lord is assembling an end times movement of weak, poor, helpless, and despised people who the religious system of our day have written o as unusable for their purposes.386 These believers God is going to anoint to carry the message of the Gospel in power to a lost and dying world. We see evidence of this in the underground Churches of the world where unknown itinerant evangelists go from town to town sharing the Good News. For the Scripture declares: “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world Isaiah 40:29 Jeremiah 18:6 385 2 Corinthians 4:7 386 Acts 4:13 383 384

Principles for the Gathering of Believers


to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before Him.”387 The question is, are we weak enough for God to call and use us? Are we empty of all the traditions of religious men388 so that we can learn from the Lord Himself? This is the way of the Lord. God is looking for a Gideon’s army389 of those that are willing to trust fully in His power and not in any might or power of their own. God uses nobodies that will trust Him implicitly and fully. Are you going to be part of this Gideon’s army today? Imagine the odds of 1000 to 1, or perhaps 100,000 to 1, yet this is God’s economy, for one with God is a majority. It could be 1 million to 1 and if God was with that one person, he would be the victor. In these end times God is looking to magnify His Name greatly and therefore is using the weak and the lowly so it will be clearly evident that it was a work of God and not men. My strength is made perfect in weak people!390 The Lord is sovereign and will raise up those He wills especially to shame the wise and capable. God desires a Remnant of saints who will do His bidding and work no matter the cost. The overlooked and weak will be raised up so that God will get the glory. This glory that is soon to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea391 will be all to promote and exalt the testimony of God in the earth. “The Lord Jesus calls people who realize they cannot function at all apart from His grace and empowerment. God chooses to use those individuals who know Him intimately! This is the primary qualification for service in the kingdom of God.”392 Such a group of weak people who know God will be those who accomplish God’s end time purposes in the earth. We must not be angry with the Lord when He starts to raise up workers in the last hour that have not been laboring all day. Such God will raise up and even give them a greater inheritance in the work of spreading the Gospel to the Nations. We 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 Mark 7:13 389 Judges 7:7 390 2 Corinthians 12:9 391 Habakkuk 2:14 392 Brother Yun 387 388



must never be jealous of another worker or person’s anointing but rather desire to accomplish God’s will for our own life. Another well-known yet vital Biblical picture is that of the thousands of Israel’s army shaking in their armor as the mighty Philistine giant Goliath comes forward to challenge them. Yet God calls a simple shepherd boy David who had faith towards God. Holding a simple sling and a few stones, God fought for him. What proceeded was a great victory wrought for God’s glory and Name. Davids, Samuels, Samsons, Abrahams, Gideons, God is calling us today—weak as we may be—to follow in their ways and trust God for the impossible. With God all things are possible. May we be stirred with faith to believe God today.

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