Cynopsis: All In The Family

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Article for Cynopsis email newsletter ALL IN THE FAMILY By Mark Levine The dirty little secret of the job-hunting world is that business networking no longer works. The number of forums for interaction among business people, both real and virtual, is expanding geometrically. But the truth is the growth is due to the sheer number of unemployed, not effectiveness. With industries going through wholesale job cuts, most of the people showing up to events are other job hunters. That makes for a great support group, but not much of a job search tool. Even before the current recession, most executives were loath to schedule “informational interviews.” It was being done as an obligation, if at all, and interviewees were passed off to someone else like a hot potato. Now, with so many out of work, most executives are swearing off all such meetings, or sending the individual to meet with a powerless subordinate. It’s only when the request is made by a personal friend, rather than a business associate, that time is set aside. It’s in this exception that we find the only truly effective form of networking left to the job hunter: personal connections. Individuals today will meet with, and help, their family, their friends, or their friends’ families. Connections made through church, or clubs, or the shared activities of children, are more likely sources of job leads today than any business contacts. Ironically, tapping into social capital in this manner would probably be a better approach even if business networking remained effective. That’s because most opportunities today are found outside the traditional industry and professional barriers. Your personal network provides access to a far wider range of opportunities than any business network possibly could. So set aside your contact database and pick up your holiday card list instead.

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